l. It's educationa
It's inspir ing.
It's challenging.
FIRST® LEGO® League is a robotics competition inspiring children and young people to cope with complex tasks and find creative solutions. The use of FIRST® LEGO® League in the classroom captures children´s interest for technology and science in a new way.
It's fun!
® Der Roboterwettbewerb FIRST LEGO® League What is FLL?
Wie kann man Kinder und Jugendliche für Wissenschaft und Technologie begeistern? Dieser Herausforderung widmet sich FIRST ® LEGO® League und löst sie mit einer einfachen Antwort: ® LEGO ® League InFIRST einer ihnen vertrauten Welt, der Weltisvon Fantasie, that Kreativität, Sport und Musik, Kinder (FLL) a program supports children anderleben youngsters und Jugendliche Wissenschaft und Technik auf eine neue faszinierende Weise.
in order to introduce them to science and technology in a sporty atmosphere.
FIRST® LEGO® League spornt Kinder und Jugendliche an, sich auf komplexe Probleme zu konzentrieren.
The objective is to: Im Jahr 2013 haben in Bulgarien, Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Ungarn, in der Slowakei und der Tschechischen Republik mehr als 6.112 Schüler und ® LEGO® League • make childrenSchülerinnen and youngsters enthusiastic science and FIRST technology, um den Einzug in dasabout zentraleuropäische
• to equip the participants with the idea of team spirit, miert, geforscht und präsentiert. Mit Begeisterung und einer unglaublichen sich die und Jugendlichen einer komplexen • to encourage Intensität children beschäftigen and youngsters to Kinder solve complex tasks inmit a creative Aufgabe und versuchen, diese mit „ihren“ Robotern zu lösen. Nur wer dieses way. Engagement mit eigenen Augen gesehen hat, kann verstehen wie spannend und aufregend Wissenschaft und Technologie für Kinder sein kann!
The basis of FLL is a robotics tournament in a cheerful atmosphere, where kids and können Kinder und Jugendliche auf das spätere Berufsleben vorbereitet youngsters need to Wie solve a tricky "mission" with the help of a robot. The kids are werden? Der Wettbewerb gewährt den Kindern und Jugendlichen einen Ein researching a given blick topicinwithin a Erwachsenen team, they are planning programming and testing die den bekannten Abläufe der Berufswelt. Denn die Herausforderung in der Geschäftswelt gleicht denen der opportunity FLL: Es gilt, ein an autonomous robot to solve the mission. The FLL Teams take the to Pro blem unter Zeitdruck zu lösen und begrenzte Ressourcen geschickt einzuset experience all steps of a real product development process: solving a problem zen. Erfolgreich meistern lässt sich diese Aufgabe nur als Team! under time pressure with insufficient resources and unknown competitors. FLL is a small microcosmos of real business life in all its respects.
FIRST LEGO League sounds interesting.
„Wir wollen Kindern und Jugendlichen zeigen, dass es mehr Spaß machen kann, ein Videospiel zu entwickeln und zu programmieren als einfach nur damit zu spielen.“ ® If you have questions regarding the competition registration please contact: Dean Kamen, Gründer vonor FIRST
Check that out, an FLL poster! I think I'll talk to my dad about it.
See you tomorrow!
fll@hands-on-technology.org Im Jahr 2013 haben weltweit mehr als 20.000 Teams mit in mehr or50visit our website: als Ländern am Wettbewerb teilgenommen. Es geht dabei nicht darum, die meisten Punkte zu bekommen. Es geht vielmehr www.first-lego-league.org um die Erfahrung, einen eigenen Roboter zu konstruieren und zu programmieren sowie im Team zusammen zu arbeiten und trotz mancher Rückschläge Erfolg zu haben. ® LEGO ® League im deutschsprachigen Raum: FIRST veranstaltet von HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V.
No, Mia. What's that? Hey, Dad, ever heard of FLL?
HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. vereint Vertreter von Bildung, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft unter einem Dach. Menschen aus den unterschiedlichsten Berufszweigen und mit den unterschiedlichsten Lebenswegen engagieren sich in HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. für die Zukunft der „Generation von Morgen“. HANDS on TECHNOLOGY möchte Kinder und Jugendliche für Wissenschaft und Technologie begeis tern und ihnen Berührungsängste vor komplexer Technik nehmen. Die Kinder und Jugendlichen sol len lernen, kreativ und fantasievoll an die Lösung von Herausforderungen heranzugehen und eine positive Grundeinstellung zu Wissenschaft und Technologie aufzubauen.
:: www.hands-on-technology.org :: www.first-lego-league.org :: fll@hands-on-technology.org
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The team is gathered for the first time at Mia's house.
It stands for FIRST LEGO League. Mrs. Hannah, our math teacher, told us about it today. They've got this really cool website . . .
The Challengeis divided into two major parts; the research assignment and the actual robot game. We'll have about eight weeks to work on both.
There is a lot of information about FIRST® LEGO® League on www.first-lego-league.org.
So, think you could help us out?
Well, I don't know much about computers and technical stuff, but . . .
Is everybody here?
And who is on your team?
No problem! Mrs. Hannah's going to coach us.
We recommend that teams work with at least one adult mentors in addition to the team coach. High school and college students make great nment
Sure, but we still need at least one more grown-up to be a team mentor. Right now, my teammates are ...
Michael, 11. He's totally crazy about skateboarding!
Tommy, 12. He's always got his nose in a book or into something fun!
We can find out more about the Competition and register our team at www.first-lego-league.org.
... and to come up with a cool name for our team!
Whiz Kids DreamBots
It might be a good idea to find a sponsor . . .
s LEGO Loonie The Botheadz
Team Fantasy
Jamie. She's 13, and the leading scorer on my soccer team.
Mrs. Hannah, our math teacher. She's the coach, of course.
John, our other team mentor. He's 19 and is studying to be a mechanical engineer.
Eve, 12, the class computer whiz. ... and Luke,11. He's my very best friend.
Establishing a relationship with a company can be beneficial for a team in a number of ways. A company can contribute as a sponsor while also providing insight and experience into future careers.
Now we just need a great chef who can fix snacks and help us keep our energy up ...
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Team Fantasy, it is! All agreed? Let's sign up online right now!
But when will we know what the Challengeis?
We'll find out right after . . .
. . . summer holiday!
All right, already! Count me in! Let's call Mrs. Hannah and get everyone together for a first meeting.
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. . . so we're looking for a sponsor . . . Sure, we'll call back after holiday.
I sure hope this holiday goes by fast!
C'mon, guys! Chill out!
Thanks, Dad! This table you built for our playing field is perfect!
Things aren't going too smoothly . . .
Who says you get to do the research assignment by yourself?
I say. So get used to it!
It is a good idea to get familiar with FLL preparations before the Challenge is announced.
Okay everybody, today's the Kickoff! Let's check out theChallenge Whoa! details on the FLL This Challenge website . . . looks really . . . challenging.
It looks tougher than I expected.
Hmmm, I certainly know where they're coming from.
Let's gather the team together and read through the Challenge with them . . . .
In the FLL Manual there are teambuilding exercises that work well to introduce teamwork concepts. Hey team, everyone calm down. This is getting us nowhere.
You all know, thisChallenge is going to require real teamwork. Why make it tougher than it already is?
Think we can handle it?
Let's review the roles and responsibilities listed in our team manual. I'm sure once the Robot and Challenge sets arrive, there will be plenty of work for all of us.
I'll say!
To ensure each individual has a positive and rewarding experience, roles and responsibilities should be shared amongst team members.
. . . so we'll need a 100% team effort from everyone if we're going to succeed. . . . and I'll build the robot! Wow, there's so much stuff to learn! I want to help with the research.
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Hello, it`s Mia again. I called you last summer about sponsoring our FIRST LEGO League team . . .
I'm going to design a team logo with the computer!
Thank you so much! . . . Yes, we're very excited to meet with you. Thursday would be great!
Hey! I want to make the robot, too! . . . uh, what about that team effort?
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Guess what? Our kit's here!
What are we waiting for?!
The FLL International Forum on the web site offers teams the opportunity to design their own team page, exchange ideas, and learn what other teams are doing around the globe.
Timing and different sensors like touch, rotation and light can control the robot.
How do those touch sensors work?
I'll bet you can figure them out . . .
Good job, Michael!
Check this out! When we use the sensors, it does the same thing each time!
I’m posting a discussion topic on the team forum. I hope I get an answer soon! The role of the adult is to advise and support the team – not to make the decisions! It is important that the kids are encouraged and allowed to make the decisions.
Setting up the playing field and assembling the mission models are exellent ways to engage the entire team. Here's the robot software and some ideas for building robots.
Okay, team. Our robot program is really starting to come together.
This mat looks really cool. I wonder where the mission models will go?
We should probably get started on our Research Presentation.
Wow! Look at all the parts!
Information sources for the Research Presentation can be found on the FLL website and at the public library.
Programming a robot isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.
This robot absolutely has to have belts!
Don’t start!
Just joking! Ha! Ha!
Nope, no way! It's got to have wheels!
I can't wait to see what we find at the library!
Here, take this one . . . and this one . . . and this one . . .
Uh-oh, maybe we should rethink this. Good idea.
Arrgg . . . Give me a break!
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w. fComic i rs t l e g o l e a g u e. o rg © HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V.w| wFLL
We're off to a good start, but there's still a lot to do.
Our sponsor should be here any minute! I’m actually sort of nervous . . .
How do you guys plan to present your research?
Thanks again, Mr. Johnson. We really appreciate your company's sponsorship.
I've put together an outline of all the info we've gathered so far . . .
I think we should do something unexpected. Something out of the ordinary.
Like what? This logo looks great. Have you thought about how you'd like to use it?
There are lots of different ways! We could present . . . – A PLAY –
Perhaps you could get some T-shirts made up for the tournament. You might also create a team website, and be sure to contact the Daily News. They're always looking for good local stories.
Hey you guys! Wait 'til you hear all the new ideas!
It usually takes several tries before you get to your final robot design.
Sure thing, Shakespeare!
But I've got two left feet!
In your dreams, Luciano!
Teams may choose any format for their Research Presentation.
Remember, our presentation time is very limited.
- your wheels are too big I vote for the opera! Ha! Ha!
- your legs are impossible to build -
- your robot is just too bulky -
- or too unstable, then suddenly -
Maybe now's a good time to review the judging section of our team manual. Uh-oh! Looks like our robot's gear ratio needs tweaking! Ideas, anyone?
© HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. | FLL w w w. f i r sComic t l e g o l e a g u e . o rg
w w. f i rs t l e g o l e a g u e . o rg © HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. | w FLL Comic
Your parents will be here soon. Ready to show them what you've been up to these past few weeks?
This is our last meeting before the tournament. Shall we take a moment to go over what to expect at the Regional Tournament? Whew! Our Research Presentation if finally finished!
Good idea.
Get pumped! Today's the day!
The robot's all set. I think our programming is perfect!
Here are our registration papers.
... And we've been practicing our team cheer!
I just finished up the last Research Presentation poster.
Do we have everything? Our robot rocks!
Hey, this is just the practice round --
Yup, it’s all under control.
I helped design the logo and silkscreen the T-shirts.
Whoa! Check out that robot!
I wanna do this when I get big.
Now I understand why you've been working so hard!
w w.|f FLL i r s t lComic e g o l e a g u e. o rg © HANDS on TECHNOLOGYwe.V.
... but everything's working perfectly! . . . except my stomach. It's full of butterflies.
Have you guy's been here before?
Time for the opening ceremony.
Me too!
This is one of the posters that we'll show the judges.
Who's that yellow team?
This is our third year
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This is so much more than I ever imagined!!
Research Presentation in five minutes! Is everybody ready?
This Fantasy Folio charts the progress of our mission plan . . .
Hello. We're Team Fantasy. Uh ... my mind's gone blank. Just kidding!
. . . from Week One 'til the present.
Now, we'd like to finish up with a rousing rendition of our Team Song . . .
Great job, everybody! What a team!
Uh-oh. This is it!
Technical Judging, here we come!
Go! Go!
Now here's a team with a great-looking robot . . .
I can't wait to see it in action. This should be some round!
It's off and running, and . . . uh . . .
I don't get it?! It worked great in the practice round!
All that hard work and then this happens . . . Darn it!
Chin up, Mike. That was just the first round. We've still got a few more tries. Let's reload the program and make some adjustments, okay?
Don't worry team, everything's under control. Let's grab some lunch.
Hey, the exact same thing happened to us at our first competition. Don't sweat it, you'll figure it out. Let us know if you want some help.
Pssst! Those guys WON last year!
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Seid ihr bereit für die Herausforderungen der FLL? Hier ist der FLL Zeitplan:
Dad, I had so much fun with FLL! Let's do it again next year!
You bet! I never knew learning about computers and robots and technical stuff could be so much fun! I can hardly wait to see what next year's Challengewill be!
17. März
Beginn der offiziellen Anmeldung
Ende August
Versand der FLL Spielfelder
Ende August / Anfang September
FLL Kickoff: Aufgabenveröffentlichung
10. Oktober
November – Januar
FLL Regionalwettbewerbe & FLL Semi Finals
FLL Finaleund Wettbewerbsabschluss
Wichtige Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite: www.hands-on-technology.org oder www.first-lego-league.org.
Bei Fragen zum Wettbewerb oder zur Anmeldung wenden Sie sich bitte an: HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V. Plautstraße 80, D-04179 Leipzig
Tel: +49-341-246 15 83
:: fll@hands-on-technology.org
Fax: +49-341-246 15 85
:: www.hands-on-technology.org
www.first-lego-league.org All important information about the competition ::can be found on our website:
See you at the next FLL Challenge!
www.first-lego-league.org. Die Initiatoren der FIRST® LEGO® League
If you have questions regarding the competition or registration please contact: FIRST® und die LEGO ® Company arbeiten zusammen an der Herausforderung, Kinder und
HANDS on TECHNOLOGY e.V.Technologie heranzuführen. Ziel ist es, die Begeisterung und das Jugendliche an Wissenschaft und Engagement80, derD-04179 Schüler und Schülerinnen zu wecken. Im Jahr 1998 wurde FIRST ® LEGO® League ins Plautstraße Leipzig Leben gerufen – ein internationaler Roboterwettbewerb für Kinder und Jugendliche. Der Wettbewerb ermöglicht, sich mit realitätsnahen Problemstellungen auseinander zusetzen. Das Erlernen Tel: +49-341-246 15 83fördert das kreative Potential der Teilnehmer und stärkt sie für zukünftige praktischer Fähigkeiten Herausforderungen. Fax: +49-341-246 15 85
fll@hands-on-technology.org FIRST® www.hands-on-technology.org FIRST® wurde von Dean Kamen mit der Vision gegründet, Kinder und Jugendliche für Wissenschaft und Technologie zu begeistern. Mit innovativen Förderprogrammen rund um Wissenschaft und Technologie möchte FIRST ® das Selbstvertrauen der Kinder und Jugendlichen stärken, ihr Wissen erweitern und ihre Sozialkompetenz ausbauen.
LEGO® Company Im Jahr 1932 wurde LEGO ® von Ole Kirk Kristiansen in Billund, Dänemark gegründet. Der Name LEGO® setzt sich aus den dänischen Worten „LEg GOdt“ zusammen, was im Deutschen mit „gut spielen“ übersetzt werden kann. Unter dem Motto „Nur das Beste ist gut genug“ wird die Firma ® vertreibt nun schon in der dritten Generation von der Familie Kristiansen erfolgreich geführt. LEGO seine kreativen und lehrreichen Produkte für Kinder aller Altersstufen in über 130 Ländern weltweit.
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