Guyana chronicle 18 01 14

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GUYANA No. 103712

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- in early morning home invasion at Annandale - accomplices escaped but two guns recovered



Justice should be swift Harding treated and possible for all for hernia Centre

- says President at re-commissioning of Leonora Magistrate’s Court




Father, son killed in accident Page

President Donald Ramotar cuts the ceremonial ribbon to re-commission the Leonora Magistrate’s Court. Also in photo are Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry (right), Minister Anil Nandlall, Justice Carl Singh, Region Three Chairman Julius Faerber, and Clerk of Court of the West Demerara Magisterial District Ms Haimwantie Singh (third from right).

77-yr-old pensioner found hanging in his home The re-commissioned Leonora Magistrate’s Court. (Sonell Nelson photos)




Alleged baby snatcher remanded Page


Accused Candacy Adonis and the four-month-old baby


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

House pays tribute to Nelson Mandela

A MOTION in tribute to late South African President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was adopted in the National Assembly in the early morning of January 17, after several poignant speeches from members of all sides of the House. The Motion will be forwarded through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the Government and people of South Africa. The first whereas clause of the Motion states that Guyana has long recognised Mandela as the genuine and legitimate leader of the South African people, a freedom fighter forced to support armed struggle after years of non-violent struggle against apartheid. Mandela or ‘Madiba’ as he was fondly referred to as by his people became the symbol of the struggle for abolition of the system of Apartheid in South Africa. Mover of the Motion and Leader of the House, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said the Motion calls on the National Assembly and the Guyanese nation as a whole, to formally offer profound condolences to the Mandela family and to the Government and people of South Africa. Mandela, who died at age 95, at his Johannesburg home on December 4, 2012, was an extraordinary man, worthy of all the adulation that flowed from

- unanimously adopts Motion

all parts of the world, the Prime Minister said. “Mandela earned the world’s tribute in the way he met, and in the way he created, many of the extraordinary circumstances of which he spoke…Mandela’s life, the events and his achievements had significance for people across the world,” the Prime Minister stated. He added that the life story of Mandela provides both an example, as well as a challenge to Guyana, to overcome its own problems and the seeming impasse in which it find itself at the political level. The Prime Minister’s Motion stated that from the early 1950s Guyana’s progressive forces, through the People’s Progressive Party and the People’s National Congress, were committed to principled and unwavering support for the African National Congress and the abolition of the system of apartheid, and the creation of a free, independent and democratic South Africa. This was demonstrated significantly through Guyana’s contribution of US$50,000 annually for the African liberation struggle, as well as its agreement for the landing and refuelling of Cuban aircraft en route to support the Southern African

liberation movement’s support for the international boycott of South African goods and sport, and Guyana’s severing of sporting contacts with apartheid South Africa. APNU MP, Basil Williams said the struggles and sacrifices of Mandela are something that should be fully endorsed, and emulated by Guyanese. “As a nation we must feel proud that we were able to effect such revolutionary changes in

Nelson Mandela

Southern Africa,” Williams said. Meanwhile, Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn, said that looking at the strides South Africa has made, there are now more reasons than ever to take heed in how Guyana is being developed as a young, thriving nation. Speaking on behalf of the AFC, Moses Nagamootoo highlighted the need for the building of a multi-racial society and dealing with the root causes of all inequities. This, he said, are the principles which Mandela stood for. Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee spoke of the lessons that Guyanese could learn from Mandela, and a Motion that was tabled in the legislative council of Guyana in 1951 by the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan, calling on the council to denounce racial segregation in South Africa. This, he said, shows the kind of character of the leader in those days, and said that this is being emulated by the 10th

Parliament by way of this current Motion. Meanwhile, Government’s Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira said the records would show the consistency and principled and progressive positions taken by successive Governments in Guyana in supporting South Africa to have Mandela released from prison and to end apartheid. She explained that in the early years it was non-governmental bodies that took positions against apartheid, not governments, and this is why Guyana’s role in the 1950s is so significant because the country was still a colony. “It was Guyana under the PPP and later under the PNC that paid the price for some of these progressive pro-liberation positions we took… we paid the price politically, the PPP was called communist, the PNC, socialist, we paid the price and we were looked at internationally by the Western powers up to the 1970s with tainted eyes…we paid the price as a people,” she explained. (GINA)

Guyana’s National Assembly in session on Wednesday night. (Adrian Narine photo)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014


- in early morning home invasion at Annandale - accomplices escaped but two guns recovered By Leroy Smith AN armed bandit was shot dead in an early morning home invasion yesterday at Annandale, East Coast Demerara and police are searching for his two accomplices. The trio, all of whom were said to be armed had attempted a robbery but, up to press time, the deceased had not been identified, the Guyana Chronicle was told. At approximately 02:00 hrs one of the occupants of the Lot 10 Church Street, Annandale house got up to use the toilet when he heard their dogs barking aggressively. The man then alerted his son who is a licensed firearm holder and a rural constable. The family also operates a taxi service and food business elsewhere. This information was, subsequently, confirmed by a report from the Guyana Police Force (GPF) which stated that the shooting occurred when businessman

The intruder lying on the floor after he was shot by one of the occupants of the house Ishwar Jeffrey, 49, was aroused by the barking of his dogs. He awoke his son, Mananno Jeffrey, who is a rural constable and a member of the Annandale North Community Policing Group, licensed to use the CPG’s gun. The latter armed himself and, on checking, was confronted by the trio in the building. Police said one of the three discharged a round at Mananno Jeffrey and he returned fire,

The bathroom area the bandit exited that caused him and the home owner to meet face to face before there was an exchange of gunfire.

This Leroy Smith photo shows the window the gunman who managed to enter the house used as his entry point.

fatally wounding the shooter while the other two managed to escape. A .38 revolver with three rounds and a spent shell were recovered in the house and another .38 revolver was retrieved outside. Speaking with this publication, Jeffrey said that after he was alerted by his father of the presence of the three men, he too looked outside and by that time one of the men was observed forcing himself through a bathroom window to get into the house. The man said that he hurried to the lower flat of the house by using the inside stairs and while he was half way down the stairs he encountered the bandit who had already made his way through the window. The young man pointed out that the intruder pointed a gun at him after spotting him but he in turn opened fire on the man, missing him in the process. According to him, the bandit then ran down the stairs and concealed himself in a room in the lower flat of the building intending to escape. However, that was not possible since unlike the window the man used to gain entry into the house, the bedroom windows were all grilled. Jeffrey said that knowing very well that the bandit could not escape using the windows in the room, he waited patiently outside the room for the man to exit. He said that the intruder spent about five seconds in the room and then fired a warning shot before attempting to exit the room. According to Jeffrey he was not fazed by the shot since he had already taken cover and was just waiting for the man to exit the room. As the intruder exited the room, Jeffrey said that he shot the man in the jaw severing

The house the men attempted to rob yesterday morning when one of them was shot dead while the other two escaped his tongue and shattering his police arrived like one and half A total of seven persons teeth and gum in the process. hours after the incident and they lived in the house which was The Chronicle was told asked the man if he wanted to targeted - five adults and two by the man that after he shot go to the hospital to which he children ages eight and four the first bandit in the home he responded in the positive. years old. dashed outside to confront the Jeffrey showed this newsThe police are continuing other two but they had already paper the window through their investigation into the matscaled the fence and made good which the man entered the home ter even as the search is on for their escape leaving a .38 reand even pointed us to a bullet the two persons who escaped. volver behind. hole which was left in the wall The police are also set to send Back in the house the man after the bandit fired his warnthe recovered weapons for said that the intruder was still ing shot before he thought it was ballistic tests to see if they were alive and was sitting up. The safe to exit the room. used in any other gun crimes.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Suicide bomb attack on Kabul restaurant ‘kills 14’

(BBC News) AT least 14 people have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a restaurant popular with foreigners in the Afghan capital, officials say. Foreigners and Afghans are among the dead following the blast in Kabul’s Wazir Akbar Khan neighbourhood. The area is home to a number of foreign embassies and organisations.

The attack happened on a Friday evening when the Taverna du Liban restaurant would have been busy with diners. The suicide attacker detonated his explosives outside the gate of the heavily-fortified restaurant, the Deputy Interior Minister Mohammad Ayoub Salangi said. Two gunmen then entered the restaurant and started “indiscriminately killing” people

Security forces were reportedly quickly on the scene and sealed off the area

inside. Mr Salangi said four women were among the dead. The attackers were eventually shot dead by the security forces when they arrived at the scene. T h e B B C ’s M a h f o u z Zubaide heard the blast and gunfire from at least two kilometres away. He said the gunfire went on sporadically for about 10 minutes. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it had been deliberately targeting foreign officials. Security continues to be a major concern in Afghanistan. The last remaining contingent of Nato-led forces is due to leave by the end of the year, having handed over security to Afghan forces. Washington is pushing Afghan President Hamid Karzai to sign an agreement which would allow some US troops to stay behind after this year’s withdrawal. The Taliban told the BBC’s John Simpson earlier this week that it was now back in control of large areas of Afghanistan and was confident of returning to power after Western troops left. Our correspondent says it is hard to believe the Taliban could make a comeback as things stand, but their takeover of Kabul in 1996 was unexpected, and they could be strengthened if a weak, corrupt president is elected in April.

DATE: 11/01/2014 F

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Shashi Tharoor:

Minister’s wife Sunanda Pushkar ‘found dead’ (BBC News) THE wife of Indian minister Shashi Tharoor has been found dead, following reports that he was having an affair, Indian media have said. Sunanda Pushkar is reported to have been discovered at a hotel in Delhi. The couple became embroiled in controversy over a series of Twitter messages on Wednesday that appeared to reveal he was having an affair with a Pakistani journalist. They later insisted they were happily married, blaming “unauthorised tweets”. Mr Tharoor married Ms Pushkar, a former Dubai-based businesswoman, in 2010. A public row between the couple erupted on Wednesday when messages began to appear on Mr Tharoor’s Twitter account suggesting he was having an affair with journalist Mehr Tahrar. Ms Pushkar admitted publishing the tweets, but later denied it. She was found dead in a five-star hotel in Delhi, according to police sources. Reports said that her husband had informed the police of her death. It was unclear how she died. Ms Tahrar, who denied having an affair with the minister, tweeted after she heard of Ms Pushkar’s death: “I’m absolutely shocked. “This is too awful for words. So tragic I don’t know what to say. Rest in peace, Sunanda.”

Sunanda Pushkar (L) married Shashi Tharoor shortly after they were involved in a scandal over a cricket franchise for a cricket team. Mr Tharoor, a former UN Ms Pushkar had allegedly diplomat, was forced to resign received a free stake in the from his first ministerial posiIndian Premier League frantion in 2010 amid controversy chise he was bidding for. over his involvement in bidding

World’s tallest man saves dolphin (BBC News) THE world’s tallest man has saved two dolphins by using his long arms to reach into their stomachs and pull out dangerous plastic shards. Mongolian herdsman Bao Xishun was called in after the dolphins swallowed plastic used around their pool at an aquarium in Fushun, north-east China. Attempts to use instruments failed as the dolphins contracted

their stomachs. Guinness World Records list Mr Bao, 54, as the world’s tallest living man at 2.36m (7ft 8.95in). Veterinarians turned to Mr Bao after attempts to extract the plastic shards at the aquarium in Fushun, Liaoning Province, had failed. The mammals had lost their appetite and were suffering depression, aquarium officials said.












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GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Brazil World Cup: More flights scheduled to meet demand

(BBC News) Aviation authorities in Brazil have authorised nearly 2,000 extra flights to cope with soaring demand during this year’s World Cup. There has been mounting controversy over air ticket and hotel prices charged to fans faced with crossing a country the size of the continental US. Some companies have already set price ceilings for domestic flights, though maximum prices are still substantial. Three million home and 600,000 foreign fans are set to travel for the event. The number of people flying in Brazil has risen significantly in recent years, but airlines have

cut routes and staff in a bid to restore profitability. The Civil Aviation Authority said an additional 1,973 new flights would be permitted between 25 airports in June and July.

‘ABUSE’ CONCERNS The routes between Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires (Argentina), Brasilia and Sao Paulo, and Fortaleza and Sao Paulo are among those that will have the most additional flights. But some have expressed concern that the additional flights could place extra pressure on already crowded airports and related infrastructure.

Airlines Azul and Avianca Brasil recently pledged to cap one-way domestic fares at 999 reais ($425; £260), but the two biggest carriers - Gol and Tam - have not. Brazilian authorities have suggested that foreign airlines might be allowed to operate internal flights during the tournament if there is evidence of “abusive” price hikes. Hoteliers and consumer groups in Rio have also agreed not to charge prices higher than peak New Year or Carnival season prices, amid reports that tourists face prices of hundreds of dollars per night.

SM Jaleel responds to $600 million drug bust in U.S (Trinidad Express) “SM Jaleel is a family owned and operated business that began its operations in Trinidad approximately 90 years ago. We have consistently maintained our family values throughout the development of the business to include, in more recent times, the global expansion of our operations through the exportation of our trusted products to various countries and communities around the world. We have always taken pride in the high level of quality and standards that we have adhered to for our products and have and will always continue to comply with the various legislations both locally and internationally relating to the production and exportation of our products. It is common knowledge that the criminals involved in the drug trade have been using mechanisms to transport cocaine such as fruit, car parts, lumber, hardware etc. It now appears that someone may be trying to utilize our company’s product in this regard. We too have only just been recently informed of the situation that occurred almost a month ago on December 20, 2013, regarding the use of our TJC orange and grapefruit flavoured juice tins in the smuggling of cocaine in to the United States and have, to date, not been contacted by the relevant US authorities in connection with this matter. At present we have no knowledge or evidence of the details other than the press release from the United States. We have already commenced our own internal investigation; however, we are not yet in a position to provide any further details at this time.”

Language barrier: Businessman mulls importing multilingual workers because skills not here Mark Titus, Gleaner Writer Western Bureau: (The Gleaner) Frustrated by his numerous failed attempts to recruit multilingual workers, businessman Davon Crump, the chief executive officer of Global Outsourcing Solutions Limited, says he might be forced to look outside of Jamaica for workers so as not to lose some potentially lucrative contracts to areas such as Latin America. Crump, whose Montego Bay-based 200-seat call-centre operation serves some 11 firms, including several international Fortune 500 companies, is of the view that with the scarcity of jobs globally, the Jamaican Government must be proactive in preparing its citizens for the world of work. “We have been seeking to fill these vacancies, which came about during negotiations with prospective clients, but to no avail,” said Crump, who is the immediate past president of the Montego Bay Chamber of

Commerce and Industry. “These firms are demanding that agents representing their brand be able to speak more than conversational Spanish or French, but it’s disappointing that our efforts to recruit such workers locally have not worked out,” said Crump. “We might have to look elsewhere for individuals with the requisite skills, or risk losing these contracts to other countries. “We are falling behind the Latin American countries, who have invested in teaching English to their labour force, and this now gives them a huge advantage in the outsourcing market,” continued Crump. “Jamaica needs to follow their lead and teach other languages for more than conversation.” ADVANTAGE According to Yoni Epstein, president of the Business Process Industry Association of Jamaica (BPIAJ), who signed an agreement with HEART Trust/ NTA last June to train persons in information and commu-

nications technology (ICT), multilingual workers would put Jamaica at a significant advantage in the region. “With our facilities, if we can provide the required skills, it would put Jamaica at a significant advantage,” said Epstein, who is also CEO of Island Outsourcers Limited, which recently opened a 60-seater facility in The Bahamas. “We are in a very competitive market and we must move to address this; we cannot take this for granted,” stated Epstein. Initially, the local ICT sector, which currently employs about 14,000 workers, was projected to grow by 25 per cent per annum, which would result in the call centres recruiting about 2,500 to 3,000 workers per year to keep meeting expected demand. However, there are concerns that with Jamaica unable to supply the skilled workers, international firms will start looking towards India, the Philippines, or Latin America.

There are concerns about how Brazil’s already crowded airports will cope with the additional demand


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014


Not the lawyer representing Kevin October and Cleon Hinds - Kaieteur News article erroneous


‘No nonsense’ approach needed to restore Georgetown to its glory days All or most Guyanese are very upset at the horrible environmental state of Georgetown and are yearning for this capital city to be restored to its glory days when it was regarded as the “Garden City”. But it must be recognised that Georgetown did not become decrepit overnight or with the advent of Ms. Sooba as town clerk, as some are naively and foolishly trying to contend. Rather, it has reached this state as a result of a long period of neglect; illegal vending; the increasing use of Styrofoam and plastics; a sharp increase in the number of vehicles; failure to implement policies and programmes to meet new challenges and demands and, of course, mismanagement and corruption at City Hall. It could be argued with a great degree of merit that the latter has been responsible for the former. Much to their credit Georgetown was managed well during the tenures of Mayors Archibald Codrington and Mrs. Beryl Simon. They were the last two mayors who demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ensuring that the city was in a good environmental state and did so by their “no nonsense” approach. With their departure, things began to downslide continuously to where we are now. Lawlessness, garbage, littering, illegal vending, a virtual non-functioning drainage system, traffic congestion, potholed roads, etc, have become the order of the day in Georgetown. This was inevitable because City Hall never adopted a proactive approach and the commitment and dedication to the well-being of Georgetown by City Hall officials were always questionable. It is unimaginable that a mayor would actually defend and encourage illegal vending. It is no wonder that this has become such a huge problem. Guyanese administrators and managers generally have a culture to deal with a problem only when it has reached a precipice. They are totally void of the old adages: “Prevention is better than cure” and “A stitch in time saves nine”. However, it was most heartening and encouraging to have assurances from City Hall officials that they are embarking to do whatever it takes to drain the city and restore it to its former glory, in the wake of the recent indignation arising from the flash flood that came with Tuesday’s heavy and prolonged rainfall, and the ever present and spreading garbage piles. In this regard, already tangible steps are being taken. Beginning Wednesday night, the council, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Local Government, embarked on a massive cleanup exercise outside the Public Buildings (Parliament). They targeted, first, the area south of Public Buildings, which accommodates the Linden bus park and to the east of the Public Buildings compound. Signalling that enough is enough, City Engineer Venture emphasised, “Businesses are warned that those who complete construction and still have building materials on the roads face having them seized. We will seize them, and the owners will have to pay fines to retrieve them.”

I WRITE in relation to an article published on the front page of the Kaieteur News Tuesday edition dated January 14, 2014 under the caption, “Robb Street Granny Execution… Abusive language hurled, death threats at Magistrate…as two committed to stand trial in High Court”. In that article I was stated to be the lawyer of either one or both of the two accused, Kevin October and Cleon Hinds, who were committed to stand trial for murder by Magistrate McLennan on Monday January 13, 2014. Please be informed that I am not the lawyer representing either accused nor was I in court at the time the two men were committed

and, therefore, I could not have made any representation to the learned magistrate on their behalf. I was also not present in that scenario of mayhem and tumult your reporter described in the said article. In light of the above, I request that Kaieteur News publish an immediate retraction of the references to myself in that article in as prominent a position as accorded the said article. BASIL WILLIAMS Attorney-at-Law

Bandits should look for meaningful work; they must smell their sweat for a decent living like most citizens do I REFER to the published letter: “Something is radically wrong with Guyana” written by Neil Adams, and I must say, he hit the nail on its head smack on. “As reported, the four accused in the Fiedtkou Parris case started a brave ruckus after charges were read. One of the accused began the pandemonium by repeating the words: “How can a dead man’s testimony be taken into evidence … bare sh**t man bare sh**t.” “I believe this guy was relying on the outrageous court case that Fabayo Azore dealt with, when, at the third hearing he promptly freed the criminal citing the flimsy excuse of the non-attendance of a police investigator. I am sure the accused had this matter fresh in his mind and in like manner expected this magistrate to do the same, but she didn’t, hence the continuing onslaught. The other accused then took it upon himself to hurl expletives at the magistrate, intermingled with a murderous threat: “We gun find y’all when we come out … we gat family that can f**k y’all up.” At that stage, instead of slapping the foul-mouthed low lives with additional charges, this magistrate simply asked for the prisoners to be escorted out of the courtroom”. Fantastic! The criminal words to the magistrate: “We gun find y’all when we come out … we gat family that can f**k y’all up,” is an open threat to a magistrate. This is what the majority of citizens are very much afraid of. The criminal spoke the truth when he said, “we gun find y’all when we come out…”. This is also why I often write to say citizens are more afraid of He also sounded a warning that vendors who have recently set up structures to ply their trade will be removed in the weeks ahead. Venture assured also that the City Council will be trying its utmost to improve drainage and the condition of roads to improve the integrity of the city. Meanwhile, regarding the indiscriminate dumping and littering, the council’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Jeffrey, almost throwing up her hands in despair, said, “Something is wrong with people…I believe that education is the key.” Noting that her department covers every area, she admitted that a manpower shortage constitutes a serious problem, but gave the assurance that the Public Health Department is willing to work with every sector to prevent outbreaks of sickness and disease. While we welcome these reassurances from City Hall, they should be reminded that we have heard these fine-sounding words many times before but little or no follow up action. City Hall officials must recognise that having grandiose plans is one thing, but implementing and executing them, which is even more important than the plans, is a key issue. They must also recognise that the restoration of Georgetown has to be achieved through short, medium and long-term policies and programmes. In the long term, we have to place our focus on building new road networks, expanding and modernising the drainage system, developing technologically advanced garbage collection and disposal methods and systems, establishing, overhead road bypasses, introducing overhead cable cars to move people around and even consider the construction of a subway system because inevitably, the construction of road networks would reach a saturation point, but the volume of vehicular and commuter traffic would continuously increase, particularly with increased industrialisation. So while it is imperative to focus on the short and medium-term issues, it is equally imperative that we begin now to focus on the long-term issues. Time is running out rapidly.

rogue police officers than bandits. You try reporting a police officer for wrongdoing and you can bet that his criminal buddies in the police force would be coming after you and your family. You rough up a criminal who tried to hurt you or take what you have and you bet he and his family coming after you. It is the criminals’ job to know where their victims reside in Guyana. When these criminals attack you they go for your ID, home address and all, and openly threaten you that “Awe know whe yuh liv suh don’t try callin police”. It should be law that every citizen must own a high-powered weapon more powerful than that of the bandits, so you can take them out in quick order. Crimes in Guyana will be drastically reduced. You bet bandits will sure go looking for meaningful work where they must smell their sweat for a decent living like most citizens do. T. KING

How democratic is the United States of America?

HOW democratic is the United States of America? This is a question that almost no person will ask because we were conditioned by the western media to believe that America is the world’s model of democracy. This Americans feel, by some twisted form of logic, gives them the right and moral justification to intervene in other countries to make them “democratic.” A layman’s view of democracy is simply a citizen’s right to choose who he wants to be governed by through a system of free and fair elections, on the basis of one man one vote and the right to have his vote counted. The layman’s concept of a winner is one who receives the most votes at a free and fair election. The substance of this layman’s understanding of democracy cannot be disputed by any combination of fancy words. However, this is not exactly how democracy works in the “world’s model democracy”, the “United States of America.” It would come as a surprise to almost all Guyanese that under the American electoral system, the president (and vice president), who forms the government, can be elected by a minority of “popular votes” and it will be perfectly normal and lawful.It would also come as a surprise to most Guyanese that the right of a voter to demand that his vote is counted is also limited. Both of these scenarios occurred in the 2000 American presidential election, when Mr. George W. Bush (jr) was declared elected President of the United States. Mr. George W. Bush (jr) received 50,456,002 (47.87%) and Mr. Al Gore received 50,999,897 (48.38%) of popular votes, but George Bush was declared President-elect. Not to mention reported manoeuvres by Republican activists in Florida to prevent supporters of Mr. Al Gore from voting. Manoeuvres that not only prevented voters from reaching polling stations, but were also successful in preventing many thousands from having their votes counted. The American Supreme Court, then dominated by conservatives, ruled (PLEASE SEE PAGE 7)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Commentary By David DeGroot

THE future of our country is at stake with a Parliament labouring over a one-seat majority comprising two political parties which are violently opposed to the ruling party forming the official

administration, and whose responsibility is expected to embark on measures to move the country towards full development. Sadly, this is not happening as rapidly and efficiently as possible because of the perniciousness adopted by the APNU

and AFC political parties. Any sensible attempt to analyse the conduct of the performance of these two parties, will with profundity expose their inability to think clearly the repercussions of their rank disregard for the development of the country. They care less about making

this country a laughing stock and highlighting the tenuousness of operating a government with a one-seat opposition majority, thereby making the administration unable to guarantee its obligations and in the process, creating wariness amongst potential investors. This is a most troubling phenomenon that will affect the future fortunes of our young country, still grappling with the task of transforming the social

Ram is politically biased with ulterior, wicked intentions I READ an article in the Kaieteur News on Monday January 13, 2014, under the headline: “Forestry Directors should be hauled before the courts - Chris Ram”. Kindly permit me to state the following in the Guyana Chronicle in relation to this article: 1. Christopher Ram is not the right authority to make pronouncements on public accountability, rather it is the Attorney General (AG). Ram is a very controversial figure who is politically biased and has ulterior, wicked intentions. 2. Where was Ram in the days of the widespread corruption under the illegal PNC regime? Why did he fail to report on those years of the PNC’s non-submission of reports to Parliament? Why this silence? It is because Ram is a part of them. 3. Never in the history of Guyana has there been such largescale corruption that occurred under the PNC and, to date, Ram the accountant and analyst with his continued silence thinks that is ‘ok’ and that the PNC has done the right thing. Very good Mr. Ram, but the Guyanese people are not foolish and moreso cannot be fooled. 4. But I am still to get what is so wrong with the GFC’s financial report. Ram’s analysis is flawed and has failed to point out any single issue other than his usual rambling, wild accusations and unprofessional behaviour in his effort to gain political mileage and cheap publicity. Ram should familiarise himself with the GFC act that allows the Commission to manage its resources and to make payments. So what is illegal or unconstitutional on the part of the GFC? 5. Ram, unlike the Attorney General, is not independent. He is unprofessional and politically biased. Guyana Stock Feeds Inc. claimed in its 2013 Interim report that the company paid $80.2M in dividends which it did not, according to a Guyana Securities Council Public Advisory which was published in all the daily newspapers. But while Ram made comments on the company’s 2012 results, he

failed miserably to specifically address the “dividends payment” as claimed by Guyana Stock Feeds Inc. (S/N Sat Jan 11th, 2014). This has missed Ram who is not concerned since he and the company are friends and political partners. How one-sided and unprofessional is Ram. 6. Ram and McRae audited the Guyana Stores Limited (GSL) 2009 financial statements but failed to express an opinion, even though the auditor found that the GSL group was in breach of the Companies Act, 1991. The Securities Industry Act 1998 and the Corporation Tax Act: 81:03 (Sun Stabroek Nov 3, 2013). In fact, the ruling by the auditor was “because of the significance of the matters discussed in the preceding paragraphs we do not express an opinion on the financial statements”, Ram and McRae said. The Stabroek News, however, posited that “such a ruling by the auditors would call into question the basis of the financial statements submitted for audit” (Sun S/N Nov 3rd, 2013). Ram in his one-sidedness and unprofessionalism did not critically attack the GSL financial statements, because he and the company are (allegedly) friends. He continues to remain silent, but not on the GFC. 7. Ram criticised former president Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo. Ram is not fit to walk the path of the former president who has four honorary doctorates from very prestigious universities. I am sure that Ram would like to have one, but he cannot even walk the path of the former president much less criticize him. 8. Ram needs treatment like what former President Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo gave him at the National Cultural Centre (NCC) when there was a Clico Stakeholders’ meeting. He was barred from speaking and chased out of the NCC. Shame, Mr. Ram! PETER PERSAUD

ills confronting us as a nation. It is a foreboding reality which should arouse the fighting spirits of Guyanese who are concerned with building a truly modern country, where everyone can have a share of the development that is inevitable without the humbug of the effects from the anti-national antics of the APNU and AFC political parties hell-bent on creating havoc in the country. Take for instance their most recent call to place in

jeopardy the rewards of private enterprise, and I refer to the hounding down of the legitimate profits accruing to the shareholders of the Berbice Harbour Bridge; these people are seriously going insane with their oneseat majority in Parliament; they are just floating going nowhere. The absence of a philosophical principle to guide them has left them like a weather cock blowing with the wind.

How democratic is the ... (FROM PAGE 6) against a recount of votes in Florida. A recount which would have resulted in a convincing victory for Mr. Al Gore. For a more detailed account of the US 2000 presidential election I advise that they read “The stolen Presidential Elections” by Michael Parenti ( After reading that article you: * would understand why the American Ambassador, is insisting on building the capacity of opposition parties in Guyana * would wonder whether the Americans have been training the PNC/APNU how to rig elections through the ballot box. The Opposition’s actions leading up to and during the 2011 elections seems to be pointing to just that. Some actions of GECOM’s opposition-dominated staff mirrors what the Republicans did in Florida in 2000. Where else in the world can a president be elected by a minority of over half a million of popular votes? Only in the world’s model democracy, the United States of America. We all know what has been the result of the appointment of a minority President of the world’s most powerful nation. Many peaceful and prospering nations have been reduced to war zones and living hells for tens of millions of human beings. Guyana’s president was elected by a majority of popular votes and thus speaks for the majority of Guyanese. The American ambassador must respect this and shelve his controversial project. The opposition likes to call the PPP/C a minority government, but is that really so? The AFC received 10.33 % of popular votes. This simply means that 89.67 % of Guyanese considered the AFC unfit to govern Guyana. The PNC/APNU received 40.83 % of popular votes. This means that 59.17% of Guyanese considered the PNC/APNU unfit to govern Guyana. The overwhelming majority of Guyanese therefore did not see neither the AFC nor APNU fit to govern Guyana. The current PPP/C government is not a minority one. If the AFC and APNU want to justify their claim that the government is a minority one by claiming a vote for one is a vote for the other, then the deliberate deception of their supporters prior to the 2011 election will become even clearer. The PPP has always maintained that a vote for the AFC is a vote for APNU. If the AFC and APNU don’t want to accept this fact, then they are left with the only alternative of accepting that the PPP/C government is not a minority one. FARUK MOHAMED


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Finance Minister says…

APNU, AFC trying to rid Guyana of all its human & financial resources - slams Opposition’s persistent hostility to both investors and qualified young Guyanese By Vanessa Narine A PARTNERSHIP for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament (MP) Joseph Harmon, on Thursday, responded to a statement by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, earlier this week, on the party’s line of questioning as it related to the e-governance project, headed by Alexei Ramotar. Harmon questioned why the Finance Minister “pre-empted” the parliamentary questions directed to Prime Minister Samuel Hinds. And at an impromptu press briefing in the Committee Room

investors should be encouraged to invest and grow their business in Guyana. SUSTAINED ABANDONMENT “The actions of the Opposition display a sustained abandonment of this obligation and they must be held accountable for their persistent hostility to both investors and qualified young Guyanese persons,” he insisted. Earlier this week, Dr. Singh pointed out that investors are being chased away and young professionals targeted, two developments that have resulted

‘I maintain my position that responsible political leadership behooves us to encourage young qualified Guyanese to remain and play their part in helping to develop our country. In much the same manner, investors should be encouraged to invest and grow their business in Guyana.’ – Dr Ashni Singh of the Public Buildings, he declared that the Finance Minister’s response was “aggressive.” Harmon stated that the answers to those questions will inform further questioning. In an invited comment, Dr. Singh made it clear that his reply had “absolutely nothing” to do with the parliamentary question. The Finance Minister said he is sure it will be answered by the Prime Minister at the appropriate time. “I maintain my position that responsible political leadership behooves us to encourage young qualified Guyanese to remain and play their part in helping to develop our country. “In much the same manner,

from positions taken by the joint Opposition. In his statement, the Finance Minister charged that, between APNU and the Alliance For Change (AFC), there is a collective effort to rid Guyana of all its human and financial resources. “This has become even clearer with recent events that are unfolding before the public. “So far, we have seen the Joint Opposition’s concerted effort to chase away investors from Guyana. In less than six months, two major international investors, Muri Brasil Ventures and Blackstone Group which pulled out of the Amaila Project, were forced to walk away from doing business in Guyana

as a direct result of Opposition hostility. “As if chasing away investors is not enough to satisfy their lust for power, afforded by their one-seat majority, they now move to attack and, ultimately, chase our human resources: our young qualified professionals working in Government. “…APNU’s Joe Harmon is copying from his AFC friend’s playbook, by doing the same thing to Alexei Ramotar and the project he leads. “It is not by coincidence that Harmon and his party chose to publicly question the merit of Mr. Ramotar. STRATEGICALLY DONE “This was strategically done because Alexei Ramotar is the son of president Donald Ramotar. Alexei Ramotar was hired in 2010, prior to his father’s run for Presidential Office and was deemed the most

qualified for the job at that time. Today, he remains one of Guyana’s most qualified in his field, with a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, over a decade of

personnel, politicians and policy makers alike should support and encourage young professionals to remain and contribute to Guyana’s development and not attack them and render them collateral damage of personal

FINANCE MINISTER DR. ASHNI SINGH work experience where he led numerous projects in his field and several academic awards and publications. “…at a time where there is a high global demand for skilled

ana’s ability to attract qualified, skilled personnel to remain in the country when they are “vilified”, much the same like international investors, by the Opposition. He told the Guyana


ALEXEI RAMOTAR political vendetta,” Dr. Singh charged. The minister doubted Guy-

Chronicle that he stands by his comments and reiterated that they were in defence of both young professionals and legitimate investors, all contributors to Guyana’s economy.


- Relevant authorities need to urgently clear main drainage canal in Campbellville MY name is John Ramotar and I have been a resident of Lot 1 William Street, Campbellville, for the past 30 years. During my tenure there I have always, at great personal expense, upkept, and still upkeep my neighbourhood. I weed and maintain the parapets, trenches and paint all culverts, road signs at John Street and Middleton Street, John Street & Delph Avenue, William Street and Middleton Street, William Street & Delph Avenue, Middleton Street & Duncan Street and Duncan Street & Delph Avenue, weed the parapet on Middleton Street from Duncan Street to John Street, all in Campbellville. I also constantly maintain the wooden foot/bicycle bridge (the western continuation of William Street) linking Middleton Street to Campbell Street. All of this I personally consider as my civic

duty to my community/country. My grave concern and of those residents who live in the Kitty/Campbellville, Bel Air Park area is the abominable condition of the main drainage canal between Middleton Street and Campbell Street which extends from Duncan Street northwards to the 40 ft Lamaha canal. This vitally important canal has not been cleared nor desilted since time immemorial by the authorities responsible for its maintenance, despite numerous pleadings by the scores of affected residents. Needless to say, this area is a haven for illegal garbage dumping. I/we do not have the capacity nor wherewithal to clear and maintain this overgrown, infested (snakes, mosquito, alligators) silted up canal and re-construction of the aforementioned bridge. On the 27th November

2013, within one hour my bottom flat and yard being both inundated with six inches of water resulting in very costly damage to equipment, furniture

As a point of interest, my insurance company has informed me that they will not compensate for flood damage, since when I was insured the

CLOGGED CANAL and personal possessions. I wish to point out that the flooding situation remains the same as recently as 14th January 2014, thus prompting me to pen this letter to your good self and to enlighten whoever is/are the authority/authorities as to the existing dire situation in this part of “the woods”. I am imploring the powers that be to urgently correct and administer the above-mentioned situation before a further and larger catastrophe occurs that will adversely affect countless residents and their properties and possessions.

present situation had not existed, since it is as a result of negligence by the authorities. Please find attached a labelled photograph depicting the present disgraceful state of the afore-described environment. I would like to encourage and thank anyone who reiterates and support this petition. I look forward to your urgent publication of my letter so that this persistent problem can be speedily alleviated. JOHN G. RAMOTAR Lot 1 William Street, Campbellville, Georgetown


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Alleged baton sodomy of Harding…

GPHC categorically affirms prisoner was treated for hernia By Shirley Thomas DOCTORS at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) are not only livid, but have categorically denied any knowledge of reports appearing in certain sections of the media that a patient, Colwyn Harding had informed them that he had allegedly been sodomized by a police rank using a baton while he had been in custody at the Timehri Police Station on December 17, 2013. The doctors at the nations’ leading public health institution who attended to Harding from the first day of his hospitalization said the patient did not, at any time, inform them that he had been physically assaulted by the police in the manner alleged. They said the patient was presented at the hospital with hernia, for which he was treated. The doctors have further denied the following claims: (a) That Harding had been treated in a shoddy manner at the institution; and (b) that the hospital had run out of colostomy bags. In fact, the doctors said Harding had been using colostomy bags from the first day of his hospitalization. That apart, the doctors deemed it unprofessional to be discussing a patient’s condition without that patient’s prior approval; and discussing such a matter with the media compounds the unprofessionalism. Chief Executive Officer of GPHC, Mr. Michael Khan, along with Dr. Sheik Amir, Director of Medical & Professional Services; Dr. Navin Rambaran, Senior Registrar at GPHC; and Mr. Keith Alonzo, Senior Departmental Supervisor/Ward Manager in the unit where Harding is warded, addressed members of the media yesterday at a news conference held in the hospital’s multi-purpose room. Khan said the press conference was held to afford reporters the opportunity to question the GPHC on its care of the patient,

Colwyn Harding, and also to clear up some “misunderstandings and errors” that appeared in the media – both press and electronic. Giving a background to the patient’s condition, Khan said Harding was admitted to the GPHC on December 17 (at about 10 or 11:00 hrs), and was examined and taken into surgery on December 18. He was again taken to theatre for a second surgery on December 27, 2013. Reacting strongly to allegations that the GPHC had been unable to provide colostomy bags and needed drugs for Mr. Harding’s care, Khan affirmed: “I wish to state categorically that this is not true, and a perusal of the charts show that all the drugs he needed were given to him.” Khan admitted that on one occasion the necessary paraphernalia (bags, drugs, etc) had not been given to the nurse on duty, but he insisted that at all other times it was there and had been administered. He said Alonzo would be able to confirm the availability of colostomy bags. “And we must understand (that) even if they are not on the ward at the time, (the patients) get it, since they could be had from other wards.” Khan said there are two other patients besides Harding who use such bags, and they were never out of supplies; the bags were available at all times. “It is my view that Mr. Harding has not been treated in a shoddy manner, and the hospital and staff have done their duty,” Khan concluded. The hospital’s CEO also recalled having seen Harding and his mother at around 05:00 hrs yesterday. With the latter having been given special permission to visit Harding, they were outside of the ward sitting up, and Harding had appeared to be in good form. “I would personally be dismayed if there is an accusation of poor treatment (having been administered to Harding), since the doctors and nurses (are doing all they can), especially

‘GPHC TOP BRASS CLEARS AIR’: From left are Dr. Navin Rambaran, Senior Registrar at GPHC; Dr. Sheik Amir, Director of Medical and Professional Services; CEO Mr. Michael Khan, and Mr. Keith Alonzo, Senior Departmental Supervisor/ Ward Manager. given the circumstances of (Harding’s) status. We at the hospital have not refused… I would like to make it clear that we see our job as that of helping Mr. Harding to recover. To this end, we agreed that a private physician could meet with him in order to allay any fear, so there could be a private opinion at this time, which we understood is needed,” Khan expressed. He said two doctors (Dr. Sheik Amir and a doctor from Davis Memorial Hospital) were scheduled to see Mr. Harding at 10:30 hrs (yesterday morning), and that there would be private consultation between the private doctor and the patient. “I regret that the GPHC has been accused of neglect… As a public entity, we are open to criticisms, and this is why we have asked you to be here to clarify matters and correct errors of what is not based on facts,” Khan told the media. Asked at what stage it was recognised that the patient was suffering with hernia, and that he had not been sodomized, Khan said: “As is customary, we do seek permission of the patients before divulging information to the public. However, Harding’s case was well thrown out to the public long before we were asked to do this. Bearing that in mind, Mr. Harding was brought to our institution on December 13, seen at the out-pa-

Neighbours appear before magistrate for verbally abusing each other - one pleads guilty and is fined $10,000; the other on $5,000 bail Dawn Allicock, 47, a cook at Aubrey’s Tasty Snackette and a resident of Lot 365 West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, appeared yesterday before Georgetown Magistrate Ann Mc Lennan and pleaded guilty to verbally abusing 53-year-old retired teacher Carolyn Williams on Tuesday, January 14, at West Ruimveldt, Georgetown. But before the same magistrate, Carolyn Williams of Lot 115 West Ruimveldt, Georgetown pleaded not guilty to verbally abusing Dawn Allicock on the same day and at the same place. The prosecutor said the two women are neighbours but are not on speaking terms. He said Allicock placed some materials in the passageway that separates their yards, the women had an exchange of words, and Allicock threw a bucket of water at Williams, her adjacent back neighbour. Allicock was fined $10,000 with an alternative of 21 days’ imprisonment, and Williams was placed on $5,000 bail until the case is called again on February 7. (Geeta Rampersaud)

tient department and diagnosed with hernia, and was referred to the surgical clinic. “On the evening of the 17th at 10.35 p.m. (22:35 hrs), he was seen with increased pains and vomiting. His diagnosis revealed a strangulated hernia and required emergency surgery. This development came four days after the initial diagnosis was made. “So we all knew at the Georgetown Hospital that he was going to be operated on for a strangulated hernia.” And asked whether there is a possibility the patient’s condition could have been aggravated by the insertion of a baton into his anus, Dr. Amir replied, “It is difficult for me to say.” In response to another ques-

tion by a reporter about the likelihood of ‘battering’ aggravating the situation, the physician answered in the affirmative. Dr. Amir explained that any contraction of the abdominal wall would cause hernia to come down, and that strangulated hernia leads to the death of the bowel. “In effect, it is a weakness of the abdominal wall which causes a portion of the intestine to come down into the scrotal sack,” he explained. Pressed by reporters to perform another examination on the patient to determine the veracity of the claim that he had been sodomized with a baton, the physician responded: “The issue is (that) we are not doing internal examination just like that…”

He said examination was done based on what the patient was presented with, and that technically, four months would have had to elapse before another surgical intervention is undertaken. Albeit, by then healing would have taken place; leaving one with not much to work with. However, amidst a bombardment of questions, the physician was adamant that: “To this moment, up to this (yesterday) morning when we spoke to him (Harding), he hadn’t told us anything like that (about being sodomized).” Summing up on the patient’s condition, Dr. Amir said, “He’s had his surgery. He’s eating, and based on all that he’s gone through, he has lost weight.”

CANU hunting for Robin Wills THE Customs Anti Narcotics Squad (CANU) has issued a bulletin for Robin Llewlyn Wills, and is pleading with anyone who has information on his whereabouts to contact the Squad on telephone number 227-3507. CANU said Wills last known addresses are: •

20 J Duncan Street, Campbellville, Georgetown

145 Guyhoc Park, North East La Penitence, Georgetown

625 Republic Park, East Bank Demerara

Wills date of birth was given as July 10, 1970. CANU also provided a photo of Wills for publication.

Robin Llewlyn Wills

Minibus driver accused of verbally assaulting another sent on own recognisance - summons issued for absent VC MINIBUS driver Herman Persaud, of Lot 213 Grove Squatting Area, East Coast Demerara, appeared on Thursday before Georgetown Magistrate Ann Mc Lennan charged with verbally abusing minibus driver David Chester on Wednesday, January 8, at Charlotte Street, Georgetown, thereby occasioning a breach of the peace. The 42-year-old defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge, and Police Corporal Dinero Jones, prosecuting, told the court that the defendant and the VC had both gone to the NALICO/NAFICO Insurance Company because of an accident that occurred the previous day. After they left the insurance company, they started to abuse each other, and the virtual complainant (VC) injured Persaud with the bus door. Persaud said he told Chester he would compensate him for the accident in two weeks’ time, but a displeased Chester said he would slap Persaud. The defendant denied saying anything to Chester, and told the court that he reported the matter. Chester was summoned to appear in court, and the case was put down to February 7. (Geeta Rampersaud)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

CARICOM in 2014: Challenges and Expectations 2013 was another challenging year for CARICOM Member States, with the fragile state of most of the economies preoccupying their attention, against the backdrop of the launch of a number of new initiatives to bolster the regional integration movement. At the top of the agenda in 2013 were initiatives to begin the long overdue reform process including overhauling the nerve centre of the regional integration movement, the Georgetown-based CARICOM Secretariat and the preparation of a five-year Strategic Plan. Consultations with Member States on the way forward were held but were rather low- keyed unlike the public consultations in the early 1990’s of the Independent West Indian headed by former Commonwealth Secretary General Sir Shridath Ramphal. The views of representatives from governments, the private sector and civil society formed the basis of core recommendations in the landmark ‘Time for Action’ report, the centre piece of which was the call for a CARICOM Commission. Nearly two decades later, there was a call from Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar for a CARICOM Economic Commission to address the pressing economic challenges facing Member States. Following the global economic and financial crisis in 2007, Heads of Government were slow to react but eventually in 2009 set up a CARICOM Task Force “to recommend policies, programmes and approaches to lessen the effects of SANDRA ANN BAPTISTE the global recession on CARICOM Member States.” Very little has been reported on the recommendations and which ones have been implemented. The region’s Central Bank Governors and Finance Ministers have since been mandated to develop a framework for financial risk assessment in the Region as well as a Regional Crisis Management Plan. The appointment of ‘Change Agents’ in Member States, who are senior officials and some diplomats, was also implemented in 2013. The jury is out on their effectiveness. Work has also begun on the Strategic Plan. CARICOM Secretary General Irwin La Rocque has said consultants working on the

CARICOM leaders should bear in mind the repeated warnings from St Lucia’s Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony about the grave economic crisis facing the region and its impact, and from Jamaica’s P.J. Patterson who has cautioned that “some decisive steps are urgently required to rescue CARICOM, or else life support may come too late to prevent coma.” plan are taking into account the 2007 Single Development Vision; the Strategic Plan for Regional Economic Development, priorities articulated by regional leaders and approved policies and action plans in a range of areas, such as agriculture, energy, industry, security, health, youth, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and climate change. In addition to the economic challenges confronting CARICOM Member States, the level of criminality, including brazen day time robberies and increasing violence, continues to cause concern, both within and outside the region. The Heads of Government have adopted a Regional Crime and Security Strategy. Assistance from the United States, through the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) is reportedly paying dividends. According to Colin Granderson, Assistant Secretary General, Foreign and Community Relations, the three-pronged approach, which seeks to substantially reduce illicit trafficking, advance public safety and security, and promote social justice, has made “noteworthy steps on the road to improving citizen safety and security in the

Region.” One report that is being widely awaited is from CARICOM’s Legal Affairs Committee tasked with considering the wide-rang-

Sir Shridath Ramphal, former Commonwealth Secretary General

P.J. Patterson, former Jamaican Prime Minister

a Single Market. The last report on the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) made public stated that there was an overall compliance rate of 64 percent. The Secretary General’s observations that “the governing arrangements for the CSME have become bureaucratic, unwieldy and lethargic” is cause for concern. In the first half of 2014, the CARICOM Secretariat should provide updates on major initiatives including key issues and recommendations emanating from the region-wide consultations, the CARICOM Strategic Plan, the CARICOM CommisKamla Persad-Bissessar, sion on the Economy, regional Trinidad & Tobago transportation issues, crime and Prime Minister security measures, negotiations with Canada and the U.S. and implementation of programmes under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union. A game plan for greater involvement of the region’s private sector in major programmes, as identified at the last meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED), is also critical. In this regard, the resuscitation of the Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce (CAIC) is timely but how this relates to the long-mooted Caribbean Business Council is not known.

ing implications for decision-making in the Community and for hassle-free travel, following the decision of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) in the case of Jamaican Shanique Myrie and the State of Barbados. The CCJ found that Ms Myrie had been wrongfully denied entry into Barbados, subjected to a humiliating cavity search and unlawfully detained overnight in a cell and expelled from Barbados.” In making its ruling, the Court held that CARICOM nationals “are entitled to enter CARICOM Member States, without harassment or the imposition of impediment, and stay for up to six months. At the beginning of 2013, CARICOM’s elder statesman, former Jamaican Prime Minister P.J. Patterson, questioned the purpose of the CARICOM Passport if travelling within the Region is still “like an obstacle race”. The status of plans for a Single Domestic Space (SDS) Dr Ralph Gonsalves, St Ambassador Irwin LaRocDr Kenny Anthony, St Lucia should be disclosed. Vincent & the Grenadines que, CARICOM Secretary Prime Minister Patterson also observed Prime Minister General that Member States were moving “at the speed of a tortoise” in advancing the protocol on the Secretary General La RocContingent Rights of CARICOM professionals to permit greater que at the last COTED forum identified as some of the major freedom of movement. challenges “minimal export diversification and dependency on One of the bold moves made by CARICOM leaders in 2013 very few export markets, inadequate infrastructure, low competwas the suspension of the application by the Dominican Reitiveness, high transport and transit costs, difficulties attracting public for CARICOM membership. Since then, the Presidents foreign investment.” of the Dominican Republic and Haiti have agreed to establish Improving communication to provide specific, substantial and a Committee to seek a joint solution to the problems facing detailed information on a regular basis is badly needed. Speeches the two governments, in which CARICOM will participate. at the beginning of Ministerial meetings are expected but so are On the to-do list of the CARICOM Secretariat and more spesubstantive reports on decisions taken at those meetings. cifically, the Office of Trade Negotiations (OTN), is hopefully the CARICOM leaders should bear in mind the Secretary General’s completion of a trade and development agreement with Canada. comments during an address to the University of the West Indies The region should also position itself to begin to reap the ben(UWI) that Member States will have to “change its modus operanefits of the U.S. – CARICOM Trade and Investment Framework di and the way it thinks about integration” in order to deal with a Agreement (TIFA) and push for the proposed Summit with the changing global environment. Obama administration. The new CARICOM Chairman, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Improving intra-regional trade relations should also be high on Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, should impress upon his fellow the CARICOM agenda given the prolonged public spat between heads of government that progress on several fronts at the February Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago governments and private sector meeting in Kingstown is essential for the credibility of the integration over Jamaica’s unease with Kingston’s US$957 million trade deficit movement and the leaders themselves. with the Community - most of which is the result of imports from CARICOM leaders should bear in mind the repeated warnTrinidad and Tobago. Barbados exports to CARICOM countries have ings from St Lucia’s Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony about the also been subjected to Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs). grave economic crisis facing the region and its impact, and from An editorial in the Jamaican press quite rightly concluded that a Jamaica’s P.J. Patterson who has cautioned that “some decisive call by the influential Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) steps are urgently required to rescue CARICOM, or else life supthat tariffs be imposed on imports from Trinidad and Tobago, is a port may come too late to prevent coma.” (Sandra Ann Baptiste move that would strike at the heart of the concept of CARICOM as is a Business Consultant and Specialist in Caribbean Affairs).

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Overseas-based Guyanese father and son killed on … came home for Essequibo Coast Christmas MUMTAZ Baksh,72, and his son Rafmat,44, both overseas-based Guyanse, were killed on the Land of Plenty Public Road on the Essequibo Coast at around 14:30hrs, yesterday, while walking to their home. According to reports, Mumtaz Baksh, a Canadian citizen, with his wife Zoorul, came home last December for the Christmas holidays and were still enjoying their vacation when tragedy struck. A daughter of the deceased, Zoori Baksh, said her father, mother, herself and other relatives went to the Anna Regina market to do shopping and were returning home in a car when her father requested to get off at Land of Plenty, a short distance from his home, to walk

a bit. His son Rafmat also decided to accompany him on the walk. A few minutes after the family arrived home in the car, they received the news that Mumtaz and Rafmat were killed in an accident. Reports said both men were hurled into the air on impact and suffered serious injuries. Zoorul, wife of Mumtaz, cried openly for her husband and son, and asked the question repeatedly, “How will I go back to Canada without my husband?”’ The driver of the car, who is said to be very young and inexperienced, is in police custody assisting with investigations. The car is also impounded. ( Rajendra Prabhulall in Essequibo)

Analyst Dept warns of fake margarine on the market THE Government Analyst Food and Drug Department is alerting the general public to the presence of counterfeit margarine being circulated as the genuine product of Golden Cream Margarine. The Department says a bucket (10kg) of the fake margarine is being circulated in Regions 5 (West Berbice) and 6 (East Berbice/ Corentyne), but the counterfeit product does not have the word MARGARINE on the label. Moreover, the colours of the label are deeper blue and yellow, the term ‘free of transfat’ is omitted, and

the International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001-2008 mark in green under the List of Ingredients is missing. The Analyst Department has said it is collaborating closely with Sterling Products Limited, the local manufacturer of the genuine product, and has since contacted members of the National Food Safety & Control Committee in Regions 5 and 6 to seize the counterfeit product and determine its source, in order to enable further action.

Alleged baby snatcher accused was hospitalised after remanded -she was allegedly beaten in the By Odella Patterson

Nineteen-year-old Candacy Adonis, who was accused of stealing four-month-old Miracle Price, was remanded to prison yesterday when she appeared before Magistrate Zamilla Alli at the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court. She was not required to plead to the indictable charge of child stealing, which stated that last Monday, at Buxton,

she unlawfully took possession of Miracle Price and carried the baby away, with intent to deprive Samantha Price, the baby’s mother, of her child. Attorney at Law Neil Bollers, representing Adonis, in his request for bail, claimed that his understanding of what had happened is different from information cited by the prosecution. He indicated that his client should be granted bail since

chest while in custody

she was in police custody since Tuesday last, and was subject to emergency treatment as a result of her being beaten in the chest and face, allegedly by the police. Attorney Bollers further lamented that the incident stemmed from his client’s ironic humanitarian quest to assist the toddler whom she considered to be deprived of the relevant social and parental necessities, which the baby’s mom allegedly could not provide. He concluded that the defendant resides at Vigilance Playfield, East Coast Demerara, with both of her parents, who are pastors, and would not be a

flight risk if granted bail. However police Prosecutor John Singh objected to bail being granted because of the seriousness of the offence. He told the court that investigations revealed that the accused, without lawful authority, went to a Day Care at Buxton, used tricks on the authority there and took away the child. Prosecutor Singh further stressed that such behaviour should not be condoned. A visibly distraught and dazed Adonis was then remanded to prison by presiding Magistrate Zamilla Alli. She is scheduled to return to court on February 14, 2014.

77-yr-old pensioner found hanging in his home

Accused Candacy Adonis and the four-month-old baby

EDWARD Bradford, a 77-year-old pensioner, was found dead hanging in his house at around 16:00hrs Thursday at Bounty Hall on the Essequibo Coast. Reports said the body of the man, who lived alone, was discovered by his neighbour hanging from a piece of rope from a rafter in his house. Police officers who arrived promptly on the scene removed the body to the Suddie mortuary. Suicide is suspected, and the police are investigating

At next sitting…


Doubt over attendance of current Deputy Speaker THE National Assembly will meet next Thursday, January 23 and the election of a new Deputy Speaker could take place if the current one, Ms. Deborah Backer is unable to attend. Speaker of the House, Mr. Raphael Trotman is expected to be away when that sitting is scheduled and the Parliament Office has received no word as to whether Backer will be attending. The front-bencher of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has been absent from the House due to a still unconfirmed illness and had to access medical care outside of Guyana at least twice in the last month. Backer, in early January, was flown to Florida in the United States (U.S.) for tests and APNU Leader David Granger expressed hopes for her speedy recovery. Asked about her attendance at last Thursday’s sitting, Mr. Granger had said:“Mrs. Backer’s conDEPUTY SPEAKER dition is stable and we DEBORAH BACKER don’t have any reason to speculate on her attendance.” The Member of Parliament (MP) was first treated at a private hospital in Georgetown after falling ill. Backer had been slated to move the second reading of the Married Persons (Property) (Amendment) Bill 2013, last Thursday, which would have amended the Principal Act, the Married Persons (Property) Act.

First witness called at murder retrial

A MIXED jury at the murder retrial of Parsram Lalchand called Desmond was told Thursday that the accused was one of six men who killed Viranjan of Lusignan in 2008. Justice Franklyn Holder is presiding over the proceedings at which Defence Counsel Huckumchand heard from a Prosecution witness that, following a row over a bicycle, the victim was chased and beaten with wood and a cutlass. The injured man was taken to the Georgetown Hospital where he died and, as a consequence of Police investigations, the six persons, including the accused Lalchand, were charged with the capital offence. State Prosecutor Dhanika Singh is appearing opposite Huckumchand and she is expecting to call 10 witnesses. One of them, Detective Inspector Chabinauth Singh told the Court on Thursday that he was at Vigilance Police Station on June 30, 2008, from where he contacted the accused Lalchand. The witness said he told the latter it was alleged that, on July 27, 2008, he, along with others, at Anandale, East Coast Demerara, inflicted injuries on Viranjan who was hospitalised and died the following day. The Inspector said Raymond Gangadin told him that he took Viranjan and three others to Solex’s house to find out about a bicycle when Vishal and Solex chased the man and beat him with a piece of wood. The witness said he arrested the accused and asked him whether he wanted what he told him to be put in a statement and he said no. The case is continuing. **************************************

Other murder case starts with smaller trial

LATCHMAN Ramlall called ‘Rapesh’ and ‘Bucta Man’ appeared before Justice William Ramlal and a mixed jury on Wednesday at the start of his murder trial. He is indicted for the unlawful killing of Ramsance Singh on October 22, 2009. But the case began with a voir dire (trial within a trial), at the instance of State Prosecutor Natasha Backer, in the absence of the jury. At the end of the smaller trial, the judge will decide whether or not a challenged statement is admissible. Defence Counsel Keavon Bess is appearing for Ramlal in the continuing case.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Warring couple bonded to keep peace for 12 months

- husband to compensate wife $263,000 for destroying her property

By Geeta Rampersaud

BERNARD Da Silva, 30, of Lot 316 Middle Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown, an optometrist of Da Silva’s House of Optics, appeared before Georgetown Magistrate Ann McLennan on Thursday to answer to threatening behaviour and damage to property charges. He pleaded not guilty to the charge that, on Wednesday, January 15, at Middle Street, Georgetown, he behaved in a threatening manner towards Devika Singh Da Silva, but admitted committing the offence of unlawfully and maliciously damaging one Dell Laptop computer and four car tyres belonging to the virtual complainant (VC) and worth $263,000. Police Corporal Dinero Jones, prosecuting, told the court that the defendant and the VC are husband and wife, but have separated two months ago as a result of the defendant’s infidelity. They are the parents of a two-year-old daughter, and the defendant visits the home occasionally. On the day in question, the VC was out with her cousin and when she returned home and parked her car, Da Silva demanded that she exit the car. The VC refused his request because she was afraid of the knife he had in his hand. The defendant used the said knife to puncture the car tyres, then he threw her laptop into the gutter. The defendant indicated that he would like to compensate his wife for her loss. He said he did not intend to threaten her, but had become angry at the tone of her response after he had spoken to her. He said he had to go out of Georgetown on account of his job, and the VC had asked him to make arrangements for his parents to baby sit their daughter, but she did not turn up on time with the child. He related that, a year ago, the VC had chopped him, burnt his clothes and broken his car windshield. The VC admitted doing the things he listed except breaking the windshield, which she claimed his mother had done. The defendant was ordered to compensate the woman $263,000 for the damage done to her property, and was placed on $5,000 bail on the threatening behaviour charge. They were both bonded to keep the peace for 12 months, and the case was put off for February 7.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Texila American University’s recent Annual Cultural Evening a success

HAILING from 35 countries, the students of Texila American University recently celebrated their differences and the opportunities that the diversity has created for students, faculty, and staff. Last month, on December 22nd, the University hosted an

Annual Cultural Evening at the National Cultural Centre, which showcased a wide range of cultural performances including classical and traditional dance, music, skit, mime, pageant show, etc. representing the traditions. The show turned out to be

a cultural extravaganza, which received wide applause and positive responses from the audience consisting of guests, parents, students and the public. Pro-Chancellor of the University of Guyana, Dr. Prem Misir was the guest speaker at the event. He was among other

Dr Prem Misir presenting an award at the event hosted recently by Texila American University

Cabinet gives ‘go ahead’ to $27M contract for reconstruction of GRA’s Linden office

– which was destroyed by arson

CABINET last Wednesday gave its no objection to a contract worth more than $27M for the reconstruction of a building destroyed by arson in Linden (Region 10) that housed the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) office. The contract was awarded in the Local Government Sector, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon told reporters yesterday. Fires suspected to be acts of arson destroyed a number of buildings in the Linden community in August 2012. Other buildings razed by fire were the Linden Salvation Council building and the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Church at Silvertown, Wismar; together with buildings which housed the Linden Care Foundation Office, the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education, a canteen, and the Linden Electricity Company office. Another building behind the office complex was also burnt. Fires erupted in Christianburg, Wismar at about 02:30 hrs on Friday, August 10, completely destroying a building used by the Region 10 Farmers Association. Tenders from the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) were unable to reach the scene of the fire because of obstacles placed along the roadway by Opposition-aligned protestors challenging an increase in Linden power tariffs. (Telesha Ramnarine)

distinguished dignitaries who distributed prizes for the toppers in academics, sports and cultural events. The event started with the National Anthem at 17:30 hrs and by the time the programme ended, more than 25 colourful shows had been presented; shows to do with everyday life in diverse nations and the dressing styles of people in all walks of life were tastefully shown not only through dance but also their ever important pageant shows.

Texila University has celebrated 50 years of African American achievements at the university, honouring the vast accomplishments of African Americans over the past half-century. A statement from the university said: “Educating students to achieve excellence requires our consistent focus on recruiting and retaining a diverse student body, faculty and staff. ‘Welcoming to all and hostile to none’, it’s a phrase we aspire to live by on our campus.”

The university noted that creating a welcoming environment where people are open to learning from one another lays the foundation. “We grow through conversations and experiences with people who have different beliefs and come from other places, cultures, and backgrounds,” it said. The university also indicated that “by showing respect and finding common ground, we set the stage for the free exchange of ideas and the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual curiosity.”



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GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Aries March 21 - April 19

It’s a great day for romance, but that doesn’t necessarily mean romance in terms of love or sex. Romance exists in the natural world, so why not get out there and experience some of it? Take a long walk in a park or a leafy neighbourhood. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, hole yourself up in the kitchen and cook with some of your favourite fruits and vegetables. You can interact with natural elements in all sorts of ways -- any way you choose will be rewarding.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Take the lead in a confusing situation today -- it will be exhilarating, it will be fun, and it will win you big points with important people. And don’t shy away from giving out orders or creating an agenda for the group. You know what you’re doing, so have confidence. Believe it or not, if you just say what you feel strongly enough, the others will agree with you! The tone of your voice will command their respect and earn their alliance -- which is a very powerful thing.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

Today is probably going to be an extremely busy day for you, but that doesn’t mean that you still won’t have fun! There is no rule that says you can’t add some laughter into a business situation -- and you don’t get extra points for taking everything so seriously. So lighten up your attitude and you might find that your work load lightens up too (or maybe it just feels that way). Toss out a few corny jokes in a meeting and see who laughs. Then align yourself with that person.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

You should try to keep your impulses in check today -- you must lead with your thinking skills, not your heart or your compassion. If someone really ticks you off, you can certainly get into a defensive position and be ready to fight back, just don’t be the first person to make any offensive moves. Bite your tongue and keep quiet! You can’t afford to be the instigator in any dramas right now, and plus, who needs all of the drama that comes along with it? Stay out of things.

Leo July 23 - August 22

Celebrity magazines seem like a guilt-free indulgence when you’re waiting in the checkout line, but why pay good money to catch a glimpse of someone else’s glamorous life? Start working harder at building up your own enviable position in the world. Maybe it’s not fame you want -- but whatever your goals, they aren’t going to be met any time soon unless you keep working on them. Cut back on distractions today and keep your energy focused on the tasks at hand.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

When everyone else is staring at a puzzle today and freaking out because they don’t have a clue how to solve it, you will be able to swoop in, take just one glance, and offer up some intriguing ideas. The difference between you and everyone else is that your creativity is much more flexible. You can approach any situation in a new way and see fresh ideas. Use all of this creativity to your advantage, and don’t be shy about it. People are impressed.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Home is your refuge from the rest of the world, so if there are problems in that area, taking care of those issues is your first priority! If something needs to be repaired, make all the phone calls and arrangements to get things on the mend. If the problems are more a matter of emotions or relationship troubles, start a conversation with the person who needs to hear what you think. Get a dialogue going and find out what you both need to get along.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Things may have slowed down a little bit in your life, but that doesn’t mean you are slowing down! Today, you’re still firing on all cylinders, ready to pounce on the next opportunity that walks through the door. You’re poised, you’re alert, and you are ready for action. But, if for some reason your heart’s not in the game, you’re allowed to enjoy this slower time and take it easy instead. You’re really in a position now where you can’t lose. Anything you do is the right thing.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

To get your message across clearly and quickly today, you need to slip that iron fist of yours into a velvet glove. Tact will be necessary, so be careful. If you use too much force and bluster, you run the risk of alienating some powerful people who you need on your side. A little bit of charm can move major mountains today, but screaming or yelling will definitely not. You have the ability to understand what motivates other people, so use it.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

It’s not going to be an easy day if you’re feeling indecisive. You’ve been going back and forth about continuing a relationship. Today you need to stop the madness and come to a decision. Certain truths are starting to become too obvious to ignore, so stop ignoring them. Until you see things as they truly are, you can’t move forward and give your full attention to someone who is much more deserving of your time. You can’t be friends with everyone in life.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

Making a compromise might not feel like the right thing to do, but it is definitely the wisest strategy for you right now. Not only will you help keep relations moving along in a positive direction, you will show other people that you know how to be flexible -and that you know how to see things from their perspective. Proving that you have this type of empathy will go a long way toward building stronger relationships. Think about long-term, not short-term gain.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

The best way to ensure a worry-free life is to make sure that your body is in good shape! So if you haven’t had a check up in a while, make an appointment today. Knowing that you have a clean bill of health will go a long way toward putting your mind at ease -- good health is something you have to appreciate and not take for granted. And start thinking about preventative measures to combat any illness, like vitamins and a gym membership.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Three women charged with embezzlement from Muneshwers

THREE employees of Muneshwers Limited appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, yesterday, facing separate charges of embezzlement. Subrina Rahamat, of Lot 2887 Well Road, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown, pleaded not guilty to three counts of the offence. Particulars of the accused stated, that being employed as a clerk or servant at the store, she embezzled the total of $223,972, taken into possession by her or in the name or account of her employer between January 13 and July 1, 2013, in Georgetown. Bibi Twahida Ali, another accused, also denied allegations that, between April 1 and 28, 2013, in Georgetown, she embezzled the total sum of $218,700 taken into possession by her or in the name or account of her employer. The third defendant, Bibi Shiroon Ali pleaded not guilty, too, to accusations that, between April 22 and October 4, 2013, at Georgetown, she embezzled the sum of $188,126 cash, taken into possession by her or in the name or account of her employer. The trio was represented by attorney-at-law Mr. Nigel Hughes, who requested that they be granted pre-trial liberty and pointed out that Rahamat has been employed with the Muneshwers for almost seven years and has an unblemished record. In relation to the two Alis, he said the sisters reside at Industry, East Coast Demerara and were placed on $100,000 station bail each, since October last and have been reporting to Police at Eve Leary. But Police Corporal Bharat Mangru, prosecuting, objected to the grant on the grounds that the investigations are ongoing and the defendants are expected to face more charges, as the siblings all together, allegedly, embezzled in excess of $50M. The prosecutor said the defendants were backdating receipts and it was observed, by the accountant, that some of the dates were on National Holidays. However, the objection was overruled and the women were allowed pre-trial freedom on individual $150,000 surety, until February 21.

Ex-NOC inmate remanded on armed robbery charge

JUNIOR Kenny (no address given) was remanded to prison by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, yesterday, on a charge of robbery under arms. The 23-year-old defendant pleaded not guilty to the offence, which alleged that, on January 13, at North East La Penitence, in Georgetown, he, being armed with a cutlass, robbed Fiona Halley of a Samsung Galaxy phone, a tablet, one television set and DVD, together valued $216,000, property of Una Halley.

Police Corporal Bharat Mangru, successfully, objected to bail for the defendant, citing the seriousness and prevalence of the crime. He said there is likelihood that, if he secured the grant, the defendant may tamper with the witnesses since they are known to each other.

The prosecutor disclosed that the defendant served a sentence at the New Opportunity Corps (NOC) in Essequibo and Kenny told the Court he is presently unemployed but previously worked in the interior. The case will be called again on February 7.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Justice should be swi - says President at re-commissioning of Leonora Magistrate’s Court - urges magistrates to record 8-hr day’s work By Leroy Smith

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar has called on magistrates to serve the nation by putting in eight hours of work each day they sit on the bench. He said the magistrates now have a comfortable environment to enable their hearing more cases per day. Delivering the feature address at the re-commissioning ceremony of the Leonora Magistrate’s Court in Region Three (Essequibo Islands/West Demerara) yesterday afternoon, President Ramotar reminded that justice should be swift and possible for everyone. He said the Government of Guyana has been putting in place conditions to make the judiciary more effective and comfortable for those who have to serve in it; and that while the court has its job to do, his personal view is that certain persons take certain matters to the courts in an effort to stall and slow up capital intensive projects, and sometimes have those projects halted altogether by litigation. The President said the Government of Guyana sees access to the courts of Guyana by all Guyanese as fundamental and lawful, and any matter taken

there should end with justice being served. President Ramotar said the re-commissioning also speaks to the move by Government to increase the magistracy; and just as material things are vital for persons, so too is the availability of judicial services. He pointed out that the increased presence of courts in various districts will help the ordinary man to save money and time, in that he would not have to travel for miles and across many villages to get access to a court. Taking a swipe at the rich and those who have the means to do business with the courts, the President said that while the court is important to everyone in society, it is the rich and those with the means who tend to have an advantage, as against the ordinary people. That fact, he said, forces some people not to want to turn up for court hearings. He pointed out that the state has been investing millions in the Legal Aid Service because many persons are disadvantaged by their economic position and their inability to pay lawyers or legal minds to represent their cause in a court of law. The importance of the court

President Ramotar points in the direction of Magistrate Clive Nurse in making a point yesterday while touring the newly re-commissioned facility and a proper and effective judicial system was also underscored against the backdrop of the development and investment in one’s country. The President told the gathering that investors feel safe to invest in a country or society only when they are assured that protection of their investments and interests can be accommodated in the laws of the land. President Ramotar said the Government of Guyana has done its part, and it’s now time

Community Policing Group launched at # 76 Village, Corentyne THE Ministry of Home Affairs would like to inform the general public that a Community Policing Group was launched at # 76 Village Corentyne, Berbice on Wednesday last. The following are the executive members of this group:

for the judicial commission to ensure enforcement, while at the same time looking into the issue of a more timely dispensation of justice and the writing up of cases by judges and magistrates, since slothfulness could cause all sorts of spinoffs.

Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry acknowledged that re-commissioning of the court was indeed an investment by the Government in the judicial system, and she deemed it essential. She added that an indepen-

The President inspects the

Foreign Minister o Guatemala

…signs agreemen

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett paid a two-day visit to Guatemala on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, at the invitation of her counterpart, Minister of Foreign Affairs Luis Fernando Carrera Castro. She had discussions with Minister Carrera and also met with officials in the tourism, sugar and handicraft sectors.

Minister Rodrigues-Birkett met with the President of the Sugar Association of Guatemala Mr Fraterno Vila who expressed a keen interest in working with Guyana in the sugar sector. Himself a private miller and farmer, Mr. Vila has more than 35 years’ experience in sugar and owns one of the most efficient and productive companies in the sugar sector.

He guided Minister Rodrigues-Birkett on a tour of his operations. Guatemala is ranked as the fourth largest sugar exporter in the world and third in terms of efficiency and productivity. Guyana will continue to engage Guatemala in cooperation in this sector. Guatemala also boasts a developed handicraft industry which is closely linked to the tourism sector. At a meeting with officials from these two sectors, assistance

NAME POSITION Mr. Azeez Khan Chairman Mr. Keshwar Daiaram Vice Chairman Ms. Sheneza Ozeer Treasurer Mr. Winston Caleira Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Ms. Andrea Pindel Public Relations Officer COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Patrick Singh Mr. Marlon Grant Mr. Hugh Norah Mr. Rangendra Deepaul Ms. Naxine April Mr. Checran Mr. Sahadea This adds to the 266 CPGs that are active across Guyana with a total membership of over 4000. Recently, a decision was taken to divide police divisions A, B, C, D, and F into community policing divisions. This arrangement aims to allow community policing executives and the police to have a better span of control and consequently, greater supervision over the groups. The new divisions are as follows: · A Division – A1 (Georgetown) and A2 (East Bank Demerara), · B Division – B1 (West Coast Berbice), B2 (Lower Corentyne) and B3 (Upper Corentyne) · C Division – C1 (Unity to Good Hope), C2 (Good Hope to Conversation Tree) and C3 ( Unity to Abary) · D Division – D1(West Coast Demerara) and D 2 (West Bank Demerara) · F Division – F1 (Bartica) and F2 (Lethem)

Foreign Ministers of Guyana and Guatemala signing agreement on political consultations

M An


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

ift and possible for all dent and effective justice system not only supports human rights’ expectations, but lot of other rights which persons are entitled to.

Also present at the event were Chancellor of the Judiciary Carl Singh, Attorney General and Minister of Legal

Affairs Anil Nandlall, and Region Three Chairman Julius Faerber.

President Donald Ramotar addressing the gathering yesterday

e magistrate’s chambers at the Leonora Court

on two-day visit to

nt for cooperation in sugar, handicraft industry was offered to Guyanese women in particular, as Guyana seeks to develop its handicraft industry. Guyana and Guatemala established diplomatic relations in 1992 but bilateral relations have not been very active. In an effort to strengthen these relations Minister Rodrigues-Birkett had invited Minister Carrera to Guyana and he paid a

working visit in August, 2013. During her visit, Minister Rodrigues-Birkett and Minister Carrera signed an agreement on political consultations which would provide a mechanism for Guyana and Guatemala to develop coordinated positions on several matters, as well as allow

regular exchanges on issues of common interest on the regional and international agendas. Minister Rodrigues-Birkett was accompanied by Mr Jevon Rodrigues, Foreign Service Officer II in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (GINA)

Minister Rodrigues-Birkett receives a gift in the presence of Mayor of San ntonio

Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry

PSC acknowledges ‘merit’ in LEAD project THE Private Sector Commission (PSC) has acknowledged there is “merit” in the overall objectives of the controversial $300M USAID-funded Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) project. However, in a statement released on Thursday night by PSC Chair Ronald Webster, the body made it clear that the implementation must not go forward without the full agreement and sanction of the Government. To that end, the PSC called for consensus to be reached between the Government and the United States (U.S.) Embassy to allow for a mutually agreeable resolution in the interest of this country. The statement said: “The Commission, having reviewed the summary and proposed activities of the project document, is of the view that there is merit in the outline in the document to promote effective and responsive democratic institutions in Guyana and for motivating youth and women to be more engaged in the political and civic processes. “…it is the conclusion of

the Private Sector, therefore, that both the Government of Guyana and the Government of the USA have left the door open for further discussion and refinement of the Project Proposal.” The PSC’s statement on the issue follows meetings, over the last two weeks, with the Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the United States of America and with President Donald Ramotar. FULL BRIEFED According to the Commission’s statement, the PSC was fully briefed by the Head of State on the position of the Government of Guyana with regard to the project. It continued: “The PSC was advised that the Government of Guyana is yet to be convinced that the USAID Project, as proposed and adumbrated, would be in the best interest of Guyana and that the Gove*rnment of the USA has been so advised. “It is our understanding, from our meeting with H.E Donald Ramotar, that it is the position of the Government of Guyana that the USAID Project,

in its present form, is unacceptable to the Government and that the Government has exercised its judgment as a sovereign state that the Project is not to be implemented.”

RONALD WEBSTER President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Clinton Urling, as well as other leading voices in the Private Sector have come out in support of the project, despite the Government’s rejection of it.


NOTICE               In the Magistrate's Court of the Berbice Magisterial District to be held at    In the matter of the Pawnbroker's Act, Chapter 91:09 -and- In the matter of an application for a Pawnbroker's Licence by                o f L o t 5 R o s e H a l l To w n , Corentyne, Berbice.      , of Lot 5 Rose H a l l To w n , C o r e n t y n e , Berbice, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate of the Berbice Magisterial District for a Certificate under the Pawnbroker's Act Chapter 91:09 authorising the grant to me of a Renewal of a Pawnbroker's Licence to carry the business of a Pawnbroker Licence under the title           a t L o t 5 Rose Hall To w n , Corentyne, Berbice.   of any objection to this application should be sent forthwith to the Clerk to Court, Berbice Magisterial District and a copy of such notice should be sent to the subscriber   , at Lot 5 Rose H a l l To w n , C o r e n t y n e , Berbice.                                                In the matter of Sections 106 and 107 of the Land Registry Act, Chapter 5:02 -and- In the matter of an application b y                of No. 46 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana. -andIn the matter of                              3 1 9 , 3 2 0 , 356, 357, 358, 360 and 393                                                  a s shown on a      b y          Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 9th day of F e b r u a r y, 2012                               , o f N o . 46 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Republic of Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto.  person intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month from the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature at New Amsterdam, Berbice, Notice of his/ her opposition and Affidavit or Affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the said

NOTICE Notice of Opposition and Affidavit or Affidavits in support thereof upon the a f o r e s a i d            The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours.                                                                                            R . Mohamed Registrar (ag)    Dated 18th the day of December 2013. MEMORANDUM: The Petitioner's address for service is at the Chambers o f               , A t t o r ney-at-Law of Lot 4 Vryheid Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of No. 46 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Republic of Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the Property described in the Schedule hereto.  person intending to oppose the said Petition must within 21 (one) month from the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature at New Amsterdam, Berbice, Notice of his/her Opposition and Affidavit or Affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the said Notice of O p p o s i t i o n a n d Aff i d a v i t o r Affidavits in support thereof upon the aforesaid SHAMEER HUSSAIN. The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours.                                                                                     

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 18 2014

NOTICE                                                                                                                Dated 4th day of December, 2013  The Petitioner's address for service is at the Chambers of Mr. J.S. MISIR, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 4 Vryheid Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                o f N o . 4 6 V i l lage, Corentyne and Berbice, Guyana have presented an Application for Declaration of Title by Prescription of the said property described in the Schedule hereunder.    intending to oppose the said Application must within one month after the first publication of this notice file in the Registry of the Court in New Amsterdam, Berbice notice of his/her opposition and Affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the said Notice and any Affidavit upon the said      . T h e A p p l i c a t i o n is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the said Registry during working hours.                                                                                   Being portion of Corentyne, Coast Berbice R. Mohamed  (Ag) New

NOTICE Amsterdam, Berbice Dated this 4th day of December, 2013       The Petitioner's address for service is at the Chamb e r s o f M r. J . S . M I S I R , Attorney-at-Law of Lot 4 Vryheid Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice.                       in the matter of Section 35 of the Deeds Registry Act Chapter 5:01 -and- In the matter of an Application by   called Harry and            both of Golden Fleece, Essequibo Coast for the registration of immovable property in their names jointly                                               the Application by way of Summons on the part of the abovenamed Applicants   and            filed herein on the 20th day of December 2013 and the Affidavit of the said Applicants sworn to on the 19th day of December 2013 and filed in Support thereof    Attorney-atLaw for the Applicants      that the Registrar of Deeds do pass and register transport of the property more fully described in the Schedule hereunder now standing in the names of        jointly and describe din transport No. 633 of 1952 to and in the names of              and            of Golden Fleece Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo Republic of Guyana unless     to this Court why this  should not be made      o n t h e 28th day of January 2014 at 9:00 am in Chambers or forever be barred therefrom    that a sealed and certified copy of the Order be advertised in a newspaper of General circulation in the State of Guyana and that any Respondent be at liberty to enter an appearance herein within 28 (twenty-eight) days from the date of Publication of this notice and that the said matter do stand adjourned to Tuesday the 28th day of January, 2014 at 9:00 am in Chambers in the High

NOTICE Court Suddie, Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo.         A g r i c u l t u r a l L o t numbered 2 (two) being a portion of part of Section 'A', Plantation Golden Fleece, situate on the Essequibo Coast in the Riverstown/Annandale Neighbourhood Democratic Council in the County of Essequibo, Republic of Guyana the said lot numbered 2 (two) containing an area of 3.958 (three decimal nine five eight) acres is shown on a plan by F.R. Lee, Sworn Land Surv e y o r d a t e d 2 6 t h F e b r u a r y, 1975 and deposited in the Deeds Registry on the 26th July, 2004 as Plan No. 16384 and  Agricultural lot numbered 2A being a portion of part of Section 'B' G o l d en Fleece, situate on the Essequibo Coast within the Riverstown/Annandale Neighbourhood Democratic Council in the County of Essequibo Republic of Guyana the said lot numbered 2A containing an area of 3.337 (three decimal three three seven) acres is shown on a plan by F.R. Lee, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 25th February 1975 and deposited in the Deeds Registry on the 26th July, 2004 as Plan No. 16384 and  lots numbered 1 (one), 3 (three) and 4 (four) all being portion of part of Section 'B' Golden Fleece, situate on the Essequibo Coast in the Riverstown/Annandale Neighbourhood Democratic Council in the C o u n t y o f Essequibo, Republic of Guyana the said Lot 1 (one) and 3 (three) containing an area of 1.504 (one decimal five zero four) and 1.204 (one decimal two zero four) acres and Lot 4 (four) containing 0.716 (zero decimal seven one six) of an acre are shown on a plan by F.R. Lee, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 25th February, 1975 and deposited in the Deeds Registry on the 2 6 t h J u l y, 2 0 0 4 a s P l a n N o . 16384.                                            In the matter of Section 35 of the Deeds Registry Act Chapter 5:01 -and- In the matter of an Application by   of Golden Fleece, Essequibo Coast for the registration of immovable property in his name                                                                           the Application by way of Summons on the part of the abovenamed Applicant                f i l e d herein on the 20th day of December 2013 and the Affidavit of the said Applicant sworn to on the 19th day of December 2013 and filed in S u p p o r t t h e r e o f         Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant     that the Registrar of Deeds do pass and Register transport of the property more fully

NOTICE described in the Schedule hereunder now standing in the names of         jointly and described in transport No. 633 of 1952 to and in the name of   of Golden Fleece Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo Republic of Guyana unless     to this Court why this  should not be made   on the 28th day of January 2014 at 9:00 am in Chambers or forever be barred therefrom    that a s e a l e d a n d c ertified copy of the Order be advertised in a newspaper of General circulation in the State of Guyana and that any Respondent be at liberty to enter and appearance herein within 28 (twenty-eight) days from the date of Publication of this notice and that the said matter do stand adjourned to Tuesday the 28th day of January 2014 at 9:00 am in Chambers in the High Court Suddie Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo.        Sublot lettered 'A' of the northern portion of cultivation lots numbered 16 (sixteen) and 17 (seventeen) being a portion or part of Section 'A' Plantation Golden Fleece situate on the Essequibo Coast in the Riverstown Annandale Neighbourhood Democratic Council in the County of Essequibo, Republic of Guyana the said sublot lettered 'A' containing an area of 0.3222 (zero decimal three two two two) of an acre being shown on a plan by Kowshal P. Sukhdeo Sworn Land Surveyor dated 2 n d D e c e m b e r, 2010 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 22nd December 2010 as Plan No. 4 9 0 5 0 .        S u b l o t lettered 'B' of the southern portion of cultivation lots numb e r e d 1 6 ( s i x t e e n ) a n d 17 (seventeen) being part of Section 'B' Golden Fleece situate on the Essequibo Coast within the Riverstown A n n a n d a l e Neighbourhood Democratic Council in the County of Essequibo Republic of Guyana the said sublot lettered 'B' Golden Fleece, situate on the Essequibo Coast within the Riverstown A n n a n d a l e neighbourhood Democratic Council in the County of Essequibo Republic of Guyana the said sublot lettered 'B' containing an area of 1.3995 (one decimal three nine nine five) acres as shown on a plan b y K o w s h a l P. S u k h d e o Sworn Land Surveyor d a t e d 2 n d D e c e m b e r, 2010 and recorded in the office of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on 22nd December, 210 as Plan No. 49050.                     ( a g)


19 GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014 NOTICE                      is hereby given that a Debenture by the above named Company   , a Company incorporated in Guyana under the Companies Act, 1991 and whose registered office in Guyana is at Thirst Park, Georgetow n w i l l a f t e r t h e expiration of                                     Notice be duly issued and registered under the provisions of Section 233 (1) of the Companies Act, 1991 to                 ., a Company incorporated in Guyana under the Companies Act 1991 and whose registered ad dress is Lot 201 Camp and Charlotte Streets, Lacytown, Georgetown, Demerara. Such Debenture will not be secured by a separate mortgage or charge but will itself confer a fixed First charge ranking as a first Mortgage on the properties described in the Schedule hereunder and also on all of its movable and immovable properties whatsoever and wheresoever situate both present and future including all land, buildings and erections undertakings, fixtures, fittings, implements, goods sundry equipment, plant and m a c h i n e r y, v e h i c l e s , f u r niture, chattels (real and personal) goodwill, stockin-trade book and other debts whatsoever situate including their uncalled capital both present and future for the time being and such charge as regards the Company's immovable property to be a specific charge and as regards the Company's other assets to be a floating security or charge and on all other future assets of the Company and except with the written consent of the Debenture holder the Company shall not be at liberty to create any Mortgage on charge in priority to or pari passu with such Debenture.     t h e M a n a g i n g D i rectors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to sign the said debenture and to affix the seal of the Company to the said debent u r e         9 t h d a y o f D e c e m b e r, 2 0 1 3      Co-Managing Director Marketing Director              C e r t i f i e d A T r u e C o p y Te r r e n c e I . Bynoe Company Secretary M.I.S. Executive Director Dated this 9th day of December, 2013.                                                                                                                                                                                           

NOTICE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In the matter of Section 35 of the Deeds Registry Act, Chapter 5:01 Laws of Guyana -and- In the Matter of an Application by         for the Transport of Immovable Property to their names Applicant -and-     Respondent                    Interested Party                             the application by way of Summons on behalf of  aka   filed herein on the 10th day of February, 2012 and the affidavit sworn to on the 13th d a y o f F e b r u a r y, 2 0 1 3 a n d filed in support thereof    Attorneyat-Law for the Applicant and the Applicant through her Attorney-at-Law undertaking to abide by any order the court or Judge may make as to damages in case the court of Judge shall thereafter be of the opinion that the Respondent have suffered any by reason of the order which the Applicant ought to pay     the vendor herein, whether by himself his servants and or agent or anyone else on his behalf be restrained  an injunction is hereby granted restraining the said    whether by himself his servants and or agent or anyone else on his behalf to s e l l , t r a n s f e r, m o r t g a g e , lease or in any way whatsoever alienate the property situate at Lot 22 Bell Air Village, Georgetown, Demerara more fully described in Schedule hereunder save and except to the Applicant herein           aka        that the Registrar of Deeds do pass transport of the property situate at Lot 22 Bell Air Village, Georgetown, unless good and sufficient cause be





shown why this order should not be made absolute on the 17th day of February,        that all persons having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in and to the said property shall appear and establish their claim or otherwise show good cause as aforesaid before a Judge in Chambers on the 17th day of February 2014 at 9:15 am or forever be barred therefrom.   that the Applicant do pay into the Deeds Registry the balance of the purchase price of $3,500,000 (three million five hundred thousand dollars).  that a sealed and certified copy of this order be published in two consecutive issues of a news paper of general circulation in the state of Guyana.   that this matter do stand adjourned to the 17th day of F e b r u a r y, 2 0 1 4 a t 9 : 1 5 a m before the Honourable Madam Justice Sandra Kurtzious.     S. Dhanamraj    Lot numbered 22 being part of area 'L' known as Bel Air Village, part of Plantation Bel Air located in the City of Georgetown, Republic of Guyana.

           

 formerly of Lot 45 Jarvis Street Rosignol Village, West Bank Berbice.   that an application by way of Exparte Originating Summons has been filed in the H i g h C o u r t R e g i s t r y, N e w Amsterdam, Berbice to dispense with the witnesses  andto prove the due execution of the Last Will and Testament of   deceased dated 12th January, 1994 who died on the 7th day of June, 1995 are hereby requested to attend the Sub-Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Lot 1 Esplanade Road, New Amsterdam, Berbice within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the second and final publication of this Notice for the purpose of swearing the Affidavit or Attestation. Dated this 29th day of November, 2013 P. Williams 

acres, being laid down and defined on a plan by Colin J.H. Bowen, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 14th day of October, 2013 and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys on the 18th day of October, 2013 as Plan No. 57209.

                                                                                                                                               of No. 46 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana have presented an Application for Declaration of Title by Prescription of the said property described i n t h e S c h e d u l e h e r e u n d e r. intending to oppose the said Application must within one month after the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in New Amsterdam, Berbice Notice of his/her opposition and Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the said Notice and any Affidavit upon the said         . T h e A pp li c at io n is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the said Registry during working hours.                                                   Being portion of Corentyne Coast Berbice. R. Mohamed  (ag) New Amsterdam, Berbice Dated this 4th day of December, 2013   The Petitioner's address for service is at the Chambers of Mr.           A t t o r n e y - a t Law of Lot 4 Vryheid St r e e t , N e w A m s t e r d a m , Berbice.

                                           Notice of Application for a Certificate under Section 4 of the Moneylenders Act.     of 18 Middle Street, Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate of the Georgetown Magisterial District for a Certificate under the Moneylenders Act, authorising the grant to me of a Moneylenders' Licence to carry on the business of Moneylenders under the title of      at stall No. 71 Vendor's Arcade, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana. Notice of any objection to this Application should be sent forthwith to the Clerk of Court, Georgetown Magisterial District, and a copy of any notice should be sent to t h e s u b s c r i b e r.                         of Lot 5C Soesdyke East Bank Demerara has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto.    intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publiciation of this Notice file in the Registry of the Court at Georgetown, a Notice of his/her opposition a n d a n A ff i d a v i t i n S u p p o r t thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and an Affidavit upon the said   The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the said Registry during office hours.                    Dated this 17th day of December 2013        : Sublot '5C' being Part of Cultivation Lot 5 Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara and in the County of Demerara and in the Republic of Guyana the said lot containing an area of 0.226 (nought decimal two two six) of an acre and shown on a plan by LL Rutherford Sworn Land Surveyor the aforesaid plan recorded at the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on 2013-11-15 and numbered 57434. MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioner is at the off i c e o f M r. J o s e p h H a r m o n , Attorney-at-Law of Lot 216 South Road, Lacytown, G e o r g e t o w n.               In the matter of the Deceased Person's Estates Administration Act, Chapter 12:01 -and- In the matter of the Estate of   deceased -and- In the matter of an Ex-Parte Application by      of Lot 117 Pilot St r e e t , New Amsterdam, Berbice .    formerly of Lot 43 'A' Cotton Tree Village, West Coast Berbice -andJ

                                      Respondent     , formerly of Lot 83 Savannah Park, New Amsterdam, Berbice  that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in the High Court Registry, at New Amsterdam, Berbice by         nee JAMES of Lot 83 Savannah Park, New Amsterdam, Guyana against you. in person or by letter to Ms. Sasha R o b e r ts , A t t o r n e y - a t - L a w o f Guyana Legal Aid Clinic, Regional Democratic Council, Vryman's Erven, New Amsterdam Berbice a sealed and certified copy of the said Petition with Affidavit in support, and a sealed copy of the Citation will be sent or delivered to you.  twentyeight (28) days after final publication of this Notice no application has been made or appearance entered, the Court may proceed to hear the said Petition and pronounce Judgment therein your absence notwithstanding. P. Williams   Dated 19th day o f D e c e m b e r, 2 0 1 3 N e w Amsterdam, Berbice.                                    , of L o t 4 1 A ff i a n c e , E s s e q u i b o Coast, have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the First Publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit or Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the said Notice and any Affidavit upon the said                 Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 10th day of December, 2013  A piece or parcel of land known as Tract 'VR' being Portion of the Northern Section of Plantation Taymouth Manor situate on the Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo, Republic of Guyana the said Tract 'VR' containing an area of 7.475 (seven decimal four seven five)

                                                 , of Lot 37 Affiance, Essequibo Coast have presented a petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the First Publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit or Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the said Notice and any Affidavit u p o n t h e s a i d          Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 10th day of December, 2013 : A piece or parcel of land known as Tract 'KD2', being Portion of the Northern Section of Plantation Taymouth Manor situate on the Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo Republic of Guyana the said Tract 'KD2' containing an area of 5.7740 (five decimal seven seven four nought) acres being laid down and defined on a plan by Colin J.H. Bowen, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 14th day of October 2013 and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys on the 17th day of October, 2013 as Plan No. 57190.                                      , of Lot 37 Affiance, Essequibo Coast, have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto.    person intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the First Publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit or Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the said Notice and any Affidavit upon the said           A t t o r n e y - a t - L a w for the Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 10th day of December, 2013  A piece or parcel of land known as Tracts 'KD', and 'KD1', being Portions of the Northern Section of Plantation Ta y m o u t h Manor situate on the Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo, Republic of Guyana the said Tract 'KD' containin g a n a r e a o f 4.042 (four decimal nought four two) acres and Track ' K D1' containing an area of 2.583 (two decimal five eight three) acres being laid down and defined on a plan by Colin J.H. Bowen Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 1 4 t h d a y o f O c t o b e r, 2 0 1 3 and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys on the 17th day of October, 2013 as Plan No. 57178.


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                                    of L o t 4 1 A ff i a n c e , E s s e q u i b o Coast, have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the First publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown Notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit or Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the said Notice and any Affidavit upon the said                 Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 10th day of December, 2013  A piece or parcel of land known as Tracts 'VR1' and VR2', being Portions of the Northern Section of Plantation Taymouth Manor situate on the Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo Republic of Guyana the said Tract 'VR1' containing an area of 4.075 (four decimal nought seven five) acres and Tract 'VR2' containing an area of 0.427 (nought decimal four two seven) of an acre, being laid down and defined on a plan by Colin J.H. Bowen, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 14th day of October 2013 and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys on the 18th day of October 2013 as Plan No. 57178.

 Attorney-at-Law of Lot 216 South Road, Lacytown, Georgetown.

St r e e t s , Alberttown, Georgetown and formerly of Henrietta, Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo Republic of Guyana unless     to this Court why this  should not be made  on the 20th day of December 2013 at 9:00 am in Chambers or forever be Barred therefrom      that a sealed and certified copy of the order be advertised in a newspaper of General circulation in the State of Guyana and that any Respondent be at liberty to enter an appearance herein within 28 (twenty-eight) days from the date of Publication of this notice and that the said matter do stand adjourned to Friday the 20th day of Dec e m b e r, 2 0 1 3 a t 9 : 0 0 a m i n Chambers in the High Court Suddie Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo   Lot Lettered 'D' west of Public Road in Section 'A' Plantation Onderneeming in the Annandale Riverstown Neighbourhood Democratic Council in the County of Essequibo Republic of Guyana the said lot being shown on a plan by J. Phang, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 6thJuly, 1952 and deposited in the Deeds Registry on the 23rd January, 1953 with 2 (two) buildings and erections thereon.       (ag).

son or by letter to Ms Sasha R o b e r ts , A t t o r n e y - a t - L a w o f Guyana Legal Aid Clinic, Regional Democratic Council, Vryman's Erven, New Amsterdam, Berbice a sealed and certified copy of the said Petition with Affidavit in support and a sealed copy of the Citation will be sent or delivered to you.  twentyeight (28) days after final publication of this Notice no application has been made or appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Petition and pronounce Judgment therein your absence notwithstanding Sgd. C. Brjadder    Dated 22nd day of August 2013 New Amsterdam, Berbice.

upon the said                or through their Attorney-at-Law. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours. Gaumatie Singh (Ms.) Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioners Dated at Suddie, Essequibo Coast This 17th day of December, 2013  : Matter of Plots 'A' and 'B' being portions of Tract 'L3' Plantation Riverstown, situate on the Essequibo Coast in the County of Essequibo and in the Republic of Guyana and containing an area of 0.8516 (nought decimal eight five one six) and 4.4026 (four decimal four nought two six) acres respectively as shown and defined on a Plan by Chandi Mahipaul, Sworn Land Surv e y o r d a t e d t h e 2 2 n d M a y, 2013 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 6th June, 2013 as Plan No. 56086.  The Petitioners\ address for service and place of business is at the Chambers of their Attorney-atLaw Ms. GaumatieSingh, Attorney-at-law Lot 5 Avenue of the Republic and Robb Street, Georgetown and/or Lot 26 Public Road Adventure, Essequibo Coast.

(one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the Court at Georgetown, a Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit in Support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and an Affidavit upon the said The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the said Registry during office hours.    Dated this 17th day of December 2013  Sublot 'MB' being Part of Plot 'A' subject to a right of way running along the Eastern Boundary of Plot A all being parts of Lot 22 Southern Portion Pln. Klien Pouderoyen West Bank Demerara in the County of Demerara and in the Republic of Guyana the said Sublot containing an area of 0.061 (nought decimal nought six one) of an acre and shown on a plan by L L Rutherford Sworn Land Surveyor the aforesaid Plan recorded at the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on 2013-06-28 and numbered 56291.  The address for service of the Petitioner is at the office of Mr. Joseph Harmon, Attorney-at-Law of lot 216 South Road, lacytown, Georgetown.

                       of portion of Lot 5 and 6 Section A, No. 36 Village, Corentyne, Berbice has presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription of the property described in the S c h e d u l e h e r e u n d e r.     intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the first publication of this notice file in the Registry of the High Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice and/or at Georgetown, Demerara notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit and or affidavits together with the notice of the said   The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry of Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice during office hours. A. Anamayah, Attorney-at-Law for Petitioner  Plot 'RM' containing an area of 0.084 (nought decimal nought eight four) of an acre being portion of Lot 2, Section A, East Half, Plantation Lot No. 36 or Neville, situate on the Corentyne Coast in the County of Berbice, Co-operative Republic of Guyana the said Plot 'RM' being laid down and defined on a plan by R.T. John, Sworn Land Surveyor and dated the 8th day of February, 2013 and recorded in the Department of Land and Surveys on the 21st day of February, 2013 and recorded as Plan No. 55129. MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioner is at the Chambers of Messrs. Adrian Anamayah, and/ or Ian Anamayah, Attorneys-atLaw of Lot 7-7 Cheddi Jagan St r e e t , New Amsterdam, Berbice.

           In the matter of an application under Title and Land (Prescription and Limitation) Act Chapter 60:02 of the Laws of Guyana -and- In the matter of an application for a Declaration of Title to: Sub-lot lettered 'a' being the North half of the S½ Lot 1919 Norton and Haley Streets, Wortmanville situate in the City of Georgetown in the County of Demerara -and- In the matter of an Application by               for a Declaration of Title by Prescription.       of Lot 19-19 Norton and Haley Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown, Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described herein in the Schedule.   intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the First publication of this Petition file in the Registry of the Court in the City of Georgetown Demerara Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit upon the said Petitioner Lester M. Caesar, Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara. This 18th day of N o v e m b e r, 2 0 1 3 .       : "Sub-lot lettered 'a' being the North half of the S½ Lot 19-19 Norton and Haley Streets, Wortmanville, situate in the City of Georgetown in the County of Demerara and in the Republic of Guyana the said sublot 'a' containing an area of 0.1180 (nought decimal one one eight nought) of an acre being shown and defined on a p l a n b y L . W. C o x , S w o r n Land Surveyor dated the 2 8 t h d a y o f O c t o b e r, 2013 and Recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 8th day of November, 2013 as Plan No. 57380.  The Petitioner's address for service is at the Chambers of Mr Lester M. Caesar, Attorney-atLaw Lot 2 Croal Street, Stabroek, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana.

                       , both of Lots 53, 54 and 55 Zeskendren, M a h a i c o n y, East Coast Demerara, have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto.   intending to oppose the said Petition must, within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the Courts at Georgetown, a Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit in Support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and an Affidavit upon the said  and                      Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioners Dated this 15th d a y o f D e c e m b e r, 2 0 1 3  : Sublots A,B, C and D Section 'B' all being portions of lots 53, 54 and 55 Plantation Zeskendren, Mahaicony, situate on the East Coast of Demerara in the County of Demerara and in the Republic of Guyana the said sublots 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D' containing an area of 0.02 (nought decimal nought two) 0.14 (nought decimal one four) 0.07 (nought decimal nought seven), and 0.07 (nought decimal nought seven) of an acre respectively together with a right of way of a strip of land measuring 6 (six) feet in width running along and between sublot 'A' and sublots 'C' and 'D' and leading to the Street in favour of the owner/occupier sublot of 'B' as being shown on a plan by M.H. Amsterdam, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 3rd December, 2012 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission as Plan No. GLSC No. 54664.  The address for service of the Petitioners is at the office of 

                In the matter of the Deceased Persons Estates Administration Act, Chapter 12:01 Section 7 (1) -and- In the matter of Order 41, 42 and 43 of the Rules of the High Court Act, Chapter 3:02 -and- In the matter of the Estate of the late   also known as , deceased. -and- In the matter of an Application by    of 519 41st Street, Brooklyn, New York, 11232 United States of America, represented herein by his duly constituted Attorney   of Lot 3, No. 74 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, agreeably with Power of Attorney executed on the 17th August, 2013 before a Notary Public at New York, United States of America and registered at the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, Berbice on the 11th day of September, 2013 and numbered 1934 of 2013.          formerly of 77 Canefield, Canje, Berbice and-  formerly of 7 Charlotte Street, New A m s t e r d a m , B e r b i c e   that an application by way of Summons has been filed in the High Court R e g i s t r y, N e w A m s t e r d a m , Berbice to dispense with the witnesses    to prove the due execution of the Last Will and Te s ta m e n t of  also known as  deceased, dated 8th May, 1978 who died o n 2 7 t h J a n u a r y, 2 0 0 6 a r e hereby requested to attend the Sub Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Lot 1 Esplanade Road, New Amsterdam, Berbice, within 28 (twenty-eight) days from the date of the second and final publication of this Notice for the purpose of swearing the Affidavit of Attestation and that this matter is returnable for Friday 14th February, 2014 at 8:30 am in Chambers Dated 27th day of December, 2 0 1 3                            in the matter of Section 35 of the Deeds Registry Act Chapter 5:01 -and- In the matter of an Application by    for the registration of immovable property in her name                   the Application by way of Summons on the part of the abovenamed Applicant    filed herein on the 5th day of December 2013 and the Affidavit of the said Applicant sworn to on the 10th day of November 2013 and filed in Support thereof    Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant     that the Registrar of Deeds do pass and Register transport of the property more fully described in the Schedule hereunder now standing in the name of HERMA INNISS and described in transport No. 15 of 1990 to and in the name of    of 23 First and Light

                           of Lot 6 Plantation F r edericksburg, Wakenaam, Essequibo, have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described herein in the Schedule.  intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the First Publication of this Petition file in the Registry of the Court in the City of Georgetown, Demerara Notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit or affidavit upon the said Petitioner. Lester M. Caesar, Attorney-atLaw for the Petitioner Georgetown, Demerara this 11th day of December, 2013 : "Sub-lots 'A' of Lot 6 Plantation Fredericksburg situate on the Island of Wakenaam, in the County of Essequibo in the Republic of Guyana the said sublot 'A' of Lot 6 containing an area of 0.3009 (nought decimal three nought nought nine) of an area being shown and defined on a plan by Narayan Ramsarn, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 19th day of February, 2013 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 7th day of March 2013 as Plan No. 55259. : The Petitioner\s address for service is at the Office of Lester M. Caesar, c/o of the Chambers of Mr. B.E. Gibson and/or Mr P.G.A. Henry, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 2 Croal Street, Stabroek, Georgetown.                                Petitioner -and            Respondent    , formerly of Lot 127 Main Street Parika, East bank Essequibo  that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in the High Court Registry at New Amsterdam, Berbice by    nee  of Lot 3 0 St r a n d , N e w A m s t e r d a m , Berbice Guyana against you.   in per-

                    of Lots 2 and 3 Airy Hall, Essequibo Coast has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the Property in the Schedule below.   intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Suddie, Essequibo Coast a notice of his/her intention and an affidavit or affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any such affidavit upon the said   or through his Attorney-at-Law. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours. Gaumatie Singh (Ms) Attorneyat-Law for the Petitioner Dated at Suddie, Essequibo Coast This 17th day of December, 2013   'A' and 'C' being portions of cultivation section Plantation Riverstown, situate on the Essequibo Coast, in the County of Essequibo and in the Republic of Guyana and containing an area of 3.627 (three decimal six two seven) and 1.125 (one decimal one two five) acres respectively as shown and defined on a Plan by Colin J.H. Bowen, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 31st March 2008 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 3rd April, 2008 as Plan NO. 42792. : The Petitioner's address for service and place of business is at the Chambers of his Attorney-atLaw Ms. Gaumatie Singh, Attorney-at-Law Lot 5 Avenue of the Republic and Robb Street, Georgetown, and/or Lot 26 Public Road Adventure, Essequibo Coast.                       both of Riverstown, Essequibo Coast and   presently of 2604 Bainbridge Apt. E, Bronx, New York, 10458 United States of America and also of Riverstown, Essequibo Coast have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property in the Schedule below.    intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Suddie, Essequibo Coast, a notice of his/her intention and an affidavit or affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any such affidavit

                      of Lot 22 Klien Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto.    intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1

21 CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014 GUYANA






                                    of Lot 34 Lochaber, B e r b i c e , h a v e presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto.  person intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the First Publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit or Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the said Notice and any Affidavit upon the said       Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 12th day of November, 2013 : A piece or parcel of land known as Lot 34a Being a portion of Area 'F' Plantation Lochaber situate on the left Bank Canje River, County of Berbice the said Lot containing an area of 0.1892 (nought decimal one eight nine two) of an acre being laid down and defined on a plan by Ms. AZAM, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 25th day of March, 2013 and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys on the 28th day of March, 2013 as Plan No. 55442.

of Pomona, Essequibo Coast, Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto.  person intending to oppose the said Petition must be within one (1) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the Court in the City of Georgetown motion of his/her opposition and affidavit(s) in support thereof and serve a copy of the notice and any affidavit(s) in support thereof upon the said                  The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the property which may be inspected at the said Registry during office hours. Dated this 13th day of February, 2013 Mr. T. Sarawan Attorney-at-Law : Sublot lettered 'A' being a portion of the South Half (S1/2) of Lot lettered 'd' Plantation Riverstown situate on the Left Bank of the Essequibo River in the County of Essequibo, in the State of Guyana the said sublot 'A' is shown on a plan by Collin J.H. Bowen, Sworn Land Surveyor and dated the 25th day of July 2011 and containing an area of 1.1671 (one decimal one six seven one) acres and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys on the 5th day of August, 2011 as Plan No. 50335.  The address for service and place of the Petitioners is at the Chambers of their Attorney-atLaw Mr. T. Sarawan, Lot 1 Croal Street, Stabroek, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana.

Tejnarine Ramroop, Attorneyat-Law of Lot 7 Charlotte St r e e t , New Amsterdam, Berbice Guyana.

of A r e a ' J ' P l a n tation Nigg situate on the Corentyne Coast in the County of Berbice, Guyana as shown on a plan by Seaon   Sworn Land Surveyor and dated the 8th day of November, 2013 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 15th day of November, 2013 and numbered 57396."  : The Petitioner\s place of business and address for service is at the Chambers of Mr. Raymond Ali, Attorney-atLaw of Lot 8 St Ann's Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice.

              In the matter of an Application by           , jointly for a Declaration of Title by Prescription.              , all of Lot 6 Plantation Fredericksburg, Wakenaam, Essequibo have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described herein in the Schedule.    intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the First publication of this Petition file in the Registry of the Court in the City of Georgetown, Demerara, Notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit or affidavit upon the said Petitioners  Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioners Georgetown, Demerara t h i s 11 t h d a y o f D e c e m b e r, : "Sub lot 'B' of lot 6 Plantation Fredericksburg, situate on the Island of Wakenaam, in the County of Essequibo in the Republic of Guyana the said sublot 'B' containing an area of 0.3818 (nought decimal three eight one eight) of an area being shown and defined on a plan by Narayan Ramsaran, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 19th day of February, 2013 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 7th day of March, 2013 as Plan No. 55259.   The Petitioners\ address for service is at the office of Lester M. Caesar, c/o of the Chambers of Mr. B.E. Gibson and/or P.G.A> Henry, Attorneyat-Law of Lot 2 Croal Street, Stabroek, Georgetown.                                     

                              of Lot 88, Section 'B' Rosignol Village, West Bank, Berbice, Co-operative Republic of Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription of the property described in the Schedule hereunder.   intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice and/ or at Georgetown, Demerara notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit and/or affidavits together with the notice of the said . The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry of Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice during office hours.   Attorney-at-Law for Petitioner  Tract 'AJ' containing an area of 0.1731 (nought decimal seve n t h r e e one) of an acre comprising sublot 'a' containing an area of 0.1264 (nought decimal one two six four) of an acre of Lot 87 and sublot 'b' containing an area of 0.0367 (nought decimal nought three six seven) of an acre of Lot 88 all being portions of section 'B' Southern Section Plantation Rosignol, situate on the left bank of the Berbice River in the County of Berbice, Co-operative Republic of Guyana the said Tract 'AJ' being laid down and defined on a plan by D.A. Weeks, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 24th day of June, 2013 and deposited in Department of Lands an Surveys Commission on the 12th d a y o f J u l y, 0 1 3 a n d r e corded as Plan No. 56431. MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioner is a t t h e C h a m b e r s o f M r.

                                   also known as    of Lot 17-18 Sect i o n A , C o t t o n Tr e e Vi l l a g e , West Coast Berbice, Cooperative Republic of Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription of the property described in the Schedule hereu n d e r.           i n tending to oppose the said Petition must within one month after the date of the first publication of this notice file in the Registry of the High Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice and/or at Georgetown, Demerara notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit and/or affidavits together with the Notice of the said   also known as   . The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry of Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice, during office hours. Te j n a r i n e Ramroop, Attorney-at-Law for Petitioner : Tract 'ML' containing an area of 0.2596 (nought decimal two five nine six) of an acre comprising Sublot a containing an area of 0.0265 (nought decimal nought two six five) of an acre of Lot 17 and Sublot B, containing an area of 0.2331 (nought decimal two three three one) of an acre of Lot 18, all being portions of Section 'A' Plantation Cotton Tree, situate on the Left Bank of River in the County of Berbice, Cooperative Republic of Guyana the said Tract 'ML' comprising sublot of lot 17 and Sublot b of Lot 18, being laid down and defined on a plan by Desmond A. Weeks, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 26th day of June, 2013 and deposited in Department of Land and Surveys Commission on the 11th day of July, 2013 and recorded as Plan No. 56361.       The address for service of the Petitioner is at the C h a m b e r s o f M r. Te j n a r i n e Ramroop, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 7 Charlotte Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana.                  of 186 Thornton Road North, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada L1J 6T8 and formerly of Lot 3 Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana has presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto.  person intending to oppose the said Petition must, within one month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in t h e R e g i s t r y, N o t i c e o f h i s / her opposition and an affidavit in support and serve a copy of such notice forthwith on the Petition after filing same. The said Petition is accompanied by a copy of the plan of the property which may be inspected at the Registry at New Amsterdam, Berbice during office hours. Raymond Ali Attorney-at-law for Petitioner D a t e d t h i s 11 t h d a y o f D e c e m b e r, 2013 New Amsterdam, Berbice   "Lot 3, being a portion

                              In the matter of the Title to Land (Prescription and Limitation) Act, Cap. 60:02 -andIn the matter of Plots A and B being portion of Lot 38 Plantation Virginia, situate on the left bank of the Mahaica River in the County of Demerara and plot C being a portion of Lot 39 Plantation Virginia on the left bank of the Mahaica River in the County of Demerara -and- In the matter of an Application by                     and        for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the aforesaid Plots A and B of Lot 38 Plantation Virginia and Plot C of Lot 39 Plantation Virginia on the left bank of the Mahaica River in the County of Demerara                          and       of Lot 38 Virginia, East Coast Demerara, have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property in the Schedule hereto.   intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the First publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the City of Georgetown notice of his opposition and an Affidavit or Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the said notice and any affidavit upon t h e s a i d                   and               Attorney-at-Law Dated at Georgetown, Demerara, This 5 t h d a y o f D e c e m b e r, 2 0 1 3 .  Plots 'A' and 'B' being portions of L o t 3 8 P l a n t ation Virginia, situate on the left bank of the Mahaica River in the County of Demerara and being shown on a plan b y M . S . A z a m , S w o r n L a n d S u r v e y o r d a t e d 11 t h January, 2013 and on record at the offices of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission as plan #54763.   Plot 'C' being the W½ of S½ of Lot 39 Plantation Virginia on the left bank of the Mahaica River in the County of Demerara and being shown on a plan by M.S. Azam, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 11th January, 2013 and on record at the offices of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission as plan #54763. : The address for service and place of business of the petitioner is at the Chambers of  . and/or   , Attorneys-at-Law of 26 Hadfield Street & Pollard Place, Stabroek, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana                                

NOTICE       No. 4 situate on the West Sea Coast of Berbice in the County of Berbice Republic of Guyana the said Lot being laid down and defined on a Plan by D e s m o n d A . We e k s , S w o r n Land Surveyor dated this 31st day of July 2013 and recorded in the Commission of Lands and  on the 9th day of August, 2013 as Plan No. 56666 -and- In the matter of the Title to Land (Prescription and Limitation) Act Chapter 60:02 of the Laws of Guyana -and- In the matter of the Rules of the Supreme Court (Declaration of Title) -and- In he matter of a Petition by   of Lot 32, No. 4 Village West Coast Berbice, Guyana and formerly of Grazettes Courts, St Michael, Barbados, represented herein by his duly constituted Attorney           (nee ) ID# 40186923, of Lot 32 No. 4 Village, West Coast Berbice, agreeably with Power of Attorney executed on the 14th day of O c t o b e r, 2 0 1 3 i n R e g i s t r a tion Department in Barbados and Registered in the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, Berbice on the 22nd day of October 2013 and numbered 2179 of 2013 (Berbice)             (nee  ID# 140186923 of Lot 32 No. 4 Village, West Coast Berbice, agreeably with Power of Attorney executed on the 14th day of O c t o b e r, 2 0 1 3 i n R e g i s t r a tion Department in Barbados and Registered in the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, Berbice on the 22nd day of O c t o b e r, 2 0 1 3 a n d n u m bered 2179 of 2013 (Berbice). Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription of the Property described in the Schedule h e r e u n d e r.    p e r s o n ( s ) intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month from the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana at New Amsterdam, Berbice, Notice of his/her/their opposition and any affidavit(s) upon the said Petitioner. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours. New Amsterdam, Berbice Dated this 14th November, 2013 J.S. Misir Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner           No. 4 situate on the West Sea Coast of Berbice in the County of Berbice Republic of Guyana the said Lot being laid down and defined on a Plan by Desmond A. Weeks, Sworn land Surveyor dated this 31st day of July, 2013 and recorded in the Commission of Lands and  on the 9th day of August, 2013 as Plan No. 56666. : The address for service of the Petitioner is at the Chambers of Mr. J.S. MISIR Attorney-at-Law of Lot 1-4 Vryheid Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice.              


NOTICE               No. 4 situate on the West Sea Coast of Berbice in the County of Berbice Republic of Guyana the said Lot being laid down and defined on a Plan by Desmond A. Weeks, Sworn Land Surveyor dated this 31st day of J u l y, 2 0 1 3 a n d r e c o r d e d i n the Department of Lands and  on the 9th day of August, 2013 as Plan No. 56664. -and- In the matter of the Title to Land (Prescription and Limitation) Act, Chapter 60:02 of the Laws of Guyana -and- In the matter of the Rules of the Supreme Court (Declaration of Title) -and- In the matter of Petition by       , of Lot 32, No. 4 Village, West Coast Berbice Guyana and formerly of 104 4th Avenue Pillerdorf Grazettes St Michael Barbados, represented herein by his duly constituted Attorney           ID# 140186923, of Lot 32 No. 4 Village, West Coast Berbice, Guyana and f o r m e r l y o f 1 0 4 4 t h Av e n u e Pillerdorf Grazettes St Michael Barbados, represented herein by his duly constituted Attorney            ) ID# 140186923 of Lot 32 No. 4 Village West Coast Berbice agreeably with Power of Attorney executed on the 14th day of O c t o b e r, 2 0 1 3 i n R e g i s t r a tion Department in Barbados and Registered in the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, Berbice on the 22nd of Oct o b e r, 2 0 1 3 a n d n u m b e r e d 2178 of 2013 (Berbice)                    ID# 140186923, OF Lot 32 No. 4 Village, West Coast Berbice, agreeably with Power of Attorney executed on the 14th day of October, 2013 in Registration Department in Barbados and Registered in the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, Berbice on the 22nd day of October, 2013 and numbered 2178 of 2013 (Berbice) Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription of property described in the S c h e d u l e h e r e u n d e r. Any person(s) intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month from the date of the first Publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana at New Amsterdam, Berbice, Notice of his/her/their opposition and any affidavit(s) upon the said Petitioner. The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours.   Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner New Amsterdam, Berbice Dated this 14th day of November, 2013             No. 4 situate on the West Sea Coast of Berbice in the County of Berbice, Republic of Guyana the said Lot being laid down and defined on a Plan by Desmond A. Weeks, Sworn Land Surveyor dated this 31st day of July, 2013 and recorded in the Department of Lands and  on the 9th day of August, 2013 as Plan No. 56664. : The address for service of the Petitioner is at the Chambers of   , Attorney-atLaw of Lot 1-4 Vryheid Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice.

22 22 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMODATIONS     rooms and apartments 1, 2- and 3-bedroom apartment, longand short-term rental. Affordable rates. Call 227-2199, 227-2186, 227-2189. JOB OPPORTUNITY BUSS./JOB OPPORTUNITY  Auto Parts business in down town Georgetown, well located with great opportunity for expansion. Owner Retiring Contact: 227-2174,  with yourself and make as much as $5 000 per day. Become a water vendor. Call 622-7740.  your income filling 100 envelopes for US$500, information, send stamped self-addressed envelope. Nathaniel Williams, PO Box 12154, Georgetown, Guyana.  you like to be your own boss, work flexible hours and earn up to 50% commission? Then don't let this opportunity pass you by. Become an AVON Representative today for only $1 500. For more information, call Anita on 233-2665, 624-5004.



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 you cursed, depressed, demon-possessed or need finance? Call Apostle Randolph Williams - (592) 2616050 20:00hrs to 23:00hrs.



 Resort Salon cosmetology classes, full text body and complete course $80 0 0 0 . Te l . 2 6 4 - 3 3 1 0 , 6 0 0 392 7.  para brasileiros English for Brazilian and foreigners, private tutoring. Tel. 667-3829.  Royal School of Beauty: Be on the cutting edge of beauty care. Learn relaxing, cutting, skin care, nail technology and much more. Enrol today with Pamela Dillon 231-8148, 665-4565. Ask about our easy payment plan.  CADRE ACADEMY, 21 George St, Georgetown. Contact 696-2602, 694-8968 CSEC Classes Forms 1-5 a n d A d u l t s , Business, Science and core subjects offered. Qualified teachers. 94% passes Grades 1-3. Prices start at $2 500 per subject. Register now for new term.  is fun! Register now and learn to play the keyboard, guitar, drums and do voice training. Call F o u n d a t i o n 7 on 225-1151, 617-4200.  training: How to start and run a business Basic Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. 231-4750, 6462569. , Business, OA, IT, Economics classes for students, adults, school-leavers and dropouts. 231-4750, 6262569.  College Forms 1-5 CXC Adult classes, morning and evening CXC classes, $1500 a subject. All Science and Business subjects, Maths classes for slow learners, trained qualified t e a c h e r. C a l l 2 3 1 - 5 6 7 8 , 690 - 5 0 0 8 .  available for Intro University Business Statistics 4-week intro crash course. Rate $2 000 per hour, 2 hrs per week (Sundays only) Included worksheet, solutions and study aids. Contact 6847545.

EDUCATIONAL  Foundation College. Register now Child Care 1 and 11, Care for the Elderly 1 and 11, Body Massage, Literacy for adults and children, Cake Decoration 1 an 11, Fabric Design, Starting date January 20. Contact 264-1052 or 663-7930.   , 21 George St, Georgetown. Contact 696-2602, 694-8968 CSEC Classes Forms 1-5 and Adults, Business, Science and core subjects offered. Qualified teachers. 94% passes Grades 13. Prices start at $2 500 per subject. Register now for new term.





 Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-en-Rust between Camp and George Streets. Tel: 223-6331, 227-2307.

 Care Agency is a home care provider, based in Georgetown. We provide in home care and support for individuals who are elderly, disabled, suffering from a mental illness, sick and/or recovering from an illness. Contact 684-2418, 679-8044, E m a i l



  

 reliable child care, under 1 year, please contact 6760646. out of Visa Applications, USA & Canada. Very affordable prices. Contact Caren 658-4009.  professional Visa and Passpor,t applications, K&P Project Management Co. Tel. 231-5876.

LEARN TO DRIVE   School 22 Nabaclis Public Road. Tel 650-4291, 652-6993.

 your payroll, NIS reports and PAYE reports. Call 673-7572 for more information.

 Driving School: Learn to drive at an affordable cost. Professional, courteous and patient driving instructor. Tel. 6280194.

 an event? Leave the Planning, Décor and Catering to us. Tel. 618-2841.

 and Sons Driving School. Learn to drive the right way. First Federation Building. 622-2872, 644-5166, 689-599, 615-0964.  Driving School, 2 Croal Street: Enjoy 20% discount, you could also obtain an International Driver's Permit covering over 123 countries. Call 227-3835, 2273869, 227-7560, 622-8162.  Institute of Motoring Learn to drive at an affordable cost. Professional, Courteous and Patient Driving Instructor. For more details contact Annmarie/ Vanessa at 172 Light and Charlotte Streets, Bourda. Te# 2275072, 226-7541, 226-0168.



                

 Construction and Rental Service excav a t o r, b o b c a t , t r u c k , t o o l s . Te l . 6015024, 227-4536.  repair AC units, refrigerators, washing machines, gas stoves, freezers, microwaves, etc. 683-1312, 627-3206 (Nick)..  REPAIRS, DVD, microwave, amplifier, stereo, washing machine, etc. 693-2683.  Construction: We can construct, build, repair. Estimates are free. Contact 592-6541997, 665-7946.    , televisions, music sets, stoves, refrigerators, washing machine. Call 699-6307. .: We construct, whatever you desire, your dream homes. Estimates are free. Contact Mark 592-689-6033.

  .          Divinty Spa, 245 Sheriff St., specialise in relaxation and therapuetic massages, facials. Call 661-6 6 9 4 , a s k f o r Dianna



  (Pursuant to Section 4, Money Lender's Act), 1,    of Lot 259 David Street Subryanville, Georgetown, Guyana hereby give Notice that I have applied to the Magistrate Georgetown Magisterial District for a Certificate under the Money Lender's Act authorising the grant to me, trading under the name of     of Lot 259 David Street, Subryanville, Georgetown, Guyana for a Money Lender's Licence, Notice of any objection to this application should be sent forthwith to the Clerk of Court of the Georgetown Magisterial District and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the subscriber.    Trading under the name and style of    Dated at Georgetown, Demerara. This day of January, 2014. RENTAL HIRE  equipped kitchen at Julian's Restaurant and bar $35 000 weekly. 638-4505, 225-4709.  station to rent. Must have clients $6 000 per week. Call 6459266.  an event? Call Travelle r s S o u n d C o m pany, thirty years in the business. Indian wedding, religious function, barbecue, conference, concerts (all levels). We do stage lighting, disco lighting, parties, generators from 5 KVA to 400 KVA, PA system, all types. Tel. 2266527, 600-7242, 600-3122, 6237242, 623-3122, Leonard or Steven, based at Club Monaco.

 Construction Co.: We build for you, repair, construct anything. Estimates are free. Contact Dexter 602-8657.  installation: Cutting, polishing and profiling to all your granite counter tops. Also building of cupboards and closets. Contact Rawle 611-7031, 667-7963.  contractor, carpentry, masonry, tiling, plumbing, painting, plan drawing. Prompt, reasonable and reliable service. Free estimate 216-0671, 622-0267..  Construction: Interior and exterior remodelling, kitchen and bath, wood flooring, tiling, windows, painting sheet rock, electrical, plumbing. At affordable prices. Call 686-7748.  Chowkai Construction: Building of homes, building, renovations, carpentry, masonry, tiling, plumbing, lacquering, painting. Call 682-4533  Pressure washing: you won't believe the difference Call Kevin Blyden 592-696-5424 We clean homes, driveways, decks, gutters, parking lots, businesses, equipment, machinery, cars and anything else with dirt and grime.

 Visa Service. Professional Visa applications to the US and Canada. Fees USA VISA $3000, Canada $4000, Plaza Computer Service, 245 Sheriff Street, C/ville.   . Open Monday to Sunday 09:00hrs 21:00hrs  Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 223-2105, 662-7 4 6 7 , or Email at                                        and Services: We fix all desktops, laptops and tablets. We sell laptop screen as cheap as $16 000. Set up office and business networks and internet café. Quality, reliable and affordable service, trained technician, The PC doctor 696-2602, Get 20% off for December.  us out for the following services - financing, refinancing, debt write-off, debt rescheduling, debt reduction, final settlement of debt amount, property management and business management, legal research, preparation of document(s), filling out documents, forms, etc, purchasing of vehicles cash or hire purchase, purchasing of property (e.g. land, house - separate or together) etc, Contact us at 185 Charlotte and King Streets, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana at Maraj Building, Room G4, Tel. 6802198 or 625-4282 or Contact Theophilus M.F. Ferguson.     Save your life or prevent injury!, Save your vehicle from being hijacked!, Save your valuables from being robbed!, Know where your vehicle is 24/7!, Kill the engine by the owner or controller!, Get/send panic button sms messages if held up!, Know if vehicle is out of route sms messages sent, Personal Tracker available!, Personal Tracker can transfer from vehicle to vehicle by self. Personal Tracker can transfer person to person, Both Systems full mapping, Record kept for months of all movements, etc, etc. Comprehensive Insurance Discounts. RK's: 172 Light and Charlotte Streets, Bourda. Tel: 22-67521; 22-60168 (Ask for Dr. Net).  PEN PALS  you match: find lifelong partners, friends; confidential rules apply Tel. 592-223-8237, 592-6486098 8:30 am - 5 pm daily; both phones same hours.  of worldwide pen friends. Information? Send stamped self-addressed envelope: EFI, PO Box 12154, Georgetown.  a Friend! Get educated! Get Married! Migrate!..through the CFI. Telephone Friendship Link. Call 592-261-5079, 654-3670, 6888293,261-6833 twenty-four hours


 spouse, polygraph testing, background checks, locating missing persons, bodyguard service, private + criminal investigation, any other (Worldwide). Contact Strategic Advisory Services. Tel. 592-651-3508, 592-668-9532 Email: s a s m i 5 @ h o t m a i l . c o m M e m b e r of National Association of Investigative Specialists (USA) (All assignments treated as top secret



 reading, other works done. For fast results - reuniting lovers, removing evil and all blockages, etc. Call 696-8873, 673-1166.  works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remove evil, blockage, reunite families, lovers, etc. 610-7234, 644-0058. Disciple of Swami Dayaramdas (India), specialist in Tantra, Mantra, Yantra, Poojas and Yagiyas; solve your problems today. 604-4760, 628-1964.  works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remove evil, blockage, reunite families, lovers, etc. 610-7234, 644-0058.  spiritual help in removing evil spirit, bad luck, evil sickness, spells, reuniting lovers, bringing prosperity to business, etc. Tel: 612-6417, 220-0708, .687-5653.



 maid must be from country and know to cook, age 35 50. Tel. 611-0200, 662-1124.  live-in baby-sitter, age 25-40. Must know to cook. Contact 231-5873, 694-5998.  Clerk: Must have 2 years experience and knowledge in PAYE, NIS and Payroll Preparation. 656-2350.  Sales Clerk, minimum 4 subjects including Maths and English. Apply in person Dan's Auto Electrical - 226-7968.           the following positions: Cashier, Waiter, Waitress, Bill Clerk and Kitchen Assistant. Send application to Kam Boat Restaurant, 51 Sheriff Street, Campbellville. Georgetown. Must have 5 or more CXC, English and Maths, reference, and passport size picture. Apply in person, Albert and Laluni Streets Queenstown, Georgetown.  following Western Union CSR, Office Assistant, Cleaners, Cashiers. Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street, Georgetown. Tel. 227-5286-9.   , General Workers (both male and female). Apply in person to B.M. Enterprise Inc. Guyana Fisheries Limited Wharf, Houston, East Bank Demerara. Tel: 592-227-8176/7.  Cashier: Minimum 5 subjects including Maths and English. Apply within, with passport size photo, 79 Albert and Laluni Streets Georgetown, Nimbus Water Department  General Store, 116 Regent Road Bourda. Tel. 226-3748, 223-5659 Sales Clerks experienced in hardware, plumbing and electrical, handyman to work in Eccles to care for dogs and plants. exists for the following positions at : Managers, waiters, waitresses, supervisors, cashiers, bartenders, cleaners, hostesses, security personnel. Send applications to P.O. Box:101848  and    for Regent and Mon Repos locations. Requirements - 2 passport size photos, written application, 2 recommendations, CXC Maths and English. Age 20-30 years. Apply to  , 120 Regent St, Bourda. Tel. 645-4900, 226-3950, 698-0000.  Managers. Apply in person at Friendly's Bar and Lounge Viewing Gallery, Cheddi Jagan International Airport Timehri. Tel. 623-5011.  and Pharmacy Assistant/Technician, to work full time in Pharmacy on D\Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust. Call 6613124.  experienced Sales Clerk at Sharon's Boutique and Gift Gallery, 33 D\Urban Street, Werk-enRust, Georgetown. Tel. 227-2452, 670-9944.

VACANCY  Operator for interior location. Must be experienced in grading with Backblade. Beginners need not apply. Call 618-2020.  Staff for restaurant. Knowledgeable about food and beverage service; must be well groomed and personable. Good command of English and basic Mathematics necessary. Apply in person to Dutch Bottle Café, 10 North Road, Bourda between 10am and 3pm. Tel# 226-9648  opportunity: Experienced customer service-oriented person to manage apartment complex. Kindly address handwritten applications to Apartment Management Vacancy PO Box 101161, Georgetown, Guyana.  exist for persons to be trained as Insurance Advisers for the GTM Group of Insurance Companies, West Demerara branch office. Send applications along with Curriculum Vitae to the Unit Manager GTM, Group of Insurance Companies, 24 Plantain Walk, Vreeden-Hoop, West Demerara.  Clerk, 5 subjects CXC including Maths and English. Must be computer literate, Working knowledge of "Dac Easy', Experience would be an asset. 136 Sheriff Street, Tel. 227-2486. Printery Assistants: Requirements - minimum subjects Mathematics and English with Grades 1 - 3, Two character references, Police Clearance. One Handyman: Requirements minimum subjects Mathematics and English with Grades 1 - 3, two character references, Police Clearance. One Receptionist Typist: Requirements - minimum subjects CXC Mathematics and English with Grades 1 - 2, competent in the use of MICROSOFT Word and Excel, excellent telephone personality, two character references. P.O. Box 10501.  exists for the following:- (1) One (1) Senior Internal Auditor: Ambitious female to work in Finance Department. Requirements: Certified Account Technician (CAT) level 2 or AAT - level 2. Four CXC subjects or equivalent including Mathematics, English and Principles of Accounts. Must be pleasant, disciplined and of stable personality. Experience would be an asset (30 to 50yrs preferably) (2) One Junior Accounts Clerk to work in the Finance Department. Apply in Person to:- Mr. Latchmin Khan / R a j d a i R a g h u b e e r ( Va s h t i ) RK's Security Services 172 Light & Charlotte Streets, Bourda exists for an Office Assistant. Must have a valid Motor Cycle License. Age 20 and 30 years.Sound Primary Education. Apply in person with application and reference between the hours 10hrs. and 1600 hrs. Cell Phone Shack, 176 Middle Street.  Telecom invites dynamic and highly motivated professionals to fill the vacant post of Administrative Assistant. Qualificatio n : A g e 2 5 - 5 0 , Managerial experience would be an asset, tertiary education (Diploma/Degree in Business Administration), minimum of 3 years of relevant experience in Administration, experience in the use of computers with knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, Quick Books, Google Web-Based Management Systems. Experience in preparing and filing PAYE and NIS submissions, general Book-keeping, Marketing and Sales. Send a p p l i c a tion to by January 18, 2014, Call Tel. 2254091/333-2194 between 09:00hrs and 15:00hrs for more information.

23 23

GUYANA CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2013 GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014 VACANCY , Highly motivated and energetic person with secondary education, 2 years min. experience in retail sales. Starting at $40,000. - $45,000. per month.  . Highly motivated individual with excellent analytical abilities needed for inventory control and marketing .Diploma in Business or Marketing field is required. Working knowledge of MS Office, Quickbooks plus 1 year experience is needed.Apply to LENS DECOR, 8 Sheriff Street, G/ Town. Call: 227-0176 Email:       - With a versatile personality of exemplary leaders h i p w i t h m a t e r i a l a n d c apacity for training. Be prepared to work beyond the call of duty and have own vehicle or driver's licence. Female also welcomed to apply. Top salary, benefits, allowances. Minimum rank of Sargeant in the GDF or Police or Private Security Experience, exposure and qualifications.    For shift work as Dispatchers. Females also welcomed to apply. Private Security Experience; Police or Military an asset but not a necessity. General Supervisory persona or ability acceptable also. Discipline, honesty and personal organization a must. Live in accommodation available for out of town personnel.      Drivers with car, van and lorry licenses for general security transport and supervision using company lorry, canters, cars, vans and 3 wheelers or 2 wheel motorcycles. Honesty and respect for procedures and rules a must. Excellent salary, allowances and insurances and benefits. Former employees of decency, respect and professionalism are welcome to reapply. : Team Leader and Trainer of staff for our Elite Armed Team for Cash Transport in our Air Conditioned Vehicles, specialized high ranking sites and response team. Excellent benefits, wages and conditions.    To supervise teams at various locations requiring a supervisory staff.  Guards in Georgetown, East Coast and East Bank for various quality locations. Government wages fully approved, and where applicable more is paid. Active, youthful and dynamic male and female guards required. Retired personnel also welcome for sites requiring such personalities. Part time employment also available. Contact: Mr. Desmond Leitch, GM; Mr. Raghubir, Security Cons; or Miss Abrams, Special Projects Officer;-or Mr. Roshan Khan :           TOURS


 Masharamni Weekend Tour, shopping, sight-seeing etc Friday February 21 to February Monday 24, Call 644-0185, 6392663, 665-5171, 227-8290.

LAND FOR SALE Land For Sale  house lot at Mon Repos ECD (Phase 2 Martyrsville) good location. Price $2.9M neg. Tel. 629-5300.  with 2-storey column structure located at 3rd Bridge Grove Housing Scheme $5M neg. Tel. 600-2032.   cultivated citrus, house, fish pond, storage, 2 acres cultivated, ACRE cultivated Parika. Contact 226-7968.  lot in St. John St r e e t New Amsterdam, Berbice $20M neg. 333-3803, 698-2499.  Lodge, ECD 10th Street, size 50 x 110. Price $12M neg. Tel. 220-8596, 6439196, 686-1091.






  2-bedroom unfurnished apartment at Cummings Street, Alberttown $60 000, $80 000. Call 650-5354, 621-3094.

-BEDROOM fully furnished apartment fully secured, parking, AC, hot and cold, etc. in South Ruimveldt Park. 689-5877.

 3-bedroom upper flat in Eccles, parking available, Price $100 000 monthly. Contact 639-2728.

 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, semi-furnished house, located at Sec. 'K' Diamond. Price neg. Tel. 681-6066.

 two-bedroom bottom flat at 319 East Street Georgetown. 2250568, Ruth Jaikaran.

-BEDROOM unfurnished bottom flat apartment at 94 Shell Road, Kitty, inside toilet & bath, parking, fully grilled. Tel. 643-6552

to let   100 x 50 only $14M, Call 231-2064, 225-2626, 227-6863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 226-1064.  Gardens, ECD land size 135x60 $18M, 132x60 $17M. Tel. 639-2835, 223-5460.  One house, two sheds with saw milling equipment, two overhead gantries with river access. Land size 37' x 55' US$800 000 nege. Tel. 231-5876.  in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626   Harmonie $1.2M, $2M, $2.5M, Herstelling $4M. Are you selling or renting your property? Call Ron's Real Estate - 218-5591, 675-7292. Air Gardens: Large corner lot, ideal for mansion. Contact Mr Alexander Pereira on 6690943, 231-2064, 623-2591,  Kitty $25M neg, D\Urban Street, Wortmanville $15M neg., Parika $30M, 4 lots land at lake Contact 665-7946.  for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 - $36M, neg, Austin St. 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft $22M, Phone Vice President 2252626, 618-0000, 225-2626, 6232591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 615-0069  land in Duncan St. for 4storey office complex, bond, school, apartment $35M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 618-0000, Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr. Darindra 615-0069.

 with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 6150069, 618-0000 Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 2276863, 226-1064, 225-2626.     land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5s t o r e y, s t u d e n t s ' d o r m $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Vice President Ramsohoye 618-0000, 623-2591, 227-6863, 225-2626, 667-7812.  with 45 cows, 1 horse, house and generator HOUSE LOTS VERSAILLES and Republic Gardens gated compound, High Street, Bel Air, Cummings Street.    lot in Dennis St, with driveway 20 feet $17M, Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da Silva St 80 x 50 $13M, Kitty Railway Embankm e n t 8 0 0 0 s q . f t $ 20M, land has 20 ft driveways. V i c e President Drandia 615-0069, Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Vice President Ramsayae 618-0000, Vice President 225-2626, 226-1064, 667-7812.

  to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Pereira 226-1064, Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 227-6863, 225-5198\  land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same return on your i n vestment $95M, talking of 5storey complex. Phone Lady Boston 684-2244, Lady Racel Jones 688-3434 , Master Darindra 6150069, 618-0000, 623-2591, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064 , E m a i l :  Amsterdam riverside 112x114 (12 768 sq. ft) 98x48ft (4 704 sq. ft), factory building on 75x62 $60M neg, Soesdyke riverside, 160x300ft $35M neg, Mahaica Creek 100 acres arable land $35M, St. Eustacious Llama, Timehri 18.4 acres $30M, Diamond 50x100 $6M, land suitable for resort, retirement homes, 30 mins, outside city $8M per acre. Wills Realty 227-2612, 223-1877, 627-8314, 655-0755 Like us on face book.  wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 - $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4-storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 80 x 60 with lots of reserve $16M, Republic Park $16M, Continental Park double lot $35M, Croal Street 75 x 50 - $32M, 3 lots at 'AA' Eccles with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated community $45M neg. Phone , 225-3068, 226-1064, 227-6863, 227-6964, 225-2626.  businesses must think out of the box. They must adopt a new strategy. The Chinese are moving in so m e l o c a t i o n s t h a t l a n d for bond/factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 s q . f t o n the main road close t o t h e C h i nese Embassy $54M for 4-storey fast food/supermarket 200car parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhandri 615-0065, Mr. Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Mr. Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 225-2709, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064, 227-6863, 225-5198 Seven days of h o t m ail:  Park double lot $19M, LBI large lot $14M, Happy Acres $14M, Republic Park $9M, and double $15M, Duncan Street 140 x 33 for 5-storey $34M neg, South Road between Camp And Wellington Streets 80x36 $38M, for 4-storey, Brickdam land 70x40 $60M, Charlotte Street east of Citizens Bank $46M, Section 'M' Campbellville 45x80 plus reserve $15M, Houston land $12M, Da Silva Street Kitty 140x33 $20M, Alberttown 120x30 $30M, Queenstown 8 000 sq. ft $50M, Mandela Avenue by Chinese Embassy 8000 sq. ft $58M, by Gymnasium 50x100 and reserve also with strong concrete structure $90M, D\Urban Street 120 x 100 $70M, Smyth Street 120 x 60 $75M, 1 ¼ acres Turkeyen for bond school or any other business $60M, East Ruimveldt land $7.5M, Bel Air Gardens 100x140 US$600 000, one house lot, Bank executive compound US$395 000. Phone Mr Pereira 227-6949, Mrs. Hercules 661-1952, MR. Darindra 6150069, Mr Ramsahoye 225-2709, 231-2064, 225-2626, 225-5198, 225-3068, Mr Budram 692-3831, 226-1064, 227-6949, 669-3350.

 and apartments 621-5282. -bedroom top flat in Kitty. Tel. 686-3072, 610-8627.  Park Phase 2. 681-5631, 626-7263.   for decent working person. Tel. 227-0485.  two-bedroom bottom flat. Call 687-2121 between 08:00hrs and 17:00hrs.  BROOK GARDENS - $100,000. Call Amrita 697-9611 Gardens: 3-bedrooms apartment exclusive. 6139033.  three-bedroom tiled and concrete apartment for rental. Call 234-0843, 622-5223.\  furnished executive top flat with parking. Price US$400. Tel. 642-0636.  spaces to rent in Kingston (22'x12'). Phone 2261308.  2-bedroom apartment at 51 Better Hope South, ECD. Tel. 650-3019.  2-bedroom apartment in Agriculture Road. Tel. 2207937, 625-5257. -bedroom house in Diamond New Scheme. No agents. Tel.. 216-3209, 688-9504.  top flat, three-bedroom house fully furnished Ruby EBE $35 000. 613-8302, 686-2800.  furnished 2-bedroom, internet cable, and security gate in Bel Air. Tel. 682-3733. -bedroom apartment at 88 Middle Road, La Penitence, $30 000. Tel. 615-6090.  for a place to rent or want to rent your place? Call 692-3831.   house at Lot 14 Crane Public Road, WCD. All amenities. Tel. 6886277. & TWO bedroom apartment in Campbellville (ONE BEDROOM) suitable for business also. 621-3661.

 furnished 2-bedroom apartment with security generator, hot and cold internet, etc. US$700. 638-9116, 603-0976.  unfurnished tow bedroom apartment with all conveniences, price $60 000. Tel. 6420636.  space Peter Rose Street large executive office space with air condition and parking. Tel. 642-0636.  space price $50 000 central location executive office space with all conveniences. Tel. 642-0636.  place Garnett street, price $60 000 one fully secured ground floor. Tel. 2250545.  three bedroom apartment with all conveniences. Contact Krishnadat Raghubir. Tel. 642-0636.  bedroom apartment at Lot 11 9 3rd St r e e t Alberttown. No agent. Tel. 2271756.  upper flat, 2 toilets, 2 baths, at Festival City. Price $75 000 monthly. Tel. 6497005, after 16:00hrs.   Garden flat/long, let preferred, centrally located, fully furnished, all amenities US$550 monthly. Call 641-4664, 225-7211.  bottom flat apartment at 541 Tenth Street Cummings Lodge Housing Scheme. Tel. 6100987, 222-0444.  to store goods at Newtown, Kitty. Can hold 3 - 40-foot containers and 1 - 20-foot container. Tel. 222-3014, 673-6161.

 $65 000, 1bedroom $50 000, spacious newly built apartment. Tel. 650-6231, 697-0480.

 two-storey building, 3 bedrooms, with all modern conveniences, furnished/unfurnished, Meadow Brook Gardens. Mr Narine. 696-8230.

 flat 3-bedroom with parking Shell Road and Lamaha Street, Kitty. $75 000 monthly. 677-2732.

 apartment in Bent Street, Wortmanville, US$30 per day. Contact 226-3309, 2181033, 678-4267.

 two bedroom apartment (top flat) indoor toilet and bath, situated at Craig East Bank Demerara. For info call 220-7505.

place" Furnished, suitable for restaurant in Albert St. Tel. 621-5282.

 : New LOWER FLAT, 2 bedrooms, fully furnished, new furnishings $75 000. TEL. 616-8262. Street bottom flat for call centre, office consulting firm - US$600. Phone Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, 225-3068, 225-5198.  concrete bond 87'x32, lots of yard space suitable for CarMart, etc. Public Road McDoom 233-0570 (No agents.).  3-bedroom flat house 844 Fort Ordnance, East Canje Berbice $30 000. Call 624-6170, 333-3866.  executive house, fully furnished, 3 bedrooms in Section 'K' Campbellville. Tel. 623-8496.  floor and second floor space on Duncan Street. 6218198.  bottom flat situated in residential area. Call after lunch or at night. Tel. 227-1275.  apartment in Da Silva Street $70 000. 6102021, 629-4337. -bedroom bottom flat, self-contained in La Grange WBD (no children). UG students preferred. Tel. 658-9619.

 single-bedroom back, high house, with toilet and bath, at Vreed-en-Hoop. Rent includes water $25 000. Tel. 685-7566.   bedroom concrete bottom flat EBD, inside toilet & bath, telephone, parking. Decent working couple. 648-3342, 6685384.  apartment fully furnished, hot and cold, AC, parking, located in Lamaha Springs. Tel. 692-2016.  to rent close to UG, shared accommodation call: 6258585 also to rent, one five bedroom house . -furnished 3-bedroom house in Atlantic Gardens, garage, fully secured, AC< hot and cold, etc. 657-1414, 697-9899.  executive four-bedroom house in residential area, fully furnished, air condition. Serious enquiries only. Call 619-8092.  furnished $120 000, 3-bedroom $140 000, 2-bedroom unfurnished $90 000, Prashad Nagar US$2500, Ogle $90 000, 3-bedroom house. 6117004, 680-2596.  & 3 BEDROOM unfurnished and furnished properties starting from US$700 638-9116, 6030976.

 $65 000 - $120 000, East Coast $40 000, Campbellville $100 000, Robb Street US$1000, Bel Air US$1800, Atlantic Gardens US$900, Greenfield Park US$1250. Diana Tel. 227-2256, 626-9382. -bedroom bottom flat apartment $65 000, two-bedroom upstairs $60 000, one-bedroom bottom flat Newtown Kitty. 618-9117, 227-1354 neg.  Street: One- & two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. -BEDROOM bottom flat at 158 Da Silva Street, can be used living quarters, bond or business place. Contact Geeta 661-2082.  residential property in Waterloo Street near Lamaha Street. Semi-furnished. Rental US$850 monthly. Phone 645-0133 during office hours.  Furnished executive top flat with all conveniences. Price US$400. Contact Krishnadat Raghubir. Tel. 642-0636.  2-bedroom unfurnished, lower flat apartment, 6th Street Cummings Lodge, UG area, $30 000 monthly. Tel. 2224913 (students preferred).  two-bedroom apartment with AC, washroom, living area, kitchen at Success ECD. Price $45 000 monthly. Call 6423478, 675-9107. -bedroom (apartment), fully tiled and furnished with AC, hot and cold internet, US$20 daily (No private calls). 2316061, 621-1524.  house, very spacious 1 master room, AC, parking for up to four vehicles. US$1800 neg., in residential area. Contact Mr. Alexander Pereira on 669-0943, 231-2064, 623-2591.  and 3-bedroom apartments, furnished and unfurnished from US$400 up Contact Mr Alexander Pereira on 669-0943, 231-2064, 623-2591,  prime three-storey commercial building with car park, located on North Road, between Oronoque and Albert Streets. Contact 626-6909, 6427963, 669-0855. ,: Fully furnished 1- and 3-bedroom apartments, hot and cold, AC, parking, internet, etc. Suitable for overseas visitors, short term. 2265137, 227-1843.  bottom flat apartment, kitchen and dining, hot and cold water bath and living room, with parking and overhead water at Section 'A' Great Diamond, EBD. 692-1963.    - EXECUTIVE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN EXCLUSIVE RESIDENTIAL AREA WITH ALL MODERN AMENTITIES. PRICE $US600 PER MONTH. CALL FOR APPOINT 653-2920/664-1070.  apartments (Vlissengen/D\Urban) unfurnished $40 000 - $60 000 monthly, furnished studio US$500 monthly full bathrooms, verandahs, parking, close to facilities and transportation. 698-9086. /executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 225-3069, 225-2709, 231-2064.

24 24 TO LET  3-bedroom semi-furnished with inside garage, whole house $150 000. Campbellville 3-bedroom furnished with AC, house by itself US$900 neg, Kitty 3-bedroom upstairs $80 000, North Ruimveldt 2-bedroom downstairs $55 000, Call Raul 655-8361, 699-6811, Fabulous Homes Realty.  American have executive rental from US$1500 in Bel Air Park, Atlantic Gardens, Bel Air Gardens Lamaha Gardens, Guysuco Gardens, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park apartments with AC and international standard from US$600 to overlooking the sea at US$1300..Extra special office space US$700 to US$1500 in Brickdam, Hadfield Street, Croal Street, South Road, Kingston Queenstown. Phone Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mrs. Hercules 661-1952, Mr Darindra 615-0069, 2252626, 231-2064, 667-7812, 225-3068.    2-bedroom apartment in Eping Avenue, corner property, newly remodeled, furnished or unfurnished short- or long-term, hot and cold water, split AC in both rooms, parking and much more. 671-8883, 6691113, 696-9529.  4 bedrooms, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, fully AC, central air, enclosed garage also lots of yard space, American-style, fit for diplomats US$3500 neg at Courida Park. Contact Mr Alexander Pereira on669-0943, 231-2064,   : 3-bedroom unfurnished top apartment $100 000, 2-bedroom unfurnished bottom apartment $80 000, or whole house. Republic Gardens well appointed furnished house, Ogle 2-bedroom unfurnished AC, $120 000, Campbellville 2-bedroom furnished apartment. TEL. 2268148, 625-1624.  Street, Kitty: 3-bedroom front house, 1 self-contained room, tub, washroom, hot and cold, 2 washrooms, 2 AC, ceiling fans in all rooms, breezy verandah and all rooms beautifuly lacquered fully grilled, private driveway for 3 vehicles. Suitable for foreigners. Call 2253262, 678-6948.  5-bedroom concrete house with hot and cold, AC etc. One 3-bedroom apartment with hot and cold, AC and one 2-bedroom apartment with hot and cold, AC etc. Price $200 000, $110 000 and $90 000. Location Mon Repos ECD. Tel. 618-0626.  World #1 Realtor Miste r Terry Redford Reid 667-7812, 2 25- 6 8 5 8 , 2 2 5 - 7 1 6 4 , 2 2 6 1 0 6 4 , 2 2 5 - 2626, 231-2 0 6 8 , 61 9-7945. Have the executive rental reduced by 35%, Prashad Nagar US$1000, Jacaranda Ave. Bel Air Park US$2000, Barima Ave Bel Air Park US$1800, Bel Ai r S p r i n g s US$1000, large bond for rental office small form US$3 75, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lamaha G a r d e n s U S $ 1 5 0 0 , L a m a Av e , Bel Air Park US$180 0 , B e l Air P a r k o n t h e round about US$1000, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside land hotels with US$35 0 0 0 m o n t h rental a nd office space US$40 000 month properties from $14 million. 225-2626, 225-5198, 226- 1 0 6 4 , 6 2 3 2591, 669- 3350  Real Estate & Property Management Services 204 Charlotte Street, Bourda Tel. 225-8241, 2274950, 226-7829, Fax: 2271537. Ogle 5-bedroom furnished, swimming pool US$5000, Bel Air Gardens (unfurnished) US$2000, Republic Park (unfurnished) $75 000. New one and two-storey apartments in Georgetown US$1200 and US$1500 monthly. All prices are negotiable.

TO LET -bedroom fully furnished executive property in gated community US$4000, property with four self-contained bedrooms in gated community US$4000, fully furnished with all modern facilities, security system in residential area US$3000 neg, four-bedroom fully furnished house US$1500 neg, four-bedroom house, with two utility rooms US$3000, four bedrooms AC, hot and cold, fully furnished in residential area US$3000, three-storey building for residence or office in central Georgetown US$3000 neg, twobedroom fully furnished flat, Queenstown US$1500, three bedroom with master room top flat in Georgetown $120 000, one-bedroom apartment fully furnished US$600, office space top flat for office with two offices an open space, fully secured US$1200, business space 30x30 Regent St US$1600, 30x30 business space in Georgetown. Wills Realty 227-2612, 223-1877, 627-8314, 655-0755 Like us on face book  have rental from US$800 in         b e a u t i f u l 2-storey concrete property, 4 self-contained rooms, large den, large living room, family room, t e l e vision room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price US$ 2 5 0 0 , u n f u r nished.    2 - s t o r e y c o n c r e t e property, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family ro o m , d e n , verandah, hot and cold facilities, semi-furnished, sec u r i t y c a m e r a s, land spac e US $ 1 5 0 0 .        2 - s t o r e y c o n c rete property, fully air conditioned 3 bedrooms, unf u r n i s h e d US$2000, (neg).   2-storey concrete property large living area, 4 s elf-contained rooms hot and cold facilities, generator, unfurnished US$1500 neg.   middle floor suitable for bu siness $175 00 0 . : Beautiful 2storey concrete p r o p e r t y i n perfect con d i t i o n , 4 b e d r o o m s , h o t a nd cold facilities, master room, family room, den, air-conditioned, parking space for vehicle US$2500. Do c a l l u s o n Te l . 2 2 5 - 6858, 225-7164, 688-1885 Call Terrence 667-7812. We are s i t u ated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque Sts. Queenstown.   BSc h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate Investment and Economic Transformation of People Economic Growth. We ha ve rental from US$1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in University Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama Ave with pool, Jacaranda Ave. with large lawns US$2000, Prashad Nagar US$1000, apt. from U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small and large office space up to 15000 sq foot; state of the art hotel and office c o m plex with income of US$40 0 00 monthly; 2 acres of land in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street 2 ½ acres US$5M, Water Stre e t 4 a cres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking the sea US$5M; another overl o o k i n g t h e s e a U S $ 1 . 5 M , income US$15000; riverside land residential land at LBI - $10M; Republic Park $8M, Dia m ond $ 7 M , S e c . ' K ' $20 M , B e l A ir P a r k $ 2 5 M , G a r n ett double lot $42M, Phone 225-2626, 231-2064, 225-2709, 226-1064, 227-6949, 227-6863, 667-7812. 619-7945.


 storey $19M, East Street. Tel. 615-8683, 225-7593.  corner property, prime location. 681-7792.






 Gardens $70M Keyhomes 223-1765,615-8734

 and Oronoque Streets property $40M, Phone Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-2709, 661-1952, 225-3068.

 Street $40M, East Coast $11M, East Bank $13M, South (land) $8.5M, Alberttown $25M - $32M, Campbellville $35M, Section 'K' $40M - $50M, Highway (land), $400 000 per acre. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382.

: Campbellville two-storey concrete building $50M, Atlantic Ville furnished two-storey building with generator, overlooking Atlantic Ocean $55M. Tel. 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

 Flat concrete house beautiful, painted, grilled, tiled and with concrete fence $11M, Sophia 2-storey concrete building in 'C' Field on the main road $12M, Grove land $3.5M, for more contact 684-6266.

5-bedroom front house. Move in, ready $34M neg, with 2 back lots $64M, neg, South Ruimveldt Gardens 5 bedrooms two-family house $19M, Golden Grove 7bedroom two-family house with big yard $12.5M, Campbellville two-family back house with driveway, 5 bedrooms, $26M, Call Raul, 655-8361, 699-6811, Fabulous Homes Realty.

  $60M Keyhomes. 223-1765,615-8734  property at Atlantic Gardens. Tel. 679-4096, 6012938, 225-6608.   house and land at De Kendren $6.5M negotiable. 679-7691, 337-5592.  Street concrete $56M Keyhomes. 2231765,615-8734  sale or rent: Enterprise ECD. 639-6013, appointment for rent Lusignan.  2-bedroom flat concrete house in Mon Repos. Tel. 2207937, 625-5257.  property at 25 Public Road, Mon Repos, opposite market, 220-1882, 220-9889  business and gift shop at 33 D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. Tel. 347-400-7851, 227-2452. -bedroom flat concrete house in Coghlan Dam, West Bank Demerara. Phone 654690 2.  3-bedroom flat concrete house with concrete fence at La Parfaite Harmonie. Tel 2310a821, 643-4740.  house, La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD, fully tiled, grilled, well fenced, self-contained room, etc neg. 677-6805, 648-4271.  flat house at 18th Avenue Diamond Housing Scheme. Tel. 226-5778, 613-9139, 629-6351.  newly built two bedroom house, one spacious self-contained bedroom. Tel. 601-0225 for more information.  Park: Three-storey house with automatic backup generator, semi-furnished $85M neg. Tel. 231-5876.  3-bedroom concrete house in Section 'K' Campbellville, going cheap, owner leaving country. 6389116, 603-0976.

 two-storey building, 3 bedrooms with all modern conveniences, Meadow Brook Gardens, Mr. Narine. 696-8230.  located at the corner of Pike and Lamaha Streets, parking, AC, hot and cold and fully secured, Kitty $ 4 5 M . Te l . 6 1 2 - 9 0 6 1 , 6 6 8 1971. business location, 14 T Pit Street New Amsterdam, Berbice, 10000 sq ft 2-storey concrete building. Ideal for bank, insurance company, fast food, franchise, supermarket, general store. 333-3803, 698-2499.  2-storey building wooden and concrete in Norton Street, five buildings from Camp Street, second house in yard, $20M neg. Call 6280972. Ideal for two families. property in Bent St - $16.5M, Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 623-2591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 231-2064, 226-1064.  (land) $8.5M, 28 acres at $400 000 per acre East Coast $12M, Eccles $25M, Quamina Street $72M, Alberttown $31M, Section 'K' $55M. Diana 227-2256, 6269382.  Adelaide and Evans Streets Charlestown, Georgetown, Georgetown, Lot No. 41 Section 'A', NO. 53 Village, Corentyne, Berbice. Contact 233-6811, 6793448.  20% on all executive properties $60M, 30% discount on $24M, and below, 15% discount on land $18M. Phone 6677812, 225 - 6 8 5 8 , 225-2626 Terrence Reid.  One house, one gas station (three tanks: 1000 and 1500 gallons capacity) with wharfing facility,land size 87'x250', $70M neg. Tel, 2 315876.

          

 concrete and wooden building at        $50M. Tel. 6411800, 223-5324.

Stone Avenue large six bedroom concrete building. Vacant possession, price negotiable. K.S. Raghubir Agency. Tel. 225-0545.

: $35M Church St. $75M, D\Urban St. $50M, Guysuco Gardens, New Haven, Lamaha Gardens, Bel air Park. TEL               , Georgetown: Six-bedroom, twofamily. Land size 60x133 $60M neg. Tel. 639-2835, 223-5460. , Peter Rose Street: Large concrete and wooden building. Price neg, vacant possession. Tel. 225-0545.  and land Subryanville, 3rd Avenue corner spot, just off Embassy turn, beautiful location. Call 617-3642.

 and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Concrete House, Sixth Street Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 231-6278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 6260993  Strathspey ECD: Flat three-bedroom concrete building $6M, Eccles two corner spots, concrete buildings $25M, Canal No. 2 two-storey 4-bedroom concrete building on 9 acres of land $25M, Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078.  property in Independence Boulevard La Penitence - $7M giveaway, own leaving before Christmas. Phone 226-1064/692-3831/623-2591/ 615-0069/225-2626. , Duke Street: 4-storey concrete office residence apartmens.t Nandy Park 2-storey wood and concrete 4 bedrooms upstairs, 1 master, 2 bedrooms downstairs $45M neg, Diamond New Scheme 3storey concrete building 90x60, 2 flats, 45 x 60 3rd flat bottom flat centrally AC. For business (supermarket) top flat 7 master bedrooms, business supermarket and residence US$1M neg. Regent Street business US$2M neg. 2270464, 646-3251.

are) JANUARY bargains: Sec. 'K' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M , K i t t y $23, Al b e r t t o w n c o n c r e t e massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, Happy Acres executive $58M, Alberttown $30M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville $34M now, Phone 225-2626, 225-5198, 2276863, 227-6449, 225-2709, 2312064, 226-1064, 667-7812  WBD: almost brand new 5 bedroom house for sale, master room and all rooms self-contained with AC and fans, open concept kitchen/dining/living r o o m , l a r g e w a l k - i n pantry, office/ library room and a powder room. Beautiful landscape and wrap around patio. Priced to sell- $75 Million. Tel. 592- 624-8704, 592-6849203.

 Home Int'l: Paradise Public road $12M, Coldingen $16M, Alberttown $34M neg, Shell Road $19M, Station Street $30M neg, Queen Street $22M neg, land Grove $3M and $6M, Diamond $4.5M, Annandale $6.5M neg, Enmore $5M. Contact Theresa 648-6033.

for sale 178 Waterloo Street, Georgetown, $50M neg. Call 627-3994.

        and Bar Cody's Place 345 East and Middle Streets, North Cummingsburg, For sale by owner only. Tel. 656-9835, 908456-6683.

property, prime location (land 200' x 50') store front 72' x 24', bond 87' x 32', extra space for 15 cars Public Road, McDoom. Tel. 233-0570 (No agent).

 Road US$3M neg, 29 lots, Duncan Street $180 000M neg, South Road $180M neg, D\Urban Street $25M neg, Charlestown $15M neg, Campbellville $60M neg. George Street $60M neg, Regent Street US$2M neg, Sheriff Street US$1.2M neg. Serious enquiries only Contact 592-6657946.

/Grove giveaway: 19th Ave $14M, reduced to $12M, owner leaving, 4 bedrooms one self-contained, AC. American kitchen. Lady Hercules 661-1951, Lady Boodram 225-5198, Lady Jones 227-6867, 618-0000, Mr Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, Budram 692-3831.

Real Estate: Enterprise lot with house $6M, La Parfaite Harmonie $3.5M. 6281567, 628-5738.

 Peter Rose Street large two storey executive concrete and wooden building. Vacant possession. Tel. 642-0636.

 3 houses in livable condition, set on 88.75 sq. ft of land on the main road $90M, incomplete concrete building in Cummings Lodge $6M, Enterprise land $4M, for more contact 684-6266.

 at Pearl EBD concrete house grilled with 3 bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms, computer room, hot and cold water, linen closet, laundry area, land 90'x110' $15M neg. Call 626-4131.  4-apartment building $50M neg, Alberttown $25M, Diamond $11M, Eccles $30M neg, land in North Ruimveldt $11M, Kitty $22M, Garnett Street $50M neg, Gordon Street $60M. Tel. 611-7004, 680-2596.  front property: Two huge houses on a size 119 x 225 feet of land, business property. Price $187M neg, Serious enquiries only. Tel. 6262466, 220-5105, 220-5124. For sale by owner.  : Three bedroom concrete building 28M; Diamond - concrete and wooden twostorey building - 16M; Guyhoc Park - two-storey concrete and wooden building- 11M. Tel # 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

 American has 22%, 22% yes just for you 22%. Lamaha Gardens $68M, Section 'K' ranch $38M, Republic $38M, D\Urban Backlands concrete $28M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $15M, $17M, Norton Street $10M, Bent Street business and residence $18M. Land in D\Uncan Street 140x33 $35M, Quamina Street 3-storey $50M, Camp Street second building $36M, Kitty two-storey new concrete $38M, Prashad Nagar on double lot $62M, Le Resouveniir mansion $65M, Bel Air Springs $64M, BB Eccles $15M, Dowding Street with driveway $16M David Street Subryanville with 12ft driveway $12M, double lot in Continental Park $20M, Lodge $14M, North Road land $65M, Charlotte Street land $60M, 140x48 South Road land 68x33 $38M. Phone Lady Abundance 661-1952, 225-2626, 225-3068, 227-6863, 231-2064, 225-5198, 667-7812.

 Street 2-flat back house with drive-way, ground floor 2 bedrooms, top 3 bedrooms $35M. North East La Penitence 2-flat ground floor 2 2-bedroom apartments, top 2 2-bedroom apartments $36M, Nandy Park 2-flat, ground floor 2 bedrooms, top 3 bedrooms $35M, BB Eccles 2-flat 4 bedrooms $34M, Charlotte Street Lacytown (land) 117'x31' $51M, New Providence (land) 100'x100' $24M. Tel. 609-2302, 609-6516.






 Non Pareil ECD, twostorey concrete building $14M, Campbellville two-storey concrete building $50M, Diamond two-storey concrete buildings $32M $35M, $40M, Covent Gardens EBD on public road $38M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4893, 651-7078.

  on all properties for this summer only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St. Alberttown massive concrete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, Lamaha St Queenstown apartment complex $58M. Phone Vice President 231-2064, 225-3068, 2276863, 226-1064, 227-6949, 2252626.

Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, Gordon Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business and residence (new) $35M. South Road Land $36M, Charlotte Street 2 b u i l d i n g s 2 h o u ses by Light $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian E m b a s s y $ 30M. Land at Turkeyen 1 4 0 x 6 0 $ 32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs repairs $13M. Section K $19M needs rep a i r s , 3-storey Q u a m i n a Street for hotel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens valued $85M now $ 7 0 M . R ental of ap a r t m e n t s f r o m U S $ 7 0 0 , R e s i dence US$1 200 upwards. Phone Lord Patrick Pereira 227-6863, 225-2709, 2276949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week tony r e i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c o m

 two-storey concrete building suitable for school, bond, church $26M, six fully furnished suites in apartment complex complete with office, reception area, generator, water pump, $600M neg, 4-storey, 7-room, 5 self-contained, $180M neg, 6 bedrooms with master room in residential area $45M neg, 3-storey building suitable for supermarket or shopping complex, security facilities, parking, open space, storage & 7 self-contained rooms, US$1M, 3 self-contained rooms and master suite, AC, parking, fully furnished $65M, three-bedroom twoflat concrete house, parking, fully furnished $30M, fully furnished, twostorey building $30M, residential area two-flat 2-family, furnished concrete building $55M, 2 two-storey corner lot properties in Georgetown $35M neg, 3-storey concrete building appro.x 4800 sq. ft in Georgetown, $80M neg. Wills Realty 227-2612, 223-1877,627-8314, 655-0755 Like us on face book

  26% 26% 26% discount: Two-family concrete business and residence in the front of Happy Acres $32M, Dowding Street, Kitty with driveway $16M, BB Eccles $16M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $!6M, Light Street $21M, Second building with 12 ft drive way $!4M, David Street Subryanville with 14ft driveway $16M, West Ruimveldt concrete flat house $4.9M, Dazell Housi n g S c h e m e $ 11 M , L a P e n i tence business and residence with reserve for 20 cars $11M, Meadow Brook old house $ 1 2 M , L o d g e $ 1 4 M , Middle Road La Penitence with 20ft driveway 4 apartments $15M, second ranch concrete $38M, Garnett St. business and residence $32M. Phone Mr. Budram 692-3831, Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr. A. Pereira 623-2591, Mrs Hercules 6611952, 225-2626, 225-2709, 2255198.

         location  Street, Kingston opposite the American Embassy. One (1) huge four storey concrete and steel building, 2 bedrooms on each flat, AC< hot water, refrigerator and stove one ach floor and fully furnished, generator. Can be used for embassy, office, apartments or residence. Price $180M. Property being sold with all equipment and furnishings inclusive. Serious enquiries 223-8634, 646-3251, 227-0464'

  on all pro p e r t i e s f o r t h i s s u m m e r only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property im m e d i ately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Street $28M, 3-storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent S t r e e t a l m o s t new 2-storey business property $!6M, South Ruimveldt Gardens residence $16 M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar exe c u t i v e $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty b u s i n ess or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, Forshaw old ho u s e $21M, 3storey business close to Main Street $55M, Meadow Brook $45M, fully co n c r e t e D'Urban B acklands $30M, New S e c t i o n 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens e x e c u t i v e $ 6 8 M , o ne ranch-style Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M 2 3 1 2 0 6 4 , 225-3068, 227 -6863, 226-1064, 227-6949,                  Norton Street, Carmichael Street, North Ruimveldt, South Ruimveldt, Craig, Republic Park, Diamond, Alberttown Section 'K', Melanie Damishana, Campbellville, Thomas Street business spot, Robb Street business spot, D\urban Street business spot. LAND: Friendship land size 115 x 450 (wharf side) $65M, Meadow Brook Gardens $8.5M, Non Pareil.  HUGE 3-STOREY BUILDING WITH GOING BUSINESS AND LOTS OF LAND SPACE. MUST SEE. WI T H G R E AT P O T E N T I A L S F O R S TO R E , FA C TO RY, B O N D , S U P E R M A R K E T, S C H O O L , DAY CARE, OR GOING BUSINESS AND LOTS OF LAND S PA C E M U S T S E E W I T H G R E AT P O T E N T I A L S FOR STORE, FACTORY, APARTMENT, BOND, SUPERMARKET, SCHOOL, DAY CARE, OR APARTMENT. SERIOUS ENQUIRIES ONLY. 684-3718.  $4.5M neg, Grove $8M, Non Pareil $10M, D\Urban Backlands $30M, Campbellville $35M neg, Leonora $38M, Section 'K' $40M, Shell Road Kitty $16M, Middle Road, La Penitence $12M, Rentals Republic Park, Bel Air, Lamaha Springs US$500 - US$2000. Call Corretta on tel. 6977842, 671-6653, 231-7052.  Sam's Real Estate and Property Management has the best priced properties for 2014. Grove $8M (land) Diamond $4.5M, (land) Leonora $40M neg, Brickdam $65M neg, D'Urban Backlands $30M neg, Campbellville $45M, David Street $14M, Subryanville $65M, Section 'K' $38M, Hadfield Street $36M, Light Street $21M, South Road $38M, Duncan Street (land) $32M, Rentals Subryanville US$800 US$1500, Kitty US$600, Bel Air US$750. Tel. 697-7842, 231-7052, 671-6653.  modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providence $25M, new ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $37M, Duncan St. $23M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville requires repairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. business residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 6180000, 227-6949, 225-2626,226-1064, 2276949, 225-5198.

built two flat concrete building at Diamond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two self-contained bed r o o m s with bu i l t - i n c l o s e t s , a s p a c i o u s k i t c hen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a two-bedroom apartment and a large area that could be used a s a bond or for any business. The yard has a concrete fen c e w i t h s p i k e s a n d r a z o r wire above it. T here is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested personscan contact owner at 693 2531.  bargains Norton Street - $14M, Bent Street business and residence - $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now - $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 bedrooms $46M, other for - $19M, and - $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residence by Bourda Market $26M, Cummings Street - $34M, Meadow Brook - $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-storey - $ 2 5 M , Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, 227-6949, 225-2709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 2276 8 6 3 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 667 -7812  Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Campbellville $15M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $15M neg, Cove and John 2 homes 5 bedrooms $12M, 4-bedroom $10M, McDoom Solid concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7-bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6-bedroom apartment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018  us at Raphael's Real 204 Charlotte St. Bourda Tel. # 225-8241, 227-4950, after hours 2267829 Fax 227-1537 Executive Ogle $115M, Diamond $20M, $13M, Queenstown, Versailles $25M, Good Hope $27M, Subryanville 7 bedrooms with swimming pool US$2.5M, Continental Park (exquisitely furnished) $70M, Wismar Burnham Drive $8M, Breda St, Werk-en-Rust $20M, Plaisance (2-storey concrete) $23M, Dazzell Scheme $27M, Atlantic Ville $19M, John Street, Campbellville $55M, North Ruimveldt $12M, La Parfaite Harmonie $16.5M. LAND La Grange $3M, 157 acres river to Linden Highway $30M.

 concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7-apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Middle Road La Penitence $16.5M, almost Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, executive Republic Park $48M, Lamaha Gardens 3 selfcontained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 self-contained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles with incompl e t e c a t h e d r a l - s t y l e s t ructure req u i r e s $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for lake $90M n e g . , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 6232 5 9 1 , V i c e P r e s i d e n t J honny Ramsahoye 225-2709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 667-7812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.  3-storey concre t e b u i l d i n g , P r i c e $ 1 00 M .    property in good condition. Price $18M.         b e a u t i f u l 2-storey concrete property 3 s e l f - c o n t a i n e d , 1 m a s t e r, l i b r a r y, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, d o w n s t a i r s den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmet i c s , l a n d s p a c e P r i c e $ 9 0 M, O g l e b e a u t i f u l p r o p e r t y $90M,  $36M neg,   $120M beautiful home excellent condition in   $55M n eg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located at 247(D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. Tel. 225-6858, 225-7164, 6677 8 12, email:

 your year for 28% discount on all properties. Happy Acres 2-storey concrete $24M, Providence Stadium new $16M, concrete Republic Park $36M, Eccles concrete $34M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $12M needs repairs, Middle Road La Penitence 4-apartment $14M, La Penitence two-storey $11M, D\Urban Backlands concrete $28M, Meadow Brook $12M, D\Urban Street concrete residence and business $28M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, Prashad Nagar 8000 sq ft land $60M, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park $83M, Bel Air Park $45M Dowding Street Kitty $29M, and $19M, David Street Subryanville from $19M, back with 12ft driveway $14M, Section 'K' Campbellville $40M, Garnett Street ranch concrete $38M, Owen Street Kitty concrete 2-storey $39M, Camp Street business and residence. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, Mr Carlos Budram 692-3831, Mr. Alex Pereira 231-2064, Mr. Ramsahoye 2252709, 225-2626, 225-3068, 227-6949, 225-5198, 627-7812, 226-1064.

FOR SALE Frost free commercial upright freezer $90 000. Contact 622-9589.  Cadence G5.9 Threadmill $90 000. Contact 6229589.  & plucked chicken. 650-4421, 220-9203.

FOR SALE FOR SALE      selling water. 6237212.  generator $100 000, Hi Earns DG 6500se - 616-0312.  water $1 500 per case. 622-7740.     12" Robinson Moulder need motor, priced for quick sale $1M. - 652-5601.  8500 generator brand new going at half-price. Call 226-5379.   tables 8'x4'x3', suitable for workshop etc. 2330570 .    laser printer $55 000, Contact 658-4009.  and pitbull mixed. 625-0345.  165 KVA generator with very low hours. 6562350.

 Fire commercial standard, one 4x8 Valley pools table (new cloth, bumpers) cues and balls included. Tel. 621-8612.  mixed with Tiberian terrier puppies. Call 2236463, 616-8005.

 of goldsmith tools. Viewing by appointment. 609-0741.

  jack hammer to break very strong concrete and rock, can work on 320 and 324 CAT and also Kobelco and Doosan excavators. 656-2350.

 40 KVA generator $950 000, ATV 450 $550 000 Honda. Tel. 622-0445, 685-7659.

 Games Games: Xbox 360, PS2, PSP, games and mod, starting at $500. Contact 684-3025.

Te l :

 AC, 12.6 and 18 000 BTU, 220 volts . Tel. 623-3280, 689-4372.  truck tyres 1000-20 $20 000 each, 11R 22.5 $20 000 each, 11R 145 $25 000 each. Call 627-4148.

 290 Massey Ferguson Tractor, one irrigation pump. Tel. 658-4910.  MICHELIN tyres for sale, like new, great price. Call 611-5414.  Pathfinder parts (1990 - 97 parts. Contact 6874135, 687-3896.

-used Massey tractor, 2 - 60Hp tractors $1.6M00 each, 75Hp tractor $2.4M. Call 627-4148 -bred red nose pitbull, 12 weeks old, vaccinated and dewormed, Short and fluffy pups, 7 weeks old. vaccinated and dewormed, Tel. 610-9454.

 Yamaha 4-stroke outboard engine, hardly used $1.3M. Tel. 621-8612. Shore with 1x3 tee straps, 9 feet plus, giveaway prices. 669-1113, 696-9529.

 new, light blue fibreglass bath tub US-made $40 000, 2 hot and cold water sinks with fittings UK-made $10 000 each. Owner migrating 616-5340.  cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (like new) - $12,000. 624-6464, 675-3062. Keith. 8 Channels video Security kit, with 500 GB Hard Drive and 8 Night Vision Cameras. Viewable on Smartphones and tablets, Motion activated recording; contact: 622-9589.

AGRI. EQUIP. MISC.  & Ranjah Import and Export. For all genuine truck parts and accessories new and used for Leyland, DAF, ERF Bedford Model M and TM etc from the UK, also foreign used Cummins and Perkins engine from the UK We currently have transfer boxes (power box) for 6x6 TM. Tel. 592-660-9152, 592-610-2873.


 FT FISHING boat with 12 000lb seine and 10 000lb ice box. Any reasonable offer accepted. Tel. 641-9597.  Turnkey Business, 6 Goed Fortuin Public Road. Phone 600-3927.  nickel mag rims (16) 6 logs minibus bmm $1.3M. Tel. 220-2472, 653-2868.  garden earth and builders waste, also bobcat rental, excavating, clearing and leveling down. Call 616-0617 or 663-3285.  PS2 $20 000, Nintendo 64 $15 000, with games and control. 670-2732, 264-2732. metal decking, over 100 pics 39" wide. Priced for quick sale. 669-1113, 696-9529. -bred Rottweiler pups and pure-bred German Shepherd pups. Tel. 686-3072, 610-8627, 618-2903.  Tracto,r front and back ends 4 truck loads of scrap iron. 609-0648.  Annandale Market Road, Toyota Dyna 14B, self-loading Ransom five-sack cement. 676-5727.  garden earth and builders waste, also bobcat rental, excavating, clearing and leveling down. Call 616-0617 or 663-3285.

 pups, 10 weeks, excellent quality, short and stocky, vaccinated. 696-4410, 618-5557 Ray.  treadmill, Kenwood fridge, two small power wash, 1 church mixer with two speakers, 2 Bose speakers, (901 series) $650 000. Tel. 692-2016. 250-gallon plastic totes, ideal to transport fuel to the interior also oil paint and concrete paint, 5 gallons and 1 gallon,, marine paint also. Phone 220-1014.  with John Deere engine, with turbo 63 KVA, on wheels, very low hours, in excellent condition. Call for more information.. 639-3100, 667-1116, 619-5400. ! 1 inverter +2 deep cycle batteries, 6-8 hours backup electricity, automatic switchover and recharge, can use solar panels, 1 year warranty, affordable $134 000. 226-2646.  juice-mobile canteen equipped with generator, cupboards, running water, commercial Vitamix etc.Going cheap. Owner leaving country. 638-9116, 6030976.  water pump, 10" gold mine, 2 - 125 Yamaha outboards, 2 cool storage print, 1 Cummings engine, 6-cylinder, 1 CAT engine 6-cylinder. Tel. 6270819, 683-4015.

26 26







 saw used, DeWalt circular saw used, drill press, hammer drill, saw zall used, Hp office jet pro printer, LG AC energy sewer, 2 Cummings engines 6-cylinder with turbo. Call 673-9501.

    Power ware UPS needs batteries, 1 - snow cone machine electric, 2 flat screen monitors, 5 - 750 APC need batteries, 3 wind turbines. Tel. 621-1549.

 Allion, lady-driven $1.875M. Tel. 642-6159.

 150 in working condition $200 000. Naresh Persaud. 2259882, 681-2499.

        

 new model AT 212, alarm system, CD player. Tel. 6257416, 227-8659.

 IST, PPP series, excellent condition, $2M neg. Tel. 6499889, 645-3583.

 black Titan 4WD, fully loaded $3.5M. Tel. 678-2814, 699-2322.

, PSS series, excellent condition. Price $1.9M. Contact Shahab 613-5484.

91 TOYOTA Corolla, working condition. Price $250 000. Selling without registration. Contact 661-7667.

 Touring Hiace Regius van, reg. GRR. Contact 618-2576, 678-0109. Owner leaving country. Anthony.

model Toyota Carina AT 212, fully powered. Price neg Toyota Raum, fully powered. Tel. 655-3657.

 2004 Toyota Allion, fully equipped with TV, reverse camera, DVD, CD. Car like new. 638-9116, 603-0976.

 lace mini size 'L', 1 mesh cutouts size 'S', 1 Moca black leopard print strapless, size 'M' and 1 multi zig zag print belted size 'M'. To see dresses, prices and features Email Tel. 220-8596, 610-7998. -PIECE dining set (wholesale/retail) $35 000/$45 000, 30 , 3 2 , 3 4 , 3 6 p u r p l e h e a r t panel doors, $28 000 each, 30, 32, 34, 36 Kabakali panel doors $20 000 each. Tel. 6889712, 651-0717, 669-1448.     cement $1 500 per sack, ½" stone $8 000 per ton, 600 Tee shores $100 each, 5/8 colligated rods $1 400 each. Everything less than a week old. Owner has to leave country, Kitty location. Call 666-8877.  Honda Rebel motorcycle 250cc clean, black $400 000 neg, CG 9345, Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2, $70 000 new, Honda Falcon motorcycle 400cc, clean, $300 000 neg, CF 8636. Both bikes in GT, owner leaving country. 673-7734. OWL 8 channel surveillance camera systems with 8 out door/indoor cameras (30 feet clear night vision), DVR with 500 GB hard drive, all cables and power adaptors, remote, mouse, and software CD, internet ready with motion detection email alert. $150 000. Contact 689-1957.  805 Jack hammer, cord and cordless drills, jig saw, mitre saw, impact wrench, nail gun, sanding monitor, saw zall, angle grinder, 2- gallon, 25-gallon air compressor, tile saw, expansion tools, sm water pump, 1300 watts Hyundai generator, socket set, STIHL TS 410 saw. Call 261-5142, 601-1094.  sale! Entire household items, breakfast table, wicker chair set, sofa, bed, antique coffee table set, clothes closet, electric stove, dishwasher, cooler, suitcases, printers, televisions, rug, carpet, picture frames, books, kitchen items, Espresso and Cappuccino coffee maker, Dutch bottles, New York-style hot dog cart, 3-wheel bike, vanity set, much more. Call 227-1028. All prices are negotiable. 2 large automatic voltage regulator, stabiliser 110-240v input 110-240 output AR 2000 $12 000, and A$ 3000 $15 000 with breaker protection, large wooden writing desk 5 drawer $10 000, Avanti hot and cold water dispenser with cup storage at the bottom and 5-gal bottle 110v $20 000 new model, hardly used. Owner leaving 616-5340. -by-side large refrigerator and freezer hardly used 11 0 v g o o d c o n d i t i o n $ 1 70 0 0 0 , 3 2 - i n c h S o n y T V, coloured curved screen 110v with remote $50 000, Inverter 140-watt power invertors DC 12 volt to 110 volts with fuse system $20 000, Detecto scale large for measuring height and weight of patient, good for doctor\s clinic or any medical organisation, UKmade $45 000. Owner migrating 675-8008.  new catridges and Hp ink in box, cheap. Owners leaving 2 Xerox ink cartridges 113R 634 $25 000 each, 5 Xerox ink cartridges 113R 321 $25 000 each, 8 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 98X 92298S, 3 Hp Laser Jet ink cartridges 13X $6 000 each, 4 Hp Laser Jet ink coloured cartridges 4193A $5 000 each, 3 Canon cartridges NPG H toner $4 000 each. All prices are neg. Owner migrating 616-5340.

 equipment: 1 used Xerox work centre photocopy machine with scanning kit, all cards, manual CD available with machine, excellent condition, hardly used, also spare ink available $400 000. 4 Printers Laser Jet Hp 4200N, 4300 series $30 000, 2420 - $10 000, Hp Laser Jet $20 000 and Lexmark 253 $6 000. All 110v and in good condition. Owner leaving 616-5340.  hard-to-get vehicle parts including windscreen, computer box, doors, lights, engines, front half, back half, mirrors,window screen for all types of vehicles, spoiler, door visors, mud-flap for 2002 Rav-4, etc for Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Honda Isuzu, Fuzo, etc. at unbeatable prices. Contact Tel. 645-7800, 001-597-866-6358.  dish for communication or TV station or anything that you want to set up. 50 pieces of 10 feet dish width at $75 000 complete each, 10 pieces central air conditioner units large 240v complete with motor $25 000 each, large fuel tank metal on stand with gauge 1500 gallon $50 000. Tel:6758008    generator housing to keep noise low while generator working $40 000, 10 sturdy metal cages with door to secure air conditioner units, water pumps, etc.Could place a lock on door for security purposes $10 000 each, 2 large 2400 BTU air conditioner evaporator complete wall unit 240v $40 000 each with all brackets complete. Owner leaving. 6758008. machines: 1- large Canadian Band Saw 240v, one large De Walt Rip Saw or Cross Cut Saw with large arm and table, move in any direction240v. 1 Edge sander with 12 inch disc 240v, to sand wood edge, 1 Wadkin adjustable up and downcross cut saw on table 240v, 1- Wadkin 12 inch plane with blades- 240v. All machines are in good working order. Owner leaving 664-3368.

 minibus, BKK series 5413. Tel. 612-2517.   Carina (gold) $650 000. Tel. 255-0800, 625-4028. 85 Daf truck, GRR series. Contact 610-8954.  AE 100 Toyota Corolla. Tel. 622-2109.  minibus, AC, CD, in very good condition. Tel. 609-9848.  Mitsubishi Pajero. Any reasonable offer takes it. Tel. 642-6159.  150 Corona, in reasonable working condition. Tel. 612-0120, 650-4900. Carina 192 excellent condition. Call 646-8687. Owner migrating. Corolla NZE, HC 129. 660-6027.  Allion, lady driven excellent condition. Tel. 642-6159.  Toyota BB, mid PLL series, 1 owner, $1.6M neg. Tel. 6104291.  Black Toyota Lexus IS200, Year 2003 / 2004. 1800cc. Price $3.4 Contact: 699-8189.  Hilux Extra cab GNN series, excellent condition Tel. 6580199.  Mitsubishi Pajero fully loaded, excellent condition. Tel. 6426159.  Allion, clean, 2 Toyota Voxy, and one Toyota Noah PPP. Call 688-1657.  BMW 316I, mag rims, music, AC, etc. Price $2.1M neg. Tel. 649-7005.  RZ bus, owner leaving country. Price $450 000 neg. Call 601-1094, 629-5946.   Lancer, PLL series. Contact Michael 6010111.  CRV excellent condition, PKK series $1.7M. Call 6397551, 220-4598.  Toyota GX 110 Mark 2, in very good condition, Price $2.8M neg. Tel. 629-5300.

silver grey Toyota Carina AT 212, very good condition, in private Contact 626-3371.  Tercel, excellent condition, dark blue, mag rims. Tel. 612-9621.  , never was in hire, CD player, alarm, $800 000. 6607178.  Corolla G-Touring Wagon. Tel. 644-0530.  Royal Crown, one Prado 10 000 miles, excellent condition. Tel. 625-4611.  10-seater bus, BMM 1832 in perfect condition. Tel. 656-9835.  , mag rims, AC< CD player, in excellent condition $1.050M. Tel. 627-8989. 3922 RZ minbus, in working condition. Call Robert on 2341888, 609-9972.  212 PNN series, AC, CD, mags, very good condition. Call 617-9507.  TL Bedford truck 8 and 10 tons. Excellent condition. Tel. 612-6426, 667-7010.  Toyota Town Ace minibus, BMM series. Price $1.2M. 664-5593. Spacio, music, rims, excellent condition. Tel. 6893881.  tractor, foreign-used, in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 670-9393.

 6" water dredge complete 1 - 25 Hp Yamaha outboard, 4 cylinder E Perkins on Bed with radiator 6" g pump complete key start, 4 cylinder Kobota diesel engine on bed with radiator key start, 1 chain saw, 1 freezer, 1 complete gas welding set with bottles, 7 brand new diving suit with hood, 23 - 20 lbs & 2 100 lbs Tex bottle, 2 new steel pontoons 24L x 4 W x 3 ½ H, 17-9' zinc sheet, 6 and 8" orange flex 6" black pipe, Tel. 652-6601, 222-6678.  items: Large flat screen TV's, ice cream maker in box, floral arrangements, universal six-hole custom chrome wheels, brand new 305 x 40 x22 fits all 4x4, wares, guard grille for 4x4 engines, Sony computer, body building creatine powders, steel grilles for windows and doors, large complete standing units with glass shelves (food warmers) with 8/9" stainless steel pans, with burners and all fittings, suitable for snackette, restaurant, canteen, brand new polarised Oakle y s u n g l a s s e s , b r a n d name colognes, inflatable new sturdy big chair bed, inflatable mattress, writing desks, living room chairs, dining room table set, cocktail centre tables, karaoke player in box, wardrobes, large stainless steel fridge (Frigidaire) with ice m a k e r, c o m p u t e r d e s k s , Panasonic stereo complete with subwoofer speakers, large carpets, industrial standing fans (110 volts), new designer clothing, accessories Lasko fans with remote, comforter set, standing clothes rack, new hammock designer curtains for windows much more all items in excellent condition, DVD players camcorder with LCD screen. 2231885, 642-3722.

 USED trucks for sale. Contact Bakewell 220-1304, 2201353.

  bus 3Y engine, PJJ series; 1 Hilux Surf 4x4 3Y engine, PHH series. Call 610-0514.  100 Toyota car $675 000, Tel. 643-6239, 223-7978, 2276328, 643-6947.  Mitsubishi Lancer, AC, mags, deck, in good condition. Tel. 662-3700.  Pickup, excellent condition, 5-speed transmission. Asking $2.2M neg. Contact 6830658, 693-7635

 Premio NZT 260 2007 year model, unregistered, press start, TV, reverse camera, etc. Tel. 644-0530.  Toyota Fielder Wagon, TV, reverse camera, rims, low mileage. Tel. 6542036, 663-2700.  Vitara, immaculate condition, fully powered, AC, mags, CD, 4WD. Serious enquiry only. Tel. 629-2371. 350 MERCEDES BENZ. ONLY 26,000 MILES. FULLY LOADED. $12.5 MIL CALL: 651-4578   TACOMA AUTOMATIC 4 X 4, EXTRA CAB. LIKE NEW, LOW MILEAGE. $4.1 MIL CALL: 227-1511, 651-4578

 Hilux pickup 4x4, long base, manual, single cab, just imported. Excellent condition. Tel. 665-2880.  Cruiser Prado, excellent condition, fully powered, automatic diesel, AC, DVD, rims, music system, $4.8M. Call 2206380, 618-1395.  Explorer 4-door automatic 4x4, excellent mint condition, fully loaded. Must sell, hardly driven. Price $7.8M neg. 6423304, 335-3823.  Solid Def Hilux Pinckup $2.4M, 2-ton Isuzu Dump truck $2.3M, New model Raum, $2.2M. Tel. 641-1800, 2235324.  mobile canteen on wheels, well built with stove, sink, glass case. Tiled, floor and CTC. Going cheap. Tel. 626-2466, 2205124/5125.

Civic, CD player, AC, mag rims, alarm system, $780 000 neg. Ford Ranger 2003 $2.2M neg. Tel. 658-5400. F150 1994 model, GKK series, new pressure plate, clutch plate, clutch cylinders, battery, all documents current. $750 000. Contact 689-1957. DAF Hauler trucks also 1 CF Daf for parts. 656-2350.   S C R A P 3 1 2 B C AT excavator - 656-2350.  Axela PRR series $2.05M excellent condition. 6157526, 653-4560.  Raum $1.165M neg, rims, AC. Contact Vishal Tel. 270-4674, 621-9080.  Tacoma 4x4 2006, $4.2M, RX8 Mazda 2004, $2.2M. Tel. 615-8683, 225-7593.  Rav 4 (Old Model) manual in good condition $1.6 negotiable. Contact: 622-4746 for more information.   Carina, AC, music, alarm, remote start, PLL series $975 000, AE 110 Sprinter $950 000, excellent condition. Tel. 639-9914, 690-7344, Paul.

 Mitsubishi Dingo, lady-driven, PPP series. Price $1.7M neg. Contact 610-3777.    c r a s h e d To y o t a Vios slightly damaged, sold a s i s . P r i c e $ 7 5 0 0 0 0 . Te l . 685-0659.   long base EFI, BJJ series, 2 AT 212 motor cars. All in excellent condition. Phone 268-3953, 6385301.

 100 Corolla, excellent condition, $700 000. Tel. 6694422.

  Titan, hardly driven $3.5M neg. Toyota 212 (woman driver), perfect condition $1.5M. 648-4627, 6393042.

 grey Toyota Premio in excellent condition, fully powered, 80 000 miles. Tel. 6439772, 223-6279 (work).

Raum model 2005, PMM 3298, TV, CD, AC, mag rim, $1.6M neg. Tel. 625-9873.

 RX8 18-inch allow rims, fully leather interior, spoiler, $1.8M. 220-0170.

 AE 100 Toyota L-Touring Wagon, PMM series, excellent condition, CD, mags, tint and alarm. Price neg. Tel. 642-7813, 266-2696.

 Hilux Surf 4-Runner, AC, CD player in excellent condition $3.95M. Tel. 225-8761, 6009568.

CRV PMM series, HID lights, reverse camera, dark interior, alloy wheels, 6-disc changer, Call 693-7722.

Hilux Surf Extra Cab 5L diesel pickup -excellent condition. 656-2350.


 model NZE Corolla AC, TV, DVD, mags, excellent condition. Priced to go - $1.8M neg. Tel. 6820274, 625-8775.  owner, Suzuki Escudo, Vitara, low mileage, late PMM series, Contact 623-8172, 629-2404. No reasonable offer refused.

 minibuses BMM and BNN, CRV new model, AT 192, 212, NZE, AT 170, Toyota Hilux Surf, 06 Tacoma, Family van (7 seater) canters, Tacoma, Nissan Cefirowagon and cheap cars - 680-3154.  buy and sell and trade invehicles for cash and we also do trading-in of vehicles: 30seater buses low as $900 000, Spacio, Allion, Super Custom bus. - 680-3154  Ninja 600cc, silver Suzuki 2009, 250cc. Both bikes excellent condition. Have 4 000 km each. Unregistered. Make offer. 223-1885, 642-3722.  Sera sports car, mags fully powered, new shocks and struts, Honda Fit, end of PNN, mags, fully powered, excellent on gasolene. 223-1885, 642-3722.  Cargo (silver and gold), PLL series, fully loaded, in immaculate condition.. Owner migrating Call 6223449.  tow truck (international), aluminum sliding tray, carries 2 cars at a time, $4.5M. Very clean, can carry large vehicles. 6393100, 667-1116, 619-5400.  2006 Toyota Tacoma SR-5, 4x4 manual, 3" rough country riff, DC rims, 33" Mickey Thompson tyres, $3.6M. Tel. 6218612.  new model 212 Carina motor car, one AT 176 Toyota Carina wagon both in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 3374544, cell 626-1525.  Premio PNN series, in excellent condition (lady-driven), 17" chrome rims, alarm, automatic start, ac, CD p l a y e r e t c . $ 2 . 3 M n e g . Te l . 649-2541.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014


Coach Crandon needs ...

From Back Page of the team.” He was not fazed by the fact that Guyana have not won a Regional limited overs title in this form of the game since 2005, when

Chanderpaul led the team to victory in the inaugural WICB KFC Cup, following Sewnarine Chattergoon’s ton against Barbados at GCC. “It is something we have discussed during our meetings, but for me to put such pressure on the guys and remind them of this before the tournament start is uncalled for. As I said before, it is important that the guys know their role and execute it to the best of their ability and once that is done, success will be ours at the Queen’s Park Oval when the tournament culminates on February 15,” reiterated Crandon. The Guyanese will be involved in two more practice matches, this time under the lights of the Guyana National Stadium, Providence, sometime next week, before breaking camp and departing for Trinidad and Tobago on January 28. They go into action against the Irish three days later.

English Lingfield 08:15 hrs Sutton Sid 08:50 hrs Mbhali 09:25 hrs Can’t Change It 10:00 hrs Skinny Love 10:35 hrs Valmina 11:10 hrs Al’s Memory 11:45 hrs Mia’s Boy 12:15 hrs Blossom Lane Haydock 08:20 hrs Hada Men 08:55 hrs Benvolto 09:30 hrs Taquin Du Seuil 10:05 hrs Zamdy Man 10:40 hrs Ptit Zig 11:15 hrs Chance Du Roy 11:50 hrs Greensalt Ascot 08:40 hrs Handiwork 09:15 hrs Bobcatbilly 09:50 hrs Mickie 10:25 hrs The Skyfarmer 11:00 hrs Theatrical Star 11:35 hrs Somersby 12:05 hrs Champagne West Irish Racing Tips Naas 08:25 hrs Ivan Grozny 09:00 hrs Upsie 09:35 hrs Foxrock 10:10 hrs A Grey Matter 10:45 hrs Drumlee 11:20 hrs El Mondo 11:55 hrs Killultagh Arab Emirates Racing Tips Meydan 10:50 hrs Dress Down 11:25 hrs Tamarrud 12:00 hrs Hattaash 12:35 hrs Musaddas 13:10 hrs Jawhar 13:45 HRS Somalian

Lloyd Kanden

American Racing Tips Aqueduct Race 1 Photon Race 2 U. S. S. O’brien Race 3 Pennymine Race 4 Pax in Terra Race 5 Marriedtothemusic Race 6 Saratoga Shoes Race 7 Mean Season Race 8 Long River Race 9 My Sparky


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Djokovic, Serena stay hot as Melbourne cools By Nick Mulvenney MELBOURNE, Australia (Reuters) - Novak Djokovic bared his teeth to finish off Denis Istomin and extend the hottest winning streak in tennis to 27 matches in the third round of the Australian Open tennis yesterday as a cool front brought respite to Melbourne after a four-day heatwave. Serena Williams earlier made light of the last of the scorching temperatures, which again peaked around 42 degrees Celsius (110 degrees Fahrenheit), to blast her way into the fourth round for the loss of only a dozen games. China’s Li Na escaped defeat by a matter of centimetres in her third round match, while Spain’s David Ferrer continued carving his way through the men’s draw largely unnoticed. Ferrer’s compatriot Tommy

Robredo caused the biggest upset of the day by edging ninth seed Richard Gasquet 2-6, 7-5, 6-4, 7-6(6) in an evening thriller disrupted briefly by rain. Djokovic’s last defeat was against Rafael Nadal in the U.S Open final and 49 Istomin never looked like stopping his winning run at 26 matches under the closed roof of the Rod Laver Arena. Looking to become the first man in the professional era to win four consecutive Australian Opens, second seed Djokovic raced through the first two sets in 70 minutes before the Uzbek suddenly upped his aggression to break the Serbian as he was serving for the match. Visibly piqued, Djokovic was in no mood to risk the possibility of giving up his first set of the tournament and broke back immediately before overwhelming Istomin with the power of his shots to convert his second match point.

… Li survives scare, Robredo upsets Gasquet “I feel better on the court as the tournament is progressing,” said Djokovic, who will take on his Italian friend Fabio Fognini for a place in the quarter-finals. “Things got tense towards the end of the match. I didn’t want to drop the third set, obviously, so I was very focused to get the job done in straight sets.” Temperatures are forecast to plummet today, a huge relief to players and organisers alike after four days of rows over what constituted dangerous conditions. “I definitely look forward to playing in the cooler temperatures,” said Williams, whose 6-3, 6-3 win over Daniela Hantuchova was a record 61st at the Australian Open, taking her past local great Margaret Court’s 60. That Williams achieved her victory without firing on all cylinders - “I wasn’t fully on

today” - was another warning to her rivals that her 11-title 2013 season was by no means a final flourish at the end of her career. “For whatever reason, I feel like I just never was really able to reach my full potential, and I feel like recently I just have been able to do a little better,” she added. The next hurdle in the 32-year-old’s path to a sixth Australian Open title is Ana Ivanovic after she ended Sam Stosur’s hopes of winning her home grand slam for another year with a 6-7(8), 6-4, 6-2 victory on Rod Laver Arena. “I’ve been playing some good tennis all summer. It’s going to be a nice test to see where I’m at,” Ivanovic, who squandered a 6-3 lead in the first set tiebreak against Stosur, said of her meeting with the 17-time grand slam champion. Ferrer’s attritional style was made for hot conditions and he survived a second set wobble to wear down Frenchman Jeremy Chardy and reach the fourth round at a 15th consecutive

grand slam with a 6-2, 7-6 (7-5), 6-2 victory. Ranked and seeded third after Andy Murray missed the back end of last season, Ferrer next faces Florian Mayer with Tomas Berdych or Kevin Anderson waiting in the quarter-finals. Anderson came from two sets down for the second time in five days to reach the last 16, outlasting Edouard Roger-Vasselin 3-6 4-6 6-3, 7-6 (7-5), 7-5 in just under four hours. The tall South African trailed 0-4 in the fourth set tiebreak and 3-5 in the fifth and let out a huge roar when the Frenchman went long to hand him the win on Margaret Court Arena. “It was a lot of emotions at the end,” said Anderson. “Just a lot of excitement. A little bit of disbelief as well. “Sitting down there at 4-5 (in the (fifth), going out to return serve, knowing sort of it’s your one last shot.” Berdych, by contrast, eased into the fourth round without

having dropped a set all week courtesy of a 6-4, 6-2, 6-2 victory over Bosnian qualifier Damir Dzumhur. With Nadal, Roger Federer and Murray in the other half of the draw, Berdych knows he will rarely have a better chance to reach a first semi-final at Melbourne Park. “You know, it’s always about the draw,” said the Czech seventh seed. “Really, if I’m going to have it once pretty good, yes, I take it.” Li staged the most dramatic escape of the day when she faced a match point against Czech Lucie Safarova, who failed to convert it by the smallest of margins when her backhand down the line was called out, a decision confirmed by Hawk-Eye. “I think five centimetres saved my tournament,” said Li, who rallied to win the subsequent tiebreak and then seal a 1-6, 7-6 (7-2), 6-3 victory. “If she had hit it in, the whole team would be on the way to the airport.”

Champagne set for FIFA presidency bid By Mike Collett LONDON, England (Reuters) - FIFA president Sepp Blatter’s former right-hand man Jerome Champagne is set to launch a bid to succeed his ex-boss as the most powerful man in world football after inviting the world’s media to a news conference in London on Monday. Although the 55-year-old Frenchman refused to confirm that the event was to announce his bid, sources in Switzerland, where FIFA is based, left little doubt. Blatter, 78 in March, has hinted he might stand again in next year’s elections, while UEFA president Michel Platini has also been widely tipped to challenge, though the Frenchman has repeatedly refused to declare his position. Champagne, FIFA’s deputy Secretary General from 2002 until 2005, has been working as an international football consultant in troubled regions such as Kosovo, Palestine and Israel and Cyprus since leaving the organisation in 2010. He sent an email to the world’s media yesterday morning, inviting them to a news conference but would not elaborate on his plans. “I cannot stop the speculation because there has been speculation about me for the last two years since I published my document regarding the future of FIFA and the globalisation of the game,” Champagne told Reuters. “It is a free world and you cannot stop people having

an opinion but I do not wish to say more until I speak in London on Monday.” A Swiss source told Reuters: “There has been much speculation that Jerome could stand for the presidency and it would come as no surprise to anyone if this is what he says in London. “Everyone knows how important next year’s election will be for the future of football and being part of the campaign would give him the chance of expressing his views.” A FIFA spokesman said the governing body had no comment to make on the issue. In 2012 Champagne’s 20 000-word “What FIFA for the

21st century?” document outlined some far-sighted views, while building on FIFA’s traditional strengths. Central to his thinking are plans to expand the FIFA executive committee, bringing national FA’s into the seat of governance and making FIFA more open and transparent. ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL In a previous interview with Reuters, Champagne said: “The election in 2015 is absolutely crucial for the future of the world game and will shape football for many years to come. “We have to embrace new ideas and develop others like technology, we have to embrace the changes in the modern world, both in the way football is governed and how we redress the imbalances that have crept into the game.

Jerome Champagne (R), FIFA’s director for international relations, attends a meeting with Kuwaiti Clubs in Kuwait February 9, 2008. (Credit: Reuters/Tariq AlAl)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014


Perera, Mathews anchor Sri Lanka to big total

(REUTERS) - Sri Lanka captain Angelo Mathews and debutant Dilruwan Perera narrowly missed centuries but guided Sri Lanka to a solid first innings total on the second day of the third and final Test against Pakistan in Sharjah yesterday. Pakistan openers Khurram Manzoor (14) and Ahmed Shehzad (five) survived six overs before stumps to take their team to 19 for no loss, after Sri Lanka declared their first innings on

428 for nine wickets. Needing a draw to seal a series victory, the Sri Lankan batsmen appeared in no hurry to score runs on a slow turning pitch. Resuming on their overnight score of 220 for five, Sri Lanka lost Prasanna Jayawardene (35) early when he hooked Mohammad Talha straight to Junaid Khan at deep fine leg. Jayawardene added 73 runs with Mathews (91) for the sixth

wicket. Mathews, who scored 91 and 157 not out in the drawn first Test in Abu Dhabi, continued to frustrate Pakistan and added 112 runs with Perera (95) before he holed out to Ahmed Shehzad at deep cover off Junaid. The left-arm paceman trapped Rangana Herath leg-before with his next ball for his third wicket to raise Pakistan’s hopes of wrapping up the innings quickly.

But Perera continued to defy Pakistan, adding 72 for the ninth wicket with tail-ender Shaminda Eranga (25) and take the total past 400. He fell in similar fashion to Jayawardene, his hook shot off Talha finding Junaid in the deep. Pakistan managed to keep a lid on the scoring rate but were left to rue their bad luck during the day with a number of close appeals going against them.

Faulkner heroics power Australia to dramatic win (REUTERS) - James Faulkner’s sensational late assault powered Australia to a dramatic one-wicket victory over England in the second oneday international in Brisbane yesterday. Crushed 5-0 in the Ashes series and thumped in the first one-dayer in Melbourne, England sensed the chance of securing their first win over Australia on the tour after Eoin Morgan’s sparkling 106 powered them to a commanding 300 for eight. Australia made a feeble start to their chase but Shaun Marsh contributed 55 before Glenn Maxwell (54) and Faulkner (69 not out) provided the late surge that took the hosts past the victory target with three balls to spare. Needing 25 runs from the last two overs with number 11 batsman Clint McKay keeping him company, Faulkner blasted back-to-back sixes off Ben Stokes and stole a single off the last delivery of the penultimate over. Facing Tim Bresnan in the final over and still needing 12 runs, Faulkner hammered three fours in a row to trigger wild celebrations around the ground. Faulkner remained unbeaten after his 47-ball blitz, studded with three fours and five sixes. “He is the new finisher, the new Michael Bevan,” Australia captain Michael Clarke said in a televised interview. “He showed he is a wonderful player with loads of talent and he strikes the ball as cleanly as anybody ... he deserves all the credit in the world.” Australia lead the fivematch series 2-0 going into the next game in Sydney tomorrow. COMPETITIVE TOTAL After Alastair Cook opted to bat first, Morgan teamed up with Jos Buttler (49) to plunder 117 runs in 11.2 overs and help England post a competitive total against an Australian attack boosted by the return of Ashes hero Mitchell Johnson. Batting on one, Morgan was caught off Clarke at deep midwicket but the 27-year-old

eight overs to rekindle the hosts’ hopes before Faulkner made sure they materialised. “It took an unbelievable innings to beat us today,” Cook said. “Three hundred was defendable ... It’s an emotional dressing-room now, a tough place to be, but when we look at it tomorrow we’ll realise it was an astonishing innings that beat us.”

James Faulkner hits Tim Bresnan for three consecutive fours to win the game, Australia v England, 2nd ODI, Gabba, yesterday. left-hander had the presence of ended in the 50th over when he mind to point out there was one miscued a Faulkner delivery but extra fielder outside the ring England milked 104 runs from and get the delivery adjudged their final 10 overs to post an a no-ball. imposing total. He went on to complete When they returned, Gary his first fifty in 70 balls and Ballance took a one-handed took only 24 balls for his next catch to send back Aaron Finch, fifty, hitting five of his six sixes who followed his Melbourne during that stage. century with a three-ball duck. The Dublin-born player Chris Jordan then caught a brought up his sixth ODI cenfull-blooded shot from David tury in spectacular fashion, Warner (18) off his own bowlbending backwards to guide a ing to deny Australia a flying short Nathan Coulter-Nile destart. livery over the wicketkeeper’s Maxwell refused to give up, head for a boundary. however, adding 80 runs with Morgan’s 99-ball knock Brad Haddin (26) in just over

ENGLAND innings A. Cook c & b Maxwell 22 I. Bell run-out 68 J. Root lbw b Johnson 2 G. Balance st Haddin b Maxwell 9 E. Morgan c Clarke b Faulkner 106 R. Bopara c Bailey b Faulkner 24 J. Buttler c Clarke b Coulter-Nile 49 B. Stokes c Maxwell b Coulter-Nile 0 T. Bresnan not out 1 C. Jordan not out 2 Extras: (lb-4, w-12, nb-1) 17 Total: (eight wickets; 50 overs) 300 Fall of wickets: 1-57, 2-60, 3-78, 4-139, 5-178, 6-295, 7-296, 8-297. Bowling: McKay 9-0-61-0 (w-3), Johnson 10-0-59-1 (w-6), CoulterNile 9-0-55-2 (w-2), Faulkner 100-73-2, Maxwell 8-0-31-2, Clarke

4-0-17-0 (nb-1) AUSTRALIA innings D. Warner c & b Jordan 18 A. Finch c Ballance b Jordan 0 S. Marsh b Root 55 M. Clarke c Ballance b Root 17 G. Bailey lbw b Rankin 24 G. Maxwell c Bopara b Bresnan 54 B. Haddin c Cook b Bresnan 26 N. Coulter-Nile lbw b Stokes 16 J. Faulkner not out 69 M. Johnson c Buttler b Bopara 2 C. McKay not out 2 Extras: (lb-8, w-10) 18 Total: (nine wickets; 49.3 overs) 301 Fall of wickets: 1-6, 2-32, 3-70, 4-114, 5-120, 6-200, 7-206, 8-235, 9-244. Bowling: Rankin 7-0-36-1 (w-2), Jordan 9-0-53-2 (w-2), Bresnan 9.30-64-2, Stokes 10-0-75-1 (w-3), Root 9-0-46-2, Bopara 5-0-19-1 (w-3).

Angelo Mathews reaches his fifty off 157 balls and takes Sri Lanka past 300.

SRI LANKA first innings (o/n 220-5) D. Karunaratne c Younus b Rehman 34 K. Silva c Sarfraz b Talha 17 K. Sangakkara c Manzoor b Junaid 52 M. Jayawardene c Azhar b Ajmal 47 D. Chandimal c Shafiq b Ajmal 11 A. Mathews c Shehzad b Junaid 91 P. Jayawardene c Junaid b Talha 35 D. Perera c Junaid b Talha 95 R. Herath lbw b Junaid 0 S. Eranga not out 25 S. Lakmal not out 3 Extras: (b-5, lb-11, nb-2) 18

Total: (nine wickets decl., 172 overs) 428 Fall of wickets: 1-31, 2-65, 3-125, 4-159, 5-166, 6-239, 7-351, 8-351, 9-423. Bowling: Junaid 32-5-81-3, Talha 32-3-99-3 (nb-2), Ajmal 55-16-1202, Rehman 50-14-101-1, Azhar 3-0-11-0. PAKISTAN first innings Khurram Manzoor not out 14 Ahmed Shehzad not out 5 Total: (no loss; six overs) 19 Bowling (to date): Herath 3-1-7-0, Lakmal 1-0-4-0, Perera 2-1-8-0.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014

Kallicharran, Holding part of ACF Board NEW YORK, United States - The American Cricket Federation (ACF) has announced the creation of a seven-man honorary advisory board comprised of current and former international cricketers including Michael Holding and Ian Chappell. The move is a significant boost to ACF’s credibility on the world stage and furthers its attempts to challenge the USA Cricket Association’s status as the ICC-recognised national governing body in America. “I’ve been aware of many attempts to move cricket forward in the USA,” Chappell said in an ACF press release, “and I’m also aware that there has been a lot of bickering among the different administrations. With that in mind, I’m

Michael Holding

Alvin Kallicharran hopeful that the ACF can overcome these difficulties and get the game moving forward in the USA at an improved pace.” In addition to Holding and Chappell, other members of the panel include former West Indies batsman Alvin Kallicharran, former Aus-

tralian Test players Damien Martyn, Stuart MacGill and Nathan Bracken, and current Ireland wicketkeeper Niall O’Brien. In November, the ACF organised a cricket clinic, led by Holding and Kallicharran in Washington, D.C. Jamie Harrison, chief executive of ACF, had established relationships over the last several years with Martyn, MacGill and Brack-

en while serving in his role as president of the US Youth Cricket Association prior to joining ACF. Harrison and the USYCA hosted MacGill in New Jersey last April where the former Australian leg-spinner held a coaching camp for youth cricketers in the area. “We are delighted to have the support of these legendary cricketers as we move forward with the ACF mission to develop the game in the United States,” Harrison said in the release. “The breadth of knowledge and experience that these individuals bring to the table will be of great value to us as we chart the future of cricket in America, and we are thankful for their backing. (Cricinfo article)

Neymar ankle injury less serious than feared

quarter-final, also against the Valencia-based side. Before they play City in Europe’s elite club competition, Barca have La Liga matches against Malaga, Valencia, Sevilla and Rayo Vallecano and the club said he would definitely miss the Malaga and Valencia games.


MADRID, Spain (Reuters) Barcelona’s Brazil forward Neymar should have recovered in time to feature in the Spanish club’s Champions League last 16, first leg at Manchester City on February 18 after an ankle

injury proved less serious than feared. A scan yesterday confirmed Neymar had damaged tendons in his right ankle in Thursday’s 2-0 King’s Cup last 16, second-leg win at Getafe, which sent Barca through to the quar-


(Saturday January 18, 2014) Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market & The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: WI vs PAK, Lahore, 1974-75 36 Today’s Quiz: How many times Roy Fredericks and Gordon Greenidge played together in Tests? Which two teams met in the final of the 1975 Prudential World Cup tournament? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

ter-finals 6-0 on aggregate, and club medical staff estimated he would be sidelined for three to four weeks. “What a scare!” Neymar wrote on his Instagram account. “When I fell I thought of a lot of bad things. “I thought it could have been a serious injury, I thought about my plans for 2014. “But Jesus, once again, was with me and it was just a scare. I wanted to thank all those who prayed for me. And don’t worry. I will do everything right and will be back in no time.” The injury was the latest setback for the 21-year-old, who had not started a match since Christmas due to a lack of fitness and a stomach bug. He will miss tomorrow’s La Liga game at Levante as well as this month’s two-leg Cup

Tomorrow is the closing day for KMTC horse race entries TOMORROW is the closing day at 18.00hrs for race horse owners and trainers to submit their entries for the much anticipated Kennard’s Memorial Turf Club Horse race meet which was originally scheduled for January 26. The race meet, which will be held at the Kennard’s Memorial Turf Club facility at Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne, Berbice, has already attracted more than 65 entries for the seven-race card which gets under way at 13:00hrs. Persistent showers on December 26, left the Bush Lot Farm’s facility race track soggy and under water in some areas, forcing the organisers of the club’s annual Boxing Day meeting, to postpone the event. All seven races will be run under the auspices of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority. Events set for the day are: F1 and Lower W/A, J3 and Lower W/A, 3-year-old Guyana-bred, G3 and Lower W\A, J1 and Lower W/A, H and Lower W/A and A and Lower allotted WTS. The H and Lower race will go for 7 furlongs, while the A and Lower WTS is the main event on the cards. The feature A and Lower event for the Deo Kharag Memorial Stakes and trophy will be sponsored by the Kharag family for the hefty pole position takings of S1.5M and trophy, covering a distance of one mile, with the co-feature event being for 3-year-old West Indian maidens and Guyana-bred horses also over one mile. Several sponsors have lined up to be a part of the day’s proceedings, led by beverage distribution giant Ansa McAl Guyana Limited and Demerara Distillers Limited respectively, along with the Kharag Family of USA, owners of Metro Computer and Office Supplies in Guyana. Among the others on board are: Republic Bank, Neal and Massy (Guyana) Limited, Mohamed’s Enterprise, Digicel, Pomeroon Oil Mill, Nand Persaud and Company, Berbice Bridge Company Inc., Goodwood and Horse Shoe Racing Services, P&P Insurance Brokers, Giftland OfficeMax, Ramesh Sunich of the Trophy Stall Bourda Market, City Mall and GUYOIL. The outstanding jockeys, trainer and stable will all receive trophies and other accolades, compliments of Trophy Stall.

Albion Cricket Club name sub-committees for 2014 THE NEWLY-ELECTED executives of the Albion Community Centre Cricket Club, under the presidency of Lloyd Kanden, met recently and have named the club’s various Sub-Committees, captains and vice-captains of the respective teams among others for the year 2014. The club’s selection committee will once again be chaired by Vemen Walter and will include Orvin Mangru and Muniram Lalbeharry along with the captain and the manager of the teams in question. Vice-president Imtiaz Bacchus heads the Disciplinary Committee with Totaram Haricharran, Dhanraj Budhu, Kanden and Walter being the other members. Walter will also chair the Cricket Development Committee with Muthuswammi Permaul, Mangru, Lalbeharry, Sewnarine Chattergoon, Budhu and the club’s coach Andre Percival making up the full committee. Treasurer Permaul is the

Veerasammy Permaul chairman of the fund-raising committee which will also comprise businessman Deonarain Balram, Romeo Singh, Lalbeharry and Mangru. West Indies left-arm-spinner Veerasammy Permaul was re-appointed captain of the club’s First Division Team with fellow West Indies spinner Devendra Bishoo as his deputy. Lallbeharry will captain the club’s Second Division Team with Berbice Under-17 opener Balchand Baldeo as the vice-captain. West Indies U-19

left-arm-spinner Gudakesh Motie will captain the club’s Under-21 Team with Berbice Senior Inter-county opening batsman Kandasammy Surujnarine as vice-captain. Guyana Under-19 all-rounder Sharaz Ramcharran and Baldeo are the captain and vice-captain respectively of the Under-19 team while Jousha Harrrichand will captain the Under-17 Team with Mathews Hardial as vice-captain. Kelvin Omro is the Club’s new Under-15 captain with Ramesh Kassinauth as the vice-captain while at the Under-13 level, Vishal Permaul will be at the helm with Jitendra Outar being the vice-skipper. The club’s various teams will again be managed by Permaul with Kanden and Mangru providing assistance. Permaul and Walter will represent the club at the Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) level with Mangru being the alternate, while Budhu and Harricharran are the club’s two representatives on the Albion Community Centre Council.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday January 18, 2014


WDFA/Slingerz FC Bravo and Gayle agree to accept WICB West Side K.O Cup set retainer contracts for January 29 launch PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) - West Indies players Dwayne Bravo and Chris Gayle have decided to accept retainer contracts with the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) after years of refusing. The move by Gayle and Bravo represents a turnaround from their decision not to accept retainer contracts in 2010 while a third player who did not sign that same year, Kieron Pollard, is still not on the list of players retained. Gayle, West Indies captain at the time, refused to sign in 2010 when Ernest Hilaire was WICB’s CEO and was replaced by Darren Sammy later that year. The new WICB CEO Michael Muirhead says Gayle and Bravo’s willingness to enter into contracts with the WICB at this time speaks for itself. “I would like to believe it was a re-commitment to West Indies cricket from both of them (Dwayne Bravo and Chris Gayle). They were advised that they were being awarded contracts and they

Chris Gayle accepted,” said new WICB CEO Michael Muirhead in an interview with the Express. “So it augurs well for West Indies cricket and we really did not have to go into negotiations or anything, so it means that they are re-committed to West Indies cricket and the fact they are presenting themselves, making themselves available at the expense of the other leagues speaks for itself so I am happy about that.” Off-spinner Sunil Narine, who had once opted out of a contract, is now on the list

which also includes prolific Test batsman Shivnarine Chanderpaul. List of men’s players on Central Retainer Contracts 2013-2014 (with category) Dwayne Bravo (A), Shiv Chanderpaul (A), Chris Gayle (A), Sunil Narine (A), Darren Sammy (A), Marlon Samuels (A), Kemar Roach (B), Tino Best (C), Darren Bravo (C), Johnson Charles (C), Kirk Edwards (C), Kieran Powell (C), Denesh Ramdin (C), Ravi Rampaul (C), Shane Shillingford (C). List of women’s players on Central Retainer Contracts 2013-2014 (with category) Shanel Daley (A), Anisa Mohammed (A), Deandra Dottin (A), Stafanie Taylor (A), Merissa Aguilleira (B), Shemaine Campbell (B), Subrina Munroe (B), Shaquana Quintyne (B), Shake r a Se lman (B ), Tremayne Smartt (B).

Top 8 teams to compete for over $1M in cash prize

EIGHT of the best teams from the West Demerara Football Association (WDFA) will be on show when the second Slingerz Football Club Stag West Side Mashramani Knock-out tournament kicks off on February 16. The event will officially be launched on Friday, January 31, where all participating teams will be named apart from tournament hosts and defending champions Slingerz FC. The recently crowned Banks Beer Cup Champions used last year’s competition as an initiation into Guyana’s football arena and this year’s competition will mark the club’s one-year anniversary. Just like last year, the winners will pocket $500 000, second-placers $300 000, third-placers $200 000 and fourth-placers $100 000. “Slingerz FC is more than pleased to present this tournament once again which is exclusive for teams only on the ‘West Side’,” the club’s general manager Collin Aaron said in a Press release. Slingerz FC defeated Den Amstel 3-0 to lift the inaugural trophy when the final was played at a packed Den Amstel Community Centre ground last year, with the win being the club’s (Slingerz) first title. “This tournament is very dear to the club because it is where Slingerz FC was born and it was actually the first official tournament we’ve played and won and we know it’s not going to be a walk in the park for us, since the other clubs over the last year have all strengthened (themselves) and are eager to overthrow us,” Aaron said. The proposed playing dates for the second edition of the Championship are February 16, 21, 24 and the Final on March 1. Venues and other logistics in relation to the competition will be made known at the launching.

GBBC and WBC/CABOFE express condolences on death of Sulaimán

LONG serving president of the World Boxing Council (WBC) Jose Sulaimán passed away last Thursday at the age of 82, following a battle with his heart condition, and president of the Guyana Boxing Board of Control (GBBC) and WBC/ Caribbean Boxing Federation Peter Abdool yesterday sent out his condolences message at the death of Sulaimán. Below are the press releases from the GBBC and WBC/ CABOFE: “It is with the deepest sadness that I advise of the passing of Jose Sulaimán, President of the World Boxing Council on Thursday in Los Angeles, where he had been hospitalized since October with a heart condition. He was 82. The Guyana Boxing Board of Control joins with the WBC Caribbean Boxing Federation in offering our deepest condolences to the Sulaimán family and the WBC Board of Governors, the WBC Federations and the WBC extended family. Jose Sulaimán was a towering figure in the world of boxing whose absolute dedication to the sport, concern for the well being of boxers and tremendous empathy with the poor and underprivileged forever changed the way in which the sport is conducted This one man’s tremendous positive impact on the sport of boxing is immeasurable. His inspirational leadership will be greatly missed in boxing circles around the

Peter Abdool world. On a personal note, he was a mentor and a friend and a man for whom I had great admiration and the highest possible regard. I believe that he shall always be the light of the WBC.” M e s s a g e f ro m W B C / CABOFE “Jose Sulaimán will be remembered as a man of integrity, honorability and pure heart. Inspired by his heroes, believed in unbreakable values and principles and lived a life to the fullest and he did it his way, as Frank Sinatra would sing on “My Way”. Always successful, a natural leader who would never give up, “there are no impossible tasks, some just take a bit longer”. That was the spirit of Don Jose. His life dedicated to the service of others, inspired by his parents education and example, led to a life full of satisfactions, he took tremendous joy by helping others, specially the underprivileged and the discriminated. Many call him the father of boxing; he certainly treated all

fighters as his sons and daughters, he suffered from their problems and worked every single day of his life to try to make boxing better and safer. Regardless if the boxer was an amateur or if he was Mike Tyson or Chavez, he would treat them the same and would relentlessly try to help each one at all times. The late Nelson Mandela inspired him to fight against discrimination, battled Apartheid and always struggled to prevent the abuse of power, which hurt the lesser gifted and he led many actions towards dignifying the sport of boxing, the female practice of boxing and the justice for trainers, managers, promoters and specially boxers. The late Pope John Paul II inspired him to be a better human being every day and to be humble, to serve and love, while Pope Francis brought faith back to him in these few months as God’s representative on earth and the Virgin of Guadalupe remained by his side at all times while Jesus Christ was his greatest guide and inspiration. Our dear father fought the last 12 rounds of his life, inspired by his hero Muhammad Ali, his corner formed by many doctors, nurses, care partners, therapist, lift team and staff at 7ICU at UCLA and with thousands cheering him from all over the world... The final bell rang; Jose Sulaiman 1931-2014, winner by unanimous decision!”

FLASHBACK! Slingerz FC in celebration after defeating Den Amstel 3-0 in last year’s final.

Bahamas to stage test run for IAAF World relays NASSAU, Bahamas (CMC)A test event has been planned for the Thomas A. Robinson Stadium in the Bahamas ahead of the IAAF World Relays to be staged here in May. High school athletes from around Bahamas will compete in a series of races at the venue May 9 and 10 as the country gears up to host the event two weeks later. Organisers say the test event will shadow the two-day relay meet that will attract the world’s top athletes.

“To have competitive relays which will allow us to test all our competition officials and the venue, will be good for us,” said Local Organising Committee Chairman, Keith Parker. “But for the high school athletes, having the chance to be in the stadium where some of the world’s greatest athletes will be competing will be an amazing experience.” All private and public schools have been invited to participate in the test event and the top 24 teams will be select-

ed for the 4x100m, 4x200m, 4x400m and the top 16 for the Sprint Medley. “The test events are going to be inspirational for the young athletes who participate,” said Parker. “To have our young athletes in the stadium, knowing what they can be aiming for, can only be a good thing.” More than 1 000 athletes and officials from 40 countries will be in Bahamas for the IAAF World Relays May 24 and 25.


The Chronicle is at

Bravo and Gayle agree to accept WICB retainer contracts See Page 31

Coach Crandon needs players to play their role

Same old Bourda as we know it when the rain falls. This was the sight when Chronicle Sport photographer Sonell Nelson visited the Georgetown Cricket Club ground last Thursday, one day before yesterday’s scheduled practice encounter between the National XI and Rest XI.

By Calvin Roberts “THE MOST Important thing for us is the players knowing their roles and executing that effectively, in which way we can guarantee success for our country in the Regional Supere50 tournament.” Those were the words of national cricket coach Esaun Crandon, who spoke with Chronicle Sport via telephone yesterday morning, after their third practice game against the Rest XI at the Georgetown Cricket Club

ground was called off, due to a soggy outfield. The coach was referring to the Christopher Barnwell-led 14-man squad, encamped from December 28, 2013 for this month end’s tournament to be held in Trinidad and Tobago and which will see Guyana compete against Ireland, Jamaica and Windward Islands in that order out of Zone A. Quizzed on his feelings, following the non-playing of the game yesterday morning, Cran-

don, who is a former national all-rounder, said “Practice in the middle is always important and essential, as it gives you a chance to further assess your players. “It also helps the players to work on their concentration and any flaws they may have in their game. But having said that, I must say we have no control over the weather so we will be looking at having indoor sessions at LBI and even use the concrete pitch at the Gandhi Youth Organisation

ground.” He added, “More fitness work can also be done at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall under the guidance of the two trainers from the Guyana Defence Force and the coaching staff involving Julian Moore, chairman of selectors Rayon Griffith and myself.” When quizzed on the camaraderie in the team at the moment, despite concerns of burnout from their heavy cardiovascular training, the 32-year-old Crandon said the players are all

gelling well. “It is nice to see how they interact with each other. It’s as if the 14-man squad has not been named and everyone is contending for a place. They are gelling well and cheering each other on during the drills and that brings a smile to our faces as coaches of this unit. “They are a joy to work with and I must commend the Guyana Cricket Board, for bringing them together early, as we have seen also, increase in their fitness level and also

Esaun Crandon they are having lots of fun executing the drills assigned,” said Crandon. Asked to express his thoughts as it relates to the composition of the 14-man squad, he said, “Any team with Shiv Chanderpaul in it is a bonus. He has vast experiences that he has been sharing with the guys in the camp, and the younger players are definitely soaking up his wisdom. There is also Ramnaresh Sarwan who has been showing signs of his old self in terms of his batsmanship, especially in the nets, where he is always hungry to go the extra mile, bringing a smile to the face of the guys as well.” He added, “All in all, I think the squad is a good one mixed with youth and experience, as we have guys who have represented the West Indies at various levels and some young ones who are knocking on the door seeking West Indies selection. In the bowling we have two experienced spinners in Veerasammy Permaul and Devendra Bishoo, while our two fast bowlers selected, Ronsford Beaton and Paul Wintz, have been hitting the right areas in the nets and two practice matches to date, so yes, I am satisfied with the composition

See Page 27

Jose Sulaiman, WBC head for four decades, dies at 82 … Manager, promoter and administrator who oversaw the career of Julio César Chávez and many others JOSE Sulaiman, the longtime head of the World Boxing Council (WBC), died on Thursday. He was 82. Sulaiman’s son, Mauricio Sulaiman, said the man who led the Mexico-based council for four decades died at a hospital in Los Angeles. He had been at the University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center for months for a heart condition. The WBC confirmed his death, calling him the “father of boxing”. Sulaiman had been a member of boxing’s Hall of Fame since 2006. “He certainly treated all fighters as his sons and daughters, he suffered from their problems and worked every single day of his life to try to make boxing better and safer,” the council said in a statement. The son of a Syrian mother and a Lebanese father, Sulaiman was born in Ciudad Victoria, Mexico. He boxed as an

Jose Sulaiman is pictured in 2012. Photograph.

Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limi ted, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 2 2 6- 3243-9 (General); Editorial: 2 2 7- 5204, 2 2 7- 5216. Fax:2 2 7- 5208

amateur but quickly shifted over to working as a manager and a referee. He trained and promoted many fighters, the best-known among them Julio César Chávez, Mexico’s most famous boxer, and then the fighter’s son, Julio César Chávez Jr. Chávez was among the first fighters to tweet a message, sending his condolences and calling Sulaiman his “second family”. “Rest in peace, my dear ‘licenciado’ Balin, like I used to call him with a lot of love,” read a message posted on Chávez’s account. Most recently, Sulaiman helped Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez, a young champion who last year unsuccessfully challenged Floyd Mayweather Jr in one of the richest fights ever. Sulaiman also managed to institute new rules and regulations regarding boxers’ safety and welfare. Among these changes was the reduction in the number of rounds from 15 to 12. (The Guardian) SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2014

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