Harsco identity standards chapter 5 marketing literature

Page 1










Brochure Front Cover


Brochure Front Cover – Landscape


Brochure Back Cover


Brochure Back Cover – Landscape


Brochure Page Grid


Brochure Page Grid – Basic


Brochure Page Grid – Landscape


Brochure Page Grid Usage


Brochure Page Grid Usage – Landscape


Flyer Front Cover


Flyer Back Cover Grid


Flyer Back Cover Grid Usage


ISO Brochure Front Cover


ISO Brochure Front Cover – Landscape


ISO Brochure Back Cover


ISO Brochure Back Cover – Landscape


ISO Brochure Page Grid


ISO Brochure Page Grid – Basic


ISO Brochure Page Grid – Landscape


ISO Brochure Page Grid Usage


ISO Brochure Page Grid Usage – Landscape


ISO Flyer Front Cover


ISO Flyer Back Cover Grid


ISO Flyer Back Cover Grid Usage


ISO Small Brochure Front Cover


ISO Small Brochure Back Cover


ISO Small Brochure Page Grid


ISO Small Brochure Page Grid Usage


Marketing Literature Examples

Marketing Literature

Marketing Literature



Literature is an important vehicle in the promotion of the Harsco identity. It provides an opportunity to clearly define the core ideology and unique value propositions of Harsco and our operations directly to our customers.

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature



It is therefore vital to establish a distinctive and consistent style for all literature. This section outlines in detail the framework for the creation and production of all major literature

formats. It includes a comprehensive set of grids that have been designed to accommodate all content requirements with consistency as well as flexibility. Approval by the appropriate division marketing manager is required before production of marketing literature.

There are two branding treatments for marketing literature. All corporate brochures should feature the Harsco corporate logotype, and all business group brochures should feature their respective Harsco business group signature.


Marketing Literature



Guidelines for the application of branding on corporate literature are the same as those for business group literature. Examples of corporate literature can be found on pages 5.14.1–5.14.16.






1x Corporate logotype







4x 1.5x




4x Business group signature

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature



The adaptable grids provided in this manual facilitate production of a wide range of design layouts for marketing literature. Consistent use of Harsco Blue (equivalent to Pantone Matching SystemÂŽ PMS 300 Blue) will reinforce

Version Date: 2010-04

the relationship among Harsco business groups. Harsco Blue should be used on covers whenever possible. Harsco Blue must be used on Harsco Infrastructure literature covers.

To ensure consistency of presentation, all literature must follow specific print specifications. Color brochures must be printed in five colors: CMYK and Harsco Blue. Single-color brochures must be printed only in black.

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature



Paper should be a brilliant white stock with a smooth finish. The cover on all brochures must have a matte finish. This should be achieved through the use of a matte laminate (preferred) or a matte varnish.

Due to the wide variety of brochures produced, the weight of paper used should be chosen to suit the function of the brochure.



Marketing Literature


Brochure Front Cover



Area 1

Area 2


Area 3 6p


Shown at 60% of actual size


Cover Dimensions 8.5" x 11" Area 1 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area 6p from the spine.



Area 2 Images and small panels of background color (to carry brochure title) can extend into this area from Area 1. Area 3 The logo area must not be encroached upon by Area 1 or Area 2 and must retain a white background.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Brochure Front Cover – Landscape

Area 1


Area 2






Shown at 60% of actual size




Area 3 Cover Dimensions 11" x 8.5" Area 1 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area 6p from the spine.

Area 2 Images and small panels of background color (to carry brochure title) can extend into this area from Area 1. Area 3 The logo area must not be encroached upon by Area 1 or Area 2 and must retain a white background.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Brochure Back Cover




Area 4


Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Web Address


Š 2010 Harsco Corporation

Business Group Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Zip code

Copyright Statement 12p



Cover Dimensions 8.5" x 11" Business Group Name Univers 65 Bold, 7/9pt, black Address Details Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, black

Shown at 60% of actual size


Area 4 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area of 6p from the spine. The design treatment should reflect that of the front cover.

Copyright Statement Š 20XX Harsco Corporation

This area is optional as the back cover can have an overall white background.

The type baseline is positioned 0p6 from edge of Area 4. If Area 4 is not adopted, the type baseline is positioned 1p from the spine.

Univers 45 Light, 5.5pt, PMS 300 Right edge of copyright statement hangs 12p from the bottom page trim.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Brochure Back Cover – Landscape

Area 4




Business Group Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Zip code

© 2010 Harsco Corporation

Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Web Address




Shown at 60% of actual size Copyright Statement

Cover Dimensions 8.5" x 11" Business Group Name Univers 65 Bold, 7/9pt, black Address Details Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, black

Area 4 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area of 6p from the spine. The design treatment should reflect that of the front cover.

Copyright Statement © 20XX Harsco Corporation

This area is optional as the back cover can have an overall white background.

The type baseline is positioned 0p6 from edge of Area 4. If Area 4 is not adopted, the type baseline is positioned 1p from the spine.

Univers 45 Light, 5.5pt, PMS 300 Right edge of copyright statement hangs 12p from the bottom page trim.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04




Marketing Literature


Brochure Page Grid

6p 3p6







3p6 3p6

13p6 2p

13p6 1p




Shown at 40% of actual size


This grid should be used for product brochures that must accommodate a wide variety of text and image sizes. Page Dimensions 8.5" x 11"

Version Date: 2010-04




Marketing Literature


Brochure Page Grid – Basic

6p 3p6





3p6 3p6

13p6 2p

13p6 1p



Shown at 40% of actual size


This grid can be used for user guides that have a more technical content and require more space for text and images. Page Dimensions 8.5" x 11"

Version Date: 2010-04




Marketing Literature


Brochure Page Grid – Landscape


3p 3p6







3p6 3p6







Left page  Shown at 40% of actual size




3p6 8p6





3p6 3p6


18p6 1p

Right page  Shown at 40% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

18p6 1p

3p6 2p

Color Tab

Page Title Area


Marketing Literature


Brochure Page Grid Usage

Optional Gray Panel

Position and style of page title

Product Title Area or Supporting Text Area

Position A

Position B

Position and style of supporting information

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.

Dolo quia nos sa dolor secte inverae in repel ma ad qui doleseq uaestecusame nonserro consediatem archil ea comnis conecestem. Ovitium repuditam endaepel ilique se accaborepre dolut omniendel et planit aspid molorum.

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi, quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis matrimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.



Shown at 40% of actual size Main Body Text

Formatting of text and images within threecolumn grid for product brochures. Page Dimensions 8.5" x 11" Color Tab A color tab is specified to highlight page titles. It should be placed in the top corner of all left or right pages that include titles. Color should match cover. Page Title Area Initial title: Univers 65 Bold, 14–24pt Supporting information: Univers 45 Light, 12–18pt Optional Gray Panel Area used for supporting text. Background prints 20% tint of black.


Product Title Area or Supporting Text Area Product title: Univers 45 Light, 18–28pt Supporting text: Univers 45 Light, 10–12pt Titles can start from either position A or B depending on length and size. Main Body Text Utilizes the column grid as illustrated, including combining different grid columns on the same page. Text to be set in Univers 45 Light, 10/12pt or 12/14pt, flush left, ragged right. Text headings are Univers 65 Bold, with point size to match main body text. Any color can be used for text headings, but should complement color style of page.


Captions Always appear below and flush left to images that are framed within a page, set in Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, flush left. Captions for full-page images are to be set in Univers 65 Bold, 8/12pt, flush left, ragged right, reverse printed on a color background panel positioned over the image and extending 3p onto the adjacent page. Background color should match cover color. Images Use the three-column grid in the same way as the main body text; images can be any size as long as they extend to any three widths shown and are not positioned outside grid columns.

Body text should generally be black or dark gray. Text may not be positioned outside grid columns. Page numbers are Univers 45 Light, 8pt.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04

Color Tab


Marketing Literature


Brochure Page Grid Usage – Landscape

Page Title Area

Position and style of page title

Position and style of supporting information

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii. Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii. Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi, quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis matrimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.


Left page  Shown at 40% of actual size Main Body Text

Formatting of text and images within threecolumn grid for product brochures. Page Dimensions 11" x 8.5" Color Tab A color tab is specified to highlight page titles. It should be placed in the top corner of all left or right pages that include titles. Color should match cover. Page Title Area Initial title: Univers 65 Bold, 14–24pt Supporting information: Univers 45 Light, 12–18pt

Version Date: 2010-04

Main Body Text Utilizes the column grid as illustrated, including combining different text column widths on the same page. Text to be set in Univers 45 Light, 10/12pt or 12/14pt, flush left, ragged right. Text headings are Univers 65 Bold, with point size to match main body text. Any color can be used for text headings, but should complement color style of page. Body text should generally be black or dark gray. Text may not be positioned outside grid columns. Page numbers are Univers 45 Light, 8pt.

Optional Gray Panel


Marketing Literature


Brochure Page Grid Usage – Landscape

Product Title Area or Supporting Text Area

Position A

Position B

Dolo quia nos sa dolor secte inverae in repel ma ad qui doleseq uaestecusame nonserro consediatem archil ea comnis conecestem. Ovitium repuditam endaepel ilique se accaborepre dolut omniendel et planit aspid molorum.


Right page  Shown at 40% of actual size Caption


Formatting of text and images within threecolumn grid for product brochures. Page Dimensions 11" x 8.5" Optional Gray Panel Area used for supporting text. Background prints 20% tint of black. Product Title Area or Supporting Text Area Product title: Univers 45 Light, 18–28pt Supporting text: Univers 45 Light, 10–12pt Titles can start from either position A or B depending on length and size.

Version Date: 2010-04

Captions Always appear below and flush left to images that are framed within a page, set in Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, flush left. Captions for full-page images are to be set in Univers 65 Bold, 10/18pt, flush left, ragged right, reverse printed on a color background panel positioned over the image and extending 3p onto the adjacent page. Background color should match cover color. Images Use the three-column grid in the same way as the main body text; images can be any size as long as they extend to any three widths shown and are not positioned outside grid columns.



Marketing Literature


Flyer Front Cover



Area 1

Area 2


Area 3 6p


Shown at 60% of actual size


Flyer Dimensions 8.5" x 11" Area 1 Maximum area for background color, main headline and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area 6p from the spine.



Area 2 To be used for bullet points or additional/ highlighted text only – no images to be positioned in this area. Area 3 The logo area must not be encroached upon by Area 1 or Area 2 and must retain a white background.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04



Marketing Literature


Flyer Back Cover Grid


3p 3p6





2p 7p6 5p6 3p6



13p6 1p

13p6 1p

Shown at 60% of actual size Flyer Dimensions 8.5" x 11"

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Flyer Back Cover Grid Usage

Color Tab

Position and style of page title

Page Title Area

Position and style of supporting information

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori.

Main Body Text

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori.

Copyright Statement

© 2010 Harsco Corporation


Address and Contact Area

Shown at 60% of actual size

Flyer Dimensions 8.5" x 11" Color Tab Must match color used on the front cover Page Title Area Initial title: Univers 65 Bold, 14–24pt Supporting information: Univers 45 Light, 12–18pt Main Body Text Utilizes the column grid as illustrated, including combining different text column widths on the same page. Text to be set in Univers 45 Light, 10/12pt or 12/14pt, flush left, ragged right. Version Date: 2010-04

Text headings are Univers 65 Bold, with point size to match main body text. Any color can be used for text headings, but should complement color style of page. Body text should generally be black or dark gray. Text may not be positioned outside grid columns. Images Use the three-column grid in the same way as the main body text; images can be any size as long as they extend to any three widths shown and are not positioned outside grid columns.

Copyright Statement © 20XX Harsco Corporation Univers 45 Light, 5.5pt, PMS 300 Right edge of copyright statement hangs 7p6 from the bottom page trim. The type baseline positioned 1p from left page trim. Address and Contact Area Background prints 30% tint of black. Address and contact details are Univers 45 Light with Univers 65 Bold used for divisional name only. Maximum size is 12pt. Contact text must adhere to grid column widths and be positioned at least 1p6 from bottom page trim.



Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Front Cover



Area 1

Area 2


Area 3 22mm

25mm Shown at 60% of actual size

50mm 10mm

Cover Dimensions 210mm x 297mm Area 1 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area 25mm from the spine.


Area 2 Images and small panels of background color (to carry brochure title) can extend into this area from Area 1. Area 3 The logo area must not be encroached upon by Area 1 or Area 2 and must retain a white background.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Front Cover – Landscape

Area 1


Area 2






Shown at 55% of actual size

50mm 10mm

10mm Area 3

Cover Dimensions 297mm x 210mm Area 1 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area 25mm from the spine.

Area 2 Images and small panels of background color (to carry brochure title) can extend into this area from Area 1. Area 3 The logo area must not be encroached upon by Area 1 or Area 2 and must retain a white background.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Back Cover




Area 4


Phone: 00.0000.000000 Fax: 00.0000.000000 Web Address


Š 2010 Harsco Corporation

Business Group Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Post code

Copyright Statement 47mm


Shown at 55% of actual size

50mm 10mm

Cover Dimensions 210mm x 297mm Business Group Name Univers 65 Bold, 7/9pt, black Address Details Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, black

Area 4 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area of 25mm from the spine. The design treatment should reflect that of the front cover.

Copyright Statement Š 20XX Harsco Corporation

This area is optional as the back cover can have an overall white background.

The type baseline is positioned 2mm from edge of Area 4. If Area 4 is not adopted, the type baseline is positioned 1p from the spine.

Univers 45 Light, 5.5pt, PMS 300 Right edge of copyright statement hangs 47mm from the bottom page trim.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Back Cover – Landscape

Area 4




Business Group Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Post code

© 2010 Harsco Corporation

Phone: 00.0000.000000 Fax: 00.0000.000000 Web Address





50mm 10mm Copyright Statement

Shown at 55% of actual size

Cover Dimensions 297mm x 210mm Business Group Name Univers 65, 7/9pt, black Address Details Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, black

Area 4 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area of 25mm from the spine. The design treatment should reflect that of the front cover.

Copyright Statement © 20XX Harsco Corporation

This area is optional as the back cover can have an overall white background.

The type baseline is positioned 2mm from edge of Area 4. If Area 4 is not adopted, the type baseline is positioned 4mm from the spine.

Univers 45 Light, 5.5pt, PMS 300 Right edge of copyright statement hangs 47mm from the bottom page trim.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04




Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Page Grid

22mm 15mm

48mm 33mm





15mm 56mm 15mm

56mm 4mm

Shown at 40% of actual size

56mm 4mm



This grid should be used for product brochures that must accommodate a wide variety of text and image sizes. Page Dimensions 210mm x 297mm

Version Date: 2010-04




Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Page Grid – Basic





15mm 56mm 15mm

56mm 4mm

Shown at 40% of actual size

56mm 4mm


This grid can be used for user guides that have a more technical content and require more space for text and images. Page Dimensions 210mm x 297mm

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Page Grid – Landscape 11mm



15mm 48mm 33mm





15mm 85mm

85mm 4mm


85mm 4mm

Left page  Shown at 40% of actual size

11mm 263mm


15mm 33mm





15mm 85mm


85mm 4mm

Right page  Shown at 40% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

85mm 4mm


Color Tab

Page Title Area


Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Page Grid Usage

Optional Gray Panel

Position and style of page title

Product Title Area or Supporting Text Area

Position A

Position B

Position and style of supporting information

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.

Dolo quia nos sa dolor secte inverae in repel ma ad qui doleseq uaestecusame nonserro consediatem archil ea comnis conecestem. Ovitium repuditam endaepel ilique se accaborepre dolut omniendel et planit aspid molorum.

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi, quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis matrimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.



Shown at 40% of actual size Main Body Text

Formatting of text and images within threecolumn grid for product brochures. Page Dimensions 210mm x 297mm Color Tab A color tab is specified to highlight page titles. It should be placed in the top corner of all left or right pages that include titles. Color should match cover. Page Title Area Initial title: Univers 65 Bold, 14–24pt Supporting information: Univers 45 Light, 12–18pt Optional Gray Panel Area used for supporting text. Background prints 20% tint of black.


Product Title Area or Supporting Text Area Product title: Univers 45 Light, 18–28pt Supporting text: Univers 45 Light, 10–12pt Titles can start from either position A or B depending on length and size. Main Body Text Utilizes the column grid as illustrated, including combining different text column widths on the same page. Text to be set in Univers 45 Light, 10/12pt or 12/14pt, flush left, ragged right. Text headings are Univers 65 Bold, with point size to match main body text. Any color can be used for text headings, but should complement color style of page.


Captions Always appear below and flush left to images that are framed within a page, set in Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, flush left. Captions for full-page images are to be set in Univers 65 Bold, 8/12pt, flush left, ragged right, reverse printed on a color background panel positioned over the image and extending 11mm onto the adjacent page. Background color should match cover color. Images Use the three-column grid in the same way as the main body text; images can be any size as long as they extend to any three widths shown and are not positioned outside grid columns.

Body text should generally be black or dark gray. Text may not be positioned outside grid columns. Page numbers are Univers 45 Light, 8pt. See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples.

Version Date: 2010-04

Color Tab


Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Page Grid Usage – Landscape

Page Title Area

Position and style of page title

Position and style of supporting information

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii. Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii. Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi, quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis matrimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.


Left page  Shown at 40% of actual size Main Body Text

Formatting of text and images within threecolumn grid for product brochures. Page Dimensions 297mm x 210mm Color Tab A color tab is specified to highlight page titles. It should be placed in the top corner of all left or right pages that include titles. Color should match cover. Page Title Area Initial title: Univers 65 Bold, 14–24pt Supporting information: Univers 45 Light, 12–18pt

Version Date: 2010-04

Main Body Text Utilizes the column grid as illustrated, including combining different text column widths on the same page. Text to be set in Univers 45 Light, 10/12pt or 12/14pt, flush left, ragged right. Text headings are Univers 65 Bold, with point size to match main body text. Any color can be used for text headings, but should complement color style of page. Body text should generally be black or dark gray. Text may not be positioned outside grid columns. Page numbers are Univers 45 Light, 8pt.

Optional Gray Panel


Marketing Literature


ISO Brochure Page Grid Usage – Landscape

Product Title Area or Supporting Text Area

Position A

Position B

Dolo quia nos sa dolor secte inverae in repel ma ad qui doleseq uaestecusame nonserro consediatem archil ea comnis conecestem. Ovitium repuditam endaepel ilique se accaborepre dolut omniendel et planit aspid molorum.


Right page  Shown at 40% of actual size Caption


Formatting of text and images within threecolumn grid for product brochures. Page Dimensions 11" x 8.5" Optional Gray Panel Area used for supporting text. Background prints 20% tint of black. Product Title Area or Supporting Text Area Product title: Univers 45 Light, 18–28pt Supporting text: Univers 45 Light, 10–12pt Titles can start from either position A or B depending on length and size.

Version Date: 2010-04

Captions Always appear below and flush left to images that are framed within a page, set in Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, flush left. Captions for full-page images are to be set in Univers 65 Bold, 8/12pt, flush left, ragged right, reverse printed on a color background panel positioned over the image and extending 11mm onto the adjacent page. Background color should match cover color. Images Use the three-column grid in the same way as the main body text; images can be any size as long as they extend to any three widths shown and are not positioned outside grid columns.


Marketing Literature


ISO Flyer Front Cover




Area 1

Area 2


Area 3 22mm


Shown at 55% of actual size

50mm 10mm

Flyer Dimensions 210mm x 297mm Area 1 Maximum area for background color, main headline and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area 25mm from the spine.


Area 2 To be used for bullet points or additional/ highlighted text only – no images to be positioned in this area. Area 3 The logo area must not be encroached upon by Area 1 or Area 2 and must retain a white background.

See pages 5.14.1 to 5.14.16 for examples. Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


ISO Flyer Back Cover Grid 11mm




48mm 33mm



7mm 29mm


15mm 8mm


56mm 4mm

56mm 4mm

Shown at 55% of actual size Flyer Dimensions 210mm x 297mm

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


ISO Flyer Back Cover Grid Usage

Color Tab

Position and style of page title

Page Title Area

Position and style of supporting information

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori.

Main Body Text

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori.

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi, quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori.

Copyright Statement

© 2010 Harsco Corporation


Address and Contact Area

Shown at 55% of actual size

Flyer Dimensions 210mm x 297mm Color Tab Must match color used on the front cover Page Title Area Initial title: Univers 65 Bold, 14–24pt Supporting information: Univers 45 Light, 12–18pt Main Body Text Utilizes the column grid as illustrated, including combining different text column widths on the same page. Text to be set in Univers 45 Light, 10/12pt or 12/14pt, flush left, ragged right.

Version Date: 2010-04

Text headings are Univers 65 Bold, with point size to match main body text. Any color can be used for text headings, but should complement color style of page. Body text should generally be black or dark gray. Text may not be positioned outside grid columns. Images Use the three-column grid in the same way as the main body text; images can be any size as long as they extend to any three widths shown and are not positioned outside grid columns.

Copyright Statement © 20XX Harsco Corporation Univers 45 Light, 5.5pt, PMS 300 Right edge of copyright statement hangs 29mm from the bottom page trim. The type baseline positioned 4mm from left page trim. Address and Contact Area Background prints 30% tint of black. Address and contact details are Univers 45 Light with Univers 65 Bold used for divisional name only. Maximum size is 12pt. Contact text must adhere to grid column widths and be positioned at least 5mm from bottom page trim.



Marketing Literature


ISO Small Brochure Front Cover



Area 1

Area 2


Area 3 22mm


Shown at 70% of actual size

36mm 6mm

Cover Dimensions A5  148mm x 210mm Area 1 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area 20mm from the spine.

Version Date: 2010-04


Area 2 Images and small panels of background color (to carry brochure title) can extend into this area from Area 1. Area 3 The logo area must not be encroached upon by Area 1 or Area 2 and must retain a white background.


Marketing Literature


ISO Small Brochure Back Cover



Area 4


Phone: 00.0000.000000 Fax: 00.0000.000000 Web Address


© 2010 Harsco Corporation

Business Group Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Post code

Copyright Statement 44mm




6mm Shown at 70% of actual size

Cover Dimensions A5  210mm x 297mm Business Group Name Univers 65 Bold, 7/9pt, black Address Details Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, black

Version Date: 2010-04

Area 4 Maximum area for background color and images. This area is fixed vertically but can be reduced horizontally to a minimum area of 25mm from the spine. The design treatment should reflect that of the front cover.

Copyright Statement © 20XX Harsco Corporation

This area is optional as the back cover can have an overall white background.

The type baseline is positioned 2mm from edge of Area 4. If Area 4 is not adopted, the type baseline is positioned 1p from the spine.

Univers 45 Light, 5.5pt, PMS 300 Right edge of copyright statement hangs 47mm from the bottom page trim.




Marketing Literature


ISO Small Brochure Page Grid

22mm 12mm

48mm 28mm





12mm 59mm 12mm

Shown at 40% of actual size

59mm 4mm



This grid should be used for product brochures that must accommodate a wide variety of text and image sizes. Page Dimensions 148mm x 210mm

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


ISO Small Brochure Page Grid Usage

Page Title Area

Color Tab

Position and style of page title

Position and style of supporting information

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias.

Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii. Gulosus ossifragi Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere Aquae Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis ma trimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.

Dolo quia nos sa dolor secte inverae in repel ma ad qui doleseq uaestecusame nonserro consediatem archil ea comnis conecestem. Ovitium repuditam endaepel ilique se accaborepre dolut omniendel et planit aspid molorum.



Shown at 55% of actual size Main Body Text

Formatting of text and images within three column grid for product brochures. Page Dimensions 148mm x 210mm Color Tab A color tab is specified to highlight page titles. It should be placed in the top corner of all left or right pages that include titles. Color should match cover. Page Title Area Initial title: Univers 65 Bold, 14–24pt Supporting information: Univers 45 Light, 12–18pt

Version Date: 2010-04


Main Body Text Utilizes the column grid as illustrated, including combining different text column widths on the same page. Text to be set in Univers 45 Light, 10/12pt or 12/14pt, flush left, ragged right. Text headings are Univers 65 Bold, with point size to match main body text. Any color can be used for text headings, but should complement color style of page. Body text should generally be black or dark gray. Text may not be positioned outside grid columns. Page numbers are Univers 45 Light, 8pt.


Captions Always appear below and flush left to images that are framed within a page, set in Univers 45 Light, 7/9pt, flush left. Captions for full-page images are to be set in Univers 65 Bold, 8/12pt, flush left, ragged right, reverse printed on a color background panel positioned over the image and extending 11mm onto the adjacent page. Background color should match cover color. Images Use the three-column grid in the same way as the main body text; images can be any size as long as they extend to either width shown and are not positioned outside grid columns.


Marketing Literature


Corporate Brochure Example Example of front cover using a Harsco Blue color panel in the full width of Area 1 and a single image across Area 1 and Area 2.

POSITION AND STYLE OF BROCHURE TITLE Position and style of supporting line

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Corporate Brochure Example Example of front cover using a Harsco Blue color panel in the minimum width of Area 1 and a single image across Area 1 and Area 2.

POSITION AND STYLE OF BROCHURE TITLE Position and style of supporting line

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Corporate Brochure Example Example of back cover using a Harsco Blue color panel in the minimum width of Area 4.

Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Web Address

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

Š 2010 Harsco Corporation

Harsco Corporation Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Zip code


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of front cover using a Harsco Blue color panel with a large image in the full width of Area 1 and a smaller image in Area 2.

POSITION AND STYLE OF BROCHURE TITLE Position and style of supporting line

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of front cover using a single large image in the full width of Area 1.

POSITION AND STYLE OF BROCHURE TITLE Position and style of supporting line

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of front cover using a Harsco Blue color panel and four small images in Area 1.

POSITION AND STYLE OF BROCHURE TITLE Position and style of supporting line

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of front cover using a Harsco Blue color panel in the full width of Area 1 and a single large image across Area 1 and Area 2.

POSITION AND STYLE OF BROCHURE TITLE Position and style of supporting line

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of back cover using a Harsco Blue color panel in the full width of Area 4.

Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Web Address

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

Š 2010 Harsco Corporation

Business Group Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Zip code


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of plain white back cover featuring no background color panel.

Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Web Address

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

Š 2010 Harsco Corporation

Business Group Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Zip code


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of landscape front cover using a single image in the full width of Area 1 and a Harsco Blue color panel across Area 1 and Area 2.


Position and style of supporting line

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of a landscape back cover using a single image in the full width of Area 4.

Phone: 000.000.0000 Fax: 000.000.0000 Web Address

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

Š 2010 Harsco Corporation

Business Group Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Zip code


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of interior spread for inside front cover using Harsco Blue (color and style should match front cover) and page one using three-column grid.

Position and style of page title

Position and style of supporting information

Infeliciter conubium santet Caesar, quod suis miscere syrtes, iam fiducias praemuniet concubine. Pompeii imputat pretosius fiducias, et quinquennalis saburre miscere optimus gulosus umbraculi, quam quam saburre celeriter agnascor fragilis apparatus bellis, quod lascivius saburre miscere aquae. Sulis, et gulosus concubine circumgrediet matrimonii. Verecundus rures imputat apparatus bellis. Rures adquireretoratori. Adfabilis matrimonii deciperet adlaudabilis fiducias. Concubine conubium santet syrtes, quod chirographi deciperet verecundus cathedras, ut concubine suffragarit matrimonii.


Shown at 40% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04


Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of typical interior spread featuring the use of images, caption and optional gray panel for supporting text.

Position and style of page title Position and style of supporting information

Luptas esequis mo ea voloria verum sin res magniendus. Occus quia volupti dolupti onemporro volest eum corum vent alibus, sequam, nemos exceren ihilibea sunt dolupta quibus si recto quo occatem accus aut volores ea simusci isquuntur sundes alicipsam, nonsequ iderore rsperit ationsed maximperia ipiende ndusda quate oditios ditatur eheniet que doluptati assi sum ullant ma voluptas iniscienda quos es acculluptam autecte nobitiis ne duciaest ommolore verferum erionsed et ex erro blaccum con reperiam quid quas in con rende poreprerunt laboribust, sum expeliquo et ommolupti alia sande volectur aut re mos alita dolorepero eaqui net qui quam rest, inverchit lit est, consecerior sam volorat istrum nim quosam, teni offic te num et.

Et qui nus andam eici dendam et denda dem faccum eari omnia doloreprem. Luptaque et ea dolupta estiumquis a vent. Ficid quatem estis aute nisto eostintibus comnimendam estis quam que nihitam que sus exceptia que voluptatque consed que aut exero bea velique consero et pos vellupi enducitatia que nonecus nihit, ut apit voluptatus. Giam et eos es minto que consend igniste mporiatur, si uta quia que veliberro tecerum quas sae comnitat haribea sus, qui corectio. Quam que evera volorem cum. Efugiteum Quundae Vitas Andae corum ipsam qui cusci nobitatunon re, voluptae molessitae. Ovitium repuditam endaepel ilique oditibus culpari asimentis sunto ommolorem. Neque evel ma idic totas quatium nis sise acc aborepre dolut omniendel et planit aspid molorum audania nisciis natis et odit, quis acestor emquis autate voluptat quam res volo tem quae. Gendem aut voloreici utatem volore simus dolore sit, cusam di dis as asperit everibusci dolupta sum quodite nihitas expe nes que volupta ssequae nis dolectae nis con pore nis ea simpere nimperibusmo.

Consed Exereritis Aitem rem volestisita cum ea sim eatest excearumet occus mo ium explit am andunt as ex expliquatur, quidele nditias debit vellaut ut quibusto cone pro omnis et officitati quia cuscit utatque none consequae ressimo luptae occulparum fuga.

Gendem aut voloreici utatem volore simus dolore sit, cusam di dis as asperit everibusci dolupta sum quodite nihitas expe nes que volupta ssequae nis dolectae nis con pore nis ea simpere nimperibus molorerspid et utem.


Shown at 40% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

Dis ipsam, ut volor sumendicia cus ut harcimpedi dent ipsame rest pa quia nis et vendend untur, conem quiatum nulpa nos volesto ium et qui aliquae dolupta tiatem quam am faccusa conecto molorep udaesequia que nonsecum ut fugianimaio mil iducim harum, quundig enecte aut oditatem qui ati aut landae sitatin ciundunt aute sunt adis molo tem.

Luptas esequis mo ea voloria verum sin res magniendus. Occus quia volupti dolupti onemporro volest eum corum vent alibus, sequam, nemos exceren ihilibea sunt dolupta quibus si recto quo occatem accus aut volores ea simusci isquuntur sundes alicipsam, nonsequ iderore rsperit ationsed maximperia. Viende Nodusda quate oditios ditatur eheniet que doluptati assi sum ullant ma voluptas iniscienda quos es acculluptam autecte nobs ne duciaest ommolore verferum erionsed et ex erro blaccum con reperiam quid quas in con rende poreprerunt laboribust, sum expeliquo et ommolupti alia sande. Revolectur aut re mos alita dolorepero eaqui net qui quam rest, inverchit lit est, consecerior sam volorat volestisita cum ea sim eatest excearumet occus mo ium explit am andunt as ex expliquatur, quidele nditias debit vellaut ut quibusto cone pro omnis et officitati quia cuscit utatque none consequae ressimo luptae occulparum fuga.

Plorerspid et utem. Rio berchil ipidesti te nati comnihi llabo. Uciat quibus ratum fuga. Et rem acescid quodipsanis estin comnisque nia quunt velectiunt, temquodis utemcium rem ex et laut maiorae ctemolorro es ditam alit lis volupta sinihitat offic tem et ea di aut et ped es id que cus is dit pa alit et occullorro volorib usamus sincitam apiti aliat.



Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of typical interior spread featuring the use of optional blue panel for supporting text.

Position and style of page title Position and style of supporting information

Luptas esequis mo ea voloria verum sin res magniendus. Occus quia volupti dolupti onemporro volest eum corum vent alibus, sequam, nemos exceren ihilibea sunt dolupta quibus si recto quo occatem accus aut volores ea simusci isquuntur sundes alicipsam, nonsequ iderore rsperit ationsed maximperia ipiende ndusda quate oditios ditatur eheniet que doluptati assi sum ullant ma voluptas iniscienda quos es acculluptam autecte nobitiis ne duciaest ommolore verferum erionsed et ex erro blaccum con reperiam quid quas in con rende poreprerunt laboribust, sum expeliquo et ommolupti alia sande volectur aut re mos alita dolorepero eaqui net qui quam rest, inverchit lit est, consecerior sam volorat istrum nim quosam, teni offic te num et. Consed exereritis sitem rem volestisita cum ea sim eatest excearumet occus mo ium explit am andunt as ex expliquatur, quidele nditias debit vellaut ut quibusto cone pro omnis et officitati quia cuscit utatque none consequae ressimo luptae occulparum fuga. Luptas esequis mo ea voloria verum sin res magniendus. Occus quia volupti dolupti onemporro volest eum corum vent alibus, sequam, nemos exceren ihilibea sunt dolupta quibus si recto quo occatem accus aut volores ea simusci isquuntur sundes alicipsam, nonsequ iderore rsperit ationsed maximperia.


Shown at 40% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

Vipiende ndusda quate oditios ditatur eheniet que doluptati assi sum ullant ma voluptas iniscienda quos es acculluptam autecte nobs ne duciaest ommolore verferum erionsed et ex erro blaccum con reperiam quid quas in con rende poreprerunt laboribust, sum expeliquo et ommolupti alia sande. Revolectur aut re mos alita dolorepero eaqui net qui quam rest, inverchit lit est, consecerior sam volorat volestisita cum ea sim eatest excearumet occus mo ium explit am andunt as ex expliquatur, quidele nditias debit vellaut ut quibusto cone pro omnis et officitati quia cuscit utatque none consequae ressimo luptae occulparum fuga.

Quam que evera volorem cum fugit eum quundae vitas andae corum ipsam qui cusci nobitatur, voluptae molessitae. Ovitium repuditam endaepel ilique se accaborepre dolut omniendel et planit aspid molorum audania nisciis natis et odit, quis acestor emquis autate voluptat quam res volo tem quae.



Marketing Literature


Business Group Brochure Example Example of typical interior spread reproduced in one color (black).

Position and style of page title Position and style of supporting information

Luptas esequis mo ea voloria verum sin res magniendus. Occus quia volupti dolupti onemporro volest eum corum vent alibus, sequam, nemos exceren ihilibea sunt dolupta quibus si recto quo occatem accus aut volores ea simusci isquuntur sundes alicipsam, nonsequ iderore rsperit ationsed maximperia ipiende ndusda quate oditios ditatur eheniet que doluptati assi sum ullant ma voluptas iniscienda quos es acculluptam autecte nobitiis ne duciaest ommolore verferum erionsed et ex erro blaccum con reperiam quid quas in con rende poreprerunt laboribust, sum expeliquo et ommolupti alia sande volectur aut re mos alita dolorepero eaqui net qui quam rest, inverchit lit est, consecerior sam volorat istrum nim quosam, teni offic te num et.

Efugiteum Quundae Vitas Andae corum ipsam qui cusci nobitatunon re, voluptae molessitae. Ovitium repuditam endaepel ilique oditibus culpari asimentis sunto ommolorem. Neque evel ma idic totas quatium nis sise acc aborepre dolut omniendel et planit aspid molorum audania nisciis natis et odit, quis acestor emquis autate voluptat quam res volo tem quae. Gendem aut voloreici utatem volore simus dolore sit, cusam di dis as asperit everibusci dolupta sum quodite nihitas expe nes que volupta ssequae nis dolectae nis con pore nis ea simpere nimperibusmo. Plorerspid et utem. Rio berchil ipidesti te nati comnihi llabo. Uciat quibus ratum fuga. Et rem acescid quodipsanis estin comnisque nia quunt velectiunt, temquodis utemcium rem ex et laut maiorae ctemolorro es ditam alit lis volupta sinihitat offic tem et ea di aut et ped es id que cus is dit pa alit et occullorro volorib usamus sincitam apiti aliat.

Consed Exereritis Aitem rem volestisita cum ea sim eatest excearumet occus mo ium explit am andunt as ex expliquatur, quidele nditias debit vellaut ut quibusto cone pro omnis et officitati quia cuscit utatque none consequae ressimo luptae occulparum fuga.

Gendem aut voloreici utatem volore simus dolore sit, cusam di dis as asperit everibusci dolupta sum quodite nihitas expe nes que volupta ssequae nis dolectae nis con pore nis ea simpere nimperibus molorerspid et utem.


Shown at 40% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

Dis ipsam, ut volor sumendicia cus ut harcimpedi dent ipsame rest pa quia nis et vendend untur, conem quiatum nulpa nos volesto ium et qui aliquae dolupta tiatem quam am faccusa conecto molorep udaesequia que nonsecum ut fugianimaio mil iducim harum, quundig enecte aut oditatem qui ati aut landae sitatin ciundunt aute sunt adis molo tem.

Et qui nus andam eici dendam et denda dem faccum eari omnia doloreprem. Luptaque et ea dolupta estiumquis a vent. Ficid quatem estis aute nisto eostintibus comnimendam estis quam que nihitam que sus exceptia que voluptatque consed que aut exero bea velique consero et pos vellupi enducitatia que nonecus nihit, ut apit voluptatus. Giam et eos es minto que consend igniste mporiatur, si uta quia que veliberro tecerum quas sae comnitat haribea sus, qui corectio. Quam que evera volorem cum.

Viende Nodusda quate oditios ditatur eheniet que doluptati assi sum ullant ma voluptas iniscienda quos es acculluptam autecte nobs ne duciaest ommolore verferum erionsed et ex erro blaccum con reperiam quid quas in con rende poreprerunt laboribust, sum expeliquo et ommolupti alia sande. Revolectur aut re mos alita dolorepero eaqui net qui quam rest, inverchit lit est, consecerior sam volorat volestisita cum ea sim eatest excearumet occus mo ium explit am andunt as ex expliquatur, quidele nditias debit vellaut ut quibusto cone pro omnis et officitati quia cuscit utatque none consequae ressimo luptae occulparum fuga. Luptas esequis mo ea voloria verum sin res magniendus. Occus quia volupti dolupti onemporro volest eum corum vent alibus, sequam, nemos exceren ihilibea sunt dolupta quibus si recto quo occatem accus aut volores ea simusci isquuntur sundes alicipsam, nonsequ iderore rsperit ationsed maximperia.



Marketing Literature


Business Group Flyer Example Example of single-sheet flyer front cover using a PMS 300 color panel, multiple images and bullet points in the full width of Area 1 and text in Area 2.

POSITION AND STYLE OF FLYER TITLE Position and style of supporting line

Hit pra volo dolore pre, oditi optiam, volorem doluptum volorepre moluptas accaborporit et lab imaxima ioruptiore volupta tecaes venienis comnis ium etur arum quist harchicienis aliqui unt. Ut essequi rem. Aceprovid que re quia vende paruptatem. Et volupta tquuntiunt. Onsenest laut qui aut iusamen daepuda ecatisquia nit od ut que re aut fugit as sum re ius, sedipit quaspicimus dunt abore volectur remperrum veritibero dolo cum et eosseque num unt que reperum fugiaec ersperum aut re aut eaquam, idio. Em volorrovit, consequ odipsunt volorit rem dorem maxim quo blaborum ut etus alictur. Facculla dolore nestium quisinis endam volupis delit quossim aximi, quam, vel ex esciis re, sus, consequis eum quae que od moloratat. Ucidit inciatium qui rentur sincidunt quam quisinv endunti uribus ullaborum des et landian daepudandam fugit faccum is adio doloriberum ut offictem quas am, aut porit, nusdam ilis coritius et es sunt. On ressitis dernamusam ute velis nestrunda volum que vendaes totae. Nequo dolesciliqui bea sum enda nobis nimus sincia dollibus, culluptum harum que none iniatur, sam in etus experum qui venis dis ea dolorep udaerores ea dolup icimus ipsanient vendi od quatio. Incta que voluptat ioniom.

• • • •

Apiderior andignisciet lanto expla aliquam ent que Poriberiate ped quae sunt, to quiati natecta turitiam faccae Non num hil es sequam evel et fugit nihit Magnimo luptaquis aut omniae quidelit volorem

Shown at 60% of actual size

Version Date: 2010-04

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