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Daily Egyptian WEDNESDAY

COLUMN, PAGE 5: Gus Bode says sometimes you’ve got to be green to make green.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2009

VOLUME 95, NO. 27


Small businesses celebrate Center Nick Johnson DAILY EGYPTIAN


LELA NOREM | D AILY E GYPTIAN John Ferlow, co-owner of Anjo’s Pizza in Sesser, serves samples to a crowd gathered at the Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Illinois Small Business Development Center Tuesday while his wife Angel, looks on.

The Illinois Small Business Development Center turned 25 on Tuesday, and community members, university staff and small-business owners gathered at the Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center to celebrate. The center provides counseling, training and information to more than 350 small businesses per year in southern Illinois, said Lynn Andersen Lindberg, executive director of the center. SIU President Glenn Poshard spoke at the event, noting the center has counseled more than 2,100 clients and helped 553 of those clients secure a total of $83,679,000 in financing. Despite recent economic conditions, Lindberg said the center has seen an increase in the number of small businesses. “As people have faced downsizing with companies in the region, or perhaps their second job disappeared, they’ve looked at employment for themselves as a very viable option,” Lindberg said. Local business owners who have benefited from the center’s services set up kiosks around the atrium, offering samples of their food and services to attendees. Charlie Campbell, owner of SI Tours, LLC, said the center helped him put together his business plan and get the line of credit he needed to get started. Campbell said he’s been back to the center several times for classes. “Once you get past the university, most everything here is a small business, so anything they can do here to help the businesses in southern Illinois (is) a big benefit,” he said. See CENTER | 3

University housing restructures resident assistantship Christina Spakousky

develop and maintain programs for residents, which proved time consuming for the assistants and under-used for University housing restructured the students, said Meghan O’Rourke, a former resident assistant resident assistantship and a junior from program with a new training model that offitudents today are Glenview studying technical theater. cials said would create different than O’Rourke said more flexibility for onstudents of 10 years RAs needed to earn campus communities. 40 points a semesJulie Payne ago. ter — points were Kirchmeier, director of — Julie Payne Kirchmeier director of university housing earned by developing University Housing, programs, posting said the new model has flyers and scheduling guest speakers. been a needed change to resident life. “Students today are different than Every task gave them between one and students of 10 years ago,” Kirchmeier four points, she said. “The hardest part (was) organizing said. The new program focuses on aca- your life and making sure that school demics, decision making and commu- (was) going well,” O’Rourke said. Coordinator of Student Programs nity involvement, said Steven Yeagley, director of Schneider Hall. The model Joseph McGibboney said student attenhelps with new students transitioning dance at campus events has increased, into college life by teaching them about and housing is more organized. “Their focus has changed, and resources and decision-making, he said. “We’re not going to tell you what you the way they go about programming should or shouldn’t do at college, but we’ll events has changed,” McGibboney said. “They’re really looking at events and not help you make decisions,” Yeagley said. Yeagley said resident assistants repeating services.” receive a list of learning outcomes and they meet with supervisors weekly. Christina Spakousky can be reached at In the past, RAs were required to 536-3311 ext. 258.

New legislation could expand financial aid Madeleine Leroux DAILY EGYPTIAN


A bill in the U.S. Senate could provide millions more in federal financial aid to students. The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, passed by the U.S. House of Representatives Sept. 17 and expected to be taken S up in the Senate at online the end of the month, SIUDE.COM would expand the federal Pell Grant and eliminate federally run private lending programs. According to the U.S. Department of Education Web site, the proposed bill would invest $40 billion in the Pell Grant, a need-based grant awarded to low-income students, by eliminating the Federal Family Education Loan program. The Federal Family Education Loan program allows private lending institutions to receive federal subsidies to provide student loans at varying interest rates. David Gillies, spokesman for U.S. Rep. Jerry Costello, D-Ill., said by eliminating the Federal Family Education Loan program, the federal government saves $87 billion, enabling the Pell Grant expansion.


Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act would: — Increase Pell Grant scholarships from $5,350 to $5,550 in 2010 and $6,900 in 2019. — Match Pell Grant scholarships to rising costs of living in 2011 by indexing it to the Consumer Price index and adding 1 percent.



— Invest $3 billion in college access and completion support programs, including the College Access Challenge Grant program. — Expand and strengthen Perkins Loan program to include significantly more colleges and provide the program with more reliable forms of credit from the federal government. — Simplify Free Application for Federal Student Aid by allowing students and families to transfer information from their tax returns to the form. — Provide loan forgiveness for members of the military called to duty in the middle of the academic year.

ISAAC SMITH | D AILY E GYPTIAN Gary Showalter, a senior music education major and a resident assistant for Neely Hall, plays air hockey with hall resident 21-year-old Cornelius McCullough, a junior business management major.

— Keep interest rates low on need-based or subsidized federal student loans by making interest rates variable beginning in 2012. Source: U.S. Department of Education

See DEBT | 2

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