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Daily Egyptian MONDAY
COLUMN, PAGE 5: Gus Bode says I don’t have that much money.
OCTOBER 19, 2009
VOLUME 95, NO. 40
!"#$%&'(')*+%(,*-(.(/"01)23' No. 5 SIU wins at Northern Iowa for first time since 1983
EDYTA BŁASZCZYK | D AILY E GYPTIAN Saluki football head coach Dale Lennon celebrates with SIU fans and players Saturday after the 27-20 victory over the University of Northern Iowa Panthers in the UNI Dome in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The victory broke an 11-game losing streak of away games to the Panthers. The victory was SIU’s seventh against a top-five team in program history.
Ryan Voyles
If history repeats itself, there could be even bigger wins for SIU after Saturday’s victory at Northern Iowa The No. 5 Salukis (5-1, 4-0 Missouri Valley Football Conference) ended their 11-game losing streak in Cedar Falls, Iowa, by beating No. 2 Northern Iowa Panthers 27-20 Saturday in the UNI Dome. It was the first victory for the Salukis at Northern Iowa since 1983 — the same year they won the
national championship. Head coach Dale Lennon said while it was a big game, it still counts the same as every other win. “I told our team afterwards in the locker room that it was just game No. 6, but it was a heck of a game No. 6,” Lennon said. “We had a great defensive effort. We’ve got to give our players credit for keeping their focus because the guys did well and were able to get the job done.” The Salukis rewrote the conference history books with their win. There have been only four previous Missouri Valley Football Con-
ference games between top-five teams in the league’s history, and the lower ranked team had never won the matchup. The Salukis became the first lowerranked team to win such a battle. “We were just staying focused in practice all week, we knew what we had to come in here and do,” said senior linebacker Chauncey Mixon, who started for the first time since breaking his jaw Sept. 5 against Marshall. “We had to execute our plays, and with all the big plays today, we had to just keep our focus.” Two late turnovers by the Panthers (5-2, 3-1 MVFC) in their own
territory sealed their fate, as the Salukis capitalized with 14 unanswered points in the fourth quarter. Freshman Steven Morse set the wheels in motion for the Salukis. With the game tied at 13-13 and 8:10 left in the game, Morse recovered Varmah Sonie’s fumbled fair-catch attempt at the Panthers’ 7-yard line. It looked as though the Panthers would get away unscathed, as they stopped the Salukis on the 1-yard line on three consecutive plays. But the Salukis went for it on fourthand-goal, and senior running back Deji Karim, whose 125 yards rush-
!"#$%$"&'()*+,-()+#).%/.'0)'$-,"&%+# Madeleine Leroux DAILY EGYPTIAN MLEROUX@SIU.EDU
As Democratic candidates collected signatures for the 2010 primary elections, students told them to make higher education a priority or they would lose their vote. The candidates spoke as part of Democrat Day, hosted by the SIU College Democrats, Saturday outside Shryock Auditorium. Justin Stofferahn, president of the SIU College Democrats, said the purpose of the event was to increase students’ awareness of the candidates for the primaries and also to encourage participation in politics. Stofferahn said the activism showed by students Thursday in Springfield to restore the Monetary Award Program grant was great to see, but needs to keep progressing. “What happened this past week with the MAP grant was fantastic,” Stofferahn said. “I’m just hoping that that continues.”
Stofferahn said because the grant was only secured for spring 2010, students need to let their elected officials know if they are not funding higher education, they will not be re-elected. “We have a voice,” Stofferahn said. “It’s time to put a face behind that voice.” Comptroller Dan Hynes, a Democratic candidate for governor, said he wanted to encourage students to stay involved in the political process, especially after the student MAP rallies in Springfield. “We need students to continue to be engaged in the process, governmentally and politically,” Hynes said. “I am just absolutely impressed by the show of force, the show of enthusiasm, the inspiration that (students) gave to the state of Illinois.” Rep. David Miller, D-Lynwood, said students’ activism has historically propelled major social and political changes, such as the Civil Rights movement. “(Students) put a face with a higher education institution,” said Miller, a Democratic candidate for comptroller.
Marcus King, a sophomore from Florida studying journalism, said there has been a tendency in the past for students to be apathetic when it comes to politics and government, but the way students came together and rallied to restore MAP showed legislators how active they can be. “We all united together to get this MAP grant back,” King said. King said candidates need to be reminded of the priority higher education should have in state and federal government. Not funding higher education should be recognized as the crime it is, King said. He said he would like to see a system in place where legislators can only add to higher education funding. “We’ll hold you accountable,” King said to the candidates. Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias was scheduled to speak, but was unable to visit the campus because of illness, Stofferahn said. Madeleine Leroux can be reached at 536-3311 ext. 254.
ing were his lowest since the Sept. 5 game against Marshall, ran the ball into the end zone to give the Salukis a 20-13 lead. “The offensive line got a hard push, they knocked people down, and all I had to do was jump into the end zone after that,” Karim said. The Salukis seemed ready to put the game away on the next Northern Iowa possession, as cornerback Brandon Williams picked off Panther quarterback Pat Grace’s pass and returned it 21 yards to give the Salukis a 27-13 lead with 2:48 remaining. See PANTHERS | 11
1'#2)3"-4)1%5+#) 6"6'0()$'$%,"&'$ Erin Holcomb DAILY EGYPTIAN EEERIN9@SIU.EDU
Former Sen. Paul Simon’s pack rat tendencies have allowed the university to house an extensive collection of artifacts from his life. Friends and family of Simon and faculty and staff at the university honored him with the dedication of the Senator Paul Simon Papers into the Special Collections Research Center Sunday at Morris Library. Simon served in Illinois as a journalist, professor and politician. He held government positions as a state representative, state senator and lieutenant governor. Simon was known for his influences on passing bills for education and jobs, as well as his campaign for the 1987 Democratic nomination for president. See SIMON | 4