KAM’s Optimization Model Diagnosis Stage
Sponsorship Spine Senior level sponsor José A. Peña Primary sponsor Kenneth Sánchez
Primary sponsor Carlos Mascareñas
Secondary Sponsor Leticia Becerra Targets
Secondary Sponsor Gilberto García
Primary sponsor Abel Ayala Secondary Sponsor Gerardo Tostado
35 KAMs Primary sponsor Mario Pérez Secondary Sponsor Guillermo Herice
Secondary Sponsor Enrique Cruz
Erik Rosendo S Ma. del C.Velasco G. Francisco Bisogno F Catalina Carbajal M. Filiberto Alvir S. Vacante - Mérida Carlos de la Teja F. Sandra Rivera M. Omar Valenzuela Alejandra Ortíz P. Vacante - León Fabián Valencia C.
Targets Fernando Cruz Rodrigo Cervantes Carlos Cepeda Carlos Lopez Jonathan Velázquez Jaime Ramírez
M.dela Luz Alarcón M. Cristina Mendoza S. Roberto Rodríguez R. Laura Alavez J.
Diego Márquez Mauricio Sotomayor Perla Hernández Gustavo Rovelo Vacante DF Marco Guzmán José Iván Ramirez
Change agents Project Manager José Luis Rdz
Primary sponsor Cuauhtémoc Arizabalo
Baz Chudasma Laura Alvarez Julieta Rivas Rocio Valdéz Adriana Torres Miguel González
Ricardo Dorado R. Lucia Salazar S. Omar Becerra G. Adriana Torres S. Mónica Itzel Silva M. Pedro Escalona L.
KAM’s Optimization Model Project Plan
Apr 13th- Jul 12th Leadership engagement Situation identification
Jul 15th – Oct 31th Workshop Pre-design [Colombia model]
Kickoff (23 May)
Competencies definition
Process and systems toolbox
Benchmark Pharma Industry KAMs model
CRM design & approval Design communication results meeting (31 Oct)
Process & CRM requirements
Nov 1st – Dec 31th
January ‘14
Change Management Development of Communication and training plans CRM development (31 Oct ‘13-8 Jul ‘14) Testing Implementation
People / competences
Segment & target
Send CRM reqs to Academy (25 Jul) Diagnosis communication results meeting (17 Jul)
On going
Not started
Communication results meeting
Control KPI’s
KAM’s Optimization Model Diagnosis Stage
Situation identification Requirements -Understanding the situation Root cause analysis: + Situation + Behaviors
+ Actions / inactions + Conditions + Data mining + interviews Why, Why, Why…
- Training program
- Improving performance
- Tools
+ Knowledge, skills, behaviors & personality attributes to improve performance
+ Marketing tools + Medical + Finance tools
- CRM system
- Roles & functions definition
April – July ‘13
Segment & Target - Segment & Target account and customers + Institutions potential Mapping + Functionaries mapping
KAM’s Optimization Model Diagnosis Stage
April – July ‘13
Situation identification -Understanding the situation
- Process & Competences
Root cause analysis: + Situation + Behaviors + Actions/inactions + Conditions + Data mining
+ interviews Why, Why, Why…
Support materials
Findings + No formally established process + No formal definition of Competences & skills
Interviews Sales Dir. Private Sales Dir. Public KAMs mgr KAMs Managed Care Marketing Medical Training Finance IT C.A.M.
-Segment & Targeting + No formal segmentation or clarity of potential from Institutions
+ No formal training plan (Key account, public tender offer, competencies, Product [benefits /objections vs main competitors], Processes [demand], Policies)
- Salary, benefits and Incentives
+ KAM’s perception is that they have a competitive salary + Incentive scheme does not foster new business
+ Not enough communication with ECHs + No clear boundaries in activities between KAMs & MRs
+ KAMs perceived not enough information is shared + No SFE & Call Center support + No Sales quotas by Hospital + No Call activity report + Opportunity areas with the tools from finance & Marketing
Others + KAMs Governmentals in an abandoned state
KAM’s Optimization Model Diagnosis Stage
April – June ‘13
Requirements - Training program
Findings - Tools + Marketing tools
- Marketing + No formal process to support KAMs + No use or adoption of tools
- Finance
+ Finance tools
+ No formal process to issue price list by volume, commercial offers or plans
- Medical
+ Medical support
+ CRM system + Information effectiveness
+ No direct support
- CRM + Activities, agreements and account follow up not in system + No formal report of calls
- Information effectiveness + No area of processing and analysis of information
KAM’s Optimization Model Diagnosis Stage
April – June ‘13
People - Improving performance
+ Knowledge, skills, behaviors & personality attributes to improve performance
- Process & Competences
- Roles & functions definition
+ No formal definition of Competences & skills
+ No formal process established
+ No updated job description or role definition
KAM’s Optimization Model Diagnosis Stage
April – June ‘13
Segment & Target - Segment & Target account and customers
+ No formal segmentation or clarity of + Institutions potential Mapping potential from Institutions + Functionaries mapping
Deliverables Diagnosis
• Project charter • Stakeholder fishbone • Interviews questionnaire • Interviews • Project plan (Summary and Gantt) • Critical to quality (weight) • Risk assesment •Transformational change
KAM’s Optimization Model Diagnosis stage
KAM competency Framework “Draft�: 5 Core Competencies for KAM 1
Insight & Information Collection
Building Relationship
Business Planning
Development of Business Solutions
Negotiation Skills
Develops a deep understanding of the customers needs and motivations using multiple data sources, best practice techniques and direct customer engagement. Knowledge share Applies these insights to inform decisions affecting this customer.
Seeks and engage Customers to openly express needs and requirements.
Conducts robust situational analysis to identify issues and opportunities affecting growth with each key customer.
Translates brand strategies into account strategies and plans to address these issues and opportunities with clear objectives and measures to track performance. Facilitates the development of propositions and solutions with internal GSK teams, customers or external experts to achieve stated objectives. Applies project management discipline to ensure execution to budget and on time.
Determines minimal or ideal conditions of the other party during negotiations. Develops a strategy for giving on some points and standing firm on others to achieve desired outcomes. Offers compromises and trade-offs to others, as necessary, in exchange for cooperation.
KAM Competency Framework: 4 levels of competence
Applies this competency, possibly with some guidance.
Has a distinct command of the competency. Takes application within GSK to higher levels.
Repeatedly demonstrates this competency in full. Is able to apply it to complex issues e.g. across brands, therapy areas or markets.
Understands the essential elements of this competency. Can apply elements with assistance.