The Garrick Gazette 581 November 2020

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The Garrick Gazette Issue 581 November 2020

Garrick Theatre Club (Inc) 16 Meadow Street, Guildford PO Box 122, Guildford WA 6935 Editor: Douglas Sutherland-Bruce

In this issue:

Garrick Theatre Club (Inc) proudly presents

Directed by Douglas Sutherland-Bruce Oscar Wilde’s Timeless Comedy

The Importance of Being Earnest

Nov/ Dec

Tickets: Adults - $25 Concession - $22 Members - $20 Booking: Elaine: 9378 1990 or

Thu 26 3 10

Fri 27 4 11

Sat 28 5¶ 12

2020/21 Calendar


2021 Programme


Annual General Meeting








Other Awards


Request for Help


The Committee


The Importance of Being Earnest


Sun 29* 6*

Curtain Up Evenings: 8:00pm Matinées: 2:00pm ¶ Matinée and Evening * Matinées only

26th November to 12th December, 2020 Earnest Poster2.indd 1

23/10/19 5:00 pm

The Garrick Gazette Published by: Printed by: ISSN (Print edition): ISSN (Online edition)

The Garrick Theatre Club (Inc) Docuprint 2652-4678 2652-4686 Copyright 2020 1

“The word theatre comes from the Greeks. It means the seeing place. It is the place people come to see the truth about life and the social situation.” - Stella Adler

EDITORIAL MEMBERSHIP OF GARRICK THEATRE turned out in large numbers to the Annual General Meeting, easily doubling the numbers needed for a quorum. The business part of the evening was conducted efficiently, professionally and quickly. The required constitutional business went well and the more social aspects were warmly received. The award of a forty years membership pin to Hillary Lewis was very popular with President Dale James outlining her service during that long, long membership. As popular as that was, the applause for Elaine Gilberthorpe and Gail Lusted receiving their Life Memberships was thunderous. Both have given much to the Club, Elaine over many years of committee membership and running the Box Office and Gail with her commitment to TAG and enthusiastic championship of the cause of youth theatre education and experience. TAG was created with a view to training up the next generation of actors and technicians and we are seeing in just the few years since it’s establishment that it’s paying large dividends. We have seen TAG actors in the adult shows Puss in Boots and The Importance of Being Earnest at Garrick as well as productions at Marloo and KADS respectively. Incoming President Rod Palmer has asked me to publish this message: ‘Thank you to all who attended our AGM, it was a great night! I would to thank the 2020 Committee for all their hard work and dedication to the club. Elaine is taking a break from the committee but will still be doing bookings for the club. ‘I would also like to welcome Gail Lusted, Geoff Holt and Roxanne Moore to the 2021 Committee. ‘We hope to see you all at Earnest, I recommend you book with Elaine quickly as we still have Covid restrictions.’ Archivist Tom Goode has asked members to search cupboards, drawers and files for copies of old programmes - in particular: 2016 See How They Run, directed by Lynne Devenish 2016 Shock, directed by Fred Petersen 2017 Life After George, directed by Lynne Devenish 2017 Any play in 2017 after Life After George. We only have programmes for Cinderella. 2018 Beyond a Joke, directed by Andrew Watson 2018 Silver Linings, directed by Dale James Until we next see each other on the green ...

Douglas Sutherland-Bruce, Editor.

Any views expressed in this editorial are those of Dr Sutherland-Bruce alone and may not reflect those of the President and Executive Committee

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MANAGING CARMEN FOLLOWING THE AUDITIONS held the director, Siobhan Vincent is excited to announce her very talented cast and crew for the upcoming production of Managing Carmen; Cast: Brent Thomas McCracken Max Tim Fraser; Max Rohan Rhett Clarke ; Rohan Jessica Sarah House ; Jessica Clara Pauline Rosman; Clara Creatives/ Footy Show team; Caro Colleen Bradford (also Wardrobe) Daisy Teagan Harris (also Makeup) Eddie Matthew Roberts (also Crew/Stagehand) Shane Adam Giltrow (also Crew/Stagehand) Sam Kailem Mollard (also Crew/Stagehand) Ellien van Heerwaaarden (Stagehand) Managing Carmen runs from the 25th February until the 13th March. Tickets cost $25 ($22 Concession) and will be available shortly after The Importance of Being Earnest closes.



ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Garrick Theatre Club Inc was held on Friday the 13th November, well attended by members and guests. The doors opened at 7:00pm and for half an hour we caught up with old friends, had a drink and chatted about the year in review. The proceedings got under way at 7:30pm with outgoing President Dale James presenting her report: Dale took over as President in November 2019, beginning the year with plans to do so much. The year started off well with the production of Bette and Joan opening our 2020 season and then Covid-19 struck and turned our world upside down. Shows were canceled or postponed until 2021 however the spirit of the club and the enthusiasm of the committee continued throughout the year. The Production Committee commenced it’s year by arranging the Awards Night L to R: Minute Secretary Barbara Brown, President Dale James and Treasurer Terry Brown celebrating the 2019 year in January 2020 and the same is being arranged for 2020’s Award’s Night on the 30th January, 2021. The Production Committee also gathers submissions for shows and is busy planning 2022, the Club’s 90th Anniversary celebrations. Dale thanked the outgoing Production Committee for their hard work - Rod Palmer, Douglas Sutherland-Bruce, Kerry Goode, Gail Lusted, Siobhan Vincent and Jordan Tabb. During our gatherings we maintained asocial distancing in seating and meetings along with the required hygiene steps to ensure anyone who attended anything within the club was safe. To ensure the enforced dark time in the theatre the club worked on the archives. The club was unsure what we had in the way or archives so what we had was retrieved from where it had been stored, sorted and arranged chronologically. This was done by a volunteer, Tom Goode ably assisted by a team of willing helpers - Kerry Goode, Colleen and Mike Bradford, Barbara and Terry Brown. Their efforts will be utilised to help celebrate our 90th. As Dale mentioned ‘We have a history to be proud of, we are the longest continual running community theatre in Western Australia and we needed our past to be stored and saved for future generations of theatre lovers. We are also very privileged to be able to use of this wonderful building, built in 1853 by lieutenant Du Cane.’ Talking of the future generations led her to speak of TAG, Teens at Garrick - the youth group. TAG is arranged and run by Gail Lusted assisted by Rod Palmer - together they produced Returning Officer Rev Les Marshall 4

this year’s TAG production of The Hound of the Baskervilles, even with all the Covid-10 restrictions, rehearsals continued via Zoom and the enthusiasm of the TAG group never wavered. Dale congratulated and expressed the committee’s appreciation to all the members of TAG that stuck with it and gave such a wonderful show. Dale expressed her personal thanks to all the committee who worked so hard and supported her and the club so well. In particular she thanked Rod Palmer for his tireless tremendous support. She also wished to go on record making special mention of long-standing committee member Elaine Gilberthorpe, who - for Vice President Rod Palmer pins member Hillary Lewis with her ‘40 Year Membership’ award pin. personal reasons - would not be standing for re-election for 2021, but who has generously volunteered to continue as Bookings Officer. She included for special thanks, Ian Lusted who ‘has worked quietly behind the scenes and is always there to lend a hand when needed on Busy Bee clean-ups - your efforts on our last Busy Bee were greatly appreciated by us all - thank you.’ Dale then outlined the 2021 season, starting with the latest David Williamson play, Managing Carmen, directed by Siobhan Vincent. Then the play based on a board game - Clue, on Stage, written by Jonathan Lynn, Hunter Foster, Eric Price, Sandy Rustin and directed by Jordan Tabb, a TAG graduate, although this is not a TAG production. The third play is the only TAG production for 2021 - a mystery play enigmatically named Trap. This is directed by TAG member Natalia Smith with Gail Lusted as Assistant Director. Fourth is a comedy for the older set - Our Gang, written by David Christener and directed by Dale James. To round the year off the last is a pantomime, Treasure Island - the Panto by Ben Crocker, directed by Douglas Sutherland-Bruce. Dale ended her report with her grateful thanks to all members for their support throughout the year of her Presidency and hopes for a productive and safe 2021. She then called on Gail Lusted to give her report on TAG. Gail spoke about the activities that TAG had initiated during the year and the annual production, a first for TAG in that it was a mixed adult/youth production under the TAG banner. She also emphasised that the year had been ‘a lot of fun’. Treasurer Terry Brown then presented his financial report, copies of which may be obtained by asking. He was pleased how well we had survived nearly a year with savagely curtailed income from productions. He recommended membership fees remain as they are, and ticket prices also remain, but be looked at in the near future. Our financial position remains healthy, although we will need to be careful. Dale then handed the conduct of the meeting over to Returning Officer Reverend Les Marshall, who informed the meeting that most positions had been nominated unopposed and were consequently installed in the positions. The sole position with two nominees was the Vice 5

Presidency, with both Dale James and Gail Lusted nominating. A ballot was held, resulting in a draw, after which Dale stepped aside and Gail was deemed elected. The 2021 President and Executive Committee are therefore: President Rodney Palmer Officers Vice President Gail Lusted Treasurer Terry Brown Secretary Kerry Goode Past President Dale James Committee Barbara Brown (Minute secretary) Colleen Bradford (Wardrobe) Sarah-Jane Hombergen-Crute Caileb Hombergen-Crute Yvonne Starr James Nailen Alan Shaw Geoff Holt Roxi Moore 2021 President Palmer and 2020 President James with new Life Member Elaine Gilberthorpe Congratulations to all concerned. This was followed by the presentation of Membership Pins for 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 years - no 50s as yet, but member Hillary Lewis, a member since1980 was presented with her pin to sustained applause. In a surprise event two Life Memberships were presented to two members that have rendered exceptional service to the club over the years in one form or another. The first to Bookings Officer and long-time committee member, Elaine Gilberthorpe and the second to Gail Lusted for her dedication to the Teens at Garrick programme and general enthusiasm for theatre and Garrick. Following the formal closing of the meeting the members adjourned for fellowship and supper into the foyer. The opportunity did not present itself but the incoming President, Rod Palmer has asked me to express his admiration and thanks to the 2020 President, Dale James, and 2020 Executive Committee for their hard work and dedication to the Garrick Theatre 2021 President Palmer and 2020 President James with new Club Inc. Life Member Gail Lusted 6

OTHER AWARDS GARRICK THEATRE CLUB INC members also appear in the productions of other companies, often with great success. Fiona Forster (Puss in Boots and many others) received Best Actress award at the Limelight Theatre’s 2019 Awards Night along with Colleen Bradford (Puss in Boots and many others), who won Best Supporting Actress in Susan Vincent’s production of Natural Causes. Les Lee (also a Garrick member) picked up Best Actor in the same play.

(L to R) Collleen Bradford, Les Lee and Fiona Forster

2020/21 CALENDAR FOR GARRICK THEATRE CLUB (INC): TAG Workshop - Time to be confirmed October 24th th October 25 TAG Workshop - Time to be confirmed - this is the film weekend. th November 7 TAG Workshop 11:00am to 2:00pm th November 13 Annual General Meeting. th November 14 TAG Workshop 11:00am to 2:00pm th November 26 Opening night of The Importance of Being Earnest, a trivial comedy for serious people, written by Oscar Wilde, directed by Douglas Sutherland- Bruce. December 12th Closing night of The Importance of Being Earnest th December 19 Christmas Party th January 30 2020 Awards Night January TBA Auditions for Clue on Stage th February 25 Opening night of Managing Carmen, written by David Williamson, directed by Siobhan Vincent March 13th Closing night of Managing Carmen th April 29 Opening night of Clue on Stage th May15 Closing night of Clue on Stage July 1st Opening night of Trap - A TAG Production July 17th Closing night of Trap September 16th Opening night of Our Gang October 2nd Closing night of Our Gang November 18th Opening of Treasure Island - the Panto December 11th Closing night of Treasure Island - the Panto 7

2021 PROGRAMME Garrick Theatre Club (inc) 16 Meadow Street, Guildford

Proudly Presents

Adapted from the screenplay byJONATHAN LYNN Additional materials by Hunter Foster, Eric Price & Sandy Rustin Adapted from the Paramount Pictures Film written by Jonathan Lynn and the board game from Hasbro Inc., Directed by Jordan D’Arcy Tabb Thu Fri Sat Sun Apr/ 29 30 1 2* May 6 7 8¶ 9* 13 14 15

Curtain Up Evenings: 8:00pm Matinées: 2:00pm ¶ Matinée and Evening * Matinées only

Tickets: Adults - $25 Concession - $22 Members - $20 Children 12 & under - $15 Booking: Elaine: 9378 1990 or

29th April to 15th May, 2021

By permission of OriginTM Theatrical on behalf of Broadway Licensing

Garrick Theatre Club (inc) 16 Meadow St., Guildford proudly presents:

Garrick Theatre Club (Inc) proudly presents

’s Ben Crocker ntomime pa al on iti trad

nd a l s I e r u s a e r T

A comedy of mature misfits

OUR GANG by David


Directed by Douglas Sutherland-Bruce by arrangement with the author Musical Director: Lyn Brown Choreographer: Siobhan Vincent

Directed by Dale James

by special arrangement with the author


Adults - $25 Concession - $22 Members - $20 Family (2A + 2C) - $75 Children 12 & under - $15 Booking: Elaine: 9378 1990 or Tickets: Adults - $25 Concession - $22 Members - $20 Booking: Elaine: 9378 1990 or

Thu Sept/ 16 Oct 23 30

Fri 17 24 1

Sat 18 25¶ 2

Sun 19* 26*

Curtain Up Evenings: 8:00pm Matinées: 2:00pm ¶ Matinée and Evening * Matinées only

16th September to 2nd October, 2021

Nov/ Dec

Thu 18 25 2 9

Fri 19 26 3 10

Sun 21* 28* 5*

Curtain Up Evenings: 7:30pm Matinées: 1:30pm ¶ Matinée and Evening * Matinées only

18th November to 11th December, 2021

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Sat 20¶ 27¶ 4¶ 11

OUR CURRENT PRODUCTION THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST court cases, Wilde was found guilty and sentenced to two years hard labour, from which he never truly recovered either physically or mentally, dying in Paris in 1900. The plot of The Importance of Being Earnest is hardly simple, but briefly, two couples wish to marry against the wishes of their respective guardians; a baby has been lost in a handbag; the governess fancies the Canon and it all ends happily. The play itself, it's first run cut short by the trials, has almost never been out of production ever since. Many thousands of stage versions, several films (most notably starring Sir Michael Redgrave and Dame Edith Evans) and a number of L to R: Cecily (Olivia Fellows) and Gwendoline (Pauline Rosman) take tea and compare diaries TV productions – Dame Joan Plowright made a very effective ARGUABLY ONE OF THE WORLD'S funniest and certainly best enduring plays in the English Lady Bracknell in 1984. language, The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People is a play by Irish writer Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde. It was first performed on 14 February 1895 in London, it is 'a farcical comedy in which the protagonists maintain fictitious personae to escape burdensome social obligations. Working within the social conventions of late Victorian London, the play's major themes are the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage and the resulting satire of Victorian morality.' Some critics of the time praised the play's humour, while others disparaged its lack of 'a social message'. The hugely successful opening night marked the climax of Wilde's career but also heralded the beginning of his fall from grace. Wilde, who was bisexual at a time when homosexuality was illegal, was conducting an affaire with Lord Alfred Douglas, the son of the Marquess of Queensberry, who in an ill-judged The very first Lady Bracknell (Rose Leclercq) in 1895 moment, Wilde sued for libel. In the ensuing 9

A hugely talented cast' Douglas describes them, 'keen to learn and apply their experience to what is for some of them their first classic play, they have been a delight to direct and explore this most delightful of plays.' The Importance of Being Earnest opens on the 26th November 2020 at Garrick Theatre, 16 Meadow Street, Guildford and runs until the 12th December. Tickets cost $25 for adults and may be booked by ringing Elaine on 9378 1990 or email her on Covid -19 precautions are in place and seats are limited, so book early.

The importance of a cigarette case - a photograph from the first production in 1895

We have seen crossdressed versions (Sir David Suchet was Lady Bracknell quite recently). All-black cast versions, musical versions and setting ranging from the original contemporary 1895 to the late 30's – a less than satisfactory change. Now Garrick Theatre presents their version, directed by Douglas Sutherland-Bruce, a veteran of the stage and who has directed the play twice before and acted in it twice. 'Just a couple more times and I'll get it right,' he says. Joining stalwart, experienced actors Siobhan Vincent (as Lady Bracknell); Kerry Goode; Ray Egan and Alan Shaw are newcomers fresh from WAAPA and Curtin – Pauline Rosman, Jonathan Hoey and those working their way up through community theatre. 10

REQUEST FOR HELP CONTAINERS FOR CHANGE AS MANY OF YOU may know the Container for Change scheme has been launched. Rodney has registered Garrick for this and there will be some changes to recycling at the bar. This will be simple enough, cans and glass must be seperated. The big news about this is that anyone can donate their 10c refund. So by using the Garrick scheme i.d you are able to donate your cans’ deposit to the theatre. We will use these refunds to keep up maintenance and upgrade and would be very

much appreciated. (Some projects we are working on at the moment are foyer and bio box upgrades) The process is easy, go to your local depot. The staff take the i.d number and assign a bay, then they take the containers for a quick sort and count, fill in the paper work and return any bags/tubs. It takes ten minutes, tops. Garrick Theatres Scheme I.D is C10292625 We thank you for any assistance you may be able to give us.

pppppppppppppppp The Executive Committee President Rodney Palmer 0478 410 330 Vice President Gail Lusted TAG liaison Rodney Palmer 0478 410 330 Treasurer Terry Brown 0449 902 500 Secretary Kerry Goode Production Manager Rodney Palmer 0478 410 330 Production Kerry Goode Siobhan Vincent Douglas Sutherland-Bruce Gail Lusted Ray Egan Jordan D’Arcy Past President Dale James 0407 426 957 Archivist Tom Goode Bookings Elaine Gilberthorpe 9378 1990 Minute Secretary Barbara Brown 9275 5281 Bar Manager Rodney Palmer 0478 410 330 Wardrobe Colleen Bradford 0414 579 752 and Sarah-Jane Hombergen-Crute 0439 977 250 Technical Caileb Hombergen-Crute Projects Manager Geoff Holt 0417 093 590 Front of House Yvonne Starr Set Supervisor James Nailen Shed Supervisor Alan Shaw Publicity Douglas Sutherland-Bruce 0418 934 850 Gazette Editor Douglas Sutherland-Bruce 0418 934 850 2020 Adjudicators Dee Howells David Young Christopher Churchouse Yvette Wall


The Garrick Gazette Garrick Theatre Club (Inc) P O Box 122, Guildford Western Australia 6935 Print Post Approved 100002309



THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST Oscar Wilde’s classic comedy of manners, style and serious triviality. Directed by Douglas Sutherland-Bruce November 26th to 12th December 2020 Bookings: Phone Elaine on 9378 1990 or


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