Enrollment drops 1.3 percent JEFF ENGELHARDT Daily Egyptian
Enrollment has dropped again at SIUC, according to a university press release. The enrollment number inched closer to 19,000 as the official 10-day count came in at 19,134, with the most substantial drop in the senior class at a loss of 286 students, according to the release. Overall, 255 fewer students at-
tend SIUC this semester compared to spring 2009. Director of Undergraduate Admissions Patsy Reynolds and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management Victoria Valle deferred comments to the Chancellor’s office Friday and Monday. Chancellor Sam Goldman’s secretary said Monday Goldman’s official statement would be in the press release.
While no one is quoted in the university-issued release, it stated, “Goldman is confident long-term enrollment strategies will begin to have an impact next fall,� citing increases in applications at this time. The decrease in enrollment came despite optimism from administrators in December. At a Board of Trustees executive session Dec. 9, Goldman said he believed the spring enrollment would have positive results.
“For the first time in two years, I am pleased to be here to talk about SIUC enrollment,� Goldman said at the meeting. “It’s a total delight.� At the time, 98 percent of freshman and 92 percent of sophomores had enrolled for the spring semester. The freshman class increased in the spring with 63 more freshmen than this time last year. The graduate school enrollment has increased by 25 students, while
international enrollment went up 44 students, bringing their respective totals to 3,977 and 1,095. The spring numbers do not bode well for Goldman’s goal of 22,500 students outlined in his 2008 State of the University address. During the speech Sept. 16, 2008, enrollment was at 20,673. Please see ENROLLMENT | 2
Officers defend wage increase
ERIN HOLCOMB Daily Egyptian Undergraduate Student Government’s rules and regulations do not contain any clause that authorizes its members to increase executive wages, according to its Web site. Neither does anything state the opposite, USG President Priciliano Fabian said. USG approved an amendment Jan. 26 to increase four of its executive officers’ pay. The president will now be paid $4,000 a semester in-
stead of $1,800; the vice president $3,000 instead of $1,600; the chief of staff $2,200 instead of $1,600; and the executive assistant $1,500 instead of $800. The money comes out of student activity fees, which USG has full control of dispensing. “There’s nothing to say that we cannot create an amendment to change stipend amounts for executive officers,� he said. “But it’s really up to the senators to vote.� Please see WAGES | 3
Priciliano Fabian, president of the Undergraduate Student Government, works at his desk Tuesday in the Student Center. The USG recently approved an amendment that gave Fabian a 122 percent increase in wages, or $1,800 to $4,000 a semester. Other executive officers also received raises through the amendment. (Bottom top left) The USG constitution indicates executive officers should receive wages, but not how much. (Bottom left) The group approved the Dec. 9 proposal at its Jan. 26 meeting.
Students confused, concerned with decision RYAN VOYLES Daily Egyptian The Undergraduate Student Government’s recent vote to increase wages for the president, vice president, chief of staff and executive assistant went unnoticed by some students and angered others. The Daily Egyptian spoke with 50 students at Faner Hall, Lawson Hall, Morris Library and the Student Center about the increases Monday. Out of the 50 people, 47 students were unaware of the wage increases, while only three were familiar with the story. Most of those who were unaware said they did not understand the reason for a raise. “I was not aware of any of this,� said Andrew Ansani, a junior from Carbondale studying history education. “In this economy, does it make sense to give themselves raises?� “Why would they be giving
themselves raises? I haven’t noticed anything around campus that has changed,� said Ramon Hernandez, an undecided freshman from Chicago. The senate was presented with the amendment Dec. 9 for discussion. It then passed the amendment at its next meeting Jan. 26, which will increase the president’s wages to $4,000 instead of $1,800; the vice president $3,000 instead of $1,600; the chief of staff $2,200 instead of $1,600; and the executive assistant $1,500 instead of $800. The money will come out of the student activity fees, which USG has full control of dispensing. USG President Priciliano Fabian said the raises were necessary since pay has not been increased in more than 20 years and tuition continues to increase. Jerry Littlejohn, a junior from Chicago studying criminal justice, was one of the three students who said they knew about the raise. He
said he does not understand why the senators are even being paid. “If you’re gonna go into the path of politics, then yeah you might want to join USG, but it shouldn’t be something you get paid for,� Littlejohn said. Brianna Phillips, a sophomore from Carbondale studying mass communication, said even though she knows the student government is important, she does not see a reason for wage increases. “I think the money should be spread out,� Phillips said. “I think they should work out different plans and rethink their strategy to do with the money they have.� John Helmers, a junior from Plano studying exercise science, also knew about the raises, and said he understands why the USG is increasing their wages but doesn’t think it is right. Please see REACTION | 2