Georgetown Residential Living Magazine

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OUR MISSION diversity


The Office of Residential Living provides an inclusive environment that embraces and values all of our members who live and work in our residential communities. We recruit, hire, promote and retain a diverse staff. Consistent with our Jesuit identity, the Office of Residential Living provides support, outreach and continued opportunities for students and staff members to actively engage in social and educational initiatives in order to enhance the pluralistic atmosphere of our community.


The Office of Residential Living thinks of the Hilltop as a home away from home and we would love for you to explore what that truly means. Bridging the academic experience with community living, our residential communities foster growth and give students the independence to learn about themselves through a Jesuit lens. Our vibrant residential experience engages students and drives them to explore opportunities outside of their comfort zone.

Students are able to interact with faculty and staff within the residential communities in effort to bridge the gap between academic & extracurricular. Chaplains-in-Residence and Faculty-in-Residence offer weekly opportunities to engage with students on a personal level.

Never stress about shoveling snow, fixing your leaky faucet, or paying monthly utility bills! Our room rates cover electricity, heating & air conditioning, water, sewage, garbage, cable TV in the lounges & WiFi internet access.

Getting to class is never an issue! Our residence halls & apartment communities are conveniently located on-campus or right outside the University gates.

We offer various programs to students interested in building their leadership skills or further developing their sense of self. InterHall, platED, RA programs & Living Learning Communities are some of the ways in which residents can get involved in their communities.

The Office of Residential Living is housed under the Division of Student Affairs. Responsible for providing programs and services to support students, the Division of Student Affairs encourages learning to take place in all parts of students’ lives and is centered in their academic experiences. This learning is enriched by their living environments and their engagement in a wide range of co-curricular pursuits – from community service to athletics and from student government to the performing arts. An array of services are always available to support students, to assure their health and wellness, assist with their career development, and meet a variety of personal and academic needs.

cir/jir Chaplain-in-Residence/

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Jesuit-in-Resdence live in staff members who accompany and support students of any or no faith tradition. CIRs & JIRs embody Georgetown’s commitment to Cura Personalis by caring deeply for the spiritual, emotional & social needs of all students.

hoa Housing Occupancy

CD Community Director

Residential Living’s g housing g management g system y where students can select housing, g, view mailbox information, apply pp y for jobs, j , and review e-mails sent out by our office.




Residence Hall Office

live in faculty members who co-program with RAs and CDs to provide residents with a seamless living-learning experience.

a location within various buildings g responsible p for distributing g packages, p g lock out keys, y , and answering g general g questions about the q campus community.


southwest quad

Residential Living’s g roommate matching g service that is able to connect students with similar living g styles, y interests,, and preferences.

transition interhall housing a student g government accomodations offered to students before the regular g move-in date and after the regular g closing g date each academic semester.


Living Learning Community integration of academics Agreement with outside interests. LLCs allow you to live with others an agreement g signed g by y who share your enthusiasm the student upon p selection about a particular topic. of a residential space. p Each LLC has a different theme but the overall This is a formal contract goals are to enhance the between the student and educational experience, the Office of Residential foster learning through Living g that should group activities & establish be reviewed thoroughly. a sense of community.

a masters-level full time staff member who oversees all aspects p of the residential community. y They y assist with roommate conflicts,, hear student conduct cases & manage g occupancy p y while helping p RAs build community.

hoya housing

the location of the Office of Residential Living. g We can also be reached at 202.687.4560

board that advocates for residents on campus. p They y host programs p g and oversee each hall council.

a term used to describe Kennedy, y, McCarthy & Reynolds Halls.


Resident Assistant an upperclass pp student who lives on the floor with residents. They y are responsible p for fostering ga sense of community, y, hosting social and educational events,, helping p g students adjust j to their environment, and solving g any y problems p that may arise.

ABOUT InterHall is a student group focused on providing services and programs to on-campus

residents. Members of InterHall are able to meet with administrators to discuss campus decisions and plans, advocate for student needs, develop cohesive communities on campus, and create strong bonds between residence halls. Through programming, advocacy, and funding capabilities, InterHall provides various opportunities to students throughout the academic year.

MISSION InterHall is an independent student group that advocates on behalf of on-campus

residents, facilitates residential programming, and sponsors student organizations with the aim of fostering a vibrant on-campus community. InterHall is the umbrella organization that supports individual Hall Councils within each residential building. Residents are invited to participate in their Hall Council as either an Executive Board member or general member. It is a great opportunity to get involved in the community and become an engaged leader on campus. Each year, InterHall engages students through a variety of unique programs and events. Bingo programs take place frequently, giving students a chance to win great prizes! “Breakfast with Santa� is a yearly tradition that takes place in December before students leave for winter break. InterHall coordinates the Housing Raffle each March which gives students the opportunity to choose their following year housing assignment before anyone else on campus!

job opportunities Employing over 200 students within an academic year, The Office of Residential Living provides students with opportunities for professional growth and development. Application deadlines and thorough job descriptions for each position are disseminated within the appropriate hiring timeline.

RESIDENT ASSISTANT responsible for overseeing the well being of a community of residents. RAs work on a staff team to provide programs and services for the residents in their building while also ensuring the safety and security of the residence hall or apartment community.

RHO ASSISTANT serves as a main contact point for residents and guests within certain buildings. RHO Assistants distribute mail and packages, give out temporary keys, and serve as a customer service agent for their residence hall.

opportunities include working with Summer Programs as an RA or Conference Assistant, serving as front desk staff in the Office of Residential Living, working on Residential Living marketing prjects, or serving as a Summer Crew member. These opportunities allow students to deliver a positive experience to residents and guests outside of the academic year. They coordinate check-in and out processes for conference groups, high school programs, and summer school students while maintaining a strong focus on customer service.

physical tasks for the department.

works with Residential Services to relocate furniture and complete

“Living in two of the best LLCs on campus has allowed me to reflect on and live out the Jesuit values of social justice in my personal life.” -Courtney Maduke ‘17 “It’s always exciting to live on campus because this place really does feel like a home to me.” -Ray Gao ‘19

“Living on campus has turned my friends into my family and my university into my home.” -Casey Doyle ‘18

“Living on campus has allowed me to get the most out of my college experience while creating lifelong friendships with great people.” -Cameron White ‘19

The Office of Residential Living strives to create communities where students learn, grow and thrive. Learning that occurs inside and outside the classroom comes together in our residential communities through an integrative learning approach. Residential Living bridges these experiences to foster student formation in the Jesuit tradition. All residential communities are led by professional Community Directors and student Resident Assistants, in parternship with community Chaplains and Faculty-in-Residence. Residential Living proudly offers the following programs:

Each residential community engages students’ growth and development through intentional programs and initiatives designed to meet the needs of residents. Educational Plans come to life through community programming, on-on-one conversations, mentoring opportunities, & participation in campus events. Each community’s plan is based on our “Magis Measures”: Inclusivity, Care, Student-Ownersip, Faith & Justice, and Learning.

The Movable Feast program is designed to encourage students, faculty & academic deans at Georgetown to have substantial conversations outside of class, engaging around topics of interests, future studies and general life experiences. Students share a meal and engage with faculty in the comfort of the students’ own home or at a local restaurant.

platED is a program sponsored by Residential Living aimed at encouraging discussion between students and a faculty/staff member over a meal that takes place within a residence hall. Residential Living helps pair faculty and staff members with a group of students who are interested in discussing a D7 topic (Religion/Spirituality, Race/Nationality/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Body Image, Ability, and Current Topics).

RJC is a student-led organization that seeks to promote and educate the undergraduate community about the Student Code of Conduct as well as resolve alleged conduct violations on campus. The RJC’s peer-to-peer judicial process encourages students to contemplate the Student Code of Conduct and make moral and rational decisions in situations concerning our community’s standards. RJC members are truly “men and women for others” in that they help students to recognize their roles in the residential community and work towards a common good on campus. Involvement in the Council will give students experiences in advocacy as well as jurisdiction, trial procedures and deliberation.

Six faculty members currently live in residential communities across campus. FIRs regularly host programs and events fo students and serve as a resource within the community and several serve as the Faculty Advisor to Living Learning Communities. The FIR team, located in LXR, McCarthy, Kennedy, Reynolds, Arrupe & Copley Hall welcome the opportunity to offer academic support or just get to know the residents of the community.

Chaplains-in-Residence live in university residence halls and apartments to accompany and support all students. The 26 trained pastoral ministers represent a variety of faith traditions, professional careers & personal backgrounds. Along with the full-time Campus Ministry staff, CIRs embody Georgetown’scommitment to cura personalis by caring deeply for the spiritual, emotional and social needs of all students. Whether a student is developing new friendships, making career choices, exploring spirituality or working through personal struggles, CIRs and JIRs are readily available to meet for one-on-one conversations.

an extension of Jewish life at Georgetown, and provides unique opportunities such as keeping Kosher, celebrating high holidays in a home environment, and providing the opportunity for continued interfaith dialogue.


an LLC focused on expanding knowledge & appreciation for artistic culture and performance. Students are able to have informal conversations about their interests as well as formal trips to museums, theaters and music events.

offers incoming first-year students an exciting and unique opportunity to live, learn, and participate in activities that have an entrepreneurship focus. Students interact with faculty & staff and have access to speakers and events. Students in this LLC network with peers who share similar creative drive and entrepreneurial ambition.

aims to connect first-year students with the vibrant & diverse community of Washington D.C. by providing unique opportunities to experience the culture. Students will attend local events, go on excursions, participate in community service projects, and have the opportunity to attend professional networking events.

a community in which students who share a passion for French culture come together to practice language and share a rich experience. Students live and spend time with French exchange students who are able to help them indulge in the culture and learn more about the country.

an intercultural living and learning environment with an equal mix of both international and U.S. citizens. The goal of the GLC is to create a community in which intercultural understanding extends beyond the classroom into daily student life.


JDA strives to create and sustain an environment that supports each other’s work for social change. Together, we seek to be open, honest, and sensitive in examining attitudes, prejudices, and actions that undermine respect for diversity and perpetuate injustice, as these arise both on and off campus.

provides communities for students committed to living a well-balanced and engaged lifestyle and want to share these values with other likeminded individuals. In this community, all students choose to live free of alcohol, tobacco, and other mind-altering substances both on campus and within the community.

an independent LLC where residents can pursue individual passions through the infusion of academic and service. This unique experience encompasses a commitment to personal growth through community involvement, social awareness, and dedication to service while ever striving toward magis.

MILC is designed to create a strong support group for Muslims and non-Muslims who strive to be steadfast in prayer and their commitment to cooperation. They aim to build a cohesive family and be of service to the greater campus community.

celebrating the nine tenets of the Spirit of Georgetown, the students selected to reside in the Spirit of Georgetown Residential Academy will have the unique opportunity to reflect on their time at Georgetown through formative activities and events, founded on strong community engagement and ownership.

brings together Georgetown students and faculty with an interest in developing Spanish language fluency and a desire to use the language as a vehicle to explore different cultures, consider relevant global issues form different perspectives, serve the community, seek professional opportunities, and have fun. Students primarily speak Spanish within the community.

this community is ideal for transfer students seeking a close community feel within a diverse environment. This LLC provides residents with the opportunity to learn from their experiences at prior institutions, yet also connects them through their shared experience of entering Georgetown together.


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