DE Since 1916
Daily Egyptian THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 93
Resource centers search for coordinators
20-hour cap to change during breaks Luke Nozicka Daily Egyptian
Students will be able to work on-campus jobs for more than 20 hours a week during intercessions and summers after the fall semester. Susan Ford, interim provost and vice chancellor of academic affairs, said administration will hopefully decide how many hours students will be able to work during these times by the end of the semester.
She said the 20-hour cap policy remains for fall and spring semesters. “How high can students go in terms of the hours they work? Do they need to be registered or not registered?” Ford said. “We’re trying to sort all that out … by the end of the fall so that as we move into spring semester, students know by January what the policy is going to be for the summer.” Ford said determining the amount of hours students can work on campus during
intercessions and summer semesters will be discussed with deans and financial officers in the next several months. “Having students work more than 20 hours a week in a regular academic semester is considered poor academic practice all across the country,” Ford said. “It is best practices to encourage them to work at a level that fits allowing them to also be a full-time student.” For more information on the 20-hour work cap, see page 2
Swift swords, furious fencers
Brent Meske Daily Egyptian
Four resource centers in the Office of the Dean of Students are looking to fill vacant coordinator positions. The positions are open in the Office of Student Involvement, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Hispanic and Latino Resource Center and the LGBTQ Resource Center. Andy Morgan, acting associate dean of students, said a search committee will meet Thursday to review applications for the open Student Involvement coordinator position, who will work with Registered Student Organizations and organize conferences. He said his goal is to bring three finalists to campus for interviews, which could take nearly two weeks. Morgan said Benjamin Chamness is serving as acting coordinator of Student Involvement until a permanent one is hired. He said Chamness has worked 20 hours each week as extra help since June. “The search committee reviews all the applicants and makes a recommendation on who to invite to campus for interviews,” Morgan said. “From there it goes up the chain of command to the dean of students, provost and affirmative action office. Then it comes back to me and we invite candidates.” Morgan said he took the position as Undergraduate Student Government adviser when Bethany Wendler, former coordinator of student involvement, left in May. He said Katherine Sermersheim, interim dean of students, changed the title of the adviser for USG and Graduate and Professional Student Council from coordinator of student involvement to associate dean of students. “[Wendler] took an opportunity at a different university for career advancement,” Cameron Shulak, USG president said. The Office of the Dean of Students is also looking to hire a fraternity and sorority life coordinator for one year, who will advise the Inter-Greek Council and its four sub-councils. Both current employees and people who do not work at the university have applied for the student involvement and fraternity and sorority life coordinator positions. Nathan Stephens, director of the Center for Inclusive Excellence, said the Hispanic and Latino Resource Center is reviewing three applicants, none of whom have worked at the university. He said the LGBTQ Resource Center is going through the administrative process to get advertisements placed about the vacant position. Morgan said both positions help mentor students and lead programming for heritage months. Stephens said staff members have stepped up while the offices look for applicants to fill the positions. “We have graduate assistants doing some of the day-to-day work,” he said. “Myself and my assistant director are having an active role in the leadership of those resource centers.” Brent Meske can be reached at or on Twitter @brentmeskeDE.
E van F ait D aily E gyptian Will Rolon, a freshman studying mechanical engineering, demonstrates a fencing drill Wednesday at the Recreation Center. Rolon is the vice president of the SIU Kendo club and was teaching new members the basics of kendo. “ The stances are different [than fencing] and so are the points,” Rolon said. “But, we
International student enrollment spikes Taylor Vogel Daily Egyptian
SIU has the largest number of new international students this semester since 1985. Carla Coppi, director of the Center for International Education, said the 515 new international arrivals include both undergraduate and graduate students. She said many of these students are transfers who completed some college in their home countries. This semester’s new international students include 156 Brazilians, 86 Indians, 63 Chinese, 60 Saudi Arabians and 16 Taiwanese. “Even if you take Brazil out of the mix, we still have 40 over last year’s high water mark,” Coppi said. “We’ve always had a very robust international student population.” Coppi said 347 new international students were enrolled in fall 2013, which at the time was the highest number since 1991. She said one of the reasons for the upsurge in Brazilian students is because the Brazilian government decided to sponsor students studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics. While some of these students are financially supported through their governments and other programs, Coppi said most of them are paying for their education. She said international students usually do not become eligible for in-state tuition and end up paying a higher price for education.
Yonus Entezar, a graduate student from Afghanistan studying media, said he learned a great deal from the university. He said he learned a lot while at school and is excited about the rise in international students. “The more you involve international students, the more it gives us different points of view,” Entezar said. Haitao Zeng, a graduate student from China studying media and media management, said he came to the U.S. to improve his English. Zeng said in China everyone takes the same classes so
he enjoys how people can focus on one area of study at the university. “There is more freedom for us to think about what is good for us,” he said. Zeng said he would easily be able to find a job in China because of his education at the university and work experience in the U.S. “If I get experience here, it’s good for me to go back to China,” Zeng said. Taylor Voegel can be reached at
Amount of international students by country of origin #2 India 86
#1 Brazil 156 #4
Number of students
13 6 5 4 3 2 1
Country of Origin
Saudi Arabia Iran
#3 China 63 #5
Iran Angloa, Korea Germany, United Kingdom Bangladesh, France, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Russia Australia, Colombia, Czech Republic, Poland, Sweden, Vietnam El Salvador, Ghana, Honduras, Iceland, Iqaq, Jordan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Venezuela Afghanistan, Argentina, Bhutan, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Greece, Indonesia, Kazakhastan, Lithuania, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Qatar, Sudan, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad, Ukraine
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D aily E gyptian