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Daily Egyptian TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 111
Police canine diagnosed with terminal lung cancer
Experimental medication given to Ebola patient Monica S. Nagy
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
The Ebola patient in a Dallas hospital is receiving an experimental medication called brincidofovir that was authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, officials announced Monday afternoon. The “investigational medication” was first administered to Thomas Eric Duncan, 42, at 2:14 p.m. Monday, said Candace White, a spokeswoman for Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.
Duncan is the first person to be diagnosed with the Ebola virus on U.S. soil. He was hospitalized Sept. 28 after symptoms developed while he was on his first trip to the U.S. to visit Louise Troh, who is now one of 10 people considered to have had “high-risk” contact with Duncan. Duncan was in critical but stable condition Monday, White said. The drug is manufactured by Chimerix, which is working with the FDA to finalize a clinical trial to assess its safety, tolerablity and efficacy, according to a company statement.
Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said city workers have been in contact with Troh and her family. Rawlings spoke during a Monday afternoon press briefing with Texas Health Commissioner David Lakey and Dallas Councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates, who represents the Vickery Meadow neighborhood where Troh lives and Duncan was visiting. Gates said the biggest concern of the Vickery Meadow community is that residents feel there is a stigma attached to them. They have had hard times finding jobs, she said.
Beads born from fire
Marissa Novel Daily Egyptian
After locating 10 pounds of marijuana, 4 pounds of cocaine, nearly $20,000, multiple firearms and saving a man’s life -- Lizzy, an award-winning Dutch Shepherd from The Netherlands, has been diagnosed with cancer. Deputy James Wright, of Williamson County, and his canine, Lizzy, placed first in the overall patrol event at the 15th annual K-9 Olympics at Vohne Liche Kennels in Denver, Ind. in August. Two officers from the Carbondale Police Department and one from the Williamson County Sheriff’s office and their canines also placed at the competition. “The patrol portion of her is very strong, and that would consist of crowd control, tracking and building searches,” Wright said. “A lot of that is because of me, I’m more patrol oriented.” Lizzy was suffering from pneumonia during the competition and has been retired since being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer on Sept. 2. Wright said Lizzy developed a cough in May. She was sent to a veterinary specialty clinic in St. Louis in early August and was diagnosed with pneumonia. “I asked them what should I do with her in the working type status,” he said. “They said to keep her at home to rest and I said that dog will not rest. She’s telling you now ‘nothings going to keep me down.’” Wright said he competed in the K-9 Olympics three weeks later because of Lizzy’s positive attitude. “There were a few events where I could tell maybe her stamina was not at 100 percent, but she was still able to perform at an, extremely high level,” he said. Please see CANINE · 2
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Shepherd, retired after being diagnosed with lung cancer on Sept. 2. Lizzy, who had her left lung removed because of the cancer, is expected to live another three to six months.
N icolas G aliNdo d aily E GyptiaN Devin Waters, a senior from Savannah, Ga. studying glass blowing and metalsmithing, makes glass beads Monday at the Student Center Craft Shop. “It’s fascinating to me that you can start with what was essentially sand, and the end result is nothing like what you started with,” Waters said.
Student voting rates lower than national trends Marissa Novel Daily Egyptian
Whether its entering the voting booth or logging on to Desire2Learn, youth voting in student and governmental elections is marginal. Six percent of students voted last month in the student trustee election, a 2 percent increase since 2012. Andy Morgan, acting associate dean of students, said students may be unaware of the importance of the student trustee position on the SIU Board of Trustees, as it approves tuition, fees, and hires. “I think our students care about tuition and fees and how they continue to rise,” he said. “So they should have a voice on the board of trustees and they should let that student trustee know their concerns and issues.” Morgan said students actively involved on campus, such as members of fraternities and sorities, and graduate students, are more inclined to vote than others. He said many young people do not understand, are uninterested in, or are uninformed about governmental voting. He said this is apparent in this
year’s midterm elections for governers, representatives and senators. “We have people that won’t vote and I think the candidates know that, political parties know that, lobbyists know that so they cater to those who do vote,” he said. About 60 percent of all Illinois citizens were registered to vote in the 2010 elections, while 45 percent of that population actually voted, the U.S. Census Bureau reported. Registered voters ages 18 to 24 accounted for 45 percent of all citizens, but 21 percent of their total population actually voted, according to the bureau. In the 2012 presidential election, 45 percent of citizens ages 18 to 29 voted, compared to 72 percent of citizens ages 65 and up, the bureau reported. Charles Leonard, a political scientist and visiting professor for the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, said voting difference in age can be attributed to maturation and cohort effects. He said the maturation effect occurs when groups of voters gain interest in government as they grow older. “Your [age] group doesn’t vote as much
as my group does,” he said. “But when your group is my age, you will because of the experiences that all people get as they become young marrieds, young parents, homeowners, and they see that they have more at stake in politics.” Leonard said the cohort effect occurs when voters are grouped together based on their shared experiences. Gregory Maddox, a lecturer in the sociology department, said student voter involvement in a large-scale sense may be low because young people lack a sociological imagination. “The sociological imagination is the ability for people to see how social issues matter; what is it that makes somebody’s personal trouble a social issue,” he said. Maddox said people must be critical, abstract thinkers to develop this imagination. “A lot of people, young and old, don’t really have that [ability],” Maddox said. “It’s a generational thing I suppose in that a lot of young people don’t feel as connected because they’re still in school, they’re not out there with a job and a family.” Please see POLITICAL · 3