DE Since 1916
Daily Egyptian MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 106
SIUE enrollment increases while funds remain low Elizabeth Donald
Belleville News-Democrat
Resurgence in enrollment, steady gains on diversity and international studies and staying afloat in hard financial times were the major points in the annual State of the University address by Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville saw a record number of new freshmen and increased numbers of transfer students, graduate students and international students this fall, leading to an all-time high of 13,972 students this year. Of those, 81 percent are
undergraduate students. The quality of those students has increased as well, Furst-Bowe said: The average ACT score among SIUE freshmen was 23.5 this fall, the highest in the university’s history. The increase comes after two years of declining enrollment. “Increased enrollment doesn’t happen by accident,” Furst-Bowe said. New initiatives include developing more programs in subjects with increased interest, new transfer programs with community colleges, expansion of the admissions office and a new virtual
tour of the campus online. “It’s absolutely critical for us to maintain our healthy enrollment,” Furst-Bowe said. New this year: in-state tuition rates are now offered for students in Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa and Wisconsin. This program has already led to a “significantly higher” number of students coming from Missouri, and Furst-Bowe said she hopes word will spread to the other states as well. Please see SIUE · 2
RSO grows produce for campus Chabad house
celebrates Jewish new year
Marissa Novel Daily Egyptian
N athaN h oefert D aily e gyptiaN Members of the Registered Student Organization Local Organic Gardening Initiative of Carbondale, or LOGIC, plant Asian greens Sept. 5 at the Center for Sustainable Farming. The RSO is a student-operated organic garden on campus that receives funding from the Green Fund,
Please see pages 6 & 7 for the story
Jewish students and community members are welcome to commemorate the Jewish New Year, and other holidays at Chabad of SIU. Chabad is “a worldwide movement, caring for the spiritual and material needs of all Jews,” according to the organization’s website. Chabad houses, such as Chabad of SIU, are established to carry out the organization’s mission. Rabbi Mendel Scheiman, who runs Chabad of SIU said Chabad is a global organization that connects Jewish people. “It’s about outreach,” he said. “It’s reaching out to Jews who wouldn’t have the opportunity [to celebrate holidays] otherwise, and to educate people. There are Chabad centers all over the world, and we’re one of a few thousand.” Mendel said the Chabad will celebrate other Jewish holidays soon including Yom Kippur Friday and Saturday, and Sukkot on Oct. 8. “The ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are commonly known as the Days of Awe—Yamim Noraim—or the Days of Repentance,” according to “This is a time for serious introspection, a time to consider the sins of the previous year and repent before Yom Kippur.” Please see CHABAD · 2
A shift from tradition, a respite for campers Jordan Duncan Daily Egyptian
Campers sang on the patio area of a cabin in a circle with the support and encouragement of assigned student caregivers. The Touch of Nature Environmental Center hosted Tradition’s Respite Camp this weekend, which is a trip for adults with disabilities. Students of the university participated in the program as part of the therapeutic recreation major with the Department of Health Education and Recreation. Vicki Lang-Mendenhall, a therapeutic recreation specialist with Touch of Nature, said she sent an email to Heewon Yang, now interim chair of the department, last February that started the planning process. She also said Jun Kim, an instructor with the department who teaches the class, helped with planning.
The camp had 10 adult participants, many of whom were nonverbal communicators, and 14 student caregivers at the respite camp. Eric Engleson, a senior from Arlington Heights studying therapeutic recreation, and Jamie Brolick, a senior from New Lennox studying therapeutic recreation, are two students in the program. Engleson said the focus of therapeutic recreation is healing people with entertaining activities. “It’s helping others do what they wouldn’t be able to do,” he said. “It’s exploring different boundaries people had within themselves just because they were never given the opportunity.” Lang-Mendenhall said the class previously centered around curriculum in the summer, but switched to a hands-on approach for
the first time this fall. She said there was not a practical approach to caring for disabled adults in the curriculum. Brolick said work experience is needed for this major. “If this major were just a textbook and PowerPoint lecture, I don’t even think it would be possible to learn what this is about and get a job,” Brolick said. Kim said he wants to expand the program and Lang-Mendenhall said she wants two fall sessions in the future. Engleson said the class could use some preparation time to learn more about important daily activities in camp though. Although he said extra time would have helped, the students said they look forward to the opportunity to help people through their careers. Please see RESPITE · 2
l ewis M arieN D aily e gyptiaN Jamie Brolick, left, a senior from New Lenox studying recreation, plays basketball with Terrence Sanders, of Anna, Saturday during the Traditions Respite Camp 2014 at the Touch of Nature Environmental Center in Makanda.