GNN Online Newspaper - Nov 28, 2015

Page 1

Saturday November 28, 2015





Canada to partner with Guyana to tackle social issues Through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), the Ministry of Social Protection will be receiving support from the Canadian High Commission to train a team of hinterland-based resource persons, with knowledge and skills to serve as first responders in addressing social issues and providing information on services provided by the Ministry. The Ministry

of Social Protection says a statement from the Canadian High Commission said it is collaborating with the Ministry to run off a 5-day workshop from Monday at to train 40 persons from 20 communities across Guyana to tackle pressing social concerns. Focus will be placed on prevention and reduction of sexual and gender-based violence in Guyana’s hinterland.

The Workshop begins at 8:30am at the Brandsville Apartments, Pike Street, Campbelville, Georgetown. High Commissioner of Canada, Mr Pierre Giroux and Social Protection Minister, Volda Lawrence, will address the participants. “The prevention and elimination of violence against women and gender-based and other forms of

interpersonal violence requires the involvement of all. As such, prevention strategies should be holistic, with multiple interventions undertaken in parallel in order to have long-lasting and permanent effects,” the statement noted. It said many sectors, actors and stakeholders need to be involved in the fight to end sexual and genderbased violence here.

“More evidence is emerging on what interventions work to prevent violence—from community mobilisation to change social norms, to comprehensive school

interventions targeting staff and pupils, to economic empowerment and income supplements coupled with gender equality training,” the High Commission release said.

Activities commence ahead of World Aids Day

Participants at Interfaith service after walk

Activities leading up to World Aids Day which will be observed on Tuesday, December, 01 commenced today with a walk from the 704 Car Park at Lamaha and Albert St. The walk commenced at 6:00 hrs, going up Albert St, down North Road into the Avenue of the Republic, down Regent Street and then onto Oronoque St and concluded at its starting point. The walk was followed by an Interfaith service. The events saw participation from the United States Ambassador to Guyana; Perry Holloway, Director of the National Aids Programme Secretariat (NAPS); Dr Shanti Singh, UN AIDS representative, Chief Medical Officer,

among others. Guyana is joining with the rest of the world to observe World AIDS Day 2015, under the theme, “Ending the AIDS epidemic as part of Sustainable Development Goals”. T h e observances locally will bring attention to the global AIDS epidemic and emphasise the critical need for a committed, meaningful and sustained response. Executive Director of UNAIDS; Michel Sidibé in his message to mark the occasion stated that “Today, we live in fragile communities where inequities can persist when essential services don’t reach the people in need. To change this dynamic we must quicken the pace of

action. We know that strengthening local services to reach key populations will lead to healthier and more resilient societies.” He added that the good news is that we now have what it takes to break this epidemic and keep it from rebounding. Sidibe noted that “we

have reached 15.8 million people with life-saving treatment. And increasingly we are able to refine our efforts and be more precise in our ability to reach people who might otherwise be left behind.” Ending the AIDS epidemic means that adolescent girls and young women have access to education and appropriate HIV and sexual and reproductive health services, ensure people who inject drugs and transgender people, have full access to health services delivered

with dignity and respect, the Executive Director said. Jennifer Ganesh, Prevention Coordinator at NAPS stated that other activities for the coming week includes; the launch of a book on December 01 titled “my HIV story” written by Guyanese Journalist, Rawle Nelson comprising of thirty stories from persons who are HIV+ living in the Caribbean Region. On the third of December, there is an appreciation ceremony where eight nurses who

work on Mother to Child Transmission/ Voluntary Council and Testing (PMTCT/VCT) in the hinterland HIV programme. On the Fourth also, there will be lectures at the University of Guyana at the Health Sciences Faculty through a partnership with PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) which will see two professors from the San Francisco University present.

Participants of the walk to commence World AIDS day observences

Deep water harbor part of gov’t plans Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson, yesterday met with a representative from United World, an international communication agency that is currently developing a socioeconomic report on Guyana. According to the Government Information Agency (GINA), the report is set to be published as a special supplement in the USA Today, a renowned United States newspaper, and will commemorate Guyana’s 50th Independence

A n n i v e r s a r y. Pablo Dabrio, Project Editor from United World, during a meeting with Patterson, discussed Guyana’s development and the role the Infrastructure Ministry plays in the nation’s future. MPI, one of Guyana’s largest ministries, will receive a full page in the report. During the discussion with Dabrio, Minister Patterson shared some of MPI’s plans, including the creation of deep water harbours; the upgrade of the maritime section; the addition new vessels

to ply interior routes; and the maximisation of Guyana’s use of renewable energy. D a b r i o expressed particular interest on the ministry’s plans to connect the rest of the country with the hinterland regions; the MPI’s strategy to access a cheap source of energy; Guyana’s oil and gas potential; and the fostering of private public partnerships. Patterson stressed that the main objective of the Ministry is to create a “fresh approach” to unlock a brighter future for

Guyana. He shared that the Guyana Government will be focused on opening the country, not only to Guyanese but to the wider world. When questioned by Dabrio specifically on opening Guyana to US investors, Patterson said, “Guyana is a place for opportunities and is certainly a place to invest,” Minister Patterson said. “If investors were to come to this side of the Hemisphere, then Guyana is the place to come.” He added that Government will strive towards removing encumbrances which stymie development. Meanwhile,

Minister David Patterson

Dabrio, who has been in Guyana for about six weeks, indicated that there were “many reasons” why Guyana was chosen to be featured by United World. He explained

that the nation caught the attention of the international community when there was a change in administration after more than two decades.

measure in encouraging broader participations in profitable economic activities. He further contended that for economic development to be achieved in Guyana, there must be broadbased participation and access to Guyana’s economic space must not be discriminatory in terms of age, gender, ethnicity or community. This economic space, he argued, must be available and enjoyed by all Guyanese. Attending the event too and delivering remarks was acting President, Moses Nagamootoo who underscored the role of small businesses and their dominant presence despite the increasing

number of large entities in the local market. He lauded the initiative and highlighted the fact that Government has been pushing an agenda to further integrate indigenous people and women into the economic sector, through small business development. The event which ends tomorrow (Sunday) provides a platform for small businesses to showcase and sell their products while allowing them to acquire valuable feedback which can aid in improving the quality of their products. It is also a marketing strategy for smaller enterprises which struggle to advertise in mainstream media due to financial constraints.

As Small Business Expo opens, its development to be explored

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin interacting with participants at the opening of the Expo

Aimed at boosting small businesses and providing a platform for local and regional marketing for domestic products, Guyana’s inaugural Business Exposition was officially declared open last evening at the Sophia Exhibition Centre by acting President Moses Nagamootoo. The event which is being hosted for three days under the theme “Guyanese Products and Services - Our gateway to the good life,” was initially birthed out of intense consultations between the Guyana Manufacturing Services Association (GSMA) and the Ministry of Business, the former lamenting that the cancellation of the 2015 GuyExpo would result in setbacks

for small businesses. An alternative idea – the Business Expo – was then crafted and developed though challenges confronted the process. President of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA), Clinton Williams, explained at the opening that one of the major challenge which confronted the organizing team was the decision on whether to give the green light to such an event, given the available time, resource constraints and the need to ensure consistency of the highest standard associated with GuyExpo’s brand. This was due to the fact that the Expo was projected to be a microversion of GuyExpo.

However, determination and hard work were the ingredients which resulted in the successful hosting of the Expo, which, according to him, could become an annual one. The three-day event which is facilitating over 300 small businesses was geared towards being more business oriented rather than entertaining, as is perceived with GuyExpo. However, this is not limited to just the exhibition of local products, as the event will also feature businessrelated workshops on; procurement procedures, tender board procedures, digitizing businesses, financing businesses, entrepreneurship, effective trade fair

participation and marketing through film. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for small business owners to network; Government to expose its policies and plans for the sector; credit facilities to explore new and less burdensome ways of providing financial access; and for the sector to further integrate itself and contribute to the economic, political and cultural development of the country. Expressing his satisfaction with the results of the initiative, Minister Gaskin noted that the Business Ministry would seek to explore further development of the event, to examine whether it can become an effective

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin touring the exhibition

Jagdeo urges Granger to attend

Climate Conference

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo has emphasized the importance of President David Granger attending the upcoming 21 Conference of the Parties (COP 21) which opens on Monday November 30, 2015 in Paris. Speaking to the media today at a press conference at Freedom House, the Opposition Leader whose specialty area is climate change, stated that with Granger’s presence at the international

conference it will make Guyana’s voice be heard and its position on climate change. President Granger is currently in Malta attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), which will conclude on November 29. It is not clear whether the President will be attending the conference in Paris, however, the attendance of Minister of Governance,

Raphael Trotman has been confirmed. He said he has received many calls concerning his position on the upcoming conference, hence, he decided to make his position public. The former President believes that the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government does not have a vision when it comes to climate change. He spoke of the efforts he made for Guyana to remain relevant on the international scene. “Globally, we have lost momentum because we are not clear on government’s climate policy, we have lost momentum in relation to the leadership role that we played in many of these forum,” Jagdeo highlighted. He however told the media that he is willing to work with the government, offer advice and share his expertise

President David Granger

on climate change. With regard to the Paris talks, Jagdeo stated that he is pleased to see that there seems to be a renewed momentum after Copenhagen. He pointed to efforts being made to talk down what will come out of Paris, which should not be supported. He said leaders should go to Paris and push for a good legally binding agreement. “We have a great opportunity in Paris to do what we did not do in Copenhagen when the world had

expected great things and a globally binding agreement which would have been the turning point for how we treat carbon based economies in the world. Paris offers that opportunity again,” he stressed. Ho w e v e r, according to him, the question is will countries rise up to the level of making full use of the opportunity? He also questioned whether there is enough political will to make Paris a success. According to Jagdeo, the issues have been put to the table and

the position of countries are known, however, it is now up to negotiators to come up with something that is globally binding. COP 21 is the annual meeting of all countries which want to take action for the climate. It will be held in Le Bourget, France, from 30 November to 11 December. COP21 one of the largest diplomatic conferences ever organized, aside from the United Nations General Assembly sessions in New York.

One week later…

Kaieteur jumper’s body still to be found One week after 21-year old Roshine Pagwah from Berbice plunged to her death over Kaieteur Falls during an expedition; the Special Forces of the Guyana Defense Force (GDF) which was tasked with locating the body have so far come up empty handed. On Wednesday last, the body was reported spotted at the gorge of the highest single

drop waterfalls in the world, and the retrieval time was estimated to be a few days given the dangerous terrain. A release from the Ministry of Tourism earlier in the week has made this revelation, stating that the body was spotted on the edge of the pool at the base of the Falls. Ho w e v e r, efforts to contact Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum to secure an official comment on whether there were

any new developments proved futile. The death of the former Guyana Power and Light (GPL) employee which has been classified as suicide has forced authorities to arrive at a decision to restrict future visitors from the viewing ledge. Calls were also made by the public for the area to be fenced, but according to Minister Cathy Hughes, this would result in the natural beauty of the

park being taken away. Pagwah jumped over the falls on Saturday just before she boarded the plane to leave the park. Rangers and other personnel failed in their efforts to grab her hand before she jumped off the 741 feet falls. The young woman’s family and friends could not explain why she committed such dreadful act. However, reports suggested that she was a victim of depression, given that she had expressed same on Social Medias a few times. The most recent of these being a caption to a photo of her which read: “there is nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad.” In addition to this, she posted on popular social media site – Facebook, on October 27, that, “Today is gonna be five years now that ur gone & I swear not a day

Roshine Pagwah at the Kaieteur Falls

goes by that I don’t think of u & miss u…u would never know how sorry I am up to this very day.” This, according to reports, was in reference to the suicidal death of her ex-boyfriend

which was as a result of a rocky relationship the duo shared. Pagwah, an only child leaves to mourn her mother and aunt which whom she resided at Reliance Abandon, Berbice.

Man found dead behind East Bank Hotel According to information reaching GNN, a man, reported to be Samaroo Seepersaud, and who was reportedly missing since Friday last, was found dead by his son around mid-day today. The body of man was discovered

in a clump of bushes behind the Park Vue Hotel, at Farm, East Bank Demerara. Believed to be a resident of the neighbouring village of Herstelling, the body of the man who is said in his sixties, reportedly bore no visible marks of

violence giving rise to speculation that he may had a natural death. A bottle, suspected to have contained alcohol, was allegedly found in proximity of the body. Investigations are ongoing.

JAGDEO LAMENTS SILENCE OF DIPLOMATS ON NON-SITTING OF PARLIAMENT The silence of Diplomats on the suspension of Parliament until an indefinite date has been pointed out by Opposition leader Bharrat Jagdeo. J a g d e o , in condemning the government’s move to suspend the sitting of the House noted that “the guardians of democracy are not saying anything.”

He referred to when Former President Donald Ramotar prorogued the 10th Parliament, it attracted widespread interest, including among the Diplomatic corps. M a n y Diplomats and organisations had called on Ramotar to convene the Parliament and c o n d e m n e d his move to

suspend sittings. However, according to the opposition leader, “I don’t hear the same guardians of democracy speaking out against this,” Jagdeo stated. He said the Embassies and some of the local organizations are silent on Parliament not being convened. He said a comparative analysis should be done with regard

to the convening of Parliament when the Peoples Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) was in office. “I just want people to go back to the frequency with which the Parliament has met because in the past you would recall how there was a big hullabaloo about the PPP not convening Parliament enough and I dare say that comparatively we would have c o n v e n e d

Pa r l i a m e n t significantly more often than they have done.” He said his party will be retabling its motion to annul the salary increases given to Ministers of government, Members of Parliament and other government officers as advised by Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs. The Speaker of the House Barton

Scotland turned down the PPP/C’S request to convene and emergency sitting in November to debate its motion. He ruled that the powers to convene Parliament does not rest with the opposition, but rather with the government. Government had suspended sitting of Parliament from November 22, saying that a number of Ministers of government has to travel overseas and that the Clerk of the National Assembly and a number of officers were to attend a training programme in the United Kingdom during the same period. According to Jagdeo, the legislature of a country has to await the travel schedule of some Ministers. This, he says does not happen in any other part of the world.


TharmanShanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies of Singapore sharing a light moment with President David Granger and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidgeat the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Malta

Alongside the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOG), President David Granger and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge held bilateral meetings with a number of officials. A Bilateral meeting was hosted with the Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies of

Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam to garner assistance in areas of common interest. “Singapore is rich in education, rich in technology and we would like to develop relations with Singapore so that Guyana could be assisted in developing the infrastructure that we need, particularly the in the hinterland so that we can [have]

access to our resources”, the President said. Investment was also a key focus of the discussions Minister Greenidge added. He said, “The Prime Minister was very responsive and we agreed to have a mechanism that will allow us to concretise these interproposals projects.” With the belief that Singapore can help

to as a member of the Commonwealth, could help to advance the work that we are doing in Iwokrama, the President said Guyana also discussed with the Singaporean delegation the Iwokrama International Rainforest Centre, in the context of increased attention on issues related to climate change globally. On the agenda

of the meeting was also the Venezuelan threat to Guyana’s territory. President Granger related that the Prime Minister was briefed on the developments with regard to the work of Secretary General of the United Nations to ensure a resolution is reached, even as Guyana seeks a juridical settlement. A d d i t i o n a l l y, Minister Greenidge met with the United Kingdom’s Rt. Hon Hugo Swire, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Though he was unable to go into details, Minister Greenidge described the meeting as fruitful. He said that Guyana and the United Kingdom used the opportunity to exchange information on areas of common interest and to confirm the mechanisms for deepening partnerships. M i n i s t e r Greenidge also met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Bert Koenders, where the discussion centered heavily on the Netherlands’s Candidature to the United Nations’ Security

Council and areas of possible support. “We went on to discuss issues such as the areas where the Netherlands would be interested in rendering assistance and more importantly, also, we were discussing mechanisms by which we might cooperate and, in the event that the Netherlands gets on the Security Council, the types of things that it would be promoting and that it would be working on. We drew to their attention our interest in having countries on the Security Council who don’t forget that there are small States that need to have their interests represented. We need advocates in the corridors of power who don’t leave behind those small states that helped them get elected,” the Minister said. Guyana also held meetings with the Maldives as well as informal discussions with other Heads of State and is expected to have other similar engagements including with Uganda.

National Museum staff get

hospitality training

Indranauth Haralsingh

The Guyana National Museum recently benefited from a capacity building and institutional strengthening program facilitated by the Ministry of Tourism and

the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA). The training program was on Effective Customer Service, held during their Staff Development Workshop on November 25 at the

National Museum. According to the Government Information Agency (GINA) the participants were reminded by Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority, Mr.

Indranauth Haralsingh that positive interaction is key to delivering effective customer service. He emphasized that all members of staff play an integral role in improving the visitor experience. The session addressed several key topics including the importance of customers, basics of customer service, effective communication, including greeting customers and ground rules in providing quality customer service.

During the session participants were also provided with an opportunity to share their views and experiences of good and bad customer service. According to the GTA Director, the continuation of the training programmes is aimed at ensuring that the authority imparts valuable information to service providers to improve the quality and standards of their products and services, in keeping with the GTA’s mandate. The training session also comes

at the cusp of the arrival of two cruise ships to Guyana in the coming days; many of the tour groups will visit the national Museum as part of their city tour itinerary. This year, the Guyana Tourism Authority has trained a total of 270 persons across the country, in the areas of Customer Service, Customer Service for Frontline Staff,First Aid/CPR, Dutch Language, House Keeping, and Waiter and Waitress Training.


President David Granger standing colleagues heads for the official photo of the meeting with Queen Elizabeth

President David Granger and First Lady Sandra Granger leave their Malta hotel room for a reception by Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh Friday evening

President David Granger and First Lady Sandra Granger being escorted to the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Malta

TharmanShanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies of Singapore sharing a light moment with President David Granger and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidgeat the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Malta

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge with Bert Koenders, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands




Student whose Laptop was stolen, gets replacement from President A Fifth form student of Queen’s College, 16 year-old Terron Alleyne, was on two Fridays ago, robbed of his laptop computer, School Based Assessments (SBA) and school books while on his way home from extra lessons. However, President David Granger, having learnt of the lad’s plight, presented him with a new

one during the week. According to the Government Information Agency (GINA), the President said he wanted nothing to get in the way of Alleyne’s preparations for the upcoming Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC). The delighted young man received his new computer in the presence of his

father, Terrence Alleyne, and Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, at the Ministry of the Presidency. The young Alleyne, who was attacked and relieved of his haversack containing the items, said that the new laptop will aid in his preparations for CSEC and that he will be sitting a total of ten subjects.

President Granger presents Terron Alleyne with a new laptop computer, as Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, and the lad’s father, Terrence Alleyne, looks on

Opposition bemoans slothfulness of the economy -Calls on govt to accelerate implementation plan Peoples Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) spokesperson on the economy and finances, Irfaan Ali, has lamented the slothfulness of the local economy. At a press conference today held at the party’s Robb Street, Georgetown Headquarters, Ali first pointed out that it is in the interest of all parties to ensure that the economy performs well and that his party is not set out to chastise anyone, but to bring the challenges to light. According to Ali, a high degree of slothfulness is being demonstrated by the government in the implementation of suggestions and even the proper examination of the economic strategy employed by the former administration. He said however, that the low level of confidence and good will is major cause for concern for the opposition. It was explained that if the confidence and good will in the economy is not there then there will be a lack of interest in terms of investment,

and a lack of interest in terms of both domestic and foreign investment. “If you look at the Bank of Guyana report you will see that that lack of interest in investment is clearly demonstrated,” said the former Housing Minister. He pointed to decrease in the various sectors, mainly agriculture, mining, and the forestry sectors. The overall decrease is having a severe macroeconomic impact on the economy itself. Ali said the volatile global environment where there is low prices for gold, sugar, rice will not help Guyana in terms of mitigating the challenges ahead. He spoke of global predictions of a collapse in the financial market. In some Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCS) there is a decrease of 50 percent in terms of approved housing plans from the NDC compared to 2014, and in some cases there is a 65-70 percent decrease. Containers traffic (in and out) compared to the last year figure is about 37

percent behind. This, he said signals that the import and export levels are also affected. “As you know our growth rate has reduced tremendously, it has reduced to 0.7 percent and this is the lowest recorded growth since 2011. Our import bill also contracted by 8.8 percent or 74.5 million during the first half of 2015,” Ali further explained. The gross internal reserves of the Bank of Guyana has also contracted. A slowdown in term of foreign exchange transactions which mirrors the general slowdown in the economy. The Bank of Guyana statistics Ali said showed that “The overall volume of foreign exchange transactions was US$3.006M and US$148M so the slowdown so far in the year in terms of foreign exchange transactions was 4.7 percent.” D o m e s t i c investment also decreased by 2.7 percent during the first half of the year and has deteriorated during the last quarter.

Irfaan Ali

Another worrying sign in the economy is that of non-performing loans (loans not being repaid over a three month period) Ali said. Non-performing loans grew by 69 percent, from GYD$8.3B to GYD$20B according to the former Minister. This too he said has further deteriorated in the last quarter of the year. P o i n t s to slothfulness of implementation rate of the 2015 programme of the government that is contributing to the state of the economy. Ali said outside of Georgetown where there is a massive cleanup exercise being executed, there is not much happening in the other regions.


The situation in the rice industry is worrying for the opposition and according to the PPP/C Member of Parliament, there seems to be no clear cut strategy on the

part of the government for the rice sector. Ali pointed out that the government has clearly stated that rice is private sector business. However, he does not agree with this statement, since he believes that when rice is affecting 90 percent of a Region it then becomes government’s business. “When 90 percent of a region is affected, economic livelihood of the people in that region is affected then it becomes a national issue. So from that perspective it is the government’s business,” he stressed. The party believes that if the situation in the rice sector is arrested a host of other problems will be created, such as the banks will foreclose on the rice farmers. A lot of the rice farmers have huge loans and in some cases they have pledged their machinery to the banks. On that note, the PPP/C is urging the government to

implement the nine point plan for the rice sector that it has submitted.


The PPP MP chided the government for its unsure policy with regard to the sugar sector. According to Ali, “They would come out one time and say we’re looking as to whether these estates are feasible or viable” he questioned what signal the government is sending. He said government has to be clear on the path it is taking, noting that duplicity will decrease confidence in the economy. Ali said the previous government was at a stage in modernizing the sugar industry. This, he said would have been realised since former President Donald Ramotar on his last visit to India held talks with that country’s Prime Minister on the modernizing the industry.




Dharmic Sabha making fundamental

error on Diwali date- Ramjattan -Controversy to be repeated in 2016

“It’s an identical situation to 2015”. That was the summation of Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, with regard to the celebration of Diwali 2016. Ramjattan, who has responsibility for the declaration of national holidays, told GNN that in an effort to avoid the 2015 controversy, he indicated the establishment of a Calendar Committee to foster consensus among all Hindu representative bodies pertaining to auspicious dates of the religion in 2016. He explained that such a committee would have taken into consideration the views of all of the representative bodies with their supporting information to derive unison on the dates for the printing of calendars. However, he said immediately after it was made known that the committee would

be established, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS) announced that Diwali 2016 would be on October 30, and subsequently printed calendars to reflect same. Reports suggest that the GHDS has allegedly labelled October 30, 2016, a national holiday. If true, reportedly it would have without consultation with the government which holds that responsibility. According to Ramjattan, the GDHS was aware of the efforts to put the committee in place. He said the actions of the GDHS through its President, Dy. Vindhya Persaud, basically ended the efforts for the intended meaningful engagements in the interest for one date for Diwali which would have subsequently been reflected on all calendars.

Dr. Vindiya Persaud

“Dr. Persaud and her organization took an uncompromising position without wanting to give the calendar committee a chance in the interest of unity among Hindus pertaining to the date for Diwali, I have been advised that Diwali 2016 should be on October 29. As such I have indicated that the national holiday for Diwali 2016 will be October 29,” Ramjattan noted. He explained that his position is based upon the advice and credible information provided by many learned Pandits (Hindu Priests). “The call was made based on educated people from the religion and the traditional rules of the festival being observed in the darkest night of the year which is calculated to be October 29, 2016,” the Minister pointed out. Based on this scenario, it appears that the controversy that transpired this year over the date for Diwali, will be repeated next year. Regarding this year’s festival, Ramjattan declared November 10 as the national holiday while the GHDS insisted that November 11 should have been the

Minister Khemraj Ramjattan

date. It resulted in two observances for the first time in recalled history. R a m j a t t a n ’s declaration resulted after a number of leading Hindu organisations presented a petition citing a grave error in the November 11 date which was decided by the GHDS and which was declared a national holiday by former People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee. Dr. Persaud is Member of Parliament for the PPP. Ramjattan said he will continue to make such decisions based on credible information from Hindu Priests. “Dr. Persaud and her organization is making a fundamental error with

regard to accuracy of the calculations which derive the date for the festival,” he added. It should be noted that during the controversy surrounding this year’s date, all of the Hindu organisations including the GHDS, agreed that the new moon would have been born at about 13:47 hrs on November 11. However, the GHDS remained adamant and celebrated Diwali on the night of November 11, which would have been during the new moon contradicting their position for the festival to be observed on the darkest night of the year. Based on that reasoning, many Hindu organistions and their

members observed Diwali 2015 on November 10 which is before the birth of the moon. Ramjattan had stated that the petition and its supporting documents which made the case for November 10 to be assigned as this year’s Diwali date, were based on “irrefutable evidence.” He had stated that, “It was credible information which could not have been ignored.” This makes 2016 a seeming carbon-copy of 2015 in this regard given what is already in the public domain. GNN made efforts to contact Dr. Persaud but were unsuccessful.


Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo who is acting President, joined dozens of reporters and journalists today to pay final respects to former Editor in Chief of the Guyana Chronicle Newspaper, Mohamad Raschid Osman. Osman passed away peacefully in his sleep on Saturday morning and this afternoon was laid to rest amidst glowing tributes. Mourners also included members from the arts and theater fraternity, music industry and persons who also followed the work of Osman on

his many radio programs including Concert Hall. Glowing tributes were done by representatives from his workplace, family and church. The ceremony was conducted by reverend Raphael Massiah of the First Assembly of God church where Osman was a member and his wife a pastor. The body was first Open for viewing at the Merriam Funeral Home before being moved to the First assembly of God Church for Funeral service. He was laid to rest at Le Repentire Cemetery.

Among the features of the final sending off of Osman were scripture readings, worship, Eulogy which was read by his only daughter Ruth Osman Rose and followed by the final viewing. Raschid Osman served the media fraternity for decades and also twined that with several radio programs. He was also instrumental in several training sessions and workshops for young journalists in Guyana. Up to the time of his death Osman was still employed by the Guyana Chronicle and even covered an assignment, namely the opening of the drama festival the night he died.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo viewing the body of the late Raschid Osman earlier today




Guyana signs Air Services Agreement

with United Arab Emirates

Minister Ferguson signing the agreement with an UAE official

Government on Tuesday (November, 24) signed an Air Services Agreement with the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to allow for operations by airlines from either State. The agreement was signed by Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure

Annette Ferguson who is currently attending the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) World Aviation Forum (WAF) 2015 at the ICAO Head Quarters in Montreal along with Director General (ag), Guyana Civil Aviation Authority; Chitrani Heeralall.

M i n i s t e r Ferguson alluded to the UAE being the home of two of the world’s best airlines, Etihad and Emirates and hopes that at least one will operate into ‘Destination Guyana’. The ICAO World Aviation Forum 2015, themed “Aviation Partnership

for Sustainable Development”. The event is deemed timely as the ICAO, the United Nations Specialised Organisation for civil aviation recently launched its’ No Country Left Behind initiative to better identify and coordinate assistance to States so that all States. Guyana will be seeking support from ICAO for technical assistance to improve the level of compliance with ICAO Standards. “Guyana like many States here, considers the growth and sustainability of aviation is a catalyst for improved social and economic activities and structures,” Hon. Ferguson stated. She also highlighted that “many States here share similar challenges in financing aviation

projects to enable their economic development and I am sure our esteemed panel will share perspectives on Global investment and aviation development and encourage donors to assist in enabling economic development through financing of various aviation projects so that the spirit of the No Country Left Behind initiative of ICAO can be realized for the positive impact on the economic and social development of all States”. Many of the developed countries and the donor community have applauded ICAO’s No Country Left behind initiative and have pledged their continued support for collaboration, for rendering technical assistance and for aviation development as a whole.

There was a similar call at the Aviation Conference held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre in October 2015, for the recognition of aviation as the lifeblood of economic and social development in Guyana and for action to be taken to address the challenges the sector is facing including strengthening of the civil aviation safety oversight body. That conference also emphasised the need for a safe, sustainable and strong aviation sector for our national development for the benefit of all our people. Guyana’s two representatives at this Forum will continue their discussions to seek technical and financial assistance for Guyana’s aviation development.

Ramkarran refutes PPP on expiration

of salary increase motion Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran has clarified that a motion cannot expire unless the Parliament expires it. His comment came in light of the notion being peddled that the Opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) motion to annul the salary increases given

to government Ministers, Members of Parliament and other government officers will expire on December 1, some forty days after it was tabled. PPP/C’s Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira told the media at a press conference last week that the party has officially sought advice from the Clerk who is the point person by the

constitution and standing orders who advises on Parliamentary proceedings, norms and conventions, given that the motion will expire on December 1. However, Ramkarran explained to the nt life has come to an end or unless the Parliament is prorogued.” Contrary to what the PPP/C is saying that their motion will expire in forty days, Ramkarran said he is not aware of that. The former Speaker noted that even if that is so once a motion is not debated and defeated it can be re-tabled. This revelation has put to rest doubts by the Opposition party that it may not be afforded an opportunity to debate its motion on salary increases since the next date for the sitting of the National Assembly may not be anytime soon. R a m k a r r a n’s revelation is in con-

Ralph Ramkarran

tradiction to what is being said by the PPP’C that under the standing orders when a motion is tabled it has a forty days life. She told the media last week that the party had written to the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs for advice on the way forward with its motion. The party is seeking clarity on whether its motion can be re-tabled. When contacted by GNN today for an update on the situation, Teixeira said she has

“not received any word from the Clerk.” She said the party is still waiting on his advice. Since October 22 there has been no sitting of the House and from all indications there will not be any sitting anytime soon. This newspaper spoke with the government’s Chief Whip, Amna Ally on Monday concerning a possible date for the resumption of Parliament, however, she could not give a date or time period.




RAMJATTAN RELAXES 2:00 AM BAR CURFEW FOR OLD YEAR’S NIGHT Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan said today that he is relaxing the stipulations which governs the closing times for bars and clubs for the Old Year’s Night observances. This means that these facilities would not have to close their business at 2:00 am which has been the case over the past few months. The Minister did not state a closing time for the last day of the year. Tr a d i t i o n a l ly, many entertainment spots, bars and hotels, host parties as part of the Old Year’s Night/ New Year’s day festivities. Also, the State’s Security Forces host similar celebrations which are usually attended by the Head of State. In addition, many hold the tradition of attending a church service and then

join one of the parties of their choice. The understanding is to “break” the New Year in Church and then join the celebrations that are associated with the birth of a new year. Over the years, many of the facilities stick to tradition and offer a New Year’s morning breakfast which indicate the party would extend to dawn. There has been concerns over what would obtain on Old Year’s night regarding the 2:00 am bar curfew. The announcement by Minister Ramjattan today has now addressed those concerns. He added that he is open to discussions pertaining to relaxing the 2:00 am curfew on Christmas Eve night and any other night or nights during the festive season based on

discussions and merit. Earlier in the month the Private Sector Commission (PSC) called on Ramjattan to rethink the 2:00 am curfew given the negative impact it claims it has on related businesses. The PSC said its position was based on what has been observed and reports received from its membership and that the 2:00 am closure for bars and night clubs is having a significant negative impact on businesses within the entertainment industry. It pointed out that many of the businesses are faced with the threat of closure and downsizing as a result of this decision.” In Response, Ramjattan, called on the PSC to show him the evidence that millions are being lost between 2-4

am. He said every study done by every major University has confirmed the linkage between heavy alcohol consumption and accidents and domestic abuse. “The PSC is claiming they are losing money but are not getting the message. Let them tell me how much more millions are being lost after the 2:00 am”, Ramjattan had stated.

Minister khemraj Ramjattan

The Private Sector body highlighted the concern the curfew could have on the country’s developing Tourism Industry and pointed out that there has been no definitive study on the social impact of the later closure on crime and accidents and this tends to be notional. According to Ramjattan, “These are the same people who

when in the United States abide by the laws that govern the closure of bars. We must live by the law. The law here says 2:00 am closure, at that will be enforced. I would not, absolutely not, give in to their demands”. The PSC had recommend an extension and relaxation of the 2:00 am edict to facilitate visitors for Christmas and into the New Year.

Ramjattan says he had no input in Specialty Hospital contract

Minister khemraj Ramjattan

Following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance and Fedders Lloyd for the completion of the Specialty Hospital without inviting new bidders for the contract, several questions have been raised on the reason for granting the contract given that Minister of Public Security and Leader of the Alliance For Change; Khemraj Ramjattan was touted as attorney for the company prior to his assumption to office.

During a telephone interview with GNN today, Mr. Ramjattan stated that the allegations are all craziness. While clarifying that he was never retained as a lawyer for the company, but was rather campaigning for justice as the company deserved the contract in the first place, he stated that “I had nothing to do with that, the negotiations were carried out with the Government of India and the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Health.”

He further stated that Fedders Lloyd was “indeed the person with the lowest bid and the only person that have a history of doing Specialty Hospitals” when the contract was initiated under the previous administration. During an interview with GNN yesterday, Former Minister within the Ministry of Finance; Juan Edghil accused the government of granting the contract to Fedders Lloyd as payback for campaign financing.

To this Ramjattan stated that “Fedders Lloyd, has never; as AFC leader, I am well aware of that, never given, and I am certain neither did they ever give APNU any monies… Those are lies from the ‘cronies’ that probably got monies from Surrendra Engineering, they are the ones, as we all know and so they can try all they want but my integrity rests of former foundations rather than the lies they want to tout now.” Edghil had also stated that “Fedders Lloyd was not given the contract in the first instance as it had put in two prices in their bid…when it came to cabinet; they had a price and then a discounted price so you had a problem of which price they bidding on…so they were not qualified based upon our procurement laws to be awarded this contract.” Explaining why the government decided not to return to a bidding process but to utilize Fedders Lloyd, Ramjattan stated that “Assuming that this is how the Finance minister reasoned it out; why go

back to tendering when you know that the last tender process, the best price was Fedders Lloyd and the company with the highest rating in relation to Specialty Hospitals was Fedders Lloyd…Fedders Lloyd build about 12 or fourteen of them, in Australia and a whole lot of countries.” He added that this brought no problem with the Indian Government since it knows that Fedders Lloyd is the only company in India that built Specialty Hospitals. Surrendra Engineering was contracted under the PPP government to build the Specialty Hospital, however the Contract was halted in September, 2014 after a major fraud was uncovered. It was later disclosed that the company had issued to the Guyana Government a forged document purporting to have emanated from the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (CBTT). Ramjattan stated that the Opposition wants to distract from its corrupt transaction from Surrendra Engineering Company Limited, and that it has

been vindicated that Surrendra never deserves that contract. He added that he was actively lobbied against the corrupt contract with Surrendra Engineering. He also disclosed that Government of India has shown how pleased they are with the current Government with their commitment of another $14M for the rehabilitation of Primary health care facilities. “What has been extremely noticeable is that when we asked for the $14M that was left back from the Specialty Hospital, to do the West Demerara, Bartica and another hospital (Suddie), and rehabilitate them, the Government of India was so proud of what we were doing, they say we’re going to give you an extra $14M for that purpose but continue the Specialty Hospital. We have now ended up with $28M (as my understanding from the Finance Minister goes) upon asking them that the balance of the Specialty Hospital money not go to three primary health institutions” he said.




Not Granger’s fault ERC Commissioners not sworn in – Amna Ally -‘It was overlooked’ - Ramotar

Minister of Social Cohesion, Amna Ally says the coalition government cannot go ahead and swear in the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) Commissioners that were appointed under the previous administration. In an invited comment by the Guyana News Network (GNN), on the status with the ERC Minister Ally explained that when the Commissioners were named during the 10th Parliament the then President Donald Ramotar did not swear them in. Further, she explained that “This is the 11th Parliament and the entire procedure has to go over in order to

install the Ethnic Relations Commission.” According to her, the Commissioners will have to be appointed through the appointive committee of the National Assembly, then it will be forwarded to the President. Prior to that she said the entities will have to send in the names of their nominees. The following names were appointed by the former President: Dr. John O. Smith (Christian Religion); Rajkumarie Singh (Hindu Religion); Shaykh Moeen-ul Hack (Islamic Religion); Gomattie Kalicharran (Youth Organisations); Ruth Howard (Women’s Organisations);

and Peter Persaud, Barrington Braithwaite and Neaz Subhan of the Amerindian, African and Indian ethnic groups respectively. “At the moment that is at a standstill, Commissioners cannot be sworn in. We have to go over the procedure,” Minister Ally added. She made it clear that it is not President David Granger’s fault that the Commissioners were not sworn in, but that of former President Ramotar. Meanwhile, GNN sought a comment from Mr. Ramotar as to why he did not swear in the Commissioners. He admitted that he erred in this regard. Ramotar

Former President Donald Ramotar

Minister Amna Ally

went on to explain that it was an oversight on his part. He said due to the “Political situation and all the other things that were happening at that time, that seems to have been overlooked.” Ramotar however said if the government is serious about establishing the ERC it should move ahead with the process as explained by Minister Ally. Former President Bharrat Jagdeo when questioned at a media conference in September as to why the PPP/C administration did not swear in the Commissioners when it had ample time to do so, he said the APNU+AFC should not hold itself to

the standards of the former PPP/C government. “If we blundered and I am not saying that we did, then this government should not hold itself to that standard,” he stated. Recently the PPP has called for the re-establishment of the ERC. This was followed by another call from the Indian Action Committee (IAC) ON Monday November 23. The IAC’s call was premised on the PPP concern regarding the ethnic imbalance of staff recruited for the upcoming Local Government Elections. “Given what appeared in the public domain regarding the

issue in question, the IAC believes it further underscores the need for the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) to be immediately established. The IAC reiterates its necessity and believes it is integral to meaningful interventions for the mitigation of such sensitive issues and to prevent any related escalation,” the IAC said. The ERC is a constitutional body established as an undertaking by the Herdmanston Accord and by Constitutional Amendment (#2) Act of 2000. The Commission is headed by several commissioners and a Chief Executive Officer.

More training to ensure transparency for Amerindian Development Fund projects More training will be given to persons to ensure transparency and accountability in the implementation of projects under the Amerindian D e v e l o p m e n t Fund (ADF). This is according to Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, Sydney Allicock during an interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA) where he noted that the oneday training given to persons are insufficient.

“When this fund was made available, while it was a good initiative, the mechanism was not in place to allow full benefit out of the funds spent because onto now, we have not had anyone with a certificate to say they are trained. The training was a one or two- day training which did not gear persons enough of what the funding was about,” Minister Allicock explained. He added that this caused several

of the projects to become unsuccessful. “Some of these ideas are useful, but because of the lack of proper management, the lack of accountability and transparency we ended up in those situations. We are talking to the new councils. We will look at these projects, examine them, fix what can be fixed and move forward. It is a lot of time and money spent and we can’t just give up on something without properly investigating,” Minister

Allicock emphasised. During Phase l of the Community Development Plans (CDP), funded through the ADF, 27 communities were selected. However, 26 received disbursements to implement their respective CDPs according to GINA. P r o j e c t s executed during this pilot stage included farming, agroprocessing, aquaculture, poultry and cattle rearing, mining, village infrastructure including construction of village office and multipurpose building, village

shop and museum, and transportation and tourism. The Ministry in collaboration the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is in the process of implementing Phase II of the ADF Project. The Ministry is reviewing community proposals, after which training will be conducted and communities will also be sensitised about the project. The project aims to strengthen entrepreneurial and institutional capacities of the village economy of Amerindian

Minister Sydney Allicock

communities/villages, improve linkages with the private sector to further develop value chains and strengthen institutional framework to support local economies.




WPA petitions govt to ensure “proper inquiry” into Walter Rodney’s death Just days before the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry (COI) submits its final report to the government, members of the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA) petitioned the government to allow more time for the investigation. Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman received the petition from former WPA activist, Karen De Souza yesterday. The party called on the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government to lift its “short-sighted” abrupt end to the

inquiry and allow key witnesses to testify. T h e Commission was given until November 30, 2015 to deliver the findings to President David Granger. The WPA is calling on the coalition government to ensure there is a “proper inquiry” into the death of Dr. Rodney. It says there is need for a proper inquiry in which all key witnesses give evidence under oath, then the country. Only then can the party believes it can begin the journey of “healing and reconciliation.” Dr. Rodney was killed near the Georgetown Prisons

on Camp Street on June 13, 1980 when a walkie-talkie in which a bomb was planted in exploded. The device had been given to him by then Guyana Defence Force electronics expert Sargeant Gregory Smith. The Justice for Walter Rodney Campaign which is spearheading the petition in the document stated that the “Petitioners are demanding that Guyana’s President Granger allow the WRCOI the two more weeks it requested to properly complete its work. The Administration is refusing a mere two weeks, after 34

years of evasion by successive governments.” It says the refusal by the coalition government to allow the Commission to complete its work now threatens to undo more than one year’s work and to deny Guyanese the opportunity to finally establish the truth of the death of one of Guyana’s great sons. In addition to the petition, a letter was also dispatched to President Granger calling for the Commission to be allowed to complete its task. The Walter Rodney COI was established in February 2014 under the stewardship of former President Donald Ramotar to inquire the circumstances

The late Dr. Walter Rodney

surrounding the death in an explosion of the late Dr. Walter Rodney, a Historian, scholar and leader of the WPA that occurred on 13th June 1980 in Georgetown. However, after the coalition government came into office in May of this year, it took a

decision to discontinue the hearings into the COI saying that enough money was expended on the commission and that it had enough time to carry out its work. It said some GYD$325M was spent on the COI, which constitutes financial wastage.

CRIME STORIES FOR THE WEEK… On Monday, November, 23 we reported that a fortyyear-old man, Devon Sears was shot to his face on Sunday evening while driving along David Street, Kitty. According to the police, Sears, of Hadfield Street Georgetown was shot around 18:50 hrs While the motive and the person who shot him are unknown, Sears was admitted to hospital for medical treatment. We also reported the death of thirty-seven year-old Troy Brutus who died from his own weapon following a fracas reportedly over a woman in Garnett Street, Georgetown. According to information recieved, Brutus reportedly visited Michael Raley at Garnett Street and awaited him. As the thirty-six year-old Raley returned home, he was reportedly pounced upon by Brutus who chopped him several times to his hand. During the brawl, Raley is believed to have relieved Brutus of the weapon and fatally wounded him in the process Additionally, A La Penitence Market vendor was shot and robbed by bandits as he was about to enter his yard on Monday evening by two masked men. According to information, forty-six year-old Bheerkumar Ramrattan known as Django of Hogg Street, Albouystown, had just left the market where he sells fruits and as he was about to enter his yard, two man attacked and shot him to the leg. It is believed that the bandits escaped with a bag that contained cash. After being shot, Ramrattan collapsed in his home. Also a Stanleytown, New Amsterdam man was shot to his face after he was attacked by two bandits at about 19:30 hrs on Monday. According to a police statement, thirty-eight year-old Deon Primus was driving a motor vehicle along a road at Stanleytown,

when he was attacked by two men, one of whom was armed with a handgun. During the incident Primus was shot to his jaw and the men escaped on a bicycle. He has been admitted to hospital as the investigations continue. On Tuesday, November, 24, we reported that a woman who was found stabbed in Church Street Monday (November, 23) night, died a few hours after at the Georgetown Public Hospital. Melissa Skeete who was employed as a dispatcher with Georgetown Hospital Ambulance Services, was found on Church Street with stab wounds to her body and was rushed to the hospital, but unfortunately did not survive from the wounds inflicted. It was later reported that the suspect with whom she had ended a relationship with; the man, Alan Sim, turned himself in with his Attorney Patrice Henry, at the Alberttown Police Station early Wednesday morning. On Wednesday, at about 03:45 hrs, a Fiftyseven year-old man of Grove, East Bank Demerara, was shot in his abdomen when he was attacked by two men, one of whom was armed. According to the police, Patrick Ross, was attacked as was entering his premises. He raised an alarm and made an effort to get into his home, but was shot. The men escaped and he was admitted to hospital, as the investigations continue. At around 20:05 hrs on Wednesday, two men, one of whom was armed with a handgun, attacked and robbed Mohamed Fizool Mohamed,of Zorg,

Essequibo Coast. According to the police, fifty-five year-old Mohamed was at his restaurant when at about the bandits approached and demanded jewelry. During the hold-up, he was shot to his left foot after which the men made their escape. Two persons have since been arrested and are in custody assisting with investigations, while Mohamed was admitted to the Suddie Hospital. On Friday, we reported that a body of a male of African descent was found on the foreshore behind the Marriott Hotel in Kingston Friday afternoon. The body is at the Lyken Funeral Parlor awaiting its identification and subsequently a postmortem to determine the cause of death of the man. According to information reaching Guyana News Network, the body was spotted by persons who are said to be guest of the hotel who were using the beach area. There were marks on the body but the police investigators could not immediately determine if those were marks of violence or marks sustained from fishes. There have been reports that fresh blood was seen at the location where the body was removed from but it is unclear if the police were able to determine how long the body might have been there.




ROAD FATALITIES PILE UP IN ROAD SAFETY MONTH… As the Guyana National Road Safety Council (GNRSC) continues to observe National Road Safety Month, it seems as though the road fatalities are increasing. On Thursday, it was reported that four lives were lost on the road ways. Two persons were killed following a head on collision Thursday morning in a road accident along the East Bank Demerara while on their way from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri. Dead are 49 year old Rohinie Durga of 337 Section ‘A’ Block

X Diamond Housing Scheme East Bank Demerara, and 72 year old George Madulall who resided in Canada. The two were passengers in motorcar PLL 2513 which was being driven by 61 year old Robert Durga who up to news time was still hospitalised following the accident. According to information reaching the Guyana News Network, the car was proceeding along the roadway and ended up in the path of a truck which was traveling in the opposite direction. The driver of the car was picked up in conscious condition

and rushed to the Diamond Hospital. The other two persons were pinned in the vehicle and the Guyana Fire Service was summoned to aid in cutting the badly damaged car to have access. Also a man of a businessman of Lot 192 Seventh Street Windsor Forest, West Coast Demerara was killed in an accident on Thursday evening. According to information reaching this outfit, twenty-seven year-old Ravi Persaud, was returning from his father’s logging site when the accident

occurred. The vehicle he was travelling in reportedly toppled down a hill in the Lethem, Region Nine, area. A d d i t i o n a l l y, at about 4.00pm on Thursday, Police from the

Fort Wellington Station confirmed that a man believed to be forty years of age was riding a bicycle when he was struck by a car heading from the opposite direction. The Seafield

West Berbice resident was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. The accident occurred in the vicinity of Rising Sun, West Coast Berbice.

AAMIR KHAN RELEASES A STATEMENT ON THE ‘INTOLERANCE’ CONTROVERSY Superstar Aamir Khan’s recent statement on the growing intolerance in India had sparked up a controversy, creating outrage on social media. He had apparently stated that his wife Kiran Rao is afraid of his child Azad’s future in the country considering the growing issues over religion and communalism. His statement however met with hateful reaction from the masses as they posted several loathing comments and memes on social networking sites. While some of his own colleagues came out to raise their voice against his statements, some others decided to stand in support of their colleague. And now, after the outrage continued over a couple of days, Aamir Khan recently

posted a letter on the social networking platform. It reads: “Firstly let me state categorically that neither I, nor my wife Kiran, have any intentions of leaving the country. We never did, and nor would we like to in the future. Anyone implying the opposite has either not seen my interview or is deliberately trying to distort what I have said. India is my country, I love it, I feel fortunate for being born here, and this is where I am staying. Secondly, I stand by everything that I have said in my interview. To all those people who are calling me anti-national, I would like to say that I am proud to be Indian, and I do not need anyone’s permission nor endorsement for that. To all the people shouting obscenities at me for speaking my heart out, it saddens me to say you are only proving my point. To all the people who have stood by me, thank you. We have to protect what this beautiful and unique country of ours really stands for. We have to protect its integrity, diversity, inclusiveness, its many languages, its culture, its his-

tory, its it’s love, I poem by

tolerance, it’s concept of anekantavada, sensitivity and its emotional strength. would like to end my statement with a Rabindranath Tagore, it’s a prayer really:

Where the mind is without fear and the head held high, Where knowledge is free, Where the world has not been broken up into fragments, by narrow domestic walls, Where words come out from the depth of truth, Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection, Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way, Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit, Where the mind is led forward by thee, Into ever-widening though and action, Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake. Jai Hind. Aamir Khan. (

SHAGGY STARS AT UK CHARITY BALL TO RAISE MONEY FOR JAMAICAN CHILDREN The Shaggy Make A Difference Foundation and Chain of Hope have forged a closer partnership allowing Jamaicans living in the United Kingdom to support their mission to provide life-saving heart treatment for patients at the Bustamante Hospital for Children in St Andrew. For several years, Chain of Hope doctors and other medical practitioners have been travelling to Jamaica to help children

who are unable to afford heart treatment. But for the first time, the charity group joined with Shaggy’s foundation last week to stage a fundraising ball in the UK to raise money for the mission in Kingston. International superstar Orville ‘Shaggy’ Burrell, through his foundation, is spearheading the construction of a new cardiac wing at the Bustamante hospital. “This was just a dream; it was a very

impulsive move, from just meeting a little girl with a bullet lodged in her head,” said Shaggy. Chain of Hope, a UK-based charity organisation brings together experts from around the world to provide life-saving heart treatments to children in developing and war-torn countries. Emma Scanlan, the chief executive officer of Chain of Hope, says the organisation decided to join Shaggy in targeting the Jamaican Diaspora

in the UK because it wants to do more to help Jamaican children. “In Jamaica, 400 children are born every year with heart disease and it’s a very important issue that we help the children of Jamaica get the treatment that they need,” Scanlan said. Since the first concert in 2009, Shaggy & Friends has raised funds to help buy more than 460 pieces of lifesaving equipment for the Bustamante Hospital for Children, increasing

its capacity to provide quality health care for the children of Jamaica and the Caribbean. The next concert is slated for

January 2, 2016 on the lawns of Jamaica House. (Jamaican Gleaner)

jured and killed his friend, comedian James “Jimmy Mack” McNair. Over a year later, the veteran co-

median is crediting God for coming out of his coma. In an interview with Complex magazine, the Saturday Night Live and former 30 Rock funnyman said about the normality of his life, “you’re never going to be normal after you go through something like that. You don’t die for a few weeks and then come back to normal, trust me. Something’s going to be missing, something’s go-

ing to be gained — you just got to live your life after that. But after surviving something like that, I’m probably never going to feel normal.” Morgan remarked that during his coma, he had a spiritual encounter and spoke to God: “I went to the other side. This is not something I’m making up. Do you know what God said to me? He said, ‘Your room ain’t ready. I still got something for you to

do.’ And here I am, doing an interview with you.” In his first interview following last year’s accident, Morgan, who is unable to remember the accident, told Today’s Matt Lauer in June, “I can’t believe I’m here. I can’t believe I’m in front of you.” The comedian said of his next project, “I just wrapped up a movie with Ice Cube and Charlie Day. It’s called Fist Fight. I don’t know when it’s going

to come out,” but wouldn’t share much more on the project than it being about “two high school teachers.” As for what’s to come in the future, Morgan told the magazine of his plans, “I try not to do that. Just living my life, man. When the sun’s up, I try to get it on and poppin’. When the sun is up, I try to make it happen. That’s what I’m doing, whatever it is! I’m going to do it until I’m satisfied.” (Yahoo)


In June 2014, Tracy Morgan was involved in a devastating highway accident that left him seriously in-


TRIPLED OVER 15 YEARS - UN The UN children’s fund says the number of adolescents dying from AIDS has tripled over the last 15 years, most having acquired the disease when they were infants. AIDS is the leading cause of death among adolescents in Africa, with six countries - South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, India, Mozambique and Tanzania - accounting for half of those living with HIV, according to UNICEF statistical data released on Saturday. The disease is the

second leading cause of death among adolescents around the world with 26 new infections occurring every hour. In subSaharan Africa, seven in 10 infections in 15 to 19-year-olds are among girls, with about 70 percent of them not using condoms during sex. Only one-third of the 2.6 million children under the age of 15 living with HIV are receiving treatment, UNICEF said. “The issue with adolescents is that most of those teenagers

dying of AIDS were infected as babies they were infected due to mother-to-childtransmission before prevention of motherto-child-transmission programmes were scaled up,” said Craig Mcclure, global head of the HIV/ AIDS section at UNICEF. “Also during adolescence, it’s not a time you really look for HIV infection. So diagnosing adolescents living with HIV has been a problem,” he said. However, the report also

said preventive measures have helped save lives, with 1.3 million new infections averted among children since 2000. Mcclure told Al Jazeera that the rate of infection among young children has dropped by 60 percent since 2000. “There were over 600,000 children infected with HIV in 2000 and fewer than 200,000 this year,” he said. Earlier this year, a UN report said the world can end the AIDS epidemic within 15 years.

AIDS-related deaths have dropped more than 40 percent since 2004 to 1.2 million a year, the report said, adding that new HIV infections have

fallen 35 percent since 2001 to two million a year in 2014. (Al Jazeera)

INFECTIONS WITH MOSQUITO-BORNE CHIKUNGUNYA VIRUS CAN CAUSE BRAIN INFLAMMATION, DEATH Catching the mosquitoborne virus chikungunya usually leads to fever and severe pain, but a new study shows it may also lead to inflammation in the brain, and even death in some people. In the study, researchers looked at an epidemic of the virus on Reunion Island, in

the Indian Ocean near Madagascar, that lasted from 2005 to 2006 and sickened 300,000 people. As a result of their infections, 24 people developed encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain, and four of these people died from their infection. Encephalitis from the chikungunya virus was most common among babies younger than 1, and people ages 65 and older, according to the study. The researchers noted that the encephalitis

rates in these groups were “much higher than the rates of encephalitis in the United States in these age categories, even when you add together all the causes of encephalitis,” study author Dr. Patrick Gérardin, of Central University Hospital in Saint Pierre, Reunion Island, said in a statement. Chikungunya virus is transmitted to people by mosquitoes. The most common symptoms of an infection are fever and joint pain, as well as muscle pain, joint swelling and rash,

according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Most people recover within a week of becoming infected, but for some people, the pain and other symptoms may continue for months or even years, the researchers said. [The 9 Deadliest Viruses on Earth] There is currently no vaccine to prevent chikungunya, or medicine to treat infection with the virus, according to the CDC. People who catch the virus are typically treated with fever-

reducing medications and painkillers, Gérardin told Live Science. If people develop arthritis as a result of infection with the virus, they are given anti-inflammatory drugs, he said. Outbreaks of chikungunya have occurred in many regions of the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean islands, the researchers said. And in recent years, the disease has been spreading to new areas. As of September 2015, more than 7,000 cases had

been reported in Mexico, according to the CDC. Among the children who had been infected as infants and developed encephalitis, these disabilities included behavioral changes and problems with thinking and memory skills, the researchers said. “The consequences of this encephalitis seem to be particularly harmful in newborns,” Gérardin said. (Adapted from Fox Health)

including anxiety, depression, insomnia, headache, fatigue, acne, and diarrhea. (Previous

research has shown that premenstrual women are the fastest at spotting, well, snakes.) (Fox Health)

WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM SEVERE PMS MAY FACE FUTURE HEALTH PROBLEMS Women who suffer from moderate to severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) appear to be at greater risk of having high blood pressure later in life, report researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the American Journal of Epidemiology. The team, which also worked with

the Harvard School of Public Health, found that the 1,257 25- to 42-year-old women with moderate-to-severe PMS they studied had a 40% higher risk of hypertension over the next 20 years compared to 2,463 control women without significant premenstrual symptoms. Live Science

points out that those with high blood pressure have an elevated risk of heart disease and stroke. The researchers noted that the PMS-high blood pressure relationship was most pronounced among women younger than 40, reports Live Science, though “one important limitation is that the average age of these

patients was 27 years,” an outside researcher tells HealthDay. “It would be helpful to see if this association persisted in younger women as well.” Nearly three years ago, the same University of Massachusetts team found that iron may offer some protection against PMS, which the Mayo Clinic notes can be marked by a range of symptoms,

Man opened fire in Clinic killing three

A gunman burst into a Planned Parenthood clinic and opened fire, launching several gunbattles and an hours

long standoff with police as patients and staff took cover under furniture and inside locked rooms. By the time the

shooter surrendered, three people were killed — including a police officer — and nine others were wounded, authorities said. For hours, police had no communication with the shooter other than intermittent gunfire from inside the Colorado Springs clinic. As the standoff progressed, officers inside the building herded people into one area and evacuated others. O f f i c e r s eventually moved in,

An 11-year-old girl delivered her mother’s baby at home, assisted only by instructions via telephone - then went to school as normal. Caitlin Burke, from Tamworth, Staffordshire, jumped to her mother’s aid when her waters broke suddenly at around 5am. With ambulance staff on the phone to guide her, she calmly helped parent Tara Knightley through the two-hour labour, according to

the Birmingham Mail. Caitlin, the eldest of five children, even managed to unravel the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby. Once her new sister, named Elsa-Monet, was delivered and in her mother’s arms, Miss Burke went to school. Caitlin said she was “a bit scared and shaky at first” but is now so inspired that she wants to be a midwife when she is older. “When my sister was born, I was

really happy. I think she’s really cute and I love her very much,” she said. “My friends at school and teachers were really happy and proud of me.” Ms Knightley told the Birmingham Mail she started getting contractions in the early morning, so her partner left to take the youngest child to his sister’s house. But her water broke within 10 minutes of him leaving. She said she knew from

shouted at the gunman and persuaded him to surrender, police said. About five hours after the attack started, authorities led away a man wearing a white T-shirt. A law enforcement official identified the gunman as Robert Lewis Dear of North Carolina. Dear is 57 years old, according to jail booking records. No other details about the gunman were immediately available, including whether he had any connection to

Planned Parenthood. “We don’t have any information on this individual’s mentality, or his ideas or ideology,” Colorado Springs police Lt. Catherine Buckley told reporters. Planned Parenthood said all of its staff at the clinic was safe. The organization said it did not know the circumstances or motives behind the attack or whether the organization was the target. The University of Colorado in Colorado Springs police

experience the labour would not take long and told her eldest daughter to ring an ambulance. “I was screaming in pain but Caitlin was calm throughout,” Ms Knightley said. “When the head was showing, I thought to myself ‘I need to stop screaming because my 11-year-old daughter is seeing me’. “I couldn’t do what Caitlin has done at my age, let alone at the age of 11... She got

the towels, she then helped remove the cord because it was wrapped around the baby. And she helped to rub and stimulate her because

department identified the officer killed as 44-yearold Garrett Swasey, a sixyear veteran of the force. He was married and had a son and daughter, according to the website of his church, Hope Chapel in Colorado Springs. There were no immediate details about the two civilians killed in the attack. Five officers and four others were hospitalized in good condition, police said. (Adapted from MSN)

11-year-old girl delivers baby singlehandedly then goes to school

she wasn’t crying.” Caitlin and her new baby sister are inseparable now, says Ms Knightley. “We are all so proud of her.” (MSN)

Man kills restaurant employee after told not to


A Mississippi Waffle House customer shot and killed an employee early Friday after she has

him not to smoke, police said. Biloxi police Sgt. Donnie Dobbs said a call was received about the

shooting at 1:11 a.m. The customer, Johnny Max Mount, had argued with an employee after being

told that he couldn’t smoke, Dobbs said. “He pulled out a handgun and shot her in the head,” Dobbs said. The woman died on the way to the hospital, he said. The suspect was outside the restaurant when police arrived and surrendered without incident. Mount was charged with first-degree murder and is being held on $2 million bond

at the Harrison County Adult Detention Center, police said. The victim’s name has not been released as authorities try to locate her next of kin. The Sun Herald newspaper reported that Mount was 45 and lived in Biloxi, Miss. The Waffle House restaurant in Biloxi has a nonsmoking policy, said Kelly ThrasherBruner, a spokeswoman for Waffle House, Inc.

“This senseless tragedy is a shock for the Waffle House family. Our associate was a friend to many as well as a valued member of the Waffle House team for eight years as a salesperson. She will be greatly missed. Our prayers are with her family, friends, coworkers and customers,” Thrasher-Bruner said. The restaurant has since reopened, she said. (Fox News)

Salary increase for T & T Reserve Police Officers Some 3,000 Special Reserve Police (SRP) officers who yesterday were no doubt celebrating the news that Acting Commissioner of Police (CoP) Stephen Williams gave a directive for the officers to receive an increase in their salaries and provisions are also being made for them to get backpay as well. The SRPs have complained bitterly that regular police officers who perform the same jobs as they do, were

beneficiaries of a salary increase in October and were set to receive backpay at the end of this month. The enraged officers threatened to stage mass sickouts in protest over what they perceived as an injustice. However, president of the Police Social Welfare Association (PSWA) Inspector Anand Ramesar intervened and managed to persuade the officers to hold their hand on the protests as he sought

meetings with the police hierarchy on the issue. I n s p e c t o r Ramesar met with Acting Police Commissioner Williams and they both agreed that Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) Stephanie Lewis should be consulted on the matter. Yesterday, Commissioner Williams confirmed giving the go-ahead for the SRPs to receive an increase in their salaries. He would not state how much the increase is.

DIGICEL has confirmed the release of 51 expatriate members of its team with expectations that the positions will be taken up by locals.

The telecoms company did not specify whether the outgoing individuals occupied managerial positions, but noted that the majority of

the team members had completed their contracts while others were transferred to the company’s South Pacific operations. To be clear, a small number of non-Jamaican staff are leaving the business and will be replaced by Jamaican talent,” head of group public relations, Antonia Graham stated in response to queries from the Jamaica Observer.

Imam David Muhammad, a Trinidad Muslim leader has joined the social media controversy over the widespread regret for the ISIS-led attacks in Paris given the little world attention for terror attacks in Africa earlier this year. Muhammad, who is in Jamaica for the launch of his book – African Studies – said while the deaths of the more than 100 people in Paris must be regretted,

the killing of black people in Africa must also be bemoaned. In April, 147 people were killed and scores of others wounded at a Kenyan university in an attack that lasted for hours. “The world mourned with France, and rightly so, but who mourned with Nigeria and Kenya. Where was the Western media camping out and reporting on the deaths of Africans? Are black lives worth less than those who

died in Paris? I think not, in fact I know lives are lives,” said Muhammad, in an interview with The Gleaner. Social media site Facebook became blanketed with the pages of individuals turning into the colours red, white and blue representative of the French flag. Many users soon questioned the overwhelming support for the French victims given the little support for victims of African attacks.

Ye s t e r d a y, several SRPs told Newsday that they welcomed the move by the Acting Police Commissioner saying that it was long overdue. They added that morale will be boosted across the rank and file and they would pursue their duties including special Christmas anti-crime patrols with added gusto. “All we wanted was a fair day’s pay for the fair work we SRPs have been giving to the country,” a SRP Sergeant told Newsday. “It seems that the Acting Prime Minister

was correct in saying that this will not be a blue Christmas for public servants,” the officer said in relation to remarks by Imbert at Thursday’s post Cabinet press conference that Government

remains committed to paying all bills and public service salaries in full for Christmas despite current tough economic circumstances. (Adapted from the Trinidad Newsday)

“ D i g i c e l remains committed to recruiting the best talent across the region as we evolve to become the total communications and entertainment provider in each of our markets.” Currently, Digicel employs more than 1,200 individuals in Jamaica, of which 300 are believed to be expatriates. Chairman of Digicel Denis O’Brien founded

the company in October 2000. It was later launched in Jamaica in April 2001. D i g i c e l currently spans 31 markets across the Caribbean, Central America and South Pacific region, and holds interest in some 143 subsidiaries. Since its launch in the South Pacific in November 2006, Digicel has become one of the fastest-growing mobile operator in the South

Pacific with current operations in Vanuatu, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Fiji and Nauru, as well as commitments from the Governments of several other countries in the Pacific. The company provides close to 100 per cent population coverage, bringing mobile service to local and rural residents that never before had the option of mobile communications. (Jamaican Observer)

Imam said, “Black lives matter, and so should black deaths. And one set of victims and their families should not feel they are left to fend for themselves, while others are supported.”

Muhammad’s book, Black Studies is a 10-chapter book documenting the Black experience. It seeks to expose “hidden truths” about Black people and their great

struggles, challenges, persecutions, v i c t o r i e s , achievements and a c c omp l i s h m e nt s . (Adapted from the Jamaican Gleaner)

Digicel cuts 51 expat jobs

Paris attack regretted, but African deaths matter too – T &T Imam

Massive security for Climate Summit French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said France will be going ahead with the hosting of the U.N. Climate Conference known as COP21 despite the terror attacks in Paris on November 13. To call off such a major gathering of world leaders in the French capital would have been an unthinkable surrender to terrorism. But the security headaches involved in accommodating nearly 150 heads of government and an additional 40,000

visitors and delegates are daunting. And the summit is due to run for nearly two weeks -- even if many of the major players will likely be in Paris for barely 24 hours. France has dedicated 2,800 police and gendarmes to ensuring the security of the summit venue at Le Bourget, on the northern outskirts of Paris. A further 8,000 officers have been deployed to secure the country’s borders. Altogether 120,000

police and gendarmes have been mobilized across France, according to the Interior Ministry. The government had announced at the beginning of the month that border controls would be imposed ahead of COP21 -- in what Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve then called a precaution against “a terrorist threat or risk to public order.” Perhaps it’s no coincidence that several members of the group involved in the Paris attacks crossed from Belgium into France just before those controls were reintroduced.

Normally, French land borders are open because the country is a party to the Schengen Agreement on free movement within much of the European Union. F r e n c h authorities are further reinforcing border checkpoints. Searches and arrests continue in an effort to break up suspected militant networks. Cazeneuve said Thursday that more than 300 people had been arrested since November 13, of whom some 200 remain in custody. The greatest threat is not to the summit site at Le Bourget; it is

fairly self-contained and divided into three main venues, with the public area separated from the main conference center, which is accessible only to accredited delegates and press. P u b l i c demonstrations targeting the Summit have been

banned. The government has said that “all events taking place in closed spaces that can easily be made secure will be maintained. Companies have been asked to postpone deliveries and allow employees to work from home. (Adapted from CNN)

War antagonists are at their lowest in recent memory after Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet near the Syrian border on Tuesday. The pilot was machinegunned dead by rebels on the ground in Syria as he parachuted down. Russia has threatened economic retaliation - a response Erdogan has dismissed as emotional and indecorous “It is playing with fire to go as far as

mistreating our citizens who have gone to Russia,” Erdogan told supporters during a speech in Bayburt, in northeast Turkey, on Friday. “We really attach a lot of importance to our relations with Russia... We don’t want these relations to suffer harm in any way.” Erdogan said he wants to speak with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a climate summit in Paris

that starts on Monday. Putin has so far refused to talk with Erdogan because Ankara has not yet apologised for the downing of the jet, a Putin aide said. Erdogan has said Turkey deserves the apology because its air space was violated. The nearly five-yearold Syrian civil war has been complicated by Russian air strikes in defence of President Bashar al-Assad.

Turkey and regional powers have accused Russia of targetting moderate armed groups fighting Assad. The frayed relations could also impact two major planned projects - a TurkStream gas pipeline and the Akkuyu nuclear power plant - between the two countries. Turkey and Russia have also sparred over ISIL, with each side accusing the other of being soft on “terrorism”. (MSN)

Turkey’s president warns Russia not to ‘play with fire’ President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Russia not to “play with fire” after reports emerged that Turkish businessmen had been detained in Russia. Moscow said it would suspend visa-free travel

with Turkey, and its tourism agency head announced on Friday it will ask more than 9,000 Russians currently in Turkey to return home by the end of December. Relations between the former Cold

Israeli Prime Minister against Palestinian state - Relative For the past several weeks, tensions and street violence between the Israelis and Palestinians in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories have taken such a serious turn that many wonder where it will all end. More than 100 people have been killed and thousands have been wounded - the overwhelming majority Palestinians. The question many are now asking is whether there’s any room left for the two communities to peacefully negotiate

their differences. With the fundamental argument being about land - in the West Bank, illegal settlements have expanded under the current government. Hagai Ben-Artzi, whose sister is married to the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, says he thinks Netanyahu does not believe in a two-state solution. “Unfortunately, the Israeli government, including my brotherin-law, Benjamin Netanyahu, they,

unfortunately - I’m sad to say that - agreed to the two state solution. “And here, I must say that I have read very carefully, I have also taken part with my brother-in-law in writing his book, in his famous book, A Place Among the Nations. He writes very clearly against the establishment of a Palestinian state. “[What] I feel is that he made a manoeuvre, some kind of tactic: ‘I will say that I agree, but I will act against it.’ I don’t think it’s a good move, although it’s regarded as

sophisticated; but I have told him several times, ‘You have to be sincere,’ and I believe, and I know that in his heart and in his mind, he is against the Palestinian state.” When asked if Netanyahu is essentially lying to the world when he says he believes in a two-state solution, Ben-Artzi responds by saying: “I think that what he is trying to do is to say ‘I agree’ but to set conditions that he believes will be absolutely unacceptable to the Palestinian side

Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu

and, as a result, ‘I will be good.’ The international community will say, ‘Oh, he’s supporting peace because he is in favour of a Palestinian state.’ “But, in fact, it won’t happen because he sets so many conditions that it makes it impossible, practically speaking. So it’s not really

lying; he is saying, ‘I’m in favour.’ For example: ‘I’m in favour of flying in the air, but on condition that you give me a plane. You are not going to give me a plane, and so I won’t fly in the air.’ Something like this.” (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

Former boxing champ gunned down Former undisputed boxing champion O’Neil Bell was gunned down

in Atlanta by apparent robbers, US media reported. Police told

The Atlanta JournalConstitution that the 40-year-old was shot after getting off a city bus shortly after midnight on Wednesday morning and that robbery appeared to be a motive. No arrests have been made but police said they are looking for up to four males. Police are also searching for a 2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser

New Zealand face a battle for a victory to level the series after an eventful second day of the first day-night Test in Adelaide. The Kiwis were reduced to 1165 at stumps to lead by 94 runs with paceman Josh Hazlewood doing the damage with 3-32 under the lights with the pink ball. Earlier, Australia were dismissed for 224 with wicketkeeper Peter Nevill top scoring with 66. Australia lead 1-0 in the three-match series. A crowd of 42,372 attended the second day, after 47,441 watched day one at the Adelaide Oval. The hosts had added only 64 runs to their overnight total for

the loss of six wickets when the scoreless Nathan Lyon was controversially reprieved by the decision review system at 118-8. New Zealand appealed for a catch at slip after a Mitchell Santner ball hit Lyon’s upper arm during an attempted sweep shot and then called for a review after it was turned down. ‘Hot spot’ technology showed a mark on Lyon’s bat but third umpire Nigel Llong upheld the on-field decision. The decision cost New Zealand their second and last review and triggered a momentum shift. Lyon smashed Santner for 15 runs in one over,

sweeping a four and a six, then another four behind square in three consecutive balls. Nevill brought up a half-century before Lyon was caught by Kane Williamson in the slips off Trent Boult, having scored 34 vital runs in a ninth-wicket stand of 74. L e f t - a r m paceman Mitchell Starc hobbled to the crease after suffering a stress fracture to his right foot on day one - but blasted spinner Mark Craig for 20 runs in one over, smashing two fours and two sixes over wide long on, as Australia charged past New Zealand’s total of 202. The Kiwis eventually polished off

which was reportedly stolen Tuesday night. The Jamaicanborn former cruiserweight champ finished his 13-year career with a record of 27 wins, four losses, one draw and 25 knockouts.

Bell held the World Boxing Council, International Boxing Federation and World Boxing Association titles at the same time after knocking out France’s Jean-Marc Mormeck in 2006.

They fought again 14 months later in France, with Mormeck winning by unanimous decision. Bell’s last fight was December 2011 when he knocked out Rico Cason in the first round. (MSN)

the tail when Nevill lofted to Santner to give Doug Bracewell impressive figures of 3-18. After Kiwi openers Martin Guptill (17) and Tom Latham (10) survived a tricky 30 minutes before the dinner break,

Australia’s bowlers dominated the evening session under the lights. Hazlewood accounted for both openers before Mitchell Marsh chipped in with the wickets of Kane Williamson (nine)

and skipper Brendon McCullum (20). Australia tightened their control when Hazlewood trapped in-form Ross Taylor leg before for 34 just before the close of play. (BBC Sports)

officials say they will be able to stop any threat. Fears have risen since the attacks two weeks ago in Paris, including outside the national football stadium that left at least 130 people dead. Brazil is working so as “not to be taken by surprise”, Trezza said at a seminar

Brazil says it in the capital Brasilia. Brazil has no will deploy 85,000 personnel, history of conflict security with Islamist or other double the number violent radical groups. used during the 2012 Olympics. However, with 10,500 London athletes from 206 “It will be the biggest security countries and dozens integrated in the of heads of state and operation large numbers of history of Brazil,” tourists, the Olympics said Sports Minister are considered a George Hilton. potential target. (Jamaican Observer)

First day-night Test: NZ struggling

No known terrorist threat to Rio Olympics - official

Brazil is preparing to deal with a terrorist attack at the Rio Olympics but has no information

of any planned plots, the country’s intelligence chief told AFP yesterday. “We have

no information about a terrorist cell preparing in Brazil. Our risk assessment does not indicate this, but we are working permanently as if the threat were imminent, as if this could happen tomorrow,” Wilson Trezza, director of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency, said. With nine months before the first Summer Games in South America, Brazilian security

Saturday November 28, 2015


O’Neil Bell


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