DE Since 1916
Daily Egyptian WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 89
Corporate sponsorship helps STEM students Branda Mitchell Daily Egyptian
A $50,000 donation, to Southern Illinois University, doubled the student participation in a program to bridge the gap from high school to college. The donation allowed 26 incoming freshman interested in science, technology, engineering and math, commonly called STEM, to attend the program by paying for the costs of housing, meals and textbooks.
Debate team sets goals sky high
AT&T Inc. Illinois President Paul La Schiazza presented the donation to the administration Tuesday at the Student Services Building. The bridge program is designed to help students acclimate to college and student life before their first semester at the university. For two weeks, students in the program live on campus while participating in social activities and academic enrichment courses. Renada Greer, Student Support Services director, said the program was able to grow
because of the funds given by AT&T Inc.. “Thanks to AT&T, we nearly doubled the number of participants in the program to 52 students,” Greer said. “We were able to offer a STEM emphasis program. Half of the students participated in a STEM summer bridge program.” Greer said the students go to class daily from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and spend two hours in the library to show them what to expect in future studies. Please see DONATION · 03
Beat the heat
Gabriella Scibetta Daily Egyptian
The Saluki Debate Team has three new additions this year: two debaters and a new coach. Todd Graham, director of the team, said Ben Reid, Zach Schneider and Aditya Sharma have recently joined the team. Graham said Reid, a graduate student from Kansas City, Mo., studying communication studies, has been appointed as a coach because he has a long history of success in academic debate. “Ben was an outstanding debater, having finished second and third at the national championships,” Graham said. Sharma, a junior from California studying business economics, and Schneider, a senior from Chicago studying Computer Science, are the two new debaters on this year’s team. “I’ve had a fairly easy time adjusting to the team so far; the coaches are all supportive and passionate about debate, and I’ve enjoyed working with each of them thus far,” Schneider said. Joshua Rivera, a senior from Chicago studying political science and economics, said in an email he is excited to work with Schneider and Sharma as new debaters. He said the two bring a fresh perspective to the team. Sharma said he chose to attend the university because he wanted to join the best debate team in the country. Graham said he recruited Sharma because he is eager to improve his skills and will help contribute to the team’s attempt at a third consecutive national title. “I liked Aditya when I saw him debate,” Graham said. “But more than that, he demonstrated a willingness to improve, to work hard and he wants to be the best. He fit in well with our idea of a hard worker with desire is to be even better.” Graham said he evaluates work ethic, quick thinking and the desire to learn difficult subjects when recruiting potential team members. He said recruiting for debate is much like recruiting for a sports team. “I travel to high school debate tournaments and community college debate tournaments looking for talented debaters. I usually travel to anywhere from five to eight tournaments for the exclusive purpose of scouting,” Graham said. “I don’t have to recruit the best debaters I see, but I need to make sure they have a basic enough understanding and enough experience, that once they get here they will be able to make the jump into high gear.” Gabriella Scibetta can be reached at, on Twitter @GScibetta_DE or at 536-3311 ext. 254
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Eric Engleson, a senior from Arlington Heights studying therapeutic recreation cools off Tuesday at Saluki Mash-Up outside Grinnell Hall. “I’m relaxing while everyone else is sweating,” Engleson said. Engleson is a member of the SIUC Water Polo Club. Saluki Mash-Up is sponsored by University Housing and helps students get involved in Registered Student Organizations.
Student government seeks senators Marissa Novel Daily Egyptian
More than half of the Undergraduate Student Government seats have not yet been appointed this year. USG Chief of Staff Shantel Franklin, a junior from Chicago studying political science, said there are 20 open senate seats. The Senate consists of 34 seats, according to USG’s website. At its first meeting Tuesday, the senate tabled the Student Health Initiative resolution. USG President Cameron Shulak, a senior from Louisville, Ky. studying aviation flight and management, said the initiative aims to create an Affordable Care Act compliant plan. He said ACA compliancy would make it easier for students to obtain prescription medication, eliminate caps on certain benefits and remove limits on care because of pre-existing conditions. “The quicker we can take action on it, the better,” Shulak said.
Shulak said the resolution received little criticism from undergraduates, and it would increase the student health fee by about 30 percent, though the definite cost is confidential. “The university’s plan is much, much cheaper than opting elsewhere for healthcare,” he said. Shulak said he will meet with interim Provost Susan Ford and other administration later this week to discuss more details about the resolution, as well as the 20-hour work cap. Senator Lloyd Coakley, a sophomore from Belleville studying anthropology, voted to table the fee. “Quite honestly, to pass something with a fee that high, without consulting our constituents would be doing a disservice to the students we represent,” Coakley said. Five new senators were appointed at the meeting, including Senator Raheam Hudson, a sophomore from St. Louis studying marketing. Hudson said he
uite honestly to pass something with a fee that high without consulting our constituents would be doing a
disservice to the students we represent.
— Lloyd Coakley USG Senator
is excited to participate in the student government. “I just want to be a voice for the students and make sure they’re getting all the potential resources they should have access to,” he said. The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Sept. 9 at the Student Health Services Auditorium. Information and petition packets for becoming a USG senator can be found at