Band boasts big numbers
Since 1916
Daily Egyptian MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 87
Hypnotist helps through humor Clarissa Cowley Daily Egyptian
Captured in a straitjacket from shoulders to waist, comedy hypnotist Matt Grisham decided his best bet to escape was dancing to Michael Jackson’s greatest hits. He successfully broke free Saturday for an audience of SIU students. Next, one audience member is called to the stage to shoot a paint ball gun at Grisham, who then catches it with his teeth. “I like to throw a little danger amidst the humor,” he said. In his hometown of Evansville, Ind., Grisham was inspired by a female magician with a couple tricks up her sleeve, when she performed at his sixth birthday party. In the snap of a finger, his mother, wanted to do magic to Teresa Grisham, help people forget about and father, Glenn their lives for a minute. Grisham, bought — Matt Grisham him a magic kit, Comedy Hypnotist which consisted of basic card tricks such as “guessing the bottom card” and “pick a card, any card.” Grisham said he began doing tricks like making a coin disappear and rolling a coin on his knuckle. He used magic to become more outgoing. While he attended Daniel Wertz Elementary School, Grisham was a shy child. He started his career performing for about 20 people at local birthday parties, and now more than 6,000 attend his average show. “I was extremely shy, not a good public speaker and it was a hindrance talking people into believing something I’m doing,” said Grisham, who adapted to his weaknesses by focusing on his strengths, which include the mechanisms and techniques of magic. Grisham said his great-grandfather, a then-police officer, inspired him to help people in need, which for him was by entertaining. “I thought it was cool that he was a cop for a long time, helping people in his 70s and I wanted to do the same thing,” he said. Grisham said his marketing degree from the University of Southern Indiana has helped promote himself as a magician. “I use it a lot now to advertise myself and other different groups, like bands, jugglers, novelties and directors,” Grisham said. “Instead of staring at a wall in an office, writing 100-page market research papers in business marketing, I wanted to do magic to help people forget about their lives for a minute.” Grisham frequently performs at colleges like SIU, where he performed Saturday at the Student Center. He commonly puts on shows during the first several weeks of a semester. “My team helps a lot with the bookings and keeping me organized and know[ing] where to go because I’m solely responsible for transportation,” Grisham said. Now he travels across the country to colleges, comedy clubs and corporate events performing for large crowds. Grisham has performed in places such as Boston, Mass. and Texas with more than 100 shows a year.
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Clarissa Cowley can be reached at or on Twitter @Claire_DE.
I an M ullen D aIly e gyptIan Andrew Korous, a junior from Joliet studying computer science, cheers with the Marching Salukis during the New Student Convocation parade. The Marching Salukis have increased its band membership over the past six years from 68 to now more than 200 members.
For story, please see page 6
Hidden talent strums around campus Chase Myers Daily Egyptian
While walking around campus, if you hear a guitar riff echoing in the distance, it may be Taha Khan and his guitar. Khan, a sophomore from Chicago studying business, doubles as an aspiring guitar player and songwriter. Khan can often be seen strumming his guitar before and after his classes. The guitar rarely leaves his hands. Growing up around music in Chicago, Khan noticed guys playing guitar to swooning crowds and realized that was something he wanted to do. “When I was young, I always wanted a guitar,” he said. Although Khan showed a liking for the guitar at a young age, the support from his parents was not always there, he said. When Khan was in eighth grade, he had the opportunity to take his first guitar class. “I had always wanted to play guitar, so the fact that someone gave me the opportunity
… I just couldn’t let it go to waste,” Khan said. Khan often went above and beyond while taking the class, angering his instructor and earning him a poor grade, he said. “I would always learn something extra,” he said. “He [the instructor] would want me to play something like “Johnny B. Goode” … But I would always learn something like “Master of Puppets.” After a while, Khan figured out practice would be crucial in perfecting his skill. He hit a wall when he was learning the song “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath, he said. He couldn’t make his hands move quite as fast as he wanted. From then on, he would bring his guitar everywhere, practicing every chance he got, he said. “I could be doing anything,” he said “I could be in the bathroom washing my face and I’d still have my guitar.” He would learn a lot of his intricate riffs from his brother’s friend Derek, who
I an M ullen D aIly e gyptIan Taha Khan, a sophomore from Des Plaines studying business, plays guitar Saturday outside the Life Science II building. Khan has been playing guitar for seven years. “If you have a passion for something, go for it - don’t give up on it,” Khan said. His brother taught him how to play guitar, said Khan. He later turned to YouTube videos to improve his music.
showed him what to do without spoonfeeding him the specifics, Khan said. Derek taught him using the “learn it yourself ” mentality, Khan said. As a freshman in college, Khan saw his guitar practicing would interfere more and more with his class schedule. He would bring his guitar with him to work at Planet Fitness to get in some extra practice between classes, he said. At the end of the day he would get his homework done, then play in the dorm hallways. Khan, also a composer, is influenced by music that shows emotion in its meaning, he said. “Emotions influence me,” he said. “I like to see songs that show some sort of talent and emotion.” He has written five original songs, all inspired by different experiences and emotions in his life, he said. The songs deal with topics such as heartbreak and the death of his friend Victor, who passed away in January. “Each song has lyrical meaning and emotion to it,” he said. While visiting family in India, Khan was inspired to write a song about people suffering from poverty. “Some people are worried about not getting luxurious things, while there are children in India begging for food to survive,” he said. Whenever he thinks of a new idea for a song, he will record it on his phone and save it so he can build on it later. Khan believes no matter what your major is or what your goals are in life, you shouldn’t give up your passion. Musicians all have their own struggles, he said. “If you have the passion, you should still give it a chance,” he said. Chase Myers can be reached at or on Twitter @chasemyers_DE