Guyana chronicle 07 03 14

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GUYANA No. 103760


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At Mining Day forum in Canada …

Minister Gopaul sells Guyana as country with immense mining potential Page 3

50 years on ...

Sugar industry pays homage to ‘Leonora Heroine’ –who laid down her life in the name of justice


They came from all walks of life to pay homage to the woman who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we all could enjoy the freedoms we do today

One dead, three critical in Soesdyke accident

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REMEMBERING Dr. Cheddi Jagan

“From this day forward we shall need the goodwill and hard work of all our people so that we may proceed to make our country a fit and proper home for heroes in the struggle for political and economic independence. Let there be an end to sectional racial quarrels and suspicions so that national unity may be restored.” 1961

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Work on schedule for petting zoo in Botanical Gardens WORK on the petting zoo in the Botanical Gar-

dens is proceeding on schedule. The facility

will provide a highly effective means of educating individuals on issues like wildlife conservation, humane treatment of animals and empathy for animals by providing them an opportunity to physically interact with

animals. This will be important in the zoo’s effort to raise funds for the rehabilitation of large sections of the facility, reduce the amount of wild animals (unwanted pets, animals injured for fun, etc.) constantly being

Cheddi Jagan1961

Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr Robert Persaud being shown around the project by Commissioner of the Protected Areas Commission, Mr. Damian Fernandes

Minister Persaud (right) and Mr Fernandes taking a casual stroll around the Zoo yesterday brought into the zoo and hopefully address acts of cruelty towards animals in Guyana. The petting zoo, it has been disclosed, will also significantly strengthen the zoo’s school education programme at the Nature School and in conjunction with the playground will serve as a complete and effective facility for youth-focussed education at the zoo. In essence, the petting zoo is meant to be a living example of the zoo’s renewed emphasis on education, enhanced visitor experience, animal welfare and higher standards. Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Hon. Robert Persaud and Commissioner of the Protected Areas Commission, Mr. Damian Fernandes inspected ongoing construction of the petting zoo and other enhancement works at the Botanical Gardens and the National Park yesterday. (Clifford Stanley)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

At Mining Day forum in Canada …

Minister Gopaul sells Guyana as country with immense mining potential GUYANA is open for business and its mining sector holds vast potential for investors, declared Labour Minister, Dr. Nanda K. Gopaul, as he delivered remarks at the Guyana Mining Day at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Canada. Minister Gopaul conveyed greetings from His Excellency, President Ramotar, the people of Guyana and Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, whom he represented at the Guyana Mining Day event. Dr. Gopaul told the forum that exploration of Guyana’s minerals offer many opportunities for investment, coupled with the people’s hospitality and the county’s progressive and modern labour laws, which make for cordial relationships between workers and employers. The Labour Minister, who led the Guyana delegation to the event, including representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, urged investors to explore the prospect of mining in Guyana, as the country is a strong advocate for profitable and environmentally-friendly mining ventures. Speaking about the environment, Minister Gopaul noted that the mining of minerals presents lucrative opportunities but these are balanced by the country’s commitment to preserve its pristine rainforest and the environment, as well as strong emphasis on ensuring occupational health and safety practices. He noted that the labour ministry continues to boost its capacity, in conjunction with its partners, to monitor adherence to occupational health and safety and mining regulations, which were produced in collaboration with the Guyana Geology and Mines and the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment. Gopaul said further that strong emphasis is paid to improving the skilled workforce at the technical and academic levels to meet the growing labour demands in the mining sector, adding that in collaboration with several partners, including government agencies, and the Natural Resources and the Environment Ministry, persons are regularly trained in the necessary skills, such as heavy duty machinery operations. LABOUR LAWS IN FRENCH However, he added, investors can source skilled labour overseas when necessary. He also said that Guyana can make available its labour laws

–also plugs its proverbial hospitality among other advantages

Dr. Nanda Gopaul, Minister of Labour, delivering his remarks at the Guyana Mining Day held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Canada. Seated from left are Mr. Bobby Gossai, Senior Policy Analyst, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment; Her Excellency, Dr. Nicole Giles, High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana; His Excellency, Harry Narine Nawbatt, High Commissioner of Guyana to Canada; and Mr. Rickford Vieira, Commissioner, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) in French to accommodate Canadian companies preferring that language. He also pointed out that Go-Invest and the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment provide an enabling environment to encourage investors and will work assiduously to ensure investment risks are minimised. He highlighted too the dynamism with which these bodies have pursued investors for development, which can be attested to by the country’s strong private sector that has been playing a meaningful role in national development. He emphasised that Guyana is a democracy with executive, judicial and legislative branches, all of which will ensure that the rule of law prevails to reduce investment risks in spite of the political climate. MATURING EXTRACTIVE SECTOR MARKET Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, Dr. Nicole Giles noted that Guyana has emerged as a maturing extractive sector market, and Guyana Goldfields, a Canadian mining company, has recently launched the construction of what will be the largest gold mine in Guyana. Dr. Giles also said that she was impressed by the commitment and forward trajectory of Canadian companies gathered at this year’s Mining Day to discuss plans and activities for responsible miner-

al exploration and development in Guyana in spite of facing commodity markets that are not as favourable as they once were. “The Government of Canada remains committed in this and many other ways to supporting efforts to develop the extractive sector in Guyana... The immense potential of Guyana is being realised by a number of Canadian firms who are capitalising upon opportunities for investment and expansion. The Canadian High Commission is working with these com-

panies on a number of fronts to enhance the potential for success...” she said. The Canadian High Commission, in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and other stakeholders in Guyana, is currently reviewing the Guyana Mining tool-kit which provides critical educational information on such areas as the different lifecycles of a mine, the various regulations and laws which are applicable in the mining field specific to

Guyana, identifies many of the issues which may arise, and suggests ways that they can be addressed by all, the High Commissioner noted. She added that this initiative aims to help local communities, governments and companies implement related development projects - such as in the area of small and medium agricultural enterprises - for the benefit of people living near mines or other development activities.

GEO-TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Several Canadian companies are already operating in Guyana, including Guyana Goldfields, Sandspring Resources, CGX Energy and Reunion Manganese. The Government of Canada is also working with Guyana to assist the development of a regionally accredited, geo-technology education programme as well as other vocation-skills programmes to develop the Guyanese workforce.

One dead, three critical in Soesdyke accident By Leroy Smith A YOUNG Christian man whose only name was given as Aaron, and who is said to be the son of a pastor, died yesterday afternoon after the Tapir in which he and several other young Christians were travelling collided with a truck just off the Soesdyke Public Road. Among those involved in the accident were Fabian Williams, Adlenne Simpson and Kishnna Singh. Two of the three are said to be from an interior location, while the other is from the Corentyne in Berbice. The Guyana Chronicle was informed by persons close to the injured that the young people were travelling west along the Soesdyke Highway, after wrapping up a session at Bible School. They were heading to reach another church sister who was having a crusade. It is not clear how the tapir and the truck came to collide, but this publication was informed that the truck might have entered the lane of the tapir. One man who spoke with the Guyana Chronicle, and who is familiar with some of the relatives of the injured, explained that he and some other folks were passing the area when they observed that there was an accident. They quickly got into rescue mode, placing the injured into vehicles and transporting them to Diamond Hospital. It is not clear if Aaron died on the spot or whilst receiving medical attention.

At the Diamond Hospital, church members began converging to offer comfort and support to the injured and their relatives, as other members who accompanied the injured to the hospital sought to get the names of those who were involved in the accident, and to ensure that their relatives were informed in a timely manner. After being stabilized at the Diamond Hospital, some of the injured were transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital for further medical attention and observation. An ambulance from the Guyana Defence Force also assisted in transporting the injured to the GPHC. Word of the accident had by then began circulating, and relatives from as far as interior locations and the Corentyne Coast were making arrangements to travel to the city to ascertain the condition of their loved ones. By late yesterday afternoon, three of the injured were listed as critical and had to be taken to have head scans done, since they were said to be suffering from head injuries and required immediate assessment. The Guyana Chronicle was informed that the person who was driving the Tapir had been involved in an accident before, and yesterday there was some skepticism among some of the church members when they realised that he was the person behind the wheel of the vehicle.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Crimea votes to join Russia, accelerating Ukraine crisis

(Reuters) – CRIMEA’S parliament voted to join Russia on Thursday and its Moscow-backed government set a referendum on the decision in 10 days’ time in a dramatic escalation of the crisis over the Ukrainian Black Sea peninsula. The sudden acceleration of moves to bring Crimea, which has an ethnic Russian majority and has effectively been seized by Russian forces, formally under Moscow’s rule came as European Union leaders held an emergency summit groping for ways to pressure Russia to back

down and accept mediation. The 28-nation EU condemned Russian actions in Crimea as illegal, voiced support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity but took only minor steps suspending talks with Moscow on visas and a new investment pact while warning of tougher steps if there is no negotiated solution within a short period. By contrast, U.S. President Barack Obama announced immediate first steps to punish Russians and Ukrainians involved in what he called “threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”,

ordering the freezing of their U.S. assets and a ban on travel to the United States. The names on the blacklist were not immediately made public but a U.S. official said they did not include Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Pentagon also announced a large-scale air force exercise in Poland which Washington’s ambassador to Warsaw said had been augmented to reassure U.S. allies in the region in the light of the Ukraine crisis. The crisis began in November when Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, under Rus-

sian pressure, turned his back on a trade deal with the EU and accepted a $15 billion bailout from Moscow. That prompted three months of street protests leading to the overthrow of Yanukovich on February 22. Moscow denounced the events as an illegitimate coup and refused to recognize the new Ukrainian authorities.

The Crimean parliament voted overwhelmingly on Thursday “to enter into the Russian Federation with the rights of a subject of the Russian Federation”. The decision, which diplomats said could not have been made without Putin’s approval, raised the stakes in the most serious east-west confrontation

since the end of the Cold War. T h e v i c e p re m i e r o f Crimea, home to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, said a referendum on the status would take place on March 16. All state property would be “nationalized”, the Russian ruble adopted and Ukrainian troops treated as occupiers and forced to surrender or leave, he said.

Five Afghan soldiers killed in air strike by NATO-led force (Reuters) - FIVE Afghan soldiers were killed on Thursday in an air strike by the NATO-led force in Afghanistan’s eastern province of Logar, Afghan officials and the coalition said. Coalition airstrikes on friendly targets have helped widen a rift between Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the United States, cementing his resolve not to sign a bilateral security deal to let U.S. troops remain in the country after 2014. “We condemn the attack

on the Afghan National Army in Logar,” said Aimal Faizi, a spokesman for Karzai. “The president has ordered an investigation.” The airstrike, at around 3.30 a.m., seriously wounded at least eight other soldiers, said district governor Khalilullah Kamal. “Right now a discussion in the province is going on between Afghan officials and foreign forces to find out the reason for this attack,” he said, describing the attack as having targeted a new outpost of the Afghan army. A total of 17 people had

been injured, his office said. Coalition forces said soldiers were accidentally bombed during an operation intended to support Afghan security forces in the province because they were mistaken for insurgents. “The aircraft engaged suspected insurgents on a ridge overlooking Nawer village,” it said, adding the victims were later identified as Afghan army soldiers. “We value the strong relationship with our Afghan partners, and we will determine what actions will be taken to ensure incidents like this do not happen again.”

A man holds a Soviet Union flag as he attends a pro-Russian rally at the Crimean parliament building in Simferopol March 6, 2014. REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili

Bombs kill 26 people in Iraq (Reuters) –AT LEAST 26 people were killed in Iraq on Thursday as insurgents set off roadside bombs and detonated explosives-packed cars in Baghdad and elsewhere, police said. The deaths brought to 48 the number of fatalities in the last two days. Armed groups set off multiple bombs by timer or remote control almost daily in the Iraqi capital. Levels of violence rose to their highest in years in 2013, when nearly 8,000 civilians were killed. Security forces are battling Sunni Muslim insurgents in the western province of Anbar, where militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) overran the city of Falluja on January 1. In less than 30 minutes, three parked car bombs exploded in Baghdad on Thursday night targeting Shi’ite neighborhoods. A car bomb in the western Shi’ite district of al-Ammal killed four people and wounded 12 on a busy commercial street, police said. In Karrada, a well-to-do Shi’ite area, a car exploded killing two people and wounding 16, police said. A third parked car blew up in front of the Bab al-Shargi market in central Baghdad, killing two and wounding 10. A roadside bomb exploded in the Shi’ite working-class district of Sadr City, killing five and wounding 12. After the attacks, security forces shut two main bridges between eastern and western Baghdad that are close to the Green Zone, home of the Iraqi government and some foreign embassies. Later, a roadside bomb killed a policeman and wounded eight on Palestine street, a Shi’ite area in eastern Baghdad. All five attacks hit neighborhoods that have been battered relentlessly in recent months as ISIL and other militants look to provoke Iraq’s Shi’ite majority and discredit the government. Earlier on Thursday, a bomb killed four people in a cafe in a Shi’ite district of Kanaan, a town in eastern Diyala province, police said. Two bombs also exploded outside Shi’ite homes in Baquba, Diyala’s capital, killing one person and wounding three. South of Baghdad, around the predominantly Shi’ite city of Hilla, three car bombs killed three people and wounded six. A parked car bomb in Mashaada, a Sunni suburb of northern Baghdad, killed four people. ISIL and other militants often attack Sunnis seen as linked to the Shi’ite-led government. Twenty-two people were killed on Wednesday, most of them in bombings that targeted Karrada and Sadr City in Baghdad.

DATE: 01/03/2014 B 04 08 23 27 09 25 24 DATE: 05/03/2014 C 23 06 25 08 21 18 17












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GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014


Stop showing those vulgar images on TV …ChildLine: Shameless display...

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said he had agreed to the EU talks “with satisfaction”

Cuba agrees to open EU talks on bilateral relations (BBC News) CUBA has officially agreed to talks with the European Union on restoring bilateral relations with the bloc. Foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez said Cuba accepted the EU invitation made last month “with satisfaction”. The negotiations are expected to boost trade and investments in the communist-run island, but will be linked to progress on human rights. The EU restricted its ties with Cuba in 1996 to bolster dialogue on the issue and multi-party democracy. The bloc is already Cuba’s second-biggest economic partner after Venezuela, and many member states have bilateral agreements with the island. ‘UNILATERAL POLICIES’ It also represents a major source of tourism revenue, with hundreds of thousands of European tourists visiting Cuba every year. “Cuba welcomes with satisfaction the 10 February proposal of the high official, which will put an end to the unilateral EU policies towards Cuba and accept the start of the negotiations,” Mr Rodriguez told reporters in the Cuban capital, Havana. The minister was referring to EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton who, at the time, said she hoped Cuba would take up the offer. A timeframe for the negotiations has not yet been agreed but EU negotiators have already said that they aim to sign a new bilateral agreement by the end of 2015. The announcement comes

with Cuba engaged in an economic and social reform process launched by President Raul Castro. It indicates the most important diplomatic shift since the EU lifted sanctions against Cuba in 2008. The communist government has also already expressed willingness to engage in talks with the US. After a meeting with an EU official last month, Mr Rodriguez said he hoped President Barack Obama would follow Europe’s example. The US imposed an economic embargo on Cuba over its economic policies and human rights records in 1962.

(Trinidad Express) THE vulgar behaviour at Carnival is shameful and it is time to revisit whether there should be a live feed of the celebrations, which should not be viewed by young children, says ChildLine co-ordinator Mary Moonan. ChildLine, founded in 2002,

is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that provides a helpline, 800-4321, to assist and rescue children who are physically or sexually abused. “I don’t think it is acceptable to continue like this, and I think the media houses must also be held responsible for displaying these things because

I know, sometimes, they actually look for couples that are doing the most vulgar gyration to show them on TV and then, of course, when the particular couple realise that they are on live TV, their behaviour goes from bad to worse. We have to stop that, that is within our control; they need to set very

Going down low: Masqueraders wine low on the roadway during Tuesday’s Carnival Parade of the Bands on South Quay, Port of Spain. —Photo: ANISTO ALVES

Convicted murderers ask Government to stay execution (Trinidad Guardian) TWO convicted killers, who lost their final appeal before this country’s highest appellate court, are seeking an assurance from the State that no steps be taken to execute them before a petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights is heard. Garvin “Beam” Sookram and Keron “Bellies” Lopez lost their appeals last week after the British Law Lords examined their cases. In response, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan said he had not personally seen the request. Saying, however, that it would be given consideration in accordance with the law. “There is ample precedent and

a well established procedure for dealing with such matters by which I am guided,” Ramlogan added. Sookram, a reputed gang leader from Sawmill Avenue, Barataria, and his partner, Lopez, were convicted on March 2, 2009 of the murders of Kerwin “Richie” Hinds, and Kerwin “Ox” Cyrus, on July 28, 2004, at Sawmill Avenue, Barataria. The Appeal Court dismissed their appeal shortly afterwards, in April 2011. While they were on trial before Justice Joan Charles, it was the State’s case that on July 28, 2004, Hinds, Cyrus and their friend Sean Quamina went to Sawmill Avenue, Barataria, to meet Sookram and Lopez. Quamina stayed in the car, while the four others walked into a track off

Granado Street. Quamina, who was made a state witness, testified that shortly after the men walked into the track, Sookram and Lopez drew guns and began shooting at Hinds and Cyrus. Before being shot, he said, Hinds drew a gun and returned fire. Quamina said he ran away and hid in a house until police arrived. Quamina later left for Brooklyn, New York, and was murdered in his apartment on February 1, 2010. He was not in the witness protection programme as

previously reported.

clear guidelines as to what they will show on TV,” Moonan said. She said the costumes have gone “overboard” and the behaviour of some masqueraders was unacceptable. “That is not what Carnival is all about. I find it shameful and I find it a very poor example being set for our children who see men and women gyrating against each other; I mean, the only thing that is left for the imagination is the clothes they have on or the costume they have on, but otherwise, I don’t think that is the way one should display one’s emotions in public,” Moonan said. “I am not against sex; people who wish to have sex can have it in the privacy of wherever they wish to have it, but not in public and where it is being shown on live TV to anyone who is watching and, more often than not, it would be young children,” she added. She asked how a parent could teach their children to not behave in this manner when adults are behaving this way, and even parents themselves. “When one is high on whatever they are drinking and whatever else they may be smoking, can we leave it up to individual responsibility? Society has to decide what is acceptable behaviour and what is not, and what is not, needs to be removed, if need be, enforced by the police,” she said. Port of Spain Mayor Raymond Tim Kee had also knocked the behaviour of masqueraders, saying it was “vulgar and reprehensible”.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014



Fanning the flames of ethnic hatred: Shades of Rwanda

THE constant hate-fest of the opposition media has destroyed lives, reputations, businesses, relationships et al relentlessly for years, with the victims having no recourse to justice. Worse, the generation of race-baiting articles in tandem with opposition ‘kith and kin’ rhetoric has driven a wedge between Guyanese people for too long, so it is time these unscrupulous entities are challenged by someone fearless of consequences and vested with formidable representational capabilities that would perhaps serve to instill a sense of responsibility in media houses as to the real intent and mandate of information dissemination entities. So, it is encouraging to victims of one particular print media house that Guyana’s esteemed Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Hon. Mohabir Anil Nandall, both in the spirit of his sublime scriptural warrior’s name and his position within the legal fraternity, to uphold others’ and his own reputation and the interests of the Government and the people that he serves, has filed and has been granted an interim injunction in a multi-million-dollar lawsuit through a petition by Attorney-at-law Sase Gunraj, who is acting on his behalf, which signals commencement of High Court proceedings for libel against Kaieteur News. The AG is claiming damages in excess of $20M for the publication of two defamatory columns, aggravated or exemplary damages in excess of $10M, costs, and further or other orders as the court deems just. The affidavit filed by the AG cites Adam Harris, Mohan Lall (aka Glenn Lall) and the National Media and Publishing Company Limited as defendants. In the lawsuit, the AG contends that the contents of the columns “(were) calculated to cause, and did cause me, great public embarrassment; held me up to odium and ridicule, and to disparage me as the Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs and Member of Parliament” on both national and international fronts. Nandlall described the contents of both columns as a “malicious and unwarranted” attack. History is replete with instances where hate-fests left unchecked have destroyed families, communities and nations. The Rwandan Genocide was the 1994 mass murder of an estimated 800,000 people in the East African state of Rwanda. Over the course of approximately 100 days, from April 6 through mid-July, over 500,000 people were killed, according to a Human Rights Watch estimate. Estimates of the death toll have ranged from 500,000 to 1,000,000, or as much as 20% of the country’s total population. The assassination of one Juvenal Habyarimana in April 1994 set off a violent reaction, during which Hutu groups conducted mass killings of Tutsis (and also pro-peace Hutus, who were portrayed as “traitors” and “collaborators”). That genocide had been

planned by members of the Hutu power group known as the Akazu, The primary responsibility for the killings themselves rests with two Hutu militias that had been organized for this purpose by political parties: The Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, although once the genocide was underway, a great number of Hutu civilians took part in the murders. The Rwandan radio station, which broadcasted from July 8, 1993 to July 31, 1994, played a significant role during the April–July 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Widely listened to by the general population, it projected racist propaganda against Tutsis, moderate Hutus, Belgians, and the United Nations mission, UNAMIR. It is widely regarded as having played a crucial role in creating the atmosphere of charged racial hostility that allowed the genocide to occur. Does the above ring a bell? In Guyana, there are constant instances where individuals and public figures and politicians, inclusive of members of the media, engage in behaviour which serves to divide our people; and the venom in their rhetoric could be construed as attempts to intimidate persons. The support for these media houses by NGOs such as GHRA and Red Thread suggests that they are apparently advocating that such dangerous behaviour must be allowed to continue; and it is interesting that, taking into consideration the concerns expressed by the People’s Progressive Party, Government and other stakeholders, at no time has the opposition media-controlled Guyana Press Association ever reassured Guyanese of the GPA’s and its President’s commitment towards playing their part in promoting racial unity in Guyana. It is hoped that all stakeholders, including the regional and international community, take cognisance of the fact that the GPA has, in the past, termed statements by the PPP advocating that media desist from publishing/telecasting inflammatory rhetoric as ‘baseless accusations against members of the private media’, and attempts to intimidate private and independent journalists; yet Demerara Waves, which is operated by a former President of the Guyana Press Association, once allowed someone in the comments section of one of its stories to make a post calling for attacks against a particular ethnic group in Guyana, which has been a constant in the operational dynamics of opposition media reportage. Sadly, this did not appear serious enough to warrant the concern of the Guyana Press Association and its then President, Gordon Moseley, whose Facebook posts on July 19th and 20th 2012, at the height of the protests and ensuing chaos in Linden, where he was providing constant updates and during which he is reported to have made the racially insensitive posts, miraculously disappeared from his account following a condemnatory PPP press release which drew attention to the fact that Mr. Moseley, following the unfortunate deaths of three protestors in Linden, as GPA President on July 19, 2012, fully aware of the racially-charged environment at the time,

shockingly decided to make a comparison between the Linden situation and the way police dealt with protestors in Albion a few years ago, during which he stated that the area is a PPP stronghold and claimed that protestors there had burned a police station; and then he incorrectly stated that no-one was killed at Albion, as opposed to what transpired in Linden. Although he was wrong on both fronts about the Albion protest, it is interesting to note that Mr. Moseley chose to attack the PPP, rather than condemn the opposition parties for instigating and perpetuating the violence in Linden. Based on these glaring revelations, it is clear that the Guyana Press Association is not interested in pursuing the facts and transgressions of certain individuals in society, who were and are directly responsible for the many incidents in Guyana where opposition-led ‘peaceful protests’, through incendiary agitation of their supporters using various ploys, devolved into wanton destruction of private and public properties, loss of lives, and a derailment of national development. It is worthy to note that a responsible Press Association would have ascertained the facts before rushing to issue such a brash, illogical and insensitive response as characterized by that of Mr. Moseley. It is time that responsible journalists stand up and take back their profession in Guyana, knowing that while they must hold the ruling party and Government accountable, this also should apply to all others in society, including themselves and their colleagues. This simple message adjuring responsibility in reporting by the leadership in the Government the GPA President, NGOs such as Red Thread, GHRA, as well as opposition leaders and other like-minded allies will try to maliciously and erroneously construe as an attack on private media and press freedom. They even go so far as to carry false claims to Reporters without Borders, without once thinking about adverse consequences to national developmental dynamics. Perhaps this action by Guyana’s AG will serve as a warning and/or a deterrent to opposition media houses to curb their tendency to destructive, sensational, farcical and misrepresentational reporting and character assassination, and to instead stick to factual and unbiased information dissemination.

Put your money where your mouth is, Lincoln WHEN the Government of the Republic of Guyana resumes its subvention to the Critchlow Labour College (CLC), it will be an act of good faith. It even goes beyond an act of good faith; rather, it is an assertion of its rights, as the government of the people of this country, to an institution that serves the people of that same country. That is what a sensible government of any country does for the institutions that come under its administration; failing this would be a dereliction of duty.

So, this hullabaloo about the government wanting to control the CLC is utter trash! Government is just making its presence felt in another of those public institutions in which it is a major player. The withdrawal of the subvention to this institution approximately one decade ago was fraught with much danger, the reasons being the government was booted out of the affairs of the College. Government was sidelined from having any say in the day-to-day operations of the College; hence it reacted with a

withdrawal of its subsidy. The culprits in this political game were the Opposition PNC and its partner in crime, the TUC. They were the ones who thought it best that the governing party should have no say in the way the College was run, their understanding of a labour college being a political entity set up to satisfy the whims and fancies of the Opposition. It was their mistaken belief that the Critchlow Labour College is a college “owned” by that group of persons; therefore, from that point of reference, it

should be a ‘hands-off government’ in anything done there. Well, that silly notion soon caused a drying up of funding by its main contributor, the Government, and the stark reality soon set in. CLC ground to a screeching halt, and that institution was forced to close its doors. Now that the subvention has been re-introduced, the same charlatans are at it again, citing, among other things, the return of a PPP Government “control” of the institution. Utter hogwash!

If Lincoln Lewis and company believe that CLC is a private institution, and it belongs to them, then why don’t they fund it? Why would they clamour for Government funding when they are the ones in control? If you want to be in control, then put your money where your mouth is. This is the asinine uttering of a confused political trade union. Similar moves were made at another tertiary institution, the University of Guyana, when the operations there were politically disrupted by the said union and its acolytes. Here again, po-

litically motivated action was drafted to keep the Government out. Those moves failed miserably, and so would the present ‘rantings’ as they relate to the Critchlow Labour College. These guys are an incorrigible lot, and history is replete with their nonsensical arguments. Government must play a pivotal role in all public institutions that come under its purview; and in light of the foregoing, Government has every right to assert itself on all matters there. NEIL ADAMS

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014


Ramjattan’s relevance in question

M&CC ineffective stewardship is cause of illegalities

ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) members in the Diaspora are voicing their concern over the whereabouts of close to $50M they’ve raised in campaign funds, which to date cannot be accounted for. They should not cry over this small sum of money they donated to help the AFC defeat the PPP. From Day One, when the PNCites in AFC wanted Trotman to ignore the rotation and be head man over Ramjattan second election around, I said to the former PPP supporters in the AFC that AFC only want your money and vote, but keep your traps shut after. The PNCites in AFC had pegged PNCite Nigel Hughes to be at AFC helm whenever next election is held, but Nigel dumped mess all over himself, and is a risky politician at present. I will repeat again that no one, not even Ramjattan’s family and close friends, will ever vote for him; so, at present, Ramjattan is irrelevant to AFC. Those disgruntled PPP supporters who voted for the old ex-PPP traitor Nagamoottoo will not give him a second shot at it, simply because he joined with his new buddy, Nigel Hughes, to call for ‘consequences’ that brought harm to them on the Agricola Public Road. Who is left to lead AFC for the next election? AFCites like Sasenarine Singh, Mike Persaud, Anand Persaud, Glenn Lall, Tarron Khemraj, the Hotel Peg owner and others now realise that Ramjattan and Nagamoottoo soaked them big time financially to support a party in which they have no power. The media should ask these former PPP supporters if they ever bargained for the PNCites in AFC to run things for them.

THE recent article by INEWS Guyana re: Deputy Mayor criticizes disparity in litter fines refers. EPA has no objection to harmonization and has only confirmed the mismanagement that is taking place at the Mayor and City Council. The Mayor and City Council as an entity, has been incapable of managing the huge daily piles of garbage and litter across the city; but Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green is now up in arms at efforts being made the clean up the mess the M&CC have been neglecting over the years. As a concerned Guyanese, I am appalled at the inefficiencies of the M&CC, and would like to state that the difference in fines from $10,000 to $50,000, as stated in the article, does not absolve the M&CC from carrying out its mandate to keep Georgetown clean and bring back the days when the city was known as the Garden City. The M&CC has a responsibility to its citizenry, but sees the increase in fines as an opportunity for more corrupt practices by members. The officers of the M&CC have, over the years, been ineffective at penalizing offenders with fines of $5,000, so how can they now be capable? The cry by the Deputy Mayor that the Municipal and Districts Councils Act needs reform is no one’s fault but the M&CC. However, the Environmental Protection Agency must be commended for updating its regulations and necessary laws to arrest the growing garbage situation plaguing our capital city. The long forgotten Garden City is bound to remain the garbage city, as we currently know it, if the M&CC should maintain its current status quo of neglecting the city rather than welcome efforts and initiatives to transform Georgetown.




With World Bank credit…

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

U$10M contracts awarded for enhancing UG output THE Ministry of Education yesterday handed over two contracts for the execution of the University of Guyana (UG) Science and Technology Support Project (UGSTSP). They are aimed at rehabilitating 14 laboratories at UG and the reformation of the curricula in the faculties of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Science, Technology and the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. The US$10M cost is being funded by the World Bank through credit which was secured by the Guyana Government. The undertakings will seek to improve the quality of facilities at the university, improve infrastructure and assist in researching the Low Carbon Development areas. Addressing the gathering on the occasion yesterday, UG Vice-Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyi acknowledged the fact that the institution is

lagging behind in infrastructure, technology and facilities. He said this programme is being undertaken to enhance the quality of education provided at Turkeyen and will support online degree programmes, further improve the physical environment and ensure that the infrastructure is safe, clean and healthy. SIGNIFICANT ROLE Also present was Minister of Education, Ms. Priya Manickchand, who admitted that tertiary education plays a significant role in the development of any country. She posited that, if Guyana is to develop rapidly, “we must ensure that UG is fully prepared to put out people who will contribute to national development.” “Thus, proper facilities are needed for training of these individuals,” the minister said, reiterating that UG is well poised for develop-

ment but every department, every lecturer and students must make sure they all play their independent roles so quality output can be the end result. “UG must be a place environmentally and physically capable of putting qualified students into the world. We will do what we have to, to put students out there who are competent in the wider world,” she said. Manickchand explained that this project is a manifestation of the Government playing its role in a tangible way. On that note, she referred to the presence and efforts of the consultants and said they had gone through a competitive process of bidding and have satisfied the World Bank.

Education Minister, Ms Priya Manickchand hands over the relevant documentation to UG Vice-Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyi

HIGH QUALITY The minister gave assurance that the output of graduates will be of high quality because what will be put out into the country starts at the University level.

The University of the West Indies (UWI) Consulting Inc. was awarded a US$499,243 contract to coordinate and supervise the reform of 15 Bachelor’s Degree programmes. In addition to that, an

Italian/Guyanese joint venture, Hydea, in association with RPA Rossiprodi and sub-consultant CEMCO was contracted to do civil works at the cost of US$368,014. Through this rehabili-

tative process, the physical appearance of the laboratories will be enhanced, water and electrical systems are expected to be improved and air- conditioning and new furniture will be included.

Outside GWI Head Office...

Family of hit-and-run victim stage protest By Michel Outridge THE widow, Abiola McPherson and three of the six children of dead ital food vendor Claude Derrick Mc Pherson, who was killed on February 27, staged a peaceful placard bearing protest yesterday. In their quest for justice, they were accompanied by relatives of the deceased, who was struck off his bicycle and dragged some 400 yards before being run over by the driver of a Guyana Water Inc (GWI) vehicle. The protesting took place in front of GWI Head Office at Vlissengen Road and Church

Street where activist and pardoned treason accused Mark Benschop spoke in support of the demonstrators. He said the family members and relatives of Mc Pherson are pleased that the driver involved in the death of their loved one was charged and put before the Court yesterday. But they demanded justice to the fullest as no effort was made by GWI to talk to them or offer financial assistance to the family. Benschop said: “Look how the fatal accident happened; the driver did not stop or render assistance and, to top it off, parked the vehicle in GWI’s compound

and fled and then went into hiding and Mc Pherson has been treated like an animal, with his family left to suffer, the wife and six children.” He stated that the water company did not even attempt to contact the family at any time or offer to offset the funeral expense Mc Pherson. The dead man’s wife said it is very difficult for her to cope with the sudden loss of her husband, who was the sole breadwinner of the home and now she is left to single-handedly support six children. WHITE BICYCLE Mc Pherson, called ‘Chip-

The peaceful protest for justice by family members and relatives of Claude Mc Pherson yesterday outside the water company py’ 43, of Lot 169 East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, also in Georgetown, was struck off his white bicycle, pulled for more than 400 yards away from the point of impact and then run over by the GWI vehicle about 21:00 hrs on Trench Road, in the city too. He was on his way home to retrieve his cell phone that he had forgotten there when he

Prosecution closes case in Mahaica felony murder trial By George Barclay THE prosecution in the Mahaica felony murder trial closed its case yesterday after calling 14 witnesses. The witnesses, including three eye witnesses, had testified about seeing two men ride up on a motorcycle at Hope, East Coast Demerara on August 20, 2010 where the felony murder occurred. According to the witnesses, one of the men who was armed with a gun

––Defence lawyers make no-case submissions

demanded a bag with money and shot and killed Lakhram Bishundial, called ‘Mohan’, in a parked lorry and took away from another vehicle a bag that contained $500,000 that was earlier withdrawn from a city bank to purchase articles for a wedding ceremony The witnesses were skillfully cross-examined by Attorney-at-law Mr. Trenton Lake representing number one ac-

cused Shawn Anthony Thom and Mr. George Thomas, representing the number 2 accused Orrin David, called ‘Plait hair’. The evidence of the eyewitnesses was regarded by the defence lawyers as unacceptable. At the closure of the prosecution’s case, Mr. Lake elected to make no-case submissions in the absence of the jury, where he was seeking to have the case against his client

thrown out by the judge on questions of law. Defence Lawyer Thomas also addressed Justice Franklyn Holder with the hope of getting his client freed on a question of law. When the trial resumes today Senior State Counsel, Mrs. Judith Mursalin, who is conducting the case for the prosecution, will reply to the defence submissions.

was killed. The driver, who fled the scene, did not report for duty at GWI since having reported that he had hit a horse after lodging the keys to the silver grey Toyota Hilux Surf pick-up. The morning after the fatal hit and run accident relatives of Mc Pherson conducted their own investigation and found the ill-fated vehicle parked in the

compound of GWI and alerted the Police, who took it away. A post mortem revealed that Mc Pherson died as a result of multiple injuries and relatives said his body was broken in almost every part. GWI said it has been cooperating with the Police fully and efforts are being made to meet with the McPherson family.

Murder accused Sahadeo freed on no-case submissions JUSTICE William Ramlal yesterday upheld defence no-case submissions in relation to murder accused Satnanand, called ‘Boyso’. The judge directed the mixed jury to return a formal verdict of not guilty in favour of the accused. Sahadeo who was facing a retrial was accused of having on the 29th day of June 2005, in the county of Demerara, murdered Vishnu Santie. Sahadeo had pleaded not guilty and was represented by Attorneys-at-Law Mr. Peter Hugh and Miss Latchmi Rahamat. At the close of the prosecution’s case Miss Rahamat made no-case submissions which were upheld. Attorney-at-law Miss Natasha Backer, in association with Miss Deonne Mc Cammon, prosecuted.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana...

APNU and Harmon caught out once again –in mad rush to change position on AML/CFT Bill

OLD Kai expected the ‘lick down, bruk down’ reaction by A Partnership for National Unity after recent polls indicated that the ruling party is in the ascendency, in terms of public opinion, and should an election be called, they would not most likely regain their majority in the National Assembly. The polls were conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) and Internet news site, iNews Guyana. Both polls indicate dwindling support for the opposition, with the AFC slipping to an all-time low of 4% public support, while APNU numbers fell to 38%. The People’s Progressive Party was the only representative in the National Assembly with a positive net increase of 46%. This clearly underlines the fact that the ‘gymnastics’ being performed by both the AFC and APNU in the National Assembly with the nation’s business has been causing increased frustration among all Guyanese, but even more so among their own supporters. However, truth be told, the attack by the opposition against the results of the independent polls is simply a good performance deserving of an Oscar nomination, as they were well aware that Guyanese were becoming tired of their antics, and that support was slipping. When Moses cried out from the wilderness months ago that party donations were drying up, it should have been a wake-up call. When APNU supporters publicly criticized their party

leaders for deliberately delaying the passage of the AML/CFT Bill at Town Hall meetings recently, it was also obvious that the writing was on the wall. So this impression that they are surprised at the public’s increasingly negative reaction towards them was simply a commendable effort at ‘bluffing us’. So when APNU, led by Joseph ‘The Harmonica’ Harmon, stands up before the media with a straight face and is quoted as saying “the polls were designed to engender such results... It was all about giving the PPP (a) moral bolster...,” someone should have asked of him, if this were the case, why was APNU now rushing to change position on the AML/CFT Bill? While on one side of his mouth he was ridiculing the result of the polls and by extension, Guyanese who participated in the exercise, on the other side he indirectly admitted that APNU was buckling under pressure. We are now told that the controversial APNU proposal, where, based on a mere suspicion, a citizen in possession of $2M or more in cash or kind can be arrested and charged, was now being increased to 10 million. Both polls had indicated an overwhelming negative reaction by members of the public against the APNU proposals, which were supported by the AFC. The iNews poll from what we are told indicated that 72% of participants rejected the position by the opposition. The opposition should not be playing these childish games with this nation. People are suffering, businesses are affected and workers may very well begin to feel the squeeze because APNU and AFC are

Dharmic Sabha’s Phagwah Mela & Bazaar, Folk Dance Festival set for Saturday THE Guyana International Conference Centre, Lilendaal, Greater Georgetown is the place to be Saturday when the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha hosts its spectacular annual Phagwah Mela & Bazaar and Folk Dance Festival. Gates open at 16:00 hrs. The Sabha is very happy with the great interest expressed by dance groups from across Guyana and looks forward to some electrifying performances from groups coming from Essequibo, Berbice and Demerara. All of the dancers have been working hard on their performances and are excited to be part of the folk dance festival. Keen competition is expected for the top spots. During the past two years since the festival’s inauguration, the top spots were won by the Saraswati dance group of Essequibo and the Jewan ka Nritya Group of West Coast of Demerara.

The first prize is $50,000 plus a trophy, the second prize is $40,000 plus trophy and the third prize is $30,000 plus trophy. Other participating groups will receive cash awards and trophies. The Sabha wishes to thank GBTI and Digicel for their generous contributions toward the hosting of the competition. In addition to the Folk Dance Festival, more than 30 dancers from the Sabha’s own Dharmic Nritya Sangh will be presenting several new and exciting choreographies. Music for the event will be provided by the E-Networks Orchestra. Singers Rekha Singh, Sookrane Bookdhoo, Mona Gowkarran, Aarti Sookhai, Govinash, Arisha Pooran and others will add to what promises to be a truly entertaining evening for the entire family. The grounds of the Conference Centre will be transformed and patrons can move freely from the beautifully decorated stage area to the Bazaar featuring numerous food stalls offer-

ing a variety of sumptuous dishes and sweets, mehndi booths and games for all, as well as great shopping deals on everything from Indian clothes and jewellery to Phagwah supplies to phones from Digicel. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. Tickets cost $800 with children under five being given free admission. Paid parking will be available within the compound of the Conference Centre. Patrons can also choose to park outside for free. The Sabha wishes to thank Digicel, GBTI, NTN, Rent-a-Tent, Shaline’s Flower Shop and E-Networks for their kind contributions towards the event. Tickets are available at Red Mango on Robb Street; Bhagwan’s on Water Street; E-Networks on Camp Street; and the Dharmic Sanskritik Kendra in Prashad Nagar. Enquiries about tickets may also be made by calling: 227-6181 or 219-1900.

having difficulties with basic Math. How can these people ever genuinely feel they can be placed to administer the affairs of this nation when they cannot make up their minds on what really they want included in the AML/CFT bill, while they are pussyfooting around the place, Guyana has missed another deadline and is on the verge of suffering from an international financial blacklist. Again I reaffirm, these people are not intent on passing this amendment; why else would they want to keep the media and private sector out of the Parliamentary Sub-Committee meetings on the amendment. This is a national issue, all Guyanese stands to be affected, why keep them in the dark about what their political leaders are really doing in these meetings. What about all the talk about transparency and accountability to tax-payers by the opposition? Do they not count now or is it just a convenient reference, when the occasion suits their agenda? What the APNU and AFC have done with this showing is to confirm to the Guyanese people that they lack the ability to lead this nation, they lack the ability to effectively and efficiently administer the affairs of this nation and that they should not be trusted with public office. The results of the recent polls based on the views of average Guyanese is testimony to this fact. Old Kai will now leave you with that quote by Paul David Tripp which says, “Foolishness is more than being stupid, that deadly combination of arrogance and ignorance.”

Expanding Little Diamond/Herstelling NDC gets another tractor THE Little Diamond/Herstelling Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), on East Bank of Demerara, received a tractor yesterday, to better improve services offered to residents in the community. Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Mr. Norman Whittaker handed it over at a simple ceremony in the NDC compound and urged its officials to take good care of the vehicle, noting that it was purchased at a significant cost. It was bought to ensure that the local authority is equipped to handle the garbage situation in their areas. According to the Chairman of the Works Committee, Mr Wilfred Bassant, the machine was acquired for $5.2M. He pointed out that the money used to buy it was from last year ’s Government allocation and the NDC funds. Bassant said the NDC is grateful for the provision and will do whatever it takes, with what it gets from Government, to improve the lives of citizens. He indicated that the machine will be used for slashing, collecting and disposing of garbage along with other

The spanking new tractor acquired by the NDC NDC work. Bassant revealed that the tractor they got 20 years ago is still working but this brand new machine will ease the work load of the older one. The Chairman also pointed out that, with their area expanding, the purchase was at the right time as, with the expansion, the tractors will now have more work and more ground to

cover. Bassant said the old and new tractors will be used to serve residents in the new and existing housing schemes, noting that, it is only a matter of time that the new housing scheme, being one of the largest with approximately 10,000 house lots, will be in the district under the care of his NDC. (Savitri Laikram)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Photographs of honoured Guyanese women on exhibition AN EXHIBITION was opened Wednesday at the Public Buildings, in downtown Georgetown, in honour of women who made history in Guyana. Secretary of the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO), Mrs. Indra Chandarpal said it was the third of its kind and the venue for the National Assembly is the best place for such, since it is one of the highest forums for decision making. “We will be honouring seven Guyanese women for these women have excelled in their respective fields,” she disclosed. One of the honorees is Justice Desiree Bernard, who is

a recipient of the Order of Roraima. She served as a member of the Guyana Judiciary for 33 years and retired in February 2014, leaving a reputation of judicial excellence and integrity and the legacy of a dedicated and tireless worker for women’s rights and gender equality. Another of the women, Ms. Diane Mc Turk has received worldwide acclaim for her extraordinary work over the years with injured and orphaned giant river otters, one of the world’s (and Guyana’s) most endangered wildlife species. PIONEER RANCHER She stands as an example

Gov’t presents two sets of Law Books to UG

with her legacy of courage, innovation and resilience as a pioneer rancher, conservationist and eco-tourism leader in her beloved Karanambu on the Rupununi River. The Golden Arrow of Achievement (AA) was awarded to Mrs. Lyla Kissoon, on February 23, 1988. Her advice to young women and girls is to be honest with themselves even when circumstances are challenging. Sister Mary Noel Menezes is first and foremost a member of the Religious Order of the Sisters of Mercy (RSM). She is a prominent Caribbean historian and educator, achieving the highest academic distinction and serving as a role model for women pursuing academic careers. She was also honoured with the Golden Arrow of Achievement (AA) in 1982. Ms. Magda Louise Muriel Pollard is recognised both nationally and internationally

At the exhibition on Opening Day for her firm commitment to women’s rights and those of the girl child. In 1996, she was conferred with the Arrow of Achievement (AA) as well. Mrs. Marilyn Dewar’s musical abilities are multifaceted, as she plays the cello, organ, violin and sings as well and is, arguably, the most sought

after music teacher in Guyana. She has been instrumental in resuscitating the Guyana Music Festival which has not been staged since 1997. The late Mrs. June Ramsammy was first attached to the former Guyana Graphic Limited, and was the only female executive on the Board of

Management of the newspaper. She had strongly disagreed with a report that said women will have to wait for about 450 years to attain equality with men in decision making positions. The photographs of all those women are now on show in the Public Buildings.

Homeless teen’s death sparks plea for authorities’ visit By Michel Outridge ANDRE Moti called ‘Andy’, a 13-year-old who did odd jobs in the Foulis, East Coast of Demerara neighbourhood while seeking food and shelter, met a tragic earlier this

week. His body was discovered on the roadway at 20th Street, in the village, and the circumstances surrounding his death, ahead of his fourteenth birthday, are being investigated. He suffered massive inju-

Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall hands over a copy of the books to Jacob Opadeyi, Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana STUDENTS of the University of Guyana, particularly those in the Law Programme, will now be able to have a better understanding of Guyana’s laws through the provision of law books. Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall on Wednesday handed over two sets of books to Professor Jacob Opadeyi, Vice Chancellor of UG, at the Ministry of Legal Affairs. Fourteen books, a collection of Guyana Law Reports over the period 1977-2007, and the Volume of the Laws of Guyana as revised up to 2014, along with the index from 1930-2007, were presented. A large component of the Modernisation of the Justice Administration Project has been the revision of the Laws of Guyana. The minister noted that, “education is not something that should ever be confined to oneself, but must be shared,” and advised that the students make good use of the books and take care of them, so that the future generation can be able to benefit from them. He added that “these books are intended to advance the additional cause of the students at the University, studying Law.” Meanwhile, Professor Opadeyi expressed his gratitude to the minister for the intervention, which he said will be very useful to the students. He added that this contribution to the University will aid the students in the areas of understanding their courses, homework and research. Recently copies were presented to the Inter American Development Bank’s Representative Sophie Makonnen, and Chancellor of the Judiciary (ag) Carl Singh.

Andre Moti (Photos by Michel Outridge)

The body of Andre Moti on the roadway yesterday

ries and appeared to have been run over by a motor vehicle which smashed his head. Police reported that, about 06:30 hrs on March 5, the corpse of the teen, who had no fixed place of abode, was found at Foulis and investigations are in progress while his remains are at Lyken Funeral Parlour in Georgetown awaiting a post- mortem. Aunt of the deceased, Ramrattie Ronie, 41, of Lot 726 Nineteenth Street, Foulis, told the Guyana Chronicle that she was alerted by neighbours, who informed her that her nephew’s body was lying in the street. She said she could not bear to look at it, since the dead teen had grown up with her from the age of three years after his

mother died in an accident and he was sent to her by a relative when his father migrated. The woman said the teenager lived with her until a week in the New Year when he took the opportunity of her not being at home to pack his belongings and leave her house. He has been roaming the village ever since, she lamented. The lad is the son of her husband’s sister and she described him as a cheerful, pleasant individual, who used to assist her with the household chores because he did not attend school while she was at work. He is survived by a sister in Guyana, two other siblings and his father, who resides overseas. ROAM ABOUT Villagers said Andre used to roam about in search of work, food and shelter and recently worked with a neighbour. They said, when he left his aunt’s house, he claimed he was being ill-treated and they pleaded with her to take him back there but she refused. They disclosed that Andre is one of many children in the village who do not attend school and are unattended as they walk about and loiter. They said they would like the authorities to visit the village and get a firsthand look at the situation facing many school age children.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Natural Resources Minister and Mexican Ambassador discuss closer environmental partnership

MINISTER of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud on Wednesday met with Mexican Ambassador to Guyana, Francisco Olguin to discuss closer collaboration between Guyana and Mexico with regard to environmental matters. Present also at the meeting were Commissioner of the

Protected Areas Commission, Damian Fernandes and other environmental officers. Already, the ministry is receiving support from Mexico for the Three Parks Initiative (TPI) which involves the full restoration of the National Park, Zoological Park and the Botanical Gardens. In a brief comment at the

Ministry of the Natural Resources and the Environment, on Brickdam, Minister Persaud said that the meeting was aimed at strengthening relations between the two countries with regard to natural resources and the environment. He said Guyana was invited to attend the 19th meeting of the XIX Forum of Ministers of

Environment of Latin American in Mexico to discuss concrete measures and practical solutions to deal with challenges posed by the environment and natural resources. Minister Persaud noted that the meeting will also seek to

strengthen ties to develop the oil and gas sector. The minister, along with other technical officers, will be attending the meeting from March 12 to 14. Over the years, Mexico has contributed towards local development. In 2011, an MOU


was inked between the two countries for the establishment of a consultative mechanism that focused on all aspects of bilateral relations the two countries share, including political, economic, scientific, technical and cultural. (GINA)

UG law students’ placement at Hugh Wooding...

Impasse to be discussed at upcoming Heads of Gov’t meeting ATTORNEY General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall Wednesday told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that government will spare no effort in resolving the recent decision of the University of the West Indies’ (UWI) Council for Legal Education to not automatically place 25 University of Guyana (UG) Bachelor of Law (LLB) students at the Hugh Wooding Law School. As part of an agreement between UWI’s Council for Legal Education and UG, every year, 25 automatic placements were offered by the Council for Legal Education to UG for entry into its Hugh Wooding Law School. The Council however, recently took the decision that UG’s 2014 batch will not be guaranteed any place at the institution. Minister Nandlall, who met with UG’s Vice Chancellor Professor Jacob Opadeyi, at his office on Wednesday, concerning the issue, said that since the decision taken by the Council in February in Barbados, government has, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, made several interventions including writing to the Secretary General of CARICOM, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, and requesting his intervention. He said government also sought to engage the Heads of Government to address the issue and they have agreed that the matter will be addressed at the next Heads meeting which is

scheduled to take place this weekend. “Government considers this a matter of priority, because it puts in jeopardy the welfare of a number of students who would be completing the LLB programme at the University of Guyana in the year 2014, and it also jeopardises the entire law programme at the university and it jeopardises the future of students who are already in the programme and those students who are desirous of entering the programme,” Minister Nandlall said. He noted that government is always committed to ensuring its people, especially its young people, have access to education as it sees education as a vital tool to combat poverty and to advance citizens’ development. “Therefore government will spare no effort in ensuring that this impasse is revolved in a manner that is beneficial to our students at the university,” he said. Meanwhile, Professor Opadeyi said that he was pleased that government had chosen to intervene in the matter, and that the involvement is a speedy one with the matter being tabled this weekend. “Our students are not just Guyanese; we have students from outside of Guyana who come and study with us, so our interest here is to fight for the rights of our students so that they can become professionals. If we deny them the opportunity to have professional education, we will not able to move on as a country,” he said. (GINA)

Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud and Mexican Ambassador to Guyana, Francisco Olguin during a discussion at the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Food vendor killed in hit-and-run accident laid to rest

The coffin bearing the body of Claud Derrick Mc Pherson as family members wept

By Michel Outridge VEGETARIAN (ital) food vendor, Claud Derrick Mc Pherson, called ‘Chippy’, who was killed in a hitand-run accident on February 27, was laid to rest Wednesday following an emotional farewell service at the Church of God of Prophecy, Pineapple Street,

Dead: Claud Derrick Mc Pherson.

East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme. During the service loud wails penetrated the atmosphere as hymns were sung in the crowded church. Some family members and relatives resorted to

kneeling in front of the coffin while others collapsed and had to be assisted. Residents and others, some of whom stood outside the church, were all solemn as they paid their last respects to the well-known food vendor, who operated a food stall on Mandela Avenue . Family members and relatives renewed their calls for justice after the hit-and-run accident that took their loved one’s life. According to reports, ‘Chippy’, 43, of Lot 169 East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Georgetown, was struck off his bicycle and dragged for more than 400 yards from the point of impact by a Guyana Water Inc. (GWI) vehicle at about 21:00 hrs on February 27 at Trench Road. He was said to be on his way home at the time in order to retrieve his cell phone which he had forgotten when he was killed. This newspaper understands that the GWI driver who was involved in the hit-and-run accident that took the life of McPherson has turned himself over to the police. A post-mortem examination revealed that Mc Pherson died as a result of multiple injuries. Relatives said his body was broken in almost every part.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Two Canadian companies merge to boost Eagle Mountain Gold Project By Clifford Stanley TWO major Canadian mining companies, Goldsource Mines Inc. and Eagle Mountain Gold Corporation have merged forces with the aim of accelerating the development of the Eagle Mountain Gold Project, near Mahdia in Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni). Eagle Mountain Gold Corp. which has exclusive rights to Eagle Mountain announced the merger with Goldsource earlier this week. As a result, the company has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goldsource. Meanwhile, top officials of both companies have expressed optimism that the merger will deliver good results for the

Eagle Mountain gold mining venture. Ioannis (Yannis) Tsitos, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eagle Mountain Gold Corp. said that the merger had received the overwhelming support of the shareholders and he believed that this new era will drive significant growth and sustainable value for them. J. Scott Drever, CEO of Goldsource Mines, disclosed that he was pleased that the business combination had been successfully completed. He said: “The new Goldsource Mines brings together a powerful combination of well-defined gold resources and dynamic, successful people with strong financial capabilities.” He added: “We are con-

vinced that these attributes will set the stage for accelerated development of the Eagle Mountain Gold Project and enable us to commence gold production in Guyana on a ‘phased’ production basis prior to yearend.” Goldsource also reported that it had recently raised Cdn $2.4 million by means of shares. The company disclosed that proceeds, obtained by private placement, will be used to advance the Eagle Mountain Gold Project and serve general working capital purposes. Eagle Mountain is located approximately 4 kilometers ( km) from Mahdia. Drill results to date have shown that Eagle Mountain contains a resource of 188,000 ounces of gold (indicated) at

Litter bug ordered to do 50 hours community service LEON Garraway (no address given) was ord e re d b y M a g i s t r a t e Geeta Chandan-Edmond Wednesday to perform 50 hours of community service.

Garraway pleaded guilty to the charge which stated that on Monday, March 3 at Water Street, a public place, he deposited waste. City Constabulary Corporal James Garnett, pros-

ecuting, said the facts were as charged. Garraway begged the magistrate to place him on community service, stating that he is a poor man and cannot afford a fine.

an average grade of 1.49 grams per ton (g/t) and 792,000 ounces (inferred), average grade of 1.19 g/t gold .

Eagle Mountain Gold Corp. previously disclosed that with the current resource covering only a small portion

of Eagle Mountain - 250 hectares inside the 5,050-hectare property - there was excellent potential for expansion.


Businessman fined $20,000 for abusive language, threatening behaviour against Colwyn Harding By Geeta Rampersaud A TWENTY-ONE-YEAROLD businessman of Lot 70 Eldorado Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, was fined $20,000 on charges of abusive language and threatening

behaviour committed against Colwyn Harding Wednesday. Silvanus Jasper appeared before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond and pleaded guilty to both offences that said on Wednesday, February 26, at Princes and Adelaide Street,

Friday, March 07, 2014 - 08:30 hrs Saturday, March 08, 2014 - 09:30hrs Sunday ,March 09, 2014 - 10:30hrs

Georgetown, he made use of threatening behaviour and abusive language to Harding, where a breach of the peace may be occasioned. Cadet Officer Collin Primus, prosecuting, said that on the day in question around 05:20 hrs the defendant confronted the VC and accused him of being a part of a robbery that took place at his home. During the confrontation he drew a gun and made threats to Harding. Attorney-at-law Mr. Jonas Coddett said Jasper lives at a family residence and is an expediter in his family business. His duties entail purchasing stuff and sending the items to their Matthews Ridge business location at least two to three days per a week. The lawyer said that in the North West they supply persons with diesel, goods, etc. The goods are usually stored at his home, which was broken into by thieves and this irritated his client. The defence counsel said his client expressed his views about the baton sodomy matter and he also suggested that the Red Thread organisation may have had an influence on the defendant being arrested and charged. Jasper, who has no prior conviction, was fined $10,000 with an alternative of three months imprisonment on each charge and his lawyer requested some time for him to pay the fine.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Aries March 21 - April 19

There isn’t anything you can’t organise today, so it’s a great time to tackle any major clean up projects that you’ve been putting off for a while. Whether you need to tame the mess in the garage, sort through what to keep and what to toss in your closet, or get going on your taxes, today is the day to do it. The sooner you begin, the sooner you’ll get through it. So stop putting this off. It won’t be as unpleasant as you think.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

The buzz around you is rapidly rising to a fever pitch today, as people you didn’t think even knew your name are giving you a lot of attention. You have a unique energy that is pulling people toward you, and today that magnetic effect will pull in some people with real power. Match everyone smile for smile and be more outgoing than usual. You could really make the most of this newfound popularity today, if you just buy into your fabulousness -- for once!

Gemini May 21 - June 21

You will be making plenty of connections today, and each of them could plant a seed in your life. There is strong potential for a new career opportunity, although it may take weeks if not months to come together. The apple of your eye is going to get a lot friendlier, too, but it might not be for the reason you think. It’s important to let your outgoing nature guide you today, because it knows who you need to meet most -- and will make sure you’re introduced.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

Turning to friends and family members for advice is always a good idea, but ultimately you’ll find the answers inside yourself. Right now, you are the best person to resolve your problems. What you need to do is to have an honest internal talk, a real down-and-dirty conversation with your inner self. Find out what you really, truly want. Then everything else will become obvious. The answers all lie within, so have some faith in your own way of thinking.

Leo July 23 - August 22

Your family obligations are at the centre of your world right now, and they could be causing a conflict in your social life. Explain the situation to your friends honestly and completely -- don’t leave out any details that you think aren’t important, because all the information is relevant. They have families too, and will understand why you are reorganising your priorities. They might even offer to help you out and take some weight off your load.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

You are no stranger to being generous with your money, but how generous are you with your time? Make more of an effort to spend time with people who need your special guidance -- whether it’s a coworker, younger person in your life, or relationship partner. Not everyone is as independent a learner as you are, so you cannot expect them to pick things up as quickly as you do. The good news is that every extra minute you spend with someone will be rewarded with a deeper level of connection.

Libra September 23 - October 22

If you can hang in there a little longer, you’ll be able to take what you’ve recently learned from each other and put it to good use in your relationship. First, though, your sweetheart or best friend (whichever the case may be) will need to stop being jealous or resentful of the time and energy you’ve been devoting to your family. You, of course, can help them to lighten up and have fun, and it certainly is their turn for some attention, don’t you think?

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Suddenly you’re starting to feel things that you didn’t anticipate for someone you never thought about that way, before! Before you freak out, think about the possible origins for this change of heart today. You’ll soon see that your emotions are heightened by a benevolent sense of obligation or guilt. Give this new feeling a few days to simmer, and most likely it will fade away. It’s all a reminder that right now, you’re under the control of your heart much more than your head.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

During the course of this day, you need to make an effort to stimulate all your senses. Strike out on your own to explore new smells, sights, sounds and textures ... the world has a lot to offer, and while you’ll never be able to experience everything, you should try to make an effort to experience more of it -- especially today. You’ll be like a sponge, able to absorb everything that crosses your path. The end results will be new ideas and a new direction.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

Having an unorthodox approach is not a bad thing! Your ability to move off the roadmap of established ideas and delve into unexplored territory is one of your best qualities -- and it’s going to win you several fans today. Alas, it may score you one or two enemies, too -- at least for the time being. No one wants to step out and be the leader, so when you raise your hand and suggest a way, you have to be prepared: Some people will be jealous that you have more courage than they do.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

There’s a fine line between two people who are super compatible and two people who have no sparks. If a friend’s less than hot and sizzling love affair has you concerned that they are settling for less than they deserve, you have every right to say something. Of course, you have to muster up all the tact you can to do it. Flattery is always a good idea -- once you remind them how incredible they are, they will start to see how this new person in their life might not be able to make the grade.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

There has been one too many misunderstandings in your social life, lately, and it could be holding you back from relaxation. You have two choices today: You can either get face to face with the person who is confusing you and finally get to the bottom of things, or you can move on to a different set of social partners for a while. There is nothing wrong with taking a break from people who are rubbing you the wrong way. You can always return later, if you want to.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Lucky ‘Link Show’ patron to get Fly Jamaica ticket FLY Jamaica in collaboration with Mr Ron Robinson of the ‘Link Show’ will be presenting one lucky patron with a ticket to any of the airline’s

destinations. A representative of the airline said that they are elated to be given such an opportunity at this year’s ‘Link

Show’. The drawing will take place at the held-over show at the National Cultural Centre on Sunday, March 9th. (Rebecca Ganesh-Ally)

Two men and a woman remanded on armed robbery charge By Geeta Rampersaud TWO men from Meadow Brook Gardens and a woman from East Ruimveldt were refused bail by Magistrate Judy Latchman Wednesday on an armed robbery charge

ACCUSED ANIKIE ROGERS committed last Sunday at Lime Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. Peter McKenzie, a 23-yearold Digicel employee of Lot 298 Meadow Brook Gardens and Anikie Rogers, 19, of Lot 195 of Meadow Brook Gardens and Alana Taylor, 35, of Lot 212 East Ruimveldt, all of Georgetown, were not required to plead to the indictable offence that said on Sunday, March 2 at Lime Street, also in the city, being armed with a gun they robbed businesswoman Elizabeth Hendricks of one BLU cellular phone, one gold ring, one hang bag, one laptop, three Blackberry chargers, together valued $341,000. Police Sergeant Vishnu Hunt, prosecuting, successfully objected to bail, citing the seriousness of the offence and the fact that a weapon was used in

the commission of the offence. He said it is likely that if granted bail the defendants may not return for their trial. The prosecutor did not object to Taylor’s pre-trial freedom. He said that the woman is a friend of the virtual complainants for a number of years and will be used as a witness in the matter. He also stated that he was instructed that the investigating rank tried to have the charge withdrawn against Taylor but by the time this could have been done, the file had been sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). Attorney-at-law Mr. Mark Waldron said the investigators are fully aware that Taylor had no connection with either of the accused and had been cooperat-

ACCUSED PETER MCKENZIE ing fully with the police. Meanwhile, Attorney-at-Law Paul Fung-a-Fat representing the duo argued that there is no evidence to implicate his clients. He said McKenzie was employed with the VC two months ago at her pit mine in the hinterland. The trio was remanded to prison until March 7.

“I love my husband so much and it’s his first mistake,” court told…

Indian national freed on wife abuse charge

AN Indian national accused of assaulting his wife had the charge against him dismissed Wednesday by Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond after no evidence was offered. Thirty-two-year-old Sunil Kumar of Lot 26 Success Housing Scheme, East Bank of Demerara denied the allegations which stated that on March 4 at Balwant Singh Hospital, East Street, Georgetown, he committed the offence against Lilawattie Pooran, 19. The woman gave sworn testimony that she did not wish to proceed with the matter. The magistrate asked Pooran if she had received any threats or promises to influence her against giving any evidence in the matter and she responded, “I love my husband so much and it’s his first mistake.”

At left, Mr Ron Robinson receives the ticket from Fly Jamaica’s representative.


50 years on ...

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Sugar industry pays homage to ‘Leonora Heroine’ –who laid down her life in the name of justice

Many turned out to salute Kowsilla’s heroism Kowsilla was an executive member of the Leonora branch of the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) and General Secretary of the WPO, Indra Chandarpaul, lays a wreath on her 50th Death Anniversary (Photos by Adrian Narine)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014 By Vanessa Narine THE inspiration that was the sacrifice of Kowsilla, who died in peaceful protest 50 years ago, for the recognition of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and political justice, was remembered yesterday. Many turned out to salute her memory and, braving a brief shower of rain, marched, attired in shirts emblazoned with Kowsilla’s photo, from Leonora Primary School, beginning at 07:00 hrs, to her burial place at the Anna Catherina Cemetery, on West Coast of Demerara. A simple wreath-laying ceremony followed the march and many tributes were paid to Kowsilla, hailed as a working-class heroine. GAWU President Komal Chand, one of those who paid tribute to her, said Kowsilla set an example, and that her sacrifice and struggle were not in vain. According to him, her death was one of many incidents of struggle in the sugar belt for workers’ rights. “It was a long struggle,” Chand acknowledged, noting that GAWU was, finally, recognised after a fight spanning more than 30 years. Chairman of Region Three (Essequibo Islands/

West Demerara), Julius Faeber, in his remarks, pointed out that 50 years later, the stance Kowsilla took for justice still resonates. BETTER OFF “Our workers are now better off,” he admitted, adding: “They have better pay and better working conditions…we are celebrating the life of a great person.” Representing the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), Hydar Ally said commemorating Kowsilla’s 50th death anniversary is a milestone when “brutality and oppression” characterised the nature of the system. Ally called, too, for Kowsilla’s death to be remembered in the context of both her struggle and the historical perspective. “The PPP was inspired by her,” he admitted. Kowsilla was an executive member of the Leonora Branch of the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) and its General Secretary, Indra Chandarpal reminded the gathering that the late former President, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, described the history of sugar as one of “blood, sacrifice and struggle” for all those in the belt. “We who inherited her legacy are proud,” Chandar-

pal said. MOSTLY WOMEN On March 6, 1964, Kowsilla, also known as Alice, was among scores of mostly women, who were standing on a bridge of the Leonora Estate sugar factory in protest, when a tractor was driven, by a strike breaking scab, over the mother of four and sole breadwinner of her family. Born in 1920, she was killed when her body was severed in two. Felix Ross, the driver who drove the tractor, was subsequently acquitted. The offspring of poor and hardworking parents, this strong-willed woman from Seafield, Leonora, was a huckster but was actively involved in the fight for liberation from colonial oppression and the imposition, by an expatriate, of a company union on the sugar workers. Kowsilla paid the ultimate price by displaying the highest order of resistance for her belief in adequate wage for adequate work. Representatives of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), other fraternal organisations and five of GAWU’s branches were among those who participated in yesterday’s ceremony.

With US$6,1478 cheque…

Red Cross gets Japanese grant to buy an ambulance

The Red Cross’ Mrs Dorothy Fraser and Japan’s Mr Yoshimasa Tezuka append their signatures to the Grant documents. At left is Health Minister, Dr Bheri Ramsarran (Photo by Adrian Narine)

Kowsilla’s daughter, centre, among others at her burial site yesterday during the wreath-laying ceremony

THE Guyana Red Cross Society has received a grant of US$6,1478 from the Government of Japan, for the procurement of an ambulance to be used for first aid services. Japanese Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Yoshimasa Tezuka and Secretary General of Guyana Red Cross Society, Mrs. Dorothy Fraser, signed the documents for receipt of the cheque on Monday. The assistance is for the Grass-Roots Human Security Project, designed to promote grass-roots projects worldwide by assisting non-profit organisations, the envoy said. This particular programme will allow the Red Cross to improve the quality of its first aid services and better equip it to save lives, he explained.

Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, who was present at the signing, expressed his gratitude to the Government of Japan for, yet again, assisting the sector. He acknowledged that the Red Cross has kept volunteerism alive and commended its efforts in doing so. Ramsaran also said the Ministry of Health will extend a helping hand to the Red Cross for it to collaborate in the training of its personnel in the proper use of the ambulance. The vehicle will benefit the First Aid Department of the Red Cross Society, tremendously, since it offers first aid posts to many national events, like Mashramani, GuyExpo, schools sports and motor racing, to name a few. Such first aid posts are manned by Red Cross staff and volunteers who have been trained in mass causality management, as well.

Beharry Company hands over $6.5M to Habitat partnership EDWARD B. Beharry & Company Limited, yesterday, handed over $6.5M towards the ‘Beharry Build’ partnership with Habitat for Humanity. The sum was raised in the first half of the venture for which each ‘Chico’, ‘Champion’ or ‘Indi’ branded product sold, Habitat Guyana will receive one Guyana dollar. The partnership was launched in July 2013 and

has since realised a gross of $6.52M to support the provision of affordable housing for extremely vulnerable Guyanese families. Edward B. Beharry & Co. Ltd has been in operation since 1937 and produces an extensive range of internationally certified products, including spices, noodles, confectionery, baking products and pasta. M r. A n a n d B e h a r r y,

Chairman of the Beharry Company said the venture is not a marketing one but a way for the company to give back to its community. The partnership seeks to support the development of Guyanese families, one house at a time and also marks the largest local scheme Habitat has undertaken collaboratively since its doors opened here in 1995, Mr. Rawle Small of Habitat stated.

Habitat’s Mr Rawle Small receives the cheque from Mrs Anjuli Beharry in the presence of Beharry’s Chairman, Mr Anand Beharry (right) and a representative of Habitat for Humanity


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Hi folks, this week, with your special reading whims and fantasies in mind, I have deceided to tease your \entertainment tastebuds’ a bit with the intention of giving you ultimate readers’s satisfaction. So take a wild hilarious ride as you peruse this and the next three pages.... Soak up the juicy gossips, party updates and all the spicy contents that make the Entertainment Bombshell the hottest supplement in town. Do enjoy and join us again next Friday... I have a pleasant surprise for you then aha ha ha ...

Nachgana Academy of Dance celebrates 1st anniversary with ‘Dancing Enchanters’

Telephone contact: 616 0301 or 227 5216

THE new kids on the block within the entertainment industry here in Guyana, ‘Nachgana Academy of Dance’, is about to turn one. To mark this milestone, the group is staging a series of events, which commenced on March 1st when the group staged a Day of Charity that started with a lunch with the kids of the St. Ann’s Orphanage, compliments of Mr. & Mrs Persaud of the USA, and continued with dinner with the homeless on the streets, in collaboration with the Diamond Youths in Development. On Saturday, March 15th, the group will stage its Blood Drive at the Georgetown Public Hospital Blood Bank, starting at 11am and concluding at 4pm. After this, Director of the company, Miss Devi Ramcharitar, said, there will be an award ceremony and dinner, which

makes way for the grand event -- “Dancing Enchanters”. Dancing Enchanters will be held on April 12th at the Indian Monument Gardens at Camp & Church streets, Georgetown, commencing at 7pm. It would be a spectacle of the great talents of Guyanese entertainers. This unique evening of dance, music and drama is expected to be one of greatest ever to showcase the rich tradition and cultural talents, Ms. Ramcharitar has said. This evening will be a picturesque one in the history of dance in all genres. One can come with all sorts of expectations and not be disappointed. Entertainment will be available for the older Cha Chas and Cha Chees to the modern youth; all will be treated with a tribute of their era in music and dance. The fun doesn’t stop there. The company would continue

the list of events and execute its annual puja, after which it would end the series with a Take-away Lunch Sale, said Director Devi Ramcharitar. Bombshell urges all to support these events, as together we try to sustain and improve our entertainment industry and rich culture and traditions. Tickets for this enchanting evening of Dancing Enchanters are priced at $2000 for Stage Front, and $1000 for general seating, and are available at: Georgetown: Shoppers Paradises – Regent Street Bhagwans – Water Street East Bank Demerara: M&M Snackette – Demerara Habour Bridge CopyTech Internet Café – Little Diamond Flawless Beauty Salon – Diamond Housing Scheme Satno Variety Store – Grove East Bank Demerara Cell King - V/Hoop Ray’s Indian Fashion – Leonora Sally & Shanta's Fashion - De Willem, WCD The Murti Shop -- East Coast Demerara Seeta Puja Stall – Mon Repose Market

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014


The ladies soliciting corner…

Bombshell’s hottest, cutest dudes!!!

THIS week, we are not only teasing your taste buds, ladies, but also giving you the ultimate challenge of genuinely netting a dashing young man who is normally ‘hard to get’. Well, he is not Mr Invincible, but he just loves the thrill of having the ladies chase after him. Don’t be discouraged, girls, he happened to mention that once this stallion is captured, the captor is in for the thrill of her life. From what I heard, he is captured already. Ooooooops!!! This mouth of mine….. Roger Callendar enjoys working out, participating in athletics, and playing basketball. He is also one of Guyana’s talented actors and runway models, and desires a lady with that adventurous side. Since he is also a certified Personal Trainer, Roger takes great pains to look his best always. Well, I know you females are looking for that phone number. Good for you! All you have to do is seek and you will find him. When you do, he has something else to tell you….

Roger Callendar will make the ladies’ teeth sweat ROGER CALLENDAR

Bulletin!!! Bulletin!!! Bulletin!!! The “Guyana Region 3 Chamber of Commerce and Industry” is holding a fundraising BBQ and Lime on Saturday March 8, 2014 at Aracari Resort. Entrance to the venue is free, but BBQ tickets cost only $1,000 for a delicious BBQ dinner. This, of course, is an excellent deal, and you should not let it pass. An ANSA McAL Bar will be on the premises, so I know that I need not elaborate on all the fun you would miss if you are not there. All proceeds from this event will be going to the chamber to assist with establishment of a Chamber Secretariat to provide services to members.

GEM’s ‘Cutest Baby’ Contest… AS part of GEM’s 10-year anniversary celebration, the magazine is collaborating with ANSA Mc AL Limited, Geddes Grant, and DSL Cash & Carry under their Pampers’ brands -- Huggies and Johnson respectively -- to hold a “Cutest Baby Contest” for infants up to 18 months old. Interested parents are required to submit a recent photo of their baby along with the following information: baby’s name; birth date; parents’ names; baby’s gender; birth weight; god parents’ names; favourite toy, and favourite baby food to on or before Friday, March 14, 2014 to be considered. Each baby will be judged from a closed panel of judges comprising representatives from the sponsors and GEM. The first three babies with the most votes will receive special hampers from the sponsors. The first 10 babies will be featured in the April/May edition of GEM.

My, My....What a husky, virile Caribbean morsel...

Hello there dearie, you are such a dreamy little creation

Isn’t she adorable?


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Bombshell’s Hottest Babes…

Selena and Katherina adding fire to the already scorching Rupununi Savannahs AS we toured the length and breadth of Lethem in Region 9 recently, we were certainly given the ‘time of our lives’ as we attempted to persuade a hot, sultry damsel to be featured on this page. To me, it seemed all the girls there were explosive, since they all possessed good looks and were seemingly very intelligent and versatile personalities. Immediately, I realized that our criteria for selection would have to be more than just physical beauty. Then we bumped into these two bubbly damsels, and they for sure possess all we desired. They were enticingly witty, overflowing with sweet laughter, and their bright-eyed good looks certainly matched their energetic and fiery spirits. Selena has just turned eighteen, while Katerina just recently reached the exciting seventeen ‘furlongs’. They both enjoy the outdoors, dancing, singing and sometimes hunting. For them, it’s pure heaven to let down their beautiful hair and go chasing after pond and dragon flies in the beautiful Rupununi Savannahs. Bombshell salutes these two beauties as they enjoy the call of the wild, wild Rupununi

Entertainment Hotpoint!!

Entertainment cauldron bubbles as Vizion Sounds hosts sizzling football clashes

WHILE the buzz of the fiery football clashes between the Jamaican Boystown Football Club and several local teams has had fans waiting with bated breath, hosts Vizion Sound Records wishes to inform that all the foreign artistes would indeed be performing at the selected shows, as was previously announced. Fans can brace themselves for sizzling performances from Guyana’s First Born group and international act Duane Stephenson, on Sunday night at the GCC Ground at Bourda. Last night, the music phenomenon ‘Ginja’ teased and excited patrons at the Buxton Play Ground, and everyone left the venue satisfied. Meanwhile, top-notch acts ‘Voicemail’ arrived in Guyana last night, while Christopher Martin is slated to touch down tonight for breathtaking showcases.


You Shouldn’t Do That!!!

School children should be concerned with academics

IT appears tuh me like all dem school girls want to do nowadays is waste dem parents money and dem school teacher’s time. Imagine, de odda day I stepped into a snackette at the junction of Light and Lamaha streets and received de shock ah me life. There was dis school girl sitting there in her uniform, holding hands wid a young man who appeared to be older than she was. And they were doing so in full view of the public! I sat down and pretended to be having a telephone conversation just to see what was going on. I spent forty-five minutes there, and during that time the two rubbed fingers, traced circles in their palms, stroked the upper arms, and blew kisses. Here, in photo, the young man is caught sticking out his tongue at her suggestively, and she was visibly swooning in delight. I kept wondering what on earth was going on here!! These kids paid no attention to onlookers, many of whom remarked disgustedly at “those young people’s actions”. I strongly suggest that that snackette proprietor should be a lot more vigilant to discourage this type of activity occurring among “the young people” on her business premises, instead of just looking on in a carefree manner. I am also suggesting that teachers of this school be on the lookout for students engaging in this type of irresponsible behaviour because it potentially has ‘reckless’ consequences. I hope you parents and guardians can do me dis favour: Alyuh tell me, is wha wrang with dem school gals You ain’t shame girl? After all dat money yuh parents wasting nowadays? pon yuh?

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014


Gossip!!! Gossip!!! Gossip!!! Gossip!!! Ole People seh…

‘Duh fuh duh is nat obeah!’

WELL, you see some men does deh bout de place doing dem wife all kinda nasty things, and when dem women retaliate, dem men does cyant tek it! When de men dem misbehaving, all does seem to be well just because dem is men; suh deh think dat dem suppose to be macho and it’s ok fuh dem to do all de wrang dem desire. When dem women get fed up and lash back at dem, is den deh does hold dem head and bawl. And some ah dem even does try fuh tek dem life. Well, ole people does always she dat, “Duf fuh duh is nat obeah!” Oh me mamma woi! People, alyuh come hear story…. Eh-eh man, look! Well, ah certain big time promota mysteriously rise tuh fame in quick time, and build big house and buy fancy cars, and just showing off all he luxuries. If you see he big fancy gold chains and rings, and de most expensive cell phones. Well, everybaddy glad fuh he, because he win big time awards and thing. If yuh see dis man rolling around wid he drivah, controlling huge wads a money in de car, which de drivah sharing out at de promotah’s instructions. Man look, if yuh see how dem lil dangles getting in pon dem small piece because dis promota nah like see skirt tail. Well, de man did good promotions, yuh can’t tek dat away frum he, and he does plan and execute dem shows well; but ah wandering how he does manage de finance, because we hear frum de grapevine dat he in millions ah dallas ah debt because he mismanage de money at dem shows, plus we hear rumas dat de gatemen run way wid de proceeds frum wan ah dem big events. Anatha source seh he de owe some people, and deh just come at de gate when de show near done and forcefully tek way dem money. Well, how sad…. If yuh owe people, yuh gat tuh pay up yuh dues! Dem people seh dis promotah literally callapse when dis thing happen, and dem had tuh rush he to de haspital. Well, everbady calling de affice tuh collect monies owed to dem, and I know dis man was at de brink ah insanity, but wha nearly kill he, we hear, is dat he catch he atha half in a very compromising position wid anata man. How Bombshell buy it is just suh we selling it… “Duh fuh duh is nat obeah!” because if de woman de turn ah bird and see all dem nasty things dis man bin doing behind she back, she wouldah turn into a pillar ah salt or fall into instant coma. When yuh giving blow, expect fuh receive blow tuh! We hear dat de man cyant tek it, and

drink ah poisonous substance and bin in de hospital. Well we hope he was remorseful and change he dutty ways while he was recuperating in deh. But wait! It look like dis man gawn into exile since he left de hospital! He ain’t answering he phone, and he business place always close up dese days. We hear he planning anadda big event, but de reportas can’t even get ah interview because deh can’t even trace de

man. Like he hiding or wha??? Hear nah bai, people does mek dem mistakes and deh does learn frum dem. Yuh serve up spile cookup and share it out to everybaddy. All wha happening is dat life is serving it back tuh yuh. Suh don’t hide in dat claset, whimpering… Come out and face de world and put yuh pieces back together. Is like we does always seh: “Duh fuh duh is nat obeah!”

Oh lawd!!! He catch she red handed!!!

Yuh should ah think befopre yuh splurge wildly,

Land of Canaan Karate Dojo performs well

THE Canaan Karate Dojo did exceptionally well at the 6th annual ASK-G “Mash” Karate Championships held at the YMCA Dojo in Thomas Lands, Georgetown last Sunday. Under the tutorship of Sensei Parmeshwar Persaud, the Dojo entered seven young Karatekas in the championships, and had a return of 14 medals. The students showed great character at their first outing, and, from all appearances, they will only get better. The medal winners were Aarti Ramgolam: 2 silver medals in both kata and kumite in the 6- to 9-year old females’ open tournament. Aubrey Bridgewater: 2 silver medals in both kata and kumite in the 9- to 11-year-old males’ green/purple belts. Esha D’Ornellas: 2 gold medals in both kata and kumite in the 12- to 14-year-old females’ white/green belts. Chelcia Benjamin: 2 silver medals in both kata and kumite in the 12- to 14-year-old females’ white/green belts. Avinash Ramgolam: 2 gold medals in both kata and kumite in the 12- to 14- year-old males’ green/ purple belts. Charles Benjamin: 2 bronze medals in both kata and kumite in the 12- to 14-year-old males’ white/orange belts. Amar Ramgolam: 1 bronze medal in the kata kumite; and Sensie Parmeshwar Persaud, who copped a silver medal in the 18- to 44-year-old (adult) males open. Persons interested in being part of the Land of Canaan Karate Dojo can contact Sensie Parmeshwar Persaud on tel: 624-3173.

Exciting artiste/musical lineup planned for Buxton/Foulish Mash 2014 VILLAGES on the East Coast of Demerara are feverishly preparing for the much-anticipated Buxton/Foulis Mash festivities, and promoters have already announced the official route mapped out for the Mash Tramp and Costume Parade. Speaking exclusively to Bombshell, Promoter Ian Havercone announced that, this year around, a large contingent would be coming from Plaisance village and will join the awaiting revellers at the Buxton Railway Line. They would then ‘tramp down’ to the Melanie Damishana Market Square, and circle the entire Buxton Village before congregating

for the ‘Night Time Revelry’ at the Buxton Community Centre Ground. The Buxton/Foulis Road Parade and Soca Bacchanal is slated for Sunday, March 16, 2014; and the promoter has disclosed that in order to spice up the sizzle at the annual event, organizers have carded the likes of iseveral local artistes to their programme, just to ensure the fans are ultimately satiated. Bombshell has managed to garner from him that he has planned a thrilling line-up of local artistes, with performances by Kross Kolor’s X2 entertainers Adrian Dutchin and Jomo Primo, and the striking fusion of the Super Cat and Super Ray One Man Bands. Havercone also said that no holds would be barred, so to speak, in staging this year’s

promotion, and the promoters are ‘going all out’ to ensure the Buxton/Foulis Mash revellers and ancillary supporters are satisfied. Music for the event will be supplied by Fusion Sounds, Stereo Sonics, Determine Sound System and TRS Sounds. A riveting face-off is expected between the Super Ray and Venom one-man bands. Sponsors for this exciting event are, so far, Star Party Rentals, 94.1 Boom FM Radio, HGP TV, ANSA Mc AL Trading, NCN, Junior & Sons Art Shop & Auto Window Screen Repairs, Money Max Jewellery, Baddow and Buxton/Foulis NDC, E-Networks, Trans-Pacific Motor Spares, Talbot Construction School, HJTV, Prographics, Precise Printing, and Demerara Distillers Limited.

22 22



    rooms and apartments 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom apartment, long- and short-term rental. Affordable rates. Call 227-2199, 2272186, 227-2189.

 Driving School, 2 Croal Street: Enjoy 20% discount, you could also obtain an International Driver's Permit covering over 123 countries. Call 227-3835, 2273869, 227-7560, 622-8162.

 Inn Apartments and Caral. With Jacuzzi, kitchen and hot and cold from $3 000, AC $5 000, Eccles. Tel. 679-7139, 639-4452, 619-3360.

 Institute of Motoring Learn to drive at an affordable cost. Professional, Courteous and Patient Driving Instructor. For more details contact Annmarie/Vanessa at 172 Light and Charlotte Streets, Bourda. Te# 227-5072, 226-7541, 2 2 6 - 0 1 6 8 .



 your income filling 100 envelopes for US$500, information, send stamped self-addressed envelope. Nathaniel Williams, PO Box 12154, Georgetown, Guyana.



Inn Apartments and Car Rental. Premio, Vitz. Eccles New Scheme. Tel. 6797139 , 639-4452, 6 1 9 - 3 3 6 0 . 


 you cursed, depressed, demon-possessed or need finance? Call Apostle Randolph Williams - (592) 2616050 20:00hrs to 23:00hrs.




 or gain weight, fat reduction power, protein powder. Call 660-2686, 625-7073.

MASSAGE MASSAGE                       .                        

 tutor offers help in English, Reading, Writing, etc. - low level to CXC. Call 696-7467.

       Divinty Spa, 245 Sheriff St., specialise in relaxation and therapuetic massages, facials. C a l l 6 6 1 - 6 6 9 4 , ask for Dianna

 is Fun. Register now and learn to play the keyboard, guitar, drums and do Voice Training. Call Foundaiton7 on 225-1151, 617-4200.

 Service: Swedish deep tissue, therapeutic, prenatal. All massages done by qualified therapist. For appointment. call Samantha 661-2219.


 College registers for Forms 1-5, CXC (adults) classes, day and evening classes, phonics and Grade 6 lessons. 2237906, 690-5008,. 94 2nd Street Alberttown.  classes: Dolphin swimming club, Thursday 05:30hrs - 06:30hrs and Saturday 06:30hrs to 07:30hrs. All ages. Tel. 669-3757, 641-2571, 690-1559.  parents/ guardians! Supercharge your child/loved ones' reading and writing skills using the highly effective hooked on phonics programmes. Call 624-7711 now. Small class size, individual attention guaranteed, quiet area, fees reasonable. Academic Excellent (IAE) Register for Forms 1 - 5, CXC Repeaters, Lessons, morning and evening classes for adults, Mathematics, English A, Science and Business. Flexible time table. 683-5742, 223-0604 or visit us at 194 Camp Street (Behind Ultra Waters.).   Cosmetology School offers professional training in cosmetology. For the best training in hair, skin and nails, weaving, female hair cuts, hairstyles and lots more, Courses are certifiable and commence 3rd March, 2014 616-8005, 6611720, 231-9780, located at 50 Camp and Robb Streets Lacytown, Georgetown opposite Republic Bank.


LEARN TO DRIVE   and Outar Driving School (formerly Soman & Sons), 185 Charlotte and King Streets, Maraj Building- 6222872, 644-5166, 689-5997, 6150964.





 Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-en-Rust between Camp and George Streets. Tel: 2236331, 227-2307.

 Soon! Southern Georgetown's only Pawn Shop, Best Solution Pawn Shop, located at 3 Aubrey Barker Street, South Ruimveldt Gardens, opposite Shopping Plaza above Royal Castle. Call 638-9116, 603-0976.

 a Friend! Get educated! Get Married! Migrate!..through the CFI. Telephone Friendship Link. Call 592-261-5079, 654-3670, 6888293,261-6833 twenty-four hours

 Graphic Artist CorelDraw & Adobe Photoshop. Apply to: Executive Office Services, 82 Albert St, & Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown.

you match: find lifelong partners, friends; confid e n t i a l r u l e s a p p l y Te l . 5 9 2 223-8237, 592-648-6098 8:30 am - 5 pm daily; both phones same hours.

 Assistant, 5 subjects CXC inclusive of Maths and English, must be computer-literate. Experience would be an asset. Apply Lens Décor, 8 Sheriff Street, Georgetown or call 2270175.



  

, television, music sets, gas stoves repairs. Call 699-6307.  envelopes $5 each, and any other envelopes made to order. 671-0601. MASH costumes spandex, T-t o ps , tights, l e o ta r d s , unitards, bra, underwear, etc. To order call 622-4386, 2278538 .  Construction and Rental Service excav a t o r, b o b c a t , t r u c k , t o o l s . Te l . 6015024, 227-4536.       Indian Décor: For all your wedding decorations, make up and h e n n a d e s i g n s , contact 6468165, 684-7362.  installation cutting, polishing and profiling to all your granite counter t o p s a lso building of cupboards and closets. Contact Rawle 6117031, 667-7963.     f e m a l e A s s i s ta n t : Knowledge of Marketing, Bookkeeping, computer-literate, can work with little supervision. Age 25 - 40 years. Tel. 671-8883, 614-0949.


  that the following will be publicly sold to the highest bidder on Thursday March 13, 2014 at Vi g i l a n c e M a g i s t r a t e ' s C o u r t Yard at 10:00hrs VIZ (1) One 2 1 " c o l o u r P h i l e s Te l e v i s i o n set serial No. 28867464; (2) One white double door Samsung Refrigerator Model No. 162C, (3) One Black Kenmore Microwave.  (Plaintiff) -and-   (Defendant) Term of sale. Cash Plus 3% auction sales due. R. Mohamed Registrar (Ag) Supreme Court of Judicature.

RENTAL / HIRE RENTAL HIRE  e q u i p p e d k i t c h e n at Julian's Restaurant and bar $ 3 5 0 0 0 w e e k l y. 6 3 8 - 4 5 0 5 , 225-4709.

   provides the best services for all persons (ELDE R LY, D I S A B L E , S I C K LY, MENTAL DISORDERS ETC). We offer the best in Home Care, We have trained, reliable and patient nurses for your every need. CALL US T O D AY. T E L . 6 8 4 - 2 4 1 8 O R V I S I T U S AT 8 7 B A R R A C K S T R E E T, K I N G S T O N .  and Nail Technology courses offered. Contact 226-0258.  Construction: Start to finish, concrete, wooden structures, tiling, painting, plumbing, ceiling and floor varnished all professionally done. Call 6880304, 661-6511, 619-8766.  Vi s a S ervi c e . P r o f e s sional Visa applications to the US and Canada. Fees USA VISA $30 00, Canada $40 00, Plaza Computer Service, 245 S h e r i f f Street, C/ville.               . Open Monday to Sunday 09:00hrs 21:00hrs           a n d S e r vices: We fix all desk t o p s , laptops and tablets. We sell laptop screen as cheap as $16 000. Set up office and business networks a n d i n t e r n e t c a f é . Q u a l i t y, r e l i a b l e and affordable service, trained technician, The PC doctor 696-2602, Get 20% off for March.

 is hereby given that of 42 Robb Street, Bourda is applying to the Minister for Naturalisation and that any person who knows any reason why Naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Georgetown, Guyana.     that the following will be publicly sold to the highest bidder on Thursday March 13, 2014 at Vigilance Magistrate's Court Yard at 10:00hrs VIZ (1) One white freezer Model No. 920020011.   (Plaintiff) and-  (Defendant) Term of sale. Cash Plus 3% auction sales due. R. Mohamed Registrar (Ag) Supreme Court of Judicature.

                                    

 Chowkai Construction: Building of homes, building, renovations, carpentry, masonry, tiling, plumbing, lacquering, painting. Call 6824533

       S a l o n , 17 Cornelia Ida, Public R oad, West Coast Demerara, Manicure, pedicure, facial, nails, hair and treatment for damaged hair also for dandruff and hair loss. By app o i n t m e n t o n l y. P l e a s e c a l l Natash a o n 276-0400, 6025332.   Building Contractor: Carpentry, masonry, tiling, plumbing, painting, drawing of plans, etc, free estimates, general home maintenance, prompt, affordable and dependable. Lot 1232 6th Avenue Section "A" Diamond New Scheme, EBD. Tel. 216-0671, 622-0267, E m a i l 692-8464.



puri made to order for any occasion. Call 226-8469.  PEN PAL  male looking for a female from Guyana, Jamaica or USA. Tel. 668-5901.  of worldwide pen friends. Information? Send stamped self-addressed envelope: EFI, PO Box 12154, Georgetown.



 reading, other works done. For fast results - reuniting lovers, removing evil and all blockages, etc. Call 6968873, 673-1166.  work done in Suriname. Love, marriage, sickness, pregnancy, removes e v i l , p r o s p e r i t y, b u s i n e s s . Readings. Call 674-8603, 597-851-9876. works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remo v e e v i l , b l o c k a g e , r e u n i t e families, lovers, etc. 610-7234, 644-0058. TRANSPORTATION

TRANSPORTATION  Services to Port Kaituma, Kumaka loading area, 3 360 sq ft eg, 12 excavators or 10 trucks or 16 containers and general cargo, 6 000 pounds cold storage, 260 000 gallons fuel capacity. Contact 6179463, 628-7192 Email



 to work in snackette. Call 644-7720.  exists for security guards from Diamond area. Call 226-7973.       Artist, must be able to work in Corel Draw or Adobe CS5. P.O. Box 10501.  Clerk at Narine's Bakery opposite Buddy's Pool Hall. Tel. 225-1497..  Sales Clerk qualifications and experience necessary. Contact 639-2799, 227-8894.  Marketing young computer-skilled person and a secretary. Phone : Carnegie training or Grilling experience would b e a n a s s e t . A s s i s ta n t C o o k Carnegie training would be an asset  Guards, age 3055 years, attractive salary, meals allowance, uniforms provided. Comfortable work environment. Tel. 225-0198 exist at Survival Shopping Complex, 1`73 Sheriff Street for the following: Sales girls evening shift, bond attendant/porters. Call 227-5288.  Guards, lifeguards for Ease & Chalet Recreational Park. Applications must be sent to: The Executive Director, 118 Aubrey Barker Street, South Ruimveldt Park. Cashier: Minimum 5 subjects including Maths and English. Apply within, with passport size photo, 79 Albert and Laluni Streets Georgetown, Nimbus Water Department


 exists for the following positions at : Managers, waiters, waitresses, supervisors, cashiers, bartenders, cleaners, hostesses, security personnel. Send applications to P.O. Box:101848  exists for an Office Assistant. Must have a valid Motor Cycle License. Age 20 and 30 years.Sound Primary Education. Apply in person with application and reference between the hours 10hrs. and 1600 hrs. Cell Phone Shack, 176 Middle Street.  experienced Receptionist. Must be able to work shift, aged 27 to 48 years. Requirements - application, TIN, NIS#, ID#, reference last place of employment, Police Clearance. Call 225-0198 or visit 233 South Rod Lacytown.  you want to live and work in Canada? Get trained, (Canadian standards) as a livein caregiver also care for the elderly and care for children. Training available. 592-227-4881, 416-674-7973.  World: Career opportunity - A vacancy exists for dynamic and motivated individual to fill the position of Night Computer Operator, must have minimum CXC Maths and English and must be computer-literate (including Microsoft Office). Send application to Email         e x i s t f o r Sales Clerk, B o n d C l e r k , A ccounts Clerk, Pharmacist and cleaners a t R o y ' s P h a r m a c y. I n t e r e s t e d p e r s o n s c a n s end in applications along with Curriculum Vitae and one passp o r t - s i z e p h o tograph to Roy's Pharmacy Stall #32-33 and 64-65 B o u r d a Market. one cleaner call Samantha 223-6072.  Requirements - 25 years or over, 3 years driving experience (Lorry), two references, Police Clearance. Apply in person with written application to The Human Resources Department, Wieting & Richter Ltd, 10-13 Water Street, Georgetown.  exists for the following:- (1) One (1) Senior Internal Auditor: Ambitious female to work in Finance Department. Requirements: Certified A c c o u n t Te c h n i c i a n ( C AT ) level 2 or AAT - level 2. Four CXC subjects or equivalent including Mathematics, English and Principles of Accounts. Must be pleasant, disciplined and of stable personality. Experience would be an asset (30 to 50yrs preferably) (2) One Junior Accounts Clerk to work in the Finance Department. Apply in Person to:- Mr. Latchmin K h an /Ra j d a i R a g h u b e e r (Vashti) RK's Security Services 172 Light & Charlotte Streets, Bourda




 the USA for $10 per minute from the comfort of your home. 225-7532, 225-8061, 6724090, 676-7592, 657-8380.

 GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - Size 50 X 100 Price $11.5 million neg. Contact 665-7400, 643-6353.

 Service Agents Are you looking for an exciting opportunity? Possibility of growth with a dynamic organisation? Do you have strong customer service skills and experience? If so, B5 Solutions is looking for you. Responsibilities -: Answer phones and respond to customers' requests, identify and resolve customers\ issues, follow-up on customers\ inquires. Knowledge and Skills requirement - Appropriate diploma or certification, minimum at least 1 to 2 years of prior experience in customer service, strong PC and internet skills, must be fluent and articulate in English. Starting salary (after probation) G$70 000 per month. Application s can be sent to , Highly motivated and energetic person with secondary education, 2 years min. experience in retail sales. Starting at $40,000. - $45,000. per month.  . Highly motivated individual with excellent analytical abilities needed for inventory control and marketing .Diploma in B u s i ness or Marketing field is required. Working knowledge of MS Office, Quickbooks plus 1 year experience is needed.Apply to LENS DECOR, 8 Sheriff Street, G/Town. Call: 227-0176 Email:


Land For Sale

       of land for sale located at Ocean View Drive, Ruimzeight Gardens WCD. Call 267-2348, 694-3896.  at 14 Kersaint Park, LBI, house lot 50x90 - $ 1 5 M . Te l . 6 9 9 - 9 2 0 1 .   house and land at De Kendren $6.5M negotiable. 679-7691, 337-5592.  house lot at Phase 2 Martyrsville, Mon Repos. Price $2.6M neg. Tel. 629-5300.  Gardens: Four lots together (50x100) each $12M each. Tel. 646-3251, 2270464.   cultivated citrus, house, fish pond, storage, 2 acres cultivated, ACRE cultivated Parika. Contact 226-7968. Soesdyke Highway, 151 acres virgin land title from road to river - $38M neg. Tel. 220-8596, 643-9196, 686-1091.  SILVA Street $22M, South Ruimveldt $11M, Providence $4M, $5M, Diamond $6M. Tel. 611-7004, 680-2596.   100 x 50 only $14M, Call 231-2064, 225-2626, 227-6863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 226-1064.   , Highway and East Bank Demerara Junction.     110x 80 fully fenced at Sixth Avenue, Diamond EBD. Nice residential area. Price neg. Tel. 690-7922.  roadside 200x200 also property at McDoom. Land Parika stelling near GBTI Bank. 225-2319, 688-7224. , reasonably priced. Diamond $6M, Eccles 'CC' $9M, Eccles 'CC' $9M. Call 612-3501, 676-5537, 667-2422, 646-1334.  in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626

 RIVER SIDE LAND with property, Land of Canaan, EBD, suitable for factory, bond wharf, etc. TEL. 226-8148, 6251624.  GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - Size 50 X 100 Price $11.5 million neg. Contact 6657400, 643-6353.   Harmonie $1.4M, $1.6M, with 20 ft x 30 ft foundation, $2.2M 100 ft x 50 ft high income, Herstelling (100 ft x 60 ft) - $3.2M. 675-7292.  Diamond Housing Scheme, facing an inner road 11th Avenue, Section 'B' size 80'x40'.Price $5.5M neg. Contact 233-0568, 663-7501, 672-6574.  BB 45 by 120, only $8.5M, already dug and filled. Diamond 60 by 94 only $7M in 3rd Avenue and more. Call Alexander 669-0943, 231-2064, 623-2591.  Air Park double lot in Lama Avenue $52M, Sandy Babb Street close to Vlissengen Road $52M neg, Alexander Pereira 669-0943, 231-2064, 623-2591, 227-6949.  for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 - $36 M , n e g , A u s t i n St . 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft - $22M, Phone Vice President 225-2626, 6 1 8 - 0 0 0 0 , 2 2 5 - 2 6 2 6 , 6232591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 6150069  land in Duncan St. for 4-storey of f i c e c o m p l e x , b o n d , s c h o o l , apartment $40M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 618-0000, Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr. Darindra 615-0069.   to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Pereira 226-1064, Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 2276863, 225-5198\  with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 6150069, 618-0000 Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 2276863, 226-1064, 225-2626.  lot in Dennis St, with driveway 20 feet $17M, Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da S i l v a S t 8 0 x 5 0 $ 1 3 M , Kitty Railway Embankm e n t 8 0 0 0 s q . f t $ 20M, land has 20 ft driveways. V i c e President Drandia 615-0069, Vice President Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, Vice P r e s i d e n t R a m s a y a e 6 1 8 - 0 0 0 0 , Vice President 22 5 - 2 6 2 6 , 2 2 6 1 0 6 4 , 667- 7812.  wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 - $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 8 0 x 6 0 w i t h l o t s of reserve $16M, Republ i c P a r k $ 1 6 M , C o n t i nental Park double l ot $35 M, Croal Street 75 x 50 $32M, 3 lot s a t ' A A ' E c c l e s with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated community $45M neg. Phone , 225-3068, 226-1064, 227-6863, 227-6964, 225-2626.





 land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same return on your investment $95M, talking of 5-storey complex. Phone Lady Boston 684-2244, Lady Racel Jones 6883434 , Master Darindra 615-0069, 6180000, 623-2591, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064 , E mail :

 2-bedroom downstairs (new) ECD. Tel. 617-2408, 6425356.

 Parfaite Harmonie WBD, three-bedroom top flat, inside toilet, bath, overhead tank car park. Call 18:00hrs to 19:00hrs, 220-4538, cell 675-1118 Sandy.

space 10 000 sq. ft in High Street Main Street, Queenstown, Alberttown, US$12000. Phone Mr Boodram, 692-3831, Sir Darindra 6150069, Lord Johnny 225-2709, 661-1952, 225-2626, 225-3068, 225-5198, 226-1064, 623-2591, 626-4180.

 businesses must think out of the box. They must adopt a new strategy. The Chinese are moving in some locations that land for bond/factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 s q . f t o n the main road close t o t h e C h i nese Embassy $54M for 4-storey fast food/super market 200-car parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhandri 6150065, Mr. Patrick Pereira 6693350, Mr. Alysious Pereira 6232591, 225-2709, 225-2626, 225-3 0 6 8, 226-1064, 227-6863, 225-5198 Seven days of h o t m ail:    land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5s t o r e y, s t u d e n t s ' d o r m $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Vice President Ramsohoye 618-0000, 623-2591, 227-6863, 225-2626, 667-7812. Values Realty Property, Land and Rental Listings Land 3 lots together Diamond Main Road between, 5th & 6th Avenue $100M, Friendship river side (114x166) $6.8M, Diamond/ Grove New Scheme 2nd Bridge $80M, Grove 1st Bridge $6M, Essequibo Supenaam 25 acres $17M, Linden Highway 20 acres farming land $45M, Robb and King Street US$1.7M, Republic Gardens (50x100) $16M, Sherriff Street double lot US$1.5 M, Quamina Street $45M, Bagotstown (Road to River) $35M, Soesdyke (50x400), $40M, La Parfaite Harmonie $ 3 5 M , Shamrock Garden main road ECD $50M, Coverden (Road to River 62x600) $4M, Diamond Land with foundation and columns $4.5M, Republic Garden 7 lots together $80M, Essequibo Supenaam land $25M, North Road and King Street US$1.6M, Diamond Main Road opposite bank, commercial land US$1.4 M, 13,300 sq.'ft Te l : 2 2 5 - 8 1 0 1 / 2 2 5 - 8 1 0 2 / 6 5 8 3 9 2 8 / 6 8 6 - 3 1 5 3 to let


 Snackette Stabroek Market. Contact - 617-1481.  Street business space for rent. Contact 600-6480, 614-6480, 668-8733, 621-1834. unfurnished house, kitchen, toilet and bath at Chateau Margot. Call 660-0943. -bedroom apartment in Kitty $50 000 monthly. 625-7844, 225-5360.  three-bedroom house, 46 Happy Acres ECD, semi-furnished or unfurnished. Call 611-8222. flat apartment situated at 42 Agriculture Road, Triumph, ECD> Call 629-4844.  2-bedroom house with AC and washing machine in Kitty area. Tel. 644-8074.  furnished apartments in Ogle, US$650, US$1400. Call 622-7236.  two-bedroom flat. Call 624-0335, 2250441.   2-bedroom fully furnished apartments, long and short term. Contact 645-0787.  two-bedroom house La Parfaite Harmonie. Contact 6925547.

 on Sheriff Street for salon, barber shop, internet café, boutique, etc. Contact 645-0787. Gardens: 3-bedrooms apartment exclusive. 6139033.  1- and 2-bedroom apartments for $40 000, $50 000, $65 000 per month. Call 650-6231, 697-0480.  kitchen at Julian's Restaurant, Bar & Guest House $35 000 per week. Call 638-4505,, 225-4709.  space, can be used as taxi base, internet or salon. Call 621-9489, 6011736, 687-6821.  apartment at 31 Public Road, Agricola, EBD opposite Police outpost. Call 6908729.   top flat concrete house very convenient Anna Catherina WCD $30 000 per month. Call 678-3474, 698-4813.  3-bedroom unfurnished upper flat in Eccles. Price $80 000. Contact 639-2728.  Street business space for rent. Contact 60064 80,  space North Road $40 000, top floor $70 000,. Tel. 619-2525.  two-bedroom, newly built apartment in Kitty. Call 6448015.  apartment at 202 Third Street, Lusignan West. Call 220-6302.  upper flat $60 000, bottom flat $50 000 per month. Call 697-5933, 651-6263.  2-bedroom house with AC and washing machine in Kitty area. Tel. 644-8074.  snackette in Georgetown with cooler and glass case, etc. Call 226-5336, 6926595, 616-4686.  three-bedroom bottom flat, toilet and bath, at 76 Sheriff Street Campbellville. Contact 227-6953.  4-bedroom house, Happy Acres, very nice, Lot 143 $300 000 per month. Call 2317839.08:00hrs to 16:00hrs.   3-storey business and residential properties in and around Georgetown. 638-9116, 603-0976.  room and apartment $3 500, $4 000, $5 000, $6 000 daily. Call Julian 638-4505, 225-4709.  built house, 2-bedroom apartments, 2 rooms on top flat, D\Urban Street, Lodge. 2191107, 698-3742.   3-bedroom apartments with hot and cold, AC, selfcontained, etc location Mon Repos ECD. Price $80 000, $100 000. Tel. 618-0626, 220-7154. -BEDROOM unfurnished bottom flat apartment at 94 Shell Road, Kitty, inside toilet & bath, no parking, fully grilled. Preferred working coupleTel. 643-6552  apartment from US$500, US$800, US$1000, $US1200 and upwards. 226-1064, 669-3350.  2-flat, toilet, bathroom, Ruimzeight WCD gated community. Price $80 000. Call 269-1277, 667-2338. : Newly renovated one-bedroom apartment fully grilled, 24 hours water system and surveillance camera. Call 6501471.   2-bedroom apartments, fully furnished at 6 Seaforth Street, Campbellville. Long term or short term. Call 6505354, 621-3094.

 room, semi-furnished for single working person in Crane, WCD, $14 000 monthly, 3 months in advance. Call 6198683. US$800, Atlantic Gardens US$600 - US$900, Section 'K' US$1500, Campbellville $90 000 US$2000, Bel Air US$1800, Dian 227-2256, 626-9382.  apartment, central location, beautifully furnished, AC bedroom, hot and cold water, pretty garden for entertaining/dining, wi-fi access US$550 monthly. Tel. 641-4664, 225-7211.  ready fully furnished two-bedroom upper flat apartment in Atlantic Gardens ECD, US$1000.Call 600-9981.  bottom flat apartment, kitchen and dining, hot and cold water bath and living room, with parking and overhead water at Section 'A' Great Diamond, EBD. 692-1963.  Gardens: Semifurnished, 3 bedrooms, AC, hot and cold, security system, US$900. De Freitas Associates 609-2302/6516, 233-5711.  bedroom $30 000, two-bedroom furnished $120 000, three-bedroom furnished $140 000, 2-bedroom unfurnished $50 000. Tel. 611-7004, 680-2596.   -bedroom flat, self-contained telephone, WiFi, hot and cold shower, parking (furnished), Courida Park ECD, suit single (professional) US$500 inclusive. Tel. 667-9367.  Cummings and Middle Streets, full store equipped with all glasses cases, ac full silvilence system, 2 floors, office, laboratory, and more must see. Tel: 621-4000  flat apartments 143B Fifth Street Alberttown, long and short terms, rentals double,24hrs surveilance/night security and single rooms US$40 and US$80 per night, wifi, AC, hot and cold. Tel. 231-6721.  apartment in Bent Street, Wortmanville, US$30 per day. Contact 226-3309, 2181033, 678-4267.   furnished apartments, electronic gate, internet, cable, etc in Bel Air. Call 6823733.  to rent close to U G, s h a r e d a c c o m m o d a t i o n call: 625- 8585 also to rent, one five bedroom house .  National Shipping Corporation Ltd: Prime office space for rent, situated in our annex compound at 1 Public Road La Penitence. Phone 624-0321, 226-3365.  and tiled apartment AC, hot and cold, internet, US$25 daily. 231-6061, 621-1524. No private call. Monthly neg.  front, bottom flat apartment, two bedrooms, AC unit, living room, kitchen, washroom. No parking . Success ECD.. Price $50 000. Call 675-9107, 642-3478.  front, 2-storey property 3-bedroom upstairs and 2 downstairs, parking, separate entrances, $90 000 upstairs, $80 000 downstairs. Lately renovated. Tel. 268-2121.                 prime three-storey commercial building with car park, located on North Road, between Oronoque and Albert Streets. Contact 626-6909, 642-7963, 669-0855.

 Street, Kitty: 3-bedroom front house, 1 self-contained room, tub, washroom, hot and cold, 2 washrooms, 2 AC, ceiling fans in all rooms, breezy verandah and all rooms beautifuly lacquered fully grilled, private driveway for 3 vehicles. Suitable for foreigners. Call 225-3262, 676-6948. -bedroom fully furnished flat, Queenstown US$1500 business space 30"x 30" Charlestown US$700. Wills/ Vasco Real Estate and Landscaping 227-2612, 223-1877, 6278314, 655-0755. /executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 6150069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 2253069, 225-2709, 231-2064.       B S c h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate Investment and Economic Transform a t i o n of People Economic Gr o wth . We have rental from US$1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in University Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama Ave with pool, Jacaranda Ave. with large lawns US$2000, Prashad Nagar US$1000, apt. from U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small an d large o f f i c e space up to 15000 sq foot; state of the art hotel a nd o f f ic e c o m plex with income o f US$40 000 monthly; 2 acres of land in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street 2 ½ acres US$5M, Water Street 4 a cres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking the sea US$5M; another overlooki n g t h e s e a US$1.5M, income US$15000; riverside land residential land at LBI - $10M; Republic Park $8M, Diamond $7M, Sec. ' K ' $20 M , B e l A ir Park $25M, G a r n e t t double lo t $ 4 2 M , Phone 225-2626, 231-2064, 2252709, 226-1064, 227-6949, 2276863, 667-7812. 619-7945. bedrooms, two bathrooms, two powder rooms, living, dining room, kitchen, lounge, utility room, heater and pump, multiple parking, unfurnished/furnished, Bel Air Gardens, Georgetown, suit corporate (professional) US$1500, US$2300. Tel. 667-9367.  World #1 Realtor Mister Terry Redford Reid 667-7812, 2256858, 225-7164, 226-1064, 2 2 5 - 2626, 231- 2 0 6 8 , 6 1 97945. Have the executive rental reduced by 35%, Prashad Nagar US$1000, Jacaranda Ave. Bel Air Park US$2000, Barima Ave Bel Air Park US$1800, Bel Ai r S p r i n g s US$1000, large bond for rental office small form US$375, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lamaha Gardens US$1500, Lama Ave, Bel Air Park US$1800, Bel Air Pa r k o n t he round about US$1000, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside land hotel s w i t h U S $ 3 5 0 0 0 month rental and office space US$40 000 month properties from $14 million. 225-2626, 2255198, 226-1064, 623-2591, 669-3350  Street 3-bedroom upstairs US$500, Diamond 3-bedroom $70 000 Plaza Bridge New Mall, Business spots available US$150 - US$1000, Albertown 6 office spaces $80,000, Commercial building for rent US$2500 and above Executives Homes for rent US$1500 and above Apartment Building. & office space Bent Street $ 5 0 0 0 0 0 Te l : 2 2 5 - 8 1 0 1 / 2 2 5 - 8 1 0 2 / 658-3928/686-3153 Email:

24 24 TO LET  have rental from US$800 in                   beautiful 2-storey concrete property, 4 self-contained rooms, large den, large living room, family room, television room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price US$2500, unfurnished.    2-storey concr e t e p r o p e r t y, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family ro o m , d e n , v e r a n d a h , h o t a nd cold fac i l i t i e s , semi-furnished, sec u r i t y c a m e r a s, land spac e US $ 1 5 0 0.     2-storey concrete property, fully air conditioned 3 bedrooms, unfurnished US$2000, (neg).  2-storey concrete property l a r g e l i v i n g a r e a , 4 s elf-contained rooms hot a n d c o l d f a c i l i t i e s , g e n e r a tor, unfurnished US$1500 neg.   middle floor suitable for business $175 000. : Beautiful 2-storey concrete property in perfect con d i t i o n , 4 b e d r o o m s , h o t a nd cold facilities, master room, family room, den, air-conditioned, parkin g space for vehicle US$2500. Do call u s o n Tel. 225-6858, 2257164, 688-1885 Call Terrence 667-7812. We are situated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque

PROPERTYFORSALE PROPERTY FOR SALE  Gardens, corner lot $10M. Contact 680-3771, 694-7210. , owner leaving. Contact 685-3832, 332-0205.   flat concrete houses at Samatta Point, Grove EBD. Tel. 622-8054, 653-2046.  property at prime location, lot 9 Vlissengen Road, ideal for food franchise. Contact 227-4846.  to rent, sell, buy? Room, house, floor space? Call 687-8168.  two-storey house, incomplete, at Diamond (21stt Street). Call 682-4063.  3-storey Robb Street, property owner, 4-storey Charlotte Lacytown, 4-storey North Road Laytown. 225-2319, 688-7224. Front land with a small wooden house in East Coast Demerara. Contact 657-8086.  concrete house in Melaine, recently built, going cheap $8M. Call 638-9116, 6030976.  property at 220 Lamaha and Thomas Streets, Kitty $36M neg. Tel. 688-4771, 227-0173.  property, 25 Mon Repos Public Road ECD, opposite the market, seaside corner. Price $70M neg. Call 2209889.  Park corner lot, 2flat 5 bedrooms, 52'x25', lot size 90'x60' - $39M, De Freitas Associates, 609-2302/6516/233-5711. : 2-storey concrete house, self-contained, back property, driveway. Price $28M. Tel. 668-7230.  2 VILLAGE, Sukhu St, East Canje Berbice, new structure (two houses) $16M. Contact 665-5776.  wooden and concrete house at 34 Lyng Street, Charlestown. If interested, come in person.  second building in Pike Street from Sheriff street great business and residential area. $50M neg. Call 231-3236 No agent.  business place in Kamarang Landing, Upper Mazaruni River. Contact No. 6454949, 661-7309.   Street, North Cummingsburg, between Middle and New Market Streets. Contact 225-5684.

PROPERTYFORSALE  Bank Demerara 2bedroom cottage $6M, West Bank Demerara 2-storey executive house $16M. Contact 6876647, 223-1440, 674-2600.  property: Norton Street close to Camp Street, newly built. Must be sold. Price $30M neg. D'Urban Backlands. Price $18M. Call 687-7017. concrete 2 flat house at 47 Happy Acres ECD, fully furnished 3 bedrooms top flat, hot and cold bath, big yard space. Call 2252902, 673-1095.  Palace and Restaurant, 344 and 345 Middle and East Streets. For sale by owner only. Contact 656-9835, 1-908-456-/6683.  house at Good hope, East Coast of Demerara. Price $22M neg. Contact 699-9636.  $40M, Republic Park $40M, business concern in Georgetown $60M, 155.55 acres, Highway $30M. Call 645-5938. -flat house in Yarrow Dam, good condition $4M, twostorey concrete house in Mon Repos ECD - $26M neg. Tel. 223-7978, 643-6239.  two-storey concrete 5-bedroom property, parking for 3 vehicles, in Georgetown $48M neg. Contact Mr Alexander Pereira 669-0943, 231-2064 or Mr Louie Pereira 623-2591.  wooden and concrete buildings. Vacant possession, 178 Waterloo Street, Georgetown, $50M neg. Call 627-3994.  REAL ESTATE: Houses in Bel Air Park, Lamaha Gardens, AA Eccles, Diamond, Better Hope and around Georgetown from G$27M. Tel. 676-8995, 611-8438.  & Oronoque Business property between Regent and Robb reduced from $45M to $39M. 641-1800.  large 12-bedroom, 3storey, wooden and concrete building, 61 Station St, Kitty, Georgetown. Serious buyers. Call 648-9134, 225-7870.  $50M, La m a h a Street $65M, Newtown Kitty $50M, Ogle $70M, Diamond $20M, $35M, $ 4 0 M . Te l . 6 11 - 7 0 0 4 , 6 8 0 259 6.  incomplete 2-storey concrete building (30x40) land (50x80) at Liliendaal, Dennis St 'A' Field Sophia. Price $8.7M neg. Tel. 662-3842.  4-storey commercial building in Robb Street, Regent Street, South Road Charlotte Street. Land in several areas in Georgetown, Residential properties in Bel Air, Section 'K', South, many more. 638-9116, 603-0976.  Hope $10M, $13M, Success $20M neg, Lusignan $16M, Mon Repos $30M neg, Chateau Margot $30M, Eccles $26M neg, David to William Street $55M neg. Contact Theresa 648-6033  Regent Street $38M, Republic Gardens $35M, East Coast $20M, McDoom $19M, Herstelling $10M, Continental Park $65M, Lamaha Gardens $55M. Diana 227-2256, 6269382.  Gardens: Twostorey concrete building, four bedrooms, fully air conditioned, two master bedrooms, hot and cold, Jacuzzi, water, generator, parking for eight or more vehicles, $130M neg. Tel. 6463251, 227-0464.  and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Conc r e t e H o u s e , Fifth S t r e e t Alberttown Georgetown. $40 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Tel: 2316278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 626-0993

PROPERTYFORSALE  Street $25M, Guysuco Gardens (UG) $45M, Bel Air Park $55M, Lamaha Gardens $40M, Brickdam $75M, Thomas Street opposite Prashad Hospital $65M, Sheriff Street (business) $155M, Ogle with swimming pool $135M, T h o m a s S t r e e t l a n d (150x40) $75M, Robb Street land (110x32) $60M, North Road $70M, Camp Street land (200x75) US$1.5M. Call Vish Realty - 612-7377. Ideal for two families.        p r o p e r t y i n B e n t S t - $ 1 6 . 5 M , Phone M r. Darindra 615-0069, 2261064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 623-2591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 231-2064, 226-1064.      A d e l a i d e a n d Evans Streets Charlestown, Georgetown, Georgetown, Lot No. 41 Section 'A', NO. 53 Village, Corentyne, Berbice. Contact 233-6811, 679-3448.  St, S/C/burg 2-storey house on land 250ft x 38ft, ideal for big investment $72M neg. Nasresh Persaud - 2259882, 681-2499.  20% on all executive properties $60M, 30% discount on $24M, and below, 15% discount on land $18M. Phone 6677812, 225-6858, 225-2626 Terrence Reid.  two-storey building, newly built, at 49 Parker Street, Providence, EBD, contains 2 bedrooms 1 master room, master bath with tub, fully grilled, parking and yard space. Price $40M Tel. 6256227.  JOHN 609-9233 Campbellville 6-bedroom $22M,, Tucville huge $2 8 M , A l b e r t t o w n 5 - b e d r o o m with two extra lots $55M, Ocean Front lands $15M neg, Campbellville 4-bedroom $22M, Houston Garden US$1.5M, La Parfaite harmonie 3-bedroom $7M.  wooden and concrete business property in Plaisance $12M, two-storey Sophia Gardens, exclusive park, room for pool and business $3M, Melanie land and foundation $3.5M, Da Silva land $14.9M, Subryanville 2-storey executive $32M, South Ruimveldt $12M, Phone Mr Boodram 6923831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, 2276949, 231-2064, 226-1064, 2276863. are) MARCH bargains: Sec. 'K' $23 million, Meadow B r ook $ 2 8 M , a n d $ 3 5 M , Kitty $23, Alberttown c o n c r e t e massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, Happy Acres exec u tive $58M, Alb e r t t o w n $30M, Sec. ' M' C a m p b e l l v i l l e $ 3 4 M n o w, Phone 225-2626, 225-5198, 2 2 7-6863, 227-6449, 225-2709, 231-2064, 226-1064, 667-7812 tonyre i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c o m.  location  Street, Kingston opposite the American Embassy. One (1) huge four storey concrete and steel building, 2 b e d r o o m s o n e a c h f l a t , A C < h o t w a t e r, refrige r a t o r a n d s tove o n e a c h floor and fully furnished, g e n e r a t o r. C a n b e u s e d f o r e m b a s s y, o f f i c e , a pa r t m e n t s or residence. Price $180M . P r o p e r t y b e i n g sold with all equipment and furnishings inclusive. Serious enquiries 2238634, 646-3251, 227-0464'    Cummings and Middle streets, ALBERTOWN, 3 LOTS WITH BUSINESS, (NUT CENTRE) sold furnished, all modern amenities 32 cameras silvilance, parking for 12 Vehicles, taken in alleyway, Vendors for GT&T, Western Union, Interstate Batteries, Lotto, Superbet, Must see to appreciate, best offer Agents Welcome . TEL: 621-4000, 227-3939 Mr. Singh



   modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providen c e $ 2 5 M , n e w ranch $13M, B e l A i r P a r k $45M, Prashad Nagar $ 3 7 M , Duncan St. $23M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville requires repairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. busin e s s residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 618-0000, 227-6949, 2252626, 226-1064, 22 7 - 6 9 4 9 , 2 2 5 5198

 on all properties for this summer only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property immediately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Street $28M, 3-storey business p r o p e r t y i n C r o a l S t r e e t re q u i r e s repairs $32M, Bent Street almost new 2-storey busin e s s p roperty $!6M, S o u t h R u i m v e l d t G a r d e n s residence $16M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar executive $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty b u s i n ess or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, Forshaw old ho u s e $21M, 3-storey business c lose to Main Stre e t $ 5 5 M , Meadow B r o o k $45M, f u l l y concrete D'Urban B acklands $30M, New Section 'K' $42M, Lamaha G a r d e n s e x e c u t i v e $ 6 8 M , o ne r a n c h s t y l e Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M 2 3 1 2 0 6 4 , 2 2 5 - 3 0 6 8 , 2 2 7-686 3 , 226-1064, 227-6949,

 Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $ 1 4 M n e g , E n m o r e $8M neg, Camp b e l l v i l l e $ 1 5 M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $ 1 5 M n e g , C o v e a n d John 2 homes 5 bedrooms $12M, 4-bedro o m $10M, McDoom Solid c o n c r e t e $ 2 0 M, North Ruimveldt 7-bedroom fixer u p p e r, N i s m e s $ 6 . 5 M , L a Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6b e d r o o m a pa r tment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 6133018  Sam's Real Esta t e a n d P r o p e r t y M a n agement has the best priced properties for 2014: D'Urban Backlands $28M, C o n t i n e n ta l P a r k $ 4 5 M , A t lantic Ville $19M, Non Pareil (land) $7M, Princes St . $ 11 . 5 M , G r o v e ( l a n d ) $ 7.5M, Diamond (land) $4M, B e l A i r P a r k $35M, Kingston $20M. Rentals South Ruimveldt Park $65M, Duncan St $75 000, Bond 55x75 ft, Eccles Industrial Site US$4500 neg. Tel. 697-7842, 231-7052, 671-6653.           L O T 1 8 5 C H A R LOTTE AND KING STREETS, MARAJ BUILDING TE L . 2 2 7 0265, 227-1881, 629-5178. Norton Street, Carmichael S t r e e t , , E a s t R u i m veldt, Craig, Republic Park, Alberttown, Section 'K', Eccles Public Road $55M, Kitty $45M, D\Urban Street business spot, Lamaha Gardens, Thomas Street, Herstelling, Diamond. LAND: South Road $55M, Friendship land size 115x450 (wharf side) $ 6 5 M , M e a d o w Brook Gardens $8.5M, Non Pareil.  on all properties for this summer only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St . A lberttown massive c o n crete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, L a m a h a St Queenstown apartment complex $5 8 M . P h o n e V i c e P r esid e n t 2 3 1 - 2 0 6 4 , 2 2 5 3 0 6 8 , 2 2 7 - 6 8 6 3 , 2 2 6 - 1 0 64, 227-6949, 225-2626.  3-storey concrete building, Price $100M.  propertyingood condition. Price $18M.    beautiful 2-store y c o n crete property 3 self-cont a i n e d , 1 m a s t e r , l i b r a r y, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, d o w n s t a i r s den, fully marble stone tile, family room p a t i o , garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmetics, land space Price $ 9 0 M, O g l e beautiful property $90M,  $36M neg,   $120M beautiful home excellent condition i n   $55M neg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located a t 2 4 7 (D) F o r s h a w a n d Oronoque Streets , Queenstown. Tel. 2 25-6858, 2 2 5 - 7 1 6 4 , 6 6 7 - 7 8 12, email:

 26% 26% 26% discount: Two-family concrete business and residence in the front of Happy Acres $32M, Dowding Street, Kitty with driveway $16M, BB Eccles $16M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $!6M, Light Street $21M, Second building with 12 ft drive way $!4M, David Street Subryanville with 14ft driveway $16M, West Ruimveldt concrete flat house $4.9M, Dazell H o u s i n g S c h e m e $ 11 M , L a Penitence business and residence with reserve for 20 cars $11M, Meadow Brook old house $12M, L o d g e $ 1 4 M , M i d d l e Road La Penitence with 20ft driveway 4 apartments $15M, second ranch con crete $38M, Garnett St. business and residence $32M. Phone Mr. Budram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr. A. Pereira 623-2591, Mrs Hercules 661-1952, 225-2626, 225-2709, 2255198..

PROPERTYFORSALE built two flat concrete building a t D i a m o n d N e w Scheme. T h e u p s t a i r s c o n sists of two self-contained bedr o o ms with bu i l t - i n c l o s e t s , a spacious kitc hen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at t h e b a c k . The lower flat has a two-bedroom apartment and a l a r g e area that could be used a s a bo n d o r f o r a n y b u s i ness. The yard has a concrete fen c e with s p i k e s a n d r a z o r wire a b o v e i t . T h e r e is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested p ersons can contact owner at 693 2531.  b a r g a i n s Norton St r eet - $14 M , Bent Stree t b u s i n e s s a nd resid e n c e - $ 1 6 M , e x ecutive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville $23M, Alberttown con c r e t e 5 b e d r o o m s - $46M , other for - $19M, and - $30M, South R u i m v e l d t Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residence b y Bourda Market - $ 2 6 M , C umming s S t r e e t - $ 3 4 M , Me a d o w B r o ok - $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-storey $25M, Phone Lord A l y s i o u s P e r e i r a - 6232591, 227-6949, 225-2709, 2312064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 2276863, 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 6677 8 1 2

 3-storey concrete building, Price $100M.   property in good condition. Price $18M.   beautiful 2-storey concrete property 3 self-co n t a i n e d , 1 m a s t e r , l i b r a r y, television room, living room, upstairs back verand a h , d o w n s t a i r s den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmetics, land space Price $ 9 0 M,O g l e b e a u t i f u l p r o p e rty $90M,  $36M neg,   $120M beautiful home excellent condition in      $55M n eg, Queenst o w n property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located a t 2 4 7 (D) F o r s haw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. Tel. 225-6858, 22 5 7164, 6 6 7 - 7 8 12, em ail:

Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent S t r e e t 1 6 M , G o r d o n Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street busin e s s a n d residence ( n e w ) $35M. South Road Land $3 6M, C h a r l o t t e S t r e e t 2 buildin g s 2 hou ses by Light $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian E m b a s s y $ 30M. Land at Turkeyen 140x60 $32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Camp b e l l v i l l e flat house needs r e p a i r s $ 13M. Section K $19M needs rep a i r s , 3 - s t o r e y Q u a m i n a Street for hotel U S $ 5 9 9 0 0 0 , B e l A i r P a rk $49M Lamaha Gardens v a l u e d $ 8 5 M n o w $ 7 0 M . R ental of a p a r t ments from US$700, R e s i dence US$1 2 00 upw a r ds. Phone Lord Patrick Pereira 227-6863, 225-2709, 2276949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week tonyreidsrealty@hotmail. c o m

 concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Mi d d l e R o a d L a P e n i t e n c e $ 16.5M, a l m o s t Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt Ga r d e n s $ 66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, executive Republic Park $48M, Lamaha Gardens 3 self-contained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6-bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 selfcontained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles with incomp l e t e c a t h e d r a l - s t y l e s t ructure requires $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for l a k e $ 9 0 M neg. , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice Pre s i d e n t J honny Ramsahoye 225-2709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 667-781 2 , f a c e b o o k Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.

 are 20% discount: Queen Street Kitty new property $24M, Norton Street next door to Camp St $19M, Bent Street business and residence $16.9M, South Ruimveldt $12M, Meadow Brook $14M, D'urban Backlands $24M, new executive Guyanese styled, partly furnished $26.5M, executive Hadfield St super modern $39M, Dowding Street $17M also $26M, two storey William Street $29M, 4bedroom residence and lawyer office, Cross Street $17M, or all legal office, executive Lamaha Gardens $56M, Section 'K' concrete 4-bedroom ranch for over $65 years $38M, Lama Avenue Bel Air Park $70M, Jacaranda Avenue Bel Air Park $66M, Surbyranville 2-family $36M, Garnett Street close to Vlissengen Road $32M, Sir Carlos Boodram 692-3831, Sir Darindra 615-0069, Mr. Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Lord Johnny Ramsoyoe 669-3350, 2252709, 231-2064, 225-5198, 2253068, 225-2626, Lady Abundance 661-1952, 626-4180, 226-1064, 7 days a week.

25 25





 WBD: almost brand new 5 bedroom house for sale, master room and all rooms self-contained with AC and fans, open concept kitchen/ dining/living room, large walk-in pantry, office/ library room and a powder room. Beautiful landscape and wrap around patio. Priced to sell- $75 Million. Tel. 59 2 - 6 2 4 - 8 7 0 4 , 5 9 2-6849203.

     . G ood Hope P U B L I C Road East Co a s t (land - 675 x 92) $ 1 5 0 M , Robb St. - 4 storey building $175M, Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 b e d r o o m s e l f c o n t ) $ 30M , Atlantic Ville 5 bedroom self contained $53M, Diamond 2nd Ave- 5 Bedroom $40M, Robb & Ornoque Sts $46M, Oleander Gdns $40M, Alberttown 6th St $45M, Republic Park $40M, L/Gardens $55M, Atlantic Gardens $ 45M , D u n c a n S t $ 3 0 M , Alexander St $ 50M , R o b b St $60M,Barr St $65 M , Earl's Court $35 M , Meadow Brook Gardens $ 50 M , Q u e e n s t o w n $ 7 0 M , Republic Gdns -Land (1 0 0 x100) $24M, Alexander st. & S o u t h R o ad $900,000US. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332.

 110-90 4x4 tractor , Fiat 180-90 4x4 tractor , Ford 7740 4WD tractors, 416 Caterpillar 4x4 L/backhoe, Tel 666-2518, 6392789, 667-3611.

 sale, every Sunday and everything must go, 78 Block 'X', 'A' Field Sophia. From $500. Call 219-1107, 698-3742.

 new three-bedroom fully furnished house in Subryanville, all modern conveniences, US$3000 neg., one semi-furnished flat, Lamaha Gardens $65 000 per month, one-bedroom apartment, fully furnished D'Urban Backlands US$700, business place, 2room offices and general office space US$1200, one 4bedroom fully furnished house with 2 utility rooms, generator, etc, Albettown US$1300, tworoom office, unfurnished South Cummingsburg US$3000 neg, Wills/Vasco Real Estate and Landscaping 227-2612, 223-1877, 6278314, 655-0755.



 & plucked chicken. 650-4421, 220-9203.

14" RIVER dredge complete. Call 669-8985.  articles. Contact 231-1268, 642-1359. scrap 312 B CAT excavator. Contact 656-2350.  flat bottom boat. Call 604-0038.   and 2 German Shepherds. Call 613-4398.  16 ft decking, $900 per foot. Tel. 671-8883, 614-0949. -hole 15" mag rims $25 000, fits RVR, CRV, RAV4. 638-1829, 220-1630.

     . KITTY- $17M, $32M & $35M, Guysuco Gardens $78M, Good Hope $10M, $16.5M, Garnett St $31M, SEC K C/ville 4 bedroom self-contained $44M, AA Eccles $68M, Carmichael Street 2 storey back house $ 2 2 . 5 M , M o n t r o s e $1 6M , M o n R e p o s Block CC $ 1 0 . 5 M & $ 11 . 5 M , Ganges St. P/Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, G r a n v i l l e P a r k $ 3 1 M , Fort St. Kingston $ 1 7M , D u r b a n St $ 2 1 M , O g l e A / Strip Road $55M, Better Hope Pub Rd $ 3 7 M , Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, Ea s t St $60M, Happy Acres $30M, North R o a d $ 70 M, Bel/A/Park $60M, P/Nagar $ 2 8 M , $42M, L/Gardens $ 7 5 M , D i a m o n d - 2 n d Av e , 5 Bedroom $38, MRegent St. $1.2MUS. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332

 your year for 28% discount on all properties. Happy Acres 2-storey concrete $24M, Providence Stadium new $16M, concrete Republic Park $3 6M, Eccles concrete $34M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $12M needs repairs, Middle Road La Penitence 4-apartment $14M, La P enitence two-storey $11M, D\Urban Backland s c o n c r e t e $ 2 8 M , Me a d o w B r o o k $ 1 2 M , D\Urban Street concrete residence and business $28M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, Prashad Nagar 8000 sq ft land $60M, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park $83M, Bel Air Park $45M D o w d i n g S t r e e t K i t t y $29M, and $19M, Davi d Street Subryan v i l l e f r om $19M, back with 12ft driveway $14M, Section 'K' C a m p b e l l v i l l e $ 4 0 M , G arnett Street ranch concrete $38M, Owen Street Kitty concrete 2storey $39M, Camp Street business and residence. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr Carlos B u d r a m 6 9 2 - 3 8 3 1 , M r. A l e x Pereira 231-2064, M r. Ramsahoye 225-2709, 225-2626, 225-3068, 227-6949, 225-5198, 6277812, 226-1064.

: Locust, Tatabu and mixed hardwoods. Contact 600-5872, 600-1329.

 . Mi d d l e t o n S t C / V I L L E 5 bedroom self-contained back house 15ft driveway $28M, Kitty business p r o p e r t y $ 4 4 M , Pike St. C/ Ville $45M, Shamrock Gardens - 6 Bedroom, double lot (120 x 100) $49.5M , Alexander Village - Business property, 3 storey $55M. Da Silva St (land) $21M. Charlotte St. (land) $55M, S h e r i f f & Enachu Sts. $ 7 5 M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, Sherrif St, $5 0 M , S o u t h R u i m v e l d t $ 1 6 M , D i a m ond $ 9 M , $12M, $ 2 2 M , E a s t R / veldt $10.5M, Eccles $ 30M, $34M, A/town $ 3 6 M , Tr i u m p h $ 1 4 M , A g r i culture Road, Triumph $ 2 0 M , S h e r i f f S t . $150M, Subryanville $58M, B r i c k d a m $ 1 0 0 M , O g l e brand n e w 2 s t o r e y, 5 bedroom house $ 8 0M , Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332

 4-bedroom furnished with pool $78M, Behind Plaza 4-apt double lot $30M, Lot 5 Best Road 3-bedroom flat W.C.D $17M, Diamond 2-bedroom flat $9.5M, Mon Repos 3bedroom flat $12M, Ogle Airport 5-bedroom $65M, Charlestown 3-storey building $33 M, Republic Park 2-storey $37M, Robb and Albert $95M, Plaza bridge 3-bedroom house double lot $20M, Pike Street house top flat 2-self contained bedrooms$45M, Hot/cold shower, lower flat 1&2 bedroom apartments North Road before Camp Street (100x35) $160M Robb Street 3-storey building $160M, Agricola 2nd Street $7 & 8M. Enmore E.C.D house 4 bedrooms $17M, Queenstown business property $95M, South Ruimveldt Park 5 bedrooms, 2 baths $35M, 4-car parking garage, study etc. Section K 4 bedrooms, parking, yard space, $50M, and 3 bathrooms. D'Aguiar Park 4-bedroom house US$1.5M, South Kaikan Street 3 bedrooms 2 baths $20M, Johnny P Supermarket Aubrey Barker & Kaikan Street $45M, Penny Lane 2-storey concrete house $35M, Ogle 2- storey concrete 55x110, 4 bedrooms 3 baths $45M, Diamond AA 2storey concrete 3 bedrooms 2 baths $16M, Princes Street $15M, D' U r b a n S t r e e t b e t w e en Hardina and Louisa $30M, Upper D'Urban Street two properties together $30M, Bel Air Park 4 bedrooms, 3 baths $55M, Providence (behind stadium) $18M, Mon Repos Martyrs Ville $13M, New Amsterdam $10M, South Sophia $12M, Meadow Brook Gardens $45M, Diamond M a i n R o a d p r o p e r t y opposite Bank $90M, D'Urban S t r e e t front property $30M. Te l : 2 2 5 - 8 1 0 1 / 2 2 5 - 8 1 0 2 / 6 5 8 3928/686-3153 E m ail:

 generator set 500 kw, 625 KVA 277/480 volts. Like new 500 hrs. $5M. 661-6161.  name clothing at giveaway prices. Owner leaving. Call 681-2883.  new paint ball gun market set Alpha Black, Spyder Mrx $75 000. Tel. 670-9606.   hauler trucks, 1 C F D A F. C o n t a c t 6 5 6 2350.  bull pups, pink nose, vaccinated and dewormed. Call 2229077, 653-6191.

               dredge and e x c a v a t o r, g r e a t c o n d i t i o n , great price, sold together or separately. Contact 610-7674, 682-7453.  48 Yamaha Enduro outboard engines $390 000 neg, 1 new model 15 Yamaha Enduro outboard short foot $340 000 neg. Tel. 668-4562.   360, PSP Games, modding of systems also available. Contact 6843025.  table, imported & local & accessories such as cues, balls, cloth, rubber, spot chalk, etc. One Honda CRV. Tel. 609-3311, 6144841, 220-4298.  Bedford trucks and dried coconuts for export at 230 Lance Gibbs Street, Queenstown. Call 689-8380.  Hydraulic jack hammer for breaking very strong concrete and rocks, can be worked on 320 CAT, 324, or 330. Also Doosan, Kobelco, Hitachi. Tel. 656-2350.  jewel workshop, gold detector, 1 RZ minibus BKK 5413. All excellent condition. Call 612-2517, 220-0103.

 312 short boom and 320 short boom. Contact 6562350.

-used Massey t r a c t o r, 2 - 6 0 H p t r a c t o r s $1.6M00 each, 75Hp tractor $2.4M. Call 627-4148

 food business for sale. Call 654-7510, for more information.

         

 Laptop for 689-1618.

 set model D 343, 250 kva, 3 Ph, 415-240, 220/ 127v, AC 60 Hz. Call 227-0190, 693-5610, 616-9727.

To s h i b a sale. Call

 View Mall Stabroek Market. Stall No. 14. Call 611-8291.

 24 volts DC generator 250 amps driven by a two-cylinder, Hatz air cool diesel engine. Tel. 611-0757, 604-8659.  equipped mobile snackette/juice bar, with generator, running water, cooler, etc. 6389116, 603-0976  upright deep freezers, one refrigerator, one speed boat with trailor, Mazda car parts. Call 226-7085, 225-6288.        Te r r i e r p u ps , fully vaccinated and dewo r m e d . Te l . 6 6 4 - 5 8 2 8 , 6 6 3 1965, 222-4373.  KVA generator Honda EX 3300 watts also 2300 watts also 1000 watts generator. 6887224, 225-2319.  and Tibetan terrier mixed puppies, vaccinated and dewormed. Tel. 266-0410.      1 5 a n d 9 . 9 four-stroke engine and mercury 15 and 25 four-stroke engine. Contact 220-0567.  Jialing scooter, 125cc, T13 series, 75K, 1 - PS2 - 17K, Dell desktop 35K. Call 683-7278.  407C (25 lb) UK-made. Call 233-0654, Monday to Friday (08:00hrs to 17:00hrs).  Sprinter AE 100, series PSS 587, 1 stove (6-burner). Call 621-8333, 645-8338, 225-9714.  Front and back lights, BMW 318i parts and back lights, Land Cruser front and back lights. 688-7224, 225-2319.  cabinet and dining set, 5-pc sofa set, pair wing chairs, stove, fridge. 225-2319, 6887224.

 backhoe 3 CX, caterpillar backhoe, 10-ton toad r o l l e r, p o r ta b l e w e l d e r o n wheels. Call 623-3404.  caterpillar engine 3406 Di $1M. 2 set 17" mags with tyre (6 logs), 4 wheel 2 wheel drive. 654-6166.    lister enginess 1 - 75 KVA generator on trailer, 1 - 75 KVA generator. Tel. 688-4771, 227-0173.    boar, 4inch and 5-inch seine 240 lb , 15 Marino engine, $500 000. Call 698-1425, 234-1111.  lavatory sink tops, double or single bowl with face basin or we can make to order. Contact Rawle - 611-7031, 667-7963.  Market: Double, front stalls facing Regent Street, for electronics cellphone pharmacy, jewellery, cosmetics. 641-1800.  Large shoe racks, queen bed, windows, doors, zincs, kitchen cabinet, boutique racks, kitchen sink, mannequins and others. Call 650-1471.  cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (new)- $12,000. 624-6464, 6 6 5 - 6 0 6 1 , 6 8 6 0900.. Keith.  165 Massey Ferguson tractor, one 225 Amp portable gas welder and one used marine caterpillar engine. Contact 6830172, 610-0756.  louvre doors Canadamade from $9 000 up, 25% off regular price, 37 Brickdam, East of New Thriving. Call 688-8044 Monday to Friday (10:00hrs to 16:00hrs).  surveillance camera system with real time recording resolution, 50 ft I.R. night vision, motion detection r e c o r d i n g , 2 0 0 5 R 6 Yamaha motorcycle. Price $600 000.Tel. 609-2815.

FORSALE  adjustable up and downcross cut saw on table - 240v, 1- Wadkin 12 inch plane with blades- 240v. All machines are in good working order. Owner leaving 664-3368.     Laverda combine, excellent condition field-ready, 130 Fiat tractor, excellent condition with minor interior repairs with 1x24-disc plough. Contact 771-5286, 612-9514. 250-gallon plastic totes, ideal to transport fuel to the interior also oil paint and concrete paint, 5 gallons and 1 g a l l o n , , m a r i n e paint also. Phone 220-1014.  catridges and Hp ink in box, cheap. Owners leaving 2 Xerox ink cartridges 113R 634 $30 000 each, 5 Xerox ink cartridges 113R 321 $30 000 each, 8 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 98X 92298S. Tel:664-3368     imported! David's beautiful bridal outfit and accessories, re jewellery and purse, etc. All going at reasonable prices. Call now 2259 4 5 0 , 6 4 9 - 4435.  radiators for 6- or 4cylinder (1) red engine 2 x 2-1/2 ft in good condition $50 000 excellent. Large commercial vacuum cleaner 120v, 60 Hz, 10 A, stainless steel, on trolley for car wash or industrial purposes, Hp 4.2 shop vac, wet/dry $60 000. Tel:675-8008.  650-16 tyres Goodyear nylon 10-ply rating $21,000 each, 5 used mag rims for Toyota Land Cruiser 5hole, 17 tyre $120 000. Owner leaving 614-9432.  Rebel motorcycle 250cc $450 000 neg, Harley Davidson motorcycle 1350 cc $2.2 neg, 1 Samsung Galaxy Tablet 11, 10-inch $65 000. 673-7734.  computers with 20" LCD $65 000, Laptops from $49 000, Iphone 3GS $35 000, BlackBerry from $8 000. Future Tech - 231-2206.  mirrors $30 000, pressure washer 2200 psi $45 000, brush cutter $30 000, chain saw $50 000, food warmer $25 000, hot dog machine $40 000. Tel. 680-3863. 3 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 13X $6 000 each, 4 Hp Laser Jet ink coloured cartridges 4193A $5 000 each, 3 Canon cartridges NPG H toner $4 000 each. All prices are neg. Tel:621-4928  PSR 550 keyboard, 1 pair 15" 500 watt audio pipe powered speakers with stands, 800 watt pyramid amp, 32 channel equaliser, 16 channel Mackie mixer, 1 - 15" sound blaster woofer speaker. Call Junior 6837579, 328-2205. Owner leaving.   dehumidifier on wheels 110v, for office, home or patio, filters clean air $15 000, large new APC smart uninterruptable power supply 120 vac, along with all fittings and new laptop and manuals, CD instructions $ 9 0 0 0 0 . Tel:664-3368  oil tanker boat (wooden) inboard engine 6-cyl (Caterpillar), max capacity 200 drums, boat length 55 ft, 7 ft depth, 14 ft width. Can also be converted to a snapper boat, solar power backup, kitchen, toilet and 4 beds. Tel. 615-5922.  1- large Canadian Band Saw 240v, one large De Walt Rip Saw or Cross Cut Saw with large arm and table, move in any direction- 240v. 1 Edge sander with 12 inch disc 240v, to sand wood edge. Price $1.6M neg. Tel:621-4928   entral air conditioner units large 240v complete with motor $50 000 each, large fuel tank metal on stand with gauge 500 gallon $60 000, large Kholer generator housing to keep noise low while generator working $60 000. Tel:6165340

FORSALE VEHICLES FOR SALE   large table lamps antique with shade 110v $15 000, toaster oven with glass door 110v$4 000, coffee percolator with glass m u g 11 0 v $ 4 0 0 0 , a n t i q u e half round small table and antique stool $15 000. Call: 6165340  machine 3 -speed, 3-pint cup stainless steel good for home or business 110v (Hamilton Beach) made $20 000, new 4-speed Premium blender with large mug 110v $5 000. Owner leavi n g 6 7 5 - 8 0 08. -by-side large refrigerator and freezer hardly used 110v good condition $180 000, 32-inch Sony TV, col o u r e d c u r v e d s c r e e n 110v with remote $50 000, Inverter 140-watt power invertors DC 12 volt to 110 volts with fuse system $20 000, Detecto scale large for measuring height and weight of patient, good for doctor\s clinic or any medical organisation, UK-made $45 000. Owner migrating 675-8008. - dining set ( w h o l e s a l e / r e t a i l ) $35 000/$45 000, 30, 32, 34, 36 purpleheart panel doors, $28 000 each, 30, 32, 34, 36 Kabakali panel doors $20 000 each. Tel. 688-9712, 651-0717, 669-1448.  Lister engines, 2 generators 75 KVA and 30 KVA, with heavy d u t y t r a i l e r. Te l . 2 2 5 7732, 610-3043, 688-4771, 227-0173, 622-7402.  Generator 15,000 watts , portable, gas on wheels, push start like new $450,000 cash. Tel 227-3939, 621-4000  Hatchery (Robbins), 28,000 eggs capacity fully ready, all racks, trays, electrical supply, and spares included, $ 5.5 million or CREDIT available TEL: 227-3939 621-4000   forklifts 3 pcs 2000, 3000, 4000 Lb, lifting capacity $300,000 AND UP needs basic repairs TEL: 227-3939, 621-4000  Generator silent 28,000 watts SDMO John Deere engine, missing Fuel Pump, Panel, Avr -$800,000 cash . 2273939, 621-4000  (Mass) for Radio, TV, Cellular, with cables, brackets, sky light $375,000. 2273939, 621-4000  sets, sizes from 40" to 73" some working others need checking all sold as is make a cash offer all must be sold prices start from $50,000 check Guyana Variety Store and Nut Centre 38 Cummings Street, Albertown. Tel 227-3939 of 22" Chrome rims 6 holes and 5 holes universal with tires fits Toyota and Nissan from $275,000 Tel:621-4000  Harley Davidson bikes, key or pull start, perfect for kids or rentals one $70,000 all $300,000 check out Guyana Variety Store and Nut Centre 38 Cummings Street. Albertown GT. TEL:227-3939  equipment, Nordi Track, Abs Circle, portable Heaters, Ab board, and more also GE DRYER $50,000. Tel: 2273939/621-4000.   800lb with bin in working condition, $550,000 and ice machine 150lb with bin $150,000, Chinese diesel generator 5000 watts enclosed in working order - $200,000. Tel:621-4000   Mitsubishi TV, with built in 16 speaker 5.0 surround system, Diamond edition with 6 3D glasses next to new $1.5 million neg. Tel :621-4000   7 ftx 3 ft imported special ply model with all accessories, like new $80,000, kids 3 in one pools, hockey and table tennis table like new $75,000, 50 gallon aquarium with stand 2 pumps and lots of accessories $60,000. Tel: 621-4000

26 26 FORSALE Honda 50 cc, sold as scrap $40,000, Yamaha 750cc Virigo unregistered needs general work sold as scrap $125,000, 500 gallon air tank $30,000. Tel: 621-4000  benz engine, 4 cyl with gear box mostly intact $150,000, amd Mercedes benz engine straight six with transmission, $150,000 also bonnet with grill for 180E Mercedes Benz in good condition 75,000 also trailer for jet ski build strong with spare wheel $175,000. Tel: 6214000.  cases measuring 7ft x2ft x2ft and 6ft x3ft x 18" locally built aluminiun steel finish with lights average 30pcs from $80,000. Tel: 621-4000  frames with galvanized signs measuring 8ftx 4ft with legs out of 2" pipe 6 pcs $20,000 each. Tel: 621-4000  signs 6ft x 3ft, $1.5 million, led signs 3ft x 12" $200,000 all programmable up to 1,000 message and some images by remote, can be viewed from 4 city blocks in many designs and colours. Tel: 621-4000  heavy duty Kolbe German made band saw 4340 MM to 450 MM model B 63, 240, 208 and 440 volts 50/60 Hz could also tilt the table. Large De Walt industrial cross and rip saw on large metal table, could move in any direction with 4 foot original, 208, 240 and 440v, 50/60 Hz, 2825 to 3425 RPM 3Hp motor, sliding on arm adjustable to tilt or turn to any direction. Tel: 614-9432.  for office: Paper cutter guillotine hand type 18x30 USmade $10 000, 1 set office wall divider UK-made to set up two to three offices with glass door $40 000, office paper shredder 110v fully automatic to destroy documents $10 000. Tel:664-3368 ONElarge flat screen computer monitors 60 Hz 110v $15 000 each 14'x16', 10 surge protector and battery back ups ES 750, 120v, 60Hz, $10 000 each, Owner leaving. Tel. 621-4928. 12-inch disc sander for sanding edge of any furniture 110-240, electric Mac tool brand parts washer 110v with 25-gal drum that holds wash fluid at the bottom and square metal bin 2ft by 3 ½ ft at the top with cover to wash engine parts, etc All machines are working. Make an offer for 1 or the lot. Owner leaving 614-9432.   metal cages with door to secure air conditioner units, water pumps, etc.Could place a lock on door for security purposes $15 000 each, 2 large 2400 BTU air conditioner evaporator complete wall unit 240v $50 000 each with all brackets complete. Owner leaving. 675-8008.\  1992 Suzuki Intruder 800 blue windshield 45 231 kilometre,, lots of chrome, shaft-driven, liquid cool, perfect condition, bike in Leguan Essequibo River $550 000 or best offer. Contact 668-3652, 416402-9834 Email for pictures or RLAKRAJ@SYMPATICO.CA  Perkins diesel 12 500 watts - $450 000, welder Hobart engine driven - $395 000, large wood shaper 1' spindle - $200 000, large wood morticer - $150 000, large drill press - $225 000, industrial 3Hp extreme duty water pump - $95 000. Tel. 619-6863, 601-8276, 226-3883. : Production date 2007, manufacturer Caterpillar, product model 312 C, serial number DBN00918, total operating hours 5185, performance specification approximate weight 28 170 lb, additional components/attachments Cab 42 in, bucket new, copular 28 in pads, 9ft 6in stick W, 2007 CATERPILLAR 312 C EXCVATOR Email: Tel. 718-588-6675, cell 917-8332990.






 Low Prices! Freezer with glass door $25 000 standup freezer $20 000, small freezer $25 000, 17' tyres next to new $20 000 each, used metal frame chairs for bar $1 800 each, 2'x2' metal frame tables $2 200 each, one new table saw $35 000, 17" computer monitors $7 000 each, metal frame (high stools) for bar $4 500 each, one slate pools table $260 000 and many more, modem deck for your vehicles Sony brand with CD and USB, IPOD $24 000 each. Call Seegobin 698-1540 or Naresh 227-8576.

 Toyota 2005 Runx unregistered, $2.45M neg. 619-2431

 Hilux 2004 diesel, 4x4, 4-door stickshift pick-up also BMW 318i 2004 likenew. 225-2319, 688-7224.

  Toyota IST and PSS series, Toyota Prado (diesel) with crash bar, off road lights, winch. Both vehicles in excellent condition. Tel. 6499889, 645-3583.

 Toyota BB fully powered, keyless entry, autostart system, head rest tv, tv deck, special factory sound system bass and speaker box., 17" rims , hid fog and head lights 2.6 tel 621-4000

 Auto Blowout Sale unregistered Mazda Axela $2 295 000 Pioneer CD, crystal lights, remote start alarm. 6436565, 226-9931.

  Benz A140 right hand drive, 38,000 km imported from u.k with minor problem sold as is $1.8 mill i o n . Te l : 6 2 1 - 4 0 0 0 .

 Benz CLK 200 Kompressor luxury coupe 2005, PRR series, pearl white, like new. Must see, giveaway price. 623-5492.

 vehicles: One Mazda, PLL series, excellent condition with leather upholstery, one BMW 318i PMM series excellent condition, one Toyota Corolla Axio PRR series, excellent condition. Contact 600-1329.

 dish for communication or TV station or anything that you want to set up. 50 pieces of 10 feet dish width at $100 000 complete each, 10 pieces central air conditioner units large 240v complete with motor $50 000 each, large fuel tank metal on stand with gauge 2000 gallon $60 000. Tel: 621-4928.

 Dyna long base, good working condition. Call 670-2948, 614-8374.   PRR 77,000 km, no problems, tint and rims, silver, immaculate condition. Contact 671-8806.              Voxy Toyota Noah, full loaded, must see. RZ bus 2000 cc. Call Narine 688-1657, home 216-3488.  Toyota AT 212, high PKK series, fully loaded, CD/DVD, alarm, $1.15M. Call 649-8395.  Mazda Axela, excellent condition. Price $2.1M neg. Contact 623-3726.  Allion, mag rims, CD deck,. Excellent condition. Price $2M neg, 682-3600.

 Rover 4x4 SUV also Nissan Titan (4x4LE) fully loaded also Honda DelSol sport car. 6887224, 225-2319.  Civic HID, leather interior, mag rims, CD deck, LED head and tail lights. Call 619-0585, 2260931.        3 Y, G G G s e ries, in good condition. Must sell. No reasonable o f f e r r e f u s e d . Tel. 625-3265, 618-2317.  FERGUSON TRACTORS. 165 AND 135 WITH SPARES. Price $1.5M and $600 000.      Mazda RX8, fully loaded. Contact 609-9829. Owner leaving country.

 Toyota Ractis, PRR series, flair, mag rims, Tel. 609-8405, 2740159.

 Pickup, excellent condition, 5-speed transmission. Asking $2.2M neg. Contact 6830658, 693-7635

 Toyota 212 new model and one NZE Toyota Corolla. Call 656-7900, 668-1718.

 A4 Audi, sun roof, turbo, 4WD, 1800cc, DVD, blue tooth. Price $4.2M neg. Tel. 669-7298.

 Toyota Caldina Wagon, one Toyota Raum both vehicles in immaculate condition. Price neg. Contact 337-4544, 626-1525.

 Nissan Titan GMM series, 4WD, rim, bars, cover, etc. Price $2.5M neg. Call 642-9003, 6855100.

  Express, PMM series, low mileage, spare parts available. Contact 684-3025 for more information.

 Hilux Surf 4-door, power windows, 4x4 excellent condition 3Y engine. Must sell. $2.2M neg. 615-4667.

 1 new model 212. Call 621-8129.

 F150 V6 in working condition $700 000. Tel. 256-3749, 681-5422, 692-0526.

seater Regius minibus. Contact 614-2878.

  4x4 Tacoma. Call 617-6383 for more information.

 Solid def $2.45M, Isuzu truck 2-ton dump $2.3M. Vehicles unregistered, New model Raum $2M. 641-1800.

 Wagon for sale $875 000 neg. Call 6645545.

 Glanza EP 91 Turbo, manual transmission. Contact 6643300.

           B K K , s t i c k g e a r. C a l l 2 2 9 - 6 5 3 3 , 613-2798.

 BMW 316I, mag rims, music, AC, etc. Price $2.1M neg. Tel. 649-7005.

 Toyota Corolla AE 100 - $500 000. Tel. 611-6632, 6643488.

 Toyota Fielder, TV, rims, reverse camera. 654-2036, 663-2700.

 RZ hardly used immaculate condition, $1.6M. Rocky 225-1400, 621-5902.

 equipped 2004 Toyota Allion with TV, camera, DVD, etc. Going cheap. 638-9116, 603-0976.

Azela 2004 model, music, AC, alarm, fully loaded, Price neg. Tel. 690-7922.

 model Toyota Allion, late PMM series. In excellent condition. Tel. 616-7351.

 318i, 2004 PLL grey, 65K, excellent condition $3M. Tel. 225-1540.

      t r a c t o r, f o r e i g n used, in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 670-9393.

 Toyota Corolla AE 100, green, $600 000 neg. Tel. 680-4150.

 AT 192, in good condition,music,rims,ac, alaram, $900,000 neg. Tel:625-6487

 Rush SUV, 2006 PRR, 29K, grey, mint condition $3.5M. Tel. 225-1540.

  Hilux extra cab pick-up, one without engine. Contact 642-1070..

Town Ace minivan new model, PLL series. Tel. 6211925, 276-0333.

 model Raum, excellent condition, mag rims, DVD player, alarm system. Call 627-9424, 2270638.


 2007 model, PRR series. Tel. 661-6161.  192, first owner, used privately. Call 690-8004.  6125 John Deere tractor. Call 617-6383.  X-Trail, never registered. 661-6161.  Spacio, never registered $2M. 661-6161.  Fielder, never registered $2M. 661-6161.

 SV-40 Toyota Camry in excellent condition. Tel. 6445931.  330 Bedford Dump truck. Contact 685-3832, 3320205.  RAV-4 2002 model, pearl white, fully loaded, mag rims, CD, AC, etc. Call 6710813.  NZE Corolla in hire, mags, AC, alarm, excellent condition. $1.3M neg. Call 6261141.

 Lancer car, PJJ series $800 000 neg, AC, CD player. Tel. 692-1195, 622-7558.  Atlas and Caravan carburetor, starter, alternator, etc, Nissan Caravan bus. Tel. 2208209.  Toyota 212, yellow, 16" mag rims, CD, AC, etc in excellent condition. Call 692-5525.  G-Touring Wagon, yellow, CD, AC, mag rims, etc, excellent condition. Call 641-1303.

 RZ minibus, BLL series, excellent condition, cat eye. Price $1.15M. 216-0367, 673-6948.

  Carina immaculate condition, new tyres, shocks, resprayed, AC, CD, $735 000 neg. 655-7999, 645-3810.

 CRV 2002 model, PNN series, roof rack, TV, reverse camera. Price $2.9M neg. 6417475.

 time 4-wheel drive RVR. Excellent condition, good for interior locations $800 000. Call 2201630, 638-1829.

 Carina, AC, music, alarm, PLL series excellent condition. Price $950 000. Tel. 6557839, 690-7344.

 Tacoma foreign-used SV2 engine, 580c Hymac track (new) rams, gear box, D-6 bulldozer. 621-4862.

       

 Mercedes Benz hardly driven, great price. Owner migrating. Contact 610-7674, 6827453.

 Nissan Frontier $1.5M, two Hilux unregistered pick-up $2M each, one solid deff 4-door pick-up $1.7M neg. Contact 665-5776.           clean Premio Silver, fully loaded in excellent condition. Owner leaving country. Call 2204748, 642-4408.  Custom 3Y minibus, double coil spring, mag rims, music and perfect for any hustle. Call 686-1237, 660-4739, 255-0914.  Toyota Hilux V6 GMM series, LHD, 4WD, winch, off road bumpers, etc, Toyota RZ EFI long base, 6 lugs late JJ series. Call 6439235. Honda Chapa PKK series, mag rims, music, AC, alarm, fully loaded, lady-driven. Tel. 621-5582, 611-4227. Civic, CD player, AC, mag rims, alarm system, $780 000 neg. Ford Ranger 2003 $2.2M neg. Tel. 658-5400.  Nissan Tiida Latio PPP series, in excellent condition. Owner migrating. M I LA G E 58,000, LADY-DRIVEN Tel. 6173834.   excellent condition $1.2M, RU 11 Blue Bird excellent codntiion $350 000, Nissan B12 Sunny $350 000.Call 6262884.  Tundra 4x4 V8 gas (4 months old) $2.6M neg Toyota Allion PPP series, mag rims, AC, CD, $2M, neg. Both are very clean. Tel. 233-6337, 662-6024.  NZE Corolla car, rims, AC, press start, alarm, music set, equaliser speakers, all four wheels disc brakes, newly sprayed, lady-driven, leather interior. Call 668-5384, 648-3342.  Premio PNN series, in excellent condition (ladydriven), 17" chrome rims, alarm, automatic start, ac, CD player etc. $2.3M neg. Tel. 649-2541.  RZ minibus in excellent condition, BPP series, CD deck, AC, fully long base, stick s h i f t , $ 2 . 6 M n e g . Te l . 6 2 6 1375.

 Toyota Spacio, PMM series black interior, mags, music, AC working, excellent condition, $1 725M neg. Call 6219080, 270-4674.  model AT 212 Carina, fully loaded, mags, CD, remote start up, alarm system, excellent condition, silver. Contact 609-4506 - $1.45M.  Daf long base closed up canter series, GPP 445, 101 Mon Repos Housing Scheme. Contact numbers 220-7555, 690-7021, 616-1090, 6744724. Price $3.5M neg.  / Company Bus, (80 Passengers) Coach Bus, make: Blue Bird, miles: 15,000 only, excellent condition - 6246464, 665-6061, 686-0900. Keith.  Toyota Tacoma 2005, TRD 4x4 fully loaded, automatic, bright cherry red, excellent condition. Tel. 669-1113, 671-8883, 614-0949. Price $3.9M.=  Toyota Tacoma 2011, 4x2 pick-up extended cab, fully loaded automatic, comes with front and side curtain air bags. Excellent condition. Tel. 6691113, 671-8883, 614-0949.  cold storage Canter, also 4x4 four-door canter, 4x4 pick-ups, 320 BMW, Noah bus and vans. 61 Dennis Street, Campbellville 693-5610, 2270190 Ext 100, 623-5845, 6169727.  shipment: Toyota Premio, Toyota Belta, Raum, Vitz, IST, Corolla, Spacio, Toyota Noah, Hilux Solid Def, R.H. Auto Sales, Blankenburg, WCD - 2690794, 688-4847.  Toyota Marino CD, AC, mags, recently sprayed over. Price $750 000 neg, 110 Corolla new model, crystal lights, PLL series, CD, AC good condition, $850 000 neg. 6181047.               cars, 250 CC, 5 speed, 4 doors, Power Window, keyless e n t r y, C d P l a y e r, S u n r o o f , PRR series $295,000 cash or credit. TEL: 227-3939, 6214000  Maxima, fully powered needs repairs, sold with documents, sold as is $275,000 cash. 227-3939, 621-4000  limousine, Lincoln Town car, seats 12 persons, fully powered, leather interior, 18" rims, sound system, DVD TV system, lighting effects, rents for Weddings, Proms, Executive services, $6 million start making money. Tel: 227-3939, 6214000  -Trike Can- Am style Motorcycle, 200cc new, reverse gear, Projection and Led lights, Digital dash board, unregistered $275,000 neg or credit, Wholesale TEL: 227-3939, 621-4000 3000GT sports car, 18" rims, leather seats, Cd Player, amp and box, hid lights, excellent condition $1.8 million. Tel: 621-4000, 227-3939   S300 bullet proof, leather seats, automatic, cd and dvd player 2 screens, lots of extras, 19" rims 2.3 million cash. Tel: 621-4000.


 White 212 Carina, PMM s e r i e s , e x c e l l e n t c o n dition, fully loaded, mag r i m s , C D , f i r s t o w n e r. P r i c e $875 000 neg. Serious enquiries, call 660-6499 between 08:00hrs and 19"00hrs.     To y o t a S p a c i o PRR series - lady driven fully loaded - CD/DVD player - reverse camera - crystal back lights - perfect condition - $2. million - owner l e a v i n g c o u n t r y. C a l l 6 5 1 7410.  minibuses BMM and BNN, CRV new model, AT 192, 212, NZE, AT 170, Toyota Hilux Surf, 06 Tacoma, family van ( 7 - s e a t e r ) c a n t e r s , Ta c o m a , Nissan Cefiro wagon and cheap cars. 680-3154.  buy, sell and tradein vehicles for cash, we also do trading-in of vehicles, 30seater buses, as low as $900 0 0 0 , Sp a c i o , A l l i o n , S u p e r Custom buses, 680-3154. 1 2002 model unregistered Toyota Regius Wagon, colour Black two tone, AC< air bag, alloy wheels powered windows, power ste e r i n g , f o g l i g h t s , T V, n av i ga t io n p ri ce $2 .3 M . Contact 624-5617.        industrial Solutions (GPS) - asset tracking service for vehicles, personal cars, vans, taxis, distribution trucks/vans/buses. Machinery:excavators, track dozers, off road vehicles, t r a w l e r s , b a r g e s , t u g s . Te l . 592-691-0940. buy, sell used vehicles, we also trade in yours for another, Premio, Allion, Mazda 3, NZE Corolla, Raum, Vios, IST, Runx, 212 Carina, AT 192, all models of pick-ups, RZ buses. Call K. Persaud, Auto Sales, David of 169 Lamaha and De Abreu St r e e ts , Newtown, under Blue Martini, 649-0329/231-1841.  X-Trail 4WD, fully powered, 56 000 km, excellent condition $3.5M neg, or best offer. 50 cc s c o o t e r $ 1 2 0 0 0 0 , 1 2 K VA Onan Cummins generator n e w. C a l l M r P a u l o n 2 3 1 9 1 8 1 , 6 2 6 - 11 5 0 . buy, sell used vehicles, we also trade in yours for another, Premio, Allion, Mazda 3, NZE Corolla, Raum, Vios, IST, Runx, 212 Carina, AT 192, all models of pick-ups, RZ buses. Call K. Persaud, Auto Sales, David of 169 Lamaha and De Abreu St r e e ts , Newtown, under Blue Martini, 649-0329, 695-5359.      A l l i o n n e v e r registered, original black metallic colour Toyota Town ace van, can be registered in 'G'. Blowout sale on all h i g h e n d c a r s t e r e o k i c k e r, Orion, Pioneer, Power Bass, DVD, USB, amplifiers, 1-2-4 channels amplifiers, 6', 8',10', 12' and 15' speakers mids and bass. Canter spares engine gear box, Allion and Premio half cuts (front and rear) and much more. Contact 626-9210.





  Ray Motor Spares and Auto Sales now offering 10% discount on all Japan e s e v e h i c l e p a r ts . To y o ta , Nissan, Mitsubishi, Honda, etc. Just arrived a new shipment of vehicle batteries at very affordable prices for motor vehicles also special deals on all vehicles. We beat any price. New shipment. Call 2272330, 227-2322. Visit our page on m / R a y ' s Motor Spares.

   e n c l o s e d To y o t a Dyna GHH series $900 000, one Bedford 10-ton TL 500 flat tray GDD series $1.2M, one Toyota Camry PFF series $800 000, one enclosed Chevrolet van GKK series $1.1M. All in working condition, one unservic e able Mitsubishi Canter GFF series $300 000, one enclosed Daf Lf 45 GNN series $4.2M. Contact 265-7550, 640-6000.

 Waitress, preferably from EBD. Contact 6171481.

  Ram 1500 4x4, 5.2 litres, black in colour, 158 000 kilometres just arrived from Toronto, on and off road wide tyres, with mag rims, come with spare a l t e r n a t o r, w a t e r p u m p a n d starter motor, back rack, with four roof lights, side steps, bed rails, hi tch, hood scoop, truck is raised for on and off road. Canon face off stereo with USB, Bluetooth and Aux, Rockford fast gate A m p , 2 ten-inch Cerwin Vega sub woofer, the truck has remote s t a r t e r, t r u c k i s i n L e g u a n Essequibo River $2,800,000 or b e s t o f f er. Contact 668-3652, 668-3652, 416-402-9834 Email for pictures RLAKRAJ@SYMPATICO.CA      LOT 185 CHARLOTTE & KING STREETS, MARAJ BUILDING. TEL. 227-0265, 2271881, 629-5178. We buy and sell used cars and trade in your car for another. All prices are negotiable used cars and trade in your car for another All prices are negotiable. USED RZ bus $850 000, Honda Accord $1M, small bus $1M, Vios $1.6M, Premio $2.7M unregistered, Tundra bubble back, 4-wheel drive $3.4M, Tundra GRR series square back $2.4M, 318 BMW $3M, Nadia $ 1 . 8 5 M , To y o t a R a v 4 $ 1 . 6 M . Allion $2.05M, Cedia Lancer $1.1M, Honda Civic $1.1M, AT 1 9 2 $ 9 7 5 0 0 0 , C o r o na 170 Wagon $850,000, Corona 210 $1.4M, AE 110 Corolla $1M, new model AT 212 $1.375M, Raum $ 1 . 2 5 0 M , Ta c o m a $2.4M, Corolla Wagon $1.05M.   LOT 235 SOUTH ROAD AND LIGHT STREET BOURDA, GEORGETOWN. TEL. 6295178, 223-8655 We buy and sell used cars and trade in your car for another All prices are negotiable. USED RZ bus $850 000, Range Rover Des 5L engine Solid Deff $5M, Land Cruiser $4M, Honda Accord $1M, small bus $1M, Vios $1.6M, Premio $2.7M unregistered, Tundra bubble back, 4-wheel drive $3.4M, Tundra GRR series square back $2.4M, 318 BMW $ 3 M , N a d i a $ 1 . 8 5 M , To y o t a Rav4 $1.6M, Allion $2.05M, Cedia Lancer $1.1M, Honda Civic $1.1M, AT 192 $975 000, Corona 170 Wagon $850,00, AE 110 Corolla $1M, new model AT 212 $1.375M, Raum $ 1 . 2 5 0 M , Ta c o m a $ 2 . 4 M , C o rolla Wagon $1.05M, Corona 210 Wagon $1.4M           ! To p quali ty re-conditio n e d v e hicles To y o t a Noah ; To y o t a Voxy, To y o t a IST (New Shape) Suzuki Swift; Daihatsu Move (660cc) Mercedes Benz C 2 0 0 Compressor; C o rolla AE100 W agon ; H o n d a C R V R D 4 ; L a n d C r u i s e r ( f u l l y loa d e d ) ; M a z d a P r o c e e d 4 W D Extracab p i c k u p ; To y o t a H i l u x 4 W D Extra- ca b pickups 3R Z , 5 L , 3L-S o l i d D i f f e r e n t i a l ; Mitsubishi Can ter Trucks 3, TONS OPEN T R A Y, 2 -TON 4WD; 3 - Tons Dump T r u c k ; Nissan Atlas 2 Ton Truck. P r e - O r d e r y o u r u n i t s ear l y and get the best prices. Full after-sales s e r v i c e a n d financing a v ailable.                                          A name and service you can trust.\

         TEL. 2332400, 233-2681, 624-7808 Check us out today for all motor vehicles, parts and accs. Owning a vehicle is as easy as 1-2-3 at Automart Auto Sales. Easy credit, low down payment and long pay back periods. Installments as low a s : To y o ta P r e m i o $ 1 8 5 9 0 , To y o t a A l l i o n $ 1 4 8 7 2 , To y o t a C a r i n a AT 2 1 2 $ 1 0 2 2 5 , To y o t a R u n x $ 1 3 0 1 3 , Toyota Allex $13 942, Toyota Sp a c i o $ 1 5 3 3 7 , To y o t a B B $ 1 0 6 8 9 , To y o t a I S T $ 1 3 013, Toyota Vitz (new model) $ 1 5 8 0 2 , To y o ta S i e n t a $ 1 2 0 8 4 , To y o t a R u s h $ 1 8 8 7 9 , Mazda Axela $15 802, Nissan B l u e B i r d $ 2 0 4 4 9 , To y o t a Hiace Buses $17 661, To y o t a H i l u x P i c k u p s $ 2 5 0 9 6 . A l s o in stock are crash bars, side bars and rear bars f o r t h e To y o ta R u s h , s l i d i n g glasses for the Pitbull minibuses, bedliners for the Toyota Pickups and degreaser in 55 gal drums, 1 gal and spray bottles.  arrived! Quality vehicles at unbeatable prices, Toyota Allion $2.8M, Toyota Raum, Passo $1.8M, Tiida Latino $2.1M, Toyota Runx and Allex $2.1M. Contact Quality Auto Sales - 650-9880, 648-8640.     Big sale now o n - To y o ta , A l l i o n , R a c t i s , CYLPHA, Vitz, 15 and 19 seats Pitbull, Belta, IST< Cami, AT 212, Axio, 9 seats Voxy, Picn i c , A l l e x , Sp a c i o , P a s s o , Vios, Avensis, IPsum, Rush, Hilux, Sienta, Alteeza, Runx, Celica, Platz, Wish, Vigo & Land Cruiser 4-wheel drive & single cab pickups, Corolla NZE 121 and Caldina Fielder Wagons, Hilux Xtra Cab, new and old models Premio BB Raum Prado, 4-Runner Land C r u i s e r, P i c k - u p Vi t z R a v - 4 , Audi A4, Mercedes Benz E 2 0 0 , M a zda Demio, Rx7,. Rx8, Axela, Suzuki, Escudo, Honda Fit, CAPA, Civic, new and old models CRV, Nissan Cefiro, Murano, Tida, Latio, Datsun Pickup 2x4, Vanette Van, x-Trail, BMW 318 and 320, Mitsubishi: Mirage, Lancer, Colt, Dingo, Pajero I.O. 244 Sheriff Street. Tel. 227-2322, Fax 227-2330, 3 Bagotstown, EBD. Tel. 233-5151.



 puri maker. Tel. 2273880, 226-9561.  to work Snackette. Call 644-7720.


 hire car driver. Contact Mrs Z. Khan Tel. 226-7948, 6866648.  car driver to work in base,50 years old and over. Tel. 223-7634, 681-0823.           . , Gardener, Republic Park/Continental Park. Tel. 2335922.  Must have experience reading maps, and using GPS. Contact 223-5273/4.  Salesgirl. Drop application to the Old Navy Store, first floor, City Mall.  - HEAVY duty sewing machine 34 000 RPM motor. 6224386.

 Driver, Salesman, must have canter licence. Contact Brian 621-6880, 264-3054.  to work in Newtown area. Call Mr Budram 692-3831, 626-4180.  Cabs, Kitty wants cars to join the base. Tel. 2251320, 2251370.  and space in Middle Street to rent, building for business. Call 226-7085, 225-6288. posts, greenheart and bulletwood lumber (milled sawn preferable). Contact 6005872, 600-1329.  Bar Attendant/Waiter at Julian's Restaurant, Bar & Guest House from 16:30hrs to 12 midnight. Call 638-4505, 225-4709.  Waitress for Singh's Seafood restaurant and bar at Fifth Street, Cummings Lodge. Contact 222-3180, 642-6780.  Handyman, age 35-55. Call Tiffany on 2250808 between 08:00hrs and 16:00hrs.. Maid, age 45 up, preferably l i v i n g o n E C D . C a l l 6 11 - 8 2 2 2 . - ground floor for printery at least 30'x60' in good area. Call 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.  Driver, must have a minibus licence. Two experienced cooks in baking (pastries, etc)). Call 220-4719, 677-1230.  in or live out b a b y s i t t e r. 2 2 5 - 4 4 9 2 , 2 2 5 6070. Call Monday to Saturday 08:15hrs - 16:15hrs. Cook and one Maid, living around Georgetown ECD. Must know how to prepare Indian and English foods, 35 years and older. Contact 699-4152.  Driver, watchman, porter to work on truck. Apply in person to R.P's Enterprise, formally Chin's Mfg Industries, Area 'K' Le Resouvenir, ECD.  man to run errans, general clean up apply in person Guyana Variety Store 38 Cummings Street Albertown .  wanted for school bus, must have good personality and patience. Working 06:30hrs to 16:00hrs. Call 2335992 . . Apply in person M.F. Shikhan Hotel, 34 Princes Street, Wortmanville. Apply in person only.  established security firm seeks security guards with military policing background. Competitive salary packages. Call 223-4033.  Porters. Apply to Regent Household Electronics, 143 Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown (big blue store between Albert and Light Streets). Tel. 227-4402.  and housekeeper needed to work in Campbellville, Georgetown, Mondays to Fridays. Must be trustworthy and willing to work. References needed. Send to P.O. Box 101302. : Must know to sew pants/shirts and skirts. Contact Annmarie at RK's Security Services, 172 Light and Charlotte Streets, Bourda, Georgetown Tel: 226-7541/226-0168/2275072  needed person who has experience with children required. Must be flexible with working hours. Call 2 2 3 - 2202, between 9 am and 7 pm.  worker for interior to sell in small shop. Must know to wash and cook,.Salary $80 000 monthly. Please call 6796082.\

South Africa issue 18 new contracts

SOUTH AFRICA have begun planning for life without retired captain Graeme Smith after announcing that 18 players have been awarded central contracts. Smith, who captained the Proteas in 110 Test matches, played his 117th and final Test in the 245-run defeat to Australia which ended last Wednesday. His replacement as captain in the longest format has yet to be announced with one-day skipper AB de Villers the favourite to succeed him, and de Villiers is one of seven players to be handed a two-year central contract. Senior players Hashim Amla, JP Duminy, Faf du Plessis, Morne Morkel, Vernon Philander and Dale Steyn have also been handed two-year terms with 10 other players handed one-year deals. Among those is Dean Elgar, who takes Smith's place in the pool of centrally contracted players, and he is joined by Quinton de Kock, Rory Kleinveldt, Ryan McLaren, David Miller, Wayne Parnell, Alviro Petersen, Robin Peterson, Imran Tahir and Lonwabo Tsotsobe. "Dean is the obvious replacement and must be excited by the opportunity to emulate the greatness achieved by his recently retired national captain," said Cricket South Africa Chief Executive Haroon Lorgat. "He has all the attributes and qualifies as the next player

WANTED  Gardener, $15,000 per week. Must live on the East Coast Demerara. Must be available immediately. Please call 220-2352 or 2201785  Steer Bobcat operator. Must have 3 years' experience. Call 600-0840 Monday to Friday between 08:00hrs and 17:00hrs.  Mechanic with 10 years experience working with heavy-duty diesel equipment. Call 600-0840. Monday to Friday between 08:00hrs and 17:00hrs.  A centrally located venue in Georgetown to hold mathematics lessons for about 60 students in the evening. If you have such a venue, please call Sir Patterson on 223-4987, 680-8725.  with car to join Crown Cabs Base in K i t t y. B a s e f e e s o n l y $ 5 000, for the first 20 cars. 226-9698, 613-5657, 6809333, 692-5145, 686-8492.  Salesgirls. Apply to Regent Household Electronics (big blue store), 143 Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown, between Albert a n d L i g h t St r e e ts . Te l . 2 2 7 4402 .  Taxi Drivers with cars to join Crown Base in K i t t y. F r e e L o g o a n d R a d i o , Base fees only $4 000 per week. Free base fees for 4 weeks if you pay regular deposit. 226-1611, 602-9221, 613-5657, 680-9333.

eligible to be awarded a contract in terms of the new methodology we developed together with the South African Cricketers' Association (SACA)." "As mentioned before, the Board has also agreed to award multi-year contracts to our top

players to secure and recognise their value." Jacques Kallis, who has retired from the Test arena but continues to play in limited-overs games, has been awarded a 'special' one-year contract.

Hosts Guyana and Barbados looking ... From back page replaces Beaton who injured his side whilst batting in their first round match against Jamaica last week. After the 2013 Guyana Cricket Board Inter-County fourday competition, the 22-year-old Johnson who stands at six feet, five inches tall and is a product of the Young Achievers Cricket Club, who competes in West Demerara Cricket Association tournaments, was described as impressive by national selectors. He will share the new ball with his Young Achievers club mate Keon Joseph, with added support in the fast bowling department coming from Fudadin and Barnwell, even as Deonarine, Bishoo and Permaul take charge of the spin department. The Barbadians, will be led by West Indies opener Kraigg Brathwaite, with support from Boucher, Roston Chase, Carter, Shai Hope, successful WICB/NAGICO Super50 skipper Kevin Stoute ands diminutive wicketkeeper batsman Shane Dowrich. Fiery West Indies fast bowler Tino Best and Cummins will lead their bowling, backed by Carlos Brathwaite, who like Best and Cummins, can contribute healthily with the bat, while Nurse, Stoute and the lanky Sulieman Benn, will throw in their weight with the pink ball as well. Team from Guyana: Christopher Barnwell (captain), Sewnarine Chattergoon, Assad Fudadin, Chanderpaul Hemraj, Narsingh Deonarine, Tagenarine Chanderpaul, Anthony Bramble, Amir Khan, Veerasammy Permaul, Devendra Bishoo, Raun Johnson, Keon Joseph and Vishal Singh. Barbados (from): Kraigg Brathwaite (Captain), Sulieman Benn, Tino Best, Carlos Brathwaite, Rashidi Boucher, Jonathan Carter, Roston Chase, Miguel Cummins, Shane Dowrich, Shai Hope, Ashley Nurse, Kevin Stoute and Kenroy Williams.

Racing Tips English Sandown 10:00 hrs Great Link 10:30 hrs Greywell Boy 11:05 hrs Polisky 11:40 hrs Waldorf Salad 12:15 hrs Craiglands 12:50 hrs Mountain King Ayr 10:20 hrs Avidity 10:50 hrs Sam Lord 11:25 hrs Bollin Fiona 12:00 hrs Micro Mission 12:35 hrs Rossini’s Dancer 13:10 hrs Shadow Boxer Wolverhampton 13:30 hrs Thorpe Bay 14:00 hrs Emerald Breeze 14:30 hrs Waving 15:00 hrs The Bay Bandit 15:30 hrs St Ignatius 16:00 hrs Gabrial The Terror 16:30 hrs Grandiloquent

10:40 hrs Varuna French Racing Tips Deauville 08:50 hrs Lictus 09:20 hrs Entrée 09:50 hrs Beauty Parlour 10:20 hrs Victorianvalentine 10:55 hrs Intercepteur 11:25 hrs Naloudia 11:55 hrs Gone With The Wind 12:25 hrs Vahaney Irish Racing Tips Dundalk 14:45 hrs Catwilldo 15:15 hrs Political Policy 15:45 hrs Urban Moon 16:15 hrs Cheers Buddy 16:45 hrs Atlas Peak 17:15 hrs Knight’s Parade

American Racing Tips Aqueduct Race v1 daisygonnamakeit Race 2 Sweet Potato South Africa Racing Tips Race 3 Bourbon’s Therapy Fairview Race 4 Casual Elegance 08:15 hrs Stars And Stripes Race 5 Lily Lynn 08:55 hrs She’s A Lady Race 6 American Creed 09:30 hrs Oats Race 7 The Truth and K G 10:05 hrs Anzac Race 8 Sweet Reason


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Broad says England need to adjust quickly


NORTH SOUND, Antigua (CMC) – England captain Stuart Broad says the key to his side’s success in the upcoming Twenty20 Series against West Indies, will be how well they adjust to new conditions in Barbados. The tourists pulled off a 25-run victory in the third and final One-Day International here on Wednesday last, to take the series 2-1 and they face the hosts again on Sunday in the first of three T20s at Kensington Oval. “Winning helps your confidence and your belief, and to win in pressure scenarios in conditions that are a little bit foreign to us should help our belief. It should give us confidence,” Broad said “We’ve got to go to Barbados, adjust to conditions there. But part of being a Twenty20 cricketer and being in the England side – that is your biggest test – is adjusting to different wickets in Twenty20 cricket as quickly as you can. And that’s what we’ll have to do come Sunday.” The T20 series will be crucial preparation for both teams as they gear up for their outing in the World Twenty20 Championship in Bangladesh later this month. And while Broad acknowledged the importance of the ODI series win here, he said the focus was now on success at the upcoming T20 Championship. “You saw at the end the celebrations from the guys, how much it means to us to win a series,” he said. “A lot of these guys haven’t been part of the one-day squad for a little while. To come over to the West Indies, play 50-over cricket and produce like we have done is awesome. We’re now into Twenty20 mode that we take to a World Cup, but I think we got a lot out the last two weeks here in Antigua.”

Brazil fired by Neymar hat-trick as Spain, France, Germany win By Martyn Herman (REUTERS) - Neymar’s hattrick lit up a powerful Brazil performance as the 32 nations taking part in this year’s World Cup tested out their squads on a busy night of friendlies last Wednesday, which also brought victories for Spain, Germany and France. Barcelona forward Neymar was unstoppable for tournament hosts Brazil as they demolished a poor South Africa side 5-0 in the Soweto Soccer City stadium which hosted the 2010 final between Spain and the Netherlands. It was also a good day for Real Madrid’s Cristiano Ronaldo who scored twice in Portugal’s 5-1 win over Cameroon, making him his country’s alltime leading scorer with 49 goals. But Neymar’s Barcelona team mate Lionel Messi had an off-colour night for Argentina in Romania, vomiting on the field early in a dull 0-0 draw in Bucharest. Home advantage makes Brazil slight favourites to win a sixth World Cup this year, but a host of usual suspects will travel to the South American country with genuine hopes of gate-crashing the Samba party which starts in 99 days. World and European champions Spain are chief among them and they underlined their pedigree with a 1-0 victory over Italy in a repeat of the Euro 2012 final, Pedro scoring the game’s only goal in Atletico Madrid’s Calderon Stadium. Germany, also bidding to become Europe’s first winner of a World Cup in South America, edged past Chile 1-0 and 1998 winners France, who struggled through qualifying, beat the

Netherlands 2-0. Mario Goetze was on target for Germany in Stuttgart but they were jeered by unhappy fans. “It was a lucky win,” said captain Philipp Lahm. “I can understand the fans, the people paid for their tickets and they wanted to see something. We’ve got work to do and we know that (but) ... we were up against a good Chile team.” Karim Benzema and Blaise Matuidi sealed France’s impressive win over the Dutch in Paris. Neymar was the day’s outstanding performer, though, scoring once in the first half and twice after the break to take his tally for his country to 30. Chelsea’s Oscar had opened

the scoring and Fernandinho completed the rout. “I have no doubt that we are ready,” PSG’s Thiago Silva said on O Globo’s website. “This gives us great morale, great motivation. Now we can rest the mind in these three months remaining.” PROVISIONAL SQUADS With time running out for players to book their places in World Cup squads, Wednesday’s friendlies provided a valuable opportunity for coaches to examine their options for the last time before naming their provisional squads. England manager Roy Hodgson was one of them. He

Brazil’s Neymar (L) is challenged by South Africa’s Bongani Zungu during their international friendly soccer match at the First National Bank Stadium, also known as Soccer City, in Johannesburg last Wednesday night. (Reuters photo)

watched his side labour to a 1-0 win over Denmark with Liverpool’s Daniel Sturridge scoring late to ensure they did not lose three friendly matches in a row at Wembley, having been beaten by Germany and Chile in November. “Looking at performances, you would have to be a harsh critic to say anybody played poorly tonight,” Hodgson said. “I’ve been very happy with the attitude and the desire to get on that plane and grab a shirt.” World Cup dark horses Belgium drew 2-2 with African qualifiers Ivory Coast, for whom Didier Drogba was on target, while Switzerland and Croatia also shared four goals. Tim Cahill scored twice to become Australia’s all-time top goalscorer, although his side squandered a 3-0 lead to lose 4-3 against Ecuador in a thrilling clash in London. Uruguay, who are in a World Cup group with fellow former champions England and Italy, were held 1-1 in Austria. Ukraine and Russia, the two countries involved in a tense military standoff in Crimea, were both in action. Fabio Capello’s Russia beat Armenia 2-0 in Krasnodar and Ukraine, who missed out on qualification, enjoyed a morale-boosting 2-0 victory over the United States in a match moved from Kharkiv to Larnaca in Cyprus. First-time World Cup finalists Bosnia suffered a jolt as they were beaten 2-0 by Egypt in Innsbruck, while Asian qualifiers Japan and South Korea enjoyed victories against New Zealand and Greece respectively.


South Africa in no hurry to select new Test skipper By Nick Said

(REUTERS) - With their next Test series in Sri Lanka in July, Cricket South Africa (CSA) says they are in no rush to find a replacement captain for Graeme Smith, who retired from the sport at the conclusion of the third Test against Australia on Wednesday. Two candidates appear to have the strongest claims - AB de Villiers and Faf du Plessis - both already captains of the national side in the shorter formats of the game. CSA chief executive officer Haroon Lorgat says South Africa’s focus will first shift to this month’s Twenty20 World Cup in Bangladesh, which gives the selectors some breathing space before the need to appoint a Test captain. “The next Test series is in Sri Lanka in July. So there’s a bit of time and something the selectors will have to deal with. I don’t want to pre-empt anything at this stage,” Lorgat told reporters. Lorgat was involved with the appointment of a 22-year-old Smith as captain in 2003 and says it will be up to the CSA board to approve the man put forward by the selectors. “My recollection of the process is that the board confirms the appointment of the captain. I would support that approach. It’s a big appointment, it’s the leader,” Lorgat said. “I’m sure the selectors will look across the entire team and choose, or recommend, who they believe to be the best leader.” de Villiers would seem the obvious choice, he is experienced, the vice-captain of the Test side and has been the leader in one-day internationals since 2011. However, the fact that he is busy enough with wicketkeeping duties is a minor cause for concern. du Plessis is the Twenty20 captain and is held in high regard among the coaching staff for his leadership skills. South Africa have only had four regular Test captains since readmission to international cricket in 1991 - Kepler Wessels, Hansie Cronje, Shaun Pollock and Smith.

EBDCA/Neville Sarjoo Memorial T20 continues this weekend THE NEVILLE Sarjoo Memorial T20 Cricket Competition, which is being played on the East Bank of Demerara with clubs affiliated to the East Bank Demerara Cricket Association (EBDCA), is set to continue this weekend with eight matches at two venues. The competition which started in 2013 but was suspended due to the inclement weather will see matches played at the Demerara Cricket Club (DCC) ground in Queenstown and Laluni Cricket Ground in Laluni. The fixtures for Saturday are as follows: at DCC: Eccles vs Providence at 09:30hrs and Herstelling and Ruimveldt clash from 12:30hrs while at Laluni, the home team will take on Sand Pipers at 09:30hrs followed by Soesdyke Uprising facing Combined United at 12:30hrs. On Sunday, Diamond and Combined United will meet in the first encounter at DCC, with Farm and Nandy Park clashing in the second while at Laluni on the same day, Herstelling go up against North Soesdyke in the first match with the latter team taking on Ruimveldt in the second fixture, which means North Soesdyke will play back-to-back matches at Laluni.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014



Mathews leads Sri Lanka to three-wicket win


Gayle returns to predictable squad ST JOHN’S, Antigua (CMC) – Batting star Chris Gayle has returned to the West Indies squad for the three-match Twenty20 series against England starting Sunday. The left-hander had been ruled out with back problems since the first T20 of the Ireland series last month and also missed the recent three-match One-Day International series against England at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium. Injury forced him to miss the limited over phase of the tour of India last year, and the subsequent New Zealand tour and he is expected to add firepower to a West Indies top order that has recently struggled for fluency, and which was below par against minnows Ireland. T20 captain Darren Sammy assumes reins of the side for the series which continues next Tuesday and Thursday at Kensington Oval. The 15-man Windies squad will use the series as preparation for the defence of their title at the Twenty20 World Cup in Bangladesh later this month. The Windies squad reads: Darren Sammy (captain), Samuel Badree, Dwayne Bravo, Johnson Charles, Sheldon Cotterell, Andre Fletcher, Chris Gayle, Sunil Narine, Denesh Ramdin, Ravi Rampaul, Andre Russell, Marlon Samuels, Krishmar Santokie, Lendl Simmons and Dwayne Smith.

Australia send Johnson home to rest (REUTERS) - Australia have withdrawn fast bowler Mitchell Johnson from their Twenty20 squad in South Africa and sent him home to rest before the World Twenty20 in Bangladesh, Cricket Australia said yesterday. Johnson left Cape Town just 24 hours after making a major contribution to the Test series win over South Africa and will miss the three T20 matches against the Proteas starting on Sunday. Moises Henriques will stay on in South Africa as his replacement. “Mitch has had a very long summer and we think he will benefit from returning home for a few days of rest with his family where he can freshen up,” Australia coach Darren Lehmann said in a statement. “He will link back up with the squad in Bangladesh.” Australia’s first match of the World Twenty20 is against Pakistan in Dhaka on March 23.


BANGLADESH’S miserable Asia Cup campaign finished without victory after Sri Lanka claimed a battling three-wicket win in Mirpur yesterday, with captain Angelo Mathews’ unbeaten 74 steering the Sri Lankans home after they had hit trouble in pursuit of 204 for nine. Sri Lanka crashed to 75 for five, but an 82-run stand between Mathews and Chaturanga de Silva (44) swung the match for the victors who had already booked their place in tomorrow’s final against Pakistan. Bangladesh reached the Asia Cup final two years ago, when the tournament was also held on home soil, but will now host the World Twenty20 low on confidence. Mushfiqur Rahim’s side most significantly lost to Afghanistan - the first time a Test-playing nation had done so - and will face them in the World Twenty20 opener in Mirpur on March 16. Anamul Haque top-scored yesterday, falling one run short of a half-century, with fellow opener Shamsur Rahman adding 39. Al-Amin Hossain then removed Kusal Perera and Kumar Sangakkara in his first two overs of Sri Lanka’s reply before Mahela Jayawardene was

run-out without scoring. With his two most experienced campaigners gone early,

Mathews stood up under pressure to ensure Sri Lanka won with an over to spare and that

they would go into the final with a perfect record from four games. (PA Sport)

Angelo Mathews steers Sri Lanka to victory in their final Asia Cup group game against Bangladesh. (Eurosport)


Second round of matches bowls off today ST JOHN’S, Antigua – This year’s West Indies Cricket Board’s (WICB) Regional 4-Day tournament is set to continue today with a full slate of matches in the second round. Windward Islands, one of three sides that won their first round match, will be looking to create a piece of history when they travel to Port of Spain to face Trinidad & Tobago at Queen’s Park Oval. The Windwards have had little success in the Twin Island Republic, winning just four matches in the history of the modern Regional 4-Day Tournament, dating back to 1966 with their previous victory coming eight years ago, when they claimed an 86-run victory at Shaw Park in Scarborough, Tobago, the other half of the republic. They have not won in Trinidad since prevailing by nine wickets 21 years ago at Guaracara Park in Pointe-A-Pierre and their previous and only victory at the Oval came 32 years ago by two wickets. Jamaica, with whom the Windwards share the lead on the points table, will be looking to continue their dominance over Leeward Islands, the other first round winning side – and mark the occasion of the first-ever floodlit, first-class match at Warner Park in St Kitts with their fourth straight victory there. Squads Trinidad & Tobago (from): Rayad Emrit (captain), Jonathan Augustus, Adrian Barath, Darren Bravo, Yannic Cariah, Shannon Gabriel, Akeal Hosein, Kavesh Kantasingh, Stephen Katwaroo, Imran Khan, Evin Lewis, Jason Mohammed, Marlon Richards. Windward Islands (from): Liam Sebastien (captain), Sunil Ambris, Alston Bobb, Romel Currency, Lindon James, Delorn Johnson, Keddy Lesporis, Mervin Matthew, Nelon Pascal, Kenroy Peters, Dalton Polius, Devon Smith, Tyrone Theophile. Leeward Islands (from): Kieran Powell (captain), Jahmar Hamilton, Montcin Hodge, Alzarri Joseph, Sylvester Joseph, Anthony Martin, Mali Richards, Akeem Saunders, Devon Thomas, Gavin Tonge, Hayden Walsh Jr, Kelbert Walters, Tonito Willett. Jamaica (from): Tamar Lambert (captain), Carlton Baugh Jr, David Bernard Jr, Jermaine Blackwood, Nkrumah Bonner, John Campbell, Damion Jacobs, Andre McCarthy, Jamie Merchant, Horace Miller, Nikita Miller, Andrew Richardson, Jerome Taylor. Points standings after Round 1 Teams 1. Windward Islands 1. Jamaica 3. Leeward Islands 4. Combined Campuses & Colleges 4. Barbados 6. Guyana

Pts 17 17 15 4 4 3

M 1 1 1 1 1 1

W 1 1 1 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 1 1 1

D 0 0 0 0 0 0

T 0 0 0 0 0 0

NR 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bat 2 2 0 1 1 0

Bowl 3 3 3 3 3 3


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

GCB rolls out its National T20 League

THE DRUBAHADUR-steward Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) is now rolling out its National T20 League which will be called “GUYANA T20 CRICKET LEAGUE” (GTCL) and will be contested by eight teams who will be doing so for supremacy on an annual basis. This competition will be played prior to the Limacol Caribbean Premier League (LCPL) each year and can be used as a feeder for the Guyana Amazon Warriors team this year and into the future, with a great opportunity for more of our local players to be part of the Guyana Amazon Warriors lineup and later vie for greater heights. The GCB is currently in discussions with two potential title sponsors but has not yet finalised any formal arrangement with any entity in this regard. The eight teams will be drawn from the following geographical areas and this competition has been deliberately structured to showcase as many players as possible and is not intended to be a Club or County arrangement: Team 1 - Upper Berbice - (Albion to Crabwood Creek), Team 2 - Lower Berbice -(West Coast Berbice to Fyrish), Team 3 - East Coast Demerara, Team 4 - Georgetown ‘A’, Team 5 - Georgetown

‘B’, Team 6 - East Bank Demerara including Linden, Team 7 - West Demerara and Team 8 - Essequibo. The GCB will also be seeking team sponsors for each of the teams with special preference being given to sponsors located within the geographical area of each team. This strategy will allow the teams to generate a following and spectator support from their particular geographical area and ultimately generate a higher level of competition within the teams who should take pride in representing the areas from which they came. Discussions have already commenced with some potential team sponsors and the GCB will also be inviting at least 16 players from the Caribbean to be part of this tournament which will be held during a two-week period in either May or June of this year. The Rules for the tournament are currently being drawn up and one of the features of the competition will be the allowance for local guest players, which means local players who may have missed out on selection within their geographical teams above may be eligible for selection with other teams. This will be done up to a set limit per team so as to ensure that all 8 teams maintain a competitive environment.

For the tournament, there will be 28 preliminary matches, 2 semifinals, a 3rd place playoff and a final played under lights, with matches being played all across Guyana with semis and final at Guyana National Stadium, Providence and Albion Community Centre, while the winners are expected to cart off at least G$10M during the inaugural tournament. Persons or entities interested in coming on board with this new and exciting venture can make direct contact with the Secretary, Anand Sanasie, at or the Marketing Manager, Mr Raj Singh at rsinsurance63@gmail. com on or before March 31 2014 ANAND SANASIE or they can obtain further details on our website at

TENELEC INC. renews Chelsea primed to steal a march on title rivals sponsorship for BCB U-15 By Martyn Herman (REUTERS) - Chelsea have a gilt-edged opportunity to open up a seven-point lead at the top of the Premier League this weekend and there is nothing their main title rivals can do about it. With second-placed Liverpool having a week off and Arsenal and Manchester City in FA Cup action, all the chasers can do is hope Tottenham Hotspur can end one of the longest jinx’s in English football and upset the odds at Stamford Bridge. Twenty-four years have passed and 15 managers have come and gone at the north London club since Tottenham last won at Chelsea - a miserable sequence that even the most optimistic Spurs fans would struggle to believe will end tomorrow. Chelsea are gaining momentum in ominous fashion as the home straight to the title race looms and while Manchester City will have three games in hand after the weekend, a ninepoint deficit to Jose Mourinho’s side would leave them precious little margin for error. Perhaps a glimmer of optimism for Liverpool’s Bren-

dan Rodgers, Arsenal’s Arsene Wenger and City’s Manuel Pellegrini is that Tottenham have the best away record in the top flight and are still harbouring top-four hopes themselves. Despite not playing fluently, they are fifth and victory at Chelsea would leave them just a point behind City and three adrift of arch-rivals Arsenal who they host next week. Tim Sherwood’s side have picked up 29 points on the road this season, winning nine games out of 14. Chelsea have been strong at home, though, winning 12 and drawing two as Mourinho’s incredible statistic of never having lost a league game at Stamford Bridge rolls on. Champions Manchester United have the chance to edge a little closer to the top four with a Saturday lunchtime kickoff at West Bromwich Albion who earlier in the season won at Old Trafford for the time in 35 years. Albion fans mocked United manager David Moyes that day, suggesting he would be “sacked in the morning” but it was their manager Steve Clarke who was cast aside and West Brom are now hovering just above the relegation zone with new boss


Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market &The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 2256158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: Sunil Gavaskar 56 ODIs; 87 wickets Today’s Quiz: What were Sir Richie Richardson’s scores in his debut Test? Shiv Chanderpaul has compiled 29 Test centuries. How many ODI hundreds he has scored? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

Pepe Mel under pressure.

REMOTE HOPES Defeat for United would surely end their remote hopes of finishing in the Champions League places, leaving their best route back into the competition to win it, although with a 2-0 deficit to overturn against Olympiakos in the last 16 that scenario looks unlikely too. Midfielder Juan Mata said March could be a make or break month for United. “We have five Premier League games against important rivals such as Liverpool and Man City,” he told United’s website. “We do know it is a crucial month to climb up positions on the league table and we are going to give our best to try and win every single match.” The weekend’s other matches all involve teams battling to avoid the drop. The bottom two clubs meet with Cardiff City hosting Fulham in a match where for once the description “a six-pointer” is not out of place. Defeat for either in the Welsh capital would see the trapdoor open a little wider. “This Saturday (tomorrow) is now the biggest game for us, Fulham at home,” Cardiff’s Ben Turner told the club’s website. “We’ve been saying for a few games at home that they are ‘must win’ recently, and this game more than fits that description. There are ten games left and our aim is to try and win fifty per cent or more of them.” Crystal Palace, three points above the bottom three in 16th place, host Southampton, probably the only side in the top flight to have little to play for this season, they being well clear of danger and too far adrift of the European spots. Norwich City, who are just a point better off than Palace, take on a Stoke City side who could move into the relative comfort of 10th with three points.

AT A SIMPLE but significant ceremony held recently at the famous Albion Sports Complex, Bobby Deonarine of Tenelec of Washington renewed his sponsorship for the Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) Inter-Club Under-15 Competition for teams in Berbice to the tune of $500 000. Human Resources Manager of GuySuCo’s Albion Estate Vemen Walter, was high in praise to the sponsor for his faith and role in the development of Berbice cricket, while he also praised the work of the BCB. He congratulated the sponsor for once again sponsoring this very important tournament where Berbice cricketers are identified and nurtured, adding that two of the Guyanese in Dubai with the West Indies Under-19 team, Gudakesh Motie-Kanhai and Shimron Hetmyer are recent products of this sponsorship. Walter said other successful cricketers that went on to represent West Indies such as Narsingh Deonarine, Veerasammy Permaul, Devindra Bishoo, Assad Fudadin and Royston Crandon participated in this tournament as well. BCB president Keith Foster thanked the elder Deonarine on behalf of the Board, noting that not many will invest their money in Guyana when they live and earn overseas but the sponsor is an exception. Foster said that Deonarine, who is the uncle of Narsingh Deonarine, is a true patriot of his country of birth and one who is always willing to assist young people here. First vice-president of the BCB, Anil Beharry, who chaired the proceedings, was also high in praise for the sponsor and thanked them for this investment in the youths in Berbice. He said that many young people are led astray towards the ills in society and this tournament is an avenue to help them make meaningful contributions to the development of themselves and their communities. He added that international quality floodlights will soon be installed at the Albion Sports Complex and it is expected that many sporting activities will be held to keep our young people constructively occupied. He pleaded with parents to make sure that their young children take full advantage of this tournament. In his short but inspiring remarks, Deonarine said it was money well spent and he will always support cricket in Berbice, with the younger players taking priority, adding that he is happy to be part of the success of so many players that come out of Berbice and went on to represent Guyana and eventually the West Indies. Tenelec Inc is also the sponsor of the premier 50 overs first division competition in Berbice, one that is set to play in the second half of the year and the BCB is optimistic that Tenelec Inc will be on board once more.

James Samuel (2nd left) of Maryland and a representative of the sponsor presents the sponsorship cheque to president of the BCB Keith Foster, in the presence of sponsor Bobby Deonarine (extreme left) and members and friends of the BCB.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday March 7, 2014

Vizion Sounds Entertainment Goodwill Tournament

Slingerz and Alpha clash tonight … Buxton play Boys’ Town

A beaten Boys’ Town keeper Kirk Porter (#1), watches as Slingerz Football Club’s Anthony ‘Awo’ Abrams (#20) sets up to score the opening goal of the game. (Sonell Nelson photo)

Vizion Sounds Entertainment Goodwill Tournament

Slingerz and Boys’ Town play to entertaining draw … Alpha United easily disposed of Buxton United 2-0 A 90TH MINUTE goal from Peter Keys helped the visiting Boys’ Town Football Club of Jamaica to secure a 1-1 draw against a determined Slingerz Football Club when action in the Vizion Sounds Entertainment Goodwill tournament got on the way last Wednesday evening at the Georgetown Football Club ground. The Jamaicans snared the point from the contest, after the ‘West Side’ team went ahead in the 19th minute through an Anthony ‘Awo’ Abrams goal, while in the opening game of the double-header, Edison Gomes scored twice (36th, 56th minutes) to give Alpha United a 2-0 victory over Buxton United. Scores of persons turned out to see for the first time in 21 years, a Jamaican club team play in Guyana and it was 90 minutes of pulsating football, as the fans were certainly kept entertained throughout the back-and-forth encounter. The diminutive Abrams, who became Slingerz’ latest goal-scoring machine as he head into the contest with seven goals from two games, wasted little time in showing the Jamaicans why he’s considered one of the best forwards in Guyana. In fact, teaming up with Suriname national striker Wensley ‘Dutch Boy’ Christoph and Guyana’s very own Devon Millington at the top, Abrams and Slingerz were able to wreak havoc in the opening minutes of the game. A slick flick of the ball to Millington by Abrams from a little fancy play by Christoph resulted in Slingerz getting the shot on goal, though it went just wide, loud cheers erupting from the crowd in appreciation of the innovation by the trio who were playing together for the first time. The first 10 minutes of the game saw Slingerz press their Jamaican counterparts into falling back and playing more defensive but the story of the game changed just after the visiting side got comfortable on the pitch. Just as Boys’ Town were settling into their own, Slingerz opened the scoring through their talismanic striker Abrams, who scored thanks to some unselfish play from Christoph. After Boys’ Town goalkeeper Kirk Porter unwisely left his goalline to advance towards the attacking Christoph, even though his defenders Victor Thompson and Wayne Ellis seemed to have things under control, Abrams received a slick pass to a wide open goal. Despite being down, the Jamaicans were highly admired by the Guyanese who made them feel at home, by showing appreciation when it was due and it would’ve been hard for them not to do so, since the Andrew Price-coached team were able to send the Slingerz defence scrambling on several occasions through their nifty forward Rafiek Thomas. Thomas kept national goalkeeper Richard Reynolds busy, causing him to pull out several stops during the Jamaican raid, even as two power outages threatened to hamper the up-tempo clash in the second half but the game was so intense, fans waited and certainly not in vain. Millington came near to giving Slingerz the 2-0 advantage; collecting a pass from Christoph that caught the defenders in a lapse but going one-on-one with Porter, Millington sent the ball sailing over the crossbar. As time ticked away, Slingerz supporters were seen literally on the edge of their seats, knowing that the way the Jamaicans were

Boys’ Town Football Club’s forward Kevin Blackwood is closely watched by Slingerz’ Clive Nobrega during their enthralling encounter at the Georgetown Football Club ground last Wednesday night. (Sonell Nelson photo) playing a goal seemed inevitable. And it was!. Boys’ Town won a corner and the kick taken was sent to the top of the 18-yard box, where Slingerz’ Collin Nelson and Solomon Austin were already on the ball to head it clear, when out of nowhere Reynolds came rushing out to punch it out. That he did successfully, but the loose ball landed nicely on the feet of a lurking Keys who slammed in a beautiful right-footed volley into an open goal after Reynolds was late to recover from what many feel was a nonsensical and unwanted rush to clear the ball. Tempers flared after the equalising goal was scored, resulting in Slingerz’ Clive Nobrega receiving a straight red card for violent conduct on the pitch, even as time did not permit the two teams to make any further attempt on goal.

THE last time Alpha United faced Slingerz Football Club was the final of the latter’s ‘Goal for Gold’ tournament, held last August when the former came out 4-2 winners and became $2M richer, after they had defeated the same opponents before. Tonight at the Buxton Community Centre, the two sides will meet in the Vizion Sounds Entertainment Goodwill tournament which will also feature Buxton United playing against the visiting Boys’ Town Football Club from Kingston, Jamaica. Though no prize money is involved in the four-team round-robin event, football fans are always eager to see what can be termed as the ‘Clash of the Titans’; between two of Guyana’s biggest clubs. Ironically, Slingerz only lost twice since being formed a year ago and while it’s widely known that both of those losses were inflicted by Alpha, the Vergenoegen, West Coast Demerara-based club are further hurt that both times were finals (losing 1-0 in the Mayors Cup as well). crowd One wonders if the East Coast venue would be big enough to accommodate the masses that are expected to throng the venue and witness this contest, as they have more than one thing in common. Slingerz team are Alpha United in reflection, as most of the players from the former club would have at some time or the other formed a part of the latter, who legally wear the tag of Guyana’s number one club - something they have been doing for quite a number of years. A lot has changed since the last time the two clubs met, with Slingerz going on to play undefeated and win the West Demerara Football Association League along with the prestigious Georgetown Football Association (GFA)/Banks Beer Cup, gaining considerable amount of fan support as well. On the other hand, Alpha United continue to dominate the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Premier League where they are unbeaten. However, looking at the two sides in tonight’s match-up, it’s hard to say which team would get the upper hand and who would actually come out victorious, as they are both equipped with players who can score and do so at will. But of the two, Slingerz’ goal-hungry forward Anthony ‘Awo’ Abrams, another former member of Alpha, might just have a point to prove against his former club whom he had led to a number of titles, and with him finding the back of the net eight times from three outings for his new home so far, much can be expected for tonight’s epic encounter. His exact opposite is Gregory ‘Jackie Chan’ Richardson, the diminutive forward who now dons the Alpha colours proudly, having been transferred from Pele Football Club and is one who finds goal-scoring anywhere he competes an easy task. The difference in each side, though, is Kithson Bain for Alpha and Suriname’s Wensley Christoph of Slingerz. Bain is Grenada’s top striker while Christoph is one of the better forwards for the Dutch-speaking country and both players are just as effective playing the ‘feeder’ positions on the pitch as they are scoring goals. Defensively Slingerz will rely on Solomon Austin and national player Collin Nelson, even as Alpha turn to their Jamaican acquisition in Kirk Duckworth who will lead a sturdy line-up that also features Abassi McPherson and Quincy Madramootoo. The battle kicks off at 19:00hrs.

Inaugural Thrill beverage 11-race programme set for National Park tomorrow THE INAUGURAL Thrill beverage-sponsored 11-race cycle programme will be staged around National Park’s inner circuit tomorrow and will commence at 09:00hrs, with the feature event being the Schoolboys and Novices’ 35-lap event. This event will see some of Guyana’s top senior and junior pedal-pushers compete for the top prize. Among the contestants are Raynauth Jeffrey, Michael Anthony, Orville Hinds, Geron Williams, Alonzo Greaves, Warren McKay, Marlon `Fishy’ Williams, Delroy Hinds, Raul Leal, Paul DeNobrega and Mark Harris. These riders will use tomorrow’s event as a warm-up for the 17th Annual Dr Cheddi Jagan Memorial Road Race which is carded for Berbice the following morning from 09:00hrs and one which will see the riders move off from outside the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic’s office in New Amsterdam, proceed to Number 55 Village on the Corentyne before returning to Port Mourant for the finish.

Another exciting race on tomorrow’s programme should be the Juveniles 10-lap race as the country’s top juveniles will be in action, while there will also be the five-lap races for Veterans Under-50 and Over-50, as well as the mountain bikers’ event. Three-lap races will be staged for BMX riders, nine to twelve years old, and two-lap races for BMX boys and girls, six to nine years old. This will be race organiser Hassan Mohamed’s fourth National Park 11-race programme and his seventh race for the year as he had organised two 40-milers and one 50-mile race which was conducted over in the West Demerara area. Alicia Katadeen, the Sales and Marketing Manager of CIDI, the company which distributes the Thrill beverage, along with other employees will witness the day’s activity as well as to distribute the prizes to the respective winners.


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Vizion Sounds Entertainment Goodwill Tournament

31 Slingerz and Boys’ Town play to entertaining draw Page

… Alpha United easily disposed of Buxton United 2-0

Hosts Guyana and Barbados looking for redemption after first round loss … Johnson replaces Beaton

At top, the Guyanese under the watchful eyes of coach Esaun Crandon go through their net sessions in sweltering heat at the venue yesterday, while the Bajans (bottom) undergo a fielding session on the outskirts of the venue. (Photos by Adrian Narine) By Calvin Roberts FOLLOWING their first round defeats at the hands of Jamaica and Windtward Islands respectively, both Guyana and Barbados will be seeking redemption when they go up against each other over the next four days in the second round of the West Indies Cricket Board’s Regional four-day tournament at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence. Today’s encounter is a historic one, as it is the first time a day/ night four-day match, using the pink ball, will be played at the venue which hosted several matches of that nature before, but in the 50 overs and T20 formats, with the action commencing at 15:00hrs every day. When these two met last year at the Kensington Oval, Barbados, under the captaincy of Kirk Edwards, recorded a 93-run victory, thanks to Edwards’ first-innings ton, coupled with 85 from Jonathan Carter that saw them post 367 in their first innings and Rashidi Boucher’s second-innings 81 which enabled them to score 235 for 7 declared. This was in the face of some controlled spin bowling from then skipper of the Guyana team, Veerasammy Permaul, who took 3 for 82, along with Steven Jacobs and Devendra Bishoo’s 2 for 62 and 84 respectively in the first innings and Jacobs’ 2 for 49 in the second. Barbados bowlers, led by the fiery Miguel Cummins who took 4 for 42 and Ashley Nurse with 4 for 74, restricted Guyana to 225 in

the first innings, despite Leon Johnson’s 46, 37 from Derwin Christian, 34 from Permaul and an unbeaten 30 from Ronsford Beaton. In the second innings, Cummins, Nurse and Christopher Jordan who played for England against the West Indies - took three wickets each for 55, 59 and 68 runs respectively as Guyana were bowled out for 284, chasing 377 for a come-form-behind victory. Zaheer Mohammed, who was drafted in to replace Permaul, who was called away for West Indies duties during the third day, led the Guyanese batting with an unbeaten 58, while Jacobs contributed 51 and Johnson and Rajendra Chandrika, 40 each. For this fixture, the Guyanese whose batting let them down badly in the first round where they were bowled out for 117 and 264 by the Jamaicans, would be without the services of Johnson (injury), Chandrika and Mohammed (not selected), Jacobs (CCC) and Christian (axed). In addition to the above-mentioned quintet, they are forced to make do without their two most experienced batsmen in former Guyana and West Indies captains Shivnarine Chanderpaul and Ramnaresh Sarwan. Chanderpaul’s 17-year-old son Tagenarine Chanderpaul, who featured in the match against Barbados last year and Chandrapaul Hemraj, a product of the West Indies Cricket Board’s High Performance Centre, are the replacements for the esteemed duo. To this end, the younger Chanderpaul who made his debut last year against the Leeward Islands and has to date scored 176 runs at

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Raun Johnson an average of 22.00 with a highest score of 42, is expected to open the batting alongside Assad Fudadin. Narsingh Deonarine, skipper Christopher Barnwell, Vishal Singh, who is coming off the back of a resilient second innings half-century against the Jamaicans and Hemraj will occupy the middle order, with Anthony Bramble, Permaul and his spin twin Devendra Bishoo, offering support, while leading the lower order. The younger Chanderpaul recently returned from the Under-19 World Cup in Bangladesh with the young West Indies team who finished in sixth place and for whom he was the most consistent batsman with two half-centuries and one century. On the other hand, the 20-year-old Hemraj, who had his first stint at the WICB’s High Performance Centre last year, has played three first class matches for Guyana since making his debut against Trinidad and Tobago two years ago, aggregating 57 runs at an average of 9.50 with a topscore of 29. He last played for Guyana in last year’s Regional four-day tournament against Jamaica at the venue for today’s encounter and judging from the present form displayed by the only fit 11 in Jamaica, he can find himself along with the younger Chanderpaul in the lineup for today’s match. Meanwhile, former national Under-19 fast blower Raun Johnson will make his debut as a senior national player when he

Please see page 27 FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2014

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