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GUYANA No. 10373


In Parliament…

The Chronicle is at


PRICE: $60



on Anti-Money Laundering Bill Page 2

FINANCE Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, in talks with Opposition Leader, David Granger, and APNU front-bencher, Rupert Roopnaraine, before the commencement of yesterday’s sitting

PM Hinds defends increased electricity tariffs at Lethem …gov’t prepared to pay capital costs, but consumers must meet operational costs Page 9

Basil Williams unanimously elected Deputy Speaker 3

Bill passed to allow Local Gov’t Elections by August


Even the ordinary man had his say yesterday Page 8


Dr. Karen Cummings replaces Page Backer in 3 Parliament

NEW MP Dr. Karen Cummings


Concerned Guyanese protest delay in passing AML/CFT Bill outside the National Assembly yesterday


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

In Parliament…

Still no agreement on Anti-Money Laundering Bill By Vanessa Narine THE Parliamentary Select Committee, yesterday, failed to reach an agreement that would see the completion of its review of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill. They met from noon, for an hour and a half, with the intention of finalising their report, after they had “consensually” completed reviewing the Bill late Sunday night, the provisions of which were supported by the entire Committee. This was according to Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall, in whose name the legislation was re-tabled in the National Assembly, last January, after being defeated by the combined Opposition in November 2013. He faulted the Opposition for the Committee not being able to finish its work.

In an exclusive interview with the Guyana Chronicle, Nandlall attributed blame to the Opposition for the Committee not being in a position to conclude its deliberations. “Their agenda has been to stall and delay the process and everything which happened in this committee corroborates that,” he claimed. ELEVENTH HOUR Nandlall emphasised that the proposals for amendments made by the Opposition were done at the “eleventh hour” and are problematic. “The draftsperson attached to the Committee, from the Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel, reported that, as a result of the late hour at which the proposals were made by the Opposition, and having regard to the complexity of the proposals themselves and the size of the Bill, as well as the inadequate instruction given to him, he was unable to produce

a draft in time. “Recall that the Principal Act, which the proposals seek to amend, took nearly two years to draft and spent two years in a Select Committee. “You have now a set of proposals presented nearly hours before and there is some expectation to have them drafted into amendments….in drafting of laws, especially with large and complex bills, care and circumspection must be exercised to examine the ramifications and consequences of what is being asked to be inserted into law. “All of this prevented the draftsperson to present a report to the Committee,” the AG lamented. He added that the Opposition’s amendments were from A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU’s) Jaipaul Sharma, Carl Greenidge and Basil Williams. The changes sought to: * change the entire governing apparatus of the Financial

dictions that had been identified at the October 2013 Plenary and * reviewing the options for a possible expansion of membership of the FATF.

AG Anil Nandlall in the National Assembly yesterday

Intelligence Unit (FIU); * remove the Attorney General wherever that name appears and replace it with the FIU and * vest a Police officer or Customs officer with a power to seize currency from any person, anywhere in Guyana, if those officers have reason to believe that the currency is the proceeds of crime or will be used to finance crime. Nandlall said the Government members of the Select Committee moved a motion to proceed on the areas that are agreed on but there was no agreement to do so. LATER DATE “Ten months now this Bill has been at the Committee and we are saying pass this one through and don’t delay its passage because of proposals made at the last hour; proposals that require a tremendous amount of work and time and can be presented to the House at a later date,” he urged. The AG bemoaned the impending deadline with the meeting of the Financial Action Task Group (FATF) already drawing

near. The 36 members of the FATF and representatives from the FATF-Style Regional Bodies, which include the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF), began to meet on Sunday. Some of the issues on the agenda for the plenary session are: * engaging with the FATFStyle Regional Bodies, through the Global Network Coordination Group, to ensure effective global implementation of the revised FATF Recommendations; * developing consolidated procedures for mutual evaluations of compliance with the FATF Recommendations, conducted by other assessing bodies; * reviewing the implementation of measures taken by a number of countries to address deficiencies identified in the last round of mutual evaluation reports; * identifying jurisdictions with strategic deficiencies in their AML/CFT system and reviewing progress made by juris-

FURTHER SANCTIONS Guyana, according to a statement from FATF at the end of January, listed Guyana as the number one country in the Americas that could be taken on by the International Cooperation Review Group’s (ICRG) for review and possibly further sanctions. Guyana’s review is expected to come up on Thursday, February 13, hence the sitting of the House yesterday was to have the measure passed before. The AG made it clear that the Bill, with which the Opposition members of the Select Committee had no problems, also enjoys the support of CFAFT. Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh commente, as well on the rejection of the motion to have separate considerations of the Opposition’s proposed amendments. He said:“We have a situation where the APNU has made some recommendations at the eleventh hour and 59th second and the amendments are incoherent and inconsistent, as well as potentially extremely problematic for ordinary Guyanese citizens. “The amendments deal with the Principal Act and it collides with the Standing Order in that the Special Select Committee cannot deal with amendments to the Principal Act, amendments that are outside the Bill that are before it. “Importantly, what the Government members are contending is that there is agreement on all the provisions of the Bill, all of them are non-contentious. We can proceed with those and bring ourselves in compliance with CFATF and address the proposals to amend the Principal Act,” he said. Singh suggested that there could have been a delinking of the issues at hand. “We can proceed with what we agree on. If we agree on the provisions of the Bill, then we should delink the considerations of the Bill and the proposals to amend the Principal Act,” he proposed. The Finance Minister criticised the Opposition Committee members for their “adamant” position and refusal to proceed with the delinking of the issues and proceed where there is agreement. He said:“We adjourned at the point where they used their majority to vote against the delinking of the issues at hand, so we can proceed and it is significant that they voted against proceeding in the areas where there is agreement.”

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Dr. Karen Cummings replaces Backer in Parliament VETERAN Member of Parliament (MP), Ms. Deborah Backer who resigned her seat last Friday, has been replaced by Dr. Karen Cummings. The latter was sworn in as Backer’s replacement in the National Assembly yesterday. Speaker of the House, Mr. Raphael Trotman acknowledged the loss of Backer as an MP and

noted that her resignation was “very sorrowful” news. He added that a letter from the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) confirmed that Cummings’s name, to replace Backer’s, was taken from A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU’s) List of Candidates, which was presented on Nomination Day, prior to the Decem-

ber 2011 general and regional elections. Prior to her swearing in, the new MP met with the Speaker. Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger welcomed Cummings and observed that she comes with considerable experience in the medical field. He lauded both her expertise and commitment and added

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds with new MP Dr. Karen Cummings

Opposition continues its delay tactics on AML bill - Committee to meet one day before deadline THE Opposition continues to employ its delay tactics by proposing three amendments to the AML/CFT Bill that the National Assembly’s legal drafters deem impossible to draft based on the vagueness of the recommendations. The vague recommendations were submitted to the Committee for consideration the night before the Bill was scheduled to be tabled in the National Assembly yesterday, leaving the Committee in limbo. According to Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, in a press release, Government therefore proposed that the Committee conclude its work on those aspects of the Bill that address CFATF recommendations and on which there is no disagreement. This would have secured passage of This refusal by the Opposition to proceed the Bill while the Committee with the amendments on which there is continues to examine and con- agreement and which would have addressed sult on the other amendments the CFATF recommendations discloses the proposed by the Opposition. true intent of the Opposition all along, which The Opposition refused to accommodate this suggestion is to frustrate passage of the Bill beyond and voted against proceeding the deadline with the aim of jeopardizing with the clauses on which there Guyana’s economy and thereby bring is agreement and which would hardships on the Guyanese people. have addressed the CFATF recommendations. Instead, the Opposition insisted that the Committee be adjourned until the drafters can produce a draft of the Bill based on their instructions, thereby effectively making it impossible for the Bill to be passed by Thursday’s deadline. BRINGING HARDSHIPS This refusal by the Opposition to proceed with the amendments on which there is agreement and which would have addressed the CFATF recommendations discloses the true intent of the Opposition all along, which is to frustrate passage of the Bill beyond the deadline with the aim of jeopardizing Guyana’s economy and thereby bring hardships on the Guyanese people. It should be noted that over the course of this week the Committee met to complete its mandate but its work was obstructed by the Opposition’s walk out last Tuesday and their absence the following day, Wednesday. At last Friday’s meeting only two members of the APNU attended the meeting, while leader of the AFC Kemraj Ramjattan was absent all week. In addition to their marked absence during that critical week, last Tuesday they objected to have the Private Sector Commission observe the Committee meetings, as they objected to having the Private Sector Commission’s petition read in the National Assembly on November 7 last year when the bill was first debated and rejected by the Opposition’s one majority vote. The Committee is scheduled to meet again tomorrow to conclude its report. Government is once again appealing to the APNU and the AFC to act in the interest of the people of Guyana and work with the Committee to complete its work and ultimately pass the AML/CFT Amendment Bill with the urgency it currently dictates.

that these will “more than compensate” for the loss of Backer as an MP.

HIS CONFIDENCE Granger expressed his confidence in Cummings’ ability to be able to contribute tangibly to the human development of the

Guyanese people. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds also extended welcome to the new MP and said the Government looks forward to her contributions for the benefit of Guyana. He expressed his regret at the loss of Backer as a member of the House and tendered his

sympathy for her illness. Cummings is now seated in the second row of the Opposition benches, while APNU MP, Mr. Ronald Bulkan has been promoted to the front bench. The swearing-in of Cummings was done in accordance with Article 167 of the Constitution.

Basil Williams unanimously elected Deputy Speaker A PARTNERSHIP for National Unity (APNU) Member, Mr. Basil Williams was elected Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly yesterday. His was the only nomination for the post to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of other Member of Parliament (MP) Deborah Backer and the House, unanimously, supported the election of front-bencher Williams. His nomination was by APNU Chief Whip, Amna Ally and was seconded by Dr. Rupert Roopnarine. Speaker of the House Raphael Trotman welcomed Williams to his new post and said he looks forward to them working together. Trotman also assured him of support in the execution of his functions. Williams replaces Backer who was APNU’s Foreign Affairs Shadow Minister. Leader of the Opposition David Granger and other MP Africo Selman are now expected to share the APNU Foreign Affairs portfolio. Backer has been absent from the National Assembly proceedings due to a still unconfirmed illness and has had to access medical care outside of Guyana at least twice in the last month. Early January, she was flown to Florida, in the United States (U.S.), for tests and APNU Leader Granger was reported in the media as expressing his hopes for Backer’s speedy recovery. The MP was treated at a private hospital in Georgetown when she first fell ill.


Deborah Backer

Basil Williams


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

UK floods: Homes evacuated as swollen Thames keeps rising

(BBC News) FLOODED homes along the River Thames are being evacuated and thousands more are at risk, with water levels expected to keep rising for the next 24 hours. Residents in one Berkshire village say the scenes are from a “horror movie”. Fourteen severe flood warnings are in place in Berkshire and Surrey, while two remain in Somerset. PM David Cameron, who is in flood-hit south-west England, said it was not the time to change personnel amid criticism of Environment Agency head Lord Smith. Homes, shops and businesses in the Berkshire village of Datchet are underwater and hundreds more along the lower River Thames, as far as Shepperton, are under threat, the Environment Agency says. Several Thames gauges are showing their highest levels since being installed in the 1980s and 90s. Fire crews, who have been rescuing people from their homes in Staines-upon-Thames, say they have never known waters so deep or a flood rescue operation on this scale. In Windsor, Councillor Colin Rayner pleaded for help from the police and Army. “We’ve got 50 volunteers here, we’ve got the vulnerable people out of their homes, now we need to get everyone else out,” he said Nearby, in the Berkshire village of Colnbrook, resident

Swans wander down a flooded street in Worcester Asif Khan said his whole street county to deteriorate as more the Thames over the next 24 was under water, his house was rain fell over the coming days. hours.” flooded and his fridge “just “We have issued flood The Environment Agency went bang”. warnings from Datchet down said it had never issued as “It’s something out of a to Shepperton, and we urge many severe flood warnings horror movie,” he said, adding people to take heed of the flood and that many areas had seen that he was now about to try warnings. We are anticipating more than double their averto evacuate with his two small another three or four inches on age rainfall. children. Hurst village resident Paul Palmer said sewers there were blocked and they have been unable to use the toilet since Friday. “It’s starting to back up into the toilet - it’s like going back to the dark ages,” he told the BBC. Thames Valley Police have declared a “major incident” in (Reuters) - A CAR bomb in the Afghan capital Kabul killed east Berkshire. two United States contractors for the international security Howard Davidson, from force ISAF on Monday, the NATO-led force and a U.S. offithe Environment Agency, said cial said. he expected conditions in the The explosion in eastern Kabul was the latest incident to rattle the city ahead of April’s presidential election due to choose the country’s first new leader since 2001. “Two International Security Assistance Force contracted civilians died as the result of a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device attack in eastern Afghanistan today,” ISAF said in a statement. A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the slain contractors were American. Afghanistan’s future remains uncertain as the Taliban continue their insurgent campaign and Washington and President Hamid Karzai are deadlocked over a bilateral security deal to let some U.S. forces stay beyond the end of 2014. NATO forces have already begun to withdraw from Afghanistan, but the United States and other nations have been seeking to keep some troops in Afghanistan after 2014 to help the country’s army fend off the Taliban. On Saturday, the United Nations said that civilian deaths increased in 2013 as fighting intensified between government forces and insurgents. (Reporting By Jessica Donati, Mirwais Harooni, Hamid Shalizi and Missy Ryan; Editing by Tom Heneghan)

Bomb kills two American contractors in Afghan capital Kabul

DATE: 08/02/2014 N 01 07 23 28 18 25 10 DATE: 05/02/2014 K 26 19 06 20 24 03 09

Second round of Syria talks makes faltering start (Reuters) - A SECOND round of Syria peace talks got off to a shaky start on Monday, with the two sides complaining about violations of a local ceasefire and an Islamist offensive respectively in separate meetings with the international mediator. Ahead of the talks, mediator Lakhdar Brahimi told delegates to commit first to discussing both ending the fighting and setting up a transitional government. The government side said combating “terrorism” - its catchall term for the revolt - should be agreed first. In a further bad sign, Brahimi cancelled a planned news conference. During the first round of talks in nearly three years of civil war last month, Brahimi had tried to break down mistrust by focusing on agreeing a truce for a single city, Homs. A three-day pause only began on Friday, and aid workers were fired upon as they evacuated civilians on Saturday. The Syrian Red Crescent said 300 more people had been evacuated on Monday, taking the total to leave the city after more than a year under government siege to around 1,000, and the U.N. said the truce would be extended through Wednesday. The U.N. World Food Programme underlined how far there was to go. “The old city of Homs is just one of 40 besieged communities in Syria. Altogether a quarter of a million people have been cut off from humanitarian aid for months,” it said. A letter from Brahimi given to the delegates over the weekend said the new round aimed to tackle the issues of stopping violence, setting up a transitional governing body, and plans for national institutions and reconciliation. It included a plea: “Will the two sides ... contribute even at a minimum, toward lessening the manifestations of violence, stopping the use of certain weapons and reaching ceasefires in some areas, even for a short period?” The opposition says a transitional governing body must exclude President Bashar al-Assad. The government says it will not discuss his leaving power. A deep split in the international community over the conflict has entrenched those positions. In a clear bid to overcome that, the U.N. said Brahimi would meet U.S. and Russian officials on Friday. BARREL BOMBS Opposition delegates said they had handed Brahimi their view of what a transitional government should look like and submitted witness statements they said showed the army had fired at the Homs aid convoy. The government blames the rebels. The opposition also said there had been an escalation in the government’s use of “barrel bombs” - oil drums or cylinders packed with explosives and metal fragments and usually dropped from helicopters. It said more than 1,800 Syrians had been killed by them last week, half in rebel held parts of Aleppo. “It is not acceptable that the regime will send its own delegation to peace talks while it is killing our people in Syria. This must stop,” opposition spokesman Louay al-Safi told reporters after the delegation met Brahimi. Representatives of fighters on the ground joined the delegation for the first time, a senior opposition member said on Monday, but they did not include the Islamic Front alliance, the biggest faction fighting Assad’s forces. Powerful Islamist groups have denounced the opposition team, made up mainly of political exiles, as traitors, undermining any prospect of lasting peace. The mediator plans to keep meeting the two sides separately in Geneva over the next two to three days in hopes of improving the atmosphere at the talks and aims for a second week focusing on the continuity of state institutions and reconciliation. One Middle East diplomat said Brahimi should avoid getting bogged down in detail, arguing that had played into Assad’s hands in the first round of talks over Homs.












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GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Devant under threat (Trinidad Guardian) GOVERNMENT Minister Devant Maharaj says he has been bombarded by threatening text messages from a woman who has been trying to “extort financial favours” from him. He said the fallout with Trinidad Express columnist Shirley Hall has left him no other option but to report it to National Security Minister Gary Griffith. Maharaj told the Guardian that Hall has been using her position in the media to “extort financial favours” from him and when frustrated by his refusal, took to texting him threats on his cellphone. He said Hall was expecting him to purchase her book for his ministry, but when his technical staff shut that down, DEVANT MAHARAJ he has since faced “harassment and threats” from Hall. The messages, which Maharaj forwarded to the Guardian, say he will become a cripple by February 27. The messages spoke about Freemasons and a high priest, who can reverse the curse, if he agreed to meet by February 11. Hall, in a subsequent telephone interview, denied these claims, saying that Maharaj was using his ministerial position and connections to intimidate her and shut her up. She said the two clashed because Maharaj has been using excerpts from her book, A New Caribbean Homegarden Handbook, in his speeches without her permission and without crediting her for the information.

Homeless seven ...

Woman of unsound mind allegedly sets house on fire

(Jamaica Gleaner) A FAMILY of seven, already struggling to survive, in the poor Beeston Street community of Western Kingston, has been dealt another severe blow, after their house was allegedly set ablaze by a woman of unsound mind. Eighty-four-year-old Charles Brown looked dejectedly on the smouldering building. Brown’s 53 year-old partner, Delores Clarke, stood in forlorn silence, a few metres away, staring, seemingly into space. The elderly man limped as he shuffled away from what’s left of the place he once called home, mumbling to himself. Marcia Brown, one of the golden ager’s two daughters, wept inconsolably while tears flowed down the face of her sibling. A mother of a nine year-old daughter, who attends Clan Carthy Primary School, Marcia works as a janitor at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH). She is the only person in the family who is employed. She lamented that the family has been left only with the ragged clothes on their backs. Marcia said she had just got up from a short rest when the tragedy struck. “As I was about to get up to have a bath, my sister raised an alarm that the house was on fire,” said Marcia. “I grabbed my daughter and ran out and told the other children to leave the premises,” she said. Added a weeping Marcia: “Me nuh save nothing only thing me save is me child and the clothes that me have on.” Her daughter who is in grade five, will not attend school tomorrow. It was Marcia’s sister, Lelieth Brown who raised the alarm. She lived in an adjoining

apartment with her two children ages 12 and 13, that has also been gutted. The two children attend the Calabar Infant Primary and Junior High School. The four adults stood staring at the blackened remains of their possession, still releasing smoke long after the fighters had left, created an image of absolute desolation as unlookers viewed the scene in silence. The middle-aged woman of unsound mind who reportedly set the building ablaze stood a few metres away, with blood on her skirt. She too had lived in the house for many years and was well known in the community. Residents said she fled from the burning building but returned sometime after while the structure was up in flames.

Marcia Brown tries to find comfort from her only child, nine-yearold Shanika Morgan, after she lost all her possessions in a fire that destroyed her home at 77A Beeston Street in Kingston.

Brazil unrest: Cameraman Santiago Andrade ‘brain dead’ (BBC News) BRAZILIAN cameraman Santiago Andrade, who was injured in clashes between protesters and police last week in Rio de Janeiro, is brain dead, doctors say. Mr Andrade, 49, who works for the Band TV network, suffered a head injury while covering a protest against fare rises at Rio’s Central Station. He had to undergo brain surgery after an explosive device, apparently lit by a protester, detonated behind his head. It is not clear whether Mr Andrade’s life support has been turned off. On Sunday, police arrested a protester in connection with the incident. The man told local media that he had held the explosive device, but denied throwing it. “Our main aim is to identify the person who’s responsible for setting off the device which hit Santiago,” police official Jose Pedro Costa told a news conference. Mr Costa said that the suspect in custody would be treated as a co-author of the alleged crime as “he knew it [the explo-

A photographer captured the moment Santiago Andrade was hit by an explosive device sive device] would be thrown announcement by Rio Mayor Commuters were caught up when he handed it to another Eduardo Paes of a 9% rise. in the violence, and local media protester”. The demonstration started reported Mr Andrade and six Doctors declared Mr Anoff peacefully but turned viomore people were injured. drade brain dead on Monday lent after protesters moved to Last year, similar promorning. Central Station, a major undertests grew into a nationwide Hundreds of protesters ground, train and bus hub. movement against corruption clashed with police during the Riot police fired tear gas and excessive spending ahead rally against increased public and tried to disperse the crowd of the football World Cup, transport fares last Thursday. while demonstrators hurled which Brazil will host in June The protests followed an stones and petrol bombs. and July.

PRINCIPAL ON 75 SEX CHARGES …cops make arrest after complaints at Tobago primary school

(Trinidad Express) A PRINCIPAL of a Tobago school is expected to appear before a Scarborough Magistrate today facing 75 sex charges. The man was arrested at his home by Scarborough police on Friday night, and was charged under the Sexual Offences Act with allegedly committing offences of a sexual nature against

a 12-year-old girl and other minors. Sources told the Sunday Express that several girls came forward with their story to the police. Police officials later visited a primary school on the island and interviewed staff and some pupils. The principal was subsequently suspended following an internal investigation but

‘Urban schools do better’ (Jamaica Gleaner) A THOROUGH examination of the data provided by a Johnson Survey Research study on Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) results reveals that urban schools are performing far better than their rural counterparts. The study has revealed that the schools performing above average are normally located in the parish capitals and other towns. The top 100 is dominated by schools in the Corporate Area, Portmore, urban St Catherine, and the western city, Montego Bay, in St James. In St Catherine, for example, the top 10 schools are located in Spanish Town, Portmore, and Old Harbour. The best-performing school in the parish is Portmore Missionary Preparatory, while the top-performing public school is Kensington Primary, also located in Portmore. ACCESS TO RESOURCES Michael-Anthony Dobson-Lewis, senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies at the University of Technology, said the cases of urban institutions outperforming rural schools is usually due to access to resources. “With urban schools, they have access to greater resources. It is easier to get access to much-needed resources such as a libraries and Internet in the capitals and towns than in most rural communities,” Dobson-Lewis said. He said that a major factor affecting performance in rural and urban areas is the quality of teachers they have. “Better and more qualified teachers usually locate in the urban areas as it is easier for them to access certain amenities and further their studies,” the senior lecturer added. The Ministry of Education has indicated that 200 public schools at the primary level are underpopulated and that even with their small class sizes, these schools are not necessarily performing better.

was arrested by Tobago police on Friday. Last Friday during a press conference, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar read the riot act to citizens of this country, reminding the general public that people can face jail time if evidence of minors being sexually active is not reported. She said people can face seven years in prison and a fine of $15,000 is the punishment, parents, doctors, nurses, teachers and employers face if these matters were not reported. According to Section 6(1) of the Sexual Offences Act anyone who is found guilty of having sex with a female under 14, who is not their wife, is liable to be imprisoned to life in prison. Section 7 (1) of the Sexual Offences Act says a first-time

offender who has sex with a female between the age of 14 and 16, who is not their wife, is liable to 12 years in prison. A repeat offender faces 15 years imprisonment, Section 7(1) states. Persad-Bissessar described rape of minors as “heinous” and said no excuses should be tolerated. “They are heinous crimes against children, six-year-olds, seven-year-olds, a child’s life is gone forever,” Persad-Bissessar said.


EDITORIAL The ‘Dogs of War’ and their fear of the AML/CFT Bill

NON-passage of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Bill will only benefit terrorists, cartels, criminals and money launderers; so, who is controlling Guyana’s “Dogs of War?” The Burnham USA/UK team let loose the “Dogs of War” on Guyana with the infamous X-13 Plan, when the two countries decided that of Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham, the latter was the “lesser of two evils”, thus precipitating the most destructive era in the history of Guyana, barring none, when the Guyanese nation almost self-destructed because of the machinations of two unscrupulous and merciless global superpowers and a decadent and power-drunk local despot. Today those wounds in the soul of the nation are being healed, slowly but surely, although the “Dogs of War” are again ramping up the crime wave. However, only those who own the dog can call off the dog; and there are many promises of “addressing the security problem” in Guyana. The aging but ambitious Granger is now trying to portray himself as a career soldier who was patriotic to his country; but which patriot wages war against his own people? As one letter writer says, “…[He] will now have to explain his role as Forbes Burnham’s Political Liaison Officer at the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), and in the 1973 seizure of ballot boxes by the GDF that gave the PNC a two-thirds majority in Parliament.” As the writer goes on to say, “Even the PPP has never been able to amass a two-thirds majority in any election with their superior numbers, but the PNC did it in 1973, with a little help from their loyal friends in the GDF. “It is not good enough to sweep this issue under the rug by explaining how loyal a soldier Granger was... only following orders. Professional ethics and his conscience should have forced him to resign from the GDF rather than be part of a machinery that disenfranchised so many Guyanese, and stole the elections from the PPP.” By placing his career above the interest of the Guyanese people; by remaining loyal to Burnham and the PNC; and by his continued silence over the years on the GDF-executed electoral fraud in 1973; and by publicly pronouncing, at regional and international fora, the right of the army ranks to mercilessly gun

down unarmed PPP supporters who were only trying to protect the integrity of the ballot boxes that were being hijacked by army personnel, David Granger has forfeited his right to question the decisions relative to any matters of State, or to take issue with any matter of national interest. Whether an active or inactive participant of the murderous activities of the dictatorial PNC regime, former President Jagdeo’s contention that Granger has “blood on his hands” does have some merit. Granger was also security advisor to Desmond Hoyte during the worst election rigging in the history of Guyana, superseding any of Burnham’s efforts; and he strategized many of the policies that kept this nation captive and subjective to PNC bullyism and dictatorship, with the result that every Guyanese family suffered unimaginably, except for a special few elites who were provided luxurious lifestyles, much State property, and access to every type of foodstuff imaginable that the people of the land had to line up in long queues for, especially as a result of Hoyte’s much-touted Economic Recovery Programme (ERP), nicknamed “Empty Rice Pots”, and which froze the wages of public servants at $2,000. That is, until Dr. Cheddi Jagan, upon his accession to office, told the IMF to put their draconian conditionalities where the sun doesn’t shine, and re-opened wages and conditions negotiations for the labour force, because the PPP has always been a working-class party, and Dr. Jagan, who has always championed the causes of the downtrodden, refused to bow to the might of the IMF juggernaut. Granger’s platform during election hustings was security; so, will this aging presidential aspirant call off the “Dogs of War”? Or is it in his best interest to increase the pressure on the ruling party, as per the past strategies of the PNC, which ramped up the crime wave through the X-13 Plan and the “Slo fiah, mo’ fiah” strategy of Desmond Hoyte, while calling on their “kith and kin” in the joint services, whom they consider their personal property, as they do their electorate? His record is there for all to see, for those who want to see, and for those who want a country that is free from fear of the machinations of aging and ambitious glory-hunters. The army put him out to pasture, but he has already eaten up all the grass, so now he wants to devour the nation. Linden is a prime example of political opportunism at the expense of the nation and

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014


the development of Guyana; and, ironically, every time the PNC -- currently in its reconfigured avtar as APNU -- alongside its partner, AFC, rampages, it is their own support bases that suffer the most; except when they are burning down businesses out of the sphere of their own communal networks. So, while they use their supporters as “Dogs of War”, they fail to realise they are decimating their own people’s interests; or maybe that is their target to justify their perennial claims of PPP neglecting PNC strongholds; destroy the infrastructure and developmental/investment climate, then cry “foul”. But the only foul thing is the continuum of destruction the combined Opposition leaves in its wake every time it lets loose the “Dogs of War” on the nation; and then they sanctimoniously wash their hands of the resultant fracas like Pontius Pilate. But like Christ, the nation always rises again; and no doubt the Linden episode will soon be relegated to one more instance of the PNC’s “Dogs of War” let loose on the nation. But will the PNC/APNU/AFC coalition have mercy on the Guyanese nation and support the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Bill? Or will its blackmailing tactics for a raft of amendments disadvantageous to the people of this country, who are being held to ransom by their intra/extra-parliamentary tactics, be successful diversionary tactics for them to reject the Bill once again to satisfy those with vested interests in the non-passage of this Bill, so that what Former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo termed “The Corbin Syndrome”, which is their propensity to daub their mess on others, prevail?

We can pride ourselves on our democracy GUYANA is an evolving democracy. We have managed over the several decades to free ourselves from colonial rule and PNC dictatorial rule. Today we can all take pride in the fact that we live in a full-fledged parliamentary democracy. The ministerial system of governance took place in the elections of 1953, which could be regarded as a watershed year in terms of constitutional advance, even though the first PPP government was short-lived, thanks to the intrigues of Anglo-American imperialism. Prior to the elections of 1953, the franchise was limited only to the propertied class and those with money, one consequence of which was the preservation of the then status quo based on naked exploitation of the working class by a dominant expatriate class. This exploitative situation was facilitated by the Colonial Office, which did very little to protect the interests of the ordinary working people. The rules of political engagement were to change radically with the advent of the People’s Progressive Party on the political stage. Under the dynamic and charismatic leadership of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, the working people found a true ally and friend who was never afraid to challenge the status quo. To a very large extent, the introduction of mass-based political parties took shape and form in the outlines of the PPP, which was able to connect with the Guyanese people in all parts of the country and right across the ethnic spectrum. And so it was that in the elections of 1953, the first under Universal Adult Suffrage, the PPP won a resounding victory, and set in motion a new political momentum which caught the colonial office off-guard. All manner of machinations and intrigues were used by western vested interests, in collaboration with local reactionary groups, to remove the PPP from office, including attempts to emasculate the PPP and its leadership.

This found expression in the split of the PPP in 1955 after Forbes Burnham sought, unsuccessfully, to take over the leadership of the PPP from Dr. Jagan. The split in the PPP was largely ideological and tactical as Dr. Jagan retained the support of a vast majority of Africans in the party. However, the split was exploited by opportunist elements to create ethnic division, especially during the early 1960s, which provided the British Government with the excuse it had wanted to impose a new model of government based on proportional representation aimed at removing the PPP from government. The British Government, under pressure from the United States deliberately withheld political independence for the colony until the PPP was engineered out of office as in fact happened in the elections of 1964. Two years later Britain granted independence status to the

colony on May 26, 1966 under the PNC-UF coalition Government. It took well over two decades before constitutional and democratic rule returned to the country in the elections of October 5, 1992. An entirely new cohort of voters has since emerged who never experienced what life was like during those painful days of authoritarian rule. Many, including some psuedo-intellectuals, peddle all manner of misinformation about our past history in their attempts to denigrate the role of the PPP in the struggle for a free and democratic society. Facts however, are stubborn things and no amount of distortion and misinformation can erase from the historical records and our collective institutional memory the role played by the PPP in the advance of the constitutional rights of the Guyanese people. HYDAR ALLY

Correcting the misconception

I WOULD like to make some corrections and clarifications to avoid any reader being misled by the presentation in your article entitled, “Incorrectly laid cables caused blackouts”, appearing in your Monday, February 10, 2014 edition of the Stabroek News. At the time of the telephone conversation, I did not know what the chief executive officer had said publicly, and I was not responding to, or refuting, whatever he might have said. He was, indeed, my source of information. What I did say, with some expansion for purposes of clarification, was that it is common practice, recognised in our law, that

other companies cables may be carried on Guyana Power & Light (GPL) Inc. poles, and that whether the laying of this cable was legal or not, it was done incorrectly. The optical cable was being carried on GPL Inc. POLES, as distinct from piggy-backing on GPL Inc.’s LINES. The statement, “ACTN was granted approval for the works last year”, could be read by some as a statement made by me. It was not made by me;, nor is not known to me, one way or the other. SAMUEL A. A. HINDS Prime Minister


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Let’s give SWAT time to prove its mettle THE SWAT team will increase citizen security and won’t be a political tool. This is according to Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee. The violence in Guyana is robbery related, like choke-androb, as well as home invasions. A SWAT team is useless in such situations if they arrive after the robbery and beatings and/or rapes have taken place. However, how will citizens make contact for timely response, given that when they dial 911, the number is either busy or it rings out; or a police officer tells you he/she is alone; or that the police don’t have a vehicle to get there. Citizens are crying out to get rid of rogue police, rogue army ranks, and the rogues hired to work in Government-run

institutions. Give this SWAT team less than one year, and citizens will know it is a waste of taxpayers’ dollars, since it is more than likely these SWATTERS will be hauled in and placed on the payroll of the underworld. Given past experiences, citizens foresee that this SWAT team, too, will be crying the infamous opposition litany, “Awe pay too low, so awe gat fi teef”. I say to anyone, if your pay is too low, then don’t take the job; or leave the job and get qualified for a higher-paying job; or open your own business and stop crying about low wages. However, a professional SWAT team is imperative, with statistics which show that at the end of January 2014, robberies

under arms overall rose by 44%, with 105 reports, compared to 73 for the same period in 2013. The statistics show an increase of 50% in the number of armed robberies involving the use of firearms; and a 30% rise in armed robberies, where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators. Here, I urge Minister Rohee to do a simple check to find out which ethnic group is committing robberies under arms, and which ethnic group is mostly being robbed with guns placed to the heads of their loved ones. And how many robberies are taking place, but are not being reported, out of fear that these robbers have their victims’ IDs. Incompetent officials who are as helpless as the victims should resign or be booted out.

This level of crime does not bother Speaker Trotman, who is more concerned about beautifiction and the vagrants outside of the Public Building while he sits in his plushy, air-conditioned office, enjoying his many perks at the taxpayers’ expense. Taxpayers must ask Trotman and his colleagues how many working class Guyanese can afford the high cost of electricity to run an air-conditioner just to get a good night’s sleep, which he and Lindeners are enjoying free, at the expense of the highly taxed citizens. Imagine politicians are taking advantage of taxpayers and boasting about it. T. KING

GIRTV apologises to Minister Frank Anthony THE Board of the Guyana Inter-Religious Television Inc. (GIRTV) would like to clearly state that the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport is not at fault with regard to the holding of the funds allotted to the organisation for the establishment of an inter-faith television station. Since becoming incorporated in 2012, the members of GIRTV have been meeting with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, under whose patronage the Government gave the responsibility for the release

of funds. During our interactions in 2012 and 2013, the GIRTV members were fully apprised by the Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony, regarding the procedures. He explained to us that the ministry has the money, but we would have to follow certain procedures to access the funds. One of the requirements was the submission of plans as to how the money was going to be spent. For many reasons in relation to the acquisition of equipment, the Board of GIRTV did not

I feel betrayed! THEY came to my home during the election campaigns and spoke of their plans to make this country a better place for me and my family. They asked for my vote and assured me that they would be the leaders the rest of the world would be proud of. They assured me that they would turn around the social and political differences that were being exercised and that they would work in tandem with people of all walks of life, be it African, Indian, Amerindian, or any other Guyanese. Today, I must acknowledge my profound disgust with what can only be termed a hijacking; sabotage by cunning, deceitful and selfish individuals of the combined Opposition parties. I am very betrayed by all of you, that you gave me a voice of hope, only to turn around and use my vote with little thought of the ramifications. Your actions of today and your constant and blatant disregard for people like myself and all other Guyanese are not going unnoticed, for we all see your evil and wicked plans. You do not have this country at heart, and you fooled us into thinking that change was with you. But one thing is sure that you did not lie about: change is about to come; the change that will hit my family and the entire nation on February 13, because of your evil and deliberate actions of walkouts and delaying tactics. For when that change hits us all, change will come to you and your party from that day onward. The next time you or your charlatan members come into my path, you will know who I am, and what I did for your one-seat majority. But you can also rest assured that I will ensure that it never happens again, for I have admitted that I was wrong, and made a mistake to vote for you. But, can you do same to the people of this nation? JASON ALEXANDER (Temporarily resident abroad)

meet the obligation as was outlined by the Honourable Minister. Therefore, it is not the fault of the minister nor the Permanent Secretary, Alfred King, but the shortcomings of the organisation. We are at fault for not withdrawing this money in a timely manner, and we do apologise to the Honourable Minister and his permanent secretary for any embarrassment or inconveniences our failings may have caused. In 2005, the Government made a commitment to make

possible the materialization of a television channel solely for the broadcasting of religious programming. The model proposed would see an equitable distribution of air time amongst the various bodies, for the broadcasting of their religious programmes. The religious bodies of GIRTV in Guyana are thankful for the Government’s allocation of funds, and remain committed to the fulfilment of this project. MANSOOR BAKSH Secretary GIRTV

PPP General Secretary should take the first step now MAY I congratulate the Honourable Clement Rohee, General Secretary of the PPP, for his position to improve the PPP’s chances at the next general and regional elections by replacing the CIVIC with a new list of Political Progressives and Independents. Consequently, I wish to recommend to the PPP General Secretary that he takes the first step now. Recommend to President Ramotar that he appoint a progressive and independent person to the post of Minister of Local Government. At the same time, organise local government elections as soon as possible, and ensure that local, progressive and independent non-PPP folk are the majority on the PPP list. Should the PPP do this now, then it will signal to the electorate that when its General Secretary speaks , we must take him seriously. Further, that he does not only

talk the talk, but walks the walk. If this is implemented, then it will hold out a better chance for a big PPP victory when national and presidential elections are held. SHAHEED “PEPEY” RAHAMAN

Another taxi driver carjacked

TAXI driver Dwayne Estwick has been carjacked, and nearly killed, seriously shot in his buttocks. The buttocks is a most difficult place to get injured with a hard boil much less a bullet wound, which will take ages to heal. This young man, a positive contributor to the nation, a working man, a father working to provide could have lost his life, and the country a valuable citizen, by those who are desirous of the quick buck they have not worked for. This has to be wiped out in this country, and these thieves and killers must be put where they belong, the cemetery or the prisons for life. Isn’t it time for any carjacker to be sentenced for life? I personally think so. Any carjacker should get a minimum of 20 years, and if violence is involved, 25 years. And if they take life, then they must be sent to visit the Creator. I believe in prisoner reformation, but I do not sympathise with those who maim and kill the innocent because they are too lazy to sweat and earn. The owners of the taxis will not invest in a Satellite Tracking System, because they do not drive the taxis. This I find inhumane. While their lives may not be at risk, the drivers’ lives are, and so is the comfort and safety of the drivers. At the onset of an attack or even suspicion, the panic button could be pressed to send a signal to the base, which will identify the vehicle in trouble and ask for help via SMS. The owner may not risk HIS life, but he risks the lives of others, and the misery of their families, and, of course, the possible loss of his motor vehicle, which may value from $1.5M to several millions of dollars. I wish they would sink this thought into their hearts. Why not invest in a Satellite Tracking System? We have the best mapping and equipment with several systems, but they can go to others if they so wish for their service. I just wish for the safety and security of their families. But we also have a Mobile Tracker, which can move from person to person or vehicle to vehicle. So why do the taxi drivers not get one as a personal investment? It is a one-time purchase price, and a very small monthly fee for the satellite tracking and SMS messages. We have reduced the cost phenomenally, even below cost, to help the owner and drivers of vehicles. This is a great investment. In time, Guyanese will see the benefits, but sadly many more lives will be lost; many vehicles stolen, and many drivers hurt and or families destroyed. I suggest the Guyana Police Force and the Ministry of Home affairs help educate people about the benefits to be derived from investing in a Satellite Tracking system. ROSHAN KHAN

Dire consequences for Guyana IT IS regrettable that our politicians continue to use the machinery of threat to execute their control tactics over the masses. I am afraid, and so are all sober-minded people that if the Anti-Money Laundering Bill is not successfully ratified and passed then the consequences for Guyana’s economic and social future enhancement would be devastating. Additionally, the Opposition parties are playing this one directly into the hands of the PPP/C, and they run the risk of losing outright the upcoming general and regional elections, with no campaign funding from the private sector. I hope that good will and sensible judgment will prevail. MOHAMED YUSUF


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Bill passed to allow Local Gov’t Elections by August By Vanessa Narine

THE National Assembly, after rigorous debate over the importance of local government elections to the democracy, last evening passed the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill 2013, which states that elections must be held on or before August 1, 2014. The Bill’s passage was pushed by the Opposition, which used its one-seat majority to its advantage, even as government MPs argued in a favour of the date being on or before December 1, 2014. The August date was made via an amendment to the Bill, proposed by A Partnership for National Unity, while the House was in Committee. USURPED AUTHORITY Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker, who opened the debate, stressed that the authority to call local government election is reposed with the subject minister and the amendment reflects a move to usurp this authority. He stressed the need for the December date, particularly since much preparatory works are still to be completed. He added that there has been much progress in the efforts to ensure readiness to host the elections. According to the minister, there has been capacity building at the level of the local government organs across the country, improving revenue collection, expenditure controls, as well as improved delivery of services. “We view these as vital organs of local democratic power,” he said. Whittaker pointed out that local government reform is not only related to legislative advances, but advances in improving governance – a process that has seen “tremendous strides” to date. He stated too that legislative reform must be viewed as a continuous process. “The PPP/C has not been dormant, we have been active…the government, through the ministry has been taking a menu of mea-

sures,” the minister said. He also made clear the government’s intention to have local government elections called. “The PPP/C has nothing to gain by delaying local government elections,” Whittaker said. Additionally, the minister highlighted the fact that the preparatory process must be allowed to be completed to allow for free and fair elections. He pointed out that all the variables involved in the ensuring the hosting of local government elections are not in the control of the government.

Minister Norman Whittaker

BAPTISM BY FIRE Ronald Bulkan, who as of last night became an APNU frontbencher, was subjected to a ‘baptism by fire’ of sorts as he made his contribution to the Bill, which was subject to much heckling. Whittaker contended that it would be a “bad investment” to have elections without the completion of the preparatory works, which include public awareness to ensure there is participation in the process. “The Opposition says we are ready, but this is not about the readiness of the Opposition …the function of so many variables must be taken into account,” the minister said. Whittaker also charged that the Opposition’s position on the matter at hand impedes progress, a point Bulkan stressed his disagreement with. The APNU MP questioned the reasons for the delay, a statement that attracted a heckle from the government side, “your paranoia showing comrade.” He added that five months have passed since the House passed four bills to facilitate the hosting of local government elections, three of which were assented to by the President. Whittaker shot this down and made it clear that the one bill that was not assented to does not prevent the hosting of local government elections. The three local government bills assented to on November 6 are the Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012, Municipal and District Councils

(Amendment) Bill and the Local Government Commission Bill. The fourth piece of legislation, the Local Government (Amendment) Bill, seeks to vest control of local authorities in the Local Government Commission. Attorney General (AG), Anil Nandlall, in his contribution maintained that the Bill is a simple one. He noted that the government does not dispute the importance of democracy and democratic processes. To this end, he stressed the need for free and fair elections, given the facts that mar Guyana’s history as it relates to elections results being held in question. “If we are to debate here we must accept the facts, not have newcomers to mislead record of the House,” Nandlall said.

Even the ordinary man had his say yesterday

SCORES of peaceful picketers demonstrated outside Parliament yesterday in protest against the delays by the Joint Opposition in facilitating the passage of the Anti-Money Laundering and the Countering of the Financing of Terrorism Bill. (AML/ CFT). Some of the placards read: “Shame on AFC and APNU for causing black listing”; “Guyanese deserve respect from the AFC and APNU”; “No one gains if Guyana is blacklisted” "Why kill the Bill; it is the people's will" among others. The picketing lasted for about two hours. Many of the demonstrators seized the opportunity to voice their concerns over the current lack of progress on the passage of the Bill. These persons said they hope the Bill is passed without further undue delay.

The ordinary man was very much a part of the protest yesterday


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana...

Pressure mek Dem Boys get trap in dem web of lies and deceit --so they start attacking Uncle Donald fuh get he fuh muzzle Old Kai

DEM Boys vex bad, bad, and is not because they have something genuine to feel aggrieved about; is shame they shame because Old Kai exposing deh sinister operation over dere, in de land of “Fancy-Suit Man and Burnham Boy”. But dem should know that “fancy suit don’t win the race fuh de truth”, so that is why Old Kai tekkin he time fuh expose dem in front of de Guyanese public. Dem Boys don’t like being exposed from de front; dem prefer it another way, but Old Kai don’t deh in dem I-tation dah. So that is why dem tekkin nuff headache to find out Old Kai identity. They getting nervous after I exposed their financial racket, and why dem don’t want the Anti-Money laundering laws in place. Is nah me de seh how “fancy-suit man” got he hand on de pulse of de criminal underworld; is Uncle Sam. So, rather than fight Uncle Donald in de hope that he will give dem the identity of Old Kai, dem should ker dem “seh-seh story” elsewhere. Donald don’t fall fuh dem thing dah; dem should know dat by know. “Burnham Boy” should resist getting his undergarments twisted

in a knot because we exposing he new “Number One”. When he deh in front of “Fancy-Suit”, he does mek he feel nice by calling him he “Number One”. But when “Fancy-Suit Man” back turn, is another story, because “Burnham Boy” does quietly call he original “Number One” and tek he orders before saluting Granger over de phone. Imagine, Granger get vex that we exposing de lies every day, so he ordered “Burnham Boy” to attack de Chronicle so they could get rid of Old Kai. That didn’t work, so they now move on to Uncle Donald. Deh crying and begging he, and when da ain’t work, they claiming how “de gloves coming off”, and deh gun knock he hard now wit de book of lies. Dem should know by now that Uncle Donald does easily see past de “kochores” dem; he does patiently listen, and he does smile when he see dem agenda. De other day, “Dem Boys” try a t’ing. Dem attack Chronicle and deh man from NICIL for putting an “ad” in this paper. Dem like attack de man from NICIL; not because they will have you believe that de man in corruption, but because they couldn’t corrupt de man

when dem wanted to buy Guyana Stores for next-to-nutten. De man refuse deh offers, and tell dem they will have to pay every cent to de nation if they want to buy the place. Deh didn’t get through with the NICIL man, so now deh end up in court, hoping de court will save them from paying what deh owe this nation. This is how these people evil! And then they try to trick us by throwing deh mess at other people and pointing fingers. I already remind dem about how many fingers does point back at dem when deh do that. But back to de Chronicle story: de “ad” is for de sale of a building on Main street, and “Dem Boys” jump up and claim how something fishy with the sale and “That is why Brazzy put de Customs House only in de Chronicle. (Because) Nobody reads it.” So, if “nobody reads it”, how come “Dem Boys” know so much that they can talk and write word-fuh-word about de “ad” published in de Chronicle? ‘Dem Boys” could proppa lie; and they talk it with a straight face too! Dem like a Hawk looking at de Chronicle; and after this Old Kai column exposing dem once again, expect more of de same from dem, as you can never “teach an ole ‘Burnham Boy’ new tricks”.

PM Hinds defends increased Amendment Bill electricity tariffs at Lethem tabled for free

…gov’t prepared to pay capital costs, but consumers must meet electricity Project, which had are to be installed shortly. operational costs been constructed in 1999 at He said that the petition By Clifford Stanley

PRIME Minister Sam Hinds has defended the decision to increase the electricity tariffs at Lethem, in Region 9 (Upper Essequibo/ Upper Takatu) saying that maintaining the old rates is unsustainable. He made this policy statement in response to a petition

of some 54.6% with effect from January 1, 2014, and that this decision had been arbitrarily imposed without any form of consultations with them. In response, Prime Minister Hinds denied that there had been no consultations. He said that he had held meetings with these very residents and they had all agreed that the government would pro-

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds in Parliament yesterday in the National Assembly from some residents at Lethem calling for the Lethem Power Company Inc. (LMPC) to rescind its decision in relation to the increases. The petition was moved by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member, Mr. Sydney Allicock during a sitting of the National Assembly yesterday. Allicock stated that the residents were complaining that their electricity tariffs had been raised from $45 per hour to $75 per kwh, an increase

vide the equipment to upgrade the electricity at Lethem but they would pay the costs for the operations and maintenance. He said: “Given this, it is an unconscionable act for the good citizens of Lethem to be coming here with a petition of this nature. I can only assume that they have not taken time to look realistically at the situation.” He explained that historically the tariffs for electricity were set in 2004. This was at a time when electricity was being provided by the Moco Moco Hydro-

Moco Moco, south of Lethem at a cost of some $700M. The electricity situation remained stable until 2004 when the hydro electricity plant at Moco Moco was damaged by a landslide and has not worked since. He said that since the Moco Moco disaster, the electricity for Lethem has been produced by diesel generators using light fuel oil, and as a consequence, there had been a significant increase in the operating costs for production of the electricity. He said that the reality was that the operating costs largely borne by the government has amounted to about $100,000 per year per customer at Lethem and its environs. “There is no way that we could maintain an average expenditure of $100,000 per household each year as has been happening. This is something that the country cannot afford.” He further asserted that after Moco Moco, the government had made it clear that the operations, including maintenance, would have to be covered by the consumers. He said that there were two consultations with the residents of Lethem and this policy was accepted. He stressed: “It was agreed that government would put in the capital requirements and consumers would pay a price that meets the operational costs; this was accepted as a principle.” He added that it was also agreed at meetings with residents that the increases would be delayed until new generators were installed at Lethem. Government has since acquired these generators and they

suggests that the residents of Lethem have ignored the fact that all through the years, the position of government has been that it would advance electrification in the hinterland and will cover capital costs, but all operational costs, including maintenance, would have to be met by the consumers. He said that government was on the side of the poor as seen by the installation of some 13,000 solar panels in hinterland communities at minimal charge to the beneficiaries. He said: “We have at this moment other communities that are calling on us to move them from four hours to more; eg: Mabaruma; Kamarang also. These communities have accepted the policy, they have agreed to meet the costs.” He stressed that the government could not extend the former rate of tariffs at Lethem. “We could not extend the situation; we want to grow, but we cannot do so by placing greater and greater burdens on the treasury; we cannot base our expectations on those days before the collapse at Moco Moco, as referred to in the petition.” He stressed that the petition is ill-informed, since it seeks to entrench situations which the community has grown away from; and if this approach were to be taken, it will limit the pace of the advancement of electrification. He stressed: “The Policy is that government will endeavour to put in the capital costs and the beneficiaries have to meet the operational costs. We think that that approach is quite appropriate.”

entry of skilled nationals in CARICOM By Vanessa Narine

MINISTER of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett yesterday tabled a Bill intended to amend the Caribbean Community (Free Entry of Skilled Nationals) Act. The Bill includes two amendments: the first makes a provision for a person, who is issued with a certificate from a qualifying State, to make an application to the minister to have that certificate certified; and the second to give the spouse of a person who holds a Schedule Two certificate, which was issued by a qualifying State and verified by the minister the right to engage in gainful employment or other occupation. The second amendment further provides for a person who holds a certificate, issued by a qualifying State, and who is granted permission to enter and remain in Guyana for six months the right to engage in gainful employment or other occupation for the duration of that permission. CAROLYN RODRIGUES-BIRKETT Also tabled by Attorney General Anil Nandlall was the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2014. The Bill is intended to amend the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act with seven changes that address issues ranging from the definition of owner to the creation of an offence where the registered owner of a motor vehicle that has been lost or stolen fails to make a report thereof to a police station within seven days from the loss or theft. Both Bills are expected to be debated at a later sitting of the National Assembly.


CJIA to remain on high alert indefinitely --until security threat is resolved

MINISTER of Works and Transportation, Mr. Robeson Benn has said that heightened alertness and enhanced security measures at the Cheddi

Jagan International Airport (CJIA) will remain in place for an indefinite period until the matter of the threat to the Caribbean Airlines

Minister Robeson Benn in the National Assembly yesterday

Flight (CAL) is satisfactorily resolved. He gave the assurance during a brief to the National Assembly on the “crisis” situation which started last Friday when a male, said to have a Trinidadian accent, called the CAL Offices in Barbados and made a threat against Flight 484 which was due to leave Guyana yesterday morning. Minister Benn said: “Last Friday the telephone threat was made to the CAL office in Barbados; with respect to flight 484 travelling Monday February 10th out of CJIA. The threat seemingly emanated from a person with a Trinidadian accent and that person rang off immediately when he was pressed for more information.” He went on to say that the security system, operatives and officials in the CAL system and also in Guyana were alerted. He said that a high level security meeting was immediately convened to assess the nature of the threat and to put in place measures aimed at reducing the possibility of an attack on the aircraft. The highest levels of the Government were alerted to discuss this matter on Saturday morning. He said that security procedures were elevated including a 100% screening and scrubbing of passengers and other areas in

OAS Secretary General calls on political parties to pass anti-laundering legislation SECRETARY GENERAL of the Organisation of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, yesterday called on political parties and other stakeholders to pass the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLCFT) Bill. A release posted on the OAS’ website said that Mr Insulza has been following the issue in Guyana and noted that the legislation would bring the country into compliance with the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) requirements, “thus preventing unnecessary damage to the country’s

José Miguel Insulza

financial stature.” “The Secretary General, therefore, calls upon the political parties and other stakeholders to exercise cooperation and understanding in bringing this issue to closure,” Mr. Insulza said. “The OAS stands ready to support the Guyanese authorities in their pursuit of political dialogue and consensus build-

ing, especially on matters of national importance,” the statement further noted. Mr Insulza as well offered the support of the OAS through the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) to the process that is currently underway in the Guyanese Parliament. (GINA)

CJIA respectively to make sure that no act of sabotage would occur with respect to this flight or any other flight. As a result of this effort flight 484 departed CJIA yesterday morning without incident although with a 13% reduction on the amount of passengers who had booked the flight, and landed successfully at Miami Airport. Minister Benn went on to reiterate that the heightened security posture will remain in place for a number of days in the future. Government has also asked competent security contacts and security operatives to pursue investigations in Barbados, Trinidad and even in the United States to determine who made the threat and the specific nature of the threat. He said: “In the meanwhile I want to assure the people at large to assure our travellers, both Guyanese nationals and foreigners , to assure people who use the airports, the airlines staff the people in the environs of the airport that all steps are being taken to ensure that the environment is safe .”

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Diamond Scheme taxi driver on $350,000 bail over car sale fraud By Geeta Rampersaud A DIAMOND Housing Scheme taxi driver on Thursday was ordered to lodge $350,000 when he appeared before Magistrate Fabayo Azore accused of fraud by falsely pretending that he was in a position to sell a motor car. Thirty-four-year-old taxi driver Stayanand Persaud of Lot 1020 Section ‘A’ Block X, Diamond Housing, Scheme, East Bank of Demerara pleaded not guilty to the offence. It is alleged that Persaud with intent to defraud and by falsely pretending that he was in position to sell a motor car, falsely obtained the sum of $ 1.1M from Paul Ramsarran between September 1, 2012 and January 31, 2013 at Forshaw Street, Queenstown, Georgetown. Assistant Superintendent of Police, Deneashwar Maindranauth, prosecuting, said the defendant between the dates stated took the virtual complainant’s money and pretended to be in position to sell the motor vehicle but never delivered the car. He indicated that Persaud was in a relationship with Ramsarran’s sister and subsequently, removed from the address. The prosecutor objected to pre-trial liberty for the defendant, citing the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. He added that since the crime was committed, police made efforts on several occasions to contact Persaud at the Forshaw Street address but to no avail. Maindranauth also objected on the grounds that Persaud may pose a flight risk since he gave contradicting address to the police, that is, Lot 1070 Section ‘A’ Block X Diamond Housing Scheme. Attorney-at-law, Mr. Keavon Bess representing Persaud requested that he be admitted to bail in a reasonable sum. The lawyer said his client had turned himself over to the police and when he arrived at the police station he found the defendant handcuffed to a bench. The prosecutor’s objection to bail was overruled and the case was put off until February 28 for report.

Kitty man gets 12 months for break and enter

MARK Mangal of Lot 200 Barr Street, Kitty, Georgetown, was sentenced on Thursday to 12 months imprisonment by Magistrate Fabayo Azore for committing a break and enter offence at David Street, also in Kitty. He made his first appearance in court before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on September 30, 2013 and pleaded not guilty to the charge that said on September 26 at David Street, Kitty, Georgetown, he broke and entered the dwelling house of Paul Booker

and stole a quantity of electrical items together valued $740,000. Police Corporal Renetta Bentham, prosecuting, said Booker secured his home and went out and upon his return, he saw that his window had been opened and after conducting a search he noticed the items missing. On the same day also, the defendant and another individual were seen in the complainant’s yard fetching out the items.

Magistrate Azore told Mangal that she believed the facts related by the prosecution beyond any reasonable doubt and therefore found him guilty as charged for the break and enter offence. However, Mangal maintained that he was innocent and married with two children and could not believe that he was sentenced to serve a jail term for something he did not do.

Eight months’ jail for security guard who Police denting Upper Corentyne criminal gang for whose crimes threatened to chop wife they had been blamed

BERBICE police appear to be denting a criminal gang that they believe was responsible for several robberies committed on the Corentyne Coast, and for which lawmen complicity had been alleged. Investigators report narrowly missing the arrest of a suspected bandit at Number 65 Village, Corentyne at about 20:30hrs on Saturday. He managed to elude capture, but has left behind a gun with ammunition. “The man managed to escape, but left behind a 16-gauge shotgun with one cartridge, which was recovered by the police,” Guyana Police Force spokesman, Asst. Commissioner Ivelaw Whittaker, said in a statement. Police have also said that a suspect who was arrested at Number 65 Village on Friday is expected to appear at the Whim Magistrate’s Court on Monday to answer four charges of robbery under arms. The arrest and seizure comes less than one month after residents had accused police of being complicit, or directly involved, in a number of those robberies. At the request of Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, Police Commissioner, Leroy Brumell had transferred all the ranks who had been stationed at the Number 51 Police Station in an effort to appease the incensed residents, and reassured residents at a meeting there that every effort would be made to go after the perpetrators.

WESLEY Tull, a security guard of Lot 36 Seaforth Street, Campbellville, Georgetown on Thursday was sentenced to eight months imprisonment by Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond for using threatening language to his reputed wife. Tull changed his plea to guilty, accepting that on December 23 at Seaforth Street, he committed the offence against Subrina Naidoo. Police Corporal Jomo Nichols, prosecuting, said the couple had a misunderstanding over the virtual complainant’s son stealing his money and as a result he threatened to chop Naidoo and everyone in the house. She became fearful for her life and reported the matter to the police. Tull is at present serving an eighteen-month sentence for assault causing actual bodily harm, after being sentenced by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry. Particulars of that offence said that on the same day he assaulted the woman. The threatening language offence was transferred to Magistrate Chandan-Edmond’s court on Monday.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Fire razes Grove house, owner and family homeless - neighbour cites sparking GPL wire

By Shirley Thomas FIREFIGHTERS were late yesterday afternoon combing the debris in their bid to determine the origin of a fire which swept through a dwelling house at Lot 55 Public Road, Grove, leaving the owner Vanessa Higgins and three family members homeless, and considerable damage done to neighbouring properties. Higgins, who is employed as a Day Care Teacher at Eccles Day Care Centre, East Bank of

Demerara, as well as conducts her own beverage and food vending business, was attending a funeral at Eccles Assembly of God Church, also on the East Bank, when around 14:30 hrs she received a phone call from a mechanic living across the road from her, informing that her home was on fire. Higgins said that in an impulsive response, she told the man, “Don’t make them kinds o’ joke”, but the mechanic insisted that he was serious. She hurried home, only to find the building

fully engulfed and she was unable to save anything. “When I reached home everything done burn, everything burn,” she lamented, noting that all she had acquired in the 18 years she was living there had gone up in flames. Apart from all her household furnishings, the woman also lost a Honda CRV motor vehicle which was completely destroyed and a Canter truck she had purchased just about three weeks ago was partially destroyed.

Vanessa Higgins’ home which was destroyed by fire at Grove yesterday

was at home at the time of the fire. Her two children who live with her, were both at school and another occupant was at work. Her mother, who lives at Lin-

den but had spent the weekend with Vanessa and the children, had returned home earlier in the morning. On receiving the sad news, Yvette immediately phoned her mother who was already in Linden. Higgins who also sells snacks and beverages on the seawalls on Sunday nights, recalled that since they came home late that night, she did not bother to prepare meals yesterday morning, but gave them snacks and money to buy food. Therefore, there was no question of her leaving any stove alight. “I did not cook food, nor iron or anything of the sort, so I am sure nothing was left alight or plugged in,” she insisted. And on this occasion, she did not drive to the church for the funeral but caught a minibus and travelled down, leaving both vehicles parked in the yard. The male occupant of the house, Joniel Mc Calmon said that he was returning home from work when he learnt that Vanessa’s home was on fire, so he begged the Providence Station police to help get him there quickly, but when he

Vanessa Higgins at the scene of the fire yesterday


The deeply distraught woman told reporters that no one


Fire razes Grove ... (FROM PAGE 11) arrived it was too late. Everything was already destroyed. SPARKING WIRE Another neighbour blamed the fire on a sparking wire extending from the house to the utility pole at the roadside. And Higgins recalled that Guyana Power and Light (GPL) servicemen had recently removed the meter from the building and installed it on a power pole. She could not, however, say whether it was a faulty connection that caused the problem. Her eldest daughter, Carla who lives at her father’s place, arrived on the scene soon after, and there was loud wailing as the two embraced. Asked where would she and her two school-aged children (eight and ten) spend the night, Vanessa cried, “I don’t know, I have nowhere to go.” Meanwhile, her neighbour to the west, Kavita Lall, recalled she had just gotten into bed to take a rest when she heard neighbours frantically shouting, “Fire! Fire! Look the neighbour house burning!” She said she jumped up, looked out and saw the fire coming from Vanessa’s house. “I get so confused I didn’t know what to do and so I ran out the house,” Kavita said. The top portion of Kavita’s building was badly burnt and what was left of it was doused with water by the firemen. But public-spirited neighbours managed to pull some household items of furniture to safety which they were stored in the backyard before the fire tenders arrived on the scene. And in a great outpouring of goodwill, the Headmistress of Diamond Secondary School and students of Hema Lall’s class hurried down to the scene. Hema is Kavita’s daughter. Headmistress Lesmin Collins said that Hema was in an Information Technology class when the students brought the news about the fire and asked for her to be sent home. The student reacted in shock and was helped home by the headmistress and classmates. Meantime, a neighbour to the east, Mr. Kawall who rents his property to a dealer operating Phoenix Water Service, said he was just driving through the street when he noticed the fire. He quickly disembarked the vehicle and ran to render assistance. He is thankful that there is an empty lot between the house that was on fire and his property, which obviously minimised the effects of the blaze on the building. However, a few water tanks and PVC gutters and pipelines were destroyed.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

GDF announces robust response to recruitment drive for youths countrywide

THE Guyana Defence Force (GDF) has announced that its first recruitment cycle for 2014 has met with significant response from Guyanese youths from all across the country. One hundred persons submitted applications to be trained as officers on the Standard Officers Course (SOC) number 47,

while another 700 youths have applied to be trained as soldiers on the Basic Recruit Course. Forty-eight potential officer cadets are presently completing their assessments. This includes those who would be selected for training at US military institutions during 2014. Four hundred and seventeen of the recruits, who have passed

the entrance examination, are completing documentation. They will also complete a physical fitness examination prior to being sent on training. GDF Chief of Staff, Brigadier Mark Phillips, is upbeat about this development, and says the response by Guyana’s youths is testimony to the fact that the Guyana Defence Force

GDF Recruitment Officer Captain, Nellon McKenzie is assisted by a member of staff from the General Personnel Department in documenting recruits

(GDF) continues to be a strong national institution in which the people of Guyana repose their confidence. The Chief of Staff has said that the GDF will continue to offer a robust and stable environment in which the youths of Guyana can find a place not only to develop personally, but, more importantly, as professionals to serve the GDF and Guyana. “Joining the Guyana Defence Force is all about building your careers; and during your service, we will utilise the Academic Education Programme and offer opportunities to develop trade skills through technical education and vocational training within the GDF and at the GTIC, GTI and other training institutions,” he was quoted as saying in a statement issued by the Guyana Defence Force. The Standard Officers Course number 47 and the first Basic Recruit Course (BRC) for 2014 are scheduled to commence shortly.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014



GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Livestock Food Safety Bill for Parliament soon MINISTER of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy has said that Parliament will soon be addressing a Food Safety Bill which will impact on how livestock meat is produced and changed into value-added products. He said the legislation will see the industry being governed by

new rules and regulations necessary for taking production in the livestock sector to a higher level. It would also be for ensuring that the growing service industry, in the form of hotels, restaurants and tourist resorts in Guyana, contribute to the wealth and well-being of livestock farmers.

- Minister Ramsammy

Ramsammy emphasised, in this regard, that, if livestock farmers want to cash in on the demands of the tourism industry, they will have to begin doing some things differently. “Certain sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards will have to be adhered to from the fields to the table and the Bill is designed to ensure that they are complied with,” he said. The minister added that the proposed Food Safety Bill is very significant in this regard. Ramsammy said the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) has played a significant role in developing the proposed Food Safety Bill. It is currently being vetted by the Attorney General’s Chambers for presentation to the National Assembly.

For sixth year…

Republic Bank collaborating in Mash Steel Pan Competition

REPUBLIC Bank (Guyana), in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport, for the sixth consecutive year, made a monetary donation towards the Bank’s Mashramani Panarama Steel Pan Competition. The contribution covers not only the prizes for the contest but also to assist in other areas of benefit, such as donations of steel pans so as to keep alive the art form. Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony expressed his gratitude to Republic Bank for its continued support of the event. He said, further, that because of this known contribution, the planning and improvements as well as sustainability of the art form can be ascertained. “If we look back, over the last six years, we will see more bands participating, we now have bands from across Guyana, instead of predominately Georgetown as it was before,” the minister observed. Head of the Ministry’s Music Development Unit, Mr. Andrew Tyndall offered his heartfelt thank you to Republic Bank for supporting the competition yet again. 16 BANDS He related, at the presentation ceremony, that, in this year’s competitions, there will be 16 bands competing in two different categories, namely the large bands and school bands. And, for this year, the seven-a-side Jazz Ensemble with the pan duet, senior and junior pan solo. According to Tyndall, the competition will see a change in venue, with the contest now being hosted at the National Cultural Centre. It is to facilitate, for the first time, a production of an audio production that will be available for commercial distribution. That is slated for February 13 at 15:00 hrs. Marketing Manager of Republic Bank (Guyana), Ms. Michelle Johnson, said: “The bank is very happy and very excited to be a part of the Republic Bank Mashramani Panarama Steel Pan Competition for the sixth year and looks forward to this year’s competition.” She noted a growth in participation throughout the year, with more schools, churches and individuals getting involved. The ministry is encouraging persons to come and support this event, noting that with every purchase of a ticket, you are supporting the development and continuity of this art form.

From left, Mr. Andrew Tyndall, Minister Frank Anthony, Ms. Michelle Johnson, Mr. Alfred King and a representative of Republic Bank


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

ICT hosts tribute to Mohammed Rafi

THE Indian Commemoration Trust (ICT), last Saturday, hosted a tribute to one of the greatest Indian playback singers, the late Mohammed Rafi, as part of its fund-raising activities for 2014. Mohammed Rafi was an Indian recording artiste, who is considered by many to be one of the greats in the Hindi film industry. In his lifetime, he was awarded the National Film Award, Best National Singer Award and six Filmfare Awards. In 1967, he was honoured with the Padma Shri Award by the Government of India. His singing career spanned about 35 years and he was noted for his ability to sing songs of different moods and varieties. They ranged from classical to patriotic, sad lamentations, highly romantic numbers, qawwalis toghazals and bhajans. But he is best known for romantic and duet songs and, as a playback singer, his ability to mould his voice to the persona of the actor lip-synching the song. Today East Indians account for a major part of the population and their arrival in Guyana has certainly not been forgotten but remains etched in the minds and hearts of many. It was perhaps against this very background that the Indian Commemoration Trust (ICT) Foundation, chaired by Dr. Yesu Persaud, was founded. COMMEMORATIVE SITE In 1987, earnest efforts were engaged to bring into being, a Monument Garden as a commemorative site for the Indians who arrived in Guyana. As part of its commemoration mandate, the ICT commenced intensified efforts in 2012 to revamp the Monument Garden location as part of preparatory work for the observance of the 175th anniversary of the arrival of East Indians in Guyana. Mr. Pradeep Samtani, who also spoke on the occasion in Camp Street, Georgetown, said all the proceeds will go towards the main-

MOHAMMED RAFI tenance and security of the gardens. The event saw a huge crowd despite the threat of rain, as patrons came out prepared, with their umbrellas. The tribute took the form of song as well as dance and both the old and the young showcased their various talents with renditions from the great Rafi. Samtani related, too, that the ICT has other events planned but they are now in the planning stages and will be made public as soon as the dates are available. He confirmed, though, that there will be a Phagwah celebration.

Sophia woman held for gun, ammo find in police search POLICE reported finding a 9 MM Browning pistol and 12 rounds of matching ammunition on Saturday evening at about 18.00hrs during a search at a house in ‘C’ Field, Sophia – widely regarded as a hotbed for gun-related robberies. A woman was arrested in connection with this find. Deputy Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud recently confirmed that the police have been patrolling the Sophia community and carrying out intelligence-led operations to counter a spike in armed robberies there.

Dancers at the Indian Commemoration Gardens


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Chinese New Year celebrations dr --PM Hinds among guests of honour By Vanessa Narine

THE end of January marked the end of the new year hype for many Guyanese, but for the Chinese community, yesterday was a chance to have that ‘new beginning’ rush all over again, as they celebrated the start of the Year of the Horse. Both the Chinese New Year and the 161st anniversary of the Chinese arrival in Guyana were marked in grand style at the National Park, with a massive fair that attracted hundreds. Organised by the Chinese Association of Guyana, the event was supported by the Chinese Embassy and several prominent Chinese business persons, among others. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds was among the many who flocked to the National Park to enjoy the treat that was the culture show through food, a fashion show, martial arts demonstrations, and of course the famed Lion Dance. The atmosphere of this Chinese New Year was easily felt yesterday.

This youngster does a recital

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds is treated to a show of Chinese craftsmanship

Despite their expressions, the disposition of these tots is quite charming

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014


raw hundreds to the National Park

A section of the massive crowd that attended the opening ceremony of yesterday’s Chinese New Year celebrations

These young ladies showcase traditional Chinese fashion

Students of a local Chinese training institution, these youngsters show off their martial arts skills (Photos by Adrian Narine)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Man wounds another after his request for $100 is denied - court hears

KEMPT Beckles (no address given) who was charged with unlawful wounding was placed on $125,000 bail on Thursday by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry. Particulars of the indictable offence said that on Tuesday, January 21 at Georgetown, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded Seekumar Outar. Police Inspector Michael Grant, prosecuting, said the virtual complainant was in the vicinity of Demico House in the Stabroek Market area when the accused asked him for $100. He told Beckles he did not have any money. Subsequently, an argument erupted between the parties and the accused armed himself with a broken piece of bottle and dealt a lash to Outar’s head, along with several stabs to his armpit. The prosecutor did not object to bail and the case was put off to March 6 for report.

Aries March 21 - April 19 Below rates for February 10, 2014 Currency



G$/US$ G$/GBP$ G$/CAD$ G$/EURO$ G$/BDOS$ G$/EC$ G$/TT$

205.98375 337.52497 186.51086 280.59106 101.62031 75.27431 31.63672

208.43594 341.75157 188.66290 284.13987 102.63906 76.02894 31.95388

Your family’s history is the key to helping you deal with your family’s future -- so get in touch with some older relatives and ask them the questions you need answers for. Their insight is all you need right now to get your clarity back so that you can make the right decisions. A lot of ideas and experiences from your past are going to be coming back into your life today, and they could cause you to question the choices you have been making lately.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

What someone is saying and what they really mean deep down in their heart are two different things, and you know it. You’re entering a very intuitive phase right now, where you can see the underlying meaning behind empty words. This is a very powerful position, but it’s also dangerous -- you may not be meant to know what you know. So don’t share your hunches with anyone today, especially with characters on the periphery.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

All the stimulation you’ve been adding to your life has been great, but the cost of those experiences is adding up to create quite a sum total on your credit card statement! It’s time to add some more bulk to your rapidly dwindling rainy day fund! Put together a budget that’s a little bit painful -- force yourself to go without a few indulgences for a while, and you might be able to enjoy a much bigger one later. Delayed gratification isn’t always fun, but it is always worth it.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

Be careful about how much you rely on your instincts today. Because they are based so much on emotions -- and your emotions right now are rapidly fluctuating -- they could be somewhat unreliable. Stick to the facts and if they aren’t leading you anywhere concrete, then hold off making any big decisions. Wait for another day, when your head is clearer. Step back, and give yourself permission to feel whatever you feel today without the pressure of it affecting your decision-making abilities.

Leo July 23 - August 22 For Tuesday February 11, 2014 -14:30hrs For Wednesday February 12, 2014 -14:30hrs

You have controlled your extravagant impulses very well, and should be proud of yourself for how well you are sticking to your budget! It might be time to give yourself a little treat just to reward your efforts -- but make sure it’s little. Go up a size in your latte, pick up one of your favourite gourmet goodies, or buy a new CD from one of your favourite bands. Little presents you give yourself suddenly feel much bigger, don’t they? This is a good habit to start!

Virgo August 23 - September 22

You might not like it, but living on a budget really can make a difference in your life. Besides helping you save money, it’s a great way to organise your life and get better focus on your priorities. Spend some time today sorting through how much you’re spending and what you’re spending it on -- you will immediately see a few areas that need changes. Just one hour spent getting a better picture of your financial situation could save you a lot of time and money, later.

Libra September 23 - October 22

An unwanted voice will chime in on your plans today, but having your routine disrupted won’t be annoying at all -- it will be a blessing in disguise! They have a good point, and you should listen to their input, even though you probably won’t feel like it. Your ego is healthy enough to handle this honesty, though, and you will only benefit from it. Get face to face with that person you need to talk to.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Today, in a situation where you are typically uncomfortable, you will be able to let yourself go and relax. This new clarity might not last long, so take advantage of it while it’s here. Think about the next steps you want to take in a relationship -- is it time to push things forward? Weigh the pros and cons, and be prepared to arrive at an answer you don’t really like. When another person is involved, you have to consider their attitudes and goals.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

You’re wicked charming right now, but that might not be enough to move a certain relationship forward. Today, you’re going to have to go in deep and let yourself be a little bit more vulnerable. Share an embarrassing or personal story with this person -- show them that you trust them with the things you wouldn’t entrust to just anybody. They’ll be flattered -- and it’s a kind of flattery that means much more than a compliment on their looks or intelligence could ever mean.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

If you think that a few problems at home have been affecting your work or school life, don’t worry -- they haven’t been causing you nearly as much distraction as you fear. To reduce further the chance of getting distracted, you should relax and just not worry about it. You can’t shut part of yourself down at certain times of the day anyway -- trying to do so will only cause more stress, which certainly won’t help things. Your woes are about to end, anyway.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

Today, all signs point to the fact that one of your relationships might be reaching a turning point. You need to see things as they really are and make that decision that you have been dreading. Is it time to let them go? Things are not equitable between you two, and if they haven’t made an effort to change, then the answer may be ‘yes.’ Talk to them today and find out how they feel about things. If they see a problem, there’s hope. But if they think everything’s fine, move on.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

Today, you’ll have much more fun just running along and living your life than you will analysing every little word out of every person’s mouth. It’s not the right time to get all serious about your life. There are good things going on right now, and bad things going on right now. Why don’t you just focus on the good things for the next 24 hours and give your worry muscle a rest? There’s not much you can do about what isn’t working anyway. The ball is in someone else’s court.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014



GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014



GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014



GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Nurse ‘doctors’ Leeward Islands to push ... From Back Page 9 after 39 overs, before Benn Justin Athanaze (0) and Kel- closed off proceedings with bert Walters (0) to be 100 for the wicket of Lionel Baker (2) in the next over. Asked to bat 10 overs before the dinner break, the Barbadians lost Smith (5) bowled by Walters off the third ball of the second over and should have dismissed Rashidi Boucher in the sixth over, had Athanaze taken the catch running back from mid-on when the batsman was on 7 at 20 for 1. The 23-year-old Boucher, who had for his partner Kraigg Brathwaite at the other end, said thanks for the offer by hitting Athanaze back over his head for six in the next over, while himself and Brathwaite ensured Barbados reach the break safely on 34 for 1, with his score being 15 and Brathwaite 10. After the break, Barbados got to their 50 from 14 overs, when Boucher hit Walsh to the vacant long on boundary, but lost the said batsman, who was lbw to Martin for 25 (42 balls, 3x4; 1x6) at 51 for 2. It should have been 55 for 3, but Walsh grassed a skier offered by Kraigg Brathwaite who was on 19,

LEEWARD ISLAND INNINGS M. Hodge c Nurse b Smith 14 K. Powell lbw b Nurse 34 M. Richards c wkp. Dowrich b Nurse 7 S. Joseph run-out (Holder) 0 D. Thomas lbw b Benn 17 J. Hamilton lbw b Nurse 10 H. Walsh stp wkpr Dowrich b Nurse 4 J. Athanaze b Nurse 0 L. Baker lbw b Benn 2 K. Walters c Stoute b Nurse 0 A. Martin not out 0 Extras: (w-14, b-1) 15 Total: (all out, off 39.4 overs) 103 Fall of wickets: 1-46, 2-59, 3-59, 4-74, 5-92, 6-100, 7-100, 8-100, 9-101. Bowling: Holder 5-0-13-0 (w2), Edwards 4-0-14-0 (w-4), C Brathwaite 5-0-15-0, Smith 5-1-

Racing Tips English Southwell 09:30 hrs Very First Blade 10:00 hrs Seaham 10:35 hrs Arabian Flight 11:05 hrs Hannahs Turn 11:40 hrs Outrageous request 12:10 hrs Intense Feeling 12:40 hrs Fire In Babylon Ayr 09:50 hrs Titus Bolt 10:20 hrs Layla Joan 10:55 hrs W Six Times 11:25 hrs She ranks Me 12:00 hrs Too Cool To Fool 12:30 hrs Gansey 13:00 hrs Uppertown Cave

off Athanaze at point, but Barbados lost their centurion from the first game in Jonathan Carter (3) who was lbw to Martin, six runs later. At the halfway stage of their reply, Barbados were 68 for 3 with Kraigg Brathwaite on a laborious 19 and his skipper Kevin Stoute 7, which progressed to 83 before Baker had a double strike, removing Stoute lbw for 13 and Dowrich caught at the wicket by Hamilton for 2, as the Leewards made it tough for their opponents. A pair of boundaries by Carlos Brathwaite (12, 2x4) off Baker in the same over he had dismissed Dowrich, pushed Barbados to 94 for 5, before he saw his off stump being uprooted by Walters, but they sealed the win shortly after, ending on 104 for 6 with Kraigg Brathwaite unbeaten on 29 and Nurse, who scored the winning run on 3. Martin bowled well to end with 2 for 8 and got support from Walters and Baker who got a pair of wickets each for 10 and 40 runs respectively. Barbados with the win topped the group and move on to face Guyana in their semifinal encounter on Thursday at the same venue.

10-1, Stoute 2-0-6-0 (w-2), Nurse 10-2-29-6 (w-3), Benn 8.4-2-15-2 (w-1) BARBADOS INNINGS D. Smith b Walters 05 K Brathwaite not out 29 R. Boucher lbw b Martin 25 J. Carter lbw b Martin 03 K. Stoute lbw b Baker 13 S. Dowrich c wkp. Hamilton b Baker 02 C. Brathwaite b Walters 12 A. Nurse not out 03 Extras: (w-5, lb-7) 12 Total: (for 6 wickets, off 34.5 overs) 104 Fall of wickets: 1-6, 2-51, 3-61, 4-74, 5-83, 6-98. Bowling: Baker 7.5-0-40-2 (w-3), Walters 4-1-10-2, Athanaze 10-217-0 (w-1), Martin 10-5-8-2, Walsh 2-0-15-0, Richards 1-0-7-0 (w-1).

South Africa Racing Tips Scottsville 08:20 hrs Sheik’s Brashee 08:50 hrs London Olympics 09:20 hrs Learn A Little 09:50 hrs Coy Boy 10:25 hrs Friar Tuck 10:55 hrs Blizzard Belle American Racing Tips Philadelphia Park Race 1 Plumaria Race 2 Surprise Storm Race 3 Armedandbeautiful Race 4 Meistersinger Race 5 Indygo Fashion Race 6 Fat Cat Race 7 Perfect Time Out Race 8 Jeter Race 9 Toe Jam Football

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014


New Zealand drop pair over late-night drinking antics WELLINGTON, New Zealand (Reuters) - Jesse Ryder and Doug Bracewell have been dropped from the New Zealand squad for the second Test against India starting on Friday as punishment for going on a late-night drinking session on the eve of the first Test in Auckland. New Zealand coach Mike Hesson told reporters in Auckland yesterday that team officials had lost confidence in the pair and they would not be considered for the Wellington match, although Bracewell was already ruled out with a broken foot. “We need to make sure that all our players prepare themselves accordingly for Test cricket, and at the moment we don’t have confidence that that’s the case,” Hesson said of the visit to an Auckland bar until the early hours of Thursday. “Both Jesse and Doug did not prepare themselves well for the Test match and we’re certainly very disappointed about that. “We’re dealing with grown men. If a player was to have a beer with their meal before a game, we don’t have an issue with that at all. “But there’s a big difference between that and what occurred the night before the Test match.” New Zealand won the first match of the two-Test series by 40 runs, late on the fourth

Doug Bracewell day on Sunday and Hesson was annoyed that Ryder and Bracewell’s behaviour was still detracting from that performance. “The fact that we’ve won a Test match yesterday and the fact the first few questions are based around off-field incidents is clearly an extreme disappointment for the team,” Hesson said. “It takes away from a superb effort over the last four days.” Batsman Ryder and bowling all-rounder Bracewell had not been in the starting team for the clash at Eden Park but had been expected to be ready to play last Thursday. Bracewell was on standby in case one of the bowlers got injured in the final warm-ups while Ryder had to be ready to come into the team for Ross Taylor, whose wife is expected to give birth to their second child this week. CHEQUERED PAST Until last week’s indiscre-

RHTY&SC/GBTI Inter-Secondary School Cricket

Central Corentyne advance to female final; J.C.C.S.S to Under-15 final CENTRAL Corentyne Secondary School of Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne, on Friday last crafted a huge upset when they defeated Corentyne Comprehensive by six wickets to advance to the final of the RHTY&SC/GBTI Inter-Secondary School Female tapeball competition. J.C Chandisingh Secondary School (JCCSS) held their nerves to defeat a stubborn Central Corentyne team by two wickets to advance to the male Under-15 version of the same tournament. Playing at the Area “H” Ground Corentyne, Comprehensive Females were bowled out for 52 off their allotted ten overs with only Hanrah Hicks reaching double figures with 12 as Tiffany Moore 3 for 9 and Reshama Lynch 3 for 10 bowled well for Central Corentyne. In reply, the visiting Central Corentyne Secondary team reached 58 for 4 in just 5.4 overs as Shonetta Grimmond blasted 25 (3x4, 1x6) and received support from Carmain Prince who scored 11. Central Corentyne Secondary now await the winner of the second semifinal between Port Mourant Secondary and Winifred Gaskin Secondary. At the Male Under-15 level, J.C Chandisingh won the toss and invited Central Corentyne to take first strike. Central Corentyne reached 110 all out off 25 of their allotted 30 overs with Javern King scoring 15 and Govindra Sydney top-scoring with 22 while Milford Holder supported with 13. Bowling for JCSS, Curtis Dey took 2 wickets for 13 runs and Uran George 3 for 15. JCCSS in reply, reached 114 for 8 in 24.3 overs as Central Corentyne refused to go down without a fight, Kevon Hooper top scoring with 21 while CCSS did not help their cause by giving away 23 extras. Colwyn White bowled well in a losing effort to claim 3 for 13 from 5 overs. J.C Chandisingh Secondary School will play the winner of the Lower Corentyne Secondary School vs Winifred Gaskin Memorial School semi-final in the final. The finals of both tournaments are scheduled for this Friday at the Area “H” Ground. The female final will start at 09:30hrs and the male final at 12:00hrs.

tion, Ryder had been expected to be included in the starting side at the Basin Reserve for the February 14-18 clash as Taylor cannot be replaced once the game started. Hesson added that Bracewell’s broken foot had meant he would not have been available for the second Test anyway. New Zealand are due to announce the side today. New Zealand Cricket (NZC) is still investigating how the 23-year-old suffered the injury after he had taken a full

Jesse Ryder part in training last Wednesday. The duo have had a chequered past with cricket officials. They were both disciplined for going to a bar on the eve of a

one-day international in Napier in February 2012 and getting involved in a verbal altercation with a member of the public. While both were injured at the time and not expected to play, the team said they had breached strict rules around recovery from injury. Ryder went into self-imposed exile after that incident and spent almost two years away from the international game as he attempted to put his life back together off the field. He returned to the nation-

al side last December for the limited-overs series against West Indies, having served a six-month doping ban and survived an assault that left him in a coma with serious head injuries. Hesson said Ryder had not breached team protocols since his return to the national side until last week. The incident was still under investigation by NZC and a decision then will be made on whether they face a code of conduct charge.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

India and Australia suffer defeats in ICC U-19 CWC 2014 warm-ups

… Former champions Pakistan and England record comfortable victories LAST tournament’s finalists India and Australia suffered defeats in the first round of warm-up matches of the ICC U-19 Cricket World Cup UAE 2014 yesterday.. Sri Lanka opener Sadeera Samarawickrama hit an attractive 82 and Priyamal Perera scored an unbeaten 50 to inspire their side to a five-wicket victory over defending champions India at Zayed Cricket Stadium, while Ryan Burl hit a fluent 60 as Zimbabwe defeated last event’s runner-up Australia by three wickets at Abu Dhabi Oval 1. In the other matches of the day, two-time former champions Pakistan romped to a comfortable 10-wicket victory over the hosts United Arab Emirates at The Sevens, England overcame Scotland by 153 runs at ICC Academy 1, two-time losing finalists South Africa beat Namibia by five wickets at Abu Dhabi Oval 2, 1998 finalists New Zealand outgunned Canada by five wickets at Sharjah Cricket Stadium and 2004 finalists West Indies made short work of Afghanistan by nine wickets at ICC Academy 2. Bangladesh, who have won the Plate Championship in 1998, 2004 and 2010, defeated Papua New Guinea by 165

runs. Bangladesh’s Yasir Ali was the star of his team when he scored a fine 64 that came off 67 balls in a knock that included two fours and two sixes. In the India-Sri Lanka match, the defending champions threw away a half-century opening wicket start to slump from 53-0 to 209 all out in 45.5 overs. All the top order batsmen got off to good starts but couldn’t convert these into big scores as No.8 batsman Deepak Hooda finished as the top scorer with 39. Sri Lanka, in their chase, achieved victory with seven balls to spare after opener Samarawickrama and Hashan Dumindu (48) put on 125 runs for the first wicket. Priyamal Perera then hit nine fours in an unbeaten 62-ball 50 to provide Sri Lanka a huge confidence-boosting victory. Tomorrow, eight more warmup matches will be played while the first-round matches of the ICC U-19 Cricket World Cup 2014 will start on Friday February 14. Scores in brief: Sri Lanka beat India by five wickets at Zayed Cricket Stadium, Abu Dhabi. India 209, all out in 45.5 overs (Deepak Hooda 39, Shreyas Iyer 31; Binura Fernando 4-42) Sri Lanka 212-5, 48.5 overs

Ben Duckett smashed a 68-ball 92 to help England Under-19 post 281 for 4 in 50 overs. New Zealand beat CanaBangladesh 281-9, 50 overs (Sadeera Samarawickrama 82, da by five wickets at Sharjah (Yasir Ali 64; Riley Hekure Priyamal Perera 50 not out) Cricket Stadium 3-50) Zimbabwe beat Australia Canada 119 all out, 45.4 PNG 116, 40.3 overs (Gaudi by three wickets at Abu Dhabi overs (Nikhil Dutta 40) Toka 35) Oval 1. New Zealand 120-5, 35.5 West Indies beat AfghanAustralia 195, 46.1 overs overs (Ken McClure 59 not out) istan by nine wickets at ICC (Jaron Morgan 36; Deven Bell England beat Scotland by Academy 2 3-38) 153 runs at ICC Academy 1 Afghanistan 84 all out, 39.4 Zimbabwe 196-7, 48.3 England 281-4, 50 overs overs (Jerome Jones 3-12, Ray overs (Ryan Burl 60) (Ben Duckett 92, Ryan Higgins Jordan 3-13) Bangladesh best Papua New 60, Jonathan Tattersall 48, DomWest Indies 85-1, 18.4 overs Guinea (PNG) by 165 runs at inic Sibley 41) (Shimron Hetmyer 46 not out) Dubai International Cricket Stadium

Kenyan Arsenal fan killed Liverpool supporter on Saturday NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) - An Arsenal fan in Kenya stabbed a Liverpool supporter to death on Saturday while they were watching on television as the Merseyside club beat the Londoners 5-1 in the Premier League, said a local police chief. Tom Odera, police chief in the north eastern region of Meru, said “the assailant and the deceased had a bitter argument over the match”. “The assailant, David Mwangi, drew out a knife and stabbed Anthony Mutethia,” Odera told Reuters by telephone yesterday. Kenyans, like most Africans, are fervent English Premier League fans and regularly throng bars and restaurants to watch their favourite teams. The fanatical support has, in the past, seen Kenyan soccer fans grab headlines for the wrong reasons.

Liverpool’s Raheem Sterling (C) shoots to score against Arsenal during their English Premier League soccer match at Anfield Stadium in Liverpool, northern England on Saturday. (Credit: Reuters/Nigel Roddis) A Manchester United follower in the capital of Nairobi last year committed suicide after his team lost to Newcastle United. In 2009, an Arsenal fan hanged himself after the Lon-

doners lost to United in the second leg of a Champions League semi-final game. “We encourage people to be football fans as a hobby but taking fanaticism into football is discouraged,” said Odera.

Scotland 128, 39.4 overs (Luke Wood 2-18, Josh Shaw 2-24) South Africa beat Namibia by five wickets at Abu Dhabi Oval 2 Namibia 204-8, 50 overs (Malan Kruger 58, Xander Pitchers 52, Jano Coetzee 48) South Africa 205-5, 47.3 overs (Aiden Markram 53 retired out, Kirwin Christoffels 30 retired out) Pakistan beat UAE by 10 wickets at The Seven 2 UAE 101, 31.3 overs (Shorye Chopra 36; Zia-ul-Haq 3-15, Irfanullah Shah 3-27) Pakistan 102-0, 17 overs (Sami Aslam 43 not out, Inamul-Haq 42 not out) Wednesday’s warm-up fixture: Bangladesh v England, Zayed Cricket Stadium Afghanistan v Scotland, Abu Dhabi Oval 1 PNG v Canada, Abu Dhabi Oval 2 Sri Lanka v Namibia, Sharjah Cricket Stadium India v South Africa, ICC Academy 1 Australia v Pakistan, ICC Academy 2 Zimbabwe v UAE, The Sevens 1, Dubai New Zealand v West Indies, The Sevens 2

West Indies Under-19s demolish Afghanistan by 9 wickets in warm-up DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (CMC) - West Indies Under-19s scored a comprehensive nine-wicket victory over Afghanistan Under-19s yesterday in a warm-up game ahead of the ICC Under-19 World Cup here. Afghanistan were bowled out for 84 runs in 39.4 of the allotted 50 overs while the Caribbean side surpassed the target in 18.4 overs losing one wicket at ICC Academy Ground No.2. Captain Ramaal Lewis, Ray Jordan and Jerome Jones grabbed three wickets each as the young Afghans crumbled without much of a fight. Opener Usman Ghani

myer and Tagenarine Chanderpaul yielded 50 runs and carried West Indies within sight of victory. It ended when Chanderpaul was caught on 19 after facing 32 balls and hitting three fours. Jeremy Solozano joined Hetmyer and in a 35-run stand carried West Indies to victory with 188 balls remaining. Hetmyer was not out on Guyana’s Shemron Hetmyer 46 which included six fours was unbeaten on 46. and Solozano who struck a top-scored with 27, tail-ender boundary was unbeaten on Muslim Musa chipped in with 13. West Indies begin their 24 while the only other player to pass single digits was Nasir campaign in the ICC Under-19 World Cup against Ahmadzai with 12. A solid opening partner- South Africa in Dubai on ship between Shimron Het- Friday.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014


Charges against Gurunath proved - IPL probe report GURUNATH Meiyappan, the son-in-law of BCCI president N Srinivasan, has been found by a court-appointed committee to have indulged in betting and passing on information during IPL 2013, as alleged, and has been proved to be the team official of Chennai Super Kings. The committee, led by Justice Mukul Mudgal, submitted its final report to the Supreme Court yesterday with the proviso that it was for the court to decide on any action to be taken. The report also said that Raj Kundra, the Rajasthan Royals team owner, had “resorted to betting” through Umesh Goenka in the IPL as was “evident” from the statements of Goenka recorded by the Delhi court. However, it said that “further and serious investigations” on the basis of the Goenka statements were required. The report noted that the allegations of spot-fixing and match-fixing against five players - Sreesanth, Ankeet Chavan, Ajit Chandila, Amit Singh and Siddharth Trivedi - on the basis of evidence provided by Delhi Police were facing criminal trial and “adequate punishment has been imposed upon them by the

Gurunath Meiyappan is the son-in-law of BCCI president N. Srinivasan. investigations are conducted”. The report is now expected BCCI.” to be taken up by the court Along with the report, the on March 7, when it resumes court has also been given a hearing the case pertaining to sealed envelope - to be opened IPL corruption which had led and read only by the judges to the formation of the Mudgal containing the names of persons committee. allegedly involved in sporting The implications of the fraud. report, though serious, are not The report said the comexpected at this point to affect mission had come across the IPL auction, due to be held “many allegations of sporting on February 12 and 13. Rajiv fraud” and had forwarded Shukla, the BCCI vice-presthe allegations in the sealed ident, said the auction would envelope “in view of the sensigo ahead as scheduled. “The tive nature of the information good that Supreme Court has being provided”. done is that the IPL auction The committee said it would was not stopped,” he said. “It not be “proper to cast aspersions will happen as planned for all on the persons named unless the teams in Bangalore.” N Srinivasan, the BCCI president, said he would not comment till he had read the

Toure cleared of violent conduct by FA panel

(REUTERS) - Manchester City midfielder Yaya Toure will not face disciplinary action following his altercation with Norwich City striker Ricky van Wolfswinkel, the English FA said in a statement yesterday. Ivory Coast international Toure appeared to kick-out at Dutch striker Van Wolfswinkel in an off-the-ball incident during the 0-0 draw at Carrow Road on Saturday. However, all three members of an FA video review panel “were not of the unanimous decision. Toure, who has made 24 Premier League appearances for third-placed City this season, will now be available for Manuel Pellegrini side’s game at home to Sunderland tomorrow. His absence could have been a big blow for the Premier League title hopefuls, who were without fellow midfielder Fernandinho and injured striker Sergio Aguero when they lost 1-0 at home to Chelsea last Monday and drew at Norwich.

Yaya Toure

full report. The question of whether Gurunath was involved in match-fixing and spot-fixing, the report said, had “not been investigated thoroughly by the anti-corruption units of the ICC and the BCCI or the Crime Branch Criminal Investigation Department of the Chennai police, “even though some information was available for such an investigation to be conducted.” Over the question of Gurunath’s role as “owner” of CSK, the committee said that the ‘infraction of the rules prohibiting betting by a team official has clearly occurred.” It took note of the “stance” of the CSK senior counsel who had said that “CSK should not be punished for actions of Meiyappan. “The franchisee owners “(Indian Cements) (sic)” had defended the actions of the franchisee “by contending/ stating that Mr Gurunath Meiyappan was not related in any way with the franchise.” The committee’s response to this contention was that, “the franchisee appears to be contradicting the factual position as has already been observed by the committee.” The committee stated that Gurunath had been in violation of several sections of the IPL Operational Rules, the IPL Anti-Corruption Code and Articles of the Code of Conduct for Players and team

officials. The report’s “conclusions and recommendations” section has said that it can do no more than report a “violation of the rules” to the Court as it does not have a mandate to impose any punishment. “It is for the Hon’ble Supreme Court to decide what action, if any, is to be taken pursuant of the report of the Committee.” There are references made to one specific match in the report, between Rajasthan Royals and Chennai Super Kings on May 12, 2013, the committee stating “there seems to be enough information available on record to indicate that a further investigation is required in respect of the match”. The report also refers to the issue of conflict of interest - “raised by several persons who are neither in the BCCI hierarchy nor are beneficiaries of the BCCI” - brought about by the ownership of Chennai Super Kings by India Cements, whose managing director is the BCCI president. “It was also pointed out that the conflict of interest was brought about by the amendment to clause 6.2.4 of the BCCI Rules and Regulations, by which an office-bearer of the BCCI was permitted to hold a commercial interest in the IPL and Champions League.” The amendment, the

report notes, was the subject of a petition in the Supreme Court by former BCCI president AC Muthiah, leading to a split verdict. The report concedes that, while the issue does not fall directly within the committee’s terms of reference, the questions raised were “serious and may have large-scale ramifications on the functioning of cricket.” It said it was bringing the matter before the Supreme Court “since several stakeholders repeatedly stressed on this issue.” The three-member committee, headed by former High Court judge Mukul Mudgal and comprising additional solicitor general L Nageswara Rao and Assam Cricket Association member Nilay Dutta, was set up by the Supreme Court in October 2013 to conduct an independent inquiry into the allegations of corruption against Gurunath, Super Kings team owner India Cements, and Rajasthan Royals team owner Jaipur IPL Cricket Private Ltd, as well as with the larger mandate of allegations around betting and spot-fixing in IPL matches and the involvement of players. It interviewed more than 100 people - including ESPNcricinfo’s senior editor Sharda Ugra - in connection with its probe. (ESPN Cricinfo)

England outcast Pietersen agrees Surrey deal

LONDON, England (Reuters) - Axed England batsman Kevin Pietersen has agreed a deal to play for Surrey in this year’s English county season having been jettisoned from the national team set-up for good. The 33-year-old has negotiated the end of his central England contract with the England and Wales Cricket Board and will now spend part of the English summer season turning out for the county he has sporadically represented since 2010. “Once the IPL (Indian Premier League) and his IPL commitments are over he is available for Surrey,” Surrey Director of Cricket Alec Stewart told the county’s You Tube channel yesterday. “That’s predominantly a Twenty20 agreement but that is not to say we won’t see him in the four-day game or the 50over game.” Pietersen, cast away by England last week after their 5-0 Ashes whitewash in Australia because of his perceived lack of team spirit, will mainly feature in the T20 Blast that is scheduled on Fridays from May to July. “I’m absolutely delighted to have agreed terms with Surrey and am thoroughly looking forward to playing my cricket for the club this summer,” Pietersen said in a club statement.

Kevin Pietersen will still be seen on English cricket grounds this summer.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014

Bulkan wins Players Cup, Underdogs take GT Beer Team title GEORGE Bulkan shot an impressive net 63 to win the Citizens Bank Players Cup and piloted his team, the Underdogs, to victory in the GT Beer Team Challenge in the Banks DIH Limited/Citizens Bank Inc.-sponsored one-day Golf tournament at the Lusignan Golf Club, Sunday. Forty-four golfers braved tough conditions due to recent rainfall leading up to the LGC 2014 season opener but Bulkan (net 63 ) and his teammates Troy Cadogan (68), Ronald Bulkan (86) and Kassin Khan (74) had a combined best net of 291 in the closely contested four-member team match. The best gross of the day

(72) was recorded by former three-time Guyana Open champion Avinash Persaud. Jaguars, comprising Jerome Khan, Imran Khan, Jack Harry and Matti Wesselin, copped the second position with net 292 while Pasture Warriors spearheaded by Hamesh Tewari, Ravi Persaud and David Harry chalked up net 293 for third place. Bulkan became the fourth player to win the prestigious Citizens Bank Players Cup joining previous winners Mohanlall Dinannauth, Andre Cummings and Patrick Prashad. President of the Lusignan Golf Club, Jerome Khan, said the tournament was a great success and he thanked Cit-

izens Bank and Banks DIH Limited for sponsoring the event. During the presentation ceremony he also said the two companies have undertaken to sponsor the tournament annually. Citizens Bank Senior Credit and Marketing Manager Lindel Harlequin said his company was pleased to be associated with the tournament while Banks DIH Communications Manager Troy Peters said the event provided the perfect start to the Lusignan Golf Club’s 2014 season. The tee off was done by Citizens Bank Managing Director Eton Chester while Clifford Reis, Chairman of both Banks DIH and Citizens Bank was among the golfers in action.

George Bulkan (with trophy) and members of the successful Underdogs team pose with Banks DIH Sales and Marketing Executive Carlton Joao and Citizens Bank Senior Credit and Marketing Manager Lindel Harlequin.

KP had no friends in England camp - Atherton FORMER captain Michael Atherton believes that Kevin Pietersen was “friendless” in the England dressing room as the storm over his international exile continues to rumble on. Pietersen’s England career was brought to an end last Tuesday after he was omitted from the squad for the tour of the Caribbean and the ICC World Twenty20 with the batsman himself confirming he would not play for England again. The decision prompted a storm of criticism with many calling on the England and Wales Cricket Board to explain its decision and on Sunday night it released a statement citing a lack of trust in the 33-year-old. Pietersen has a history of clashing with authority figures in the England set-up. He successfully lobbied in January 2009 for the removal of then coach Peter Moores, costing him his own position as captain, and almost saw his international career end

in 2012 after sending derogatory text messages about then captain Andrew Strauss to members of the touring South Africa team. There were also rumours that a parody Twitter account of Pietersen had been set up by someone within the team, a claim that was always denied, and Atherton, who played within an England dressing room for 12 years, believes that the many issues surrounding Pietersen should have been dealt with better by the players. “The issue is one of the role of the captain and the senior players, the first of whom ought to be the most important man in the dressing room and the others who should help to set standards on and off the field,” he wrote in The Times. “Whether Pietersen’s relationship with all of them was sour has been disputed, but there remains little doubt that he was fundamentally friendless in a group comprising James Anderson, Stuart Broad, Matt Prior, Graeme


(Tuesday February 11, 2014) Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market & The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230)& CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: Brian Lara (1994); VirenderSehwag (2004); Chris Gayle (2005); Younis Khan 2009); Michael Clarke (2012) Viv Richards-153* (WI vs AUST, Melbourne, 1979-80) Today’s Quiz: Which WI bowler was the first to 100 Test wickets? When and where was the first time the WI engaged a team in a five-match ODI series? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

Swann and Alastair Cook. “Pietersen’s supporters would refer to the fake Twitter account in the summer of 2012 as an example of what might be called playground bullying, and that this helped to push him farther to the outside. “Cliques are often part of sporting dressing rooms because, inevitably, some players get on better with each other socially than with others. “It is inevitable, perhaps, but cliques can be just as damaging, say, as a prima donna player who charts his own path. “That kind of behaviour from the senior players suggests weakness, so just how strong were the captain and the leadership group as the tour descended into the kind of infighting that has been reported?” (PA Sport)

Former England captain Mike Atherton, left, believes a split dressing room played a major part in the end of Kevin Pietersen’s England career.

Pakistan PM sacks cricket board, appoints committee to run sport KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) - The Pakistan government dismissed the country’s cricket board yesterday and appointed an ad-hoc committee to run the sport. Following an order from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, an 11-member committee will run cricket in the country, replacing the Zaka Ashraf-led Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), of which Sharif is the chief patron. “Zaka Ashraf has been dismissed on several charges by the Prime Minister, who is a great lover of the sport,”

Former PCB chairman Zaka Ashraf has been dismissed. Shakil Sheikh, a member of the committee, told Geo News channel. “The charges include that he (Ashraf) left Pakistan isolated in world cricket with his mishan-

dling of the ‘big three’ issue and there were also financial mismanagement and appointments in his tenure.” Pakistan and Sri Lanka abstained from voting on Saturday when the International Cricket Council board passed structural and financial reforms to effectively place India, England and Australia in charge of the game. The new committee includes former Test players Zaheer Abbas and Iqbal Qasim and former board chiefs Shaharyar Khan and Najam Sethi. According to a government

notification, the committee will nominate a chairman to head the administration. Ashraf was reinstated as the PCB chairman last month by the Islamabad High Court after filing an appeal against his dismissal by a single bench of the same court in May last year. The single bench had declared the election process during which Ashraf was elected last year as mala fide and polluted and dismissed him, following which the government appointed Sethi as acting chairman.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday February 11, 2014


Malta Supreme Guyana remain confident despite loss to Jamaica By Calvin Roberts in Trinidad and Tobago (Compliments of Carib Beer, Regal Stationery, Wartsilla, Romaine Car Wash, and GT&T DESPITE suffering a 10-run loss to Jamaica in their final preliminary round match in this year’s West Indies Cricket Board NAGICO Super50 tournament, captain of the Malta Supreme Guyana team Christopher Barnwell said the players remain confident. The Guyanese, who last won a Regional List ‘A’ title nine years ago, when they claimed the inaugural WICB KFC Cup, had an intense training session at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus yesterday morning. Following that session, the 26-year-old Barnwell, expressed to Chronicle Sport, that camaraderie is circulating within the team, despite going under to the Jamaicans who topped the group with the win and relegated the Guyanese to second place. “We were disappointed after that loss to Jamaica, but it helped boost our confidence for the rest of the tournament

at the same time, going into our semifinal match with the same mood and frame of mind, which is a confident one to win,” said Barnwell. Asked to reflect on that game against Jamaica and what went wrong for his team, readily Barnwell said, “We bowled badly at the bottom of their innings and certainly like any other team would do, they capitalised on it and scored heavily. However, we were confident of chasing down the 243 successfully, just that we lost our way at some part of the run chase, but will not let it deter us from our goal.” Looking ahead to their semifinal clash against Barbados or Trinidad and Tobago on Thursday, a confident-looking Barnwell said the players are ready and raring to go, irrespective of who their opponent will be on that day. “We came here to play hard cricket and we know that the other teams will be doing the same, so we do not expect anything to be given to us.” He added, “We were in training for over a month for success in this tournament and I know that once we stick to our game plan on the day

and execute well, it doesn’t matter who the opposition is, we can be victorious. “We want to win this tournament and we know that in order for us to do so we have to play good cricket from the first ball to the last. As I said, nothing will be handed to us easily and we have to outplay and outsmart the opposition in every department, if we intend to come out victorious and take the trophy back to Guyana after February 15.” Malta Supreme Guyana were plagued by a flu bug prior to their engagement against Jamaica, which left Ramnaresh Sarwan, Narsingh Deonarine, Leon Johnson and Assad Fudadin in a not-so-good condition, which meant that Robin Bacchus was handed his first official game for Guyana. Quizzed on the condition of the quartet, Barnwell said they are recuperating well and will be ready for action on Thursday. “The guys are coming along okay and will be ready to go in the semifinal clash on Thursday. Everybody has been putting his shoulders to the wheel since we got here, as the winning of the title is the ultimate goal.

RHTY&SC launches massive incentive for its cricketers THE Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club (RHTY&SC) last Friday launched a massive incentive scheme for its cricketers. According to the club’s Secretary/Chief Executive Officer Hilbert Foster, since 1991 the club organised an annual ceremony for its membership from a humble beginning of giving away four trophies and similar number of water bottles, but said the ceremony has grown into by far the country’s largest awards ceremony . Addressing members of the media last Friday at the Hand-in-Hand boardroom, Foster said for the club’s 23rd anniversary ceremony last year, a total of $2.5M worth of trophies, medals, gifts and prizes were shared out to 40 club members by sponsors and friends of the club. Foster said the main objectives of the club over the years have been to recognise its heroes, honour outstanding per-

formances, encourage members to aim for excellence, assist in the raising of the standard of the club and recognise the contribution of sponsors. Foster said this year the club has undergone a major restructuring which included the upgrading of the awards programme which will be held on April 27 this year with a total of $3M in prizes on offer. The club’s cricketer-of-the-year would take home $500 000 in prizes including a cash prize of $200 000. He indicated that 42 awards would be distributed but special emphasis would be placed on the runner-up cricketer-of-theyear, junior cricketer-of-theyear, the most disciplined cricketer, most promising player, most committed player, female cricketer and benefit-of-the-year for a long-serving cricketer. Foster said Travelspan has come on board and will donate a return ticket ($150 000) to the United States of America for

the best Regional cricketer and would go to the cricketer with the best performance by a club member representing Guyana or the West Indies. Forster said hopefully, similar awards would be given to the local cricketer-of-the-year and female cricketer-of-the-year. The RHTY&SC’s Foster said he is delighted to have Travelspan once again on board and it is the club’s hope that the relationship would grow stronger in the future. According to Foster, among the prizes that will be on offer is one year’s free supply of cable television, airplane tickets to the USA, visits to local resorts, cell phones, jewellery, designer clothing, electronic gadgets, educational packages and bicycles. Meanwhile Mohamed’s Enterprise has joined the long list of sponsors for the awards ceremony and has committed the $200 000 cash prize for the cricketer-of-the-year award.

RHTY&SC Secretary/Chief Executive Officer Hilbert Foster (left) accepts the sponsorship cheque from Travelspan’s Station Manager David Goberdhan in the presence of the airline’s Travel Consultant Sophia Fredericks. (Sonell Nelson photo)

“I think we fought hard to come out of the group stage and get to the semifinals, but at the same time, that is

where the work begins and gets harder and the guys are aware of this and have no intentions of giving up despite

the circumstances, so in short I can say the loss to Jamaica is a blessing in disguise,” said Barnwell.

Got him! Malta Supreme Guyana skipper Christopher Barnwell bellows successfully for an lbw appeal against Jamaica’s John Campbell, during their final preliminary round clash at the Queen’s Park Oval last Saturday. Backing the camera (370) is Devendra Bishoo. (Photo courtesy


Malta Supreme Guyana remain confident despite loss to Jamaica (See Story on Page 31)

The Chronicle is at

Nurse ‘doctors’ Leeward Islands to push Barbados into semis ... T&T take on Jamaica in first Super50 semi tomorrow … Guyana face Barbados on Thursday in second semi

Nurse delivering medication! Barbados’ Ashley Nurse was caught sending down one of his deliveries that contained the Leeward Islands’ batting at the Queen’s Park Oval yesterday. (Photo courtesy

By Calvin Roberts in Trinidad and Tobago (Compliments of Carib Beer, Regal Stationery, Wartsilla, Romaine Car Wash and GT&T)


HANKS to a destructive spell of off-spin bowling from Man-of-the-Match Ashley Nurse, who took tournament-best figures of 6 for 29, Barbados defeated the Leeward Islands by four wickets at the Queen’s Park Oval yesterday, to earn a place in the semifinal of the West Indies Cricket Board NAGICO Super50 tournament. Winning the toss and opting to bat first, the Leeward Islands, who were steamrolled by Combined Campuses and Colleges and hosts Trinidad and Tobago in their first two matches, were bowled out for 103 off 39.4 overs, as Nurse claimed 6 for 29 and Sulieman Benn 2 for 15. Only skipper Kieron Powell 34 (65 balls, 3x4), Devon Thomas 17, Montcin Hodge 14 and Jahmar Hamilton 10, reached double figures for the Leeward Islands, before Barbados romped to 104 for 6 from 34.5 overs, after being 34 for the loss of Dwayne Smith’s wicket at the break, with Kraigg Brathwaite hitting an unbeaten 29 (98 balls, 1x4). Earlier, Powell and Hodge gave their team a start of 46 runs from 16.5 overs, taking a cautious approach to the bowling of Fidel Edwards and Jason Holder, with the first boundary coming in the fifth over, when Hodge steered Holder through the slips cordon.

Powell also got a four off Holder in the ninth over, before he punched Carlos Brathwaite off the back foot through point for four, following which he lost Hodge who was caught by Nurse at short mid-off, as he looked to drive Smith on the up through that area. The Leewards posted their 50 from 17.1 overs, when Powell drove a loose delivery from Brathwaite for four, but lost their skipper five overs later, when he was lbw to Nurse at 59 for 2. From there onwards, it was a steady procession of the Leeward Islands batsmen to and from the pavilion as Nurse, who bowled in tandem with Benn, tore into their batting attack at will, ensuring their demise from 59 for 1 in the 22nd over to 103 all out 17.5 overs later. Sylvester Joseph (0) was run-out off his second delivery by a direct throw from Holder, when he attempted to take a cheeky single to mid-off, Mali Richards (7) was well caught by Shane Dowrich flashing at a wide delivery from Nurse. Hamilton and Thomas restored things with their fifth-wicket partnership that garnered 18 valuable runs for their team, but after Hamilton was lbw to Nurse for 10 at 92 for 5 in the 31st over, Barbados, through Nurse and Benn wasted little time in closing off the innings. The Leewards got to 100 for 5 after 35 overs with Thomas 17 and Hayden Walsh Jr 4, but lost Walsh without addition to his score, Thomas,

See Page 26

All systems in place for GBA Goodwill tourney

ALL systems are in place for the staging of the Guyana Boxing Association’s (GBA) Goodwill tournament which is set to box off on Friday evening at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall. According to GBA president Steve Ninvalle, the local team selected to oppose their Regional counterparts from St Lucia, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago are encamped and are under the watchful eyes of the association’s Technical Director Terrence Poole along with coaches Sebert Blake, Wincel Thomas and Cuban coach Francisco Hernandez. The tournament will commence on Friday and conclude on Sunday at the same venue. According to Ninvalle, seven boxers and four officials will represent Trinidad and Tobago and will arrive in Guyana on Thursday. St. Lucia will be represented by three boxers and three officials. The Jamaican team is made up of four boxers and two officials. An invitation was also sent to Barbados, but they are unable to attend because they are having a tournament during the same time. The Trinidad & Tobago team comprises Akmal Strode (52kg), Christian McDonald (56kg), Michael Alexander (60kg), Jean Paul Cooper (64kg), Aaron Prince (75kg) and a lone female in Chimbre Taylor (75kg).

The team manager is Cecil Forde while the coaches are: Reynold Cox and Floyd Trumpeth. St Lucia will be represented by Linden Micillen (light welterweight), Ron Bastian (light middleweight) and Arthur Mangillur (super middleweight). The president of the St Lucian association David Christopher, manager Brian McDonald and head coach Conrad Fredericks will accompany the team. Jamaica’s contingent comprises Patrick Sahadeo (lightweight), Anthony Clarke (light welterweight), Kestna Davis (welterweight) and Michael Gardener (middleweight). The two coaches are Carl Grant and Godfrey Collins. The locals selected to do battle with their Regional counterparts are; Bert Braithwaithe, Eon Bancroft and Ron Smith (welterweight), Trevon King and Dennis Thomas (middleweight), Michael April, Stephen Nedd and Junior Henry (52kg), Delon Charles (56kg), Imran Khan ande Clairmont Gibson (60kg) and females Dwon Thomp-son and Theresa London (75kg). The squad is undergoing road work in the National Park daily from 05:00hrs and gym work from 16:00hrs at the Andrew `Sixhead’ Lewis Gym.

Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limi ted, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 2 2 6- 3243-9 (General); Editorial: 2 2 7- 5204, 2 2 7- 5216. Fax:2 2 7- 5208

The local boxers are under the watchful eyes of GBA’s Technical Director Terrence Poole. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2014

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