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Teenage girl missing since Monday Luke Nozicka Daily Egyptian

Since 1916

Daily Egyptian


SIU approves Fermentation Institute

B rooke Z wicky

A 17-year-old girl is missing and was last seen about 5:25 p.m. on Monday, according to a Carbondale Police Department press release. Brooke E. Zwicky, a white female who is 5-foot-2-inches, was reported missing to the CPD from the 1000 block of East Park

Street on Monday. “Information was developed that Zwicky was in Anna” on Tuesday evening, the release states. The investigation continues. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Zwicky is encouraged to contact the Carbondale Police Department at (618) 457-3200 or Crime

Stoppers at (618) 549-COPS (2677), the department’s release states. This story will be updated online as more information becomes available. Luke Nozicka can be contacted at lnozicka@dailyegyptian.com, on Twitter @LukeNozicka or at 536-3311 ext. 254

Breakfast at Mary Lou’s

Brent Meske Daily Egyptian

The science of alcohol has not been a formal area study for SIU students—until now. SIU is adding a new Fermentation Institute, which will inhabit the remodeled McLafferty Annex. The Illinois Board of Higher Education approved the institute last summer. Matt McCarroll, the director of the Fermentation Science Institute, has been working on the courses and details of the program. McCarroll said fermentation is most commonly associated with beer, but the institute will teach brewing science, viticulture and enology, food areas, pharmaceuticals, industrial energy applications and energy production processes such as the ethanol fuel program. The institute will use lab analysis and lectures to teach subjects. McCarroll said he started the process back in 2009 when he began teaching Chemistry 180. The course involves chemistry, microbiology, physics and engineering. “Students are so interested in the beer and brewing process that you can sneak in the science,” he said. “A lot of times students get frustrated with learning science because they don’t have context for why what they’re learning is important. If you turn it around and talk about what is important and then teach science to make them understand the process, they stay interested.” He said he started the process to make a program out of the course two years ago. Laurie Achenbach, dean of the College of Science, said the first step of the process was filling out a reasonable and moderate extension, or RME, form. Then the form is approved by the appropriate dean before going to the provost, constituency groups affected, faculty senate and associate provost for academic affairs. “After all those steps, the chancellor, president and Board of Trustees approve the document before sending it to the Illinois Board of Higher Education,” she said. “There is a very long list of approvals it must go through and it must meet very strict criteria in order to get approved at every step.” McCarroll said the institute is in the process of pooling together interests and existing resources from different departments. The institute will collaborate with the College of Science, the College of Agricultural Sciences and the College of Engineering. McCarroll said there is a possibility to work with the College of Business and the School of Law. “A lot of our students will be looking into starting their own breweries,” he said. “So taking microeconomics will teach them how to run a business. There are also a lot of unique laws when it comes to working with alcohol so I hope [the School of Law] can help us with that.” Please see FERMINTATION · 3

E van F ait D aily E gyptian Gary Bird, of Hill City, Kan., drinks a cup of coffee Wednesday at Mary Lou’s Grill in Carbondale. “I’ve come here and eaten breakfast with my son every Wednesday morning, for [the past] eight weeks,” Bird said. “[My son] and his wife are both chiropractors, and I hurt my back, so I come down and get adjusted.”

Philosophy requests diverse hire Luke Nozicka Daily Egyptian

The Department of Philosophy’s tenure and tenure-track faculty hiring plan states the department’s faculty is understaffed and has a diversity problem. Faculty hiring plans can be submitted at the beginning of each fall semester by departments to its college requesting to search for potential hires. The philosophy department’s top request is to search for a professor to teach Africana Studies, and in part resolve its diversity issue, the plan states. Stephen Tyman, interim chair of the philosophy department, said this is the third straight year the department has requested for a hire to teach Africana Studies. Kenneth Stikkers has taught the class for the last several years. “The problem is that it’s not [Stikkers’] area of specialization,” said Tyman, who began as interim chair on Aug. 16 after the retirement of former chair George Schedler. “If he teaches in that area, then he has to vacate his area of specialization [American philosophy]. So we’re stretching him thin.”

John Flowers, co-chair of the Communications Committee of Graduate Assistants United, said more women and African-Americans are becoming interested in the philosophy field. He said if the department wants to remain competitive among other universities, it must hire a more diverse faculty member. “One of the problems encountered in teaching African-American students is that they go to a philosophy class where they see someone who doesn’t look like them, and somebody who does not make the material relevant to their experience, so they check out,” said Flowers, a doctoral candidate from Oak Park studying philosophy. “Having an African-American scholar in the department indicates a commitment to bringing all kinds of voices into the field of philosophy and will attract more students of color. The same could be said for a woman.” Twenty-four women, including undergraduates and graduates, either have a first, second, third or fourth major in philosophy this semester, stated university spokesperson Rae Goldsmith in an email Wednesday. Six philosophy students are

African-Americans, the email stated. Matt Ryg, president of the Graduate and Professional Student Council, said he and Flowers are lobbying for a new faculty member. “A third or little bit more than a third of our student population is of color, and zero percent of our faculty are of color,” said Ryg, a doctoral candidate from St. Paul, Minn., studying philosophy. “What message does that send to that entire group of our student population? Like, you’re not represented here.” Tyman said the department lost three professors in the last several years: Schedler, Jed Delahoussaye, who left in 2011 and specialized in medieval philosophy and Pat Manfredi, who is currently serving administrative duties. The department’s full-time faculty consists of one woman and eight men, Tyman said. Terri Wilson, an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Higher Education, and Larry Hickman, director of the Center for Dewey Studies, both teach part-time as well. Please see PHILOSOPHY · 3

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