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Daily Egyptian
VOLUME 95, NO. 12
COLUMN, PAGE 5: Gus Bode says ... where are we eight years later?
SEPTEMBER 14, 2009
Saudi Student Society hosts Ramadan feast
Leadership conference attracts record crowd Social Justice Leadership Institute unveiled Christina Spakousky DAILY EGYPTIAN
JULIA RENDLEMAN | D AILY E GYPTIAN Ihsan Othman, 2, and his mother, Norasma Othman, of Malaysia, celebrate Ramadan at Masjid Al-noor Mosque in Carbondale Saturday. Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a time for fasting and reflection. A feast was served at the mosque for members of the Muslim community in Carbondale, breaking their fast for the day. For more on the Ramadan celebration, see page 3.
Vounteers break participation record Erin Holcomb DAILY EGYPTIAN EEERIN9@SIU.EDU
Students sacrificed their Saturday to give back to the community and help with worldwide causes. The 15th annual Day of Service brought a record number of people together — more than 330 students and community members — who went out and performed various projects around Carbondale. Paul Restivo, director of the Center for Environmental Health and Safety, said he is proud of the students’ efforts to create a better environment. “The students are doing wonderful work,” Restivo said. “And they deserve the credit.” Students not only received general recognition for their services, but they could also get acknowledgment on their official transcripts if they complete more than 30 hours of volunteer work. Larry Dietz, vice chancellor of Student Affairs, said he thinks the volunteering mentality is becoming popular among all students. “The groups are so different,” Dietz said. “We’re very proud that the students are the core of this.” See SERVICE | 8
JAMES DURBIN | D AILY E GYPTIAN Vincent Hill, 8, left, and Micah Traylor, 6, spray paint disks cut from fallen tree limbs with the help of Darin Drummond, a senior from Quincy studying accounting and member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, at the Carbondale Boys and Girls Club Saturday. Drummond and other members of Beta Theta Pi came to the Boys and Girls Club as part of the 15th annual Day of Service, a program focused on helping others.
A record turnout of 350 participants attended the 12th annual SIUC Leadership Conference. The event is the first of its kind to be sponsored by every college on campus, said Amanda Phillips, coordinator of student development. “What’s most exciting about this year’s conference is that it’s a student- led conference. It’s a conference for students by students,” Phillips said. The student advisory board brought in $16,000 from sponsors such as the Office of the Chancellor, career services and the interGreek council, lowering the price of admission from $15 to $5, said Andy Morgan, coordinator for Greek Life. On Saturday, students had the option of participating in a day of community service or attending a leadership workshop, where Michael Hays—a Greek sponsored leadership speaker—spoke about additional leadership opportunities, Morgan said. Chancellor Sam Goldman said he was impressed by the event. He said the knowledge students gain throughout their college years does not come only from attending classes, but from getting involved and exploring interests. “No student should have to be uninvolved… it’s more than just the classroom,” Goldman said. During Friday’s session, public speaker Robert Van Arlen of Kansas City, Kan., used boom whackers— plastic instruments—to demonstrate how music relates to leadership. The instruments were collected and donated to a local children’s charity after the presentation. “You are all here at this institution to gain knowledge. What will you choose as your leadership rhythm? … The rhythm will follow you all the way back to the dorms— back to your homes,” Van Arlen said during his speech. Guests cheered after successfully whacking the instruments to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” “It worked only because of leadership,” Van Arlen said after the song concluded. University officials used the conference to spread the word on the Social Justice Leadership Institute— a new program that plans to take leadership to new levels by teaching courses that urge students to make a difference on campus and in the community, Phillips said. See CONFERENCE | 8