Guyana chronicle 30 12 13

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The Chronicle is at

PRICE: $60

PYO slams Hardt’s position on LEAD project




Brent Hardt


Flood warnings 2013- A year that stimulated further issued housing developments NCPE against Centre





unprofessional conduct among CPG members

--as chairman,administrator visit relatives of Godfrey Jaggroo



Legal action to be 3 taken today against delinquent rice miller Page

TACKLE Project will continue 2 Page

-government to take up slack in funding

Arsonists target Parika mandir



An aerial view of the low-income housing scheme at Eccles, East Bank Demerara where the cost of each house is approximately $5M (Adrian Narine photo)

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

TACKLE Project will continue -government to take up slack in funding

By Clifford Stanley

Flood warnings issued

THE Ministry of Agriculture yesterday warned of possible flooding in several areas along coastal regions, with forecasts indicating frequent showers over the next 24 hours. A statement from the ministry said: “We are cautioning residents especially in low-lying regions to take precautionary measures against flooding…. given high water levels in canals and saturated land, flooding conditions can result.” Heaviest rainfall expected over Regions 5 (Mahaica/ Berbice) and 6 (East Berbice/ Corentyne). The ministry has warned that areas for attention include

Black Bush Polder and villages of Lower and Central Corentyne, Canals Polder, The Pomeroon and a number of villages along the Essequibo. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Works also issued a public advisory, an alert of the high tides expected from today (December 30) through January 5. According to the ministry, the predicted high tides are above normal levels, which may result in overtopping of sea and river defence structures. Several areas on the Essequibo Coast, Wakenaam, Leguan, West Coast of Demerara, West Bank of Demerara, East Bank

of Essequibo, Georgetown and West Coast Berbice have been spotlighted as areas of concern. “All persons residing along the banks of rivers and low-lying coastal areas are advised to take all necessary precautions against possible flooding,” the ministry has warned, “Precautions should also be taken by all mariners, including those operating fishing vessels and larger vessels.” The use of beaches and foreshore areas for recreational purposes is also being discouraged. The situation is expected to be continuously monitored and the hotline numbers for the Public Works Ministry are 619-3552, 662-4927, 654-4226, 654-4227, 644-9263 and 2260650; while the Agriculture Ministry’s hotline numbers are 227-5049, 223-7291, 643 4369(SMS ONLY) to report any flooding or breach.

MINISTER of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul, has given the assurance that the ministry is making representation at the governmental level to ensure that the project which provided free transportation to and from school to students on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and hot meals, continues in the new school term, even though funds from the donor, the International Labor Organization (ILO) have run dry. Some 360 children from the Kuru Kuru Nursery Class, Kuru Kuru Primary School and the Dora Secondary on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway had benefited from the ILO programme named Tackling Child Labour through Education (TACKLE) over the past two years. The TACKLE programme was funded to the tune of US $223,000 by ILO and the International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC) which is sponsored by the European Union (EU) and with M$3.3GD counterpart funding from the Government of Guyana. The project had assisted school-aged students living along the highway to get easily to and from school; giving them nutritional support in the form of a balanced meal three days per week and a range of other support services, including numeracy and literacy programmes and remedial classes. Dr. Gopaul recently disclosed that prior to the programme average attendance at the schools, which are all housed in the compound for-

Minister of Labour Dr. Nanda Gopaul merly occupied by the Kuru Kuru College two and half miles off the highway, had ranged between 40 and 50% occasionally reaching 60% He said that the programme had resulted in 100% attendance at the schools and had been a remarkable success in bringing children off the streets and back to school . He noted that the schools are playing an important role in educating children on the highway and his ministry wants to see them continue doing so. He said: “We are making

representation at the level of the Government to have monies put into the budget to ensure that we can transport those children along the highway. We don’t mind if it goes into the budget of the Ministry of Education but we want to see those children continue at school; to ensure that their education is not affected by the distance that they have to traverse to reach school.” The ILO-funded programme had been initiated by the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security (ML&HSS) in September 2011 last under the name School Retention and Child Labour Prevention Programme,(SR&CLPP). The Ministry of Education assisted with the implementation. Funds allocated ran out in July 2013 but the ILO was so pleased about its success that it found funds to keep at least two components, free transportation and free meals going, until the end of this school term. The funds have now been completely exhausted prompting some amount of uncertainty,but also optimism among the beneficiaries, that the government would step in and take up the slack.

Miner allegedly kills self in lock-ups at Acquero Police Station THE police have reported that around 21:30 hours on December 28, miner Vivian La Cruz, 31, of Zeeburg, West Coast Demerara, who had been detained at the Acquero Police Station in the North West District (NWD) after his girlfriend had made a report that he had physically abused and unlawfully wounded her at Kwebanna, NWD, was found hanging from a metal bar in his cell, suspended by one of the legs of his pants. La Cruz had been the only prisoner in the lockups at the time. Police had arrested him around 17:00 hrs on Saturday, following the report made against him. His body is at the Charity Hospital Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem. Investigations are in progress.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

PYO slams Hardt’s position on LEAD project

UNITED States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt, remains in the spotlight over his position on the implementation of the $300M USAID-funded Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) project. The Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) is the most recent to condemn his position. In a statement issued on Friday, the youth group said: “The PYO views the position taken by the ambassador as very offensive and directly ignores the principles of sovereignty and national self-determination that is publicly espoused by the American State Department. “It is a violation of all aspects of independence and non-interference when the chief diplomat of a foreign nation chooses to ignore the Executive power of their host nation. It is a direct challenge to Guyana’s autonomy and seeks to impose the will of a single person over that of an entire people.” The PYO called on the Ambassador to recognise that he has overstepped his ambit by pursuing a project that has not met the approval of his host country. The statement said: “The ambassador must know that he has challenged, in a very public manner, the sovereignty of a nation.

“The ambassador must know that by ignoring diplomatic norms and decency he has managed to sour, what have been friendly relations between the USA and Guyana.” According to the group, while it recognises that the American organisation,the International Republican Institute (IRI), has been tasked with the implementation of the LEAD project, it also recognises that the IRI has a reputation of interference in the internal politics of a country. “They have been implicated in the overthrow of Aristide in Haiti, have supported the 2009 coup in Honduras, and have created political coalitions in Poland, etc. These activities have been in direct violation of the principles of self-governance and self-determination. The use of such an organisation and the public stance of the ambassador can only lead to the conclusion that there is an active attempt by the ambassador to usurp democracy in Guyana,” the group said. The PYO called for national condemnation of the public stance of the US Ambassador. “We note that while the USA has had over 200 years in shaping its democracy and did not suffer interference of foreign powers, likewise Guyana too has a right to pursue its democratic development,” the PYO stressed.

United States Ambassador to Guyana Brent Hardt

Legal action to be taken today against delinquent rice miller

By Vanessa Narine

ANCIENT County Investment Inc., in Tarlogie Farm, Corentyne, has taken the spotlight from the Mahaicony Rice Limited’s (MRL) as a delinquent in paying rice farmers. And head of the Guyana Rice Producers Association (GRPA), Dharamkumar Seeraj, has said that legal action will begin today. Some $300M is still owed to farmers, with only $16M being paid to date. Seeraj explained this is despite the fact that RPA $167M to the company’s account through a loan in an effort to speed up the payment process, since management, after a meeting, indicated the company was experiencing cash-flow problems. Several efforts by the Guyana Chronicle to contact rep-

Police investigating decomposed bodies found at Sandhills, Cuyuni

POLICE ranks have been dispatched to Sandhills, Cuyuni, to investigate a report that the decomposed bodies of a man and a woman, suspected to be Brazilian nationals, had been found tied up at Sandhills. (Michel Outridge)

Dharamkumar Seeraj resentatives of the company to ascertain why the $167M was not used to pay farmers proved futile. Ancient County Investment Inc., according to Seeraj, will be recommended to the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) for blacklisting in relation to supplying rice to fill Guyana’s export quota to

Venezuela. As at December 18, all rice farmers were expected to be paid off principal amounts, leaving only the matter of interest on outstanding payments to be addressed The RPA head, in a prior interview, told the Chronicle that payment of the principal

amounts was not foreseen as a challenge as shipments to export markets were being made without any hitches. Over the weekend, dozens of farmers protested at the Ancient County Investment Inc. base, contending that the cheques issued by the company had “bounced” when presented at the bank. The protesting farmers were even more peeved when they were told that the company will not be conducting business that day and therefore they could not meet with any representative. Even as the performance of the rice sector has topped yearly targets, with 2013’s production coming in at over 530,000 tonnes, the issue of non-payment to farmers remains a major challenge for the industry.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013


SUNDAY SUNDAY CHRONICLE CHRONICLEDecember December29, 22,2013 2013

Iraq arrest From crime totroops cigarettes, Bloomberg leaves hisleading mark New York Suicide bomber kills at onleast 16 at Russian train station Sunni MP in violent raid

The former Wall Street executive and founder of a media NEW YORK- (Reuters) - company that bears his name Love him or hate him, one leaves a city with lower crime By thing Kamalis Namaa for Karpov sure: New York- rates, more parks, and new out a long string of attacks since By Sergei fighting includedsuch threeasofthe President Vladimir Putin came ers will not forget outgoing theurban landmarks RAMADI, Alwani’s bodyguards, his sister to power in 2000. They now (Reuters) - Michael AIraq(Reuters) FEMALE sui- Mayor Bloomberg Barclays Center, an indoor arena Iraqi security forces arrested and his brother. confront him with his biggest cide bomber detonated exploanytime soon. built over troops a Brooklyn yard. a prominent Sunnihall Muslim “Army withtrain police security challenge, threatening sives in the entrance of a As theand independent billiondowntoas, lawmaker supporter of special“This to disrupt the Olympics that forceswill weregotrying Russian train station on Sunaire politiciansaid, bidskilling farewell without question, one of the start in the Black Sea resort of anti-government protests in arrest Alwani from his house, day, investigators Sochi in 40 days. raid his by home in his theac- butmost ataleast 16on people in the second fierce fighting to City Hall touting influential anderupted. successful Footage shown on TV capdeadly attack within three western province of Anbar, bodies, inincluding complishments during 12 years Five mayoralties the historyone of the tured the moment of the blast, as days as theclashes countryinprepares sparking which at woman, were taken to Falluja in office, academics, urban city,” said David Birdsell, dean a massive orange fireball filled toleast hostfive the Winter people Olympics. were killed, hospital,” one police source planning experts and political of the School of Public Affairs the hall of the stately, colonnadThe attacker detonated a police sources said. said. ed station and clouds of grey pundits say the mark he made at the City University of New shrapnel-filled bomb in front The violent arrest of Ahmed No members of Alwani’s smoke poured out of shattered ofal-Alwani aon metal insideand Newdetector isjust indelible York’s Baruch College. isYork likely to inflame family could immediately be windows. the main entrance of the station strong. in Sunni-dominated reached Bloomberg - a version longtime tensions to give their The station - a Stalinesque in Volgograd, a busy hub north While final of Democrat whereBloomberg’s protestersNorth have who became a Reevents. Parliament speaker architectural monument with ofAnbar, the violence-plagued been demonstrating al-Nujaifi, Sunni, term was marred by awhat failed Usama publican in 2001 toa get on the a clocktower and spire topped Caucasus region onagainst Russia’s The main entrance of the train station where they see as marginalization of called the operation a “blatant by a Soviet-style star - was attempt to outlaw large sugary a bomber southern fringe. ballot, and detonated later dropped his explosives is pictured in their sectand bymilitants Prime busier than usual, with people violation” of Iraq’s constitution Islamist in drinks the furorMinister overthestop- Volgograd party affiliation - ranked 29, No. 2013. Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and December Credit: REUTERS/ Nuri Caucasus al-Maliki’s Shi’ite-led travelling home for New Year and2 aon“dangerous precedent”. North have carried New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg walks from and-frisk policing, he stands Sergei aKarpov list of the greatest New ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi shout holidays. government. the podium after delivering the 2014 city budget slogans against the military and interior ministry asAlwani one ofbelongs the most successful York mayors published recently “People were lying on the to the SunVIOLENCE RISING in the Blue Room of New York’s City Hall, this holding his poster and gesturing with four mayors Iraqiya in Newbloc York by City & State, a website that while ground, screaming andin calling ni-backed andhistory, has file photo from May 2, 2013. fingers in.( Credit: REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dals) for help,” a witness, Alexander they contend. covers government and politics. been a strong critic of Maliki Lieutenant-General Ali Koblyakov, told TV. If aWe tie told werehim permitted, Experts canRossiya-24 tick off a long and an influential figure in the Ghaidan, commander of Iraqi wani well. and Shi’ites. Bombings, that we he Sunnis “I helped carry out a police ofwould have tied with top-ranklist of accomplishments. The protest movement. ground forces, told state tele- had a warrant for his arrest, and shootings andhead suicide ficer whose and attacks, face were Police sources said a two- vision that security forces had arrested ing Fiorello LaGuardia, said 10-year-old anti-smoking camstaged al Qaeda milhim,” he said, adding many covered in by blood. He couldn’t hour firefight broke out on Sat- also tried to arrest Alwani’s thatBirdsell who helped compile itants, near-daily occurtwo of Alwani’s bodyguards paignareisacredited with some urday when bodyguards and brother Ali, whom he accused werethewounded in thelist. operation, City & State LaGuardia, rence. 10,000 fewer deaths and served members of Alwani’s tribe re- of involvement in attacks that which Iraqi army said was carried in an asThe so he legendary that notoutjust a blueprint for this otherweek cities; sisted police and soldiers who killed Iraqi soldiers in Anbar. a major operation in accordance with the law. musical launched airport but a Broadway more than 850 acres of land went to arrest Alwani on charges Ali was killed in the fightViolence in Iraq is at its desert areas of Anbar, a provtook his name, governed the city was added to city parks; and of “terrorism” from his house in ing, as well as one Iraqi soldier, worst levels since 2006-7, when ince that makes up a third of the Great Depression the territory decade-old call center the center of the city of Ramadi. Ghaidan said. tensduring of thousands of people and Iraq’s and311 is populated War II. They said those killed in has grown to handle millions “We treated Ahmed al-Al- wereWorld out killed in fighting between mainly by Sunnis, to flush “Rarely are individuals in of non-emergency requests any field recognized among each year. the greats of history during Crime is down, a success their own lifetimes, so the fact that Bloomberg credits in part that our panel ranked Michael to the New York Police DepartBy Paul-Marin Ngoupana Bloomberg nearly at the top of ment’s stop-and-frisk strategy. By Lesley Wroughton this list while he is still in office BANGUIBut a judge earlier -this year (Reuters) HunWASHINGTON- (Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry will is striking,” City & State wrote. dreds ruled that the controversial of people tried to flee inreturn to Israel and the Palestinian territories for peace talks next ter-religious violence in Central week, a senior U.S. government official said yesterday, days after African Republic on Saturday Israel is due to free another group of Palestinian prisoners. aboard emergency flights to The U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Kerry neighboring Chad, while nearwill visit Jerusalem and Ramallah late this week for more talks with by countries appealed for help Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President to rescue their citizens from the Mahmoud Abbas, resuming his intensive shuttle diplomacy after a mounting humanitarian crisis. Christmas break. Tit-for-tat violence between The United States is seeking to broker an agreement on a “twoMuslim Seleka rebels, who seized John Kerry state solution” in which Israel would exist peacefully alongside a new power in March, and Christian Palestinian state. Kerry wants the sides to agree to a framework for an self-defense militias have killed interim accord ahead of a deal in April, which would launch another year of talks aimed at a full-blown more than 1,000 people this peace treaty. A framework would demonstrate that progress is being made in talks that began in July, month in the riverside capital according to U.S. officials. Bangui and displaced hundreds A framework would touch on all the main issues, including security, the future of Jerusalem and the of thousands more. fate of refugees. A major step in that process is the release of about two dozen Palestinian prisoners on Fighting in the former French December 30, the third group to be freed since talks resumed in July. The release is seen by the United colony has surged in recent weeks States as a vital confidence-building measure. despite the presence of 1,600 But the plan for the release was overshadowed by an announcement by Israel on Friday that it intends French peacekeepers and nearto build 1,400 homes in Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, a move Palestinian negotiator ly 4,000 African Union troops Saeb Erekat said the would “destroy the peace process” and could be met with retaliation. deployed under a U.N. mandate The Palestinians see the Jewish settlements as an obstacle to achieving a viable state in East Jeru- to protect civilians. Bangui was salem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, territories Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war. Most calm yesterday. countries consider Israel’s settlements there illegal. The ‘anti-balaka’ militia During his last visit to the region on December 13, Kerry said both sides remained committed have targeted Muslims they say to peace talks and were on course to wrap up an interim deal in April. have supported Seleka during By Ellen Wulfhorst

Kerry heads to Middle East this week for peace talks: U.S. official

DATE: 28/12/2013 I




tactic, seen as targeting young former head of the New York minorities, amounted to “indi- Civil Liberties Union. rect racial profiling.” ‘CEO MAYOR’ Overall crime rates fell by a Bloomberg’s most telling third during Bloomberg’s three speak.” cials said the bomber was a abdomen. al terms, Qaeda-linked militants who Thea city once bore the name woman who may be, blew in oneherself sense, up decrease reflected in hislegacy Stalingrad honor of commu- himself, after asaid police started Authorities imposed a curhave gained a in foothold there. Tomofficer Wright, exonce-blighted neighborhoods nist dictatorpotential Stalin, a fig-few to her nearafter the metal inapproach Anbar province Another flashdirector of the Regional that are now Josef blossoming, and ecutive ureisheld in opprobrium by manythe detector becausesources she looked arrest, security point around Sunni protests Plan Association, an urban retourism rates setting record the northern Caucasus area. said. suspicious. A convoy of army tanks, thatinhave been held in Anbar searchAand advocacy highs. In the 1940s, ordered Russian website with ties vehicles andgroup. Humsince December last Stalin year. In a armored the deportation of tens of thouto security agencies, Life When he first ran for office, “That’s a fundamentally statement on state television on vees began to arrive in Rama-News, sands ofaspect peopleoffrom the region, a picture of what it said was an unlikely positive that’s byposted midday. Friday, Maliki said itlife would behad di Bloomberg including Chechens, to Central was the suspect’s head. with no political said candidate But It scores ofauthorities people tookexthevery “lastfar-reaching theeffect,” protests Asia onFriday” suspicion of harboring said had the streetsorcarrying toHe of andJohn sit-ins would allowed constituency. Mollenkopf, director oftothe to perience sympathies forbeNazi Germany. identified her as aguns resident themore curfew, a $100 Reuters wit- ofadcontinue. spent thanthe million Center for Urban died Research at defy Many thousands in exile Dagestan, province ness said. The military campaign and transport. jacent to Chechnya and now the City of New York Graduate his own fortune to win in 2001. Adnan al-Muhanna, leader and theThe arrest of Alwani may federal Investigative the center of a long-running Throughout his tenure, he Center. al-Buinsurgency. Alwan tribe, a help Maliki boostand his popularCommittee other offi-of the Islamist showed a continued willingness tribe in Anbar to ity in the eyes of Shi’ites who major Sunni to back his policy priorities with THROUGH Alwani belongs, called had STEERING called on him to crack which DISASTER, RECESSION thepocketbook. government to release down on al Qaeda and on onhis within a CEO politicians they accused of enwas12elected Bloomberg guided New Alwani“He “Otherwise not be of couraging violence. Elections who ranweonwill a platform York through the years after the mayor to restrain thedown, angry balancing masses areSeptember due in April. keeping crime 11, 2001, attacks, able thatbudget, could lead undesired and to trying to take amid fears that the shaken city’s andthe consequences,” he told Reuters. CURFEW IMPOSED By Nelson Renteria control of the schools. And economy could be devastated. Anbar’s provincial coun-that was kind ofinit.eastern Hesession really didn’t “It is easy to imagine ways (Reuters) - THE Chaparrastique volcano Eland Salvaan urgent Many Sunnis in the region cil held dor belched a column of hot ash high into the air on Sunday, have much,” said Wright. “Now, that a less strategic mayor could are meanwhile likely to see called for Alwani’s release and frightening prompting here he is leaving 12the years later,to have gotten the way residents ofex-that anand investigation intoauthorities death Alwani’s arrestinasnearby another order evacuations in the area. his brother, copyinvisionary.” ofthe a stateample ofThere what they portray as ofreports hailed as injuries an aurban recovery,” said Birdsell. were no immediate of San Miseen byand Reuters said. a crackdown against minority Bloomberg moves on to his Bloomberg is credited as ment guel region, where the volcano is located that is known for Theconsulting statementfirm also called Sunni itsleaders. coffee plantations. Bloomberg well with helping steer the new Civil would all they parties to evacuate exercise people reA photo ofprotection the arrestedauthorities law- onsaid designed toand help city through thethree recession that Associates, from within kilometers miles) the volcano set straint and of urged parliament maker posted on Maliki’s Face- (1.9 other cities worldwide achieve began in 2007. Yet, his effort up emergency shelters. book page purportedly showed to intervene and defuse ten“The evacuations began almost after the explosion,” said theright same accomplishments as to capitalize thatwith success Alwani theon arrest a sion. civilafter protection official Armando Vividor. He said some 5,000 has New York. bypeople arguing he was uniquely white bandage wrapped around lived around the volcano. City voters put their own suitedThe to volcano, remain which mayoris about de- 140 kilometers (86 miles) to the east of the capital, over a wide the smell of sulfur stamparea on and Bloomberg’s legacy spite term limitsspewed rankledash some hung over surrounding towns, according to reports on Blasio, social media. by electing Bill de who people. Authorities recommended breathing through moist handkerchiefs. be the firstgrowers Democratic HeSantos engineered a change in ofwill Osorio, a member a local coffee union, heavy ash wasterm falling in the area andinlocal coffeeand plantations mayor 20 years could thesaid voter-approved limits would be checked for damage. law in 2009 so he could run for scarcely be more different than El Salvador’s crop has already been blighted by an outBloomberg, a break third term, gave of leafbut rustvoters that has reduced output insaid all Doug five ofMuzzio, Central America’s coffeeslim producers. Salvadorofhas 23 active volcapolitics and public him a remarkably margin Elprofessor and the Chaparrastique volcano one of the opinionisatconsidered Baruch College. ofnoes victory. most active, with 26 eruptions in the last 500 years, the envi“New Yorkers elected a “That affected legacy, ronment ministryhissaid. In a 1976 eruption, lava gushed from mayor who presented because people always the volcano andwill it shook violently in another event inhimself 2010. remember him as the person and was correctly perceived to who got a third term against the be a repudiation in many ways peoples’ will,” said Norman Sie- of (Bloomberg),” Muzzio said. Voters may well have tired gel, a civil liberties attorney and of Bloomberg’s approach, such as his effort to bar restaurants, movie theaters and other businesses from selling large sodas and other sugary beverages. Personnel from the African The Union peacekeeping proposal failed in court, mission to Central African Republic (MISCA) which said Bloomberg had overcontrol a fighting crowd near the airport, in stepped his authority. the capital Bangui yesterday. (Credit: Reuters/ “He had this idea that Andreea Campean) he knew what was best for However, many of those months of looting and killing everybody,” said Siegel. “I since March. With many Seleka who waited in the heat at don’t airport think hewere respected Muslimthe gunmen coming from Chad, its Bangui averageAfricans New Yorker’s ability who said citizens in particular have been Central to figure out what was in their singled out, prompting their gov- they were fleeing their majorihomeland for fear ernment to charter flights this ty-Christian best interest.” of reprisals. week to bring them home.

El Salvador volcano erupts, evacuations ordered

Hundreds seek to flee Central African Republic on emergency flights









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02 09 14 23 11 22 04

DATE: 21/12/2013





















2013/12/21 02 13 15 16 17 20 21

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

Cuba eases restrictions on loans to small businesses

(BBC News) THE Cuban government has eased restrictions on loans to private borrowers in the latest measure aimed at boosting the island’s troubled economy. Individuals and small businesses can now borrow smaller amounts and have more time to pay back the government. President Raul Castro had launched the programme two years ago as part of measures to reform Cuban socialism. The minimum lending has been reduced from 3,000 to 1,000 pesos (£41; $67). The measure was published in the official gazette. People will also be allowed to use their houses or jewellery to guarantee their loans. The maximum period of the loans has been extended from five to 10 years. ‘Civilised relations’ Earlier this month, the Cuban government lifted restrictions on private individuals buying new and second-hand cars. Any Cuban citizen or foreigner with enough money will

Nearly 10% of the Cuban workforce are now self-employed latest announcement appears aimed at promoting the culture now be allowed to import the of credit, which remains a novel vehicles through an official concept on the island. agency. Although Cubans have been Previously, official permits able to request bank credits were required and they were since 2011, barely 500 are reoften issued to government ofported to have borrowed money. ficials, doctors and other people The government wants to with access to the authorities, boost that figure as part of its such as sports stars. efforts to encourage 1.5 million The main aim of the reforms people to switch from the state introduced in the last few years payroll to the new private sector. is to keep the economy afloat, Some 440,000 people, or says the BBC’s Sarah Rainsford about 9% of the Cuban workin Cuba. force, are now self-employed. Our correspondent says the

Early morning quake shakes north-west T&T (Sunday Express) A MAGNITUDE 4.1 earthquake shook many out of their sleep in the north-western parts of Trinidad early Saturday morning. The University of the West Indies (UWI), St Augustine, Seismic Research Centre website stated: “On Saturday 28 December, 2013, at 5.17 a.m., an earthquake occurred west of Trinidad in the Gulf of Paria. The event was located at 10.552°N and 62.500°W. The magnitude was 4.1 and the depth 80 km. This event was reportedly felt in Diego Martin, Glencoe and Westmoorings.” This quake is the sixth one

in the past five months to shake the country. The last one was a magnitude 6.4 and depth of 60 km on October 11, at 10.10 p.m., north of the Paria Peninsula, Trinidad, located at 10.86°N 62.12°W. That one was strong enough to cause a disruption in the electricity supply at the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission’s (T&TEC)sub-stations in Carenage, Pt Cumana and Santa Flora. On September 9, at 9.54 a.m., west of Trinidad, in the Gulf of Paria, another one, with a magnitude of 3.8 and depth of

Recovery under way

- IMF says Jamaica on track Arthur Hall, Senior News Reporter (The Sunday Gleaner) THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has given Jamaica high marks for its performance during the second review period since the country entered a new borrowing arrangement in May. In its review released late last Friday, the IMF said Jamaica’s macroeconomic developments are broadly in line with programme projections. “(The) programme performance is on track, in spite of the difficult economic environment,” said the IMF in a

seeming stamp of approval to the work of Finance Minister Dr Peter Phillips and the Portia Simpson Miller led-administration. “There are signs of a gradual recovery from the effects of the global financial crisis and Hurricane Sandy,” added the Fund. That is a view shared by Phillips, who has been the point man on Jamaica’s performance. “I think the review highlights our performance, although it notes that there are still challenges,” Phillips told The Sunday Gleaner. “Overall, I’m pleased that

76 km, located at 10.25°N and 61.75°W, was felt in St James and Diego Martin. Another earthquake occurred north-west of Trinidad, at 10.76°N and 61.79°W, with a magnitude of 3.9 and the depth of 57 km on August 27, at 7.59 a.m. It was felt in Cocorite and Maraval. On August 8, one occurred north of the Paria Peninsula, off Trinidad’s north-west coast, at 10.72N and 62.33W. The magnitude was 3.8 with a depth of 77 km. This event was felt in Port of Spain, and at 10.56 a.m. on August 6, a quake was recorded north of the Paria Peninsula. —CB there is a return to growth, and while we are now in calmer waters, we are not yet through our difficulties,” added Phillips. The IMF has said Jamaica’s real GDP growth for the 201314 fiscal year is projected at just under one per cent, supported by improved activity in the tourism, mining, and agricultural sectors. This is unchanged from previous projections. The Fund noted that “Inflation has increased due to the depreciation of the exchange rate, as well as higher administered prices in the context of the recent fiscal package. International reserves are in line with programme requirements, but remain low.” According to the IMF, the execution of the 2013-14 Budget has remained broadly on track.



GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013


Opposition to CJIA expansion project unimaginable


He who pays the piper…

“EMANCIPATE ourselves from mental slavery, because while others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind…mind is your only ruler, sovereign.” Thirty three years after its release, the lyrics to Jamaican music legend, Bob Marley’s iconic ditty remain as prescient as ever. Long after the formal ending of physical bondage under slavery and its similarly dehumanising twin, indentureship, the freedom of people to collectively make decisions has been long in coming. For countries in the Western Hemisphere especially, winning independence had been limited to a titular achievement, particularly by the United States, which since the latter part of the 20th century, has been the world’s lone superpower enforcing its will on the newly independent nations in its backyard, employing a variety of overt and not very covert tactics, which included a still-standing embargo against the revolutionary governments of Cuba, arming insurgents in Nicaragua, and staging bouts of occupation in Haiti as well as in The Dominican Republic. As the international and domestic political backlash against these brazen interventions intensified, however, the American strategy of shaping policymaking in foreign countries evolved to include the surreptitious – but no less ruinous–imposition of set economic agendas. This the US did using varied instruments such as aid conditionality, structural adjustment programmes and free-trade policies, which were primarily deployed through the medium of supranational organisations in which the US had substantial influence, viz. the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation. However, with the near simultaneous ascent of multiple emerging economic powers, particularly China, other developing countries turned to these rising stars for aid and capital investments and began to drift out of the orbit of American supranational economic influence. Enter the most recent American contrivance to guide policymaking abroad: direct material support for chosen candidates and political parties. On the Americans’ part, it is a stellar coup de grace: whereas they had previously subverted and dismantled democratic structures in foreign countries in order to have their way, this time around they would participate in the democratic process and, they hope, commandeer it. Turning purse strings into puppet strings is a distinctly American modus operandi in politics. Through direct campaign contributions and external support through Super Political Action Committees (Super PACs), wealthy individuals and big corporations are widely believed by the American public to wield tremendous influence in both legislative and executive arms of government. The hand of these forces in the popular democratic process is regarded as having been strengthened as a result of a United States Supreme Court ruling in the 2010 case of Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission which allowed any independent group or individual to spend as much as it or he feels in support of a preferred candidate or party. Writing during the US presidential election year 2012 in Washington-headquartered publication, The Atlantic, James Bennet noted that since 2010, the year Super PACs began participating in elections, their spending had risen nearly 400%, north of US$349M, as at 2012 with nearly 60% of that coming “from just 100 donors.” It is a truism that money alone does not win an election. Writing in the British newspaper, The Guardian, Gary Younge during the Republican primaries of 2012, noted that “candidates’ debate performances, policy positions, personal histories and retail politics play a role.” However, he did point out that though money is not the sole determinant doesn’t

I ARRIVED in the country two days before Christmas Day and was shocked with what I saw at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). As a passenger on Travelspan, I could not enter the arrivals lounge because of the overcrowding. You see two Caribbean Airlines flights had arrived about 30 minutes before us. So in the rain my husband and I had to wait on the walkway for a painfully long time before we were able to enter the

lounge. As a Guyanese visiting after 10 years, I found this utterly distasteful. Three and a half hours later, I vented my frustration to my relatives who informed me of the plan to expand the airport. While I dismissed what was said initially to catch up on family business, several days later I am penning my frustrations on paper. For the life of me I can’t imagine why there is so much resistance to expanding the airport. I read that critics

of the project supported the runway extension but not the construction of a new terminal building! It makes me wonder if these individuals have the interest of the country at heart. I was nearly soaked when I left the aircraft – an uncomfortable experience that could have been avoided if there were boarding bridges; spent over an hour and a half in the immigration line [ a larger immigration area would be nice], and what felt like an entire day [1 ¾

hours] to uplift our luggage – more carousels please! Ironically, those Members of Parliament who are leading the charge to block the airport expansion would not feel the squeeze, since they travel VIP style! They do not have to endure what we ordinary people go through. So it is my fervent hope that this letter sheds some light of our plight and that those stubborn politicians who have their heads buried in the sand to wise up and do the right thing. 2014 is fast approaching; we need to see major developments in this country I am proud to call my home. ANGELA JOHNSON

US/Guyana spat on LEAD should be amicably resolved

THE Guyana government is right about the US Ambassador breaching of Guyana’s sovereignty with regard to the LEAD project. Wouldn’t it have been better to follow diplomatic protocol, briefing and acquiring the Guyana government’s involvement and input before shaping and implementing the LEAD project? Ambassador Brent Hardt must be aware that the PPP/C government has a very good track record in compliance with democratic operations. But after what was done to Dr Cheddi Jagan and the PPP between 1962–1964, any blatant foreign intervention associated with the opposition was certain to earn automatic displeasure. Worthy of note, is a lack of concern by Mr. David Granger’s PNC/APNU about Guyana’s independence and his committed objective is bent on achieving political power at all costs, without any shared responsibility to safeguard his country when most needed. Like Mr. Forbes Burnha’s record of cutting deals to achieve power, that is all that matters to the PNC/APNU. Cognisant that the opposition will sell out Guyana, the PPP/C should not be obdurate in cooperating with any project which honourably advances democracy. Flexibility where possible with the US should guide its principled continuance in government rather than facilitating opposition victory. Free and fair local government elections can significantly help to decentralise power, giving citizens power to manage their own affairs. Localised regional leaders can then be held responsible for their own misdeeds as in the case of the Linden disturbances . The central government and the Home Affairs Minister cannot be held culpable anymore.

Editor, moving Guyana to a higher level of democracy where the branches of government are completely independent of each other will be a Caribbean first. Self-administered regions will strengthen ethnic security for all when required to work together. Like the abdication of Georgetown’s City Council to manage their own affairs, Trinidad’s central government as in Guyana, is also blamed for all crimes committed in Port of Spain. Both Mayors escape from responsibility and accountability because government’s umbilical monetary input provides dependent sustenance with no end in sight. Both the PPP/C government and the US Ambassador must find a way to go beyond the issue of sovereignty to achieve all inclusive approval, equal and full participation similar with all concerned parties. Protocol does not permit for a legitimate, elected government to be dismissed by a diplomat in their own country where democracy is paramount and the advertised objective is to strengthen democracy. Both countries should work for those compromises benefiting Guyana’s progress and most importantly its stability. Right now many major players are fearful that the US is seeking to impose the PNC/APNU/AFC opposition for an encore performance as in 1964. Only the US can assuage such fears. The PPP/C government itself should be vigilant and ensure that the political edge with the USA or anyone else does not undermine them or Guyana.

mean it’s not the key one, observing that during the 2011/2012 primaries, Republican candidate New Gingrich’s surge in the US state of Iowa was halted after Mitt Romney’s Super Pac ploughed millions of dollars into campaign ads attacking him. Similarly, he added that Mr. Romney’s “commanding lead in South Carolina was similarly thwarted when Gingrich’s Super Pac injected several million dollars.” The capture of the popular elections process transpires on two fronts: donors get candidates to endorse an agenda set by the former in exchange for financial and political support, and secondly, the donors set about engaging in political advertising to manipulate public opinion and build popular support for their cause or at least, popular opposition to those candidates who do not sympathise with their cause. It is a similar process which the United States, by way of a $250M USAID-funded “Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) project”, seems poised to unleash on Guyana’s electoral processes. When a foreign power begins providing direct logistical and material support to political parties, as the United States has begun to do under the LEAD project, it blasts open a yawning conduit through which the American government can potentially exercise de facto political control of both the legislative and executive arms of our government, thereby effectively supplanting a home-grown policy agenda with one that prioritises US interests. The concept of democracy as a contest of ideas is, therefore, perverted by the money play. Retired US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who was a presiding judge and had dissented with the majority court ruling in the Citizens United case, noted that major political financiers distort the public debate by outspending rivals on political advertising in the media and dominating “the marketplace of ideas.” Mr. Roberts further contended that this cash-fuelled campaigning puts an outsized spotlight on the ideas favoured by the financiers, thereby creating the perception of widespread support for said

ideas, irrespective of the actual support. Thus, Mr. Roberts contended, this process marginalises the speech of other individuals and groups. Even if they don’t win, the beneficiaries of these donor funds can create sufficient disruption as is the case with the billionaire bankrolled-Tea Party Republicans that shut down the US federal government or the US-funded activists which fuelled a coup that toppled the democratically elected President Mohammed Morsi in Egypt. That the United States bypassed the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the Parliament Office to deliver its ‘support for Guyana’s political parties and its democracy’ through the independently contracted and controversial International Republican Institute (IRI) is especially telling of its desire to exercise direct sway over the political parties here. The US Embassy’s nonchalant dismissal of the Guyana government’s rejection of the LEAD project and persistence with its implementation, reeks of a moral double standard, since US President Barack Obama, reacting to the Citizens United ruling is quoted as saying: “I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities.” Some have tried to paint the United States as a noble interlocutor in our domestic political affairs and often refer to the role played by the Carter Center in the restoration of democracy here in 1992. But as we noted in our editorial of December 24, the US meddling in political affairs of foreign countries is premised on its own priorities which often conflict with the popular will. That the United States backed away from its customary vote-rigging assistance to the People’s National Congress and facilitated free and fair polls is more as a result of the waning days of the Cold War and a decline in the communist ideological fervour. How the Guyana government intends to defend the looming American enslavement of the Guyanese political consciousness remains to be seen.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

Lawrence Griffith’s spot–kick

must be retaken

MY late mother (May Her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace) always used to remonstrate about persons who hate a war, but adore in a riot”! Fortunately or unfortunately, my goodly friend and definitely not brethren, Lawrence Griffith, falls into this category. Within this aspect reference is hereby made to his most recent letter captioned “Supporting Democracy caused me to earn a number of enemies” K.N. 04.12.13. Wherein his over indulgence in polemics, which is definitely not suited for public discourse, but rather to be reviewed internally within his state of consciousness, as a catalyst for seeking atonement towards” mudslinging and washing his dirty linen in public.” Editor, the mere idea that the individual has refrained from being specific and concise about who and which letter he is referring to, in his assessment, apart from being “reflections of poor public edification, it also is a serious indictment upon his 40 years of service to the sport from an administrative perspective. Additionally, with deceptions and half-truths taking centre-stage, the individual quotes: “So by saying that the elections were mired in controversy from the beginning is tantamount to saying that skulduggery was committed by the learned legal minds. So at the conclusion of the elections when Mr. Mathias was elected as President, where and what did he do wrong and how am I wrong in supporting him so that he could fulfil his mandate.” Editor, it must be made pellucid that at no given point of time in my recent letter, which was published in your newspaper of 01.12.13 captioned “Is Lawrence Griffith’s Job on the line”?,did I make reference to the afore-mentioned! Rather, the comments emanated from Mark Xavier in a letter captioned, “GFF was in debt to the tune of $30M” published in Guyana Times- 29.11.13. Why fake an injury upon abandoning your role as the custodian, in pursuit of a goal-scoring opportunity in your opponent’s penalty area? Since there is no special privilege to you as an outfield player! Nevertheless, with a penalty kick being awarded out of sympathy, unbelievingly, your spot kick is way off the mark uprooting the corner-flag in the process. Yet still the individual being true to himself is appealing for the spot kick to be retaken! I, within the “Spirit of Fair Play” surely agree. However, this time around the individual must be honest and sincere in his deliberations! Could it be that prior to the GFF’s AGM, its confidentiality was breached? That an employee of the secretariat, privy to confidential information was secretly passing it out! Only time will tell if Messrs King and Major were both victims of a conspiracy, persons, who you know fully well due to your previous association with them. Yet still you came with a “cloak and dagger, back stabbing vigorously”! Your compilation of GFF fixtures, which we know takes precedence over domestic and other competitions, could have been done in a more professional manner! Two competitions should not clash on the same day, with one Association virtually having the same kickoff time. In the final analysis, Lawrence and Jesus the Christ must not only be remembered in December, honouring his birth, which transcends into fallacy! He must also be reflected upon for his symbolism, humility and last but not least his service to the poor and needy, that was never in his ministry neglected. “The truth would always be triumphant”. Deceit, deceptions and half-truths are contrary to the “Spirit, said the Lord”. So, in your writings use the pen which is mightier than the sword, to educate and definitely not to mislead or cast aspersions and avoid issues of substance! LESTER SEALEY



GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

Green’s comments are reflective of a “miscreant’s” actions-Rohee

By Vanessa Narine

IN response to comments made by Clement Rohee, General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), over the deplorable conditions of the Le Repentir Cemetery, Mayor Hamilton Green contends that the recent allocation of $56M to the City Council is insufficient to restore the capital city. However, Rohee told the Guyana Chronicle that his comments are reflective of a “miscreant’s” actions. In a letter yesterday, the mayor said: “The three vital ingredients needed for the success of any venture or institution such as a city, are money, manpower and management. None are available to the elected Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown – compliments of the government.” He also maintains that some $335M, at a minimum, is needed to: rehabilitate our maternal and child welfare facility; desilt the Sussex Street Canal and do minimum revetment works; desilt the Cane View Avenue Canal; desilt the Downer Canal; and to rehabilitate the Cemetery. Green said: “This excludes lighting, the replanting of trees and repairing of tombs – these are only a portion of things to be done if

Minister Mayor Hamilton Green Clement Rohee we are to restore the city.” Rohee made it clear that works in these areas are being done by central Government. “The mayor needs to get off his haunches and get people to pay their rates and taxes, rather than sitting down and waiting

to be spoon-fed by the central Government,” he said. The General Secretary added that other fund-raising initiatives can also support the work programme outlined by the mayor in his letter. Rohee pointed out too that central Government’s support cannot be doubted, as in the last seven years over $330M has been given to the City Council – in addition to the rates and taxes being paid by the citizens of Georgetown. The Mayor and the City Council have continually been criticised for the state of the capital – a criticism centred on the contention that the current state of Georgetown is a consequence of neglect. The resignations of the Council’s officials have been called for by the ruling party and the establishment of an Interim Management Committee (IMC) recommended to correct the “failures” of the City Council. Due process for the establishment of an IMC involves a petition being made to the Local Government Ministry, which will then launch an inquiry and have the outcomes presented at a public meeting before it acts on the recommendations of the inquiry’s report.

Peacemaker recuperating from vicious stab wounds inflicted by a combatant at Port Kaituma, NWD

By Shirley Thomas

NINETEEN-year-old Errol Jupiter of Port Kaituma, NWD, assumed the role of peacemaker in a brawl between two men at the Port Kaituma waterfront and is now a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH), recuperating from vicious stab wounds inflicted to the abdomen by one of the combatants. His assailant has been taken into police custody. Employed as a labourer on a truck, Jupiter said the incident happened last Friday, December 27, at approximately 20:00 hrs. He recalled that the two men, both several years his senior and both unknown to him, were locked in battle when he cautioned them against fighting and pushed one aside. Enraged, the man whipped out a pair of scissors from his waist and stabbed Jupiter in the right lower abdomen. Jupiter said he went down as blood began spurting from his intestines, but was picked up by a friend and rushed to the Port Kaituma Hospital. The following morning, he was air-dashed to the city and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where surgery was performed on him. At the time of this publication’s visit, Jupiter was complaining of severe pains in the abdomen. Although his condition is listed as stable, doctors continue to monitor him closely.

The injured Errol Jupiter

Man found unconscious on Houston public road still unconscious at GPHC three days after admission

--relatives appeal to eyewitnesses to furnish police with information By Shirley Thomas SIXTY-SIX-year-old Anthony D’Andrade remains in a critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) three days after being picked up on the Houston Public Road, East

Bank Demerara, unconscious and with marks of violence. On life support, D’Andrade has suffered a fractured skull, spinal injuries above the neck, and is bleeding internally. He has also sustained a cut at the back of his head. Relatives say D’Andrade

works at Ray Vieira’s ‘RentA-Tent’ facility at Houston, and might have been on his way to work when someone apparently struck him behind the head with a blunt object. His brother Mark D’Andrade said the family received word that he was lying on the Houston public road in a telephone call received between 6:00hrs and 7:00 hrs. He was on the western side of the road, where his workplace is situated, in vicinity of the Christmas tree and entrance to the Gafoor’s Complex. He has remained unconscious since he was discovered lying on the road, and is totally on life support. Relatives reportedly have no information on how he sustained his injuries, but are appealing to anyone who might have witnessed the incident, or have any information in this regard, to kindly contact the nearest police station.

The motor car after the accident on Saturday night (Inews Guyana photo).

Friends die in horrific trailer/car accident on Canal #2 Polder public road, WBD --alcohol and speeding reportedly responsible for tragedy By Michel Outridge SHAMEER Haniff, 19, of Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara, accompanied by his friend Roy (only name given), 22, of Canal # 2 Polder, West Bank Demerara, crashed a red Toyota Fielder station wagon, # PPP 6627, into the rear of a low-bed trailer that was parked on the public road at Canal # 2 Polder, West Bank Demerara on Saturday night around 19:30 hrs. They died on the spot, having been pulled from the mangled wreck in an unresponsive condition when the vehicle was eventually extricated almost from under the trailer, where it had firmly lodged itself. Mere moments before the tragedy, the duo had reportedly exited a rum shop where they had been imbibing. Roy, reportedly a logger in the interior, had journeyed to the city to spend the holidays.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

Digicel Guyana brightens the lives of a Georgetown single-parent mother and her nine children

By Michel Outridge DIGICEL Guyana yesterday brightened the lives of a single- parent mother and her nine children -- including four sets of twins -- with the gift of a sumptuous lunch, and grocery items besides toys and gift vouchers. A team comprising managers and other staffers, including Ms Jacqueline James, Head of Marketing; Mr Gavin Hope, Sponsorship and Events Manager; Ms Vidya Sanichara, Public Relations Officer; and Mr Ramesh Rupchand, Marketing Manager, visited the family’s modest home at Lot 102 Leopold Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown to the great surprise and utter amazement of Ms Bridget Dundas, 40, who was moved to tears at the generous gesture from Digicel. The woman said that she broke down in tears yesterday because she had been diagnosed with traces of leptospirosis since Christmas Eve, and it was only yesterday that she had been able to get out of bed to prepare a pot of soup. She had made no preparations for the holidays. Ms Dundas told this publication that she is very grateful to the cell phone giant for making the lives of herself and children comfortable at this festive season, and the feeling was overwhelming when she saw all the bags that filled her house yesterday. Ms Dundas received many bags with groceries, goodies and toys for herself and the children. She even received two cell phones and gift vouchers as well. Dundas received 11 gift vouchers in total. She can now go shopping at Ashmins’, Giftland, Bounty Supermarket and

Digicel Guyana Head of Marketing, Ms Jacqueline James, as she made the presentation to Bridget Dundas yesterday at Dundas’s home.

The team from Digicel pose with Bridget Dundas and her family yesterday. JR Burgers. Even children in the neighbourhood received gifts and tokens from Digicel Guyana yesterday. Ms Dundas said she has nine children with four sets of twins, ages ranging from 13 to 18, all of whom she has been supporting single-handedly since her spouse left the home. Speaking on behalf of Digicel Guyana, Ms Jacqueline James said that a story featuring the woman’s plight caught her eye in the Kaieteur News of December 27, and the company decided to do something to enhance the situation for that family. She said that in the spirit of the “Brighten Someone’s Christmas” promotion, Digicel Guyana made the presentation yesterday, even though it is after Christmas, they still wanted to assist.

Sophia man robbed, shot in front of his home by lone bandit PAUL Hutson, 43, of ‘C’ Field, Sophia, was admitted to a private city hospital nursing a gunshot wound inflicted on him by a lone gunman during an armed robbery committed at his home. The police have reported that, about 21:15 hrs on December 28, Hutson had just returned home when the bandit held him at gunpoint and took away his jewellery and cell phones, in the process shooting Paul Hutson to his abdomen.

Man found with unlicensed .38 revolver at Pouderoyen, WBD THE police have reported that about 01:50 hrs on December 29, ranks conducted a search on a man at Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara and found him possessing an unlicensed .38 revolver. He is currently in police custody assisting with investigations. (Michel Outridge)

Bridget Dundas and her children.

Police refute allegations in Kaieteur News article regarding death of chief librarian

By Michel Outridge

FOLLOWING the Christmas Eve fatal accident which claimed the life of Chief Librarian Ms Gillian Thompson, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) has said that no police vehicle or vehicle in which police ranks were travelling was involved in the accident. Responding to a Kaieteur News December 25 article captioned: “Chief Librarian dies in smash up with Police”, the Guyana Police Force issued a statement on Friday evening to the above effect, in which it also stated that ensuing investigations did not unearth any information or evidence that the motor car involved in the accident was being pursued by the police. The GPF has said it is once more urging that, in keeping with professional journalism, some clarification on such matters be sought before publication. Meanwhile, investigations have resulted in 24-year-old Odedo Underwood of Guyhoc Park, Georgetown being charged with causing death by dangerous driving, breach of insurance, unlicensed driving, and taking a vehicle without consent of its owner. He appeared before Chief Magistrate Ms. Priya SewnarineBeharry on December 27, and pleaded not guilty to the charge of causing death by dangerous driving, but guilty to the other charges. He has been placed on bail in the sum of $500,000., and the matters have been adjourned to December 31, 2013.

Chief Librarian Ms Gillian Thompson.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

Bartica residents complain FIU seeking to about garbage woes strengthen staff

THE garbage situation is not restricted to Georgetown, as residents in Bartica are now complaining that their community is slowly but more than surely becoming as stink as Georgetown. Residents of the community of Bydaribo Road in Bartica have been very uneasy and furious at the regional authorities for not addressing their concerns and looking into the issue of the uncontrollable garbage situation in their community. The residents told the media that the area has now become a dumpsite and is being managed by a private company. The situation has reached the point where it is now hazardous and uncontrollable. At the centre of the discomfort for the residents is the fact that the dumpsite seems to be unmanageable for the persons who have been running it and as such the garbage is now making its way onto the roadways. Reporters have been told that the residents have made several attempts and complaints about the smoke emanating from the dumpsite, but they have not been receiving any satisfaction.


The pile of garbage which should be on the dumpsite and not on the roadway

A section of the roadway partly c o vered w i t h t h e over-spilled garbage

Mechanisation will not displace labourers- Ramsammy By Vanessa Narine ALTHOUGH levels of mechanisation are already being seen in the sugar industry, Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, maintains that while this is necessary, it will not replace manual labour. He said: “The fact is that under perfect conditions, the pool of workers that is available in Guyana for the sugar industry is not sufficient to support a 100 per cent manual operation. Even if we adopt a policy that we are only going to do manual operations, we do not have the labour pool to support this. There is no dispute over this. I think everyone has accepted this.” The minister explained that the government’s policy has always been to introduce a level of mechanisation into the sector, but not in a manner to displace workers. “GUYSUCO (Guyana Sugar Corporation) decided some time ago, long before me and long before Minister Robert Persaud, that there has to be a level of mechanisation and this has been done, but of course not in a manner to displace workers,” Ramsammy said. He added that in reviewing the last 10 years, the labour pool has been reducing. “This is a problem that will not go away and so we have to accelerate the level of mechanisation…. at every estate there

Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy is a level of mechanisation,” Ramsammy explained ACCELERATION The minister pointed out that in some of the estates, mechanisation is limited to the bell loaders, which assist in

picking up canes that have been harvested, while in other estates, such as Enmore and Skeldon, there are also mechanical harvesters. He said: “There is between 30 and 40 per cent manual loading, a cut and load, across GuySuCo since the majority of loading is done by the bell loaders in all estates.We need two bell loaders in all the estates, because the truth is even where there is the cut and load approach, the workers prefer to have the bell loaders used. The truth also is we need mechanical harvesters and all estates will have to have a level of mechanical harvesting being done.” Ramsammy reiterated that this will be done in a manner to ensure that workers are not displaced. According to him, as the acceleration of mechanisation advances, workers will be better trained to take up functions as operators and technicians of the machines. He made it clear that mechanisation will support the industry’s turnaround, in terms of more efficient operations. Ramsammy said: “Part of the problem here is that the amount of mechanisation we need, that will not displace any worker, is still not in place and this is because it is a huge investment to buy the machines and the way the land is prepared is designed for manual

labour and there has to be some redesigning. “GUYSUCO has been slow in completing the redesigning of the lands, largely because of the investment that is needed, and what has been done in 2013 is the acquisition of machines.” He stated that to date 10 excavators and 12 fully equipped tractors for land preparation have been purchased and a tender is out for an additional 20 tractors, while in 2014 the focus will be on acquiring a few more excavators. “These will all support the redesigning of the land and help in accelerating the mechanisation process,” the minister said. The acceleration process in some estates, he added, will be dependent on the labour situation. “This move will have to do with answering the question of whether we have the manpower,” Ramsammy said. He explained that the entire turnaround process has been looked at largely from the point of view of increasing production, but he maintained that mechanisation is also a major part of the process, especially as it relates to improving efficiency. “Mechanisation is also in terms of shorter grinding season, fewer opportunity days….we have to increase the machines also to respond to the weather challenges…. in its entirety the focus is[to] improve efficiency,” Ramsammy noted

TWO major postings, legal advisers and financial analysts, were advertised yesterday by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), as it seeks to improve its staff complement. Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, said: “In keeping with the FIU’s mandate, which is to facilitate the detection, prevention and deterrence of money laundering, and financing of terrorist activity in Guyana, the unit seeks to fill several key positions. He added: “These are publicly advertised positions which suitably qualified persons are invited to apply for and fill.” Up to press time Paul Geer, Director of the FIU, was unavailable for comment on how the new staff would improve the unit’s capacity. Established under the 2009 Anti-Money Laundering Countering of Financing of Terrorism (AML /CFT) Act, the FIU is tasked with requesting, receiving, analysing and disseminating suspicious transaction reports and other information related to money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as those related to proceeds from criminal acts. Guyana has new deadlines to implement the recommendations or face sanctions. Since missing the November 18 deadline, CFATF, at its plenary meeting, warned its members to “consider implementing counter measures to their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks” emanating from Guyana. The France-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is expected to hold a review in February, which Guyana could be included in, following CFATF’s designation of Guyana as a country with strategic anti-money laundering and countering the financing terrorism deficiencies that has not made sufficient progress in addressing the deficiencies and have not complied with its Action Plan developed with CFATF to address these deficiencies. CFATF itself is expected to review Guyana’s position in May 2014 at its next meeting. If Guyana is unable to meet the May 2014 deadline, the body is expected to hand Guyana over to the Financial Action Task Force for the International Cooperation Review Group’s (ICRG) evaluation to begin.

Nation to be updated on critical Govt. projects at several end-of-year press conferences

By Leroy Smith THE Government plans, through its various ministries and agencies, to update the nation on the progress of works done on several major capital and other projects being carried out by contractors. Several end-of-year press conferences and briefings are planned for staging over this and the next week. The briefings are geared to inform the nation of the scope of work which was planned between January and the end of December, and to advise on how many of those works have been completed, how many are still ongoing, those that are behind schedule, and have encountered false starts. Reasons are also expected to be given for the status quo of the various programmes and projects. Moreover, it is anticipated that each end-of-year press conference would have projections into the new year, and an outline of the ventures to be undertaken by the various ministries and agencies. The process has already begun, with the Ministry of Housing having hosted its end-of-year press conference last Friday. The press conference and briefings are usually headed by the head of agencies and government ministers where applicable, and would sometimes feature the entire top brass of the respective bodies. Among the bigger projects being undertaken by some of the ministries and agencies in the country are road expansion, housing drives, and preparation for local government elections, among other things. Several press conferences are scheduled for today, Monday. Among them are those of the Ministries of Labour, Human Services and Social Security; Education; Agriculture; and Local Government and Regional Development. Tomorrow, Tuesday, the Mayor and City Council will hold its press conference. The Peoples Progressive Party/Civic is also hosting a press conference today, which will mark that party’s last such formal engagement with the media for 2013.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

NCPE against unprofessional conduct among CPG members --as chairman,administrator visit relatives of Godfrey Jaggroo

CHAIRMAN of the National Community Policing Executive (NCPE), Mr Omesh Satyanand, accompanied by National CPG Administrator Mr. Dennis Pompey, visited Ms Babita Jhaggroo and her family on 21st December to directly express deep regrets at the unfortunate death of her son Godfrey Jhaggroo, 20, who was fatally shot at Bellevue, West Bank Demerara around 19:00 hrs on December 18th, with a licensed firearm owned by the Chairman of the Bellevue Community Policing Group. The victim had earlier been involved in an argument with his mother, during which a man, who resides next door and operates an off-licence liquor store, intervened and assaulted him with a piece of wood. Jhaggroo was reportedly on his way to the Wales Police Station to lodge a complaint when he was confronted by three men, one of whom, a licensed firearm holder, had been at the off-licence liquor store. Jhaggroo was fatally shot to his back with a shotgun, and was later pronounced dead on arrival at the West Demerara Regional Hospital. Harry ‘Sudesh’ Rajpat, 20, a mechanic, recently appeared before Magistrate Clive Nurse at the Wales Magistrates’ Court to answer a charge of murder involving the death of Godfrey Jhaggroo, and was remanded until February 20th, 2014. Rajpat had been slapped with the murder charge shortly after the post-mortem had been performed on the body of Godfrey Jhaggroo, who also had resided in the same community and in close proximity to Rajpat’s home. Jhaggroo had reportedly died from injuries received when a shotgun had been blasted at him from

At left is NCPE Chairman, Mr Omesh Satyanand; (in blue & white striped jersey) and at right, in the green jersey, is Mr. Dennis Pompey, CPG Administrator (in the foreground, speaking to the survivors of Godfrey Jhaggroo) close range, the post mortem revealed. The NCPE has declared itself as standing completely against any form of unprofessional conduct which besmirches the good image of community policing in Guyana; and the NCPE has also said it would sincerely support all efforts to ensure a satisfactory outcome from this tragic incident. The NCPE expresses sincere condolences to all aggrieved persons at this time of their grief and sorrow. (Michel Outridge)

Arsonists target Parika mandir

THE members of the Shree Khrisna Dharmic Mandir in Hydronie, Parika East Bank Essequibo are in total shock after they found their Mandir badly scorched early yesterday morning. Some members arrived at the Mandir at approximately 07:45 hours and discovered the interior of the building badly burnt, including all of the marble Murtis. Chairman of the West Coast Demerara branch of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Saba, Jagmohan Persaud told the media that the perpetrators set the place on fire by setting the window curtains alight. Persaud however could not say who might have done the damage. He explained to this online news agency that the mandir was fully secured the night before. He further explained that there is one particular door within the building which can be opened with a knife. However, this is only known to members closely associated with the Mandir, Persaud explained While the losses are yet to be determined, Persaud estimates it to be in the vicinity millions of dollars. He said the Mandir is one of the most modernised buildings in the country and was officially opened in January 2008. Police investigations are continuing

The scorched mandir at Parika


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

2013- A year that stimulated further housing developments

An aerial view of the Diamond/Grove housing scheme East Bank Demerara(Adrian Narine photos)

A GINA Feature

President Donald Ramotar planting a banner to the 1,000 homes project

signed into law, thereby establishing the regulatory foundation others had their roofs refurbished. On November 1, the beneficiaries for this process. in Region 9 communities which include Kwatamang, Central Annai, THE year 2013 has been another very busy The hinterland segment of the national housing drive received Massara, Katoka and Apoteri received keys to their homes. Benefione for the Housing Ministry and its execut- a tremendous boost as a result of a collaborative effort between ciaries in Manawarin, Region 1, had received theirs earlier in the year. ing arm, the Central Housing and Planning the Government of Guyana and the Inter-American Development The latest move in the turnkey concept also saw the PerseAuthority (CH&PA), as they led the verance Scheme on the East Bank of government’s grand strategy of proDemerara earmarked for the develviding housing, both for low-income opment of 1,000 homes valued $4.7M Guyanese and other categories. each. Obviously, the demand is still great The ministry’s 2013 work proas measured by the number of One gramme had projected the allocation of Stop Shops held, and the quantum of over 6,000 houselots, and distribution lots allotted at each of these strategic of over 4,000 land titles. In this regard, engagements. Thus, with a budgetary the innovative mechanism of the One allocation of $3.1B, the stage was again Stop Shop system was employed at 10 set for one of the necessities that is different locations across the country for central to any human being’s daily life the fulfilment of this goal. – the acquisition of shelter. A total of 8,500 lots were allocated Several new initiatives were anand 7,000 titles distributed during 2013. nounced and implemented in keeping Among the locales visited by this with the visionary plan of making afunique process were Farm on the East fordable housing available to Guyanese, Bank of Demerara, where 1600 lots were even as there was continued focus on allocated;1200 for Lust-en-Rust, Region the distribution of lots, the development 3;775 at Kilcoy/Chesney, Region 6 (East of new sustainable housing schemes, Berbice Corentyne) ; 85 lots for Zeelugt increased provision of turn-key housPhase 2; 840 lots for Zeelugt Phase; and ing, and expansion of the core houses 360 at Onderneeming, on the Essequibo An aerial view of the housing scheme concept. Coast. at Providence, East Bank Demerara Since its introduction in 2009, there which is an Initiative of Buddy’s a NEW INITIATIVES have been 53 One Stop Shops, and private developer Government has been subsidising these Beginning with the key initiative houselot allocations by more than 40%. introduced in 2013 to boost home ownIn November, the Minister of Housership, this intervention, a significant ing and Water, Irfaan Ali, had indicated tax relief, will cost the government that the ministry’s staff had completed $580M annually in revenue, and will all the 2013 proposed programmes, benefit tens of thousands of first-time among which were construction of home owners. Named the Mortgage Income Bank to address housing needs in the hinterland. Under the second over 200 core homes, 50 turnkey homes, and the distribution of 200 Relief (MIR), it allows first-time homeowners Low Income Settlement (LIS-2) Programme, roof replacements home improvement subsidies for families on the coastland and 125 who have been granted mortgages up to $30M will be done for 86 houses, while 122 new homes will be built. hinterland families. by commercial banks or building societies, mortTwenty-three households in White Water, Region 1 (Barima/ Also completed were 200 community roads under the US $18.7M gage interest relief. This measure has since been Waini) received keys to their new homes on October 31, while 27 Community Road Improvement Project (CRIP).


The East Bank corridor, now a transformed geographical area of astounding modernity, has continued to attract exponential sums for its continued socio-economic development. For 2013, a grand total of $5.8B was invested on its continued development. This catered for investments at Providence Phase 3, where the sum of $731M was expended for the creation of 558 new lots; at Farm, where $1.4B was invested for 1695 lots; Plantation Perseverance, where for 200 lots, $90M was spent; and at Plantation Ec-

cles, $40M was utilised for 70 lots. Also included, was $680M spent on the Farm to Diamond Access Road, $450M on the construction of 120 single-flat homes at Providence; $154M that has resulted in levels of upgrade to roads at Great Diamond and Golden Grove, benefiting 1000 lots in these schemes; and $544M spent to upgrade to asphaltic surface, the Cacique and Greenfield See page 14


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013 A section of turnkey homes on the East Bank of Demerara

White Water, Region 1 residents with the keys to their new homes

2013- A year that stimulated ...

From Centre

Park entrances. It must be emphasised that from 2000 to 2012, investments on the East Bank by the CH&PA have totalled $17B. This huge sum has created 13,000 new lots in areas including Great Diamond, Golden Grove, Little Diamond, Mocha, Eccles, Herstelling and Kaneville, benefiting more than 54,000 people. COLLABORATION WITH PRIVATE SECTOR Several successful partnerships with the private sector were fostered yet again towards the provision of reasonably priced home home ownership. Included in this initiative were: discussions with Courts Furniture Store to have a special line of furniture made for low and middle-income home owners; an MOU signed with Harris Paints, Guyana Limited to allow low and low middle-income earners, staff of the ministry, and contractors who are working on the “turn-key” houses, to benefit from a price discount of seven percent on paints. BUILDING EXPO With the successful take-off of the housing sector, the Ministry of Housing initiated the Building and Construction Expo with the aim of responding to the housing and building needs of Guyanese, and to foster home ownership. The fourth such event in 2013 highlighted the theme: “Consolidating partnerships for sustainable development” and attracted over 80 booths. It was this venue at which SILICA city, the new housing venture earmarked for the Soesdyke-Linden Highway, was unveiled. The ministry proposed the latter, new housing development as a viable solution to the country’s housing needs, taking into consideration environmental consequences, and technological changes, inclusive of rising sea levels and the availability of land. Praises In September, whilst on a visit to Guyana, and after being taken on tour of a few of Guyana’s housing schemes, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves, said that the Government’s housing programme was extraordinary, describing it as unlike any other in the Caribbean, including that of St. Vincent and the Grenadines which is reputed to be the best. 2014 AND ONWARDS With great vision, Government’s housing programme will continue, where all Guyanese will be given a fair chance to fulfil one of life’s greatest achievements: to own a home. The ministry is targeting in 2014, the construction of 500 turn-key homes and the execution of the design for Silica City. The Ministry of Housing and Water will advertise and provide sustained employment for masons, skilled men, carpenters, and labourers to work with the ministry on the construction of the different types of homes that are made available under the ministry’s programmes. It will complete a few new schemes including Zeeburg and the expansion of Zeelugt in Region 3 (Essequibo Islands/West Demerara), the continued expansion of the East Bank corridor to bring about another 3000 lots, completing the new highway into Parfait Harmonie that would realise a new access almost to the Demerara Harbour Bridge, completing the asphaltic concrete paving of four collectors’ roads between Eccles to Little Diamond, and will work on some main arteries into Sophia. Focus will also be on working with the Ministry of Finance to find resources to expand the hinterland housing programme.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

Michael Schumacher, ex-F1 champion, critical after ski fall (BBC News) SCHUMACHER is an experienced skier, reports the BBC’s Hugh Schofield Michael Schumacher, seven-time Formula 1 world champion, is in a critical condition after a skiing accident, says the French hospital treating him. The 44-year-old German suffered serious brain trauma, was in a coma on arrival and underwent a brain operation. He was skiing off-piste with his son in the French Alps on Sunday when the accident occurred. Schumacher was wearing a helmet when he fell and hit his head against a rock, his manager Sabine Kehm said. Early reports had said his condition was not life-threatening and he reportedly walked away from the accident complaining only of feeling a bit shaken. The accident took place in the French ski resort of Meribel on Sunday morning. The resort’s director, Christophe Gernignon-Lecomte, said Schumacher was attended to by two ski patrollers who requested

helicopter evacuation to the nearby valley town of Moutiers. He was subsequently moved to the bigger facility at Grenoble, in south-east France. His wife Corinna and two children are with him. “Mr Schumacher was admitted to the University Hospital of Grenoble at 12:40 [11:40 GMT], following a skiing accident which occurred in Meribel in the late morning,” the Grenoble hospital said in a statement. “He suffered a severe head injury with coma on arrival, which required immediate neurosurgical intervention. He remains in a critical situation.” The hospital statement was signed by the facility’s neurosurgeon, the professor in charge of its anaesthesia/ revival unit, and the hospital’s deputy director, reports said. A hospital official declined to give more details and said more information would be given out on Monday, said Reuters news agency. Experts say it is likely that his brain began to swell and

the urgent surgery was required to relieve the pressure, says the BBC’s Hugh Schofield in Paris. Stellar career The German, who is due to turn 45 on 3 January, retired from F1 for a second time in 2012. Professor Gerard Saillant, a close ally and friend of Schumacher, and his former Ferrari team boss Jean Todt are at the hospital. Prof Saillant is an expert in brain and spine injury. He oversaw Schumacher’s medical care when the German broke his leg in the 1999 British GP. Schumacher won seven world championships and secured 91 race victories during a 19-year career in Formula 1. He won two titles with Benetton, in 1994 and 1995, before switching to Ferrari in 1996 and going on to win five straight titles from 2000. The German retired in 2006, but returned in 2010 with Mercedes. After three seasons which yielded just one podium finish, he quit the sport at the end of 2012.


Aries March 21 - April 19

It’s time for you to face some facts, but it’s not just you that’s on the hook, fortunately. The universe is asking as all to sit still, quiet our minds, pay attention and be realistic, whether we like it or not. Now, the ‘sit still’ part is admittedly a little bit tougher on you than on others, but once you set your mind to it, you can do almost anything you want. Try not to make it look too easy!

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Someone higher up in the hierarchy is about to put their foot down and say no to an utterly reasonable request. You’re not used to hearing that word from them because, as hard as you work, the meagre requests you make just aren’t seen as drawing on too many resources. After the shock has passed, think it over before you decide to skip getting mad and start getting even. There may be a much deeper reason behind the refusal.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

You’ve been much more heavily focused on business than on play lately, which isn’t like you at all. Your friends may be a bit taken aback -- and you really can’t blame them. Try to explain that you’ve just about had it with bowing down to other people’s professional whims, and you’re thinking of making an impressive exit. Then they might start to get a glimmer.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

You’re not in the mood for public displays -- of affection, or much of anything else. When you’re approached by someone who’s more than willing to let the world in on private matters, you’re less than receptive, but don’t feel bad about it. They have no right to let a secret out -- at least nothing that doesn’t belong to them exclusively. You can let them know what’s what with one quick, cutting comment.

Leo July 23 - August 22

An elder you’ve long admired seems to have a bit of a problem with you today, and you can’t quite figure out what’s going on. You need to talk with them about it, but you’re worried -- not so much about how they might treat you, but more about what’s really going on between you. Take a deep breath and open up a new line of communications. It’s certainly for the best!

NCN D E M E R A R A 11 ESSEQUIBO 25 BERBICE 15 05:00 – Inspiration 05:30 – Newtown Gospel 06:30 – BBC 07:00 _ Guyana Today 08:00 _ Round Table (r/b) 09:00 – Stop the Suffering 09:30 _ Cartoons 10:00 _ Food Networks 11:00 _ History 12:00 _ CNN 12:30 _ NCN Newsbreak 12:35 _ National Geographic 14:00 _ NCN Newsbreak 14:05 _ Movie 16:00 _ NCN Newsbreak 16:05 _ Disney XD 17:00 _ NCN Live with Wanita 18:00 – NCN News Magazine – Live 18:30 – Political Scope 19:00 _ Al Jazeera 19:30 _ Caribbean Passport (r/b) 20:00 – 3d/daily millions/play de dream/ lotto draw 20:10 _ Shopping Time 21:00 – GINA Presents

22:00 _ NCN Late Edition 22:35 – Caribbean Newsline 23:00 _ Movie - “The


Virgo August 23 - September 22

It takes quite a bit of teasing or meanness to get you really riled up -- but right around now, you’re plenty mad. It’s most likely the person you care most about, and they’re probably feeling just as frustrated. You need to take time off, and that’s not a euphemism for the early stages of a break-up. Put some distance -- and some time -- between you two. Then you can return to solve this in your usual loving way.

Libra September 23 - October 22

You’re definitely in the mood to get some work done, and that’s that. Keep your eyes open, though, because you’re definitely not in the mood for being taken advantage of, especially when it comes to money. If someone tries to play you for a fool, not only can you spot it with great ease, you should also go after the culprit with all the energy you can muster -- as well you should. Don’t let them get away with it.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

You’re not exactly happy with the way recent events have turned out, and you’re not in the mood to pretend that you are. Fortunately, you won’t have to for very long. Almost everyone can see you’re aggravated, and those responsible know exactly how angry you are -- and don’t bother you any further. Your only problem now will be what to do about the folks who aren’t bright enough to figure it out.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 For Monday December 30, 2013 -14:30hrs For Tuesday December 31, 2013 -14:30hrs

Someone is trying to make you feel guilty and, believe it or not, that’s pretty easy to do right now. Rather than giving in and letting it happen, do what you did yesterday and make sure all your bases are covered before doing much of anything for yourself. That way, you can ensure that if anyone tries to bust you, it’s okay for you to bust them right back and soak up the sympathy from the home crowd.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

The universe is in a freaky mood -- and so are you, mostly because energies you can’t quite understand just now are driving your life. If you say ‘no,’ but those around you can’t understand that simple answer, you need to unleash some serious consequences. If anyone can give you the right answer to the right question, however, things are going to get a lot better fast -- in fact, they may turn out to be downright excellent!

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

Things have changed in a big way -- so much so that they might be unrecognisable after yesterday. This doesn’t mean you’re confused or unhappy with the choices that you made -- that hardly ever happens these days. You do need to deal with the outcome of those choices, though. There’s no need for worries, though -- when was the last time you made the wrong call when you had all the facts?

Pisces February 19 - March 20

You’ve got all day to listen, and that’s good enough. Once the talk is all finished, though, you absolutely must let go of it and remember that your own needs have to take priority, just this once. There may be someone you’ve been wanting to spend some time with, and if so, the feeling is mutual. It’s not too late, so give them a call. You deserve to enjoy yourself!






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FOR Receptionist and Cleaners at Sunset View Hotel , David Street, Kitty. Tel. 223-6416. TWO male Sales Clerks, previous experience would be an asset. Please bring written application to Mike's Pharmacy, 56 Sheriff Street, Georgetown.


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PAWNSHOP PAWN SHOP ELEGANCE Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-en-Rust between Camp and Geo rge Streets. Tel: 223-6331, 227-2307.


ser vices services

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PORTERS, Wood-Mizer sawmill operator, grant manager, chain saw operator, moulder operator. Call Richard 609-7675, 233-2614. CANTER TRUCK DRIVER Minimum 5 years' experience, PORTERS and WATCHMAN- Apply with written application to Patsan - Sheriff &Johnsmith Streets, Campbellville. VACANCIES exist at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street, Campbellville, for cleaners and drivers. Persons must send in application along with a passportsize photograph. For more information, contact 227-5286-89. VACANCIES exist for Sales Clerk, Bond Clerk, Accounts Clerk and Pharmacist at Roy's Pharmacy. Interested persons can send in applications along with Curriculum Vitae and one passport-size photograph to Roy's Pharmacy Stall #3233 and 64-65 Bourda Market. Tel. 2260693, one cleaner call Samantha 2236072. EMPLOYMENT opportunity: Experienced customer serviceoriented person to manage apartment complex. Kindly address handwritten applications to Apartment Management Vacancy PO Box 101161, Georgetown, Guyana.

0.080 ACRE, Republic Drive, Betterverwagting, East Coast. No Agent. Tel. # 684-3009, 667-3953. LARGE commercial land on the East Coast Public road. Tel 671-1997 7 ACRES cultivated citrus, house, fish pond, storage, 2 acres cultivated, 2 - 1 ACRE cultivated Parika. Contact 226-7968. BB ECCLES 100 x 50 only $14M, Call 231-2064, 2252626, 227-6863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 226-1064. ONE land at Phase 2 Martyrsville, Mon Repos ECD. Price $3M neg. Tel. 629-5300. EXCLUSIVE high income, residential house lot (53 ft x 100 ft) Phase 1 La Parfaite Harmonie. Price $2.6M. Phone 697-5378. LAND at Friendship EBD eastern side of the road, no reasonable offer refused, dimension 305 x 72 sale by owner. Tel. 639-7045, 666-6255. LA PARFAITE Harmonie $1.2M, $2M, $2.5M, Herstelling $4M. Are you selling or renting your property? Call Ron's Real Estate - 2185591, 675-7292. LAND in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626 ONE land in Duncan St. for 4storey office complex, bond, school, apartment $31M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 618-0000, Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr. Darindra 6150069.\ LAND for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 - $36M, neg, Austin St. 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft - $22M, Phone Vice President 2252626, 618-0000, 225-2626, 6232591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 6150069 600 ACRES MAHAICONY with 45 cows, 1 horse, house and generator HOUSE LOTS VERSAILLES and Republic Gardens gated compound, High Street, Bel Air, Cummings Street. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. THE only South Road land for 3-storey office complex, 65x32 front, $38M neg. Mr Darindra, 6150069. Mr Budram 692-3831, 2252626, 225-3068, 225-5198, 2252709, 231-2064, 227-6949, 6180000, 627-0288.

GENERAL Manager - Wharf facilities. Requirements: 5 subjects CXC, must have minimum of 3 years experience in similar position, preferably over 35 years. Salary based on qualification and experience Address to Transportation Services, 171 'A' Light Street Bourda Georgetown.

L A N D with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 6150069, 618-0000 Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 2276863, 226-1064, 225-2626.


14 8 x 60 land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5storey, students' dorm - $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Vice President Ramsohoye 618-0000, 623-2591, 227-6863, 2252626, 667-7812.

Land For Sale

40 ACRES of lease land at Yarrokabra. Tel. 601-9297, 616-8193. BLANKENBURG Public Road W.C.D, 38x150, 16M, 6663619. 3 ACRES of land in Kara Kara, Linden $35M. Contact 6803771, 694-7210. LAND in Atlantic Ville, 90 x 55, sale by owner. No reasonable offer refused. 697-0631. ATLANTIC Ville & Friendship ECD EBD. No price will be refused . Tel. 689-9388, 120 x 150 plot of land at Watooka Linden $6.5M. Contact 6803771, 694-7210.

SECOND lot in Dennis St, with driveway 20 feet $17M, Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da S i l v a S t 8 0 x 5 0 $13M, Kitty Railway Embankment 8 000 sq. ft $ 20M, land has 20 ft driveways. V i c e Preside n t D r a n d i a 6 1 5 0069, Vice President Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, Vice President Ramsayae 618-0000, Vice President 225-2626, 226-1064, 667-7812.

LAND FOR SALE GUYANESE businesses mus t think o u t o f t h e b ox. They must adopt a new strategy. The Chinese are moving in so m e l o c a t i o n s t h a t l a n d f o r b o nd/factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 s q . f t o n the main road close t o t h e C h i nese Embassy $54M for 4-storey fast food/super m a r k e t 200-car parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhand r i 6 1 5 - 0 0 6 5 , M r . P a t r i c k P e r e i r a 6 6 9 - 3 3 5 0, M r. A l y s i o u s P e r e i r a 6 2 3 2591, 225-2709, 225-2626, 225-306 8, 226-1064, 227-6863, 225-5198 Seven da y s o f h o t m a i l : t o n y r e i d s r e a l t y. c o m . 120x60 CLOSE to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5-storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Pereira 226-1064, M r. Darindra 615-0069, 2252626, 227-6863, 225-5198\ THIS land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same re turn on your investment $95M, talking of 5-storey complex. Phone Lady Boston 684-2244, Lady Racel Jones 688-3434 lady Davi Dyal 697-9377, Master Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000, 6232591, 225-2626, 225-3068, 2 2 6 1064 , Email : WE wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 - $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4-storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 80 x 60 with lots of reserve $16M, Republic Park $16M, Continental Park double lot $35M, Croal Street 75 x 50 - $32M, 3 lots at 'AA' Eccles with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated community $45M neg. Phone cell 697-9377, 225-3068, 2261064, 227-6863 , 2 2 7 - 6 9 6 4 , 225-2626. to let


ROOMS and apartments 621-5282. ONE-bedroom bottom flat Kitty Tel. 223-3067. 2-BEDROOM bottom flat at Tucber Park, New Amsterdam. 333-3838, 626-9002. FULLY furnished apartments, 1 and 2 bedrooms. Longand short-term Contact 645-0787 OFFICE space - 2500 square feet- Lamaha and Carmichael Street. Call 225-8915 (office). QUEENSTOWN: New modem 5-storey building for sale or rent. Studio apartments. Tel. 226-0025, 648-3171. A PA R T M E N T f o r r e n t from January 1, 2014, walking distance to UG. Call 2226708.









MIDDLE floor, Camp Street area, for official or other type of business. Call Richard 609-7675, 233-2114.

3-BEDROOM furnished house located at 1134 Crane Place, South Ruimveldt Park. Rates neg. Contact 611-6880, 225-9229.

TOP with bottom, fully furnished, 2 bedrooms, toilet, bath. Unfurnished bottom 2 bedrooms, toilet, bath at Chateau Margot ECD. Tel. 660-0943.

FULLY furnished 2-bedroom apartment in South, TV, AC, hot and cold, US$60 per day. Tel. 689-5877 Sisher Car Rental $6 000 per day.

U N F U R N I S H E D 2-bedroom very spacious $90 000, furnished 1- 2-, & 3-bedroom, including AC, internet, parking, pool US$500, US$600, US$700. Very exquisite. Contact Alexander Pereira - 6690943 Email

WE have rental from US$800 in Kingston, New Haven, beautiful 2-storey concrete property, 4 self-contained rooms, large den, large living room, family room, television room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price US$2500, unfurnished. Bel Air Springs 2-storey concrete property, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family room, den, verandah, hot and cold facilities, semifurnished, security cameras, land space US$1500. Lamaha Gardens 2-storey concrete property, fully air conditioned 3 bedrooms, unfurnished US$2000, (neg). Prashad Nagar 2-storey concrete property large living area, 4 self-contained rooms hot and cold facilities, generator, unfurnished US$1500 neg. Camp St middle floor suitable for business $175 000. QUEENSTOWN: Beautiful 2-storey concrete property in perfect condition, 4 bedrooms, hot a nd cold facilities, master room, family room, den, airconditioned, parking space for vehicle US$2500. Do call u s o n Te l . 2 2 5 -6858, 225-7164, 6881885 Call Terrence 667-7812. We are situated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque Sts. Queenstown.BARR Street, Kitty: 3-bedroom front house, 1 self-contained room, tub, washroom, hot and cold, 2 washrooms, 2 AC, ceiling fans in all rooms, breezy verandah and all rooms beautifuly lacquered fully grilled, private driveway for 3 vehicles. Suitable for foreigners. Call 225-3262, 6786948.

REPUBLIC Gardens New Housing Scheme Gated community situated in Peter's Hall District, East Bank Demerara.. All infrastructure are in place. Interested persons are asked to make contact at our office: 2251787 or 672-7189

LAMAHA Gardens:, 4 selfcontained with full works, $68M, Darindra 615-0069, Mr Ramsahoye 618-0000, Mr Budram 692-3831, 225-2626, 226-1064, 627-0288, 231-2064, 225-5198, 227-6949.

GREIA: Alberttown - old building on land $14M, Saffon Street large ongoing business for sale. Price neg. Tel. 225-4398, 225-3737, 651-7078.

FABULOUS Homes Int'l: Kitty $19M $28M neg, South Ruimveldt $19M, $20M neg, Enachu Street $48M neg, Mon Repos $36M, neg, Colingen $16M, Paradise Public Road $12M neg, Land Herstelling $3M, Grove $3.$6M, Diamond $4.5M. Contact Theresa 648-6033.

FURNISHED room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $5 000, $6 000 daily. Call Julian - 638-4505, 225-4709. RESTAURANT and bar available from January 1, 2014, UG Road, also area for any kind of business. Call 623-3404. ONE bedroom apartment in Campbellville suitable for business also. 621-3661. 2 BEDROOM apartment at Da Silva Street $70 000. Tel. 610-2021, 629-4337. APARTMENT for overseas visitors, US$30 per day. Tel. 6506231, 697-0480. ONE-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments next to UG. Tel. 680-7622. ONE 2-bedroom apartment, inside toilet and bath, Montrose Public Road. 220-7724. ONE 2-bedroom bottom flat, 319 East Street Georgetown. 225-0568. TWO-bedroom bottom flat apartment at Lot 8 Railway Street Kitty. Tel. 227-5722. FURNISHED apartment in Bent Street, Wortmanville, US$30 per day. Contact 2263309, 218-1033, 678-4267. 2-BEDROOM apartment in Bel Air Village, internet and electricity included. 222-0515., 6144862. DOWNTOWN office, suitable for storage, salon, computer or other. Call 628-7589, 2273064. ONE 2-flat concrete house at 30 Fort Street Kingston, 3 bedrooms top flat, kitchen and garage. Price neg. Call 225-2902, 673-1095. FURNISHED room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $5 000, $6 000 daily. Call Julian 638-4505, 225-4709. ONE-bedroom apartment at La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD Tel. 694-7817, 668-0306. BUSINESS space in Cummings Street 12x24 ft $120,000 or 19x24 ft 200,000. Call Julian 638-4505, 225-4709. ONE (1) semi-furnished apartment in Subryanville, available immediately, price US$900 per month. Tel. 664-5322. GARNETT Street: One- & two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. FLOOD-free executive office space in the heart of Georgetown, with lots of parking available. Call 609-3899, 225-6370. ENTIRE building Shell Road, Kitty 3 bedrooms, toilet/ bath, dining upper flat, kitchen, dining lower flat $80 000. 2269548, 666-6714. ONE self-contained one-bedroom executive-style apartment fully furnished Campbellville, $85 000 monthly. 227-8451, 622-8109. ONE-bedroom apartment situated at 319 East Street N.C/burg, Georgetown, $30 000 monthly. Conditions apply. Tel 226-3387. CENTRALLY located 2bedroom upper flat, suitable for residence or business, -$60 000 neg. Tel. 227-1871, 646-293. EXECUTIVE apartment from US$500, US$800, US$1000, $US1200 and upwards. 226-1064, 669-3350. 1-BEDROOM apartment, fully furnished long-term or short-term, 115 Thomas Street, Kitty, Georgetown. 225-0071, 674-7420. FURNISHED room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $ 5 0 0 0 , $ 6 0 0 0 d a i l y. C a l l Julian - 638-4505, 2254709.

CAMPBELLVILLE US $100,000, Atlantic Gardens US $900, Greenfield Park US 1250. Have Properties to rent or sell? Then call Diana 227-2256, 6269382. CUMMINGS Street, Bourda: Fully furnished two-bedroom upper flat with AC, internet, hot and cold, all inclusive US$35 daily. Rate neg, for monthly visiting. Phone 623-9308, 227-5852. QUEENSTOWN,: Fully furnished 1- and 3-bedroom apartments, hot and cold, AC, parking, internet, etc. Suitable for overseas visitors, short term. 226-5137, 227-1843. REGENT STREET Store, secure ground floor 60'x10,' suitable for electronic, cell phone, computer, general or Jewellery store . Mr. Paul 231-9181, 626-1150, 118 Regent & Alexander Streets. TOP with bottom, fully furnished, 2 bedrooms, toilet, bath. Unfurnished bottom 2 bedrooms, toilet, bath at Chateau Margot ECD. Tel. 660-0943. ONE-bedroom furnished apartment telephone, internet, parking, tiled and carpeted floors, Diamond, East Bank Demerara, available from January 1 2014, $60 000 per month. Call 6383622, 658-1523, 231-8567, 2163333 after 17:00hrs. 3-BEDROOM wooden house $70,000, Agricola Public Road. 2 bedroom house in Diamond $90,000. Brand new 5 bedroom house in Diamond $200,000, various business space, $100,000 Tel. 2163120(office), 667-6644. KITTY $65 000, Campbellville $100 000, Atlantic Gardens US$900, Greenfield Park US$1300. Have properties to let or sell? Then call Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. OFFICE/executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 225-3069, 225-2709, 231-2064. SMYTH Street, Georgetown: 1 large secure bond US$1800, with 3 bedrooms upper flat US$500, Bel Air Park new 2-storey house with 3 apartments ideal for company US$2500 neg. Naresh Persaud 2259882, 681-2499. NEWLY built apartments and houses in Georgetown, unfurnished and furnished, fitting for king and queen apartments, starting at $70 000, houses starting at US$1500 monthly. We have bond spaces and business locations or rental. Call 692-3831. Garden of Eden 1-4 bedroom house on land with lots of fruit trees. 3rd house from Public Road. 90x1, 100 ft 100,000 per month rental. For Sale 36M. 2 bedroom apartment upper flat $ 45,000 575 block X Diamond June 623-1562. ONE bedroom furnished apartment, telephone, internet, parking, tiled and c a r p e t e d f l o o r. D i a m o n d , EBD. Available from January 1, 2014, $60,000 per month. Call: 661-4988 after 5 pm. KITTY 3 big bedrooms upstairs -80k, North Ruimveldt 3 bedrooms upstairs -55k, 2 bedrooms down -55k, Nandy Park 3-bedroom house by itself -120k neg, Hadfield St. semi furnished 1 bedroom, light and water included -45k, Paul 6558361, 699-6811, Fabulous Homes Realty.

RENTAL/SALE: WE have a variety of Residential and Commercial Properties and vehicles for sale/rent on the Essequibo Coast. [Wharf, gas station, houses, lands etc] Contact: Miss Manman for more i n f o r m a t i o n o n Te l . n o . 6 1 7 4252/ 447960814858 email r. m a n m a n _ g y @ y a h o o . c o . u k Price: Negotiable. GEORGETOWN - BOND floor 3 420 sq. ft, residence/ office 3 rooms, complete kitchen and water system, compound fully secured, three-bedroom fully furnished executive property in g a t e d c o m m u n i t y, p r o p e r t y with four self-contained bedr o o m s i n g a t e d c o m m u n i t y, four-bedroom fully furnished house, top flat for office with two offices and open space, fully secured, four-bedroom house, fully furnished in residential area, three-floor building for residence or office, studio apartment fully furnished, office space 900 sq. ft, South Cummingsburg two-bedroom, fully furnished 1st and 2nd floors of building. Wills Realty 227-2612, 223-1877, 627-8314, 6550755, Email THE W o r l d # 1 R e a l t o r M i s t e r Te r r y R e d f o r d R e i d 667 - 7 8 1 2 , 2 25 - 6 8 5 8 , 2 2 5 7 1 6 4 , 2 2 6 - 1 0 6 4 , 2 2 5 - 2626, 231-2 0 6 8 , 6 1 9-7945. H a ve the executive rental reduced by 35%, Prashad Nagar US$1000, J a c a r anda Ave. Bel Air Par k U S $ 2 0 0 0 , B a rima Ave Bel Air Park US$1 8 0 0 , B e l Ai r S p r i n g s U S $ 1 0 0 0 , large b o nd for rental o f f i c e s m a l l form US$375, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lam a h a Gardens US$1500, Lama Av e , B e l A i r P a r k US$180 0 , B e l A i r P a r k o n t h e round about US$1000, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside l a n d h o t e l s w i t h US$35 000 month rental a n d o f fice s p a c e US$40 000 month prop e r t i e s f r o m $ 1 4 m i l l i o n . 22 5 - 2 6 2 6 , 2 2 5 5198, 22 6- 1 0 6 4 , 6 2 3 - 2 5 9 1 , 6 6 9 - 3350 ANTHONY Reid BSc h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate In v e s t m e n t a n d E c o nomic Transformation of People Economic Gr o w t h . W e h a ve rental from US$1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in University Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama Ave with pool, Jacaranda Ave. with large lawns US$2000, Pras h a d Nagar US$1000, apt. from U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small and large office space up to 15000 sq foot; stateofthe art hotel and office c o m plex with inc o m e o f U S $ 4 0 0 00 mo n t h l y ; 2 a c r e s o f l and in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street 2 ½ acres US$5M, Water Stre e t 4 a cres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking t h e s e a U S $ 5 M ; another overlooking the sea US$1.5M , i n come US$1 5 0 0 0 ; r i v erside l a n d r e s i d e n t i a l l a n d a t LBI $10M; Re p u b l i c P a r k $ 8 M , Dia m ond $ 7 M , Sec. 'K' $20M , B e l Air Park $ 2 5 M , G a r n ett double lot $ 4 2 M , Phone 225-2626, 231-2064, 225-2709, 226-1064, 227-6949, 227-6863, 667-7812. 619-7945.

PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE ONE 2-storey concrete house in Grove, fully tiled, 3 bedrooms upstairs. 628-2330. 3-BEDROOM corner house in Enterprise Gardens $9.5M neg. Contact 6803771, 694-7210. 2 BEDROOM house in 995 Perry St. Tucville recently renovated. 3-BEDROOM property located in Tucber Berbice $18M neg. Contact 6803771, 694-7210. SOUTH Ruimveldt Park: Two-storey concrete/wooden four bedrooms, two bathrooms, parking, etc, $26M. Tel. 618-3635. 4-BEDROOM property located at Plantain Walk, BV, East Coast Demerara $16M neg. Contact 680-3771, 694-7210. EXCLUSIVE 4-bedroom property in Atlantic Ville E.C.D. $50M neg. Contact 680-3771, 694-7210. PARTYLY finished 2-storey building in Kara Kara, Linden $15M. Contact 6803771, 6947210. NEW 3-bedroom house in Nootenzuil Plantation Lowlands E.C. D. $16M neg. Contact 6803771, 694-7210.

VERSAILLES: Fully furnished 5-bedroom house, all rooms self-contained, modern facilities including generator. Beautiful landscape in gated community. Tel: 592-624-8704, 592-684-9203. ONE concrete building with land, suitable for business can also be converted into home, located at Better Hope ECD. Tel. 601-9297, 616-8193. GREIA: Near Harbour Bridge on Public Road old wooden building on land 38'x90'.Price 26M, Concrete two-storey building in Diamond EBD 30M. Tel. 225-4398, 225-3737, 651-7078. BUILDING on double lot in Republic Park $40M, Regent St $160M, East Bank $8M, 2-storey concrete and wooden building with going business $60M, Ogle $45M. Call 645-5938. BUSINESS property in Bent St - $16.5M, Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 6232591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 231-2064, 226-1064. 2-STOREY, William St $30 M , l a n d s i x e 1 0 0 x 5 0 669-3350, 623-2591, 2261064, 225-2626, 225-5198, 225-3068, 231-2064, 2276949, 227-6368, 225-2709. BEL Air Park $57M, Roxanne Burnham Gardens $15M, East Bank Grove (Public Road) $50M, Craig two buildings $16M, Alberttown two-storey wooden second building $13M, Etc. Tel. 6183635, 664-5731. GREIA ECCLES: Three bedroom concrete building 28M; Diamond - concrete and wooden twostorey building - 16M; Guyhoc Park - two-storey concrete and wooden building- 11M. Tel # 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078. RESTAURANT and Bar C o d y ' s P l a c e 345 East and Middle Streets, North Cummingsburg, For sale by owner only. Tel. 656-9835, 908-4566683. GREIA: Grove EBD - Large concrete three-storey building with going hardware store and bond. Price $100M. Tel. 2254398, 225-3737, 651-7078. GREIA: Providence just off public road, corner lot with two concrete buildings with good land space. P r i c e $ 4 0 M . Te l . 2 2 5 4398, 225-3737, 651-7078.

EXCLUSIVE 3-bedroom property in New Market Street, Georgetown $58M neg. Contact 6803771, 694-7210. 3-BEDROOM wooden building, Agricola Public Road $9M neg. Land with foundation $6.8M Tel. 216-3120(office), 667-6644.

ONE new concrete twostorey, Kitty property, vacant. $36M, Mr Boodram 692-3831, Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 623-2591. RAMROOP Real Estate and Apartments: Enterprise lot with house $6M, La Parfaite Harmonie $3.5M. 628-1567, 628-5738.

FESTIVAL City: one wooden house, needs a little repairs, selling price$16.5M. Call 225-7173, cell 684-4194.

NEWLY constructed commercial/residential building on Water Street, Strand, New Amsterdam. Potential wharf facility, 2 acres land zone commercial. Price $125M. Tel# 6260017, 627-1865, HOUSE and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Concrete House, Sixth Street Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 231-6278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 626-0993 GREIA: Strathspey ECD: Flat three-bedroom concrete building $6M, Eccles two corner spots, concrete buildings $25M, Canal No. 2 two-storey 4-bedroom concrete building on 9 acres of land $25M, Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078. GREIA: Campbellville twostorey concrete building $50M, Atlantic Ville furnished twostorey building with generator, overlooking Atlantic Ocean $55M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078. ONE concrete 2-flat house at 47 Happy Acres ECD, fully furnished. 3 bedrooms top flat, hot and cold bath, big yard space. Call 225-2902, 6731095.. MASSIVE residential and business property in D'Urban Street close to Mandela Avenue for Christmas giveaway. Land in Da Silva Street 140 x 40 for $18M neg. Call Lady Jones 227-6863, 225-2626, 225-3068, 225-5198, 2312064, Mr Budram, 692-3831. THESE are) DECEMBER bargains: Se c . ' K ' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M, K i t t y $ 2 3 , Al b e r t t o w n c o n c r e t e massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, Happy Acres executive $58M, Alb e r t t o w n $ 3 0 M , S e c . ' M' Campbellville $34M now, Phone 225-2626, 225-5198, 227-6863, 227-6449, 225-2709 , 2 3 1 2 0 6 4 , 226-1064, 667-7812 LAND OF CANAAN: 1 spacious modern 3-bedroom concrete house, 3 master rooms, guest room, AC, generator, separate caretaker's apartment plus 2-bedroom flat concrete house, fully fenced in concrete, lots of fruit trees on 3 acres of land. Ideally built f o r a H i n d u f a m i l y. P r i c e U S $ 5 5 0 0 0 0 n e g . N a resh Persaud. 225-9882, 681-2499.

ALBERTTOWN, 31m, East Coast 11m, Eccles 25m, Campbellville 35m, Quamina Street 73.5m. Many more. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382.

2-STOREY concrete building at Chateau Margo,t ECD $32M. Tel. 661-9431.

BACK from London, Lady Primo, Lamaha Gardens executive $72M Prashad Nagar on double lot $60M, Bel Air Park business & residence $45M, Norton Street business & residence $17M. Land 60 x 35 by Wellington Street $38M, Continental Park double lot $19M. Phone Lady Malika Primo - 6449983.

GREIA: Sandy Babb Street business property 2-storey concrete with land space. Price $70M. Plantain Walk, Vreed-en-Hoop, Public Road nice spot for business, $35M. Tel. 225-4398, 2253737, 651-7078.

DIAMOND $4.5M neg, Grove $8M, Non Pareil $10M, D\Urban Backlands $30M, Campbellville $35M neg, Leonora $38M, Section 'K' $40M, Shell Road Kitty $16M, Middle Road, La Penitence $12M, Rentals Republic Park, Bel Air, Lamaha Springs US$500 - US$2000. Call Corretta on tel. 697-7842, 6716653, 231-7052.


18 PROPERTYFORSALE ONE 3 BEDROOM property in Independence Boulevard La Penitence $ 7 M g i v e a w a y, o w n l e a v ing before Christmas. Phone 226-1064/6923831/623-2591/615-0069/ 225-2626. R&N Marketing and Rea l t y. K I T T Y$ 17M , $32M&$35M, Good Hope $15.5M, Garnett St $31M, SEC K C/ville 4 bedroom self-contained $44M, Carmichael Street 2 storey back house $22.5M, Montrose $16M, Mon Repos Block CC $22M, $10.5M & $9M, Ganges St. P/ Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, Granville Park $31M, Lusignan business property $13M, Durban St $21M, Ogle A/Strip Road $55M, Better Hope Pub Rd $37M, Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, East St $60M, Happy Acres $30M, North Road $70M, Bel/A/Park $60M, P/Nagar $28M, L/Gardens $75M,Regent St. $1.2MUS. Diamond - 2nd Ave, 5 Bedroom $38M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332 R&N Marketing and Realty. Middleton St C/VILL E 5 bedroom self-contained back house 15ft driveway $28M, Kitty business property $44M, LBI Embankment $24M, Good H o p e P / R d (land - 280x 1 4 0 ) $ 9 0 M , Sheriff & Enachu Sts. $75M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, $110M, $140M, Sherrif St, $50M, S o u t h Ruimveldt $16M, Diamond $9M,$12M, $22M, East R/ veldt $10.5M, Eccles $ 30M, $34M, A/town $36M,Triumph $ 1 4 M , Agriculture Road, Triumph $20M, Sheriff St. $150M, Subryanville $58M, Brickdam $100M, Ogle brand new 2-storey, 5 bedroom house $80M, Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel. 219-4399, 6108332 R&N Marketing and Realty. Good Hope PUBLIC Road East Coast (land - 675 x 92) $150M, Agriculture Rd, Triumph (land 600 x 45 ft) $ 1 4 M , Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 bedroom self cont) $29M, Atlantic Ville 5 bedroom self contained $53M, Diamond 2nd Ave- 5 Bedroom $40M, Queenstown 5 bedroom self-contained (back lot - 80x60) $48M, Oleander Gdns $40M, Alberttown 6th St $52M, Republic Park $40M, L / G a r d e n s $55M, Atlantic Gardens $ 45M , D u n c a n S t $ 3 0 M , Alexander St $ 50 M , Robb St $60M,Barr St $65M, Earl's Court $35M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Queenstown $70M, South Road $85M. Republic Gdns -Land (100x100) $24M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332. NEW modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providen c e $ 2 5 M , n e w ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $ 3 7 M , D u n c a n S t . $23M, Se c . ' M' Ca m p b e l l v i l l e r e quire s r e pairs $14M, D'Urban S t . $15M, Bent St. busine s s residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 618-0000, 227-6949, 225-2626, 226-1064, 227-6949, 225-5198. CALL us at Raphael's Realty, 204 Charlotte St. Bourda Tel. 225-8241, 227-4950 after hrs 226-7829 fax 227-1537. Timehri hotel $60M, executive Ogle $100M, $115M, $170M, Diamond $21.5M, $26M, Queenstown $65M, $75M, $120M, Kitty $60M, LBI $43M, Versailles $25M, Westminster WBD $24M, Republic Park $40M, Nandy Park $40M, South R o a d . 3 - s t o r e y b u i l d i n g . $ 2 2 0 M , B r i c k dam $180M, Hop e E C D $ 2 5 M , Lamaha Gardens $125M, $200M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Louisa Row $44M, Lamaha St Alberttown $85M, Subryanville $500M. LAND for s a l e L a G range $3M, Smyth St. $60M, Bel Air (ECD) $42M.

PROPERTYFORSALE HARRY & SON REAL ESTATE LOT 185 CHARLOTTE & KING STREETS, MARAJ BUILDING TEL. # 227-0265, 227-1881, 629-5178 Norton Street, Carmichael Street, North Ruimveldt, Bel Air Park, South Ruimveldt, continental Park, Craig, Republic Park, Diamond, Thomas Street business spot, Robb Street business spot, D'urban Street Business spot. LAND Friendship land size 115 x 450 (wharf side) $65M, Meadowbrook Gardens $8.5M Non Pariel

25% DISCOUNT on all properties for this summer only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St. Alberttown massive concrete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, Lamaha St Queenstown apartment complex $58M. Phone Vice President 2312064, 225-3068, 227-6863, 2261064, 227-6949, 225-2626. ONE NEWLY built two flat concrete building at Diamond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two self-contained bedrooms with built-in closets, a spacious kitchen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a two-bedroom apartment and a large area that could be used as a bond or for any business. The yard has a concrete fence with spikes and razor wire above it. There is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested persons can contact owner at 693 2531. EXCELLENT b a r g a i n s Norton Street - $14M, Bent Street business and residence - $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now - $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 bedrooms $46M, other for - $19M, and - $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residence by Bourda Market $26M, Cummings Street - $34M, Meadow Brook - $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-storey - $25M, Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, 227-6949, 2252709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6 8 6 3 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 6677 8 1 2 FABULOUS Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Campbellville $15M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $15M neg, Cove and John 2 homes 5 bedrooms $12M, 4-bedro o m $ 1 0 M , M c D o o m S o l i d concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7-bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6-bedroom apartment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018



NEW concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7-apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Middle Road La Penitence $16.5M, almost Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, executive Republic Park $ 4 8 M , L amaha Gardens 3 selfcontained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 self-contained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles wi t h i n c o m p l e t e c a t h e d r a l s t y l e s t ructure requires $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for lake $90M neg. , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Jhonny Ramsahoye 225-2709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 667-7812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.

1 HD Projector, 1 receiver amplifier. Contact 642-0078.

PROPERTYFORSALE GE0RGETOWN: One fivebedroom two-family property on 50 x 80 land fully furnished, four bedrooms, fully furnished, property in residential area, one fours t o r e y b uilding comprising 7 rooms, 5 self-contained. Six-bedroom, two-family property, top flat furnished i n r e s i d e n t i a l a r e a , one furnished hotel with restaurant, dining area and bar, two 2 flat buildings on 50x80, one twoflat concrete and wooden building with derelict building aback on 31 x 118 ft, four-bedroom property (2 master rooms) on large land in residential area, one 3-bedroom concrete and wooden property on 50 x 80 ft land. Wills Realty 227-2612, 223-1877, 627-8314, 655-0755.

EXCELLENT location DUKE Street, Kingston oppos i t e t h e A m e r i c a n E m b a s s y. One (1) huge four storey concrete and steel building, 2 bedrooms on each flat, AC< hot water, refrigerator and stove one ach floor and fully furnished, generator. Can be used for embassy, office, apartments or residence. Price $180M. Property being sold with all equipment and furnishings inclusive. Serious enquiries 223-8634, 6463251, 227-0 4 6 4 ' D E C E M BER Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, Gordon Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business an d residence ( n e w ) $ 3 5 M . South Road Land $36M, Charlotte Street 2 buildings 2 houses by Light $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian E mb a s s y $30M. Land at Turkeyen 140x60 $32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs repairs $13M. Section K $19M needs repa i r s , 3 - s t o r e y Quamina Street for hotel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens valued $85M now $70M. Rental of ap a r t m e n t s f r o m U S $ 7 0 0 , R e s i dence US$1 200 upwards. Phone Lord Patrick Pereira 227-6863, 225-2709, 227-6949, 226-1064, 6693350. 7 days a week tony r e i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c o m CORRETTA Sam's Real Estate and Property Management has the best deals on properties this Christmas: Alberttown (land) $35M, Tucville $30M, South Ruimveldt Park $21M, $25M, $32M, Continental Park $60M neg, West Ruimveldt $15M, Leonora $40M neg, Camp Street $38M, Shell Road Kitty $16M, Grove (land) $8M, Diamond (land) $4.5M, Non Pareil $13M neg, Punt Trench, La Penitence $12M neg, Camp St. $38M, Shell Road Kitty $16M, Grove (land) $8M, Diamond (land) $4.5M, Non Pareil $13M neg, Campbellville $40M neg, Prashad Nagar $80M, $65M Section 'K' Campbellville $45M neg, Lanaha Gardens $65M, Plaisance (land) $7.8M neg, Land of Canaan $16M, Charlotte St (land) $40M, Rentals Duncan St. US$600, Atlantic Gardens US$3000 (furnished), Kitty US$500, Republic Park US$1200, D\Urban St US$700, Call us now on 697-7842, 671-6653, 2317052.

QUEENSTOWN: 3-storey concrete building, Price $100M. South Ruimveldt Gardens property in good condition. Price $18M. Lamaha Gardens beautiful 2-storey concrete property 3 self-contained, 1 master, library, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, downstairs den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmetics, land space Price $90M,Ogle beautiful property $90M,Mon Repos $36M neg, Regent St. $120M beautiful home excellent condition in Eccles $55M neg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located at 247(D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. Tel. 225-6858, 225-7164, 667-7812, email: 25% DISCOUNT on all properties for this summer only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property immed i ately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Street $28M, 3-storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent Street almost new 2-storey business property $!6M, South Ruimveldt Gardens residence $16M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar executive $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty business or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, Forshaw old house $21M, 3-storey business close to Main Street $55M, Meadow Brook $45M, fully concrete D'Urban Backlands $30M, New Section 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, one ranch-style Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M 231-2064, 2253068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 2276949,

AGRI. EQUIP. MISC. FIAT 180-90 4x4 tractor, Fiat 110-90 4x4 tractor, Ford 7740 4WD tractors, 416 Caterpillar 4x4 L/ backhoe, Cherry picker lifts 45ft, . Tel 666-2518, 671-1809, 6392789, 666-2518. DEVAANSH & Ranjah Import and Export. For all genuine truck parts and accessories new and used for Leyland, DAF, ERF Bedford Model M and TM etc from the UK, also foreign used Cummins and Perkins engine from the UK We currently have transfer boxes (power box) for 6x6 TM. Tel. 592-660-9152, 592-6102873.



RIDGEBACK and pitbull mixed. 625-0345. Tel:

LIVE & plucked chicken. 650-4421, 220-9203.

PURFIED WATER: DRINK EVER PURE WATER, DELIVERY. Call 442-1952, 442-1656. ONE stall in Stabroek Market. Tel. 658-0115, 718-757-8031. FRIGIDAIRE Frost free commercial upright freezer $90 000. Contact 622-9589. BLUE female pit bull 16 months, fully vaccinated, powerful build. Call 654-5061. WESLO Cadence G5.9 Threadmill $90 000. Contact 6229589. CAM-AN ATV's Evinrude, Seadoo Jet Ski, new household appliances. 26-0025, 648-3171. 1400 MICHELIN tyres for sale, like new, great price. Call 611-5414. 3 MALE pure-bred German Shepherd, 7-week-old pups. 6295289, 254-0608 after 18:00 hrs. SITTING room chairs: $30 000, and one long carpet. Tel. 223-4649, 668-5449, 223-5033. GAMES Games Games: Xbox 360, PS2, PSP, games and mod, starting at $500. Contact 684-3025.

FOR SALE CELL phones accessories with warranty, wholesale, and retail unbeatable prices: screen protector, charger, ear phones, batteries, cases, memory cards, flash drive, etc. Contact 649-5232. BULBS 110 volts energy saver, 13 watts bright like 60 watts; we give warranty $500 each wholesale; we also have beautiful LED lights. Check us out at Azelea Store, 111 Regent Road, Bourda. Call 623-0290 or 619-7211. PERKINS 4-cylinder engines (4236 model), factory rebuilt and beaded with radiator, key start, oil, water temperature and battery charge gauge,, very powerful. Contact 604-5819. NIGHT OWL 8 channel surveillance camera systems with 8 out door/indoor cameras (30 feet clear night vision), DVR with 500 GB hard drive, all cables and power adaptors, remote, mouse, and software CD, internet ready with motion detection email alert. $150 000. Contact 6891957. NEW ASCO 200 amps and 100 amps automatic change-over switch, 2 New Q see bullet 1080 TV lines camera, 1 Speco technologies 1080 TV lines, HD Dome camera, 1 Bosch 16-channel DVR 600 series. Tel. 694-7817, 6121351.

AMERICAN Akitas, one male and female adult dog, mating pair. $600 000. Tel. 6398924, 227-4674. PIONEER AC, 12.6 and 1 8 0 0 0 B T U , 2 2 0 v o l t s . Te l . 623-3280, 689-4372. HOUSE in Alberttown for sale. Household items (vanity and fridge). Call after 5 pm. Tel. 6247906. TIBERTAN Terrier: 10 weeks old, fully vaccinated, and dewormed. Tel. 617-9476, 660-4003. JCB backhoe 3 CX, caterpillar backhoe, 10-ton toad roller, portable welder on wheels. Call 623-3404. TOP quality 16" Michelin (German) tyres with new American-made rims, 16" 5-hole $320 000. Tel. 626-0595, 670-4161. POOLS table, imported and local and accessories such as cues, balls, cloth, rubber, spot chalk, etc. Tel. 609-3311, 614-4841, 220-4298. 143 ft decking 120x39 13 shts 11', 976 ft decking 120 x 39 61 shts 16', 350 ft decking 120 x 39' 25 shts ,14'. Tel. 6969529, 669-1113. Price - reasonable. BLACKBERRY cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (like new) - $12,000. 624-6464, 675-3062. Keith. SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab 3 (2013 Edition) and Beats by Dre Studios (over-ear) headphones. Very affordable prices. 671-3320, 690-2739. LARGE new, light blue fibreglass bath tub US-made $40 000, 2 hot and cold water sinks with fittings UK-made $10 000 each. Owner migrating 616-5340. PAINT ball guns, balls and accessories.TIPPMAN Alpha black, Tippman Project Salvo, Kingman MRX Spyder, Spyder stormer. Call 670-9606. CHEAPEST online vehicles, Iphones, Ipads, Galaxy S4 laptops, Tablets, clothing, footwear, cosmetics. Send link: 6262771. MASSEY Ferguson parts, Perkins engines, tractor's complete front, gear box, square back leg and many more Bedford 330 and 500 engine, spring, gear box and many more. Tel. 339-3608. NIGHT OWL 8 Channels video Security kit, with 500 GB Hard Drive and 8 Night Vision Cameras. Viewable on Smartphones and tablets, Motion activated recording; contact: 622-9589. BRAND new queen size spring-filled mattress with box spring $125 000, brand new RCA LED TV 32" $75 000, vehicle dashboard video recorder camera $25 000, brand new. 621-7728, 609-7257.

RECENTLY opened Azelea top brand Store at 111 Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown. We have Aeropostal, American Eagle, Calvin Klein, Hollister, Guess, Abercombe and Fitch, American exchange, H.M., Forever 21, Nike, Addias, Lockers, etc.; original brands at unbeatable prices. Contact 619-7211. LAND Rover County, 4 cylinders, Turbo 4x4. Diesel (very economical) $3.5M, Mitsubishi Canter 1.5-ton box truck (hardly driven) $3.5M, M i ts u b i s h i L a n c e r, 2 0 0 4 Model $1.2M, Mitsubishi S hogun just finished 50 000 miles $5.8M All vehicles are in excellent condition. Inspect before you buy. Contact 227-2174, 226-0351, 227-7865 2 LARGE radiators for 6- or 4-cylinder (1) red engine 2 x 21/2 ft in good condition $50 000 excellent. Large commercial vacuum cleaner 120v, 60 Hz, 10 A, stainless steel, on trolley for car wash or industrial purposes, Hp 4.2 shop vac, wet/dry $60 000, 4 new 650-16 tyres Goodyear nylon 10-ply rating $21,000 each, 5 used mag rims for Toyota Land Cruiser 5-hole, 17 tyre $120 000. Owner leaving 616-5340. 1 PAIR large table lamps antique with shade 110v $15 000, toaster oven with glass door 110v$4 000, coffee percolator with glass mug 110v $4 000, antique half round small table and antique stool $15 000, Milkshake machine 3-speed, 3-pint cup stainless steel good for home or business 110v (Hamilton Beach) made $20 000, new 4-speed Premium blender with large mug 110v $5 000. Owner leaving 675-8008.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013


Second ODI abandoned

NAPIER, New Zealand, CMC – The second One Day International (ODI) between West Indies and New Zealand that was scheduled to be played last Saturday, has been abandoned due to a wet outfield. Persistent rain through the morning and early afternoon in Napier left a section of the field too wet for play and the umpires called off the match shortly after 5:00 p.m. local time, three hours after the scheduled start. Both teams will meet in the third ODI in Queenstown on New Year’s Day (Tomorrow night Caribbean time), with the West Indies leading the five-match series one-nil.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

RHTYSC enjoys highly successful and productive year despite hurdles THE ROSE HALL Town Yo u t h a n d S p o r t s C l u b (RHTYSC) has described 2013 as highly successful but at the same time noted that the year presented the most problems and hurdles in the organization’s 23 years history. Guyana’s leading youth and sports organisation completed a record breaking 180 programmes/activities for the year while its cricketers continue to make the club proud on and off the cricket field. Secretary/CEO of the Club Hilbert Foster in a comprehensive review of the year said the Club was able to have another successful year due to the out-

…. Completes 180 programmes/activities

Assad Fudadin standing work and dedication of every club executive and members including Honourary Patron Beverley Harper, President Keith Foster, Treasurer Dawn Hicks, Office staff Eon Hooper and Moonish Singh and Executive Member Allan Harry. The 180 programmes/activities were completed under the sub-headings of sports, culture, youth development, coaching, awards, honour ceremony, religious, anti-drugs, community development, social, economic development and educational. During 2013, the club on the cricket field won the Neal and Massy 50-Overs Intermediate Competition, Namilco/ Bakewell T20 Cup and NBS 40-overs second division tournaments respectively, while it was also the runner-up in the Carib Beer T20 Cup and reached the semifinals of the Universal DVD T20 and Elizabeth Styles Under-19 50-overs tournaments. To date, the club has reached the quarterfinals of the Berbice Cricket Board’s (BCB) Under-17 and the finals of the Tenelec Inc Under-15 tournaments which are to be played, while Daniel Lewis and Brandon Prashad represented Guyana at the Under-17 level and Shawn Pereira and Askay Homraj at the Under-19 level, with Pereira being named captain. Homraj scored a brilliant 103 for his debut century versus the Windward Islands, Phaffiana Millington captains the National Under-19 team of which Shabita Gajnabi and Erica Lashley are a part of. At the National Senior level Assad Fudadin, Royston Crandon and Rajiv Ivan played while Phaffiana Millington, Shemaine Campbelle, Trishanie Cort, Erva Giddings and Melanie Henry played for the Female Senior National Team.

Eleven members of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club proudly display their hampers received, after being honoured for their national selection during the year. Sitting at centre is West Indies second female centurion Shemaine Campbelle. for the BCB and also co-sponsored numerous programmes In addition to the national to Education” message. organisation in Berbice with of the Board, including editing players, the following players The Club also distributed over $2.5M worth of sports and producing the fifth cricket also played at the Inter-county over $10M worth of educationequipment and other needed edition of the BCB Cricket level either for Berbice or the al and hygiene kits, clothing, materials and assisted two chilMagazine. President XI Team - Joshua Gofood items and footwear to less dren with funding for overseas The main highlight for the bin, Veeramootoo Sanwasane, fortunate families in Berbice medical expenses and in DeClub in 2013 was the fulfillJason Anderson, Arif Chan, and in August donated close to cember a massive Christmas ment of a commitment made Shailendra Shameer, Nikita $1M worth of school bags and programme was organised. by His Excellency President Toney, Tessa Park, Eon Hooper, exercise books to students in As it has done for the past Donald Ramoutar and Minister Clinton Pestano, Dominique Berbice. six years, the Club played a Dr. Frank Anthony to repair the Rikhi, Delbert Hicks and Jason The Club also assisted 32 major role in raising millions of Area “H” Ground old pavilion Sinclair while Shailendra Shacricket clubs and youth/sports dollars in cricket sponsorship and with this in mind, the Club meer played for Guyana against Bangladesh Under-19. During the year, Campbelle became the first Guyanese and only the second West Indian to score an International century, Assad Fudadin scored 140 for the West Indies “A” against would not have done it before, day morning, wherein they had India, to go along with HomFrom Back Page but having an extended prepamarked the track for a 4km run raj’s debut ton for the National ration time such as this one once again that has surfaced, at the Guyana National Stadium, Under-19 team. should be a confidence booster with several players not being but the early morning showers Off the cricket field, the for the players, who seem to be up to the entry level of fitness prevented same from occurring, Club hosted another successful lacking confidence when they and I think the GCB needs hence they turned to the CASH cricket academy in July for 90 go out there. to do something about this for added fitness training. youths, held its 23 rd Annual He added, “One good sign soon”, posited Johnson. He said the tone was set and Awards Ceremony where over is Leon Johnson, who had a He added, “As I said, we the players notified of manage$2.5M worth of prizes were good season for us this year in have to take things one day at ment staff’s expectations, at such shared out and hosted twelve the CT20, Regional four day a time, but I would want to say a critical time when West Indies coaching clinics for cricketers. and Super50 tournaments rethat the entry level as it relates cricket is at its lowest low. Members of the club’s difspectively, but he did not get the to their fitness is not up to stanferent cricket teams completed hundreds we were looking for, dard, but having said that I think SARWAN a total of over 80 self develwhile being consistent and he is the players have committed He reiterated that the early opmental programmes with one we are looking at. themselves to getting fit and we start being given to the players the main aim of making posIn addition to that, I think saw it on the first day when they should be an added impetus, while itive differences in the lives that Ramnaresh Sarwan should got deeply into the action.” the coaches can identify flaws and of youths, the elderly and less come to the party. In fact, this He outlined part of the work on it, unlike before. fortunate while also promoting tournament would be a decisive coaching staff’s plans for yester“It is not to say that they the “Say No to Drugs and Yes

Johnson applauds GCB ...

has projected a total of 200 programmes/activities for 2014. The different cricket teams of the club would also undergo a radical restructuring with a view to get better results with the newly appointed cricket coach Winston Smith and Office Manager Moonish Singh being responsible for that. The Club is very grateful to its numerous supporters, official sponsors and donors for their support during 2013 which enabled it to maintain its status as Guyana’s leading youth and Sports club. While the list is too long to mention, the club would like to publicly acknowledge the contributions of His Excellency President Donald Ramoutar, GT&T, Bakewell, DDL, Gizmos and Gadgets, Farfan and Mendes, Food for the Poor, Metro Office Supplies, Sterling Products, GTM Group of Companies, Western Union, Banks D.I.H. Limited and Ansa McAl. Hand-in-Hand, Bissan’s, A. Ally & Sons, Len’s Craft, TCL (Guy), Ricks & Sari Limited, Diamond Fire & General Insurance, Bermudez, C.K Associates, John Lewis Styles, P&P Insurance Brokers, Starr Computers, Apex Insurance, Alfred Mentore, A.H & L Kissoon, Basil Butcher, Cirkel, Dr. Ian Mc Donald, Mohamed Qualander and Vincent Alexander also contributed to the club’s success this year. The Club would also like to express gratitude to the hundreds of others who donated financially or with clothing, educational materials, footwear etc, with special thanks being expressed to members of the national media especially DTV-8, LRTVS CH10, TVG, NCN, Guyana Chronicle, Stabroek News, Kaieteur News and Guyana Times for their support. one for him for as I said, West Indies still needs him but he himself needs to be the Ramnaresh Sarwan we know of old.” “Even though it is too early to call, his commitment has been great so far over the two days and I feel that they will all build confidence that is needed, having been together for awhile, hence they will go out there next year and churn out a much better and improved performance not only for themselves, given the state of West Indies cricket, but their country as well”, said Johnson. Weather permitting, the squad will return to the Guyana National Stadium this morning to conduct the 4km run and should this not be possible, they will be at the CASH and later in the day back to the LBI facility for more indoor nets.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013


Cook ‘totally responsible’, GABF to host AGM and elections next Saturday future as captain uncertain THE GUYANA Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) as indicated via e-mails to affiliates that it intends to host its Annual General Meeting and Elections next Saturday from 15:00hrs, at a venue still to be named. According to one of the affiliated associations, this e-mail was sent out last Saturday (December 28) in an attempt to satisfy the mandate from the governing Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CBC), for which the GABF is an affiliate. Such a mandate had stated all National Federations and Associations must hold their AGM and election of office bearers between November 1 and January 15, 2014, because on January 18, 2014 the CBC will hold its Annual General Assembly Congress. According to the GABF, the

David Patterson list of officers, general council members and members who will be eligible to vote are affiliates from Georgetown, Linden and Berbice Amateur Basketball Associations, respectively; Guyana

Basketball Officials Council, and the Guyana Women’s Basketball Association, which will each have two representatives and the current makeup of the GABF. At the moment, the GABF is being headed by David Patterson (President), Vice President-Discipline Dawn Holder, Vice President-Operations Floyd Levi, General Secretary Michael Burnett, Committee Member Kirk Fraser and Abdulla Hamid, while the posts for Vice President - Public Relations and Treasurer had remained vacant. The agenda for that meeting includes the confirmation of the Minutes from the previous General Secretary and Treasurer’s Reports and Election of office bearers for the 2014-2017 term of office.

Solomon says UDFA to go ahead with staging of final on January 1 … Secretary Sagon resigns By Joe Chapman THE UPPER Demerara Football Association (UDFA) has planned to go ahead with its Banks DIH sponsored GT Beer football championship final on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2014 at the Mackenzie Sports Club ground despite threats that it could face sanctions from the governing Guyana Football Federation (GFF). Speaking to the media on Saturday last, president of the UDFA Sharma Solomon said “We are not challenging football but the dangerous development of it”, adding that the staging of a year end championship was in keeping with a four year strategy for the development of the game in the region. He likened the tournament to be “indigenous to the programme of football’s development,” and said the regional organisers of the sport were grateful to beverage giants Banks DIH, who came on board with a $6.6M offer to support their programme, even though they were given less than one week to put that plan into action. Solomon, who is also Regional Chairman of Region 10 (Upper Demerara /Upper Berbice), said that “The staging of the final simultaneously with the Georgetown Football Association Banks Beer Cup would not affect each other, but actually complements each other.” He admitted that while initially it was made known to the sponsors Banks DIH that should a Linden team reach the GFA Banks Beer Cup final, there was a possibility that the final could be shifted to January 3.

Sharma Solomon However, Solomon made it clear that at no time did they (UDFA) not indicate to the sponsors that the first choice for the final was New Year’s Day and further, chances of a possible conflict of interest was ruled out when none of the Linden teams reached the final four of the GFA/Banks Beer Cup championship. In fact, Solomon said that the decision of the Guyana Football Federation’s General Council to rule for only the GFA Banks Beer final for January 1 was based on insufficient information given to those attending that important caucus. He said that it was obvious that those who attended were unaware that “the sponsors Banks DIH had no problem with both finals being staged on the same day”. Solomon noted that after this information reached the affiliate associations’ representatives, they expressed the view that the UDFA GT Beer final should be given the green light to be staged also on January 1, 2014. According to the UDFA boss, the UDFA General Council, therefore, called a meeting on Boxing Day where all except one of the ten affiliate clubs

voted to have the final remain on New Year’s Day and the UDFA was still looking forward for a resolution with the GFF on the matter. He reiterated that the GFF should reconsider their position knowing that the main issue had been the sponsors having a problem with two finals on the same day. Asked about the possible sanctions hovering over the regional authorities which has obviously led to the resignation of UDFA Secretary Ms Cindy Sagon, Solomon said he was certain that it will not reach to that stage, as he felt good sense will prevail under the circumstances, knowing what year end football means to the people of Linden and Region 10. He also cautioned of the negative effects that could be attracted should this final not be held and while he acknowledged that there was a resignation letter from the secretary, he said her decision contained inaccuracies of what the UDFA had stated initially of the date for the final. While not elaborating, Solomon said he would leave the resignation to be addressed by the UDFA’s Executive before pronouncing further on it, but according to Sagon, a staff of the GFF, she sees her role in this matter will run into conflict with her employers, should the UDFA go against the decisions of the GFF. The semifinals for the UDFA /GT Beer Championship were scheduled to be played last night at the Mackenzie Sports Club ground where it continues to have solid support from football fans in Linden.

ALASTAIR Cook knows his future as England captain is far from certain, after the tourists’ latest Ashes embarrassment in Melbourne, with the visitors being on course for a 5-0 whitewash - for only the third time in their history, but second in three tours for Cook - after losing the fourth Test by eight wickets at the MCG. Cook and Coach Andy Flower must therefore somehow try to work out how to fight back in Sydney next week, before it is too late, after Chris Rogers (116) and Shane Watson (83 not out) made a mockery of England’s hopes of making Australia sweat a little at least, in pursuit of 231 to win on day four. A 4-0 scoreline is therefore the current culmination of a dramatic collective under-performance on a tour which began with hopes of a fourth successive Ashes series victory. This time, England threw the match away with a secondinnings collapse - a variation on a theme which left Cook again having to face some blunt questions. One included a hint that his leadership might be a significant part of the problem. “Yes. It’s something you do look at as captain and leader of the group,” he said. “(But) I feel as if we are doing the right things. If I didn’t think we were doing the right things, we’d have changed the way we are approaching things - training and all that. I think we’re preparing in the right way, but just not delivering it out there - or Australia aren’t allowing us to.” Cook insists he is still enjoying his role, despite a miserable campaign in which England have managed to stay competitive so far for only two days out of 18. The 29-year-old acknowledges too, though, that when it comes to England’s performance and fortunes the buck will stop with him. “In a strange way, I’m enjoying the job and I’m enjoying the challenge,” he said. “I’m totally responsible as captain for the team - and if, at the end of the series, the selectors decide I’m not the best man for the job then so be it. It would hurt, and I’ve got no plans of going anywhere.” He has one more Test to try to stave off that sort of judgment.

Alastair Cook

Andy Flower “I’m desperately trying to use as much of my experience of playing 100 Tests to help turn this team around. I know that it starts with a lot of hard work and it starts with a performance or two that we jump on the back of. But if someone says there’s a better man for the job, then I have to take that on the chin.” It was all the harder to take for Cook in this match that England put themselves in position to push for victory, yet then lost within three sessions. “The part of this game that makes it even more frustrating is that we got ourselves into a good place to put some pressure on Australia - 100 ahead and no wickets down in the second innings,” he said. “I suppose that might be where we are as a side. When you’re winning games of cricket, you get yourself in a good situation like that and you really take advantage of it. But when the confidence isn’t there and you lose a couple of wickets, you probably (don’t). “You can give Australia some credit. They jumped on us when they had an opportunity. They got me out. We’re 65 for one, and then for that next half an hour of cricket they dominated us - and we couldn’t respond to it.” England still thought they had a chance at the start of

day four, which Australia began on 30 without loss - but dropped catches, including one by Cook, were something they could not afford. “We know 240 is always an interesting run chase when you get three wickets early,” he said. “We created three chances in that first half an hour... something we knew we’d have to do, and we didn’t take them. That’s the simple deal. I can only explain my one, where I saw it all the way and was in a good position. Maybe I wanted it too much, and I snatched at it.” Australia captain Michael Clarke had no such regrets, of course, and was especially pleased with the resilience shown by his team - who have previously dominated throughout, apart from day one of the first Test. He said: “I think it’s a very special win for a number of reasons... (starting with) the fact that a lot of people thought we would come here complacent and not have the same willpower to continue to play the same way as in the first three Tests. “Also for the first time in this series, we found ourselves behind in the game - and over the last couple of days, we’ve been able to turn that around and win convincingly. I think the boys deserve a lot of credit.”


GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013

Chelsea edge past Liverpool, Arsenal go top (REUTERS) - Chelsea heaped more Christmas misery on Liverpool with a 2-1 victory at Stamford Bridge and Olivier Giroud ended a seven-game scoring drought to help Arsenal win 1-0 at Newcastle United and return to the top of the Premier League yesterday. Everton moved back into the top four with a 2-1 win over Southampton and Tottenham Hotspur beat Stoke City 3-0 to get their first victory since appointing Tim Sherwood as permanent manager. Chelsea fell behind to a goal from Martin Skrtel after four minutes, but rallied with first-half strikes from Eden Hazard and Samuel Eto’o to inflict a second defeat in four days on Liverpool, who lost to Manchester City on Thursday. Arsenal’s France striker Giroud, who had not scored in all

competitions since November 23, got the faintest of touches to glance a Theo Walcott free kick into the net midway through the second half. Arsenal top the table with 42 points from 19 games, one clear of Manchester City with Chelsea a point further adrift in third. Liverpool, who topped the table on Christmas Day, dropped to fifth, a point behind local rivals Everton who moved fourth with 37 points thanks to a second-half winner from Romelu Lukaku. The Belgian, who had not scored for Everton in five games, struck three minutes after Gaston Ramirez cancelled out Seamus Coleman’s early opener. A Roberto Soldado penalty and goals from Mousa Dembele and Aaron Lennon lifted Tottenham go seventh on 34 points.

Samuel Eto’o celebrates scoring for Chelsea against Liverpool (AFP)

Former F1 champion Neymar will go down Schumacher injured in history – Ronaldo in ski accident By Miles Chambers

(REUTERS) - Retired seven-time Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher suffered a head injury in a fall while skiing off-piste in the French Alps resort of Meribel yesterday. The 44-year-old German was wearing a helmet and was conscious while being transported to a local hospital in Moutiers, the resort director, Christophe Gernigon-Lecomte, told Reuters. Schumacher was transferred to a better-equipped medical unit in Grenoble for further examinations and an FIA source said he had been placed under the care of Professor Gerard Saillant, a brain and spine injury expert. Saillant is a close friend of Schumacher’s and his former Ferrari team chief Jean Todt, who is now President of the FIA. Le Dauphine Libere newspaper reported on its website that Schumacher’s condition had worsened and that his life was now endangered. It did not disclose its sources. Schumacher’s spokeswoman Sabine Kehm was unable to give any further information about his condition but con-

FORMER Barcelona and Real Madrid striker Ronaldo has claimed that Neymar will

“go down in history” as one of the best Brazilian players ever. The 21-year-old has shone in 2013 - after signing for the Catalans from Santos in the early summer, he starred as the Selecao stormed to the Confederations Cup title and has subsequently starred for Gerardo Mart i n o ’s m e n t h i s s e a s o n . “It is a fact that Neymar will be a great player,” Ronaldo told Brazilian television. “He Michael Schumacher firmed he was on a private ski trip and had not been alone. Gernigon-Lecomte said Schumacher, who has a vacation home in Meribel, had been skiing off piste. “He fell around 11:00 am and hit a rock with his head,” he added. “It seems that he has suffered a head trauma, but I would not say how serious it is. He was conscious but very agitated while being taken to hospital.”

Schumacher, whose birthday is on Jan. 3, is the most successful Formula One driver of all time with a record 91 victories among his achievements. He won his titles with Benetton and Ferrari. He left the sport last year after a three-year comeback with Mercedes following an earlier retirement from Ferrari at the end of 2006 and now lives in Switzerland with his wife and two children.


will go down in history as one of the best Brazilian players in the world. He’s on the right track. He’s a charismatic player and is focused on what you have to do to succeed.”

The Blaugrana are in the midst of a winter break but they are back in action against second-placed Atletico Madrid, who are level on points with the club.

Wozniacki pulls out of Brisbane warm-up with injury FORMER world number one Caroline Wozniacki has pulled out of the Brisbane International warm-up for the Australian Open because of an injured right shoulder, organisers said yesterday. The 23-year-old Dane, currently ranked 10th in the world, was scheduled to open her season with a first round tie against Dominika Cibulkova and seeded to meet top ranked Serena Williams in the quarter-finals. Organisers said Wozniacki still hoped to take part in next week’s Sydney International to get some match practice before the first grand slam of the year, which starts at Melbourne Park on January 13. The 2009 U.S. Open finalist had a disappointing 2013 season, winning just one title in Luxemburg and failing to reach the quarter-finals at any of the four majors for the first time in five years.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday December 30, 2013


Kallis ton gives S. Africa victory chance (REUTERS) - Jacques Kallis marked the end of his test career with an emotive farewell century yesterday to give South Africa a chance of victory over India going into the last day of their two-match series. India were hanging on grimly on 68 for 2 at the end of the fourth day of the second test at Kingsmead, still 98 runs behind after Kallis’s ton helped South Africa to a 166-run first-innings lead. Playing his last test, the 38-year-old all-rounder scored 115, his 45th test century, and moved into third place on the all-time list of test run scorers as South Africa were all out for 500 in their first innings shortly after tea, in reply to India’s 334. India will effectively need to bat for most of the last day on Monday to take the match beyond their hosts and avoid the potential of defeat after last week’s first test ended in a dramatic draw. Kallis, who announced his decision to quit the test arena in a surprise statement on Christmas Day, reached his ton in 273 balls to a lengthy standing ovation. It prompted a brief outpouring of emotion from the usually unflappable player. “It is a special feeling,” he told reporters. “It was strange walking out to bat knowing that there is no tomorrow and it will be your last opportunity to get a 100 for your country. It’s a dif-

at the end of a rain-curtailed third day. Steyn made 44 before lunch but it was after the break that a century partnership between Robin Peterson and Faf du Plessis pushed South Africa to a sizeable lead and handed them a chance for victory in a match interrupted by rain and bad light on all four days. Peterson punished India’s decision not to take the new ball until 66 overs after it was due with a brisk 61 off 88 balls, while Du Plessis scored 43. “We basically tried to pace the innings and to keep the

South Africa’s Jacques Kallis gets kissed on the head by teammate and skipper Graeme Smith after he was dismissed in his last test appearance during the fourth day of the second cricket Test match against India in Durban yesterday. (Reuters/Rogan Ward) Jadeja high into the air to be ferent kind of pressure, being in the 90s for the last time was different to normally being in the 90s. At least I could fall back on my experience and managed to get to three figures.” BATTLED CRAMP Fifteen (15) runs after he reached his century, as he bat-

tled with cramp, Kallis passed Rahul Dravid’s career tally of 13,288 runs to move behind Sachin Tendulkar (15,921 runs) and Ricky Ponting (13,378) in the list of top test batsmen. He was out three balls later, top-edging spinner Ravindra

caught by India wicketkeeper Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Playing in his 166th test at the same venue where he made his debut 18 years ago, Kallis was ably supported in an extended morning session by an aggressive Dale Steyn, who had come in as the night watchman

India first innings 334 South Africa first innings G. Smith c Dhawan b Jadeja 47 A. Petersen c Vijay b Jadeja 62 H. Amla b Shami 3 J. Kallis c Dhoni b Jadeja 115 AB de Villiers c Kohli b Jadeja 74 JP Duminy lbw Jadeja 28 D. Steyn c Dhoni b Khan 44 F. du Plessis run out 43 R. Peterson c Vijay b Khan 61 V. Philander not out 0 M. Morkel c&b Jadeja 0 Extras (b-3, lb-15, w-2, nb-3) 23 Total (all out off 155.2 overs) 500 Fall of wickets: 1-103 2-113 3-113 4-240 5-298 6-384 7-387 8-497 9-500 Bowling: Khan 28-4-97-2 (w-1,

scoreboard ticking. It was quite difficult to score because the wicket is quite slow, they put up defensive fields and bowled quite defensively,” added Kallis. India lost a wicket early after going into bat soon after tea when Murali Vijay was caught in the slips, but thereafter weathered a barrage of fast bowling. As the light faded in Durban, and only the spinners were allowed to continue, Du Plessis took a brilliant leaping one-handed catch at short mid-wicket to dismiss Shikhar Dhawan.

nb-1), Shami 27-2-104-1, I. Sharma 31-7-114-0 (w-1, nb-2), Jadeja 58.215-138-6, R. Sharma 11-1-29-0 India second innings S. Dhawan c du Plessis b Peterson 19 M. Vijay c Smith b Philander 6 C. Pujara not out 32 V. Kohli not out 11 Total (for two wickets; 36 overs) 68 To bat: R. Sharma, A. Rahane, MS Dhoni, R. Jadeja, I. Sharma, Z. Khan, M. Shami Fall of wickets: 1-8, 2-53 Bowling: Steyn 7-5-5-0, Philander 6-2-9-1, Morkel 6-211-0, Peterson 9-2-23-1, Duminy 8-2-20-0.

Ruthless Australia march to 4-0 Ashes lead By Ian Ransom (REUTERS) - Chris Rogers struck a sparkling century to fire Australia to a dominant eight-wicket win in the fourth Ashes Test yesterday, leaving an insipid England staring down the barrel of a humiliating series whitewash. The victory, completed before tea on day four, pushed Australia to a 4-0 series lead and the prospect of sweeping England in the fifth and final test in Sydney seven years after Ricky Ponting’s team whitewashed the tourists in 2006-07. Needing quick wickets to have any chance of salvaging pride at the Melbourne Cricket

Ground, England were let down badly by their captain Alastair Cook, who put down two catches at first slip in the first halfhour to reprieve Rogers on 19 and his opening partner David Warner for 22. Though Warner lasted only three more runs, Rogers combined with number three batsman Shane Watson to flog a demoralized attack, their carefree partnership of 136 putting the hosts within 31 runs of victory before the opener succumbed for 116. Australia captain Michael Clarke (six not out) joined Watson (83 not out) to administer the last rites for England, who played out the final sessions with a deflating weariness


Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market & The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: (1)54 Tests; 15 Tests as captain (2)173-Mark Waugh (WI vs AUST, Melbourne, 2000/2001) Today’s Quiz: Shiv Chanderpaul has scored 29 Test centuries to date. How many have led to WI victories? Which two never made an ODI hundred? Jonty Rhodes, Steve Waugh, Ian Botham, Graham Thorpe, Abdul Razzaq Answers in tomorrow’s issue

ner was out for 25 slashing at another Stokes ball to be snaffled by Bairstow, but Rogers marched on. He rode his luck to his half-century, moving to 49 when an inside edge whistled past the stumps and beat the keeper to run for four, but brought up the milestone with a lovely cut through the covers for two.

Australia’s Chris Rogers celebrates his century during the fourth day of the fourth Ashes cricket Test against England at the Melbourne Cricket Ground yesterday. in, we ended up winning quite convincing today.” that allowed the hosts to mow Having started the day through the 231 runs required needing 201 runs for victory, for victory without breaking Rogers added only one run besweat. fore nicking a Stuart Broad deWatson whipped a boundary livery behind but wicketkeeper square to secure the win in style, Jonny Bairstow, replacement for and charged down the sunthe dropped Matt Prior, teamed bathed pitch with arms raised up with Cook to make an absoas a crowd of more than 38,000 lute mess of the chance. roared their approval. Bairstow stuck barna“We’ve had our ups and cle-like to his mark rather than downs. There’s no doubt that the take the catch that was rightfully winning feeling is back in our his, leaving a late-moving Cook camp,” Clarke told reporters afto put down the ball after lungter his team finished a tough year ing to his right with one hand. that started with nine straight England heads dropped tests without a win on a high. further when Cook fluffed the “Today could have went simplest of chances shortly one or two ways. We could after, with Warner driving reckhave just got over the line but lessly at a Ben Stokes delivery I think because the boys just to send the nick straight into the have so much confidence in skipper’s lap. their own ability and in the Mercifully for Cook, Warwork that they’ve been putting

OPENS SHOULDERS He and Watson helped drive Australia past 100, and then opened their shoulders in the last 40 minutes before lunch to smack 113 runs in the morning session. Rogers gave up another nick two balls after lunch off the bowling of Broad, but a sluggish Bairstow failed to get a hand on the half-chance. Rogers and Watson cracked boundaries at will, racing to 200 after the 36-year-old opener brought up his ton with a sublime off-drive for four off the bowling of James Anderson.

England first innings 255 Australia first innings 204 England second innings 179 Australia second innings (overnight 30-0) C. Rogers c Bairstow b Panesar 116 D. Warner c Bairstow b Stokes 25 S. Watson not out 83 M. Clarke not out 6

After Watson raised his second half-century of the series, Rogers was finally dismissed by spinner Monty Panesar for his highest score in test cricket, slashing an edge to Bairstow. “Doesn’t get better than this to win a Boxing Day test and get 100 on the last day. It’s what dreams are made of,” Rogers said in a pitchside interview after making his second test century in a late-blooming international career. Like Cook before him in the match, Clarke brought up his 8,000th test run in his short innings, adding another milestone in a year in which he became the first player to reach 1,000 runs. Australia paceman Mitchell Johnson, who took eight wickets and ran out Joe Root with a brilliant piece of fielding on day three, was named man-of-the-match for a third time in the series following his awards in the Brisbane and Adelaide tests.

Extras (nb-1) 1 Total (for 2 wickets off 51.5 overs) 231 Did not bat: S. Smith, G. Bailey, B. Haddin, M. Johnson, R. Harris, P. Siddle, N. Lyon. Fall of wickets: 1-55 2-200 Bowling: Anderson 11-2-26-0, Broad 10-0-58-0, Panesar 7.5-041-1, Stokes 12-0-50-1 (1-nb), Root 4-1-8-0, Bresnan 7-1-48-0


The Chronicle is at

Kallis ton gives S. Africa victory chance See Page 23

Johnson applauds GCB on early initiative -believes Sarwan can still play a major role By Calvin Roberts MANAGER of the Guyana team for the past two years and former president of the Essequibo Cricket Board Alvin Johnson yesterday showered praise on the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), for consenting to the Chairman of Selector’s Rayon Griffith’s request for an early encamp-

ment session for the 37 member squad. Johnson was at the time overlooking the squad’s indoor net session at the Chetram Singh Centre of Excellence, located at LBI East Coast Demerara, following another rigorous fitness session which was hosted at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall (CASH), earlier in the day. “I think the initiative by

the GCB to bring this squad together pretty early, is a welcome sign, since over the years we have been hurriedly preparing the teams for Regional competition which does not augur well and the fact that we have gathered them together pretty early is great and I am encouraged” said Johnson. He added, “So far, all the players who have been called

are here with the exception o f Ve e r a s a m m y P e r m a u l , Shivnarine Chanderpaul and Narsingh Deonarine who are on West Indies duty in New Zealand and while the weather has not been kind to us, we are still trying to make do with whatever we can. Saturday was the first day of sessions after orientation the previous day and I think we

had a good workout with our plans being achieved. However, there is a bug bear we have been encountering throughout encampment sessions whether long or short.” The bean pole Johnson was relating to the fitness of the players, is of whom come to the preparatory camp with the aim of getting fit, instead of being fit prior to the encamp-

ment period, thus lightening the workload of the coaches and called on the GCB to stamp out this insularity. “Time and time again, we have said to players when preparing for a tournament, you don’t come into a camp for us to get you fit, since you should be fit before the camp, but

See Page 20

Berbice’s middle order batsman Royston Crandon (red) pushes confidently at a delivery that was thrown to him by Berbice Cricket Board head coach Julian Moore, at the Chetram Singh Centre of Excellence yesterday afternoon. (Photo by Adrian Narine)

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