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Research findings veling due Studies show that tra te unnecessary to work can crea away from the stress, due to being t and having to normal environmen undings. Bringing adapt to new surro hilst being away part of home along w ion in stress and should allow a reduct lly be reflected in this would additiona productivity. an improvement of has date to Research surveys international comprised nts of hotels and undertaken with clie commodations. other short-term ac with a variety of Interviews were held s made it hotel staff. The finding ls make an effort apparent that hote personalize the wherever possible to e are limits to this experience but ther mily visits as well for example, pets, fa lities. Apartment a lack of cooking faci to the home hotels are closest have similarly but experience particular chain restrictions. Loyalty to or venue is rewarded.

The venue and its immediate vicinity was researched to measure both the building’ suitability for the actual project and to ensure that the project will appear to the areas’ demographic. The southwest area of Manchester is known as Castlefield and is where young professionals such as designers and software developers are based. Today Castlefield is the place to be for variety of young professionals such as designers and software developers. Castlefield offers a well maintained and pleasant surrounding for tourism, wide variety of classical type hotels and leisure activities. The proposed site is Upper Campfield Market Hall (1876) which was originally built using up to date materials of the time including, lattice work wrought iron and steel, glass and timber features.

An exhau overview undertake stive n into the was history of order to id h otels in entify the ke have prov ed longev y features that ity. be consid ered for in These will then corporati possible m on and odificatio n in my p have inv roject. I estigated the rang purpose e and of compact different spaces to assess wh would be ich type best suite d fo d r m y proposed e s i g n . Ongoing research includes a d j space a c e n c y .

Negotiated Final Major Design brief ile The concept is mob r corporate accommodation fo ist of a travellers. It will cons of individual destination hub and es that can compact living spac hub. It be stored within the ctural or comprises an archite n that interior design solutio the way supports a change in w way of using people work or a ne ce. or allocating workspa The space should unal area, incorporate a comm ld create which over time wou within the sense of community are travelling building. People who ents can due to work commitm late to other also socialise and re ld allow people. The hub wou and would family visits, pet stays ore relaxed generally create a m rrently found atmosphere than is cu modation. at temporary accom

Due to the compact individual pods, individuals will be able to carry on with work in their private space. It would generally be used as a compact living space providing basic facilities. An additional benefit would be the mobility of each pod and it could therefore be relocated as a backyard office if a person is working from home. This relaxed model should improve the experience of from being away from home. The hub will be based in Manchester, England located within a 19th century market hall in the Castlefield area which has been chosen due to its centrality as well as the social demographic of the area and its transportation links. Manchester has famously been referred to as the business capital of the North West. The city thrives and produces new entrepreneurs offering high quality services and products as well as being home to a number of established large companies. The vision is to design space that feels like

home for everyone who visits building. It the should cre ate a sen of comm se unity that improves lifestyle q the uality of b eing awa home. y from Compac t living spa ces should designed be to feel ho mely. The ry of the b histouilding sh ould be ta into acco ken unt leavin g feature Victorian s of times and the steel fr structures ame visible. Th e fact tha a Grade t it is II listed bu ilding mus taken into t be account. The desig n should fe fortable a el comnd with c haracter. Sustainab ility should be incorp ed throug orathout the d esign and implemen tation pro cess. Build regulation ing s need to be follow and due e d to the na ture of the posed use proof the buil ding, spe considera cial tion for ch ildren, eld and disab erly led peop le should taken into b e account.

Thank You! Further Info om/ .c ix .w b ie d n u W: http://g n gundie-desig 7741 4 7 1 6 8 7 ) 0 ( T: +44 m g @ n ig s e E: gundie.d

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