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Daily Egyptian THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 113
October brings domestic violence awareness Sean Phee
Daily Egyptian
Three women die every day because of domestic abuse, according to the National Network to End Domestic Violence. October is domestic violence awareness month, and students and community members are marking the occasion by educating the public on how to prevent this kind of violence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention domestic violence includes physical violence, sexual violence, threats and
emotional abuse. Bobbi Knapp, an assistant professor of kinesiology, said domestic violence gets little public attention unless people see it first-hand. “Even with the more high-profile cases, it seems that true public outrage only appears when the public is made audience to the actual physical attack—such as with Ray Rice,” she said, regarding the recent domestic violence controversy involving an NFL running back. “However, there are numerous organizations which are attempting to increase public
awareness on this topic.” Knapp also said American culture may lead to domestic violence. “It may be appropriate to acknowledge that we have various social norms in our society that may, in various ways, support violence against women which extends into the home,” she said. “The United States is a patriarchal society, and much of that power differential resides on the belief that males are physically superior to women.” Please see DOMESTIC · 3
One-of-a-kind class to debut in spring Students bond with Austin Miller Daily Egyptian
This spring, SIU is will offer a free online course that is the first of its kind. Behavior Analysis and Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders is the university’s first Massive Open Online Course, and is the only course in the country that deals with autism. Ruth Anne Rehfeldt, professor of behavior analysis and therapy, who will be the instructor, said the eight-week class will serve as an overview for behavior analysis and how it can be used as therapy for people with autism spectrum disorders. She said applied analysis is the only treatment found to help treat these disorders. The course will teach how to provide language, social, leisure and dailyliving skills for those with autism. “We desperately need people with a behavior analysis background,” Rehfeldt said. “More people are being diagnosed every year.” One in 68 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, according the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website. Students are not eligible to signup for this class if they are already enrolled at the university, but
Rehfeldt said she hopes the class will bring students to Carbondale. Rehfeldt said MOOCs have become popular within the last few years and these classes are designed for hundreds of students who are interested in specialty areas. People from all over the world can take these classes. “These are for people who want to test the waters in a new field,” she said. “They can also help professionals get new skills.” She said she will use readings, online discussions, video presentations, clinical footage and podcasts she has done with other professionals in the field during the course. Mark Dixon, coordinator of the behavioral analysis and therapy program, is helping supply information for the class. Dixon said he will provide video lectures and learning materials he has created through his research. He said he is excited because of how modern the class is. “This isn’t just PowerPoints from the Internet,” Dixon said. “It’s going to blow people away with how innovative it is.” Rehfeldt said the class will move at a “self-pace.”
“At the end of each week, the class materials will be due,” she said. “But during the week, they are free to move along at their own pace.” The class is a part of the SIU Rehabilitation Institute and College of Education and Human Services. Keith Wilson, dean of the College of Education and Human Services, said he is looking forward to the effects the course will have. “This course will have participants from across the United States enrolled,” Wilson said. “For many, this course will be an introduction to the great faculty that we have not only in the Rehabilitation Institute, but the college and university.” Rehfeldt said she anticipates100 and 200 individuals registered in the class. They come from six different countries and 22 states, she said. Carl Flowers, director of the Rehabilitation Institute, said he is encouraged by the course’s recruitment potential. “As director, I’m excited about offering courses that increase the awareness of the institute and for SIU.” Rehfeldt said individuals who finish the course will receive a certificate of completion.
animals to relieve stress
Interest in DPS self defense class doubles Gabriella Scibetta Daily Egyptian
The SIU Department of Public Safety is instructing women of all ages to be prepared to fight for their safety in any situation. Sgt. Chad Beights of DPS who has taught the program for eight years, said the class usually has about 20 people sign up. This year enrollment has doubled, he said. Beights said the threeday program—which started Wednesday—teaches women the basics of self-defense for everyday life annually since 2002. “I think with a lot of the stuff recently happening on campus, we have gotten an overwhelming number of responses from people wanting to take the class,” Beights said. “[It’s] to the point where I had to refer people to go to a November class.” He said concerns about
violence against women in American culture have also spurred more interest. “I think what’s going on in society, not only in Carbondale, is prompting people to sign up for the class,” he said. Beights said a majority of participants are students from the university, but some faculty members along with high schoolaged people attend the class. He said Rape, Aggression, Defense Systems, also known as R.A.D., is the network that developed the certifications and curriculum for the program. The program includes a lecture, discussion and defense techniques suitable for women of all ages and abilities, according to the R.A.D website. Classes are a minimum of nine hours depending on the instructor. “Their goal is to develop and enhance the options of
self-defense so they become considerations for women to use,” Beights said. Brenda Escutia, a senior from Rolling Meadows studying social work, said she thinks the program was beneficial for her. “The main thing was that the program wasn’t just to teach you some self defense moves or neat tricks, but to basically make you aware of your surroundings to avoid getting in that situation to begin with,” Escuita said. She said her parents were overprotective with her coming to school here because of the recent criminal activity in Carbondale. She said when going to the library at night alone, carrying pepper spray was not enough protection for her parent’s standards. Escuita attended the program last year as well. Please see DEFENSE · 2
I an M ullen D aIly e gyptIan Allyssa Kolenda, left, a freshman from Naperville studying languages, cultures and international studies, and Josie Mitzelfelt, a freshman from Trivoli studying architecture, walk a dog Wednesday around Campus Lake. St. Francis Community Animal Rescue & Education, a shelter in Murphysboro, brought dogs to campus for Rover to the Rescue, an event put together by Dawn Null, wellness coordinator at Student Health Services Wellness Center. “I put this together to give students who are animal lovers and may have left their pet at home a chance to relax during a stressful time before midterms,” Null said.
Muriel Berry Daily Egyptian
Rescued pooches of all sizes and breeds came together to boost the morale of SIU students on Wednesday at the Campus Lake Boat Dock. The St. Francis CARE animal shelter teamed up with the Wellness and Health Promotion Services to create Rover to the
Rescue—an event that offered students an opportunity to spend time with rescued animals to relieve stress. Organizers warned participants to keep the dogs away from Campus Lake to avoid the effects of consuming toxic algae. Students were then allowed to check out one animal for the afternoon. Please see ROVER · 3