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GUYANA No. 103754


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Guyana signs third annual work plan with UNICEF Page 3

Venezuelan Foreign Minister visits

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President Donald Ramotar greets Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. Also in photo is Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett

National Assembly restores Guyana welcomes Chinese Govt funding for Critchlow investors – President 2 3 - as he opens Chinese shipyard at Coverden Labour College Page



GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Venezuelan Foreign Minister visits – meets with President Ramotar VENEZUELAN Foreign Minister Elias Jaua yesterday made a short visit to Guyana. He was met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport by President Donald Ramotar and Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett. Minister Jaua updated the President on the current situation in his country where at least nine people have been killed during protests led by that country’s opposition over the past two weeks. (GINA)

President Donald Ramotar , Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua and Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport

Guyana welcomes Chinese investors – President

PARTNERSHIPS are indispensible to spurring Guyana to its fullest economic height, and as such, President Donald Ramotar yesterday extended a welcoming hand to all Chinese investors. The President was at the time addressing the opening of the Chinese owned Zhanghao Shipyard in Coverden, East Bank Demerara, and also the launch and naming ceremony for a logging vessel christened the ‘Yhan Heng freighter’. Also present were Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy and Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Zhang Limin. “I want to extend special greetings to the Chinese investors who have come here and to let them know that they are welcome in Guyana,” President Ramotar said. The President noted that China has tremendous capabilities, evidenced by the tremendous progress that the country has made in just over three decades. China’s growth is also unmatched when compared to equivalent countries in any part of the world, he said. “To see how fast that country has grown in just over three decades speaks volumes for Chinese investors and their readiness to take risks. It also speaks volumes of their skills, of their traditions and customs, and their dedication to work and labour, and that is something we hope that we can emulate in our country,” the President said. He pointed out that Guyana has been seeing the many examples of the effectiveness

- as he opens Chinese shipyard at Coverden

President Donald Ramotar, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy and Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Zhang Limin with the owners of the Zhanghao Shipyard at Coverden, East Bank Demerara and efficiency of the Chinese investors and work with regard to the country’s infrastructural development. “We saw their work at the Convention Centre (the Guyana International Conference Centre), we are seeing it now at the

Marriott Hotel, the way they have produced, and the quality of work that is being produced, and we see it in the rest of the Region, how much they have invested,” he said. “So on behalf of the Government and people of Guyana,

I want to express our sincere thanks to the Chinese Government, people and investors, and to say that I look forward to, and I am ready to say openly that we are going to put all the facilities available that we give to investors, to try to attract

more investments from China in our country, to help us build Guyana and help us reach the full potential that this country can achieve,” he said. Infrastructural development is indispensible to Guyana achieving its full potential,

and to reach this height, the country’s partnership with Chinese communities is extremely important and vital, he underscored. Construction on the Zhanghao shipyard started in 2012, but it wasn’t until late 2013 that construction began on the vessel that was meant to facilitate the transporting of logs from Kwakwani where the company owns a logging concession. The vessel, whose design and engine are Chinese, and its steel plates pre-formed in China as well, has the capacity to carry 200,000 tonnes of logs and six crew members and will take about four days from Kwakwani to the shipyard in Coverden, laden with the logs. The vessel was constructed with efficiency and pace by the workers of the company with 95 percent of the work being completed in just over three months. Prime Minister Hinds also expressed similar sentiments. He expressed hope that the Zhanghao investment would be the first in the journey of many leaps with regard to the opening up of a niche for medium and small ship building enterprises in Guyana. Ambassador Limin, in addition to lauding the efficiency of the Zhanghao company workers in the construction of the vessel, also expressed gratitude to the Government of Guyana, noting that the shipyard’s success would not have been possible without their cooperation. Ambassador Limin also said that China has much more to offer Guyana, once given the opportunity.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Guyana signs third annual work plan with UNICEF MINISTER of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and Ms. Marianne Flach, of United Nations Children’s Fund ( U N I C E F ) , y e s t e r d a y, signed the Third Annual Work Plan agreed between the Government the agency. The Minister acknowledged that UNICEF is a very important organisation for Guyana, specifically as it focuses on improving the lives of children in areas of health, education and their personal welfare. She said, as Guyana strives to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), its focus is on evidence based programmes of actions surrounding such as poverty, hunger and HIV/ AIDS with a special emphasis on equity. The Minister said, in this year’s plan, emphasis would be placed on the hinterland regions of Guyana, since

statics have shown that these are among the most vulnerable areas. The Annual Work Plan derives from the 2012-2016 Country Programme, which was developed, collaboratively, between the Government of Guyana and UNICEF, in pursuit of the rights of children and gender equality. Specific interventions The plan outlines priority areas for specific interventions and supports projects to be executed by some of the ministries and other agencies. Guyana was elected to the Executive Board of UNICEF for a period of three years from 2013 to 2015, at elections held in April 2012. It is among the five members from the Group of Latin American and Caribbean countries on the Executive Board. Flach related that they have seen very good results, namely in the reduction of

Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues –Birkett, left, and Ms. Marianne Flach of United Nations Children’s Fund

child brutality, HIV/AIDS as well as education, especially with the primary school-age children. She indicated, further, that their attention will be shifted slightly, since they have acquired such good results in their previous plan and they will now cater for secondary school age children and media. In one of the plans set out for 2014, UNICEF has started the preparation for the mix survey, which will provide data that would indicate where the country is in respect to achieving the MDGs. Flach emphasised that the media play a very important role in highlighting children being abused but lamented that, sometimes, it can be reported better and, because of this, they are presently working on developing a code of conduct which has been included in this year’s approach.

National Assembly restores Govt funding for Critchlow Labour College By Clifford Stanley THE National Assembly has unanimously approved a motion that the Government’s annual subvention to the Critchlow Labour College (CLC), withheld since 2007, be restored. The motion was passed last Thursday after the mover, Alliance For Change (AFC) Member of Parliament (MP) Trevor Williams, had made an amendment that was acceptable to both sides of the House. The original motion had merely called for the Government to restore the subvention, but the amendment included a precondition that the labour component of the Board of Directors of the CLC must include four representatives of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), placing representatives of FITUG on the Board of the CLC for the first time. It was this amendment which secured the approval of the Government Members of Parliament. Prior to the forging of the consensual amendment, the matter of the subvention to the CLC, the reasons it was withheld and the reasons it should be restored were hotly debated by both Government and Opposition Members of Parliament. It was established that both the People’s National Congress (PNC) and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) governments had provided subventions to the CLC since its establishment by the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) in 1965. The PPP/C had, however, withdrawn the subvention in 2007 after complaining that there had been little or no accounting for the funds provided, and that there was no proportionality on the Board of Directors with respect to representation by major trade unions under the umbrella

of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG). In rationalising the withdrawal of the subvention, Labour Minister Dr. Nanda Gopaul said that lack of accountability for public funds had been the main reason. He said: “Government is sympathetic to the motion. We would like to give some form of subvention to workers’ education. We are not penalizing the College, but there must be accountability. We could not put money into an entity which was not accounting for its use.” However, speakers on both sides of the House agreed that the CLC had played an extremely useful role as the “second opportunity college” for low achievers at the secondary level. It was agreed that thousands of Guyanese had benefited from the affordable education provided by the CLC, and had used the qualifications gained as stepping stones for entry into the University of Guyana. AFC MP Trevor Williams, himself a graduate of the CLC, concurred with the need for accountability, but posited that, given the importance of the CLC, steps other than withdrawal of the funding should have been considered. He said that at the time of Government’s withdrawing funding from the CLC, the college had been operating not only in Georgetown, but also in Linden and New Amsterdam. The regrettable withdrawal had led to reduced capacity of the CLC to offer the acceptable level of education to the “second chance” youths who needed it most, and that was a situation that was detrimental to the education of many. PPP/C MP Manzoor Nadir said the undemocratic nature of the appointment of members to the Board of Directors of the CLC had been a major problem. “If we are going forward, the way to do this is to have members of the Board (be) representative of labour, not dominated by any of the smaller unions in labour, but representative of all of labour. I would make bold to say -- without consulting our

Members of Parliament on this side of the House -- that if he (MP Trevor Williams) is prepared to amend the motion now to ensure that the eight members who come from labour will comprise four nominees from FITUG and four nominees from the TUC, I am sure that we will wholeheartedly approve of (the motion). “Amend it! Amend it,” he urged. AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo concurred with the opinion that a wider cross section of members on the board of the CLC would see the syllabus of CLC being changed to include genuine labour subjects, and serve to incubate future leaders in a genuine school of labour.; but he said the students of the CLC should not be penalized for faults of the institution’s administration. Following further debate, Speaker of the House, Mr. Raphael Trotman, suggested to AFC’s Trevor Williams that he could use a brief recess as an opportunity to make an amendment to the motion, were he so inclined. The amended motion arising from Williams’s willingness read in conclusion: “Be it resolved that the National Assembly calls on the Government of Guyana to restore the subvention to the CLC; and further, that as a precondition to the provision of the subvention, the labour component of the Board of Directors of the CLC be comprised of[sic] four representatives of FITUG and four of the TUC.” Sixty-one members voted in favour of the subvention being restored. There were no abstentions or dissensions. Minister Gopaul said he was happy that the situation at CLC had reached the stage where opportunity would be had for representatives of all of labour to have a say in the expenditures of the college, in accountability for funds provided, and in the running of the affairs of the revived institution.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Armed men seize two airports in Ukraine’s Crimea, Yanukovich reappears

(Reuters) - ARMED men took control of two airports in the Crimea region on Friday in what the new Ukrainian leadership described as an invasion by Moscow’s forces, and ousted President Viktor Yanukovich surfaced in Russia after a week on the run. Yanukovich said Russia should use all means at its disposal to stop the chaos in Ukraine as tension rose on the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, the only region with an ethnic Russian majority and the last major bastion of resistance to the overthrow of the Moscow-backed leader. Kiev’s border guard service said more than 10 Russian military helicopters had flown over the peninsula and Russian servicemen had blockaded one of its units in the port city of Sevastopol. A serviceman at the scene confirmed to Reuters he was

from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, part of which is based in Sevastopol, and said they were there to stop the kind of protests that ousted Yanukovich in Kiev. The fleet denied its forces were involved in seizing the military airport near Sevastopol, where armed men later also occupied the runway, Interfax news agency said, while a supporter described the armed group at the civilian international airport in Simferopol as Crimean militiamen. Ukraine’s commercial airline said later that it had been refused entry into Crimean airspace. Moscow has promised to defend the interests of its citizens in Ukraine and has said it will not intervene by force. But its rhetoric since the removal of Yanukovich a week ago has echoed the run-up to its invasion of Georgia in 2008. The U.N. Security Council

called an emergency session for later on Friday at the request of Ukraine’s new leaders, who warned the country’s territorial integrity was threatened. Any armed confrontation in Crimea would have major global repercussions, with Russia and the West already at odds over the change of power in Ukraine and supporting opposite sides in Syria’s civil war. They have, however, pledged to cooperate to prop up Ukraine’s faltering economy. KREMLIN ROLE Ukraine’s top security official, Andriy Paruby, said the armed men in Crimea were taking their orders from the top in Russia. “These are separate groups ... commanded by the Kremlin,” Paruby, secretary of the National Security and Defence Council, told a televised briefing in Kiev. One of the options being

considered was declaring a state of emergency in Crimea, he added. The United States warned all parties not to inflame the situation and said it had raised the issue of the reported armed takeovers of the airports with Russia. U.S. officials were seeking clarification of the origin of the armed men. Moscow said it had no intention of violating Ukraine’s sovereignty, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Ukraine’s new leaders should implement a political deal brokered by the European Union before Yanukovich’s ouster. Russia announced war games on Wednesday near the Ukrainian border, putting 150,000 troops on high alert, although Kerry said Lavrov had told him the exercises were pre-planned.

Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich takes part in a news conference in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, February 28, 2014. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov

Chinese media outlet uses racial slur at US envoy BEIJING (AP) — A MAJOR Chinese government news service used a racist slur to describe the departing American ambassador in a mean-spirited editorial on Friday that drew widespread public condemnation in China. The article — which called Gary Locke a “rotten banana,” a guide dog for the blind, and a plague — reflected Chinese nationalists’ acute loathing toward the first Chinese-American to have been Washington’s top envoy to Beijing. Locke’s ethnic background

particularly interested the Chinese government and people. Locke won public applause when he was seen carrying his own bag and flying economy class but he drew criticism from Beijing as his demeanor was an unwelcome contrast to Chinese officials’ privileges and entitlements. In Washington, top diplomat John Kerry paid tribute to Locke as “a champion of human dignity and a relentless advocate for America’s values.” Asked about the China News Service commentary, State Department

spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters Friday: “We are not going to dignify the name-calling in that editorial with a response.” In his 2½ years in Beijing, Locke oversaw the defusing of two delicate diplomatic episodes when a powerful police chief fled to a U.S. consulate and later when a persecuted blind activist sought shelter in the embassy. The Chinese public also credit him with making them realize the harm of the tiny pollutant PM2.5 and severity of China’s foul air by posting the embassy’s hourly readings of air quality. Meanwhile, the editorials in Chinese state media turned from initial reservation to unfriendliness to the insolence of the final piece. “I think it shows the unfriendliness and impoliteness by the Chinese government toward Gary Locke, and it is without the manners and dignity of a major power,” legal scholar Hao Jinsong said. “It is unfitting of China’s status as a diplomatic power. As a Chinese, I am very

angry and feel ashamed of it.” The editorial “Farewell, Gary Locke” took direct aim at Locke’s identity as a third-generation Chinese-American, calling him a “banana” — a racial term for Asians identifying with Western values despite their skin color. “But when a banana sits out for long, its yellow peels will always rot, not only revealing its white core but also turning into the stomach-churning color of black,” read the editorial. The author Wang Ping —

likely a pseudonym — slammed Locke’s portrayal as an official judicious with public funds but criticized him for being hypocritical as he retreated into his multimillion-dollar official residence and special-made, bullet-proof luxury vehicle. Wang belittled Locke’s inability to speak his ancestral language and accused him of failing to understand China’s law but fanning “evil winds” in the ethnically sensitive regions of Tibet and Xinjiang.

“Not only did he run around by himself, he even served as a guide dog for the blind when he took in the so-called blind rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng and led him running,” the editorial said. Chen later was allowed to leave China and now lives in the United States. The editorial made a malicious Chinese curse at Locke, suggesting Locke’s Chinese ancestors would expel him from the family clan should they know his behaviors.

In this Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014, file photo, Gary Locke, the outgoing U.S. ambassador to China, leaves after a farewell news conference held at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Turn in your guns, police to West Kingston gangsters (Jamaica Gleaner) HEAD of the West Kingston police Superintendent Steve McGregor is urging gangsters to turn in their guns as they take steps to put an end to the protracted gang feud in their communities. The Gleaner reported yesterday that gangsters in the area were seeking to initiate peace after two years of severe bloodletting that claimed scores of lives. A peace dance and march was reportedly held on Tuesday as a signal of their intent. McGregor says fresh in his mind was the violence unleashed on the other side of the Corporate Area in east Kingston on Valentine’s Day, when men who were under the impression that communities had agreed on peace,

ventured into a neighbouring area, but were turned back. The men reportedly returned with high-powered guns and opened fire. When the smoke cleared, a 17-month-old baby and a man lay dead. The shooting triggered reprisals in which a twomonth-old infant narrowly missed death, as his parents took bullets for him. McGregor says the violence erupted because men were still in possession of deadly weapons. He also notes that this was not the first time adversaries who declared war on each other turned around and pronounced peace that has turned out to be short lived. McGregor says he is prepared to do whatever he could to assist in fostering peace in the area for the benefit of the law-abiding, innocent residents.


Venezuela student protest in Caracas ends in clashes

(BBC News) SECURITY forces in Venezuela have used tear gas to break up a student demonstration in the capital, Caracas. Hundreds of protesters were demanding the release of fellow students detained during two weeks of unrest, and called a fresh march for Sunday. In another part of Caracas, a large pro-government march was held. Earlier this week, President Nicolas Maduro declared an early start to the week-long Carnival public holiday in an attempt to end the unrest. On Monday, Venezuela’s Attorney General Luisa Ortega said 13 people had died in the violence, although President Maduro put the figure of protest-related deaths at more than 50 on Wednesday. ‘NO CARNIVAL’ Despite the start of the long holidays on Thursday, students again gathered in Caracas. “There’s no Carnival for anybody here. Here we are still on the streets, committed to the fight,” student leader Juan Re-

quesens told EFE news agency. Their peaceful demonstration ended in clashes with security forces when some masked protesters tried to block a road. Police and the National Guard used tear gas to break up the protest, while demonstrators hurled stones at them. Mr Requesens said there would be a “big march” on Sunday. At the presidential palace in Caracas, hundreds of Mr Maduro’s supporters took part in a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Caracazo, the violent protests against economic measures imposed in 1989 by the government. There were no reports of other large protests in other parts of Venezuela on Thursday. Meanwhile, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua, who is in Uruguay as part of a regional tour, said he believed the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) would be a better forum to discuss the current political crisis in Venezuela. Panama had suggested the Organisations of American States (OAS) should discuss the

Across the city, hundreds of pro-government demonstrators marked the 25th anniversary of the Caracazo uprising issue, but Venezuela requested the motion to be cancelled. “Unasur has been much more efficient on these issues than the OAS. How many coups has the OAS stopped in its existence? On the contrary, it has legitimised many,” Mr Jaua told reporters.

On Wednesday, Mr Maduro held a “national peace conference” without the participation of the opposition. The Roman Catholic church and a major business federation took part in the meeting. The current unrest started more than two weeks ago with

student protests in the western states of Tachira and Merida demanding increased security. They also complained about record inflation and shortages of staple items. But it soon spread to the capital and other parts of the country.

Venezuela crisis seen as The Iraq next door

(Trinidad Guardian) INTERNET images of recent Venezuelan unrest which have gone viral feature the death of Venezuelan student with Trini roots. T&T journalist, Manuel Pantin, spoke about his cousin Roberto Redman yesterday at a forum held by the University of the West Indies (UWI’s) International Relations Department, St Augustine, on the Venezuelan situation. So far 16 have been killed, 140 wounded and about 700 arrested in Venezuela said UWI professor Dr Armando Garcia. A PHd student from UWI described the Venezuelan situation as “The Iraq next door.” Speakers at the forum included UWI international relations experts, Venezuelan

scholar Reuben Smith and businessman Austin Agho who has long-standing Venezuelan ties. Agho displayed Internet images of the clashes which occurred recently, including a picture of Redman alive, holding a Venezuelan flag. He then showed a picture of Redman’s lifeless body lying in the street, blood running down the road. In comments from the floor after, Pantin told the audience Redman was his cousin. He said his relative, Derek, who was born in T&T, had called him recently to inform him that his son, Roberto, was shot dead by motorcyclists in recent clashes. Pantin said Redman Jr, 31, was a pilot and only child and had lived in eastern Caracas. He said Redman Jr had visited T&T

Roberto Redman was shot dead by motorcyclists

three years ago for Carnival and stayed at his (Pantin’s) sister’s Cascade home. “We had a talk about things in Venezuela and at that time he laughed off the situation,” Pantin added. During the forum, T&T’s regional ambassador Edwin Carrington said T&T’s Ambassador to Caracas Anthony Edghill was now in T&T.He disclosed that after a member of the audience alluded to the ambassador’s presence. Carrington called on T&T’s Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to make a statement adopting a position of “intelligent neutrality” on the Venezuelan issue. Carrington said he had seen ambassador Edghill yesterday morning as he was here for talks. He said the situation was a

little difficult as Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Dookeran was in China with the Prime Minister’s delegation. However, Carrington said Edghill had not come for Carnival but was here in light of the developments in Venezuela and in respect of T&T. Carrington said T&T’s Foreign Minster chairs Caricom’s Foreign Minister’s team and T&T therefore, had a wide responsibility to examine the impact of the situation apart from the fact that many regional states were involved with Venezuela’s Petrocaribe arrangement. He said the Venezuelan issue was one of certain sensitivity hoped to keep responses sensitive to all aspects. UWI IR expert Dr Michelle Scobie had said it would be difficult for the region to take strong action as small states were sometimes dependent on others and that may cause reticence among leaders to make statements on such issues. UWI’s Dr Mark Kirton, saying the situation was “important for us all” said Latin American groups particularly could play a role in de-escalating the crisis. He said the situation was particularly important for Guyana and T&T which were closer to Venezuela distance-wise and where people had relatives. “There’s need for continued consciousness and dialogue on the issue regarding

Venezuela,” Kirton said, adding Caricom should have started to deal with the humanitarian aspect of the situation for “our brothers and sisters who may be moving to safer ground” from Venezuela. On concerns that the issue of fleeing Venezuelans be handled properly by T&T, professor Anthony Gonzales said historically T&T had dealt with that and so far there was no exodus of flotillas of Venezuelans headed to T&T nor had the situation reached the point of national outcry here. Gonzales noted how the absence of late President Hugo Chavez had affected the situation. He said Chavez had exercised more control over militia and similar groups and was uncertain such control existed now. He said while the Maduro administration still had support, one could not write it off though protests have underscored the Government’s declining support. Gonzales said he did not think protests would reach full disorder in all states since the army was united. UWI’s Dr Armando Garcia said President Nicholas Maduro could not use the same path as Chavez since the generation involved was a new one. Smith said there was no easy solution to the Venezuelan crisis, save by dialogue and consensus.



GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

PPP/C Gov’t continues to plug for national unity - while APNU holding on to its perceived racist line, and AFC primarily motivated by vengeance and hate


Guyanese prefer to trust mercy of Europeans than spite of the Opposition ONE can recall the Lilliputian Guyana standing in defiance of the might of the powerful European Union on the issue of the EPA. Then President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, stood resolutely like a lone David facing a gigantic Goliath, refusing to allow our country and the rest of the CARICOM nation states to bend their knees and become colonised nations once again through their Draconian EPA. He was reviled, he was mocked at, he was demonised, he was condemned, he was threatened with dire sanctions – by the unpatriotic forces in Guyana, and even by a few CARICOM heads whose countries stood to benefit more than Guyana from his stance; but he stood his ground and refused to yield sovereignty of our country – and consequently the entire CARICOM bloc, to overlords; and the mighty European nations saluted his courage and resilient leadership by graciously granting the concessions by which he sought to protect his country. Even when the sugar protocol was ended, the EU still tried to minimise in various ways the full impact to Guyana, and they have been a consistent development partner in this nation’s climb out of poverty. Guyana’s combined Opposition is (in)famous for its politics of blackmail, holding the nation to ransom, demanding more and more power – and by this time everyone is aware that their foremost aim; indeed, their only aim is to gain entrance, even if through the back door, to the sanctum sanctorum itself. Guyana’s private sector is equally self-serving: They are insisting the Government give in to Opposition’s every irrational demand because they are driven by profit-motivation and a fear of a vengeful Opposition and their media allies, legendary for their ‘fatwas’ against companies, against which they call boycotts and send hoodlums to loot and burn during street ‘protests’, which in effect is always rampant hooliganism, the rewards to their supporters being loot they would never acquire through legal means by working hard and making sacrifices. They have turned a blind eye to the Opposition’s irrational, intractable, implacable, anti-national positions, even when they reject Private Sector’s request to be heard at national decision-making fora.

THE events of the last two years have shown clearly that a Joint Government arrangement between the PPP/C, APNU and AFC is almost impossible. The most glaring is the situation with the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Bill in the National Assembly. The Bill, as President Donald Ramotar explained, came out of an international process. It had the assurance from the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) officials that it was compliant. This bill should have never been sent to a select committee. In any other country it would have been passed immediately and be more like a formality. Look at the behaviour of the Government and the Opposition in Belize. The Opposition in Belize supported the Government unhesitantly to avoid damaging the welfare of its people. The Opposition in Guyana demanded that the Bill be sent to a special select committee for them to put forward amendments. For almost a year they did no such thing. At the very end when it was close to the deadline they introduced amendments to the principal act, which was not the subject of any issue. The CFATF assessor pointed out that the amendments run the danger of making what is now compliant to becoming non-compliant. Despite all of this, the Opposition keeps insisting on their

‘Chatney’ is not ‘Chutney’ YOUR newspaper erroneously edited the word “chatney” to read “chutney” in my letter, “Guyana should emulate South Africa in teaching Hindi”, (Chronicle, Feb 22, 2014). Editors in the Caribbean usually make this mistake because the word “chatney” is not found in the software dictionaries, so the word pops up as a spelling mistake. Like America, Canada and other territories, the Caribbean needs to come up with its own dictionary. Here in India, as it is in many countries, the ‘u’ sound of the letter often comes out as a short ‘a’. So, like the spelled word “chutney”, “Pundit” is really pronounced “Pandit”; in Guyana, the word for a Hindu priest should be spelled as “Pandit”, not “Pundit”. The media in Guyana and the rest of the Caribbean should recognise the need for spelling to suit our linguistic and cultural needs, and start effect the change immediately. DEVANAND BHAGWAN But Guyanese are saying to the Government that they need to look after the people’s interests, because the demands of the Opposition will never stop until they are sitting in Cabinet (what a nightmare that would be) and they insist that Government refuse to compromise the welfare of the nation any further by conceding to the Opposition’s blackmailing tactics. The CFATF representative made it clear what he thought about Opposition’s demands. The entire international community has recognised the vengeful, self-serving lack of patriotism in Guyana’s collective political Opposition; and the nation is saying to the Government to stand firm, like Dr. Bharat Jagdeo, and put the general good of the nation first. The international community, through debt reductions, debt relief, grants and other concessions, have proven themselves more caring of the nation’s interests than Guyana’s collective Opposition. And Guyanese prefer to throw themselves at the mercy of the international community rather than to submit their rights to an irresponsible, unpatriotic Opposition combo.

amendments knowing fully well that they are exposing the country to danger and at the same time putting the well-being of Guyanese in danger. Added to that, worse than Shylock of Shakespeare’s fame, they continued to demand their ‘pound of flesh’. They want the government to give them the unconstitutional bills and other measures. This is a major change by APNU, a party that is on record as saying that it will not be tying the passage of the bill to anything. They were not supporting the AFC which was calling to establish the Public Procurement Commission as a condition for supporting the bill. Now the AFC have changed, they are now supporting the APNU’S demands together with their own. The APNU has also changed its position and is supporting the AFC’s call also. What is motivating those parties. It appears that AFC whose leaderships consist of two defectors from the PPP is motivated by hate and vendetta. These are bitter people. They have aligned themselves with Nigel Hughes whose unethical behaviour allowed the killers of 11 people of Lusignan, 12 at Bartica and 10 at Lindo Creek to walk free. Nigel Hughes appears to be driven by strong black nationalist sentiments. The APNU, on the other hand, has a history of practicing racial discrimination while in Government. That has always been their main line. That is why they always work to inflame black sentiments by talking about ethnic cleansing and fabrication of other issues. Clearly the ideologies of these parties are very far apart. The PPP and PPP/C Government continue to plug for national unity, while the APNU has held on to its racist line and the AFC is primarily motivated by vengeance and hate. A government comprising of these parties would be a real disaster for Guyana. It will be incapable of getting anything done. REBECCA CONSTANCE

Prominent Muslim Scholar from India visits ACIC

PROMINENT Muslim Scholar, Maulana Muhammad Qasim Ashrafi-Dargah Makhdoom Ashraf of India, made a short first visit to Guyana as guest of the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex and The Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman. Maulana Qasim Ashrafi made the brief stopover to Guyana after visiting Holland and Suriname and expressed great pleasure at the work of ACIC, Guyana’s leading Muslim center. The Sunni Scholar took the time to hold discussions with officials of ACIC aimed at finding ways of supporting the work at the Center of Sunni Islam in Guyana. Maulana Qasim Ashrafi promised that he will make available, another Sunni scholar from India, to work in Guyana, Suriname & Trinidad & Tobago. Maulana Qasim Ashrafi will also make regular visits to Guyana in the future. The World recognized Scholar, together with his wife, were accompanied on the visit by a 7-member delegation led by Hadji Abdussattaur Janki of Holland. The delegation also met with other prominent Muslims during the two-day visit and returned to Holland, via Suriname, on Monday. The delegation was updated with the work of ACIC and had a first-hand view of the current expansion works there. REYAZ HUSSEIN Public Relations Officer

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014


John Kerry urges mediation in Venezuela crisis

Anti-government protests have quickly become a feature of daily life in some parts of Caracas

Venezuela is suffering shortages of basic items, leaving people queuing up just to buy food in some areas

(BBC News) US SECRETARY OF STATE John Kerry says he is working with Colombia and other countries to form a mediation strategy for Venezuela’s political crisis. Mr Kerry said it would be “very difficult” for the two sides to come to an agreement without assistance. The government and opposition accuse each other of not being open to dialogue. Disgruntled students began protesting more than two weeks ago, leading to unrest that has killed 17 people. Venezuelan authorities say 27 cases of rights abuses during the protests are being investigated. Student leaders say a fresh mass march will take place on Sunday, despite the start of the Carnival holidays. ‘ARRESTS AND PERSECUTION’ They demand the freeing of protesters detained during the anti-government demonstrations. Earlier this week, President Nicolas Maduro declared an early start to the week-long public holiday in an attempt to end the unrest. But in some regions, particularly districts in Caracas, anti-government demonstrations have been happening every day. After meeting the Colombian Foreign minister, Maria Angela Holguin, in Washington, Mr Kerry said the way forward for Venezuela was through “dialogue” not “arrests, violence in the streets” and “persecution against young people”. “We are working closely with Colombia and other countries to try to see how some kind of mediation might be able to take place,” Mr Kerry told reporters. “Because it’s obviously already proven very difficult for the two sides to bring themselves together by themselves.” Meanwhile, the US Congress is examining whether to impose sanctions on Venezuela over its handling of the protests. Venezuelans have been complaining about high levels of crime, record inflation and shortages of staple items. But the protests gained momentum in the last two weeks with student-led marches in the western states of Tachira and Merida that quickly spread to other areas. Many other regions have been completely unaffected by the demonstrations. Earlier this week, Mr Maduro held a “national peace conference” without the participation of the opposition. He also put the figure of protest-related deaths at more than 50.

Obama warns Russia of ‘costs’ for any military intervention in Ukraine (Yahoo News) PRESIDENT Barack Obama bluntly warned Russia on Friday that it will face international condemnation as well as unspecified “costs” for any military intervention in neighboring Ukraine. A senior U.S. official said Washington could boycott a major international summit to be hosted by Russia in June and reject Moscow’s efforts to promote trade with the United States. “We are now deeply concerned by reports of military movements taken by the Russian Federation inside of Ukraine,” Obama said in a hastily arranged public statement from the White House briefing room. “Just days after the world came to Russia for the Olympic games, it would invite the condemnation of nations around

the world. And indeed, the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine,” the president warned. His remarks came after top Ukrainian officials charged that Russian troops had taken over the two main airports in the strategic Crimean peninsula. The president did not confirm Moscow’s apparent role in the deployments, but he declared that “any violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity” would be “deeply destabilizing” and amount to a “profound interference” in its neighbors’ affairs, as well as a violation of international laws. “Throughout this crisis, we have been very clear about one fundamental principle: The Ukrainian people deserve the

opportunity to determine their own future,” he said. “Right now, the situation remains very fluid,” Obama said. “Vice President Biden just spoke with the prime minister of Ukraine to assure him that in this difficult moment, the United States supports his government’s efforts and stands for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and democratic future of Ukraine. “We will continue to coordinate closely with our European allies, we will continue to communicate directly with the Russian government, and we will continue to keep all of you in the press corps and the American people informed as events develop,” he said. Obama’s remarks were the latest sign that the crisis over Ukraine, where protesters and

the parliament pushed pro-Moscow President Viktor Yanukovych from power, will not end quietly or anytime soon. Top U.S. officials have reached out to their Russian counterparts in recent days, including Obama calling Russian President Vladimir Putin. Hours before Obama’s surprise statement, Secretary of State John Kerry said he had discussed the situation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. “I asked specifically that Russia work with the United States and with our friends and allies in order to support Ukraine, to rebuild unity, security, and a healthy economy,” Kerry said. Lavrov “reaffirmed President Putin’s statement that Russia will respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Kerry said. It was unclear what sort of action Obama might take or what limited approach would

deter the Russians. The United States is consulting with its European allies on next steps, a senior administration official told Yahoo News. One option: Boycott the Group of Eight summit due to be held in June in the Black Sea resort of Sochi. Another option: Reject Russian efforts to promote trade with the United States.

Putin sent a team of officials to Washington this week for just that purpose. And Russia will face other possible costs, such as a worsening of its already shaky international reputation, and a drop in the value of its currency, the ruble, making imports more expensive and reducing the relative value of its exports.



At Demerara Assizes…

Robbery/murder case will be decided on identification -prosecutor

TOTARAM Bishundial, whose son was shot on the Hope Public Road during a $500,000 robbery murder in 2010, yesterday, identified Shawn Thom as the gunman who opened fire after demanding a bag with money. Thom was the number two accused but, shortly after Bishundial fingered him, counsel for the number one accused, Orin David, reminded State Prosecutor Judith Mursalin that the witness had, originally, named his client as the killer. Mursalin responded by reminding Defence Counsel Trenton Lake that the case would be decided on identification. Totaram said he had left his home at De Hoop, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara, on Friday August 20, for Georgetown, along with his cousin, Seeta, to do some shopping for his wedding on Sunday, August 22. He was driving his Burgundy Surf vehicle and went to Demerara Bank, where he did a transaction by cashing a cheque for $500,000. He placed the money into a bag and put it into his vehicle attaching it to the gear stick. On his way home, he stopped at the Victoria gas station and, after speaking to his brother, Lakhram, by telephone, told him he was on his way. Arriving at Hope, he saw his brother in his lorry and they spoke to each other. Negro chap According to the witness, as he spoke to his brother, he saw a “negro chap” coming up behind him. He said:“The man walked up to where I was standing and pulled out a gun from his waist and said pass the bag and money. I said what bag you are talking about. The gunman said he would shoot and kept shouting for him to pass the bag, the witness said. He said his brother said something and he heard an explosion when the latter was shot by the gunman. Witness recalled that he jumped in the Hope Canal and remained under the water in order to escape injury. Later, he saw the gunman go to “a chap” with a motorcycle and they rode off. Witness said he was taking his brother to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital and when he reached by Victoria Gas station, he saw money flying around on the road. He also saw the man with the money bag and gun and tried to drive on the gunman but the vehicle hit a concrete basement. The man hopped into a white car and he tried to catch up with it but it was a faster vehicle and the gunman whom he had recognised escaped. The witness sad he took Lakhram to the hospital but was, later, told that he had died. He said, subsequently, he identified the gunman at an identification parade at the Turkeyen Police Station. The trial is continuing before Justice Franklyn Holder and a mixed Demerara Assizes jury. Attorney-at–law Mr. George Thomas is also on the Defence team.

Hold-up victim chases, kills attacker (Trinidad Guardian) A WOULD-BE bandit was killed Thursday morning after being stabbed in the chest with the weapon he had pulled on his victim moments earlier. Police said around 5 am, a 23-year-old Maloney man was walking along Ariapita Avenue, Port-of-Spain, with his 19-year-old companion when he was accosted by the man near French Street. The unidentified man then pulled out a knife and demanded a gold chain his intended victim was wearing. Police said the two struggled before the bandit snatched the chain and ran. However, his victim chased after him and caught him on French Street, near Wrightson Road. The two then fought again and the bandit was stabbed in the chest after being overpowered. Emergency Health Services were contacted and took the thief to the Port-of-Spain General Hospital where he died. Homicide officers are continuing investigations.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Brazil riot police simulate angry crowd control in Rio (BBC News) RIOT police in Rio de Janeiro have undergone training in crowd control ahead of the Brazil football World Cup. The exercise involved the military police, with 50 of them playing the part of unruly protesters. A helicopter monitored the “march” next to Rio’s Sambadrome in order to inform the actions of agents on the ground. After fresh violent street unrest, the Brazilian government recently announced plans to deploy up to 170,000 security personnel during the World Cup. President Dilma Rousseff said the armed forces could also be brought in if needed. Since last June, protesters have staged a number of street marches, with some violent episodes, raising concerns about security at the tournament. The commander of the riot police admitted that authorities were caught by surprise last year by large demonstrations during the Confederations Cup warm-up tournament Brazil is also preparing to host the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. But the focus is now on the World Cup, which kicks off on 12 June. Police admit they were caught by surprise by the large demonstrations which took place last year during the warmup tournament Confederations Cup. More than a million people took to the streets to protest against corruption and excessive spending on preparations for the World Cup and the Olympics

The exercise included controlling a simulated unruly crowd which attacked riot police

During the exercise, some Rio police agents pretended to be an angry crowd of protesters “We learned that each day is a continued process of learning for all of us. The Confederations Cup was a laboratory for the

World Cup and even later for the Olympics,” the commander of Rio’s riot police, Colonel Andre Luiz Vidal, told Efe news agency.

Earlier this month, a cameraman died after being hit by fireworks apparently let off by protesters.

Grenada gov’t unable to meet arrears owed to public servants ST GEORGE’S, Grenada (CMC) – THE Grenada Government says it will not be able to pay as schedule the EC$12 million (One EC dollar = US$0.37 cents) in retroactive payment to public servants. A government statement said that while the process of preparation for payment is almost completed, the Keith Mitchell administration “is mobilising external funding which has not yet arrived”. The third instalment of the retroactive payment to public officers, teachers and prison officers was due to be made on Friday and the statement said that all unions and welfare associations have been informed of the situation. “The total cost of this instalment of retroactive payment is $12 million. This third instalment will bring the total retroactive payment to $30 million with Government having paid $18 million in 2013,” the statement said, adding that an update will be made on March 17 as to when payment would be made. “The Government of Grenada expresses its appreciation to the unions and their members for their cooperation and understanding on this matter,” the statement added. Earlier this month, the Grenada government said it was urging trade unions to accept a three-year wage freeze as it seeks to enter into an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to deal with an ailing economy.

The IMF had earlier said despite two consecutive financial arrangements with Grenada, totalling more than US$28 million, the island missed the key programme objectives of securing a sustainable fiscal position and a higher growth path. The IMF said that Grenada during the period 2006-11 had received US$15.2 million in assistance under its Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) arrangement and a successor US$13.3-million Extended Credit Facility (ECF) arrangement that was approved in April 2010. Late last year, Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell told nationals that while the international community was willing to restructure the island’s debt, the country would have to make sacrifices. Mitchell, whose New National Party (NNP) came to office in February last year, said Grenada was unable to pay its creditors and was seeking the assistance of the international community to restructure its debt. Since then there have been several activities aimed at finding a solution to restructuring the debt that is estimated at more than EC$2 billion. The government has appointed the London-based White Oak Advisory, which describes itself as an independent financial advisory firm providing specialist, high-level and impartial advice to governments and other clients on matters relating to sovereign finances and sovereign debt, to advise it.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014


Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana…

Is the Opposition concerned about the well-being of all Guyanese citizens? YOU would easily think that if the political Opposition in Guyana is as concerned as they usually claim they are, then they would be working round the clock to pressure Government to bring further benefits to our people. But you are mistaken, not in this dear land of ours. The opposition here is interested in pressuring Government to deny benefits to our citizens. The hallmark of their policy has been their illegal budget cuts for the past two consecutive years in the National Assembly. In fact, over 50 billion dollars in projects, programmes, goods and services which have been included in the budget by the PPP/C Government have been slashed by the APNU/AFC alliance using their combined one-seat majority. Every single Guyanese has been affected in one way or another by this single action of the opposition and continued criticism of their action from a wide cross section of society, including their supporters; the AFC/APNU still seem hell bent on continuing with their destructive agenda.

Bear in mind that this is despite the High Court’s recent ruling that the action of the opposition is unconstitutional and hence illegal. Rather, than take this in stride and reorient its focus, there was a barrage of attacks on the legitimacy of the judiciary by the opposi-

Opposition Leader David Granger seems focused on cutting the budget which has already been deemed illegal rather than work towards protecting Guyana from the effects of being blacklisted tion. They even questioned the ability of the judiciary to adjudicate on matters which occur in the legislative arm of Government. Yet, we are told that the Opposition leader is now approaching the very judiciary whose legitimacy he and his party had questioned

weeks earlier. According to the media, Mr. Granger through his Attorney Basil Williams on Tuesday filed an appeal in the Supreme Court of Judicature against the court’s ruling to exclude him from the budget cut case. He had previously appealed the case before the Full Court, but this court ruled that it lacked jurisdiction, but granted him leave to approach the Appellate Court. In all of this, Guyanese should take serious note as to where the interests of the opposition really lie. We are on the verge of being blacklisted by the international community which will have serious repercussions on our economy and as a result, quite possible erode some of the gains we have made in improving the standard of living of our people. But the opposition, led by Mr. Granger seem more concerned about their ability to cut the budget and starve citizens of crucial Government services and resources. Our people have already begun to cry out at the effects of the increased scrutiny from the international community and how it is affecting their business; but does the opposition care? By now we know the answer!

GWI states..

Whereabouts of driver in Wednesday fatality unknown by Michel Outridge GUYANA Water Inc. (GWI) said yesterday that the whereabouts of the vehicle driver involved in the Wednesday night fatal accident, at Trench Road, East Ruimveldt, remains unknown. The GWI Public Relations Officer Mr. Timothy Austin told the Guyana Chronicle that they have since supplied the police with all the necessary information regarding the man’s address, next of kin and telephone numbers. That was after food vendor Claud Derrick Mc Pherson had been killed and the man who was driving the ill-fated vehicle at the time has not reported for duty since. Austin said that it is all in the hands of the police to act and they are still cooperating and will arrange a meeting with relatives of Mc Pherson shortly. A press statement from GWI on Thursday night said the company had been misinformed by the driver about the nature of the accident. GWI, however, expressed deepest sympathy to the family of McPherson and said it is providing full cooperation and assisting the Guyana Police Force (GPF) with regard to

the accident which, allegedly, involved the vehicle registered to the utility which resulted in the death. The statement said the company wishes to provide the following facts regarding the incident: “The driver in question reported to work today, Thursday, February 27 and submitted a written report of an accident and subsequently asked for ‘personal time’ to visit a relative in hospital.

“The GPF indicated that no accident involving a GWI vehicle had been reported at the time. Subsequently, GWI was contacted by the Traffic Department regarding an incident which allegedly involved a vehicle registered to the company. “The company agreed to provide full cooperation to the Traffic Department, including

provided all necessary information to the Traffic Department. “The police were summoned on Thursday afternoon when relatives of the victim of a hit-and-run fatal accident showed up outside the Guyana Water Inc. (GWI) on Vlissengen Road, Georgetown, after they found the ill-fated vehicle parked in the compound.

vehicle, a silver grey Toyota Hilux Surf, with number plate PRR 2923 parked in the water company’s compound. The grieving woman disclosed that she only arrived in Guyana on Sunday last for a family reunion after four years. And now look what has happened, she lamented, demanding justice for her loved one. She said the father of six, who is a roadside vegetarian (ital) food vendor, operates a short distance from his home and, at the time he was struck, had been on his way home to retrieve his cell phone which he had forgotten.

RECORDS INDICATE “The report indicated that the accident involved a collision with an animal. GWI records indicate that the vehicle was returned to the corporate complex, Vlissengen Road and Church RUN OVER Street at approximately 21:50 He was struck down hrs on Wednesday, February and run over by the vehicle, 26; the keys to the vehicle were which fled the scene withlodged with GWI security. out rendering any assistance “After proceeding on ‘perto him said Seaforth, who sonal time’, the driver did not Dead: Claud Derrick Mc Pherson. Michel Outridge photo is a registered nurse in the report for duty thereafter. GWI United States (U.S.). management recorded the accigranting access to the vehicle “The victim has been idenShe said her brother died dent and examined the vehicle in question today Thursday, tified as Claud Derrick Mc before he reached the hospital in question. February 27 Pherson, called ‘Chippy’, 45, since his body was broken in “An investigation was “GWI contacted the ema food vendor, of Lot 169 East several places and he had suflaunched by GWI which inployee at 12:20hrs via his cell Ruimveldt Housing Scheme. fered massive head injuries. volved contacting the Guyana phone and he indicated that he Sister of the deceased, June She stated that her brother’s Police Force (GPF) to verify would return to work shortly. Seaforth, told the media that damaged body was dragged that the driver’s account of the “The employee has yet to through their own private invesmore than 400 yards from the accident was accurate. report for duty and GWI has tigation they found the getaway point of impact and the driver

did not even stop, but told officials of GWI that he had hit a horse after they noticed the condition of the vehicle. The driver could not be located yesterday but the police drove away the vehicle from the GWI premises and it is being kept for further investigations. Another relative of Mc Pherson, Sarah Chase, told this newspaper that several more relatives were with her as they staged a peaceful picketing exercise outside the GWI compound in their call for justice for their loved one, who was described as a family man. She said it was minutes to 22:00 hrs on Wednesday night and she was at home when a resident went there to inform them of the fatality and, on her arrival at the scene, her uncle was on the roadway in a lifeless form. He was picked up and transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Chase said:“The driver reported he had hit a horse. My uncle is not an animal but a human being and we need justice.” She said several other persons, who were in the vicinity and witnessed the occurrence are willing to come forward.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Teacher accused of having sex with student under intense police investigation AN intense investigation has been launched into an allegation made by a 17-year-old female student of a private school against a male teacher, whom she accuses of having

had sexual intercourse with her. The Guyana Chronicle has been reliably informed that the teacher is the son of a very popular pastor who resides on the

East Coast of Demerara. Information reaching this newspaper is that the teacher was caught engaging in sexual intercourse with the student on the premises, but teachers at the

school and the teacher at the centre of the allegation have refuted this claim. This newspaper was told that after the female student’s allegations had been brought to the attention of the institution’s head, the school’s director of studies accompanied the student to the police station to report the matter. The police have, however, remained tight-lipped about knowing of any such incident, and yesterday they directed all questions in this regard to the police public relations office. Contacted at his home yesterday, the teacher said he had been legally counselled not to

speak with anyone in relation to the matter. Nevertheless, he denied the student’s allegations and told this newspaper that he fully understands why the lass had been making baseless allegations against him. He also said that family members and other persons had been calling to ask him about the incident, but because of his lawyers’ advice, he has been unable to speak to them, since, according to him, he was also advised by the police that utterances in regard to this matter may interfere with the investigations once it goes public. The man told this reporter that he was not detained for 72

hours, as is being peddled by some persons. Rather, because he had been cooperating with the police and also because he had turned himself in for questioning, he was not placed in a cell, but was forced to spend the night at the police station under supervision. A source close to the school yesterday indicated that after the allegations had been made against the teacher, all procedures had been followed, including reporting the allegations to the necessary agencies. The allegations, the source said, had been made against the teacher on Tuesday, and police investigations are continuing. (Leroy Smith)

Widespread support for AML and U.S. LEAD Project According to latest NACTA poll

AN opinion poll conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA)* last week found widespread support for passage of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill that has been stalled in parliament over the last several months. The poll also found significant support for implementation of the proposed Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) project that is funded by the United States International Republican Institute. However, many people seem unfamiliar with the project and some respondents expressed concern about (hidden) motif(s) behind it saying the government should have input in its implementation including the power to reject it outright as should be its right in a sovereign nation. The poll also revealed that crime and the economy (high cost of living) are the leading problems impacting on the nation, followed by poor governance and corruption, drug trafficking, and other concerns. The poll was conducted to determine peoples’ views on current controversial issues that are considered as impediments to development. The survey randomly targeted 450 voters to yield a demographically representative sample (43% Indians, 31% Africans, 16% Mixed, 9% Amerindians, and 1% other races) of the population. The poll was conducted in face-to-face interviews by several polltakers and was coordinated by Vishnu Bisram, pollster, newspaper columnist, political scientist, and educator in NY. The results of the poll were analysed at a 95 per cent significance level and a statistical sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points was found. Sampling results based on subgroups (such as Indians or Africans alone) have a larger sampling error. When asked whether they support the AML-CFT bill, almost everyone answered in the affirmative. But when further queried “should the opposition parties support the bill”, respondents were divided. Almost every government supporter favors the bill while those supporting the opposition parties are divided with some backing AML-CFT and some towing their party line in opposition to the bill. Also, almost every businessman supports AML-CFT appealing to the parties to pass the proposed legislation fearing a negative impact on their businesses and the economy without its passage. Businesspersons also expressed concern over the opposition’s proposed $2 million limit, as part of the bill, above which people must provide accountability on how the money was obtained. Overall, 61% of the nation said the opposition should support the government in passing the bill with 24% saying no and 15% offering a neutral view or no response. Queried whether they support the US-funded LEAD project, 22% said they don’t know much about it (not sure) to offer a comment with 55% saying “yes” and 23% “no”. When asked whether the U.S. Ambassador (Brent Hardt) should implement the project without obtaining Guyana government’s approval, 50% said “no” (including many supporters of the political Opposition supporters) with 29% saying “yes” (including government supporters) and 21% not offering an opinion. When asked whether the government and the U.S. Ambassador should work out a compromise on implementation of LEAD, in light of government’s opposition to the project, a whopping 70% said “yes” with 11% saying “no” and 19% not offering an opinion. Asked what is the most important problem confronting the nation, 30% said crime, 28% high cost of living, 13% poor governance issues and corruption, and 8% drug trafficking. The remainder identified health, unemployment, ethnic relations, education, infrastructure (roads, flooding), lack of cooperation among the parties, etc. among the leading issues affecting the nation with many voters complaining that the political parties don’t really show they have the interests of the people at heart. Voters were also queried about the ratings of the government, Ministers and parliamentarians as well as support for the parties and their preference for President if a snap election is called. The findings will be released in a subsequent report. ** Should the opposition parties support the AML-CFT Bill? Yes No 61 24 ** Support for the LEAD Project Supportive Opposed 55 23

Not Sure 15

Not Sure 22

** In light of gov’t objection, should there be compromise over implementation of LEAD? Yes No Not Sure 70 11 19

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Sacrilege accused on $75,000 bail CORWIN Duff , 36, of Angoy’s Avenue was slapped with a charge of sacrilege following his appearance before Magistrate Sherdelle Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam court yesterday. Particulars of the offence said that between December 17 and 18 last, at Bun Bush Dam, East Canje , the defendant , a repeat offender , allegedly broke and entered the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints , a place of divine worship, and stole four internet routers, a pressure washer, a desk top computer, a flat screen television and a DVD player among other articles, all valued at $1,216,000. He was not required to plead to the indictable charge . In addition , the defendant faced a similar offence which is alleged to have been committed on the restaurant and bar of Allowie Angel , where it is alleged that he stole a flat-screen television valued at $156,000 and a quantity of alcoholic beverages valued at $62,000. However, during his appearance at the New Amsterdam Court, Duff said he is unaware of the offences and confessed his innocence. He was placed on $75,000 bail on each count , and is expected to return to court on March 28, for report.

In Region 2…

Flood-hit farmers benefit from avocado seedlings distribution

THE Guyana Agricultural Producers Association (GAPA), in collaboration with the subject ministry, the Region 2 (Pomeroon/Supenaam) Administration, National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute and the New Guyana Marketing Corporation (NGMC), has distributed more than 100 seedling avocado plants to flood-affected farmers of Akawini and Little Try Best in the Lower Pomeroon River. GAPA representative in Region 2 Mr. Dawood Khan said the farmers’ organisation undertook the distribution in an effort to help those who had suffered losses on their farms through flooding, during the heavy December/ January rainfall. Khan, who interacted with the recipients, at Little Try Best and Akawini, to find out their problems in terms of marketing and production said those at the former are requesting an excavator to empolder some 360 acres of fertile, virgin land to increase production of fruit, ground provisions, plantain, bananas and vine crops. According to him, farmers said, when the rainy season starts their area is flooded and crops are destroyed because it is not empoldered. He said that if the land is empoldered and properly developed, some 25 families will benefit and production of vegetables, ground provisions and fruit will increase. The GAPA representative was accompanied by a field officer of the Department of Agriculture.

Prison escapee slapped with two-year sentence CONVICTED prisoner Zaman Baksh who had escaped from lawful custody after he received a message that his lover’s male partner was ill-treating his daughter,yesterday received a two-year sentence after he confessed to the charge before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam Court. Police Inspector Gail Bristol, prosecuting, said on April 20, 2013, the prisoner was carrying out duties at the Central Police Station , and was in the lawful custody of Sergeant 18923 Michael Newland when he escaped . Police ranks searched diligently for the convict and eventually arrested him in October 2013, at Lot 1 Owen Street , Kitty, Georgetown . In the New Amsterdam Court yesterday, the prisoner said that he had indeed been in custody,but no officer was with him . According to him, he received a phone call stating that his woman was having an affair with another man, who in turn was ill-treating his daughter . ‘Your worship, no one was supervising me; . I was serving a one-year sentence. I know it was wrong , and I can take another one year sentence ‘. However,after questioning the prosecutor as to the length of the penalty, the magistrate imposed the two-year sentence on the seemingly pleased prisoner.


Government expects ferry from India before year end – Minister Benn By Clifford Stanley M I N I S T E R o f Tr a n s port and Hydraulics, Mr. Robeson Benn announced, Thursday night, that Government is now finalising arrangements for the acquisition of a ferry boat from India for the North West District. He told Parliament that, as soon as this vessel is acquired, the one currently being used on the route will be reassigned to the Berbice

River. Benn made the announcement during a sitting of the National Assembly in response to a motion by Alliance for Change (AFC) Member of Parliament (MP), Mr.Trevor Williams, which called for the reintroduction of the Berbice River Ferry from New Amsterdam to Kwakwani. Williams had stated that removal of the service, years ago, created severe hardships for the residents in the riverain communities, mainly farmers. He said, prior to that, the

ferry had provided critical and affordable transportation to hundreds of Guyanese families and their goods to and from the Berbice Coast. Citing a number of other reasons, Williams urged the House to call on Government to restore the service and, by that, revive those communities and give hope and stability to the many Guyanese who wish to venture into agricultural entrepreneurship. Proven uneconomical Minister Benn said the ferry boat had been sold in the 1990s since it had proven

to be uneconomical. He acknowledged that, from then, things had changed and there was a resurgence of economic activities among the riverine communities, justifying the need for support. The Minister said the m.v. Kimbia, which is currently servicing the North West District, would be suitable for the Berbice River. He said it would be assigned to the Berbice River as soon as the replacement from India is received, some time before the end of this year.

CGX announces tripartite deal for Guyana-Suriname basin drilling By Clifford Stanley CGX Energy Inc, the Canadian-based oil and gas exploration company with focus in the Guyana-Suriname Basin, has announced that it has entered into a tripartite agreement for drill rig sharing. The other partners are Teikoku Oil (Suriname) Co. Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of INPEX Corporation and Petronas, Suriname E&PBV. Oil rigs are the staging areas for underwater oil drilling operations, housing the crew, machinery and necessary equipment. A knowledgeable observer has explained that, for a company like CGX, hiring an oil rig can be a very expensive exercise and, most times, rigs are not even readily available, since there is, generally, a high demand worldwide for such equipment. Rig sharing, the source said, is a “cooperative” approach being adopted by petroleum companies to reduce the costs of exploring by eliminating the need to mobilise a rig multiple times for individual company needs. “A rig sharing agreement is an effective way of alleviating the problems of its availability and price constraints,” he said. He added that the rig sharing deal is a very positive development which underlines the seriousness of CGX about increasing exploration and sustaining development well into the future. RANKS HIGH INPEX is the largest Japanese oil and gas exploring and producing company and ranks high amongst the mid-tier in-

ternationals. It is currently involved in more than 70 such ventures across 28 countries. PETRONAS is based in Malaysia and is ranked among the largest companies in the world with a proven track record in integrated oil and gas operations. INPEX and PETRONAS, like CGX, have exploring interests in the Guyana-Suriname Basin. Through a memorandum of understanding (MOU), CGX, INPEX and PETRONAS will enter into a definitive arrangement, with a view to minimising their exploration costs by sharing, where practical, rig procurement and related support services for their respective drilling programmes. CGX plans to utilise the agreement for the drilling of its commitment well under the company’s Corentyne, Berbice petroleum prospecting licence. Chief Executive Officer of CGX, Mr. Dewi Jones commented:”We are pleased to have signed this MOU with INPEX Corporation and PETRONAS and look forward to finalising the agreement. “In conjunction with this agreement, we are working diligently to secure the resources required to execute our exploration programme in Guyana.” CGX officials announced that it has also entered into a master data processing agreement with Vector Seismic Data Processing Inc. for the reprocessing and merging of seismic surveys relating to the Corentyne petroleum prospecting licence. The reprocessing, necessary for drilling operations, is expected to be completed by April.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

We must be proud of our maturity, cohesiveness By Hydar Ally

OUR society is largely defined by our culture. Culture is defined as a way of life. It represents a shared sense of values, norms and expectations. Sociologists have described our society in a variety of ways. Some see our society in pluralistic terms, that is to say that we are a society that is made up of diverse racial and ethnic groups. Apart from our racial diversity, we are also politically and culturally diverse. We are free to belong or not to belong to any religious and political organization of our choice. The Constitution of Guyana provides for freedom to worship or not to worship, unlike what obtains in some other societies where people suffer persecution if they fail to worship in a particular way. The situation in the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Nigeria are particularly disturbing caused by deadly conflicts between Christians and Muslims. Guyana is a secular state. There is no state sponsored religion and religious teachings do not form part of the education curriculum. This is quite unlike what obtained during colonial days when every pupil was forced to recite Christian prayers regardless of what religious indoctrination they would have been exposed to within the confines of the home or the family. Some scholars, thankfully not many, view our society not in pluralistic but in ‘dualistic’ terms, HYDAR ALLY implying that we have two predominant ethnic groups who are fiercely competitive for political and economic power. While there may be some validity in this argument, especially since the split of the PPP in the mid-1950s and the subsequent ethnic tensions of the early 1960s, few can deny that race relations in Guyana have improved immensely today when compared to the 1960s. There is yet another view which held that Guyana is a society in which the various race groups co-exist but do not intermingle. This view has been debunked if not discredited by the large number of inter-ethnic marriages and the increasing bonds of friendship and socialization patterns that cut across the ethnic and cultural divides. Indeed, our census records reveal that ‘Mixed’ comprises the fastest growing segment of the population which has now occupied third spot after East Indians and Africans, in that order. What we have in Guyana is a unique and distinctive culture that has been enriched by the contributions of the various ethnic groups in the country. All of our ethnic and culture groups have added their bit to create this unique Guyanese fabric which we ought to value and cherish. In this regard, we have to guard against ethno-culturalism which is a tendency to view society through our own cultural and ethnic lenses. This is not only myopic, but unproductive and unhelpful. The fact is that our society is richer for our diversity and our pluralism. There is nor can there be any ‘ superior’ race or religion. We must always strive to avoid trying to impose our own views, be they political, religious or otherwise, on others. In the market place of ideas, individual choice is always sovereign. The recently concluded Mashramani celebrations have demonstrated once again that when it comes to our national identity and belonging we are prepared and willing to rise to the occasion. As Guyanese, we have demonstrated to the world that we are prepared to put aside our differences and celebrate our achievements which are many and substantial. We have every reason to be proud of ourselves for the wonderful display of creativity and talent on Mashramani Day. Our maturity and cohesiveness were on show and we came out with flying colours. Commendation is in order for the Culture Ministry for pulling off yet another impressive Mashramani celebration.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

MoHA, MWH, GNRSC hold National Road Safety Conference By Michel Outridge THE ministries of Home Affairs (MoHA) and Public Works (MWH), in collaboration with the Guyana National Road Safety Council (GNRSC), held the National Road Safety Conference 2014 at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) at Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown, to examine and adopt road safety methodologies, create public awareness, and develop a plan of action resulting from the National Strategy on Road Safety. The one-day conference was organised yesterday under the theme “Road Safety with Your Life on the Line�. It aimed to achieve its stated objectives by creating a platform for dialogue among national stakeholders. Four workshop sessions were held to address such issues as the National Road Safety Strategy, Public Awareness, Engineering, and Education. These workshops will provide stakeholders with the opportunity to offer solutions aimed at making our roadways safer. Prime Minister Samuel

Hinds, who represented President Donald Ramotar at the sessions, yesterday delivered the feature address in which he called for no parking on congested roads and streets, since, he said, the situation in the city has become overwhelming. He told the gathering that the risk of an accident occurring locally is as likely as in any country; and in recognition of this fact, we must be attentive when using the roads and work to reduce occurrences of road accidents and fatalities. The prime minister said he was pleased to know that the city has been divided into four quadrants; and since we have been advancing in material things, such as the acquisition of more vehicles on the roadways, measures should be implemented to effectively safeguard the population from accidents occurring. He said drivers should desist from driving when under the influence of alcohol, when texting, or when sleep deprived; because, in such a situation, a series of things can occur, which would ultimately affect us. The prime minister said he supports the budget for every

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Chairman of the GNRSC retired Major General Norman Mc Lean, at the GICC yesterday. traffic cop to be equipped with a radar gun and a breathalyzer, see page 15

Businesswoman on bail for fraudulent conversion BUSINESSWOMAN woman Winetta Britton, of Lot 186 South Better Hope, East Coast Demerara, charged with fraudulent conversion, was placed on $250,000 bail by Magistrate Ann McLennan yesterday. She pleaded not guilty to the offence, that said on November 4, 2010, at Kitty, Georgetown, being solely entrusted by Penelope Andrews with $980,000 cash in order to supply a Toyota Hiace motor-bus, she failed to do so, and converted the money into her own use and benefit. Police Corporal Dinero Jones said the defendant was charged before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine for the said offence before, but she did not appear in Court and

an arrest warrant was issued for her. The Prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds that if granted bail, she will not return for her trial as a result of contradicting addresses. He said the defendant gave the Police her address as Lot 20 Annandale South, East Coast Demerara. She was represented by attorney-at-law Mr. Nigel Hughes, who told the court that an arrest warrant was issued for his client yesterday. He highlighted that it is a civil dispute and his client has been fully cooperating with the police. He said the woman imports vehicles and is also a real estate agent. The objection was overruled and the case will be called again on March 19 for statements.

CJ grants 13 petitioners $8.9M bail pending determination of their cases ACTING Chief Justice Mr. Ian Chang, SC., yesterday granted 13 petitioners bail totalling $8.95M pending determination of their cases. Particulars follow: For trafficking in narcotics, Widell Jiles was granted $350,000 bail; Amrite Persaud was granted $750,000 bail;

Cain Williams, $600,000; Sheldon Smith, $750,000; Tishana Edwards, $850,000; Winston Blades, $2,000,000; Sadeela Leona, $1,500,000; and Shantol Mansfield, $600,000. For child stealing, Candacy Adams was granted $350,000 bail. For abduction of a girl

under l8 for unlawful carnal knowledge, Cannu Sharma was granted $150,000 bail. For unlawful wounding, Mark Knights was granted $100,000 bail. For unlawful possession of arms and ammunition, Kenny Jones was granted $350,000 bail; and for Robbery under arms, Roel Williams was granted $600,000 bail.


Below rates for February 28, 2014 Currency G$/US$ G$/GBP$ G$/CAD$ G$/EURO$ G$/BDOS$ G$/EC$ G$/TT$

Buying 205.48500 343.44763 184.76424 283.32272 101.62031 75.27431 31.89339

Selling 207.93125 347.74422 186.89659 286.90354 102.63906 76.02894 32.21312

For Saturday March 1, 2014 -05:30hrs For Sunday March 2, 2014 -05:30hrs

Castello resident accused of electricity theft SUZETTE Fraser, of Lot 60 Castello Housing Scheme, Georgetown, accused of fraudulently obtaining electricity from Guyana Power and Light (GPL) was placed on her own recognizance yesterday. Before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, she pleaded not guilty to the charge, particulars of which said on October 18, 2013, at Castello Housing Scheme, Georgetown; she fraudulently obtained electricity from GPL without a legitimate power supply from the company. Police Inspector Michael Grant, prosecuting, did not object to bail. According to the defendant, the apartment which she is renting, does not have a meter but she was waiting on GPL tp install one. The matter was transferred before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond for report and fixtures on March 21.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Aries March 21 - April 19

It’s not ordinarily in your nature to spend time sniffling, pouting or thinking about what might have been. You’re much better at getting things done, whether you’re in the mood for it or not, simply because you said you would. So if you wake up in an unusually emotional frame of mind, give yourself a break. No one -- not even you -- can be a rock forever. Everyone deserves downtime. Call a friend.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Take a break from working on your home. You’ve earned it. It’s time to concentrate on something far more fun: That immensely intriguing person you haven’t stopped thinking about for days. As perceptive as you are, you already know they’re interested, so what’s the problem? Perhaps you’re worried about your freedom coming to a rapid-fire end? Weigh the pros and cons. Wouldn’t it be nice to entertain someone special in your lovely home?

Gemini May 21 - June 21

If anyone can cheer someone up, it’s you. You’re a natural-born clown, with a philosophical streak a mile wide that allows you to understand the motivations of others -- maybe even better than they understand those motivations themselves. So when a loved one comes to you now with a problem, do what you do best: Draw them out, listen to their story and help them figure out what to do next. Then take them out and get them laughing. It really is the best medicine.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

That work situation you’ve been dwelling on? You’ll be dwelling on it for the next few weeks, but that doesn’t mean you should allow it to completely absorb you. Try to force yourself to dismiss all thoughts of business from your mind when you’re not at work. Challenge yourself to meet someone new and take a moment to come up with the best opening line you’ve ever heard -- then give it a test run.

Leo July 23 - August 22

Oddly enough, you’re thinking about a total emotional commitment at the moment. The thing is, you’re not quite ready to say those words out loud. You are ready, however, to let your intentions be known via safer, subtler forms of communication, such as eye contact or comments that can only be categorised as double entendres. That way, if the vibes you’re getting aren’t what you were hoping for, you can both duck out gracefully. Don’t worry, though. The chances you’ll be refused are next to none.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Asking you to be especially cautious when it comes to anything that falls into the category of romance is an exercise in futility right now. If you’re struck by someone, be it intellectually or emotionally, it will be impossible to resist responding to that feeling in a great big way. If you’re not sure about your feelings, though, you might listen to that little voice in the back of your head -- the one that’s telling you to proceed with caution.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Your curiosity is especially strong now. That doesn’t mean you’ll get into trouble for it, but you may find that your friends and your sweetheart are a bit taken aback by all those questions. Between now and the time this wears off -- and it will, honestly -- you might want to stop short of getting involved in a conversation about politics or religion with someone you love. Why cause problems where there aren’t any?

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

This could be a tricky day -- the kind that starts out deceptively quiet and ends up being absolutely crazy, thanks to a longtime friend who’s feeling a little out of sorts at the moment. There’s only one thing to do: Pay close attention to your intuition, no matter what advice you’re offered by a rational, practical loved one. You know what’s best. All you have to do is listen to that small inner voice.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

You have one more day left of your relaxing times, and if you’re smart -- which, legend has it, you most certainly are -- you’ll spend it letting go of whatever was bothering you last week. That way, you’ll be able to start tomorrow fresh -- and isn’t that your best bet, anyway? Besides, the mental solidity and stability you’ll feel now are legitimate. You’re right to feel secure in the rightness of what you’ve done. Stop worrying, and enjoy the rest of your free time.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

It’s not even close to being gone yet -- that wild, reckless energy circulating in the heavens above you. But you definitely have a handle on it. So when one last haphazard event comes along, instead of getting upset about it, you’ll get through it with a genuine smile on your face. And if anyone asks, you’ll have to admit you really were looking forward to a little bit more excitement.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

You’re trying to decide whether to listen to your gut or ask for advice from a professional you’ve always trusted. If you don’t feel comfortable with their counsel once it’s delivered, however, what about just talking things over with your very best friend? They care deeply about you, they’d never tell you to do anything they wouldn’t do, and they know you well enough to know what’s possible and what’s not. Consider it your best option. Give them a call.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

The devil and the deep blue sea -- take your pick. Under most unusual circumstances, you may bump into someone today who seems to be a representative from both. Within days, oddly enough, they’ll manage to find a place in your heart. Be ready. Be ready for their company, and be ready to feel the need to make a decision quickly. Good luck, no matter what you choose.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

MoHA, MWH, GNRSC hold National ...

Traffic Chief Hugh Denhert; Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell; Director of Prisons Welton Trotz; Chief Fire Officer Marlon Gentle; Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn; and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds seated together as Minister Rohee delivered his remarks yesterday. From page 13 and there are several engineering recommendations which should be implemented as well. He also spoke of the need for overhead passes and for the raising of our infrastructure to more four-lane roads in the city, but he said that for us to do so, everybody would have to make

their contribution by paying their taxes. Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee said that after reviewing the current traffic situation with its concomitant road accidents and fatalities, he is of the view that a national road safety conference was needed for all sections of stakeholders

to share and exchange information on the way forward. He also urged all citizens to remember their civic duty in reporting all road accidents, because we need to act and let defaulters know that “I am sorry” would not “just cut it”. He said it was time we get serious about the traffic situation, since “road

safety is everybody’s business”. Rohee called for rigid police enforcement of traffic rules and regulations, since, he said, it is known that drink-driving, speeding and inattentiveness are the leading causes of road accidents and fatalities. And if that is to be reduced by 2020, Guyana has got to start acting

A section of the gathering at the conference.

on it now. Minister Rohee also spoke of the court system, expressing disgust that persons who are charged for causing death by dangerous driving get their their pre-trial liberty and are still able to mix in society. He said that laws were approved in Parliament for the

police to act thereon, thus there is room for improvement in road safety practices. However, he conceded that the police are working assiduously in this regard with campaigns. Rohee said that with the influx of about 10,000 vehicles on the roads per year, development is evident, but with that development comes challenges, and we have to address those challenges. Accordingly, he said, the national road safety conference was called. In his remarks, Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)/World Health Organisation (WHO) Country Representative, Dr. William Adu-Krow, said that road accidents were said to be the eighth leading cause of death globally, based on a report. Giving statistics from varying world reports, Dr Adu-Krow outlined the need for implementation of measures to reduce traffic accidents and fatalities. Also making remarks was retired Major General Norman Mc Lean, current Chairman of the GNRSC, who emceed the programme. During the conference, Alex Graham of Tagman Media and Renaissance Marketing did a soft launching of the one-way street project in Georgetown. He highlighted his presentation by interjecting several friendly television advertisements which will hit the local airwaves and media shortly as the project is rolled out. Public Works Minister Robeson Benn was also in attendance. He was scheduled to make remarks at the end of the conference yesterday.


Double funeral for former Calypso Monarch,son

A MEADOWBROOK, Georgetown family has been plunged into deep mourning, following the deaths of a father and son five days apart, under entirely different circumstances. They were both buried on Wednesday, alongside each other in Le Repentir Cemetery. The death of former Calypso Monarch Lloyd Daniel Charles, 81, also called ‘Smasher’ on February 15, at the height of Mashramani festivities, came as a surprise to many, particularly the calypso fraternity. But five days later, on February 20, the sudden demise of his son, Aubrey Dennis Charles, 52, resulted in deeper anguish for the family and friends. Octogenarian Mighty Smasher died on Saturday, February 15, after a period of illness. His son Aubrey, who was enjoying good health, was helping with preparations for his father’s wake and burial among other things. Surprisingly, on the night of Thursday, February 20 as the wake was in progress, Aubrey who was probably feeling tired, asked to be excused, telling relatives that he was going to take a nap and would be back later. LAST TIME However, little did they know that it would have been the last time they were seeing him alive. Aubrey got into bed and fell asleep but failed to wake up again. After his relatives did not see him return, they went in search of him and tried to rouse him, only to discover that it was his lifeless body lying in bed. An alarm was sounded and relatives rushing into the bedroom became hysterical. He was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead. His relatives became inconsolable. On Wednesday, a double but moving funeral service was held at Sandy’s Funeral Home, Lot 1 Chapel Street, in Lodge, for the father and son. The officiating pastor was none other than former calypsonian Lurlene James, formerly known as ‘Singing Lurlene’. Her daughter Jennifer was among persons paying tributes. Both eulogies were read by the daughter of the elder Charles, Orgo Reid.

A photo of Aubrey Dennis Charles Jnr., buried along with his father at Le Repentir Cemetery on Wednesday.

The ‘Mighty Smasher’ regales and holds an audience captive, during one of his stage performances in Georgetown. The funeral service began with a moving but well coordinated and lusty singing of ‘Smasher’s favourite song ‘I did it my Way’ by all present. That was in keeping with a request by his children and grandchildren in the United States . The elder Charles was married and was the father of nine children, while Aubrey Dennis (Jnr) fathered four, now among others left to mourn their untimely passing.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

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South Rupununi toshaos to assis natural resources, environmen

A TEAM of toshaos and councillors from the South and South-Central Districts,in The Rupununi, Thursday met with the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud and representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs to inform and share information on development plans for their communities. The toshaos and councillors brought to the attention of the minister and team their plans for development, and also highlighted issues that affect their respective communities. Discussion centred on mining, safe mining practices, adherence to laws and regulations, the environment,a land management plan, monitoring of irregular

activities, water quality testing and technical training. Minister Persaud encouraged the toshaos and councillors of Shulinab, Katoonarib, Shea, Maruranau, Karaudaranau, Shulinab and Potarinau to commit to reporting all irregular activities to the relevant ministries or agencies to enhance national security, and at the same time make their communities more secure. He also committed that a training programme will be designed and implemented by the GGMC and the EPA to accommodate and train designated community members in Geographical Information Systems (GIS), water quality testing and monitoring. This programme, he stated, should be implemented within the next three to four weeks. The minister also recommended that all irregular activities and cases

Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud and team in the meeting with toshaos of The Rupununi

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

oyd Charles’s (Smasher) sons, in deep grief holds er and brother’s caskets at Sandy’s Funeral Home ay.

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of breaches of the law be directed to the relevant ministries and law enforcement agencies through the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs. The visiting team was also encouraged to utilise the established mechanisms such as the National Toshaos Council (NTC), Regional Democratic Councils (RDC), Indigenous Peoples Commission (IPC) and the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs to further their developmental goals.

Man slaps wife for not sending children to school RAMKISSOON Sulera, of Portuguese Quarters, Port Mourant , told the Court yesterday that he indeed slapped his wife, as she was in the habit of not sending their four children to school. The defendant appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam Court, where he pleaded guilty to a charge of assault. However, he explained that his wife who vends at both Rose Hall and Port Mourant markets is in the habit of not sending their children to school. Due to the children’s absence, several notices were received from the Department of Education, but his spouse gave no heed to the warnings. Consequently, on February 20, the couple had a misunderstanding after the defendant slapped his son. As a result, his wife Maylene Harrinarine, rebuked him, and he became annoyed and slapped her. She, in turn, broadsided him with a cutlass before reporting the incident to the police. After the facts were narrated by Police Inspector Gail Bristol, the magistrate requested that the Probation and Welfare Service personnel look into the interest and welfare of the children . Sulera was placed on $5000 bail and the case was transferred to the Whim Court for hearing on March 10.


Community Police launches 38th anniversary celebration

THE Community Policing Organisation of Guyana (CPOG) has launched a series of activities that will coincide with its 38th anniversary of service to Guyana to be observed under the theme “Safeguarding communities through strengthened community policing leadership’. The anniversary celebration was launched by Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, Wednesday, at the ministry’s boardroom with representatives from the various divisions. Bartica, Region 7, has been selected as the host venue for several of the activities for this year’s celebration. Minister Rohee noted that community policing in Guyana has come a far way since its establishment 38 years ago, with its activities being noted by many people, not only in Guyana, but also overseas. It is for this reason Guyana stands out as one of the few countries in the Caribbean as having a vibrant and active community policing body. “The organisation at this point in time has had many challenges, but they have also had more opportunities as well, but I believe they have had more opportunities than challenges,” Minister Rohee said. He added that the theme which speaks volumes about leadership was selected, recognising the need for stronger leadership on the part of those who are elected to hold executive positions, either at the divisional or national level. On this note, it was pointed out by the minister that all of the Community Policing Groups (CPGs) are in the process of holding their elections, and this will culminate with the holding of the national CPG elections. The Minister stated that it has been observed that CPGs countrywide have been very vibrant and active, and Guyanese have been supportive of their efforts. Minister Rohee however sought to emphasise the fact that the CPG members are all volunteering their services ,which is something to be lauded. “I believe this is a healthy development, because it is unusual to have persons volunteering to work in the security sector. Some are afraid to do so while others are not afraid, and particularly when they know they have the support of the residents where the groups exist”. Had it not been for the CPGs, the minister said, the security

sector would have been much poorer. “The CPGs are very significant in our communities, we have 268 groups with 4244 members, we are not satisfied with this number, and we would like to see more groups and members, and that would give us a greater comfort zone in which citizens can live and work”. Nevertheless, the Minister said, the Administration remains committed towards further development of these groups. “The government remains supportive of CPGs by providing budgetary support to all the groups in the country, providing for both materials and human resources for the effective functioning of each group.” The Minister also commended the work of the CPOG, noting that the organisation has over the years, provided the Guyana Police Force with much needed assistance. “They continue to be of tremendous help to the police in preventing and detecting crime;, CPG is not expected to engage criminals in armed combat, as they play a different role, and the police are distinct from CPG having been trained to engage armed criminals who seek to engage in confrontation with police”. Meanwhile, among the activities listed to mark the 38th anniversary celebration are a church service which will be held tomorrow at the Bartica Regatta pavilion and a youth symposium and live call in television programme with a panel to discuss issues pertinent to community policing. There will also be the anniversary parade on March 8, which will be held in Bartica, with the march heading to the Bartica Community Centre ground for a grand rally. The curtain will come down on the anniversary celebration with a Police Band concert, which is slated for March 15. Community policing in Guyana began in 1976 with the objective to harness the energies of willing members of communities across Guyana in support of the work of the police towards achieving a crime-free society. The formation of this organisation was also done with the intention of the group being responsive, together with the police, to the needs of the communities in respect of the necessity to maintain law and order. To this end, CPGs were established in all of the Police Divisions in Guyana, with a view to ensuring crime prevention at all levels. (GINA)

Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee, center, Coordinator of the Community Policing Organisation of Guyana Dennis Pompey, left, and CPG Executive Member Tajnauth Jadunauth at the press conference


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1 2014


West Indies legends knighted in Antigua ST JOHN’S, Antigua (CMC) - Former West Indies fast bowlers Andy Roberts and Curtly Ambrose and former Windies captain and batsman Richie Richardson were knighted during the first One-Day International (ODI) between West Indies and England in Antigua yesterday. Roberts, Ambrose and Richardson, regarded as cricket legends, received their knighthood at a ceremony during the lunch interval of the game at the Sir Vivian Richards stadium. Governor General Dame Louise Lake-Tack presented the three cricketers with their knighthood in a ceremony also attended by Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer. “I am so proud to be in a position to honour some of the best players our island has produced,” declared Prime Minister Spencer.

“Andy Roberts and Curtly Ambrose both taught the world how rapid fast bowling could really be, and Richie Richardson showed both leadership as Windies captain and great skill with the bat. Nobody can question his excellent record of wins or the 16 Test centuries he achieved during his career”. Roberts, the first Antiguan & Barbudan to represent the West Indies, made his debut against England, in March of 1974. The bowler was part of the ‘quartet’ of West Indian fast bowlers from the mid-seventies to the early eighties that had a devastating effect on opposition batsmen at both Test and One Day International levels. Prime Minister Spencer paid tribute to the former players especially Richardson.

English Lingfield 09:10 hrs Ishetoo 09:40 hrs Sherjawy 10:15 hrs Hinton Admiral 10:50 hrs Halljoy 11:25 hrs Planetoid 12:00 hrs Ballista 12:35 hrs Litigant 13:10 hrs Mia’s Boy Newbury 09:30 hrs Kings Bayonet 10:05 hrs Brackloon High 10:40 hrs Pigeon Island 11:15 hrs Tiqris 11:50 hrs Dashing George 12:25 hrs Smart Money 13:00 hrs Hurricane Hollow Doncaster 10:20 hrs Toubeera 10:55 hrs Turn Over Sivola 11:30 hrs Harry The Viking 12:05 hrs Hartforth 12:40 hrs Minella Friend 13:15 hrs Shout It Aloud South Africa Racing Tips Turffontein 08:25 hrs Formation 09:00 hrs Killua Castle 09:40 hrs Santa Carolina 10:20 hrs Mister Cricket 10:55 hrs Tresco 11:30 hrs Gold Bank 12:05 hrs

“The tenacity he (Richardson) demonstrated in scoring 194 against India in 1989 to help the Windies to a draw, when other great batsmen were struggling, shows the resilience that great cricketers have always demonstrated, and the gratitude owed to these great men by the people of our country and the region transcends political divides,” said Prime Minister Spencer. “We can all agree that these men have earned this honour in fine style, and players like these show the West Indies and the world how much talent our country has to offer.” Former West Indies captain and middle- order batsman, Sir Viv Richards, arguably the finest batsman of his generation was knighted by the Antiguan government in 1999.

Dirty Champagne Irish Racing Tips Navan 10:00 hrs Halling’s Treasure 10:35 hrs Drumlee 11:10 hrs Gold Not Silver 11:45 hrs Touch The Eden 12:20 hrs Hillman 12:55 hrs El Mondo 13:30 hrs Measureofmydreams Arab Emirates Racing Tips Meydan 10:45 hrs Plantagenet 11:20 hrs Derbaas 11:55 hrs Roicead 12:30 hrs Capital Attraction 13:10 hrs Simenon 13:45 hrs Sanshaawes American Racing Tips Aqueduct Race 1 Dawly Race 2 Royal Posse Race 3 Mean Season Race 4 Strapping Groom Race 5 Sanctify Race 6 Ludo Bagman Race 7 Pure Attitude Race 8 Summer Applause Race 9 Noble Cornerstone


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Sangakkara ton gives Sri Lanka tense win KUMAR Sangakkara engineered an under-pressure 83-ball century, the quickest of his ODI career, to steer Sri Lanka to their second straight win and to the brink of a place in the Asia Cup finals. After India had posted what seemed an insufficient total, Ravindra Jadeja and the other spinners sparked an unlikely comeback midway the Sri Lankan chase, but with Sangakkara making light of a tricky surface, India were never really favourites. Scores: Sri Lanka 265 for 8 (Sangakkara 103, K. Perera 64, Jadeja 3-30) beat India 264 for 9 (Dhawan 94, Mendis 4-60, Senanayake 3-41) by two wickets. India’s age-old problems with death bowling were exacerbated by the dew, and Sangakkara captialised on a series of full tosses and seemingly put India beyond the game, caning 32 off three overs to boil it down to 12 off the final two overs. When Shikhar Dhawan misfielded in the 49th over at deep square leg after another full toss, it brought up Sangakkara’s 18th ODI century and victory seemed a formality. Sangakkara allowed himself a fist pump to mark the mile-

stone. Yet another full toss spiced up the game, though, as Sangakkara miscued a waist-high delivery from Mohammed Shami to leave Thisara Perera and Ajantha Mendis needing seven off nine deliveries There was more low-quality cricket in the finale, as Ajantha Mendis levelled the scores with a thick outside edge past the keeper for four. With one needed in the final over, and two wickets in hand, Thisara chipped the first ball to Dhawan at mid-off, and was delighted to see a straightforward chance put down. A panicky single followed on the next delivery to finally confirm Sri Lanka’s win. Such anxious moments weren’t on the cards when Sri Lanka’s openers began brightly and with starkly contrasting styles - Kusal Perera all brute force with an everything-must-go mindset and Lahiru Thirmanne more of an old-fashioned stylist, thriving on precision strokes. They put on 80 before R. Ashwin, switching between his new-fangled Narine-style action and his conventional one, had Thirimanne lbw for 38.

Kumar Sangakkara needed only 83 balls to score a century on a surface plenty of others struggled on. miss, but with Sri Lanka coastThat only brought together ing, and India looking listless, it Kusal and Sangakkara, who didn’t seem like it would matter coolly put together a half-centumuch. ry stand. The score was 141 for Instead, Mahela Jayawar2 when Dinesh Karthik failed dene chipped a catch straight to take off the bails on the first to extra cover, and Jadeja attempt after a leg-side take to produced a ripping turnreprieve Sangakkara. It was a

er next ball to knock back Dinesh Chandimal’s off stump and hand him a golden duck. With the spinners, including part-timer Rohit, finding some rhythm, the middle-order collapsed, but Sangakkara remained immovable, placing the ball perfectly and rarely needing to slog as he orchestrated the chase. India’s middle-order had floundered against the spinners as well - its first serious test in the absence of vastly experienced trio of MS Dhoni, Suresh Raina and Yuvraj Singh. The stutter came after India’s best phase of the innings, with Virat Kohli and Shikhar Dhawan putting on 97 for the second wicket on a surface where the ball was staying low and not coming easily onto the bat. Dhawan was uncharacteristically subdued, hitting only seven fours and a six in his 94 - far fewer boundaries than you would expect from a naturally aggressive batsman. The stand was broken by Mendis, who continued his love affair with the Asia Cup by grabbing four wickets to take his tally to 21 at an average of 9.76 in six matches. It was his zipping carrom ball that

sent back India’s best batsman Kohli for 48, and later Dhawan for 94 in the 40th over, just as India were getting set for a final onslaught. Ajinkya Rahane had plenty of time to get his eye in, but holed out for 22 attempting his favourite shot, the loft over extra cover. Dhawan’s exit put the responsibility on Ambati Rayudu and Karthik - neither is a certainty in the XI – who had to shepherd the team in the final ten. Both fluffed it: Karthik lasting only three balls as he miscued to mid-off, and Rayudu picking out the man at long-off as he chipped Chaturanga de Silva. Sri Lanka backed up the bowlers with some top fielding, throwing themselves around in the deep to make several sliding stops and also hitting the stumps several times from close-in. Lasith Malinga fired in his yorkers towards the death, and though a couple of mighty hits from No.11 Shami took India to 264, it ultimately wasn’t enough in the face of a Sangakkara masterclass. The result also added more pressure on India ahead of the marquee clash against Pakistan tomorrow. (ESPN Cricinfo)

Carnival erupts as Brazilian protests, World Cup plans continue By Paulo Prada RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (Reuters) - Carnival got under way across Brazil yesterday interspersed with simmering antigovernment protests and alongside preparations in 12 cities for the upcoming soccer World Cup. The festivities, which each year rouse millions to revel in nearly a week of parades and block parties, are the first since a series of mass demonstrations last June, when Brazilians took to the streets to decry rising prices, a sluggish economy, poor public services and corruption. Although those protests

have ebbed, smaller antigovernment groups have continued to agitate in major cities, sometimes clashing with police. In Rio de Janeiro, home to Brazil’s best-known Carnival festivities, activists in recent days have been rallying members on social media to remind revellers of the issues that riled so many during the earlier demonstrations. While they are unlikely to spoil the occasion for the nearly 5 million party-goers expected, protests would provide a novel counterpoint to the gaiety, more traditionally marked by mass debauchery, litter-strewn streets and occa-

sional vandalism. Last year’s demonstrators successfully used a widely watched warm-up tournament for the World Cup as a stage to contrast the billions spent on the soccer event and the 2016 Rio Olympics with Brazil’s feeble investment in public services. With the World Cup itself starting June 12, activists are eager to rekindle the anger and angst. ‘Revellers unite!’, wrote one in an online manifesto for a group dubbed ‘Occupy Carnival’, whose aim is to “contaminate Carnival with the spirit of popular protest.” Rio and other major cities are well accustomed to activities

of any stripe during the festival - from good-humoured parades by transvestites to swarms of beachcombing bandits. The Rio state government said it would deploy nearly 17 000 police officers, 16 percent more than it did last year. Earlier this week, the government showed off new riot gear and body armour that officers will be donning for any unrest. Ye s t e r d a y m o r n i n g , shopkeepers in Ipanema, a beachside Rio district popular with tourists, had already boarded up windows to protect their inventory. In Salvador, the north-eastern city where throngs follow massive mobile stages along

25 kilometres of closed avenues, local media broadcast a smartphone video of a group of revellers beating a suspected thief. Meanwhile, authorities in the dozen host cities for the upcoming soccer games are scrambling to finish stadiums, public works and other preparations. In Rio, where officials recently demolished an elevated highway and rerouted much of the traffic across the city centre to make way for new infrastructure, locals were anticipating worse-than-usual gridlock. Still, the overall atmosphere is expected to remain festive throughout Carnival, a tradition whose history lies in a final

Duckett ton seals narrow victory

BEN DUCKETT proved the deciding factor for England as his maiden Youth ODI century clinched a thrilling one-wicket win over Australia to claim the third place in the Under-19 World Cup. Chasing 247, England bled three wickets in five balls between the ninth and tenth overs. However, Duckett’s stability kept Australia at bay as he spearheaded vital half-century stands with Will Rhodes for the fifth wicket and Rob Jones for the seventh.

England Under-19s 247 for 9 (Duckett 100, Ashkenazi 3-32) beat Australia Under-19s 246 for 7 (McDermott 56*, BarDuckett unleashed nine fours in his 109-ball effort and was seventh man out in the 45th over. Australia scented an opening and pushed with a further two wickets in as many overs. England were teetering at 213 for 9, still 34 away. But a gutsy final-wicket partnership of 34 in 21 balls between Josh Shaw and Matthew Fisher sealed victory in

the final over. Australia’s trend of rallying began early in the game when two mini-collapses followed a half-century partnership by the openers Matthew Short and Kelvin Smith. They slipped from 63 for 0 to 83 for 3 by the end of the 15th over. The second stutter happened in the 34th over when medium-pacer Ed Barnard claimed two in four balls and

Australia were 150 for 6. Ben McDermott struck a valiant half-century and, with No.8 Thomas Andrews giving able company, led Australia’s rearguard. The duo struck a rapid 78-run stand that ushered Australia towards a fighting total to set up a nail-biting game Ben Duckett’s solidity ensured England came out on the winning side.

Ben Duckett

binge of sin before the austere Catholic season of Lent. Beer and liquor advertisements began blanketing the city in recent days, while government workers staffed stands to hand out free condoms. Yesterday morning, Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes relinquished the key of the city to Rei Momo, the figurehead king of a celebration taken so seriously in Brazil that many businesses close. The stock exchange in São Paulo, the country’s biggest city and financial capital, halts trading during the event from Monday through mid-day Wednesday, Carnival’s traditional end.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1 2014


Cheddi Jagan Memorial three-stage cycle race to wheel off tomorrow

… Jiffy Lubes Auto Sales and Spares to sponsor first stage By Michael DaSilva

THE 17th Annual Cheddi Jagan Memorial Three-Stage cycle road race will wheel off tomorrow in the West Demerara area beginning at 08:00hrs. The first stage commences from outside the Wales Police Station, West Bank Demerara and from there the junior and senior cyclists will journey to Bushy Park, East Bank Essequibo before returning to the Demerara Harbour Bridge for the finish while the veterans, mountain bikers and female cyclists will turn back at Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara. The first six finishers will receive cash prizes and trophies as will the first three juniors, veterans, mountain bikers and females. A special prize will be awarded to the oldest cyclist to

complete the course. The defending champion for this stage is Robin Persaud who clocked one hour 56 seconds 44.24 seconds in winning the stage last year. Michael Anthony won the juniors category while Kennard Lovell, Ozia McAully and Hazima Barret won the veterans, mountain bikers and female categories respectively. Persaud, however, will have his work cut out if he is to make a successful defence of the title, since cyclists such as Anthony, Orville Hinds, Alanzo Greaves, Geron Williams, Raynauth Jeffrey and Marlon `Fishy’ Williams are all in good nick at the moment. Then there are the likes of Warren McKay, Paul De Nobrega and Raul Leal who all seem to be getting into their own. While Jiffy Lubes Auto Sales and Spares is the main

sponsor for this stage which is being held in West Demerara for the sixth year, BK International, who has been on board for the past 16 years, will once again throw in his dollars and resources for the stage. The second stage is set for March 9, beginning from the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic New Amsterdam, Berbice office and will proceed to No. 55 Village, Corentyne before returning to finish at Port Mourant. However, like the first stage, the veterans, mountain bikers and females will turn

Dyna’s Ravens face New Amsterdam Warriors. The opening night’s curtain will come down with the clash between Linden’s number one club Kings, and Georgetown’s number five-ranked team, Republic Bank Nets. $400 000 will be the winners’ purse while $200 000 is for the second-placed team. Teams knocked out at the quarterfinals round will pocket $50 000 and for those who get the axe during the roundof-16, $16 000.

This will be the 17th year that this leg of the event will be staged in Berbice. The final stage is set for Essequibo Coast on March 23 and the cyclists will wheel off from Supenaam and proceed to Charity before returning to Suddie for the finish. The prizes will be presented to the cyclists in the same order as that of the first two stages. The presentation after each stage will be done by a member of the PPP/C executive as well as representatives of the sponsors.

Wartsila hands over official race clock to AAG Robin Persaud

GABF ‘Road to Mecca’ bounces off tonight THE Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) ‘Road to Mecca’ basketball tournament will officially bounce off tonight at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall with four games, featuri n g t e a m s f ro m L i n d e n and Berbice invading the capital. Game one, at 18:00hrs, Georgetown Colts come up against Rose Hall Jammers, followed by Linden’s Retrieve Raiders and Smythfield Rockers, then another city club

back at Hogstye to finish at Port Mourant, and like the first stage, the first six overall finishers as well as the first three juniors, first three veterans and first three females will be rewarded for their efforts. The defending champion of the Berbice stage is Jeffrey who clocked two hours 13 minutes 26 seconds last year. Raul had won the junior category last year, while Lovell and McAully won the veterans and mountain bike categories respectively.

… 20km Road Race Classic set for tomorrow

THE event, the Wartsila 20 Km Road Race Classic, is so far the most lucrative event on the athletics calendar in Guyana, attracting several of the Caribbean’s premier distance athletes. Yesterday, the company who is sponsoring the event as part of its 20th Anniversary celebration, handed over a Road Race clock to the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) and according to Contract Manager and former National Athlete Aaron Fraser, the initiative is his since it’s important to know what time you’re chasing. “We didn’t wait for them to approach us on this one; it’s something I personally felt had to be put in place. I know as an athlete competing, coaches always use to say: always

make sure you check your time because on your bad day, you can clock your fastest time. So today (yesterday) we present this clock,” Fraser said. President of the AAG, Aubrey Hudson, said that while the Wartsila 20Km will be the first event the clock would time, he’s looking forward also to seeing it at all the AAG’s events, given the fact that now fans and coaches would not have to wait until the race is finished to know the results. The event will have six categories, namely, male and female seniors, male and female juniors, masters age 35 and above (women), masters age 40-54 (men), masters age 55 and above (men, 5 km) and youths (5 km). The event, set to start at 06:00hrs, will see the athletes begin in the Paradise communi-

ty, proceed west along the East Coast Demerara Public Road, continue to Kitty Public Road into Carifesta Avenue, before turning North into upper Camp Road. The race will then move west into Battery Road, Kingston then South into upper Water Street before finishing in front of Wartsila’s head office. All athletes were asked to register by February 26 and are expected to assemble at Wartsila by 04:30hrs on race day for transportation to the starting point in Paradise. The overall winner pockets $300 000 while second-placer takes home $240 000, third-placer gets $200 000; fourth-placer receives $140 000, with fifth and sixth collecting $100 000 and $50 000 in that order. The same prizes apply to the Open Male Category.

Akeem Kanhai

Former T&T footballer dies after massive heart attack PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) - Trinidad and Tobago Sports Minister Anil Roberts says he is shocked at the passing of former national footballer Kevon Carter. Carter, 30, also a footballer with the country’s Defence Force, died yesterday after suffering a massive heart attack while at training with his club and never recovered. “Kevon was a strong young man who gave 10 years’ dedicated service to the national team from U23 to senior level, playing most recently in the 2013 CONCACAF Gold Cup,” said Roberts. “It is extremely disheartening to hear this news but I hope it serves as a wake-up call to all of us to pay closer attention to our health and wellness. When death comes so suddenly, it is always shocking and difficult to understand but I hope Kevon’s family and friends will cherish the time he spent with them.” Kevon began his foot-balling career at Mucurapo Senior Comprehensive and went on to star with the TT Pro League outfit Defence Force.

AAG president openly accepts the clock for the Wartsila Road Race Classic from the company’s representatives yesterday (Adrian Narine photo)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1, 2014

Kumar offers unflinching support to GCB at magazine launching By Calvin Roberts DIRECTOR of Sport within the National Sports Commission, Neil Kumar, yesterday offered his unflinching support to the Dru Bahadur-steward Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), saying “I need to see cricket playing on the fields and not in the courts,” Kumar was at the time delivering some brief remarks at the launching of the GCB’s inaugural annual magazine entitled ‘The Guyana Cricketer’. The event was held on the upper deck of the Georgetown Cricket Club pavilion. Present at the launching were Digicel’s Sponsorship and Events Manager Gavin Hope, secretary of the GCB Anand Sanasie, Marketing manager of the GCB Rajendra Singh and GCB vice-president Faizal Bacchus, along with other special invitees. “First of all, let me congratulate the GCB on having both Shivnarine Chanderpaul and Shemaine Campbelle awarded the NSC Sportsman and Sportswoman-of-the-Year 2013, since it was a remarkable achievement by both individuals. Concerning the magazine, I wish to say it is a really good effort on the part of the GCB. The fact that they can get so many sponsors tells that persons recognise that they are doing something for cricket in Guyana,” said Kumar. He added, “Sponsors only come to you when you have accountability, transparency and you are giving them good mileage and I always say this, and if the GCB executive was not doing something good, then they would not have been able to acquire such an amount of sponsorship for this magazine.” Alluding to the fact that both Chanderpaul and Ramnaresh Sarwan were unable to make the final 11 for Guyana’s first round contest in

this year’s West Indies Cricket Board’s Regional four-day contest against Jamaica yesterday, Kumar called on the GCB to take cognisant of the fact that they are injured and conduct an investigation. “We knew before that Johnson (Leon) would not be playing and I think that with Christopher Gayle, Marlon Samuels and Nikita Miller not playing for Jamaica in this game, it would have been wonderful for us to come away with a win and Guyana need these two players,” stated Kumar. He reminded the GCB that they can depend on him for his unflinching support, since it his will to see the game being played on the field and not in the courts, while he wished to see the GCB producing more youth players. “I think the GCB should start focusing now on the youths, such as the Under-15 and U-19 tournaments. Start focusing on preparing those teams now in the same manner you prepared the senior team for the NAGICO Super50 tournament. “It was quite distressing to me to see the effort that was put in by the GCB in training and preparing that team and at the end of the day they have come up not physically fit, with two of our key players that are there not well, as this is a good match for Guyana to start with a win,” said Kumar. He congratulated the GCB on their efforts in producing the magazine which is being distributed free of cost, calling on them to make it an annual feature and even encouraged them to attach a small purchasing fee for a copy in the future. Prior to Kumar’s remarks, Singh said the idea of the magazine came from Dru Bahadur some six months ago at a monthly meeting of the GCB and he was given the unenvi-


(Saturday March 01, 2014) Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market & The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to Thursday’s quiz: 30 Tests; 7 centuries 177-Paul Robert Stirling (vs Canada, Toronto, 2010) Today’s Quiz: When the WI were defeated 5-1 in a Test series against Australia in 1975-76, where did the Windies win their solitary game? Where and when did Clive Lloyd strike his only ODI century? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

Here you go, Mr Director! Officially, Secretary of the GCB Anand Sanasie (3rd from left) presents Director of Sport Neil Kumar with a copy of the Guyana Cricketer, while from left, Rayon Griffith, Rajendra Singh and Fizul Bacchus proudly display a copy of the Magazine. (Photo by Sonell Nelson) He added, “The Guyana between the GCB and printer, Under-19 Guyana XI, features able task of making the project Cricketer is no longer a dream, and includes feature articles on Chanderpaul and Ali-Moa reality. but a reality today, marking a on Chanderpaul and rising star hammed and the GCB Report “The major objectives of significant achievement in the Ronaldo Ali Mohammed, will for 2013. the Magazine was to document GCB’s history, as not only are be distributed around Guyana, Also listed within the full and showcase the achievements we celebrating 70 years of serthe Caribbean and the Diaspora. colour glossy magazine is the of our cricketers, the tournavice, but may very well be the When obtained, cricket enGCB’s proposed calendar of ments administered by the GCB, only sporting entity in Guyana thusiasts can find in the Magevents for 2014, which has to have some feature articles that has produced such a classy azine, a foreword from WICB the Limacol Under-15 twocompleted by some prominent publication.” president Whycliffe ‘Dave’ day tournament that is set to cricket journalists and generally In his opening remarks, SaCameron, messages from Kucommence on March 23 as an to improve the communication nasie said the Magazine, which mar and Dru Bahadur, Sanasie’s upcoming event, along with a process with the GCB and the was printed by Krsna and Balreport for 2013, the GCB’s 2013 thank-you to the long and growcricketing public during the year ram Printers after negotiations Awards Ceremony, an all-time ing list of sponsors. under review,” said Singh.

Federer floors Djokovic in Dubai semis By Matt Smith (REUTERS) - Roger Federer rolled back the years to stun Novak Djokovic 3-6 6-3 6-2 in the semi-finals of the Dubai Championship yesterday, his first victory in four meetings with the world number two. Seventeen-times grand slam winner Federer predicted before the tournament that his best tennis was still to come, a suggestion that sounded far-fetched for a player who has slipped to eighth in the world, his lowest ranking since 2002. From midway through the second set, however, the 32-year-old Swiss dominated Djokovic who is still some way short of his 2011 peak when he won Wimbledon, the U.S. Open and Australian Open. “There was a buzz out there tonight. I was fully able to enjoy myself,” Federer said

in a courtside interview after setting up a final clash with Czech Tomas Berdych who beat German Philipp Kohlschreiber 7-5 7-5. “It’s never easy against Novak. Today I had a difficult start that put me on the back foot but the crowd kept pushing me on. It’s a quick court and I’m always going to play aggressively.” Djokovic, 26, went into the match having won nine of his previous 12 encounters with Federer. The Swiss, though, seized the opportunity to send a message to the tennis world that reports of his decline were premature. “This is a big step in the right direction for me, gives me a lot of confidence,” said Federer. Such a statement looked unlikely in the first set as Federer netted to give Djokovic a

2-0 lead. LAZY FOREHAND Serving for the set at 5-3, the Serb hit a lazy forehand into the net, shrugging his shoulders in disappointment as the capacity 5,000 crowd roared Federer’s name.

That put the veteran 15-30 up but he then clubbed a simple forehand into the net. Federer saved two set points, the second after a prolonged rally that ended with him whipping a delicious lob and rushing to the net for a volleyed winner.

Guyana bowled out for 117

KINGSTON, Jamaica, (CMC)-Jamaica were 89 for one wicket against Guyana at stumps on the first day of their Regional four-day match at Sabina Park here yesterdayy. They are replying to Guy-

ana’s first innings total of 117. Scores: Jamaica 89 for one (Horace Miller 46, John Campbell 32 not out) Guyana 117 all out (Jamie merchant 4-29, Russell 4-38)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday March 1 2014


Bravo, Sammy power Windies to victory over England in first ODI ..Michael Lumb hits 106 for England on ODI debut NORTH SOUND, Antigua (CMC) - A defiant century stand between Lendl Simmons and captain Dwayne Bravo rescued a failing West Indies innings and set the platform for a 15-run win over England in the first One Day International (ODI) here yesterday. Simmons and Bravo gathered 108 for the fifth wicket as

West Indies recovered from 45 for four to a competitive 269 for six at the Sir Vivian Richards stadium. Dwayne Smith made 24, Kieran Powell 5 and Kirk Edwards 10 as off-spinners, Joe Root, James Tredwell and debutant Moeen Ali, suffocated the West Indies top-order.

England batsman Michael Lumb celebrates his century during the 1st ODI West Indies v England at SVCR Stadium,Antigua. Photo: Randy Brooks

Explosive knocks by manof-the-match Bravo and Darren Sammy powered the Caribbean side after they were labouring at 153 for five in the 40th over. Èngland, who were well positioned at 180 for three, were restricted to 254-6 off their 50 overs despite opener Michael Lumb having made a century on debut. While Simmons struck six fours in a knock of 65 it was the former skipper Sammy who changed the complexion of the match completely upon his arrival. He smashed 61 off just 36 deliveries with five fours and four sixes as England captain Stuart Broad paid a heavy price for returning to his fast-medium bowlers in the final stages of the innings. Bravo played the captain’s role superbly with his unbeaten 87 (91 balls, 8 fours, 1 six), often competing with the rampaging Sammy in shots during at 116run sixth-wicket partnership. West Indies had plundered 85 off the last five overs. Tim Bresnan topped the bowling with three for 68. A dream start for England on the chase saw an opening stand of 96 between Lumb and Moeen Ali. But following Moeen’s (44) and Lumb’s (106) dismissals, England’s run rate was restricted and they lost wickets cheaply. Lumb’s innings of 106 from 116 balls was the highest

Man-of-the-Match and captain Dwayne Bravo hits another boundary during his unbeaten 87. (WICB Media Photo/Randy Brooks). by an England one-day debutant and the seventh highest of all-time. Both he and fellow debutant Moeen, 26, also produced the highest opening ODI partnership by debutants, surpassing the previous record of 71 held by Piet Rinke and Terry Duffin for Zimbabwe against Kenya in 2006. Sunil Narine led the bowling with two for 36. The next game in the three-match series is tomorrow, again in Antigua.

WEST INDIES innings (50 overs maximum) D. Smith c Buttler b Tredwell 24 K. Powell c Jordan b Root 5 K. Edwards b Bresnan 10 DM Bravo lbw b Ali 2 L. Simmons c Ali b Bresnan 65 DJ Bravo not out 87 D. Sammy c Broad b Bresnan 61 Extras: (lb-4, w-10, nb-1) 15 Total: (6 wickets; 50 overs) 269 Fall of wickets: 1-19, 2-38, 3-40, 4-45, 5-153, 6-269. Bowling: Root 9-2-47-1, Broad 6-135-0, Bresnan 10-1-68-3, Tredwell 10-1-23-1, M Ali 6-1-25-1, C Jordan 9-2-67-0.

ENGLAND innings M. Lumb c DJ Bravo b Rampaul 106 M. Ali c Narine b Smith 44 L. Wright c DJ Bravo b Sammy 1 J. Root c Ramdin b Narine 37 B. Stokes b Narine 5 J. Buttler c Holder b DJ Bravo 12 R. Bopara not out 23 T. Bresnan not out 14 Extras: (b-1, lb-2, w-9) 12 Total: (6 wickets; 50 overs) 254 Fall of wickets: 1-96, 2-106, 3-180, 4-192, 5-205, 6-211. Bowling: Holder 4-0-27- 0, Rampaul 10-0-53-1, Narine 10-136-2, DJ Bravo 10-0- 59-1, Sammy 10-0-46-1, Smith 6-0-30-1.


The Chronicle is at

Bravo, Sammy power Windies to victory over England in first ODI (See Story on Page 31)

West Indies legends knighted in Antigua (See Story on Page 27)

Sir Anderson Roberts leads Sir Richie Richardson and Sir Curtly Ambrose in a parade after they were knighted, West Indies v England, 1st ODI, North Sound, Jamaica, yesterday. (Getty Images) Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limi ted, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 2 2 6- 3243-9 (General); Editorial: 2 2 7- 5204, 2 2 7- 5216. Fax:2 2 7- 5208


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