Daily Egyptian Parking tickets issued early Today: High: 80, Low: 55
Thursday: High: 80, Low: 57
COLUMN, PAGE 6: Gus Bode says never give up.
Friday: High: 81, Low: 58
VOLUME 95, NO. 8
Arbitration set for October Madeleine Leroux MLEROUX@SIU.EDU DAILY EGYPTIAN
Former Chancellor Fernando Trevino’s arbitration date has been set for early October, said SIU spokesman Dave Gross. The arbitration will consist of a threeperson panel listening to evidence from both sides of the issue, Gross said. Trevino, who was chosen as SIUC chancellor in summer 2007, was placed on paid administrative leave in March 2008. SIU President Glenn Poshard then cited failure to perform basic job duties outlined in Trevino’s contract and reassigned him to a tenured faculty position. Former Board of Trustees member Sam Goldman was appointed interim chancellor in April 2008 and in January 2009, the ‘interim’ was dropped from Goldman’s title. Trevino is now serving as the dean of the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work at Florida International University. Gross said the arbitration would be a closed proceeding because it is a personnel issue, but the decision would be made public.
JAMES DURBIN | D AILY E GYPTIAN An SIUC parking division official tickets violators in a lot by McAndrew Stadium Tuesday. Some students have complained about recieving parking tickets during the first two weeks of class, which has been a grace period in the past. SIUC Chief of Police Todd Sigler said the grace period was reduced to the first two days of the semester.
Rule change affects parking tickets Stile T. Smith DAILY EGYPTIAN STS34@SIU.EDU
When Lee Deans parked his truck in front of the Student Center Thursday, he was surprised to see a parking ticket slipped under his windshield wiper when he returned. Deans, a senior from Flossmoor studying psychology who has a red parking decal, said when he initially saw the ticket, he thought it would be a warning. “Of course I didn’t think I would get a ticket,” Deans said. “I
park places where I know I’m not supposed to park. It’s almost like you’re left with no choice because you’re trying to get to class on time and there’s nowhere to park.”
his year we gave everybody Monday and Tuesday for parking in the wrong color lots. — Todd Sigler director of public safety
Deans said he has amassed $2,601 in parking tickets since coming to SIUC in 2006. According to the parking divi-
sion Web site, funds received from parking tickets are used for the construction, renovation and maintenance of parking lots, garage and street lighting. The painting and striping of crosswalks, roadway centerlines and turn lanes and the street sweeper used to clean the parking lots and roadways on campus also receive funding. Director of Public Safety Todd Sigler said a rule change could be what has caused students to be ticketed in the first two weeks of class. “This year we gave everybody Monday and Tuesday for parking in the wrong color lots,” Sigler said. “If you had a red decal and were parking in a blue area, you
had Monday and Tuesday to park in those areas.” Sigler said the rule change was put into place because students attending SIUC who are not in their first year are blatantly taking advantage of the grace period, and those who have blue decals have been complaining about not having a place to park. “What we’re looking at is somebody (who attended SIUC) last year should know what the rules are and would simply ignore the rule until you started issuing tickets,” Sigler said. “People in blue lots are complaining that we’re not enforcing rules.” See TICKETS | 10
New Women’s Center a more ‘cohesive’ environment Nick Johnson DAILY EGYPTIAN NICKJ39@SIU.EDU
Victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence have a new safe haven. The Carbondale branch of the Women’s Center, Inc., a nonprofit organization that shelters and counsels abused women, men and children, is in its first year in the brand-new, community and grant-funded facility on 610 S. Thompson Street. Executive Director Cathy
McClanahan said the Women’s Center outgrew its 40-yearold former residence at 408 W. Freeman Street. McClanahan said the addition of new staff and beds for women and children fleeing domestic violence drove the need for more space. This is also the first time since the inception of the Women’s Center that all of its services are located in one facility, McClanahan said. “(The new facility) is more cohesive, because a lot of times sexual assault isn’t the only problem a person has,” said Patty Weyhrich, a child
therapist for the center who specializes in counseling sexually abused children under 11 and their parents. “A lot of times domestic violence and sexual assault (occur) in the same family.” The center also serves as a base for the rape crisis services, which is doubly beneficial to the victim, according to a case manager at the center and former client. “If somebody comes in [dealing with] rape, we can refer them to someone (at the center); it’s closer,” said Delmore-Bell, who came to the center as a client in 1992 and returned
to work there five years later. Delmore-Bell also said the new location makes it more accessible. “(Clients) don’t have to travel from one building to another,” she said. “If someone needs to see someone, they can just call the (front desk) and come into the same building. It doesn’t matter if they’re homeless, hungry or (a victim of) domestic violence, we can still work with them.”
Attempted sexual assault reported on campus Madeleine Leroux DAILY EGYPTIAN
SIUC Police have made an arrest in an aggravated battery and attempted sexual assault case. Luis Ortiz, 27, of Carbondale, was arrested Monday after he confessed to attacking a woman Sunday night in Lot 56, said Todd Sigler, director of public safety. Sigler said the victim, who is not affiliated with the university, passed Ortiz in the lot before she heard him running behind her. Sigler said Ortiz told the victim he was running for the bus, and she then gave him a copy of the bus schedule before walking away. Ortiz continued to follow her, Sigler said, and pushed her down to the ground once they neared the wooded area on the edge of the lot. Ortiz proceeded to strike the victim multiple times with a closed fist before grabbing her jeans in “the front waist area,” Sigler said. She then attempted to kick Ortiz who ran off into the lot, Sigler said. After further interviews, Sigler said Ortiz confessed and was charged. See ASSAULT | 10