DE Since 1916
Daily Egyptian
Gunshot victim sent to hospital Luke Nozicka Daily Egyptian
A person was sent to Memorial Hospital of Carbondale in life-threatening condition Wednesday morning from a gunshot wound, according to a Carbondale Police Department press release. The police department responded to a report of a gunshot victim about 12:35 a.m. Wednesday to the 900 block of East Grand Avenue.
“Officers learned three suspects forced entry into the residence and demanded property from the four victims who were present,” the department’s press release states. “Two of the suspects were armed with a handgun and one of the suspects shot the victim during the incident.” Officers on the scene declined to comment, referring media to the lieutenant on duty. The investigation is ongoing.
Information regarding the incident can be reported to the police department at (618) 457-3200 or Crime Stoppers at (618) 549-2677. This story will be updated online as more information becomes available. Luke Nozicka can be reached at or on Twitter @lukenozicka.
Institute Print master prepares for show discusses water issues Austin Miller Daily Egyptian
Seventy-one percent of Earth’s surface is covered by water, yet the Joint Monitoring Program for Water Supply and Sanitation estimates 748 million people lack access to quality drinking water. The Paul Simon Public Policy Institute hosted a lecture Wednesday evening to discuss the current problems with water—specifically the scarcity of water in Sub-Saharan regions of Africa. David Yepsen, director of the institute, said he hopes the lecture raised awareness of water concerns in southern Illinois. “Some people might not think it’s important to America because it’s not right here at home,” he said. “It’s important that the world be stable, important that the world have prosperity and it’s important that the world be healthy. America has an interest in all of that.” While awareness is raised in the U.S., a majority of the problem is in African countries, where people are in need of clean drinking water. Less than 50 percent of people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritania have access to unpolluted water. Seventy-five percent of people in Nigeria, Kenya, Angola and other countries have access to uncontaminated water, according to the water monitoring program. Sanitation is an issue John Oldfield, CEO of WASH Advocates, said he sees frequently as well. He said in parts of Africa and Asia, human waste is the largest water pollutant. WASH Advocates is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to solve the challenges associated with global safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. Oldfield said those countries do not have proper restroom facilities and the people who live there do not see their waste as a pollutant. The water monitoring program estimates more than one billion people in the world do not use bathrooms, with 638 million in India. Oldfield said he has experienced this firsthand. “You can’t take a train through India without seeing people defecating out in the open,” he said. Oldfield said water polluted with human waste can lead to diarrheal diseases like dysentery and cholera, which can kill if not treated. He said between one and three million children die from those illnesses annually. In parts of the Middle East, young girls are forced to be “human pipes” and bring water back to their villages, Oldfield said. “These girls should be going to school and carrying textbooks, not water,” he said. Oldfield said there are water-impoverished places in the U.S. and issues with contamination. He said hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is a technique to harvest natural gas which can be a source of contamination. Please see WATER · 3
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Women launch leadership conference Marissa Novel Daily Egyptian
A woman from NASA will be the keynote speaker at the first Women’s Leadership Conference, and it was all made possible with a Facebook message. Kelby Rogers, president for the Society of Women Engineers, said she met Mallory Johnston, a NASA engineer and 3D SCAN project manager in Huntsville, Ala., for NASA’s Human Exploration Rover Challenge in April and knew Johnston was the perfect speaker because she was a young, successful woman in engineering. “When I was on the search to contact her, the only place I could find is Facebook,” she said. “So, yes, this professional invitation started with a Facebook message.” Johnston will speak at 9 a.m. Friday in the Student Center Ballrooms B and C. Professional development presentations will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday in the Student Center. “I wanted to bring her to speak because it shows young women that success does not have to happen when you are much older,” Rogers said. “If you work hard, success can be just around the corner.”
She said the focus of the conference is women in professional fields typically dominated by men. “Both men and women can benefit from this conference, but I think it is important for students to know that there are people throughout this university rooting for them and wanting them to succeed,” she said. Julie Dunston, associate professor in engineering technologies, said she was a minority in her undergraduate engineering classes. “I had classes in my undergraduate that had maybe 7 percent female students in it, but as I continued on to do my masters and Ph.D work, then I was really the only female in my research group,” she said. Dunston said by providing good role models the conference could potentially influence women to pursue a career path they normally would not. “It only takes one person,” she said. “One person can influence you to the point where you change what you’re doing in life. The leadership conference could really benefit a lot of students in that way.” The conference will also include several presentations by faculty, staff and students on topics such as the college transition, time management, public
speaking and resume building. Melinda Yeomans, coordinator for the Women’s Resource Center, said female senior students from surrounding high schools and junior colleges will also attend the conference. “This is an opportunity for them to taste some really high level college leadership and professional development opportunity,” she said. Amber Manning-Oullette, director of enrollment management in the College of Business, said she contacted Tarnisha Green, director of Success in Engineering through Excellence in Diversity, this spring about the possibility of this conference. “I think it shows a really great effort considering we’ve planned this all starting in May or June,” she said. “It’s been a really quick turnaround and we have a lot of supporters.” The conference is hosted by the Successful Women in Engineering Registered Student Organization in collaboration with the colleges of business and science, the Women’s Resource Center, Success in Engineering through Excellence in Diversity and the University Women’s Professional Advancement. Marissa Novel can be reached at