Architecture Portfolio May 2018

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MAY 2018

Contents |


Ahoy, Rotterdam


IKC Kruidentuin Barendrecht


Campus Lelystad


VGZ Eindhoven


Wellness Center


Exhibition: Eindhoven Eight

International Congress Center

Multifunctional Community Center

HAVO/VWO and VMBO Schools

Restaurant Interior

Graduation Project, TU/e

Exhibiting Architecture

01 International Congress Centrum Ahoy, Rotterdam Office: Kraaijvanger 2017 - ongoing

This project is part of the Zuidplein masterplan whereby the surroundings is being re-developed into a cultural hub for Rotterdam. Undoubtedly the largest part of the masterplan is the Ahoy, an international congress center. As part of the project most of the existing building is being refurbished while a large extension is being constructed to house a multifunctional auditorium, exposition spaces as well as rooms ranging to be rented out to 50 to 500 people for a variety of events. I have worked on the final definitive design phase of the project at the end of 2017, and currently occuppied with the construction details to be handed in for the technical design phase. Along with the technical aspects of the design, I have also made the look & feel document for the key interior spaces of this building which was presented and eventually approved by the clients.

‘‘A new international congress center that creates a public gathering space as well as a cultural hub in the south of Rotterdam’’

‘‘Sustainability and longevity’’

Ground floor entrance atmosphere

Material finishes



02 02 03 04 04





‘‘The exterior facades carries inside the building, creating a continuiting of experience. It is all about blurring the boundary between inside and outside.’’

06 1. Lattice grid ceiling, 100 x 100, white with acoustic absorption in light gray 2. Light boxes on interior facade 3. Aluminium composite facade 4. Wooden panels with led lighting 5. Entrance anti-slip matt 6. Parquet floor 7. PU poured floor in gray tint



‘‘Flexibility of spaces, daylight and accessibility.’’

02 Kruidentuin, Barendrecht, NL Office: De Zwarte Hond 2014 - 2015

This is a multifunctional community center which houses the school De Hoeksteen, childcare/ BSO Eiland Marlyne, a large sports hall, ballet hall and multi-use spaces for the Centrum Jeugd en Gezin. The concept shows a sense of community through the design. The building accommodates all these different identities under one roof, providing a coherence, while allowing each user to have its own identity in different volumes with a specific corresponding program. The building sits in its context sympathetic to the existing low rise surroundings and fits in the scale of the child. The choice of the facade material, gray hued brick, wraps the whole composition bringin the unity together. There has been also considerations of the surrounding landscape which will be gained back by the community through landscaping and creation of a playground for the children and elderly alike. The sustainability element is also infused in the design with the use of solar energy, which is attained through the south-facing roof panels.

ground floor

urban design schemes

first floor

‘‘Each user has its own identity represented while being part of one community under a coherent design.’’

1:200 model: ground floor

03 Campus Lelystad Office: Kraaijvanger Competition win, November 2017 Lelystad is a developing city in the Netherlands, aiming to attract new minds. A campus for HAVO/VWO and VMBO education is one of the first steps into develop the city into a future brainport. The competition for the campus was between two invited offices and the design process took roughly two months. At the end of 2017 it was announced that we were the winners for the commission. The design team consisted of five people. A ‘campus’ setting is traditionally seen as a variety of buildings in some form of a connection. In this design we challenge the concet of the campus by posing the question ‘Can a campus be compact and closely connected?’ So in the design we aimed to reach a perfectly balanced compactedness. Each school unit is a slightly tapared and rounded rectangle that can house the basic program. The standarization of the unit also allows for the creation of unison, while keeping the opportunities of individualisation open in the interior. Social heart of the campus is kept central with a cultural building, outdoor landscaping and bike parking that is beneath the raised deck.

concept sketch



VMBO onderbouw

Culture building

VMBO BK VMBO TL onderbouw VMBO TL praktijk

fietsen cultuur

bubble diagram of program requirements

typical module plan


‘‘A design that achieves a compact program while maintaining a connection with the surrounding nature.’’

VMBO interior references

VMBO interior impression

raw & industrial

HAVO/VWO interior references

HAVO/VWO interior impression

warm & inviting

04 VGZ Eindhoven, NL Office: Kraaijvanger 2013 The design for the interior of VGZ Eindhoven had the following goals; more flexibility, ability to host simultaneous activities, and more creativity. The space is envisioned to host 250 people. In order to achieve these goals, the design considered different zones where different events and meetings can take place at the same time. Various types of seating and tables are used to create diversity. For example, the longer tables are for open group meetings whereas the circular zones can be enclosed by a curtain overhang creating smaller and intimate gathering zones. The soft seating in the interior gives the atmosphere comfort and become places of informal gathering. The variety in the interior composition breaks up the old design of repetitive furniture by actually reducing the appearance of a densily populated gathering space, converting it into a flexible zone people would want to occupy. interior impression

concept reference images

the cafe impression

ground floor

the bridge

the bridge impression

05 Wellness Center, Milano, IT Academic: Graduation Thesis 2017 The graduation thesis is part of the graduation studio ‘Milano Centrale’ under the Chair of Rational Architecture lead by Christian Rapp, Wouter Hilhorst and Haike Apelt. The year-long study started with a through morpho-typological study of the city fabric of Milan, eventually focusing on sub-fragments in the city where certain iconic buildings were studied and analyzed based on their urban context and architectural character. The individual design stems from the fascination with the Porta Nuova district in Milan, a region which is constantly under development painting a new skyline for the city. The personal thesis research is about the historical Martesana canal or the ‘Navigli Martesana’ that passed through this site and its association with public bathing facilities that were once located here. The discovery of the typology of bathing facilities triggered a thorough research into the typology of baths and swimmingpools in the city of Milan, resulting in an analysis book and a design for a contemporary wellness center that has references from the past. The design is a collage of series of pools and a Turkish bath with high ceilings, creating monumental spaces for swimming and wellness. The solid exterior brick facade is juxtaposed to the interior which is cladded in various materials of marble allowing the interior spaces to have different characters than the exterior. The design composition is sympathetic to the context yet manages to become distinct with the entry facade of large double-hung windows and monolithic repetitive columns.

ground floor plan in context

‘‘A Milanese wellness hub that sits next to the historic canal Martesana’’

Entrance approach


‘‘A sober building that unveils itself through each space’’



Turkish bath roof terrace

leisure pool

Bastioni di Porta Nuova Elevation

staff rooms staff room transition Turkish bath transition cafe

3D Section A-A


Leisure pool impression

Bastioni di Porta Nuova Section B-B

Interior impression

large swimming pool impression

06 Eindhoven Eight, NL Exhibiting Architecture Academic: TU Eindhoven 2016 - 2017 Eindhoven Eight is an investigation into Eindhoven’s contemporary architectural culture through the means of exhibition. Beyond surveying the current state of new architecture in Eindhoven, this exhibition further intends to think differently on the way architecture is exhibited, whilst engaging both architectural insiders and the general public. The chosen eight offices represent the new breed of architecture studio emerging in Eindhoven. Eindhoven Eight proved to be succesfull exhibition design which was displayed and viewed by large audiences in Plaza Vertigo, TU Eindhoven (June 2016), Dutch Design Week 2016 (October 2016) and Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam (May 2017). The basic concept for the layout is a two-dimensional matrix in which the x-axis is used to arrange the eight offices and the y-axis to group the chosen projects into six distinct themes. This arrangement results in a grid of eight by six: in which the 24 projects are placed corresponding to office and theme (occupying 50% of the grid.) The design concept for the exhibition is an arrangement of ‘tables’ and ‘portals’ within the grid, resembling an urban spatial environment. Each project will be assigned to either a portal or table depending on the requirements of the displayed material. The configuration consists of timber members placed in tight succession, creating both the structural requirement of the displays as well as the space on which the material is displayed. The space between the timber members allows differing ways to engage with light and visual sightlines, through and into the exhibition.

22-30 October, 2016 Eindhoven

2-7 May, 2017 Rotterdam

22 June, 2016 Publication

Research & Curation

Design & Construction


exhibition design: display unit axonometric drawings

exhibition design: grid and circulation Houben van Mierlo 12N/Fulco Treffers Werkstatt Open Architecture Office Atelier to the Bone Wenink Holtkamp UArchitects








exhibition design: exhibition axonometric view


exhibition design: plan


“The design concept for the exhibition is an arrangement of ‘tables’ and ‘portals’ within the grid, resembling an urban spatial environment.’’

exhibition design: detail

Contact: Weijermanstraat 4 2241 BV Wassenaar | NL +31 (0) 646832330

Gulce Onganer

MAY 2018

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