DE Since 1916
Daily Egyptian TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 107
Committee listens to students’ desires
Gabriella Scibetta Daily Egyptian
The Downtown Advisory Committee, formed over the summer by the Carbondale City Council to gather information on improving downtown, invites students to voice their opinions at its next meeting. David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute said the meeting, which will be held at 6:30
p.m., Wednesday in the Student Health Center Auditorium, is an opportunity for students to be active and advocate for change in their community. “We hear people complaining about there not being anything to do, or they don’t like something,” he said. “This is a chance to be there and actually say something.” Jack Langowski, chairman of the Downtown Advisory Committee said the
committee would write a report for the city council and then find a consultant to make those changes happen after the meeting. “If you have an idea about what can be done to make downtown Carbondale better, this is the place to go and take that idea,” Yepsen said. “It’s important because downtown Carbondale needs help.”
Please see MEETING · 2
School of Green Fund provides sustainability law removes tuition cap Brent Meske Daily Egyptian
In past years SIU School of Law students could obtain two degrees without increasing their tuition, though now the extra education comes with a cost. At the end of the last academic year, the cap on tuition for graduate students studying law was removed. The School of Law and the Physician Assistant program are the only SIU programs that require students to pay additional costs for taking more than 15 credit hours a semester. A law degree is offered only to graduate students at SIU, which sets the school apart from other departments. In previous years there was a cap that gave law students a fixed rate after its credits. This year, law students are charged the school’s tuition rate, $477.50, for each additional credit hour. Cynthia Fountaine, the dean of the School of Law, said the reason the SIU Board of Trustees approved the removal of the cap was because the graduate law school functions on a different budget model than other departments. “We rely on tuition to operate,” she said. “Over the last few years, state allocation for law school has decreased. So uncapping credit hours helps us cover costs.”
The Green Fund is doing all it can to provide projects that enhance sustainability throughout the campus. Because of the fund, SIU is now on the list of Princeton Review’s “Guide to 332 Green Colleges” for three of the last five years. Kris Schachel, the sustainability coordinator, said the fund is helping the university’s sustainability efforts by making funding available to support initiatives that faculty, staff and students create. “When students led the campaign to create the Green Fee, their vision was that this was a way the university could commit ongoing financial support to ideas that save energy, conserve resources and improve our campus,” she said. Leslie Duram, director of the environmental studies program, said sustainability is based on three pillars: environmental, social and economic sustainability. When these systems work in unison to take action now, sustainability will be ensured in the future. “[The Green Fund] provides a unified effort to look at environmental sustainability and take actions that aren’t easily funded or initiated in other ways,” she said. “So instead of just one department or Registered Student Organization wanting to do something but not being able to fund it, if they provide a good proposal, they can get money to do something.”
Please see CAP · 2
Muriel Berry Daily Egyptian
I an M ullen D aIly e gyptIan Students walk past the SIU Sustainability Council’s solar charging picnic table Monday. The table was paid for by student fees, which go to increasing sustainability-focused programs on campus.
Free student flu prevention at Health Center
Jordan Duncan Daily Egyptian
A pinprick may prevent missing a week of classes because of illness, and the university plans to make
flu shots easier on students’ wallets. The university administered free influenza vaccinations from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Monday in the Student Health Center Auditorium
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to encourage more inoculations and flu prevention awareness. The university plans to have another clinic Oct. 17. Jodi Robertson, director of nurses at the Student Health Center, said the clinic administrators decided to dispense free flu shots when they discussed how to use the student health fee. She said the 1,200 vaccines they ordered this season will be given to students during clinics without charging the door fee. “We want to do our part to get student awareness, to be able to get more interest in students getting vaccinated,” Robertson said. She said it takes two weeks for the body to build an immune response to the virus. Dr. Erica Kaufman, a physician and infectious disease expert with Southern Illinois Healthcare, said the body must have a reaction to
the inoculation before it can build an immune response. She said this reaction feels like a slight sickness, which includes body aches. Kaufman said it’s better to build the immune response as soon as vaccines are available. If the body has to build immunity after contracting the disease it has time to incubate, Kaufman said. “It’s just going to keep replicating and replicating and doing damage while your immune system is behind the 8-ball,” Kaufman said. She said it is not uncommon for someone between the ages of 18 and 30 to die because of the flu. “It’s not something that you only read about in books, but it does occur often enough for us to have it on our radar,” Kaufman said. Robertson stated in an email the health center does not expect to run out of the vaccine, but because
of cost, it has no plan to order a second batch. She said the health center will post on its website when the vaccinations run out and will refer students to other available inoculation locations. Robertson said people with weakened immune systems or allergies to the vaccine are better protected from the virus when other people get inoculated because of a phenomenon called herd immunity. Kaufman said herd immunity is the principle that the more people have immunity to a communicable disease, the less likely it is someone will come in contact with the disease. “That’s the notion of public health,” she said. “Yes, we are taking care of ourselves, but we’re also taking care of each other.” Please see FLU · 2