BACK TO L O O H C S Alabama Tax Free Weekend Stock up on school supplies during this sales tax holiday
Packing a School Lunch Tips and ideas for preparing your child’s school lunch
School Immunizations What you need to know about getting your child vaccinated
2015-16 school calendar, FAQ and much more
Gulf Coast Media
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Classes begin September 8th the day after Labor Day.
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Back to School
Back to School
A Gulf Coast Media Publication
Publisher: Parks Rogers Editor: Destiny Brown Design: Paige Renka
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Gulf Coast Media 251-943-2151 901 N. McKenzie St., Foley, AL 36535
Table of Contents
Go back to school with a smile page 8
Free tax weekend page 10
Uniform policy page 11
How to pack a school lunch page 12
Immunization requirements page 14
2015-16 School calendar page 15
Back to school tips page 16
Closet organizing tips page 18
3 basics of preparedness page 20
Frequently asked questions page 22
507 W. Rose Ave., Foley, AL
Baldwin County school directory page 28
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Back to School
Ways to go back to school with a smile By Cheryl Dooley Berry Contributing writer
he summer sun is still simmering at high heat and many kids, as well as teachers, may still be in vacation and sleep-late-morning mode, but the clock and the calendar wait for no student, teacher or parent. It is true; lazy vacation days are nearly over and it is time to begin thinking about heading back to school. Time to prepare for new classes, greet both old and new friends, as well as new teachers. Kids can often find it difficult to give up their unscheduled summer days and get back into that school routine. Beginning again the regimen of waking up early, packing schoolbags, preparing for classes and meeting the new teacher stress out both kids and parents. But, going back to school need not be moaning and drudgery. With a little creativity and enthusiasm, parents and children can even begin looking forward to the stimulation of learning new things and reconnecting with friends.
Shopping for supplies
One of the best parts about getting back to school is shopping for those school supplies and new uniforms. Many retail stores offer discounts on school supplies
closer to school starting dates. Before the shopping trip, make an inventory of things you may already have to eliminate unnecessary expenses. Sometimes all a child needs to get excited about heading back to school are some new school supplies. Check for back-to-school sales tax holidays to take advantage of savings on essentials.
Get into a routine
Most kids do thrive when they stick to some sort of routine. A morning routine will get everyone out of the door and into the car with as little stress as possible. A bedtime routine prepares them for the next day.
Learn more about your school
Don't skip the orientation and open houses that are scheduled early in the school year. Mark those dates on the calendar and make it a point to attend. Touring the school to see your child's classroom, meet new teachers and learn the layout of the school will help children feel more comfortable about going back and knowing where everything is located.
Make homework fun
Create a homework space before your child returns
2015 home on that first day with a pile of books and assignments to complete. Use some of the new school supplies to stock this special section of the house. The more involved your child is in helping set up the homework area, the happier he or she will feel about going to school and studying at home.
Set an alarm
Practice makes perfect, and after a summer of nowhere in particular to be, every family needs to get back in the habit of getting up and getting going. Set the alarm, have breakfast and load those backpacks.
Plan a balanced lunch
Remember to stock up on lunchbox snacks and lunch foods. The nutrition and taste of well-planned lunches can greatly enhance children's ability to recharge for their afternoon classes. Lunch is a fun, relaxing part of the school day and should be as enjoyable as possible.
Host a party with friends
Another way to get kids excited and motivated about the new school year is to host a back-to-school party with an outdoor theme to mark the end of summer and a reunion of school friends.
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isitor Guide
Pick up our guide for coupons, maps, listings and more! Visitor is FREE at various locations throughout Southern Alabama.
Back to School
Brush up on what you know
A new school year means a new year of learning new lessons. You can help your children brush up on learning concepts from last year to give them confidence as they move into a new grade. Parents can greatly help their children realize the importance of education. School is not only a place where facts and concepts are taught, but critical life skills are learned as well. Children develop a holistic personality by interacting and problem-solving with both peers and teachers. Inspire children to discover, explore and learn by your own example. With a positive attitude, a little planning and confidence, your children can be guided to begin the new year with enthusiasm. Talk with your child and help him or her understand what to expect. Making friends, learning something new every day and coming home to share the school day can be exciting perks. Before the new year begins, remind yourself and your children of the unlimited value that lies in the pursuit of knowledge and growth. As a sign on an old school once said, "FREE! Every Monday through Friday — knowledge! Bring your own containers." *Dooley Berry writes “Beyond the Garden Gate” for Gulf Coast Media and is a retired teacher.
Back to School
Alabama holds free tax weekend August 7-9 Alabama will hold its 10th annual sales tax holiday giving shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain school supplies, computers and clothing free of state sales or use tax. The sales tax break begins on Friday, Aug. 7 and will end at midnight on LIES SCHOOL SUPP ITEM) R Sunday, Aug. 9. PE S SS EM LE IT R O G ($50 CLOTHIN ) oks, folders EM bo According to revenue.alabama. PER IT n binders, note ($100 OR LESS hters, markers, gov, participating municipalities s n chalk, highlig n school uniform pencils are Bay Minette, Daphne, Elberta, arves crayons, colored n belts, hats, sc h boxes nc s Fairhope, Foley, Gulf Shores, Loxley, boot n book bags, lu n shoes, socks, s passes er m ap co Magnolia Springs, Orange Beach, s, di n calculators, n coats, dresse rs so is Perdido Beach, Robertsdale, Silvern tape, glue, sc ers as er , hill, Summerdale and Spanish Fort. n pens, pencils TECHNOLOGY ) EM rs IT le R ru PE Shoppers will receive a 4 percent n protractors, ($750 OR LESS cards inters tax break plus the additional sales pr , rs te pu m co n paper, index n books xt tac associated with the municipalin required te n software s r pe pa and other book d s ties above. Most clothing items and n globes, map n printer ink an ts accessories will be tax free, hown digital assistan sit ever some items not included in ehensive list vi a more compr r Fo the exemption are cosmetics, hair revenue.alabam accessories, handkerchiefs, sewing supplies, protective and sporting gear, according to the Alabama Retail Association. Other items include art supplies, instructional Parents can expect a tax break on computers, soft- material such as globes, maps and books (less than ware and accessories, such as disks and printers during $30 each). the weekend, in addition to traditional school supplies Most stores include supply lists for local schools like binders, chalk, notebooks, erasers, folders, glue, along with uniform requirements. While the sales tax highlighters, tape, compasses, book bags, index cards, holiday may lead to busier aisles and longer lines, an lunch boxes, markers, pens and pencils, protractors, approximate 10 percent bill reduction can help with rulers and scissors. your back-to-school finances.
Tax Free Items
Back to School
Back to School
How to pack a school lunch P
reparing your child's school lunch can end up being a difficult task if you don't know what to pack. Use this helpful guide to ensue your child has a wellbalanced, yet tasty school lunch.
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Choose one item from at least three categories for a well balanced meal for your child’s lunch. High-protein foods help kids stay fuller longer.
A main course:
sandwich tuna or chicken salad with crackers pre-cooked hotdogs pita and hummus tortilla roll up
A fruit or vegetable: orange segments apple slices pine apple chunks carrot or celery sticks cucumber sticks cherry tomatoes grapes peach slices banana fruit cocktail dried fruit broccoli or cauliflower watermelon
A snack: cheese pretzels popcorn trail mix rice cakes boiled egg crackers pickles cereal yogurt raisins nuts
A drink: water juice
A treat:
fruit snacks cookies brownie
Back to School
Eat outside the box Turkey Wrap n n n n n
1 8-inch flour tortilla Condiments of choice Turkey Cheese Lettuce (optional)
Sandwiches ideas Veggie rollup n 1 8-inch flavored flour tortilla n 2 tablespoons whipped cream cheese n 1 small carrot, shredded n 2 tablespoons raisins
Spread tortilla with cream cheese, leaving half an inch around the edges. Top cream cheese with carrots and raisins. Roll up, cut in half and wrap tightly in plastic wrap.
n Peanut butter with apples n Turkey with salad dressing instead of plain mayonnaise n Try a different cheese: instead of American slices, try a soft, spreadable cheese.
3 slices ham (or any other meat) 1 cheese stick 1 hot dog bun Condiments
n n n n
1/4 cup salsa 1/3 cup rinsed black beans 3/4 cup chopped lettuce 1/4 cup shredded
Let an older child mix and match by including several different items in zip-top bags or containers. You could include pita bread, several different kinds of crackers, hummus, cheese, peanut butter, yogurt, Nutella, fruit, celery sticks, carrots, etc. along with a plastic knife or spoon for spreading. The possibilities are endless, and they might even find some new favorite combinations.
Get the
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Let’s face it: ham and cheese is much more fun to eat when it’s in the shape of a hot dog. Stack 3 slices of ham. Place a cheese stick on the edge of the ham slices and roll up. Place in a hot-dog bun, and add condiments, if desired.
Taco Toss
Let the kids make lunch
Total Eye Care Experience
Ham-and-cheese dog n n n n
Spread tortilla with condiments, leaving half an inch around the edges. Top with turkey, cheese and lettuce. Roll up, cut in half and wrap tightly in plastic wrap.
cheddar cheese n 1/3 cup baked tortilla chips, broken Toss together in a container.
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Back to School
School registration and vaccination requirements Children entering school in the fall are required by Alabama law to present a Certificate of Immunization known as a “Blue Card.” Children entering kindergarten need boosters of DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis), Polio, MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) and Varicella. These shots complete the childhood series for Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Measles, Mumps and Ru-
bella. Children age 11 and entering the sixth grade need a Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria and Pertussis) vaccination. If you are unsure whether your child needs shots, check with your pediatric provider or the local county health department. For more information, visit the Alabama Department of Public Health website at
Health Department offers walk-in immunization clinics Submitted by the Baldwin County Health Department Baldwin County Health Department schedules School Immunization Clinics. The Baldwin County Health Department will be offering dedicated walk in immunization clinics on the following dates/ times: JULY 23 - 8:30 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. JULY 24 - 8:30 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m JULY 30 - 8:30 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m AUGUST 3 THROUGH 7 - to 11 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. AUGUST 12 THROUGH 14 - to 11 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. AUGUST 17 THROUGH 19 - to 11 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. The clinic site is the Baldwin County Health Department at 23280 Gilbert Drive in Robertsdale. Through July 23, appointments will be available for school shots. Parents are encouraged to check their children’s immunization status now and complete needed shots as soon as possible to avoid the inconvenience of possible wait times as the school start date nears. The maximum cost will be $15. For individuals who present their Medicaid or Blue Cross Blue Shield
insurance card, there will be no charge. Be sure to bring your insurance card and child’s vaccination history if available. Please call 251-947-1910 for additional information.
Back to School
2015 – 2016
Baldwin County School Calendar Aug. 6 Aug. 7 Aug. 10-12 Aug. 13 Sept. 7 Oct. 6-9 Oct. 9 Oct. 12 Oct. 13 Nov. 11 Nov. 23-27 Nov. 23-25 Dec. 15-18 Dec. 18 Dec. 21-31 Dec. 21 Jan. 1 Jan. 4 Jan. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. 18
Workday/PD day – Principals’ discretion PD day – System Wide Workdays/PD days – Principals’ discretion First Day of School Labor Day Exam Window End 1st Quarter (41 days) ½ Day Dismissal Fall Break Professional Development/Student Holiday Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Holiday Week (Hurricane Make-up Day – if needed) Exam Window End 2nd Quarter (42 days) ½ Day Dismissal Christmas Holidays (Hurricane Make-up Days – if needed) New Year’s Day Teachers Workday (Student Holiday) Professional Development (Student Holiday) Students Return King/Lee Holiday
Feb. 8-9 Feb. 10 May 16 May 17 May 23-26 May 26 May 27
Mardi Gras Holiday Professional Development (Student Holiday) Graduation - Spanish Fort, Gulf Shores & Robertsdale Graduation - Foley, Baldwin Co., Daphne & Fairhope Exam Window Last Day for Students (48 Days) ½ Day Dismissal Last Day for Teachers
Back to School
Back-to-school tips to keep kids healthy and safe Submitted by StatePoint Back-to-school prep means more than a trip to the office supply store. Help kids stay strong, healthy and safe this school year by putting wellness front and center. “Thinking about back-to-school now can help parents keep kids on track for a healthy summer and start to school,” says Dr. Sandra Hassink, MD, FAAP, President of the American Academy of Pediatrics. With that in mind, Hassink recommends taking the following steps.
be better informed of your child’s medical history and aware of any emerging problems. Beyond medical testing, pediatricians are wellequipped to counsel patients and parents on emotional and social issues, as well as issues that often crop up during adolescence, such as smoking, drugs, drinking, sexual activity and depression. “Parents can ask a pediatrician about anything related to the care of their child or teen, medical or not,” says Dr Hassink. “The visit can be a good way to bring up these issues.”
1. Ease into the School Schedule
3. Consider Sports
Ease the back-to-school transition by keeping bedtime and meals scheduled during the summer and adjusting timing as school approaches. If your child has been going to bed later than usual, begin adjusting his or her bedtime earlier toward the end of summer. Depending on age, children and teens need between 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep nightly. For young children, arranging to see their new classroom and meet their new teacher before school starts can calm first day jitters. Go over the school schedule with your child, including how she will get to school and what the plans are for after school time.
2. Schedule a Pediatric Visit
The back-to-school season is a good time for scheduling a pediatric exam. Create a list of items you want to discuss with your child’s pediatrician. This list should include ensuring your child is up-to-date on vaccinations, a crucial part of preventive care. It’s a good idea to build a medical home with a pediatrician by sticking with one doctor or medical practice throughout childhood and adolescence. The doctor will
Sports can foster confidence, cooperation and healthy habits, and the start of the school year brings many opportunities to join various programs. Hydration, nutrition and proper conditioning are important for any sport, especially those with intense training in warm weather. Schedule a sports physical with your pediatrician to discuss your child’s overall health and how to prevent injuries.
4. Talk Safety
If your child will be walking to school, travel the route with him to assess its safety. Find out about traffic patterns and crossing guards. Teach your child safety rules like looking both ways. If possible, have your child commute with an older sibling or neighbor. If your child will be riding a bike or skateboard, be sure he wears a helmet. Review basic rules for safer riding. Bus riders should also be mindful of safety rules, like remaining in one’s seat and listening to the driver. More back-to-school tips can be found at www.
Back to School
Grades 1 – 12 Kindergarten Classes
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Back to School
Closet organizing tips By Destiny Brown
Avoid the morning battle of getting ready for school with these helpful tips for cleaning and organizing your child's closet.
Cleaning out your child’s closet
• Ask your child to try on items that you suspect of being outgrown. • To be sure you don't save clothing items that haven't been worn in years, designate a monthly goodwill pile. Put rarely used clothing in pile each month and at the end of the month, let your child determine if they still want to keep the item. • Working together with your child to clean out
outgrown clothing, shoes, toys and other items in the closet can help unclutter and make your child feel a part of the process. • Have a yard sale and let your child keep the money they make with their sold clothing and toys. • Take your child with you to the donation center to give them a hands-on look at where their unused clothing and toys are going. Explain the process and how donations can help other children.
Organizing your child’s closet for school
Dressing for school can be a much easier experience when you organize your child’s closet. • Closet organizers can help maximize your space and separate clothing into different categories such as shirts, pants, sweaters, etc. • Hanging hooks are helpful to hang on closet doors to hang jackets, hats and other accessories. For a smaller child, hang the hook so that it fits their height. • If your child wears a school uniform, separate weekend clothing from daily uniforms. This will make locating school clothes much easier. • Store winter clothes during the summer and store summer clothes during the winter. This will help with space and organization. • Stackable bins, drawers or a hanging sweater organizer can help organize daily clothing for school. Involve your child in choosing their school clothing at the beginning of the week and separate the clothes by day to plan for the week ahead.
Back to School
Back to School
3 basics of back to school preparedness By Theresa Corbin Contributing writer
very student and parent knows that life gets a little (or a lot) more harried when the school bells rings in the new year of learning. Papers pile up. Schedules fill up. And families are worn thin. Why not take these few last days and weeks to get ready for the school rush? When the school year starts, there is hardly time to organize what must be done much less squeeze in time for doctor visits, clothes shopping, or review of old material. Make the time now to take care of the basics before it clogs up an already hectic schedule.
D is for doctor
Imagine it. It's the first week of school and you get a call from the school’s nurse. She has some bad news. Your child cannot come back to school until his/her vaccination record is updated. It can be a nightmare to run into the out-of-date vaccination scenario. And plenty of other parents are scrambling to make doctor's appointment for the same reason. Why not get ahead of the curve. Schedule an appointment with your children's pediatrician to make sure they have their boosters in order and you have the record in hand. And it can’t hurt to make sure your young learners have a clean bill of health. While your at it, schedule an appointment for a dental cleaning for the kids. All the summer sweets might have junior needing a dentist at an inopportune school time. And don’t forget to make an eye appointment to see if your son and/or daughter's ocular health is in focus.
C is for clothes
A new school year means many changes. Those changes usually include a taller kid and a bigger size
Review coursework from last year with your child so it is fresh in their brain and they will be more confident about starting a new school year in a higher grade.
clothes. Why wait till fall to realize lasts year's clothes don't fit, and your child has nothing to wear to school for the change of weather. Take some time now to go through the clutter of clothes your child has grown out of. Make a game out of it. Ask your child what their favorite fall and winter weather outfit is and ask them to model it. If they walk out of the closet with ankles and wrists sprouting out of long pants and long sleeves, celebrate their growth with them. Then, measure your child to see what their new size should be (leaving extra room for overnight growth!). Hand down or donate what is too small. And start looking for warmer clothes in your child's new size so no one is caught off guard by the chill in the air leaving someone with nothing to wear.
R is for review
A new class, a higher grade level, and all the pressure that come with it can be scary for any child. Reassure your child that the teacher knows that they won’t know much about their new level right out the gate. Remind your child how easy the first day was last year. All your children need to know is what they left last grade with. So to reinforce their confidence, plan a review or last year’s material. There are tons of resources online, at the library, and in teacher/school supply stores. Let your child pick from activities and worksheets for each subject. And encourage as they dust off their memory and get back into school year shape. Work with them to make sure they have the basics down. They will be excited to show off their mental acuity in the new year During the school year it is all about reading, writing, and arithmetic. There isn't time for much else. But now that there is still time to prep for the new year, make it all about doctor, clothes, and review. With these three basic preps, the new school year will go off without a hitch.
Back to School
Lutheran Schools: A Great Place to Grow! Grow in the Grace aand nd Knowledge of Jesuss
* Meets and exceeds Alabama Curriculum Standards * Christ Centered * Certified early childhood teacher * Low student/teacher ratio * Pre K3 - Kindergarten * School opens for the 2015-2016 school year on Monday, August 17. Good Shepherd school hours; 7 am – 5:30 pm Classes 8 am - 3 pm The school will follow the Baldwin County Pulbic School System Holiday schedule.
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Good Shepherd Lutheran School 13220 Main St.
(by St. Mark’s Lutheran Church) Elberta Good Shepherd Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
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? Frequently Asked Questions? ? ?? 22
Back to School
The Baldwin County Board of Education answers
Courtesy of Baldwin County Board of Education
Online registration is underway now for returning students. Parents of new students will need to complete the PDF registration forms and take them to school office. Visit for more information. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS: AUGUST 10, 2015 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS: AUGUST 17, 2015
How and where do I enroll my child? When is summer registration?
Parents of returning students (who were registered on the last day of school) may register their child online. A registration code is supplied by the school, usually with the last report card of the year. Students new to the district must be registered at the school. Parents/guardians must bring all necessary documents to the school office for each child they wish to enroll. The counselor or the registrar at each school is responsible for student enrollment; please call the school to make an appointment with the appropriate person before arriving. All students, whether new to the school system or previously enrolled, are required to take part in any pre-registration activities the school may offer. During pre-registration, students may purchase P.E. uniforms, pay course fees, buy school yearbooks, rent lockers, pick up schedules, and visit classrooms. This list also includes events such as “Meet Your Teacher” Days, which is an opportunity for parents and students to meet the teacher prior to the opening of school. A list of all schools and their websites are available online at
What do you offer for Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten students?
Kindergarten Children who turn 5 years old by September 2 of the attendance year are eligible to enroll in kindergarten in the elementary school located in the attendance zone where they live. Kindergarten is not mandatory in Alabama, but it is available in all Baldwin County Elementary Schools. Countywide registration for kindergarten takes place in April before the attendance year. However, parents may go to the elementary school in their attendance zone any time after the county registration to register their children. To register your child for kindergarten you must have your child’s Certified Birth Certificate,Social Security Card and Alabama Certificate of Immunization. In addition, you need to provide two proofs of residence with the physical address of your residence (not a post office box). Pre-K Children who turn 4 years old by September 2 of the atten-
dance year are eligible to enroll in Pre-K in the Title I elementary school located in the attendance zone where they live. Pre-K is available in Title I schools only, and classes are limited. The Pre-K application period is during the month of March prior to the attendance year. To register your child for Pre-K you must have your child’s Certified Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, and two proofs of residence with the physical address of your residence (not a post office box).
How important is it to attend Open House events?
Education is a collaborative effort between schools, parents, and the community at large. Open House events provide an opportunity for your child’s teachers to share with you information specific to their grade level or course. Your presence is extremely important; you will learn exactly what is expected of your child in each setting and be shown ways you can help them achieve success.
Q A • • • • • • •
What information will I need to bring in order to register my child? Please bring the following documents with you for each child you wish to enroll:
Birth certificate Social Security card [Social Security Card is not required, as per Federal guidance] Two proofs of residence One of these must be a recent utility bill with your Baldwin County address. Withdrawal papers from last school attended, including transcript Immunization form All students are required by Alabama State Law to have an original certificate of immunization (IMM-50); copies are unacceptable. These certificates may be obtained from your local physician or Baldwin County Health Department in Robertsdale. The Health Department may be reached at 251947-1910.
You will be required to complete an enrollment form for each student. These will be made available by the registrar or counselor when you visit the school.
What if I am not the legal guardian/custodian for a child? What do I need to do?
FAQ continued on page 24
Beachin’ 2015
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Your guide to life on the Alabama Gulf Coast
This free monthly magazine includes: • Dining guide • Local events • Music listings • Calendar and more!
eating • exploring • Fun • Services • Shopping July 2014
Beachin’ your guide to life on the Alabama Gulf Coast
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Kitty’s Kafe
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FAQ continued from page 22
To enroll a student in the Baldwin County School System you must have legal custody of the student. Delegations of parental authority or powers of attorney will not be accepted. The enrolling guardian/custodian shall reside in the attendance zone in which enrollment is sought. The student being enrolled must actually reside with his/her guardian/custodian. In addition to the matters noted in the preceding paragraph, it shall be the sole duty and responsibility of the enrolling guardian/ custodian to provide all documentation otherwise required by the Baldwin County Board of Education as a prerequisite to enrollment. Please see the School Guardianship Guidelines for complete details.
How can I be certain which school my child should attend?
Click on the School Zone Locator at and read the disclaimer, press “enter” and then type in your address to see the schools that serve your address. The webbased school locator page is provided as a fast-reference service. It is very important that you contact the schools it lists to ensure that the information is indeed correct.
Do you allow a student to attend a school out of zone?
In order to adequately project school facility needs in our rapidly growing county, currently the Board of Education only allows a zone variance — the ability to attend a school outside of one’s own zone — in the case of extreme hardship, which is usually mostly medical in nature. Zone variances are not granted for the sake of convenience. If you believe you are eligible for a zone variance due to extreme hardship, please contact the principal of the school you wish your child to attend first. If the principal agrees that the student meets the requirements for eligibility for a zone variance, the parent must complete a Zone Variance Request Form provided by the school they are requesting to attend and attach a statement as to the necessity of the zone variance. For additional information, please review the Zone Variance Guidelines before submitting your request. *Please note: If a student has a zone variance, it is the responsibility of the parent to provide transportation for the child.
What is the procedure and criteria for placement in the district’s Gifted Education Program?
Baldwin County Public Schools offers services for gifted and talented students in first grade through twelfth grade. All parents have the right to refer their child for the district’s Gifted Education Program.
Do you offer After School care? The Baldwin County Board of Education offers After School Childcare at elementary, intermediate, some
middle schools and two high schools in the county. After School Childcare Programs serve students ages 5-12 at elementary schools; Middle and High school students may attend at their school campus, if the program is available. All students must attend the After School Childcare Program on the campus of their day school. Busing of students is not an option. Cash is not accepted; payment may be made by check or money order; or online after registration. A complete list of ASCC locations and a registration form are available by clicking here. Students may participate in the After School Childcare Program on a full-time or daily basis. Full-time students are those who attend the program 3 to 5 days per week; the fee for full-time is $35 weekly; the daily rate of $10.00 per day applies to 1 or 2 days per week. Parents must select the days when their children will attend at the time of Registration in order to assist the After School Department in ensuring appropriate levels of staffing. Part-time students may attend only on those days the parents have pre-selected at Registration as attendance days. Fees are charged based on Registration and are not influenced by attendance. Pre-payment for services is required. The discount for BCBE teachers is $25.00 per week per child. The After School Child Care Program operates from 3-5:30 p.m. and follows the school calendar. Parents must complete a registration form, pay the $20 non-refundable registration fee, and the first week fee — no fewer than three days prior to the first day of attendance in the program. Payments may be made online once a child is registered in the program. Registration cannot be paid online. However, payments made online must be made by Thursday midnight for the coming week. Parent may email their online payment confirmation to the Site Manager as proof of payment. Payments not made by Thursday midnight must be paid on Friday at the site of attendance. During the school year, parents should contact the school their child attends after 3 p.m. to register for the ASCC program. Parents may register their child for the ASCC Program at Early Registration/Meet the Teacher day at the child’s school. An exception to the three day wait will be made for the first day of school if Meet the Teacher is not five days prior to the beginning of school. Questions during the summer may be directed to the After School Childcare Department: 251.972.8518.
How can I find out what school supplies are necessary?
Required materials vary from school to school and from grade level to grade level. Many schools have supply lists posted on their websites. You may also find lists conveniently placed in the school supply aisles at local stores such as Wal-mart and Target. Supply lists are also available in each school’s office.
Can my child take a book bag to school?
The school system provides a backpack as part of its Digital Renaissance, a nationally-recognized digital initiative. The school system supplies a Mac Book Air for each student. Grade 3 through 12 students receive a Mac Book Air laptop and FAQ continued on page 26
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FAQ continued from page 25 a backpack. Currently, third graders do not take their laptops home. Kindergarten through second grade students are assigned an iPad.
Do Baldwin County schools allow students to bring and use cell phones on campus? Check your school’s handbook for guidance. What about the dress code? How strictly is it enforced?
Baldwin County students are required to wear approved uniforms to school daily. For complete guidelines, see the Uniform Policy in the Student Handbook or the Uniform Policy on page 11.
What about lunches? Can I pay for lunches online? What can my child take from home for lunch?
Baldwin County Schools’ cafeterias participate in the USDA Child Nutrition Program. Nutritious meals are provided to students daily at nominal cost. Each student is assigned an account number to use in the cafeteria and encouraged to memorize this number. Parents may pay send their child to school with cash or check to pay for meals. We suggest that parents consider paying for meals in advance by either writing a check for the week or month or by submitting a payment online. This provides an additional measure of safety for your child by alleviating the need to bring money to school for daily lunch. Checks can be made payable to the school. To pay online, you may use the Parent Account Management System (PAMS). You can go to and set up an account. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Child Nutrition Program office at 251-580-1885. Children may also bring a lunch from home to eat during their designated lunch time. Food is not allowed in the classrooms. There are no board policies that limit what parents can pack for their child’s lunch, however, some schools may have special policies in place because of severe food allergies. Wholesome, healthy lunch items will keep your child fueled and ready to learn for the afternoon until they arrive home. If your child has a special dietary need, please contact your school nurse to complete a Diet Prescription Form. Meal Prices for School Year 2014-2015 BREAKFAST: All enrolled paid students K-12: $1.50 Reduced students K-12: $0.30 Adult/Children Visitors: $2.00 Board of Education Employees: $1.75 LUNCH: All enrolled paid students K-8: $2.25 All enrolled paid students 9-12: $2.50 Reduced students K-12: $0.40 Adult/Children Visitors: $3.75 Board of Education Employees: $3.25
Is bus service available in my neighborhood? What do I need to do to allow my child to ride the bus?
The Transportation Department for Baldwin County Schools oversees the daily operation of more than 280 bus routes. About half of our students ride the bus. Baldwin buses travel more than 16,000 miles each day. The Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama has rated our bus transportation program as the most efficiently run in Alabama. All Baldwin County students are provided transportation to and from school daily, regardless of their proximity to their local school. There is one person at each school responsible for managing student transportation. Maps of each bus route are available to assist in determining which bus will be designated to transport your child. Please contact your school prior to the beginning of the school year if you have additional questions.
What if I choose to take my child to school myself?
Please contact your local school prior to the beginning of school to determine where you may safely drop off and pick up your child. Each school has very specific traffic flow patterns for the safety of all of our students. You will also learn what time students may enter the building and when they will be deemed tardy to school.
What are the requirements for excused absences?
The Early Warning Truancy Prevention program provides guidelines which are followed by all Baldwin County schools for acceptable reasons for absences. They include: • Pupil is too ill to attend school. A physician’s certificate may be required after four consecutive absences due to illness. • Inclement weather as announced by local news media that makes it dangerous for students to attend school. • Legal quarantine. • Death in the immediate family. • Emergency conditions determined by superintendent or principal. • Absence to observe traditional religious holidays of local, national, or international origin, when verified by the student’s minister or religious leader.
What are the procedures for checking a student in late to school, or checking a student out early?
Parents or guardians must check their child out through the front office of the school. No child will be allowed to leave campus without the express consent of their parent or guardian. Early checkouts are discouraged; however, in the case of a medical necessity, it is requested that a doctor’s note is submitted to the office the next day.
My child requires a special medical procedure to attend school. Is there a nurse at my child’s school? If not, where can I find assistance?
Baldwin County Public Schools have a Registered School Nurse and/or a Licensed Practical Nurse assigned to each school. In the majority of our schools there is a Licensed nurse assigned to the health room. You may contact the school office personnel at your child’s assigned school and they will provide you the name and number of your assigned school nurse. The Supervisor of Health Services may also be contacted for assistance at 251-239-4327. If your child requires a special medical procedure, please contact the Supervisor of Health Services or your assigned school nurse before the planned date of enrollment. This will allow the nurse adequate time to plan for your child’s arrival and ensure a smooth transition to your new school. For more information, please review the Health Services Section of
My child receives medication daily. Will there be someone at school to safely assist with his or her medication?
Your child will receive medication daily from a licensed nurse or a trained medication assistant. All medication assistants receive a maximum of 12 hours medication training before permission is granted to assist with medication. The medication curriculum was designed by the Alabama Board of Nursing and the Alabama State Department of Education and is monitored periodically by the registered school nurse. A parent authorization/physician prescriber form must be signed before a child may receive prescription medication. If your child receives medication only three times a day, we request that medication be given at home.
What if my child received special education services at their previous school?
The Baldwin County Board of Education will continue to provide special education services to students who transfer into the district with an active Individualized Education Plan (IEP). To help make this transition as smooth as possible, it is important to provide a copy of your child’s most recent IEP and evaluation at registration, if the information is available. A special education teacher will then contact the parent/guardian to set up a meeting to develop a temporary IEP to be used until special education records are received from the student’s previous school.
What about fees? How do I pay them?
Fees are set by your local school. Please contact your local school or check the school’s registration information for details. Check your school’s web site. Some schools now offered online payment for fees.
How can I check my child’s grades online?
All Baldwin County schools use the iNow school information system for recording grades and attendance. Click here to access the portal. At the beginning of the school year, you will be provided with a user id and password for each of your
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children who are enrolled in school. You may then access online grades by going to the website for your child’s school, clicking on the online grades icon in the upper left panel, and entering the user id and password. You will be able to view your child’s grades for each course, along with attendance and discipline records. Please protect this confidential information. Should you misplace it, you must request it in person from the school registrar. No passwords will be provided over the phone.
Who should I contact if I have a problem?
If you feel that your child is having difficulty in any particular class, please contact the teacher to schedule an appointment. If the problem is occurring outside the bounds of a particular classroom, e.g., on the bus or in the cafeteria, please contact the principal.
Where can I find the phone number and the principal’s name for the school my child will attend?
A list of all Baldwin County Schools is available at www. This list provides phone numbers, principal’s name, and links to each school’s website.
How do I get a copy of the school’s calendar?
The official school system calendar is available at www. All schools in the system follow this schedule for holidays, grading periods, and exam schedules. The school calendar is available on the school web site.
What about summers and holidays? What programs are available for my child?
Summer activity opportunities abound for students across the county. Our school facilities are used for athletic clinics, conditioning exercise classes, and summer music and art instruction; you can find dates for these activities on www.bcbe. org or on the local school’s website. Academic programs such as Camp Invention are also hosted by our schools. Baldwin County Schools work in conjunction with YMCA of South Alabama to make summer activities readily available. There are two branches of the YMCA in Baldwin County. The Bounds Family YMCA is located in Daphne at 8051 Whispering Pines Road. They may be reached at 251-626-0888. The Snook Family YMCA is located in Foley at 2560 South Pine Street. They may be reached at 251-970-3003. Every school works closely with its surrounding community to help ensure that children continue to grow and learn during their summer vacation and holiday breaks. City libraries sponsor summer reading programs and computer classes, while city recreation departments provide swimming, tennis, softball, soccer, and basketball activities. Competitive city leagues also offer students the opportunity to compete throughout the school year in a wide variety of sporting events.
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Baldwin County Public School Directory DISTRICT 1
Elsanor Elementary (K – 6)
Foley Elementary (K – 4)
35480 Harriot Ave., Stapleton 251-937-2038
23440 U.S. Highway 90, Robertsdale 251-947-5401
450 N. Cedar St., Foley 251-943-8861
Loxley Elementary (K – 6)
Bay Minette Elementary (K – 3)
Daphne East Elementary (K – 6)
4999 S. Magnolia St., Loxley 251-964-5334
800 Blackburn Ave., Bay Minette 251-937-7651
26651 County Road 13, Daphne 251-626-1663
Robertsdale Elementary (K – 6)
Bay Minette Intermediate (4 – 6)
Daphne Elementary (K – 3)
Baldwin County High (9 – 12) 1 Tiger Dr., Bay Minette 251-937-2341
600 Blackburn Ave., Bay Minette 251-580-0678
Stapleton Elementary (K – 6)
2307 Main St., Daphne 251-626-2424
Daphne High (9 – 12) Bay Minette Middle (7 – 8) 1311 W. 13th St., Bay Minette 251-580-2960
9300 Champions Way, Daphne 251-626-8787
Daphne Middle (7 – 8) Delta Elementary (K – 6) 10251 Whitehouse Fork Road Extension, Bay Minette 251-937-3657
North Baldwin Center for Technology (9 – 12) 505 W. Hurricane Road, Bay Minette 251-937-6751
Perdido School (K – 8) 23589 County Road 47, Perdido 251-937-8456
Pine Grove Elementary (K – 6) 43980 Pine Grove Road, Bay Minette 251-937-0453
1 Jody Davis Circle, Daphne 251-626-2845
W.J. Carroll Intermediate (4 – 6) 1000 Main St., Daphne 251-626-0277
Foley High (9 – 12)
Foley Intermediate (5 – 6)
1 Cub Dr., Robertsdale 251-947-4003
Robertsdale High (9 – 12) 1 Golden Bear Dr., Robertsdale 251-947-4154
Rosinton Elementary (K – 6) 19757 County Road 64, Robertsdale 251-964-5210
South Baldwin Center for Technology (9 – 12) 19200 Carolina St., Robertsdale 251-947-5041
Silverhill Elementary (K – 6)
C. F. Taylor Alternative School
15800 Fourth Ave., Silverhill 251-945-5188
19150 Wilters St., Robertsdale 251-970-4415
Central Baldwin Middle School (7 – 8) 24545 Highway 59, Robertsdale 251-947-2327
1 Pride Place, Foley 251-943-2221
Elberta Elementary (K – 3) 25820 U.S. Highway 98, Elberta 251-986-5888
Elberta Middle (4 – 8) 13355 Main St., Elberta 251-986-8127
2000 S. Cedar St., Foley 251-943-1244
Foley Middle (7 – 8) 200 N. Oak St., Foley 251-943-1255
Magnolia School (K – 6) 1 Jaguar Loop, Foley 251-965-6200
Summerdale School (K – 8) 400 E. Broadway St., Summerdale 251-989-6850
Swift Consolidated (K – 6) 6330 Bon Secour Highway, Bon Secour 251-949-6422
DISTRICT 5 Gulf Shores Elementary (K – 6) 1600 E. 3rd Ave., Gulf Shores 251-968-7375
Gulf Shores High (9 – 12) 600 E. 15th Ave., Gulf Shores 251-968-4747
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Baldwin County Public School Directory Gulf Shores Middle (7 – 8)
Fairhope Intermediate (4 – 6)
Spanish Fort Elementary (K – 5)
450 E. 15th Ave., Gulf Shores 251-968-8719
20698 Bishop Road, Fairhope 251-928-7841
30900 Highway 225, Spanish Fort 251-626-9751
Orange Beach Elementary (K – 6)
Fairhope Middle (7 – 8)
Spanish Fort High (9 – 12)
2 Pirate Dr., Fairhope 251-928-2573
1 Plaza de Toros Dr., Spanish Fort 251-625-3259
4900 Wilson Blvd., Orange Beach 251-981-5662
DISTRICT 6 Fairhope Elementary (K – 3) 408 N. Section St., Fairhope 251-928-8400
J. Larry Newton School (K – 6) 9761 County Road 32, Fairhope 251-990-3858
Spanish Fort Middle (6 – 8) 33899 Jimmy Faulkner Dr., Spanish Fort 251-625-3271
Rockwell Elementary (K – 5) Fairhope High (9 – 12) 1 Pirate Dr., Fairhope 251- 928-8309
10183 U.S. Highway 31, Spanish Fort 251-626-5528
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