gustavo diaz paz PORTFOLIO
Competition: SECOND PLACE Urban Design and landscape proposal Lima, Peru. 2014. Team: Carlos Navarro, Marius Ege
1. Enhancement of cultural heritage of Inca Wall at PUCP campus
The PUCP campus preserves an Inca wall that was part of a road system in the past. The objective was to propose a masterplan and interventions for the university expansion according to a respectful growing to this monument. We provided a masterplan in which students can discover the monument trough diverse public spaces; the regulations proposed for future building were according to this. In addition, we proposed to show the monument to the city by breaking the campus fence and creating a new entrance with a plaza, so the monument would be a new face for the campus. We also proposed some bridges to connect both side of the campus that are separated for the monument. These bridges pretended to not interfere to the monument landscape. In the same way we designed a dynamic urban furniture, which is buried. Finally, because Lima is in a desert (with too humidity); the management of water is crucial; therefore, we proposed a system for recycling wastewater based on constructed wetlands that are used for maintaining the green areas and the traditional rose bushes of the campus, within a landscape design. Moreover, we used the technology of Catch-fog for taking advantage of the humidity.
2. Urban Planning and Landscape Studio in Milan, Italy
International exchange at Universita Politecnica di Milano Milan, Italy. 2009. Professors: Antonello Boatti, Euginio Rossi. Team:Angeli, Ceravolo, Garbagnati, Alvez, Mondini.
Milan has temporal overpopulation. During the day there are 6 million of people, however there just live 4 millions. The rest of people come for many reasons to the city from the periphery. The proposal attempted to promote new centers between Milan and its periphery. In this way, we identify potential new centers; in addition, we propose diverse services that will be needed for ensuring vigorous new centers such as transportation (including bike road network), green areas, space for housing and public buildings. The studio also implied an analysis of the possible transformation in the landscape.
Competition: FIRST HONORABLE MENTION Lima, Peru. 2012. Team: Gleen Goicochea, Jose Gomez, Carla Valdivia, Diego Zu単iga.
3. Zonal Park of Flor de Amancaes
Appropiate Vegetation for the desert of Lima
4. International Urban Design Workshop: PISCO-MEDELLIN Pisco, Peru. August. 2009. NGO Espacio Expresion Team: Genaro Alva, Eduardo Pelaez, Charline Lalanne, Alex Hudtwalcker
Pisco was hit by an earthquake and the buildings in the coastline were damaged by a Tsunami. In addition, after the earthquake appeared a natural wetland; the people did not like it because they though it was unhealthy water. We proposed a masterplan for regenerating the seafront with cultural buildings and preserving the wetlands for promoting the tourism, by designing integrated landscape interventions.
borde transición propuesta general
mínima intervención resaltar paisaje
Corte mar - humedales - campos agrícolas
conservación de humedales naturales creación de humedales artificiales para el tratamiento de aguas residuales A. Parque Agrícola Restauración del muelle existente Acceso al recorrido de humedales
AB. Reubicación de primera fila de edificaciones Creación de plazas intermedias
Creación de malecón, carril de ciclovías y “pisconetas”
Implementación de viviendas-comercio B. Parque de las Artesanías Creación de un nuevo muelle Acceso al recorrido de humedales
BC. Reubicación de primera fila de edificaciones
Creación de plazas intermedias
Creación de malecón, carril de ciclovías y “pisconetas”
Implementación de viviendas-comercio C. Parque de la Memoria Restauración del muelle existente Restauración de plazuela Colón Habilitación de losas deportivas Acceso al recorrido de humedales
CD. Reubicación de primera fila de edificaciones Creación de plazas intermedias
Creación de malecón, carril de ciclovías y “pisconetas”
D. Parque de la Imaginación Creación de un nuevo muelle Acceso al recorrido de humedales
espacios polivalentes Corte mar - humedales - ciudad
Circuitos turisticos por humedales 1
Plaza ARTESANIAS Ca. Los Robles
B VISTA GENERAL DEL MALECON 1 Muelle nuevo en remate de vías importantes 2 Restaurar y revitalizar antiguo muelle Independencia 3 Devolverle a Pisco su sentido de pertenencia con el mar
Av. San Martín Plaza MEMORIA D
Miradores de aves - alto, intermedio y a nivel
Humedales naturale
Humedales Artificiale
Vegetación baj
Agua con vegetación
The project takes advantage of the traditional architecture as a basis for a contemporary project. The analysis of social relations with traditional spaces is relevant, the proposal wants to allow these typical social interactions between the street and the house. In addition, the project provides efficient characteristics for a modern social house prototype in a traditional material. as adobe.
5. Social Housing Prototype in adobe
Competition: SECOND PLACE Department of Housing and Sanitation, Peruvian Government, 2014. Team: Carlos Chauca
Role of Project Manager in Figari Arquitectos Piura, Peru. 2013. (under construction)
6. Social Housing and Urban Design in Catacaos
SOCIAL HOUSING FOR THE INFORMAL CITY This project takes advantage from some typical dynamics of houses constructed without architects in the Informal City (Slums). First, it is very flexible for being capable to rent independently spaces, providing small departments or commercial spaces in first floor. It is a very commnon use of the house in the Informal City, the house is a “source of money”; so the design needs to be adaptable for these future purposes: “a mixed-use building/house”. In addition, it is efficient because at the beginning it is required less money for foundations; this reduction in general budget is crucial for acquiring a social house in a earthquake zone. THE HOUSE AS A SOURCE OF MONEY
course: Basic Habitability Promoted from UNESCO, UNI Peru and ETSAM Spain. December, 2012. Lima, Peru.
7. Social Housing Prototype for the Informal City
Role of Project Manager in Masunostudio Lima, Peru. 2013.
8. Housing Building in San Miguel
Paranoia in Lima
Role of Project Manager in Masunostudio Lima, Peru. 2015. (under construction)
9. Cultural Center in Sinchi Roca park
The public space in Lima suffers from paranoia; every public building, or even park, is closed with walls due to sensation of insecurity; however this engenders more insecurity. In oposition, open public spaces promote confidence. In this context, this Cultural Center, which is in a big park, was designed for creating an invisible limit. On one hand it provides security; on the other hand, it does not cut the integration park/city. In addition, it creates an active public space that can be used as an open teather of the Cultural Center.
Role of Project Manager in Masunostudio Ica, Peru. 2015. (First stage, under construction)
11. Schools “Futura Schools” Competition: FIRST PLACE Role of Project Manager in LLosa/Cortegana arquitectos PUCP campus. Lima, Peru. November, 2011.
10. Student’s building service TINKUY
13. THESIS: Kindergarten and Comunal Center in Bambamarca
Thesis project for major in architecture
Cajamarca, Peru. 2011. Tutors: Jean Pierre Crousse and Oscar Malaspina
dinamicas sociales positivas en sus entormayor vida barrial. El proyecto brinda e los usos que se generan en torno a este ento del edificio que permita una permedad y el poblador, no pretende crear un ario, pretende incorporarse y potencialose hacia la ciudad evelador Urbano", emplazarse amableostrar las riquezas propias del lugar. De rca el paisaje natural mas importante de ma del Rostro de Cristo espacio publico se ha dise単ado como si e y ludica que puede ser usada siempre o en forma de graderias donde pueden situaciones
Publico Abierto
Enmarcar el paisaje Cerro/Apu
Open EdificioBuilding Publico Abierto
Make discover the landscape Enmarcar el paisaje Cerro/Apu
Public Spacepolivalente with multiple Espacio publico possibilities of use y multifuncional
Enmarcar el paisaje Cerro/Apu
Espacio publico polivalente y multifuncional
Espacio publico polivalente y multifuncional
cia emoncorporacomo la pretende e exterior ensacion profundicion mas cando el s vanos, sacion de or abajan la do al tipo e trabaja pacios y es de los
aberturas u profunamientas e con las ue exigen d de los
El diseño propone una experiencia emoThe project proposes a larichincorporasensorial diseño propone una experiencia emotiva El del espacio tiva del espacio mediante la incorporaexperience of mediante the space by using cion cion de elementos cotidianos comolala de elementos cotidianos como basic such as Nothepretende light, the luz, luz, el elements color y el pretende el color y elpaisaje. paisaje. No color or views.definida The relation interior tenertener unathe relacion exterior una relacion definidaentre entre exterior and ispretende not clear; thesensacion sensation yexterior exterior, crear un un y exterior, pretende crear sensacion from inside attempted be similar ambigua desde interior. to La profundiambigua desde el elinterior. La profundidel vano The permite un sensacion form outside. depth of themas windad dad del vano permite un sensacion mas emotiva conthis. el exterior, enmarcando el for dows allows This is important emotiva con el exterior, enmarcando paisaje. La disposicion de los vanos,el the learning experience oflos children. paisaje. La disposicion desensacion vanos, llenos y vacios, genera una de Atllenos this age, they areuna like a sponge y vacios, genera sensacion de mayor continuidad con el exterior Loscontinuidad edificios comunes trabajan receiving several stimulus, mostly lafrom mayor con elsolo exterior del hombre adulto, debido alrational tipola their experience than from their Los escala edificios comunes solo trabajan de usuario en este proyecto se trabaja escala del hombre adulto, his debido al tipo condition. So enriching experience una doble escala, creando espacios y de usuario en este proyecto se trabaja with the architecture promoted them visuales acorde a las dimensiones de los to unaactive doblefor escala, creando espacios y be learning. niños El muro no there solo en aberturas acorde a se lasconvierte dimensiones de los Invisuales addition, are other elements es tambientheories. por su profunniñospara el related topaisaje, pedagogic There didad contenedor de las herramientas El muro solo se convierte enfrom aberturas are twonolaselproportion; oneacorde para actividades. Esto con adults las parapedagogias el esfor tambien porque sufrom profunand thepaisaje, othercontemporaneas, children, exigenwindidad ela contenedor de las herramientas flexibilidad de los the dows smally multifuncionalidad spaces between para las actividades. Esto acorde con las espacios windows. Thisse arrangement alsoo proviLas aulascontemporaneas, indivualmente se pedagogias queaexigen des to the wall ausan condition as flexible pueden integrar todas, mediante unde sisteflexibilidad y multifuncionalidad los storage for the class. ma de puertas plegables que generan en espacios
Programa resultante: ciertos momentos un gran espacio de WAWA WASI (0-2 años) aulas para se los usan indivualmente o se juego niños “Discover themagico magicloofevidente" the ordinary” Las "Hacer pueden integrar todas, mediante un sisteESCUELA INFANTIL (3-5 años) ma de puertas plegables que generan en momentos un gran espacio de SALON COMUNAL/Comedorciertos Popular juego para los niños "Hacer magico lo evidente" MEDIATECA
Interior/Exterior - Paisaje -LLeno/Vacio Interior/Exterior - Paisaje -LLeno/Vacio
Escala del niño - Proporciones
Escala del niño - Proporciones
Muro - Contenedor funcional
Muro - Contenedor funcional
Interior/Exterior - Paisaje -LLeno/Vacio
Escala del niño - Proporciones
nte o se e un sisteneran en pacio de
Muro - Contenedor funcional
Detalle de seccion
Detalle de seccion
Detalle de seccion
We know about the growth of houses in Favelas, but...
How Favelas build their public spaces?
Professor: Luis Rodriguez Rivero PUCP. Lima, Peru. 2010
14. Research: Public Spaces in Slums
Favelas in Lima were born mostly in a desert, at the beginnig there was no services, no houses, just the area to ocuppy. People built their houses increasingly according to their economy. In the same way, public spaces were built by their inhabitants.One important thing which need to be researched is the public space in Favelas; we know nothing about the public spaces dynamics of this new part of the city, which has a different cultural background. The results can be a useful tool for urban design and landscape in order to improve the quality of life of the Informal city. This research analyzes these public spaces with aerial photographies in order to identify and analize patterns of use during almost two decades.
Competition Social Housing Prototypes ARKINKA. October, 2015. Presentation of all awarded projects for the national competition organized by the Department of Housing and Sanitation. Mi project got the second place in the traditional category.
Competition Enhancement of Cultural Heritage of the Inca Wall ARKINKA. December, 2014. Presentation of all awarded projects for the competition "Enhancement of the Cultural Heritage of the Inca Wall", which was published by Arkinka (a renowned peruvian architecture magazine). My project got the second place.
UDEAL: We are the "you must stop" Maquetas Aparte blog. June, 2015.
15. Publications
Printed and from web sites
(This is a blog of architecture and urbanism where I am partner)
UDEAL, which means in spanish Uni贸n of Architecture Students of Lima, is a new organization that protested against Lima麓s Mayor because of his public policy with no appropiate planning. For example, he wants to increase the use of cars by constructing highways instead of enhance our bad public transportation. I made a long interview/conversation with members of UDEAL, talking about Lima, politics, architecture, urbanism, and critics of our previous generations.
Selection of 21 interesting projects in Lima Archdaily. January, 2015. Presentation of a selection of 21 interesting projects in Lima by Archdaily, a famous architectural website in the world. My awarded project for the competition "Enhancement of the Inca Wal" was selected.
Social housing for our country PuntoEdu. January,2015. It is an interview from the university journal of Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP) about my project of social housing prototype, which was awarded in a national competition. We talked about posibilities of social housing for reducing poverty and the challenges of an architect.