2016-2017 Charter Fishing Directory

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Let’s Go Fishing!



• Charter Fishing • Wolf Bay Lodge Restaurant & Bar • Benedetto’s Restaurant & Bar • Cha Cha’s Gift Shop • Water Sports

(251) 981-4000 ZekesMarina.net ZekesLanding ZekesLanding 26619 Perdido Beach Blvd.


Orange Beach, AL 36561

Sportsman Marina

27844 Canal Rd Orange Beach, AL 36561

Captain Don McPherson Call, text, or book online from my website


www.GetawayCharters.com Offering fishing & fun for up to 6 people. 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 hour charters available.

Morning or afternoon available with 4 & 6 hour charters. Bring your family, friends, buddies or clients

Year Round Fishing For Everyone

Sometimes you just expect a little more!

• A private charter for one or more • Clean, white, odor-free boat with sanitized bathroom • Spacious seating with cool A/C • Professional service from your Captain & Mate • HDTV, XM & Sirius Satellite Stereo, PlayStation® III

You may fish with us here in Orange Beach or join us in Quepos/Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. Catch sailfish, marlin, dorado, rooster fish and more. 90 degree temps year round. www.fishingcostarica.net ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 3

The Orange Beach Charter Boat Fishing Directory is published annually by Gulf Coast Media, LLC, 917 S. McKenzie St., Foley, AL, 36535, 251-943-2151 It is distributed free by the Alabama Charter Fishing Association, Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Tourism and at other locations throughout Alabama. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. Gulf Coast Media accepts no responsibility in the guarantee of goods and services advertised herein. LOUANN LOVE Special Projects Advertising Coordinator 251.243.7620 louann@gulfcoastmedia.com Cover photo: Ken Cooper www.OBAWebsite.com Alabama Charter Fishing Association dba Orange Beach Fishing Association P.O. Box 222 Orange Beach, AL 36561 251.981.2300







info@OrangeBeach FishingAssociation.com www.OrangeBeach FishingAssociation.com Website Manager: Bill Atkinson


Table of Contents OBFA Board of Directors..........................................6 OBFA Captains and Owners Directory..................7 OBFA Deckhands, First Mates and Second.........9 OBFA Life Members................................................ 10 Business Members Listing...................................... 11 Passenger Trip Suggestions & Etiquette............. 13 Regulations............................................................... 14 Multi-Passenger Boats............................................ 15 Six Passenger Boats...............................................27 Inshore/Nearshore Boats...................................... 38 Headboats/Party Boats......................................... 46 Tribute To Buddy Resmondo ............................... 48 Alabama’s Artificial Reef Program....................... 49 Rookie Kruse Nearshore Reef Zones.................. 50

President’s Welcome

Welcome aboard the Gulf Coast’s largest charter fishing fleet. We are a year round family fishing destination offering the best Inshore, Nearshore and Deep Sea Fishing anywhere! We are your guides to the waters that have been attracting people year round to our coast for decades. Our professional Captains and Crews continue our fishing heritage on a wide range of Charter Boats. The waters of the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Alabama, have become legendary fishing grounds. We troll near the shores for pelagic species and enjoy the excitement of the annual spring Cobia run across our waters. We understand the importance of habitat to fish populations and it is crucial that we maintain sustainable fisheries. Therefore, for more than 60 years, our Captains and supporters have helped develop the world’s largest artificial reef zone. These reefs have become residence for many reef fish species and offer a worldclass destination for bottom fishing trips. Venture further offshore to reach the deep blue waters for a chance Big Game sport fish, such as Tuna or Marlin. Our Captains are stewards of the waters that are home to a diverse fishery and offer spectacular opportunities to enjoy our natural resources. Near the shore, in the deep blue, or anywhere in between, fun-filled memories await. Let our waters entertain you and your family or guests. Tom Steber, President Alabama Charter Fishing Association



Board Members

board members

Alabama Charter Fishing Association DBA Orange Beach Fishing Association 2016

Executive Board President - Tom Steber Vice President - Gary Bryant Secretary/Treasurer - Iris G. Ethridge (LM)

Board of Directors Tom Ard Gordon Burdette Frank Ford Troy Frady Johnny Greene – Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council – Council Member John Hollingshead Bobby Kelly Don McPherson Bill Staff “Skipper” Thierry Jack Wilhite Dale Woodruff 6 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Captains and Owners Directory

captains and owners

Name Listing Page# Alawine, Sonny 20 Andrews, Keith 35 Annan, Brian 23, 31 Annan, Donald 32 Annan, Kendall Ard, Tom 19, 28 Arnauld, Tyler Bell, Landon 45 Boggs, Randy 47 Bozeman, Kendall 36 Brewer, Alex 32, 42 Bridges, Lee 30 Broughton, Kathleen 42 Brown, David 39 Bryant, Gary 36 Burdette, Gordon 27 Burnham, Dan 31 Callaway, Chris Chambliss, Jeffrey 40 Choron, Michael 38 Coley, Eugene 32 Daniels, Brian L. 22, 34 Davis, Mike 43 Davis, Mitchell 41 Day, Chip 28 Edgar, Brandon 35 Fairey, Ben 34 Fill, Peter 37 Fish, Henry 22 Ford, Frank 45 Foust, Steve 15 Frady, Troy 29 Gams, Rob 29 Garner, Chris 19 Garris, Joe 40 Gilbert, Zack 31 Goodwin, Gary 31 Greene, Johnny 20 Guinn, Donald 18 Hall, Shawn 28 Harbour, Rick 41 Hargle, Gary Hollingshead, John 34 Howell, Billy Jackson, Truitte

Primary Number 251-747-7367 251-269-8201 251-747-7777 251-747-7777 251-747-7777 251-979-2682 251-223-3944 205-901-4858 251-981-7173 334-657-2624 251-550-5588 615-417-1026 251-747-7375 251-981-6246 251-540-6982 205-587-2195 850-207-6675 251-656-6403 251-979-1209 850-384-9059 251-747-0051 850-516-9760 251-979-4850 251-714-3474 251- 981-1943 850-529-8425 251-747-5782 251-981-4510 251-981-7173 251-401-9743 251-747-4761 251-975-8111 251-942-4389 251-978-1467 251-213-6680 850-341-2997 251-942-2020 251-747-2872 251-747-2119 251-802-0662 850-504-8976 251-923-9530 850-777-0232 601-938-7161 228-365-5175

Secondary Number

251-981-3119 251-424-4344 251-747-4171 251-295-6158 251-942-4037 251-752-0656 251-981-0933 251-981-2463 850-482-6377 251-968-4051

251-952-8247 850-529-8876 800-806-7889


251-747-4893 850-607-7593


Captains and Owners Directory

captains and owners

Name Listing Page# Primary Number Jarvis, Gary 16 850-837-9551 Keahl, Al 29, 30 251-747-8102 Keith, Valerie 30 251-269-6012 Ledkins, Eddie 850-382-2538 Lynch, Bryan 20 251-747-0217 McDuffie, Alex 47 251-747-4467 McDuffie, Richard 22 251-747-4468 McMahon, Colby 42 251-406-2951 McNeil, Walter 35 251-213-0023 McPherson, Don 27 251-752-0235 Maines, Doug 41 228-365-2352 Nash, Joe 18 251-979-1812 Olmsted, Kevin 45 251-401-3474 Partain, Kyle 34 251-201-0338 Pfeiffer, George 16, 46 888-558-3889 Price, Doug 36 251-213-5000 Rabren, Michael 36 251-455-2305 Reyer, Chad 37 256-431-5767 Rowell, Mike 15 251-981-2081 Russell, Richie 43 251-747-1896 Salley, Mike 37 850-261-4358 Shaver, Brent 40 251-747-0220 Sightler, Dewitt 16 850-572-3106 Staff, Bill 22 251-979-3631 Steber, Tom 800-793-4044 Stinson, Albert 32 251-455-1074 Stone, Ron 44 251-269-2154 Subert, Igor 38 251- 747-1324 Tedder, DeJuan 42 251-978-9711 Thierry, Mike 20 251-861-5302 Thierry, Skipper 46 251-490-2603 Thompson, Eddie 18 251-979-1167 Treigle, Dennis 41 850-221-7732 Vicars, Jason 21 251-979-9189 Walker, Bobby 23 251-981-6159 Waller, Jimmy 16 251-747-4893 Walter, David 251-979-2200 Ware, Reuben 30 251-752-0235 Weaver, Mike 44 850-232-4251 Wilhite, Jack 37 251-948-3474 Willis, Bill 39 850-748-5076 Wilson, Seth 21, 47 Woodruff, Dale 18 251-391-0935 Wyatt, Bobby 205-561-4374 8 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Secondary Number 850-259-5484 251-981-0777



251-752-0060 850-587-4000 251-978-2537



Deckhands, First Mates, Second Captains

deckhands, first mates and second captains


Andrews, Brandy Annan, Kelly Annan, Kevin Annan, Phillip Ard, Samuel Arnold, Ben Baker, Jessie Bearden, Tony Blankenship, Alexis Borders, Bill Berscia, Rebecca Cappar, Dick Daniels, Brian J. Driscoll, Andrew Ellis, Jeffrey Ewing, Tyler Golfos, Louie Hardgrave, Harold Henderson, Tyler Horak, Dean Johnson, Will Knoepflein, Nick Leslie, Joshua McDuffie, Adam McKinnell, Andrew McLeod, Connor McLeod, Shane Maxwell, Paul Moore, Clayton Murph, Bill Murray, Drew Myers, Devon Myers, Thomas Neff, Billy Newton, Chase O’Farrell, Nicholas Orr, J.T. Patroni, Shawn Petty, William Phillips, Drew Phillips, Patrick Pitts, Naomi Powell, John Reid, Zachery Sawyer, “Ladd” Smith, Kyle Wilhite, Debra Woodruff, Andrew Yates, Gavin

Primary Number 251-504-0443 251-747-3119 251-747-7777 251-747-7777 850-879-0595 850-530-2135 251-525-1519 205-285-6433 901-378-1793 251-597-7650 251-269-3463 251-747-1886 251-424-5351 251-597-7566 251-269-3431 251-752-0885 251-747-7777 850-525-2903 251-533-0388 251-978-5550 251-979-4626 251-979-2373 205-799-3586 251-223-2654 251-550-5366 850-483-3953 850-232-5557 251-213-0249 251-895-7830 256-529-1800 251-979-7809 251-747-6603 251-228-0060 850-797-6042 251-609-1693 678-936-5003 850-736-5321 504-256-7775 205-292-3620 251-223-6708 251-979-1881 205-394-7335 251-648-4343 251-363-1391 251-404-4484 251-948-3474 251-550-7107 850-980-0748

Secondary Number 251-981-3119 251-747-5704 251-981-3119 850-591-2731 850-937-9209 205-369-9893 251-981-5749

251-895-1973 256-529-1801 251-609-3510 251-271-0224 251-609-1446 251-747-7375


OBFA Life Members life members

Capt. Ronnie Andrews Alabama Island Lady Capt. Armand Annan Gulf Rebel Capt. Donald Annan Joyce Capt. Gloyice Ard Boll Weevil Capt. Ray Callaway Rip Tide Capt. Bill Douglas Doug-Out Capt. Iris G. Ethridge Crosstie Capt. Ben Fairey Necessity Capt. Maurice Fitzsimons Miss Celeste

Capt. Wynn Millson and Capt. Butch Tucker

Capt. Ty Fleming White Capps

Capt. Butch Tucker Zeke’s Lady

Capt. Earl Griffiths Sea Reaper

Capt. John Turner Fat Pat

Capt. Howard Hall Moreno Queen

Capt. Billy Walker Sea Duster

Capt. Allen “Rookie” Kruse Rookie

Capt. Carl McDuffie Pompano Capt. Wynn Millson Hey Boy II

Capt. Walter Trent Albacore

Capt. Robert E. “Bob” Walker Thelma Ann Capt. Robin E. “Bobby” Walker Summer Breeze and Summer Breeze II

Capt. Dennis Oglesbee Wishbone Capt. Sandy Smith Misty III

Capt. Gladwin Walker Sea Rebel

Capt. Roland Walker Perdido Capt. Roy Walker Miss Kay

Wynn and Butch with Executive Board

Membership Requirements membership requirements

Life membership requirements were established by the Board of Directors in 1994. They are as follows: (1) Must be at least 60 years old. (2) Minimum experience of 10 years. (3) Active in the organization.


Business Members

business members

Alabama Gulf Coast Convention & Visitor’s Bureau 251.974.1510 www.OrangeBeach.com Atkinson Internet Marketing Bill Atkinson, OBFA Webmaster 931.337.0336 www.AtkinsonMarketing.com bill@AtkinsonInternetMarketing.com Blue Water Ships Stores of Alabama 8103 Hwy 59 S Foley, AL 251.943.4179 www.BWSSal.com scottf@bwssal.com Catching The Calls Anne Walker 251.424.7755 CatchingTheCalls@gmail.com Centennial Bank 25051 Canal Rd Orange Beach AL 251.986.8921 Doug Sizemore Commercial Lender dsizemore@my100bank.com City of Orange Beach 251.981.6979 www.CityOfOrangeBeach.com Coastal Alabama Business Chamber 3150 Gulf Shores Pkwy Gulf Shores AL 251.968.7200 www.MyGulfCoastChamber.com

MCCARRON INSURANCE GROUP Business and Personal Insurance

25620 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561

Crosstie Management Services Captain Iris G. Ethridge – Life Member 251.981.6639 Gulf Coast Media 901 S. McKenzie St Foley AL 251.943.2151 www.GulfCoastNewsToday.com Parks@GulfCoastMedia.com Publisher of the OBFA Charter Boat Directory Gulf South Resources, Inc. – Drug Testing 410 E. Laurel Ave Foley AL 251.943.4717 www.GulfSouthResources.com GSR@gulftel.com J&M Tackle 25125 Canal Rd Orange Beach AL 251.981.5460 www.JMTackle.com Resmondo Boat Works, Inc. 8155 Escambia Ave (Hwy 97) Perdido Beach AL 251.989.3050 www.ResmondoBoatWorks.com rlresmondo@earthlink.net Sam’s Stop & Shop 27122 Canal Rd Orange Beach AL 251.981.4245 SamsOrangeBeach@gmail.com


Domestic & Foreign Parts

(251) 981-9999


Jo Jo McCarron, Agent


Fax (251) 981-2480 joe@mccarroninsgroup.com www.mccarroninsgroup.com

Marine Batteries

OPEN: Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 251-981-6823 (Across from the Tom Thumb Store) 4544 Orange Beach Blvd. (Hwy. 161)

FAX 251-981-1507


Experience O R A N G E



More than shelter Relax. Every need is met at our beautiful, secluded and secure worldclass Marina. Enjoy waterfront shopping at our unique Dockstore and two excellent waterfront dining options at Fisher’s - Upstairs for upscale and Dockside for fun and casual. We offer a wide array of charter fishing options and the best parasailing and jet ski tours on the island. Come see for yourself why discriminating fishermen choose Orange Beach Marina as their port of call.

27075 Marina Road • Orange Beach, AL • 251.981.4207 www.OrangeBeachMarina.com

Featured in



27075 Marina Road, Orange Beach, Alabama

Let us Cook your Catch


Or 251 981-7305 Upstairs

Passenger Trip Suggestions & Etiquette Contributed by Captain Iris G. Ethridge

1. Dress for comfort. Bring sunscreen, a camera, sunglasses and wear soft light colored sole shoes. 2. Avoid rich food and excessive alcohol the night before. Eat a light breakfast and if taking motion sickness medication please follow directions. 3. Bring an ample supply of eats and drinks. It is customary to bring eats and drinks for your captain and crew. 4. Please respect the boat and equipment. Your captain and crew have a lot of pride in their vessels and equipment can be costly to you if damaged or lost overboard. 5. Deckhands work hard for you and have pride in your catch. Their day starts several hours before your trip and extends hours after you are gone. We recommend a 15% to 20% tip over and above a fish cleaning fee. 6. Make sure you choose a trip that suits you. Our fleet offers 4 hour trips all the way up to 3 day trips. Your Captain can assist you in choosing the appropriate trip to meet your needs. 7. Always inquire about payment method, cancellation and bad weather policies.


Alabama State Waters Regulation Size and Creel Limits

All fishing regulations are subject to change. Before going fishing check with the Marine Resources Division (Gulf Shores 251.968.7576, Dauphin Island 251.861.2882). Your OBFA Member Captain is also a knowledgeable informed resource. TL=Total Length • FL=Fork Length • CFL=Curved Fork Length SPECIES BEST TIME SIZE DAILY CREEL TO CATCH LIMIT LIMIT Amberjack, Greater **** Year-Round 34” Min FL 1 per person Amberjack, Lesser Year-Round 14”-22” FL No Creel Limit Bull Redfish (Red Drum) Early Fall to Early Spring 16” Min TL 26” Max TL 3 per person 1 oversized fish allowed Cobia (Ling) Early Spring 33” Min TL 2 per person Flounder Late Spring to Early Fall 12” Min TL 10 per person Groupers Year-Round •Grouper, Black ** **** Year-Round 22” Min TL 4 per person ** •Grouper, Gag ** ***** Year-Round 22” Min TL 0 per person ****** •Grouper, Red ** **** Year-Round 20” Min TL 2 per person ** •Grouper, Scamp ** **** Year-Round 16” Min TL 2 per person ** •Grouper, Yellowfin ** **** Year-Round 20” Min TL 2 per person ** Marlin, Blue Late Spring to Early Fall Marlin, White Early Fall Mackerel, King Late Spring to Fall 24” Min TL 2 per person Mackerel, Spanish Early Spring to Late Fall None 15 per person Pompano, Florida Late Spring to Early Fall 12” Min TL 3 per person Sailfish Late Spring to Late Summer Sharks Year-Round •Atlantic Sharpnose and Bonnethead Year-Round None 1 per person per day •All Other Shark Species Year-Round 54” Min TL 1 per person per day (30” Dressed) Spotted Seatrout (Speckled Trout) Late Spring to Early Fall 14” Min TL 10 per person Sheepshead Year-Round Snappers Year-Round •Red **** Year-Round 16” Min TL 2 per person •Gray (Mangrove, Black) Year-Round 12” Min TL 10 per person •Lane Year-Round 8” Min TL *** •Vermilion Year-Round 10” Min TL 10 per person*** Tarpon Late Spring to Early Fall 60” Min TL $50.00 Tag Required to harvest each Tarpon Triggerfish, Gray Year-Round 14” Min TL *** Tripletail (Blackfish) Mid-Spring to Fall 18” Min TL 3 per person Tuna, Bigeye Year-Round 27” Min CFL No Creel Limit Tuna, Yellowfin Year-Round 27” Min CFL No Creel Limit Wahoo Late Spring to Fall (Off the Rigs) White Trout Late Spring to Early Fall * Only two Striped Bass per person are allowed within MRD Jurisdiction. 16” minimum ** Mixed species aggregate creel limit | 4 per person (only 2 Red Grouper may be included in Grouper aggregate) *** Reef Fish Aggregate: There is a twenty (20) fish aggregate creel limit for reef fish species (Example: Grunts, Porgies, Gray Triggerfish, Lane Snapper, etc.) for which there is no other creek limit. (Only 10 Vermilion Snapper are allowed in the 20-fish aggregate). **** Alabama State Waters open and close with Federal Regulations. NO FISH FILLETS OF ANY SPECIES ARE ALLOWED ON ANY VESSEL. Prohibited Species: Goliath Grouper (Jewfish), Nassau Grouper, Atlantic Angel Shark, Bigeye Sand Tiger, Bigeye Thresher, Bignose Shark, Caribbean Reef Shark, Caribbean Sharpnose Shark, Galapogos Shark, Narrowtooth Shark, Night Shark, Sevengill Shark, Sixgill Shark, Dusky Shark, Longin Mako, Sand Tiger, Basking Shark, Whale Shark, White Shark, Nurse Shark, Smalltail Shark, Smalltooth Sawfish, Largetooth Sawfish, Spotted Eagle Ray, Atlantic Manta. 14 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY


Multi-Passenger Deep Sea Fishing

A multi-passenger offshore charter boat offers many options. These charter boats can carry up to a maximum number of passengers determined by their COI (Certificate of Inspection) issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. The length of the trip and distance traveled offshore is generally determined by weather, sea conditions and the fish you want to target. Boat Sizes - Boats range from 36’ to 65’ in size. One thing the boats have in common is that they are designed to operate in an offshore environment and provide a safe and comfortable ride. These boats are safety inspected by the U.S. Coast Guard. Rates, Pricing and Fees - Most boats offer private fishing charters. This means the fees paid are for the entire group, up to 66 people and for an agreed number of hours. Fish cleaning is generally .30¢ per pound (whole fish estimated weight). Customary gratuity for your deckhand is 15% to 20% of the trip price.

Characteristics of a MultiPassenger Deep Sea Fishing Boat:

• Ideal for people who want to go deep sea fishing and have seven or more people in their group. These boats will accommodate groups of 6 or less, however the private charter rate is slightly higher than their Six Pack counterparts. • Some boats offer per person or walk-on shared expense charters where you can pay to join other passengers, thus keeping the cost per person down. • All boats have a restroom on board. • Most have a shaded area to get out of the sun or an air conditioned cabin. Many are heated as well for comfortable winter fishing.



Zeke’s Landing Marina 62’ Resmondo Passengers: Up to 12

Zeke’s Landing Marina 57’ Gillman Passengers: Up to 18

Captain: Mike Rowell Phone: 251-981-2081

Captain: Steve Foust Phone: 251-747-4761

Email: mike@captainmikesfishing.com Website: www.AnnieGirlCharters.com

Email: aquastarcharters@aol.com Website: www.AquaStarCharters.com

All types of Fishing, Tournaments, Overnight, Casino Trips. We Specialize in a Good Time!

Bottom Fishing, Tuna & Billfishing. Air Conditioned and a Big Green Egg Grill.



Destin Fishing Fleet Marina 210 Hwy 98 E, Destin, FL 57’ Miller Marine Custom Sportfisher Passengers: Up to 11 Captain: Gary Jarvis Phone: 850-837-9551 Email: gjabd@aol.com Website: www.backdown2.com Our commitment to excellence is why the charter boat Back Down 2 uses Daiwa Saltega and Saltist rods and reels for our anglers. We use the best power pro and monofilament on the market. Our offshore Equipment includes Diawa, Tiagra, and Fin-Nor reels and custom built rods. We use stand up tuna fishing belts and for offshore tournaments we have an international tuna chair.


Sportsman Marina 40’ Sea Harvester Passengers: Up to 25 Captain: George Pfeiffer Phone: 251-986-6855 Phone: 888-558-3889 Email: catcharters@gulftel.com Website: www.ActionCatCharters.com Affordable Family Fun. Private Trips, Walk-Ons, Air Conditioned, USCG Certified. We focus on giving our customers a memorable fishing experience aboard clean, well-maintained and safe boats. 16 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY


Zeke’s Landing Marina 60’ Sportfisherman Passengers: Up to 20 Captain: Jimmy Waller Phone: 251-747-4893 Phone: 251-981-5749 Email: www.bigadventurefishing.com All Types of Fishing.


Zeke’s Landing Marina 52’ Gillman Passengers: Up to 16 Captain: Dewitt Sightler Jr. Phone: 850-587-4000 Phone: 850-572-3106 Email: crosecharters@yahoo.com Website: www.CroseCharters.com Bottom Fishing, Trolling, Sport Fishing


www.DeepSeaFishingSpecials.com classactcharters@gmail.com

Captain Dale Woodruff Owner/Operator

251.974.5911 Cell 251.391.0935

Fun for all ages!

We cater to all Families, Friends, and Businesses.

No fishing license required. All you need is your food and drinks.

•All Types of Fishing Near shore trolling Bottom fishing Big game fishing Winter fishing for redfish Spring Time Cobia fishing

•Clean Sanitized Restrooms •Satellite TV Sony PlayStation® III Blue Ray Disc Satellite Radio MP3 Compatability •Green Egg Grill in the Cockpit for Grilling •All Major Credit Cards Accepted



Caribe Marina 53’Covered Pontoon Passengers: Up to 40 Captain: Don Guinn Phone: 251-747-2119 Website: www.CaribeCruiser.com


Zeke’s Landing Marina 52’ Miller Passengers: Up to 20 Captain: Dale Woodruff Phone: 251-974-5911 Phone: 251-391-0935 Email: marinesuv@aol.com Website: www.DeepSeaFishingSpecials.com Bottom Fishing, Billfishing, Overnighters



Zeke’s Landing Marina 46’ Custom Passengers: Up to 17

Sportsman Marina 52’ Miller Passengers: 1-15

Captain: Joseph Nash Phone: 251-979-1812

Captain: Eddie Thompson Phone: 251-979-1167

Email: captjoenash@gmail.com Website: www.CoolChangeCharter.com

Email: je.fish@hotmail.com Website: www.eagleexpressfishing.com

Offshore Bottom Fishing, Nearshore and Offshore Trolling, Redfishing, Inshore Fishing Available. Air Conditioned.

Satellite TV, Big Green Egg, 4 hr to 2 day trips offered, Tournaments



Zeke’s Landing Marina 42’ Sea Harvester Passengers: Up to 22 Captain: Tom Ard Phone: 251-979-2682 Email: tom@orangebeachfish.com Website: www.OrangeBeachFish.com Bottom Fishing & Trolling


SanRoc Cay Marina 55’ Gillman Passengers: Up to 19 Captain: Captain Chris Garner Phone: 251-978-1467 Email: HighCottonCharters@gmail.com Website: www.fishhighcotton.com The High Cotton is a fully equipped Orange Beach Sportfishing boat that offers a variety of fishing opportunities that range from half day trips up to multi-day overnight trips in Orange Beach, Alabama. Overnight trips offer a chance to target fish such as Marlin, Tuna, Dolphin, Wahoo, and Swordfish. Orange Beach day fishing trips usually target Red Snapper, Grouper, Trigger Fish, Amberjack, Beeliners, King Mackerel and Cobia.

Whether it is a weekend getaway, a family vacation or a sports competition, we’ve got the right accommodations at the right price.

Go to our website or give us a call for hot deals and specials.

888.893.7531 • ob2day.com • Use promo code: OBCharter16 ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 19


Orange Beach Marina 65’ Custom Passengers: Up to 43 Captain: Johnny Greene Phone: 251-747-2872 Email: fishorangebeach@gmail.com Website: www.GulfShoresDeepSeaFishing.com


Zeke’s Landing Marina 53’ Sportfisherman Passengers: Up to 19 Captain: Sonny Alawine Phone: 251-747-7367 Email: captcheeze@yahoo.com

We proudly serve as the platform for the discriminating sportsman who expects the very best in a fishing adventure. With big 65’ boat and 20 years of experience in the business we will guide you in the right direction for fishing and fun!

All types Gulf Fishing. From 4 hour to 3 day trips.



Zeke’s Landing Marina 50’ Glenn Young Passengers: Up to 20 Captain: Brian Lynch Phone: 251-747-0217 Phone: 251-979-0337 Email: fishislandgirl@yahoo.com Website: www.FishIslandGirl.com www.OrangeBeachCharterBoat.com All Types Saltwater Fishing. 20 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Dauphin Island Marina 60’ Passengers: Up to 16 Captain: Mike Thierry Phone: 251-861-5302 Email: capthierry@aol.com Website: www.CaptainMikeOnline.com From billfishing for the magnificent blue marlin, tuna, wahoo & bull dolphin (mahi-mahi) to bottom fishing for huge red snapper, grouper and amberjack to trolling for nice king mackerel - we have the boat to suit your needs. We take tournament trips, multi-day trips, 24, 18, 12, 11, 10, 8 and 5 hour trips.


Zeke’s Landing Marina 40’ Michael Fitz Passengers: Up to 15


Zeke’s Landing Marina 45’ Resmondo Passengers: Up to 20

Captain: Jason Vicars Phone: 251-979-9189

Captain: Seth Wilson Phone: 251-981-1500 Phone: 251-543-6291

Email: LegacyCharters@yahoo.com Website: www.OrangeBeachCharters.net

Email: fishriptide@gmail.com Website: www.FishRipTide.com

Bottom Fishing & Trolling.

Affordable family fishing, private and shared expense trips.



SanRoc Cay Marina 62’ Resmondo Passengers: Up to 28 Captain: Ricky McDuffie Second Captain: Alex McDuffie Phone: 251-747-4468 Email: captainrickymcduffie@yahoo.com Website: www.orangebeachfishing.com


Orange Beach Marina 65’ Resmondo Passengers: Up to 10 Captain: Bill Staff Phone: 251-968-7934 Phone: 251-979-3631 Email: captainbill@seaspraycharterfishing.com Website: www.SeaSprayCharterFishing.com

Catching fish and having fun since 1977. All types of Fishing. Fully Air Conditioned. When the Sea Hunter goes out, the fish come in! We love fishing and you will too. Our team does the best job to make your fishing experience a pleasurable one.

Celebrating 26 years of deep sea fishing on the Gulf of Mexico! Captain Bill Staff will make your charter fishing trip one to remember. The Sea Spray specializes in tuna fishing, specifically the yellowfin tuna. Your catch might also include blue marlin, white marlin, dolphin (mahi-mahi), wahoo, amberjack, swordfish, sailfish, triggerfish, grouper, and snapper.



Zeke’s Landing Marina 60’ Sportfisherman Passengers: Up to 42

SanRoc Cay Marina 65’ Bonner Passengers: Up to 22

Captain: Brian Daniels Phone: 850-516-9760

Captain: Henry Fish Phone: 251-981-7173 Phone: 800-806-7889

Email: brian@briandanielsguideservice.com Website: www.BrianDanielsGuideService.com Shared Expenses & Overnight Trips. Tuna, Marlin, Wahoo, Air Conditioned, Cruises. All Types of Fishing. 22 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Email: info@reelsurprisecharters.com Website: www.ReelSurpriseCharters.com Shared Expense and Private Charters. Air Conditioned.



Annan’s Port 55’ Resmondo Passengers: Up to 20

Zeke’s Landing Marina 60’ Customer Resmondo Passengers: Up to 30

Captain: Brian Annan Phone: 251-981-3119 Phone: 251-747-7777

Captain: Bobby Walker Phone: 251-981-6159 Phone: 251-747-3575

Email: gulfrebel@gulftel.com Website: www.gulfrebelcharters.com Air Conditioned. Bait & Tackle Furnished. 4680 Burkart Lane, Orange Beach, AL 36561

Email: captainbobbywalker@yahoo.com Website: www.BobbyWalker.com Bottom Fishing, Marlin, Tuna, Tournament Fishing.




We Absolutely Sp Specialize In Family FFishing Charters! Fro Smallmouth to Walleye on From Lak Lake St. Claire; Lake Trout and Sal Salmon on The Great Lakes and all the wŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů ĮƐŚŝŶŐ ŽŶ dŚĞ 'ƵůĨ of Mexico... we’ve done it all and enj enjoyed every minute of it. We iinvite you to enjoy it with us. it doesn’t get Tight Lines, Capt. Al & Karen

Ask about Our Free Extra Hour of Fishing Time

35’ Fish Trap II 31’ Fish Trap

Fish Trap Charters

OranŐe Beach, AL 251.747.8102 • 251.550.8887 ŵĂŝů͗ ƐĂůĞƐΛĮƐhtrapcharters.biz Visit Us www.FishTrapCharters.biz 26 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Kids are never too young to gŽ ĮƐŚŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ we ĮƐŚ year round.


six passenger “six pack”

Six Passenger “Six Pack” Deep Sea Fishing A six (6) passenger offshore charter boat is also known as a “Six Pack” boat. These boats can carry 1 to 6 passengers at a time. Many trips are taken with 2 to 3 people. Depending on the length of the trip you have chosen, you may either stay nearshore or go further offshore. There is usually a direct correlation between the length of the charter trip and the distance you can go offshore. Weather and sea conditions are also factors as well as the fish you want to target. Boat Sizes - Boats range from 30’ to 50’ in size. One thing the boats have in common is that they are designed to operate in a nearshore to offshore environment and provide a safe and comfortable ride. Rates, Pricing and Fees - Most boats offer private fishing charters. This means the fees paid are for the entire group, 1 to 6 people and for an agreed number of hours. Some six pack boats do offer shared expense trips. Fish cleaning is generally .30¢ per pound (whole fish estimated weight). Customary gratuity for your deckhand is 15% to 20% of the trip price.

Characteristics of a Six Passenger “Six Pack” Deep Sea Fishing Boat: • Ideal for people who want to go deep sea fishing in small groups of up to 6 people maximum. • These boats can take you near the beach (nearshore fishing) or offshore (deep sea fishing). • All boats have a restroom on board. • Most have a shaded area to get out of the sun or an air conditioned cabin. Many are heated as well for comfortable winter fishing.



Caribe Marina 36’ Sedan Passengers: 1-6

Sportsman Marina 46’ Hatteras Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Gordon Burdette Phone: (H) 251-981-0933 Phone: (C) 205-587-2195

Captain: Don McPherson Call/Text: 251-752-0235

Email: captgburdette@gmail.com

Email: getawaycharters@yahoo.com Website: www.getawaycharters.com

All Types of Fishing, Air Conditioned, Family and Corporate Fun.

Bottom Fishing, Deepwater Fishing, Trolling, Family Fishing, Offshore Big Game Trolling. ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 27



Zeke’s Landing Marina 46 foot Robert Graves custom sport fish

Zeke’s Landing Marina 38’ Buskens Passengers: Up to 6

Captain Shawn Hall Phone: 251-802-0662 Phone: 251-747-4893 Email: Jimmer 41@hotmail.com Website: www. bigadventurefishing.com All types of bottom fishing and trolling near shore and offshore family oriented crew!! We love kids!!!

Captain: Tom Ard Phone: 251-979-2682 Email: tom@orangebeachfish.com Website:www.OrangeBeachFish.com Bottom Fishing & Trolling.


Orange Beach Marina 42’ Custom Sportfisherman Passengers: 1-6 Your guide to life on the Alabama Gulf Coast

This free monthly magazine includes: • Dining guide • Local events • Music listings • Calendar and more! PICK UP A COPY TODAY!


Captain: Charles W.“Chip” Day Phone: 251-981-1943 Phone: 251-952-8247 Email: chipclip42@gmail.com Website: www.ChippersClipper.com Bottom Fishing & Deep Water Red Snapper, Grouper Fishing. Trolling: Wahoo, Dolphin, Tuna, Marlin.


Zeke’s Landing Marina 39’ Resmondo Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Rob Gams Phone: 251-942-4389 Email: robgams@aol.com Website: www.CoolBreezeCharterFishing.com


Orange Beach Marina 42’ Hatteras Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Troy Frady Phone: 251-975-8111 Email: distractioncharters@gmail.com Website: www.DistractionCharters.com

Bottom Fishing, Nearshore & Offshore Trolling, Marlin & Tuna Trips. Air Conditioned.

We are the leader in family deep sea fishing. All charters are “G” rated. Kids are welcome. No deposit required and offer complimentary fish cleaning. Easy online bookings that are hassle free.



33’ Crosby Passengers: 1-6

SanRoc Cay Marina 31’ Island Hopper Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Al Keahl Phone: 251-747-8102 Phone: 251-550-8887 Email: sales@fishtrapcharters.biz Website: www.FishTrapCharters.biz We absolutely specialize in Family Fishing Charters! FISH TRAP CHARTERS COMPANY MISSION To treat our customers as we would like to be treated. Our business rests upon the foundation of Satisfaction, Fairness and Courtesy. We strive to make your fishing experience a memorable one. 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 Hour Trips. Bottom Fishing, Trolling, Nearshore & Offshore.

Captain: Al Keahl Phone: 251-747-8102 Phone: 251-550-8887 Email: sales@fishtrapcharters.biz Website: www.FishTrapCharters.biz We absolutely specialize in Family Fishing Charters! FISH TRAP CHARTERS MISSION To treat our customers as we would like to be treated. Our business rests upon the foundation of Satisfaction, Fairness and Courtesy. We strive to make your fishing experience a memorable one. ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 29



SanRoc Cay Marina 35’ Resmondo Passengers: 1-6

Sportsman Marina 35’ Cabo Express Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Al Keahl Phone: 251-747-8102 Phone: 251-550-8887

Captain: Val Keith Phone: 251-288-1729 Phone: 251-981-0777 Phone: 251-269-6012

Email: sales@fishtrapcharters.biz Website: www.FishTrapCharters.biz

Email: islandman930@gmail.com Email: captnjohn719@gmail.com

We absolutely specialize in Family Fishing Charters! FISH TRAP CHARTERS MISSION To treat our customers as we would like to be treated. Our business rests upon the foundation of Satisfaction, Fairness and Courtesy. We strive to make your fishing experience a memorable one.

“Get’er Done On The GATOR DONE” Tuna Charters 12 Hr and 24 Hr Trips Inshore/Nearshore



Sportsman Marina 27’ Grady White Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Lee Bridges Phone: 877-758-9608 Phone: 615-417-1026 Email: captainlee@gennieleecharters.com Website: www.GennieLeeCharters.com We offer a family atmosphere with offshore bottom fishing, trolling and near shore fishing. Fishing trips for all ages and experience levels. A leisurely bay cruise is available as well. P. O. Box 146, Orange Beach, AL 36561 30 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Sportsman Marina 36’ Hatteras Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Reuben Ware Call/Text: 251-752-0235 Email: getawaycharters@yahoo.com Website: www.getawaycharters.com Bottom Fishing, Trolling, Family Fishing.



SanRoc Cay Marina 38’ Passengers: 1-6

Annan’s Port 44’ Custom Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Dan Burnham Phone: 850-207-6675

Captain: Brian Annan Phone: 251-981-3119 Phone: 251-747-7777

Email: goodtimescharterfishing@gmail.com Website: www.goodtimescharterfishing.com

Email: gulfrebel@gulftel.com Website: www.gulfrebelcharters.com

We offer 6-12 hour deep sea fishing trips. Our trolling trips are 4-6 hours. Combo trolling/ bottom trips available.

Air Conditioned. Bait & Tackle Furnished. 4680 Burkart Lane, Orange Beach, AL 36561



Zeke’s Landing Marina 36’ Topaz Passengers: 1-6

Zeke’s Landing Marina 36’ Hatteras Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Zack Gilbert Phone: 850-341-2997 Phone: 228-627-1734

Captain: Gary Goodwin Phone: 251-942-2020

Website: www.orangebeachcharterfishing.com Email: heyboycharters@gmail.com

Email: jamiegcharters23@yahoo.com Website: JamieGCharters.com

Shared expense or private charters. Big Green Egg grill, shower, restroom, small refrigerator and AC cabin. Trolling and bottom fishing trips available.

Bottom Fishing, Trolling Trips, Tournaments, Overnight Trips, Cobia Fishing. ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 31


Annan’s Port 40’ Custom Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Donald Annan Phone: 251-981-3119 Phone: 251-747-7777 Email: gulfrebel@gulftel.com Website: www.gulfrebelcharters.com Air Conditioned. Bait & Tackle Furnished. 4680 Burkart Lane, Orange Beach, AL 36561


Fort Morgan Marina 42’ 1972 Hatteras Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Eugene Coley Phone: 251-747-0051 Email: capt.eugene@yahoo.com Website: www.LazyLineCharters.com Fully air conditioned salon and cabin that sleeps 6 guests, full galley, grill, restroom, all types of fishing. 32 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY


Flora-Bama Marina 38’ Custom Sea Harvester Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Albert Stinson Phone: 251-455-1074 Email: captcuz@aol.com Website: www.juscuzfishing.com Bottom Fishing, Trolling, Light Tackle Fishing. 29603 Perdido Beach Blvd. Orange Beach, Al 36561


Romar Marina 38’ Topaz Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Alex Brewer Phone: 251-550-5588 Phone: 251-295-6158 Email: pleasureislandcharters@yahoo.com Website: www.PleasureIslandCharters.com Bottom Fishing, Trolling, Nearshore & Offshore. Air Conditioned.

Far from Ordinary...

Great Food, Lively Cocktails & Excellent Service.

Indulge Your Senses. 251-980-5862 (LUNA) Cosmo’s Courtyard in Orange Beach www.lunaseatanddrink.com

251-948-9663 (WOOF) Cosmo’s Courtyard in Orange Beach www.cosmosrestaurantandbar.com Catering Available

Contemporary Coastal Cuisine.

Honestly Sweet

Locally Roasted Coffee Home-made Pastries Delectable Delights 251-980-2899 (BUZZ) Cosmo’s Courtyard in Orange Beach www.buzzcatzcoffeeandsweets.com

251.923.5300 THE RESTAURANT

Under the Perdido Pass Bridge in Orange Beach Catering Director On-site www.cobaltrestaurant.net ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 33


Zeke’s Landing Marina 30’ Island Hopper Passengers: 1-6


SanRoc Cay Marina 39’ Buskens Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Brian Daniels Phone: 850-516-9760

Captain: John B. Hollingshead Phone: 850-777-0232 Phone: 850-607-7593

Email: brian@briandanielsguideservice.com Website: www.BrianDanielsGuideService.com

Email: hfcharters@cox.net Website: www.CharterMissHollie.com

Bottom Fishing, Trolling, Nearshore & Offshore Fishing.

Bottom Fishing, Trolling. Air Conditioned. Whether you’re a “I want big fish” hard-core fisherman or a first time family with small children, Captain John will work hard to make your fishing experience a great one!



Zeke’s Landing Marina 34’ Stuart Angler Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Kyle Partain Phone/Text: 251-201-0338 Email: missmadisonfishing@yahoo.com Website: www.MissMadisonFishing.com Family Fun Fishing! Children Welcome! Clean Restroom with Fresh Water Sink Aboard. Bottom Fishing & Trolling trips. Adult & Child Size Tackle Included. 34 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Orange Beach Marina 51’ Custom North Carolina Built Passengers: Up to 6 Captain: Ben Fairey Phone: 251-747-5782 Email: benfairey@gmail.com Website: www.necessitycharters.com All Types of Gulf Fishing. Family Friendly.



Fort Morgan Marina 28’ Pursuit Passengers: 1-6

Fort Morgan Marina 23’ Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Walter McNeil Phone: 251-213-0023 Phone: 251-947-1991

Captain: Walter McNeil Phone: 251-213-0023 Phone: 251-947-1991

Email: nicolefishingcharters@yahoo.com Website: www.NicoleFishingCharters.com

Email: nicolefishingcharters@yahoo.com Website: www.NicoleFishingCharters.com



Zeke’s Landing Marina 41’ Hatteras Passengers: 1-6

Zeke’s Landing Marina 42’ Hatteras Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Brandon Edgar Phone: 850-529-8425

Captain: Keith Andrews Second Captain: Austin Andrews Phone: 251-269-8201 Phone: 251-233-4040

Email: extremeoffshorecharters@yahoo.com Website: www.ExtremeOffshoreCharters.com A 41’ Hatteras with all the comforts of home in a battle wagon of a fishing boat. Built to withstand virtually any weather condition that the gulf can present,“No Worries” will cruise you to and from the fishing grounds in comfort with sleeping accommodations for 6, enclosed marine head and separate shower with hot water, AIR CONDITIONED SALON AND CABIN, full galley, and a green egg grill. Powered with new Cummins diesels and Onan generator, all accommodations will be ready for you on request. A truly relaxing “worry free” adventure awaits you, your family, and kids. Corporate trips available. Take clients to show appreciation or take employees to refresh and motivate your staff.

Email: capnkeith@gmail.com Email: capna42hatt@gmail.com All types of family fun fishing and many advanced trips for the seasoned angler. Trips from 4-36 hours. Specializing in tournaments and overnight trips. ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 35


Fort Morgan Marina 36’ Topaz Passengers: 1-6


Zeke’s Landing Marina 33’ Bertram Sport Fisherman Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Gary Bryant Phone: 251-752-0656

Captain: Doug Price, Jr. Phone: 251-223-9289 Phone: 251-213-5000

Email: redeye@gulftel.com Website: www.RedEyeCharters.com

Email: reeldealoba@yahoo.com Website: www.ReelDealOBA.com

Red Snapper, King Mackerel, Oil Rig Fishing, Offshore.

We offer deep sea & oil rig fishing for cobia, jack crevalle, red snapper, shark, bull redfish, grouper, triple tails, amberjack, trigger fish, barracuda, bonito, king mackerel, Spanish mackerel and many other varieties.



Caribe Marina 30’ Power Catamaran with 450 HP Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Michael S. Rabren Phone: 251-455-2305 Email: MRDR@centurytel.com Website: www.ReelKillCharters.com Reel Kill Charters will run any length charter that your group desires. We do trolling trips, but really do enjoy our very successful 6, 8 and 10 hour bottom fishing trips. A fast comfortable power catamaran gets us to the fish quickly. Over 70% of our charters are repeat happy customers. You will catch fish. Children Welcome! 36 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Safe Harbor Marina Harken Island Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Kendall Bozeman Phone: 334-376-0162 Phone: 334-657-2624 Email: summerdaze@gulfcoastcaptains.com Website: www.GulfCoastCaptains.com



SanRoc Cay Marina 39’ Sport Craft Sportfisherman Passengers: 1-6

Flora-Bama Marina 42’ Sportfisherman Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Jack Wilhite Phone: 251-948-3474

Captain: Michael “Sandbar” Salley Phone: 850-261-4358

Email: CaptJack@SummerHunterCharters.com Website: www.SummerHunterCharters.com

Email: sandbar3@att.net Website: www.SureShotOrangeBeachFishing.com

Nearshore Trolling, Blue Water Trolling & Bottom Fishing. Half day family friendly trips. Deep water Amberjack and Grouper trips. Monster Sharks May-June. Snapper trips in season.

Trolling, Bottom Fishing, Tournaments, Shark Fishing. Air Conditioned. Across from the World Famous FloraBama. 4,6,8 and 10 hour trips.



SanRoc Cay Marina 46’ Hatteras Passengers: 1-6

Orange Beach Marina 38’ Libby Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Chad Reyer Phone: 256-431-5767

Captain: Peter Fill Phone: 251-981-4510

Email: Capt_chad@thetriple-trouble.com Website: www.thetriple-trouble.com Offshore and nearshore bottom and trolling tips from 4 to 18 hours. Air conditioned.

Email: stella@centurylink.net Website: www.YankeeStar.com Trolling and bottom fishing. Family fishing. Children welcome. 4, 6, 8 hour trips. Air conditioned. ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 37


Inshore/Nearshore Fishing On the Alabama Gulf Coast, you have the opportunity to fish in the Bay, Bayou, Delta or Nearshore. Each venue provides a variety of fish. Short fishing trips (4 hours) as well as all day fishing trips are available. Each boat provides bait, tackle and fishing licenses. You will need a cooler for your drinks and snacks. The goal of each captain is to provide a safe, fun, memorable fishing trip for your group. Children are most welcomed! Captains enjoy their work and are willing to share their skills so that you will have a successful trip. When you call your captain to book a fishing trip, please leave a message because he/she may be fishing at the time. Your call will receive a response and together you can plan your trip.



Trailered For Customer Convenience 21’ Cape Horn “Offshore Series” Passengers: 1-5

Wharf Marina 24’ Proline Passengers: 1-4

Captain: Michael Choron Phone: 850-384-9059 Phone: 850-492-6377

Captain: Igor Subert Phone: 251-233-7200

Email: choronenterprises@gmail.com Website: www.alljackdupcharters.com Affordable, Family Friendly, Year-Round Fishing trips for all ages. We offer Inshore/ Nearshore and Offshore Fishing Trips.“Red Snapper” Fishing Trips when in season. 38 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Website: www.obparadise.com Guide service specializing in Youth anglers!!! Calm back bay waters, Family friendly guide. License, Bait & Premium Tackle provided. Ranked top 10 on Trip Advisor, Orange Beach! Boat rentals with Free fishing rods also available!



Gulf Shores, Orange Beach Alabama and Perdido Key FL - Trailered for client convenience. 24’ Skeeter Passengers: 1-4

Orange Beach Marina 23’ Sea Pro Passengers: 1-4

Captain: Bill Willis Phone: 850-748-5076

Captain: David Brown Phone: 251-981-6246 Phone: 251-942-4037

Email: iccabo40@yahoo.com Website: www.LostBayFishing.com Lost Bay Guide Service specializes in Shallow Water/Back Bay fishing, Offshore fishing and night time Flounder gigging trips with affordable rates, year round specials and a “Catch fish Guarantee”.

Email: brownsinshore@yahoo.com Website: www.BrownsInshore.com Inshore Light Tackle Fishing. Full Time Year Round. 3 Time Top Boat Award. October Rodeo


OU OUR UR PROGRAMS INCLUDE: • Excursion Vessels: • He Head ea Boats - Dinner Cruises • Ch ha Charter Fishing Vessels: - Sightseeing - 6 Packs - Multi-Passenger

- Ferries

We at Maritime Coverage Corp. & Island Wide Marine Agency wish w the Orange Beach Fleet a most successful 2016 season!

“Every trip should start with the right coverage.” ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 39



Orange Beach Marina 24’ Pathfinder Passengers: 1-4

Zeke’s Landing Marina 24’ Skeeter Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Jeffrey Chambliss Phone: 251-981-2463 Phone: 251-979-1209

Captain: Brent “Hollywood” Shaver Phone: 251-747-0220 Phone: 251-974-5714

Email: chamblisscharters@gmail.com All types Back Bay (Inshore) Fishing including Redfish, Speckled Trout, Flounder, Sheephead.

Email: captainbligh12@gmail.com Inshore/ Nearshore, Back Bay, License, Bait & Tackle Furnished, Fly Fishing, Multiple Boats Available.


SALES, SERVICE, CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS & MORE � Fish Finders � GPS & Chartplotters � Instruments & Radars � Communications Equipment � Multifunction Navigation Systems

Fort Morgan Marina 32’ Century Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Joe Garris Phone: 251-213-6680 Email: DottieJoCharterService@yahoo.com Website: www.DottieJoCharterService.com

8103 Hwy. 59 South - Foley, AL

251-943-4179 / 800-318-6736 Visit Us Online at www.bluewatershipsstores.com


We specialize in family fun trips. 4, 6, or 8 hour trips



SanRoc Cay Marina 24’ Panga Passengers: 1-4

Zeke’s Landing Marina 22’ Sea Hunt Passengers: 1-4

Captain: Mitchell Davis Phone: 251-714-3474

Captain: Doug Maines Phone: 228-365-2352

Email: mitchell0455@msn.com Website: www.AlabamaCoastalCharters.com

Email: extremechaoscharters@gmail.com

Inshore /nearshore, trolling trips, shark fishing, shrimping and night fishing 9 p.m. to midnight.

Light tackle fishing inshore/near shore and back bay. Bait, tackle and license included. Bring the kids and GET YOUR FISH-ON!



Zeke’s Landing Marina 23’ Custom Reno Passengers: 1-6

Gulf Shores-Orange Beach-Perdido Key, Mobile Bay Hydra Sport Bay Bolt Passengers: 1-4

Captain: Dennis M. Treigle Jr. Phone: 850-221-7732 Email: fmfcharters@yahoo.com Website: www.FMFCharters.com Specializing in Inshore and Nearshore Fishing. Speckled Trout, Redfish, Sheephead, Flounder, Snapper, King Mackerel, Pompano. 4, 6 & 8 Hour Trips. Bait, License & Tackle Provided.

Captain: Rick Harbour Phone/Text: 251-504-8976 Email: captainrick@teamfishbones.com Website: www.teamfishbones.com Affordable, family oriented, nearshore, inshore, offshore. Alabama/ Florida licensed year-round fishing. Kids are welcome.“Red Snapper” trips when in season. You bring the refreshments and I have the rest! ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 41



Romar Marina 22’ Seahunt Passengers: 1-6

Fort Morgan Marina Panga Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Alex Brewer Phone: 251-550-5588 Phone: 251-295-6158

Captain: Dejuan Tedder Phone: 251-978-9711

Email: pleasureislandcharters@yahoo.com Website: www.PleasureIslandCharters.com

Email: captaintedder@gmail.com Website: GulfAdventuresFishing.com

All Inshore Fishing, Trophy Speckled Trout, Redfish, Flounder, Sheephead, Mackerel

Back-bay and Nearshore trolling. Affordable, Family Friendly, Year-Round Fishing trips for all ages.“Red Snapper” Fishing Trips when in season.



Zeke’s Landing Marina 26’ Custom Goldline Passengers: 1-6

Zeke’s Landing Marina 23’ Sea Pro with T-Top Passengers: 1-4

Captain: Colby McMahon Phone: 251-406-2951

Captain: Kathy Broughton Phone: 251-747-7375

Email: spc_1025@yahoo.com Inshore/Nearshore. Light Tackle, Live Bait Fishing.


Email: kittywakecharters@yahoo.com Light Tackle Fishing, Inshore, Nearshore, Back Bay. License, Bait & Tackle Provided. Great Family Fun, Fishing Lessons Included.



Flora-Bama Marina 26’ Panga Angler Passengers: 1-4 Captain: Ritchie Russell Phone: 251-747-1896 Email: captritchie1@hotmail.com Website: www.russellscoastalfishing.com Family fun fishing that your kids will love. Specializing in inshore fishing and private Dolphin Cruises. • Customized trips available • 4 & 6 hour trips available • All Day trips available • Night fishing available • Specializes in Shark fishing • Snapper Fishing is a Blast!

Caribe Marina 20’ Pathfinder Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Mike Davis Phone: 251-979-4850 Email: m_n_mdavis@gulftel.com Website: www.CaptainMikesInshoreFishing.com 4 Hour Inshore, Families & Kids Fishing Trips Welcome.

Local Marinas

local marinas

ANNAN’S PORT 4680 Burkart Lane Orange Beach, AL 36561

GRAND HOTEL MARINA 1 Grand Blvd Point Clear, AL 36564

SPORTSMAN’S MARINA 27844 Canal Rd Orange Beach, AL 36561

CARIBE MARINA 28101 Perdido Beach Blvd Orange Beach, AL 36561

ORANGE BEACH MARINA 27075 Marina Rd Orange Beach, AL 36561

THE WHARF MARINA 4673 Wharf Pkwy Orange Beach, AL 36561

DAUPHIN ISLAND MARINA 650 Lemoyne Dr, Dauphin Island, AL 36528

ROMAR MARINA 26350 Cotton Bayou Dr Orange Beach, AL 36561

ZEKE’S LANDING MARINA 26619 Perdido Beach Blvd Orange Beach, AL 36561

FLORA-BAMA MARINA 29603 Perdido Beach Blvd Orange Beach, AL 36561 FORT MORGAN MARINA 1577 State Highway 180 Gulf Shores, AL 36542 (formerly Gulf Shores Marina)

SAFE HARBOR MARINA 27212 Marina Rd Orange Beach, AL, 36561 SANROC CAY MARINA 27267 Perdido Beach Blvd Orange Beach, AL 36561

OBFA Charter Boats proudly docked at these marinas!




Orange Beach, AL Trailered for Customer Convenience Excel 20 Foot Aluminum Center Console Passengers: 1-4

Zeke’s Landing Marina 21’ Triumph Passengers: 1-4

Captain: Ron Stone Phone: 251-269-2154

Captain: Mike Weaver Phone: 850-232-4251 Email: mikew611@gmail.com Website: www.CaptainMikeWeaver.com Family Friendly, Year-Round Inshore and Nearshore Light Tackle Fishing.

Email: captron@nightshiftcharterservice.com Fishing Website: www.NightShiftCharterService.com Duck Hunt Website: www.CoastalDuckHunting.com We offer inshore Bowfishing and Flounder Gigging Trips. Our specialty is night time fishing, especially Flounder, considered the best tasting inshore fish you can catch or gig. No sun screen required! Come with us in December and January for the best Coastal Duck hunting around!

We know you love our beach!

Gulf Shores and Orange Beach strive to provide a safe, clean, family-friendly environment. You can help protect the coast by observing beach rules and regulations. Enjoy the beach responsibly and safely. Prohibited items include glass containers, fires, pets & loud music.

PLEASE REMOVE ALL PLE PERS PERSONAL ITEMS DAILY Any personal property left on the beach one hour after ssunset will be removed and disposed of overnight. For more information, check www.cleanisland.org




Grand Hotel Marina Point Clear, AL Ranger 2310 Bay boat Passenger: 1-4

Triton Passengers: 1-6

Captain: Kevin Olmstead Phone: 251-401-3474 Email: koredfish@bellsouth.net Website: pointclearfishingadventures.com All Inshore Fishing, Night Fishing, Speckled Trout, Flounder, Redfish & Triple Tail.

Captain: Frank Ford Phone: 251-401-9743 Email: islandtimeinshorefishing@gmail.com Website: www.MyIslandTimeCharters.com Specializing in Year Round fishing for all inshore/ nearshore species. AL & FL license provided.


at Gulf Shores, AL

The Gulf Coast's Best Charter Fishing Fleet

Zeke’s Landing Marina 23’ Sportcraft Passengers: 1-6 Captain: Landon Bell Phone: 205-901-4858

• Dry Storage for Boats up to 34' in Length • Wet Slips for Boats up to 70' in Length • Transient Slips • Dockside Fuel • Live Bait • Dock/Grocery Store • Tacky Jacks 2 Restaurant • Excellent Location! Only 1 nautical mile to the Gulf of Mexico & minutes from the area's best fishing spots. 30 ° 14’.22 N 87 ° 59’.71 W

Email: bell@southernbendcharters.com Website: www.southernbendcharters.com Bottom Fishing, Trolling, Nearshore & Offshore Fishing.

1577 State Highway 180, Gulf Shores, AL 36542 251-540-BOAT (2628) • 251-540-2244 (fax) gulfshoresmarina@yahoo.com www.gulfshoresyachtclubandmarina.com


headboat/party boat

Headboat/Party Boat Deep Sea Fishing

A Headboat offshore charter boat offers an economical way to get out fishing and usually bring home dinner! All boats are U.S. Coast Guard Inspected, with clean restrooms, clean interior salons, and always helpful, friendly crews. The length of the trip and distance traveled offshore is generally determined by weather, sea conditions and the fish you want to target. Boat sizes – Boats range from 57’ to 65’ in size. Rates, pricing and fees – Boats offer individual and group pricing. You can come alone or bring a large group (50 to 66 people). Fish cleaning is generally .30 per pound (whole fish estimated weight). Customary gratuity for your deckhand is 15% to 20% of the trip price. All tackle, bait and license is provided (including Rods and reels, though feel free to bring your own). Remember to bring your own lunch, snacks and beverages.



Sportsman Marina 65’ Bonner Passengers: Up to 50

Dauphin Island Marina 65’ Bonner Passengers: 1-38

Captain: George Pfeiffer Phone: 251.986.6855 Phone: 888.558.3889

Captain: “Skipper” Thierry Phone: 251-861-5302

Email: catcharters@gulftel.com Website: www.FishEmeraldSpirit.com Affordable Family Fun. Private Trips, Walk-Ons, Air Conditioned, USCG Certified. We focus on giving our customers a memorable fishing experience aboard clean, well-maintained and safe boats. 46 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Email: capthierry@aol.com Website: www.CaptainMikeOnline.com The Escape specializes in deep sea fishing for large or small groups. We have trips ranging from 6 hours for snapper and other reef fish, to overnight fishing trips for tuna, swordfish, wahoo, dolphin, and other pelagic species. All of our trips are available as either a private charter or on a pay-per-person basis.


SanRoc Cay Marina 65’ Bonner Passengers: Up to 60


Flora-Bama Marina 65’ Bonner Passengers: Up to 38

Phone: 251-981-7173 Phone: 800-806-7889

Captain: Alex McDuffie Phone: 251-980-5222 Phone: 251-747-4468

Email: info@reelsurprisecharters.com Website: www.ReelSurpriseCharters.com

Website: www.fishflorabama.com

Air Conditioned. Shared Expense and Private Charters.

Miss E is a 65 foot fully air conditioned Bonner Head Boat Running Daily Accommodates up to 38 passengers. Shared expenses, Families, Small or Large groups.



SanRoc Cay Marina 65’ Bonner Passengers: Up to 60

Zeke’s Landing Marina 62’ Party Boat Passengers: Up to 57

Captain: Randy Boggs Phone: 251-981-7173 Phone: 800-806-7889

Captain: Seth Wilson Phone: 251-981-4000 Phone: 800-793-4044

Email: info@reelsurprisecharters.com Website: www.ReelSurpriseCharters.com Shared Expense & Private Charters. Air Conditioned.

Email: info@zekeslanding.com Website: www.ZekesLanding.com 4, 6, 8 & 10 Hour Charter Fishing Trips. Shared Expense and Private Charters available. ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 47

A tribute to Leon W. “Buddy” Resmondo ~ fellow fisherman and master builder ~

Buddy Resmondo was born on September 25, 1924 in Perdido Beach, Al and remained a resident until he passed away on January 29, 2016. His early education was in the one room Perdido Beach School. “Buddy” was proud of the education he received from his teacher, Ms. Clark. He attended Foley High School and completed his education while in the Navy and received his diploma. As a teenager, he volunteered to serve in World War II. Because of his age, he was sent home and persuaded his Mom to sign the papers that gave him permission to enlist. He was in the Navy and served as a gunner on the USS Yorktown during the Battle of Midway. The vessel was struck by the Japanese and she sank. Buddy was fortunate to have survived and continued to serve until the Japanese surrendered. Buddy had a natural gift in knowing how to work with wood. His father had taught him many woodworking techniques and at a young age began designing and building boats. When Ronnie and Joey were growing up, their Dad taught them skills needed to build wooden boats. Their first job was scraping barnacles off the boats that were brought in for service. Ronnie chuckled and said, “We started at the bottom.” They learned how to drill plugs, to cover fasteners and then progressed to learning how to “dress out” the lumber, treat the wood, and stand it up for drying. Many cypress or juniper planks were processed by the brothers, Joey and Ronnie. Buddy founded Resmondo Boat Works in 1956 and it is located on Palmetto Creek. His wife, Donna, was the Post Mistress for Perdido Beach and worked part-time as the office manager. When she retired from the post office, she became his full-time office manager. His daughter, Lynn, spent many happy hours running the shrimp boat, Sandra H, while her Dad pulled in the catch. Buddy named one of his charter boats the Lynn I, after his daughter. He ran commercial and charter fishing trips on her and later on the Mighty Jack another charter boat that he ran out of Perdido Beach. During the 1980’s, the company went through the transition from wooden to fiberglass boats. Many are in our current fishing fleet. Buddy and his family have built over a hundred boats that are used for business and pleasure. Thank you to Buddy and his family for their contributions to our industry. ■ 48 • ALABAMA CHARTER BOAT FISHING DIRECTORY

Alabama’s Artificial Reef Program... A Brief History Alabama has the largest permitted artificial reef program in the world. The natural bottom offshore of Alabama is predominately flat sand bottom. This bottom type attracts few fish that are either commercially or recreationally valuable. However, it has long been known that if a vertical relief is created, many reef fish such as snappers and groupers will be attracted. Artificial reefs, over time, will appear as natural reefs with similar communities of encrusting organisms and bait fish. As various encrusting organisms, such as corals and sponges, cover the artificial reef material, small animals take up residence. As these small animals become abundant, larger animals are attracted and feed upon them and so on until a complete reef food web is created. At that point the artificial reef functions as a natural reef. Alabama’s artificial reef building program started in 1953 when the Orange Beach Charter Fishing Association asked the authority to place 250 car bodies off Baldwin County, Alabama. This proved to be very successful and in the years since, many different types of materials have been placed offshore of Alabama. These have included additional car bodies, culverts, bridge rubble, barges, boats and planes. In 1974-75, in an excellent example of State/Federal cooperation, several “ghost-fleeted” liberty ships were sunk in five locations off Mobile and Baldwin Counties in 80 to 93 feet of water. In 1987, a general permit was issued by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers creating specific areas offshore of Alabama for the creation of artificial reefs. These were created in order to provide areas for these materials in order to coordinate with other users of the offshore area. In 1987 the areas encompassed almost 800 square miles. REEF - EX is the program name associated with the concept of deploying obsolete military combat tanks in the MARANATHA Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean as artificial reefs. The initial deployment under this program was on June 1, 1994 with the initial deployment of six tanks. With the successful completion of this deployment, the mechanisms were in place for the deployment of hundreds of tanks in the future. In 1993, the U. S. military, in addressing the need to de-militarize obsolete battle Intracoastal Canal tanks, realized that immersion in seawater 114’ Reefmaker Work Boat was an acceptable method. The idea of using Captain: David Walter these obsolete materials to create artificial Phone: 251-979-2200 reefs was born. The idea was presented to the Alabama Department of Conservation Email: reefmaker@gulftel.com and Natural Resources, Marine Resources Website: www.ReefMaker.net Division and development of an operation plan began. As plans developed the full Available for towing and salvage work. extent of the impact this program will 114’ x 30’ with only a 5.5’ draft. 800 hp, 250 KW; Complete have on the reef fisheries and associated workshop 12,000 gallons of fuel; 7,000 gallons of potable water; 30’ spuds; 20 ton crane. Ideally suitable for shallow economy of Alabama became obvious. It is water work on bridges, structures, diving platform, workshop an outstanding and creative way to convert for experimental projects. Reasonable rates. swords to plowshares. ■ ORANGEBEACHFISHINGASSOCIATION.COM • 49

‘Rookie Kruse’ Nearshore Reef Zones For 26 years, Allen “Rookie” Kruse was a very successful charter boat captain in the Orange Beach Fishing Fleet. As a member of that fleet, he built many private artificial reefs. He served on the Board of Directors of the Orange Beach Fishing Association for several years. He had a keen sense of fair play and honesty. He encouraged attendance at the meetings and participated in activities such as fish fries. All charter boat captains have to deal with weather conditions, federal regulations and the costs of doing business: insurance, slip fees, fuel, advertising, boat maintenance, license renewals, and professional dues. Kruse never missed a trip because of a mechanical Rookie Kruse breakdown. What a record!!! When the oil spill of April, 2010 happened in the Gulf of Mexico, Kruse was devastated. For a while there would be no return customers, no happiness among the captains, and no enjoyment of the Gulf’s beauty. Kruse was one who loved the Gulf and all it had to offer. In honor of his fishing career, his dedication to the Orange Beach Fishing Association and his love of the Gulf, Rookie’s Ridge is named in his memory.

Orange Beach H

Rookie Kruse East Rookie’s Ridge

Rookie’s Ridge


Rookie Kruse East


Suddenly, you’re in a whole different state of

fish tales.


OrangeBeach.com 877-475-1534

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