- Transcripts Return to Transcripts main page THE SITUATION ROOM Sinking Ship Off Los Angeles; Marion Jones Pleads Guilty Aired October 5, 2007 - 17:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. CAFFERTY: Tom in Illinois writes: "If Lavatory Larry is going to be brought up on ethics charges, then Diaper Dave Vitter needs to be right there with him. They both ought to go." And Ken in Brooklyn: "Larry Craig should be allowed to serve his full term in the Senate as Latrine Queen. He would be in charge of flushing out all the gays and perverts that are lurking in our Senate halls, especially those with a wide stance." Wolf. BLITZER: Thank you, Jack. And To our viewers, you're in THE SITUATION ROOM. We have some breaking news. We're following a ship full of tourists off the coast of Southern California. It's now taking on water. We're going to update you on what's going on. Also happening now, the secretary of Housing and Urban Development the subject of a federal probe. Investigators looking into a questionable contract involving a friend. A military mystery in Afghanistan. An American female soldier found shot to death on base. Now her family is demanding answers. And Mikhail Gorbachev visiting the United States and speaking his mind. You're going to find out why he says the breakup of the Soviet Union was a huge mistake and what he thinks of an apparent power grab by President Vladimir Putin. I'm Wolf Blitzer. You're in THE SITUATION ROOM. But let's begin with that breaking news we're following this hour. A ship taking water off the coast of Southern California. Forty people are on board. A rescue operation underway right now. Let's get some details. Fredricka Whitfield is monitoring the story for us. The pictures -- the live pictures we're seeing, Fred, are pretty dramatic.