4 Tips To Help Your Advertising Campaigns Go Viral Social media and the Internet in general have allowed for a level of transparency in advertising that was not possible before. As a result, people are far more critical of ads than they used to be. They don’t trust advertisers as much anymore, which has made it much harder to get people to share your ads or buy your products because of an ad. Getting people to talk about your ads is therefore no longer enough; you need them to talk about them with their friends and acquaintances. This is where going viral comes into play. After all, if your target audience doesn’t feel inclined to spread the word about your product or brand, what good is all the money you spent on marketing? Keeping this in mind, here are some tips that will help you make your advertising campaigns go viral: 1) Be honest and transparent It’s no secret that we as a society are wary of advertising. As such, people are going to be far more critical and sceptical of your ads than they have ever been before. This is because they don’t trust advertisers as much as they used to. As such, you must be honest and transparent in your ads. This doesn’t mean you can’t use creativity or be innovative. It just means that you need to be upfront about everything you’re saying. 2) Use emotional appeals While being upfront and honest in your advertising is important, you can’t forget about using emotional appeals. These have been proven to have more influence than facts and figures. As such, you need to stir up an emotional response in your target audience. This isn’t to say that you need to lie or mislead people. It’s just that you need to stir up an emotional response to your ads. 3) Make your product or service the hero People spend hours every day scrolling through their social media feeds and the Internet in general. As such, they are constantly bombarded with ads. If you simply want your ads to blend into the background, then, by all means, continue telling people how wonderful you are. The problem with this is that people aren’t going to be talking about your ads. They’re just going to be scrolling past them, never thinking twice about them. Therefore, when you’re creating your ads, you need to make your product or service the hero. 4) Incorporate humor Humor is one of the most powerful tools in advertising, as it is capable of bridging cultural and linguistic gaps. Therefore, if you are having trouble selling your product or service, you should consider incorporating humor into your ads. If you have a dry product or service and you’ve tried everything else, using humor might be the thing that gets people talking. They might not buy your product or service right away, but they’ll at least remember it. After all, who can forget a product or service that had them laughing? Conclusion The Internet has made it harder than ever to get people to pay attention to your ads. That doesn’t mean you can’t succeed or be successful; it just means that you need to get creative. If you follow the tips above, you’re sure to increase your chances of making your ads go viral.