GNN Online Newspaper - Dec 28, 2015

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Monday December 28, 2015

bloody christmas weekend seven dead; others injured

Man allegedly stabbed to death by uncle Forty Three year old Sheldon Richards is now dead while his 64 year old uncle Dennis Hussain is in police custody following an incident that took place at the home of a relative at Mahaica, East Coast Demerara on Sunday. Police sources have confirmed that the two who were imbibing for the holiday season when the 43 year old and

his 64 year old uncle got into a heated argument. According to information, Richards reportedly took up a kitchen utensil and began lashing his uncle about the about the body. The man then reacted and armed himself with a knife and allegedly inflected a single stab wound to the abdomen of Richards. R i c h a r d s

collapsed and other family members rushed to his assistance. He died on his way to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. Hussain, who was handed over to the police, reportedly them that he acted in self defence and that his nephew disrespected him. He had traveled from Sisters Village East Bank Berbice to spend

Over the Christmas holiday, a number of incidents which led to some fatalities and injuries, occurred. Yesterday, twenty-eight year-old Kevon George, of Bare Root, East Coast Demerara, died after he was stabbed to his throat. According to the Police, George

was involved in an argument with another man at Bare Root when he was stabbed. He was pronounced dead on Arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. The suspect has been arrested and is in police custody assisting with the investigations.

Meanwhile, Police are investigating an incident which occurred on Boxing Night at the Vendors Arcade, Regent Street, Georgetown. A twenty-nine year-old vendor, Teron Hubbard, was shot to his buttocks while he was closing his stall. He has been admitted to hospital.

the time with his relatives for the season when the misunderstanding took place. He told

police that he works as a carpenter in Berbice. The police are now awaiting the results

of postmortem following which they will be seeking legal advice before going ahead with charges. One senior police source within the division said that they are looking to have the advice as early as possible so that the matters can go to the court before the upcoming lengthy holiday weekend.

Bare Root man killed during argument; vendor shot in buttocks

CCTV footage aids in identifying alleged killer of minibus passenger The man who allegedly shot to death a minibus passenger on Boxing Day in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, has been identified from CCTV footage. According to information, the Police were able to make an identification for the footage of the Bridge’s security cameras.

On Saturday, the Police reported that the still unidentified dead man who is of African descent, and the alleged shooter, were involved in an argument in the bus as it was crossing the bridge. According to the Police, at about 18:30 hrs on Boxing Day, the men argued in the route 32 minibus

over rain coming in an opened window. D u r i n g the argument the suspect pulled out a firearm and discharged rounds which struck the deceased to his neck and another passenger Rudolph Williams, 28 years, to his back. The suspect escaped by running over the bridge.

Man commits suicide after stabbing girlfriend A twenty-one year-old man has reportedly committed suicide after allegedly beating his sixteen year-old girlfriend. According to an Inews report, Lorenzo James, a vendor on the Kitty seawall, committed suicide on Boxing Day, after

allegedly assaulting his girlfriend with a knife. The report stated that James visited the young lady’s home at Grove, East Bank Demerara, and demand she shows him and his family respect. She was saved by her mother who, with assistance, was

able to apprehend James and handed However, he escaped hours after reportedly drank a poisonous substance. The young lady is reportedly still in hospital.

Murder victim may have drowned in his own blood

A postmortem performed on the remains of 28 year-old Kevon George of Bare Root, East Coast Demerara, found that he died as a result of drowning in his own blood. George, a construction worker was knifed to death on

Sunday, Boxing Day, allegedly by a neighbor following an argument. George’s relatives, described the accused as a Kleptomaniac. They claim that he broke into George’s sister’s home and carted off several items over the weekend. He is in police

Two men have died following a cutlass brawl in Berbice last night. According to the police, at about 2230hrs, last night, a group of men were imbibing at a bar at Manchester, Corentyne, when an argument arose. This resulted in a disorderly brawl involving the use of cutlasses and knives. During the incident twenty-

eight year-old Mark Simon, of Liverpool, Corentyne, and twenty-three yearold Kempton Gray, of Alness, Corentyne, received injuries. They were taken to hospital where Simon was pronounced dead on arrival and Gray died while receiving medical attention. The police also noted that Bhiron Robertson, 31 years, of Liverpool

custody after turning himself in and allegedly claimed that his action was in self-defense. This morning police sources said that the postmortem reportedly revealed that George died as a result of asphyxiation due to infarction of blood. This was due to the incise wound he sustained to the neck. Speaking with Division Commander Marlon Chapman today, he said that as soon as the Police officially receives the postmortem results, a file will be prepared and sent to the Director of Public Prosecution for

her perusal and advice. The Commander added that it is the wish of the police to ensure that the matter reaches the court before the year ends making reference to the upcoming lengthy weekend coupled by the period the suspect would have already been in custody. According to information, George reportedly approached the suspect in connection with the alleged break and enter and an argument ensued leading to the fatal stabbing. The suspect reportedly told investigators that George allegedly assaulted him

with a piece of wood forcing him to retaliate. Reports also suggest that with regard to the alleged stolen items, the suspect reportedly told George’s relatives that he had already taken the items and there is nothing that they can do about it. This is believed to have enraged George. Police sources who spoke with the Guyana News Network (GNN) indicated that they would have in the past received information that the suspect is in the habit of stealing items from persons in the area are selling them to others

outside of the village. G N N understands that reports were made in the past but nothing was ever found to be in the suspect’s possession or at his residence. He reportedly told the police that he did indeed have items which were believed to have been taken from George’s relative but that he did not break into the home. He reportedly claimed that he found them concealed among bushes in the area. The police are continuing their investigations.

BLOODY CHRISTMAS WEEKEND: 2 chopped to death in Berbice cutlass brawl and Samuel Fraser, 32 years, both of Liverpool, and Gary Tyndall, 32 years, of Courtland, Corentyne, also received injuries. Robertson and Fraser have been admitted to hospital while Tyndall was treated and sent away. Investigations are in progress.

“We can’t spend all the time simply investigating, we have a country to run”- Granger Allegations of corruption against officials of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic government (PPPC) were rife since the coalition government took office in May of this year. However, there has been no prosecution so far. President David Granger has cited lack of evidence as the sole reason for this. Despite the many articles being published in the Newspapers on a daily basis highlighting alleged corrupt practices

that were carried out under the previous administration, the President says he will not convict persons based on “articles and editorials” but wants hard core evidence. “If people were assumed to be guilty based on a newspaper article or a letter to the editor the country would be in chaos,” he reasoned. “There is a difference between anecdote and evidences, there is a difference between speculation and

surmise and actually providing proof. Sometimes people make allegations and you ask them for evidence and there is no evidence to prove,” Mr. Granger explained. He however noted that his government will not spare anyone who is found culpable, once there is sufficient evidence. The Head of State made reference to the ongoing forensic audits that was set up for the purpose of identifying

President Daivd Granger

malpractices, adding that his administration will act accordingly when that time comes. However, while this is happening the President seem not to forget that he still has a country to run. He committed to moving ahead with the nation’s business and to ensure that the country does not slip backwards.

“In the meantime we have work to do, we have to run the country, we can’t spend all the time simply investigating we have got to move the country forward so we’re doing both at the same time, we’re walking on two legs.” According to him, “we want to ensure that malpractices are

brought to an end and that there is no recurrence of any wrong doing that has occurred in the past.” Opposition leader Bharrat Jagdeo has challenged the coalition government to present its evidence of corruption allegations being made against himself and other officials of the PPP/C. In addition, Jagdeo had urged that the APN U+AFC administration move ahead with the nation’s business and stop the witch-hunting in their efforts to prove to their supporters that the PPP/C is a corrupt party.

Gov’t to focus on education and building infrastructure in 2016 President Daivd Granger

Education and public infrastructure are the two major areas that the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government will be focusing on come 2016. This was stated by President David Granger during his weekly television programme “The Public Interest.” According to the President, a lot of time will be spent next year in building the infrastructure “we have to build

the infrastructure before we build the s u p e r s t r u c t u r e .” He added that, “we need to get roads into the hinterland if we are to greater agriculture production, free movement of people between hinterland and coastland. We need to get more children in school, I’m not satisfied with the fact that four thousand children are dropping out of school, primary and secondary schools every year. They need to complete their

education, we need to have more science trained children, we need to have more laboratories, ICT Laboratories in school, learning centers in communities.” With regard to the economy experiencing a slowdown, the President pointed out that there has been slow growth, low growth or no growth in major sectors of the economy, sugar, rice, bauxite, gold, timber and to some extent fish. He reasoned

that once there is low or slow growth it will impact other sectors. “I don’t think that the economy is sick but once we have a pickup in those sectors there will be an improvement,” Granger said. Meanwhile, on the issue of the National Budget which is expected to be presented next month, the Guyanese

leader on a previous programme promised that Education, National Security, Infrastructure and Social Cohesion will be his major focus. He promised too that public servants can look forward to “good things” in the pipeline, adding that they can expect an improvement of what obtained in the past. He alluded

to the Lutchman Commission that is being headed by Professor Harold Lutchman. The Commission is expected to make recommendations to the President on issues relating to salaries and conditions of service for government workers.

Rohee laments political interference in the police force

The Guyana Police Force has come in for criticism from Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary Clement Rohee for allowing political interference to impede its operations. Addressing his weekly press conference on Monday, Rohee noted that during his tenure as Home

Affairs Minister such steps were rejected. He said there are several developments within the police force have led the PPP to the conclusion that there is political interference. The fact that Vice President and Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan has to

report to the Cabinet about the state of affairs of the Police Force on a weekly basis, is more evidence of political intrusion by the APNU+AFC administration, according to the party’s General Secretary. “Under the PPP/C such intrusions were resisted by the hierarchy of the Force

and this was manifested in several formal communications to the Ministry of Home Affairs, and at the level of monthly Ministry of Home Affairs/ Guyana Police Force review meetings to assess implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Guyana Police Force,” Rohee said. The party is of the view that the public order mandate of the Ministry of Public Security has been usurped by the National Security Council at the Ministry of the Presidency where all the “security experts” are ensconced rather than at Force Headquarters, and the Ministry of Public Security.

“Further, this disclosure means that Ramjattan’s wings have been further clipped. His portfolio of responsibility to “give general orders and direction to the Commissioner of Police” on public order and security matters has been diluted further by the National Security Council chaired by Granger,” said Rohee. He stated that this must be an unwelcome development for the hierarchy of the Force, especially by those who were once vehemently opposed to political “intrusion” and “interference” by the PPP/C administration in the operations of the

Guyana Police Force. F o r m e r President Donald Ramotar had put systems in place for there to be integrity testing before ranks got promoted, however, Rohee says there has been no indication whether the administration will go down that path. According to him, the move by Ramjattan to dismiss Cecil Sullivan from a disciplinary authority within the Public Security Ministry has interrupted the work of the body and places several investigations in limbo.

No garbage collected in Beterverwagting in over a month Resident of Granville Park, Beterverwagting are pleading with authorities to address the issue of solid waste collection in the Village, after non-collection of in over one month. Speaking with GNN earlier today, Murtland Haley who has been living in the village for a few years revealed that while garbage was routinely collected every Friday, he cannot recall the last time it was collected in the area. “It’s been so many weeks that our garbage hasn’t been collected that I can’t even recall the last time they came. We usually expect them every Friday, but sometimes they come on Tuesdays” he said.

But given the increase in solid waste disposal from domestic and commercial use during the ongoing Christmas holidays, Haley noted that it’s embarrassing that residents are forced to have garbage in their yards during the holidays. “Everyone knows that leading up to Christmas day persons engage in cleaning of their homes, which includes getting rid of unwanted items. There is always a garbage build up around this time, so to not have the regular truck come to uplift really dampened the season a bit, it’s an eye sore to see bags upon bags of garbage in your yard Christmas morning”

he lamented. Faced with limited options of disposing of the waste, he noted that persons were forced to use their vehicles to transport the garbage to legal dumpsites and other

areas where they could be burnt. Meanwhile, he noted that Cevon’s waste management services is contracted by the City Council, through the Neighbourhood

Democratic Council, but given the prevailing situation which he described as “embarrassing,” persons might be forced to resort to private solid waste disposal services for

the upcoming year. Attempts were also made to contact the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) to secure a comment, but this proved futile.

Gov’t hosts informative session on Anti-Terrorism Bill 2015 Terrorist act is described as an act “whether committed in or outside of Guyana which causes or is likely to cause loss of human life or serious bodily harm, damage to property, prejudice to national security or disruption of public safety including disruption in the provision of emergency services or to any computer or electronic system or to the provision of the services directly related to banking, communications, infrastructure, financial services, public utilities, transportation or other essential infrastructure.” This is according to the Anti-Terrorism and Terrorist Related Activities Bill 2015 which is expected to be passed in the National Assembly later this week. During a stakeholder consultation which

turned into an informative session today at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre, it was disclosed that the Anti-Terrorism and Terrorist Related Activities Bill 2015 is delinked from the AntiMoney Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill. The consultation was called by the Ministry of Legal Affairs following pressure from the Private Sector Commission (PSC) and other bodies, however the event only sought to bring into focus; the relevance of such consultation. During today’s proceedings, Legal Affairs Minister; Basil Williams highlighted that it is of utmost importance that the bill be passed before the next meeting of the American Regions Review Group (ARRG) in January.

“We need to get this Anti-Terrorism Bill through the house in time for us to deal with the face to face meeting with the American Regional Review Group in two weeks” the minister said. He added that “this bill addresses attempts to criminalize terrorist acts, and also

to criminalize the perpetrators of those acts and also the accomplices in the commission of those acts…we have to deal with this issue.” Addressing the calls for consultation; the Minister said “do every bill that comes out of our chambers, do we have to send the bill out

for consultations? Or we would determine the contents of that bill and decide on the questions of consultation. As a government, we have to make decisions; not the people in civil society.” He also stated that the bill was patterned from the Jamaican legislation and includes all of

the recommendations of the Caribbean Financial Action Taskforce (CFATF). The bill was however referred to as a “Fait accompli” by the Minister meaning that it is “something that has been done and cannot be changed” before the meeting with stakeholders. However the participants of the session still believed that every bill should be consulted on, as it flogged the government for moving away from the consultative process while formulating legislations. Participants at the event include, Citizens Bank, the Private Sector Commission, Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry, Demerara Bank, the Bank of Nova Scotia and various Attorneys among other stakeholders.

President admits challenges in rice sector President David Granger has admitted that the seven month old coalition government has been confronted with challenges in the rice sector. He was at the time speaking during his weekly television programme “The Public Interest,” that was aired recently. “Agriculture was faced with challenges in the sugar and rice industries,” the Head of State pointed out. Over the past months the rice sector has evidently been facing numerous challenges as thousands of rice farmers throughout the country continue confront major difficulties due to low paddy prices and in addition are heavily indebted to local banking institutions. Rice farmers were promised during the

President David Granger

campaign trail leading up to the May 11 polls double the price they were receiving then for paddy, however, that promise is yet to be fulfilled. Farmers all across the country lamented the low paddy prices they were receiving, some even said it wasn’t feasible for them to replant. Speaking at the National Rice Industry Conference earlier this year at the Arthur Chung International Convention Centre, President Granger had also admitted that the

industry was facing serious challenges but denied that it was in a crisis. He had urged stakeholders not to believe that the industry was on the verge of collapsing. “Rice is not in crisis! We do have challenges yes, but we must disabuse ourselves of the view that the industry is at the point of collapsing. It does face challenges because of years of neglect, institutional decay and some bad decisions, but we must make those challenges

into opportunities for change,” Granger said. He had previously said that rice is a private industry and farmers should not expect the government to relieve them of their burden. This is after several demonstrations were held in front of his office for the government to intervene and bring some relief to farmers. However, Agriculture Minister Noel Holder subsequently announced that the government is pursuing additional rice markets to assist the farmers. He said that the government was in talks with a number of countries who had expressed interest in buying Guyana’s rice. Holder said for some markets it was only the deal that was left to be signed. The President has been pushing for there to be cooperation in overcoming the problems in the

rice sector rather than confrontation. Following this, the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) through General Secretary of the Rice Producers Association (RPA), Dharamkumar Seeraj submitted a nine point plan to the Agriculture Minister to revive the rice sector. To date, there has been no word on that proposal. This publication sought to get an update on whether the recommendations would be considered for implementation and made contact with Minister Holder who stated that the document

was forwarded to the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), which is headed by Nizam Hassan to study and consider the points in the proposal. G N N subsequently made contact with Hassan who promised to return the call and provide the answer, but never did. Several calls were placed to his phone which went unanswered. This was followed by text messages, which were all ignored.

Social Cohesion Ministry hopes for cooperation from the Opposition

Minister Amna Ally

The Minister of Social Cohesion is hoping to see more cooperation from the Political opposition in the New Year as it works to promote equity in society and get rid of various forms of discrimination. During an interview today, subject Minister; Amna Ally stated that “I have an excellent relationship with all of the opposition members

but what I’d like to see, is development being the overriding thing and no undercutting.” She added “I believe that if we work together, we can achieve so much more for our country and to this end I would want to call on the Opposition that in 2016, they must see us as working together for the development of Guyana, not too much development of

our political parties, we’ll do that anyhow.” However, in the recent past, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has rejected the invitation for national unity talks with the A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) and is now advocating for the scrapping of the Social Cohesion Ministry. During a weekly media conference, PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee announced that the Central Committee, following ongoing consultations with its membership, concluded that, at this time, where there is continuous witch-hunting, arbitrary dismissals and brazen termination of contracts

of long-standing government employees and public servants, among other reasons; the Party’s membership is not in the mood nor supportive at this time, to engage in national unity talks with APNU/AFC. “In rejecting these overtures the Party wishes to make it clear that while it has always been open to talks with all stakeholders on the question of national unity, the current political atmosphere obtaining in Guyana at this time, is not conducive to engaging the APNU+AFC on such a highly politically sensitive matter,” Rohee stated. Minister Ally further denied allegations of witch-hunting noting that “being part

Clement Rohee

of the government, I have not recognized in any way, that we do not support national unity, or togetherness at all levels…but it is not easy to change people’s perception and everything they will put it to meaning and we have to be careful of that.” She added that “people accuse the government of witch hunting and that is not

so, people got to take time off to sit down and analyse the situation and ask the question there and then; why did the person did this or why is there this accusation leveled against the person but not as soon as you hear something; cause we are of different race; say it is witch-hunting.”

Contract to reduce Berbice Bridge toll signed The Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MPI) and the Berbice Bridge Company Incorporated (BBCI) today, December 28, 2015, signed the agreement for the provision of a subsidy to the bridge company of $31M. The sum will cover “a toll reduction for passenger cars and minibuses, from $2,200 to $1,900 and for all other types of vehicles by 10 percent, excluding vessels. The agreement will take effect from January 1, 2016 at 00:00hrs while

the subsidy will be disbursed before the end of 2015” a statement from the ministry said. The agreement was signed by Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson as well as Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson. Chairman of BBCI, Mr. Egbert Carter, and BBCI Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Omadot Samaroo, represented the bridge company. The agreement states that car and mini busses tolls will be reduced from

2,200 to $1,900 and for all other types of vehicles by 10 percent, excluding vessels. It also stated that the subsidy will be paid on a quarterly basis centred on projected traffic figures for the following quarter “by advance payment, no later than the 5th day of the month commencing the quarter and the advance payment for each subsequent quarter shall include an adjustment for the immediately preceding quarter (s) determined by an audit thereof.” It stated that the Government will pay for the audit to verify actual traffic figures and

Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Berbice Bridge Company Inc. signs agreement

the Auditor General or any certified firm of chartered accountants or a chartered accountant registered and licensed to practice under ICAG with at least five (5) years auditing experience

would conduct the audit. The agreement further stipulates that “If the audit is not completed within a month from the close of the quarterly period for any reason, the traffic figures provided

by the Company shall be the basis for the advance payment until the audit is done, after which the figures shall be adjusted for the ensuing month”

Sri Lanka’s President says organizers of Enrique Iglesias show ‘should be whipped’ Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena Sunday said that organisers of a recent concert by pop star Enrique Iglesias in Colombo should be “whipped with toxic stingray tails” because it was “uncivilised.” The December 20 concert in capital Colombo saw ecstatic local women running on stage to hug and kiss the “Hero” singer while others threw

their underwear at him, Sirisena told a public meeting in the eastern district of Ampara. “This is most uncivilised behaviour that goes against our culture,” the president said. “I don’t advocate that these uncivilised women who removed their brassieres should be beaten with toxic stingray tails, but those who organised such an event

should be,” he added. Whipping with the tails of stingrays was reserved for hardened criminals in medieval Sri Lanka and is used as a popular idiom for extreme punishment of wrongdoing. There was no immediate comment from the local organiser, Live Events, a company co-owned by Sri Lankan cricket stars Kumar Sangakkara and Mahela Jayawardene.

In conservative Sri Lankan society, public displays of affection, even among married couples, is frowned upon. Police are known to have arrested courting couples for kissing in public parks or sea-front promenades. Enrique fans had paid prices ranging from 5,000 rupees to 50,000 rupees ($350) to get to the live one-hour performance by the Latin

pop star at a rugby stadium in Colombo which

was part his world tour, “Love and Sex”. (Yahoo)

But the actor has never shied away from flaunting his glamorous girl pals at social dos and other events. Sangeeta Bijlania was a Miss India who started trying her luck in films. Salman fell for this beauty queen and sister Alvira apparently play cupid. If there is one woman who Salman came too close to marrying, it was Sangeeta Bijlani. Rumour has it that wedding cards were also almost printed. But unfortunately, the love story ended.

19 year old Somy Ali was the next one to walk into Salman’s heart. The two made for a happy couple but this one turned out to be a brief relationship. Rumour has it that Salman’s drinking ways played spoilsport and the couple called it quits. Salman Khan fell hook, line and sinker for the light eyed former Miss World Aishwarya Rai and the duo whipped up some legendary chemistry in Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam. Salman was reportedly madly

in love with Aishwarya who too reciprocated with equal warmth initially. However, problems cropped up with Salman’s alleged abusive behaviour towards Aishwarya being seen as the prime reason behind the couple going their separate ways. This one went on for a long while. Salman was apparently besotted by London beauty Katrina Kaif, who had just made her debut in Bollywood with a disaster called Boom. Salman took

Katrina under his wings and love blossomed between the duo and so did the latter’s career in Bollywood. Katrina was quite faithful having stood behind Salman through his turbulent times especially when he was incarcerated. However like every other Salman love stories this one too came to an end. Apart from the above four women, Salman has also been linked to a lot many other actresses. (Yahoo)

Sunday at Canadian

according to Rentrak. Final domestic figures

will be released Monday. (Adapted from Yahoo)

Salman Khan turns 50: A look at the women in his life

At 50, Salman Khan continues to remain the most sought after irresistibly charming bachelor of Bollywood.

The actor has had his share of affairs but he has always been careful not to wash the linen of his affairs in public.

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has reached $1 billion at the box office, reaching the milestone with recordsetting hyper speed. The Walt Disney Co. said “The Force Awakens” crossed the billiondollar mark Sunday, accomplishing the feat in just 12 days. The previous movie to reach $1 billion the fastest was Universal’s “Jurassic World,” which did it in 13 days in June.

“Jurassic World” also had the benefit of record grosses in China. “The Force Awakens” doesn’t open in the world’s second-largest movie market until Jan. 9. J.J. Abrams’ installment of “Star Wars” also posted the biggest Christmas Day box office in history with $49.3 million and the best secondweekend earnings with $153.5 million. The power of “Star

‘Force Awakens’ becomes fastest movie to $1 billion Wars” meant the rest of the week’s releases were competing for second place. That prize went to the Paramount comedy “Daddy’s Home,” which opened with $38.8 million, according to studio estimates Sunday. David O. Russell’s new drama starring Jennifer Lawrence, “Joy,” debuted in third place with $17.5 million. Estimated ticket sales for Friday through

U.S. and theaters,

Doctors say the heart attack that killed world’s most obese man was unexpected The heart attack that killed Andrés Moreno, considered the world’s most obese man, was unexpected and “is not related” to the weight-loss surgery he underwent two months ago, the man’s physician, José Castañeda, said. Moreno, who reached 978 pounds at his most obese, underwent a surgical procedure on Oct. 28 known as biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch at Arboledas Hospital’s Gastric Bypass Center in Guadalajara, the capital of the

western Mexican state of Jalisco. The 38-year-old Moreno had lost more than 132 pounds since the operation, and his high blood pressure and diabetes were under control, Castañeda, a bariatric specialist, said. “It was something we had not considered because of all the kilos he had lost due to the surgery, which would allow him to reduce the risk of a heart attack,” the doctor said via telephone. Moreno was still considered “morbidly obese” because he weighed nearly 572 pounds

and he was just two months beyond the operation, a fact that did not “free him of this type of complication,” the obesity specialist said. On Nov. 25, Moreno

had to have an emergency operation to remove a hernia that was affecting his intestines. Moreno died in Ciudad Obregón, a city in the northern state of

Sonora, on Saturday from a heart attack and problems related to peritonitis. Castañeda said he was in contact with Moreno every three days to monitor

Gonorrhea may soon be untreatable, Britain’s chief medical officer warns

Dame Sally Davies, Britain’s chief medical officer, has reportedly written to doctors and pharmacies in Britain sounding the alarm on antibiotic resistant gonorrhea.

The sexually transmitted infection is increasingly caused by strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae that resist antibiotic treatment. “Gonorrhoea is at risk of becoming an untreatable disease

due to the continuing emergence of antimicrobial r e s i s t a n c e ,” Davies wrote. The Guardian reports that a recent outbreak of a superbug strain of the disease — one that doesn’t respond to the antibiotic azithromycin — has put Britain on high alert. Davies urged doctors to use proper treatment protocols. A recent study found that many doctors in

Britain still prescribe ciprofloxacin, which hasn’t been r e c o m m e n d e d for a decade now. Things aren’t much better in the United States: In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave it the centers’ highest ranking for antibiotic resistance, classifying gonorrhea as an “urgent threat.” At that time, the CDC reported that around a third of cases were resistant to at least one antibiotic. In the United States, there were just over 350,000 cases in 2014; Britain had about 35,000.

Doctors in the United States are now told to use ciprofloxacin in combination with a second antibiotic. For a while, this strategy seemed to be working: A recent study found that resistance to ciprofloxacin had dropped from 1.4 percent of gonorrhea cases in 2011 to just .4 percent in 2013. But in 2014, the resistance doubled. When researchers look for new antibiotics, they obviously look for ones that are incredibly effective against pathogenic bacteria. But as soon

his health, and the patient had not described any problems as of Christmas Eve. (Fox News Latino/Yahoo)

as these antibiotics are released for use by the public, they start to lose their effectiveness. Bacteria are fast-evolving creatures, and individual bacterium are skilled at sharing genes that allow them to survive particular antibiotics. Historically, humans haven’t done much to slow this process. Whenever you take antibiotics you don’t need, you’re introducing bacteria in your body and your environment to the drug, giving those microbes an opportunity to learn resistance to it. Whenever you don’t finish an entire prescription of antibiotics, you’re leaving behind bacteria that showed some resistance to the first few days of treatment, and allowing them to reproduce. (Adapted from Yahoo)

Japan and South Korea reach deal on wartime sex slaves Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has heralded a “new era” in Japanese - South Korean relations after the two countries reached a landmark deal on the issue of wartime sex slaves. Under Monday’s deal, Japan will finance a 1bn yen aid ($8.7m) fund for the Korean women forced into Japanese military-run brothels during World War II, euphemistically referred to as “comfort women”. “Japan and South Korea will welcome a new era,” Abe told reporters after speaking by phone with South Korean President Park Geun-Hye. “Both countries will

cooperate together to open” it, he added. The deal was reached in South Korea’s capital Seoul at a meeting between the foreign ministers of the two countries. “The comfort women issue... occurred with the involvement of the Japanese military... and the Japanese government acutely feels its r e s p o n s i b i l i t y ,” Japanese foreign minister Fumio Kishida said after a meeting with his South Korean counterpart Yun Byung-Se. Kishida added that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed an “apology and repentance from the bottom of his

heart” to the victims. Yun Byung-se said the agreement was “final and irreversible,” as long as Japan faithfully followed through with its promises. The issue has long been a source of friction between

Seoul and Tokyo, with South Korea previously accusing Japanese leaders of repeatedly failing to properly atone for wartime atrocities. Tens of thousands of women from around Asia, many of them Korean,

were sent to frontline military brothels to provide sex to Japanese soldiers. In South Korea, there are 46 such surviving former sex slaves, mostly in their late 80s or early 90s. Many survivors of the wartime sexual

slavery had urged Japan to issue an official apology, make reparations and include wartime atrocities in Japanese school textbooks. (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

passed, Victor and his wife, Karyn, 33, braced themselves for a repeat of their first child’s nativity scene. “And as it

turned out, It was the same hospital, the same medical team, the same delivery room,” Karyn said. “Everyone on the staff was astounded.” The one big difference: Nicholas, at 10 pounds 3 ounces, is a pound and a half larger than his brother was at birth. “They say the second baby is easier. Not this time. The nurses called him a linebacker,” Karyn said. Though the baby’s birth could have come at any minute, the Fasters followed their traditional Christmas Eve routine, attending Mass at their local

parish and then heading to a family dinner party. Karyn went into labor just after midnight and Nicholas was born at 6:40 a.m. at Long Island Jewish Medical Center. “It was literally a reenactment of 2013,” Victor said. “His name is a tribute to jolly old St. Nick, absolutely, absolutely” said Victor. “It was just too ironic.” “The next question everybody’s asking is: what’s going to happen in 2017?” he added. “We’ll just have to wait and see what Santa brings.” (Adapted from Yahoo/ New York Post)

Mom gives birth on Christmas for the second time

Maybe this family should invest in a manger. Little Nicholas Faster was born on Friday morning — exactly

two years after the birth of his big brother, Anthony. “It’s a true Christmas miracle, that’s for sure,” said dad

Victor, 37, of the second yuletide blessing for the Floral Park, LI, family. When the baby’s Dec. 20 due date

Floods and fires wreak havoc around the world; 43 dead in the US The world’s weather turned wild over the Christmas holiday week, with devastating storms, tornadoes and wildfires wreaking havoc across the globe. Torrential rains in parts of South America, blamed on El Nino, have displaced more than 150,000 people across Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. In the United States, a mammoth storm system engulfing much of the country has claimed at least 24 lives, including four soldiers in Missouri. Counting victims from other storms earlier last

week, the death toll is 43. Swaths of northern England have been submerged with mammoth flooding, prompting evacuations and dozens of urgent warnings. Authorities in Spain and Australia, meanwhile, are fighting to get devastating fires under control. El Nino is causing chaos across South America, inducing severe rains and flooding on a scale not seen for decades. In Paraguay, the hardesthit country, more than 130,000 people were evacuated. In the city of

Alberdi, residents fled as walls holding back water appeared on the verge of collapse, authorities said. As many as 20,000 people were evacuated in Argentina, half of them from Concordia, the heavily affected city that President Mauricio Macri visited Sunday. At least 38 cities were inundated, in Brazil with Rio Grande do Sul state taking the biggest hit. At least 11,300 people had to flee their homes, mostly in the northwestern city of Salto, Uruguay. In Britain, the army has been sent in to help

deal with the flooding across northern England, which local residents say is the worst in living memory for some areas. British Prime Minister David Cameron chaired an emergency Cabinet meeting Sunday and said more troops will be deployed to assist with the response to the flooding. In Spain, dozens of wildfires have being burning for over a week in remote regions of northern and central Spain. A helicopter battling a fire in Asturias crashed Wednesday, killing the pilot, the

aircraft’s sole occupant. In Australia, wildfires have raged across thousands of hectares of land left vulnerable by exceptionally dry weather in the southern state of Victoria. The fires, one of which consumed at least 116

homes over Christmas, are expected to continue to burn for weeks. The situation couldn’t be more different in the country’s Northern Territory, where residents are getting pummeled by severe thunderstorms and flooding. (Adapted from CNN)

districts of the province as they try to build strength and replace the hardline Taliban insurgents. Dozens of members of a local militia force loyal to Haji Zahir, deputy speaker of parliament, have been battling both Taliban and Islamic State militants in the district for weeks. Islamic State militants first captured four

fighters from the militia, known as Pasoon or “Uprising” and beheaded them. The militias then retaliated, Zahir told reporters. “Do you think if they behead you, you cook them sweets?” Zahir asked. Ataullah Khoqani, spokesman for the provincial governor said Afghan government forces were not involved in the incident, adding that the incident is being investigated. In a sign of the growing

reach of Islamic State, militants have taken to the airwaves in a radio show called “Voice of the Caliphate” in Nangarhar to win recruits among young Afghans. Last week, local authorities said they had blocked the broadcast but Zahir said the 90-minute daily Pashto language broadcast was still operational. (Adapted from MSN)

at least 30 were killed and more than 90 wounded in overnight blasts and shootouts, and another 20 died in a bombing

outside a mosque at dawn Monday, said Muhammed Kanar, area coordinator of the National Emergency Management Agency. The military said there were multiple attacks at four southwestern entry points to the city. In another blast, two girls blew themselves up in the Buraburin neighborhood, killing several people, according to civil servant Yunusa Abdullahi. “We are under siege,” Abdullahi said. “We don’t know how many of these bombs or these female suicide bombers were sneaked into Maiduguri

last night.” He said some residents have found undetonated bombs. The attack appears to be a challenge to President Muhammadu Buhari’s declaration last week that Boko Haram has been “technically” defeated, capable of no more than suicide bombings on soft targets. Maiduguri, the city under attack, is the birthplace of Boko Haram, which emerged as a much more radical entity after Nigerian security forces launched an all-out assault on their compound in the city, killing 700 people in 2009. (Adapted from Yahoo)

Afghan militia beheads four Islamic State fighters

Local village militia members loyal to a powerful Afghan lawmaker beheaded four

Islamic State fighters and placed their severed heads on the side of a main road in eastern

Afghanistan, local officials said on Sunday. The killings in Achin district of the eastern province of Nangarhar highlighted the increasingly brutal violence of the fight between Islamic State and rival groups, ranging from local militias to the Taliban. Islamic State has made inroads in several

80 killed in Boko Haram attacks in Nigerian city, town

Boko Haram Islamic extremists struck the northeastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri for the first time in months today, (Monday) with rocketpropelled grenades and multiple suicide bombers, witnesses said. At least 50 people were killed and the death toll could go higher. Another twin suicide bombing killed at least 30 people in Madagali, a town 150 kilometers (95 miles) southeast of Maiduguri, witnesses said.

It is believed that two women blew themselves up at a market near a busy bus station at about 9 a.m. Brig. Gen. Victor

Ezugwu, confirmed the attack but said casualties have yet to be established. In Maiduguri, capital of neighboring Borno state,

Guptill slams 17-ball 50 in NZ victory over SL

Martin Guptill smashed 93 not out from 30 balls as New Zealand thrashed Sri Lanka by 10 wickets in Christchurch to go 2-0 up in their one-day series.

The 29-year-old hit his country’s fastest one-day international 50, reaching the milestone off 17 balls to beat Brendon McCullum’s record

of 18. He fell short of AB de Villiers’ world record of 16 but went on to hit eight sixes and seal victory in 8.2 overs. Sri Lanka were bowled out for 117

from 27.4 overs earlier in the day. “It was a superb innings. You can’t describe it,” said captain McCullum. “It’s something you witness only once

or twice in your life. “There are very few guys in the world who can play like that.” The tourists opted to bat first but struggled almost from the off, with Matt Henry (4-33) and Mitchell McClenaghan (332) doing the main damage. Nuwan Kulasekara, batting at eight, was Sri Lanka’s highest scorer with 19. Guptill smashed the first ball he faced towards leg gully but, despite getting two hands on the ball, a diving Milinda Siriwardana could not prevent it going for four. And Sri Lanka were made to

pay a heavy price as the hosts cruised to their victory target. Guptill was partnered by Tom Latham, who made 17 not out, as a back injury prevented McCullum from opening the batting. The 34-yearold was injured when he collided with an advertising hoarding while diving to stop the ball. McCullum, who announced last week that he would retire from international cricket in February, has had a long-standing back problem and will have it reassessed before Thursday’s third game of the fivematch series. (BBC)

performance you put up we’ll accept it’. “You’ve got Denesh Ramdin batting at six in the Test side... eight would be about the spot for him, that might be one too high. “You’ve got guys who aren’t really

doing enough to hold down a Test place so why not pick someone who’s a good captain and put him into this team?” (Yahoo)

Holder captaincy ‘a monumental blunder’ - Chappell Former Australia captain Ian Chappell has described West Indies’ appointment of Jason Holder as skipper as “a monumental blunder”. With senior figures such as Chris Gayle, Darren Sammy and Dwayne Bravo no longer part of the Test set-up, Holder was given the role earlier this year. The 24-year-old has experienced a difficult start to his tenure, going down 2-0 in Sri Lanka before a crushing defeat by an innings and 212 runs in the first Test against Australia

earlier this month. With West Indies currently performing woefully in the second Test in Melbourne, Holder’s captaincy earned the praise of coach Phil Simmons. But Chappell pulled no punches in his criticism of the initial choice to appoint Holder to lead the side. “One thing I’d say is you have to query the decision of the West Indies selectors to give Jason Holder the captaincy,” Chappell told ESPN Cricinfo. “Here’s a guy who’s trying to learn his cricket. He’s a good

young cricketer but to burden him with that job was, in my opinion, ridiculous in the first place. “When you see him captain and understand that he just hasn’t played enough cricket to really work out what’s going on, it’s a monumental blunder in my book. “It’s a situation - and I wouldn’t agree with this too often, I believe you pick the XI and then you’ve got to pick the best guy out of that XI to captain the side. “But in these circumstances I would be prepared to pick

a guy from outside the squad - and how the hell are you going to say he’s not good enough to play in this West Indies team? “If he’s a good captain, I’d be playing him and just say ‘you captain the side and whatever

GFA/Banks Beer KO Football…

Finalists to be decided tonight… to the win and the Georgetown based side will be hoping his form continues into this evening’s semi-final. Their opponents New Amsterdam, on the other-hand had to battle it out to overcome the police side and will be hoping that they can prevail against the ruthless city side. The other semifinal Argos Santos will have to take on Riddim Squad in a game that is expected to be a firecracker. Santos in their quarter-final birth had to battle right down to the wire with Berbice based Rosignol United and are

The sheep have been separated from the goats in this year’s edition of the Georgetown F o o t b a l l Association/ Banks Beer Knock out Football tournament and the finalists

will be decided this evening. After 12 matches in the tournament, the two best teams will be decided in front of football fans across the country. In one semifinal, the New

Amsterdam United side have the arduous task of taking on the Georgetown based Western Tigers side. W e s t e r n completed their march to semis in a commanding

form after disposing of former champions S u n b u r s t Campton by a 4-1 margin. R a n d o l p h Wagner’s hat-trick (30th, 62nd and 90th+1 minute) spurred the Tigers

hungry for a title with a young side. Their opponents Riddim Squad eased into the next round with goals from Sheldon Hope’s double recorded a double in the 22nd and 75th minutes while Teon Jones, Kester Joseph and Sceyon Hope scored in the 30th, 47th and 77th minutes r e s p e c t i v e l y. The winner of the GFA/Banks Beer Cup will take home $2M, second place $500,000 and third place $250,000 when the grand Final is played at the National Stadium Providence.

Monday December 28, 2015

Grove Hi Tech battle Victoria Kings; Ann’s Grove oppose Mahaica The right to be a contender for the top prize of 1.5 million dollars, the first place prize will be decided tonightat Golden Grove ground when the semi-finals of the second edition of the Stag Super XVI knockout football competition are contested. Defending champions Grove Hi Tech, the only non East Demerara club standing in the threeassociation tournament - East Bank and West Demerara being the other two – will come up against Victoria Kings in what is expected to be a dual of sorts. The first semi-final brings together last year’s beaten finalists, Ann’s Grove and fellow East Demerara side Mahaica Determinators, this clash too is expected to produce some exciting exchanges with the

respective winners earning a coveted place in the championship match on New Year’s night, January 1, 2016 right at the Golden Grove ground. Grove Hi Tech has been gradually improving their play and seems hungry to defend their title but will have to first get past an equally determine Victoria Kings lineup. The East Bank boys were tested in their first match against Golden Grove, prevailing via penalty kicks 4-2 after a 2-2 regulation and extra time score line. Their quarter final match against Pouderoyen saw them being more potent as they brushed aside West Demerara’s Pouderoyen 2-0 whilst missing a plethora of opportunities. They will hope to be much more potent in the final third

especially coming up against a side like the Kings who will make them pay for mistakes. Leading the most consistent side on the East Bank will be Lloyd ‘Badai’ Matthews, Orson Francois, Denzil Crawford and Akeem Jones who have all scored so far in this tournament. This side have displayed the aptitude to score at any point during the match since they create the chances. Victoria Kings on the other hand has stood solid in the defensive third and boasts a record of two goals for and none against which means that Grove will have their work cut out in the attacking third. The Kings have won both their matches to date via respective 1-0 margins against Stewartville and Uitvlugt, both

West Demerara teams. Alden Lawrence has been their only player on the score sheets and will certainly be a player to watch tonight. Senior tacticians in Winston Pompey, Calvin De Souza and Aubrey Gibson along with Akeem Holder and Sherlock Dowdin will be combining efforts with a view of halting eh progress of Grove Hi Tech which makes for mouth watering action. Ann’s Grove has been effective in conquering their opponents to date and will be hoping to continue this trend when they take on a determined Mahaica Determinators in tonight’s first semi at 19:00hrs. They {Ann’s Grove} will have a point to prove that they can go all the way having lost in the

final last year to Grove Hi Tech 5-0 on New Year’s Night this year at the #5 ground West Coast Berbice, Domini Garnett netting all five goals. Whilst they edged Eagles (West Demerara) in their first game 2-1, Ann’s Grove were in ripping form in dismantling another West Demerara side, Beavers 4-0 in their quarter final game to earn tonight’s date with Mahaica. Shafeer Sanichar has two goals so far for them while Jamain Rogers, Anil Hernandez, Kevon Barry and Andrew Murray have also scored a goal each and will be hoping o continue that trend for their team tonight. The task to smother them in their efforts will be a tough one for Mahaica but they too have displayed a high desire for

goals which was evident in their 3-0 demolition of Kuru Kururu Warriors. Mahaica has also shown that they are a patient unit that will pounce when the opportunity presents itself as was evident in their hard fought 1-0 win over West Demerara’s Den Amstel on Christmas night at the Farm ground. Quincy Holder who converted twice against the Warriors, Samuel Charles and Eion Abel who scored a well executed free kick to win the match against Den Amstel will all be rearing to go and prove that Mahaica is as ambitious as the other teams and will be giving their all as they too eye the big prize. Fans are in for a treattonight.

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