DE Since 1916
Daily Egyptian MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014 VOLUME 98 ISSUE 129
Protesters prepare for the worst in Ferguson Jennifer S. Mann St. Louis Post-Dispatch
They stood in a crowded meeting room, arms locked at the elbows, as the tap, tap, tap of police batons grew louder. The Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, of the First Baptist Church of Boston, stood in the middle of the tightly woven circle. “How do you feel?” he asked, as makeshift batons beat even more urgently. His trainees responded in chorus: “Nervous!” “Anxious!” “Threatened!” “I
feel like you’re provoking me!” Three months and nearly 350 arrests since they first took to the streets protesting the death of Michael Brown at the hands of a Ferguson police officer, activists here and across the nation are girding for round two. If the grand jury deliberating charges against Officer Darren Wilson does not indict him, protesters will flood the streets -- that’s a promise. What nobody can predict is whether that type of mass gathering will erupt into arson, looting, tear gas and rubber bullets like last time.
Those who have been protesting on the streets since the beginning insist they share one goal of police and officials: They don’t want violence either. But they also want their voices to be heard, both now and for the long term. And in the bundle of nerves that is Ferguson, that requires planning and training. The training with Sekou on Wednesday was one of many sessions the grass-roots network called the Don’t Shoot Coalition has planned this month, with a grand jury announcement expected at any moment.
‘Deadliest’ frat Deer processors prepare for shotgun season hopes to establish chapter at SIU Joshua Murray
@JDMurray_DE | Daily Egyptian
With nine deaths attributed to it since 2006, Sigma Alpha Epsilon hopes to be the next fraternity at SIU. Founded more than 150 years ago, SAE is one of the largest and oldest fraternities in the nation, and is now seeking to join more than 30 other fraternities or sororities on campus. One of the nine fatalities attributed to the fraternity was Carson Starkey, 18, who died of alcohol poisoning. A freshman at California Polytechnic State University, in San Luis Obispo, Calif., Starkey died in 2008 after being pressured to drink excessive amounts of alcohol in a 90-minute period given to him in a brown paper bag. This was done as part of a “brown bag” hazing ritual. Four men were arrested and served jail time for the incident. More than 60 fraternity-related deaths have occurred in the U.S. since 2005, and Bloomberg News labeled SAE the “deadliest” fraternity in the nation in December 2013. More than 100 chapters of SAE have been disciplined by universities in the U.S. Matthew Snite, a freshman from Wilmette studying business, is the student leader in trying to establish the chapter in Carbondale. He said a man approached him at a fair showcasing Greek life at the beginning of the semester. “I was just over there with a couple of friends and Thomas Brigman, the recruitment director for the organization, approached me and said, ‘How would you like to be the founding father of this fraternity?’” Snite said they exchanged numbers and kept in contact. Eventually Brigman began taking Snite and several others to upscale restaurants, discussing membership recruitment, goals of the fraternity and the recruitment process. The creed of SAE is “The True Gentleman.” “The mission of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is to promote the highest standards of friendship, scholarship and service for our members based upon the ideals set forth by our Founders and as specifically enunciated in ‘The True Gentleman,’” according to the organization’s website. After a continued string of hazing and pledging incidents, the organization announced in March it would be banning all forms of initiation pledges. Under the new policy, which was announced on the fraternity’s 158th Founder’s Day, students can become members by simply accepting a recruitment offer. And instead of pledging, new members will have to complete the Carson Starkey Membership Certification Program, named after the hazing victim. In a YouTube video, Brad Cohen, a top SAE official, commented on the fraternity’s decision. “As an organization, we have been plagued with too much bad behavior, which has resulted in loss of lives, negative press and bad lawsuits,” Cohen said. “We have taken our bloodline for the fraternity-our new members-and treated them as second-class citizens.” Please see FRATERNITY · 2
J ennifer G onzalez D aily e Gyptian Zach Hill, center, and Mike Greer, right, both of Carbondale, package deer meat Nov. 8 at Whitetails II Deer Processing in Carbondale. Hill and Greer, who are co-owners of the deer processing plant, are getting ready for shotgun season, which starts Friday. Greer said the season is expected to bring an increase in the business. “We could have deer stacked up pretty high in there,” Greer said.
Adams seeks Carbondale mayor position Luke Nozicka
@LukeNozicka | Daily Egyptian
A second person has tossed her hat in the ring for mayor of Carbondale. City councilwoman Jane Adams announced Saturday she will run against John Henry, owner of Henry Printing, to replace interim Mayor Don Monty who will not seek reelection April 7. “City Hall is dysfunctional,” Adams said to a crowd of about 30 people outside the Carbondale Civic Center. “There are serious leadership problems in City Hall. … City council isn’t getting things done.” Adams said if elected she will work with the council to promote safety and security to residents and visitors, revitalize Carbondale and focus on a responsive city administration. She said the city is overly reliant on taxes, and must recruit SIU alumni to start companies in Carbondale. “We need to create another leg of our economy,” said Adams, who retired in May 2010 after teaching anthropology at the university for 23 years. She said the city needs to complete its Downtown Master Plan and must enforce housing codes to assure high quality rental housing. “If Carbondale is to catch the next wave, it must vigorously move forward,” according to a pamphlet given to attendees
l uke n ozicka D aily e Gyptian City councilwoman Jane Adams announces she will run for mayor of Carbondale on Saturday outside the Carbondale Civic Center.
at the announcement. “We must encourage initiative, innovation and engagement between City Hall and its constituents.”