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Daily Egyptian THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 125

Illinois voters approve two new amendments Austin Miller

@AMiller_DE | Daily Egyptian

Two new amendments to the Illinois Constitution were passed Tuesday with overwhelming support. Both measures had more than 70 percent of votes in approval, according to the Chicago Tribune. The first amendment will update the law of crime victim’s rights, which were passed in 1992, and make them part of the Constitution. The amendment provides victims with protection from harassment, intimidation and

Football player arrested for possession of cannabis

abuse during trial. Victims will be allowed “to be heard at any proceeding that involves the victim’s rights, and any proceeding involving a plea agreement, release of the defendant or convicted individual, or sentencing,” according to a pamphlet issued by Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White. Jennifer Brobst, assistant professor of law, said the amendment was partially based off of “Marsy’s Law” in California, which stems from the death of Marsy Nicholas, who was stalked and murdered by her ex-boyfriend in 1983.

Nicholas’s mother and brother ran into the killer at a grocery store, unaware he was free on bail during the trial. Brobst said the new amendment is somewhat insubstantial because there is no definite answer if victims or their families have the right to their own attorney during trials. Without this stipulation, no one would ensure the law is being followed. Marsy’s Law also gives victims the right to be informed if the defendant appeals his or her sentencing, while the Illinois amendment does not. Please see AMENDMENT · 2

Dancing for diversity

Tony McDaniel Daily Egyptian

Senior Saluki linebacker Victor Burnett was arrested Saturday by the Carbondale Police Department on charges of possession of nearly 700 grams of cannabis, intent to deliver and possession of drug paraphernalia, according to court records acquired Wednesday by the Daily Egyptian. The cannabis, paraphernalia and $937 were all taken as evidence, according to the sworn statement of probable cause by CPD Officer Jeramie Stewart. Burnett was suspended Tuesday from the SIU football team for a violation of team rules. SIU Athletic Director Mario Moccia would not specify if this is the reason Burnett was suspended, but did say the player is suspended indefinitely for a violation of team rules. According to the statement, CPD responded to a possible home invasion in progress at 800 E. Grand Apt. 29A about 12:20 a.m. Saturday, where Burnett and senior cornerback Suggs both reside. A witness told CPD she saw someone enter the front of the residence through a broken window. Police entered the residence and found no one inside. During the search, Sgt. Jarin Dunnigan observed two zip-lock bags of cannabis and the grinder in plain view in a bedroom, according to the statement. Burnett and Suggs were notified their apartment was burglarized and returned to the residence. According to the statement, Burnett told police nothing was missing. The door to Suggs’ room was forced open, and according to the statement, Suggs told Carbondale police $500 and an ounce of cannabis was missing. Carbondale police found two digital scales closely associated with the sale and distribution of narcotics in the residence, according to the statement. Burnett’s room contained four vacuum-sealed bags of cannabis and $797. $140 was later found on Burnett and was seized. The statement of probable cause reports Burnett was approached by someone who offered him an ultimatum. The ultimatum was Burnett would hold a package until it was picked up or he would no longer be able to play football for SIU or sell his clothing line, according to the statement. Three packages of cannabis were delivered to Burnett on three separate occasions. “On the final occasion, [Burnett] decided to start selling the cannabis in hopes that he could make a profit and stop them from delivering more packages,” according to the statement. According to the statement, Burnett said the packages belonged to an individual named Shakey, someone he never met. Please see FOOTBALL · 2

A idAn O sbOrne d Aily e gyptiAn Yasmin Rodriguez, left, a junior from Chicago studying interior design and marketing, dances with Terrence De’Angelo, a senior from Jackson, Tenn. studying communication design, Wednesday at the annual Latino Festival hosted by the Hispanic Student Council. “We want to bring people together and spread cultural awareness with events like this. There is always a diverse crowd,” said Andy Mendoza, a senior from Des Plaines studying automotive technology and the president of the Hispanic Student Council.

Fireball recalled, ingredients remain safe Discrepancy in U.S. and Europe regulations to blame for recall Marissa Novel

@MarissaNovelDE | Daily Egyptian

Fireball Whisky, a liqueur which has had an increase in U.S. sales from $1.6 million to $61 million since 2011, was recalled in three European countries about a week ago because of a difference in regulations of an ingredient used to make automotive antifreeze. Norway, Sweden and Finland recalled the cinnamon-flavored whiskey after receiving a shipment meant for North America that had higher levels of propylene glycol than European regulations allow. Matt McCarroll, director of the Fermentation Science Institute at SIU, said propylene glycol, a colorless additive found in many food products, can be used as an antifreeze as opposed to

ethylene glycol, a poisonous substance. “The term antifreeze, from a scientific perspective, just means that it lowers the freezing point of the solvent,” he said. “What we think as antifreeze for automobiles is ethylene glycol, which is terribly toxic to mammals.” McCaroll said the brewing industry uses propylene glycol as a coolant during fermentation because it is safe to add to food. McCarroll said Fireball likely uses propylene glycol to stabilize cinnamon oil. “Philosophically, I would rather use a natural extract,” he said. “But when you get into food science, there’s a lot of additional costs and it’s really hard to make a consistent product that way.” McCarroll said consumers buying products from bigger companies tend to look for dependable taste. But the problem of products made from solvents found in nature is that they

tend to be more variable. He also said propylene glycol is not a major health concern. “It’s one of the things in my lab that I don’t worry about my students poisoning themselves with,” McCarroll said. Sazerac, the company that produces Fireball, said in a press release the ingredient is common in thousands of foods including ice cream. An article published in the journal, Critical Reviews in Toxicology in April, 2013 also found that the ingredient proposes a very low risk to human health. Sazerac said the European recipe is made to comply with its regulations of the ingredient. European regulations allow one-eighth the amount of propylene glycol that the Food and Drug Administration permits. Sazerac said both formulas are safe for Please see FIREBALL · 2

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