Guido mitidieri portfolio 2016-19

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GUIDO MITIDIERI selected works 2014-2017

CONTENTS How I think: hand drawings



Wood Works



Wood Theatre A.Lava, Helsinki



Curator - Spatial designer- Wood worker



Competition: Pape Park Gateway



Competition: Nemrut Volcano



Competition observation Tower



Egg Pavillion



Boat Welcoming Centre, Lampedusa



AN ATYPICAL GOAT (una capra atipica)

My intention with art or architecture is to investigate the meaning of nature as a whole ecosystem in which we are living. Nature is the art of which we are a part: the artistic process is indivisible from nature because it involNationality: Italian Date of birth: 14 January 1990 Actual residence: Helsinki Linkedin:

ves working with materials which deserve to be well known. Following that I prefer an approach based on working in 1:1 scale, where the relation between me, my body presence, the environment and the creation is a single movement. This is firstly a personal artistic experimentational process, but obviously has a political and social implications. I practice using, beside hand drawing, techniques which come from the artisanal and rural world like wood carpentry, paintings with elements at natural state, knots, etc. My work stand between sculpture, ecology, and of course architecture.

the hidden geometry of a poppy

EDUCATION 2004 - 2009 Scientific Lyceum

2009 - 2015 Graduated summa cum Laude at University of Architecture of Florence (highest grade in italian system) 2013 - 2014 Erasmus at the Ecole Nationale superiÊure d’architecture de Strasbourg 2016 - 2017 Wood Program Master at Aalto University, Helsinki 2017 Handling with care - Art for therapeutic uses


Hand working is my process of thinking. I trust my hands and my emotive feelings on a design. I am skilled in working wood as a carpenter and I am practicing higher skills with joint and tools. I like: Japanese Saw, Chisel.

COMPUTER SKILLS (beginner - intermediate - expert)

Adobe Photoshop: expert Adobe Illustrator: intermediate Adobe Indesign: intermediate Adobe Capture: beginner Adobe Spark (video creation):beginner

Rhinoceros 3d: intermediate Artlantis: beginner Archicad: beginner Autocad 2d: intermediate

LANGUAGES Italian: mother tongue

French: B1

English: B2 IELTS Spanish: A1

WORK EXPERIENCES 2018 JUT Art Museum of Contemporary Arts, Taipei 2017-2018 Casagrande Laboratory , Helsinki 2016/2017 Wood program Building Master 2015 Work experience with architect Andrea Giraldi - Pistoia

2015 Work experience with the architect/artist Mauro Nerini

2015 Secretary in the administration office at the engineering

department of Florence University

Architecture in Florence

Workshop “WAARK” in collaboration with studio

Architecture of Florence

2010 - 2015 Political Representative of Students at University of

2014 Coordinator and organizer of the Autoconstruction

“Orizzontale” from Rome and Department of

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How I think: Hand drawings

Drawing is a way to detain and entertain an idea. It is part of my daily life. I draw because I understand things using drawings, it is my form of non-verbal language. I can mediate my toughts, or get to know an object, a person or a place. I like to do 1:1 drawing and abstract conceptual compositions. If you make a well crafted drawing, your building will be well crafted.


Abstraction = ab+trahere: is the capacity to take distance from reality 10.






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Wood Works

This are works, models, study and 1:1 mock ups realized during my year of study at Aalto University. A cube for space, a japanese traditional toolbox, a joint study, a column study, benches, a plate and a model. They are all realized in wood using different techniques and machines.







Wood theatre - A.lava May 2017

A•LAVA is a design and construction project I realized during the Wood Program at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in 2016 - 2017. The theme of the year was to build a wood open summer stage which could host 60 people. The project was for the Annantalo Cultural Center for Children Education in central Helsinki. VISIT:


The design started in December 2016 and is now built. Situated in the yard of Annantalo Cultural Center, the pavilion is based on a square shape plan, and a variation of triangular shapes that determine the walls and opening of the stage. The roof follows the same principles, raising up to emphasize the location of the stage. It has a paraboloidic geometry thanks to the internal structure of the glulam beams. It is made to host a a different kind of events and performance. View that it is a project for a Cultural Education Center the children dimension and perspective were always in our mind. VERY IMPORTANT! Think simple, than simplify! Remember the Occam Razor: “We consider it a good principle to explain the phenomena by the simplest hypothesis possible�


PERSONAL RESPONSABILITIES AND WORK IN THE TEAM Preliminary study of external skin; Preliminary study on plan configuration; Decking and foundation installation; Executive drawings electrical and light systems; Construction and installation of lights supports; Construction site;

MATERIALS Walls: dimensional spruce; Roof surface: kerto kate coated plywood;

Roof beams: glue laminated spruce; Decking: heat-threated pine


Every single part of the project was thought and drawn, mock-ups were built in an iterative process of making. We never stopped at the first schematic idea. Drawing a full-scale section of an element, by hand, is the closest thing to actually build it.

Detail of the eaves on the roof and glulam beams 26.

The building process and the final space 27.



research in shape and geometry through preliminary ideas


research in texture and materials


research in techniques of finishing and handcrafts

research through different scales of modelling and design



research through techniques for an easy prefabrication

assembling in site

knowledge in tools and working methods in site



Exhibition Curator - Spatial Designer - Wood Worker Janaury-May 2018

During my internship period in the Casagrande Laboratory in Helsinki I took care of a retrospective solo-exhibition on the works of the architect and artist Marco Casagrande. Starting from Casagrande’s concepts drawing I designed the exhibition as a site specific installation for JUT Art Museum in Taipei. I designed by myself a model in 1:10 of the project “Paracity”. In April 2018 I went to Taipei to care of the works and build the Paracity Installation in site. VISIT:

https://www.casagrandelaboratory. com/portfolio/zero_city_jut/ 31.


Personal Initiative: I organized a wood working position in the studio to make models by myself.

Task: design a solo exhibition and a wood structure in 2 months

Second action: Model construction to study the quality of the space.

First action: Open discussion with Marco Casagrande to understand its works and ways of doing. Analysis of his concept sketches.

Fourth action: Executive drawings. Light design. Material study.

Third action: Tectonic and structural design of the wood structure for Paracity project: wood model and virtual 3d.

Fifth action: Flight to Taipei to follow the construction site and cohordinate staff

VERY IMPORTANT! To be in a state of dynamic relaxation and to give up control. Architecture like my body knows what to do yet.



Paracity is a biourban organism that is growing on the principles of Open Form. The growing organism Paracity is based on a three dimensional wooden primary structure, grid with spatial modules of 6 x 6 x 6 metres constructed out of CLT cross-laminated timber sticks. This simple structure can be modified and grown by the community members working as teams or by an assigned Paracity constructor.

My design for the exhibition is a weak structure. It is an ambiguos creature that has severals degree of intimacy: it is a representation in 1:10 scale of the real building, it is a 1:1 wood sculpture in the Museum’s hall in dialogue with visitors body and mental presence, and it is a vision for possible evolution of Taipei. It is an imaginative structure thought to impress with an impossible structure.



Designing an atmosphere and a place to tell the story of a complex Architect personality was not easy. I concentrated on contrasts and opposites. I designed rough spaces to tell the stories of his projects and experiences. Growth, decay, plants, recycled materials like bricks, white stones and broken glass where used. Each material talk about a project and about an experience. The light disposition involves shadows themselves inside the configuration of the space. I took inspiration from Casagrande’s favourite film “Stalker” from Andrej Tarkovskij to produce a dark atmosphere from which a sparkling light can born.

VERY IMPORTANT! Trust people working with you and for you. If I trust in people’s abilities and professionality they will do a much better work with a smile on face 37.

First atmosphere models


Pape Park Gateway May 2018 This project was the result of a very slow process of design. In a span of 4 months I designed a structure for a competition in Latvia. The Pape Nature Park Gateway architecture competition tasked participants with envisioning iconic and creative projects for an entranceway into the park, combining functional services and aesthetic design on a scale that would welcome guests and imprint a memory not soon forgotten. PRIZE: Honorable Mention VISIT:

https://papegateway.beebreeders. com 39.

The design process started with a material decision and with a logic of building. I stole the log from the blockhaus constructive system in order to reinvent a different tectonic for the same material. My first step is to make a model to entertain myself and the project. In this way I create a time to get to know each other. The dimension, proportion and geometry were ruled by a light and atmosphere. It is thought to be a mediator between human nature and nature itself. The tectonic evaluates the qualities of the landscape by framing it while the open form geometry of the structural design involves Nature as a co-architect in the creation process. It is a reflection of life and at the same time it is also itself, as every other living being.





300mm diameter

180mm diameter Playground area handmade wooden horses



Environmental Strategies

Roof insulation

Geothermal Heating

Water supply

Dry toilet



Hand plan

Nemrut Volcano Observatory June 2018 This project was the result of a collaboration with the chinese architec Venessa Mok. We designed an observation spot for an international competition in Turkey. Our approach focused on new perspectives and evironmental impact. It is a work in between architecture, land art and landscape architecture. With an humble and simple gesture we focused on the viewer’s experiences in this unique place. PRIZE: Honorable Mention VISIT: 45.

This process is not architecture. It is a piece of Earth cutted in order to produce a sequence of sensations and perspectives. It is a body-mind project which involved during its design process both aspects of human nature. Starting with sketches and hand drawings, we focused on simple hand mande models carved out from wood to fall inside the interaction between human and volcano. The project stimulates senses. It is a scenography in the landscape where boundaries between inside and outside, up and down are sublimated to reach abstraction comprehension of the unique site.


The caldera of Nemrut is the largest in Turkey, the fourth largest in Europe and sixteenth largest in the world. A caldera is a large cauldron-like depression that forms following the evacuation of a magma chamber/reservoir. When large volumes of magma are erupted over a short time period, structural support for the crust above the magma chamber is lost. The ground surface then collapses downward into the partially emptied magma chamber, leaving a massive depression at the surface. This unique conditions make Nemrut an interesting site for geological studies. The proposed project frames the historical movements of the landscape. Our interests is to make people think about rocks and about the big power laying under their feet: visitors dive in a sequence of rock’s layers becoming surrounded by landscape’s history. 47.



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Observation Tower November 2017

This piece of architecture has been tought for an international competition. The task was to think and design a bird watching tower for the Pape Park in Latvia. The tower is sensitive to the unique environment, while a the same time, has the potential to become an iconic landmark in its own right. The project is entirely realized in wood balancing elements of tradition with and idea for innovation. I just show the wood model, totally hand mande by myself, of this project.


The wood model 1:20 scale



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Egg Observatory June 2017

This is a site specific work tought to be realized in the garden of a rural house near Florence. It is an egg shape small pavillion made in pine. In an empty space the light merges with space, becoming one unique thing. In this small and private shell one or two people can merge together just like light and space. The inside is minimal, it can comfortably host a single person, but with some practice, and contact, two people can stay there and merge looking at the sky.




The wood model 1:2 scale 58.


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Migrants welcoming centre in Lampedusa December 2015

What to do with the thousands of people arriving on Italy’s coast each day? How to welcome them, and which ideas for the future? Is it the idea of borders and national citizenship still valid, or should we start to consider ourself citizen of the world? And which is the direction we should embrace as a collectivity? These are some of the questions I raise up during my final thesis research and i tried to shape in this project.


How do you think about migration?

Gauss’ representation of reality

Pareto’s representation of reality

Move from a predictability model, into a all scale system simulation. The basic principle when moving to an abductive system is to understand the evolution in potention of the system rather than have robust engineering trying to determine an outcome. We need to manage problems obliquely and adopt resilience as strategy to design system of reaction. The risk we can take is also an opportunity. According to this, migration is an unpredictable, chaotic system with an high mutability in the short period. Standardized 62.

abductive logic



An abductive logic solution:

Log of event frequency (number of earthquakes)

inductive logic

plausible Log of event size (power of an earthquake)

management as a strategy is completely uneffective to face it. The most appropriate strategy is one that accomodates in the design this variability. A design which tries to figure out the system’s vector of changing possibilities.

A resilient solution for the migrants and for the town of Lampedusa which is temporarly involved in this phenomenon.

RESILIENT URBAN APPROACH: Resilience requires to make the most of what you have available and to transform what is potentially a loss, in a positive growth.

Urban Systems Analysis How can a city decide to react?

Vulnerability Assessments

- Local people in Lampedusa - Infrastructures - Primary services of assistance(hospital, canteen) - People who sees migrants as a treat for their works

Which are the direct and indirect impacts of migration on a territory? Who or what is more exposed to stress and schock?

Solve small problems around the major issue, it becomes easier to solve the major issue itself

Migration Assessments

- The migrants flux will not last forever in these terms - Non linear system - Chaotic and unpredictable - Igienic, accomodational, security problems


Putting waste to work

n° of landing

migrants are rescued and housed in Lampedusa for a limited period of time (on average 25 days) and then they are moved to centers on the italian peninsula.

judicial requisition of the meaning of transport. The boats are stored on the island and they wait to be demolished.


REUSE OF BOATS AS TEMPORARY HOUSES The proposition transforms a thing which is normally considered a problem into a usefull resource: it means to reclaim and convert its meaning. It is a decision that uses a widely available resource in the area, cheap and that would otherwise be destroyed. Resilience requires to make the most of what you have available.


The traditional Tunisian Fishing Vessel

The hull structure is “load bearing deck”, in which the deck plan rests directly on beams, rigidly connected to the rib of the ship. The hull is made of red oak laminated wood. Laminated wood is made up of layers of wood glued together, with parallel oriented fibers. Oak is a hard wood that enhances its characteristics when in contact with water. The external covering planking is realized with fir wood completed by “calafataggio”. The “calafataggio” is the traditional technique that allows to seal the hull externally.


Vertical plan

Horizontal plan






“In the end it’s just a trick” Geppi Gambardella “La Grande Bellezza”

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