Daily Egyptian

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Since 1916

Daily Egyptian MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 94

Atheist group hosts first lecture Marissa Novel Daily Egyptian

The debate of the existence of a god or higher being, be it Jesus, Allah, Moses or even Magneto, is never ending, and one man recently brought that dispute to Carbondale. The Southern Illinois Atheists Meetup Group and the New Humanist Forum of Carbondale Humanitarian Fellowship welcomed speaker Richard Carrier to their first lecture event Saturday at Curbside Bar and Grill and Sunday at the Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship. Carrier is an author, historian and atheist activist. He has degrees from University of California, Berkeley, and Columbia University, and has studied the philosophy of ancient civilizations, science and religion. “Why don’t we pretend to live in the world of ‘Harry Potter’?” Carrier said. “Or what if the ‘X-MEN’ actually existed and were combating ISIS in the Middle East?” Anne O’Day, founder of the group, said she belonged to a singles’ meetup group, a communal organization of people with similar interests, which became Christian without her knowledge. She said she created a non-dating meetup group for atheists in Chicago. She initiated one in Champaign and another in southern Illinois in 2008. “There are so many things out there that are like phantom forums,” O’Day said. “This is for people who actually want to meet face to face rather than just online.” O’Day said Southern Illinois Atheists consisted of 50 members after its first year and now has 186. Tom Godshalk and Amelia Ketzle, two members of the group, said they discovered Carrier after being involved in online intellectual debates and finding his lectures on YouTube. Ketzle said they asked Carrier to visit Carbondale after collaborating with the Rationalist Society of St. Louis to split his attendance costs. “I think he’s one of the stronger voices in that community,” Godshalk said. “I really think he’s a great voice to bring to this community.” Ketzle said she and her husband Godshalk, have been members of Southern Illinois Atheists since 2012 and have met a lot of friends through the organization. “As cliché as it sounds, its nice to know you’re in a safe place to talk freely and not offend people’s sensibilities,” Ketzle said. Bob Camp, coordinator of the New Humanist Forum, said the purpose of the Humanitarian Fellowship is to help people engage in social, political, environmental and justice based dialogue. Camp said it is important to bring lectures to the general public rather than only to the fellowship, especially to address different points of view from people in the southern Illinois area. Carrier said it was particularly hard to find other atheists in the early 1990s before the take off of the Internet and the creation of the Secular Web, “a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to defending and promoting a naturalistic worldview on the Internet” according to the organization’s website. “It’s real easy now, but back then it was really hard to find fellow atheists,” he said. “It took me half a year before I found a community that actually existed.” Please see ATHEIST · 3

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International students adapt to SIU life Gabriella Scibetta Daily Egyptian

If living with a stranger from a different town is not hard enough, international students at SIU face an even harder challenge. With the most new international students at the university since 1985, people from different countries who speak different languages have been randomly paired to live together. Two students who came to America as a part of an SIU study abroad program, Ayaka Shibuya, a junior from Japan studying liberal arts, and Anaïs Engler, a junior from France studying history, moved into Neely Hall together this semester. “When I arrived, I just saw her name on the door and I guessed she was Japanese, and I was expecting a lot of differences, but there isn’t so much,” Engler said. “It’s the same for our friends also who are international students, they are alike even though one of them is Spanish and the other is Japanese.” Tom Saville, associate director of the Center of International Education, said international students might face difficulties adapting to everyday life in the U.S. “No matter where it is or what direction you are going in, it could be difficult,” Saville said. “Going outside and looking back makes [international students] learn a lot more about where they came from.” Engler said her transition to the university was easier than expected. She said she was worried about making friends, but is relieved Shibuya is there

to talk to. “I never have to be alone,” Engler said. “I have to be away from all my friends and my family. We don’t have to talk all the time, but we know that we never have to be alone.” Saville said connecting with local people as an international student can be difficult. “Integrating with the host culture is one of those things everyone has to overcome,” he said. “I always tell the students who are going overseas they have to take the initiative … to reach out and meet new people.” Engler said she understands she has to make an effort to adjust. “We live such a big change, I don’t feel like it’s a pain,” Engler said. “I just have to adapt, everything is different.” The roommates said classes in France

and Japan are structured differently and have no discussion sessions. Saville said universities overseas tend have no core curriculum, so students often take classes in their major. International students stay at the university for two weeks to an academic year through the study abroad program, Saville said. He said students in the study abroad programs could only apply if they have completed their first year in college at their home country. Engler and Shibuya said they want to travel the country during breaks before heading home after the semester. Gabriella Scibetta can be reached at gscibetta@dailyegyptian.com, on Twitter @gscibetta or at 536-3311 ext. 254

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