DE Since 1916
Daily Egyptian THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 86
O’Guinn releases statement Sarah Gardner Daily Egyptian
Former Police Chief Jody O’Guinn released a statement Wednesday explaining the circumstances of his firing. O’Guinn said he does not know the reason Carbondale City Manager Kevin Baity fired him. Baity described the justification of his termination as a “confidential matter,” in a press release Monday. He also said it had nothing to do with recent litigation or the ongoing investigation of several high-profile cases.
O’Guinn served as chief of police since 2009. The full statement from O’Guinn: On Monday, August 18, 2014, I was called into the office of the Carbondale City Manager, Kevin Baity. Mr. Baity presented me with a letter of resignation and requested that I sign it. I declined to sign the letter, and Mr. Baity informed me that he was terminating me immediately. I was given no statement of reasons for this decision, other than my “car wasn’t seen at headquarters enough in the last thirty days”
and that the “City needs to move in a different direction.” Obviously, off-site meetings, vacation time, flex time, community meetings and appointments, as well as performing traffic stops and other police related activity, can frequently cause one’s vehicle to not be at headquarters. I have, of course, read the press release issued by the City of Carbondale that refers to issues that are “confidential” in nature as to the reasons for my dismissal, without further explanation. Please see O’GUINN · 2
Bite out of nature
Retention targeted
by task force Luke Nozicka Daily Egyptain
Nearly 40 percent of students who attended their first year in 2012 didn’t return for a second year, according to the university fact book. As retention remains a continual issue on campus, a task force is implementing new initiatives in the hopes to improve those numbers. Laurie Achenbach, dean of the College of Science, said a retention task force of about 65 faculty, staff, students and administrators that was formed last year is executing a plan to keep students at the university. Less than 25 percent of students graduated within four years in 2007, and less than 45 percent graduated within six years. The group is instituting several ideas to its plan, such as arranging blocked schedules and expanding early alert systems. This semester, the task force initiated the block schedule for three majors on campus, biological sciences, psychology and criminal justice, so students can take three of their four required courses together. She said the three majors were chosen because students in these majors must all take a certain number of the same classes to graduate. “They see each other almost everyday. It really builds a community right from the start,” Achenbach said. “It’s not only addressing their curricular needs, but also their social needs.” For example, all students majoring in biological sciences are required to take an intro to biology and chemistry, so assigning them to the same class is “almost like a group of friends going to class together,” she said. The task force is also expanding the early alert system from entry-level math courses to UCOL and speech communication. The system allows professors and advisers to see how students are doing in specific courses by week three, grading them by colors of green, orange, yellow or red. “This is an initiative that I think is going to change the way that instructors and students will see how they’re doing very early in a semester,” Achenbach said. “If a student is in red for all their courses, they may need some more intensive mentoring.” Gregory Budzban, chair of the mathematics department, said the warning system allows professors to direct students in specific support systems needed. He said students also are tested through the system in week eight and 12 of the course. “It’s got to be late enough so you have reliable data but it’s got to be early enough so you actually have a chance to improve student success,” Budzban said. The warning system, tested for the first time in fall 2013, compiles grades from a test taken at the beginning of a course, analyses how well a student is doing throughout the semester and evaluates homework grades and attendance. Please see RETENTION · 2
E van F ait D aily E gyptian Gabriel Garcia, a senior from Chicago studying geography and environmental resources, purchases produce Wednesday from the Logic Campus Market in front of Faner Hall. Logic is a Registered Student Organization that focuses on growing organic food and educating students about organic habits. Logic partners with University Farms to help people understand and change local food practices. The market provides students with easy access to organic food at a reasonable price. The market is open from 12 to 4 p.m. every Wednesday in front of Faner and the Agriculture Building.
Durbin holding hearing on Amtrak route Tom Kacich
The News-Gazette
CHAMPAIGN — Weeks after calling for a study of the potential for increased service along Amtrak’s Chicago-to-Carbondale route, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin is holding a hearing today in Champaign on freight-train interference along the corridor. The meeting between Surface Transportation Board Chairman Dan Elliott, Amtrak board member Tom Carper and local officials is scheduled for 3 p.m. at the Illinois Terminal in downtown Champaign. The Illinois Terminal is the local Amtrak station. Elliott is meeting with communities throughout Illinois at Durbin’s urging. Today’s meeting will focus on concerns associated with freight-train interference and rail delays that have made Amtrak’s Chicago-to-Carbondale route, along Canadian National Railroad tracks, the most delayed route of its kind in the nation.
In a July 31 letter to Elliott, Durbin wrote, “I also encourage you to visit Illinois to investigate ways the STB can take a more active role in improving the on-time performance (OTP) for Amtrak trains. Amtrak OTP has suffered significantly this fiscal year along all lines, but none worse than the Chicago-Champaign-Carbondale route owned and operated by CN. The Illini and Saluki trains are consistently delayed by freight trains, resulting in trains arriving ontime only 54 percent of the time this fiscal year, including one scheduled train arriving on-time only 34 percent of the time.” Durbin called the delays “unacceptable,” and said they deserved the board’s “immediate attention and action.” “Amtrak recently filed an updated petition with the STB citing CN’s obstructions and delays that resulted in the dismal OTP for Amtrak passenger trains. I strongly encourage
you to visit Illinois to investigate this matter further and use your authority under the 2008 Amtrak Reauthorization law I promoted to enforce OTP standards when a railroad, like CN, fails to keep passenger trains on-time at least 80 percent of the time.” Amtrak’s monthly report for June showed that Illini and Saluki trains were on time 63.3 percent of the time that month, down from 81.7 a year earlier. For the year so far, on-time performance has been 54.8 percent, a drop from last year’s 76.4. Freight and passenger train interference were cited as the main reasons for the delays on the corridor, which is primarily a singletrack route. Earlier this summer, Dur-bin sent a letter to CN president and CEO Claude Mongeau, urging him to address traffic and safety issues on CN routes in Illinois.