Presentations, Workshops & Projects and more …. Guus van den Brekel
Projects | Presentations | Workshops | Teaching | Publications | Advice & Organise
Open Access UMCG Poster Portal : an institutional Poster & slides Portal in collaboration with F1000 | website | More Info | demo | video
"atUMCG" The Scientific output of the UMCG : All and the Open Access exponent | A WordPress installation with RSS feed syndication. Blog Post: Searching Open Access Publications : identify you affiliation output
iPads on Loan : lending iPads to medical staff (2010 - ....)
University-wide Library Toolbar: The implementation of One Toolbar , but grouped with 6 other faculty library toolbars (2010- ....) ( Info: CMBWIKI Project designing and building a prototype of our mobile (web) app. With help of students of Hanzehogeschool, who did some research and launched the beta version. (Nov 2010 Febr. 2011)
LibGuides Medicine, Dentistry, Human Movement Sciences & Nursing (Verpleegkunde) 2010
Library Toolbox integrated in website " Medical Library "Lab" : your toolbox" (2010)
CMB WIKI: testing & exploring wiki functionality for information NOT suitable for Webplatform RUG or Intranet UMCG (beta 2010)
"PurpleSearch restored" Adjusting and optimizing simultanous and discovery tool PurpleSearch for UMCG (2010)
Metalib/Ex-libris: Involved on Sfx and Metalib development and local configuration for the Libraries of the University of Groningen, called RUGCombine and RUGLinks (2007-2009)
Electronic Virtual Reference Desk, I-service, for the Libraries of the University of Groningen, called RUGCombine and RUGLinks
QuickSearch CMB Toolbar : extra "tool" of the the Centrale Medische Bibliotheek for all users of the UMCG. A browser plugin to use anywhere, "Uw bibliotheek altijd dicht bij U" | "Your Library always close to you"
Second Life Medical Library : exploration , experiment, research into offering libary services in virtual environments like Second Life, Not just library services but also overviewing medical education, simulation, research and clinical activities. [Verkenning/experiment van het aanbieden en ontwikkelen van bibliotheekdiensten in de virtuele omgeving van een Massive Multiuser Online (Role Playing) Game (MMOG/MMORPG), zoals Second Life . Niet alleen bibliotheekdiensten zijn in ontwikkeling, maar ook een overzicht van alle medische relevante activiteiten rondom mediseche educatie, simulaties, onderzoek en klinisch onderwerpen. Missie & Doelen ]
HealthInfo Island : Cooperative project (grant-funded by NLM) from the Central Medical Library through Second Life & the Second Life Medical Library, the Project Virtual Ability. [Samenwerking van de Consumer Health Library (Grant-funded) met de Centrale Medische Bibliotheek (CMB) via de Second Life Medical Library & het Project Virtual Ability. Deze drie projecten richten gezamenlijk het nieuwe HealthInfo Island in.]
A RESEARCH FOCUSED ON POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS OF SECOND LIFE FOR THE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER GRONINGEN - ADVISORY INVESTIGATIVE REPORT - by Sylvia Daskalova. Hanze University of Applied Sciences, School of Communication and Media, Major International Communication. March 2008 Supervisors UMCG: Pieter Davids and Guus van den Brekel. Supervisor HanzeUniversity: Kelly Fonteijn
SharePoint Surfgroepen: CAMBIN & Bibliotheken de RUG
Online Personal Start-pages Tools: &
Medical Universal Widgets: EcoNetvibes| Widgetbox |
Lending iPads to Medical Staff : integrating information workflow. Presentation at Online Information 2012, #online12 (13-14. Nov 2012, London)
On loan: iPads for Education, Patientcare and Research [Te leen: iPads, onderwijs, patientenzorg, onderzoek] Presentation at NVMO2012 (Annual Meeting of the Dutch Medical Education Association, 15-16. Nov., Maastricht ( collection)
Promotion of Scientific Output : made possible by your library Presentation at Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries 2012 (EMTACL12) (video), 1-3 October 2012, Trondheim, Norway.
iPad saves life | iPad redt leven Presentation at De Nacht van Kunst en Wetenschap | The Night of Arts & Sciences 2012 2.June 2012, Groningen, University of Groningen Library
Search Smarter with Google : workshop Knowledge Session May 2012 at the University of Groningen Library
Yammer & UMCG : a social internal network | Yammer workshop March 2012, Groningen, UMCG
iPads, Apps, Mobile & other services of the Central Medical Library (CMB) | [iPads, Apps, Mobiel an andere diensten van de CMB]
Presentation at Noordelijk Informatie Netwerk NIN , 22 March 2012, UMCG
F1000 Poster Project CMB UMCG : an Open Access Poster project Presentation at demo of F1000, March 2012, UMCG (more on the project)
Doctors 3.0? : Presentation at Capita Selecta Meeting Rehabilitation Medicine, 8. Februari 2012
2011 Web Technologies for Libraries Guus van den Brekel, Netherlands and Karen Buset, Norway "a Kind of 23 Things for Medical Librarians" * Workshop Blog: * EveryThing 2.0 intro: Transfer of Knowledge IX Petrozavodsk, June 27-29, 2011 -29%2C
TEDx Maastricht TEDxMaastricht is organized by UMC St Radboud, supported by corporate sponsors from
different industries. We would like to express our gratitude to the members of our Advisory Board (the TEDxAmbassadors ). The main goal is to organize an annual TEDx event to create a movement in healthcare to deliver healthcare services that encourage active participation of healthcare users delivered by compassionate healthcare professionals I created the Netvibes "All The News About" TEDx Maastricht
DB2011 Presentatie DB2011 Nominatie CMB UMCG The CMB was nominated for the Award Digital Library of the Year 2011
Netvibes for Social Media Monitoring & Corporate Webscan (UMCN) Workshop March 22nd 2011, UMC St Radboud
The Web, The User and the Library (and why to get in between)Keynote delivered at ICLAM2011 Conference at India International Centre, New Delhi, India on Februari 15th 2011.
The Browser, the User and the Library (How to to be in between)Tutorial delivered in the NIFT Institute, New Delhi, India as part of the ICLAM2011 Conference,
The Web, the User and the Library Presentation & Discussion with focus on GERMAN NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE ZB MED Strategic plans. Cologne December 8th 2010
The Web, the User and the Library Presentation & Discussion with focus on GERMAN NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE ZB MED Strategic plans. Cologne December 8th 2010
Medicine 2.0 Maastricht (I created the Netvibes) Medicine 2.0 is the annual open, international conference on Web 2.0 applications in health and medicine, also known as the World Congress on Social Networking and Web 2.0 Applications in Medicine, Health, Health Care, and Biomedical Research. The congress is organized and co-sponsored by the Journal of Medical Internet Research, the International Medical Informatics Association, theCentre for Global eHealth Innovation, CHIRAD, and a number of other sponsoring organizations.
New Media & Science 2.0 Info Meeting : Work & science smarter with new webtools [Nieuwe Media & Science 2.0 Informatie bijeenkomst UMCG : Slimmer werken en wetenschap bedrijven met nieuwe webtools.]
Rode Zaal 11. Nov 2010
The Future of the Academic Library : Symposium: Panta Rhei! [De Toekomst van de Academische Bibliotheek | University of Groningen Library is 395 years old. 30 september 2010 ]
Presentation in the "Innovation" Theme: "Wetenschap 2.0 : virtuele wetenschappelijke netwerken en de bibliotheek (my slides | other slides from symposium) 30. Sept.2010 Emerging Technologies in Medical Libraries : discover, explore, evaluate, adjust AGMB Tagung 2010 "Alles - Einfach - Sofort" : Service in MedizinBibliotheken: Treffpunkt 8. (abstracts)
2. Münsteraner Zukunftskolloquium für Medizinbibliotheken 28.-29. Juni 2010 (abstract)
"Emerging Technologies in Libraries : Continuing Education Course EAHIL2010 14-18 June 2010 Lissabon ( slides | Public Netvibes , updated)
Web 2.0 & Libraries: Empowerment Session @EAHIL2010 14-18 June 2010 Lissabon ( pdf | slides | video )
Research Networks : Towards Research 2.0 Keynote at Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries (EMTACL10), 26-28 April 2010 Trondheim, Norway ( Video | Pdf | Slides )
Breng je informatie waar de klanten zijn! ("Take your information and services where your customers are") : Papieren Tijgers presentation ( Mini UMCG-site ) | summary
Web 2.0 Lunch Meeting AMC Library : Lunch meeting Clinical Librarians and AMC Library Team 3 februari 2010 ( Slides) 2009 Bibliotheken en Onderzoek 2.0? Presentation for the SHB, het Samenwerkingsverband Hogeschool Bibliotheken. (slides)
Do Libraries Meet Research 2.0? : collaborative tools and relevance for Research Libraries LIBER 2009 Toulouse. Presentation June 30th 2009 Toulouse at LIBER Conference 2009 (see the video) Research Libraries & Web 2.0. Scientists engage in science & research 2.0, libraries should follow, reach out, engage, explore and facilitate.
Web Technologies for Libraries : Transfer of knowledge VIII: Providing and managing evidence based health information, June 16-18, 2009, Continuing education courses and workshop for medical librarians in St. Petersburg. ( Slides | Public Page: : Blog Course: "11 web 2.0 Things for Medical Libs"
Working, Sharing, Communicating, Learning and Teaching with others : Taskforce Web 2.0 EAHIL, Dublin EAHIl2009 ( slides | Blog )
[Web 2.0 for Medical Libraries] Web 2.0 voor Medische Bibliotheken: a workshop with some tools . March 12th & April 2nd 2009 (Public Netvibes Course | slides)
Citing & Searching and Keeping Up To Date: Tools and Trics . April 2009. Talk for the Department of Epidemiology UMCG ( slides)
PubMed, Search, RSS and ... Workshop Zorg 2.0 Event, March 24th 2009 Nijmegen
2008 Libraries meet research 2.0 Presentation at Nordlib 2.0 at Stockholm University Stockholm, November 21th 2008. See the WebCast
Bibliotheek Widgets & Toolbars : digicmb op OCN2008 . Happening OCN2008. 7 & 8 oktober 2008, Rai Amsterdam
Health2.0 & Library2.0: Power to the User (and the Librarians) (hands-on) CEC Workshop EAHIL2008, Helsinki Guus van den Brekel & Dorine Kieft-Wondergem
Space Up Your Library : The Social Net Works! EAHIL 2008, June 2008 Helsinki
Closing The Gap : Interoperability between Second Life and the Web Lightning Talk at ELAG 2008
Searching for Health Info in Second Life : interoperability & search in Second Life & The Web Dreams Fair 2008 in Second Life.
Knowledge sharing: Keeping Up, Searching, Education and Tailor-made Help(Dutch) UMCG, CMB; Kennissessie RUG-bibliotheken, mei 2008
“Share the Health: Training People with Disabilities and Chronic Medical Conditions on How to Locate Quality Health Information Virtual Ability Island Advisory Committee Member
Virtual Worlds: Libraries, Education and Museums Conference "Interaction, visibility and searchability in Virtual Worlds : the possibilities, benefits and the future" The Virtual Worlds: Libraries, Education and Museums Conference will be held in Second
Life at the New Media Consortium Conference Center (NMC) on March 8, 2008
Health Care Event SLang Life Library , february 9th 2008 in Second Life Symposium Virtual worlds 08 : the Value of Virtual environments in the future, . Health & Medicine in Second Life. Utrecht, HU, Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied Sciences 8th Februari 2008
2007 Into the User Environment Presentation at Helsebiblioteket, National Health Library Norway, Oslo, Norway, Januari 2007 Workshop Library Toolbar for Helsebiblioteket, National Health Library Norway, Oslo, Norway, Januari 2007 o Web Trends and Developments | o The Library Toolbar in Detail o RUGCombine & LiveTrix : search for a perfect interface Presentations & workshop at the NTNU Trondheim, Norway, Januari 2007 Into The User Environment Presentation at Medical Information Conference Croatia (MICC) 2007, Zagreb: Into The User Environment , March 2007 Into the User Environment Now! How Users Have Changed and How We Can Adjust Inforum 2007. Conference opening keynote speech: , Prague May 2007 "Getting in the Flow!" Karolinska Institute, University Library : presentation. And workshop Second Life for Library staff, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2007 Second Life en Bibliotheken NVB: HB/WB Lezing: "Get your Consumer Health Information from an Avatar! EAHIL Workshop 2007: Weblogs & Mashup Services (CEC) EAHIL Workshop 2007: Make Your Own Library Toolbar (CEC) EAHIL Workshop 2007: Connecting with Students : poster EAHIL Workshop 2007: Second Life Library Internet Librarian International 2007, London : Digitale Bibliotheekdiensten : Biblionet&Hanzehogeschool Groningen Virtuele werelden, echte bibliotheken!NVB Jaarcongres 2007 : "Library2.0 is not a Tool, but a Setting" about Library2.0 and Tools for Users at the Central Medical Library of the UMCG. "Bibliotheek 2.0", Thema-bijeenkomst bibliotheken van de RuG, December 2007 2006 Into the User Environment Now! : lezing European Association for Health Information and LIbraries(EAHIL) Conference 2006, Cluj, Rumania 2006 ( ppt, fulltext ) ("Visible in the Users World") Zichtbaar zijn in de wereld van de gebruiker : een veranderend verwachtingspatroon : presentation Martini Ziekenhuis, Opening Leerhuisbibliotheek, 2006 ( ppt ) Information Exchange in a changing World : gastlezing specialisatie "Information Services" van de opleiding Media & Informatiemanagement van het Instituut voor Communicatie en
Media van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen. International Communications, 23 november 2006 Presentation and Workshop at the Landspitali Hospital Medical Library, Reykjavik, Iceland, december 2006
Science 2.0: trends, tools and tips Search Smarter with Google Refworks : manage your references PubMed. Search strategy, tips & tricks Systematic searching for literature for a review / guideline Beginners course Reference Manager Impact factors and Citations CBN / BMI Course: Web 2.0 Applied to Medical Libraries / Workshop WEB 2.0 toepassingen voor de medische bibliotheek
See my Google Scholar citations My list of publications My ResearchGate profile
o Selected: Innovative information and communication systems for scientific libraries: 10 questions about practice and experience covering Web 2.0 to Emerging Technologies. An interview with Guus van den Brekel, information specialist for the medical library at Groningen University (Netherlands) by Bruno Bauer In: GMS Medizin — Bibliothek — Information GMS Med Bibl Inf 2010;10(2):Doc20 [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] (in German, English version will follow) o Virtual worlds, real libraries : librarians and educators in Second Life and other multi-user virtual environments . Auteur: Lori Bell;Rhonda B Trueman Uitgever: Medford, N.J. : Information Today, ©2008. Chapter on Health and Consumer Information in Second Life / by Guus van den Brekel & Carol Perryman. o Bibliotheekblad Special 4 2008. Bibliotheek moet weer zichtbaar worden . o Proficiat! Internationale lof voor informatiespecialist Guus van den Brekel Polsslag 4, 15 maart 2007. (pdf) o De bibliothecaris komt naar je toe! Interview P i c t o g r a m 2 | a p r i l / m e i 2 0 0 7 (pdf)
Advice & Organise Member of the Scientific Advisory Council / Beirat Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Medizin Nonprofit; 51-200 employees; Libraries industry 2012 – Present (less than a year) Cologne Area, Germany Advisory member Strategic Group Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Medizin (ZB MED) July 2012 – Present (5 months) Cologne, Germany Taking part in the project group for defining strategic plans regarding the ZB Med Member of the IPC EAHIL2013 International Programm Committee EAHIL2013 Stockholm 2012 – Present (less than a year) Stockholm, Sweden Member of the International Programm Committee for the 2013 EAHIL Workshop to be held in Stockholm, Sweden Chair TaskForce Web 2.0 EAHIL June 2009 – Present (3 years 6 months) Working, Sharing, Communicating, Learning and Teaching with others : the use of Web 2.0 tools for EAHIL Council, Board and Members. lid Redactieraad | Member of Editorial Board of the journal Digitale Bibliotheek Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Libraries industry 2008 – Present (4 years) Member of the International Progamm Committee EMTACL12 Emergency Technologies in Academic Libraries Educational Institution; 1001-5000 employees; Higher Education industry February 2011 – October 2012 (1 year 9 months) emtacl12 The conference will be held 1-3 October 2012 in Trondheim, Norway, and is organized by the library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Member International Programm Committee EAHIL2012 June 2010 – July 2012 (2 years 2 months)
See the list of Members and other Committees Member of the Works Council Division F University Medical Center Groningen Nonprofit; 5001-10,000 employees; Hospital & Health Care industry 2007 – July 2012 (5 years) Member International Programm Committee EMTACL10 Norwegian University of Science and technology Library (UBiT). Educational Institution; 1001-5000 employees; Higher Education industry June 2009 – June 2010 (1 year 1 month) As a member of the programme committee, my role will include: - actively marketing emtacl10 to relevant audiences - attracting high-quality submissions - participating in programme committee meetings - reviewing submitted papers - chairing in sessions at the conference Member International Programm Committee EAHIL2010 July 2008 – June 2010 (2 years) THE IPC: The Portuguese Association of Health Documentation and Information, APDIS (Associação Portuguesa de Documentação e Informação de Saúde) in collaboration with EAHIL - European Association for Health Information and Libraries has the great pleasure of inviting you to the 12th EAHIL Conference, in Lisbon, Portugal, 14th - 18th June 2010. Member International programme Committee TICER 2008 Tilburg University - Tilburg Innovation Centre for Electronic Resources October 2007 – August 2008 (11 months)