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14 — GULFSHORE LIFE NguyenAnna Features 118 / Craft Breweries Rising Local breweries have emerged as community anchors, with a focus on creativity, collaboration, robust programming and giving back.

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18 — GULFSHORE LIFE NguyenAnna Features 130 / Natural Pursuits From fishing to shelling to birding, Southwest Florida is an ideal destination for ecological adventures.

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22 — GULFSHORE LIFE NguyenAnnabyphotographedBrook,Sheena Contents Departments — In Every Issue 34 Editor’s Note 36 From the CAB 38 TreasuresGulfshore 320 Parting Shot — Dining + Wining 44 Hubs: renaissanceCoral’sCapeculinary 50 Voices: Where the bartenders go Buzz:58 Dining in style 66 Odes: A love letter to early dining 104 Thanks to the region’s bevy of talent, on any given day you can catch a great show in Southwest Florida. We present five acts you can’t miss. 09 — 2022 Arts + Culture Buzz — Arts + Culture 78 Voices: Hyla Crane elevates Marco Island Center for the Arts 84 Hubs: An artist’s tour of Naples Art District 94 Odes: SouthwestArsenault’sPaulFlorida 104 Buzz: Musicians to catch


24 — GULFSHORE LIFE NguyenAnna — Style + Wellness 176 Hubs: Waterside Shops marks 30 years with growth 178 Buzz: Made in SWFL jewels 182 Voices: Mother of AmandareinventionJaron 192 Odes: A wellnesspyramidvillage — The Guidebook 206 Events: Top events for the season — Nature Recreation+ 146 Buzz: The dawn of outdoor gyms 148 GordonVoices: Lewis’ dream courses 158 Hubs: Paddling The Great Calusa Blueway 166 Odes: KoreshanInsideState Park 216 Dining: essential150-plusrestaurants 248 Culture: Art centers to know 270 Shopping: Where to up your style 280 Beaches: Where to plant your towel 290 Recreation: Top courses + courts 306 Attractions: Top family activities Volume 52/Number 9, Gulfshore Life (ISSN 0745-0079) is published monthly, 12 times a year, by Gulfshore Life Media, LLC., 26101 S. Tamiami Trail, Bonita Springs, FL 34134. Subscription price is $19.95 per year. For customer service inquiries, subscription inquiries or to change your address by providing both the old and new addresses, contact: Subscription Department, Gulfshore Life Media, LLC, 26101 S. Tamiami Trail, Bonita Springs, FL 34134. Telephone (239) 498-8501 or email Periodicals’ postage paid at Bonita Springs, FL, and at additional mailing offices. Copyright 2022 by Gulfshore Life Media, LLC, Library of Congress Card No. 8538973. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Unsolicited manuscripts without return postage will not be returned. DISCLAIMER: Advertisements in the publication do not constitute an offer for sale in states where prohibited or restricted by law. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Gulfshore Life, 26101 S. Tamiami Trail, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 09 — 2022 Contents Departments Style + Wellness Voices 182 Learn how Naples Bayshore Arts District jeweler Amanda Jaron turns everything she touches to gold.

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The Design Center • 13251 McGregor Blvd. Suite 111-1 Ft. Myers, Florida 33919 • 239 481 8582 TEXT www.jennifersfortmyers.com239-223-8512SubtleClothingWithSimpleSophistication MARKETING D irector of Marketing and Events Rachel Galante Digital Media Marketing Manager Brittney Kleis CIRCULATION Director of Audience Development Kerri Nolan PRODUCTION Production Manager Martha Leavitt Production Services Manager Ankita Joshi ADMINISTRATION Advertising Services Manager/ Distribution & Subscriptions Kathleen Hill President/CEO Jim Schwartzel Director of News + Local Content Tom Doerr Editor in Chief Stephanie Granada Creative Director Scott Glick Editor at Large Dorothea Hunter Sönne Senior Writer Jaynie Bartley Assistant Editor Zahra Khan Editorial Assistant Addison Pezoldt Interns Lily Poorman, Whitney Ward Contributing Editor Jennifer Cole ART Art Directors Ed AlbertoMelnitskyOrta P hoto Editor Elizabeth Bankmann ADVERTISING Associate Publisher Mindy Roosa National Account Director Wendy Tooley Marketing Consultants Holly MeredithNatashaBaldwinGonzalezParsons

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30 — GULFSHORE LIFE ScarpaStayer/RolandShellyLoren,MarkGoetz,EllinElkins,ShirleneCourtesy(12);TietzBrian Denise Cobb Chair, of2000FoundationChildrenTrustee,AdvisoryCommunityBoardNaples&EducationWomantheYear Scott Burgess President and CEO, David Lawrence Center 2018 Man of the Year Shelly Stayer the2013JohnsonvillePresident/Co-Owner,FoodsWomanofYear Elliott H. Singer Managing Director and Member-at-LargeFoundationChildrenTrustee,FairviewFounder,AdvisorsNaples&Education Dwayne Bergmann Principal Designer/ Owner, 2020BergmannDwayneInteriorsManoftheYear Mark Loren Head 2016MarkDesigner/Owner,JewelryLorenDesignsManoftheYear Shirlene Elkins Real Professional,Estate John R. Wood Year2003FoundationChildrenTrustee,PropertiesNaples&EducationWomanofthe Gail Markham Founding Partner, Markham Norton Mosteller Wright & 2011CompanyWoman of the Year Brooke Denson Real Professional,Estate Dina Marie the2019CharitiesSWFLTrusteeRealtyandTreasurer,Children’sWomanofYear Mary Susan Clinton Founder, Gallien Global Vision Trustee,Inc.Naples Children & Education Foundation 2002 Woman of the Year Sandra YoungquistStilwell Owner and CEO, Stilwell Enterprises 2006 Woman of the Year Adria Starkey President, Collier FineMark National Bank & Trustee,TrustNaples Children & Education Foundation 2000 Woman of the Year Rebecca Maddox the2019CelebrationThree60Three60Owner/Developer,Market,WineandParkWomanofYear Ellin Goetz 2000LandscapeGoetz+StropesPresident,ArchitectsWomanoftheYear Ingrid Aielli Co-Owner, Aielli Group 2016 Woman of the Year David Corban President, David Corban Architects 2020 Man of the Year Community Advisory Board

32 — GULFSHORE LIFE Making Gulfshore Life On the Cover Shot on location at Delnor-Wiggins Pass Beach by Omar Cruz Model Anastasia Grik, Next Model Management Stylist Anna Ruiz HMUA Natali Nosokas

34 — GULFSHORE LIFE GunselmanAnna
While I was editing many of these stories during a summer trip to North Carolina, I felt eager to get back home. I started book marking places to visit or revisit— Sails Restaurant at 5 p.m. for the stunning early-dining menu (p. 66); Thai Udon Cafe in Estero for what Emily Simons from Gather promises are some thoroughly authentic noodle dishes; Naples Art District to see Tammra Sigler and Anna Rac’s abstract works and to check into Jan Edwards’ new experiential MuseBox Arts space (p. 84); Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum to nerd out over shells with curator and science director, Dr. José Leal (p. 130). I know I’ll be wise to follow that with dinner at Keylime Bis tro, which was recently awarded another Wine Spectator Award. We hope this issue likewise equips you to plot your Southwest Florida adventure. We’ll see you out there!
Find yourself paddling on The Great Calusa Blueway (p. Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
From The Editor
For first-time visitors to the area, we dive into the classics, like Koreshan State Park (p. 166) and Paul Arsenault’s art (p. 94), that cannot be missed. Certainly, even longtime locals will find fresh things to discover with these hometown institutions.
Lee County Visitor and Conven tion Bureau recently launched a discovery challenge to encour age people to get out and explore natural sites, cultural landmarks and unique experiences across the county. It’s a fresh reminder of the treasures that abound close to Wehome.had a similar idea when we started planning the Visitors’ Guide at the beginning of sum mer. We thought about the things that attract people to Southwest Florida—the beaches, slash pine forests, waterfront estates, the abundance of arts and easy way of living. We also thought of the many ways our region delivers on the promise of paradise and designed this issue as a scavenger hunt of sorts to lead you to new comers and longtime favorites.
Stephanie Granada Editor in Chief 158) and you’ll hit secret islands, ancient Calusa Indian mounds and mango farms. Head to The Barrel Room on a Friday night and you’ll see electrifying jazz from a trumpeter whose part of the Naples Philharmonic and has played with Harry Connick Jr.’s band. If country, pop-funk or Latin beats are more your jam, we have options for that, too (p. 104).

It's tim e to sur r ender to a sleep story defined by a legacy of r espec ted br ands . As representatives of H ä s tens and V ispr ing, The Luxur y Bed Collection c ar r ies the tor c h of excellenc e - guided by high-touch serv ice and a c ommitment to your wellbeing. King beds s tar ting at $6,600.

2000LandscapeGoetz+StropesPresident,ArchitectsWomanoftheYear awaiting their lucky passengers.
36 — GULFSHORE LIFE GoetzEllinCourtesy
Loop back into Baker Park to enjoy river views and a glimpse of downtown Naples. Make a mental note to return with your pet to frolic in the popular dog park and check out the dynamic play space for some family fun.
From there, take Central Ave nue into the Naples Design District, stop for a latte at Narrative Cof fee Roasters, grab a fresh-baked croissant at La Colmar, and head toward Fifth Avenue South along Eight Street South, which has generous bike lanes, recently improved by the city. Bike to Cove Inn, overlooking Naples Bay. The inn’s The Coffee Shoppe serves up a hearty breakfast with endless cups of coffee. Around the corner, find Naples City Dock, full of the sights and smells of a waterfront. Treat your senses at the GuessFisher Gallery and meet owners Natalie Guess and Phil Fisher whose vibrant artwork captures special Naples places. If it’s a Saturday, continue over to Third Street South Farmers Market, where the people-watching includes a mind-boggling myriad of dogs and a charming fellow parading his pet cockatoos, all accompanied by some funky streetWandermusicians.thealleyways of Old Naples to the iconic Naples Pier and walk out to share the excite ment of locals casting their lines in hopes of catching the big one. Manatees, dolphins and some times even lemon sharks can be seen from your safe vantage above the Gulf. Wind your way back through the streets of Naples to end your exploration where it began. This is a marvelous way to experience what makes our region so special.
On an ideal day, I park at Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens and hop on The Gordon River Green way. Mornings are best, when it’s still cool and before the afternoon thunderstorms. Listen for the unexpected sounds of big cats roaring and primates howling during their breakfast time. The Greenway is a hidden gem for bikers and walkers, weaving its way along the river amidst a wild Florida landscape and the edges of the Naples Airport, where you can marvel at the private jets
Ellin Goetz
A Perfect Naples Day From The Community Advisory Board
Sultry September brings us closer to dreaming of cooler mornings returning in October—and season with its accompanying hustle and bustle. This lazier time is ripe for enjoying our town without the crowds we know (and love) that will soon be joining us. My favor ite adventure takes advantage of less busy streets by hopping on my bicycle to revisit some of my favorite local haunts.

The Bay floor plan incorporates the open concept indoor-outdoor flow of the Palm into a larger plan to provide additional space for entertaining and relaxing. With the added benefit of a powder room, this floor plan allows each bedroom to have an en-suite bathroom.
New construction homes, resort style living, and ideal location just west of U.S. 41 combine to embody the ultimate Southwest Florida lifestyle. Conveniently located on Coconut Road just ¼ mile from the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort and Spa, Coconut Landing will feature 25 single family homes, each one boasting seamless indoor/outdoor living, open and uplifting floor plans, and a sparkling private toWith tropical surroundings, a one-yearpool.included membershiptheHyattRegencyCoconutPointResort & Spa (fully optional thereafter), and nearby beaches, golf, shopping, and dining, Coconut Landing invites you to enjoy every moment, whether relaxing at home or stepping out on the town.
P Pre construction and move in ready spec homes available from $1 5 million
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The Palm offers a spacious open concept layout to provide the feel of a larger home in our most efficient floorplan. Featuring plenty of space for family, guests, and entertaining, the Palm’s great room and dining room sliders provide an effortless flow from indoors to the outdoor living space.

Gulfshore Treasures
Picture yourself here after a day of hiking and exploring at the 305acre Koreshan State Park, where the 19th-century buildings belonging to the sect that settled the land have been restored. Southwest Florida is filled with lovely spots like this to stumble upon. All you have to do is go. Read more about Koreshan’s curious history and verdant grounds on p. 166.



44 Hubs: Cape Coral’s culinary renaissance 50 Voices: Where the bartenders go 58 Buzz: Dining in style 66 Odes: A love letter to early dining DINING + WINING / Flavors, philosophies and institutions shaping our culinary scene


Shannon passed away in 2021, at age 49, due to complications from COVID-19, but his legacy endures. Part mentor, part cheer leader, he helped other restaurants establish themselves in the new dawn of Cape Coral dining. His take: the more, the merrier.
Longtime locals remember when Cape Coral was known as ‘the home of the newlywed and nearly dead,’ or the shorter version, ‘CapeTheComa.’largest city in the region was developed in the 1950s and marketed to retirees from the north looking to live the Florida dream at an affordable cost, as well as young families hoping to get more bang for their buck than they’d get in Fort Myers orAroundNaples.
As food lovers flocked to Nevermind, other establishments started popping up. First, there was Nice Guys, a craft beer and gourmet pizza spot that draws a late-night crowd for esoteric pies (one with peanut sauce, bacon, and strawberry jam; another with a riff on General Tso’s chicken) and inspired nightcaps. Fifteen minutes away, on the waterfront near The Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village, Gather beckons with super fresh seafood and sunset views. The creators also opened nearby Fath oms with chef Fabrice Deletrain, a third-generation chef, born and raised in Paris, who brings Mediterranean flair to the menu with his seafood paella and grilled octopus. Not far away, under the same Hospitality Group Holdings’ umbrella, you’ll also find The French Press (a coffee and gelato bar), Black Salt Culinary (a fine-dining catering operation) and, soon, Next Door (a fresh, homemade pasta joint).
Dining + Wining — Hubs — By Stephanie Davis
On Southeast 47th Terrace, a road parallel to the Parkway with its own buffet of options, Cork Soakers Deck & Wine Bar is popular for its Thursday Ladies Night. Here, you can order a four-course tasting menu with two drinks for under $30—per fect for a girls’ night out. A few streets away, Jungle Bird Authen tic Tiki recalls tiki culture—the Cali-born, rum-fueled bar style
Dewey Sanders, an owner at Nevermind, says that the restau rant hasn’t skipped a beat. “We’re continuing to see Shannon’s vision through,” he says. The low-lit establishment, with its long wooden bar, became a stage when Shannon was cooking in the open kitchen. Now, even with the lead performer no longer taking the curtain calls, guests pack in for the signature smoked prime rib or fork-tender filet mignon.
Cape of Flavors
The Parkway—a busy thoroughfare that runs through the South Cape—became known as ‘the strip,’ an area where diners and drinkers could choose from a veritable smorgasbord of great food and drink, hopping from one spot to the next until the town’s generous 4 a.m. closing time. Shannon grew up in Cape Coral and believed it could be transformed into a hip haven for food lovers—and he was right.
Shannon was like the Pied Piper, leading the next generation of the local food world to his childhood stomping grounds.
Across the bridge from Fort Myers in a land of strip malls, Cape Coral has boomed as a bonafide culinary destination.
2012, sleepy Cape Coral woke up to find itself as a growing dining destination. That’s when local celebrity chef Shannon Yates brought his culinary talents and popularity over the bridge from Fort Myers (where he was famed for his talent-incubating Cru, among other ventures) and introduced Nevermind Awesome Bar & Eatery. Other restaurateurs and bars followed suit—first slowly, and more recently, in droves.
44 — GULFSHORE LIFE NguyenAnna

Jungle Bird Authentic Tiki is part of a wave of hip establishments giving Cape Coral a fresh flair.
And, places like The Spot, Taco Works and the Keg & Cow, promise good food and a place to chill. In that same let’s-justhang-out vein, craft drinking dens are making a strong splash in the Cape.
Dining + Wining — Hubs NguyenAnna
Wicked Dolphin Rum debuted in 2012, with topshelf spirits, made with Florida cane sugar. And, more and more brewers are planting their flags in the city, bringing the commu nity-first ethos breweries are known for. Scotty’s Bierwerks in North Cape offers 18 beers on tap, food trucks, and stand-up comedy, while Eight-Foot Brewing, where the team often hosts live music and trivia, is all about educating its patrons on the varied complexities of beer.
Looking ahead, we see a city whose culinary community continues to expand and evolve. Artisan food vendors, lured by the relatively affordable rents, are making a home in the Cape, bringing diverse offerings. The local-favorite charcuterie caterer Grazing Haus recently opened her brick-and-mortar on the Parkway. Ali Eck designed the space to be a food lover’s paradise, with fine cheeses and chocolates, gluten-free sweets, artisan sodas and locally made jams. Next up, locals are antici pating Prime 239 Steakhouse, slated for a September opening. The restaurant, which promises fine cuts, wine lockers and a plush outdoor patio, has been a long time in the making. “My customers [from Ceno] are screaming for a steakhouse,” says owner George Lukas, who is also behind the nearby Ceno Grille. “I’m hoping this is a destination for birthday parties, graduations—something where people bring a little bit of style to the Cape.”
For the most part, Cape Coral is known for casual vibes. Din ers know they can increasingly rely on the Cape for no-frills, legit international fare, like that found at Indian bistro Masala Mantra and the Peruvian Kampawasi Tu Casa, which has been generating plenty of buzz since it opened last year.
46 — GULFSHORE LIFE that ruled the party scene from the ’30s to the ’70s, then fizzled before returning with a force in the last decade or so. Acoustic performances and a steady slate of Pacific Rim-inspired small plates set the scene for the elaborate cocktails garnished with fresh flowers. Try the eponymous house cocktail, which blends Campari, blackstrap molasses rum, pineapple and lime. Nevermind may have sparked the Cape’s culinary rebirth. But there are plenty of long-term institutions that set the scene: Ariani, a cozy spot that’s been serving up northern Italian-in spired dishes; Rumrunners, loved for its stellar seafood and waterfront location; and Lobster Lady Seafood Market are all longtime favorites.

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48 — GULFSHORE LIFE BureauConvention&VisitorCountyLeeCourtesy(3),NguyenAnna Shannon Yates got the ball rolling with Nevermind Awesome Bar and Eatery (above) on Cape Coral Parkway in 2012. Others, like Jungle Bird (top), Palace Pub & Wine Bar (right) and Wicked Dolphin Rum Distillery (below), keep feeding the momentum.

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Further east, Rumba Cuban Cafe serves the best Cuban sandwich in town. The menu includes classics like ropa vieja, stewed flank steak, and ham croquetas— end lunch with flan de la casa topped with grated coconut and a café Cubano. Nearby, La Oaxaqueña Taqueria is my favorite spot for Mexican food. The colorful little taqueria is hidden behind a grocery storefront off Davis Boulevard (you have to go through the corner store to reach the restaurant). Order a plate of classic asada, chicken, or al pastor pork-and-pineapple tacos and a miche lada with spicy chamoy rim dip.
Where the Wild Things Dine When traveling, we all want to feel like one of the locals, so we polled a few in-the-know bartenders at some of the best bars around the region for their go-to spots when they’re off the clock.
The Naples native worked on a crabbing boat in Alaska in summers and at Third Street South’s Campiello during season before returning full time to his hometown for the opening of Bar Tulia in 2014.
Another great, casual place is Passage to India, a family-owned-and-operated restaurant that’s been around for 30 years and serves up some of the most authentic Indian and Bangladeshi dishes. It’s nothing fancy, and that’s part of the charm. You can’t go wrong with any fish on this menu, like the salmon or grouper tikka masala, and there are plenty of great curry and dhal dishes for vegetarians.
“Get your bearings at Old Naples’ Cap tain & Krewe Seafood Market & Raw Bar, where the fish case always displays the freshest finds. Sit at the raw bar and order oysters with a glass of bubbles, or stop in for stone crab in season. At Key West-inspired The Real Macaw in East Naples, you’ll find French-Caribbean and finer fare, plus great tiki-style drinks. Order the Trinidadian crab cake for the table. It’s pan-seared and served with a roasted chipotle remoulade that ties all of the flavors together. Don’t leave without the Key lime Downtown,pie.two blocks from the pier, Old Naples Pub is a local favorite, par ticularly for the traditional-style fish and chips and basket of beer-battered onion rings. You’ll often walk in to find a performance on the century-old piano.
+ Wining
Stanley Worrell, creative director at Bar Tulia in Naples
Dining — Voices — As told to Lane Nieset
50 — GULFSHORE LIFE TietzBrian

“Old Naples Pub is a local favorite, particularly for the traditional-style fish and chips and basket of beerbattered onion rings.”

“There’s a rediscovery of classic cocktail-making; bars are focusing on artisanal ingredients and spirits that show a sense of place.”

As a bartender, our hours make it dif ficult to ever go to brunch, but just down the street from Chartreuse is a great cafe called Downtown Coffee and Wine Company. It’s no bigger than a thimble, and the owners (who are also behind The Bohemian Restaurant down the street) make an effort to source locally—even the specialty coffee is roasted by the Boni ta-based Grumpy Goat Coffee Roastery. Downtown Bonita is starting to boom thanks to locally driven places like these.
When I need a change of scenery, I head up to Cape Coral—it’s a little different there; you have to drive to find the good stuff. You’ll often find me at Palace Pub & Wine Bar. It’s a natural wine shop and lounge that often has performances by local artists and tastings paired with food by local vendors. Wines are sourced from small producers around the world, and there’s a $10 corkage fee if you shop and want to sip your bottle at the bar.
In Naples, there’s a tiny spot called The Cave Bistro & Wine Bar that—in addition to an extensive wine collec tion (the owners have been collecting wine for over three decades)—serves fantastic cocktails. The bar manager, Kory, is always experimenting with new drinks, so ask what he’s excited about and request the reserve list for off-menu items. One of our alums also recently opened Cocktails and Things, in San Carlos Plaza in Fort Myers. Their micheladas are fantastic but not always listed on the menu. While you’re in the area, stop into the boutique and wine bar Remedies Parlor and browse through their eclectic mix of curated curiosities, like antique furnishings, jewelry, and a modern apothecary with incense and sage sticks. You’ll want to stick around and admire the garden, where you can shop for plants or take a seat and sip a glass of natural wine or pét-nat (natu rally sparkling wine). If you’re hungry, a few blocks away is one of Fort Myers’ best-kept secrets— McCarter’s BBQ. It’s right off the highway, and there’s no sign. You know how you’ll find it? There’s a smoker outside, so follow the billowing cloud into the little white shack, where there are only two things on the menu: ribs and chicken.
Dining + Wining — Voices
Rainier Decastro, general manager at Chartreuse Craft Cocktail Lounge in Bonita Springs After 15 years in New York, work ing at spots like Michelin Bib Gour mand-awarded Tanoreen Restaurant, South Florida-raised Rainier moved to Bonita Springs to shake up the cocktail scene two years ago.

Dining + Wining — Voices
RuleReagan 54 — GULFSHORE LIFE
Emily Simons, mixologist at Gather in Cape Coral After graduating from The Culinary Insti tute of America, the Bostonian moved to Florida in the middle of the pandemic and joined the team at Gather.
Start at Bullig Coffee & Bites, a cute waffle and coffee shop located on a little side street just a few minutes from down town Fort Myers. Their hand-poured waf fles are amazing and come with a variety of sweet and savory toppings. Everything is homemade—down to the syrups they use in their flavored lattes and the blue berry dipping sauce for the waffles. For lunch, the place to go is MAKS Asian Kitchen & Sushi. It’s hidden in a strip mall, but don’t let that deter you. MAKS has some of the best spicy tuna crispy rice around. I love going with friends and ordering a few sushi rolls and a bottle of sake. For sunset views and wine, head to Oxbow Bar & Grill and sit dockside at one of the tables along the Caloosa hatchee River. Order the prime burger with applewood smoked bacon (it’s one of the best in Southwest Florida). This is a great place to start a night out in downtown Fort Myers—especially with the Captain “Francis” Gone Bananas cocktail. After dinner, walk over to The Indigo Room for karaoke. In downtown Bonita Springs, make dinner plans at The Bohemian, a new ish spot with an inventive menu that champions local ingredients from nearby farms and fishermen. A bottle of sparkling wine and their warm crab and lobster jar is my version of the perfect night. A new addition on Fifth Avenue South in Naples, Mediterranean-inspired Del Mar (from the same group behind fine-dining insti tution Ocean Prime) is where I go when I want to treat myself. The service is great, the cocktails are delicious and the people-watching is unbelievable. But the

EMILY SIMONS, GATHER “There are so many talented hospitality professionals in the area making for a dining scene that just keeps getting better and better.” GULFSHORE LIFE 55

food is really the star here—order the sea bass, which comes in a light tomato broth with confit fennel and a creamy labneh, a perfect dish in the Florida heat. For casual fare, follow the traveling pop-up kitchen
@TheHummingbirdTable and see where wife-and-husband team chef Jackie and Stacy Parker happen to be the week you’re in town. The duo pumps out incredible bites (think comfort-street food like red beans and rice, fried chicken and hand pies) at breweries and events across Lee and Collier counties. They also make and bottle their own Red Savina hot sauce, which I put on almost everything. You’ll love it—and them—as much as I do. If you’re in the mood for quick takeout, Thai Udon Café Estero is my go-to. Their massaman curry is out of this world, and I order the chicken fried rice at least once a week. Don’t even get me started on the tum kha soup.
Dining + Wining — Voices RuleReagan

Explore Mexico with specially curated collections, exhibitions, and events that highlight the plants and cultures of this vibrant

Dining + Wining — Buzz — By Michael Korb 58 — GULFSHORE LIFE

The very best restaurants design their spaces so that they evoke a feeling, from romance and sophistication to nostalgia and wanderlust. From the earliest stages of their development, our favorite spots set the scene. The moment you step into places like DUSK at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples, Sails Restau rant off Fifth Avenue South and The Silver King Ocean Bras serie in Fort Myers, you know you’re in for a special occasion.
In Good Taste
For the best restaurants, setting the scene is as important as setting the table.
“When we design a restaurant, it is a very refined process,” says David Miller, president of Cameron Mitchell Restau rants, which owns Ocean Prime and Del Mar Naples on Fifth Avenue South in Naples. “We create a DNA through nuances. It’s a filter for everything we do—menu, uniform, etc.” There are 17 Ocean Prime restaurants around the country, and no two are the same. The Naples location is best described as modern, with timeless luxury. Rich gray tufted fabric ban quettes run straight to the ceiling in a private dining room.

Dining + Wining — Buzz
Skip had the dark, dramatic steakhouses of his youth in New Jersey in mind when he hired interior designer There sa Gillan and faux-finishes artist Shiree Nichole to redesign Chops in Bonita. Now, Italian crystal chandeliers illuminate
In the main space, stacked stone hugs warm walnut panels, smartly lit with Sputnik-style custom chandeliers, to give a fresh take on midcentury modern. Tom Ford could shoot a se quel to A Single Man in the restaurant without missing a beat.
“It all starts with the message you are trying to send to the public,” Skip Quillen, owner of Culinary Concepts says. (Un der the Culinary Concepts umbrella, you’ll find Chops City Grill in Naples and Bonita Springs, as well as Pazzo! Cuci na Italiana, Yabba Island Grill and The Saloon.) While most restaurateurs say they start with the menu, Skip says you design around both visions: the food and the atmosphere. In the past three years, he spent more than $3.5 million ren ovating Chops City Grills and Pazzo! Cucina Italiana. With Chops, he wasn’t trying to reinvent the wheel—he just wanted a more gorgeous wheel. “I wanted that old-school, fine dining feel,” he says. “I wanted to go for the ultimate steakhouse.”

Left: DUSK at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples, sultrily captures the moment when the sun hits the horizon through its warmly lit interiors. Above: The 1,400 medallions that set the stage at Barbatella in Naples were handcarved. Previous spread: A midcentury modern, fashion-forward sophistication defines Ocean Prime.

For other restaurateurs, such as Ingrid Aielli, who owns Barbatella with her husband, chef Fabrizio Aielli, it’s about honoring tradition while being progressive. “I was looking for a trattoria with a modern twist,” she says. The space is made up of two separate, but connected buildings. Drawing on Fab rizio’s Italian heritage, architect Griz Dwight imagined the two buildings as reunited sisters who share the same Italian background, but have lived different lives. While one section (which houses the pizza oven) has traditional brick floor ing and black paneled walls, the other area (the bar) makes a statement with the help of 1,400 bright green plaster me dallions covering the walls and ceiling, and chandeliers con fined to bird cages. “Together, the spaces charmingly illus trate two different styles of Italian architecture,” Ingrid says.
Skip Quillen, of Culinary Concepts, is all about creating a sense of intimacy in his restaurants, including Chops City Grill in Bonita Springs, which he recently renovated to the tune of $1 million. the plush space, with crushed black velvet banquettes and private booth draperies, and silver-accented purple walls. The details create a sense of intimacy that Skip says is key.
A similar approach to international inspiration can be found at Rocco’s Tacos and Tequila Bar at Mercato. “When we developed the first restaurant 16 years ago, we traveled through Mexico buying furniture and fixtures,” owner Rocco Mangel says. “We literally knocked on doors and then bought the doors.” Rocco loves handcrafted pieces, like the new Mes tiza chairs or the lobster traps that were turned into hanging pendant lights over the outdoor patio or the Día de los Muer tos masks that hang inside the Mercato location. He spot lights Mexico’s most famous spirit through a backlit tequila wall that anchors the space and lends a theatrical element when bartenders pull out a ladder to reach top-shelf spirits. In the modern restaurant experience, every element is planned—down to the acoustics. Larger establishments, such as Rocco’s and Ocean Prime, employ sound engineers and lighting designers. “Lighting will make or break a restau rant,” David says. “We like to stay around 2,200 kelvin.”
Dining + Wining — Buzz SargeantTina


KellarErik — Buzz
Dining + Wining
Any higher is too blue; any lower is too amber. Through out the day, the mood changes as different settings are pro grammed: Walk in during the day and you experience the same cool, bright shine of daylight outside; at night, bulbs dim and ancillary lights kick on to provide flattering illu mination and just enough visibility for menus and food. At smaller restaurants, the design may develop more organ ically, but it’s no less impressive. Restaurateurs Phong Ho and Michael Jaenvega wanted the setting to deliver on the prom ise of their new OASIS The Kitchen Lounge in Ave Maria. Hanging vines, a marble bar with deep veining that represents a flowing river and rustic elements all work to make you feel transported to a verdant oasis. The pair brought in interior designer Jorge Arroyo, who owns a boutique down the street, to create the space. At the center, a large, sculptural mask overlooks the scene through a sea of cascading plants, like Mother Nature guarding over her refuge. “A lot of people sit here for two hours,” Phong says. “They don’t want to leave.”

At Rocco’s Tacos, in Mercato, a backlit tequila wall anchors the space, which is adorned with handcrafted furnishing and decor from Mexico. SPECTACLES OF NAPLES (239) 566-9300 9118 Strada Pl #8125 Naples, FL spectaclesofnaples.com34108 SHADES BY SPECTACLES (239) 451-6975 9123 Strada Pl #7120 Naples, FL shadesbyspectacles.com34108 TOTAL EYE CARE | CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! THE BEST SELECTION OF DESIGNER FRAMES THE LATEST IN FREE FORM DIGITAL LENS TECHNOLOGY DR. LAUREN WALSH BOARD CERTIFIED OPTOMETRIC PHYSICIAN RICK RADUNZ OWNER/OPTICIAN Located in the Mercato Shops

Wining + Dining — Odes — By Artis Henderson
There are few things finer than a Gulf shore sunset when the sky is filled with glittering light and the sun melts into the sea. In Southwest Florida, we like to enjoy our sunsets over dinner or, even better, after dinner. Other cities might prefer 10 p.m. reservations, but our corner of para dise is perfect for early dining. And, many of the finest local restaurants embrace the practice. From the bougainvillea-draped avenues of Naples to the still waters on Estero Bay, sunset menus feature some of the best dishes in the region at excep tional values. Golden light glowing across white table cloths, a glass of wine and a prix fixe order less than $100? Yes, please. At Sails, on Fifth Avenue South in Naples, we love the look of late-afternoon light pouring through the restaurant’s picture windows and spilling over the cognac-hued leather seats. The threecourse sunset menu changes seasonally and features first courses that range from fresh tomato and feta salad to tuna tartare to crispy pork belly. Entree choices might include a wood-grilled Mediterranean whole fish, organic chicken with seasonal roasted vegetables or grass-fed prime tenderloin. For dessert, we’re obsessed with the pineapple semifreddo (the Val rhona chocolate souffle is excellent, too). The menu’s an incredible value at around $80 per Duringperson.the golden hour, the lush tropical terrace of D’Amico’s The Conti nental simply glows. Framed by rustling palms, this outdoor setting is one of our best-loved venues for enjoying an early Dining Call it social hour. Call it a sunset menu. It’s anything but the early-bird special.
dinner. The 5-to-6 p.m. menu includes three courses, with a stunning steak and lobster tail selection. Neighboring Camp iello—another favorite from restaurateur Richard D’Amico—offers a prix fixe menu at $32 for their early dining. Farther north, the beautifully designed lounge at Angelina’s Ristorante in Bonita Springs charms in the early evenings with music from a live pianist. We’re fans of the restaurant’s three-course prezzo fisso menu served daily between 4 and 6 p.m. It’s a very reasonable $99 for two and includes $25 toward any bottle from Angelina’s wine tower. In Fort Myers Beach, as the sun slips toward the horizon, we like to book a table at Bayfront Bistro. Estero Bay looks particularly beautiful in the early
A Love Letter to Early

(3)RuleReagan At Naples’ Campiello, the 5-to-6 p.m. menu includes two courses, with specialties like grilled organic Scottish salmon and sausage cavatelli for $32.

RuleReagan 70 — GULFSHORE LIFE evenings through the restaurant’s picture windows. We love to watch the still waters reflect the last light in the sky while we sip a glass of wine with Key lime pie (both come with the restaurant’s three-course early menu).
If the fading day finds us on Sanibel, our hearts (and table reservations) belong to Bleu Rendez-Vous French Bistro (note: the restaurant closes in the off-season and reopens mid-October).
The Paris-born chef prepares some of Bleu Rendez-Vous French Bistro on Sanibel, Angelina’s Ristorante in Bonita Springs and Sails in Naples are just some of the institutions that offer stunning early-dining menus. the finest dishes on the island in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The bistro is adored by locals and visitors, and it offers a two-course twilight menu between 5 and 5:30 p.m.—which leaves just enough time to catch the setting sun on Sanibel’s Bowman’s Beach. As we enjoy lingering after dinner, herons and egrets pass by overhead on their way to roost for the night. We’ve enjoyed a fine meal, the sun has set and we’re beginning to think about roosting, too.

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TietzBrian(2),KellarErik Wining + Dining — Odes Ocean Prime on Fifth Avenue South in Naples offers a $60 prix fixe menu until 5:30 p.m.

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ARTS + CULTURE / Creatives, cultural centers and arts districts making waves 78 Voices: Hyla Crane elevates Marco Island Center for the Arts 84 Hubs: An artist’s tour of Naples Art District 94 Odes: Paul Arsenault’s Southwest Florida 104 Buzz: Musicians to catch



What should have taken decades to accomplish has quickly emerged in the last eight years, thanks to executive direc tor Hyla Crane, a creative powerhouse, hellbent on transforming this tiny island into a comprehensive art nexus. Hyla’s love of the arts began at an early age in her home in Connecticut. “I studied dance and was a theater geek, but I never thought this would end up being my pro fessional life,” she recalls. Her first path was law, but the field never spoke to her as passionately as the arts. In the early ’90s, she stepped back to raise two daughters, but soon an opportunity came knocking that would change her stars. Crane helped found The Elm Shakespeare Company, a nonprofit theater company in New Hav en’s Edgerton Park. Leaning into a natural gift for networking, as well as a seemingly endless reserve of energy, she adventured on to roles in leadership and fundraising for the Long Wharf Theater, the Yale Repertory Theatre and the David Geffen
— By
Arts — Voices Jenny Adams
Photography by Kelly Jones
+ Culture
Hyla Crane leads the next evolution of Marco Island Center for the Arts. A flyby visitor might easily mistake Marco Island—a sleepy 4-by-6-mile spit of land best known for quaint inns, nature trails and sugar-sand beaches—as an artistic desert. However, the town’s home to one of the Southeast’s most vibrant art orga nizations: the Marco Island Center for the Arts (MICA). On campus—a sweet col lection of modern buildings in shades of periwinkle, terracotta and lemon yellow— the art center hosts nationally recognized gallery exhibitions and jazz concerts, houses some 70 resident ceramicists and painters, and offers in-person and digital art courses. This fall, the curtain rises on the Arts Center Theatre, which folded into MICA programming earlier this year, with a play written by actor Jeff Bridges. Now, MICA’s a veritable treasure trove of every art medium.
Marco Island itself has gone from a quiet, coastal village to a place ranked by national magazines as a primo vacation destination. MICA’s membership num bers have soared, too. Hyla has harnessed that power, tripling the operating budget through networking and fundraising.
School of Drama at Yale. At The Westport Country Playhouse, she, along with Acad emy Award winner Joanne Woodward, was integral in raising $30.6 million to fund the theater company’s next era in theHylamid-aughts.findscharm in the chase. She’s driven by the challenge of something as much as the reward. Thus, when the small, struggling Marco Island Center for the Arts reached out, she took the call and the job. “When I came on in 2014, I was the fifth executive director in under four years,” she says. “The arts center was battered from the recession of 2008, and I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. But there was a tremendous board president Rosemary Wick, who I knew was really special.”
It isn’t simply the geography but also the community that marks Marco Island’s allure. And that community is the reason the arts center even exists. In 1969, a group of local artists formed the Art League of Marco Island, a hub for the island’s artists. The League evolved slowly through the decades, earning a name change to the current moniker in 2013, but its mission remained loosely focused around showcasing local art.
Under Hyla Crane, the mission expanded tenfold. Today, there are still painters and ceramicists. But the center now offers stone carving programs, photography, digital mediums, and other diverse programming, like TED-style ecology lectures led by Everglades experts. Two adjacent galleries display rotating exhib its, and the center hosts receptions on the second Tuesday of each month. During the pandemic, MICA debuted a digital lab that now streams live and pre-recorded online classes, extending the art center’s reach. Hyla has also added a Musical Interludes series, which focuses on Latin jazz next year.
Arts + Culture — Voices 80
“This year is quite different,” she says.
“For the first time, our grants were fully

Hyla Crane, who got her start in the arts working in theater, recently unveiled Marco Island Center for the Arts’ latest addition: Arts Center Theatre, located in the former The Marco Players space.

From kids’ camps to book signings to poetry readings, the varied art program ming appeals to residents as much as vis itors. She’s acquired shows by Cuban and Brazilian artists and continues to scout global talent and large touring collectives, like the Studio Art Quilt Associates Inc., which showcases 29 of its members’ fiber arts at MICA next May.
82 — GULFSHORE LIFE Arts + Culture — Voices funded by the state. Our gratitude is boundless for county funding and the generosity of individuals.”
For Hyla, the passion to push farther comes naturally. “You don’t work in a small, nonprofit arts organization because it’s going to make you a financial windfall,” she says, earnestly. “You do it because it speaks to your soul. You do it because you believe in a community and the impact that art has on people’s lives.”
Since joining in 2014, Hyla has expanded the organization’s mission and programming, bringing in national talent, creating festivals and building a robust educational arm.
The addition of the Arts Center The atre, located about 10 minutes north of MICA, in the former The Marco Players space at Marco Town Center, is the latest boon. “The previous tenants were not going to renew the lease,” she explains. “And, there was a chance the theater would have simply become retail.” With lightning speed, Hyla and her team orga nized to take over the space. “We had to do in a matter of weeks what should have taken months,” she says, admitting her husband argues she needs a vacation. That might be the only thing Hyla strug gles to accomplish. But, the deal is locked. The stage is set. Six productions in the next 12 months include Neal Simon’s The Odd Couple and the Broadway hit musical The Fantasticks.

CHLMS, CRS, GRI, SRES, ABR Cathy Rogers GLOBAL ADVISOR Luxury Home Marketing Specialist | | 239.821.7926 MARCO ISLAND’S PREMIER BEACHFRONT PROPERTIES LUXURY LISTING THE GRAND PENTHOUSE IN THE LUXURIOUS BELIZE LOCATED IN CAPE MARCO! | PRICE UPON REQUEST | VIRTUALLY STAGED The Epitome of Luxury Living with 360-degree views of Marco Island and the Gulf of Mexico! Jaw dropping views from every room. This stunning Penthouse encompasses the total top floor of the Belize building at Cape Marco. This never lived in Penthouse boats 13, 528 SF, with a total of 16, 893 Total SF!. This absolute one of kind residence is sure to bring your most discerning buyer anything they want and more. Enter into this breathtaking unit through a private elevator with alabaster, granite and Crema Marfil marble inlay entrance to greet you . The Grand Salon is graced with wall to ceiling windows with unsurpassed Gulf of Mexico and white sand beach views! The floor to ceiling grand fireplace is the focal point besides the views, made of marble, alabaster and glass tile! This Penthouse boasts 6 bedrooms, 6 full baths 2 half baths, plus an office, media room, maids’ quarters and library, all with 6 terraces for incredible 25th floor views! The master suite has a cedar closet, sauna and sensational beach terrace with Gazebo! Bring the whole family as there is room for everyone! Located in beautiful Cape Marco with world class amenities! No expenses spared in this one of kind, exclusive residence! Complete with private 2 car garage! Listed by Cathy Rogers, Global Advisor

Beyond the Frame
I begin my self-guided tour with abstract painter Tammra Sigler, the first artist to call NAD home when she opened her studio in 2001. “My neighbor was a tennis racket manufacturer,” she says. Tammra, a graduate of the respected Maryland Insti tute College of Art, had moved to Naples that year. Coming from Baltimore, she knew to look for a space in an industrial area,
Arts Culture — Hubs — By Lauren Amalia Redding
Naples Art District is defined by studios clustered around Shirley Street in the Pine Ridge Industrial Park. It’s also a formal arts organization, founded in 2006. That’s when ceramicist and sculptor Richard Rosen, who still runs his well-trafficked Naples Art Studios, organized a meeting to corral resources with artists Barbara Groenteman, Josh Manring and Walt Spitzmiller, along with gallerist Dede Sweet. Now under the leadership of president Paula Brody, NAD is booming: It was officially designated a cul tural arts district in 2020 by Collier County, the group recently started hosting plein air sessions at Naples Botanical Garden, and soon, they will partner with Collier County Public Schools to mentor high school art students. There’s also a robust calendar of popular seasonal events, including the ongoing Art Alive! open studio tours. I’d been to NAD a few times to see fellow artists and had started to sense there was more than meets the eye to the indus trial quarter. So, over a few summer days, I set out to explore the district, eager to see what’s being made in our backyard.
Southwest Florida in hurricane season can feel like a ghost town, but that’s not the case in the Naples Art District (NAD) when I visit on a June morning. The industrial park-cum-artist enclave buzzes with the healthy bustle of frames and coffee being lugged into studios to start the day.
In Naples Art District, artists set the daily rhythm of the neighborhood, filled with warehouse-converted studios.

Naples Art District is comprised of a diverse collection of more than 80 artists and artisans, like Cori Craciun, who works with sustainable woods for her Sticks and Stones furnishings.

Curiosity and experimentation guide the district’s artists, like Mary Day, who takes a sculptural approach to textile art. She shares her smallwalls studio with her husband, digital artist Gary Day.
Arts + Culture — Hubs

Greeting me, she hands me a cup of coffee and begins moving carts laden with brushes to show me her latest piece. The workin-progress is tacked directly onto the wall. “Often when doing a painting, I feel like I’m weaving, or doing a crossword puzzle,” she says. “It always starts as a loose grid that somehow comes together.” Tammra uses oil and interior wall paint to manipulate raw lines into punchy, primitive shapes, flowers, and dreamscapes.
The nationally recognized artist ardently focuses on the process rather than aiming for a finished product. To see more choice art at this level, you need only drive two minutes to Holly Manneck’s studio to catch a glimpse of her Warhol-inspired pop art or visit Joel Shapses Studio to see former architect Richard Diedrich’s ephemeral, fluid paintings. Or, simply pop over next door, where the faint sound of Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos may draw you into the studio of abstract painter Anna Rac, who listens to classical music while she works, applying each brushstroke in tandem with the rhythms of her beloved Baroque composers. Her formidable array of works are unified by their muted color palettes and elegant, repeating pat terns. A trained pianist from Poland, Anna traded Chicago for the Gulf in 2010, and soon after, started taking classes with Tammra, who she’d heard took small groups under her wing. “Tammra was the most amazing teacher,” Anna says. “She is so tuned in, on an instinctual level.” When she was ready to spread her wings, it was natural for Anna to find a space close to her mentor.
The creative expression in Naples Art District is vast. Within a couple hours, I’ve gone from admiring abstract canvases to talking music with a 27-year-old luthier (or, a craftsperson who builds and repairs string instruments) at Tyler MacDonald’s studio, Tyler Mac Guitars. The wunderkind fabricates electric guitars by hand, and it’s worth swinging into his showroom to see why there’s a waitlist for his handiwork. This creative diversity is
Since opening in 2016, Anna’s found a broader community along Shirley Street, collaborating with artists she may not oth erwise have known. In early 2020, she hosted a show with Cory Patterson, a former district member who goes by the moniker TenToTwo. At first glance, Anna and Cory would seem like an odd couple; his L.A. surfer vibe and gritty, tongue-in-cheek assem blages contrast sharply with her classically informed, meditative works. But seen together, their symmetries coalesce. The chains and gold leaf he adheres in his work mirror the continuously looping marks and metallic paints across Anna’s canvases.
GULFSHORE LIFE 87 (2)LakeChris
where the large warehouse spaces, low rents and lax restrictions are catnip for artists.

Wendy Wagner is one of the few artists in NAD working in traditional figurative art. She leads drawing classes at Art2 Amaze, which she shares with about a dozen other artists.

Sara Wilson opened Clay More in 2013 after a demanding career in law enforcement. “I found clay and never turned back,” she says. “Any time you hit that clay, you lose track of time and go to your happy place.” Tables line the perimeter of the massive, Arts + Culture — Hubs open work area, serving as individual studios; even in the low ebb of summer, artists bustle around in nearly every space.
a refreshing attribute of the district. Browsing the artist roster, I see I could return for a Japanese silk-dying workshop with Leigh Herndon at Inspirations Artists and Design Gallery, go scope the gargantuan printer that dominates the studio of blackand-white photographer Marc Damon, or pop into Naples Art Studios and peer over district founder Richard Rosen’s shoulder as he applies a chromatic glaze to one of his sculptures. But for now, I’ll go in search of more music at Musebox Arts, where Jan Edwards–a songwriter with Nashville clout–is inside strumming her acoustic guitar. A self-described “experience maker,” Jan’s part of a growing group who use their spaces for more than their craft. Splitting time between her native Minne apolis and Naples, Jan, who started painting a few years back, set up Musebox in 2021. She enlisted interior designer Judith Lie geois to curate a bold-but-practical interior that accommodates producing music and painting vibrant watercolors. As we walk around, Jan plucks at her guitar reflexively. She tells me that in the upcoming season she’ll host songwriting residencies and live music, adding another sensory experience to NAD’s events. With more than 85 tenants, Naples Art District has the largest concentration of artist studios in Collier. But the surrounding area is still largely industrial. Most neighbors are tradespeo ple whose instruments of choice are more akin to those of the artisans who call the district home. Braving the steady flow of contractor trucks, I cross to the other side of Shirley Street to Sticks and Stones Collection. Opened by Cori Craciun in 2018, Sticks and Stones fulfills a lifelong dream for the former restau rant owner to design and craft furniture. The woodshop has an immaculate showroom that displays several of her striking liveedge tables. Soon after opening, Cori welcomed artist Christy Noonan to hang her loose, colorful oil paintings of waterlilies in the space, exemplifying how artisans and artists work sideby-side in the district. From there, I head toward the southern end of Shirley Street and into the packed parking lot at Clay More Ceramics, known for its pottery classes and strong sense of community. Walking in, I pass by two low, sturdy tables with clay drying in the sun.
Ceramics wheels, sensibly affixed with equipment to make them more ergonomic for less-mobile potters, face each other near open slop sinks. When a neighboring industrial unit came up for sale two years ago, Sara snapped it up, effectively doubling Clay More’s square footage. “You have to enjoy the process more than the product,” she says, gesturing toward the lively activity. By now, I’ve seen a lot of abstract-leaning work, and as a figu rative artist, I’m curious to find like-minded individuals working in more traditional styles. Tammra had suggested I visit Wendy Wagner, who creates precise, representational portraits in red chalk and oil paint. “It’s not just a hobby,” Wendy tells me when we meet. “It’s about discipline.” Wendy attended Studio Incam minati, an art academy in Philadelphia that teaches methods used by artists like Rembrandt and Renoir. After moving to

Arts + Culture — Hubs Naples in 2021, she set up her space at Art2Amaze Studio and Gallery, where she teaches private lessons. Though many of the artists along Shirley Street teach, Wendy is one of the few that focuses on figurative art. She allows me to peek into the class room she splits with a dozen or so studio mates and waves mer rily at a small group of girls finger painting under the guidance of one of her neighbors. My last stop is smallwalls, operated by husband-and-wife Gary and Mary Day. I’m captivated by Mary’s woven installa tions punctuating the bright interior and Gary’s digital prints
tacked on walls and laid across the tile floor. Former art professors who relocated to Naples to be closer to family, Gary and Mary are unassuming yet intellectual, the sort of artists who create sophisticated works that require a meticulous obsession with their respective processes.
Tyler McDonald, a 27-year-old luthier is reflective of the younger artists moving into the district in recent years.
“It’s so cathartic, especially as I have to soak my mate rials in water first,” Mary says. She weaves rattan reeds into intricate, organic shapes that she suspends from the ceiling so that they seem to float and move through the air. Gary manipulates images digitally, using software

Arts Culture — Hubs and gaming programs to develop elaborate, repeating motifs that read like optical illusions. Nearly everything in smallwalls has a sense of kinetic movement. “I make art out of curiosity about the effect contemporary visual media has on how and what we perceive,” Gary explains. Curiosity drives much of the work in the Naples Art District. Artists here are committed to the process and eager to let the public peek behind the curtain. This reflects founder Richard Rosen’s initial mission for the artists clustered along Shirley Street to simply share their creative process with the public. From the beginning, he envisioned fostering a feedback loop that benefits both creator and audience. Before I leave smallwalls, Gary points to a piece with undulating blue lines that are more abstract than aquatic to the Nebraska transplant. “A gentleman came in during an Art Alive! event and told me he saw the waves of Lake Michigan in my work,” Gary shares. “It’s powerful to know your work can connect with others in unintended ways.”
Tyler’s electric wooden guitars, which he makes entirely by hand, maintain a steady waitlist.

Earth, Air, Fire, Water + secret family formulas Potterygenerations+=AsArtOld41RoadHistoricBonitaSprings

Paul Arsenault came to Florida with conservation top of mind. It was 1973, and the recent art school graduate was looking for adventure. He took a gig as a deckhand on a Smithsonian Marine Sta tion research vessel heading from Cape Cod to Fort Pierce to assess water qual ity as the state’s population increased.
“When you look at my work, it’s largely based around the waterfront,” Paul says. He settled in Naples in 1974 and has been painting the coast ever since. From his 104-year-old Old Naples home, Paul’s currently sorting through his life’s work to highlight the region’s heritage and culture through paintings of local landmarks and traditions. “We must embrace responsible growth and guidance and nurture this gem we’ve got here,” Paul says. Last summer, his Shore lines exhibit at the Captiva Civic Asso ciation celebrated local islands. Now, as we approach Collier County’s centennial in 2023, Paul is working with his wife, Eileen, historians and longtime locals to create a coffee table book of his paintings and archived photos to document Col lier’s unique sense of place. Here, Paul shares the sometimes funny, always intriguing stories behind his pastel interpretations of Southwest Florida’s fishing village roots. Bartley
Arts + Culture — Odes — By Jaynie
Frozen in Time Naples artist Paul Arsenault captures nearly 50 years of local heritage and sense of place through his pastel-hued, plein air paintings.

Paul was exploring Charlotte County’s section of the Myakka River, which flows through three counties, when he came upon this quintessential Florida scene: “I waved at the guys and said, ‘Hey, don’t mind me. I just want to paint a picture.’” One asked: “Are you a cop?” A puzzled Paul responded, “No, I’m not a cop. I’m an artist.” Then, everyone went about their business. To this day, Paul doesn’t call out their crime, but let’s just say it’s medically accepted now.

Arts + Culture — Odes
When Paul heard that the Historical Society was moving the 1904-built Estero Creek School from its Highland Avenue home to Estero Community Park, he wanted to capture it in its original location. Seeing structures in their historical, geographical context is crucial, he argues. He shares the story of the next-door Grove House and its recent owner. She grew up on Mound Key and would row to shore and walk 3 miles along the Estero River to get to school every day. “She made one of those Scarlet O’Hara proclamations, ‘As God as my witness when I get married, I’m gonna move close to the school house,’” he recalls being told. And, sure enough, for years, she lived right next door.

For 75 years, the Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club served as a mainstay for famous visitors and a social hub for locals. When it was announced that the building would be sold and demolished, Paul was eager to capture some of the property’s beloved scenes, including this penthouse view of the beach below.
GULFSHORE LIFE 97 (2)ArsenaultPaulCourtesy

98 — GULFSHORE LIFE Arts + Culture — Odes
For this piece, Paul ventured to the agricultural community east of Naples. “This was part of a collage that was meant to show the essence of Immokalee, to tell these stories in the connectivity of their everyday lives,” he says. The painting is a departure from his typical water scenes, but still a true depiction of the vital local culture that Paul aims to celebrate.

This painting recalls one of Paul’s favorite, if not short-lived, traditions: Indian Days in Chokoloskee, when Seminole tribes from around Florida would gather outside the Smallwood Store. The storied shop was built by Chokoloskee pioneer Ted Smallwood in 1906 as a trading post for early settlers, and it’s run by his descendants to this day. “There’s no better window into Collier County’s pioneer days,” Paul says.

Paul remembers when humble fishing boats docked throughout the now-ritzy Aqualane Shores in Naples. “The owner of the Sea Marvel (boat depicted) wanted to purchase the painting with grouper as a barter, rather than pay for it,” Paul says with a laugh. “It ended up selling to someone else, and it’s in California now.” All jokes aside, Paul points to the fishing community as a driving force in maintaining Naples’ character.


102 — GULFSHORE LIFE Arts + Culture — Odes
This is the first scene that Paul painted when he moved to Naples. “I was discovering Naples and poking around the different neighborhoods and places of note, and I found Lantern Lake in the heart of Port Royal,” he says. “It had a certain tranquility to it, and it felt like a Garden of Eden.”

Cathy is a member of the Florida and New York Bar Associations, and earned her broker’s license and her GRI designation.
Cathy grew up in Buffalo, New York, and graduated from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology. She earned her law degree from the University of Buffalo and worked as an attorney at the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, in Rochester, New York, until 1995 when she relocated to Naples with her family.
Cathy is a 25-year resident of Naples specializing in luxury residential sales in Old Naples, Aqualane Shores, Park Shore, Moorings and Pelican Bay.
Cathy raised her three children in Naples and worked in real estate law as well as for Collier County Public Schools as a GED instructor, substitute teacher and volunteer. Her husband, Brian, is a Trusts and Estates attorney in Naples and their children all attended the University of Florida. Meredith is an attorney in Orlando, Max is a craft brewer in Broomfield, Colorado, and Jack is a civil engineer in Breckenridge, Colorado.
“My legal background and work ethic enable me to provide the exceptional service you deserve.”

From Latin-infused jazz to electric violin to toe-tapping reggae, these local creatives keep the region’s music scene alive throughout the year.
Live From Southwest Florida
Arts + Culture — Buzz — By Angela Page THE COUNTRY COMIC 104 — GULFSHORE LIFE
Country singer-songwriter Sheena Brook’s performances are part concert, part stand-up. She’ll belt out a moving cover or original about life, love and loss, and follow it with a self-deprecating joke, putting the crowd in the palm of her hand. In 2017, Adam Levine picked up on Sheena’s powerful voice and charm when he selected her to participate in Season 12 of NBC’s The Voice. Though she didn’t end up taking the top spot, her abilities as a singer and songwriter catapulted her into partnerships with multi-platinum artists, like Sully Erna of Godsmack and Nick Wheeler of the All-American Rejects, who collaborate on some of her newer material. Sheena says collaborating with musicians from other genres has evolved herThesongwriting.LeeCounty native performs locally (at Cabañas Beach Bar & Grille and Sid ney & Berne Davis Art Center in Fort Myers and ‘Tween Waters Island Resort & Spa in Captiva and in Nashville, where she splits her time. Over the years, she has seen her hometown grow—and she’s grown along with it. In addition to playing solo, she participates in and produces songwriter rounds, including one during the Island Hopper Songwriter Fest in Fort Myers. She’s also the creator of the F.E.M. col lective, which hosts events to support women and promote equality in the industry. “As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I find the best way to con nect with someone that might not usu ally try to understand me is through music,” Sheena says. “One thing we all tend to have in common is the love of music.” Catch her at Cabañas on Fort Myers Beach on Wednesdays.


GULFSHORE LIFE 107 Arts + Culture — Buzz NguyenAnna Latin music is perfectly suited for our subtropical setting, and the Latin jazz group Miami Splash Band delivers a show guaranteed to make you move. With originals and covers in English and Spanish, their set lists include a lit tle funk, reggae, salsa, bachata, cumbia, rumba flamenco, Latin rock and Carib bean beats. Each performance embodies the varied rhythms of the islands. The five-piece band—fronted by Cuban-born Havy Rodriguez—often plays as a duo or trio, with regular gigs at places like Naples Botanical Garden, Fernández the Bull Cuban Cafe and Buddha LIVE. Percus sionist Arisdani Beune and Cuban lute guitarist Carlos Nuñez are almost always part of the show. Havy started playing the bass when he was 17, following in his father’s footsteps, a well-known composer and guitar player in Cuba. After touring Mexico in 2001, Havy came to the U.S. with $200 and a guitar. He spent some time in New York and L.A. before moving to South Florida, where he founded Miami Splash Band. He has a strong creative vision for the band that relies heavily on improvisation and audience engagement. “We never play a cover song the same way or in the same style as the original version,” Havy says. Rather than staying true to sound, they aim to deviate as much as possible from the original, drawing from Latin jazz to incorporate varying rhythms, keys and tempos to give the songs new life. The traditional Cuban lute guitar and a custom Latin percussion set—with a vari ety of drums, bells and symbols—are just some of the things that set Miami Splash apart. They never play the same song the same way; the music is constantly evolv ing. “Live music should be spontaneous, innovative, never the same or overpro duced, no matter how perfect or close to the original recording you want to be,” he says. “Improvisation is a gift from the American jazz that I grew up listening to and have adopted into our performance. It keeps our brains fresh to new musical ideas.” See Miami Splash Band perform monthly at Naples Botanical Garden.

“Each time I play, I’m reminded how much that we are all one,” she says. With each stroke of her bow, Luna evokes serenity. She’s honed her melodic sound over eight years perform ing at open mics, weddings and events, and adds elements of electronic music and spoken word to her songwriting and performances. She often duets with local poet GiGi Hendrixx. The duo pumps up the crowd with girl power verses—Luna beat-boxing as GiGi raps: One for the money, Two for the show, Three for all my sisters who are reaching their goals When she records, Luna adds rhythmic backing tracks to her swooning violin and softly dictates poetic lines about releasing toxic feelings. The result is an inspiring blend of classical violin and new-age music. As a solo performer, she com mands the stage and shares her energy with the audience. Each song, every note is an invitation to join that oneness.
108 — GULFSHORE LIFE Arts + Culture — Buzz
“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to every thing,” she says. See Luna perform most Monday nights during the Poetz Realm at CB2 in Fort Myers.
When Luna Muni steps out with her vio lin, she defies expectations. She may be in a floor-length, slit gown sparkling in the glow of the Caloosahatchee Manuscripts sculpture at Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center, or walking through the streets in Fort Myers, purple violin propped on her shoulder as she flows along to her notes.
Born Lena Rodriguez, Luna, who grew up in a musical family, began taking violin lessons when she was 4. Now, the 28-yearold artist performs worldwide, including shows at the historic Apollo Theater in New York and opening gigs for Grammy Award-winner Chrisette Michele and “Foolish” singer Ashanti. For Luna, music is an expression of the soul and a conduit for raising the world’s consciousness.

Arts + Culture — Buzz 110 — GULFSHORE LIFE

Fort Myers-born John and Port Charlotte-native Claire started playing together 10 years ago. Other members, most of them transplants, joined over the years. “So many people move here, and they naturally bring pieces of their local art or music scene with them,” John says. “That has cultivated a diverse and vibrant artsPlayingcommunity.”withinthe tourist-driven melt ing pot has earned them fans beyond the Sunshine State. When they tour, “we have fans who come to see us in Rhode Island, Connecticut, California, Asheville, Nashville and Chicago who met us here at shows,” Claire says. See Freecoasters perform every fourth Friday at Fathoms in Cape Coral.
In the group—made up of singer and rhythm guitarist Claire Liparulo, bassist John Schiller, lead guitarist Constantine Grim, keyboardist Shane Praefke, trombonist Nick Grim and drummer Cory Williams—everyone contributes, but Claire is the lead. She’s a force of nature, pulling in the audi ence with fierce vocals and a magnetic stage presence.
Listening to soul and reggae band the Freecoasters is a mind-altering expe rience. The powerful, heartfelt music grabs you and holds on tight. The synergy between the band members is evident as they move and sway in time with each other, hitting pauses and high notes as if they’re one organism.

Prolific Jazz trumpeter Dan Miller’s resume includes The Harry Connick Jr.’s orchestra, recording with “It’s Not Unusual” hitmaker Tom Jones and study ing with greats like former American Conservatory of Music faculty member Brad Goode. Watching Dan perform, you see the music move through him. “We love the music, and we dig in and swing out with intensity every time we step on the bandstand,” Dan says. When he’s not captivating crowds at Naples’ The London Club or The Barrel Room in Fort Myers, Dan plays with the THE SOULFUL TRUMPETER
112 — GULFSHORE LIFE Arts + Culture — Buzz LakeChris

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The Chicago-bred musician considers his audience friends. Being a regular at his shows means Dan knows your name, your story and your favorite jazz songs.
“I enjoy making connections with the audience members who follow us no matter where we are playing,” Dan says. See him perform with Lew on Thursday nights at The Barrel Room or with the Naples Philharmonic at Artis—Naples throughout season.
Arts + Culture — Buzz 114 — GULFSHORE LIFE LakeChris
Naples Philharmonic Jazz Orchestra at Artis—Naples. The group is led by saxo phonist Lew Del Gatto, who worked with Frank Sinatra and was a member of the Saturday Night Live Band on and off from 1975 to 2005. Outside of the Naples Phil harmonic, Dan and Lew have performed together for decades, and their onstage rapport speaks to their musical bond: Their call-and-response playing style is like watching two old friends have a lively conversation. The exchange brings to life the covers they play from Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, George Gershwin and other greats in the genre.

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“It’s easy to get people have the warning that will put down, but it’s days of It’s Mahler,
paradise.” —Joe
FEATURES / A deep dive into the soulful stories of the region 118 Craft Breweries Rising 130 Natural Pursuits
illustrator and fly fishing coach
to Southwest Florida to fish. We
fishing weather a year.
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The craft beer craze goes beyond hoppy IPAs and refreshing pale ales, creating community spaces that are worth their weight in liquid gold.
By Samantha Garbarini

Not long after the noon opening, a line snaked out the double doors of the 400-square-foot taproom, wrapping around the building in an otherwise quiet industrial park. Within six hours, they’d kicked every keg in the house.
the fifth-largest taproom in the state by volume—has bal looned to 4,000 square feet (plus another 18,000 square feet for production), with its beers sold in more than 1,000 restaurants, bars and bottle shops in the area.
ON the day Fort Myers Brewing Co. opened in February 2013, owners Jen GratzWhyte and Rob Whyte walked through the city’s Gateway neighborhood, putting up yard signs for their new brewery.
PRODUCTS.”MAKINGTHELIKELOCAL.SUPPORTINGLIKETHEYKNOWINGPEOPLETHEIR –JEN GRATZ-WHYTE, FORT MYERS BREWING theinbreweriescraftfirsttheofonewasBrewingMyersFort ago.decadeanearlydoorsitsopeneditwhenregion spread)(previousNguyenAnnaTietz;Brian
At the time, Fort Myers Brewing was the first brewery in Lee County. Collier had only one: Naples Beach Brewery had opened just a few months ear lier. “We couldn’t believe no one had done this yet,” Jen says. Nine years later, our region has nearly two dozen breweries. Fort Myers Brewing—now “PEOPLE
On an end-of-season Friday, a bartender with a handlebar mustache pours samples of strawberryrhubarb gose, peanut butter porter and the bestselling High 5 IPA from a wall of taps draped with brewing competition medals. Small parties are scattered throughout the room, spilling out of the warehouse’s rolled-up garage doors into the beer garden, where leashed pups nap lazily around their owners’ ankles. Nevermind Awesome Bar & Eatery’s food truck is slinging Bitchin’ Bacon Burgers in the parking lot. Later tonight, there will be a live local band; other days of the week, there’s a regular roster of beer brunches, food truck rallies, festivals and more. “People like supporting local. They like knowing the people making their products,” Jen says. “But it’s also the community feeling.”
Fort Myers Brewing may be our largest brewery, but it’s by no means unique in the spirit it engenders.
“We were talking about how many people we thought would show up, and I said, ‘If we get 50 people, it would be a great success; 10 would be cool,’” Jen recalls. “We’re putting up signs, and all of a sudden, there’s this caravan of cars following us.”
On any given evening, groups play cornhole, pints in hand, under the slatted pergola at Ankrolab Brew ing Company in Naples’ Bayshore Arts District; beer nerds pair esoteric Düsseldorf Altbier and Czech pivo with housemade pulled pork tacos at Eight-Foot Brewing in Cape Coral; and millennials with ’90s nos talgia pack the house for emo night at basement-chic

Collaboration defines local craft brewers. Naples’ Ankrolab Brewing donates its spent grains to Naples Botanical Garden for compost and uses crops from the Garden for some of their beers. The team has also partnered with other breweries on small-batch releases. BrewingRiptideCourtesy

“We refer to it as a third space,” says Ana Rodriguez de Vera, who opened Bonita Springs’ Hopsized Brewing Co. with her husband, Darlyn Victor, in November. “Hopsized is where you leave whatever nonsense is going on at the door. You come in, hang out and unwind.” Coined by urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg in his 1989 book, The Great Good Place, ‘third places’ are social gathering spaces away from home (the first place) and work (the second place) that anchor a community’s social, creative and civic interactions. Breweries are natural fits, as tap rooms are often adaptable and inclusive. In the same month, Riptide Brewing Company’s loca tions in the Naples Design District and Bonita Springs could host a meeting of the Southwest Florida chapter of the American Institute of ARC
Yoga, trivia nights and sets by local musicians are all standard fare—and increasingly, so are family-friendly options. Riptide had nine minigolf holes at its Bonita Springs location until recent Florida weather damaged the setup, and Millennial Brewing opened Thirsty AF, a bar serving nonalcoholic, plant-based kava, kratom and kid-friendly drinks, inside its taproom to appeal to teens and young families. Breweries also tap into the local-first ethos that popularized farm-to-table dining—but with a more approachable price tag. “People with [col laborative] mentalities are being drawn to the brewing industry,” says Kim West of Riptide. “Those are the first people to look for inclusive spaces.” For those who ultimately open brewer ies, the trajectory seems to follow a predictable pattern: Get into craft beer, start homebrewing, share your experiments with friends, enter a few competitions, win some medals and then start looking for a space to build out your dream neighborhood bar.
Ceremony Brewing in Bonita Springs, sipping fruited ambrosia sours and porters made with locally roasted Grumpy Goat Coffee.
Architects, drag bingo and trivia night, while Ankrolab might have a slate of niche events, like a Sip & Script Modern Calligraphy class.

For Millennial Brewing Company, that space was a former carpet storage warehouse in down town Fort Myers in 2016. Owner Kyle Cebull spent six months stripping the building down to the studs, transforming the abandoned space into a community hub that now hosts monthly street fairs that draw thousands of people; frequently, 10 percent of the proceeds go to local causes like Valerie’s House, Blessings in a Backpack and Lee County Schools. “The idea from the beginning was a mutual benefit to the city and us,” Kyle says. “In a very ethical, community-minded way, we’d take a dilapidated, unused sector and turn it into a busy area that people are frequenting.”
On the other end of the spectrum, Ceremo ny’s Zach Smith feels strongly about being in downtown Bonita, where he hopes his brewery and bottle shop, along with other new businesses like Hopsized and fine-dining restaurant The Bohemian, will foster a walkable entertainment district. “I’m always impressed to see the vast majority of people coming from the immedi ate vicinity,” he says of his customers. Tucked down a side street, the brewery’s design breaks with the beachy and industrial vibes popular in the area, opting instead for matte black walls, comfy leather couches and a playlist that leans into punk rock and metal. “If I was going to give up my career, I wanted a place that represented me, where I would be comfortable spending 85 Known as third places (spaces away from the home and work that anchor a community), breweries are entertainment chameleons, hosting trivia nights yoga, school drives and food trucks.
Crazy Dingo Brewing Co. owners Dan Esperon, Mike Schwab and Stu Paasche chose to set up shop in shipping containers on Southern Fresh Farms in Fort Myers. The trio had been brewing out of Stu’s garage, using fruit from neighbors’ trees to flavor their mango hefeweizen and banana-Nutella milk stout. “We were approached about opening in a strip mall, but we wanted to be on a farm and have an aspect that throws a wrench in the system,” Dan says. “It’s not only craft beer; it’s also craft farming. We’re trying to build a full-circle process.” That includes grow ing hops. The flowering vines typically thrive in cold-weather conditions, but Crazy Dingo is experimenting with the Cascade variety (which better tolerates Florida’s muggy climate) to make truly Southwest Florida-hopped brews.

126 — GULFSHORE LIFE level,anothertoethoslocal-centricthetakesMyersFortinDingoCrazy crewthewhereFarms,FreshSouthern5-acretheonlocationitswith heat-withexperimentingincludingingredients,theirofsomegrows beer.FloridianSouthwestfullyaforhopsresistant

hours a week,” says Zach, who worked in hospitality management and as an elementary school teacher for Collier County Public Schools before opening Cere mony last fall. “I thought for sure I’d be fending off complaints about the music we play, but it’s been our number one compliment. If you’re authentic, people will gravitate toward that.”
“Ninety-five percent of the beer we make is served in-house,” he says. “When you walk in, we encourage you to ask Unsurprisinglyquestions.”for an industry that thrives on building community ties, brewers are teaming up on special beers. Ankrolab dropped a hoppy West Coast IPA with Hopsized for its third anniversary in April. Hopsized also partnered with all-women-owned Equity Brewing Company in Oklahoma on a hazy pale ale and a New England IPA. Ceremony brewed an oak-aged saison with Chartreuse Craft Cocktail Lounge, another Bonita newbie. And Fort Myers
In the first eight months of operation at Ceremony, he and head brewer Ryan Carruth (a Fort Myers Brewing alum) rotated more than 50 different beers through their taps, including the Cosmic Ghost peach saison, Tropic Rot mango milkshake IPA and Vanish Into Darkness, a chocolate-coconut stout. “We don’t want to be a slave to any given recipe,” Zach says. “When you have flagships and core beers, there’s an expectation that those are always on. We’re con stantly inspired to try new things.”
Cape Coral’s Eight-Foot Brewing specializes in historical styles and barrel-aged brews, like the Henrietta, a tart, vanilla-scented amber sour fer mented in bourbon barrels. The complex beer is as close as owner Roger Phelps gets to a flagship, but the barrel fermentation process is less consistent than steel-tank brews: “We repeat the process, but the fun thing is it ferments in the barrel, and those microbes are going to be different.” Behind the bar, he doesn’t shy away from delving into the specifics of microbes and 19th-century brewing recipes with customers.
HOU BrewingCityPalmcourtesy(2);KellarErik
For brewers, self-expression also extends to what’s in the glass. There’s no one style that seems to define the region—although beers with a refreshing, readyfor-the-beach character always sell well. Hopsized focuses on hazy, juice-bomb New England IPAs; Crazy Dingo excels at fruity ales; and Point Ybel Brewing Company’s Jordan Weisberg is passionate about the nuances of crisp, easy-drinking German lagers. “It’s an art form,” Zach says. “You get to express yourself, your palate and your interests.”

“I see unlimited growth. From a creative flow, I wouldn’t even try to guess how many different things brewery culture could encompass in the next five years,” Kim says. “My philosophy has always been if 10 new breweries opened tomor row, it would be an amazing thing. More collab oration lifts the whole community up.”
As the scope of giving grows, so do the brew eries themselves. Fort Myers Brewing is build ing a new 7,900-square-foot taproom with a festival-worthy patio and an acre of grassy lawn for kids to run and play. Hopsized is expanding into the space next door with plans for a new, date night-worthy concept (no kids allowed).
BRE (2)KellarErik
Ceremony is working with the city to develop the surrounding property, with plans to add landscaping, an outdoor bar, onsite eateries and a stage for live performance. Riptide eyes an expansion up the coast, with each taproom serving as a hyper-localized reflection of the community where it’s pouring its ice-cold beers.
Building community is the guiding light at Ceremony Brewing—part of a wave of forward-thinking businesses turning downtown Bonita into a walkable, entertainment-rich neighborhood.
Brewing created a cinnamon-vanilla stout with Palm City Brewing Co. for the inaugural SWFL Craft Beer Week last fall. The generosity spills out into the commu nity, too, with breweries stepping up for area nonprofits. At Millennial, Kyle estimates he’s donated $500,000 to more than 200 nonprofits in direct contributions, goods, services and access to the brewery’s cavernous event spaces since 2016. In May, Riptide released the latest itera tion of Athena Ale, named for the Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens’ beloved Florida panther—a partnership that goes back seven years and has helped to fund wildlife cameras and cleanup of paths under highways where panthers have been documented. Fort Myers Brewing partnered with Captains For Clean Water over the summer on Send It South Pale Ale to benefit the nonprofit’s mission to restore and protect local waters. And proceeds from special-release beers at Ankro lab have benefited The Alliance for Florida’s National Parks, Audubon of the Western Ever glades and Friends of Rookery Bay. (The brewery also donates its spent grain to Naples Botanical Garden for compost. In exchange, when the Gar den has a bumper crop, Ankrolab turns it into small-batch chocolate-ginger stout, lychee rice lager and mango ale.)

Hearing the scratchy weep of a Florida scrub jay, casting out in your own Florida’s most epic experiences happen in nature. And, it’s not surprising Here, three local experts share why there’s no better
As told to Artis Henderson Photography by

Anna Nguyen Illustrations by Gay Kraeger
slice of paradise, finding an elusive junonia shell—many of Southwest considering our region is a hotbed for wildlife and outdoor recreation. place to bird, fish or shell than along the Gulfshore. of the Hunt

As told to Artis Henderson
On my days off, when I have 20 minutes in between running errands, I stop at Donna Fiala Eagle Lakes Community Park in Naples. I grab my 10X42 Maven binoculars, put my husband’s old button-up shirt over my tank top to keep the bugs off, and then I make a loop around one of the park’s lakes. I can spend hours with all my gear— binoculars, scopes, cameras—or I can take a nice little walk and try to see what I can spot. In my time off, I like to look for birds I don’t see on the job. As the Southwest Florida Shorebird Manager for Col lier and Lee Counties at the Audubon Society, I’m on a boat most days by 7 a.m., surveying critical wildlife areas, a lot of them centered around the Rookery Bay National Estua rine Research Reserve. I work with iconic Florida shorebirds like black skimmers, least terns, Wilson’s plovers and snowy plovers. I spend so much of my time birding on beaches and coastlines that when I bird for fun, I like to head inland to freshwater spots. I look for perching birds and migratory warblers like black-bellied whistling ducks, green-winged teals and pied-billed grebes. Eagle Lakes has a ton of wad ing birds, and it’s a great place to ID different species. One of my favorite wading birds is the wood stork. I love the bigness of them and their naked head, which is a unique feature for birds. Southwest Florida also has a lot of egrets and many are similarly colored. Sometimes, I’ll see a big white bird on tall legs from a distance, and as I get closer, I can tell it’s a great egret by its long white neck and the patch of green lores from the base of the bill to the front of the eyes. I might see a smaller white egret, and with my binos I can tell if it has black legs with bright yellow feet, almost like it’s wearing little rain boots. That’s a snowy egret. If it has black feet, then it’s a little blue egret. They’re white for the first year of their life, so if I see one with white or calico plumage, I know I’m looking at a baby bird. Some of my other favorite spots to bird include Tigertail Beach, Clam Pass Park, Lovers Key State Park, Bunche Beach Preserve and the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge. We’re really lucky in Southwest Florida. We have a lot of nice shorelines here, and we get to see even more birds than in other parts of the state. About 500 species of birds pass through Florida at different times of the year, and we’re the last stopping point on the annual migration for a lot of species. We also have really beautiful birds that spend the whole year with us, like roseate spoonbills, burrowing owls, Florida scrub jays, mangrove
ON BIRDING Rochelle Streker is a bird biolo gist and the Southwest Florida Shorebird manager for Audubon Florida. Rochelle, who’s in the field daily, tracking our winged residents, firmly believes birds connect us to nature more than any other animal.

The Audubon Florida shorebird expert says early morning, when the birds have just awoken and are flying around looking for food, is the best time for birding.

cuckoos, snail kites and reddish egrets. And, yes, flamingos! Collier County had its first confirmed flamingo sighting in January, down in the Ten Thousand Islands. I like to go birding first thing in the day. Most birds sleep through the night, so they’re hungry when they wake up—just like us. They need to go in search of food right away, so that’s when you’ll see them flying around. There are still birds around in the middle of the day; they just don’t make themselves that obvious. One of the best things about birds is how accessible they are. Most people will never see an ele phant or panda or a tiger in the wild. Those are cool species, but we’re not interacting with them day-to-day. But we interact with birds every day, and they connect us to our natural world. She likes to go to Donna Fiala Eagle Lakes Community Park in search of wading birds, like wood storks and various types of egrets.

ON FLY FISHING Joe Mahler is an illustrator and renowned fly casting coach living in Fort Myers. He loves to fish the freshwater lakes and creeks, looking for native species—and he loves teaching people to cast even more. Joe shares what drew him to the sport and why there’s no better place to fish than here. As told to Graham Averill I was 11 when I got my first fly rod. I had no idea what I was doing. I put worms on the end and used the rod like a cane pole. But I loved everything about it. I loved the line; the rod. I loved the motion of it. We had a lot of ponds and creeks around where I grew up in Indiana. I was a fidgety kid. All I ever wanted to do was fish. But my dad and I used spinning reels, and I’d get in trouble because he wanted me to sit there and watch the bobber. I couldn’t do that. I was too restless. All I wanted to do was pull the line out of the water and cast it back into the water. That’s the beautiful thing about fly fishing; it’s continuous motion. It’s perfect for someone who doesn’t have a lot of patience. That’s why kids pick it up really easily—they’re always moving. few rivers feeding into the Gulf. I like Shell Creek in the Peace River system near Punta Gorda with its narrow and twisty creeks, and where you can always find shade—that’s where the fish hide from the heat. I’ll fish one side in the morning and the other side in the afternoon on 4- and 5-weight rods looking for smaller fish, preferably native species. There is a fish called a stumpknocker. It’s a panfish, a small thing that doesn’t get big. You’ll never catch one in an ugly spot. They only like beauti ful places. I’d rather not catch fish in a beautiful place than catch a lot of fish in an ugly place. The fly line is the cord that connects me to nature. I bird-watch through fly fishing. I hike because of fly fishing. I paddle because I’m fly fishing. That’s the connection to everything I do. Everyone should take a swamp walk through the Everglades. Take your fly rod and hike through the water up to your knees in a place like Big Cypress National Preserve. You think the swamp is stagnant
I never expected to teach. But now I get more of a thrill from watching someone hit a target from 50 feet away than I do catching a bonefish. For me, the appeal has always been about perfecting the cast, not catching fish. There are a lot of different ways to cast—if you’re enjoying it, you’re probably doing it right. But there are some principles. My cast is smooth. It glides. That’s the goal. If you can make your cast glide, that’s as good as it gets. Your cast should feel rhythmic, like you never stop moving, and it’s har monious. I call myself a fly casting coach. I set up cones and hoops in the grass and have a casting pond in my neighborhood where I do myIt’slessons.easyto get people to South west Florida to fish. We have the occasional hurricane warning that will put you down, but otherwise, it’s 350 days of fishing weather a year. It’s paradise. There’s so much water down here, and most of it is public access. In Indiana, you had to know the farmer to get access. Down here, if you see water, it’s probably fair game. Saltwater fishing is great, but I love freshwater fly fishing in our ponds and canals. We also have a

and mucky, but it isn’t. On a good day in the Everglades, you’ll catch nine species of fish, from gar to sunfish. And you’ll see a lot of oth er wildlife, too. You get used to the alligators. If you find good fishing, you’re gonna find alligators. But like most wildlife, if you leave them alone, they won’t bother you. I love the balance of fly fishing. Everything about it relies on bal ance: the equipment, how the line works with the reel, the balance of the cast, which is two parts back cast and a matching forward cast. Then there’s the balance of perfecting your skill and actually fishing. They should be equal parts, in my mind. Some people are so concerned with catching fish, but that’s just a piece of it. The way I see it, fly fishing gives you something to do when the fish aren’t biting.
Joe Mahler believes the act of fishing is just as important as the catch. He opts to cast out in scenic, shady spots where fish seek refuge from the heat, like the Peace River in Punta Gorda.

The day after a big storm has blown in, you’ll find avid collec tors on the beach, because that’s when the shelling is best. I like the Sanibel side of Blind Pass. An hour before low tide and an hour after are the most fruitful. The most diehard aficionados hit the beach at 2:30 a.m. with their flashlights. If you’re looking for a junonia, that’s what it takes. Junonias are extremely rare. Here on the beaches of Sanibel and Captiva, they’re difficult to find washed up on shore. The junonia has to make a long trip to shallow waters, and along the way, the shells hit coral edges and break, or they lose their color, so finding one happens infrequently—and finding a perfect one is even more uncommon. But that doesn’t stop people from trying. For someone hellbent on finding a junonia, the chances are higher in the winter than in summer because of the wind patterns. A cold front blows in from the northwest, and when it gets to Florida, it blows with the perfect wind that causes the water to move in the right direction, accumulating lots of shells on the beach. After a storm has come in, I’ll find piles of shells 3-feet deep. I stick my arm into a pile and never touch sand. When that happens, it doesn’t pay to walk randomly down the beach. It’s better to sit down and dig through the pile. I still look for junonias when I’m on the beach, but I like other shells that are easier to find, like scotch bonnets, named for their tartan-like pattern. They’re relatively common in other parts of the country, but it’s still a big deal to find them around there. The northern lion’s paw—a bivalve species of scallop—is relatively un common around here, too. People usually just find fragments. I also like nutmegs, for their rounded shape and cream-and-brown lattice patterns, and wentletraps— the name is Dutch and means “spiral staircase.” There are several more common ones that I call the ugly ducklings, which most people overlook, but I really like. One is the kitten’s paw. It has a zigzag edge like an industrial roof. When the two sides of the shell are joined, nobody can get in. It’s like a miniature fortress. If I’m walking, I wear my water shoes to protect my feet. I still have two parallel scars from the time I sliced my foot open on oyster shells off Cayo Costa State Park. I also like to bring a scooper, the kind with a mesh basket on the end of the long stick. I walk the line of the water where the water meets the sand and forms a little trough. That’s the best place to dig in. Of course, there’s always the Sanibel stoop method, where you bend at the waist to pick up shells. But too much of that is hard on theThejoints.funny thing is, I don’t even have my own shell collection. I’ve been at the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum on Sanibel Island since 1996. My career has been in the museum profession since the 1970s—that’s a heck of a
Dr. José Leal is the science director and curator at the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum on Sanibel Island. Here, he shares his favorite shells, why water shoes are key and your best bet for finding the iconic-but-elusive junonia.
As told to Artis Henderson

To score a rare junonia, Bailey-Matthews’ science director says you have to be willing to go the distance, including hitting the beach at 2:30 a.m. after a big storm when the wind blows in a trove.
lot of time. All of the institutions where I’ve worked required that a professional not have a shell collection. There’s too much of a conflict of interest. Say we go on an expedition to the other side of the world and we find a rare spec imen. There’d be the temptation to take it home to our own collection. I did away with my collection when I was a student, and I haven’t had one since. But the instinct is still there. It never goes away. I grew up in Rio de Janeiro, a sprawling city on the coast of Bra zil. When I moved to the U.S. from Rio in the mid-1980s, my brother was living in Manhattan at the time. On one of the first days that I was there, we went for a walk on the streets of the city. While we were walking, I saw a pistachio shell on the sidewalk. I’d never seen a pistachio before. My eyes were drawn to it, and I literally dove onto the sidewalk to pick it up, thinking it was a little bivalve. My brother and I still laugh about it. Which is to say, I believe, that the instinct to collect is hardwired into humans. We all want to find the biggest, rarest, most unusual specimens.

Though he’s fond of the Sanibel stoop method, José Leal prefers using a scooper to collect shells. He suggests scouring along the troughs, where the water hits the sand, and finding a deep pile to dig through over aimlessly wandering the beach.

NATURE + RECREATION/ Sports, activities and natural escapes for a balanced life 146 Buzz: The dawn of outdoor gyms 148 Voices: Gordon Lewis’ dream courses 158 Hubs: Paddling the Great Calusa Blueway 166 Odes: Inside Koreshan State Park


Open-air gyms land in Southwest Florida, allowing you to enjoy the natural beauty while working out in style.
No need to miss out on the sunshine to keep up with your fitness routine. Thanks to a bumper crop of fully stocked, alfresco gyms, Florida’s leafy outdoors can fuel your exercise motivation. The crown jewel of the outdoor fitness movement is the twoyear-old The Factory, tucked among the soccer, football and base ball fields at Paradise Coast Sports Complex, a newer facility that’s become a hub for elite-level youth sports in East Naples. The best way to describe The Factory? “It’s like a jungle gym for adults,” marketing manager David Wasson says. The setup is reminiscent of the TV series American Ninja Warrior, with its monkey bars, climbing nets and training stairs. There’s an open-air weight room and a cushy area for yoga classes. Get a day pass for the member ship-access equipment or check into the free, public-use areas, such as a 1-mile lake trail with fitness stations.
Other local parks are also upping their outdoor fitness game. Closer to downtown Naples, Baker Park has a small space on a padded surface with equipment, including chin-up bars, an elliptical machine and a recumbent bike; Cambier Park has similar gear spread out around its play ground area. Lakes Park in Fort Myers has three fitness stations along a walking trail featuring dozens of exercise options, including stairs and pull-up bars; each station has fitness guides to explain exercises geared toward beginners and advanced athletes.
146 — GULFSHORE LIFE Nature + Recreation — Buzz — By Justin Paprocki
And, in Cape Coral, Joe Stonis Park, Saratoga Lake Park and Del Prado Linear Park all have fitness stations to give visitors the option of doing a full-body workout as they lap around the trails. How’s that for a walk in the park?
Out of the Box

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“Growing up, I couldn’t beat her—at least not until I turned 16 and started hitting the ball much farther,” he says. “She used to beat my dad like a drum.” Gordon grew up next to the Paola Country Club, about 50 miles south of Kansas City. His child hood memories are full of rounds played with friends. “I could walk or ride a cart over and play golf every day,” he says. “It was just good fortune.”
After studying landscape architecture at Kansas State Univer sity and working with several course architects and developers around the country, Gordon moved to Fort Myers in 1978. He was living in Atlanta when his boss invited him to design a course in Bonita Springs. “I got off the plane in December or January and went, ‘Whoa, this is heaven.’ Even if I weren’t designing courses, I would’ve stayed here,” he says. He recognized the city as an ideal landing spot, given his career aspirations. Golf course develop ment was starting to boom in the region when he arrived, as more and more northern retirees migrated south to enjoy their golden
Fields of Dreams
For more than four decades, golf course architect Gordon Lewis has conceptualized and built many of his best layouts in Southwest Florida. The reason for that, he explains, is very much by design.
By the time Gordon Lewis was a teenager, he knew his calling was to design golf courses. The prolific 72-year-old golf course architect grew up in a family of avid golfers. His mom, he recalls, was the best player in the family, winning at least a dozen club championships during her days as a competitive, amateur golfer.
148 — GULFSHORE LIFE Nature + Recreation — Voices — By Shaun Tolson

BaughmanTashaCourtesy Nature + Recreation — Voices 150 — GULFSHORE LIFE
years. Gordon put down roots and got to work designing and building a handful of layouts in the area, like The Forest Country Club in Fort Myers, Spanish Wells Golf & Country Club in Bonita Springs and Alden Pines on Pine Island. Although he has since traveled the world, overseeing the preliminary and master plan ning for courses in Portugal, Egypt and Thailand—among other international destinations—Southwest Florida has remained his home base over the years. He has designed 52 courses in the region—a hotbed for golf in part because of the area’s many lakes, protected wetlands and wildlife habitats. When built around those conservation areas, Gordon says, the golf courses shine for their natural beauty. He points to Heritage Landing in Punta Gorda and Eagle Creek in Naples, two partially tidal courses that meander through pro tected mangroves and culminate along the Gulf’s edge. “This Gordon Lewis has designed 52 local courses, including Heritage Landing Golf & Country Club in Punta Gorda, Eagle Creek Golf & Country Club in Naples and Babcock National.

Your golfing friends at Eagle Creek invite your clients to And tour our reimagined golf course and practice facilities, complete with new outdoor verandah. Visit or contact Membership Director Laura Pelletier at 239-793-0500 for more details. Non-Resident Waitlist now commencing. Discover the Difference

152 — GULFSHORE LIFE Nature + Recreation — Voices
On the topic of contours, Gordon is a big proponent of undu lating fairways and has recently designed several courses charac terized by noticeably sloped playing corridors, such as Babcock National at Babcock Ranch and The National Golf & Country Club in Ave Maria. “People think of Florida as being flat,” he says. “But if you play one of my courses, you’ll probably never have a flat lie.”
A large green with a putting hole that is relocated daily spreads out the foot traffic, preventing any one area from getting too worn down. “We build a little green inside of a big green,” he explains. “We like to have three or four different areas [where holes can be cut].”
He also admires the 2001-built Calusa Pines for its several long sand ridges that travel through the layout and create noticeable changes in elevation. The course peaks at 58 feet above sea level, the tallest point in Collier County.
The sandy soil drains well, creating firm terrain and producing lots of unpredictable bounces and plenty of roll in the fairways.
Local courses are also defined by large putting greens, a necessity given the number of rounds played each year in Southwest Florida.
“People think of Florida as being flat,” Gordon says.
The 72-year-old architect’s courses are known for their large greens and undulating fairways.
“But if you play one of my courses, you’ll probably never have a flat lie.”
As one might expect, those large greens can produce tricky putts. “If you get inside of 15 feet [from the hole], you’ll have a putt that breaks no more than 6 inches,” Gordon says. “But if you’re
place has a lot of variety and a lot of golf courses,” he says. “You have the advantage of playing 200 to 300 hundred golf courses within 50 miles; there probably aren’t too many places like that. Plus, you can play year-round.” Many local courses are built upon sandy terrain, including Estero Country Club in Fort Myers, and for that reason, in Gordon’s estimation, the course plays like a traditional links layout—the type of undulating courses found between the ocean and farmlands in the United Kingdom, where golf originated.

MellorLoriCourtesy 154 — GULFSHORE LIFE
Gordon says Southwest Florida’s fairways excel for their natural beauty, large putting greens and sandy terrain that makes them play like traditional links courses.
Nature + Recreation — Voices

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Gordon estimates that 90 percent of his projects today include a real estate component, but it’s difficult to project if that trend will continue. What he does know is local golf course development has a bright future. “Today, the game is as popular as it’s been in decades,” he says. “It’s an exciting time to be designing courses.”
He likes to think through the numbers: Take 300 courses he’s renovated or designed, multiply with the 200 or so people that play daily in peak season, and you have 60,000 people a day enjoying his handiwork. “Whoa!” Gordon adds. “That’s pretty neat. That just gets me excited.”
30 feet away, the putt is going to break 6 inches one way and then crest a hill and roll 6 inches in the other direction. If you have an 80-foot putt, forget about it,” he adds, with a laugh. “You’ll never be able to figure it out.”
Even communities that don’t have access to large parcels of land are getting in on the action. Gordon’s been taking more requests from developers for large putting courses (some spanning 30,000 square feet), and he’s building smaller, shorter courses comprised of fewer holes than the standard 18. He expects courses with fewer holes will continue to gain popularity. “We’re creating a 12-hole course that’s comprised of six-hole loops with three tee boxes,” he says, referencing a yet-to-be-named project in Bradenton. “It can play as long as 7,500 yards or as short as 3,000 yards. You’ll be able to play it multiple ways. Even if you only have time for six holes, you can fit that in.”
Lately, he’s has been taking requests for smaller, shorter courses with 9 or 12 holes, as well as large putting greens. “Golf is as popular as its been in decades,” he says.
He gets a kick thinking about the action on his courses—even the players who cuss him out under their breath when stuck in a bunker or wrestling with one of his water-dominated courses, like ArrowHead Golf Club in Naples. “Some days, it’s even me, saying ‘why did I do that?!’” he says with a laugh.
SilvaDarron 156 — GULFSHORE LIFE
Nature + Recreation — Voices

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Nature + Recreation — Hubs — By Zahra Khan — Photography By Darron Silva

Out of the Blueway
The Great Calusa Blueway takes paddlers through the Gulf’s winding backbays, curving shorelines and flowing channels in Lee County. The parks and rec department created the 190-mile paddling trail in 2002 and named it for the Calusa Indians who explored the cabbage palm-lined banks in their cypress dug-out canoes up until the late-1700s.
Lee County’s wild landscapes are best seen along The Great Calusa Blueway.
Though the trail isn’t continuous (the routes are split up in three sections—Estero Bay, Pine Island Sound and Caloosahatchee River), it covers the county’s major waterways, granting travelers access to varied wildlife preserves, historical sites and pristine nat ural islands, many of which are only accessible by water. In honor of the trail’s 20th anniversary, we sent photographer Darron Silva on a kayak adventure with Lovers Key Adventures’ Stephen Denmark to capture the wild and sweeping beauty of the Blueway.

Nature + Recreation 160 — GULFSHORE LIFE LAUNCHTOREADY transformsscenethewherepreserves,aquaticfirstFlorida’sofoneBay,EsteroaroundwaymarkedistrailtheofonePart headyouaspinesslashandoaksoflandscapedottedaintoGulfthetocloserchannelsmangrove-linedbrackish,from shadedtheBlueway—andtheonpointslaunchsmall-craft55aboutofPark—oneStateKoreshanlikesitestowardinland River.Imperial

GULFSHORE LIFE 165 AROUNDROOTING closeupgetToBlueway.CalusaGreatthealongplentifulthey’reandFloridaSouthwestwithsynonymousareMangroves MoundKey,Loversaroundtrail,theofportionBayEsterothewithineffortspaddlingyourfocuswonders,naturaltheseto moundsshell2,000-year-oldfindyou’lltrees,gnarlytheofthicketswithAlongParks.StatePreserveBayEsteroandKey breathtaking.istopthefromviewThelevel.seaabove30-feetthanmoreKey),Mound(atbuiltIndiansCalusathat Nature + Recreation

Nature + Recreation SOUNDANDSAFE character-filledandbeachesprivatepreserves,backwaterbydefinedisBluewaytheofsegmentIsland-MatlachaPineThe ParkStateIslandGasparillaandIslandPineRefuge,WildlifeNationalDarling“Ding”J.N.Causeway,SanibelTheislands. town.colorfulquirky,theinlunchhavetoRampBoatandParkMatlachatheatoffHopinterest.ofpointsstellarallare anForsand.whiteofstretch9-mileitsalongcamptoParkStateCostaCayotoupcontinuecanpaddlersAdventurous YachtCoralCapeatpointslaunchwithBlueway,theofsectionthirdtheRiver,Caloosahatcheetheconsiderpaddle,urban Alva.oftowntheandParkRiverMyers’FortClub, 164 — GULFSHORE LIFE

166 — GULFSHORE LIFE Nature + Recreation — Odes — By Justin Paprocki — Photography Dan Cutrona

Once home to a curious community of followers, Koreshan State Park, on the banks of the Estero River, captivates with its lush landscape and mysterious lore.
In 1894, Cyrus R. Teed and his followers found peace in the wil derness of Southwest Florida. Cyrus, a self-proclaimed messiah who went by the name Hebrew Koresh, moved from Chicago and settled on a plot of land in what today is Estero. They started a commune and practiced their faith, which included a belief in reincarnation, gender equality, strict celibacy and, among other things, the idea that the earth is a hollow sphere that contains theInuniverse.1961,the final living Koreshans, as Cyrus’ followers called themselves, donated their land to the state of Florida. Over the years, the 196-acre park has been a place where visitors find their own peace in the wild. The sense of awe, reverence and mystery Koreshan State Park inspires is in no doubt partly due to its cult history—one that is more visible now thanks to a new video that plays in the restored Founder’s House, detailing the story of the Koreshans. The documentary features interviews with descendants and insights from local journalism professor Lyn Milner and other historians devoted to studying the sect. Though Koreshan has long been known to people as a local gem that stands a world away—or at least a century or so away— from the bustle along the adjacent U.S. 41, even most locals are only vaguely familiar with the site’s history and lore. As you enter, a sign welcomes you to “real Florida,” recalling a land thick with vegetation and buzzing with wildlife, back when great oaks and sabal palms shaded the handful of buildings in
Communing with Nature

The 196-acre park was first established in the late-1800s. Many of the Koreshan settlement’s buildings have been restored to be as they were in the group’s heyday. the Koreshan commune. For the most part, that slice of history has been maintained. Eleven buildings anchor the settlement, now restored to resem ble the community in its heyday. The Founder’s House features a mini-museum of Cyrus’ living area as it was in 1908, complete with a chessboard and tea set. The park offers guided tours, and during the annual winter Ghost Walks (usually late January and early February), actors portray Cyrus and his followers, including those who worked in the more than a dozen onsite businesses that sustained the Koreshans. Still standing: the general store, which served as a major retail outlet for southern Lee County; the bak ery that produced 300 loaves per day at its peak; and the printing press, which took on commercial jobs and produced Koreshan literature such as The Flaming Sword newsletter that promoted their beliefs. Despite facing prejudice from the surrounding area (Cyrus himself was once badly beaten in Fort Myers), the Kore
Nature + Recreation — Odes

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shans served as early pioneers in an area that hundreds of thou sands of other transplants would eventually call home. Much like Southwest Florida values its arts scene now, the Koreshans held a deep appreciation for culture and music. At the Arts Hall, you can see where the commune’s 13-piece orchestra performed, drawing high-profile visitors like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. An 1886 Steinway piano once used by the Koreshans still resides there. Beyond the settlement, the park connects visitors with the Estero River and the surrounding landscape the sect held dear. Kayaking or camping onsite offers a sense of what life was like for those who inhabited the land for nearly a century until the last resident passed away in the 1980s. The Koreshans enhanced the natural beauty of the site, importing fruit trees, flowers and exotic vegetation to populate the grounds. Many species still flourish today, like the towering grass that frames much of the park’s hiking trails and the Bamboo Landing,
A new documentary, played in the Founder’s House, details the sect’s faith, which includes a belief in reincarnation, gender equality, strict celibacy and the idea that the earth is a hollow sphere that contains the universe.
Nature + Recreation — Odes

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In a portrait that hangs in the Founder’s House, Cyrus stands stoic in a linen suit posed next to a tarpon that stretches taller than his 5-foot-6-frame. The year is 1906, and his commune is thriving with around 250 members. Just two years later, he would be dead at 69. His followers waited for days, but the promise of his resurrection never materialized. The number of Koreshans slowly declined in the decades that followed. Hedwig Michel led the group during its final years and was instrumental in securing the agreement with the state to donate the land and preserve the historic site; she lived there until she died, as “the last Koreshan” in 1982. Though the Koreshan faith may have faded, a glimpse of how they once lived remains.
Many locals who frequent Koreshan State Park for its lush vegetation, nature paths and Estero River access are only vaguely familiar with the site’s curious history.
Nature + Recreation — Odes which served as the primary entrance to the settlement. “You don’t have to walk far for a great photo,” park manager Zach Lozano says.

Naples’ REALTOR® Brenda Ruth finds joy in making dreams come true – for her customers and community.
Passion & Purpose
Sotheby’s International Realty® and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered service marks used with permission. Each office is independently owned and operated. Equal Housing Opportunity.
“There are so many opportunities to make an impact and give back here,” she says. “I believe we are each put on this earth for a reason… mine is to lift others up.” For the past 25 years, Brenda has done just that, from her longtime advocacy with Youth Haven to her work with St. Matthew’s House and The Shelter for Abused Women and Children. Her decades spent mentoring young women have been among the most abusiness.Brenda’sareThesediscretion.ofheartsheexperiencesrewardingofherlife,says,leadingwithherandtheprinciplesintegrity,respectandsameprinciplesthecornerstoneofrealestateHerroleastrustedadvisorwho provides concierge service perfectly aligns with her passion for helping people achieve their life goals. She has built relationships with Naples’ most discerning clientele who seek her counsel again and again, earning her the reputation as “the matchmaker” for having successfully paired them with one-of-a-kind legacy properties while ensuring the utmost privacy. By utilizing her exceptional expertise, extensive network of contacts, and knack for discreetly and seamlessly handling high-end real estate Brendatransactions,haselevated her bespoke services to an art form. Most recently, in December 2021, her toptier skills and dedication broke records when she brought the buyer to close on a $49.5 million Port Royal beachfront estate. This extraordinary sale was ranked the second-highest ever in Naples’ history and was the top sale of all time for Premier othersintention—kindnesseverysteadfast:communitytoyears,estates.Naples’masterywhite-gloveoutcontinuesBrenda’sInternationalSotheby’sRealty.businesstoevolveofheroutstandingserviceandofnavigatingmostsought-afterAndafter25hercommitmenthercustomersandremainsApproachinginteractionwithanddignityandalwayswiththeofhelpinglivetheirbestlives.
BROAD AVENUE SALES GALLERY 390 Broad Avenue South, Naples, FL 34102 c 239.777.2600 o BrendaRuth.PremierSothebysRealty.comBrenda.Ruth@PremierSIR.com239.434.2424
When Pennsylvania-native Brenda Ruth launched her real estate career in sunny Naples, she discovered much more than a pristine paradise – she connected with a community focused on philanthropy.

176 Hubs: Waterside Shops marks 30 years with growth 178 Buzz: Made in SWFL jewels 182 Voices: Mother of reinvention Amanda Jaron 192 Odes: A pyramid village for wellness STYLE getawayssouvenirsShopping,+WELLNESS/bespokeandserenetoinspire


Gucci Hermè,returnswith a storefront this fall.
Thirty and Thriving Naples’ go-to shopping center celebrates 30 years, with new legacy retailers and renovated storefronts.
Style — Hubs By Jaynie Bartley
Naples’ Waterside Shops has served as a luxury hub for three decades. When the open-air shopping center opened in 1992, Saks Fifth Avenue was all the buzz. Throughout the years, more revered retail ers (Tiffany & Co., Ralph Lauren, CH Car olina Herrera) filled the space, with each one bringing increased cache, reflective of the rising cosmopolitan interest in Naples.
+ Wellness
In the past few years, Apple Store, a Peloton showroom and a Tesla dealership have all moved in. Last year, gem lovers rejoiced when Kendra Scott debuted a space for her colorful, celeb-favored jew elry, and Zimmermann recently brought its haute boho sophistication to Naples with its contemporary boutique. Meanwhile, longtime tenants are rein venting themselves to remain top of mind and delight their loyal clientele. Last fall, Gucci reopened after extensive renova tions that transformed the previously stark space into a tropical modern treasure trove, with maximalist interiors that burst with mix-matched patterns, rich colors and layers of style that better reflect the brand’s Naples home. Not to be left out of the conversation, heritage retailer Hermès is expected to return this fall after closing its Waterside doors in 2014—just one less reason for fashion lovers to make the trek across Alligator Alley. Now, that’s how you celebrate a 30th.

16071 Quiet Vista Circle, Delray Beach | $24,550,000 | The Hamptons meets Delray Beach. This extraordinary fully furnished custom estate in Stone Creek Ranches is just one of 37 estates in one of South Florida’s newest and most prestigious gated communities, offering unrivaled security and privacy. Visit www.LeLacCaché.com. Web# F10339554 223 Royal Palm Drive | Fort Lauderdale | 5 BR, 4.5 BA | Offering a total of approximately 278 feet of deep water with unsurpassed views of Rio Barcelona. This rare opportunity has approximately 150 feet of side dockage. Visit Web# F10339504 450 E LAS OLAS BOULEVARD, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301. 954.874.0740 © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. ALL MATERIAL PRESENTED HEREIN IS INTENDED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. WHILE, THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT, IT IS REPRESENTED SUBJECT TO ERRORS, OMISSIONS, CHANGES OR WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL PROPERTY INFORMATION, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SQUARE FOOTAGE, ROOM COUNT, NUMBER OF BEDROOMS AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IN PROPERTY LISTINGS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY YOUR OWN ATTORNEY, ARCHITECT OR ZONING EXPERT. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. *MATRIX MLS 1/1/2022 - 7/21/2022. Welcoming Julie Jones to Douglas Elliman Real Estate M juliejonesluxury.comjulie.jones@elliman.com954.328.3665 Knight Frank Cardholder Broker Associate Julie Jones, VP of Ultra Luxury Sales $147,774,000 Sold Year to Date*


(2)CollectionJLALAxVIVACourtesy Style + Wellness — Buzz — By Jaynie Bartley
Looking for a stylish keepsake with all the subtropical allure of the Gulf? Look no further than this handcrafted clay jewelry that pays homage to our region’s landscape in a modern Landscapeway.architect Mariah Bakke, who runs VIVA Landscapes and VIVA La Casa vacation rentals in Fort Myers, tapped the mother-daughter duo behind Made By LALA J to create a line of nickel-free and hypoallergenic earrings, bracelets and lay ering necklaces that draw from the mod ern tropical backyards she designs. Think: earrings with forest green leaves dangling from hammered gold bases; delicate, gold monstera studs and swooping rattan tear drops. “They serve as a little reminder of the joy the sunshine brings, how the sand feels between your toes, how the waves sound breaking on the shore, how lush Treasures from Paradise VIVA and Made by LALA J dream up a line of handmade jewelry that nods to the Gulf. Made by LALA J’s Lisa Anne Jenkins and her 8-year-old, Lily, make the ceramic elements that give the VIVA collection its Southwest Florida style.

Style + Wellness — Buzz (2)CollectionJLALAxVIVACourtesy
While much of LALA J’s early stock catered to kiddos—Lily’s designs tend to feature pretty pink bows, flowers and seasonal motifs, like pumpkins for Halloween—the VIVA line is their first collection made with adults in mind. The collaboration launched with 14 pieces that nearly sold out at the release party in May. Lisa and Lily sell the jewelry made to order with a two-week turnaround from their website. Lisa’s favorite? A dangling pair of studs with off-white pebbles, accented in the middle with an understated palm screenprint for a subtle coastal touch.
The team is currently dreaming up a sec ond line, set to drop in October, with more plant-inspired beauties prompted by the region’s bounty.
our landscape is, or how beautiful our sunsets are,” says Lisa Anne Jenkins, who runs Made by LALA J with her 8-year-old daughter, Lily.
Fort Myers landscape architect Mariah Bakke collaborated on the VIVA collection, which is set to drop more Gulf-inspired beauties this fall.

™ 375 Fifth Ave. South, Naples, FL 34102 | (239) 206-4460 |

Even Amanda Jaron’s eyeglasses have a gem-like quality. Her cat-eye Lucite frames are faceted, like the many stones that adorn the Naples jewelry designer’s hands; the spec’s iridescence complements her silver hair. “I became an empty nester and I turned 50 this year,” she says with a laugh. “So, I allowed myself to go gray.”
Redding — Photography
Midas Touch Naples jewelry designer and a primary catalyst behind the Bayshore Arts District, Amanda Jaron, reenergizes everything she touches–whether it’s her jewelry, philanthropy or neighborhood.
+ Wellness — Voices — By
Amanda’s skilled at sparking reinven tions. She maximizes the one-two punch of her creative flair and business acumen to share new visions for her jewelry line, as well as revitalize the causes and com munities near to her heart. Most locals are plenty-familiar with the stylish, straight-shooting dynamo, who has been a favorite among Naples’ fashion insiders since founding A. Jaron Fine Jewelry in 2004. For those new to Style Lauren Amalia By Anna Nguyen


Amanda starts every project by sketching a visual reference, which she’ll often gift to clients as a prismatic memento of their work together. In addition to her original creations, Amanda’s sought out for her heirloom designs, in which she reimagines pieces
Walking into Amanda’s showroom, you’ll often find her dogs, Opal and Pearl, playing in front of antique goldand-black display cases stocked with sculptural rings, statement necklaces and modern drop earrings. A sofa, uphol stered in rich plum velvet, perches near a wall that’s been papered with drawings of previous designs. “Everything here is made from scratch,” she says. “There’s no catalog.”
The designer—known for her whimsical jewelry—has helped catapult Naples’ Bayshore Arts District since she opened her boutique there in 2017.
184 — GULFSHORE LIFE the scene, it’s worth revisiting her bona fide credentials: Before coming to Naples, Amanda lived in New York City, where she worked for Givenchy, Tommy Hilfiger and led Avon’s jewelry design team during the company’s heyday. Her line’s known for luxurious statement pieces that effortlessly blend a punk-rock boldness with romantic whimsy. With a degree in metalsmithing and fine art from Phila delphia’s University of the Arts, Amanda balances her honed artistic instincts with metal precision and chemistry. “The ability to use both sides of the brain isn’t typical of artists, but it’s typical of jewel ers,” she says, “It’s as much a science as an art because you have to figure out how to make something from nothing.”
Style + Wellness — Voices


186 — GULFSHORE LIFE Style + Wellness — Voices into individualized, contemporary jew els in a process she’s vivaciously branded as “Bling Overs.” During the pandemic, she started posting detailed sketches and before-and-after photos of each redesign on Instagram, sparking renewed interest in the series. “With Bling Overs, the pal ette’s always already designed for you,” she explains. “You’re working with yel low gold from your client’s grandmother or her mom’s stones. But you get to give them new life, new color.”
The mother-of-two approaches all her pursuits with improvement-oriented savvy. Giving back is central to her life, and she eschews buzzy causes and galas in favor of connecting with issues that inti mately speak to her, like supporting public education. Last year, the teachers recog nized in Champions for Learning’s Golden Apple awards donned gold-and-diamond necklaces by Amanda. Local nonprofits have looked to her as a secret weapon for their philanthropic committees, where she helps brainstorm out-the-box ideas to enliven events and expand marketing. In 2017, Naples Art tapped Amanda to shape their now-popular Scene to Be Seen gala, which she suggested anchoring with a fashion show where local talent presents imaginative wearable art, using unusual materials and sculptural designs. A visionary creative, who started working in New York with brands like Givenchy and Tommy Hilfiger, Amanda takes an artistic approach to her designs, starting every piece with a sketch.


“People actually called me brave for being in Bayshore,” she says, with the exasperation of a former New Yorker who isn’t deterred by so-called tough neighborhoods. “Maybe a few years ago, it was shadier, but, to me, it’s quirky, it has character.” Emboldened by Bayshore’s bohemian atmosphere, Amanda com missioned local artist, Marcus Zotter, to paint an Instagrammable mural of a massive mermaid on the side of her stu dio. She shared photos of the mermaid on social media and tagged each post with #BayshoreArtsDistrict—a moniker that had floated over the decades with efforts to revitalize the once-seedy neighbor hood. Soon, other area artists adopted the hashtag. A movement emerged.
She’s sought out for her Bling Overs, in which she takes heirloom pieces and reimagines them into modern, wear-everyday designs.
As grassroots interest skyrocketed, Amanda thought of ways to solidify the area as an arts destination, despite the lack of real estate for artists. She’s engi neered event series to draw attention and concentrated art activity, including starting Art Among the Blossoms , an outdoor art fair at Green Door Nursery, and Music Under the Mermaid, a music festival held at her showroom and fea turing local high schoolers. During the pandemic, she corralled artists to paint hundreds of wooden butterfly cutouts
Style + Wellness — Voices
She’s also used her vivaciousness and creativity to fuel the growth of the Bayshore Drive area, where she moved in 2015 and opened her studio in 2017.

Fluent five languages and certified as a negotiation expert, Blaze is able to deliver some of Naples’s most unique properties to a wide range of powerful and global resources. Blaze is able to serve high-end clients and help them to buy, sell and invest in unique properties thanks to his extensive experience and certification as a home marketing specialist.
Blaze Zdravev, Broker Associate John R. Wood Advisory Board of Directors | #1 Team in Old Naples Office 787 5th Ave South Naples, Fl 34102 Direct 239.601.7910 W H O Y O U W OR K W I T H M A T T E R S B L A Z E L UXU R Y HO ME S T EA M @blazeluxuryhomes
The combination of an efficient team and an innovative approach to marketing means Blaze can direct buyers and sellers in all areas of financing to one-stop-shopping and digital marketing tools.

In addition to her coveted jewels and impact on reenergizing the Bayshore area, Amanda is a stronghold in the philanthropic community, often serving on committees and donating custom jewels for causes she holds dear. LIFE for an installation called Transforma tion, which they mounted on fences and trees, luring visitors for a COVID-safe, outdoor art stroll. In many ways, Amanda is the Bayshore Arts District. Look at the neighborhood’s info webpage and you see a picture of her standing in a floral ball gown skirt in front of her mermaid mural. Though studio space is still limited, the area’s become known for its street art, and there’s been an influx of creative busi nesses since she moved in, like Bean to Cup Coffee Lounge, Ankrolab Brewing Company, the Things I Like by Cather ine gallery and zero-waste retailer The Humble Hut. As the Bayshore Arts District blossoms, Amanda remains at the center, drawing her loyal shoppers and new, younger followers that reflect Naples’ shifting demographic. “I’m sort of becoming a family jeweler,” she says. “Young couples come to me for an engagement ring, then come back for their wedding bands, their first anniversary, their first kid. I just love that.” Her clients appreciate her glitter ing inventory as much as her egalitarian, open-minded spirit. In her showroom, you’ll find a high-dollar necklace with green tourmaline, blue topaz and dia monds near a $35 Lucite cuff. “With designing jewelry, you need to be clear in your vision but still have something for everyone,” she says. “It’s inclusive; just like how in Bayshore, there’s no gate.”
Style + Wellness — Voices

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We explore the lowkey Pyramid-lined wellness village in San Carlos Park. LIFE
Surrounded by regal palms, the Pyramids in Florida can transport you to a new world, where the monumental architec ture of ancient Egypt meets Southwest Florida’s subtropical landscape, and the naturopathic European lifestyle blurs with quintessential American vacation culture. This summer, I brought my best friend along for a little wellness-driven staycation at the hidden gem. Pyramids have a long, storied history throughout the world. Of course, we know the ancient Egyptians used the structures as tombs for royalty, representing their journey to the afterlife. In the 1990s, meditation pyramids started popping up in India, where they are said to chan nel energy through the seven chakras. Now, I set out to discover their purpose in Estero, where Austrian homeopathic doctor and reiki healing practitioner
Under Pyramidsthe

Style + Wellness — Odes — By Jaynie Bartley — Photography by Dan Cutrona

Gerti and her late husband, engineer Walter Freller, built the village in Estero in 1997, after years of studying pyramids in their native Austria. She wanted to cre ate a center where visitors could decom press and improve their overall wellbeing. She was familiar with the region’s laid back manner and agreeable climate and jumped at the opportunity when a 20-acre plot went up for sale in Estero’s residential San Carlos Park community. Over the years, the pair built 26 pyramid rental homes (ranging from about 1,100 to 2,200 square feet) and preserved half of the property for a nature trail, teem ing with wildlife and tucked-away fishing spots. They eventually added a mineral lake, plus other outdoor amenities to enrich physical and mental wellbeing. Gravel crunches beneath our shoes as we make our way up to the reception, another pyramid. From there, the team’s massage therapist, Christel Pionteck, who runs the show when Gerti is in Austria, walks us past a row of single-family pyr amids, each positioned with lake views and designed with ample privacy. The sun reflects off the two-story windows that front our accommodations, the Luxor sits up on a hill, backed by the wooded preserve. Luxor is the largest model, fea turing an open living-dining floorplan and a spiral staircase leading to a sunny loft at the structure’s peak. Back in Austria, before starting this venture, Gerti found that spending time
Gerti Höntzsch and her late husband, engineer Walter Freller, built the village with 26 vacation rentals in 1997 to help guests bank on the purported health benefits of pyramid structures.
Gerti Höntzsch has created a wellness village centered around the structure’s healing energy.
Style + Wellness — Odes 194 — GULFSHORE LIFE


Rooms are simple but stylishly appointed with midcentury modern furnishings and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the wooded retreat or mineral pool.

Style + Wellness — Odes

198 — GULFSHORE LIFE inside a pyramid is linked to better sleep and overall body function, because the structure is believed to generate, trans form and transmit energy. (That is said to include reducing the electromagnetic radiation from our devices and Gerti’s in the early stages of creating a digital detox pyramid with minimal electronics). In her field, which is classified as alternative medicine, it’s all about the flow of energy within your body and your environment. The Beethoven bust at the community’s entrance reflects her ethos: According to Gerti, Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 9” puts off the same alpha wave (the brain wave that works when you’re relaxed) frequen cies as those in a pyramid. “Beethoven was deaf at this time; he didn’t hear his music. He wrote the music in the way he felt the frequencies,” she says. After settling in, we take off on foot to explore the rest of the idyllic village. Despite the summer sun, we stay cool as we stroll through the shaded, botanical path—a fra grant tunnel of mango and avocado trees, bougainvillea and passion flowers—that encircles the property leading us to a small herb garden. The crunchy gravel path grad ually shifts to soft sand as we come across an alfresco fitness area with a volleyball court and a yoga pavilion, where we see the team is busy installing a thatched roof. My senses are heightened as I step out from the shade of the trees and approach the horseshoe-shaped Kneipp reflexology walking path, with its patches of stones, bark and sand warming in the afternoon sun. The team brought in 2 tons of natural materials, including volcanic rock, from around the world to create the Kneipp path, inspired by naturopathy forefather Sebastian Kneipp’s studies on minerals and stones for healing. The staff offers guided tours of the reflexology path, as well as yoga classes and morning nature walks, upon request. But, my friend and I Style + Wellness — Odes Guests have access to a bevy of amenities, including a reflexology path, a mineral-rich thermal spring, nature paths, water-workout classes, a beach volleyball court and yoga sessions.

Afterward, we wade through the nearby mineral pool to reset our soles. While the Luxor sits back against the preserve, the majority of the units flank the property’s mineral lake, which is full of favorable levels of natural magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium and selenium. A foun tain in the middle filters oxygen through the water, and the lake taps into quartz, copper and magnesium iodine reserves to naturally clean the water. As we float in the warm water, the magnesium and sodium soothe my muscles, releasing the tension of a week spent bent over a keyboard. And, I swear opt to test the Kneipp path on our own. I kick off my sandals and step up to the first section, walking slowly through about 2 feet of tiny pebbles that shift beneath my heels and slip between my toes. Gerti says these smaller rocks stimulate your organs as they gently press on different areas of the feet. We continue, venturing cautiously through 12 textures—shifting from flaky bark to smooth stones to sharp lava rocks to grainy sand—each said to target specific areas like the pancreas, lungs, heart and lymphatic system. The process forces me to be in the moment, taking in each sensation. I can almost feel a rush of energy from the calcium, which is said to improve circulation. I step out into the sun, the heat tingling against my skin, and take note of the water beading on my shoul ders, potassium and selenium reveal ing soft, radiant skin. I look up at my friend, sprawled out blissfully on one of the ergonomic lounge chairs the team designed to help elongate the spine. On the other side of the lake, a family plays in the sandy kids’ area, not far from a cabana-style bar— they don’t have a liquor license or bartender, but people are welcome to bring their own libations.
Style + Wellness — Odes For your premier landscape services. 3889 Sanibel Captiva Road www(239)

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Though there are no restaurants onsite, every pyramid has a stocked kitchen and grill, and guests are encouraged to fish the streams or shop local purveyors to cook up healthy fare.
Back at the Luxor, we fire up the gas grill for some meat and veggies for dinner, using herbs we’d collected from the gar den. There’s no on-site chef—or house keeping. Instead, guests are encouraged to explore the surrounding area, source produce from places like Fort Myers’ Southern Fresh Farms, or reel in a fresh catch from the fishing holes along the nature trail that snakes through the prop erty’s preserve. We end our trip by exploring the wooded trail, where monarch and zebra longwing butterflies land on wild bushes of Spanish needle flowers and a gently rolling canal streams over the rocks alongside the wall of pines and palms that grow throughout the path. We take a moment to sit on a bench that overlooks a nearby neighborhood just across the stream. We reflect on the past 24 hours spent at this hidden oasis, like a secret garden in the bustle of residential life. We’d both spent the better part of our lives in Southwest Florida, and yet it was like we were experiencing its serenity for the first time.
Style + Wellness — Odes

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206 Events: Top events for the season 216 Dining: 150-plus essential restaurants 248 Culture: Art centers to know 270 Shopping: Where to up your style 280 Beaches: Where to plant your towel 290 Recreation: Top courses + courts 306 Attractions: Top family activities THE GUIDEBOOK / Things to do, places to go and sights to see for fun along the coast


The Exquisite Moving Corpse
In the 1920s, surrealist artists developed “exquisite corps es,” collaborative figurative works done on passedaround pieces of paper. During the pandemic, 60 artists modernized the idea, with each creating a 1-minute clip that responds to the last frame. The result is this hourlong weird and beautiful tour de force, with renowned con ceptual artists including Jack Massing, William Wegman, Chip Lord and Kristin Lucas.
September 2022 Through Nov. 27 Helen Frankenthaler: Late Works, 1990-2003 The Baker Museum is among the first in the country to get this unique collection that looks at the later years of the Abstract Expressionist pioneer, known for her experimen tation with materials and techniques.
Through Nov. 2023 STICKWORK Wander through intricately twisted structures made by North atpoundsDougherty,environmentalCarolina-basedartistPatrickusing30,000ofwillowsaplingsNaplesBotanicalGarden. Sep. RestaurantSizzle8-28SWFLWeek
The semi-annual event offers two- and three-course prix fixe menus at dozens of the top restaurants across Lee and Collier counties (Osteria Tulia, Campiello, Bleu Provence and A Table Apart all participate), with a portion of the proceeds benefitting food insecurity for elementary school chil dren. Getty From Broadway plays to food festivals to interactive exhibits, this year brings a slate of must-see happenings in Collier, Lee and Charlotte Counties. Check the organizations’ websites for the latest information. FROM TO MAY
Through Dec. 10

Some of the brightest stars in Naples’ culinary scene converge at Cambier Park for tastings and demos, with praised local restaurants like 21 Spices by Chef Asif and Sea Salt represented.
The Guidebook — Events
The best-selling country art ist and American Idol judge performs in Estero with dou ble-platinum artist Mitchell Tenpenny and Country Music Awards winner Riley Green. October 2022 Oct. 5 Lady A: Request Line Tour
The new Caloosa Sound Amphitheater in Downtown Fort Myers kicks off its debut season with a free concert series along the Caloosahat chee River starring English rock band The Fixx; ’70s soft rock group Pablo Cruise; country singer Lorrie Morgan and swinging jazz emsemble Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Sep. 16
Classical music and contemporary dance merge in BalletX’s performance alongside Naples Philharmonic at Artis—Naples in November.
The Emmy Award-winning comedian and actor, known for his clean comedy, brings his hilarious observations on everyman, everyday issues (and lots of food jokes) to Barbara B. Mann. Sep. 29 Luke Bryan: Raised up Right Tour
The five-time, Award-winningGrammycountry band performs at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall, with opening act Dave Barnes, the songwriter behind hits like Blake Shelton’s “God Gave Me You.” Oct. Trevor14Noah: Back to Abnormal World Tour
The Play that Goes Wrong In its Southwest Florida debut, this award-winning comedy shows director Annette Tross bach’s propensity for break ing the mold. The play within a play draws from Sherlock Holmes’ classic whodunnit and Monty Python’s absurd humor, as a drama student produces a murder mystery on a low budget. theaterflorida.comlaboratory Sep. Eighth16-25Annual Island Hopper Songwriter Fest Discover the lyrical talent local and national songwrit ers and musicians as they perform at intimate venues on Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel. Sep. Earth,22Wind & Fire With more than 50 years of performing together, the nine-time, MannatgroovybringsAward-winningGrammybandalwaysdownthehousewithhitslike“September”FortMyers’BarbaraB.PerformingArtsHall. Sep. 23-24 Jim Gaffigan: The Fun Tour
GULFSHORE LIFE 207 Sep. 13, Oct. 30, Nov. 21, Dec. 15 Rockin’ on the River
The Paradise Coast Wine & Food Experience
Expect plenty of political satire and a whole lot of sarcasm from The Daily Show host—one of the most astute comedians on the scene—per forms at Hertz Arena. Oct. Pitbull:15Can’t Stop Us Now Tour
Mr. Worldwide, the Mi ami-born, Latin hip-hop artist, headlines with the Australian rapper behind “Fancy,” Iggy Azalea. Oct. 15

Regularly touted as one of the best film festivals in the region, Artis—Naples’ NIFF brings buzzy, tives.showcasingonnarratives,documentaries,thought-provokingshortsandwithanemphasissparkingdialogueanddiverseperspec Oct. 28-30 13th Annual Naples Stone Crab Festival
The live music by local favorites like Matty Jollie and a slate of arts vendors are the icing on the cake for this boun tiful celebration of our regional delicacy. November 2022 Nov. 1-26 Mally Khorasantchi at Harmon Meek
See the later works of the prolific Helen Frankenthaler, on display at Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum through Nov. 27.
The weekend-long competi tion supports the Conservancy of Southwest Florida’s mission to fight for clean waterways, with launch sites from Naples, Goodland and Chokoloskee. Kick-off with an outdoor happy hour celebration at Naples’ Florida Sports Park on Friday. Oct. 27-30 14th Annual InternationalNaplesFilmFestival
Nov. BalletX10 Contemporary ballet and clas sical music coalesce when the world-touring BalletX dances to tunes from Naples Philharmonic at Artis—Naples.
The Guidebook — Events
Nov. WINK’s6-7Taste of the Town Food trucks touting barbe cue, seafood and interna tional eats fill Fort Myers’ Centennial Park for this week end-long celebration, with live music and family-friendly activities.
The internationally recog nized, local artist showcases her large-scale expressionist works at the iconic down town Naples gallery.
Oct. 21-23 29th RedSnook Catch & Release Charity Fishing Tournament

Boats are decked with lights and Florida-centric Christmas decor for an illuminated cruise down the back bay, starting at Salty Sam’s Marina. Watch from Bayfront Park or one of the nearby waterfront restau rants. Dec. Frankie8 Valli & the Four Seasons: Greatest Hits Concert
1928-2011).(American,FrankenthalerHelenArtis—NaplesofCourtesy PolarisStella 1990., York.NewFoundation,FrankenthalerHelentheofCollectionin.108x96canvas,onAcrylic York.New(ARS),SocietyRightsArtists/Inc.Foundation,FrankenthalerHelen2022©
Shy Wolf Sanctuary Educa tion & Experience Center in Naples hosts this fundraising beer festival to benefit its resident rescued wolves. Local brewers pour their latest releases and 12-yearold musical prodigy Champ Jaxon (who’s been on The Ellen DeGeneres Show) performs. Nov. 12 - Dec. 4 Steel Magnolias Inspired by the Oscar Award-winning film, this play follows six, quick-witted women in the South when tragedy strikes. gulfshore Nov. 12 - Feb. 12 M.C. Escher: Reality & Illusion at Naples Art More than 100 works show case the fantastical genius of the artist best known for his mind-bending sketches and tessellations. Nov. 23 - Dec. 18 A Christmas Carol The Musical
Nov. 10-13 50th Annual Fort Myers Boat Show
Thanks to the creative illuminations, blooming gardens, festive food and drink stations and lively roaming entertainment, Naples Botanical Garden’s holiday experience sells out many of its dates; get tickets early. Nov. 25 - Dec. 30 Holiday Nights at the Edison & Ford Winter Estates
Nov. 10 Reba: Live in Concert
The Naples Players’ rendition of Charles Dickens’ famed Ebenezer Scrooge tale has become as much of a tradi tion as anything else you’ll do this holiday season; don’t miss it.
December 2022 Dec. 3 33rd Annual Fort Myers Beach Christmas Boat Parade
Nov. 12-13 4th Annual WolfStock Festival
Boat lovers are sure to find their new ride—and engines and boat lifts and fishing gear—when more than 500 boats and hundreds more aquatic accessories go on display along the Caloosa hatchee River in downtown Fort Myers. Nov. 12 Kevin RealityHart:Check Tour
His movies, like Get Hard and Ride Along, made him famous, but it’s Kevin Hart’s stand-up that showcase what he does best: make you laugh with his self-deprecat ing wit.
Nov. 25 - Dec. 23, Dec. 26-30 & Jan. 1
The original Jersey Boy still puts on a killer show with his powerful falsetto and vocal range that shot him to fame in the ’60s. Catch the 88-year-old Frankie and his award-winning band in their return to Barbara B. Mann. Dec. 10 QBE Shootout, Live Fest Country star Brad Paisley headlines the musical event for golf legend Greg Norman’s annual charity tournament, which goes on throughout the weekend at Tiburón Golf Club at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort.
Another ’tis-the-season tra dition in Southwest Florida, the illuminated grounds at the historic estates dazzle with thousands of lights, historically accurate deco rations and live music some nights. Nov. 27 30th Anniversary Tour of NUTCRACKER Magic of Christmas Ballet
The Moscow Ballet’s epic production of the Nut cracker comes to Barbara B. Mann. In solidarity with Ukraine, the ballet company renamed its show this year and is donating part of the proceeds to relief efforts.
The Queen of County has been hard at work lately, releasing a new album, producing and starring in a Lifetime flick, and now, blessing us with her musical chops when she performs in Estero.
Johnsonville Night Lights in the Garden
Jan. 14 - Sep. 10 Frida and Her Garden A year in the making,
The Importance of Being Earnest
In its 25th season, the Florida Repertory Theatre performs the Oscar Wilde classic about two people pretending to be something they are not. Feb. 7-25 New Works by Reynier Llanes at Harmon Meek
Hadestown This eight-time Tony Award-winning musical tells the parallel love stories of Orpheus and Eurydice, and Hades and Persephone. Come for the extravagant set, stay for the Grammy Award-winning scores, written by singer-songwriter Anaïs Mitchell. January 2023 Jan. Scene14to be Seen Naples Art’s annual gala peaks with a wearable art runway show, in which local designers create showstop ping designs from unlikely materials, like magazine pages and foraged peacock feathers.
There is one rule for everything served at this food festival in the Stone Crab Capital of the World: It must be local. That’s why hundreds flock to the tiny Everglades town in February for fresh Gulf catches and
The young, Cuban artist, known for his detailed coffee paintings, was recently named as New Superstar of South ern Art by Oxford America. Feb. 10 - Mar. 11
Cars on Fifth Naples’ Fifth Avenue South fills with muscle cars, pristine classics and splashy super cars (with an emphasis on Ferraris) for this nearly-20year-old concours. Feb. ArtFest3-5Fort Myers One of Fort Myers’ biggest art festivals fills the historic downtown district with works from more than 200 artists, live music and local food, along with arts and crafts activities to inspire young artists.
National Art Festivals
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Fort Myers’ boundary-push ing Lab Theater brings this cult classic vengeful tale of love and murder to life in Fort Myers. theaterflorida.comlaboratory Feb. 17-19 53rd Everglades City Seafood Festival
Dec. 27 - Jan. 1
These winter and spring art fairs bring more than 200 juried artists from across the globe to Bonita Springs’ Riverside Park. Proceeds benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs.
Jan. Naples19-22Boat Show Azimut Yachts, Galeon and Aquila Power Catamarans are just some of the top boat purveyors who fill Naples City Docks for this long-run ning boater favorite.
Jan. 14-15, Feb. 11-12, Mar. Bonita4-5Springs
Feb. 3 - Mar. 5
Dec. 16 - Jan. 15
Freud’s Last Session Florida Repertory Theatre in Fort Myers presents this in tellectual tour de force, which takes place on the brink of World War II, as aging neu rologist Dr. Sigmund Freud invites budding author C.S. Lewis to debate the exist ence of God.
Jan. 21-22 25th Annual Art Fest Naples Hundreds of artists and arti sans exhibit at Fleischmann Park in Naples during this show, benefitting STARability Foundation and its programs to help individuals with intel lectual and developmental disabilities thrive. Jan. 21 - Feb 5
Mexicana Fiesta Honoring
The Guidebook — Events 210 — GULFSHORE LIFE NguyenAnna
Frida Kahlo
For Naples Art Districts’ Art & Design Expo, the collective’s artists create vivid murals inspired by the Mexican feminist icon—part of a countywide celebration of Hispanic culture. February 2023 Feb. 2-5
Honoring winter resident Thomas Edison, the 84-yearold parade has marching bands, floats and costumed performers strutting down the streets, starting at Fort Myers High School and ending downtown. Feb. 19 SWFL VegFest
Hosted at Farmer Mike’s U Pick in Bonita Springs, this ode to plant-forward living features vegetarian food trucks, cook ing demos, wellness vendors and talks from doctors and pros spreading the veggie Feb. Naples25-26National Art Show
The Sound of Music
Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club hosts this world’s-longest-run ning shell festival (with all the mollusk-themed art and activities you can handle) at Sanibel Community House. Mar. ECHO7-11Global Food & Farm Festival
For 44 years, Naples Art has curated hundreds of accomplished national artists, working in more than a dozen mediums, for this annual show at Cambier Park in downtown Naples. March 2023 Mar. 1 - Apr 2
There’s a reason they call Sanibel the shelling capital of the world: it’s beaches are lined with more than 250 species of shells. For 86 years, Sanibel Shell Culb’s hosted an Annual Shell Show to celebrate the mollusks.
The Naples Players perform the five-time Oscar and Tony award-winning, true story of the famed von Trapp Family’s musical adventures. naplesplay Mar. 2-4 86th Annual Sanibel Shell Show
Floridian fare like gator bites and swamp cabbage. ever Feb. Edison18Festival of Light: Grand Parade
Local food insiders, like Rose O’ Dell King of Rosy Tomorrows Heritage Farm and chef David Robbins, descend on the North Fort Myers 57-acre farm for cooking demos, holistic-living workshops (learn to make kom bucha) and lunches that draw from ECHO’s eight tropical gardens. Mar. 11-12 Fort Myers Beach Lions Club Shrimp Festival Celebrate our Pink Gold with a show-stopping 2-mile parade down Estero Boulevard, a

The Guidebook — Events
This iconic rock opera, written by Broadway legend Andrew Lloyd Webber with music by Tim Rice, celebrates its 50th anniversary with a nationwide tour. See the lively reenactment of Jesus Christ’s final weeks (from Judas’ perspective) on stage at Artis—Naples. April 2023 Apr. Troupe4-8Vertigo
Latin Extravaganza
Mar. 14-19
rowdy shrimp-eating contest, the Pink Gold Shrimp Boil at Lynn Hall Beach Park and the crowning of the Shrimp Festival Queen.
The California group known for blending circus, theater and dance performs along side Naples Philharmonic—di rected by local favorite, Pops conductor Jack Everly—in a tribute to Georges Bizet’s Carmen, a four-part opera based on the novella of the same name. Apr. 15-22 US Open ChampionshipsPickleball Naples has easily become the capital for this rising sport, as evidenced by this major tournament that takes place at East Naples Community Park. The pro matches are already sold out, but you can still watch amateurs play on more than 50 courts and get tickets for the Margaritaville Party in the Park on Apr. 23. leballchampionship.comusopenpick Apr. 18-23 Mean Girls Here’s a nostalgic show for the millennial crowd: Tina Fey’s Broadway production takes the stage at Artis—Na ples. Watch the drama unfold as formerly homeschooled Cady enters the cut-throat world of high school cliques.
Jesus Christ Superstar
Naples Garden’sBotanicalSTICKWORK installation, made entirely from fallen branches, is up through November.
CVBEvergladesIsland,MarcoNaples,ofCourtesy Bruce M. Nakfoor, MD • Timothy L. Kerwin, MD • Michael C. Hanus, MD • Jay S. Loe er, MD At Inspire Oncology, we are partnering with you to reclaim your life. O ering nearly 100 years of combined experience with one of the highest concentrations of expertise in radiation oncology in the nation. Inspire Oncology is here for you. 8625 Collier Blvd, Ste 102, Naples, FL 34114 239.429.0100 15465 Tamiami Trail N, Naples, FL 34110 239.429.0400

May “Ding”19Darling & Doc Ford’s Tarpon Tournament
J.N. “Ding” Darling Wildlife Refuge brings its conservation mission to Fort Myers’ Lakes Park, with ranger-guided tours, an urban birding work shop and nature journaling with artist Rachel Pierce.
Conservancy of Southwest Florida hosts this Earth Day party at its 21-acre nature center in Naples. Kids love the animal encounters, boat tours and riding the new Learning Adventure Bus; grown-ups appreciate the eco lectures, food trucks and nature walks.
May. 17-21 13th Annual Fort Myers Film Festival
In this Naples tradition that toasts the end of the busy season, year-round locals deck out their canoes in quirky decor and race to the block party and parade on the mainland. Though can celed in the last few years, we have our fingers crossed for a 2023 return.
Anglers flock to the water for “Ding” Darling & Doc Ford’s Tarpon Tournament, where they compete to catch the biggest of the jumping silver kings.
Apr. 22 34th Annual “Ding” Darling Day Conservation Carnival
May 2023 GreatTBD Dock Canoe Race
Apr. 22 Earth Day Festival
The — Events
A red carpet leads directors, actors and guests into Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center for opening night of the highly anticipated festival, with locally and internationally produced shorts, indie films and documentaries screened at venues throughout the city.
As season comes to a close, chefs from Fort Myers beach restaurants set up tents at Salty Sam’s Marina to serve their best dishes with hopes of winning the Taste of the Beach Awards. Local favorites including Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille, Pinchers and The Rude Shrimp Co. are known to take home titles in categories ranging from best appetizer to seafood to vegan and vegetarian.
Anglers compete to catch the biggest silver king, with tournament proceeds going to fund water and wildlife research at J.N. “Ding” Dar ling National Wildlife Refuge.
May 6 27th Annual Taste of the Beach

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Dining Guide Key: b Brunch o Outside Dining p Pet-Friendly v Valet w Water Views RESTAURANTS, CAFES + COCKTAIL BARS The Dining Guide is crafted each month based on editorial discretion and may include restaurants that advertise regularly (denoted by an asterisk). All phone numbers are area code 239 unless specified. Please email to report changes in a restaurant’s location, prices or menu. AsifChefbySpices21Courtesy 216 — GULFSHORE LIFE

$$$$ STEAK o p v Jane’s Cafe on 3rd 1209 Third St. S., 261-2253. Come for the lobster Benedict and stuffed French toast; stay to sit around the lovely koi fountain on the sunny patio.
$$ CAFE b o p v Ridgway Bar & Grill 1300 Third St. S., 262-5500. A quintessential Old Naples restaurant with creative American fare. $$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p Sea Salt 1186 Third St. S., 434-7258. A local favorite for sophisticated seafood and its accompani ments. Monthly wine dinners and other events are not to be missed.
$$$$ STEAK o v The Oyster Society 599 S. Collier Blvd., 3943474. At this chic locale, the raw bar has more than eight oys ter selections daily, as well as sushi and fresh catches.
$$$$ MIDDLE EASTERN o Bistro 821 821 Fifth Ave. S., 261-5821. You’ll love the open kitchen and menu filled with originality. $$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p Chops City Grill 837 Fifth Ave. S., 262-4677. An elegant, baroque-inspired steakhouse. $$$$ STEAK o p v Del Mar 494 Fifth Ave. S., 350-0134. The latest from restaurateur Cameron Mitchell is this two-story, finedining eatery with a menu drawing from various Mediterranean cuisines. $$$$ MEDITERRANEAN b o The BrasserieFrenchRustique 365 Fifth Ave. S., 315-4019. From chef Vincenzo Betulia, expect exquisite escargot and steak tartare in a buz zworthy atmosphere. $$$ FRENCH o p v Hobnob Kitchen & Bar 720 Fifth Ave. S., Unit 101, 580-0070. Updated takes on American cuisine in a cool, contemporary dining room.
NAPLES THIRD STREET SOUTH Barbatella 1290 Third St. S., 263-1955. Casual Italian cuisine from the people behind Sea Salt. Meet up at the trendy wine bar or on the relaxed patio. $$$ ITALIAN o p The Bevy 360 12th Ave. S., 228-4220. Enjoy pre mium craft cocktails and var ied influences at this locale off Third Street. The open-air setup with a retractable roof is nothing short of impres sive.
$$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p v FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH Bha! Bha! Persian Bistro* 865 Fifth Ave. S., 594-5557. Iranianborn chef Michael Mir serves the flavors of his homeland in this jewel box of a dining room known for its indulgent fare.
GULFSHORE LIFE 217 Taste of the Gulf — Dining Guide
$$$$ SEAFOOD o Sale e Pepe 480 S. Collier Blvd., 3931600. A gem with Italian dishes, a formidable wine cellar and a patiowaterfrontinthe Marco Beach Ocean Resort. $$$$ ITALIAN b o v w
Caption 21 Spices caption tktktktk c caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk tktktktktktkktkktk
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p Campiello/The Club Room 1177 Third St. S., 435-1166. A favorite for its contemporary Italian cuisine and courtyard. During season, The Club Room, a restaurant within, has its own menu and live music most nights.
$$$$ ITALIAN o p v D’Amico’s The Continental 1205 Third St. S., 659-0007. Ex perience top-quality cuts of steak from around the globe, enhanced by the surrounding stylish modern decor, private cabanas and a cocktail lab.
MARCO ISLAND Ario 400 S. Collier Blvd., 3942511. jwmarriottmarcoisland. com. At the JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort, Ario has striking Gulf views, elevated culinary offerings and an impressive bar program.
218 — GULFSHORE LIFE Caption tktktktk
$$$$ MODERN AMERICAN v Osteria Tulia/Bar Tulia 466 Fifth Ave. S., 213-2073. Go for Sicilian-inspired fare in a rustic-chic setting or the Bar Tulia gastropub, which has unbeatable craft cocktails.
Ocean Prime 699 Fifth Ave. S., 430-0404. National restaurateur Cameron Mitchell presents surf and turf, an elegant dining room and highly attentive service.
The Bay House/ The Claw Bar caption tktktktk tktktktk
caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk ShirghioNick Taste of the Gulf — Dining Guide
$$$$ SEAFOOD o v Grappino 90 Ninth St. N., 331-4325. This Aielli Group eatery offers a fine selection of charcuterie, as well as build-your-own pasta dishes.
$$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p The Vine Room 465 Fifth Ave. S., 316.1202. Hidden be hind an ivy-shrouded door, this cocktail lounge with an onyx bar and green velvet banquettes crafts drinks with dramatic flair to pair with elevated small plates.
The Claw Bar 221 Ninth St. S., 231-3912. Southern charm, the best oysters and exquisite seafood are served inside the Bellasera Resort.
$$$$ ITALIAN o p v Sails Restaurant 301 Fifth Ave. S., 360-2000. This refined eatery and raw bar has a weekend Champagne brunch that’s a destination in itself. $$$$ SEAFOOD b o p v Sushi Thai Downtown 898 Fifth Ave., 430-7575. Multiple locations through out Collier and Lee counties. Large selection of sushi and Thai dishes. $$$ ASIAN o p v Truluck’s 698 Fourth Ave. S., 530-3131. The fine-dining locale touts seafood from the Gulf and beyond. $$$$ SEAFOOD o v Veranda E 290 Fifth Ave. S., 659-3466. A court yard setting and menu with Asian and French influences in the Hotel Escalante.
$$$ ITALIAN o p La Colmar Bakery & Bistro 80 Tamiami Trail N., 3154303. Here, you’ll find some of Naples’ top bread and pastries, plus sandwiches and salads.
$$$ ITALIAN o p v Pazzo! Cucina Italiana 853 Fifth Ave. S., 434-8494. Beautiful presentations and twists on Italian favorites.
$$$$ COCKTAIL LOUNGE Yabba Island Grill 711 Fifth Ave. S., 262-5787. Surf and turf, including seasonal stone crab, is the focus at this restaurant with prime patio seating.
$$$$ BAKERY o The Lake Park Diner 944 Seventh Ave. N., 2286351. This casual spot serves healthy, organic fare with many vegan options, plus modernized diner classics.

239-970-2138 844 Bald Eagle Marco Island, FL 34145 A perfect place for friends and colleagues, families, or couples seeking a Florida Casual destination. GULF • PRIME • DINE
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN b o BAYFRONT Industry Beer & BBQ 449 Bayfront Place, 331-4160. The team behind LowBrow Pizza & Beer takes on slow-smoked ‘cue and craft beers. $$ BARBECUE o p CRAYTON COVE Bleu Provence 1234 Eighth St. S., 261-8239. Chan nel the south of France with the food and Naples’ only Grand Award-winning wine list. $$$$ FRENCH o p v Chez Boët 755 12th Ave. S., 643-6177. French staples, plus an impressive Scotch list. $$$$ FRENCH o p w The Dock at Crayton Cove 845 12th Ave. S., 263-9940. This laid-back spot serves Florida seafood on Naples Bay.
Kareem’s Lebanese Kitchen 4270 Tamiami Trail E., 315-4167. kareemskitchen. com Here, you’ll find seven types of hummus, salads and chicken with za’atar potatoes.
$$$ SEAFOOD o p w EAST NAPLES 21 Spices by Chef Asif 4270 Tamiami Trail E., #21, 919-8830. 21spicesdining. com. Authentic cuisine from an award-winning chef.
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p Dorona 2110 Tamiami Trail N., 529-2819. The Aeilli Group’s upscale steakhouse has a diverse menu, featuring seafood, pasta and custom cuts of beef. $$$$ STEAK o p b Escargot 41 4351 Tamiami Trail N.,
$$ ITALIAN o p Rumba Cuban Café 1265 Airport-Pulling Road S., 659-2996. rumbacubancafe. com. Classic Cuban cuisine with fun twists and attentive service.
$$ AMERICAN o p Seventh South Craft Food + Drink 849 Seventh Ave. S., 231-4553. One of Naples’ best restaurants, where food and drink earn equal acclaim.
$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p w MIDTOWN Alexander’s Restaurant 4077 Tamiami Trail N., 262-4999. alexandersnaples. com. The menus are filled with seafood and flavors from around the world, presented in a modern cafe and lush garden atmosphere.
Chef Todd Johnson crafts a menu of haute small plates at his first solo venture. $$$$ ECLECTIC o p v w The Rooster Food + Drink 600 Goodlette-Frank Road N., #101, 228-5973. theroos A breakfast and lunch spot for comfort fare, with dinner Wednes day through Friday in season.
$$$ MIDDLE EASTERN o Lima Restaurant 5047 Tamiami Trail E., 280-0167. lima-restaurant. com. Authentic Peruvian cuisine and a wide selection or pisco are the calling cards.
Taste of the Gulf — Dining Guide
$$ ECLECTIC o p w
$$$ INDIAN o p Celebration Park 2880 Becca Ave., 316-7253. From the owner of Three60 Market, this waterfront foodtruck park has a lively bar scene and boat-up slips.
$$$ LATIN AMERICAN o Tacos & Tequila Cantina 4834 Davis Blvd., 732-8226. Tacos with lots of clever spins, plus margaritas aplenty. $$ MEXICAN o p Three60 Market 2891 Bayview Drive, Naples, 732-7331. three60market. com. A breakfast and lunch cafe with gourmet flair, a specialty market and an impressive wine shop.
220 — GULFSHORE LIFE Nosh on Naples Bay 1490 Fifth Ave. S., 384-9208.
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p Andre’s Steakhouse 2800 Tamiami Trail N., 263-5851. andressteakhouse. com. If you’re a fan of New York’s iconic Peter Luger chophouse, opt for this tiny joint founded by one of its former chefs. $$$$ STEAK o p Café Nutrients 3080 Tamiami Trail N., 9198732. At this organic, plant-based eat ery, owner Ming Yee sources ingredients from local farms and producers. $$$ VEGAN o p Cibao Grille 814 Neapolitan Way, 434-6653. Dishes from the owners’ native Dominican Republic mix with American classics.
$$ PERUVIAN o LowBrow Pizza & Beer 3148 Tamiami Trail E., 529-6919. lowbrowpizzaand Wood-fired pies are served with craft brews in a fun, art-filled space.
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222 — GULFSHORE LIFE 793-5000. This traditional spot features a page of escargot specials alone.
$$$ FRENCH o p Fernández the Bull 3375 Pine Ridge Road, #101, 653-9097. fernandezthebull. com. Expect authentic Cuban dishes, like picadillo a la criolla and ropa vieja.
$$ LATIN AMERICAN o p Food & Thought 2132 Tamiami Trail N., 213-2222. foodandthought. com. An organic grocer and counter-service cafe with raw and vegan options.
$$$ ECLECTIC o p Harold’s Place 2555 Tamiami Trail N., 263-7254. naplesharolds This chickee bar serves a winning charbroiled burger. $ AMERICAN o p Hogfish Harry’s 600 Neapolitan Way, 776-7623. hogfishharrys. com. The menu follows a commitment to sourcing 90% of its seafood from local fishers. $$$ SEAFOOD o Hyde N Chic 923 Creech Road, 404-3065. In his artfully appointed dining room, chef Andy Hyde guides you through inspired tasting menus. $$$ MODERN AMERICAN Jimmy P’s Charred 1833 Tamiami Trail N., 643-2427. A casual steakhouse special izing in Wagyu beef from Naples’ longtime trusted butcher. $$$$ STEAK o Komoon Thai Sushi & Ceviche 1575 Pine Ridge Road, #9, 234-2442. A fun mix of Thai, Japanese and Peruvian fare in a con temporary locale that often hosts live music. $$ ASIAN Lamoraga Restaurant 3936 Tamiami Trail N., 331-3669. Contemporary upscale twists on Spanish dishes, plus inventive vegan fare.
$$$$ SPANISH o p v Le Indya 975 Pine Ridge Road, 591-5156. The authentic cuisine includes plenty of vegetarian and vegan dishes. $$ INDIAN The Local* 5323 Airport-Pulling Road, 596-3276. thelocalnaples. com. A sourced,restaurantfarm-to-tablewithlocallyhealthycuisine.
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o Martin Fierro 13040 Livingston Road, 3004777. martinfierrorestaurant. com. At this Argentinian and Uruguayan parrillada, you’ll find grass-fed beef and tango music.
$ VEGETARIAN o p Fujiyama 2555 Tamiami Trail N., 2614332. Japanese master chefs pre pare dinners with flair at your hibachi table. $$$ ASIAN o FUSE Global Cuisine/ FUSE BBQ 2500 Tamiami Trail N. #115, 455-4585. fuseglobalcuisine. com. Find cuisines from around the world at finedining FUSE and top barbe cue next door.
Caption Bar Tulia caption tktktktk c caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk Taste of the Gulf — Dining Guide TietzBrian
$$$ LATIN AMERICAN o Moura Bistro 3369 Pine Ridge Road, 7388883. A tiny spot with flavorful Lebanese fare, like falafel, tabbouleh and shawarma. $$$ MIDDLE EASTERN o Shula’s Steak House 5111 Tamiami Trail N., 430-4999. Late NFL Hall of Fame coach Don Shula’s classic steakhouse. STEAK Swan River Seafood & Market

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3741 Tamiami Trail N., 403-7000. swanriversea Find Cape Codstyle seafood and a market with fresh catches, wine and more. $$$ SEAFOOD o USS Nemo 3745 Tamiami Trail N., 261-6366. ussnemorestau Masterful crea tions using fresh seafood from a classically trained chef. $$$ SEAFOOD o Ziggy WhiskeyD’Amico’sBar&Diner 4691 Ninth St. N., 4300955. This D’Amico & Partners spot has an emphasis on whiskey. $$ AMERICAN b o p THE VILLAGE SHOPS ON VENETIAN BAY Bayside Seafood Grill & Bar 4270 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., 649-5552. Here, you’ll find more than 200 feet of waterfront dining. $$$$ SEAFOOD o p v MiraMare Ristorante 4236 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., 430-6273. miramarenaples. com. Enjoy classic Italian fare on the waterfront patio overlooking Venetian Bay. $$$ ITALIAN o v w M Waterfront Grille 4300 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., 263-4421. mwaterfrontgrille. com. Expect organic meals served in the main dining room (with bay views) and on the terrace.
$$$$ MODERN AMERICAN b o v w T-Michaels Steak & Lobster House 4050 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., 261-0622. Steakhouse dining on the waterfront, featuring USDA Prime meats and Maine lobster.
$$$$ STEAK v w WATERSIDE SHOPS True Food Kitchen 5375 Tamiami Trail N., Suite 15, 431-4580 The menu caters to flexitarians but has plenty of options for vegetarians and vegans.
Caption tktktktk Hogfish Harry’s caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk captionTastetktktktkofthe Gulf — Dining Guide 224 — GULFSHORE LIFE GuideDining—GulftheofTaste
$$$ CAFE o NORTH NAPLES BALEEN 9891 Gulf Shore Drive, 5985707. A wraparound terrace sets the stage for creative cuisine at LaPlaya Beach & Golf Resort. $$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o v w The Bay House* 799 Walkerbilt Road, 591-3837. South ern-inspired menus and a raw bar with panoramic mangrove and water views. $$$$ SEA FOOD b o v w Bella Mia Italian Cafe 808 Wiggins Pass Road,

You may be visiting Southwest Florida, but dining at Angelina’s Ristorante will transport you into a Mediterranean oasis. Enjoy professional service in a luxurious atmosphere, delectable food made with top-of-the-line ingredients from a scratch kitchen, craft cocktails, and an extensive wine list with bottles imported directly from Italy. Come experience one of the most-awarded restaurants in Southwest Florida. Italy is closer than you think (239) 390-3187 | | 24041 S. Tamiami Trail, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Make a reservation today!

$$$$ FRENCH The Crust 8004 Trail Blvd., 244-8488. With a huge sports bar, it’s one of the area’s most popular pizza joints.
$$ BAR BITES o p Café Gourmand 9853 Tamiami Trail N., 260-7109. Here, find crepes by day and formal dinner service by night. $$ FRENCH o Côte d’Azur 11224 Tamiami Trail N., 5978867. cotedazurrestaurant. com. Old World French cuisine, from filet mignon to quail, in a cozy Provençal setting.
$$$$ STEAK v Jimmy P’s Burgers & More 1833 Tamiami Trail N., 1201 Piper Blvd., #11, 514-1800. The same superior meats from the longtime trusted butcher, with an emphasis on juicy burgers. $$$$ STEAK Gourmet pizzas are star at the Aielli Group’s Grappino in Naples Design District.
226 — GULFSHORE LIFE 250-3310. bellamiaitaliacafe. com. European coffee and pastries, from an acclaimed chef, are served during season.
$$ ITALIAN b o Black Forest Restaurant 2366 Immokalee Road, 5924784. blackforestnaples. com. Here, you’ll find classic German and Austrian fare like traditional sauerbraten.
$$$ EUROPEAN Bone Hook Brewing Co. 1514 Immokalee Road, 631-8522. bonehookbrew This microbrewery has a taproom with a full kitchen and table service.
$$$$ ASIAN o v w Fernández the Bull 1201 Piper Blvd., #10, 2549855. Authentic Cuban dishes and daily happy hour. $$ LATIN AMERICAN o p Grain De Café 8803 Tamiami Trail N., 5948081. The wait is worth it for the pain au chocolat, quiches and crepes. $$ FRENCH b o The Grill 280 Vanderbilt Beach Road, 598-6644. This steakhouse in The Ritz-Carlton, Naples, evokes the ambiance of an elegant private club.
$$ ITALIAN Deep Lagoon Seafood & Fish Market* 8777 Tamiami Trail N., 631-6266. The family behind Pinchers owns this popular eatery.
$$$ SEAFOOD o Dusk 280 Vanderbilt Beach Road, 598-6644. This stylish sushi lounge in The Ritz-Carlton, Naples, has a patio overlooking the Gulf.

$$$ ASIAN New York Pizza & Pasta* 11140 Tamiami Trail N., 594-3500; 8855 Immokalee Road, 597-3800. Go here for hand-tossed pies and classic Italian fare.
$$ ASIAN o Namba 8847 Tamiami Trail N., 5924992. The Japanese menu is limit ed to a remarkable selection of ramen, sushi and small plates.
Drive Suites 140
$$$$ SEAFOOD o v w Two Fillets* 10395 Tamiami Trail N., 788-0222. The latest opening from the folks behind Pinchers and Deep Lagoon is this surf-and-turf restaurant and market. $$$ AMERICAN o p Zen Asian BBQ 10823 Tamiami Trail N., 260-7037. A pan-Asian joint with fresh sushi, ramen, bar bites and Korean barbe cue. $$$ ASIAN o MERCATO Bar Tulia 9118 Strada Place, #8150, 438-1031. The second location of this Italian gastropub features expertly crafted cocktails. $$$ ITALIAN o p v The Hampton Social Taste of the Gulf — Dining Bay &
Guide Enjoy the aromas, flavors, and ambiance of Italy right here in Southwest Florida. Indulge in authentic favorites, or more sophisticated dishes, paired with a selection from our extensive wine list. We also offer house-made pizzas, delicious prepared foods, and full service catering. Buon appetito! 26811 South
o Komoon Thai Sushi & Ceviche 1514 Immokalee Road, 2342442. A fun mix of Thai, Japanese and Peruvian fare in a contempo rary locale that often hosts live music.
148 Bonita Springs, FL 34134 DISCOVER SOUTHWEST FLORIDA’S OWN LITTLE ITALY Market I Restaurant I Private Dining Room I Banquet Room I Catering I The Center Bar
$$ ITALIAN o Parmesan Pete’s 7935 Airport-Pulling Road, 992-3663. parmesanpetes. com. Order huge portions of Parmesans, meatballs and lasagna. $$$ ITALIAN o The Turtle Club 9225 Gulf Shore Drive, 5926557. This beachfront restaurant offers servicetoes-in-the-sandandcoastalcuisine.

of the Gulf
Inventive tacos and margaritas.
$$$ WINE BAR ob Mister ExtraordinaryO1 Pizza 2355 Vanderbilt Beach Road, 631-6844. Extraordinary isn’t hyperbole; try the star-shaped pizza with ricotta-stuffed crust for proof.
$$ MEXI CAN o p GALLERIA SHOPPES AT VANDERBILT Alpine Restaurant 2355 Vanderbilt Beach Road, 325-9499. alpineofna Expect the best of German, Slovak, Czech, Pol ish and Hungarian cuisines.
$$$ SEA FOOD o v Rocco’s Tacos 9123 Strada Place, 5008226. Go for the roughly 500 selec tions of tequila and mezcal.
$$$ EASTERN EUROPEAN o The Cave Bistro & Wine Bar 2343 Vanderbilt Beach Road, 513-0095. An ode to Burgundy’s cellars, complete with small plates.
$$ ITALIAN o Poke Mahi 2349 Vanderbilt Beach Road, #520, 260-5722. pokema Here, you’ll find Hawaiian-style poke bowls customized with your choice of fish and toppings.
$$$$ ITALIAN v The Bohemian 27975 Old 41 Road, 451-9619. The team behind Downtown Cof fee and Wine also operates this restaurant, with a globally inspired menu and low-ABV cocktails. $$$$ ECLECTIC o Chops City Grill 8200 Health Center Blvd, 9924677. The sister restaurant to Naples’ elegant steakhouse has been renovated,recentlyincluding a new menu and cocktail list.
$$$ SEAFOOD o p v w DeRomo’s Gourmet Market & Restaurant 26811 S. Bay Drive, #140 and #148, 325-3583. der This restaurant with a big-city vibe is part and parcel of an Italian market. $$$$ ITALIAN o p Downtown Coffee & Wine Company 27546 Old 41, 272-6068. Light bites accompany specialty coffee and more than a dozen wines by the glass. Don’t miss Champagne and oyster pop-up nights. $ CAFE p El Basque Vin & Pintxo Bar 25245 Chamber of Commerce Drive, 301-4973. Spanish and French influenc es merge at this tapas-style Basque wine bar. $$$ BASQUE o p Figs Grille 25987 S. Tamiami Trail #109, 390-1700. Find a refreshing fusion of Spanish, Turkish, Moroccan, Lebanese and French cuisines.
$$$ MEDI TERRANEAN o Jimmy P’s Bistro 25301 Tamiami Trail S., 390-0301. The trusted butcher serves superior meats and shareable plates. $$$$ STEAK o Komoon Thai Sushi & Ceviche 3300 Bonita Beach Road, 2342442. Thai, Japanese and Peruvian fare in a contemporary spot that often hosts live music. $$ ASIAN o Lapa’s Costa Rican Bistro 26251 S. Tamiami Trail, 2217016. Expect authentic plates of arroz con pollo, gallos and tostadas.
$$ LATIN AMERICAN Olde Florida Chop House 3401 Bay Commons
Taste —
This fine Italian restaurant has plush ban quettes, live piano music and an award-winning wine list.
$$$$ STEAK o p v C Level Bistro & Wine Bar 4450 Bonita Beach Road, 221-7046. This intimate locale is de pendable for continental fare like steak au poivre.
$ CAFE BONITA SPRINGS Angelina’s Ristorante 24041 S. Tamiami Trail, 390-3187.
$$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o Coconut WaterfrontJack’sGrille 5370 Bonita Beach Road, 676-7777. coconutjacks. com. A perfect stop for quick bites with water views.
$$$ MEXICAN o THE PAVILION KC American Bistro 885 Vanderbilt Beach Road, 566-2371. kcamericanbistro. com. Seasonal, American cuisine from chef Keith Casey. $$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o Tacos & Tequila Cantina 8971 Tamiami Trail N., 254-8226.
9114 Strada Place, 202-2038. A lofty Chicago export with a chic, rosé-all-day bar scene complemented by great seafood.
Dining Guide
Drive, 948-4400. Waterfront dining serving Florida-style dishes.
$$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p Petar’s Restaurant 3300 Bonita Beach Road, #120, 249-4064. petarsre Chef Petar Al Kurdi has developed a strong following for his deftly prepared cuisine.
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o Roy’s Restaurant 26831 S. Bay Drive, 4987697. Enjoy celebrity chef Roy Yamaguchi’s Hawaiian and Pacific fusion fine dining.
$$$$ ASIAN o A Table Apart 4295 Bonita Beach Road, 221-8540. atableapart. com. This restaurant fuses influences from the Pacific Rim and beyond. $$$ ECLECTIC Wylds Café 4271 Bonita Beach Road, 9470408. Three chefs join forces for a fine-dining experience.
$$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p v ESTERO Divieto Ristorante 23161 Village Shops Way, #101, 390-2977. divietoris Its famous fettuccine Alfredo is prepared in a hollowed-out Parmesan wheel. $$$ ITALIAN o p v The Saloon 23151 Village Shops Way, 949-2583. A taste of Old West Americana, with grilled steaks, barbecue, classic sides and original cocktails. $$$ AMERICAN o p Tacos & Tequila Cantina 10952 Eagle Village Drive, 330-8226. Tacos with clever spins, plus margaritas aplenty. $$ MEXICAN o pFORT MYEBEACH
$$$$ MODERN AMERICAN w The Other Side Bistro 24630 S. Tamiami Trail, 992-7433. bonitaspringsbis Chef Brian McCa rley serves comfort dishes with a modern flair.

$$$ SEAFOOD b o p Ember 7091 College Parkway, #9, 771-8818. emberfortmyers. com. A gem with tabletop barbecue, fusion dishes and sushi. $$$ ASIAN Fancy’s Southern Café 8890 Salrose Lane, #101, 561-2988. fancyssouthern Southern favorites in a casual atmosphere.
Chef Adam Nardis celebrates coldwater seafood from the North Atlantic and Pacific Northwest.
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN La Trattoria Café Napoli 12377 S. Cleveland Ave., 931-0050. Known for paella, this Spanish restau rant also features a variety of tapas and seafood.
$$$ MEDITERRANEAN Liberty 12995 S. Cleveland Ave., #112, 689-5528. eatlib Chef Bob Boye’s dinner-only gem features artfully presented progres sive menus.
230 — GULFSHORE LIFE Fresh Catch Bistro 3040 Estero Blvd., 4632600. A notch above the more casual fare on the beach without feeling stuffy.
$$$ SEAFOOD o w FORT MYERS SOUTH FORT MYERS Artisan Eatery 8951 Daniels Parkway, 887-4844. artisaneatery. com. Look for outstanding specials at this stamp-size local favorite.
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN Osteria Celli 15880 Summerlin Road, #308, 267-1310. osteria Fresh pasta is a highlight. $$$ ITALIAN The Saucy Meatball 12401 Commerce Lakes Drive, 800-7172. saucymeat An industrial-chic pizzeria with crave-worthy entrees. $$ ITALIAN Viet Village 16571 S. Tamiami Trail, 208-8368. This eatery is famous for its rare-beef pho and rice specials cooked in a clay pot. $$ ASIAN BELL TOWER SHOPS DaRuMa &SteakhouseJapaneseSushiLounge* 13499 S. Cleveland Ave., 344-0037. darumarestaurant. com. Here, the focus is on Teppan-style tableside cooking, tempura and sushi. $$$$ ASIAN o p Chefs at Naples’ Sea Salt use microgreens from local farms to pack nutrients into artfully plated dishes.
$$ MODERN AMERICAN o Harold’s 15250 S. Tamiami Trail, 8490622. Chef Harold Balink recently expanded his cozy, farm-totable bistro, known for its inventive cuisine.
$$ MODERN AMERICAN Coldwater Oyster Market 5611 Six Mile Commercial Court, 220-5918.

CENTRAL FORT MYERS Chef NaturalBrooke’sCafé 1850 Boy Scout Drive, #A106, 332-2433. chef brookeonline. com. Here, you’ll find options for organic, gluten-free and vegan cuisine. VEGETARIAN b o El Gaucho Inca 4383 Colonial Blvd., 275-7504; 22909 Lyden Drive, Estero, 494-1564. elgauchoinca. com. Try a mix of authentic Argentinian and Peruvian dishes. $$ LATIN AMERICAN o p Ginger Bistro 4650 Cleveland Ave., #8, 689-3113. gingerbistrousa. com. The traditional dim sum and barbecueCantonesearehighlights. $$ ASIAN KJ’s Steakhouse 10950 S. Cleveland Ave., 275-4745. kjsfreshgrill. com. The creators pride themselves on aging and searing. $$$ AMERICAN Sasse’s Restaurant 3651 Evans Ave., 278-5544. Northern Italian and Euro pean cuisines are cooked in a wood-burning oven to critical acclaim. MCGREGOR CORRIDOR Azure 15301 McGregor Blvd., 288-4296. azurefortmyers. com. Chef Joe Pittman ex cels at modernized French classics with a Southern flair. $$$ FRENCH o Blanc 13451 McGregor Blvd., 8873139. blancentertainment. com. Chef Jean Claude Rogé’s contemporary restau rant mixes global flavors. $$ FRENCH Cibo 12901 McGregor Blvd., #5, 454-3700. cibofortmyers. com. This Italian spot serves stellar food and wines. ITALIAN p Crave Restaurant 12901 McGregor Blvd., 4664663. Here,

232 — GULFSHORE LIFE the comfort food is made from scratch. $$$ MODERN AMERICAN Deep Lagoon Seafood & Oyster House* 14040 McGregor Blvd., 689-5474. A waterfront spot with a raw bar and scenic marina views.
$$$ SEAFOOD ov King’s Kitchen* 2150 W. First St., 208-8518. Go for the warehouse vibe, beer garden and global comforts. $$ ECLECTIC o The Silver King Ocean Brasserie* 2200 Edwards Drive, (833) 918-1512. luminaryhotel. com. Inside the Luminary Hotel & Co., it serves so phisticated coastal cuisine. The hotel also houses riverfront Oxbow Bar & Grill and the rooftop Beacon Social Drinkery.
$$$$ SEAFOOD o w v St.,
Bullig Coffee & Bites 1815 Fowler St., 703-2629. Pair espresso drinks with savory or sweet waffles. $ CAFE op Izzy’s Fish & Oyster 2282 First St., 337-4999. izzys A raw bar with New England-style seafood.
p The Standard 1520 Broadway, 219-6463. Dine on from-scratch eats and craft cocktails, served in a convivial atmosphere. $$$ MODERN AMERICAN o v Twisted Vine Bistro 2214 Bay St., 226-1687. Expect eclectic twists and an exten sive wine list. The Barrel Room next door stocks rare whiskies and plays live blues. $$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o The Veranda 2122 Second
$$$ SEAFOOD o v w Roadhouse Café 15660 San Carlos Blvd., 415-4375. roadhousecafefl. com. There’s something for everyone with a wide range of dishes (including steak).
332-2065. At Fort Myers’ grande dame, you’ll find filet mignon, veal and topnotch service. $$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o v NORTH FORT MYERS Rosy HeritageTomorrowsFarm* 8250 Nalle Grade Road, 5676000. Here, you’ll get a true farm-totable experience. $$ MODERN AMERICAN Caption The Oyster Society tktktktktktkt caption tktktktk captitktktkktkon tktktktk caption tktktktk caption tktktktk caption Taste of the Gulf — Dining Guide NguyenAnna

o p SANIBEL ISLAND Bleu FrenchRendez-VousBistro 2430 Periwinkle Way, 5651608. This spot is lauded for its authentic French fare, like coq au vin and cassoulet. $$$$ FRENCH o Cielo 1244 Periwinkle Way, 472-5555. Enjoy modern American fare made in-house. $$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o v Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille Multiple locations through out Lee County. docfords. com. Go for the seafood, mojitos and its namesake rum bar. $$$ SEAFOOD o The Mad Hatter 6467 Sanibel Captiva Road, 472-0033. madhatterrestau This is the place for whimsical beachfront fine dining on the island. $$$$ MODERN AMERICAN w MudBugs Cajun Kitchen 1473 Periwinkle Way, 4722221. A menu of Crescent City clas sics (beignets, po’boys). $$ MODERN AMERICAN o Sweet Melissa’s Café andRefreshedEnlivened!!! Experience Innovative Culinary Treasures at... bha! bha! Persian Bistro The Jewel of Fifth “Persian Perfection” -NY Times

$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o CAPTIVA ISLAND Keylime Bistro at Captiva Island Inn* 11509 Andy Rosse Lane, 395-4000. keylimebistrocap Colorful island spot with a full bar.
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p w The Mucky Duck 11546 Andy Rosse Lane, 472-3434. A British pub vibe with seafood platters, beer and live music on the beach.
$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p Fathoms Restaurant & Bar 5785 Cape Harbour Drive, 542-0123. Expect modern cuisine with international influences.
234 — GULFSHORE LIFE T2 2340 Periwinkle Way, 558-8919. The retro-chic restaurant serves short rib flatbreads, curried snapper and house made bread pudding.
$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p w Fish Tale Grill By Merrick Seafood 1229 S.E. 47th Terrace, 257-3167. With an adjacent fish market, many items here earn descriptions like “the best I ever ate.” $$$$ SEAFOOD o Gather 5971 Silver King Blvd., 673-9939. Two celebrated chefs team up at this buzzy Tarpon Point Marina locale. $$$ MODERN AMERICAN o p w Ginger Bistro 2366 Surfside Blvd., #101, 558-8865. Authentic Chinese fare, including dim sum and traditional Cantonese barbecue. $$ ASIAN Jungle Bird Authentic Tiki 1520 Lafayette St., 471-4111. jun A sophisticated Del Mar focuses on Mediterranean flavors like the Greek Lighting liqueur in it’s Citrus Coast cocktail.
The — Dining TietzBrian homage to all things tiki, with cocktails and nuanced Pacific Rim dishes. $$$ ASIAN o p b Marker 92 Waterfront Bar & Bistro/Nauti Mer maid 5961 Silver King Blvd., 541-5600. Sit outside for views of the bay while enjoying entrees and shareable plates
$$$ AMERICAN o p w RC Otter’s Island Eats* 11506 Andy Rosse Lane, 395-1142. captivaislandinn. com. RC’s serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to the tune of daily live music. $$ AMERICAN o p Sunshine Seafood Cafe and Wine Bar* 11508 Andy Rosse Lane, 472-6200. captivaislandinn. com. A step above the rest of the island’s beachy cafes with sophisticated entrees.
$$$$ SEAFOOD CAPE CORAL & PINE ISLAND Cork Soakers Deck & Wine Bar 837 SE 47th Terrace, 542-6622. An ir reverent tone shows in the decor and on the menu.

like oysters Rockefeller. $$$ SEAFOOD o w Nevermind Awesome Bar & Eatery 927 E. Cape Coral Parkway, 9943062. A hip spot with comfort food, strong cocktails and a fun, musical atmosphere. $$ MODERN AMERICAN o p Point 57 Kitchen & Cocktails 3522 Del Prado Blvd. S., 471-7785. A critically acclaimed menu is the bedrock of one of Lee County’s best restau rants. $$$ MODERN AMERICAN o Slate’s 4820 Candia St., 540-6800. slates New Orleans is evoked in all dishes, from the traditional to the inventive, and in the lively jazz lounge. $$$ MODERN AMERICAN o b Tarpon Lodge Restaurant* 13771 Waterfront Drive, Bokeelia, 283-3999. Expect imaginatively crafted lunch and dinner in a 1920s fishing lodge overlooking Pine Island Sound. $$$$ MODERN AMERICAN o w FT. MYERS . SARASOTA 13499 South Cleveland Ave, Ft Myers, Florida 33907 239-344-0037 5459 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, Florida 34232 941-342-6600 4910 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Florida 34231 www.DaRuMaRestaurant.com941-552-9465 Naples’ first Farm & Sea-to-Table Restaurant Keto, Plant-Based, Organic, Vegan, Vegetarian, and Dairy-Free Options created by Chef Jeff Mitchell Open for Lunch, Happy Hour, Dinner + Weekend Brunch • Online Ordering Available 5323 Airport-Pulling Rd, Naples • (239) 596-FARM •bywww.thelocalnaples.comSourcedLocallyInspiredbytheSeasonImpassionedSustainability

Seafood Department
GRILLED OCTOPUS With Ancho Chili Glaze & Vegetable Garnish VEGETARIAN POT STICKER Seared, Bok Choy, Carrots, shiitake, ginger & Garlic, Ponzu LOBSTERSauce
OYSTER OF THE DAY ON THE HALF SHELL HALF DOZ. $22 OR DOZEN $44 Fresh oysters, shucked to order and served chilled with fresh lemon, cocktail sauce & Shallot Mignonette SPONSORED CONTENT
OYSTERS GOODFELLAS House blend of seasoned spinach, apple smoked bacon, Sambuca & Romano Half Dozen
CALAMARI FRITTO Spicy Remoulade or Marinara
HAIL RomaineCAESARleaves tossed in Caesar dressing with shaved Parmesan, White Anchovies & croutons
TAIL LOLLIPOP Maine Lobster Batter Fried served on a skewer with Remoulade Sauce & Sweet Chili Sauce
CHARBROILED OYSTERS NOLA STYLE Fresh Oysters on the half shell brushed with our garlic butter & herbs then dusted with Parmesan & Romano Cheese -cooked in their shell on a hot grill served with toasted Ciabatta bread
Bisque &
& Chowder ATLANTIC CLAM BISQUE Little Neck clams, fresh cream
THE Romain & Artisan lettuces, tomato, Hearts of Palm Swiss cheese, Egg, baked ham, pimento-stuffed manzanilla olives, Kalamata Olives Asparagus & Parmesan Cheese with the 844 House Salad Dressing
IMPERIAL Butterflied, stuffed our blue crab dressing broiled The Meat Department THE FILET MIGNON The naturally lean tender tenderloin, aged for exceptional flavor USDA Choice center-cut 8 oz with a side of spinach au gratin & Sauteed assorted mushrooms KANSAS CITY STRIP STEAK All-natural 21 days wet-aged, exceptional tenderness for heartiness and flavor, delicious steakhouse quality, 16oz. with a side of spinach au gratin & Sauteed assorted BARONmushroomsOF BEEF - RIBEYE Big & bold and full of robust beefy flavor, hand selected for excellent marbling and hand-trimmed, Angus Choice Bone-in 22oz. with a side of spinach au gratin & Sautéed assorted mushrooms 844 Bald Eagle Marco Island, FL 34145 (239) 970-2138 THIS IS A SAMPLING OF OUR DINNER MENU ITEMS. VISIT US TODAY TO VIEW ALL WE HAVE TO OFFERMENU
Sherry CARIBBEAN SEAFOOD CHOWDER Tomato base, Vegetables, Sherry Peppers, Black Rum Crab & Conch
JUMBO SHRIMP COCKTAIL Jose’s Mustard or Cocktail Sauce
844 STUFFED GROUPER With our Imperial crabmeat
ANTARCTICA SALMON TERIYAKI SEARED To temperature with Miso Soy Beurre Blanc
CHARCUTERIE PLATTER Prosciutto Di Parma, Dry Salami, Sweet Capicola, Spanish Chorizo, Manchego, Parmesan, Reggiano, Roasted, Sweet Peppers & Italian Olives
Sharing Is Good SALMON POKE NACHOS Avocado, Cucumbers, Sriracha crema over Crispy Wontons
Frutti di Mare SOY GINGER SEA SCALLOP CEVICHE Sea Scallops Thin Sliced Marinated in fresh lime juice seasoned in ginger & soy Ponzu Vinaigrette

Local Shrimp, Basil Pesto, Cream, Parmigiano-Reggiano & House Made Orecchiette Topped with Toasted Pine Nuts
Entrées GRILLED COBIA PUTTANESCA Grilled Gulf Cobia, Grilled
Crostini, Arugula, Baby Heirloom Tomatoes, Roasted Garlic, Taggiasca Olives, Capers, Roasted Red Peppers with Anchovy Vinaigrette SPONSORED CONTENT VEAL FourteenMILANESEOunce Bone-In Veal Chop Pounded Thin & Breaded. Topped with Balsamic Glaze, Arugula, Heirloom Cherry Tomato & Parmesan FILET OF WAGYU BEEF Eight Ounce Filet of Wagyu Beef, Potato Puree, Garlic, Green Beans, Red Onion, Roasted Tomato, Herb Butter, SunDried Tomato & Balsamic Sauce PORK OSSO BUCO Sixteen Ounce Braised Pork Osso Buco, Natural Reduction, Yukon Gold Potato Puree, Pickled Fennel WILD MUSHROOM RISOTTO Hen of the Wood & King Trumpet Mushrooms, Chicken Stock, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Mascarpone, Truffle Oil Dessert ANGELINA'S SIGNATURE ZEPPOLI Fried Dough, Light and Airy, Tossed in Cinnamon-Sugar, Served with Dark Chocolate & Berry Sauces OMG…I LOVE CHOCOLATE Dark Chocolate Cake, Dark Chocolate Ganache & Raspberry Center, Covered in Dark Chocolate Beverages WINE LIST Savor A Vast Selection of The Finest Wines from Our Famous 30-Foot Wine Tower; Recognized by Wine Spectator for Ten Years in A Row ANGELINA’S SAZERAC Sagamore Rye Whiskey, Lucid Absinthe & Cardamom Bitters. Served Over Large Cube & Star Anise ITALIAN 75 Our Twist on a French 75, Malfy Italian Limone Gin, Villa Marzia Limoncello, Elderflower Liqueur, House Made Sour Mix, & Topped with Prosecco. Spritzed with Citrus Bitters SEXY BloodSICILIANOrange Puree, Blood Orange Liquor, Blood Orange Bitters & Amaretto, Shaken & Served Up with a Sexy Red Color 24041 S. Tamiami Trl. Bonita Springs, FL 34134 | (239) 390-3187 *Menu subject to change without notice THIS IS A SAMPLING OF OUR DINNER MENU ITEMS. VISIT US TODAY TO VIEW ALL WE HAVE TO OFFER VISIT TO VIEW OUR FULL MENU.MENU
Antipasti ANGELINA’S SIGNATURE ANTIPASTI MISTO Chef’s Selection 3 Denominazione di Origine Protetta (DOP) Italian Cured Meats & 3 DOP Cheeses, or 1.5oz of DOP/ PDO cheese with Pairing, or 1.5oz of DOP Italian Cured Meat. All Selections Served with Accompaniments PRIME BEEF CARPACCIO Thinly Sliced Prime New York Strip, Truffle Aioli, Arugula, Shaved Truffle Pecorino, Pickled Royal Trumpet Mushrooms CalabreseMEATBALLSStyle Meatballs, Fresh Herbs, Marinara, Sheep's Milk Ricotta Cheese, Chili Flake Pizzette MEATBALL & MUSHROOM Meatball, Fonduta Sauce, Caramelized Onion, Mushroom, Bel Paese, Basil, Parmigiano-Reggiano FRA SpicyDIAVOLOCasalingo, Marinara & Parmigiano-Reggiano, Bel Paese, Calabrian Chile & Taggiasca Olive Housemade Pastas BUTTERNUT SQUASH RAVIOLI Roasted Butternut Squash & Mascarpone Filled Handmade Ravioli, Sauce of Orange, Sun-Dried Tomato & Butter, Truffle Oil, Arugula, Candied Pecans VEAL BOLOGNESE Veal, Tomatoes, Onion, Carrots, Basil & Sheep's Milk Ricotta, Slow Simmered & Tossed with Pappardelle SHRIMP ORECCHIETTE
PAPPARDELLE ‘CAPRI’ Hand Cut Pappardelle, San Marzano Tomato Sauce, Basil, Buffalo Mozzarella, Sorrento Lemon Olive Oil

SALAD $16 English cucumbers and farm tomatoes tossed with red onions, kalamata olives, Bulgarian feta, parsley, scallions and pomeganate vinaigrette 865 FIFTH AVE. S. Naples, FL 34102 • (239) 594-5557 5–9 p.m. p.m.THIS
GRILLED LAMB LOIN $55 Marinated in rosemary & extra virgin olive oil, served with zereshk polo (wild barberries saffron basmati rice), chargrilled asparagus and baby carrots
Fri.–Sat. 5–10
HEARTS OF PALM SALAD $19 Tossed with artichokes, cherry tomatoes, English cucumbers, ed onions, Bulgarian feta, fresh herbs and pomegranate MEDITERRANEANvinaigrette
Soup AASH $11 Variety of legumes, herbs and Persian noodles, garnished with a touch of sour cream, caramelized onion and garlic Salads
Pan-sautéed pieces of tenderloin with seasonal vegetables, finished in a spicy saffron tomato cream sauce served with a side of cucumber yogurt, yogurt drizzles
GINGER APRICOT SHRIMP $37 Sautéed with garlic, carrots, plums and apricots, finished in a spicy mango tamarind sauce (Featured in Bon Appétit: 2007)
BRAISED LAMB SHANK “GHORMEH SABZI” $53 Multilevel fresh herb sauce simmered with red kidney beans. Enhanced with sun-dried limes, a Persian classic!
MIXED GRILL KABOB $47 A mix of marinated Barg (beef tenderloin), Joojeh (chicken), lamb and Koobideh (ground beef) kabobs
DUCK FESENJUNE $39 Succulent slow-braised duck with pomegranate and walnut sauce, mango sauce accent and topped with jeweled caramelized dried fruits
Appetizers FLASH-FRIED EGGPLANT (KASHKE-BADEMJUNE) $19 Slices of eggplant on a thin layer of tomato sauce, topped with caramelized onions, Persian whey, bulgarian feta
POMEGRANATE AND PISTACHIO SPINACH SALAD $17 Roasted pistachios and pomegranate tossed with spinach, ranny Smith apples, sun-dried apricots, figs, Bulgarian feta, grape tomatoes, cucumbers and pomegranate vinaigrette
HOURS Sun.–Thurs.
POMEGRANATE LACQUERED FRESH SALMON $38 Chargrilled, on a bed of lentils (tossed with apricots, raisins, caramelized onions), with grilled vegetables and asparagus
WARM AND CRISPY PERSIAN LAVASH BRUSCHETTA $19 Pieces of eggplants with cherry tomatoes, red onion, parsley and green onions on thin crispy lavash bread, drizzles of feta and homemade herbed yogurt
PLUM LAMB $39 Slow-braised lamb in tomato-pomegranate sauce with sautéed butternut squash and macerated plums
MANGO GARLIC SHRIMP $20 Sautéed with mango chutney, julienned onions and carrots
PISTACHIO LAMB MEATBALLS $21 Persian herbs and spices, sautéed butternut squash, mintinfused pomegranate pinot noir reduction

Sushi & Sashimi SALMON – SAKE DELIGHT Spicy Salmon Roll or Alaska Roll and seasoned rice balls topped with five filets of fresh raw salmon HAMACHI DELIGHT California Roll or Dynamite Roll and seasoned rice balls topped with five filets of fresh raw yellowtail MAKIMONO COMBINATION Your choice of three rolls from a select list SASHIMI TraditionalDINNERcutsof raw seafood combinations enjoyed with wasabi and daikon radish Sushi Lounge CHICKEN TERIYAKI Chicken breast seasoned with our teriyaki sauce MANGO CHICKEN Chicken breast and diced mango sauteed golden brown and served with sweet and sour chili mango sauce SPICY BEEF Sliced beef sauteed and served with house-made spicy teriyaki sauce UDON SHRIMP TERIYAKI Teriyaki shrimp with Japanese udon noodles and vegetables Combination Boxes All entrees include Miso Soup and Green Salad CHICKEN TERIYAKI & SHRIMP TEMPURA SHRIMP TERIYAKI & SALMON DUCK BREAST & SHRIMP TEMPURA FILET MIGNON TERIYAKI & MANGO CHICKEN Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar Fort Myers • Bell Tower Shops 13499 S. Cleveland Ave. • (239) 344-0037 Sarasota • 5459 Fruitville Road • (941) 342-6600 4910 S. Tamiami Trail • (941) 552-9465 HOURS Serving daily 5–10THISp.m.ISA SAMPLING OF OUR MENU ITEMS. VISIT US TODAY TO VIEW ALL WE HAVE TO OFFER. MENU VISIT TO VIEW OUR FULL MENU. SPONSORED CONTENT Appetizers MarinatedYAKITORI teriyaki chicken served on a skewer SHRIMP Deep-friedTEMPURAshrimp and assorted vegetables in a light YObatterYO SHRIMP Lightly battered then deep-fried until golden and served with special house sauce TenderNEGAMAKIbeef rolled over scallions and marinated in teriyaki CHICKENsauce CRISPY ROLL Combination of Chicken & Vegetables wrapped in a Crispy Spring Roll served with House Sauce PanGYOZASeared Pork and Vegetable Gyoza SOFT SHELL CRAB Deep fried jumbo soft shell crab served with ginger tempura ESCARGOTsauceJALAPENO NIPPON Escargot Broiled in Garlic Butter topped with Jalapenos and Caviar Sauce LOBSTER CRAB CAKES 2 lobster crab cakes served Japanese tempura style with house sauce Hibachi Dinners All dinners include Oriental clear soup, green salad, shrimp flambé, stir-fried vegetables, white steamed rice and Japanese green tea. Entrees starting at $24 depending on your selection of one or two of the following items. CHICKEN, DUCK BREAST, NEW YORK STRIP, FILET MIGNON, VEGETARIAN, COD, SALMON, GROUPER, TUNA STEAK, SHRIMP, SCALLOPS, CHILEAN SEA BASS, LOBSTER CRAB CAKES Our DaRuMa fried rice is a delicious substitution to the Japanese steamed rice for an additional cost.

TROPICAL UPSIDE DOWN RUM CAKE Served Warm with Pineapple, Mango and Tahitian Vanilla Gelato
CHEESE STEAK PANINI Shaved aged beef, onions, peppers and provolone cheese Pizza/ Specialty Pies
CARPACCIO DI MANZO Thin Slices of Cured Beef served with Arugula, Roasted Pepper and Shaved Manchego Cheese with Fresh Lemon and Olive Oil Dressing
ThinlyROASTEDmayonnaise.PORCHETTAslicedPorchetta with caramelized onions, spinach, provolone cheese and grain mustard spread on a toasted ciabatta SOUTHWESTloaf.
The traditional Italian classic made with our house-made mozzarella, ripe tomatoes, fresh basil, extra virgin olive oil and balsamic glaze.
DEROMO Lightly sautéed chicken breast layered with Prosciutto di Parma, ricotta cheese, breaded eggplant and our housemade mozzarella covered in a pink tomato basil sauce and baked to perfection. Served with garlic mashed potatoes and sautéed spinach.
Hot Off The Grill
EGGPLANT PIADA Lightly breaded eggplant cutlets, fresh house made mozzarella cheese, shaved lettuce, sun-dried tomato
Dessert DOUBLE CHOCOLATE DECADENCE Dark and Milk Chocolate layers with Dark Chocolate Sauce
Carne LOMBATA MILANESE Breaded veal chop pounded thin, pan-fried then topped with diced tomatoes and drizzled with a balsamic glaze. Served with an Italian tre colore salad.
THE ITALIAN SUIT Prosciutto, Genoa salami, capicola, pepperoni, provolone, roasted peppers, lettuce, tomatoes and Italian dressing.
MARKET Deli THE NEW YORKER Corned beef, pastrami, smoked gouda cheese with hot deli mustard.
LINGUINE GAMBERI Jumbo shrimp sautéed with your choice of either garlic, lemon and white wine or fra diavolo sauce served over POLLOlinguine.ALLA
ThickCAPRESEsliced vine ripe tomatoes, fresh house made mozzarella cheese, arugula, basil pesto and balsamic glaze on toasted French batard.
(FLORIDA) CHICKEN PIADA Blackened chicken breast, avocado, smoked bacon, spinach, pepper jack cheese, spiced mayo, sun-dried tomato flatbread.
Promenade at Bonita Bay 26811 S. Bay Drive, Suites 140 and 148 Bonita Springs, FL 34134 (239) 325-3583 • View for current operating hours. THIS IS A SAMPLING OF OUR MENU ITEMS. VISIT US TODAY TO VIEW ALL WE HAVE TO OFFER. MENU RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED, WALK-INS WELCOME, GOOD FOR GROUPS, GOOD FOR KIDS, TAKE OUT, CATERING, BANQUET ROOM
VITELLO SCHANTINELLA Veal medallions and jumbo shrimp with golden roasted pearl onions in a basil sherry cream sauce served over creamy risotto. (Noted in the NY Times as “Best Dish of the Year”)
UNCLE PAT’S PIE Our own Italian sausage, fried peppers, sautéed onions & mozzarella cheese
NONNA’S PIE Sliced meatballs, ricotta cheese, Parmesan & our Sunday DA’gravyBRONX DELUXE Prosciutto, capicola, pepperoni, roasted peppers, sundried tomatoes, mozzarella & black olives
Traditional Favorites
GRILLED TUSCAN RIBEYE Grilled 14oz Ribeye Steak topped with Red Pepper Butter served with Roasted Asparagus and Garlic Mashed Potatoes

(PER SHRIMP) $3 Fresh
Two eggs scrambled with American cheese & Canadian bacon served on a croissant with breakfast potatoes, lettuce, tomato & fresh fruit
8OZ FILET $36 Grilled to order, stacked with grilled onion, asparagus, portobello mushroom & finished with a cabernet demi glace
Chicken or shrimp with fresh spinach & tomatoes over fettucini finished with an alfredo sauce
Breaded, fried chicken breast fried topped with marinara sauce and mozzarella with portobello mushrooms and asparagus over fettucini Beef & Chicken
Starting at 5pm All selections are served with yellow rice & daily vegetable
kalamata olives, roasted
5 crostinis toasted with goat cheese, roasted red peppers, purple onions, capers, parmesan cheese
Twin chicken breasts pan sautéed to perfection, topped with a rich marsala wine and mushroom sauce
BISTRO SHRIMP COCKTAIL jumbo gulf shrimp with a traditional key lime baby greens with red onion, red crumbled
cocktail sauce - you select the quantity Soups/Salads TODAY’S SOUP- CUP $3 / BOWL $6 BISTRO SALAD SMALL $9 / LARGE $11 Mixed
VALENCIA $29 Shrimp, scallops, calamari, mussels, chicken & sausage, sautéed with the flare of the Mediterranean & served with a touch of yellow rice
Blackened, grilled or fried MAHI, SALMON, SNAPPER OR TUNA $28 Your choice of fish, grilled or blackened CRAB CAKES $28 3 blue crab cakes seasoned & baked, served with keylime
WALNUT CRUSTED SNAPPER $29 Pan sautéed & topped with a tropical fruit salsa
Served 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
and basil
Pasta SHRIMP SCAMPI $29 Large gulf shrimp, sautéed with diced tomatoes, basil, portobello mushrooms, scallions, garlic butter, keylime juice, white wine & tossed with angel hair
bleu cheese & a wedge of tomato served with basil balsamic vinaigrette LARGE CRISPY SEAFOOD CAESAR SALAD $17 Our caesar salad, topped with fried baby shrimp & calamari | Add anchovies $1 Lunch/Sandwiches Served 11 a.m.–5 p.m. All sandwiches are served with cole slaw, fresh fruit and a pickle. Add fries for $3 (no substitutions please) WHICH FISH SANDWICH DO YOU WISH? $17 Mahi, salmon, snapper or tuna… grilled or blackened GROUPER SANDWICH MP Fried, grilled or blackened, the most popular local favorite with a side of keylime aioli 11509 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva Island, FL 33924 (239) 395-4000 | HOURS Sunday Jazz Brunch 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Breakfast Served 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Lunch Served 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Dinner Served 5 p.m.-10 p.m. THIS IS A SAMPLING OF OUR MENU ITEMS. VISIT US TODAY, TO VIEW ALL WE HAVE TO OFFER. MENU SUNDAY JAZZ BRUNCH • LATE-NIGHT BAR • LIVE MUSIC DAILY • LUNCH AND DINNER • “WINE SPECTATOR AWARD OF EXCELLENCE 16 YEARS IN A ROW” SPONSORED CONTENT
Two poached eggs served over sliced tomato & crab cakes on an english muffin, finished with keylime hollandaise, served with breakfast potatoes & fresh fruit

DRY AGED GRILLED DUCK BREAST Pearled barley, chestnut puree, baby leeks, heirloom baby carrots & purplette onions
SEARED LOCAL RED SNAPPER Florida head on shrimp, braised baby fennel, kale, sunchokes, rouille… shrimp broth
SAUTÉED SCALOPPINE OF PORK SALTIMBOCCA In a sage infused mushroom cream with madeira jus with prosciutto, spinach and roasted garlic mashed potato
GRILLED CHARMOULA SPICED WILD KING SALMON Braised baby Brussels sprouts, sweet onions, granny smith apples, wilted kale and a celery and Brussels sprout leave salad
Grilled sherry marinated chicken, broccolini, Doves Organic Farm’s baby tat soi in a parmesan broth
Panko crusted, roasted rutabaga, garden herbs gnocchi alla BUTTERromanaPOACHED AND GRILLED DRY AGED NEW YORK STRIP STEAK Wild mushroom and sweetbread ragu, aged balsamic, silky celery root puree… foie
PAN ROASTED HALIBUT Mussels, heirloom potatoes, guanciale marinated little neck clams, calabrian peppers,
PIZZA Red pie, smoked prosciutto, Goat cheese and lots of garden ANTIPASTIbasil MISTI Boars Head cured meats, crispy artichokes, citrus aioli, marinated olives, Humboldt Fog TARTARE OF WAGYU BEEF Feuille de brick, prezzemolo, pickled grapes, crispy onions STEAMED PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MUSSELS Organic garlic, white wine, mussel broth & grilled crostini WIANNO OYSTER FRITTERS Organic garlic “cream”, red ribbon sorrel, crispy chorizo, heirloom tomatoes & tendrils SALAD OF PRIMO LETTUCES Endive, shaved radishes & red wine vinaigrette FARMER SALAD Primo lettuces & chicory with garlicky levain croutons, house cured bacon lardons, soft poached “63 degree egg…white balsamic POACHEDvinaigretteLAKEMEADOW DOUBLE YOLK EGG Marinated and grilled squash from the garden, arugula, winter truffles & Spanish chorizo ROASTED HEIRLOOM RAINBOW BEETS Turtle Creek goat cheese fritters, petite mache, citrus vinaigrette & pistachio brittle HUDSON VALLEY FOIE GRAS AU TORCHON Gingerbread crusted torchon, kumquat marmalata, pear gelée Pasta HOUSE MADE GARGANELLI WITH DUCK BOLOGNAISE Braised collard greens, blistered heirloom tomatoes and garden basil (239) info@4seasonscaterers.comwww.4seasonscaterings.com922-3718THISISASAMPLING OF OUR MENU ITEMS. VISIT US TODAY TO VIEW ALL THAT WE HAVE TO OFFER.MENU SPONSORED CONTENT
ARUGULA LINGUINI WITH TASSO HAM AND POACHED KUSSHI Scallops,OYSTERSscallions, Roman strip tomatoes, pecorino in a light garlic cream topped with caviar
TRUFFLED POTATO STUFFED AGNOLOTTI WITH RED WINE BRAISED SHORT RIBS Caramelized cipollini onions, braised collard greens, pickled shallots in beef braising liquid Main Course
PAN SEARED MAINE DIVER SCALLOPS Creamy cannellini bean puree, braised pearl onions, Organic watermelon radish, crosnes, lemon vinaigrette

Lunch Selections
BLACKENED FISH TACOS Lightly blackened fresh catch of the day with coleslaw & cilantro crème fraîche in two soft flour tortillas with Chef’s roasted tomato salsa, rice & black beans
CHICKEN MARSALA Sautéed chicken breast in a mushroom, marsala wine sauce with Chef’s potatoes
FILET MIGNON 6 ounce cut with spinach & sauce of the day
GULF PINK SHRIMP & PAPPARDELLE Gulf pink shrimp, pesto sauce & shaved parmesan
CRAB SautéedCAKEcrab with a mixture of special seasonings, served with coleslaw & remoulade Entrée Selections
SHRIMP & RED STONE-GROUND GRITS Gulf pink shrimp, red stone-ground grits, chorizo sausage & bacon in a spicy tomato cream sauce
Fare ~ Appetizers ~ Salads SMOKED FISH DIP Mahi-mahi, pickled jalapenos, pickled onions, scallions & lavash Hummus,HUMMUScrackersPLATTERtzatziki,tabouleh, kalamata olives, cucumber planks & pita GoatDECONSTRUCTEDbreadBRUSCHETTAcheese,sundriedtomatopesto, basil pesto, grilled french baguette & fresh basil BRONZED GULF PINK SHRIMP Seasonal fruit, feta cheese, mint & balsamic glaze BLUE CRAB & ROASTED CORN CHOWDER Our house specialty FARMER’S MARKET SALAD Prepared fresh daily with naturally grown organic greens, local fruits & vegetables of Pine Island MEDITERRANEAN SALAD Crisp romaine lettuce, sun dried tomatoes, kalamata olives, feta cheese, cucumber, red onions & bacon with roasted garlic HeirloomBURRATAvinaigretteCHEESEtomato, basil oil, tomato foam & white balsamic MEDITERRANEANcaviar PORK KEBAB Grilled pita bread, tzatziki, feta cheese, grilled eggplant, red pepper & red onion BLACKENED FISH BITES Lightly blackened fresh catch of the day, roasted tomato salsa, crème fraîche & frisée 13771 Waterfront Dr, Bokeelia FL 33922 (239) TarponLodge.com283-3999 HOURS Open daily 11:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Come by boat or car! Live music on most Friday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED • PATIO & INDOOR DINING • EVENT FACILITIES • SPECIAL BAR MENU THIS A SAMPLING OF OUR MENU ITEMS. VISIT US TODAY TO VIEW ALL WE HAVE TO OFFER. MENU SPONSORED CONTENT
QUINOA PLATTER (VEGAN) A variety of fresh, local & organic seasonal produce seasoned & cooked to culinary perfection
FRESH CATCH OF THE DAY Our finest selection from local waters
CUBAN SANDWICH Pulled pork, ham, swiss cheese, pickles & mustard sauce on authentic cuban bread with Chef’s rice, black beans, cheese, chives & caramelized plantains
PORK GingerTENDERLOINcrushedsweet potato, vegetable & seasonal berry

$58 16 oz Dry
"KUNG PAO" AVOCADO breaded avocado, organic brown bell onion, cilantro, cashews with garlic (add shrimp
Pasta BRAISED "STROGANOFF" $28 With crème fraîche, buttered noodles, red wine + herbed
Dinner Entrees
vinegar BBQ, Pico de
for $9) 6.5
TOMATObreadcrumbs+BASIL GNOCCHI $24 Potato Gnocchi, Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes, Basil, Butter, White Wine, Garlic + Parmesan
ORGANIC KALE CAESAR SALAD $8/$16 Caesar dressing, parmesan, lemon zest + pumpernickel
$14 Made
Gascone Plant Based Options
THEcroutonsLOCAL COBB SALAD $20 Mixed greens, chopped bacon, blackened chicken, hard-boiled eggs, blue cheese crumbles, chopped tomato, avocado, scallions + avocado ranch dressing (no substitutions) MUSHROOM LOVERS PIZZA $22 Lucques olives, oregano, taleggio, arugula, ricotta pesto, house-made ricotta, white truffle oil, parmesan + mushroom
$19 Panko
white truffle oil, mushroom conserva,
$17 House-made almond cheese on grilled ciabatta bread, topped with
quinoa, green lentils + mushrooms, topped
for $9)
wine (add
GRILLED DELMONICO STEAK Aged Prime Delmonico with Beurre
$19 Arborio
& pickled red TUSCANonion
$28 6 oz Grilled Pork Tenderloin, roasted onion and gorgonzola, polenta, balsamic and truffle oil
$33 Shallot, garlic, capers, lemon juice + olive oil
$25 Coffee + brown sugar rubbed southeast family farms brisket,
VEGAN MUSHROOM RISOTTO rice, mushrooms, thyme and white shrimp OZ VEGAN BURGER with black beans, with chimichurri sauce
FLORIDA GULF SHRIMP PASTA $26 Capellini, cherry tomatoes, sweet corn, tarragon + crème fraîche
LOCALconservaGARDEN VEGGIE PIZZA $18 Pesto, house-made ricotta, spinach, zucchini, cherry "CUBANO"
tomatoes, parmesan + CARNIVOREbasil PIZZA $18 Sopressata, sausage, ground beef, mozzarella, oregano, parmesan + basil Sandwiches IN-HOUSE-SMOKED TURKEY SANDWICH $16 All-natural turkey, brie, pesto-mayo, tomato jam + Organic Greens Add bacon $19 THE LOCAL
$16 Slow roasted pork, in-house-smoked all-natural turkey, dijonaise, house-cured pickles + manchego cheese HOUSE-MADE SKIRT STEAK PASTRAMI $21 Traditional and authentic! We brine skirt steak, rub it with pastrami spices and slowly smoke it over pecan. Served with our beer mustard, pickled relish, cabbage, Swiss cheese and thick-cut rye. Burgers LAMB KIBBEH BURGER $21 Ground lamb with bulgur wheat, tzatziki, lemon + cucumber BACON, JALAPEÑO + CHEDDAR BURGER - YES $19 100% In-House-Ground Grass Fed Beef with Bacon, Jalapeño, Cheddar Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato + Onion 5323 Airport-Pulling Rd, Naples FL 34109 (239) 596-3276 (FARM) • HOURS Monday - Friday: 11:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. THIS IS A SAMPLING OF OUR MENU ITEMS. VISIT US TODAY TO VIEW ALL THAT WE HAVE TO OFFER.MENU SPONSORED CONTENT

Prime Steaks PRIME NEW YORK STRIP* $65 Wet aged 60 days, 16 oz. center-cut FILET* $48 7 oz., single farm, barrel-cut PRIME RIBEYE* $65 18 oz. center-cut boneless Finishing Touches MAINE LOBSTER OSCAR $25 | CHILEAN KING CRAB OSCAR $28 SUPER COLOSSAL PRAWN $30 | PETITE SOUTH AFRICAN LOBSTER TAIL 4-5 oz. | $35 | CENTER-CUT PRIME KING CRAB $39 COLOSSAL BLUE CRAB CLAW MEAT $14 | CRAB IMPERIAL $15 Jewels of the Sea SOUTH AFRICAN COLD-WATER LOBSTER TAIL MARKET PRICE Steamed in white wine and served with lemon garlic butter. The Rolls Royce of lobster. This is a true cold-water lobster tail from the Southern coast of South Africa. FRESH CRAB CLAWS MARKET PRICE served fresh and never frozen, these sweet and meaty claws are pulled from the traps and arrive at your table chilled, precracked, and with our house specialty mustard sauce. All in less than 24 hours. PRIME KING CRAB MARKET PRICE 1 lb. of the largest available. Our king crab is delivered to us with only the finest and thickest full crab legs available with the most premium consistency level. Due to the cancellation of the upcoming king crab season, demand far exceeds supply Plant-Based MEATBALLS Three | $15 Smoked tomato sauce BOLOGNESE $32 Field Roast sausage, Impossible meatballs, tomato, cashew ricotta, basil, pappardelle ROASTED CAULIFLOWER STEAK $24 Mashed cauliflower, asparagus, yellow tomato “béarnaise” Shared Accompaniments LOBSTER MAC AND CHEESE Individual-$28/Shared-$55 | CRAB FRIED RICE Individual-$28/Shared-$55 | STEAMED SPINACH$12 LYONNAISE POTATOES $14 | PARMESAN MASHED POTATOES $10 | ASPARAGUS $12 | PAN-SEARED BROCCOLI $12 | CREAMED SPINACH $12 *Consumer Advisory: If you have chronic illness of the liver, stomach, or blood, or an immune disorder, you are at greater risk of illness from consuming raw oysters, and should eat oysters fully cooked. If unsure of your risk, consult a physician. Appetizers CRAB LOUIE COCKTAIL $21 Jumbo lump crab, remoulade JUMBO LUMP CRAB CAKE $24 Dilled tartar sauce CRAB & SHRIMP NAPOLEON $28 Blue crab, shrimp, mango, smoked tomato vinaigrette JUMBO SHRIMP COCKTAIL $22 Atomic cocktail sauce SALT & PEPPER CALAMARI $19 Atir-fry vegetables, specialty mustard, sweet Vietnamese chili sauce Second Course LOBSTER BISQUE $19 Lobster morsels, horseradish goat cheese CAESAR SALAD* $14 White anchovies, shaved pecorino, fresh lemon WEDGE SALAD $16 Iceberg, blue cheese, warm bacon, cherry tomatoes SONOMA GREENS SALAD $12 Spicy pecans, goat cheese, apples, kalamata olives, honey vinaigrette Seafood Classics MISO-GLAZED SEABASS $52 Crab fried rice, chilled cucumber slaw SESAME SEARED TUNA* $42 Parmesan mashed potatoes, tamari reduction BLACKENED FLORIDA GROUPER $46 Mango PAN-SEAREDbutterDUTCH YELLOWTAIL $44 Potato, spinach, bacon stamppot, herbed aioli NEW ENGLAND SEA SCALLOPS $54 Colossal size, parmesan mashed potatoes, popcorn piccata sauce Prime Seafood NORWEGIAN SALMON $34 | FLORIDA GROUPER $44 SUSHI GRADE TUNA $39 | DUTCH YELLOWTAIL $36 698 Fourth Ave. S., Naples, FL 34102 (239) 530-3131 • HOURS Dinner starting nightly at 5p.m. Cocktail Hour nightly from 5p.m. to 6p.m. in our Stone Crab Lounge THIS IS A SAMPLING OF OUR MENU ITEMS. VISIT US TODAY TO VIEW ALL WE HAVE TO OFFER. MENU ESCAPE TO TRULUCK’S, A GETAWAY FOR THE SENSES. SPONSORED CONTENT

the best Southwest Florida has to offer EXPERIENCE Naples Princess Hertz Arena Naples Trolley Tours Segway of NaplesEverglades Excursions Coral Cay Adventure Golf Old JackCorkscrewNicklaus Signagture Course Naples Beach & Marco Island Water Sports Miss Naples Catamaran


MARCO ISLAND Beach Street Art Studio 118 S. Barfield Drive, Suite A, 235-7084. Expect to find original oil paintings as well as cocktail-themed art classes and private lessons. Betty Newman Art Gallery 258 Royal Palm Drive, 7844436. Here, you can shop from coastal contemporary, abstract impressions and custom paintings. Blue Mangrove Gallery 1089 N. Collier Blvd., Suite 417, 393-2405. This gallery carries an assortment of artisan jewelry, glass, pottery, accent furniture and photography, plus a children’s area. Malenda Trick Gallery 274 Royal Palm Drive, 394-2787. In addition to housing the international artist’s works, this gallery hosts regular art lessons and exhibitions. Tara O’Neill Studio 545 Coconut Ave., Goodland, 330-7543. The gallery, studio and garden showcase the artist’s GALLERIES, MUSEUMS + CULTURAL CENTERS
Whether you want to browse fine art, meet local artists or catch a show, the region’s art centers have you covered. Call or check the organization’s websites for their latest information. All phone numbers are area code 239 unless otherwise specified.
COLLIER COUNTY Galleries & Antiques

NAPLES Adams Galleries 2154 Trade Center Way, Suite 1, 4030040. Catered to interior designers, it offers contemporary and European original oil paintings, and giclée prints.
Alan Brown Gallery 901 Seventh St. S., 877-1847. The private dealer—available only by appointment—specializes in mid- to late-20th century art and estate and insurance appraisals.
Guidebook — Culture
Calusa Gallery Art & Frame 2460 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Suite 404, 594-3888. Find thousands of unique moldings, art, mirrors, decor and gifts.
Aldo Castillo Gallery 634 Fifth Ave. S., (312) 375-8887. A former member of the Chicago Art Dealers Association (CADA), Castillo caters to private collectors, museums and design professionals with modern and contemporary art.
GULFSHORE LIFE 249 Florida-inspired work. She also offers commissions.
Carmelo Blandino Studio 1719 Trade Center Way, Unit #5, 216-2526. Open by appointment only, this working studio displays Carmelo’s signature colorful, contemporary floral painting and offers seasonal workshops. Chernysh Antiques & Fine Art 950 Central Ave., (941) 8884226. Located at Treasure Island Antiques, you can shop an eclectic assortment of antiques, modern art, jewelry and home decor. The Clay Place 1555 Shadowlawn Drive, 7751078. Established in 1973 as Naples’ first pottery studio, the space offers a variety of wares (including the popular fish platter) and custom orders. COCO Art Gallery 1950 Tamiami Trail N., 436-3530. The new sister location of Estero’s popular artist cooperative; find paintings by its members, including glass, textiles and jewelry. Dennis Goodman Photography & Printing Art Gallery 941 Fourth Ave. N., 8254677. Shop from the artist’s large-scale prints of Southwest Florida’s wildlife in the Naples Design District.
Bonny Hawley Studios & Gallery 2371 Linwood Ave., Suite 108, 649-1389. Find the artist’s large-scale mixedmedia abstracts and figurative work. Commissions are welcome.
Call of Africa’s Native Visions Galleries 737 Fifth Ave. S., 643-3785. The gallery carries wildlifeand environmental-inspired fine art by internationally acclaimed artists. Works include paintings, sculpture, home goods, raku pottery and glass.
Aldo Castillo Gallery, on Fifth Avenue South in Naples, curates thought-provoking, contemporary artists, with an emphasis on Latin American talent.
Amy Art 28 10th St. S., (402) 203-2041. This studio and gallery in the Naples Design District showcases the textured abstracts and figurative work of longtime Naples painter Amy Moglia Heuerman. Art2d Gallery & Studio 2076 J and C Blvd., 595-9369. Timothy Parker displays his modern and contemporary art, plus abstract, tropical, figurative and fine art prints and commissions. Art Edge Gallery & Studios 2180 J and C Blvd., 572-1747. Artist Sandee Mahler displays and teaches her abstract style—known for 3D elements on canvas that blends traditional and contemporary. Auctions Neapolitan | Dovetails, LLC 3196 Davis Blvd., 262-7333. This combination auction house, showroom and gallery specializes in fine art, jewelry and antiques. Barbara Groenteman Fine Art Studio & Gallery 5760 Shirley St., Suite #7, 572-3386. The working studio and gallery offers originals, giclées and commissions around realistic tropical and wildlife themes.
Eydel Fine Arts Gallery 800 Fifth Ave. S., Suite 101, 273-7677. Peruse unique paintings, sculptures and mixed media work, like butterfly wing mosaics. Gallery 206 5880 Shirley Street. Founded by artists.artstudioLindapilot-slash-sculptressSollars,theworkingandgalleryshowcasesfromsevencontemporary Gallery One 765 Fifth Ave. S., 263-0835. The space encourages creative meaningfulpersonalizedconversation,serviceandexpressionsof art. Gardner Colby Gallery 359 Broad Ave. S., 4037787. An eclectic collection of American figurativecontemporary,abstract,transitional,andstill-life. Harmon-Meek Gallery 382 12th Ave. S., 262-2699. One of the longest-running local fine art galleries, established in 1964, the gallery represents American masters. Harmon-Meek|modern 382 12th Ave. S., 262-2699. Harmon-Meek’s sister gallery specializes in art by established American artists from the 1950s to today. Harmon-Meek Private Sales Gallery 599 Ninth St. N., Suite 309, 261-2637. A private sales gallery, open by appointment only, located in First Horizon Bank. High Tide Studio & Gallery 995 Central Ave., 2286934. In the Naples Design District, Margy White offers artworkimpressionisticandworkshops. Hindman Auctions 850 Sixth Ave. S., 643-4448. Among the world’s leading auction houses, the firm has national salerooms and experts in more than 50 categories. H&R Studio 3940 Radio Road, Suite #102. Founded by artists Brett F. Harvey and Lauren Amalia Redding, this private working studio offers drawing, painting and sculpture programming by appointment. HW Gallery 462 Ninth St. N., 263-6640. Find works by modern and contemporary masters, including Robert Rauschenberg, Pablo Picasso, Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, Karen Barrow, Robert Natkin and Jim Dine. Inspirations Artists & Design Gallery 5450 Shirley Street, Unit B, 272-7110. The gallery offers woman-made contemporary artworks from collage to watercolor, plus workshops and classes. Joel Shapses Studio 6240 Shirley St., Suite 102, (954) 8303156. See the artist’s contemporary sculptures in glass, marble, granite, alabaster, aluminum and neon. Marina Lounis–Art Point Gallery 550 10th Street N., 262-7022. Located inside Naples Frame Up, the gallery exhibits Marina Lounis’ colorful, coastal paintings. Marvin D. Rouse Studio & Gallery 853 4th Ave. S., 269-7552 Possibly the first Black artist to own a gallery in Naples, Marvin opened this
The Englishman Fine Art 365 Fifth Ave. S., Suite 101, 649-8088. The space offers original 19th-century and contemporary paintings.
Emily James Gallery 720 Fifth Ave. S., Suite 111, 7773283. Emily’s studio and gallery showcases cheerful paintings, focusing on water and landscapes.
250 — GULFSHORE LIFE East West Fine Art 9115 Strada Place, Suite 5130, 821-9459. Find works from Russian, American and European academically trained contemporary artists.
The Guidebook — Culture
Elizabeth Jules Designs 508 Tamiami Trail N., 234-6506. The tiny gallery and boutique sells original art, pottery, and handmade vintage jewelry.
Emillions Art 837 Fifth Ave. S., Suite 202, 687-3101. The team purveys contemporary works for beginner collectors seeking to access the art market and established collectors pursuing specific works.
Ed Koehler Designs/ Marti Koehler Art 2908 Hawthorne Court, 961-5604. Open by appointment only, find Ed’s organic furniture, decor and marine sculptures, along with Marti’s dreamy, whimsical seascapes.
PAINTINGS • GICLEES • PUBLICATIONS • MURALS • COMMISSIONS 239 www.arsenaultgallery.com263-1214 Painting South Florida for 50 years Paul Arsenault

Passionfruit Art Gallery 1100 6th Ave. S., #5, 5808322. This new gallery, near TH AVENUE SOUTH NAPLES,
Naples Fine Arts Studio 1719 Trade Center Way, Suite 9, 591-3463. Artist Edward R. Park shows 50 years of his paintings, ranging from realism to abstract. Nicholas Petrucci 1719 Trade Center Way, Suite 3, 405-2010. The gallery features portraits and commissioned paintings.
studio and appointmentonly gallery to display his paintings, sculptures and installations.
The Guidebook — Culture 701 5
METHOD & CONCEPT 111 10th St. S., Suite 112, 529-2633. The gallery and design atelier specializes in contemporary art and artisan design from emerging and midcareer artists. Musebox Arts 5880 Shirley St., Suite 208, (612) 840-0817. Jan Edwards opened this creative space with a music studio, gallery and space for painting and writing. Muzyka Art Space 1055 Fifth Ave. N., 470-0034. Artist Arturo Correa and his wife, Jennifer Muzyka, run this gallery with the renowned Ascaso Gallery in Miami, focusing on Latin American modern and contemporary artists. Naples Art District 5450-B Shirley Street, 249-1977. Recognized as a Collier County cultural arts destination, the nonprofit alliance of 85+ independent artists supports arts education via free, openstudio events and classes. Naples Art Studios 2172 J and C Blvd., 821-1061. Formerly the Rosen Gallery & Studios, this spot unites three gallery spaces, surrounding award-winning sculptor Richard W. Rosen and painter Tracy M. Rosen’s studios.

T H E D O W N T O W N N A P L E S P R E M I E R D E S T I N A T I O N F O R W O R L D C L A S S V I S U A L A R T E X H I B I T I O N S 585 Park Street Naples, FL 34102 239 262 6517 www.naplesart.orgE N L I G H T E N . E N G A G E . E D U C A T E . E N R I C H . U P C O M I N G E X H I B I T I O N S The Artist's Hand: Selections from The William Louis-Dreyfus Foundation (August 6 - October 30, 2022) M.C. ESCHER: Reality and Illusion (November 12, 2022 - February 12, 2023) Miradas de Mujeres: Isabelle de Borchgrave and the World of Frida Kahlo (March 4 - June 11, 2023)
Tin City, focuses on European artwork with Old World charm. Phil Fisher Guess-FisherGallery/Gallery 810 12th Ave. S., 403-8393, 659-2787. The fine art gallery features Naples artists Phil Fisher and Natalie Guess, who work with watercolors, oils and batik. The space offers custom framing, fine art and gifts. Quidley & Company Fine Art 375 Broad Ave. S., 261-4300. This gallery contemporaryshowcasesrepresentational and abstract work to local collectors. The team also works in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Quidley & Company Project Space at Magnolia Square 5934 Premier Way, Suite #2100, 261-4300. Inside Magnolia Square apartment complex, the new space features works by furniture and sculptures. Samaniego Art 5850 Shirley Street, Suite 104, 431-7040. Arturo Samaniego’s big, bold abstract art ranges from minimalist tones to exuberant colors. smallwalls Studio & Project Space 6240 Shirley Street, #202, (402) 201-6160. A working art studio and gallery specializing in contemporary, projectoriented art, smallwalls was established by artists Mary Day and Gary Day in 2015.

254 — GULFSHORE LIFE The Guidebook — Culture
specializing in large canvases by local and national artists.
OCHOPEE Clyde Butcher Big Cypress Gallery 2388 Tamiami Trail E., 6952428. A large selection of the famed artist’s photographs, plus a gift shop, swamp walking tours and vacation rentals. Dance NAPLES Allstar Dance Studio 4910 Tamiami Trail N., Suite 118, 304-9013. This studio provides lessons for events, wedding dances and offerings for the dance hobbyist. Ansuya Bellydance 1820 Tamiami Trail E., 404-1034. Located at Tritone Fitness, this studio is run by a secondgeneration, internationally recognized dancer (one of the original Bellydance Superstars). Online classes are available. The Classical Ballet of Naples 3400 Radio Road, Suite #105, 465-6860. Led by Liliam Gomez, this ballet school in East Naples offers beginner classes for children and adults.
Backstage Dance Academy 13020 Livingston Road, Suite 8, 566-3535. This studio focuses on dance education for children from toddlers and offers summer camps. Fred DanceAstaireStudio 1585 Pine Ridge Road, Suite 3, 592-7737. The studio offers dance classes and national competitions for dancers of all skill levels. Glow Dance & Art Academy 7740 Preserve Lane, #9, (929) 429-9655. Professional ballroom dancer Iveta Lukosiute teaches dance classes from beginner to competitive levels, plus yoga and art. Johnny & Lisa Dance 9655 Tamiami Trail N., Suite 101, 919-0205. Johnny and Lisa PerMar provide classes for all levels. Let’s Dance With Me 4367 Tamiami Trail N., 6100210. Find classes ranging from hip-hop to ballroom for all age groups and wedding dance specialists.
Modern Steps School of Dance 4117 Tamiami Trail E., 775-3445. A spacious wood dance floor and talented instructors make it fun to learn a variety of dances. Naples Ballet 1005 Fifth Ave. N., 732-1000. The company provides cultural enrichment through two full-length classical ballets—as well as several other performances, education, community outreach and scholarships. Naples Performing Arts Center 5450 YMCA Road, 325-8789. This nonprofit provides arts education through a diverse curriculum, focusing on dance lessons and performance. naplesperformingarts Naples School of Irish Dance 875 94th Ave. N., Suite 8, (516) 314-7404. Affiliated with Atlanta’s Drake School of Irish Dance, this studio specializes in traditional Irish dancing with classes for all ages. Pure Energy Dance Center 11965 Collier Blvd., Suite 9, 6823241. A studio and performing arts center with barre classes.
The Naples Gallery 1200 5th Ave. South, #305, 261-0098. Located in Tin City, this gallery includes affordable artwork and handcrafted wares from various local artists. Things I Like by Catherine 3954 Bayshore Drive, 7784665. Artist Jaron.CurnowlocalBayshoreEhrenberger’sCatherinespaceinshowsworksfromartistslikeRyAnneandjewelerAmanda United Arts Council of Collier County 340 Ninth St. N., Suite 201, 254-8242. The statedesignated arts agency for Collier County supports arts in underserved communities and runs a co-op downtown as part of the county’s strategic arts plan. Up Art Contemporary 340 Eighth St., 641-3898. Find a constantly changing selection of primarily multiand mixed-media artworks of established and emerging artists.
Centers & Associations
MARCO ISLAND Marco Island Center for the Arts 1010 Winterberry Drive, 3944221. The center promotes education and appreciation of the arts and features two galleries for exhibitions throughout the season. Marco Island Foundation for the Arts P.O. Box 1091, 389-0280. The nonprofit sponsors and supports the community’s literary, visual and performing arts. NAPLES Ikebana International #160 The organization celebrates the art of Japanese flower arranging and culture. Meetings are usually at the Naples Botanical Garden in season. Naples Art 585 Park St., 262-6517. For more than 65 years, the association has inspired creativity and provided community arts opportunities. Naples Artcrafters P.O. Box 10884. This more than 50-year-old nonprofit supports local artists and produces juried fine art and craft shows. Naples Botanical Garden 4820 Bayshore Drive, 6437275. This treasure trove of flora in the heart of Naples enriches the community with large-scale exhibitions, holiday celebrations and family-friendly events.
Naples Porcelain Artists 777 Mooring Line Drive, 287-6889. This group meets at Emmanuel Lutheran Church during season and provides instructions and supplies for artists of all levels to create their own porcelain art. Southwest Florida Pastel Society P.O. Box 110236. The society provides education, workshops, plein air outings, exhibitions and scholarships.

The Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center, 975 Imperial Golf Course Blvd., Suite 108, 263-9200. The center aims to inspire action against bigotry, hatred and violence with a collection of artifacts, photographs, documents and a boxcar exhibit. Naples Depot Museum 1051 Fifth Ave. S., 252-8419. Set in Naples’ first passenger train station, it shows how technology and transportation helped the city grow.
Southwest Florida Watercolor Society This group offers workshops, plein air outings, and two yearly exhibitions in various Lee and Collier County locations.
TheArtis—Naples,BakerMuseum 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., 597-1111. This three-story museum hosts several annual traveling exhibitions from world-renowned artists and installations from its permanent collections. Collier Museum at Government Center 3331 Tamiami Trail E., 2528476. On more than 5 acres of native landscaping, there are galleries, gardens, plus restored cottages and a Seminole fort. Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples (C’MON) 15080 Livingston Road, 5140084. It’s an exciting, inspiring environment where children and families play, learn and dream together.
Local artist Arturo Correa and his wife, Jennifer, run Muzyka Art Space, serving as a link between Naples and the renowned, Miami-based Ascaso Gallery.
256 — GULFSHORE LIFE The Guidebook — Culture KellarErik
SWFL WAX A chapter of the International Encaustic Artists with local workshops and exhibitions for artists who paint using wax or encaustic methods. Museums
CLEWISTON Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum 34725 W. Boundary Road, (877) 902-1113. The name, in the Seminole language, means ‘a place to learn and remember.’ Learn about Seminole history and culture at the Big Cypress Reservation. Clewiston Museum 109 Central Ave., (863) 983-2870. The museum hosts exhibitions on local fossils, sugar, cattle, commercial fishing, killer hurricanes and Seminole history. EVERGLADES CITY Museum of the Everglades 105 Broadway Ave. W., 252-5026. Opened in 1927 as a laundry center, it dates back to Tamiami Trail’s construction, when the Everglades settlement served as the first county seat.
Naples CottageSociety–HistoricHistoricalPalm 137 12th Ave. S., 261-8164. Built in 1895, the 3,500-squarefoot dwelling is the oldest house in Naples. The society also offers walking tours of the Naples Historic District.
MARCO ISLAND Marco HistoricalIslandMuseum 180 S. Heathwood Drive, 252-1440. Home to Marco Island Historical Society, the exhibits trace Marco’s history from its original Calusa inhabitants to its modern growth.
IMMOKALEE Immokalee Pioneer Museum at Roberts Ranch 1215 Roberts Ave. W., 2522611. Originally home to cattleman Robert Roberts, this 13-acre historic site tells the story of Southwest Florida’s pioneer families.

Naples Lionel Train Museum 401 10th St. S., 262-1776. Located in Naples Depot Museum, visitors can ride a train around the property’s perimeter and interact with the train diorama.
ARTS Winterberry
The Naples Museum of Military History 500 Terminal Drive, (614) 2050357. Peruse military artifacts from all branches at Naples Airport—built during World War II. history.orgnaplesmuseummilitary Revs Institute 2500 Horseshoe Dr. S., 6877387. Home to Miles Collier Collections, this museum preserves, studies and celebrates pivotal automobiles built between 1896 and 1995. Performing Arts NAPLES Artis—Naples 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., 597-1900. Home to Naples Philharmonic, plus traveling theater and musical productions ranging from Broadway to rock-n-roll. Cambier Park— Norris Center 755 Eighth Ave. S., 213-3049. This community center and its performance bandshell houses concerts, events and theater productions. BarbershopEverglades Chorus 800 Neffs Way (VFW Post #7721), 963-5808. This group rehearses barbershop vocal harmonies throughout the season, culminating in an annual concert. Gulf Coast Big Band 755 Eighth Ave. S., 877-6090. Under the direction of Dan Miller, the volunteer-based group holds concerts in Naples’ Cambier Park and has awarded more than $80,000 to local high school musicians. Moorings Presbyterian Church 791 Harbour Drive, 261-1487. This house of worship emphasizes the performing arts and hosts 1089 N. Collier Blvd #432, Marco Island ISLAND CENTER FOR THE Reg. Hours M-F, 9am-4pm PHONE: www.marcoislandart.org239-394-4221

NAPLES Gulfshore Playhouse 755 Eighth Ave. S., 261-7529. Naples’ premiere professional theater produces highcaliber shows and provides educational opportunities to diverse groups.
Paradise BarbershopCoastmenChorus 122 Moorings Park Dr., #G103, 352-6366. The local chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, this all-male group of amateur a cappella singers performs tunes from the ’50s to ’70s. Voices of Naples 293-0645. This seasonal community chorus specializes in choral music that ranges from classical to jazz to comic to pop. Theater MARCO ISLAND Marco Island & Naples Shakespeare Festivals
Opera Naples 2408 Linwood Ave., 9639050. Expect high-caliber productions with renowned vocalists, an artist-in-residence program, apprenticeships and an annual outdoor festival.
The Naples Players 701 Fifth Ave. S., 4347340. The troupe produces Broadway musicals, plays, comedy shows and community events in downtown Naples. The Studio Players 4701 Golden Gate Parkway, 398-9192. This nonprofit produces JoanGateknowncontemporaryalternative,andwell-showsinGoldenCommunityCenter’sJenksAuditorium. TheatreZone 13275 Livingston Road, (888) 966-3352. This professional Equity theater presents Broadway musicals—
concerts each season as part of its Hyacinth Series. The 900-seat sanctuary is home to a 4,200-pipe organ and a Fazioli grand piano. Music Foundation of Greater Naples P.O. Box 112383. Formerly Naples Music Club, it supports music education and performance, provides scholarships and engages in collaborative outreach. Naples Big Band 2614 Tamiami Trail N., Suite 200, (314) 477-9519. The group performs American big band in Naples, Marco Island and Fort Myers and aims to support high school music education. Naples OrchestraCommunity P.O. Box 9542. The group creates opportunities for students and accomplished local musicians to learn and perform together. Naples Concert Band P.O. Box 31, 270-1221. Now in its 50th year, the 90-piece band performs outdoor shows and collaborates to support youth music scholarships. Naples Jazz Society 998 Spanish Moss Trail, (612) 327-3835. The organization sponsors three Dixieland jazz bands. Naples Philharmonic 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., 5971900. Based in Artis–Naples, the Philharmonic performs orchestral and chamber concerts. Naples Philharmonic Chorus 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., 597-1900. This volunteer chorus performs pops and classical concerts each season with Naples Philharmonic. artisnaples. org Naples Piano Studio 5600 Trail Blvd., Suite 9, 4042713. These piano instructors sell sheet music and offer lessons for adults and children. Off the ComedyHookClub 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Suite 1100, 389-6901. The comedy club and full-service restaurant has staged Carlos Mencia, Kevin Hart and Kevin Nealon.
GLOBAL 600 E. Elkham Cir., Unit 1211, 692-8016. Founded in Marco Island, this festival partners with fellow actors from around the world and offers free training to any interested student.
The Marco Players 1089 N. Collier Blvd., Suite 432, 642-7270. This nonprofit provides theatricalmeaningful,entertaining,high-qualityproductions.
258 — GULFSHORE LIFE The Guidebook — Culture
BONITA SPRINGS Al Marcenkus Art 26300 Prince Pierre Way, (865) 207-8560. The gallery features the works of the veteran landscape oil painter. Arturo Correa Art Studio 28280 Old 41 Road, Unit 10, 470-0040. The renowned Locations: 634 5th Ave S. Naples, FL 34102 Miromar Design Center, 10800 Corkscrew Rd, Suite 195, Estero, FL 33928 Tel. 312-375-8887
Lluis Barba, Marilyn Azul, Self Portrait Series, Diasec, 60 x 60 In.
LEE COUNTY Art Galleries & Antiques BOKEELIA Bokeelia Art Gallery 8315 Main St., 738-5280. The Charlotte Harbor gallery features work from local artists, including paintings, pottery, glass and jewelry. Island Conclave Fine Art Gallery 5101 Pine Island Road, 2828488. Discover artisan-made works and products from established and emerging Pine Island creators.
especially Naples.atproductions—inrarely-performedG<heaterCommunitySchoolof Film MARCO ISLAND Marco Island Foundation for the Arts P.O. Box 1091, 3890280. The nonprofit sponsors and supports the community’s literary, visual and performing arts.
NAPLES Naples International Film Festival 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., 5971900. Artis—Naples hosts this four-day festival, screening features, documentaries and shorts onsite and at Silverspot Cinema. Naples Jewish Film Festival 1459 Pine Ridge Road, 434-1818. The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples hosts this annual festival.

Venezuelan-born appointment-onlyartist’sstudio. Cherelle Art Gallery 10923 K Nine Drive, 8777125. The award-winning artist studied at Sotheby’s Institute of Art and trained with clay masters Jason Bige Burnett and Lisa Orr. Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs (CFABS) Visual Arts Center 26100 Old 41 Road, 4958989. Find exhibitions, classes for adults and children, festivals, events and galas. Marine Arts Gallery 26795 S. Bay Drive, Suite 166, 261-0000. One of the oldest in the country, this gallery is devoted to marine art and offers in-home consultations. West Coast Art & Design 24951 Old 41 Road, Suite 4, 498-1787. This company offers custom framing, custom artwork, murals, faux finishes and furniture restoration. Starnes & Starnes 25987 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 96, 221-3541. Founded by brother and sister Ian and Elle Starnes as a center for intellectual advancement and curiosity, this gallery represents 45 local artists.
260 — GULFSHORE LIFE The Guidebook — Culture PlayhouseGulfshoreCourtesy
CAPE CORAL Cape Coral Art Center 4533 Coronado Parkway, 574-0802. The more than 13,600-square-foot center holds studios, a specialty art supplies store, a gift shop and a gallery. Cape Coral Art League 516 Cultural Park Blvd., 772-5657. The nonprofit hosts classesexhibitions,andworkshops. Lorne’s Gallery 1830 S Del Prado Blvd., 574-5111. The custom framing and decorating shop offers a large selection of nautical-themed art. Harbour View Gallery 5789 Cape Harbour Drive, Suite 104, 540-5789. The only artists-owned co-op gallery in Cape Coral exhibits only juried local art and is staffed entirely by exhibiting artists. CAPTIVA 2 Islands Gallery 14830 Captiva Drive, 472-2772. Find jewelry, pottery, decorative baskets, photography, ceramics, prints and paintings—all created by local artisans. Jungle Drums Gallery 11532 Andy Rosse Lane, 3952266. Artists Kathleen and Jim Mazzotta promote environmental conservation with pieces in bronze, copper, wood, glass and clay, plus original paintings, handcrafted jewelry and limited-edition prints. ESTERO Aldo GalleryCastillo-International Fine Contemporary Art 10800 Corkscrew Road, Suite 195, (312) 375-8887. Serving private collectors, museum collections and design professionals, shop from seven locations within Miromar Design Center. Art Council of Southwest Florida 8074 Mediterranean Drive, 949-3073. This umbrella organization consists of more than 20 nonprofit art studios. COCO Art Gallery 8074 Mediterranean Drive, 949-3073. Find paintings, photography, mixed media, sculpture, glass, jewelry and woodwork created by Arts Council of Southwest Florida. Gulfshore Playhouse—which is building a multimillion-dollar cultural campus—has topnotch theatrical productions.

FORT MYERS Artbeat Studios Gallery & Gifts 1400 Colonial Blvd., Suite 35, 225-9770. Expect a variety of paintings, metal, mixed media, furniture and fiber arts. Artsemble Underground Gallery & Art Lounge 13499 Bell Tower Drive, Suite 181, 318-8560. The walls are covered
The Battle of the Arts. Arts for ACT Gallery 2265 First St., 337-5050. Run by Abuse Counseling and Treatment, the gallery carries giclées, fine art, jewelry and clay. Bob GalleryRauschenberg 8099 College Parkway, Florida Southwestern State College, Building L, 489-9313. On the Lee Campus of FSW, this space hosts thoughtprovoking exhibitions from internationally renowned artists. Chiarino Gallery 2401 First St., Suite 105, 994-2244. Find a range old masters, impressionists, modern watercolors, oils, acrylics and sculptures. DAAS CO-OP Art Gallery & Gifts 1815 Fowler St., Suite 3, 590-8645. Find monthly receptions with more than 25 local artists and artisans, plus original artworks, fine crafts and apparel. Florida Gulf Coast University Art Galleries 10501 FGCU Blvd. S., 5907199. The on-campus galleries curate exhibitions and events to promote contemporary art. Find work from students and working artists. Fort Myers Beach Art Association & Gallery 3030 Shell Mound Blvd., 4633909. This volunteer organization hosts classes, workshops and exhibits.
Guests visiting CFABS Visual Arts Center can view fine art exhibitions and take part in painting, drawing, mosaic, pottery, glass and sculpture classes. At the Performing Arts Center you can enjoy live music, theatre, films and lectures; as well as youth and adult classes in art, dance, music, film and theatre. The Centers offer year-round programming and top-rated Art Festivals in January, February & March We invite you to visit the Centers and be inspired by our vast range of visual and performing arts offerings. VISUAL ARTS CENTER 26100 OLD 41 RD

The Guidebook — Culture 262 — GULFSHORE LIFE
Fort Myers Beach Friends of the Arts P.O. Box 2836, 306-3501. The organization hosts diverse performing, visual and culinary arts programs. Iona Art Gallery 16681 McGregor Blvd., Suite 201, 246-5876. See works by Kimberly B. Hambor, including photography, plus gemstones and minerals from around the world. Looking Glass Art Gallery 5240 Bank St., Suite 8, 214-3595. The immersive art gallery hosts interactive exhibits for family fun. Ollie Mack &PhotographyGentryStudioGallery 2334 First St., 440-0061. See a collection of the photographer’s downtown imagery. There’s also an onsite photography studio. Savvy Gallery & Boutique 16450 S. Tamiami Trail, 265-1591. Shop from locallycrafted treasures, including steampunk jewelry, planters and home decor. SH Modern 214 Third St., 674-6607. Founded by Sallie Hirshberg, this space shows works ranging from old masters to contemporary artists. Stacie Krupa Studio Gallery of Art 2150 West First St., (305) 9420614. This new downtown gallery shows the artist’s paintings and drawings. She also offers commissions and murals. The Union Artist Studios 10051 McGregor Blvd., Suite 202, 980-1394. Eleven local artists fill the spaces in this collaborative complex with a variety of mediums. MATLACHA Island Visions 4643 Pine Island Road, 2820452. This andtropicalisland-inspiredpastel-painted,shopsellseclecticpaintings,scultpuresjewelry. Leoma Lovegrove Gallery & Gardens 4637 Pine Island Road, 9385655. The gallery exhibits vivid, colorful paintings created by the renowned impressionistexpressionist painter. Traders Hitching Post 4618 Pine Island Road, 283-4040. The oldest gallery on Matlacha and Pine Island sells Indigenous Southwestern jewelry and art. Wild Child Art Gallery 4625 Pine Island Road, 283-6006. Shop the work of contemporary artist Peggy McTeague, along with 115 other Floridian artists. SANIBEL Hirdie Girdie Art Gallery 2490 Library Way, 395-0027. The seasonal cooperative space features paintings, tile art, photography, fused glass, pottery, jewelry, sculpture and wood. Lacy StudioMcClary&Gallery 1171 Seagrape Lane, (918) 740-4972. Inspired by the tropical surroundings, the working studio features landscapes, wildlife paintings and wooden boho art. Rachel Pierce Art Gallery 1571 Periwinkle Way, 2923327. The artist creates vivid paintings of Florida’s underwater creatures, which are also printed onto jewelry through a partnership with ÉVOCATEUR. Sanibel Art & Frame 630 Tarpon Bay Road, Unit 8, 395-1350. Shop original artworks from local artists, including prints and photography, plus frames from around the world. Tower Gallery 751 Tarpon Bay Road, 472-4557. The cooperative once served as Polly and Ikki Matsumoto’s studio and now sells oil, acrylic, watercolor, photography, ceramic, wood, glass and metal. Three Crafty Ladies 1628 Periwinkle Way, 4722893. Shop from a selection of tropical and batik fabrics, sewing necessities and craft supplies. Watson MacRae Gallery 2340 Periwinkle Way, Suite G1, 472-3386. Monthly exhibitions during season show paintings, sculptures, ceramics and glass from regional and national artisans.
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BONITA SPRINGS Centers for the Arts
ESTERO Hertz Arena 11000 Everblades Parkway, 948-7825. In addition to hosting Florida Everblades hockey, the ice-skating rink turns into a performance venue with headliner musicians and touring shows throughout the season.
Naples Art has been soaring under Frank Verpoorten’s leadership. Last season, the center hosted a Keith Haring show; this season, don’t miss M.C. Escher’s mindbending works.
SANIBEL BIG ARTS 900 Dunlop Road and 2244 Periwinkle Way, 395-0900. The newly programs.providesperformanceremodeledvenuealsoartsandeducation Museums CAPE CORAL Cape Coral Museum of History 544 Cultural Park Blvd., 772-7037. Operated by the city, expect to see local artifacts, documents and photographs.
Bonita Springs 26100 Old 41 Road, 10150 Bonita Beach Road, 4958989. Catering to kids and adults, CFABS offers performing and visual arts programs, including galleries, theatres, art festivals, classes and events. Southwest Florida Event Center 11515 Bonita Beach Road, 245-9910. foreducationalbyoffers27,000-square-footThevenueperformancesinternationalartists,opportunitieskidsandbanquethalls for weddings and private events.
FORT MYERS Alliance for the Arts 10091 McGregor Blvd., 9392787. The nonprofit visual and performing arts center is committed to transforming lives and improving the community through the arts with a roster of exhibitions and events. Bower School of Music & the Arts at FGCU Music Modular Building, 10501 FGCU Blvd. S., 590-7292. The university’s music and arts hub hosts exhibitions, concerts and performances. River District Alliance 2310 First St., Suite 305, 321-7104. The organization hosts free monthly Art Walks on the first Friday of the month in downtown Fort Myers, with demonstrations from regional artists. Tribby Arts Center at Shell Point 17281 On Par Blvd., 4155667. This arts complex within a threeseatcommunityretirementhasa400-performancehall,artgalleriesand an outdoor sculpture garden. True Tours 2200 First St., 945-0405. Select from a variety of historical walking and trolley tours throughout Fort Myers. Vino’s Picasso 15250 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 109, 288-6953. The paint bar and gallery hosts classes, private parties and paint-at-home experiences.
Centers & Associations
The Guidebook — Culture TietzBrian 264 — GULFSHORE LIFE

PINE ISLAND Museum of the Islands 5728 Sesame Drive, 2831525. The volunteer-run nonprofit was established to document the island’s history through informative exhibits and community events.
SANIBEL Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum 3075 Sanibel Captiva Road, 395-2233. As the only museum in the country devoted solely to shells and mollusks, its mission is to connect people to the natural world through shells and the animals that create them.
FORT MYERS Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium 3450 Ortiz Ave., 275-3435. This 105-acre site is home to two nature trails, a planetarium theater, rescue animals, butterfly and bird aviaries. Edison & Ford Winter Estates 2350 McGregor Blvd., 334-7419. On more than 20 acres, find the winter homes of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, a museum, botanical gardens and the National Historic Chemical Landmark laboratory. IMAG History & Science Center 2000 Cranford Ave., 243-0043. This nonprofit offers interactive exhibits, an aquarium, a hurricane simulator, history displays, live animal encounters and a 3D theater. Railroad Museum of South Florida 7330 Gladiolus Drive, 2671905. The museum features model trains, railroad artifacts and a locomotive simulator.
Debbie W Nelson 239 300 5363
"Dolphins in the Blue" Artis—Naples Home of The Baker Museum and the Naples Philharmonic For tickets and more information: 5833239-597-1900artisnaples.orgPelicanBay Blvd Presenting the best in visual and entertain!educatearts—weperforminginspire,and NaplesGuideScoutTheofcourtesyPhoto

BONITA SPRINGS Curtain Call Studios 15250 S. Tamiami Trail, 208-9138. The studio offers children singing, piano, acting and dance lessons. Grand Piano Series 28290 Beaumont Road, (646) 734-8179. Classical pianist and chamber musician Milana Strezeva and photographer, pianist and artist manager Raniero Tazzi celebrate classical piano music through performances and discussions.
Performing Arts
Fort Myers MastersingersSymphonic 6900 Daniels Parkway, Suite 29-193, 288-2535. The 80-voice adult chorus performs masterworks and fine choral music. Gulf Coast Symphony 6314 Corporate Court, Suite 100, 277-1700. Founded by music director Dr. Andrew Kurtz, the orchestra is recognized for active community engagement and commitment to arts education. Gulfshore Ballet 5636 Youngquist Road, Suites 1 and 2, 590-6191. The nonprofit school offers students the opportunity to study with internationally acclaimed instructors.professional The Ranch Concert Hall & Saloon 2158 Colonial Blvd., 985-9839. The event and concert venue offers weekly entertainment and performances by prominent country artists. Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center 2301 First St., 333-1933. Find concerts, shows and performances throughout season. The new Sidney’s Rooftop Sculpture Garden hosts art receptions and weekly live music performances. Southwest Florida Symphony 7500 College Parkway, Suite 200, 418-0996. With more than 70 world-class musicians on its roster, Lee County’s only entirely professional orchestra presents a series of masterworks and pops concerts. Spirit of the Gulf Chorus 13500 Freshman Lane, (844) 704-7464. The all-women a cappella chorus, based in Fort Myers, performs throughout Southwest Florida and promotes music education to women of all ages. ESTERO Gulfshore Opera 9911 Corkscrew Road, Suite 105, 529-3925. Southwest Florida’s regional opera company serves three counties and presents accessible, professional opera theater
FORT MYERS Acoustic Music Society SWFL (Palmgrass) 10091 McGregor Blvd., 992-0580. The nonprofit presents live bluegrass and American roots acoustic music throughout Southwest Florida. Barbara B. PerformingMannArts Hall at Florida SouthWestern State College 13350 FSW Parkway, 481-4849. The theater presents national touring Broadway shows, local opera performances, dance troupes and major concerts. Choral Artistry P.O. Box 07105, 560-5695. Under the direction of conductor Dr. Trent R. Brown, the arts organization and professional core community chorus seek to instill an appreciation for choral music. Florida Repertory Theatre 2268 Bay St., 332-4488. Professional live theater performances take place in this historic downtown theatre. Wall Street Journal called Florida Rep “one of America’s top repertory companies.”
The Guidebook — Culture 266 — GULFSHORE LIFE
Sanibel MuseumHistorical&Village 950 Dunlop Road, Suite 4017, 472-4648. Learn about Sanibel’s history from the Calusa and Spanish eras to the early pioneers in the 1800s. The nine historic buildings were moved from their original sites and restored to their original states.
and diverse classical vocal music concerts. It also runs the harmony choir after-school program for at-risk youths.
FORT MYERS Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre 1380 Colonial Blvd., 278-4422. The theatre presents classics and new hit sensations. Expect national performers, dazzling sets and costumes, plus a live orchestra. Ghostbird Theatre Company 2797 First St., Suite 305, 478-6610. Named one of the 10 best venues in Florida for live theater, it’s one of the only theater companies in the American South devoted to site-specific productions. Fort Myers Theatre 16120 San Carlos Blvd., 3236570. The 81-seat community theatre is home to two performing organizations presenting plays and musicals. New Phoenix Theatre 13211 McGregor Blvd., Suites 1 and 2, 284-5214. Led by a group of passionate Theater

The Guidebook — Culture Bell’INVITO
FORT MYERS Fort Myers Film Festival 2301 First St., 810-6323. One of the premier film festivals in the region, it brings international filmmakers, award-winning shorts, feature-length films and red-carpet events to downtown.
actors, directors and theater enthusiasts, the mission of this theater is to enlighten the community, celebrate diversity and inspire imagination.
The TheaterLaboratoryofFlorida 1634 Woodford Ave., 2180481. The nonprofit hosts live performances, education programs, community outreach and the development of ensemble work—with a focus on issues like representation, equality and LGBTQ+ rights. Film FORT MYERS BEACH Fort Myers InternationalBeachFilm Festival 980-4381. The event draws attendees from all over the world to exchange ideas, make new contacts and enjoy compelling films that encompass a wide range of tastes.

Sotheby’s International Realty® and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered service marks used with permission. Each office is independently owned and operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. Property information herein is derived from various sources including, but not limited to, county records and multiple listing services, and may include approximations. All information is deemed accurate. EXPERIENCEELEVATEDBRAND,TIME-HONOREDAmy is a REALTORByattentiveingreatprofessional...atop-notchlistener,staystouchandisverytodetails.farourbest®ever!” — Julie & Wil Please contact me to schedule your complimentary consultation. | 239.910.7267 | A SEASONED PROFESSIONAL. Amy’s focus is providing elevated service for her customers by listening to their needs, paying sharp attention to detail and providing solutions to navigate the ever-changing real estate market. With over thirty years experience in the real estate industry, Amy spent 16 years specializing in the custom home market in the award-winning community of Mediterra before bringing her broad skill set to customers throughout the Naples luxury market. RANKED IN THE TOP 1.5% OF REALTORS ® IN THE USA

NAPLES Bayfront 465 Bayfront Place, 6498700. Enjoy the colorful, European-style architecture while browsing at this center,
BOUTIQUES, SHOPPING CENTERS + DESIGN DISTRICTS Consider these the places to elevate your style. Call or check the organizations’ websites for their latest information. All phone numbers are area code 239 unless otherwise noted. SouthStreetThirdCourtesy
The Esplanade Shoppes 760 N. Collier Blvd., (703) 772-0008. This shopping plaza is set on 1,100 feet of waterfront on Smokehouse Bay and encompasses nearly 50,000 square feet of fine dining and major retailers such as Dillard’s and Bath & Body Works. It also houses the 77-boat-slip Esplanade Marina and a bayside sunset amphitheater. Restaurants include CJ’s on the Bay and Mango’s Dockside Bistro. Marco Town Center Mall 1089 N. Collier Blvd., 394-8767. More than 40 shops, restaurants and cafes are located in this casual outdoor setting anchored by a Publix grocer. Dining options include Margarita’s, Marco Island Brewery and Thai Thai Sushi Bowl; locally owned boutiques include Beachworks, Blue Mangrove Gallery and Sandpiper Loft.

Third Street South In the heart of Old Naples, 649-6707. Find a collection of charming shops, top culinary finds and the thriving Gallery Row—a block of sophisticated art galleries that serves as a portal into the historic street. Shops include Marissa Collec tions, J.McLaughlin, Gattle’s and C. Orrico—A Lilly Pulitzer Signature Shop. Restaurants include Campiello Ristorante & Bar, Sea Salt, Jane’s Garden Café on 3rd, Ridgway Bar & Grill and Tommy Bahama Restaurant & Bar, among others. In addition to providing a source for area information, the concierge will hold and assist with package deliveries and arrange transportation. And during season, there’s a farmers’ market on Saturdays. Tin City 1200 Fifth Ave. S., 262-4200. This waterfront shopping and entertainment center was origi nally a 1920s clam-shelling and oyster-processing plant. Eclectic shops like Annalise, Caribongo, The Osprey and Jungle Fever offer kitschy souvenirs, clothing, collectibles and handmade goods. Try waterfront dining at Riverwalk, or grab a bite at M&M’s Cafe. The Village Shops on Venetian Bay 4200 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., 261-6100. Designed to resem ble the classic Mediterranean architecture of Venice, this shopping center is a sight to see. Boutique outlets include J. McLaughlin, Lux Boutique and Patchington. Waterfront res taurants include M Waterfront Grille, MiraMare Ristorante, Bayside Seafood Grill & Bar and T-Michaels Steak & Lobster. Waterside Shops 5415 Tamiami Trail N., 598-1605. This outdoor shopping center is set among artistically tiled fountains and anchored by Saks Fifth Avenue. It’s home to lux ury boutiques including Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co., Gucci, Lily Pulitzer, Salvatore Ferraga mo, Ralph Lauren, Tory Burch, Free People, Johnny Was, St. John, Kendra Scott, Zimmer man and Yamron Jewelers. Other outlets include Apple, Lululemon, and Omega. Dining options include BrickTop’s, Brio, Third Street South in Naples charms with its bougainvillea-framed buildings and institutions like Marissa Collections and Judith Liegeois Design.
The Guidebook — Shopping
GULFSHORE LIFE 271 which includes several dining options, residences and a marina. Specialty services and shops include Myxn Scents, Phenix Salon Suites and Magic Lashes facial spa. Restaurants include K-Rico Mexican Grill, Tavern on the Bay and The Cabana Bay front. Other services include Robert of Philadelphia Salon. Coastland Center 1900 Tamiami Trail N., 262-7100. The area’s only en closed retail center includes more than 70 retail stores, including Prestige Jewelers, Windsor, Abercrombie & Fitch and G By Guess. Dining options include Vourla Mediterranean Cafe and Grill and an extensive food court. Fifth Avenue South Spans six blocks in Old Na ples, 692-8436. A continental ambiance offers a mix of so phisticated restaurants, bou tiques and galleries. Among the retailers are Peach Tree Designs, Arabesque, Port Royal Jewelers, Kaleidoscope Floral and Lovejoy Antiques, Jewelry & Watches. Fifth Avenue is home to more than 25 restaurants and sidewalk cafés. The Sugden Commu nity Theatre is on this block, and the Naples Art Associa tion is just around the corner. Galleria Shoppes at Vanderbilt 2343 Vanderbilt Beach Road, 594-5000. An elegant lifestyle shopping and dining center featuring Kay’s On the Beach, Mainstream Boutique, ZAZOU, Kathryn’s Collection, Trattoria Abruzzo Italian Restaurant, Blo Blow Dry Bar, European Wax Center and more. Mercato 9132 Strada Place, 254-1080. Anchored by Whole Foods Market, the mixed-use devel opment includes The Capital Grille, AZN Azian Cuizine, The Pub Naples, Bar Tulia, Blue Martini, Silverspot Cin ema, Pandora, Ulta Beauty, J.Crew Mercantile, Venture X and more.
The Promenade at Bonita Bay 26811 S. Bay Drive, 949-1573.
California Pizza Kitchen and True Food Kitchen.
The includethroughout.greeneryfeaturesshoppingMediterranean-styleanddiningcenteropen-airwalkways,andwaterfallsSpecialtyshopsEvelyn&Arthur, Coastal Outfitters and Tara Grinna Swimwear. Dining op tions include Roy’s, DeRomo’s Gourmet Market & Restaurant and Molino’s Ristorante. ESTERO Coconut Point 23106 Fashion Dr., 992-9966. The shopping area is part of a 500-acre, master-planned community. Some of its 110 stores include J.Crew, Chico’s, Lilly Pulitzer, Tommy Bahama, Barnes & Noble, Soft Surroundings, J.Jill and Apple. You can also choose from more than 25 dining offerings, including Ruth’s Chris Steak House, South Fork Grille, Ted’s Montana Grill, Rodizio Grill, Amfora Mediterranean Restaurant, Lehne Burger and Joe’s Fresh Catch. Miromar Design Center 10800 Corkscrew Road, 895-9172. This comprehen sive resource for design professionals and consumers has more than 40 showrooms with furnishings, fabrics, flooring, lighting, kitchen and bath products, art, wall coverings and accessories. Design referral services, free design seminars and office space for lease are available. Miromar Outlets 10801 Corkscrew Road, 9483766. This inviting Mediterra nean-style shopping mall has covered, open-air walkways, sculpted water fountains and an abundance of casual cafes and restaurants, including
The Guidebook — Shopping 1185 Third Street South • Naples, Florida • 239.643.8900 • Monday thru Saturday 10-9pm Sunday 11-6pm Delray Beach, FL 561.272.6654 • Cape Cod, MA 508.477.3900 Simply the prettiest jewelry.


The Shopping Find independentcool, jewelry lines at Shannon Green Collections in the Naples Design District.
FORT MYERS Bell Tower Shops 13499 S. Cleveland Ave., 4891221. This open-air, upscale retail center includes more than 15 specialty stores, fine dining, a 20-screen movie theater and well-known hotel accommo dations. Stroll through lush landscapes and enjoy special events throughout the week. Center includes Driftwood Blue, G’s Bridal, Pink Pineapple, Ocean View & 7th, Cheshire Cat Fine Toys and more.
Guidebook —
the beloved local chocolatier, Norman Love Confections. The outlets offer an extensive selection for bargain-hunters with multiple outlet stores, including Saks OFF 5TH, Polo Ralph Lauren Factory Store, Banana Republic Factory Store, Cole Haan, J. Crew Factory, Coach Outlet and Movado Company Store.

FANTASTIC FLAVORS PLAYFUL PURSUITS 26795–26851 South Bay Drive, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 SUBLIME STYLE Visit our website for the most up-to-date calendar of events.

Gulf Coast Town Center 9903 Gulf Coast Main St., 267-5107. This lifestyle center features the area’s only Bass Pro Shops. Shops like Apricot Lane Boutique, St. John and Giacomo Battaglia are inter mixed with restaurants such as Cantina 109, Burntwood Tavern and Connors Steak & Seafood. For family-friendly fun, stop by Regal Cinemas 16 or GameTime arcade.
ISLANDSSANIBEL/CAPTIVA Chadwick’s Square 5400 Plantation Road, at the entrance to South Seas Island Resort, 472-5111. This Old Florida cottage-style shopping plaza features a unique selection of spe cialty shops with home furnishings, as well as a gallery, clothing shops and a gourmet grocery store.
River District In the heart of historic down town Fort Myers. The district is experiencing a revival of retail and developmentcommercialwithasurge in art galleries. Shops include Dana Tyler, Market Earth, Naples Soap Company and Quartz & Clover. Dining options include Downtown House of Pizza, Ford’s Garage and Izzy’s Fish & Oyster. Sanibel Outlets 20350 Summerlin Road, 454-1974. Shop more than 35 name-brand and manu facturer outlets at this openair shopping mall, which includes Coach Outlet, Polo Ralph Lauren Factory Store, GUESS Factory Store, Calvin Klein, Gap Outlet, Banana Republic Factory Store and Nike Factory Store.
The Guidebook — Shopping 315 14th Avenue www.glosssalonnaples.com239.263.8050South
Park Shops at Andrea Lane 14261 S. Tamiami Trail. This casualbyshoppingMediterranean-styleplazaisanchoredBonefishGrill.Itfeaturesrestaurantsandserviceshops,includingBradley’sJewelersandBoard&BrushCreativeStudio.


The Guidebook —
Periwinkle Place 2075 Periwinkle Way, 3951914 Stroll under covered boardwalks in a lush, tropical setting at Periwinkle Place. The shopping plaza is home to a restaurant, day spa, toy store and shops selling gifts, apparel and jewelry, like Island Pursuit, Peach Repub lic and the original Chico’s. Tahitian Gardens 1975-2019 Periwinkle Way, 472-2792. With an exterior resembling a Southern Shopping Wilfredo Emanuel’s showroom in Naples, which he shares with N Color Salon, is a trove for maximalist home design and curios.
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CHARLOTTE COUNTY PORT PUNTACHARLOTTE/GORDA Fishermen’s Village 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Suite 57A, Punta Gorda, (941) 639-8721. This semi-open-air esplanade offers clothing, jewelry, gifts and items for the home and garden in stores like Island Fever, Naples Soap Company and Salty Paws. Port Charlotte Town Center 1441 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, (941) 624-4447. This indoor shopping mall is anchored by Dillard’s and Regal 16 Cinemas movie theater, and includes stores like Exotic Gems featuring Pandora, and Rajeunir Skin Care Company. Dining options include Cody’s Original Roadhouse and a food court. towncenter.comportcharlotteHillRobin
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front porch, this welcoming shopping center features specialty clothing and decor boutiques, jewelry stores, restaurants and more along covered outdoor walkways. The shops include local names like Adventures in Paradise, Sanibel Sole and Pandora’s Box.

Port Charlotte Beach Park 4500 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte, (941) 627-1628. This park is situated on bay waters off Peace River. Expect park amenities including a boardwalk with fishing pier, boat ramp, canoe and kayak launch, horseshoe pits, bocce, basketball, tennis and sand volleyball courts, a playground area, sheltered picnic tables, restrooms, heated swimming pool and a recreation center. Englewood Beach at Chadwick Park 2100 N. Beach Road, Eng lewood, (941) 681-3742. This Gulf-front beach features a 900-foot boardwalk with three covered lookouts, restrooms, showers, water stations, vol leyball and basketball courts, horseshoe pits, playground area, food vendors and shel tered picnic tables with grills.
SHORES, BARRIER ISLANDS + PRIVATE COVES Find your perfect slice of sand along our sparkling coasts; you’ll leave spellbound. Call or check the organizations’ websites for the latest information. All phone numbers are area code 239 unless otherwise specified. Getty The Guidebook — Beaches

South Marco Beach Access 930 S. Collier Blvd., 2524000. This beach offers parking a short walk across the boulevard on Swal low Avenue and features restrooms in the parking lot. Tigertail Beach 480 Hernando Drive, 2524000. This county park has re strooms, boardwalks, a picnic area, a playground, a butterfly garden and a concession stand offering beach rentals and food.
Barefoot Beach Preserve Park is located just south of this access point. Just north is Bonita Beach Park, which has public restrooms, showers Just south of Boca Grande, Cayo Costa State Park spans nine miles of beach and pine forests and is only accessible by boat or helicopter.
NAPLES Barefoot Beach Preserve 505 Barefoot Beach Blvd., 252-4000. An access point 20 feet off Bonita Beach Road on Lely Barefoot Boulevard provides an open, peaceful location for sunbathers.

282 — GULFSHORE LIFE and concessions. Visitors can expect to see thriving wildlife and sea creatures throughout the preserve. Bluebill Beach Access Bluebill Avenue and Gulf Shore Drive, 252-4000. The Bluebill Beach access provides easy ac cess to Collier County’s white sand beach. Find additional parking at Conner Park, just a few blocks away, which offers an open play area, a fishing area and a three-quarter-mile walking trail. Clam Pass Park 465 Seagate Drive, 252-4000. Trams at this county park trans port visitors over a boardwalk to a beach with a picnic area and concession stand. Chairs, cabanas, kayaks and restroom facilities are also available. Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park 11135 Gulf Shore Drive, 5976196. This beach’s facilities include picnic areas, restrooms with wheelchair access and outdoor showers. Walking the nature trail to an observa tion tower and fishing in the pass are popular pastimes. Park rangers conduct nature programs, and a boat ramp is available for a $5 fee.
The Guidebook — Beaches
Lowdermilk Park 1301 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., 213-7120. The park offers 1,000 feet of beachfront, outdoor showers, gazebos, picnic tables, a playground, volleyball court, conces sion stand and duck restroomsWheelchair-accessiblepond.areavailable. Naples Pier At the west end of 12th Ave. S. in Old Naples, 213-7120. The iconic Naples pier has restrooms, a snack bar and lots of atmosphere. Dolphins are seen frequently, and it’s a great spot for fishing and sunset-watching. Metered parking is nearby, with ad ditional parking and access points along Gulf Shore Boulevard. North Gulfshore Beach Access 4989-4999 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., 252-4000. Known locally as Seagate Beach, this area offers a beautiful walk between two upscale condominiums. Parking is available on Seagate Drive. Vanderbilt Beach Park 100 Vanderbilt Beach Road, 252-4000. This is a tree- and residence-lined county beach. Wheelchair-accessible parking is available. Snacks and watersports rentals are available through The Ritz-Carlton, Naples, and Vanderbilt Beach Resort. Me tered parking and a parking garage are available. Via Miramar Beach 2699 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., 213-1820. The beach has public access on Gulf Shore Boulevard North, just south of Harbour Drive, with ample parking and an outdoor shower. A short walk south takes you to the jetty at Doctors Pass, which provides Gulf access from Naples Bay.
The Lighthouse,Sanibel built in 1884, anchors this popular beach at the eastern tip of the island.
LEE COUNTY BOCA GRANDE Boca BeachGrandeAccesess 533-7275. The island offers more than 25 beach access points, some leading to the Gulf of Mexico and others to Gasparilla Sound. Several of these paths are unmarked,

with some only wide enough to accommodate walking. Gasparilla Island State Park 880 Belcher Road, (941) 964-0375. The beaches here are great for swimming, snorkeling, fishing, shelling and picnicking. The park also features the Boca Grande Lighthouse, built in 1890.
BONITA SPRINGS Bonita Beach Park 27954 Hickory Blvd., 5337275. Facilities here include picnic tables, grills, a playground, a sand volleyball court and restrooms. Plus, there’s 10 access points for easy parking. Dog Beach 8800 Estero Blvd., 5337275. Dogs can run free at the beach here; keep in mind there are no facilities, but there is free parking. Little Hickory Island Beach Park 26082 Hickory Blvd., 5337275. Located between Bonita Beach and Lovers Key, this is a popular beach for fishing. Restrooms, picnic tables and shelters available.
CAPE CORAL Four Freedoms Park 4818 Tarpon Court, 574-0804. The park and recreation center, which overlooks Bimini Basin, features a playground area, picnic tables and grills.

FORT MYERS BEACH Bowditch Point Regional Park 50 Estero Blvd., 533-7275. Take Matanzas Pass Bridge to the beach; turn right at the foot of the bridge and follow Estero Boulevard to the end. You’ll find 17 acres of recreational area and nature preserve. In cludes restrooms, picnic tables, concessions, hiking paths and wheelchair-accessible access. Crescent Beach Family Park 1100 Estero Blvd., 533-7275. This park offers four access points to the beach, sand volleyball courts and a land scaped picnic area. Fort Myers Beach 950 Estero Blvd., 432-2154. Managed by the Town of Fort Myers Beach, this sandy locale has almost 30 public access points along Estero Boulevard. The shores are home to plenty of hotels, bars and cafes. Park at a nearby lot and walk or bike to the accesses. Lovers Key State Park 8700 Estero Blvd., 463-4588. Florida’s top five most-visited park consists of four barrier islands between Fort Myers Beach and Bonita Beach, with beaches, nature trails and concessions. There is also a new Welcome & Dis covery Center with interac tive environmental exhibits. Lynn Hall Memorial Park 950 Estero Blvd., 533-7275. This beach is located in the heart of the city of Fort My ers Beach. Amenities include restrooms, a fishing pier, pic nic shelters, grills, shops and
The Guidebook — Beaches 284 — GULFSHORE LIFE
Yacht CommunityClub Park 5819 Driftwood Parkway, 574-0806. Located on the Caloosahatchee River, the area features picnic tables, restrooms, outdoor show ers, tennis courts, a public marina, a barbecue area, a public pool, a restaurant and a licensed fishing pier.
Driftwood and stripped trees, bleached by the sun’s rays often dot the crystalline coasts.
BeachEsteroESTEROIslandAccesses 50-950 Estero Blvd., 533-7275. Located north of Matanzas Bridge, six access points to the Gulf of Mexico are denoted by poles with colored banners. FORT MYERS Bunche Beach Preserve 18201 John Morris Road, 533-7275. The beach overlooks Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel Island on San Carlos Bay. Its 718 acres of nature preserves make it a popular location with fishers and paddlers. Restrooms are available and there is limited parking.

Nothing Compares. JOHN WANNINGERT. Global Real Estate Advisor John.Wanninger@PremierSIR.com239.380.3167 Sotheby’s International Realty® and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered service marks used with permission. Each office is independently owned and operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. Property information herein is derived from various sources including, but not limited to, county records and multiple listing services, and may include approximations. All information is deemed accurate. From the snowy winters of Minnesota to the sandy beaches of Naples
John T. Wanninger leads the JTW Partners Group at Premier Sotheby’s International Realty in Naples. John has been a top-producing real estate agent for 35 years with more than $2 billion in sales. John is a familiar and reliable partner helping friends and customers from Minnesota navigate the Greater Naples market.

Alison Hagerup Beach Park 14790 Captiva Drive, Captiva, 472-2472. Also known as Captiva Beach, the northern most public-access beach on Captiva Island is a popular, romantic spot to catch the sunset. The space includes restrooms, and restaurants lie nearby. Andy Rosse Lane Park 11570 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva, 472-2471. A beach access point at the west end of Andy Rosse Lane is acces sible by foot. The road’s east end offers a small kayak and canoe launch with limited parking.
The Guidebook — Beaches
restaurants at Times Square pedestrian mall. Matanzas Pass Preserve 199 Bay Road, 533-7275. Running along the east side of Fort Myers Beach, this preserve allows visitors to enjoy native vegetation and views of the pass-through hiking trails, fishing spots and paddle launches. Newton Beach Park 4650 Estero Blvd., 765-0865. The former beachfront home of Jim and Ellie Newton, who were friends with Edison, Ford and Lindbergh. Beach access includes paid parking, outdoor showers, restrooms, and covered picnic areas. The historic cottage on site is available for rent.
Bowman’s Beach 1700 Bowmans Beach Road, Sanibel, 472-6397. This pop ular Sanibel beach is noted for its wildlife, shelling and seclusion. It offers plentiful parking, plus restrooms, changing rooms, showers, drinking fountains, picnic tables, grills and recreational vehicle parking. Causeway Islands 19931 Sanibel Causeway, Sanibel, 533-7275. Beaches are located on both sides of the road and offer excellent shelling and fishing; picnic 778 Tamiami Trail North Naples, Florida 34102 (239) 434-5900 Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30 Sat 9-5
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Lighthouse Beach Park 110-153 Periwinkle Way, Sani bel, 472-6397. At this historic lighthouse on the eastern tip of Sanibel, there’s a fishing pier, picnic areas, restrooms, hiking paths and recreational vehicle parking. mysanibel. com Tarpon Bay Road Beach Park 111 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel, 472-6397. Pets on leashes are allowed, and the beach offers picnic areas, restrooms and nearby recreational vehicle parking.
tables and restrooms avail able on the second island. Renovations are taking place through June 2025. During that time, beaches on one side of the islands will remain open at all times. Leashed pets are welcome. Cayo Costa State Park 4 nautical miles west of Pine Island, (941) 964-0375. Just north of Captiva and just south of Boca Grande is an untouched island paradise that is accessible only by boat or helicopter. It offers 9 miles of beautiful, pristine beaches and more than 2,500 acres of pine forest and mangrove swamp. Gulfside City Park 2001 Algiers Lane, Sanibel, 472-6397. Locals refer to this as ‘Algiers Beach,’ named after a steamboat once pulled ashore and turned into a home. It offers shaded picnic areas, an interpretive kiosk, boardwalks, restrooms and outdoor showers. Pets are allowed if leashed.
Turner Beach 17200 Captiva Drive, Captiva, 472-6397. The beach is at the north end of Blind Pass, which separates Sanibel and Captiva islands. It’s popular with families and fishermen, although signs in some areas caution against swimming because of swift currents. Re strooms and outdoor showers are available on the Captiva side.
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CHARLOTTE COUNTY PORT PUNTACHARLOTTE/GORDA Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas Fantasea Scuba 3781 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, (941) 627-3888. The operator offers dive courses, equipment rentals and service, plus charters and trips. Holidaze Boat Rentals 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda, (941) 5058888. Rent boats from 17 to 25 feet, center consoles, pontoons, deck boats, kayaks and SUPs.
Punta Gorda Fly Fishing Charters Punta Gorda, (941) 6287895. Capt. Michael Manis fly fishes through the mangroves and grass flats of Pine Island Sound, Boca Grande and between Matla cha and Punta Gorda. Smoke & Roses Private Sailing Charters 140 Leland St. S.E., Port Char lotte, (605) 366-7673. Charter this 47-foot sailing catamaran.
Our waterways are teeming with spots to fish, wakeboard, waterski and boat; and the year-round sunny skies make for excellent conditions to tee off or play a round of doubles. From golfing to tennis to fishing, around here you can’t miss. Call or check the organizations’ websites for the latest information. All area codes are 239 unless otherwise indicated.

For a solid vantage point of Bonita Springs’ beaches, book a parasail adventure with Bonita Jet Ski & Parasail.
HeritageGolf Landing Golf & Country Club 14611 Heritage Landing Blvd., Punta Gorda, (941) 3472222. The 18-hole course, remastered by Gordon Lewis, features a pro shop and prac tice facilities. Kings Gate Golf Club 24000 Rampart Blvd., Port Charlotte, (941) 625-0680. The gated, 55+ community features an 18-hole executive course and nature preserves. Riverwood Golf Club 4100 Riverwood Drive, Port Charlotte, (941) 764-6661.
The Guidebook — Recreation
COLLIER COUNTY EVERGLADES CITY Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas
MARCO ISLAND Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas Breakwater Adventures 909 Collier Court, (305) 902-4772. The captains offer private boat tours, plus wake boarding, tubing and shelling. Key West Express 951 Bald Eagle Drive, 4635733. Running to and from Key West, air-conditioned boats with a full bar depart from Fort Myers Beach and Marco Island. Marco Island Princess 951 Bald Eagle Drive, 6425415. Sunset, nature and history cruises are available.
The Gene Bates-designed, par-72 championship course features a heavily wooded front nine and wetlands in the back. Twin Isles Country Club 301 Madrid Blvd., Punta Gorda, (941) 637-1232. The certified Audubon Cooper ative Sanctuary is home to a 6,722-yard, par-72, 18-hole golf course, plus Har-Tru clay and DecoTurf all-weather tennis courts. Tennis & Pickleball Gilchrist Park 400 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda, (941) 575-3394. This park along Charlotte Harbor has tennis, pickleball and basketball courts; a playground; fishing pier; and picnic shelters. Harold Avenue Regional Park Recreation Center 23400 Harold Ave., Port Charlotte, (941) 627-1074. The center features tennis, pickleball and volleyball, as well as picnic and grill areas. Pickleplex of Punta Gorda 26300 Airport Road, Punta Gorda. Located at Florida SouthWestern State College, the destination offers 16 regulation courts with bleachers. South County Regional Park Recreation Center 670 Cooper St., Punta Gorda. (941) 505-8686. Amenities include lit ar eas for basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis and pickleball.
Capt. Mike Merritt’s Native Guide Service Various locations, (561) 2524324. An Everglades City native takes you on a 22-foot Pathfind er. Everglades Adventures Kayak & Eco Tours 605 Buckner Ave. N., 2948456. The outfitter offers kayak and canoe rentals, plus tours of the Everglades, including a package with the Ivey House Everglades Adventures Hotel. Everglades Fishing Charters 406 Storter Ave. N., 695-2029. Florida native Capt. Becky Campbell has more than 50 years of experience. gladesfishingcharters.comever Everglades Old Time Charters 404 Storter Ave. N., 821-1148. Explore Ten Thousand Islands and Everglades National Park. Tightline Fishin’ Charters Various locations, 2273144. Hit the water with an eighth-generation Chokolos kee native, Capt. Scout Mor ris, on a 22-foot Sea Chaser.
The Marina at Factory Bay 1081 Bald Eagle Drive, 3892929. Find 72 large short- or long-term boat slips, and a clubhouse with Wi-Fi, laundry, showers and ice.
The Guidebook — Recreation
Scuba Marco 1141 Bald Eagle Drive, 3897889. A full-service dive shop offers certifications, trips and equipment. HammockGolf Bay Golf & Country Club 1370 Borghese Lane, 3896611. The club features an 18-hole championship course designed by Peter Jacobsen and Jim Hardy. Marco Golf & Garden 971 Winterberry Drive, 970-0561. This challenging, tropical 18-hole miniature golf course is geared toward adults.
Marco Island Water Sports 400 S. Collier Blvd., 600 S. Collier Blvd., 560 S. Collier Blvd., 642-2359. Eco-tours are available, plus parasail ing, paddle boards, banana boats and WaveRunners.
CityTennisof Marco Island Racquet Center 1275 San Marco Road, 394-5454. The center offers lighted, hard-surface courts and Har-Tru clay courts, plus indoor racquetball courts. NAPLES Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas All Water Excursions Various locations, 594-0213. The company offers sunset charters, eco-tours, fishing excursions, luxury charters and party boats. Bayfront Marina Goodlette Frank Road and U.S. 41, 434-2300. The marina offers short-term or long-term dockage, with 33 slips for crafts up to 40 feet, plus restaurants and shops.
Cool Beans Cruises 377 Capri Blvd., 777-0020. Book a private catamaran charter. Corey Billie’s Airboat Rides 20610 Tamiami Trail E., 389-7433. A native Seminole guide tours you through a 200-acre private piece of the ‘Glades. Grand Slam Light Tackle Sportfishing 550 Port O Call Way, 5712878. Capt. Will Geraghty offers backcountry and offshore fishing charters. Hamilton Harbor Yacht Club 7065 Hamilton Ave., 7750506. Near Rookery Bay, this boathouse can hold 325 boats up to 55 feet long. Its Clean & Resilient featuresProgram-approved,Marinaandfuelandabaitshop. Island Sailing Naples 800 12th Ave. S., 398-1483. Here, you can charter a sailboat. Manatee Eco-TourismSightseeingAdventure 525 Newport Drive, 6428818. Manatee sightings are guaranteed on this covered boat ride. Mangrove Outfitters Fly Shop 4111 Tamiami Trail E., 7933370. Backcountry fishing guides operate out of the full-service fly shop. Ms. B. Haven Fishing & Eco Charters 550 Port O Call Way, 8254292. The charter service offers inshore fishing, off shore fishing and eco-tours. Naples Bay Resort & Marina 1500 Fifth Ave. S., 530-5134. The marina has 97 slips, a fuel dock, boat rentals, overnight boat dockage, and a ships store and boutique. Naples Beach Water Sports 280 Vanderbilt Beach Road., 572-2953. Parasailing, paddle boards, banana boats and WaveRunners are available. Naples City Dock 880 12th Ave. S., 213-3070. The docks can accommo date 30- to 60-foot vessels with deep water. Fuel dock, restrooms, bait and ice; close to restaurants, ships’ store and trolley service.
The Rookery at Marco 3433 Club Center Blvd., 642-2796. This 18-hole, 7,180-yard, par-72 course was recently redesigned by acclaimed golf course designer Robert Cupp, Jr.
Naples Nantucket Yacht Group 15910 Old 41 North Rd., Unit 200, 331-6868. Book private charters on yachts like the 95-foot Sunseeker. snantucketyachtgroup.comnaple Naples Princess 550 Port O Call Way, 6492275. See Port Royal or watch the sunset aboard a 105-foot yacht. Nauti Exposures 313-1024. This mobile kayak rental company also offers tours. Port of Naples Marina 550 Port O Call Way, 7740479. In addition to a tackle shop, food and space for events, the marina offers boat rentals and cruise charters. Pure Florida 1200 Fifth Ave. S., 263-4949. Book a sightseeing or sunset cruise aboard the Double Sunshine; go deep-sea or backwater calm bay fishing; take a dolphin, eco or island shelling tour; rent a jet ski or deck boat; or enjoy a private charter. Rising Tide Explorers 1295 Capri Blvd., 734-3231. Join the area’s only biolo They don’t call this the golf capital of the world for nothing. With more than 1,400 courses (in Naples, alone), you’re sure to find your match at places like Raptor Bay Golf Club in Estero.

gist-guided kayak and boat tours to explore the estuary in the Rookery Bay Research Reserve. Paddle through mangrove tunnels, watch birds return to roost during a Southwest Florida sunset and find unique shells on remote beaches. Kayak rentals are available, with free delivery, to explore on your own.
Sweet Liberty, Naples City Dock 880 12th Ave. S., 793-3525. Beachcombing, dolphin tours, sunset cruises, cocktail cruises and eco-tours are available on a 53-foot cata maran.
Bear’sGolf Paw Country Club 2500 Golden Gate Parkway, 263-3007. The award-winning 18-hole Jack Nicklaus Sig nature championship course features amenities like a clubhouse and fitness center. Bonita Bay Club Naples 3700 Wildwood Blvd., 3535100. The club is home to two Tom tureAudubonFazio-designedInternationalSignagolfcourses. The Club At Mediterra 15755 Corso Mediterra Circle, 254-3000. At the Audubon International Silver facilitiesbocce,signedyou’llSanctuary-certifiedSignaturegolfclub,findTomFazio-decourses,plustennis,pickleball,wellnessandaprivatebeach. Cypress Woods Golf & Country Club 3525 Northbrooke Drive, 5927860. The club features a par72, Gordon Lewis-designed, 18-hole course and pro shop. Eagle Creek Golf & Country Club 11 Cypress View Drive, 793-0500. The golf commu nity sits on 300 acres with an award-winning course. Glen Eagle Golf & Country Club 1403 Glen Eagle Blvd., 354-3167. The club features an 18-hole, par-70 course. Grey Oaks Country Club 2400 Grey Oaks Drive, 2625550. The club is home to three championship courses, a 30,000-square-foot well ness center, tennis, pickleball and bocce. LaPlaya Golf Course 333 Palm River Blvd., 2545001. The 18-hole, par-72, 6,902-yard course is at LaPlaya Beach & Golf Resort. Lely Resort Golf & Country Club 8004 Lely Resort Blvd., 793-2600. The club offers three championship courses. club.comlelyresortgolfandcountry Naples Grande Golf Club 7335 Premier Drive, 6593700. The club features private instruction from 2008 South Florida PGA Teacher of the Year Mark Durland. Naples Lakes Country Club 4784 Naples Lakes Blvd., 919-1150. The club offers an Arnold Palmer Signature Course with six sets of tees ranging from 4,516 yards to 6,708 yards. Pelican Marsh Golf Club 1810 Persimmon Drive, 5973000. This is a challenging, award-winning golf course and certified Audubon Sanc tuary. Tiburón Golf Club 2620 Tiburón Drive, 5932200. The lauded club features two 18-hole courses and hosts the annual QBE Shootout, CME Tour Champi onship and the Chubb Classic events. Vanderbilt Country Club 8250 Danbury Blvd., 3482662. This par-72, 18-hole championship golf course was designed by Kipp Schulties. Wilderness Country Club 101 Clubhouse Drive, 2616060. The Arthur Hills-de signed, 18-hole course fea tures a clubhouse and tennis facilities.
Scuba Outfitters of Naples 950 Third Ave. N., 280-5500. This five-Star PADI TecRec Dive Center offers dive education and equipment.
The Guidebook — Recreation 294 — GULFSHORE LIFE
SCUBAdventures 971 Creech Road, 434-7477. The dive shop offers scuba training and equipment rent als. South Bay Marina 179 South Bay Drive, Suite 4, 597-2063. This marina has fuel, bait, tackle, concessions, boat rentals and charters.
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The Club at Barefoot Beach 105 Shell Drive, 992-0024. The full-service beach club features two Har-Tru tennis courts. beach.comtheclubatbarefoot Vineyards Community Park 6231 Arbor Blvd., 252-4105. Find courts.tenniscomfort-cushionedcourtsandracquetball
Tennis & Pickleball Academia Sanchez-Casal Florida 2035 Sanchez-Casal Way, 263-1818. This international tennis academy houses 38 tennis courts and a club.
The Guidebook — Recreation 296 — GULFSHORE
Pelican CommunityBay Park 764 Vanderbilt Beach Road, 598-3025. The park has lit clay tennis and racquetball courts.
Arthur L. Allen Tennis Center 735 Eighth Ave. S., 213-3060. The center features twelve lighted Hydro-grid Har-Tru courts with leagues, clinics and lessons.
LIFEJet ski rentals are a great way to explore the Gulf’s waterways up close and personal.

BonitaGolf Bay Club 26660 Country Club Drive, 495-0200. The club features multiple 18-hole, par-72 cer tified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary courses designed by Arthur Hills and Tom Fazio, Har-Tru tennis courts, gel-surface pickleball courts and a championship croquet court. Bonita Fairways Golf Club 26740 Samoset Way, 9479100. The club features an 18-hole, par-61 executive course designed by Gordon Lewis. The Colony Golf & Country Club 4101 Pelican Colony Blvd., 390-4700. The 18-hole, former U.S. Open champion Jerry Pate-designed par-72 championship course. Hunters Ridge Golf & Country Club 12500 Hunters Ridge Blvd., 992-4900. This private club has an 18-hole championship course. countryclub.comhuntersridgegolfand Raptor Bay Golf Club 23001 Coconut Point Resort Drive, 390-4600. Ranked in the top 10 by Sports Illus trated, it’s also certified by Audubon International. Shadow Wood Country Club 22801 Oakwilde Blvd., 992-6000. The private club features three champion ship courses, Har-Tru tennis courts, bocce ball courts and clubhouses. Spanish Wells Golf & Country Club 9801 Treasure Cay Lane, 9925100. This club features 27 holes of championship golf courses designed by Gordon Lewis and Bruce Howard. It also offers Har-Tru tennis courts, bocce courts, a club house and a fitness center. Tennis & Pickleball Peak PickleballPerformanceAcademy 27200 Kent Road, 333-1668. Take part in lessons, clin ics, drill and play sessions, leagues, tournament tune-up clinics and day camps at the Bonita Springs YMCA. pickleballacademy.compeak
LEE COUNTY BONITA SPRINGS Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas Bonita Bay Marina 27598 Marina Pointe Dr., 4953222. Located on the Impe rial River, the marina features a waterfront restaurant open in season, boat lifts, dry boat storage, a fuel dock, and a fully stocked ships store. Big Hickory Seafood Grille & Marina 26107 Hickory Blvd., 9920991. The marina features pontoon boats, kayaks, bait, supplies, fuel and slips, and is the landing site for the Great Calusa Blueway canoe and kayak paddling trail. Bonita Jet Ski & Parasail 27908 Hickory Blvd., 3207387. Find jet skis, chairs, cabanas, umbrellas, paddle boards, kayaks, parasailing and jet ski dolphin tours. CGT Kayaks 27300 Old 41 Road, 2218218. The outfitter specializes in Estero River paddling and offers kayak, SUP rentals and guided tours. Ebb-N-Flow SUP Tours & Rentals 4279 Bonita Beach Road S.W., 221-7853. Arrange SUP, kayak or bike rentals, or book tours of Turkey Bay. toursandrentals.comebbnflowsup Fish Trap Marina Inc. 4794 Bonita Beach Road, 992-6055. The marina offers bait, tackle, rod and reel repairs, and backwater char ter fishing. Florida Excursions 28651 Diesel Drive N., Unit 6, 592-1200. The company offers narrated boat cruises in a mangrove estuary, kayak and canoe rentals, and scuba trips. Paddle Naples Tours & Rentals 1965 Estero Blvd., 301-8888. Launch from Big Hickory Is land in Estero Bay for guided kayak, stand-up paddleboard and fishing tours, and rentals. Sweetwater Adventures 27598 Marina Pointe Drive, 405-7155. Near the Imperial River, you can partake in sightseeing and fishing, plus kids’ camps.
ESTERO Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas Estero River Outfitters 20991 S. Tamiami Trail, 9924050. With this company, you can canoe, kayak or paddle board along Estero River. BreckenridgeGolf Golf & Tennis Club 20091 Wimbleton Court, 992-5959. The club features an 18-hole, par-3 golf course, lighted Har-Tru tennis and pickleball courts. ridgehomeowners.combrecken The Club at Grandézza 11481 Grande Oak Blvd., 9483569. The club features rolling fairways and sharp elevation changes. Miromar Lakes Beach & Golf Club 18520 Miromar Lakes Blvd. W., 482-7644. This is an 18-hole, 7,100-yard, par-72 Arthur Hills Signature course. Old Corkscrew Golf Club 17320 Corkscrew Road, 9494700. The Jack Nicklaus Sig nature golf course is certified A standardbearer, Old Corkscrew Golf Club offers plenty of public tee times daily.
CAPE CORAL/ PINE ISLAND Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas Southwest Florida Yachts Inc. and Florida Sailing & Cruising School 5991 Silver King Blvd., Suite 108, Cape Coral, 257-2788. Charter a yacht or learn at this American Sailing Asso ciation certification facility, which features courses in powerboat and sailing instruction. Gulf Coast Kayak 4120 Pine Island Road, Matlacha, 283-1125. Embark on kayak and SUP rentals, tours and fishing excursions in the Matlacha Pass Aquatic Preserve.
AldenGolf Pines Country Club 14261 Clubhouse Drive, Bokeelia, 283-2179. The only golf course on Pine Island has a par-71 course with 18 holes.
The Guidebook — Recreation 298 — GULFSHORE LIFE
Coral Oaks Golf Course 1800 N.W. 28th Ave., Cape Coral, 573-3100. The public course features one of the largest practice facilities in the area. Tennis & Pickleball Camelot Park 1718 S.W. 52 Terrace, Cape Coral, 573-3128. This 6.4acre park offers tennis and pickleball courts, horseshoe pits, a playground and picnic shelters. Joe Stonis Park 3444 Ceitus Parkway, Cape Coral, 573-3128. The 7-acre park features tennis, pickle ball and shuffleboard courts.
Pelican Landing Tennis Center 24501 Walden Center Drive, 947-5977. The center features 12 renovated Har-Tru courts.


300 — GULFSHORE LIFE as an Audubon International Silver Signature member. Pelican Sound Golf & River Club 4569 Pelican Sound Blvd., 948-4331. The club’s three, nine-hole private courses range from 4,600 to 7,100 yards. Stoneybrook Golf & Country Club 21251 Stoneybrook Golf Blvd., 948-3933. The 18-hole, par-72 course is 7,353 yards long. Villages at Country Creek 21180 Country Creek Drive, 947-2050. The 3,871-yard, par-61, 18-hole course was designed by Gordon Lewis. West Bay Club 4606 West Bay Blvd., 444-2310. The 18-hole Pete and P.B. Dye-designed golf course also features a tennis center. Wildcat Run Golf & Country Club 20300 Country Club Drive, 947-6066. The club features an 18-hole, par-72 Arnold Palmer Signature-designed golf course and Har-Tru ten nis courts. Tennis & Pickleball The Club at Rapallo 8551 Via Rapallo Drive, 949-3347. Located at Coconut Point, the club features a tennis center. Estero Park & Recreation Center 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd., 5331470. Find nine indoor pickleball courts.
FORT MYERS Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas Ace Performer 16842 McGregor Blvd., 5654860. Kayak, paddle boards, windsurfing, wing foil and kiteboarding lessons, rentals and equipment sales. Ask about its wearable, swimma ble mermaid tails. Adventures in Paradise 14341 Port Comfort Road, 472-8443. Find eco-tours, dolphin watching, sunset cruises and fishing, plus trolley access. paradiseinc.comadventurein Calusa Fishing Adventures 17543 Taylor Drive, (941) 6773474. Capt. Mark Yimin leads custom inshore and night fishing.
The Guidebook — Recreation

Paddle through the mangroves with outfitters like Rising Tide Explorers in Naples, CGT Kayaks in Bonita Springs or Gulf Coast Kayak in Matlacha.
Capt. Paul Hobby Fishing Charters 13371 Electron Drive, 8502088. The charter specializes in light-tackle and fly-fishing for snook, redfish and tarpon. Endless Summer Charters 14341 Port Comfort Road, 691-1966. The company offers back-bay, inshore and offshore charters, eco-tours, sight-seeing tours and sunset cruises. belislandfishingcharters.comsani
The Marina at Edison Ford 2360 W. First St., 895-7703. The marina offers 45 public slips, pump-out services, electrical hook-up, showers and restrooms. There’s also a Pinchers restaurant. Offshore Sailing School 16731 McGregor Blvd., Suite 110, 888-454-7015. Find be ginner to advanced cruising, coastal navigation, liveaboard cruising, offshore sailing and more.
Kayak Excursions 17950 John Morris Road, 297-7011. The kayak and SUP company offers paddle rentals and sales, tours, lessons and fishing. J.C. Cruises 1300 Hendry St., 334-7474. Hop on a triple-deck paddle wheeler on the Caloosahat chee River.
Royal Shell Port Sanibel Marina 14341 Port Comfort Road, 437-1660. The marina offers 95 stationary docks, dry storage, ship store, boardwalk, and canoe and kayak tours. There are also showers, laundry and a restaurant on site.
Sanibel Harbour Resort & Spa 17260 Harbour Pointe Drive, 466-4000. The harbor has 13 boat slips, WaveRunner, canoe and kayak rentals, dolphin adventure tours and dinner cruises on the Sanibel Harbour Princess.
Scubavice Diving Center 12600 McGregor Blvd., 4814733. The center specializes in scuba instruction, snorkel les sons, service, sales and rentals. SkyHigh Jetpacks & Flyboards 17590 East St., 699-2487. Hover above the water with a flying hoverboard or water-powered jet pack.

TheGolfClub at Renaissance 12801 Renaissance Way, 5614170. The private club features an 18-hole golf course designed by Arthur Hills and championship red clay tennis courts, as well as pickleball and bocce ball courts. Colonial Country Club 9181 Independence Way, 7689421. The club has an 18-hole, 7,385-yard, par-72 championship course. Crown Colony Golf & Country Club 8851 Crown Colony Blvd., 590-9044. This is an 18-hole, certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. Cypress Lake Golf Club 6767 Winkler Road, 481-1333. The member-owned club features one of the area’s oldest private golf courses, designed in 1959 by Dick Wilson and renovated in 2017. Del Tura Golf & Country Club 18621 N. Tamiami Trail, 7317814. The club offers a 27-hole, presidential course, a pro-shop and an on-site restaurant. Eastwood Golf Course 4600 Bruce Herd Lane, 321-7487. The course, which includes a driving range and practice green, is located only 15 minutes from South west Florida International Airport. The Forest Country Club 6100 Club Blvd. SW, 4828378. The club features two, tree-lined courses punctuat ed by lakes and streams and a newly renovated club house. Fort Myers Country Club 3591 McGregor Blvd., 3217488. The club’s course has been open since 1916, and hosts the Yuengling Open, a pro-am golf tournament that began in 1963. Golfview Golf & Racquet Club 14849 Hole-in-One Circle, 489-2264. Golfers can drive across the 4.5-acre lake on four holes, or stay inland with shorter tee shots. Heritage Palms Golf & Country Club 10420 Washingtonia Palm Way, 278-9090. Play on two 18-hole championship courses. Gulf Harbour Yacht & Country Club 14500 Vista River Drive, 433-5111. One of Fort Myers’ most prestigious country clubs has an 18-hole cham pionship golf course; eight Hydro-Grid clay courts; a Wellness Center, including a spa and salon; casual and formal waterfront dining; and a deep-water marina. Herons Glen Golf & Country Club 2250 Herons Glen Blvd., 731-4520. The club has an 18-hole, par-72, 6,468-yard semi-private course. The Hideaway Country Club 5670 Trailwinds Drive, 275-6232. The club features an 18-hole, par-67, presi dential-length course that is open to the public in sum mer. The Landings Yacht, Golf & Tennis Club 4425 S. Landings Drive, Suite 100, 482-3211. Located on 250 acres of riverfront, the club features an 18-hole, 3,078-yard golf course, lighted Har-Tru tennis courts, and a full-service marina. Lexington Country Club 16257 Willowcrest Way, 437-3380. Kipp Schulties de signed the private course with water hazards, large greens and enhanced landscaping. Pelican Preserve Golf Club 9802 Pelican Preserve Blvd., 985-1707. Here you’ll find 27 holes of championship golf by renowned course archi tect Chip Powell. servegolfclub.compelicanpre Sabal Springs Golf & Racquet Club 3410 Clubview Drive, 7310101. This is a semi-private, 18-hole, 3,279-yard, par-60 course. San Carlos Golf Club 7420 Constitution Circle, 267-3131. This is an 18-hole, semi-private course with an aqua driving range, pitching and chipping area, a putting green and PGA professional instruction available. Shell Point Golf Club 17500 On Par Blvd., 433-9790. The club features a Gordon Lewis-designed 18-hole course.
The Guidebook — Recreation 302 — GULFSHORE LIFE

PORT PUNTACHARLOTTE/GORDA Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas
Ranalli Parasail 61 Avenue C, Fort Myers Beach, 565-5700. Find parasailing and WaveRunner dolphin tours, cabana and umbrella rentals. Rebel Water Sports 1010 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, 677-6782. Book dolphin tours, WaveRunners or banana boat rides. Salty Sam’s Marina 2500 Main St., Fort Myers Beach, 463-7333. The marina offers waterfront dining, fish ing and sailing charters, a daily Key West Express ferry, boat rentals, fuel, dockage, a ship’s store, service, storage and repair.
FORT MYERS BEACH Boat WatersportsCharters,& Marinas Captain Tony’s Fishing Adventures 18800 San Carlos Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, 415-0515. Book night, full-day and half-day charters. Estero Island Parasail Multiple locations, 994-1399. Find flights for first-timers and for thrill-seekers. Gulf Star Marina 708 Fishermans Wharf, Fort Myers Beach, 463-9552. Opened in 2020 and said to be the first smart marina in the U.S., the facility offers high-tech, automated dry storage for boats up to 40 feet. Fish Tale Marina 7225 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, 463-3600. The marina offers dry or wet storage, ship’s store, rentals and char ters. Get Hooked Charter Fishing 7225 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, 691-1464. Capt. Matt DeAngelis offers inshore saltwater fishing. Excursions Marina 18450 San Carlos Boulevard, 297-7011. This new location includes a full marina, offer ing kayak and paddleboard rentals, lessons and tours, plus boat rentals, excursions, tiki cruises, sailing trips and private charters, including inshore fishing.
Snook Bight Yacht Club & Marina 4765 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, 765-4371. Find wet and dry storage, rental boats, repairs and maintenance, laundry, a restaurant and live bait.
Jensen’s Twin Palm Marina & Cottage 15107 Captiva Drive, Captiva, 472-5800. The full-service marina includes boat rentals, charters, water taxi and historic guest cottages. The Marina at ’Tween Waters 15951 Captiva Drive, Captiva, 472-5161. The marina offers dockage, charter boats and kayaking excursions, plus canoe, kayak and bicycle rentals.
Sanibel Marina 634 N. Yachtsman Drive, Sanibel, 472-2723. The full-service designated Clean Marina offers charters, rent als and an onsite restaurant.
Mid-Island Water Sports Multiple locations, 765-0965. Located at the Sandpiper Gulf and Wyndham resorts, the center offers JetSki and SUP rentals, parasailing and WaveRunner dolphin tours.
Captiva Cruises 11401 Andy Rosse Lane or 5400 South Seas Plantation Road, Captiva. 472-5300. Find daily trips to Cabbage Key, Useppa Island, Boca Grande and Cayo Costa, plus sunset, shelling, dolphin & wildlife cruises, and private charters.
Terraverde Country Club 17000 Terraverde Circle, 4337733. The club has a ninehole, 1,260-yard course. Tennis & Pickleball City of Fort Myers Racquet Club 1700 Matthew Drive, 9807116. It offers 10 lighted tennis courts at the Sam Fleishman Regional Sports Complex. Rutenberg Community Park 6500 South Pointe Blvd., 349-0397. The 40-acre park features eight tennis courts. Wa-Ke Hatchee Park Recreation Center 16760 Bass Road, 432-2154. The center offers tennis and pickleball courts, plus a dog park, playground and pavilion.
The Guidebook — Recreation 304 — GULFSHORE LIFE
in c o o l e r s , a B l u e t o o t h s t e r e o s y s t e m , a l l s a f e t y e q u i p m e n t , a n d m o r e ; m a k i n g t h e m o p t i m a l f o r a g r e a t d a y o n t h e w a t e r . T R E A T T H E F A M I L Y T O A D A Y O N T H E W A T E R ! S E E F O R Y O U R S E L F W H Y N A P L E S B A Y R E S O R T & M A R I N A O F F E R S T H E B E S T B O A T R E N T A L S I N N A P L E S ! ( 2 3 9 ) 5 3 0 5 1 3 4 | N B R B O A T R E N T A L C O M | 1 5 0 0 F I F T H A V E N U E S O U T H , N A P L E S , F L O R I D A 3 4 1 0 2 Scan Here for Boat Rental Reservations or For More Information on our Boat Rentals
YOLO Watersports 11534 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva, 472-9656. Find tub ing, WaveRunners, flyboard ing, paddleboarding and parasailing, plus rentals for sailboats, SUPs, surfboards and beach equipment.
Sanibel Island Golf Club 1100 Par View Drive, Sanibel, 472-2626. The club includes an 18-hole, par-70, semiprivate course, 13 Har-Tru courts and a pro shop. e s , M a r c o I s l a n d a n d t h e p r i s t i n e l o c a l b e a c h e s w i t h N a p l e s B a y R e s o r t B o a t R e n t a l s W e o f f e r a t o p o f t h e l i n e r e n t a l f l e e t o f 2 3 ' p o n t o o n b o a t s , 2 4 ’ d e c k b o a t s a n d 2 4 ’ c e n t e r c o n s o l e b o a t s e q u i p p e d w i t h p o w e r f u l f o u r s t r o k e o u t b o a r d e n g i n e s . A l l r e n t a l s i n c l u d e s e a t i n g f o r 8 t o 1 0 p e o p l e , l a r g e b u i l t
T r e a t y o u r f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s t o a d a y o n t h e b e a u t i f u l w a t e r s o f S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a D i s c o v e r N a p l
CaptivaGolf Course South Seas Island Resort, 5400 Plantation Road, Cap tiva, 579-1480. The Gulfside, nine-hole, 1,394-yard, par-27 course was designed by Chip Powell and features a pro shop. The Dunes Golf & Tennis Club 949 Sand Castle Road, Sani bel, 472-2535. The 18-hole, par-70, 5,606-yard course features pickleball courts, Har-Tru tennis courts and a tennis academy.

Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens 5827 Riverside Drive, Punta Gorda, (941) 621-8299. These waterfront gardens showcase sculptures and blooming botanicals.
Cape Haze Pioneer Trail starts at the parking lot at 1688 Gasparilla Road, Port Charlotte, (941) 627-1628. This trail spans nearly 8 miles along former rail lines: Char lotte Harbor and Northern Railway. Fishermen’s Village 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda, (941) 639-8721. The shopping, entertainment and resort complex over looking Charlotte Harbor includes a full-service marina, more than 30 shops and restaurants and dozens of waterside suites. Military Heritage Museum 900 West Marion Avenue Punta Gorda, (941) 575-9002. Honoring all who serve, from the Revolutionary War through modern conflicts and across all five military branches, with 20,000 plus artifacts, veteran guides, flight simulators, graphics and live performances.
CHARLOTTE COUNTY PORT PUNTACHARLOTTE/GORDA Babcock Ranch Eco-Tours 8502 FL-31, Punta Gorda, (800) 500-5583. View wildlife on a 90-minute buggy tour (reservations required) and walking tours through Bab cock Ranch, set on more than 14,000 acres.
From historic homes to dolphin tours to swamp safaris, the region offers visitors a nearly endless itinerary. We’ve narrowed down some of the best ways to spend a perfect day in paradise. Call or check organization’s websites for the latest information. All phone numbers are area code 239 unless otherwise indicated. + SITES

In the Bayshore Arts District, Naples Botanical Garden hosts creative programming, like their Night Lights in the Garden during the holidays.
COLLIER COUNTY CHOKOLOSKEE Historic Smallwood Store: Ole Indian Trading Post & Museum 360 Mamie St., 695-2989. Estab lished in 1906, this once-isolated Everglades trading post has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places and is now a museum.
IMMOKALEE Immokalee Pioneer Museum at Roberts Ranch 1215 Roberts Ave. W., 2522611. The 15-acre living history museum tells the story of cattle ranching in Southwest Florida. Lake Trafford MarinaAirboats & Alligators 6001 Lake Trafford Road, 657-2214. This operator offers airboat rides and boat tours through the Corkscrew Re gional Ecosystem Watershed.
GULFSHORE LIFE 307 Peace River Wildlife Center 3400 Ponce de Leon Parkway, Punta Gorda, (941) 637-3830. This wildlife education and rehabilita tion center feature small animals and birds, such as bald eagles, owls and ospreys.
EVERGLADES CITY Captain Mitch’s Airboat Tours 30999 Tamiami Trail E., 6953377. Run by an Everglades guide whose great-grandfather built one of the first commer cial airboats, Captain Mitch’s focuses on private marshland tours. “The Original” Everglades City Airboat Tours 907 DuPont St., 695-2400 and (877) 222-6400. Capt. Josh Minton is a fourth-generation Everglades guide, so you’re bound to get your money’s worth on these swamp tours. Everglades Day Safari 472-1559. This is an intense, all-day excursion from the Ten Thousand Islands’ backwaters to the Everglades’ swamps. Find pickup locations through out Southwest Florida. Everglades Florida Adventures 815 Oyster Bar Lane, S.R. 29, (855) 793-5542. Enjoy family fun while kayaking or on a boat tour. adventures.comevergladesfloida Everglades National Park Gulf Coast Visitor Center At 815 Oyster Bar Lane, Everglades City, (305) 2427700. Explore the Everglades by canoe/kayak or walking trails, or stay overnight at a campsite. Boat tours depart from the visitor center, which holds interpretive exhibits. Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park 137 Coast Line Dr., Copeland, 695-4593. About 20 miles long and 5 miles wide, the swamp is home to the world’s only bald cypress-royal palm forest. Jungle Erv’s Airboat Tours 804 Collier Ave., (877) 695-2820. The service offers guided tours of marine and estuarine environments. Museum Of The Everglades 105 Broadway Ave. W., 2525026. The free-admission museum tells the story of 2,000 years of human habita tion in the western Everglades and the building of the Tami ami Trail across swampland. Speedy’s Airboat Tours 621 Begonia St., 695-4448, (800) 998-4448. These air boat tours seat no more than six people at a time and have access to a 1,000-acre private stretch of the Everglades.
The Guidebook — Attractions

Fred W. Coyle Freedom Park 1515 Golden Gate Parkway, 252-4062. This 50-acre park features a 5-acre lake, 3,500 feet of boardwalk, walking trails and a visitors’ center. Golden CommunityGatePark 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd., 252-6128. This aquatic facil ity features a heated pool, children’s activity pool, open and closed slides and diving boards. Closed Sundays.
308 — GULFSHORE LIFE Seminole Casino Hotel 506 S. 1st St., 658-1313. Find gaming machines, live-action poker and table games at this casino.
MARCO BreakwaterISLANDAdventures
At Caxambas Marina, 909 Collier Court, (305) 902-4772. Private boat tours through the Ten Thousand Islands get you up-close with dolphins, manatees and wading birds. Kids love wakeboarding, tub ing and shelling options on secluded islands accessible only by boat.
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary & Blair Audubon Visitor Center 375 Sanctuary Road W., 3489151. Staff offers tours of this 2.25-mile boardwalk, mean dering through an ancient cy press forest. Guests can also stroll around on their own to take in the wildlife and unspoiled landscape sights.
At Caxamba Marina, 909 Col lier Court, 348-5551. Cruise Marco’s waterways with a dolphin tour by boat or on a jet ski. rentals.comfloridaadventuresand Marco HistoricalIslandMuseum
Florida Adventures and Rentals
180 S. Heathwood Drive, 252-1440. The museum offers permanent exhibits, such as life-size dioramas of a Calusa Indian village and traveling exhibits. NAPLES
The Guidebook — Attractions
TheArtis—Naples,BakerMuseum 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., 5971900 or (800) 597-1900. The 30,000-square-foot museum at Artis—Naples features 15 galleries, a stunning perma nent collection that includes Dale Chihuly and other heavy hitters and changing exhibi tions from legends like René Magritte. Baker Park 50 Riverside Circle, 2137120. The greenspace stretches across 15 acres with a large lawn, playground, dog park and trails that connect to the Gordon River Greenway. A tall viewing hill looks out to the Naples Airport. Collier Museum at Government Center 3331 Tamiami Trail E., 2528476. This 5-acre property highlights the county’s histo ry, archaeology and develop ment in a park setting with indoor and outdoor colliermuseums.comexhibits. StateCollier-SeminolePark 20200 Tamiami Trail East, 394-3397. The park offers canoe rentals, a boat ramp, plus electric and water hookup for campsites. flori Conservancy of Southwest Florida 1495 Smith Preserve Way, 262-0304. Reopened in fall 2021, the nature center has expanded to educate on local wildlife and habitats, including wildlife in rehab. Nature trails, boat tours and kayak rentals are available.
CREW (Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed) Four public locations: Bird Rookery Swamp Trail, 1295 Shady Hollow Blvd., Naples; Marsh Trails, 4600 C.R. 850, Immokalee; Cypress Dome Trails 3980 C.R. 850, Immokalee; and Flint Pen Strand Trails, 15970 Bonita Beach Road, Bonita Springs. 657-2253. It encompasses 60,000 acres, nearly 30 miles of trails and primitive campsites requiring a special license.
The Edge Johnny Nocera Skate Park 1600 Fleischmann Blvd., 2133020. This 40,000-squarefoot skating and biking facility is located in Fleis chmann Park and caters to both beginner and advanced levels. Everglades Excursions 1010 Sixth Ave. S., 262-7300. Tours depart from Naples or Marco Island on these narrated full or half-day trips aboard an air-conditioned safari wagon.
NAPLESZOO.ORG Get Closer Closer to Animals Closer to Nature Closer to Family

The Guidebook — Attractions 310 — GULFSHORE LIFE
J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel is loaded with opportunities to learn about local wildlife through exhibits and nature trails.
RefugeWildlifeNationalDarling“Ding”J.N.Courtesy Historic Palm Cottage 137 12th Ave. S., 261-8164. Built in 1895, the oldest home in Naples has been restored to its original condition. Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center 975 Imperial Golf Course Blvd., Suite 108, 263-9200. The center teaches the history and lessons of the Holocaust period through the stories of survivors and liberators. Naples Botanical Garden 4820 Bayshore Drive, 643-7275. The area features 170 acres of preserves, gardens, lakes, trails, an exhibition space, a café and a gift shop. Naples Depot Museum 1051 Fifth Ave. S., 252-8419. Set in a historic passenger train sta tion, the museum allows visitors to trace the evolution of local transportation—from canoeing to rail to automotive. Naples Preserve 1690 Tamiami Trail N., 239 2614290. Get an up-close look at Florida ecology with this .4-mile self-guided tour of the preserve. The elevated boardwalk and the nature center are both currently open. Naples Trolley Tours 1010 Sixth Ave. S., (800) 5920848 or 262-7300. This narrated trolley tour covers 100-plus points of interest. naplestrolley Naples Zoo At Caribbean Gardens 1590 Goodlette-Frank Road, 262-5409. Daily activities at the Naples Zoo include Meet the Keeper, giraffe feedings, primate expedition cruises and other presentations. NGALA Wildlife Preserve 2755 Inez Road, 353-3572. Sign up for small-group excursions with animal en counters at this exotic wildlife preserve that doubles as a venue for social functions. North Collier Regional Park 15000 Livingston Road, 252-4000. The park features a Calusa fossil dig play area for children, an interactive playground, the Sun-N-Fun Lagoon water park and a preserve area. Paradise Coast Sports Complex 3940 City Gate Blvd. N., Naples, 252-4386. The recreation and entertainment complex features pro-level synthetic turf fields for soccer, lacrosse and football events. A public gym area and restaurant are next to the fields. Rising Tide Explorers Two locations: Isle of Capri Paddlecraft Park, 1295 Capri Blvd. and Shell Island Road Kayak Launch, 1 Shell Island Road, 734-3231. Local biolo gists guide these kayak tours of the Rookery Bay nature preserve around Naples and Marco Island. You can also opt for the guided boat tour or rent a kayak on your own.
Golisano Children’s Museum Of Naples (CMON!) 15080 Livingston Road, 5140084. The museum fosters play-filled learning through exhibits that teach children about the Everglades, farflung destinations, science and more. Closed Wednes days. Gordon GreenwayRiverPark 1596 Golden Gate Parkway and 1590 Goodlette Road, 252-4000. The park features a paved nature trail and boardwalk with water access along the Gordon River, with two access points: by the Na ples Zoo and from the south side of Golden Gate Parkway.

Sorry won't cut it, anymore. Divorce and Family Law 239 334 7696 2200 Broadway, Fort Myers, FL 33901

Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve 300 Tower Road, 530-5972. The preserve offers camping, shelling, birdwatching and an environmental learning center with exhibits and nature art. Salt Island Seaplanes
OCHOPEE Big NationalCypressPreserve 33100 Tamiami Trail East, 695-2000. Just 50 miles east of Naples, the 729,000-acre preserve includes cypress swamp, mangroves, sawgrass prairies and freshwater rivers. Clyde Butcher Big Cypress Gallery 52388 Tamiami Trail East, 695-2428. More than a col lection of the photographer’s
Naples spots like the Keys, Capti va Island, Cape Romano, Miami and other locales. Flying season ends in April and resumes in October. Shy Wolf ExperienceEducationSanctuary&Center 1161 27th St. N.W, Golden Gate, (855) SHY-WOLF or 749-9653. This 17-acre private facility is home to wolves, a cougar, a North American bobcat, fox species, prairie dogs and Florida gopher tortoises. The center offers both educational programs and therapeutic animal encoun ters. By appointment only. Wild Florida Ecotours 25000 Tamiami Trail E., 218-5852. Book an eco-tour of the Ten Thousand Islands and the Everglades or a light tackle, inshore and offshore fishing trip for the angler.
The Guidebook — Attractions

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BONITA SPRINGS The Wonder Gardens 27180 Old 41 Road, 9922591. The historic botanical garden is also home to rescued birds and reptiles and offers lorikeet encoun ters and yoga with flamingos.
CAPE CORAL Cape Coral Museum Of History 544 Cultural Park Blvd., 7727037. The museum offers exhibits and special programs throughout the year dedicat ed to historic preservation. Guided tours begin at the top of the hour. No unattended viewing. Four Mile EcologicalCovePreserve 2500 S.E. 24th St., 549-4606. The preserve includes 365 acres of mangroves and 6,600 feet of trails. Kayak rentals are available seasonally.
ESTERO Estero Community Park 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd., 533-1470. This 55-acre site features an amphitheater, lighted playground, dog park, golf course, pavilions and two transplanted historic structures.
black-and-white Everglades photos, the gallery also offers swamp eco-tours, photo safaris and cottage and bungalow rentals. Ochopee Post Office 38000 Tamiami Trail East, 695-2099, (800) 275-8777. Learn about delivering mail on a 170-mile route in the swamp at the country’s smallest post office. Shealys Skunk Ape Research Headquarters 40904 Tamiami Trail East, 695-2275. Why does every one say that Florida’s version of Bigfoot is so elusive? His headquarter is right here. A must-see stop in the Ever glades, it holds live animal exhibits, a gift shop and a campground.
Hertz Arena Public Skating 11000 Everblades Parkway, 948-7825, ext. 1306. The are na offers daily public skating sessions for all ages. Call the day of to pay and to reserve a spot. Koreshan State Park 3800 Corkscrew Road, 9920311. The historic site has
LEE COUNTY ALVA RegionalCaloosahatcheePark 19130 N. River Road, 6940398. This riverside park offers nature and horseback riding trails, a rugged moun tain biking course, camping and kayaking. Hickey MitigationCreekPark 17980 Palm Beach Blvd., 229-0522. The park features more than 800 acres of wildlife preserve with 5 miles of trails, fishing docks and picnic areas.
The Guidebook — Attractions 314 — GULFSHORE LIFE
Wooten’s Everglades Airboat Tours 32330 Tamiami Trail East, 695-2781. Take an airboat or swamp-buggy tour through the Everglades and Big Cypress National Preserve. Features alligator shows and an animal sanctuary.
BOCA GRANDE Gasparilla Island State Park 880 Belcher Road, (941) 9640375. Swim, snorkel, fish and picnic on these beaches. The park also features the Boca Grande Lighthouse, built in 1890. Closed in August.
Farmer Mike’s U-Pick 26031 Morton Ave., 498-4576. The 100-acre sustainable family farm offers a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers and hosts field trips. Riverside Park 10450 Reynolds St., 992-2556. This green space in the heart of downtown is home to the historic Liles Hotel, artist cot tages, a butterfly garden and a bandshell—plus events.
Sunsplash Family Waterpark 400 W. Lake Kennedy Dr., 574-0558. The 14-acre water park features high-speed slides, a river ride and a 457foot Electric Slide.
Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park 35 N.E. Pine Island Road, 574-4386. The park features an aerial ropes obstacle course, a 600-foot zip line, a 19-hole miniature golf course, an arcade, go-kart tracks, ropes and a virtual reality arena.
Gaea KayakGuides—GuidedNatureTours
Everglades Wonder
Springs Assistance
Fort Myers Skatium 2250 Broadway, 321-7509. The rink provides in-line and ice skating; skate rentals are included. There’s also an ath letic gymnasium and a fitness center.
campgrounds, picnic areas, a playground, a boat landing and nature trails.
Mound Key Archaeological State Park 3800 Corkscrew Road, 9920311. There are no facilities at the park. At the mouth of the Estero River, only interpretive signage and a trail to the top of the mound. Visitors can access the park only by boat or paddle from either Koreshan or Lovers Key State Parks. floridas
Bikes For Tykes 28400
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FORT MYERS Butterfly Estates 1815 Fowler St., 690-2359. Tours and classes here teach about the life cycle and the importance of butterflies. thebutterflyestatescom Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium 3450 Ortiz Ave., 275-3435. Find access to trails, a natural history museum, a butterfly aviary, Audubon aviary and a planetarium. Stop in for evening hikes and late-night movies.
Charities Gardens, Bonita Office, Animal Santuary, Bonita Crossings Blvd., Suite 120 Spring, FL 34135
Five locations to launch from, 694-5513. Certified Florida Master Naturalists lead kayak clinics and bird, manatee, full moon, sunset and bat kayak tours throughout Southwest Florida.
Edison and Ford Winter Estates 2350 McGregor Blvd., 334-7419. Tour the historic homes of inventors Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. The property houses a laborato ry, gardens and a museum. FastTrax 17455 Summerlin Road, 4819666. The amusement park features video games, race go-karts, a duckpin bowling alley and a bistro.

The Guidebook — Attractions SATURDAY,
Join over 350 cowboys and cowgirls for an evening of good ole' western fun and philanthropy at the 18th Annual Lee County Cattle Baron's Ball. The evening promises to be a toe tapping, knee slapping, rip roaring, kick up your heels good time to make a measurable difference in the fight against cancer. 6:00 11:00PM FOR MORE INFORMATION, NINA.GASPARRINI@CANCER.ORG OR LEECATTLEBARONS.COM
Gulf Coast Kayak on The Great Calusa Blueway 4120 Pine Island Road, Matla cha, 707-7981. The 190-mile trail passes from Pine Island Sound to the Caloosahat chee River. Hammond Stadium 14100 Six Mile Cypress Parkway, 533-7695. This sta dium hosts Minnesota Twins spring training games, plus the minor league Fort Myers Mighty Mussels. IMAG History & Science Center 2000 Cranford Ave., 2430043. The children’s center is home to hands-on exhibits to learn about everything from weather to water to animals. JetBlue Park 11500 Fenway S. Drive, 2264700. This spring training ballpark and player develop ment complex for the Boston Red Sox is a major league facility with games, daily tours and events. Lakes Regional Park 7330 Gladiolus Drive, 5337575. The park offers a water playground, nature trails, mini-train rides, bike and boat rentals, picnic sites, con cessions and Wi-Fi. Pavilion rentals are available. Lee Civic Center 11831 Bayshore Road, 5438368. The multi-purpose arena hosts concerts, trade shows, expos, rodeos, company picnics and fairs. Manatee Park 10901 Palm Beach Blvd., 6905030. This park features picnic areas, fishing on the Orange River and native plant habitats. Popstroke 5531 Six Mile Commercial Court, 323-4653. The Tiger Woods-de signed mini-golf complex features two 18-hole putting courses facility connected to a full-service restaurant. Seminole Gulf Railway 2805 Colonial Blvd., 275-8487. Expect murder-mystery dinner OCTOBER 2022 HYATT REGENCY RESORT & SPA COCONUT POINT

Cabbage Key At channel marker 60 on the Intracoastal Waterway, 2832278. The tiny island built on a Calusa Indian shell mound is accessible by boat and features a restaurant, bar and inn.
FORT MYERS BEACH Estero Island Historic Cottage & Nature Center 161 Bay Road, 463-0435. The center celebrates Fort Myers Beach’s history.
Matanzas Pass Preserve 199 Bay Road, 229-1610. The preserve is a nearly 60-acre sanctuary for estuarine and hardwood native plants with trails to the bay. Mound House 451 Connecticut St., 7650865. As Fort Myers Beach’s most impressive historical and recreational facility, it preserves the town’s oldest standing home and an ancient Calusa shell mound you can walk into to witness a video and the mound’s various layers through time. It hosts programs like kayak tours and botanical walks around its native gardens. Ostego Bay Foundation Marine Science Center 718 Fisherman’s Wharf, San Carlos Island, 765-8101. This science center provides by-donation visits with touch tanks and interactive exhib its.
PINE ISLAND Museum of The Islands 5728 Sesame Drive, Bokeelia, 283-1525. The museum fea tures island culture, past and present, through artifacts and artwork.
GULFSHORE LIFE 317 InstituteRevsCourtesy
DunhamPerformanceChristensenHall&FamilyGallery 900 Dunlop Road, 395-0900. The community arts center is set among the breathtak ing scenery of Sanibel and hosts performances, fine art shows, films and educational programs.
train and required.excursions;holiday-themedreservations Shell Factory & Nature Park 16554 N. Cleveland Ave., 995-2141. This park features shell-themed shopping, din ing, a nature park, a botani cal garden and amusement rides. Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center 2301 First St., 333-1933. Located in a historic build ing, the center features art exhibits and holds events like concerts, galas and art experiences for children and adults. Friends of Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve 7751 Penzance Blvd., on the Six Mile Cypress Parkway (1.5 miles north of Daniels Park way), 533-7557. The preserve features a boardwalk, picnic areas and an interpretive center. Sky Zone 14181 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 140, 313-5448. You’ll find epic ways to play, gather and compete through trampoline activities, a zip line, warrior course, bouldering wall and aerial silks. Spinz 2095 Andrea Lane, 4827789. This renovated roller rink includes a snack bar and game area.
Calusa Heritage Trail 13810 Waterfront Drive, Bokeelia, 283-2157. Tour the internationally significant Pineland archaeological site and learn about Calusa culture and its environment. SANIBEL ISLAND Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum 3075 Sanibel Captiva Road, 395-2233. The museum offers live mollusk aquariums, including one with giant Pa cific octopuses and exhibits displaying shells from South west Florida and worldwide. BIG ARTS -
The Revs Institute in Naples is a treasure trove for car enthusiasts, with a collection of famous models from pivotal moments in automobile history.

Sanibel MuseumHistorical&Village 950 Dunlop Road, 4724648. Tour eight restored buildings, including some that date back to the late 1800s.
Sanibel Lighthouse 112 Periwinkle Way, 4721080. Though you can no longer climb this monu ment, you can see the light house, first lit in 1884, on the eastern tip of Sanibel. There’s also beach access and a pier.
J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge 1 Wildlife Drive, 472-1100. You’ll find a mangrove forest, wetlands and West Indian hardwood hammocks along Wildlife Drive and its many trails at this lauded preserve. Rent bicycles, canoes and kayaks to tour the site.
The Guidebook — Attractions Visit and Be Inspired! Visit for Hours/Ticket Information 975 Imperial
Sanibel Sea School 455 Periwinkle Way 4728585, a partner beacharea’sSUPkidsschooltionSanibel-CaptivawithConservaFoundation(SCCF),theoffersprogramsforandfamilies,includingexcursionsaroundthewatersandguidedwalks. sccf.orgGolf Course Blvd., Ste 108, Naples, FL 34110 239-263-9200 (239) 472-8585 | Follow @sanibelseaschool on Facebook and Instagram. Sanibel Sea School is part of the SCCF family. every day is a field trip

Call of the Ocean
Parting Shot — March 1974 — Publisher Harry
Around here, we get them started young with the Sanibel stoop—the bent-at-the-waist posture, inherent with shell col lecting. Most beaches have shells, but in Southwest Florida, they’re cultural gold: The Calusa Indians used them to create massive mounds that still stand 1,500 years later; sailors gifted artful shell arrangements, known as sailors’ valentines, to their sweethearts; and Sanibel has a two-story museum—the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum—dedicated to mollusks. As their science director and curator, Dr. José Leal, points out in “The Thrill of the Hunt” (p. 130), the desire to find special treasures is innate. And along our beaches, the treasures abound. R. Denmead — “Beach Beat”


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