Srimanta sankardeva the paradigm of vaishnavism

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Srimanta Sankardeva: The Paradigm of Vaishnavism Guptajit Pathak Assistant Professor, Department of History Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Gitanagar, Guwahati- 781 021 Dist. Kamrup (Assam) E-mail ID : Mobile : +91-99548-85175 & Ph. D. Research Scholar Department of Women’s Studies Magadh University Boodh Gaya, Bihar, India Abstract: The development of Vaishnavism in Assam was not an isolated process. It was an unavoidable part of main Indian culture. The Neo-Vaishnaviate cultural movement was spreading from Barepta Kirtan Ghar to every corner of the state. Srimanta Sankardeva the great Vaishnaviate reformer spent most of his valuable time in the Barepta Kirtan Ghar and cultured the Ek-SaranNam Dharma. Gandhiji visited Barpeta and felt “A great vaishnava revival under Sankardeva in the 16 th century has made Assamese people kindly, tolerant and humane. There is no sign anywhere of that form of untouchability which is to be found is South India. Assam is indeed, is fortune for Sankardeva, has five centuries back, given the Assamese people an ideal which is also my ideal of Ram Rajya”. Key Words: Vaishnavism, Srimanta Sankardev, Ek-Saran-Nam Dharma. Introducstion: Srimanta Sankardeva, as an idol of Vaishnavite ideals and ethos of life, had to carry forward his creative and innovative ideals very carefully so as to touch and motivate the people on to the path of social peace and mutual love between them. According to the great saint it is possible only through mutual respect and understanding without any hatred and discrimination between people of diverse religion and cultural backgrounds. Love has its own divine power. It can win hearts, even enemy tend to surrender before love. Vaishnavism is a faction of love i.e. loves between man and man, man and other creature and friends and enemies. Vaishnavism developed this idea on certain fundamental issues of life. An eminent anthropologist Rajmohan Nath described about the Neo-vaishnaviate movement as “During his (Srimanta Sankardeva’s) journey, he went among other places to Gaya, Kashi, Puri, Brindhaban, Mathura, Kurukeshtra, Upa-Badarikasram, Varakestra, Puskar, Davarka and Rameshwar. He noticed that Vaishnavism was the rolling religion that had achieved with a new

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