2023 Tejano Democrats State Convention in Corpus Christi

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Welcome to Corpus Christi and our 29th Annual Tejano Democrats State Convention. e 2024 Election Season is upon us, and this year’s convention will serve to jump start our collective efforts to re-elect President Joe Biden, defeat Ted Cruz, and win a majority of seats in the Texas House of Representatives.

Texas is a Battleground State. Over the last three elections, we increased the Hispanic share of the vote and closed the gap in presidential races (Obama -15, Hillary -10, Biden -5). By improving Tejano Turnout by 10%, we will deliver the state’s 40 electoral votes to President Biden and ensure his re-election victory.

In the race for United State Senate, I’m excited that high profile Democrats are already in full campaign mode. We came withing two points of defeating Ted Cruz last time and we are determined more than ever to hold him accountable for: undermining democracy here at home while supporting communist across the globe; sowing divisions (even within his party) to advance his political ambitions; spewing racist rhetoric against communities of color; and most of all, his lack of empathy for immigrants and the next generation of Americans. Texas can do much better than Ted Cruz.

Ann Richards would say “Texas and Alabama share many of the same problems: underfunded schools; inadequate healthcare; deteriorated infrastructure; extreme poverty.” She would add, “the difference between the two states is that Texas has the money to do something about it.” Well, even with a record $60 billion surplus, Governor Greg Abbott doubled down on doing NOTHING about it. Instead, he spent our tax money on Operation Lonestar, the most inhumane and financially irresponsible political stunt in modern history.

To put an end to Operation Lonestar, we must take back the Texas House of Representatives. at means protecting the 64 seats we currently hold and picking up 12 to achieve a 76 vote majority. We have identified seventeen target districts across the state. I applaud local chapters that have taken charge and recruited candidates in these swing districts.

Tejanos were on the frontline when we won our independence and became the Republic of Texas in 1836. We have always been part of the Texas Miracle but for the first time ever, we are now a plurality of the population and soon the majority. I look forward to seeing you at the convention and sharing ideas on how we plan to lead Texas into the future.

Let us all thank the Coastal Bend Tejano Democrats for hosting this year’s convention. “Mil Gracias” to Chairman Joseph Ramirez, Vice Chair xxx, and xxx. Together, we will continue to represent “La Voz del Pueblo”.

Tejano Democrats,
Bea Martinez Vice Chair Mary Bowles Gasca Vice Chair Theresa Perez-Wiseley Treasurer Jim Davis Secretary Manuel Medina, Chairman State Tejano Democrats Chair


Mis Querido Tejanos, Welcome to the sparkling city by the sea! We are honored to host the state convention in Corpus Christi, the birthplace of Latino Civil Rights! It is right here in Corpus Christi where both LULAC and the American GI Forum where founded. It was right here where Cisneros Vs Board of Education opened the door in schools for mexican american students in this country. We are no strangers to fighting the good fight for equal rights for everyone.

e Coastal Bend Chapter of the Tejano Democrats is proud to stand hand in hand with our friends in Labor, LULAC, NAACP, American GI Forum & Texas Teachers, to be a voice for those whose voice continues to be threatened with silence. It is here, at conventions like this that we come together to begin

the hard work of electing leaders who will stand up for us. It is here where the battle to defeat Ted Cruz begins. It is here where we begin to take back the Texas House! It is here where we show the strength of the Latino Vote!

Cinia Montoya Vice Chair Becky Moeller Treasurer Victoria Munt Rogers Secretary Parliamentarian Celina Lopez Leon Sinceramente, Chairman Joseph L. Ramirez Inaugural Coastal Bend Tejano Democrats Easter Egg Hunt held at the Boys & Girls Club of Corpus Christi Sunday April 8, 2023. More than 70 kids were helped.

Obamacare: Cruz was a vocal opponent of the Affordable Care Act (often referred to as Obamacare). In 2013, he staged a 21-hour speech on the Senate floor in an attempt to defund it. Many Democrats view the ACA as a major achievement and believe Cruz's actions were obstructionist.

Climate Change: Cruz has often expressed skepticism about the human role in climate change and has criticized the Paris Agreement. Many Democrats prioritize climate change policy and disagree with his stance.

Supreme Court Nomination: Cruz played a role in blocking President Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016. Many Democrats felt this was an unfair obstruction of a sitting president's prerogative.

Social Issues: Cruz is staunchly pro-life and has been vocal in opposing LGBTQ rights, including opposition to same-sex marriage. These positions are at odds with many in the Democratic Party.

Immigration: Cruz has expressed strong support for stricter immigration policies, including the construction of a wall on the U.S.Mexico border. This contrasts with Democratic calls for comprehensive immigration reform.

Gun Control: Cruz is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and has often opposed any form of gun control. Many Democrats advocate for more gun safety regulations.

Partisanship: Some Democrats view Cruz as overly partisan and uncompromising, making it difficult to reach bipartisan solutions on key issues.

Government Shutdown: In 2013, Cruz played a significant role in a strategy that resulted in a government shutdown over budget and healthcare disagreements. Many blamed Cruz for this outcome and viewed it as a tactic that hurt American citizens.

Taxation: Cruz has supported various tax cuts, especially the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Some Democrats argue that such policies disproportionately benefit the wealthy at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Foreign Policy: Cruz's foreign policy stances, especially his strong criticism of the Iran nuclear deal and his hawkish positions, have been at odds with many Democrats who prefer diplomacy and multilateral agreements.

Cruz Must Go! Here’s Why.
The Island
Christi! Have a great convention! Join us for Coffee every Monday Morning 10 am at Island Starbucks. www.IslandDemocrats.com RegisterBlueVoters@gmail.com 361-548-6804
Democrats welcome the
Democrats to Corpus
Trial Advocates Serving Corpus Christi & Nationwide 877.631.9965 Corpus Christi • Houston • Pasadena • San Antonio Welcome Tejano Democrats!


Fri, Sep 15

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Convention Registration

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

State Tejano Democrats Executive Committee Meeting

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Night C our t C omedy Show

Convention Happy Hour with Appetizers (Cash Bar)

Sat, Sep 16

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

45 minutes

Happy the Entertainer

Happy, an international award-winning entertainer, is one of the top Latino comedians in the US.

Credential Committee Meeting : Chair Teresa Perez-Wisely, State Treasurer

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

45 minutes

Resolutions Committee Meeting

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Constitution and By-Laws C ommittee: Chair Judge Bo b Perkins, Parliamentarian

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM


9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Convention Called to Order: State Chair Manuel Medina

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 1: GOTLV (Get Out e Latino Vote)

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Session 2: e Power of One 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Session 3: Take Back the Texas Housel 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Convention Reconvenes

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Chairman ' s Banquet C elebration with VIP Special Guests

Welcome to Corpus Christi Tejano Democrats!
6102 Ayers Suite 107 | 361-885-0095 | www.nuecesdemocrats.com

After the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde,

passage of the most comprehensive

In the State Senate, Roland is a leading voice to raise pay for teachers and stop far-right

for Texas families and exposing

When millions of Texans lost power, Tejanos deserve a candidate who


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