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Music Reviews: Beanie Sigel’s ‘Bully’ is a bomb and Trey Songz’s latest is ‘Ready’ for consumption.

Daily Egyptian Farmers market loses central figure Today: High: 77, Low: 52


Wednesday: High: 81, Low: 55

COLUMN , PAGE 6: Gus Bode says who should the new Afghan president be?

Thursday: High: 81, Low: 57


VOLUME 95, NO. 7


Shari Sweeney remembers her late husband Patrick at their family farm Sunday. Patrick Sweeney passed away Aug. 5 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. The Sweeney name has been attached to the local growers movement in Carbondale for more than 25 years, and the family stand is a key fixture at the weekly Farmers Market at Westown Mall parking lot. Since her husband’s passing, Sweeney has been struggling with the decision to operate the farm beyond the end of this season. “[I] have to figure out what I’m going to do. It’s all still new,” Sweeny said. The decision is a tough one because she said she sees Patrick in the farm he built. ISAAC SMITH D AILY E GYPTIAN


Patrick Sweeney spent the last 27 years of his life growing a community out of his passion. Sweeney, an organic farmer, provided Carbondale residents with fresh produce as one of the original vendors at the Carbondale


fter a while, it becomes less about how much money you make and more of a way of life. — Henry Mulder

a health inspector for Jackson County on the late Patrick Sweeney and his contributions to the community

Farmers Market before he died from pancreatic cancer Aug. 5. And while he will no longer be at the market, his stand of multicol-

ored flowers and vegetables will remain throughout the season as his wife is left to manage without him. Steve Smith, a local farmer and

familiar face at the market, said Sweeney was a part of the market for 27 years and president of the Farmers Market Association for the last 10. The local produce market is a weekly grocery stop for many residents as well as an opportunity to socialize. Founded in 1976 by the Illinois

Search set to begin for associate provost position Stile T. Smith

Rice said Elmore’s former staff has taken the duties of the position since her departure, with Rice overAdministrators are trying to fill seeing any decisions they make. Rice said the ultimate decision two interim dean positions and an associate provost position in the of who to hire is up to him. “But I would make that decimonths ahead. sion in collaboThe associration with the ate provost for t is one of the most chancellor and Academic Afother adminfairs position has important things istrators,” Rice been open since that the faculty can said. Patricia Elmore undertake. We’re going Dean searches stepped down for the School July 1. to work hard at it. of Law and the Interim Pro— Eugene Basanta chariman of the search committee College of Apvost Don Rice plied Science said an in-house search would begin in the next and Arts would be an external search, as opposed to the internal week. “It will be an internal search, search for the associate provost of so the application period will not Academic Affairs. The School of Law is finishing be as long as it might be for a national search,” Rice said. “It will be the job description for its dean, and chairman of the search comover in the fall.” DAILY EGYPTIAN STS34@SIU.EDU


mittee Eugene Basanta said he is expecting advertising to begin in the next week. Basanta said the committee has clearly defined goals it wants the next dean to accomplish. “The main focus is a good leader for the law school,” Basanta said. “We just completed a selfstudy and identified directions and future plans for the law school, so we’re looking for a dean that will help define and implement those plans.” Frank Houdek has been the interim dean since former dean Peter Alexander stepped down during the summer. Basanta said locating a good dean is vital to the success of any college on campus. “I’ve been involved with searches here before for the dean,” Basanta said. “It is one of the most important things that the faculty can under-

take. We’re going to work hard at it.” CASA has been working on locating a new dean since last spring. Co-chairman of the search committee David NewMyer said he has received 16 applications so far. “We had our first meeting last week to look at qualifications, and we determined at that meeting that we needed more time,” NewMyer said. “We’re meeting again Wednesday and hope to get through the applications.” NewMyer said the committee hopes to narrow the field at the Wednesday meeting leaving between two and five applicants. NewMyer said the committee is taking its time to find the best candidate available. “The way we advertised it, we were hoping to have somebody in place at the latest by the summer or next fall,” he said.

South Project, it outgrew two previous locations and moved to the Westown Mall parking lot where its operated for the last 25 years. Henry Mulder, a health inspector for Jackson County, said Sweeney believed in providing organic vegetables and natural fruit to people. See SWEENEY | 8

Liquor tax increase takes effect today Madeleine Leroux DAILY EGYPTIAN


Some Illinois liquor prices may be raised as a result of a statewide tax increase taking effect today. Liquor, candy and soft drinks are all part of a new tax increase, which provides funding for statewide improvements to roads, schools and bridges, including the patching and resurfacing of Route 13 from Murphysboro to Carbondale. According to the Illinois Department of Revenue Web site, excise taxes are increasing from 10.4 cents to 13 cents for a six-pack of beer, 15 cents to 28 cents for a bottle of wine and 90 cents to $1.71 for a fifth of distilled spirits. See LIQUOR | 8

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