Big Beautiful Baldwin's Best of 2020

Page 1

194,430 VOTES














THANKS FOR VOTING US NO. 1 IN PEST & TERMITE CONTROL Bug Us!™ To Schedule Your FREE Pest Inspection Today!

Family owned and operated


Pest & Termite Control 18598 County Road 26, Foley, AL 36535 251-943-8166 •

thanks for voting for us! FIRST PLACE: PET BOARDING THIRD PLACE: PET GROOMING TWO PROFESSIONAL GROOMERS 12606 Co. Rd. 65, Foley, AL. Mon.- Fri. 7am-5pm Sat. 7am-12pm & 3:30pm-4:30pm Sun./Holidays 7am-8am & 4pm-5pm

Parker Kennels

Boarding & Grooming 251-970-DOGS (3647)


Beebe’s Pest Control: Go Ahead, Bug Us!™ Why BeeBe’s?

BEEBE’s PEST & TERMITE CONTROL is a privately owned corporation which has over 100 years combined experience. Beebe’s began serving local communities 40 years ago and through our commitment to service we have been able to expand our coverage to a tri-state area which includes Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and now Florida! Our comprehensive pest control services are designed to specifically meet the needs of Gulf Coast homeowners. Because pests can be a year-round concern, regularly scheduled service is important to keeping your home pest-free. We offer you: Expert, comprehensive indoor pest control. Some household pests are not just an unsightly nuisance — they can also pose health risks to you and your family. Our complete residential interior pest extermination program controls all kinds of ants, silverfish, and roaches, which can carry allergens that can aggravate asthma and other respiratory conditions. Because some pests need only 1/64th of an inch for entry, we treat even the smallest crevices throughout your home, including around doors and windows, and where wiring or pipes come in to your home. Our trained technicians closely inspect your home to locate the hiding spots where pests may infest and reproduce, then apply precise treatments to exterminate them. With regular service, you can rest assured that pest problems will stay well under control.

Our Philosophy

We would appreciate the opportunity to provide our quality service to you, your family & your community. Our goal is to provide you with the best pest and termite protection possible along with the continued security and peace of mind that comes with it. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to call.

24-Hour Response Time

With our 24-hour / 365 day response time, we ensure you will have your pest control issue addressed immediately. We make pest protection easy and hassle-free, providing you with the best customer service experience in the industry.

Quality Service

We’ve met the pest control needs of our valued customers for more than four decades. Call on us for all of your pest problems!

Environmental Responsibility

Pest and termite control are services that require constant adaptation to change in order to provide a safe effective solution. We use only EPA-approved products that have been tested and proven effective.

Our Staff

All of our technicians are trained and submit themselves to continuing education in their respective field.

Experience the Difference at Pine Rest Funeral Home Pine Rest Memorial Park & Funeral Home is a funeral home in Foley, AL that has been serving the community for many years. In that time we have made a name for ourselves as the premier funeral planning service in the area. We take care to make sure that your loved one is remembered with respect and love. From video tributes to memorial services, we can do it all. For a great service in Foley, AL, call on Pine Rest Memorial Park & Funeral Home. Our goal is to provide our client families with memorable remembrance experiences. Celebrations of their loved one’s life, and the time they shared.

Tim is a licensed funeral director and registered preneed agent has served families in both Baldwin and Mobile Counties for the past 30 years. Tim lives in Daphne and is married to Robin Street. Bob “Pete” Potter, Funeral Director Bob “Pete” Potter has been in the funeral business for more than 40 years. A native of North Alabama, Pete spent more than twenty years in the Birmingham area and nine years in New Orleans after Katrina. Pete has children and grandchildren who live in New Orleans.

History & Staff

Community Events

We have years of experience caring for families, from all walks of life. Each family comes to us because they know we are leaders in our profession, dedicated to excellence in service, and have the highest integrity. Tim Street, CFSP, General Manager

We give every family in our community unique opportunities to learn, share, and remember. Each of our educational, grief support or remembrance events is designed to appeal to a wide age range, including adults and children. It is our intention to enrich lives, educate minds, and ease sorrows.


Thanks for making us No. 1!

“Where your loved one never leaves our care”

Serving the Eastern Shore area Basic cremation starting at $795

Funeral Services Veteran’s Services Grief Services Personal Memorialization and more

Parker Kennels: All Breed Boarding and Grooming Parker Kennels has been providing quality pet care services for 21 years in Foley Alabama. We strive to give your pet a wonderful boarding experience. We love caring for your baby!

Boarding Facility

We offer different boarding options for different pets. Our runs are our most popular option. At $15 per night these are a 4 foot by 4 foot kennel that attaches to a 16 foot by 4 foot run. Each run lets out into one of our four exercise yards for playtime during the day. We do not mix dogs in the play yard. Our small kennels are a 30 inch by 30 inch kennel inside our main building. These are $12 per night. During the day your puppies are in our rock runs for playtime.

Our Cat Boarding is $8 per cat per night. We offer cages and have a limited number of kitty condos. Daycare is $8 per day and offered 7 days a week. For other pricing please call.

Pet Grooming

Our groomers are highly skilled and love their jobs. Our grooming is by appointment only. Please call for an appointment. Drop off times for grooming appointments are between 7 and 9 a.m. We are dedicated to getting your baby back to you as soon as possible. Please be patient as we groom your pet in a safe and healthy manner.

Riviera Utilities has been installing the equipment and infrastructure needed to offer High Speed Internet Service to our cable TV customers. Installs began on August 1, 2017. Riviera Utilities appreciates the opportunity you have given us to provide reliable High Speed Internet Service and we want to say “thank you� for voting our Internet Services 1st in Baldwin County.

Voted #1 Internet Service Provider. Thank you Baldwin County!



Foley Office 413 E. Laurel Ave. Foley, AL 36535


Daphne Office 700 Whispering Pines Rd. Daphne, AL 36526


Serving South Baldwin County Since 1916

8 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • December 20, 2019 • Gulf Coast Media IN communities SOUTH BALDW jessica@gulfcoa

, PAGE 2






BIG BEAUTIFUL BALDWIN’S BEST OF 2020 Published by GULF COAST MEDIA (a division of Osteen Publishing Company) 901 N. McKenzie St., Foley, AL 36535 251-943-2151 Reproduction without permission is prohibited. GCM accepts no responsibility in the guarantee of goods and services advertised. Extra copies available at the Gulf Coast Media office.




The gates to the drop-off center for Daphne recyclables are locked. The city closed the center in October. The site will reopen during the

2 Christmas holidays, but will only take cardboard.

Daphne business owner arrested on theft charge

SUMMER/FALL 2019 TE R 2019 CH AR EC TO RY COUPONS &The DISCOUNTS Violinist BO AT DIR Everyone in attendance donned their 1920s attire.

performed MAP & CALENDAR to a sold out crowd


that wished to compete. Over a dozen teams participated and were judged on taste, decoraSEE SPOOKY, PAGE







Gary D. Barlow Everett D. Blevins Bruce Angus Brown David K. Burton Robert Lee Callaway Sr. Cecil Agnew Thompson Jr.

The City of Orange Beach’s Creative Director, Jessica Langston’s “The Violinist” was performed to a sold out crowd Oct. 30. The murder mystery dinner included an evening of music, entertainment, food and drinks with a 1920s theme. The 104 in attendance at the Coastal Arts Center of Orange Beach came dressed to impress in their finest 1920s attire. “I am blessed beyond words by the outpour-







Gulf Coast Media VOLUME 43 • ISSUE 47 1 SECTION • 32 PAGES


Art & Museums | Dining Freshest Quality All Departments & Recreation Attractions,•Entertainment • Hand Selected by Our Personal Shoppers Curbside Pickup or FREE Same Charters & Fishing | Day Shopping • Delivery Wine &H F IS Beer INGNOW Online! Order & Pay In Store! •R E AS Markets, RT Specialty SO Foods, Beverages & Sweet Treats GREERS.COM/SHOP HA Lodging | Medical | Worship


Let ’s GoE! Fis

SPORTS, 12 VISIT US ONLIN hFishingAssocia OrangeBeac

Holiday events on the coast PAGE 12


early at Swift



Baldwin County Public Schools holiday concerts

mates received a brand new pair of shoes last week, courSwift School tesy of the Baldwin first grader County SPANISH FORT —Jose sat cross-legged Association of Realtors and on the gym floor and City Council members the nationwide stared at the Shoes That Fit new pair of shoes. hope to move forward program. He lifted with appointing the them from the Last week representat crisp, new box ives nine members of theand kissed them. from the two organizations Spanish Fort School “I love my new visited 24 schools shoes, with they’re soft,” Commission after quesof brand new shoes, stacks he said quietly. disperstions arose about the Jose and each of his 90 classappointment of four of SEE SWIFT, PAGE It’s beginning the commissioners. 3 to sound a lot like The board members the ALLISON MARLOW holidays in Baldwin / STAFF PHOTO will decide how money County Schools. raised in the threeIf holiday music is mill education tax your let these talented jam, passed for Spanish Fort musicians help young schools will be spent. make your holiday The tax is expected to bright. Below is a list bring in about $800,000 of concert dates for a year with the first Baldwin County Schools year’s revenue coming that includes everything in by the end of 2020. from traditional Spanish Fort voters Madrigal Christmas approved the tax in a music to steel drums. resolution on Sept. 17. For more information Fairhope voters also apcontact individual schools. proved a three-mill tax for schools in that district on the same date. The Spanish Fort refDaphne Middle erendum approved by Band Concert School voters called for four of » 6:30 p.m. the nine commissioners » Trojan Hall, located to be appointed based Daphne High School on the on recommendations campus A holiday photo from the principals of booth will be open beginning at 5:30 p.m. the four schools in the district. By ALLISON At the Spanish Fort MARLOW allisonm@gulfc City Council meeting years. on Elberta High School SUBMITTED PHOTO Nov. 4, Shannon CauDespite the official “When new people Christmas Band resolucome ley, the BaldwinThe tion passed by County into the region last Sunday, Concert been here this Daphne city and want to long and thrivJanuary, of every of every Board of Education leaders, those help people in ing.” » 6:30 p.m. volunteers, will year, has our county officially member whose most likely spend districtbeen set there The is » a Elberta High School county-wid conduit already aside to that day honor includes Spanish Gym working, like Fort, set up,” said the work by began as a small e ministry they do nearly Sally hundreds council of volunteers said Superintendent every day, of of Pine Grove Elementary ecutive director. Deane, exformed by church at Ecumenica every year, to “It’s a strong l members Ministries, Education Eddie School help those in Tyler Inc. over organization who were concerned need in Baldwin and it is nice the last 50 about did not want principals County. » 6 p.m. to know that the safety of there migrant workers' involved in the selecmunity organizatiois a comn that has Foley High School tion process. SEE HELPING Band Concert, “Mr. Tyler has said , PAGE 4 jazz ensemble several times that he’s and trombone ensemble, not comfortable with Thomas Hospital By JOHNapprincipals making UNDERWOOD Christmas & Carols pointmentsjohn@gulfcoast gathered for to this a Complete » 5:30 – 7 p.m. mission,” Cauley told County Committee nity Engagemen t manager, council members. ROBERTSD meeting on Friday kickoff “He ALE “it’s because kickoff meeting — As we EMA is the cenSEE CONCERTS on Friday, head doesn’t want Baldwin County at the theinto printer of activity , PAGE 3 2020, residents Emergency for a lot of what Nov. 22 and will be working in Baldwin cipals involved Management withCounty the with city’s and Agency’s Emer- goes on in Baldwin County.” have a lot to communities consider, politics that gency Operations could come Bloodworth throughout Baldwin but one thing Botop, along Center. BALDWIN FAST they County from this.”may not have “A lot of people with Tanner as Census Day FACTS thought about Jones, research — the day Centhat Baldwin Councilman wondering why may be J.R. analyst with sus cards go County officials we held the the Baldwin out throughout Smith saidwant meeting here,” the selection to bring to the County Economic the nation — According to said Sherryforefront nears on April Prodisee Panis the process was Lea Bloodworth listed in upcoming ment Commissio Develop1. “We cannot try officials, 2020 Botop. the n, and Jean stress enough more than 1,500 Baldwin County Census. County Commissio E. Hogue, partnership how important Thanksgiving officials n’s Public it is that meals were special- everyone Information SEE EDUCATION, PAGE 2 ist with the Atlanta distributed to officer/Com be counted,” Regional needy famimusaid Census Center, lies in Baldwin conducted the County this month.

50 years of help

ing people help


Dec. 3


More boats should soon be able to use the Daphne public boat launch following the approval of $800,000 in federal funding to dredge the D’Olive Bay channel.



All Departments • Freshest Quality Shoppers by Our Personal Pickup • Hand Selected Same Day Curbside Store! • Delivery or FREE Pay In Online! Order & • Beer & Wine NOW


Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office investigators arrested a Daphne business owner on theft charges after a Magnolia Springs customer reported that he took $1,400 for a job that was never completed. Find out more on page 18.


2019 | GulfCoastN |




Spanish Baldwin Fort seeking works County Association of Realtor education supply with national organization to s every student commissioners with new shoes By GUY BUSBY

Spanish Fort, Daphne projects get funding




Veterans were celebrated with ceremonies around Baldwin County in honor of Veterans Day. While the holiday to celebrate those who served in the armed forces was Monday, schools and communities held a variety of celebrations over several days. See pictures on page 15.

DAPHNE — Recycling collection schedules, costs and the material accepted may soon change in Daphne, but the company taking the city’s recyclables will remain the same, city officials said. The Daphne City Council will hold public meetings in the near future to discuss changes that officials hope will help reduce the cost of solid waste collection that is projected to cost taxpayers

every Friday.

The Baldwin Tim es

Holiday arrives


Daphne plans recycling changes

Recognizing Baldwin veterans


LouAnn Love 803-603-8044

Alpacas can help your garden tech Upgrade your home with


PAGE 4-6


A little sweet and spooky competition at Gulf Shores High School

Gulf Coast Media

Tips for a happy, healthy

NOVEMBER 13, 2019 | |


Veterans Day at our schools jessica@gulfcoa




Shelby announces $14.4 million DOT BUILD grant for Gulf Shores highway infrastructure project



expire in Novemterm is set to ber of 2020. presented Mayor Bob Wills




An evening of recognition and community in Orange Beach

For The Onlooker tcovington@ci.b

— Anne BAY MINETTE has been Halliday Corbett to Bay Minette appointed in left council seat take over the death of her vacant by the Corbett. husband, Danleigh McDowell adJudge Marcus at oath of office ministered the City Council the Bay Minette Nov. 4. Monday, on meeting was appointed Anne Corbett 1 council seat, to the District term of unexpired the filling who was her late husband, then rein 2008, first elected and 2016. The elected in 2012

PAGE 4-6




in County, AL

Bicentennial wraps up

The Courier

Veterans Day at our schools


Frank Kustura 251-923-8129

Aaronvi citizens concerned about “displacements, raised rent”



Gary D. Barlow Everett D. Blevins Bruce Angus Brown David K. Burton Sr. Robert Lee Callaway Jr. Cecil Agnew Thompson

1 SECTION • 32

ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Bethany Summerlin 251-266-9982

NOVEMBER 13, 2019 | |


Covering all of Baldw

OUTDOORS: Alabama snapper anglers stay within 2019 quota, PAGE 11


PAGE 4-6

ointed to Anne Corbett app ncil seat cou late husband’s


Bicentennial wraps up

The Islander

Veterans Day at our schools


GRAPHIC DESIGN Paige Marmolejo

scene. Postles, Michael Vincent was traveling 33, of Elberta, on the Baldwin northbound at around Beach Express 5 when the 8:15 p.m. Nov. he Kawaksaki motorcycle


DOT Better Utilizing InvestSubmitted ment to Leverage DevelopU.S. Senator Richard Shelby ment (BUILD) Grant Program, which focuses on economic de(R-Ala.) announced that the U.S. Department of Transpor- velopment and infrastructure — Aaronville receives Island FOLEYMoore upgrades. tation (DOT) will award the atcitizens recently Award for October “This is excellent news for Spirit City of Gulf Shores, Alabama, council tended Foley the City of Gulf Shores and a federal highway infrastrucOc- Alabama BusiThe Coastal meetings in both our Gulf Coast region,” said ture improvement grant in ness Chamber recently tober and November Senator Shelby. “The $14.4 the amount of $14,404,831 for the Island Spirit Planning Comafter thepresented million BUILD grant from edmonth of a project to increase the cathe for recommend Award mission DOT will enhance the safety pacity of State Highway 59 in with forward to Paige Moore of moving October Baldwin County. The grant is comin the Diner in Orange Duck’s a rezoning SEE SHELBY, PAGE 2 made available as part of the applicant The 16. munity.Beach. See more on page request for the rezoning Authoris the Housing is request the and ity, current to change the of R1 and R3 zoningGov. awards $2.58 Ivey citizens to PUD. The the as enhance million to are concerned plan includes recreation outdoor rezoning homes the remodeling in Alabamathose in the area, even great Alabama’s Theyoutdoors that are occupied. get even better is about tocould argue that this peopletotaling to grants thanksleave potentially to unable by awarded million $2.58 or displaced theirThe funds intoIvey. backKay moveGov. the Housing if improve parks and will homes raises prices areas in seven Authority recreational uphomes are afterAlabama cities and one dated. to page 2 to state park. Turn original thing “The read more. is that the we were told will Housing Authority a until not do anything then out, family moves that they won’t rent said property again,” ber Ralph councilmem will Hellmich. “They until this continue to do First place team in the Gulf Shores High Cupcake Competition they create enough can do space so they in the gymnasium of Gulf PAGE 10 By MELANIE LECROY project the rebuilding Shores High School Oct. 31. They’re not phases. inGary D. Barlow A school-wide cupcake to move evSUBMITTED PHOTOS planning Blevins competition was held in the Everett D.out A little sweet and spooky and build erybody gymnasium for any student Bruce Angus Brown at once, competition was brewing everything new David K. Burtonto do it a they’re going way ThatSr. Callaway Robert a time. atLee little phase Jr. Thompson Cecil Agnew the first when can move gets done they phase two people from new houses into the the By MELANIE LECROY houses and begin the next phase, and third same with the to his The November Community phase.” He states price Potluck featured the annual ing3 no LIVING, BALDWIN understand police and fire awards cerwill be made increases21 and CLASSIFIED, emony Nov. 4 at the Orange on the properties, into Beach Community Center. 19 will move HEALTH, families homes Orange Beach Fire Chief the remodeled 25 LEGALS, what Mike Kimmerling presented paying exactly her the 2019 City of Orange Beach OPINION, 23 a portrait of Corbett with E, PAGE 2 Fire Department firefighter of as the name AARONVILL SEE 8 ABOUT, & OUT husband as well council seat. plate for his SEE EVENING, PAGE 2 PUZZLES, 24

$50,000 to mitiapproximately The project bers have spent gate the damage. Councilmem controlling the performing would include the last month and pumping on the property. groundwater due diligence away from the turning the resting water Plans included john@gulfcoastm the existinto a joint SPRINGS — property, removing existing building MAGNOLIA a three-step library before council meet— Two moing mold with town hall and During a special ROSINTON revealed Nov. changing the an Escambia process, and building inspections ing held on Wednesday, torcyclists and councilunder the house firefighter would be more environment 6, Magnolia SpringsMayor Kim the project County, Florida, ed. growing in the for in separate to prevent mold costly than predetermin members voted buildlost their lives the and terminate night future. During inspection, large Koniar to officially crashes Tuesday morning, out another to have agreement beMassey pointed ing was found the purchase early Wednesday covering the was the hallway and property in central and problem area amounts of mold tween the town Nov. 5 and 6 a center beam of the house, Magnolia County. floor, where entire bottom owners of 12395 By terminorth Baldwin was beginmold growing Elberta under the house as well as some Springs Highway. On Nov. 5, an during causing the floor beneath the in a collining to sink, on the ground nating the agreement man was killed SUV and a notice any the developed not mold period, an to slope. He did structure. The the due diligence back earsion involving into the house being trapped the Beach Exmold spreading due to moisture and while council will receiveamount of motorcycle on stated neither 10, acthe or termites, but in the crawlspace, nest money in press near Interstateissued was detected, release no wood rot $10,000. , PAGE 2 cording to a entered an inspector SEE MAGNOLIA the Alabama Rick Massey, The town recently Wednesday by it would cost agreement t Agency. with AFS, stated into the purchase October Law Enforcemen of early mornat the beginning Then, in the Nov. 6, a ing hours of was killed Pensacola man tractora with in a collision Road 112 trailer on County state line. near the Florida County, FlorAn Escambia also lost his ida, firefighter tractorlife when another into the trailer rig crashed By JESSICA VAUGHN




terminates Magnolia Springse agreement building purchas


Two motorcyclists, firefighter die in crashes

PUBLISHER Parks Rogers


om | | GulfCoastNewsToday.c

Bicentennial wraps up COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Ongoing and Upcoming Events, PAGE 15



The Onlooker

Serving the greater

SPANISH FORT — Projects to improve public access to Mobile Bay in Daphne and Spanish Fort can move forward with the approval of more than $3 million in federal funding. The announcement by Gov. Kay Ivey of funding for 16 Baldwin and Mobile County projects through the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Spanish Fort officials plan to move forward with plans to create a Act includes funding for a waterfront park and welcome center on Mobile Bay where a Hudson Causeway waterfront park Oil gas station once stood. The city will receive $2.5 million in federal and welcome center in Spanfunding for the project. ish Fort and the dredging of the D’Olive Bay channel in residents and visitors. critical information that is Daphne. “The projects we’re anneeded to protect and mainChris Blankenship, comnouncing today will have a tain our beautiful Mobile Bay missioner of the Alabama great impact on improving and its tributaries,” he said. Department of Conservation the public access to our waterThe city of Spanish Fort and Natural Resources, said front and waterways, create will receive $2.5 million to the projects will make local some special places for outwaters more accessible to door recreation and provide SEE FUNDING

, PAGE 2

Gulf Coast Media

Dec. 5

County hosts Comp lete


kickoff for 2020




Count Committee

• Freshest Quality All Departments • Hand Selected by Our Personal Shoppers • Delivery or FREE Same Day Curbside Pickup • Beer & Wine NOW Online! Order & Pay In Store!


, PAGE 7

Deaths Page 6

Sidney Smith Buel Wayne Waldrop Frankie Kay Nordstrom


Gulf Coast Media VOLUME 129 • ISSUE 29 1 SECTION • 28 PAGES



From the Gulf Coast Media Team: When we embarked on this new digital project called “Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020”, we didn’t know how successful it would be in engaging the community. We didn’t know we would end up with 194,430 votes, more than 300 winning categories and tremendous engagement from the Baldwin County community. We knew we would have a great new opportunity for Baldwin businesses, charities, clubs and individuals to promote but the community participation has exceeded our expectations. Throughout the process that has ultimately led to the 40 pages before you, the passion of the Baldwin community online and print readers proved to be overwhelming

in this new interactive format. The winners in these pages and the thousands more who were nominated represent what makes Baldwin a great place to live, work and visit — an intertwining of people, places and businesses working together for the betterment of the community. To the winners, wear your Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 badge with pride. You are celebrated by the Baldwin community and your dedicated and exceptional service is appreciated. To the voters, thank you for your active participation in Baldwin’s lifestyle and prosperity. Gulf Coast Media’s goal is to support Baldwin’s growth and prosperity. We’re committed every

day to providing Baldwin with a world-class local media company in our four weekly newspapers and numerous special print and online publications. In addition to our printed products, you have seen an increase in our online offerings and social media posts. As a family-owned local media company, we thank the community for your support and participation in this interesting and informative contest, and thank you for spending part of your week with us, every week, and for trusting and relying on us. We are grateful for your readership. Best wishes, The Gulf Coast Media Team

The area’s premier Go-Kart and Family Fun Park! Race to your heart’s content at The Track in Gulf Shores, AL! Fun for the whole family, The Track features six Go-Kart Tracks, Mini Golf, Blaster Boats, Kids Country Rides, the high flying Skycoaster, the Spinning Coaster, and Fat Daddy’s Arcade. Check out the brand new Slick Track (Now Open!) for a slipping, sliding go-kart experience. Buy points online and redeem them at a kiosk to let the fun begin. Take advantage of our bundle pricing and pick a package that fits you or your family.

Celebrating 25+ years of family fun

The Track in Gulf Shores opened in 1993. Looking back some things never change... like seeing who finishes first on the go-kart track or flying through the air on the Skycoaster. From our family to yours, let’s keep the fun going!

Go Karts

Racing fun for all ages! See who finishes first on the elevated tracks, enjoy a great ride for all ages on the Family Track, and let the kids take the wheel on the Kiddie & Rookie Tracks.

Rides & More

Want to take a break from racing? Enjoy Blaster Boats, Mini Golf, Bumper Cars, Kids Country rides and more! Thrill seekers will love the Spinning Coaster and high flying Skycoaster!

Fat Daddy’s Arcade

Beat the heat and the rain in The Track’s signature arcade! Fun for all ages, enjoy over 50 classic and interactive arcade games. Redeem your tickets to win awesome prizes!

10 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • December 20, 2019 • Gulf Coast Media

ADVERTISER INDEX Alabama Credit Union Alabama Glass Works, Inc. Ascent Audiology & Hearing Baldwin County Humane Society Baldwin Tractor Barr Group Mortgage Bay Music LLC Beebe’s Pest & Termite Control Big Daddy’s Grill Campbell Hardware & Sporting Goods Cardiology Associates Coastal Alabama Community College Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market Coastal Arts Center of Orange Beach Cobb & Terrezza Optical Dirty Hairy Dog Wash Ebert Agency Emerald Homes Fish River Grill Frances Holk-Jones – State Farm Furniture City Healthsource of Foley Hellmich Electric, Inc. Infirmary Health Island Granite

23 37 33 31 38, 40 29 33 2, 4 35 23 31 30 35 21 11 30 21 20, 21 14 27 18 28 10 24, 25 12, 13

HELLMICH ELECTRIC, INC. Commercial/Residential All Work Guaranteed Licensed & Insured



Beth & Gary Hellmich, Owners 903 West Laurel Ave., Foley, Al 36535


J&M Tackle 16 Josh Lankford – State Farm 35 Live Oak Village 27 Lotus CBD 38, 39 M&F Casuals 17 Manning Jewelry 11 Middleton Auto Parts 24 Moyer Ford 37 Old Tyme Feed & Garden Supply 33 OWA 18, 19 Parker Kennels 3, 6 Pen Air Federal Credit Union 18 Pine Rest Funeral Home 4, 5 Portabella’s 31 Practical Pools & Ponds, LLC 28 Racine’s Feed, Garden & Supply, Inc. 24 Reflexions Hair Salon 29 Roberts Brothers, Inc. 10 Riviera Utilities 6, 7 Snook Christian Academy 12 Southern Antiques and Accents 30 The Track Family Fun Park 8, 9 United Bank 14, 15 Wildflowers Boutique 28 Wolf Bay Lodge 29

Gulf Coast Media • December 20, 2019 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • 11

AND THE WINNERS ARE... Auto Loan Provider Winner: Pen Air Federal Credit Union Second Place: Alabama Credit Union Third Place: Citizens’ Bank Inc

Second Place: Floyd’s Exhaust & Performance Third Place: Terry Thompson Chevrolet

Auto Parts Winner: Middleton Auto Parts

Service and Repair Winner: Sweat Tire Inc

Second Place: O’Reilly Auto Parts - Foley Third Place: AutoZone Auto Parts

Second Place: Freeman Collision Center LLC Third Place: Huck’s Automotive Performance

Car Salesperson Winner: Ashley Sherelle Turner - Moyer Ford

Tires Winner: Sweat Tire Inc

Second Place: Holly Bishop - Gulf Chrysler Dodge Jeep Foley Third Place: Cliff Stapleton - Terry Thompson Chevrolet

Second Place: Doering Tire Service & Automotive Repair Third Place: Fairhope Tire

Car Wash Winner: Bebo’s Express Car Wash - Foley

Towing Service Winner: Tony’s Towing Inc

AUTOMOTIVE Auto Accessories Winner: Moyer Ford Sales Inc

Second Place: AutoZone Auto Parts Third Place: Terry Thompson Chevrolet

Auto Audio and Electronics Winner: Paul’s Sound and Performance Second Place: Radical Ridez Third Place: Floyd’s Exhaust & Performance

Auto Detailer Winner: Bebo’s Express Car Wash - Foley Second Place: Orange Beach Marine Clean Third Place: Southern Chevrolet

Auto Insurance Winner: Frances Holk-Jones State Farm Insurance Agent

Second Place: Josh Wild - State Farm Insurance Agent Third Place: Alfa Insurance

Second Place: Da’ Carwash Third Place: Zippy’s Car Wash

Second Place: Little Bitty’s Towing Third Place: Auto Medic - Loxley

Dealership Service Winner: Moyer Ford Sales Inc

Truck Bedliners Winner: Custom Truck Accessories

Second Place: Gulf Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Third Place: Terry Thompson Chevrolet

Second Place: Floyd’s Exhaust & Performance Third Place: Commercial Van Specialist

Local Mechanic Winner: Doering Tire Service & Automotive Repair

Upholstery Winner: Suncoast Creations

Second Place: Huck’s Automotive Performance Third Place: Lott’s Auto Care

New Car Dealership Winner: Moyer Ford Sales Inc

Second Place: Gulf Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Third Place: Terry Thompson Chevrolet

Oil Change Winner: Terry Thompson Chevrolet

Second Place: Gulf Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Third Place: Walmart Supercenter


Rims Winner: Radical Ridez


Everyone should own at least one special and unique piece of jewelry. Our goal is to make it happen!

Second Place: Commercial Van Specialist Third Place: Orange Beach Marine Clean

Used Car Dealership Winner: Coastal Auto Group

Second Place: Gulf Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Third Place: Terry Thompson Chevrolet

Window Tinting Winner: Precision Glass Tinting

Second Place: Paul’s Sound and Performance Third Place: Radical Ridez

Cobb and Terrezza Optical is honored to accept 1st place for Best Eyeglass Store AND 1st Place for Best Optometrist in Baldwin County. We appreciate each of the voters who showed their support during the Best of the Best 2020 contest. Thank You for trusting Cobb and Terrezza Optical for all of your eye care and eye wear needs. Call Cobb & Terrezza Optical today to get your vision to 20/20 for 2020!


• Custom Design Jewelry By Glenn Manning • Quality Repairs • Beautiful Showcase Jewelry • Outstanding Service Since 1949 207 West Laurel Ave. (U.S. Hwy. 98) Foley, AL. 251-943-4771 Beside Gift Horse Restaurant Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm

Eyewear that sets you apart from the crowd. EYEGLASS STORE

• Most vision and medical insurances accepted • Over 2,500 frames and sunglasses to choose from


309 N. McKenzie St. Foley, AL 36535 251.943.5115

ISLAND GRANITE presents its concept store in Foley In order to bring the public closer to the trends of the natural stone universe, Island Granite, opened this year in Baldwin County, its first concept store. The space presents to customers and contractors the option of a personalized service in a sophisticated and comfortable environment. The shop, which specializes in natural stone countertops, displays products from various brands and suppliers, offering multiple color and texture choices in materials such as granite, marble, quartz and quartzite. “Every detail of this store has been thought to make the customer experience more enjoyable. Our catalog today has thousands of options and we worked together with our distributors so that they can see as many materials as possible, broadening their choices. ” said Tiago Mota, owner of Island Granite. Located in an area over 2 acres, the showroom shares space with the company’s granite

yard, where is possible to choose from several options of full slabs that can be used for many projects; and the new fabrication building, which has also been modernized to increase quality and production capacity. Only on the last 6 months, since the new shop began production, they’ve installed about 40,000 Sq.Ft of kitchen and bathroom countertops. To close the year with a gold key, Island Granite has won 3 prizes in the “Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020; on the categories: Best Countertop Installation, Best Bathroom Remodeler and Best Granite Counters. The Island Granite showroom is located at 20053 Richard Childress Ln, Foley AL; and operates Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information you can call 251-943-7663.

Thank you Baldwin County! VOTED: #1 Private School #2 Pre-School

Since 1904. Being United Has Its Advantages. Founded in 1904, United Bank has a rich history of serving the communities of Southwest Alabama and Northwest Florida as only a community bank can. Here at United Bank we provide the latest conveniences alongside hometown customer service that generations before would be proud of. United Bank is routinely recognized as one of America's strongest banks and is committed to providing the exceptional customer service our customers have come to expect. On January 4, 2019, United Bank, founded as the Bank of Atmore, celebrated 115 years of service to the South Alabama and Northwest Florida communities we so proudly serve. During these years, we endured two world wars, the Great Depression, and countless other political and economic events. We consider those years a success for the simple fact that we survived. That alone places us among few other banks that can boast the same distinction. Another way that we might evaluate these 115 years is in terms of growth. When we opened in January 1904, the Bank of Atmore had paid capital stock of $15,000 and by October 1904, we had assets totaling $44,668. Growth and prosperity endured through the decades. During the 1960s and 1970s, the bank expanded its Main office time and again and the bank opened its Flomaton branch as well as a new Atmore branch. At the end of 1978, the bank experienced the most rapid growth in its history achieving a growth rate of 406 percent. We concluded the decade in 1979 with total assets of $45.7 million. During 1982, the Bank of Atmore created a holding company, United Bancorporation of Alabama, Inc., purchased its Frisco City location and opened a branch in Monroeville. It also began operating as United Bank, and headed into this decade with a host of technological improvements including ATMs, Advantage 24 Bankline telephone service, check imaging, and more. In the late 1990s, additional branches were opened in Foley, Lillian and Bay Minette. United Bank started the 21st century with continued growth by opening full service branches in Silverhill, Magnolia Springs, Summerdale, and a second office in Bay Minette. We entered Florida with full service branching in Jay and Milton, Florida in 2005.

The Business Banking Center was opened in Loxley in November of 2006. The Pace, Florida branch was opened in 2007 along with a new office in the Eastern Shore Centre. We recently opened a full service branch located just behind the Loxley Business Center bringing our total branches to 17 in addition to three specialized loan offices.

Atmore’s North Main Street about 1918.

Today, United Bank is routinely recognized as one of America’s strongest banks by national bank ratings firms. United Bank’s Internet Banking is an exciting opportunity to better serve our customers and introduce others to United Bank’s style of “high tech, high touch” banking by developing financial products and services that help our customers live and work and offer customer service and convenience, too. We are committed to the communities of South Alabama and Northwest Florida. Our past, present and future prosperity is founded upon this singular mission. A native of Camden, Ala., Jones joined United Bank in 1990 and became President and CEO in 1992. He is a Navy veteran and received both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration from Auburn University. He is a graduate of Southwestern Graduate School of Banking at Southern Methodist University, the ABA National Commercial Lending School, and the Professional CEO Robert Master of Banking School at Louisiana State UniR. Jones versity. Currently Jones serves on the Auburn Magazine Board of Directors, the Industrial Development Board for the City of Atmore, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council and the Community Development Bankers Association.

THANKS FOR VOTING FOR US! First Place: • French Fries at the Beach

Second Place: • Al Fresco Dining at the Beach • Family Restaurant • Gumbo

Third Place: • Burger at the Beach • Fried Shrimp at the Beach • Sports Bar • Takeout

Creator of the original recipe of Swamp Soup.

Jubilee Beast Bloody Mary 11950 County Road 32 Fairhope, AL Fairhope, Alabama


19270 Scenic Hwy. 98 Fairhope, Alabama


608 S. McKenzie Street (Foley Plaza on Hwy. 59) Foley, Alabama

251.952.FISH (3474)

1545 Gulf Shores Pkwy (Next to Rouses) Gulf Shores, Alabama


16 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • December 20, 2019 • Gulf Coast Media

AND THE WINNERS ARE... BEST OF THE BEACH Al Fresco Dining at the Beach Winner: The Gulf - Orange Beach Second Place: Fish River Grill Third Place: LuLu’s Gulf Shores

Bait and Tackle Shop Winner: J&M Tackle

Second Place: Sam’s Bait and Tackle Third Place: Hooked Up Bait & Tackle

Beach Winner: Orange Beach Second Place: Gulf Shores Third Place: Gulf State Park

Beach and Nautical Décor Store Winner: The Southern Grind Coffee House at The Wharf Second Place: Old Time Pottery Foley Third Place: Wolf Bay Restaurant - Orange Beach

Beach Bar Winner: Flora-Bama

Second Place: Pirates Cove Marina & Restaurant Third Place: The Gulf - Orange Beach

Beach for Dogs Winner: Pirate’s Cove Second Place: Ft. Morgan Third Place: Fairhope

Third Place: The Wharf

Beach Venue for Live Music Winner: The Wharf Amphitheater Second Place: Flora-Bama Third Place: The Hangout

Bloody Mary at the Beach Winner: Brick & Spoon - Orange Beach Second Place: Perdido Beach Resort Third Place: Tacky Jacks - Orange Beach

Boat Dealership Winner: Paradise Marine Center

Second Place: Grander Marine Third Place: Legendary Marine - Gulf Shores

Boat Tour Winner: Sail Wild Hearts

Second Place: Back Bay Sailing Adventures Third Place: Barefoot Private Family Dolphin Excursions & Cruises

Crab Cake at the Beach Winner: The Tin Top Restaurant & Oyster Bar Second Place: Cosmo’s Restaurant & Bar Third Place: DeSoto’s Seafood Kitchen

Crawfish at the Beach Winner: Rouses Market

Second Place: The Undertow Third Place: DeSoto’s Seafood Kitchen

Family Beach Winner: Gulf Shores Public Beach Second Place: Orange Beach Third Place: Gulf State Park

French Fries at the Beach Winner: Fish River Grill - Gulf Shores Second Place: Brick & Spoon - Orange Beach Third Place: LuLu’s - Gulf Shores

Fried Seafood Platter at the Beach Winner: DeSoto’s Seafood Kitchen

Boutique at the Beach Winner: Wildflowers Boutique

Second Place: Wolf Bay Restaurant - Foley Third Place: Doc’s Seafood Shack & Oyster Bar

Burger at the Beach Winner: Pirates Cove Marina & Restaurant

Second Place: Sea N Suds Third Place: Fish River Grill - Gulf Shores

Second Place: Tallulah’s Treasures Third Place: Wolf Bay Restaurant at Orange Beach

Second Place: Bleus Burger Restaurant, Bar, and Food Truck Third Place: Fish River Grill - Gulf Shores

Fried Shrimp at the Beach Winner: Wolf Bay Restaurant - Foley Gumbo at the Beach Winner: Wolf Bay Restaurant - Foley

Beach Furniture Winner: Coco Island Furniture & Accessories

Bushwacker at the Beach Winner: Pirates Cove Marina & Restaurant

Second Place: Sea N Suds Third Place: Doc’s Seafood Shack & Oyster Bar

Beach Venue for Amusement Rides Winner: OWA

Charter Fishing Boat Winner: Reel Surprise Charters

Second Place: Cosmo’s Restaurant & Bar Third Place: Perdido Beach Resort

Second Place: Think Outside... Third Place: Malouf Furniture

Second Place: The Track Family Fun Park

Thank you for voting us the BEST!

Second Place: Flora-Bama Third Place: Tacky Jacks - Orange Beach

Happy Hour at the Beach Winner: Cobalt, The Restaurant

Second Place: Sea Hunter Charters Third Place: Bama Slam Inshore Adventures



Gulf Coast Media • December 20, 2019 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • 17

Lifeguard at the Beach Winner: Orange Beach Surf Rescue Second Place: Malachi Morgan

Margarita at the Beach Winner: Cactus Cantina - Canal Road Second Place: LuLu’s - Gulf Shores Third Place: Margarita Loca Bar & Grill

Marina Winner: Sportsman Marina

Second Place: Zeke’s Landing Marina Third Place: The Wharf Marina

Oysters at the Beach Winner: Acme Oyster House Second Place: Papa Rocco’s Third Place: Voyagers

M&F Casuals: Leading the way in Downtown Fairhope Over 45 years ago, M & F Casuals opened its doors in historic downtown Fairhope, Alabama. Ann and Marc Miller discovered the Fairhope Avenue location in 1973, and updated its iconic façade twenty years later. The family tradition continues to this day with their daughters Barbara Levitt and Carol Eberlein, who run the day-to-day operations. With frequent buying trips to New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Dallas, M&F Casuals has always maintained a commitment to provide the most current styles and trends at affordable prices. A women’s boutique, M&F Casuals offers a great shopping experience with a myriad of high-quality brands and styles. We carry specialty clothing, accessories, shoes, and unique gifts. Our customers, who are dear friends to us, look for us to provide the latest trends, and trust us to be honest about fit, style, and value. We appeal to the casual day-to-day dresser who is not afraid to kick it up a notch when they need to. Our philosophy of “Lifestyle Affordable Dressing at its Very Best” helps us deliver exceptional service to all of our loyal customers. M&F Casuals finds great success by making our customers our top priority. Our sales team encourages everyone to embrace their own personal style, and will curate a wardrobe of clothes that will fit best. We always strive for a high level of customer service. Our wonderful sales team loves to see you in the store, and will go out of their way to welcome you and make sure that you find what you need.

Parasailing Boat Winner: Ike’s Parasail

Second Place: Orange Beach Parasail Third Place: Chute Em Up Parasail

Pizza at the Beach Winner: Papa Rocco’s

Second Place: Crico’s Pizza & Subs Third Place: Trattoria Pizza & Italian OWA

Place to go on a Date at the Beach Winner: Cobalt, The Restaurant

Second Place: Voyagers Third Place: Fisher’s at Orange Beach Marina

Restaurant for Beach Scenery Winner: The Gulf - Orange Beach Second Place: Perch, at the Lodge Third Place: Sea N Suds

We thank ALL our friends of Baldwin County for voting us Best Boutique! Holiday store hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am-5:30pm Sundays 1-4pm

380 Fairhope Avenue Fairhope AL. 36532 251-928-5564

Did you know OWA means “Big Water”? OWA. It means big water in the Muscogee Creek language, and that’s what families can see from the peaks of OWA’s highest amusement-park rides: big views of the Gulf of Mexico. Down below, in the glow of carousel lights and traditional Southern streets, another view is illuminated for parents — the satisfaction of a day well-spent and long-remembered. Like any big water, OWA moves with a different-every-day energy. New things to see and do in The Park, new shows at the amphitheater located on a 1.5-acre island surrounded by the property’s signature lake, new menus along the streets of Downtown OWA, an ever-changing audience-participation playlist coordinating music, lights and fountain jets in the lake bringing all of OWA together; a beach-vacation tradition that’s made new with every visit. Family is at the center of the OWA experience. The Park’s 22 rides and new Wacky Waters splash pad provide a lot of thrills — especially the thrill of a place where parents can enjoy saying yes over and over again. It’s always a relaxing day with the kid-friendly atmosphere and great value on food and beverage. Downtown OWA is admission free, meaning it’s not only the perfect

complement to a trip to The Park — it’s a great place to stop by any time for shopping, a memorable meal or treat. From local favorites like Fairhope Soap Company to national names like Wahlburger’s and Paula Deen’s Family Kitchen, there’s something for everyone. A stroll around Downtown OWA is like a visit to the Southern towns that inspired it: hospitable, comfortable — a memorable Coastal Alabama day. The OWA experience doesn’t stop when the day ends; a new, on-site TownePlace Suites by Marriott offers the comfort and service guests expect from Marriott, but with a one-of-a-kind décor that plays off OWA’s fun atmosphere. Natural materials and design elements in the hotel honor the vision of the Poarch Creek Indians who first envisioned this family-friendly place known as OWA. OWA’s expansive property also house the Foley Sports Tourism Complex, which opened to the public in 2016. Complete with 16 outdoor state-ofthe-art sports fields, the City of Foley’s Sports Complex hosts a number of sporting events and tournaments throughout the year. Adjacent to the Sports Fields sits the complex’s 90,000 sq. ft. indoor Events Center. From gymnastics to lacrosse, this sports complex brings yet another reason for families to visit OWA.

Best Furniture Store in Baldwin County



Thanks for voting for us!

22893 State Hwy 59 S, Robertsdale 251-947-5877

Emerald Homes delivers quality, value, and peace of mind! Emerald Homes LLC has delivered quality, value, peace of mind, and long lasting customer satisfaction in beautiful and affordable homes. We are proud of the reputation we have earned as the leading Manufactured Home Dealership along the Gulf Coast. Through Emerald Homes’ vertically integrated organization, we are able to offer convenient one-stop shopping for new homes, land, insurance, construction, and financing needs. Today, more than 80% of our customers tell us they were referred to Emerald Homes by someone they trust. As a locally family-owned company, our commitment to quality and value is even integrated into our compensation systems. At Emerald Homes we believe that quality, value, and satisfaction are inseparable. Our goal is to sell customers dream homes that exceed their expectations. We have the Nation’s Finest Home Builders including; Buccaneer, Winston,

Clayton, Hamilton, Fleetwood, Southern Energy, and others. Emerald Homes is a family owned and operated since 1997. We are dedicated to making your home purchase easy while always putting your best interest first. Emerald Homes has an A+ service team to make your home purchase the best decision you have made. We look forward to making owning a home a reality. Emerald Homes LLC 24950 Highway 59 Loxley AL, 36551 (251)-947-2311 or (251)-964-SAVE (7283) Emerald Homes LLC



Thank you!




Thank you Baldwin County for voting us best insurance agency and insurance agent!


March 14-15, 2020


Charles J. Ebert, III President

222 West Laurel Ave., Foley, Alabama


Work: 251-943-2281 • Cell: 251-747-5770

Family Owned For 3 Generations


22 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • December 20, 2019 • Gulf Coast Media

AND THE WINNERS ARE... Romantic Restaurant at the Beach Winner: Voyagers

Second Place: Fisher’s at Orange Beach Marina Third Place: Villaggio Grille

Shrimp and Grits at the Beach Winner: The Tin Top Restaurant & Oyster Bar Second Place: Cobalt, The Restaurant Third Place: Brick & Spoon - Orange Beach

Souvenirs at the Beach Winner: Souvenir City

Second Place: Wolf Bay Restaurant at Orange Beach Third Place: The Orange Beach Store

Funeral Home Winner: Pine Rest Funeral Home and Memorial Park LLC

Third Place: Boone Signs, Inc.

Tanning Salon Winner: Suns Up Tans

Second Place: Mack Funeral Home Inc Third Place: Cason Funeral Service

Second Place: Palm Beach Tan Third Place: Island Tan

Golf Cart Sales and Service Winner: Taylor’s Golf Cart Sales & Services

Tattoo Studio Winner: Pink’s Ink Tattoo Parlor

Second Place: Gulf Carts Plus Third Place: Baldwin Golf Cart Sales

Second Place: The Bell Rose Tattoo & Piercing Third Place: Man O’ War Tattoo

Hair Salon Winner: Reflexions Hair Salon

Taxi/Limo Service Winner: Coast Cab

Second Place: The Hair Gallery Third Place: Anthony Jones Hair Salon - Orange Beach

Second Place: Luxury Limo LLC - Gulf Shores Third Place: Bayside Taxi - Fairhope

Architecture Firm Winner: McCollough Architecture

Hotel Winner: The Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, Autograph Collection

Temp/Employment Agency Winner: Long’s Human Resource Services

Auction Company Winner: Coastal Auction Co Inc

Insurance Company Winner: Josh Lankford - State Farm Insurance Agent

BUSINESS Second Place: Walcott Adams Verneuille Architects Third Place: Adams Stewart Architects, LLC

Second Place: Bonds Realty & Auction Third Place: Area 59 Auction House

Bail Bond Company Winner: A+ Bail Bonds

Second Place: Baldwin County Bonding Co Inc Third Place: L.A. Investigations & Bail Bonds

Barbershop Winner: Dallas Jones Barber Shop Second Place: Wayne’s Barber Shop Third Place: Chuck’s Barber Shop

Bed & Breakfast Winner: Magnolia Springs Bed and Breakfast Second Place: Hotel Magnolia Third Place: Original Romar House B & B Inn

Child Care Center Winner: SonShine Park - Foley First Baptist Second Place: Cradle 2 Crayons, Inc. Third Place: First Baptist Child Development Center

Cleaning Company Winner: Bayside Concierge & Cleaning Services

Second Place: Two Maids & A Mop of Baldwin County Third Place: Maids of Jubilee

Commercial Real Estate Company Winner: Keller Williams Alabama Gulf Coast Second Place: Roberts Brothers Fairhope Third Place: Scout South Properties

Computer and IT Company Winner: PointClear Networks

Second Place: Datatrust Technologies & Consultants, Inc. Third Place: The HOTspot Third Place: Tmak Signs & Graphics

Copy Shop Winner: Printing Pros

Second Place: The UPS Store - Foley Third Place: Printing Zone Third Place: The UPS Store - Orange Beach

Dance Studio Winner: South Baldwin Dance Center Second Place: Creative Outlet Dance Center Third Place: Coastal Ballet

Day Spa Winner: Serenity at The Beach Salon & Spa Second Place: The Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, Autograph Collection Third Place: Massage Therapeutics

Dry Cleaners Winner: All Baldwin Cleaners

Second Place: Champion Cleaners Eastern Shore Third Place: AAA North-Side Laundromat & Dry Cleaners

Florist Winner: Stemz Flower Shop Second Place: Hub City Florist Third Place: All Island Flowers

Second Place: Perdido Beach Resort Third Place: The Lodge at Gulf State Park, a Hilton Hotel

Second Place: Frances Holk-Jones - State Farm Insurance Agent Third Place: McCarron Insurance Group

Internet Service Provider Winner: Riviera Utilities Second Place: Island Fiber Third Place: Mediacom

Lumber Company Winner: Swift Supply - Orange Beach

Second Place: Ford Lumber & Millwork Co., Inc. Third Place: Gulf Coast Building Supply & Hardware

Second Place: Express Employment Professionals Third Place: Premiere Staffing Services

Travel Agency Winner: Go Time Travel

Second Place: Eastern Shore Travel Inc Third Place: Expedia CruiseShipCenters

Tree Service Winner: Ickes Tree Service

Second Place: Chris Francis Tree Care Third Place: Ultimate Tree Service LLC

COMMUNITY & ENTERTAINMENT Apartment Complex Winner: ONE CLUB Gulf Shores

Massage Therapist Winner: Kneading Relief Massage Therapy

Second Place: Colonial Grand at Traditions Third Place: Annandale Park Apartments

Nail Salon Winner: Angel Nail & Spa

Second Place: The Gulf Bowl & Captain’s Choice Seafood Restaurant Third Place: The Track Family Fun Park

Second Place: Massage Therapeutics Third Place: Mountain Massage & Day Spa

Second Place: Leila’s Nails and Spa Third Place: Kim’s Nails & Tan

Paving Company Winner: R & S Paving & Grading Inc Second Place: Mobile Asphalt Co Plant Third Place: American Asphalt Inc

Pest Control Winner: Beebe’s Pest & Termite Control Inc Second Place: Arrow Exterminators Third Place: Xtreme Xterminating Robertsdale

Pet Boarding Winner: Parker Kennels

Second Place: Dykes Veterinary Clinic Third Place: Canal Road Animal Hospital

Pet Grooming Winner: Dirty Hairy Dog Wash

Second Place: Kandi’s Pampered Pooch Pet Grooming Third Place: Parker Kennels

Piercing Studio Winner: Pink’s Ink Tattoo Parlor

Second Place: The Bell Rose Tattoo & Piercing Third Place: Symbolic Ink Tattoo Studio

Real Estate Company Winner: Roberts Brothers, Inc.

Second Place: RE/MAX Paradise of Orange Beach Third Place: JWRE Gulf Coast - Emily Burke

Real Estate Licensing Company Winner: Academy of Real Estate Orange Beach

Second Place: Real Estate School of South Alabama - RESSA Third Place: Classic Real Estate School

Arcade Winner: Groovy Goat

Art Gallery Winner: Coastal Arts Center of Orange Beach Second Place: Eastern Shore Art Center Third Place: Foley Art Center

Charity Event Winner: Fairhope Arts and Crafts Festival Second Place: Foley BBQ & Blues Third Place: Hound Dog Music Fest

Church Winner: City Hope Church - Foley

Second Place: Magnolia Springs Baptist Church Third Place: 3Circle Church - South Campus

Civic Club Winner: Foley Woman’s Club Second Place: Impact 100 Third Place: Fairhope Rotary Club

Community Event Winner: Elberta Sausage Festival

Second Place: Shrimp Festival Third Place: Fairhope Arts & Crafts Festival

Escape Room Winner: Breakout Games - Orange Beach Second Place: Get A Clue Escape Rooms Third Place: Gulf Coast Escape Room, Inc.

Event Entertainment Winner: Legends in Concert at the OWA Theater Second Place: The Wharf Amphitheater Third Place: Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival

Event Services Winner: Big Day Weddings

Self-Storage Facility Winner: Storage Plus Baldwin County

Second Place: Gulf Coast Sounds Third Place: SOHO Events and Rentals

Sign Company Winner: Vulcan Signs, Foley

Second Place: The Wharf Amphitheater Third Place: Coastal Arts Center of Orange Beach

Second Place: Secure Storage - Foley Third Place: East 180 U-Stor-It

Second Place: Modern Signs LLC

Event Venue Winner: Oak Hollow Farm

Gulf Coast Media • December 20, 2019 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • 23

Firefighter/EMT Winner: Foley Fire Department

Second Place: Orange Beach Fire Department Third Place: Magnolia Springs VFD

Go-Karts Winner: The Track Family Fun Park Second Place: Adventure Island Third Place: Waterville USA

Golf Course Winner: Craft Farms Golf Club Winner: Glenlakes Golf Club

Third Place: Kiva Dunes Resort and Golf

Law Enforcement Officer Winner: Chief David Wilson - Foley PD Second Place: Trent Coley - Fairhope PD Third Place: Carlos Lizarraga - Foley PD

Library Winner: Foley Public Library

Second Place: Fairhope Public Library Third Place: Orange Beach Public Library

Local Artist Winner: Nick Cantrell Second Place: Steven Dark Third Place: Loran Chavez

Local Attraction Winner: Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo Winner: Legends in Concert at the OWA Theater Third Place: OWA Entertainment Destination

Local Musician Winner: Grayson Capps Second Place: Lisa Christian Third Place: Brent Burns

Est. 1946


Thank you for voting us No. 1 in four categories!




and No. 2 in the Sporting Goods category 22529 State Hwy 59 North, Robertsdale. 36567 (251) 947-2291


Infirmary Health’s Thomas Hospital An award-winning community hospital since 1960, Thomas Hospital has grown from the original campus located at 750 Morphy Avenue in Fairhope to include Thomas Medical Center in Daphne and Thomas Hospital Emergency - Malbis. More than 1,100 employees, 350 physicians and 475 Auxilians contribute to the 18250 caring atmosphere of the hospital and outpatient clinics. Thomas Hospital’s campus in Fairhope includes Baldwin County’s only Commission on Cancer accredited cancer center, an American College of Radiology Breast Center of Excellence, a birth center that was recently recognized nationally with a silver Beacon Award for Excellence and Colony Rehabilitation Hospital, Baldwin County’s first comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation hospital. Thomas Hospital is a Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Distinction® Center+ for cardiac care and knee and hip replacement. The hospital is also one of ten hospitals in Alabama that received the overall Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade A for safe, quality care. Thomas Hospital received this award for both the spring and fall of 2019. Thomas Medical Center in Daphne is an outpatient surgery and imaging center and home to several physician clinics, and Thomas Hospital Emergency – Malbis offers residents in the Daphne/Spanish Fort and surrounding communities the life-saving care you expect from Thomas Hospital. There is also an outpatient imaging center located inside the emergency department and a retail specialty pharmacy, Infirmary Health Rx4U. Thank you, Baldwin County residents, for naming Thomas Hospital and Thomas Hospital Emergency – Malbis your #1 hospital and emergency department in Baldwin County.

“Your Complete Garden Center”



“Your Complete Garden Center” Feed, Seed & Supplies

Thanks for voting us #1 in auto parts for Baldwin County!


2245 State Hwy. 59 S., Robertsdale, AL 36567 Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat. 7a.m.-2 p.m.

Thanks for voting us! Third place: Garden Store/Nursery


Hwy. 104, Robertsdale, AL (1/4 mi. W. of Hwy.59)

251-947-3003 Mon-Fri 7:30am-5pm Sat 7:30am-4pm

Visit Racine’s on

26 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • December 20, 2019 • Gulf Coast Media

AND THE WINNERS ARE... Mardi Gras Ball Winner: Mystic Magnolias

Private School Winner: Snook Christian Academy

Tax Preparation Winner: Giles, Underwood & Wilson, LLC

Mardi Gras Krewe Winner: Maids of Jubilee

Public School Winner: Elberta High School


Mardi Gras Parade Winner: Order of Mystic Magnolias

School Administrator Winner: Shane Tucker, Assistant Principal, Foley High School

Second Place: Sirens of the Sea Third Place: Krewe du Cirque

Second Place: Mystics of Pleasure Third Place: Krewe du Cirque

Second Place: Orange Beach Mardi Gras Parade Third Place: Gulf Shores Mardi Gras Parade

Mini-Golf Winner: Pirate’s Island Adventure Golf Second Place: Creekside Mini Golf Third Place: Tortuga Adventure Golf, LLC

Movie Theatre Winner: Cobb Theatres Pinnacle 14

Second Place: AMC CLASSIC Wharf 15 Third Place: Spanish Fort PREMIERE 14 Eastern Shore

Museum Winner: Foley Railroad Museum & Model Train Exhibit

Second Place: Baldwin County Heritage Museum Third Place: Fairhope Museum of History

Non-Profit Organization Winner: Baldwin County Humane Society Second Place: Ecumenical Ministries Third Place: Prodisee Pantry

Place for Kids to Have Fun Winner: OWA Entertainment Destination Second Place: Graham Creek Nature Preserve Third Place: LuLu’s - Gulf Shores

Place to Volunteer Winner: Baldwin County Humane Society Second Place: Prodisee Pantry Third Place: South Baldwin Community Theatre

Place/Park for Dogs Winner: Foley Dog Park

Second Place: Gulf State Park Dog Park Third Place: Fairhope Dog Park

Public Park Winner: Gulf State Park

Second Place: Orange Beach Waterfront Park Third Place: The Fairhope Pier

Retirement Community Winner: Live Oak Village

Second Place: The Foley Grove Third Place: Westminster Village

EDUCATION Baseball/Softball Team Winner: Foley High School

Second Place: Robertsdale High School Third Place: Elberta High School

Second Place: St. Benedict Catholic School Third Place: St. Patrick Catholic School

Second Place: Foley High School Third Place: Fairhope High School

Asian Winner: Master Joe’s Sushi LLC

Second Place: Foley High School Third Place: Elberta High School

Second Place: Ichiban Japanese Steak House Third Place: Rock N Roll Sushi

School Mascot Winner: Leo - Foley High School

Bar Winner: Pleasure Island Tiki Bar at Sportsman Marina

Second Place: Warrior - Elberta High School Third Place: Pirate - Fairhope High School

School Teacher Winner: Angela Hayes, Foley Elementary

Second Place: Susan Harrison, Fairhope Intermediate Third Place: Jessica Owens, St. Benedict Catholic School

Volleyball Team Winner: Foley High School

Second Place: Elberta High School Third Place: St. Michael’s Catholic High School

FINANCE Accountant Winner: Grant, Sanders & Taylor, P.C.

Second Place: Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore P.C. (hb&k) Third Place: Kim Koniar - KoniarCPA

Bank Winner: Bryant Bank

Second Place: United Bank Third Place: Alabama Credit Union

Bookkeeper Winner: Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore P.C. Second Place: LaFoy & Associates CPAs Third Place: Pugh’s Bookkeeping Services, LLC

Credit Union Winner: Alabama Credit Union

Second Place: Pen Air Federal Credit Union Third Place: Tyndall Federal Credit Union

Drive-Through Bank Winner: Bryant Bank

Second Place: Alabama Credit Union Third Place: Pen Air Federal Credit Union

Financial Planner Winner: Edward Jones - Financial Advisor: Jason Kozon, CFP

Second Place: Frances Holk-Jones State Farm Insurance Agent Third Place: South Shore Insurance Agency

Second Place: Foley High School Third Place: Fairhope High School

Pre-School Winner: Foley Elementary School Second Place: Snook Christian Academy Third Place: St. Patrick Catholic School

Principal Winner: Russ Moore, Foley High School

Second Place: Branton Bailey, Elberta High School Third Place: Patrice Wolfe, J. Larry Newton School

American Winner: Lambert’s Cafe

School Band Winner: Robertsdale High School

College/University Winner: Coastal Alabama Community College Football Team Winner: Elberta High School

Second Place: Cobalt, The Restaurant Third Place: Gelato Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Tiki Bar

Second Place: Fin & Fork Third Place: Amelia’s Deli & Catering

Second Place: Edward Jones - Kaitlyn LeBlanc Third Place: Wells Fargo - Reed Hawkins

Second Place: University of South Alabama - Baldwin Campus Third Place: Columbia Southern University

Al Fresco Dining Winner: Big Daddy’s Grill, LLC

Second Place: Jon Cardwell, Principal, Fairhope High School Third Place: Robbie Owen, Principal, Rockwell Elementary School

Cheerleading Team Winner: Elberta High School

Second Place: Robertsdale High School Third Place: Gulf Shores High School

Second Place: Grant, Sanders & Taylor P.C. Third Place: Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore P.C.

Insurance Agency Winner: Ebert Agency Inc

Investment Advisor Winner: Edward Jones - Lisa M Cooper Second Place: Edwards Jones - Jason Kozon, CFP Third Place: Max Osborn - United Bank, Silverhill

Mortgage/Home Loan Provider Winner: Barr Group Mortgage Second Place: Bryant Bank Third Place: First Bank

Small Loan Company Winner: Bryant Bank

Second Place: Acceptance Loan Company, Inc. Third Place: Covington Credit

Second Place: Gelato Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Tiki Bar Third Place: Groovy Goat

BBQ Winner: Moe’s Original Bar B Que Second Place: L.A. Barbeque Third Place: Down South Barbeque

Beer Selection Winner: Big Beach Brewing

Second Place: Fairhope Brewing Company Third Place: Piggly Wiggly - Foley

Breakfast Winner: Kitty’s Kafe

Second Place: Another Broken Egg Cafe Third Place: Brick & Spoon - Orange Beach

Brunch Winner: Brick & Spoon - Orange Beach Second Place: Another Broken Egg Cafe Third Place: Cobalt, The Restaurant

Buffet Winner: Chick & Sea Foods

Second Place: Magnolia Blossom Cafe Third Place: Hunan Chinese Restaurant

Burger Winner: Pirates Cove Marina & Restaurant

Second Place: Bleus Burger Restaurant, Bar, and Food Truck Third Place: Five Guys - Foley

Business Lunch Winner: Wolf Bay Restaurant Second Place: Ivey’s Third Place: Portabella’s

Cajun Winner: Cafe Acadiana - Silverhill Second Place: The Crazy Cajun Third Place: Boudreaux’s Cajun Grill

Cake and Dessert Winner: A Specialty Bakery & Party Shoppe Second Place: The Copper Kettle Tea Bar Third Place: BuzzCatz Coffee

Catering Winner: L.A. Barbeque

Second Place: Sweet Southern Scratch Third Place: Moe’s Original Bar B Que

Coffee Shop Winner: Drowsy Poet at The Foley Station

Second Place: Sweet Home Coffee Third Place: The Southern Grind Coffee House at The Wharf

Deli Winner: Gelato Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Tiki Bar Second Place: Panini Pete’s Third Place: Amelia’s Deli & Catering

Frances Holk-Jones: State Farm

“Do what you love; follow your passion.” – Frances Holk-Jones

Frances Holk-Jones is a Baldwin County native, 4th generation State Farm rances Holk-Jones, president/agent of Frances Holk “Figuring out what you’re going to do when you grow up is not agent, and hasInc./State beenFarm, with Farm the years. was recogInsurance has State been involved with for always easy,”past she said.40 “I think you needShe to follow your passion. I insurance for 37 years in Foley, since 1979. have always enjoyed taking care of people, being a problem solver nized“I by Baldwin County asandNo.and1making in the category feel very strong about relationships and voters loyalty, expertise thingsAuto better for Insurance those around me. Fortunately, my details, that is why being a State Farm agent has been a natural fit family was in the insurance business so I was able to see firsthand as well No. said. 2 in Insurance and Company catefor me,”as Holk-Jones “Thethe most rewarding part of myAgency job is that this wouldInsurance be the perfect career choice for me. I can whole being able to help people, to be there for them and help navigate heartedly say I absolutely love what I do.” gories for Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020. Along with being a top their family through unforeseen situations.” She is the only fourth generation agent in the company. Her producing State Farm agent, she is also an active community volunteer, family’s State Farm lineage is also unique in that they were all agents in the same hometown. philanthropist, and business leader. Her office is located at 315 E Laurel “I’m very proud of our Foley heritage,” Holk-Jones said. “I could’ve easily chosen another I’m thrilled it a worked out range of insurance and financial Avenue in Foley andcareer; provides wide because I do love what I do.” Helpingproducts. other people is clearly Holk-Jones’ favorite of her services According topartFrances Holk-Jones, “I absolutely love career. “Every person is unique andis therefore their insurance coverage Frances Holk-Jones what I do and that serving the customer. Every person is unique and I should be as well; I believe in making sure they are protected from STATE FARM life’s uncertainties by actually sitting down with them and meeting take pride in helping them ensure a secure future315 forEastnot only themselves, Laurel Ave. their specific needs,” she explained. “State Farm believes in taking Foley,and AL their friend.” holistic approach; it is a ‘taketoo. care of Ithewant whole family,’ but atheir families, to multiline be their good neighbor 251-943-5031 kind of company.” Holk-Jones also added, “This recognition not have been possible So what’s Holk-Jones’ advice for others? Do what you love; follow your passion. without our wonderful customers. Thank you for trusting us to help with Baldwin Leaders family, and business all of yourWomen personal, and financial needs. I am absolutely honored to serve you.” She concluded by saying “I would also like to recognize and thank my dedicated office team that together has more than 200 years of insurance and financial service experience! They are truly the amazing ones!”



Thank You from Practical Pools & Ponds LLC Thank you to all our customers! You are one of the most important parts of us. AND thank you to all our team! You are the greatest. We couldn’t do what we do without our customers or our team! A little bit about us: Practical Pools & Ponds LLC is a locally and family owned business in Robertsdale AL. While Practical Pools & Ponds LLC has been in business since 2001, our owner and Fairhope Native Alan has well over 30 years experience in pool building extending back to when he was 13 years old. We are Alabama state licensed swimming pool contractors specializing in inground vinyl liner pools- with or without BELLS & WHISTLES! We also offer swimming pool repairs and renovations that will make your existing swimming pool NEW & EXCITING again!Our Pool Cleaning and Maintenance Division serves swimming pool owners throughout most of Baldwin County, including the cities of Robertsdale, Loxley, Elberta, Gulf Shores, Foley, and Orange Beach, Fairhope, Point Clear, Daphne, Spanish Fort, Stapleton, and Bay Minette. We offer tailored solutions to keep your pool clean and safe and ready for you to enjoy. HOT TUBS have just been added to the menu at Our Retail Store in Robertsdale, AL. Water testing is also performed with the state of the art WaterLink Spin Professional Water Analysis Lab. Pick up your chemicals and supplies here. Also offered for sale are automatic pool cleaners, including robotics and parts for cleaners, chlorinators, salt systems, and other alternative sanitizers, and pool heaters for inground and aboveground pools. For FUTURE POOL OWNERS, information on inground swimming pool construction can be picked up here, or you can purchase your new above ground pool.


At Practical Pools & Ponds LLC we are passionate about pools. Safety, dependability, and convenience are values we live by. Providing complete service for pools, spas and hot tubs in Robertsdale, our specialists offer: • Pool Design and Construction • Pool Repairs & Renovations • Liner Replacement • Equipment service and replacement • Scheduled pool cleaning


Retail Store offerings:

25910 Canal Rd, Ste M Orange Beach, Alabama

(251) 981-9453

• Hot Tubs • Chemicals • Parts, supplies and accessories • Aboveground pools • Water Testing

If you aren’t sure we offer what you are looking for, please give us a call at (251) 945- 4769. One of our friendly staff members will be happy to speak with you.

Practical Pools & Ponds, LLC

Hrs: Mon. – Thur. 9 – 3:30, Fri. 9 – 5, Sat. 9 – 12:30 21862 Hwy. 59 — Suite I Robertsdale, AL 36567


• NEW!! HOT TUBS!! • Pool Design and Construction • Liner Replacements • Repairs and Upgrades • Weekly Pool Cleaning


• Pool and Hot Tub Chemicals and Supplies • Heat Pumps & In Deck Solar Reels • Salt Systems & Ionization Systems • Above Ground Pools

Wolf Bay Lodge: A Gulf Coast Seafood Tradition since 1973 Charlie and Sandra Wrape served 27 dinners on their first day of business. The year was 1973, and they had just opened a restaurant in a former bait shop on the shores of Wolf Bay in the tiny Baldwin County community of Miflin. Forty-six years later, their daughter Charlene Haber, continues her parents’ legacy operating three Wolf Bay restaurants, two in Alabama and one in Florida. “Wolf Bay is still going strong thanks to the wonderful Charlene Haber grew up in people in our local community and all of the out of town the family business that she visitors that have dined with us throughout the years. now runs. “It is like a family gathering every day,” said My parents believed that when you do something you Haber, whom employees and better do it right. When it comes to making good food, customers alike call Char. it is so important to use fresh, high quality ingredients and prepare them by hand. People have a lot of choices when it comes to dining these days. I want to make sure when they choose Wolf Bay, they always receive great tasting meals and wonderful service, just like when my parents were here” said Haber. At Wolf Bay Restaurant, which is known for its fresh Gulf seafood prepared using community recipes handed down through the years, they peel, devein and butterfly every shrimp by hand. Even many of their salad dressings are made by hand. “I think the most valuable thing that my mother and father ever told me was … get in there with your employees, work hard with them and they will always give you 200 percent,” said Char. “I couldn’t do any of this by myself. We are a team, and I have developed a family here,” she said of employees, some of whom have been working for the restaurant since the 1970s. Wolf Bay’s attention to detail, commitment to their customers, and hard work is most definitely appreciated by their customers. They were recently recognized by Baldwin County voters in eight categories for Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020. Wolf Bay ranked first for “Family Restaurant,” “Business Lunch,” “Best Fried Shrimp at the Beach,” and “Gumbo at the Beach.” Their restaurants and boutiques also ranked in the top three for “Fried Seafood Platter at the Beach,” “Souvenirs at the Beach,” “Boutique at the Beach,” and “Beach and Nautical Décor Store.” Wolf Bay Restaurant, Bar, & Catering is located at 20801 Miflin Road in Foley (Alabama), 26619 Perdido Beach Boulevard in Orange Beach (Zeke’s Landing Marina, Alabama), and 12700 Gulf Beach Highway in Perdido (Pensacola, Florida). Their menu and current promotions can be found at

Thank you Baldwin County! Serving Baldwin County Since 1999 (251) 975-1800 Gulf Shores ~ Fairhope ~ Foley Barr Group Inc NMLS # 74355 ehl




Thanks to everyone who voted us the Best Pet Groomer in Baldwin County.

WASH & ROLL 602 US Hwy 98, Ste. A Daphne, AL 36526 251.626.0151

Southern Antiques and Accents:

An Antique Getaway in Fairhope, Alabama Our Antiques Approach

We are a fabulous antique mall with a large selection of hand-picked dealers offering “just-gotta-have-it” items. Our dealers have devoted themselves to offer their finest antique treasures at the very best possible price. They are extremely passionate, knowledgeable, and they love antiques and what they do. You will find that the items are of the highest quality, eclectic, unique, one-of-akind and downright surprising. We’re uncompromising in our standard of quality and friendliness.

Our Antique Events

We do temporary and periodic events. LADY’S NIGHTS 1st Friday of every month, 6pm-8pm Live music, free drinks & food, discounts throughout the store. Come and meet our dealers, and take home your next WOW piece! SENIOR’S DAY 2nd Tuesday of each month, 10am-6pm Free coffee & cookies. Seniors receive 10% discount throughout the store.

Thank you for voting us the best.

Southern Antiques and Accents


Visit our on-site Design Studio. Custom Pillows Drapes Cushions Upholstery We can give your furniture a new look with custom painting. painting

Call for more information!

254 Greeno Road, (Across from Thomas Hospital, behind Pizza Hut) 251-517-7047 • Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm and Sunday 1pm - 5pm

Visit our website to see monthly events!

Thank you for nominating Kade Laws Interiors!

Comprehensive Cardiovascular Care for the Gulf Coast Staffed by a team of the region’s leading cardiovascular care specialists, we offer our patients innovative care for both traditional and specialized heart treatments — everything from pediatric cardiology and preventative care, to heart rhythm disorders and congestive heart failure. We pride ourselves on the expertise and training of our physicians, recruited from many of the best medical programs and hospitals in the country. Once a patient’s medical history, family history and risk factors are reviewed, additional testing or imaging studies may be recommended to more accurately diagnose heart or vascular problems. In addition to traditional heart and vascular studies, Cardiology Associates is an experienced leader in advanced cardiovascular imaging. In 2005 Cardiology Associates was the first private practice in the country to offer cardiac and peripheral computed tomography, CT, to our patients and in 2010 we added the additional capabilities of cardiac PET CT. Cardiology Associates’ CT and PET technicians are licensed and highly trained, and our facilities are accredited by the American College of Radiology for Computed Tomography, the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission for Nuclear Cardiology and PET. Cardiology Associates is also an American College of Radiology designated Lung Cancer screening center.


Once your heart and/or vascular problems have been diagnosed, treatment may be needed. Treatment can be limited to prescription medications in some cases, but in other cases more involved measures are required. The interventional cardiologists at Cardiology Associates are leaders in the use of catheter-based techniques to open plaque-filled vessels in patients with cardiovascular disease in the heart or peripheral arteries. Our physicians often perform procedures on high-risk patients with severe blockages or calcification in the vessels or valves of the heart. Our level of specialized expertise does make a difference.


As the Gulf Coast’s most comprehensive heart and vascular care specialists, we offer a full spectrum of specialized treatments for patients of all ages including Arrhythmia Center, Peripheral Vascular, Heart Failure, Structural Heart, Vein Care and Pediatric Cardiology.

Learn more at



FOLEY, AL, 36535

(251) 943-7773

All the animals at the Baldwin Humane Society would like to thank our supporters for helping us win the coveted title of Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best as both the Best Place to Volunteer and the Best Non-Profit Organization!

32 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • December 20, 2019 • Gulf Coast Media

AND THE WINNERS ARE... Drive-Through Service Winner: Chick-fil-A - Foley

Second Place: Agave Cocina Mexicana & Tequila Bar Third Place: Vallarta Restaurant

Family Restaurant Winner: Wolf Bay Lodge - Foley

Second Place: Mamma Mia! Pizzeria Third Place: Portabella’s


Restaurant with a Water View Winner: Cobalt, The Restaurant

Bathroom Remodeler Winner: Island Granite

Second Place: Chick-fil-A - Daphne Third Place: Culver’s

Second Place: Fish River Grill - Foley Third Place: Lambert’s Cafe

Farmer’s Market Winner: Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market Second Place: Krupinski Farm Third Place: Burris Farm Market

Fast Food Winner: Chick-fil-A - Foley Second Place: Culver’s Third Place: Foosackly’s - Foley

Food Delivery Service Winner: Waitr

Second Place: Domino’s Pizza Third Place: Gulf to Go

Food Truck Winner: Bleus Burger Restaurant, Bar, and Food Truck

Second Place: Green and Grain - Fairhope Third Place: Solly’s World Famous - Gulf Shores

French Fries Winner: Five Guys

Second Place: Chick-fil-A Third Place: Culver’s

Fried Chicken Winner: Danny’s Southern Cooking Second Place: Foosackly’s - Foley Third Place: Chick-fil-A

Frozen Treat Winner: Culver’s

Second Place: TCBY Third Place: Rita’s Italian Ice & Frozen Custard

Grocery Store Winner: Publix Super Market

Second Place: Rouses Market Third Place: Publix Super Market at Colonial Promenade at Craft Farms

Gumbo Winner: Wolf Bay Lodge, Foley AL Second Place: Fish River Grill Third Place: Sea N Suds

Happy Hour Winner: Cobalt, The Restaurant

Second Place: Cosmo’s Restaurant & Bar Third Place: Gelato Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Tiki Bar

Health Food Winner: Soul Bowlz

Second Place: Kale Yeah! Juice Cafe Third Place: Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market

Hot Dog Winner: Wacked Out Weiner - Foley

Second Place: Red’s Hot Dogs Third Place: Wacked Out Weiner - Gulf Shores

Ice Cream Winner: Stacey Drugs & Olde Tyme Soda Fountain Second Place: Mr Gene’s Beans Third Place: Culver’s

Italian Winner: Portabella’s

Second Place: Gambino’s Italian Grill Third Place: Gelato Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Tiki Bar

Liquor Store Winner: ABC Select Spirits - Foley

Second Place: ABC Select Spirits - Gulf Shores Third Place: ABC Select Spirits - Fairhope

Mexican Winner: Cactus Cantina

Pizza Winner: Vitolli’s Pizzeria & Italian Eatery

Wings Winner: Island Wing Company

Second Place: Moe’s Original Bar B Que - Daphne Third Place: Hooters - Daphne

Second Place: The Gulf - Orange Beach Third Place: Big Daddy’s Grill

Second Place: Kerby Custom Renovations LLC Third Place: Lat 30 Property Maintenance & Repairs, LLC

Romantic Restaurant Winner: Jesse’s Restaurant

Carpet Cleaning Winner: Advanced Carpet Cleaning & Restoration LLC

Second Place: Ivey’s Third Place: Voyagers

Salads Winner: Wolf Bay Lodge - Foley

Second Place: Gelato Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Tiki Bar Third Place: The Copper Kettle Tea Bar

Sandwiches Winner: Gelato Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Tiki Bar

Second Place: Peaches N Clean Third Place: Deep South Floor Care

Contractor Winner: Greg Kennedy Inc

Second Place: Clayton Salter Builders Third Place: Kenny Roberson, Custom Builder

Countertop Installation Winner: Island Granite

Second Place: Firehouse Subs Third Place: The Honey Baked Ham Company

Second Place: American Flooring, Cabinets & Granite Third Place: Kitchen Tune-Up

Seafood Market Winner: Billy’s Seafood

Deck/ Porch Installer Winner: Island Enclosures & Improvements

Seafood Restaurant Winner: The Tin Top Restaurant & Oyster Bar

Decorative Stone Winner: Fran’s on 59

Second Place: Aquila Seafood Inc Third Place: Shrimp on the Go!

Second Place: Bluewater Exteriors Third Place: Lowe’s Home Improvement

Second Place: Mikee’s Seafood Third Place: Fin & Fork

Second Place: Hood’s Discount Home Center Third Place: Island Granite

Shrimp and Grits Winner: Jesse’s Restaurant

Electrician Services Winner: Hellmich Electric Inc

Second Place: The Tin Top Restaurant & Oyster Bar Third Place: Ginny Lane Bar and Grill

Second Place: K-Mac Electrical Services Third Place: S&K Electrical

Specialty Markets Winner: Let’s Get Grillin’ Meats

Fence Installation Company Winner: Hagan Fence

Second Place: Farm Fresh Meats Inc Third Place: Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market

Sports Bar Winner: Groovy Goat

Second Place: The Cove Bar and Grill Third Place: Fish River Grill Watering Hole

Steak Winner: Jesse’s Restaurant

Second Place: Big Mike’s Steakhouse Third Place: LongHorn Steakhouse

Sushi Winner: Master Joe’s Sushi LLC

Second Place: Rock N Roll Sushi Third Place: Ichiban Japanese Steak House

Sweet Tea Winner: Chick-fil-A

Second Place: The Copper Kettle Tea Bar Third Place: Wolf Bay Lodge - Foley

Takeout Winner: Gelato Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Tiki Bar Second Place: Culver’s Third Place: Fish River Grill - Foley

Tea Selection Winner: The Copper Kettle Tea Bar

Second Place: Publix Super Market at The Shoppes at Palm Pointe Third Place: The Spice & Tea Exchange of Fairhope

Unsweet Tea Winner: The Copper Kettle Tea Bar Second Place: Culver’s Third Place: Wolf Bay Lodge - Foley

Wine Selection Winner: Red Or White at The Wharf Second Place: Jesse’s Restaurant Third Place: Voyagers

Second Place: Colony Fence Third Place: A to Z Fencing and Railing

Flooring/Carpet Store Winner: G & J Tile & Floor Covering, LLC Second Place: Bama Flooring Third Place: Island Granite

Garden Store/Nursery Winner: Old Tyme Feed & Garden Supply Second Place: Elberta Farmers Co-Op Third Place: Racine’s Feed Garden & Supply Inc.

Glass and Mirror Services Winner: Alabama Glass Works, Inc. Second Place: Hood’s Discount Home Center Third Place: Eastern Shore Glass Co Inc.

Granite Counters Winner: Island Granite

Second Place: Hood’s Discount Home Center Third Place: Paradise Granite LLC

Gutter Service Winner: RJ’s Seamless Gutters & Replacement Windows Second Place: Bluewater Exteriors Third Place: Absolute Seamless Gutters

Handyman Company Winner: Lat 30 Property Maintenance & Repairs, LLC Second Place: No Limit Handyman Third Place: Scott’s Appliance Service

Heat and Air Conditioning Winner: Island Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. Second Place: Roberts Air Conditioning Third Place: 5 Star Air Conditioning

Home Accents Winner: Hood’s Discount Home Center Second Place: Fran’s on 59 Third Place: HomeGoods

Bay Music: Your Musical Needs Are Our Priority! Located on the beaten path of Fairhope, Alabama, Bay Music’s philosophy is to make music affordable for all ages through our 65+ years of combined teaching experience, a large inventory of instruments and accessories for nearly every instrument, consignment and catalog + sales programs that are hard to beat and a tech staff with 100 + years of combined experience in instrument repair and technical services.

Thanks for voting us BEST AUDIOLOGISTS in Baldwin County! AUDIOLOGIST


Music Instruction Student Discounts Group Discounts Estimates Church Discounts Consultations Consignments Repairs

Dr. Andy Tubertini, AU.D., CCC-A, Owner


Need Equipment for your next event? We got it and we rent it! • PA systems • Speakers • Sound boards • Microphones

Au.D., CCC-A



Dr. Emily Domingue,

Feed & Garden Supply

Stringed Instruments School Band Instruments Special Orders Upon Request Electronic Instruments Used Musical Instruments

Lawn care, garden needs, pet supplies & plants


We can even make arrangements for delivery, set up, instruction, and pick up after your event! As working musicians we are aware of your needs based on the venue. You don’t want a gazillion watt system for a small event, after all you want the most memorable event possible. If you have equipment needing a tweak we have a team of luthiers, band instrument repair techs, and general techs who are here for your repair needs, from the simple to the more complex stuff. Bay Music is a fun place to shop come visit with Momma in the mornings — she loves the visits!




19580 Greeno Rd. • Fairhope • 928-1156 Thank you for voting for us Baldwin County!

Voted #1 Music Store in Baldwin County.



Thank you!



Making Music Affordable! We have used “Pay and Play” band instruments. Large selection of Acoustic and Electric Guitars. WE ALSO DO LAYAWAYS ON USED AND CONSIGNED INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT!


SAVE 10%! Owned & Operated by Kimberly S. Jones, MEd

409-C N. SECTION STREET 251-517-7636

34 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • December 20, 2019 • Gulf Coast Media

AND THE WINNERS ARE... Home Improvement Store Winner: Lowe’s Home Improvement Second Place: Paris Ace Hardware Third Place: Hood’s Discount Home Center

Home Security Company Winner: Hunter Security, Inc. Second Place: Champion Security Third Place: Avid Home Systems

Interior Decorator Winner: Interiors by Brandice

Second Place: Kade Laws Interior Design Third Place: Island Granite

Kitchen Remodeler Winner: Kerby Custom Renovations LLC Second Place: Island Granite Third Place: Kitchen Tune-Up

Landscaper Winner: Ultimate Landscapes, LLC

Second Place: Martiniere Landscape & Design Third Place: Jim Rillo Landscaping

Lawncare Service Winner: Ultimate Landscapes, LLC

Second Place: Martiniere Landscape & Design Third Place: Scottland Yards Inc

Lighting and Fans Winner: Lowe’s Home Improvement Second Place: Hood’s Discount Home Center Third Place: CED/Alston Electric Supply

Mold Treatment Winner: SERVPRO of Baldwin County

Second Place: Paul Davis Emergency Services of Baldwin County Third Place: Emerald Coast Carpet Cleaning, LLC

Moving Company Winner: Two Men and a Truck

Second Place: Sam Hollis & Sons Moving & Storage Third Place: L&L Moving & General Services

New Home Construction Winner: Truland Homes

Second Place: Kenny Roberson, Custom Builder Third Place: Harris Construction & Development

Painting Company Winner: Lat 30 Property Maintenance & Repairs, LLC Second Place: Pickle’s Painting LLC Third Place: Top Coat Painting LLC

Pest Control Winner: Beebe’s Pest & Termite Control Inc Second Place: Arrow Exterminators Third Place: Country Girls Pest Control

Plumbing/Septic Service Winner: C & J Plumbing Second Place: GNG Plumbing Third Place: 5 Starr Plumbing

Pool Construction Winner: Cox Pools Winner: Practical Pools & Ponds, LLC Third Place: Pensacola Pools, Inc

Pool Maintenance Winner: Practical Pools & Ponds, LLC Second Place: Pensacola Pools, Inc Third Place: Riviera Pools LLC

Pressure Washing Winner: SoftWash Pros

Second Place: Prestige Power Washing LLC Third Place: Southern Shore Pressure Washing

Roofing Company Winner: Ben Murphy Roofing Second Place: Hyde’s Roofing Third Place: Fields Construction

Water/Fire Damage Restoration Winner: SERVPRO of Baldwin County

Second Place: Paul Davis Emergency Services of Baldwin County Third Place: Emerald Coast Carpet Cleaning, LLC

MEDICAL & WELLNESS Acupuncture Winner: Dr. Daniel Bishop - Bishop Physical Therapy

Second Place: A Better Way Health Food/Chiropractic Third Place: Back In Motion Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Audiologist Winner: Ascent Audiology & Hearing

Second Place: Baldwin Hearing Center Third Place: Alabama Hearing and Balance Associates Inc.

Cardiologist Winner: Cardiology Associates

Second Place: Dr. John M. Trotter, MD, FACC, FSCAI Third Place: Dr Peterson - Eastern Shore Heart Center

CBD Oil Shop Winner: Lotus CBD

Second Place: BB’s Health Food Store and More Third Place: Seedless Green - Hemp & CBD Dispensary

Children’s Dentist Winner: Dr. Trey’s Children’s Dentistry

Second Place: Sea Smiles Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Third Place: Malbis Parkway Pediatric Dentistry PC: Kelly M. Jones DMD

Chiropractor Winner: HealthSource Chiropractic of Foley

Second Place: One Life Chiropractic Third Place: Dr. Philip Dembowski A.L.A.M.O. Chiropractic

Dentistry/Cosmetic Dentistry Winner: Ferrell Family Dental

Second Place: Brackett John H DMD Third Place: Wayne T. Martin, D.D.S., P.C.

Dermatologist Winner: Heather Ramey Haley, M.D. Second Place: Bay Shore Dermatology PC Third Place: Dr. Erin B. Bardin, MD

Dialysis Company Winner: Fresenius Kidney Care - Foley

Second Place: DaVita South Baldwin Dialysis Center Third Place: DaVita Gulf Shores Dialysis Center

Ear, Nose, & Throat Winner: Dr. Bill Norris - Fairhope

Second Place: Premier Medical Baldwin County Third Place: Dr. Keith Kowal, ENT Specialist

Emergency Care Winner: Southern Rapid Care

Second Place: South Baldwin Regional Medical Center Third Place: Thomas Hospital Freestanding ER

Eyeglass Store Winner: Cobb & Terrezza Optical

Second Place: Amazing Eyes Third Place: Alabama Coast Eye Clinic & Optical Dispensary

Family Practice Winner: Nicole Bodine, ARNP

Second Place: Elberta Family Practice Clinic Third Place: Dr. Ryan Forbess, M.D., Family Medicine

Fitness Center/Gym Winner: CrossFit Strong Heart

Second Place: Moxie Lifestyle Fitness Studio Third Place: Planet Fitness - Foley

General Surgery Winner: Dr. Steven Kinsey, MD

Second Place: Dr. Gavras, FACS - Fairhope Third Place: Eastern Shore Oral, Facial and Implant Surgery Center

Hospice Care Winner: Kindred at Home

Second Place: Community Hospice of Baldwin County Third Place: Amedisys Home Health

Hospital Winner: Thomas Hospital

Second Place: South Baldwin Regional Medical Center Third Place: Infirmary Health Eastern Shore

In-Home Care Winner: Homecare Companions Second Place: Kindred at Home Third Place: Amedisys Home Health

Laser/Skin Care Winner: Haley Dermatology

Second Place: Fedok Plastic Surgery Third Place: Advanced Dermatology and Skin Care Centre

Locally Owned Pharmacy Winner: Stacey Drugs & Olde Tyme Soda Fountain Second Place: Lee Drug Store Inc Third Place: Gulf Shores Family Pharmacy

Martial Arts Studio Winner: Wheeles Karate & Jiu Jitsu

Second Place: Yamane Championship Mixed Martial Arts Third Place: SCS Martial Arts & Fitness, LLC

Nutritionist Winner: Gravely Chiropractic & Wellness Second Place: Cory LaDoux Third Place: R & R Nutrition Consultant

OB-GYN Winner: Dr. Craig Brown, South Baldwin Obstetrics and Gynecology

Second Place: Shoemaker Obstetrics and Gynecology Third Place: Esther, CNM - South Baldwin OBGYN

Optometrist Winner: Dr. Jonathan Cobb, O.D. - Cobb & Terrezza Optical

Second Place: Amazing Eyes Third Place: Alabama Coast Eye Clinic & Optical Dispensary

Oral Surgeon Winner: Dean Kevin C DDS

Second Place: Eastern Shore Oral, Facial and Impant Surgery Center Third Place: Tres H. Manasco, DMD, PC

Orthodontist Winner: Island Orthodontics

Second Place: Bailey Orthodontics Third Place: Strickland Orthodontics

Orthopedic Surgeon Winner: Dr. Matt Goldman - Baldwin Bone & Joint Second Place: Dr. Michael Eslava Third Place: Dr. John Todd L MD

Pediatrics Winner: Eastern Shore Children’s Clinic Jeanette W. Breslin, MD Second Place: Reed Rusty MD Third Place: Dr. Gary L. Eberly, MD

Personal Trainer Winner: Hayden Radcliff Second Place: Jason Sweetman Third Place: Annabelle Smith

Physical Therapist Winner: Coastal Physical Therapy Second Place: Gulf Coast Therapy Third Place: Performance Rehab

Podiatrist Winner: South Baldwin Podiatry

Second Place: Coastal Foot Center: Joe Griffin, DPM, CWSP, FAPWCA Third Place: Eastern Shore Foot Center PC

Psychiatrist/Psychologist Winner: AltaPointe Health Outpatient - Foley Second Place: Cantwell Family Psychiatry Third Place: Mind Performance Center

Weight Loss/Wellness Winner: G&L Research Foley

Second Place: WW (Weight Watchers) Third Place: Foley Medical Weight Loss

Yoga Studio Winner: Glow Yoga

Second Place: Vibrations Yoga Third Place: Soul Shine Yoga

Thank you Baldwin County Josh Lankford 251-422-8313 INSURANCE AGENCY

Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market On behalf of Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market we want to thank our customers for their continued support. Our goal at the Coastal Alabama Farmers & Fishermens Market is to provide local fruits, vegetables, seafood, and non-certifiable agricultural products through direct marketing for the general public and commercial establishments in an enjoyable place. As a local farmers market, we are committed to Baldwin County’s community and agriculture. It is our mission to promote healthy foods from the bounty of the Gulf Coast and make them readily available to our neighbors from all over the area. Our vendors, local farmers and fishermen, will ensure you have fresh, high quality produce, seafood and other delicious foods to bring home to your family. Our comfortable, covered facility is a multi-purpose venue that can be used for meetings, corporate luncheons, seminars, and private parties. “Uniqueness is bountiful at the market, let your imagination soar.” Contact us to book your event or become a vendor! Call Alescia: 251.709.4469,

Thanks for voting us best alfresco dining in Baldwin County!





Local Food • Local Folks • Lots of Fun! Seafood Baskets • Sandwiches • Appetizers • Salads • Burgers • Desserts

16542 Ferry Rd. • Fairhope, AL 251-990-8555

HOURS OF OPERATION NOVEMBER-FEBRUARY: Mon.-Sun. 11 am-8 pm, Closed Wednesdays

MARCH-OCTOBER: Mon.- Sat. 11 am-9 pm; Sun. 11 am-8 pm

36 • Big Beautiful Baldwin’s Best of 2020 • December 20, 2019 • Gulf Coast Media

AND THE WINNERS ARE... PROFESSIONALS Bartender Winner: Monica Schoen - O’Charley’s Bar and Grill, Foley

Second Place: Angila Sarvold - Gelato Joe’s Italian Restaurant & Bar Third Place: John and Greg at Perdido Beach Resort

Chef Winner: Brad Gilstrap, The Lodge at Gulf State Park

Second Place: Brody Olive, Voyagers Third Place: Brian Vaughn - Wolf Bay Restaurant

Civil Attorney Winner: Jared Lyles

Second Place: The Law Office of Brenton C. McWilliams Third Place: Murchison & Newcomb LLC

Criminal Defense Attorney Winner: Jeremiah Giles, Attorney at Law Second Place: W. Don Bolton, Jr., PC Third Place: John W. Beck

Electrical Contractor Winner: Hellmich Electric Inc. Second Place: K Mac Electrical LLC Third Place: RCI Electric

Event Planner Winner: Tonia Turner Events

Second Place: Paul Ruby at The Lodge at Gulf State Park Third Place: Brittany Robertson at Perdido Beach Resort

Baby Clothes Winner: OshKosh B’gosh

Mattress Store Winner: Hurricane’s Mattress Outlet

Bookstore Winner: Page & Palette

Men’s Clothing Store Winner: East Bay Clothiers

Second Place: Tiny Town Third Place: Gigi & Jay’s

Second Place: Books-A-Million Third Place: Book Exchange of Foley

Second Place: Brooks Brothers Factory Outlet Third Place: Men’s Wearhouse

Boutique Winner: M&F Casuals

Music Store Winner: Bay Music LLC

Second Place: Wildflowers Boutique Third Place: Beach House Boutique

Second Place: Blues Angel Music Third Place: Dr. Music Records

Bridal Shop Winner: Anthony’s Bridal Boutique & Tuxedo Central

Outdoor Furniture Store Winner: Old Time Pottery - Foley

Second Place: Bliss Bridal Third Place: Bridal & Formals by Renee’ Lynn

Second Place: Academy Sports + Outdoors Third Place: Bass Pro Shops

Children’s Clothes Winner: Gigi & Jay’s

Second Place: Savvy Mom Sale, LLC Third Place: OshKosh B’gosh

Second Place: Burkes Outlet Third Place: Target

Discount Store Winner: Checkouts

Feed Store Winner: Old Tyme Feed & Garden Supply

Personal Injury Attorney Winner: Jared Lyles

Second Place: Elberta Farmers Co-Op Third Place: Robertsdale Feed Store

Pet Sitter/Trainer Winner: JD’s House/Pet Sitting Service

Second Place: Luna Beach Interiors Third Place: Malouf Furniture

Photographer Winner: Jack Swindle

Second Place: Town & Country Third Place: Shell - U.S. 98, Foley

Real Estate Agent Winner: Emily Burke - JWRE

Second Place: Wolf Bay Restaurant - Foley Third Place: In the Company of Angels

Second Place: Diane Davis Photography Third Place: Stephen Savage

Second Place: Mindy Jones - RE/MAX Agent Third Place: Dotty Lou Farias - RE/MAX Agent

Veterinarian Winner: Dykes Veterinarian

Second Place: Brent Walker DVM - Walker Hometown Animal Care Third Place: Advanced Animal Care - Dr. Julie Cleverdon

Wedding Photographer Winner: Heather Horne Photography Second Place: Stephen Savage Third Place: Stop Or I’ll Shoot Photography

SHOPPING & COMMERCE Antique Store Winner: Southern Antiques and Accents Second Place: Blue Girl Beading Co Third Place: Red Beard’s Treasure Chest

Appliance Store Winner: Benson’s Appliance Center Second Place: Paris Ace Orange Beach Third Place: Sears Hometown Store

Pawn Shop Winner: Ricks Gun & Pawn Shop Inc

Second Place: Pet Smart - Foley Third Place: PetSmart

Loan Officer Winner: Vince Hughes - Bryant Bank

Second Place: Rising Covey Kennels Third Place: Fetch ‘n Fun

Second Place: Bunny’s Balloons Third Place: Party City

Consignment Winner: Luv Me 2 Times

Second Place: Waterfront Rescue Mission Thrift Store Third Place: Uptail Resale

Second Place: Caldwell, Wenzel & Asthana PC Third Place: Andy Citrin

Party Supplies Winner: Hobby Lobby

Second Place: Gold Mine Pawn Shop Third Place: Eddie’s Wholesale Jewelry And Pawn

Insurance Agent Winner: Charlie Ebert - Ebert Agency Inc

Second Place: Sherry Weaver Third Place: Eileen Frazier, Trustmark Bank, Foley

Third Place: Lowe’s Home Improvement

Cigar Shop Winner: Bouch’s Premium Cigars, Accessories, & More Second Place: AL’s Liquor Tobacco Wine Third Place: Discount Tobacco Outlet

Second Place: Josh Wild - State Farm Insurance Agent Third Place: Cindy Vines - South Shore Insurance Agency

Second Place: Hood’s Discount Home Center Third Place: Hunter’s Furniture

Paint Store Camping Supplies Winner: Campbell Hardware & Sporting Goods Second Place: Sherwin-Williams Paint Store - Daphne Winner: Campbell Hardware & Sporting Goods

Family Law Attorney Winner: Jared Lyles PC

Second Place: Chuck South Third Place: The Powell Law Firm PC

Second Place: Good Morning Mattress Third Place: Mattress Firm - Gulf Shores

Furniture Store Winner: Furniture City Gas Station Winner: Buc-ee’s

Gift Store Winner: Bungalows

Grills and Outdoor Cooking Winner: Sand Dollar Lifestyles - Orange Beach Second Place: Let’s Get Grillin’ Meats Third Place: Eastern Shore Ace Hardware

Guns and Firearms Dealer Winner: Campbell Hardware & Sporting Goods Second Place: Ricks Gun & Pawn Shop Inc Third Place: Gold Mine Pawn Shop

Pet Store Winner: The Waggy Tail - Fairhope Recreational Vehicles Winner: White Sands RV

Second Place: Camping World of Robertsdale Third Place: Gulf Coast RV Center

Shoe Store Winner: Shoe Station - Eastern Shore Center Second Place: Seaside Shoes & SWIM Third Place: Rack Room Shoes

Shopping Center/Outlet Mall Winner: Tanger Outlets Foley Second Place: The Wharf Third Place: Eastern Shore Centre

Small Engine Repair Winner: Robertsdale Power Equipment Second Place: Elberta Hardware Third Place: JBS Auto Sales

Sporting Goods Winner: Academy Sports + Outdoors

Second Place: Campbell Hardware & Sporting Goods Third Place: Dick’s Sporting Goods

Tobacco Store Winner: Bouch’s Premium Cigars, Accessories, & More Second Place: AL’s Liquor Tobacco Wine Third Place: Discount Tobacco Outlet

Tractor Dealership Winner: Baldwin Tractor & Equipment, Inc. Second Place: SunSouth Third Place: Elberta Hardware

Hardware Store Winner: Campbell Hardware & Sporting Goods

Tuxedo Store Winner: Anthony’s Bridal Boutique & Tuxedo Central

Jewelry Store Winner: Manning Jewelry

Women’s Clothing Winner: Wildflowers Boutique

Second Place: Paris Ace Hardware - Orange Beach Third Place: Elberta Hardware

Second Place: Diamond Jewelers Third Place: Brenny’s Jewelry

Manufactured Housing Dealer Winner: Emerald Homes LLC

Second Place: Discover Modular Homes, Alabama

Second Place: Men’s Wearhouse Third Place: JoS. A. Bank

Second Place: Too Hot Mamas Third Place: M&F Casuals

Alabama Glass Works, Inc.


Moyer Ford: Family owned and operated since 1963 At Moyer Ford, we have devoted ourselves to helping and serving our customers to the best of our ability. We believe the cars we offer are the highest quality and ideal for your life needs.

Thanks for voting for us!

We are proud to be your local Ford dealer, family owned and operated since 1963, and look forward to working with you to meet your service, new car sales and used car sales needs! We have all of the latest Ford trucks, Ford cars, Ford SUVs, Crossovers and Hybrids, from the best-selling F-150 and Super Duty trucks to our full car line, including Fusion, Taurus, and the world famous Mustang, plus an SUV/Crossover to fit every need, including the Escape, Edge, Transit Connect, Explorer and Expedition. We have added the Ranger to the truck line, the Ecosport to the Crossover line, and we are now accepting reservations for the all new Electric Mustang Mach-E. We also have many used and certified pre-owned vehicles to meet every budget. Owners appreciate working with the factory-trained, certified expert technicians in our friendly, fast and reliable full service garage for all of their maintenance and repair needs, including oil changes, tire rotations, new and replacement tire sales (we offer 13 major tire brands including Goodyear, Continental Tire and Michelin), brake service, batteries, tune ups, radiator, engine and electrical repairs and of course, any warranty work you may need. We have a strong and committed sales staff with many years of experience satisfying our customers’ needs. Feel free to browse our inventory on our website,, request more information about vehicles, set up a test drive or inquire about financing! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. Our staff is happy to answer any and all inquiries in a timely fashion. We look forward to doing business with you!


MARK HENDERSON 22636 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561

(251) 974-5778

THANK YOU BALDWIN COUNTY FOR VOTING US *Best New Car Dealership *Best Dealership Service *Best Auto Accessories *Best Car Salesperson – Ashley Sherelle Turner

Ashley Sherelle Turner

Your trust in us is very appreciated. We are very honored to have been voted “Best of Big Beautiful Baldwin 2020” in multiple categories. THANK YOU! COME SEE WHY SO MANY PEOPLE “MAKE IT A MOYER FORD”

Bigger. Better. Faster. Stronger.

Moyer Ford Sales, Inc. 2980 S McKenzie St, Foley, AL 251-943-1661

Baldwin County Native Stays True to His Roots By Bruce Workman Dan Middleton Jr. was born and raised in Central Baldwin County, attended Robertsdale High School and raised his family here. So it is no surprise that when he started thinking seriously about starting his business, he decided to do it right here in his hometown. In the early 1990s Middleton opened Robertsdale Rent-All, an equipment rental company offering a variety of construction and maintenance equipment to a diversified customer base. He credits those early years with providing valuable customer service experience as well as an appreciation for the people of this area. “I’m very thankful to be here in Baldwin County,” he says, “It’s a great place to live and we have some of the best customers around.” In 2002, looking for ways to provide additional products and services, Middleton took ownership of Baldwin County’s Kubota Dealership, Baldwin Tractor and Equipment. He chose Kubota based on their outstanding reputation for quality, performance and durability knowing that he could meet the needs of each customer with superior products that would serve them best. Kubota introduced its first sub-compact tractor to the United States in 1969 and it was an overnight success. Subsequently, Kubota Tractor Corporation was formed in 1972 and the company continued to expand its product line for the US market. In addition to their extensive line of tractors, Dan’s company now offers

Photos courtesy of Bruce Workman

Kubota products in a wide variety of segments including lawn mowers, utility vehicles and construction equipment. Baldwin Tractor and Equipment backs their sales with a complete service department staffed with certified technicians. They also carry other major equipment brands and continue to offer a full line of rental equipment, all from one location at 22463 State Hwy 59 South in Robertsdale. Dan admits that he’s never satisfied with anything but the best from himself and his staff, and it is for this reason that his company has earned Kubota Elite Dealer status, the highest level of recognition given to Kubota Dealerships. He is proud of his company’s commitment to continuous improvement in the areas of brand reputation, business operations performance and customer satisfaction at the highest

level. But in the end, Middleton always brings it back to the customer. “I love this region and all that it has to offer,” he says. “I also have a deep respect for the people that live and work here, and I know that a big part of our success is based on that.” It’s what motivates him to keep providing the highest quality products at fair prices, and to keep his customers happy with the best service during, and long after each sale. All this is also undoubtedly the reason that Baldwin Tractor & Equipment was voted Baldwin County’s “Best of 2020” in the Tractor Dealership category. Dan Middleton has stayed true to his Baldwin county roots, and the people of this community appreciate the results of his work and dedication as much as he appreciates them.

Lotus CBD: Alternative healing for a better, healthier you! Lotus CBD is a family run CBD shop in Foley that cares about our customers. With a full line of CBD products, we have something for everyone! CBD has many health benefits for humans as well as animals. We carry a full line of 100% Hemp derived CBD products. CBD oils, face creams, under eye serum, lip revitalizers, vapeable oil, lotions, bath bombs, animal oil/treats, edibles, topical creams and more. We only carry the finest AWARD WINNING CBD!!! For your safety, we do a rigorous search for the best products available and try them ourselves before we ever bring them into inventory. Going the extra mile is our commitment to you!!!

Alternative healing for a better, healthier you!

Thank you!



Lotus CBD 3872 South McKenzie Street Foley, Alabama (404) 386-3683

Baldwin Tractor & Equipment 22463 State Hwy. 59 S. Robertsdale, AL 36567 251-947-4171

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