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Election Polling Locations On Campus Grinnell Hall, 275 E. Park St. University Hall, 1101 S. Wall St. Lentz Hall, 1275 Point Dr. Dunn-Richmond Center,150 E. Pleasant Hill Rd.


Flying Salukis Students take steps to stop sexual assault win regional championship Muriel Berry

@Muriel_Berry_DE | Daily Egyptian

Pigs may not be able to fly, the SIU Aviation team can, and did, at the National Intercollegiate Flying Association’s Region VIII Competition. After competing against four other universities Tuesday through Friday, SIU took home the regional championship trophy. During the competition student aviators competed for the best scores in nine events, including aircraft recognition, computer accuracy, power off, air flight inspection, short-field approach, landing, simulated comprehensive aircraft navigation and message drop. The Flying Salukis qualified for the NIFA SAFECON national Competition for the second-consecutive year. James Libuszowski, SIU aviation coach, said the team has participated in competitions for the past 48 years and qualified for nationals 47 of those years. He attributed the students’ success to their work ethic and the coach’s standards for the team. “The team meets and exceeds our expectations every time,” he said. “They get a taste of winning and they never want to let that go. So, they’re willing to do as much work as we need from them.” Libuszowski also said the flying events prepared students for a wide variety of careers, ranging from corporate to commercial flying. SIU students finished in the top five of every event, contending with students from Quincy University, Purdue University, Lewis University and Indiana State University. Andrew Ross, acting chief judge of the competition, said the judges had to take more than the technique and skill level of the aviators into consideration when they were picking event winners. “What makes a good aviator is decision making; [aviation] careers are not so much technical careers as people believe them to be,” he said. “Showing how you alter when issues arise is what the competition really assesses.” Seventy-five students participated in the event, 14 airplanes from different schools were used and 20 judges from the Region VIII area chose winners. George Nimmer, a sophomore from Plymouth, Wis. studying aviation flight, placed first in three events. Nimmer said he has flown since his sophomore year of high school and will pursue a career as a professional pilot. “These competitions help students work toward their future careers,” Nimmer said. “They teach us how to work really hard, because these flying events require students to go above and beyond.” Ross said the aviation workforce needs all the talent it can find, and students who competed in the flying association’s competitions obtained an edge that their counterparts don’t have. The national competition will be take place May 11 at the Ohio State University airport.

J ordan d uncan d aily E gyptian Kari Hammond, left, a junior from Marion studying psychology, and Joshua-Kyle Brandon, a sophomore from Buffalo Grove studying psychology escort people home Saturday night in Carbondale. They are helping start a group to walk people home from Illinois Avenue. The group congregates near Sam’s Café on Saturdays. Brandon said 14 people showed up to escort the previous week, but no escorts were made, and six met Saturday. “We are offering a solution,” Brandon said. “It’s not a solution for everyone, but it’s one solution where many solutions are needed.”

Jordan Duncan

@JordanDuncanDE | Daily Egyptian

The first person walked home by a student-led group formed to stop sexual assaults resulted in a call to the Department of Public Safety on Saturday. An unidentified woman was told by her friends to go with the group at about 1 a.m. Kari Hammond, a junior from Marion studying psychology, is in the group and carried her most of the way. Once the group walked to Neely Hall, the woman realized she could not enter the residence without her student ID card. After she bypassed the lobby and attempted to get in an elevator, she began screaming racial slurs and cursing before getting in an altercation with a resident assistant. The RA could not comment. Hammond said the woman grabbed an RA by the throat in the lobby of the hall, prompting staff to call DPS. Hammond said she intervened because she was concerned for the safety of the others in the building. “I also didn’t want the girl to hurt herself, or get on the elevator

successfully and get onto another floor and potentially hurt somebody upstairs,” she said. The night began with Brandon tying blue armbands onto participants to signify who was a member of the group walking students home. The students met outside Sam’s Café at 11 p.m. Saturday to hold signs advocating to stop sexual assault and advertise a free walk home for anyone in need. The students consisted of six volunteers representing different organizations on campus. Joshua-Kyle Brandon, one of the Undergraduate Student Government senators who founded the group, said it started Oct. 25 without USG resources because someone needed to act on the issue. “It’s one thing to stand up and say words,” said Brandon, a sophomore from Buffalo Grove studying psychology. “It’s nothing unless you stand up and take action.” Sean Douglas, of the Registered Student Organization Active Minds, said he joined the group, which does not

have an official name, because the issue has affected his life and he has stopped sexual assaults before. “It’s one of the most despicable things mankind could ever do to each other, and this is my way of saying ‘I’m not okay with it,’” said Douglas, a junior from Chicago studying biomedical science. Dakota Justice, one of three representatives from Alpha Sigma Phi, said people needed to step up and be better members of campus and the community. “Even a small thing as walking a person home could make a huge difference in someone’s life,” said Justice, a junior from Chicago studying anthropology. Brandon said he would seek an official status for the group with the university in coming semesters. “Unless we start taking action immediately, no change is going to be seen,” he said. “We cannot wait for official status. We cannot wait for an organization to develop over time.” Please see WALK · 2

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