curriculum vitae
EDUCATION 2013-2018 Bachelor of Architecture Bilkent University Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture Ankara/ Turkey
CV e-mail phone address date of birth nationality
January-June 2017 Erasmus Exchange Student Gdansk University of Technology Department of Architecture Gdansk/ Poland gulssenol@gmail.com +90 531 649 08 99 Vali Doktor Reşit Sokak 16/6 Çankaya/Ankara/ Turkey 06690 23.09.1995 Turkish
SKILLS Technical Microsoft Office Lumion Adobe Illustrator AutoCAD 201 Rhinoceros Revit 2015 Grasshopper Sketch Up Pro 2016 Adobe Indesign Adobe Photoshop
Manuel Model Making, Sketching, Photography
INTERESTS Theater, Creative Writing, Literature, Music, Painting, Yoga, Photography, Printmaking, Travelling
High School TED Ankara Collage Foundation
EXPERIENCES AURA Istanbul 2018-2019 İstanbul Architecture and Urban Research Academy Researcher Kozkalesi Survey 2018 Summer Architectural documentation in archeological site of Kozkalesi, Hatay Team Member PAFTA Mag 2017- 2019 Writer for monthly established architecture and design magazin. paftamag.com/authoer/gsenol Boyut Architecture 2017 Summer Office Intern Demirland 2016 Summer Çengelköy Park Evleri Consturction Site Intern
Gölge Laboratuvarı February 2019 - now Contamporary experiments on shadow and shadow theater Team member
panel - 2019 İstanbul Participant panelist for ‘Istanbul City Dialogues’ with the research project “Passages in Kadıköy as a Urban Threshold” organised by AURA Istanbul and Studio - X
IAPS Ozyegin January 2019 Participant of ‘Dictionary İstanbul’ workshop conducted by ‘IAPS Culture and Space Networks’ Ozyegin University - Istanbul
competition - 2018 Istanbul Special Mention with the project named “Boşluğu Örmek” w/ Bedirhan Koç. AURA - Crea “Tasarım Arayışları”
Nesin Art Village June 2018 Participant of “Architecture Summer Training Program 1” Nesin Art Village, Şirince - İzmir
competition - 2018 İstanbul 1st Prize with the project named “Mazruf” w/ Bedirhan Koç, Kerim Yüksek AURA - Crea “Çikolatayla Tasarlamak”
ARI Literature Foundation November 2017 Participant of “A Creative Writing Experience for young writers from Armenia and Turkey” with University of Iowa. Yerevan - Armenia
biennial - 2018 Istanbul “Minority Spaces as a School” group project was performed. in 4. Istanbul Design Biennial Academy Days, “A School of Schools”
Bilkent Drama Atölyesi 2013-2018 Bilkent University Theatre Club board member. Actor and stage designer.
•Designer and Dramaturgist in the play “Plak ya da Var olan Son Plak” performed at Fade Stage I 2018 •Designer and Actor in the play “Canavar” performed at Bilkent University I 2016 •Designer and Actor in the play “Ağaçlar Ayakta Ölür” performed at Bilkent University with I 2015 •Designer and Actor in the play “Kadın Oyunları” performed at Bilkent University I 2015 •Actor in the play “1984” performed at Bilkent University MSSF I 2014
TMMOB Child and Architecture 2015-today Union of Chambers of Turkish Architects, Membership Volunteer for ‘Child and Architecture’ Workshop TED Symphoney Orchestra 2012-2014 Violinist
exhibition - 2018 Ankara Exhibition on Parametric Parasite: Urban Furniture - Bilkent University I Parametric Design Studio - Bilkent University publication - 2018 Ankara Graduation project was published in “Lake; Urban Sustainability Node” by Architectural Design Studio IV - Bilkent University exhibition - 2017 Gdansk/ Poland Participant of Post Workshop Exhibition; “The People’s Smart Sculpture” organised for Jane’s Walk I Urban Walk Architecture Talk, Gdanks University of Technology biennial - 2016 Istanbul Art work named “Follow the Brighter Side” was exhibited in 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial Academy Days, “Are We Human?”
PASSAGES IN KADIKÖY; AS AN URBAN THRESHOLD AURA Istanbul Fall 2018, Research Project For the published booklet: https://issuu.com/gulssenol/docs/pasajlar
When considering the city’s dream, construction, and ongoing movement; certain words begin to need some parenthesizes for question marks for the city’s and society’s derivational affixes. The first contact of the house with the city and the first divergence between the city and the house begins with the threshold of the door. The sense of ‘devotion’ and ‘otherness’ is a journey tha subjectively leaves itself to the outside. The urban thresholds, and passages of Kadıköy for this research, are at the city scale the parenthesis which have a power to create a new, third, more unstable, humane and ambiguous state. The series of passages in Kadıköy, for this research, make the borders vague. Within their overlapping historical backgrounds, detaching the existing from the reality attributes its articulation to being threshold or to be on threshold. The positive and negative predictions on it, point to the constructive power of heterotopia rather than the possible trouble. The borders of the street and the ‘bazaar ‘ are ambiguous due to the architectural structure of the passages; the network of relations within itself has already eliminated the other one and the otherness.
* The language of the project has not been changed in order to stand by the original project.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Eşik kavramı, kente dair zihinsel ve fiziksel eşikler, heterotopya, gözeneklilik, muğlaklık, Kadıköy Pasajları Kentin düşü, inşası devam etmekte olan devinimi düşünüldüğü zaman birtakım kelimelerin ihtiyaç duyduğu parantezler; kente ve topluma karşı soru işaretleri, ve alışılagelmemiş yapım/yıkım ekleri oluşturur. Kişinin aidiyet duygusunu en yoğun olarak hissettiği yer olarak evin; kente ilk teması ve kentten ilk kopuşu ev kapısının eşiği ile başlar. Kente ve insana dair hissedilen ‘aitlik’ ve ‘ötekilik’ hissi, öznel içerdeliğin kendisini dışarıya bırakmakta olduğu bir yolculuktur.
- eşik
- pasaj
yer – ad varlığının farkındalık olmadığı ‘iç’ ile; ötekiye uzanan ‘dış’ın ilk karşılaşma noktası
yer – ad cadde, sokak, iç mekan ve ev arası bir mekan.
hal – tümleç henüz ve artık bağlacının, kucak açtığı parantez. yönelen, ayrılan, dolaylı olan
hal – tümleç içeriyi ve dışarıyı, oradakini ve yanındakini bütünleştiren, tümleyen
bir fiil, eşikte olmak bir çeşit hareket, birleştirirken ayırmak, ayırırken birleştirmek. temas etmek.
bir fiil, pasajda olmak geçiyor olmak, temas etmek
Bedenden bedene, bedenden eve, evden kente, ve kentten kente uzamlanan bu yolculuk; bir çeşit eşikte olma halidir. Kendi dünyamızda var olan görünümlerin; yeni bir görüntü ile karşılaşması, ya da kendi görünüm kümesinden bir görüntüyü dışarıda bırakması, varlığının farkındalık olmadığı ‘iç’ ile; ötekiye uzanan ‘dış’ın ilk karşılaşma noktasıdır. Metropolün 21. Yüzyıldaki hızı, iç ve dış arasındaki sınırı olabildiğince mutlaklaştırmaktadır. Fikir sahibi olunmayan ‘dışarı’yı; olası bir tehlike, farklılık, ve uzaklık olarak tahayyül etmemize neden olur. Sınırların öğretilmiş bu mutlaklığı nedeniyle; kentin muğlak sınırlarında yaptığımız yolcuklar genellikle alışılagelmedik tecrübeler olarak düşünülür. Oysa; kapalı, birbirleriyle sanki zıt bir kutupmuşçasına ayrışmış yerlerin gözeneksizliği; öteki ile olası uyumluluğu, ilişkiyi, ve birlikteliği imkansız kılar. Dışarısı ve içerisinin bu denli kalın sınırlarının olması; kent ölçeğinde birbirlerinden ilişkisi çoktan koparılmış sınırdaş mahallelere, ve
kelimenin zıt anlamının cümle içerisinde yerinin olmadığı tek taraflı büyük kent cümlelerine tekabül etmektedir. Ve böylelikle, sınırlar geçilmesi ya da aşılması tahayyül edilen ara kesitler değil; görünümlerin mutlak birliğine inandırılmış ve büyük tablosundan koparılmış hikayelerin sergilendiği çerçevenin strüktürel birer parçasına dönüşürler. Eşiktelik, yahut eşikte olma deneyimi, sınırlar arasında sıkışmış olan ara bölgenin varlığına işaret eder. Bu ara kesit bölgesi, çift taraflı olarak karşılaşma, temas etme, veya ayrılma eylemlerinin barındığı dinamik ve potansiyelli bir geçirgenlik bölgesidir. ‘Geçişte olma halini’ temsil eden eşik durumu; her ne kadar ‘bilinmeyen ile karşılaşma’ olarak tanımlanıp güvenli bir eylem yahut alan olarak düşünülmese de; aslında farklılıkların bir bütün oluşturabilmek için birbirlerinden aldığı güç öğretisinin tanımlandığı alandır. Her gün önünden geçip gidilen birtakım ‘deliklerin’; ters ve farklı bir noktadan bir ‘delik’ ile daha geçit özelliği kazanmasının azımsanmayacak bir örüntü ile tekrarlandığını farketmekle birlikte; eşik ve eşiktelik kelimeleri Kadıköy Pasajları üzerinden artiküle edilmiştir. Kadıköy Pasajları; kimi çevrelerce köhne merdiven altları, tekinsiz boş dükkanlar, yaşanmışlıklar, ve tarihe kazınmış esnaflardan ibaret kılınsa da; üzerlerindeki bu çok çeşitli düşünce akışı onu eşik statüsüne atfeder. Üzerinde olan hem pozitif, hem negatif öngörüler bir tehlikeden ziyade heterotopyanın pozitif gücüne işaret eder. Sokağın ve ‘çarşı’nın sınırları mimari strüktürü ile muğlaklaştırılırken; kendi içerisindeki ilişkiler ağı da öteki olanı çoktan ortadan kaldırmış olup; kentin hızlı gidişatına ansızın, ve durağan bir sayfa açmaktadır.
Kefeli Pasajı
Kefeli Pasajı
Erengül Pasajı
BOŞLUĞU ÖRMEK AURA Istanbul Fall 2018, Competition “Tasarım Arayışları” by Serge Ferrari Collaboration with Bedirhan Koç, Special Mention Award
An urban pavillion discussed within the frame of ‘standardization’. How the space defines itself without the familiar image on it? Undetermined space between 0-40 cm from the ground was used as an only familiar image on mind for the pass-byer. ‘Boşluğu Örmek’ is the experience of space aims to define a new definiton of possible perceptions in and in - between the space.
* The language of the project has not been changed in order to stand by the original project.
STANDART? diz_altı
nerede neye ve kime göre
İnsan, bedenini ayaklar üzerine inşa edip bir bacak boyu kadar yükselttiğinden beri; yükselmek ve yükseltmek en temel gaye. Sandalyelerin, masaların ve hatta çekmecelerin altıyla uğraşımızı çift basamaklı yaşlarla birlikte nostalji rafına ‘kaldırıyoruz’. Onca standartlar kitabının 0-40 cm arasına “yok insan” için hapsettiği “yok yerleri” düşmeden ve düşürmeden farkedemiyoruz. Boşluğa ihtiyaç her zaman var. Önce göz önündeki doluyu boşaltıyor insan. Bir de asla tanımlayamadığımız ‘görünmeyen’ boşluk var. ‘Herhangi bir şeyin altı’ sandığından ve göründüğünden daha derin bir doluluk tanımlıyor. ‘Boşluğu Örmek’ deneyimi, kumaşın örgülü yapısından aldığı ilhamla; kentin, doğanın ve insanın lügatına yeni bir boşluk deneyimi tanımlamayı hedefliyor. Dolu olanı insanın kendi duyularıyla yırtarak içine sürüklediği yolculuk; bedenin hareket yankısıyla örgüsünü açıyor, boşluk ve ‘herhangi’ ile beklenmedik bir karşılaşma deneyimi sunuyor, ve bedenin kapanmasıyla birlikte örülerek onu; olan, hızlı ve dolu ‘yere’ tekrar emanet ediyor. Serge Ferrari Batyline Iso serisinin sahip olduğu esneklik, ve geçirgenlik ‘standart’ bir materyalin imkan verdiğinden öte bir boşluk ve hacim deneyimi sunmayı öneriyor. Peşi sıra dizilen kumaş parçaları, üzerine eklemlendiği çizgisel ve boşluklu taşıyıcılar ile dışarısı ve içerisi arasındaki sınırları muğlaklaştırıyor ve ‘herhangi’ olanın arda sıra kalmış duyularının mekana, insana ve bedene olan nüfuzunu irdeliyor. Öncelikli olarak ışığın, çizgisel taşıyıcıdan ve boşluklu kumaştan çerçevelenmiş alana düşürdüğü gölge, ve şehirde duyumsanmayan duyuların ‘içeride’ olan yankısı; bedenin yalnız bir deneyiminin bile başlı başına bir performansa dönüşmesine olanak tanıyor. Boşluğu Örmek deneyimi, yalnızca deneyimci için değil, yerleştirildiği yerin ‘standart’larının tekinsiz kıldığı 0-40 cm boşluğunu da müphem hacmi ile çerçevelemeyi, ve her zaman her yerde ‘gündelik , alışılmış’ olanın yankısına vurgu yapmayı hedefliyor.
Boşluğu giyinmek
Örmek Örgü Örüntü Önce polyster ipliği, sonra boşluğu örmek.
ses ışık geçirgenlik
a r a l a m a k
y ı r t m a k
t e m a s
y a n k ı s ı
CO_FUSION A SHARING NODE ARCH 402 Design Studio Bilkent Instructor: Segah Sak Site Analysis and Initial Site Plan:Group Work Collaboration with Elif Ara, Özge Bayam, İlayda Güler Building and Further Developments: Individual Work Location: Bilkent Lake / Ankara
Many reasons and factors can be mentioned for the changing Ankara urban texture; but one of the main factors of changing urban texture arises with the universities which took a place on Beytepe KĂśyĂź. METU, Bilkent and Hacettepe and their growing campuses are one of the trigger reasons for ongoing urban sprawl towards to Southwest corridor of city. As well as there are lots of reasons and results to discuss; project has been placed between the thresholds of the borders of ongoing urban sprawl, concerns and new faces of developing a city with a new language. With the developed discussions on urban decisions of site, individual part of project considered the motto of design in a different way. For this time, not the masses are the initial point for design. Architectural boundries and their existence examined with the word bases which we learned and got used to.
MANIFESTATION The concept of the project defends a new consciousness among the three universites; Hacettepe, Bilkent and METU which are gated and closed for themselves. As well as they are all sharing a collective sociology, present conditions and perceptions are not accustomed to share common socio-cultural values. Initial of the design process was composed from the question, “What differs between these three communuties with fenced campuses?” “Green” is used as a conjunction element for these three universities. Existed three lakes in campuses and their green surroundings are examined and a new bicycle & trekking road is proposed. Since proposed roads and green belt create a mergence in Bilkent Lake, it also creates a social mergence between campuses. In this social campus park, functions and forms are in a coherence for creating a new mergence for social communication between generations and gates. As well as the main aim of site is creating an utopic hub for the ones who are not belong to some certain fences in their lives and social environments. Existed and purposed natural impressions are classified as the most important indigator for the site. Massing strategies are mainly decided with respect of conservation and sustainable alternatives of existed nature.
CO-FUSION SHARING N OD E * individual study
Through out the extensive collaborative spaces, the design aims to blur boundaries between communities, campuses, and perspectives. Initial aim of project come to exist to be opposed to tangible and intangible borders between walls, places, campuses and people. Mainly three function based spaces embody their dynamic character with unconventional arrangement of spaces. Shared experience road play as a spatial bowtie role for the site. As the existence of the road comes from the level difference of topography, it carries on more roles for the changing levels, and at the end it exists for gathering, integrating and circulating for spaces, places and people.
exi s ted sense o f pla ce
im a gina r y s ens e o f pla ce
DICTIONARY Co_fusion bares to be resist on borders of places, which we bear as a witness for their ‘names’. Co_fusion and its’ own dictionary, try to generate a new language on conventional sense of places. co_fusion: nonconventional way of sharing social memories of communities node: Tangible intersection of senses, spaces and places border: forgotten and never mentioned character for ‘co_fusion’ shared experience: transformative way of sharing spaces, places, reasons and communuties embodiment void: place for creating, and imaging. visionary hall: place for touching to new visions. treasure box: mainly mentioned as an usual place to say something from stage to world. knuckle: space of nodes. experiencing, intersecting and observing different senses of places. learning void: place for searching ‘the new one’ embodivation: knuckle space on sharing of creations statement: knuckle space on treasure box hub: nonconventional way of creating places from ‘non_borders’ freedom
transformation of shared experience mass
spread of shared experience embodiment void learning void knuckle
Projection of shared experience road is used as the main circulation axe for ground floor. It determines
circulation and accesses
the inital freedoms of space.
Initial rising of shared experience road composes a mezzanine, which has a conversation on ground level functions; and has a freedom to reach ramp.
For the top level, shared experience road grows as a solid ‘ramp’ which perceptibly reachs topograpical differences, discretely communicates for seperated functions.
vertical circulation points entrances horizontal circulation
PLANS 1- embodiment void 2- visionary hall 3- cafe 4- treasure box 5- knuckle 6- learning void 7- embodivation
8- sharing cafe 9- statement 10- embodiment hubs 11- silent cafe 12- knuckle 13- learning hubs
Movable system of walls are proposed for flexible sense of hubs. They are attached to specific rail system, and user is the decision maker for their location.
Main flow of spaces are composed by different layered floor systematics. Between the two ends of topography, shared experience flow has different roles for both functions, mass grounds and communication between the ends of topography. Inital existence of shared experience mass bares as the general print of ground floor plan. As well as the ground floor plan is mainly occupied under the topography; it comes in sight as a mezzanine floor. For the mezzanine projection of shared experience mass, it initially forms the interior observation and sharing spaces and at the end it reachs the top level of topography and go on its’ existence as a shared experience ramp. For the top level of topography, shared experience mass is transformed to a ramp which has a meaning for uniting the ends of topography and create a new access road for site. Shared experience ramp is the space for main circulations, divisions, and gatherings. Between the flow of shared experince mass, division of main mass into three partial masses can be also observed. Beside the spatial bowties between the masses; facade elements are also used for creating a rhythm from railings of ramp to shading elements of facade.
MULTI FAITH SANCTUARY AND RESEARCH STUDIES ARCH 401/ Instructor: Yasemin Kaygusuz Site Analysis and Initial Site Plan:Group Work Collaboration with Özge Bayam, Tuna Mert, Tuana Vural Building Developments: Individual Work Location: Nevşehir / Cappodacia
This studio mainly concantrated on developing new spaces and structures which deals with the history of Nevşehir Castle and on-going cave-based structurs. As the main theme of the studio is ‘Retreat and Exploration Centre’ we discussed on the main needs and approach on conservation/integration of cave structures with the new functionalities as a group. Time is the most impressive story-writer for the all ‘beings’ in character of the place, we can feel the spirit of landscape and culture with witness of beings.
General Master Plan
Human, nature, and culture are in an endless circle that refers transformation for the new necessities, socio-cultural values, religions and all human needs. All these parameters created a dynamism between beings and time values. Therefore, ‘to be’ or ‘being’ for all particles not only a starting point for their existence, it is also the biggest problem and the smallest solution for our special entity, which end up as a need of shelter basically. As for the site plan strategies, we decided to conserve the most density caves as a open air museum; and try to integrate others as our main design concerning part of individual building systems. Site photo from 1998 when the old buildings were not destroyed.
Design methadology maintain itself with creating a ‘node’ which brings the historical significance to the center. Integration of transformation and dynamism into an endlessness, which centered the being. The idea of loop.
Site photo from today
dynamism ‘to be’
“ A place for all different creeds and beliefs, for all different people, for all different religions, for all humankind. “ A place for all.” After the destruction of the majority of the site; on of the only structure which remain standing till to today from early times of Ottoman, is Kara Mosque. As well as Cappadocia and Nevşehir Castle, occupied by different socities, politics and religions by time; we can easily observe ortohodox murals inside the caves. It is a good harmony, to feel different religions at the same time. But, unfortunately today different religions are thought as discriminator for some socities. I tried to bond all different religions and cultures which were narratives for our site, together. Master plan formed for creating kind of a multi faith route which takes mosque and murals to the center. As this route can be thought as an experience route for different cultures; library and research units are also located between them.
MULTI FAITH SANCTUARY NevĹ&#x;ehir, Being a witnessfor lots of different hummanities and religions. Between the Kara Mosque and old murals from Christianity, multifaith sanctuary works for gathering all different religions and cultures.Bringing underground sense of place in not ordinary way but with staired -facade.
Library is formed from the continued stairs coming from the main alter. Morphological methadology of form is facing with cave structures. Form, turn backs to chaos of city and get lost in the topographic order of site. Functional base of library is working with a central core of open reading spaces.
RESEARCH LABORATORIES Research laboratories and unites are formed from the topographical features. The hole system structured between two main circulation roads, on one main platform. Whereas the upper level of the platfrom working for offices and study hubs; below of the platform working for laboratories are located in caves, in touch with natural existences.
PARAMETRIC PARASITE Urban Furniture in Main Campus of Bilkent ARCH 317 - Parametric Design Studio Instructor: Yavuz Baver Barut Location: Bilkent, Ankara Group Work Collaboration with Elif Ara, Ayşegül Kökten, Sena Temurer
“man-made versus code-generated built versus baked host versus parasite” In parametric design course, we have tried to turn all these “versus”s to “with”s. Code generates the product that works with the man-made. Product takes references from built environment to bake the needed recipe. Parasite becomes the ally of Host. The location is selected according to what bring as a space and how bad they are missing the opportunity to become a public one.
FOLLOW THE BRIGHTER SIDE Selected Work for 3. Istanbul Design Biennale, ‘Are We Human?’ Individual Work 2016
To be human nourished from the roots of the humanity which tears and try to shadow us. Every killer, bomber, ill-humored one has also similar thing on his/her soul of base. Whereas they are a black stain for us, there is also the one who has still pÄąre bases on his/ her soul.
be the one.
DICTIONARY ISTANBUL IAPS-CS Culture & Space Network Individual works from the workshop
While redefining the definition of “dictionary�, the workshop looks for alternative ways to create a new dictionary with current practices. Different tools and methods for aipic dictionary to be created through re-reading and interpreting Istanbul.
WATERCOLOR Individual Works
“-on watercolour... The only virtue to it, is to put down an idea about what you feel at the moment.� Andrew Wyeth
thank you. gulssenol@gmail.com