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Daily Egyptian THURSDAY, OCTBER 16, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 115

Advisory committee addresses signage and streetscapes

Hinson: Smithpeters rejoins Salukis Tyler Davis Daily Egyptian

Men’s basketball coach Barry Hinson confirmed in press release that Tyler Smithpeters, a sophomore guard from Harrisburg, is back with the team and will practice. Smithpeters said he was back from his suspension yesterday. But it was not until today that Tom Weber, the director of media services, sent the press release

out stating Hinson said Smithpeters will rejoin practices. Men’s basketball coach Barry Hinson originally confirmed Smithpeters had been suspended from the team for a “personal matter” Monday. Weber said Monday the team was still gathering information and would not comment on the private matters of a player. Smithpeters averaged 19 minutes and

4.8 points per game for the Saluki last season. He started 12 games and shot nearly 41 percent from three-point range. Smithpeters started every game of the Missouri Valley Conference tournament last season and had a career-high 16 points in his first start against Missouri State University. Please see SMITHPETERS · 3

World Food Day emphasizes change

Marissa Novel Daily Egyptian

Upon exiting Union Station, it is obvious, even to visitors, one is in Chicago. When stepping down from a train in Carbondale, some community members think more can be done to welcome newcomers and residents. The Downtown Advisory Committee had its fifth meeting with the focus area of signage and streetscapes in the downtown area Wednesday at the Eurma C. Hayes Center. City Manager Kevin Baity presented information about regulations on sidewalk sales, outdoor cafes and liquor consumption at the cafes. He said many sidewalk sales and cafes would be unlikely to fit city code because little area would be left for pedestrian traffic. Baity said some restaurants have the room for outdoor cafes but are unable to serve alcoholic beverages to patrons sitting because of city restrictions. Three committee members, Meghan Cole, Jeremy Clow and Kristin Gregory also presented. Cole presented information about streetscape opportunities, citing the practical yet risky renovation techniques Lancaster, Calif. used in its downtown, as well as the job and revenue growth that followed. “Streetscapes are not just a view of the street, and they’re not just a pictorial view,” she said. “They have to be usable.” Cole also presented information about current and recommended signage height and proximity regulations for businesses in place of Dan Terry, who had to testify in Springfield unexpectedly. Jeremy Clow said more landscaping near sidewalks could increase pedestrian safety. He also said downtown needs more disability accessible sidewalks and green energy technology. Clow said information provided by signage, especially near the Amtrak station, is minimal. “If I were to get off the Amtrak train here, I don’t know where anything is,” he said. “I have no idea if I’m on the right side of town, where I can rent a car, I don’t know where I can get a taxi cab. There’s no way to get anywhere unless you ask a local.” Clow said this problem could be fixed by posting directional signage and kiosks in the area. Kristin Gregory presented the results of other college towns, such as Kent, Ohio and Normal, in terms of job and business creation and revenue after renovating their downtown areas. Several city council members were in attendance and expressed their concerns as community members. City Councilman Lee Fronabarger said the primary concern of the committee should be removing overhead utility lines. “I am a strong advocate for streetscaping downtown, but no matter how many plants we put downtown, or benches or lighting there we have got to do something about overhead utility lines,” he said. Please see DOWNTOWN · 3

N icolas G aliNdo d aily E GyptiaN Aaron Barnett, left, and Shelly Kelley, center, the soup kitchen supervisor, serve food Wednesday at the Good Samaritan House soup kitchen in Carbondale. “The appreciation I get from helping people out is my favorite part of working here,” Barnett said.

Sean Phee

Daily Egyptian

Nearly one out of eight people on Earth suffer from chronic malnutrition, according to a United Nations report. U.N. SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon said 17,000 children die from hunger-related causes every day. World Food Day was Oct. 15 and aimed to fight this. The holiday commemorates the formation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, according to its website. World Food Day addresses ending hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition, achieving sustainable development and protecting the environment, according to FAO’s website. One place in Carbondale addressing food security in southern Illinois is the Good Samaritan House of Carbondale. The house was set up in 1985 to provide an emergency shelter, transitional housing program, soup kitchen, food pantry and an emergency assistance program in southern Illinois, according to the agency’s website. Patty Mullen, assistant director of Good Samaritan Ministries, said government

subsidies affect her organization as well. “It is very hard to get healthy foods for the people who come to the food pantry, as our USDA commodities have not been the greatest,” Mullen said. “We are seeing a lot of the same [issues] in many pantries in our area. Many things you can’t really make a meal out of.” Churches and donations from the community allow the center to stay open and keep providing services for people without sufficient food, Mullen said. The FAO reports food security is not only a problem for impovershed countries—even the United States has a hunger problem. Fourteen percent of Americans do not have enough to eat, according to United States Department of Agriculture Statistics. Hunger is not the only food-related problem Americans face. Jessica Crowe, an assistant professor of sociology at SIU, said poor nutrition is a challenge because healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables are more expensive than junk food. This causes people to choose cheaper, less-nutritious foods over healthful foods, she said. “It is harder to eat healthy with a low

income,” Crowe said. “You’ll get more calories off of the dollar menu than you would eating something healthy” Access to fresh foods is an issue around the country and in southern Illinois, Leslie Duram, professor of geography at SIU and director of SIU’s environmental studies program Duram said. “There are many areas in southern Illinois where people do not have access to healthy, affordable food,” Duram said. Southern Illinois has a problem with food deserts, Duram said. Food deserts are parts of the country without easy access to fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthful whole foods. They are usually found in impoverished areas, according to the USDA website. People in food deserts rely on convenience stores, gas stations and drug stores instead of supermarkets which have more nutritious options, Crowe said. “You see people [in food deserts] rely on places like Seven-Eleven for food more than grocery stores,” Crowe said. Please see FOOD · 3

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