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Daily Egyptian
The Daily Egyptian, the student-run newspaper of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, is committed to being a trusted source of news, information, commentary and public discourse, while helping readers understand the issues affecting their lives.
shen kuang
2 ReTechEd
Brad Krischel
Brandon Coleman
Lauren Preston
Ryan Simonin
David Biggs
Sara Knudsen
MHS The Student newspaper
michael iacomini
Blake Mills
Afton D
ankit patel
John Noon
Steve Godke
Matthew McGuire
Laura Hayes
Chris Zoeller
sev7en enmy
Dennis Stortz
AnnMarie Nichols
Tiffany Blanchette
Wael Mohareb
Sarah Gardner
Dreamer Knight
Amber Waterson
Ariel Hitchcock
The Yellow Jacket
Bob Roy
Chris Tunget
Julius Aurelio
The Long-View
Sherry Jones
Mark Boomer
Chris Zoeller
araar cherif
Daniel Robinson
Emily Edwards
Ibrahim Yusuf
Sidona Abdelkoui
Michael Strasser
Tyler Barrett
David R Pearson
Branda Mitchell
Amy Unfried
Martin Dull