Brill - Art History 2020 Catalogue

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33232120121171 ClassicalAsianOnlineArtArt / Jewish

The names of the photographers are usually unknown because Alma-Tadema did not write their names on the mounts: he regarded the subject matter as important, not the photographs’ value to art history. However, recent studies have established that among the photographers represented are such famous names as Sommer, Tuminello, Simelli, Plüschow, Salzman, Du Camp, Bonfils and Beato.

The Univerity of Birmingham Library

The photographs Alma-Tadema used many elements of Roman art and architecture in his paintings. He strove for historical authenticity in every small detail and in order to achieve this he made use of photographs. He had in fact collected photographs since his journey through Italy in 1863, such photographs being at the time a popular medium for archaeological documentation as well as for “Grand Tour” souvenirs. Alma-Tadema bought hundreds of photographs during his many journeys, of which many, but by no means all, are of Italian Hesubjects.stored these photographs, glued on cardboard mounts, in portfolios. These are sorted according to subject: Roman aqueducts, triumphal arches, Egyptian architecture, flowers and animals, etc. Details from the photographs are often to be recognized in his paintings.


This collection contains Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema’s original 164 portfolios and 6 albums, containing some 5,300 photographs, together with some original drawings, tracings and prints, as well as letters, which were donated in 1915 to the Victoria and Albert Museum. In 1947 they were transferred to Birmingham University Library.

The Art Sales Catalogues Online (ASCO) publication offers easy access to complete historical art sales catalogues for the period 1600 to 1900. Lugt’s Répertoire Online database has been included in this publication and serves as the “entrance gate” to the catalogues. The earliest art sales catalogues, also known as auction catalogues, appeared in the early 17th century, as simple leaflets. Over time, the catalogues grew into extensive, richlyillustrated publications. The catalogues are intriguing not only from the point of view of Art History, but also provide glimpses into the economic and sociological climate of the time. Much research in the field of Art History relies on access to art sales catalogues. Art Sales Catalogues Online providing access to thousands of complete sales catalogues from the period 1600-1900, combines a wealth of information from art sales catalogues with the reference facility of Lugt’s Répertoire Product Information: Online access to art sales catalogues from 1600-1900

Art Sales Catalogues Online

· Currently available: 65,482 Lugt records (1600-1900), 33,396 scanned catalogues

2020CATALOGBRILLHISTORYART1 Online Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema Collection Online

Online Access to Complete Sales Catalogues from 1600-1900

Lawrence Alma-Tadema was born in Friesland, The Netherlands, in 1836. He trained in Antwerp with Baron Henri Ley (1815-1869), a painter of 16th century Flemish historical subjects, and with Louis de Taeye (1822-1890) a painter and professor of archaeology. During his honeymoon in 1863, Alma-Tadema visited Italy. He was very impressed by the archaeological remains he saw in Florence, Rome, Naples and Pompeii and his love for Roman antiquity was born. He began to acquire a reputation, particularly in England, as a painter of historical subjects. He therefore decided to move to London in 1870, and his popularity continued to grow. In 1876 he became a member of the Royal Academy. Throughout the remainder of his life he enjoyed great fame and fortune and was knighted by Queen Victoria in 1899. When he died in 1912 he was accorded the rare privilege of being buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral.

· Includes Lugt’s Répertoire Vols. 1-3

The correspondence In addition to the visual material, the Alma-Tadema Collection of Birmingham University Library contains letters from Lawrence Alma-Tadema (and some written by his wife Laura and daughter Anna) to friends and patrons. Letters to his friend the singer and composer Sir George Henschel (1850-1934) form a large part of the collection.


Last(1600-1900)supplement: November 2019: 464 catalogues from the Philadelphia Museum of Art New supplements will be added regularly. 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 1.900 / US$ 2.300 and 2020 prices Online Subscription: € 6.964 / US$ 8.033 Outright Purchase: € 73.454 / US$ 84.663 Annual Update Fee: € 1.282 / US$ 1.481

Otakar Máčel, Technical University Delft This collection, earlier published in a microfiche collection by IDC Publishers, makes available a number of leading periodicals and monographs with special importance for the study of the Czechoslovak avant-garde and architecture in the period before the Second World War. It gives an excellent picture of developments during this period. Source material for the study of Czechoslovak avant-garde and architecture in the period before the Second World War is very difficult to find. As is the case for comparable material in the West, this difficulty is due on the one hand to the small editions and on the other to the political and cultural situation after 1945. It is as though the political division of Europe not only disrupted the cultural continuity but also obliterated the cultural memory of Western Europe. This is the more remarkable because thinking in international terms was one of the characteristics of the avant-garde Thismovement.collection contains 6 periodicals and 5 monographs with special importance for the study of the Czechoslovak avant-garde and architecture in the period before the Second World War. It gives an excellent picture of developments during this period.


and 2020 prices Online Subscription: € 1.215 / US$ 1.425 and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 1.490 / US$ 1.624

Chief Editor: Zhang Hongxing; Data Standard Editors: Lin Yi-Hsin, Gao Jin The Chinese Iconography Thesaurus (CIT) is freely accessible and brings together sinology, art history and information studies to create the first alternative classification scheme, especially designed for the Chinese visual culture, with a complementary image archive. Traditionally iconography has been used to index and access images of European art. Because of the lack of alternative models, the contents of non-Western art objects have long been catalogued according to Eurocentric classifications. To fill this gap, a research group led by Hongxing Zhang created the CIT. The CIT website is built and hosted by Brill. The database can be consulted in both Chinese and English and is regularly updated; Currently, it contains 10,000 terms extracted primarily from pre-1900 sources and 2700 images of objects from the V&A, the MET, and the NPM Taipei.

Edited by Hans Brandhorst and Etienne Posthumus Arkyves is both a unique database of images and texts and a meeting place for everyone who wants to study imagery and publish about it. It offers a fascinating collection of visual and textual sources and a bibliography that focuses on the history of visual culture. All are made accessible with the help of the multilingual vocabulary for cultural content of the Iconclass system. By using this system it has been made possible to find and retrieve images and texts from various sources on a specific topic. By using Arkyves it is currently possible to access almost 900.000 images, texts, etc. from libraries and museums in many Whatcountries.makes

Arkyves Online Reference Tool for the History of Culture

Arkyves special: Powerful thematic searches, sophisticated filtering by subject matter. Well over 900,000 visual and textual Combinedocuments.keyword searches with the controlled vocabulary of Iconclass for powerful retrieval options. Use facet filtering on iconography, source collection, document type, and many other aspects.

· Arkyves acts as a single access point for thematic searches but you can always use the link button to jump to the original source at the partner’s website. Arkyves includes emblems, devices, illustrations of the Dance of Death, fables, metamorphoses and alchemistic imagery, printers, devices, initials, all indexed with Iconclass Annotate, describe, compare, connect, create datasets, share information, discuss and Possibilitycollaborate.ofcreating dedicated Iconclass retrieval browsers for partners for easy inclusion in their own website.

Avant-Garde and Architecture Czechoslovakiain 1909-1938

2HISTORYARTBRILLCATALOG2020 Online Chinese ThesaurusIconography

The ABIA (Index on South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology) online bibliography helps scholars and students trace publications on the art and architecture, archaeology, inscriptions, coins and crafts of South and Southeast Asia. Its coverage includes the shared cultural heritage of Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. It also brings out the bonds between South and Southeast Asia in societal traditions and ceremonies, as evident in inscriptions, trade and craft specializations, right from the prehistoric past up to the present. ABIA’s geographic and topical reach is wide. Its coverage ranges from excavations at the early cities of the Indus Valley in Pakistan to the sculptural richness of Angkor’s temples in Cambodia; from Buddhist manuscript art in Nepal and Tibet to contemporary painting in Bali; from textiles woven for early kings of Thailand to present day fashion in the booming cities of India. Timewise, ABIA’s coverage spans from the time when human activity becomes archaeologically manifest, to modern times.Specialist bibliographers have compiled some 55,000 records since 1928. Many of these carry annotations that concisely explain their contents. All records come with field-specific keywords. Recent records often offer direct links through DOI or http addresses to the articles. The ABIA Online is updated on a quarterly basis to keep up with new academic publications. The database is a long-term recipient of support by the Jan Gonda Fonds of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Historical Garden Design Online Sources from the 16th to the 19th centuries and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 2.900 / US$ 3.538

Advisor: Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn, Leibniz University of Hannover A rich resource for garden, art and architectural historians, this primary source collection of 178 titles covers a broad range of subjects regarding the theory and practice of gardening, horticulture and garden design. Technological aspects are treated as well as garden ornaments, garden buildings, plant use, and the construction of green houses. The collection includes such watershed works as Salomon de Caus’ Hortus Palatinus (1620), Dominicus Barrière’s Villa Aldobrandina Tusculana sive varij illius hortorum et fontium prospectus 1647), Giovanni Battista Falda’s Li Giardini di Roma(1680), and Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld´s Theorie der Gartenkunst (177985). Also included are the lesser known, but nevertheless, important works, such as Heinrich Hesse´s Neue Garten-Lust (1696) and Die Gartenkunst(1797) by J. F. Blotz (pseudonym of F.Ch. Touchy).

Brill’s1600-1900Architecture and 2020 prices Online Subscription: € 899 / US$ 1.091 Outright Purchase: € 9.495 / US$ 10.796 Annual Update Fee: € 1.069 / US$ 1.295


ABIA Online Index of South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 11.013 / US$ 12.919

Johann Gottfried Grohmann´s Ideenmagazin für Liebhaber von Gärten (Leipzig, 1796-1802) offers insights into garden ornaments used for well-to-do gardens. The Dutch publication Het vermakelyk land-leven Amsterdam, 1710-11) includes fascinating views of gardens of the same period in the Netherlands.

Military Architecture 1600-1900 contains a selection of 99 printed works that represents the revolutionary developments in fortification in Early Modern Europe in theory and in practice. Similar to the arts, military architecture was split up in national schools or styles, so called fortification manners. The works of Busca, Cattaneo, De Marchi, Tensini, Theti, Zanchi, reflect the Italian School, Errard and Perret the French one and Specklin’s Architektur von Vestungen is an adaptation of the Italian school in Germany. Stevin’s Sterctenbouwing discusses Cattaneo, Theti and Specklin to assess the benefits of their fortification systems for the Low Countries. The later French school is well represented by Pagan and the works of probably the most famous engineer of all times, Vauban. The selected works of Menno van Coehoorn reveal how the French system was introduced in the Netherlands, while the works of Paen, Melder, Ruysch and Sturm are illustrative for the heavy debates that resulted from adapting such complex systems to the nordic situation. Although Military Architecture 1600-1900 represents the protagonists of the history of fortification, it also includes lesser known authors such as Bruist, Capo-Bianco, Gaya, Gerbier and Pfeffinger. Moreover, the selection does not limit itself to military architecture, but includes the military arts (artillery, army camps, siege) and history.

Last but not least, numerous titles deal with the most important seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century gardens in Europe, such as Rome, Firenze, Stowe, Versailles, and Schwetzingen. Also represented in this collection are the diaries and works on garden design by the virtuoso John Evelyn (1620-1706) who was a pivotal figure in seventeenth-century intellectual life in England.

Editor-in-Chief: Gülru Necipoğlu Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World is sponsored by the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Muqarnas Online,in

1 issue Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 272 / US$ 320 Individual Subscription rates Electronic only: € 138 / US$ 175,in

The Encyclopedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles of the British Isles c. 450-1450 is a unique work that brings together in 582 signed articles the latest research from across the range of disciplines which contribute to our knowledge of medieval dress and textiles. There has been a long-standing interest in the subject, which has recently manifested itself in a flowering of research and publications, including activities by the editors of the Encyclopedia: the foundation of DISTAFF (Discussion, Interpretation and Study of Textile Arts, Fabrics and Fashion) as an umbrella organization for the presentation of papers at the major medieval congresses in Kalamazoo and Leeds (Netherton and Owen-Crocker); the establishment of the annual journal Medieval Clothing and Textiles (Netherton and Owen-Crocker); the Manchester Medieval Textiles Project (Coatsworth and Owen-Crocker); and the AHRC Lexis of Cloth and Clothing Project (Owen-Crocker and ThereSylvester).isaclear need for an interdisciplinary reference work which will introduce readers to various sources of evidence, and give clear information about the most recent discoveries and interpretations and bibliographical guidance to readers. The Encyclopedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles of the British Isles c. 450-1450 contains also over 100 plates and diagrams to illustrate the Thistext.publication is part of Brill’s Medieval Reference Library Online (

An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World

1 issue Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 158 / US$ 185 Individual Subscription rates Electronic only: € 53 / US$ 62 and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 543 / US$ 617 Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art /

Encyclopedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles Online

volumesAnOnlineKunsthistorischNederlandsJaarboekonlinepublicationcontainingallofthe Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art/Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek (NKJ). For this online edition all volumes (dating back to 1947) have been digitized and are now available to subscribers, for the period of their subscription. The online publication is updated annually with the most recent 1947 the NKJ is a peerreviewed journal, which has established an international reputation for publishing outstanding articles that reflect the variety and diversity of approaches to the study of Netherlandish art and culture. The NKJ aims to foster traditional art historical scholarship and to open up the field to innovative cross disciplinary developments. Each volume has been dedicated to a particular theme.

Editorial board: H. Perry Chapman, Eric Jorink, Ann-Sophie Lehmann, Dulcia Meijers, Bart Ramakers, Herman Roodenburg, Frits Scholten, Thijs Weststeijn, Joanna Woodall


Edited by Gale Owen-Crocker, Elizabeth Coatsworth and Maria Hayward

Part 2: Writers


The Vertical Archive of the Casa de las Américas Casa de las Américas in Havana, Cuba, ranks among the most renowned cultural institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. Ever since its creation in 1959, it has been a host to thousands of writers and artists from throughout the region. It has published countless books and articles, organized conferences, concerts, expositions, theatre productions and numerous cultural contests. Founded just three months after the Cuban Revolution, it quickly became a fundamental link between the cultural vanguard in Latin America and the Caribbean on the one hand and a diplomatically isolated Cuba on the other. Over the course of almost six decades it has amassed a vast amount of information, thus creating a unique record to study the history of both the institution itself as a cultural hub, but also that of the protagonists of a remarkable era.

The Vertical Archive of the Casa de las Américas, Part 2: Writers offers a unique insight into the activities of the more than a thousand writers and artists who visited Casa de las Américas. Here one finds records on painters such as Wifredo Lam, Roberto Matta, Frida Kahlo and David Alfaro Siqueiros, as well as architects, such as Oscar Niemeyer, filmmakers, such as Glauber Rocha and Luis Buñuel, photographers, such as Oriol Maspons, and finally hundreds of writers, including Jorge Amado, Mario Benedetti, Roberto Bolaño, María Luisa Bombal, Jorge Luis Borges, Alejo Carpentier, Aimé Césaire, Julio Cortázar, Roque Dalton and Gabriel García Márquez, to name but a few.

· Covering almost 60 years of cultural relations between Revolutionary Cuba and abroad Full-text search functionality Including MARC21 catalog records

and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 8.545 / US$ 9.779

and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 10.660 / US$ 12.500

Part 1: “Casa y Cultura”

Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959-

Composed of documents from the so-called Archivo Vertical, The Vertical Archive of the Casa de las Américas, Part 1: “Casa y Cultura” offers an institutional history of the Casa de las Américas. Conferences and controversies, manifestos and open letters combine to shed a light on a vibrant cultural history, which is now accessible for the first time. This section of the Archivo Vertical contains articles, newspaper clippings, cable messages, interviews, conference memorabilia, etc., collected from 1959 onward. Together they document the activities of the institution both in Cuba and beyond, bearing testimony to the conflicts and passions of a turbulent time. Also included are records about Haydee Santamaría, one of the most renowned women of the Cuban Revolution and the founder of Casa de las Américas. 5

Online Classic Mexican Cinema Online From the Archives of the Filmoteca of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Soviet Cinema Online, part 1 Journals & part 2 Newspapers Periodicals and Newspapers, 1918-1942 and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 10.157 / US$ 11.915 Soviet Cinema Online. Archival Documents from RGALI, 1923-1935 and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 1.579 / US$ 1.852 Screen and Stage Online and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 10.600 / US$ 12.052

Mass Media in Russia Online (Parts 1 and 2) and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 15.496 / US$ 17.886


World of Children – Artek Pioneer Camp Archives, 1944-1967 Online and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 6.417 / US$ 7.399 and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 8.493 / US$ 9.963

Early Russian Cinema Online and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 18.616 / US$ 21.464

The Yearbook of the Imperial Theaters Online and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 3.640 / US$ 4.197

Popular Literature, Fiction and Songs in Imperial Russia Online and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 3.536 / US$ 4.077

Imperial Russia’s Illustrated Press Online and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 3.796 / US$ 4.377

Jewish Theater under Stalinism Online and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 6.436 / US$ 7.318

Richard Wagner Online and 2020 prices Outright Purchase: € 2.001 / US$ 2.275

Jinah Kim, Harvard University, USA and Todd Lewis, College of the Holy Cross, USA Dharma and Puṇya: Buddhist Ritual Art of Nepal explores the centrality of ritual practices and the agency of people – patrons, ritual specialists, devotees – in creating and amplifying the efficacy of Buddhist art. Jinah Kim and Todd Lewis highlight the unparalleled contributions of Nepal’s artisans, patrons, and ritualists in engendering artistic heritage that is an enduring continuation of Indic Buddhist traditions. The publication presents paintings, illuminated texts, statues, and ritual implements from the Newar tradition in the Kathmandu Valley.

Contributors include: Naresh Bajracharya, Louis Copplestone, Sonali Dhingra, James Giambrone, Jinah Kim, Todd Lewis, Bruce McCoy Owens, Alexander von Rospatt and Sumon Tuladhar.

Richly illustrated with photographs of contemporary rituals, religious observances, and historical examples, the essays provide cultural, historical and ritual contexts in which objects collected in art museums were used, and animate them. By recentering the historical imagination on communities, their rituals, and popular narrative traditions, Dharma and Puṇya challenges prevailing misconceptions about Buddhism in the West and expand our understanding of Buddhism as a lived world religion.

Todd Lewis, Ph.D. (1984), Columbia University, is Distinguished Professor of Asian Religions at the College of the Holy Cross. He has published monographs, translations, textbooks, and studies of Newar Buddhism in the Kathmandu Valley, including The Epic of the Buddha by Chittadhar Hridaya (2019).

Readership Anyone interested in Himalayan art, Nepal, Buddhist Art, ritual and anthropology of religion, educated public (intro courses on Buddhism and Buddhist art), specialists (art history, Buddhist studies).

September 2019 Paperback (x, 246 pp., 200 fc ill.) ISBN 9789004416413 Price € 55 / US$ 67 Imprint: Hotei Publishing 7

Asian Art Dharma and Puṇya: Buddhist Ritual Art of Nepal

Jinah Kim, Ph.D. (2006), UC Berkeley, is Gardner Cowles Professor of History of Art & Architecture at Harvard University. Her list of publications includes Receptacle of the Sacred: Illustrated Manuscripts and the Buddhist Book Cult in South Asia (2013).

Asian Art The Kimono in Print 300 Years of Japanese Design Editor: Vivian Li

The dialogue between fashion and print is illustrated here by approximately 70 Japanese prints and illustrated books—by Nishikawa Sukenobu, Suzuki Harunobu, Utagawa Kunisada, Kikukawa Eizan, and Kamisaka Sekka, among others.

March 2020 Paperback (pages! , 90 fc ill.) ISBN 9789004424647 Price € 45 / US$ 49 Imprint: Hotei Publishing


The Kimono in Print: 300 Years of Japanese Design will be the first ever publication devoted to examining the kimono as a major source of inspiration, and later vehicle for experimentation, in Japanese print design and culture from the Edo period (1603-1868) to the Meiji period (1868-1912). Print artists, through the wide circulation of prints, have documented the ever-evolving trends in fashion, have popularized certain styles of dress, and have even been known to have designed kimonos. Some famous print designers also were directly involved in the kimono business as designers of kimono pattern books, such as Nishikawa Sukenobu (1671-1751) and Okumura Masanobu (1686-1764).

Tanaka Ryōhei. Etchings of Rural Japan is the first monograph in English dedicated to the life and oeuvre of Tanaka Ryōhei (19332019). Mostly self-taught, Tanaka excelled in the medium of Heetching.usedthis technique to depict the scenery of rural Japan and its gradually disappearing thatched-roof farmhouses. Tanaka made no less than 770 etchings and printed the vast majority of the editions himself – a total of well over 100,000 prints, which found their way to many collections, both public and private, all over the world. Over 130 representative works have been selected for this publication.

The group of five essays features new research and scholarship by an international group of leading scholars working today at the intersection of the Japanese print and kimono worlds and the social, cultural, and global significances circulated therein.

September 2019 Paperback (160 pp., 150 ill.) ISBN 9789004401358 Price € 39 / US$ 45 Imprint: Hotei Publishing Tanaka Ryohei Chris van Otterloo

Japan has a long and rich tradition of printmaking. Whereas 18thto early 20th-century woodblock prints have been the subject of extensive research, postwar printmaking and etching in Japan have received considerably less attention. While focusing on a single artist, this publication aims to shed light on these lesser-known aspects of Japanese print history. Tanaka Ryōhei, Etchings of Rural Japan includes an elaborate introduction to the technique of etching, enabling the reader to understand and admire Tanaka’s skills as an artist-craftsman.

This series is devoted to the visual culture of the Japanese archipelago of every era. It includes studies on the history of painting, prints, calligraphy, sculpture, architecture and applied arts, but also extends to the performing arts, cinema, manga and anime.


Edited by John T. Carpenter (managing editor), Julie Nelson Davis, Shigeru Oikawa, Henry D. Smith II, Hans Bjarne Thomsen and Gennifer Weisenfeld

Edited by Kuiyi Shen, University of California, San Diego, Patrick D. Flores, University of the Philippines, and Sonal Khullar, University of Washington

The East Asian Modern Girl reports the long-neglected experiences of modern women in East Asia during the interwar period. The edited volume includes original studies on the modern girl in Taiwan, Korea, Manchuria, Japan, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, which reveal differentiated forms of colonial modernity, influences of global media and the struggles of women at the time.

Japanese Visual Culture

The Bokujinkai—or ‘People of the Ink’— was a group formed in Kyoto in 1952 by five calligraphers, Morita Shiryū, Inoue Yūichi, Eguchi Sōgen, Nakamura Bokushi, and Sekiya Yoshimichi. The avant-garde calligraphy movement they launched aspired to raise calligraphy to the same level of international prominence as abstract painting. To realize this vision, the Bokujinkai established creative collaborations with artists from European Art Informel and American Abstract Expressionism, and soon began sharing exhibition spaces with them in New York, Paris, Tokyo, and beyond. By focusing on this exceptional moment in the history of Japanese calligraphy, The author shows how the Bokujinkai rerouted the trajectory of global abstract art and attuned foreign audiences to calligraphic visualities and narratives.

Editor: Sumei Wang, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

The East Asian Modern Girl Women, Media, and Colonial Modernity in Interwar East Asia

Modern Asian Art and Visual Culture

ISSN 2210-2868

Bokujinkai: Japanese Calligraphy and the Postwar Avant-Garde

Eugenia Bogdanova

Modern Asian Art and Visual Culture is an academic series devoted to the visual culture of Asia of the modern period, spanning roughly from the mid-1850s up to the present day. It includes monographs and edited volumes on art and architecture; art history; art worlds and markets; visual materials related to propaganda; religion and art and also extends to the performing arts, cinema and media studies. It also actively seeks interdisciplinary or theoretical approaches to religion, literature, and the social sciences as well as projects that address modern Asian art and visual culture from a comparative or interregional perspective.

ISSN 2214-5257

Asian Art December 2020 Hardback (224 pp., 65 ill.) ISBN 9789004424654 Price € 104 / US$ 115 Japanese Visual Culture, 19 June Hardback2020 (224 pp.) ISBN 9789004424661 Price € 104 / US$ 115 Modern Asian Art and Visual Culture, 6


The advent of the East Asian modern girl is particularly meaningful for it signifies a separation from traditional Confucian influences and progression toward global media and capitalism, which involves high political and economic tension between the East and West. This book presents geo-historical investigations on the multiforce triggered phenomenon and how it eventually contributed to greater post-war transformations.

Editor: European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology

Letizia Fusini, SOAS University of London In Dionysus on the Other Shore, Letizia Fusini re-examines Gao Xingjian’s post-1987 theatre as a form of tragedy. April Hardback2020 [pages] ISBN 9789004423299 Price € 138 / US$ 166 E-ISBN 9789004423381 E-Price € 138 / US$ 166 Sinica Leidensia, 147 Photography in Asia Edited by Claire Roberts, University of Melbourne and Karen Fraser, University of San Francisco Photography in Asia is a peer reviewed book series dedicated to original scholarship on the history of photography in Asia, ranging from the appearance of the first daguerrotypes in the 19th century to contemporary photography.

Studies in the History of Christianity in East Asia, 2 Holy Ground: Where Art and Text Meet Studies in the Cultural History of India

May (approx.Hardback2020400 pages) ISBN 9789004414433 Price € 105 / US$ 117 October Hardback2019(xx, 700 pp.) ISBN 9789004412064 Price € 121 / US$ 146 E-ISBN 9789004412071 Gonda Studies,Indological20 December 2019 (approx.Hardback400 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044161239789004416185€138/US$166

Asian Art



This series aims to publish in-depth, peer-reviewed scholarly contributions on topics relevant to Asian Art and Archaeology that treat these in a wider Asian context. The series endeavors to analyze and interpret the artistic and cultural heritage of ancient, modern and contemporary social realities in Asian societies.

Province Alan Richard Sweeten, California State University, Stanislaus Alan Sweeten’s China’s Old Churches presents a long-term historical view of Catholicism in north China as seen through Western-style sacred structures. Using historical materials as well as architectural and visual evidence, he reveals churches’ former impact and their present-day legacy.

The selected and revised articles in this volume by Hans Bakker deal with Indian culture, religion and history: Hinduism, epigraphy, archaeology, iconography in combination with Sanskrit textual studies. The studies focus on the Skandapurana, Vakataka—Gupta history, Ramtek (Ramagiri), Mansar, Ayodhya, Benares, pilgrimage and holy places (tirtha).

China’s Old Churches

Dionysus on the Other Shore

European Studies in Asian Art Archaeologyand

ISSN: 2589-2460

Gao Xingjian’s Theatre of the Tragic

Men in Metal A Topography of Public Bronze Statuary in Modern Japan Sven Saaler, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan Men in Metal examines the public statuary of modern Japan as a central site of the nation’s historical memory. This publication will shed light on how the elites of the nation-state constructed an iconography of national heroes that served their agenda of mass indoctrination.

Hans Teye Bakker, University of Groningen

The History, Architecture, and Legacy of Catholic Sacred Structures in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei

Ar H story C55-M0-Y0-K65

ISSN: 2405-7800

March PriceE-ISBNISBNHardback2020[pages]97890044215239789004421530€139/US$168

Edited by William Gross, Orly Tzion, and Falk Wiesemann

Monumenta Graeca et Romana, 25 December 2019 Hardback [pages] ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044073369789004417076€106/US$128

Metaforms, 18 December 2019 Hardback (xxii, 326 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044166359789004416659€138/US$166

Aelia Capitolina –Jerusalem in the Roman Period In Light of Archaeological Research Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah, Israel Antiquities Authority



Mnemosyne, Supplements / Supplements,Mnemosyne, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 432 New Directions and Paradigms for the Study of Greek Architecture Interdisciplinary Dialogues in the Field Edited by Philip Sapirstein, University of Toronto and David Scahill, University of Athens New Directions and Paradigms for the Study of Greek Architecture collects chapters by nearly three dozen scholars who describe recent discoveries, new theoretical frameworks, and applications of cuttingedge techniques in their architectural research.

Classical Art / Jewish Art

The book discusses the history and the archaeology of Jerusalem-Aelia Capitolina in the Roman period (70–400 CE) following a chronological order. The Tenth Legion’s campsite, the urban layout, the fortifications, the necropoleis and the rural hinterland are discussed.

The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, 67 November 2019 Hardback (xvi, 382 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043700819789004370098€165/US$198

Jews, Judaism, and the Arts, 1 October Hardback2019(xii, 868 pp.)

Catalog of Catalogs: A Bibliography of Temporary Exhibition Catalogs Since 1876 that Contain Items of Judaica

Jews and Muslims Made Visible in Christian Iberia and Beyond, 14th to 18th Centuries Another Image Edited by Borja Franco Llopis, UNED, and Antonio Urquízar-Herrera, UNED

Jewish ArchitectureReligious From Biblical Israel to Modern Judaism Edited by Steven Fine, Yeshiva University Jewish Religious Architecture explores ways that Jews have expressed their tradition in brick and mortar and wood, in stone and word and spirit, from the biblical Tabernacle to contemporary Judaism. Social historians, cultural historians, art historians and philologists have come together in this volume to explore this extraordinary architectural tradition.


Edited by Arlene Allan, University of Otago, Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides, Macquarie University, and Emma Stafford, University of Leeds Herakles Inside and Outside the Church explores the reception of the ancient Greek hero Herakles (the Roman Hercules) in the predominantly Christian cultures which succeeded classical antiquity in Europe, grappling with the question of his significance in the post-classical world.

This volume aims to show through various case studies how the interrelations between Jews, Muslims and Christians in Iberia were negotiated in the field of images, objects and architecture during the Later Middle Ages and Early Modernity.

Catalog of Catalogs documents nearly 2,300 temporary exhibition catalogs, 1876-2018, that include objects of Judaica. It provides highly-detailed indices of these publications’ subjects, exhibited objects and geographical foci.

May Hardback2019 (xvi, 390 pp.) ISBN


Herakles Inside and Outside the Church From the first Apologists to the end of the Quattrocento

Revolutionary Paris and the Market for Netherlandish Art, Darius A. Spieth, Louisiana State University with a Foreword by Marc Fumaroli, Académie française, December 2017, Hardback (xxii, 514 pp., 174 fc ill.), ISBN 9789004336988, E-ISBN 9789004276758, Price € 116 / US$ 134, Volume, 3

Connecting Art Markets: Guilliam Forchondt’s Dealership in Antwerp (c.1632–78) and the Overseas Paintings Trade, Sandra van Ginhoven, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, December 2016, Hardback (ix, 288 pp., 71 fc ill.), ISBN 9789004319745, E-ISBN 9789004334830, Price € 134 / US$ 149, Volume, 1 12

Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets

The Art Market in Rome in the Eighteenth Century: A Study in the Social History of Art, Paolo Coen, University of Teramo, December 2018, Hardback (xii + 234 pp., 80 fc ill.), ISBN 9789004336995, E-ISBN 9789004388154, Price € 116 / US$ 134, Volume, 5

The Illicit Export of Artworks Out of Italy, 1861-1909

Smuggling the Renaissance: The Illicit Export of Artworks Out of Italy, 1861-1909 offers an account of the dynamics and protagonists of the Post-Unification art spoliation crisis in Italy, focusing on the intertwinement of the art trade, scholarship and protection policies.

March (xx,Hardback2018372pp., 95 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043532139789004358812€138/US$159

Ancient Marbles in Naples in the Eighteenth Century Findings, Collections, Dispersals Eloisa Dodero, Capitoline Museums, Rome In Ancient Marbles in Naples in the Eighteenth Century Eloisa Dodero aims at documenting the history of numerous private collections formed in Naples during the 18th century, with particular concern for the “Neapolitan marbles” and the circumstances of their dispersal.

Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets, 4

Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets, 7 Smuggling the Renaissance

February PriceE-ISBNISBN(approx.Hardback2020265pp.)97890044214869789004421493€121/US$146

European and North American Art Lotteries, Art Markets, and Visual Culture in the Low Countries, 15th-17th Centuries Sophie Raux, Université Lumière Lyon 2 Lotteries, Art Markets, and Visual Culture investigates lotteries as an atypical and popular form of the art trade, and as devices for distributing images and art objects, and constructing their value in the former Low Countries (15th-17th centuries).

Also available in this series: Art Crossing Borders: The Internationalisation of the Art Market in the Age of Nation States, 1750-1914, Jan Dirk Baetens and Dries Lyna, Radboud University Nijmegen, April 2019, Hardback (xv, 351 pp., 45 fc ill.), ISBN 9789004291980, Price € 127 / US$ 153, E-ISBN 9789004291997, Open Access, Volume, 6

Joanna Smalcerz

Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets, 8

Editor in Chief: Christian Huemer, Belvedere Research Center, Vienna This series accommodates scholarly monographs, collections of essays, conference proceedings, and works of reference that engage in the broadly defined topic of art markets and collecting practices throughout history. ISSN 2352-0485 SERIES

October PriceE-ISBNISBN(xxiv,Hardback2019630pp.)97890043628579789004399105€139/US$167

Dealing Art on Both Sides of the Atlantic, 1860-1940, Edited by Lynn Catterson, Columbia University, August 2017, Hardback (viii, 330 pp., 50 fc ill.), ISBN 9789004336971, E-ISBN 9789004342989, Price € 121 / US$ 140, Volume, 2

Conceptualism and Materiality. Matters of Art and Politics underscores the significance of materials and materiality within Conceptual art and conceptualism more broadly. It challenges the notion of conceptualism as an idea-centered, antimaterialist enterprise, and highlights the political implications thereof.



Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Ann-Sophie Lehmann, University of Groningen

NIKI Studies

ISSN 2542-5382

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Conceptualism and Materiality

Studies in Art & Materiality

European and North American Art August (xx,Hardback2019326pp.,79 fc ill.)

NIKI Studies


The Explicit Material focuses on objects as complex constructs of material relations, and points to the increased blurring of boundaries between practices of conservation and curation, thereby announcing a shift in sensibilities and understanding of the objects’ material significance.

Matters of Art and Politics

July (xviii,Hardback2019290 pp., 55 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043728189789004396852€119/US$144 Studies in Art & Materiality, 1

ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043728329789004404649€81/US$98 Studies in Art & Materiality, 2 December 2018 (xxvi,Hardback320 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043630529789004366282€127/US$153

Edited by Hanna B. Hölling, Francesca G. Bewer, and Katharina Ammann

Edited by Christian Berger, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London

ISSN 2468-2977

The Studies in Art & Materiality series accommodates English language scholarly monographs, collections of essays, conference proceedings, and works of reference that engage in the rich meanings of art works’ materiality.

Edited by Michael W. Kwakkelstein, Florence Published under auspices of the Dutch University Institute for Art History (NIKI) in Florence, the NIKI series publishes collections of essays and monographs on Italian art, Dutch and Flemish art, and artists in Italy and on the rich tradition of artistic exchange and mutual influence between Italy and the North.

The Explicit Material Inquiries on the Intersection of Curatorial and Conservation Cultures

Piero di Cosimo Painter of Faith and Fable Dennis Geronimus, New York University, Michael W. Kwakkelstein, NIKI, Dutch Institute for Art History, Florence Piero di Cosimo: Painter of Faith and Fable makes available the proceedings of a conference of the same name, hosted by the Dutch University Institute for Art History (NIKI), Florence, in September 2015, at the conclusion of the second of two exhibitions dedicated to Piero at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, and the Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. It is the twelfth publication in the NIKI series and the first such anthology to be published by Brill.

December 2019 (372Hardbackpp.,fc ill.) ISBN 9789004409163 Price € 134 / US$ 158 YearbookNetherlandsfor History of Art / Jaarboek,KunsthistorischNederlands69

Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / 68KunsthistorischNederlandsJaarboek(2018)

Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History

Editorial Board: H. Perry Chapman, University of Delaware, Tine Meganck, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels, Herman Roodenburg, Formerly Meertens Institute and Free University Amsterdam, and Frits Scholten, Rijksmuseum and University of Amsterdam

Het Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek / The Netherlands Yearbook of History of Art (NKJ), was founded in 1947. It is an internationally renowned, peer-reviewed annual with a reputation for publishing outstanding articles that reflect the variety and diversity of approaches to the study of Netherlandish art and culture. The NKJ aims to foster traditional art historical scholarship and to open up the field to innovative cross disciplinary developments.

Why, how, to whom and by whom was art taught? Lessons in Art provides new answers to these questions and addresses the relation between art and education in the Netherlands from 1500 all the way to the 1970s.

Edited by H. Perry Chapman, Thijs Weststeijn, and Dulcia Meijers

October (xxii,Hardback2019356pp.,188 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043538489789004407725€134/US$161

ISSN 0169-6726

YearbookNetherlandsfor History of Art / KunsthistorischNederlandsJaarboek


This volume of the NKJ explores the connoisseurship – and the connoisseur – of Netherlandish art by bringing together new research into their history, recent practice, and

Thinkingconceptualization.Bodies – Shaping Hands

Yannis Hadjinicolaou, University of Hamburg Thinking Bodies - Shaping Hands focuses on the critical as well as historical dimension of the handling of the brush and of the resulting appearance of colour on the painted surface in art and art theory from the middle of the 17th (above all from 1660) to the dawn of the 18th century in the Netherlands. More specifically, it deals with Rembrandt’s last pupils such as Arent de Gelder. „Handeling” describes an active, embodied process that is connected to the motion of the hand with the brush or with any other kind of tool. This term, up to now not sufficiently appreciated in scholarly literature, seems to be fruitful in this context. It is not so much connected with the term „style”, as with a prior step, which is equivalent to „manner”. At the same time, its meaning in Dutch till today is „action”. „Handeling” is an act that could be described as a „form-act”. It focuses on Formgestaltung, in which these actions themselves are understood as processes. Examining the „Rembrandtist ideology of painting”, this study attempts to reveal the embodied process of painting in the sense of a bodily articulation during the application of colour. This occurs within the productive tension between theory and practice.

‘Handeling’ in Art and Theory of the Late Rembrandtists

2020CATALOGBRILL European and North American Art Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / 69KunsthistorischNederlandsJaarboek(2019)

ISSN 1872-9932

Lessons in Art. Art, Education, and Modes of Instruction since 1500 Edited by Eric Jorink, Ann-Sophie Lehmann and Bart Ramakers

Connoisseurship and the Knowledge of Art

The Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History series was first published in 1997 as an appendix to the Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art which shares the same points of departure: the publication of art-historical and cultural-historical research into the Dutch visual tradition –preferably of a multi-disciplinary nature and perspective.

Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History, 15 September 2019 (406Hardbackpp.,192 fc ill.) ISBN 9789004396739 Price € 134 / US$ 158 YearbookNetherlandsfor History of Art / Jaarboek,KunsthistorischNederlands68


Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 301-40 September 2019 (vi,Hardback438pp., 217 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043613939789004410657€99/US$119

Ambitious Antiquities, Famous Forebears

Constructions of a Glorious Past in the Early Modern Netherlands and in Europe Karl A.E. Enenkel, University of Münster and Konrad A. Ottenheym, University of Utrecht

Jacob Campo Weyerman and his Collection of Artists’ Biographies

Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 309/43 June (xvii,Hardback2019479pp., 55 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043852839789004398979€159/US$191


Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 307/41

Glorious Temples or Babylonic Whores

This study is dedicated to the constructions of “national”, regional/ local antiquities in early modern Europe, 1500-1700, especially the Northern Low Countries.

The Culture of Church Building in Stuart England through the Lens of Consecration Sermons Anne-Françoise Morel, KU Leuven An account of the intellectual and cultural history of church architecture in Stuart England based upon the discourse analysis of forty consecration sermons. Augustinian Art and Meditation in Renaissance Florence The Choir Altarpieces of Santo Spirito 1480-1510 Antonia Fondaras An examination of the altarpieces originally executed for the choir of Santo Spirito in Florence and addresses the commanding influence of the church’s Augustinian Hermit friars on their composition, iconography, and purpose.

Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 300-39


Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History

Andrea Palladio, Freemasonry, and the Triumph of Minerva Michael Trevor Coughlin, University of British Columbia Michael T. Coughlin theorizes the possibility of interpreting art and architectural form as an index for Logos in Early Modern Italy, while simultaneously proposing a theory about the origin of Freemasonry from a historical perspective.

Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 308/42


Edited by Walter S. Melion, Emory University Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History is dedicated to the study of historical and contemporary works of art, in ways that reflect on the history of art, its theories and methods, and its relation to the cultural milieux in which art historians operate. SERIES

152020CATALOGBRILLHISTORYART European and North American Art

From Mythos to Logos

An Art Critic at Work Lyckle de Vries, Groningen University Weyerman’s art critical jargon and ideas on art theory are analysed in this study of his artists’ biographies (1729). Weyerman pays much attention to the artists’ lifestyle. They should live and think as merchants: a bohemian life style, he found, was pernicious. May (xv,Hardback2019334pp., 90 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043821219789004398962€129/US$155

Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 286/30 February (xxv,Hardback2019523pp.,89 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043804629789004380820€143/US$165

Ingrid Falque, FRS/FNRS - INCAL/ GEMCA - Université Catholique Louvainla-Neuve This set of two books combines the book Devotional Portraiture and Spiritual Experience in Early Netherlandish Painting with the first exhaustive catalogue of paintings with devotional portraits produced in the Low Countries between c. 1400 and 1550. The book is 336 pages, including 111 full-color illustrations; the catalogue is 952 pages, including 535 fullcolor illustrations.16

The first comprehensive analysis of the artist’s Roman ruin drawings. Three parts take us from Van Heemskerck’s training to his Roman stay and his post-Roman phase. A catalog presents Van Heemskerck’s drawings in up-to-date digital photographs.

Ingrid Falque, FRS/FNRS - INCAL/ GEMCA - Université Catholique Louvainla-Neuve

European Making Copies in European Art 1400-1600 Shifting Tastes, Modes of Transmission, and Changing Contexts Maddalena Bellavitis, Boston University A team of 16 experts underline the binds and exchanges between different contexts and artistic techniques that copies established in the Renaissance, and how the history of taste is sophisticated and complex.

Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 285/29 September 2019 Hardback (SET) ISBN 9789004409743 Price € 423 / US$ 499

Ingrid Falque, FRS/FNRS - INCAL/ GEMCA - Université Catholique Louvainla-Neuve

December 2018 (542Hardbackpp,157 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043608919789004379596€219/US$252


Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 287/31 September 2019 Hardback (660 pp.) ISBN 9789004409729 Price € 299 / US$ 360 E-ISBN 9789004409736 September 2019 (xxiv,Hardback310 pp., 106 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043697579789004397606€124/US$149

Maarten van Heemskerck’s Rome Antiquity, Memory, and the Cult of Ruins Arthur J. DiFuria, Savannah College of Art and Design

Maternal Breast-Feeding and Its Substitutes in FrenchNineteenth-CenturyArt Gal Ventura, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Gal Ventura explores the ideological sources promoting maternal breast-feeding in modern Western society, through a survey of hundreds of artworks produced in France from the French Revolution to the beginning of the twentieth century. Devotional Portraiture and Spiritual Experience in Early PaintingNetherlandish| set of printed book and printed catalogue)

Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 299-38 October Hardback2018(360 pages) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043668249789004376755€198/US$228

Devotional Portraiture and Spiritual Experience in Early PaintingNetherlandish

Devotional Portraiture and Spiritual Experience in Early PaintingNetherlandish| catalogue

and North American Art

This is the first exhaustive catalogue of paintings with devotional portraits produced in the Low Countries between c. 1400 and 1550. This printed catalogue is an appendix to the book Devotional Portraiture and Spiritual Experience in Early Netherlandish Painting. The catalogue is 952 pages in size (hardcover, full-color).

An interpretation of early Netherlandish paintings with devotional portraits according to which many of these images act as visualisation of the spiritual process of the sitters.

This collective volume examines the prevalence and variability of early modern discourses on Europe; it considers both Latin and vernacular texts from various fields of study in order to shed new light on how the concept of Europe evolved in its early days.

ISSN 1568-1181 SERIES

Leonardo Studies Editors-in-Chief: Constance Moffatt and Sara Taglialagamba Leonardo Studies establishes a forwardthinking approach to a traditional topic. The series seeks to engage with theoretical issues using a variety of methodological approaches. It also includes innovative viewpoints on the more typical problems of translation, influences, critical editions, and cultural transmission. The aim of the series is to offer diverse contributions on Leonardo da Vinci in subjects such as engineering, architecture, anatomy, and astronomy, but also painting, drawing, and sculpture, focusing on only the most recent discoveries by scholars.

Quid est sacramentum?

Edited by Nicolas Detering, University of Bern, Clementina Marsico, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Isabella Walser-Bürgler, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for NeoLatin Studies

Intersections is a peer-reviewed series on interdisciplinary topics in early modern studies. Contributions may come from any of the disciplines within the humanities, such as history, art history, literary history, book history, church history, social history, cultural history, and history of ideas. Each volume focuses on a single theme and consists of essays that explore new perspectives on the subject of study.


Visual Representation of Sacred Mysteries in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1700’ Walter S. Melion, Emory University, Elizabeth Carson Pastan, Emory University, and Lee Palmer Wandel, University of Wisconsin

Library of the Written Word

ISSN: 1874-4834

European and North American Art Ad vivum?

Edited by Thomas Balfe, University of Edinburgh, Joanna Woodall, The Courtauld Institute of Art, and Claus Zittel, Stuttgart Research Center for Text Studies Ad Vivum? explores the issues raised by this Latin term and its vernacular cognates al vivo, au vif, nach dem Leben and naer het leven with reference to a variety of visual materials produced and used in Europe before 1800. Contesting Europe Comparative Perspectives on Early Modern Discourses on Europe, 1400–1800

June xvii,Hardback2019359pp., 83 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043299429789004393998€157/US$188

Edited by K.A.E. Enenkel, Münster University

The Library of the Written Word is an international peer-reviewed book series that publishes monographs, edited volumes, source materials and bibliographies on a variety of subjects, related to the history of the book, magazines and newspapers. The series consists of three subseries, each one covering a particular period: The Manuscript World, The Handpress World, and The Industrial World.

Visual Materials and the Vocabulary of Life-Likeness in Europe before 1800

ISSN: 2352-8052

Intersections, 61 December 2019 (approx.Hardback360 pp., 41 ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043760529789004414716€115/US$139

Intersections, 67 October (xxx,Hardback2019662pp.,170 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044089379789004408944€199/US$239 Intersections, 65/1

An investigation into how sacred mysteries (in Latin, sacramenta or mysteria) were visualized in a wide range of media, including illustrated religious literature, produced in Italy, France, and the Low Countries between ca. 1500 and 1700.

Intersections Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture

Moving Women Moving Objects (400–1500)


January PriceE-ISBNISBN(approx.Hardback2020448pp.)97890044078009789004419384€125/US$151

Sacred Skin: The Legend of St. Bartholomew in Spanish Art and Literature

Andrew M. Beresford, University of Durham Sacred Skin offers the first systematic evaluation of the cult of St. Bartholomew in Spain. Focusing primarily on flaying, its five chapters explore the paradoxes of hagiographic representation and their complex and ambivalent effect on the observer.

European and North American Art

July Hardback2019 (xiv, 241pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044003999789004408401€121/US$146

The present collection forges new ground in the discussion of aristocratic and royal women, their relationships with their objects, and how they, through this material record, navigated the often-disparate spaces of Byzantium, Eastern, and Western Europe from 400 to 1500.

Investigations in Medieval Stained Glass Materials, Methods, and Expressions

Edited by Elizabeth Carson Pastan, Emory University, and Brigitte Kurmann-Schwarz, Zürich University

Mindful of already existing publications, the editors determined to foreground scholarly expertise and approaches to stained glass, as well as up-to-date bibliographies.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder Religious Art for the Urban Community Barbara A. Kaminska, Sam Houston State University In Pieter Bruegel the Elder: Religious Art for the Urban Community Barbara Kaminska offers the first book-length study of Bruegel’s biblical paintings, and argues that they were inherently linked to Antwerp’s religious, socio-economic, and cultural transformation.

Art and Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, 15 August Hardback2019(xxx, 346 pp., 96 fc ill./maps) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043634419789004399679€149/US$179 Maps, Spaces, Cultures, 2 January

Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition, 91 December 2019 (approx.Hardback288 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044000859789004417410€149/US$179

Edited by Tracy Chapman Hamilton, Virginia Commonwealth University and Mariah Proctor-Tiffany, California State University

History of Warfare, 128

A Companion to the Early Modern Cardinal

Edited by Mary Hollingsworth, Miles Pattenden and Arnold Witte

The first comprehensive overview of its subject in any language. Its thirty-five essays explain who cardinals were, what they did in Rome and beyond, for the Church and for wider society.

Medieval Fortifications in Cilicia

The Armenian Contribution to Military Architecture in the Middle Ages Dweezil Vandekerckhove In Medieval Fortifications in Cilicia Dweezil Vandekerckhove offers an account of the fortifications in the Armenian Kingdom (1198-1375). Through the examination of known and newly identified castles, this work increases the number of sites associated with the Armenians.

The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, 72 July Hardback2019 (xxii, 466 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043957259789004395718€219/US$263 Reading Medieval Sources, 3


Fragile Images Jews and Art in Yugoslavia, 1918-1945

Mirjam Rajner, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mirjam Rajner traces the lives and creativity of seven artists of Jewish origin, emphasizing their fluctuating identities, and showing how their art intertwined with the turbulent history of the region.

Studies in Armenian Art

Aspects of Israeli Visual Culture Alec Mishory In Secularising the Sacred, Mishory offers an account of Zionist Israeli artists-designers’ visual corpus and artistic lexicon of JewishIsraeli icons as an anchor for the emerging “civil religion,” through a process of giving visual form to Zionist ideas and myths.

Secularizing the Sacred

August PriceE-ISBNISBN(xxiv,Hardback2019460pp.)97890044003829789004400993€132/US$159

192020CATALOGBRILLHISTORYART European and North American Art

August PriceE-ISBNISBN(xxiv,Hardback2019262pp.)97890043868539789004400504€121/US$146

The Embodied Beholder in the History of Art, 1764-1968 Kerr Houston, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore In The Place of the Viewer, Kerr Houston offers a richly detailed chronological overview of art historians’ evolving attempts to account for the physical position of the viewer in discussing works of art.

Collected Papers

The Church of the Holy Cross of Ałt‘amar Politics, Art, Spirituality in the Kingdom of Vaspurakan

Jesuit Studies, 15 June (xii,Hardback2019270pp., 38 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044002389789004400535€112/US$135

Edited by Zaroui Pogossian, RuhrUniversität-Bochum, and Edda Vardanyan, Matenadaran of Erevan

Armenian Texts and Studies, 3 August

Changing PerformingHearts:Jesuit Emotions between Europe, Asia, and the Americas Yasmin Haskell, University of Bristol and Raphaële Garrod, University of Cambridge

PriceE-ISBNISBN(xxvii,Hardback2019407pp.)97890044052649789004405271€170/US$204 Brill’s Series in Jewish Studies, 65 January Hardback2019(xx, 328 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043293319789004385191€130/US$157

The Place of the Viewer

This volume of essays contributes to our understanding of the ways in which the Jesuits employed emotions to “change hearts”—that is, convert or reform—both in Europe and in the overseas missions.

Armenian Texts and Studies, 2 September 2019 (xxviii,Hardback446 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044088529789004408906€165/US$199 Balkan Studies Library, 26

This book discusses the celebrated church of the Holy Cross of Ałt‘amar founded by King Gagik of Vaspurakan and built in the tenth century. It analyzes this church from multiple perspectives, such as the contemporary intellectual climate, biblical exegesis, historiography, royal ideology, patronage of relics, medieval architecture and art.

Nira Stone, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Edited by Michael E. Stone and Asya Bereznyak Nira Stone (1938-2013) contributed to the understanding of mediaeval Armenian art and painting. Her interest ranged over a millennium of artistic expression, and over such fields of creativity as manuscript painting, frescos, and mosaics. The volume contains her published papers and one made newly public.

Arts and Archaeology of the Islamic World, 15 November 2019 Hardback (xii, 333 pp.) ISBN 9789004415218 Price € 125 / US$ 150 E-ISBN 9789004400351

Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture, 25 October (xvi,Hardback2019246pp.,80 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044103749789004410381€129/US$149

The present volume offers an overview of collecting and displaying Islamic art during the long nineteenth century. A section of the volume focuses on the figure of the Swiss collector Henri Moser Charlottenfels. Special attention is given to little-known collections in Eastern Europe and beyond.

Esoteric Images: Decoding the Late Herat School of Painting Tawfiq Daʿadli, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem The way painters encoded their messages in the Late Herat School of Painting and the different layers of meaning in those paintings form the core of Esoteric Images by Tawfiq Daʿadli.

Cartooning for a Modern Egypt Keren Zdafee, Tel Aviv University and Talpiot College, Hulon In Cartooning for a Modern Egypt, Keren Zdafee foregrounds the role that Egypt’s foreign-local entrepreneurs and caricaturists played in formulating and constructing the modern Egyptian caricature of the interwar years. She illustrates how these caricaturists envisioned and evaluated the past, present, and future of Egyptian society, in the context of Cairo’s colonial cosmopolitanism.

April Hardback2019 (xii, 178 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043980099789004398412€149/US$179

Arts and Archaeology of the Islamic World, 14

a Digital World


L.W.C. van Lit, O.P. If you work with digital photos of manuscripts or archival materials, Among Digitized Manuscripts provides the conceptual and practical toolbox for you to create a state-of-the-art methodology and workflow. No previous computer knowledge is required. À l’orientale: Collecting, Displaying CenturiestheArtAppropriatingandIslamicandArchitecturein19thandEarly20th

Middle Art 20

Francine Giese, Vitrocentre and Vitromusée, Romont, Switzerland, Mercedes Volait, InVisu and Victoria & Albert Museum, London, and Ariane Varela Braga, University of Zürich

Edited by Marcus Milwright, University of Victoria and Mariam Rosser-Owen, Victoria and Albert Museum

Among Codicology,Manuscripts.DigitizedPhilology,Paleography in

Arts and Archaeology of the Islamic World, 13

Caught in a Whirlwind: A Cultural History of Ottoman Baghdad as Reflected in Its Illustrated Manuscripts Melis Taner, Özyeğin University, Istanbul In Caught in a Whirlwind: A Cultural History of Ottoman Baghdad as Reflected in its Illustrated Manuscripts Melis Taner studies the cultural and artistic context of illustrated manuscript production in late sixteenth and early seventeenth Baghdad under Ottoman rule.

December 2019 (xiiHardback+210 pp., 81 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044126999789004412804€139/US$154

This series is devoted to scholarship in Islamic art and archaeology. We encourage interdisciplinary perspectives on the study of visual and material culture. The series is committed to highlighting the diverse character of Islamic art and archaeology, and to providing fundamental resources for future research and teaching in these fields.

Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, 137 November 2019 (xvi,Hardback224pp., 86 fc ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044108559789004412644€129/US$145

ISSN 2213-3844 SERIES

Arts and Archaeology of the Islamic World


This book argues that emblematic strategies play a more central role in Pre-Raphaelite poetics than has been acknowledged, and that an awareness of these strategies permits a new understanding of the movement’s engagements with ontology, religion, representation, and politics.

Contemporary Cinema, 8 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi August Hardback2019(vi, 224 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043952069789004407916€99/US$119 Cross/Cultures, 210 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi June Hardback2019 (xii, 264 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043981089789004398290€110/US$127

Postmodern Pirates Tracing the Development of the Pirate Motif with Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean

Price € 60 / US$ 65 Critical Plant Studies, 5 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

Cormac Power, Northumbria University at Newcastle Power’s Stoicism and Performance offers new perspectives on contemporary theatre and performance debates. By introducing Stoicism as a performative philosophy that radicalises forms of thinking and experience, key themes such as performativity, embodiment, emotion, affect and spectatorship are re-examined.

Tracing the figure of Black Venus in literature and visual arts from different periods and geographies, Exploring the Black Venus Figure in Aesthetic Practices discusses how aesthetic practices may restore the racialized female body in feminist, anti-racist and postcolonial terms. Plato and the Moving Image Shai Biderman, Tel Aviv University, Michael Weinman, Bard College Berlin Plato and the Moving Image shows how and why debates in the philosophy of film can be advanced through the study of the role of images in Plato’s dialogues, and vice versa.


Edited by Jorunn Svensen Gjerden, University of Bergen, Kari Jegerstedt, University of Bergen, and Željka Švrljuga, University of Bergen

Costerus New Series, 227 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi December 2019 Hardback [pages] ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044160869789004416093€121/US$146

Value Inquiry Book Series / Philosophy of Film, 332 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

Why Look at Plants?

January Hardback2019(xxvi, 282 pp.) ISBN AugustPriceE-ISBN97890043752469789004375253€196/US$2262019: Paperback ISBN 9789004409583

The Botanical Emergence in Contemporary Art Written and Edited by Giovanni Aloi, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Why Look at Plants? proposes a thoughtprovoking look into the emerging cultural politics of plant-presence in contemporary art through the original contributions of artists, scholars, and curators who have creatively engaged with the ultimate otherness of plants in their work.

A Joyful Materialism

Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

Susanne Zhanial Postmodern Pirates offers a comprehensive analysis of Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean series and the pirate motif in British literature and Hollywood movies through the lens of postmodern film theories.

Heather McAlpine

November 2019 (approx.Hardback280 pp., 80 ill.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044076339789004407640€116/US$140

November 2019 Hardback (x, 174 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044095389789004409545€94/US$113

Stoicism and Performance


Exploring the Black Venus Figure in Aesthetic Practices

Emblematic Strategies in Pre-Raphaelite Literature

Brill PerspectivesResearchin Art and Law, 2/4 August 2019 Paperback (vi, 96 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044110749789004411098€70/US$84

March 2019 Paperback (vi, 82 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043982839789004398276€70/US$80

Edited by Keith Williams, University of Dundee, Sophie Aymes, Université de Bourgogne, Jan Baetens, University of Leuven, and Chris Murray, University of Dundee Art and Science in Word and Image explores how discovery and innovation have functioned inter-dependently across art, literature and the sciences, focusing on engagements with natural forms and forces, and other fields of knowledge across a spectrum of creative media.

May 2019 Paperback (vi, 87 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044075659789004407589€70/US$84

Brill PerspectivesResearchin Art and Law, 3/1


Art and Science in Word and Image Exploration and Discovery

November 2019 Hardback (xiv, 217 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044158749789004415881€99/US$119 Australian Playwrights, 18 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi January Hardback2019(xxii, 352 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890043611029789004361119€129/US$149 Word and Interactions,Image9 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

Brill PerspectivesResearchin Popular Culture, 1/1 September 2019 Hardback (xiv, 322 pp.) ISBN PriceE-ISBN97890044113719789004411401€149/US$179 Studies in Religion and the Arts, 15

Memes and the Future of

Law and Images

Richard Murphet, University of Melbourne In Acts of Resistance in Late-Modernist Theatre, Richard Murphet closely analyses the working processes of three groundbreaking late-modernist artists: Richard Foreman, Jenny Kemp and Richard Murphet. He examines their methodologies as writer/directors to gain a deeper understanding of recent experiments in theatre practice.

Maurizio Ferraris, University of Turin

Marcel Danesi, University of Toronto Pop culture may be on the verge of disappearing because of the advent of meme culture as a major platform for the delivery of trends in the arts.

The dematerialization of contemporary artworks is only apparent. They highlight their link with contract and a character proper to the artworks of all times and types: a document dimension. As a consequence, this is not a break with traditional art.

Pop Culture

From Fountain to Moleskine The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Producibility

Scorsese and Religion

Edited by Christopher B. Barnett, Villanova University and Clark J. Elliston, Scheiner University Scorsese and Religion explores and analyzes the religious vision of filmmaker Martin Scorsese’s oeuvre, showing that Scorsese cannot be properly understood without reflecting on the ways that his religious interests are expressed in and through his art.

Thomas Dreier, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and University of Freiburg Following an interdisciplinary approach linking image and legal sciences, Law and Images attempts to outline a research field “Law and Images” in parallel to the wellestablished “Law and Literature”. It also systematizes images in law, of law and for law. Acts of Resistance in LateModernist Theatre Writing and Directing in Contemporary Theatre Practice

Editorial Board: Jan Dirk Baetens, Radboud University, Yvonne Bleyerveld, RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History, Edwin Buijsen, Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, Nils Büttner, The Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Volker Manuth, Radboud University, Tine Meganck, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Ingrid Vermeulen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, John Bezold (Online Review Editor), University of Amsterdam

– Netherlands Institute for Art History

TIJANA ŽAKULA Gerard de Lairesse in Portuguese: The Groot schilderboek in Lisbon and Rio OH_132_02-03_cover_print.indd 1-3 10-10-19 08:46

Oud Holland is published four times a year. Every volume is richly, full colour, illustrated, and has at least 200 pages. Most texts in Oud Holland are printed in English. Articles in other languages, like Dutch, French or German, have an English summary.

Selection of Abstracting & Indexing: Art Abstracts, ERIH PLUS, Scopus, TOC Premier, Web of Science

Oud Holland

2019 2/3 volume 132 Journal for Art of the Low Countries

Editor-in-Chief: Elmer Kolfin, University of Amsterdam Managing Editor: Menno Jonker, RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History

Many other well-known art historians have served as editor of the periodical.

Journals 23

Oud Holland Journal for Art of the Low Countries Since 1883 ISSN 0030-672x paper version ISSN 1875-0176 online

ŠTEPÁN VÁCHA The picturesque motif of the rotunda in the work of Roelandt Savery MICHIEL VAN GROESEN Abraham Willaerts: Marine painter of Dutch Brazil and the Atlantic world LEEN KELCHTERMANS & KATHARINA VAN CAUTEREN Business partner in The Hague: New archival document about Jacques Jordaens INEKE WOLF From fox to donkey: A hidden political satire on Oliver Cromwell by Cornelis Saftleven PAUL BEGHEYN S.J. An unknown letter of Daniel Seghers from 1660 regarding sketches by Peter Paul Rubens TIM LUBBERS Art for the Court: A new interpretation of Gerard de Lairesse’s paintings for the Court of Appeal of Holland (1688-1689)

Advisory Board: Maryan Ainsworth, Thomas Da Costa Kauffmann, Rudi Ekkart, Marjan Sterckx, Jørgen Wadum 133, in 4 issues ISSN 0030-672X / E-ISSN 1875-0176 Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 198 / US$ 232 Print only: € 218 / US$ 255 Electronic & print: € 238 / US$ 278 Individual Subscription rates Electronic & print: € 94 / US$ 118 HollandOud 132volume2/32019

Art & Perception Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas Brill Research Perspectives in Art and Law Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and the Arts ExplorationsExperiment in Renaissance GreekCultureand Roman Musical Studies JournalIMAGESof Avant-Garde Studies Journal of Japonisme OudNunciusHolland – Journal for Art of the Low Countries Religion and the Arts 25 25 26 26 27 26 27 27 25 24 28 23 28

Oud Holland is published by Brill in cooperation with the RKD - Netherlands Institute for Art History.

Oud Holland is the oldest surviving arthistorical periodical in the world. Founded by A.D. de Vries and N. der Roever in 1883, it has appeared virtually without interruption ever since. Supported by the RKD –Netherlands Institute for Art History since 1972, it is entirely devoted to the visual arts of the Low Countries from 1400 until early 20th century and has featured thousands of scholarly articles, including numerous pioneering art-historical studies. From 1885 to his death in 1946, the renowned art historian Dr. Abraham Bredius set a standard of excellence for Oud Holland

Oud Holland – Journal for Art of the Low Countries


Journals Journal of Japonisme

Editor-in-Chief: Gabriel P. Weisberg, University of Minnesota

The Journal of Japonisme is a multi-disciplinary, global publication and dedicated to all aspects of the Japonisme movement from the first appearance of the name in France in the 1870s until the 21st century. The journal is open to new ideas and findings from wherever they might be found. Submitted manuscripts coming from the most wide ranging disciplines of the humanities: history, visual culture including the history of art and design, the decorative arts, painting and the graphic arts, architecture, fashion, film, literature, aesthetics, art criticism, and music, will beconsidered if they show how Japanese art and culture influenced and permeated Western society and culture from the opening of Japan to the West in the 1850s until the 21st century. Additionally, articles addressing Japanese art and artistic cross-cultural relations within the Asian region may also be submitted. Articles on various collectors of Japanese art in the West, either specific museums or individuals, will be strongly considered, as it was through these collections that Western artists gained a broad familiarity with works that they could study. While Japonisme has long been seen as a significant influence on Western culture, there has never been an international journal that would specifically examine all aspects of this cultural phenomenon from a variety of disciplines and angles, ánd in a global perspective. This is one of the principal reasons why the emergence of this publication is so essential. The increasing awareness of Japonisme among scholars, and now the general public, make it essential that a publication is initiated so that various viewpoints can be shared. This is now a field of scholarly consideration that must be examined in depth through a journal solely dedicated to this type of exchange of ideas. 5, in 2 issues ISSN 2405-4984 / E-ISSN 2405-4992 Subscription rates Electronic only: € 174 / US$ 204 Print only: € 191 / US$ 224 Electronic & print: € 209 / US$ 245 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 59 / US$ 72 24

Editor-in-Chief: Benedikt Hjartarson,

ISSN 2589-6369 / E-ISSN 2589-6377 Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 236 / US$ 268 Print only: € 260 / US$ 295 Electronic & print: € 283 / US$ 322 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 79 / US$ 90

Art & Perception an international journal of art and perception science 1, in 2 issues

Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 331 / US$ 379 Print only: € 364 / US$ 417 Electronic & print: € 397 / US$ 455 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 111 / US$ 135

Selection of Abstracting & Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), ERIH PLUS 8, in 4 issues ISSN 2213-4905 / E-ISSN 2213-4913

Journal of Avant-Garde Studies


Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas

Editors-in-Chief: Alexandra Chang, New York University and Alice Ming Wai Jim, Concordia University Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas is a peer-reviewed journal that features multidisciplinary scholarship on intersections between visual culture studies and the study of Asian diasporas across the Americas. Perspectives on and from North, Central and South America, as well as the Pacific Islands and the Caribbean are presented to encourage the hemispheric transnational study of multiple Americas with diverse indigenous and diasporic populations. The broad conceptualization of the Americas as a complex system of continual movement, migratory flows and cultural exchange, and Asian diaspora as an analytical tool, enables the critical examination of the historically underrepresented intersections between and within, Asian Canadian Studies, Asian American Studies, Asian Latin American Studies, Asian Caribbean Studies, and Pacific Island Studies.

Editors: Claus-Christian Carbon, University of Bamberg, Germany, Jan Koenderink, Leuven, Belgium, Robert Pepperel, Cardiff, UK, and Johan Wagemans, Leuven, Belgium

The purpose is not to minimize or erase the differences between the arts and sciences, which are grounded in venerable histories that are in many ways necessarily distinct. Rather, the ambition of the journal is to combine the differing methods and insights of artists and scientists in order to expand our knowledge of art and perceptual experience in a way that neither could do alone.

University of Iceland Published twice annually, the Journal of Avant-Garde Studies is an interdisciplinary forum for critical discussion of the experimental, the outrageous, and the unclassifiable in the arts and literature, from the heyday of modernism to today. The perspective is global, the theoretical approaches are diverse, and the eligible subjects range from the famous to the forgotten. JAGS seeks to broaden and enrich our history of the vanguard.

The main objective of Art & Perception is to provide a high-quality platform to publish new artwork and research in the multidisciplinary emerging bridge between art and perception. As such it aims to become the top venue to explore the links between the science of perception and the arts, and to bring together artists, researchers, scholars and students in a unified community that can cooperate, discuss and develop new scientific perspectives in this complex and intriguing new field. 4, in 4 issues ISSN 2468-886X / E-ISSN 2468-8878 Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 280 / US$ 344 Print only: € 308 / US$ 378 Electronic & print: € 336 / US$ 413 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 140 / US$ 171

Selection of Abstracting & Indexing: Bibliography of the History of Art, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Web of Science), MLA Bibliography, Scopus, World Shakespeare Bibliography


Explorations in Renaissance Culture is a biannual, multidisciplinary scholarly journal devoted to all disciplines of study in the early-modern/Renaissance period: literature, history, art and iconography, music, cultural studies, etc. Articles are published in English and are fully refereed, using a double-blind review process. ERC is published in cooperation with the < SouthCentral Renaissance Conference.

Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and the Arts 4, in 4 issues ISSN 2468-4295 / E-ISSN 2468-4309 Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 280 / US$ 344 Print only: € 308 / US$ 378 Electronic & print: € 336 / US$ 413 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 140 / US$ 171

Brill Research Perspectives in Art and Law Editors in Chief: Prof. Tiziana Andina, University of Turin, Italy, Prof. Gianmaria Ajani, University of Turin, Italy, and Prof. Dr. Werner Gephart, University of Bonn, Germany

Editor: Andrew Fleck, University of Texas at El Paso Assistant Editor: Jonathan Reid, East Carolina University

Editor-in-Chief: Diane ApostolosCappadona, Georgetown University Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and the Arts presents extended reference articles on topics within the comprehensive field of world religions and the arts, from the traditional fine arts to newer fields of visual culture and material culture. References will be hyperlinked to original source materials when possible, offering both scholars and students the opportunity to stay current with the literature or to begin their research. Written as a singleauthor monograph with accompanying critical bibliography, each 50 to 100 page article provides an overview of the specific topic, its history within the larger discipline of religion and the arts, recent innovations in scholarship, critical commentary, and the unique analysis of the author’s perspectives.

Explorations in Renaissance Culture

The interdisciplinary English language journal Art and Law aims to gather outstanding contributions to the fascinating debate at the intersection of art and law. The focus of the journal involves all the aspects (philosophical, juridical, sociological, technological and cultural) characterizing the relationship between art and law. Each issue will be intended as a monographic volume devoted to a specific Availabletopic. issues 3.1 Thomas Dreier: Law and Images 2.4 Maurizio Ferraris: The Laws of the Aesthetic 2.3 Andrea Baldini: I Fought the Law and the Law Swanned: Art and Law in the Post-Graffiti Era 2.2 Adam Andrzejewski and Mateusz Salwa: Law and TV Series 2.1 Angela Condello: Between Ordinary and Extraordinary. The Normativity of the Singular Case in Art and Law 1.2 Tiziana Andina: What is Art? The Question of Definition Reloaded 1.1 Peter Goodrich: Imago Decidendi. On the Common Law of Images 46, in 2 issues ISSN 0098-2474 / E-ISSN 2352-6963 Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 186 / US$ 218 Print only: € 205 / US$ 240 Electronic & print: € 223 / US$ 262 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 62 / US$ 73

Experiment A Journal of Russian Culture

Selection of Abstracting & Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), ERIH PLUS, Jewish Studies Source, Scopus 13, in 1 issue ISSN 1871-7993 / E-ISSN 1871-8000 Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 166 / US$ 200 Print only: € 183 / US$ 220 Electronic & print: € 199 / US$ 240 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 55 / US$ 72

The Editorial Board will also consider contributions on music elsewhere in the Mediterranean region, including Egypt, Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia. Crossdisciplinary approaches will be particularly appreciated.

Selection of Abstracting & Indexing: RILM abstracts, ERIH PLUS, L’Année Philologique, ANVUR Category A, in 2 issues ISSN 2212-974X / E-ISSN 2212-9758 Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 255 / US$ 290 Print only: € 281 / US$ 319 Electronic & print: € 306 / US$ 348 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 85 / US$ 100

Editor-in-Chief: John E. Bowlt, University of Southern California Experiment, an annual journal devoted to Russian culture, focuses on the movements of the early twentieth century. These include both traditional and non-traditional avenues of academic enquiry, such as studio painting and graffiti, sculpture and ballroom dancing, architecture and commercial advertising. It is hoped that broader examination of such disciplines within critical discourse will provide a stronger and more precise definition of Russia’s cultural accomplishment. Supervised by an editorial board of international stature, Experiment emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing upon archival sources while promoting and documenting the history of the Russian arts. The journal recognizes the achievements both of Imperial and Soviet Russia and of the diaspora. Prepared by a guest editor or editors, each volume of Experiment consists of essays treating a particular theme or idea. Experiment is published under the auspices of the Institute of Modern Russian Culture at the University of Southern California.

Selection of Abstracting & Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), ERIH PLUS, Current Abstracts, TOC Premier 26, in 1 issue ISSN 1084-4945 / E-ISSN 2211-730X Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 218 / US$ 256 Print only: € 240 / US$ 282 Electronic & print: € 262 / US$ 307 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 73 / US$ 91

Greek and Roman Musical Studies is the first and, at present, the only specialist periodical in the fields of ancient Greek and Roman music. It publishes papers offering cultural, historical, theoretical, archaeological, iconographical and other perspectives on music in Classical antiquity, and on its reception in later times (especially the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, but also more recent periods).

A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture Editors: Steven Fine, Margaret Olin and Maya Balakirsky Katz IMAGES invites scholarly articles on Jewish art and visual culture, ranging in time from Greco-Roman antiquity to the present day. Articles may concentrate on any geographical area in which Jewish participation had an impact, and any discipline, including architecture, painting, sculpture, treasury arts, book arts, graphics, textiles, photography and film, and other areas of the visual environment. In addition, IMAGES welcomes articles on historiography and theory, as well as textual studies that reflect on the themes of the Issuesjournal.of IMAGES include 4-5 articles, reviews of books and exhibitions, and notices of scholarly conferences or symposia on Jewish Art.



Greek and Roman Musical Studies Edited by Eleonora Rocconi, Università di Pavia, Italy

Editor-in-Chief: Maria Conforti, Rome University Sapienza Nuncius is a peer-reviewed, international journal devoted to the historical role of material and visual culture in science. Nuncius explores the material sources of scientific endeavor, such as scientific instruments and collections, the specific settings of experimental practice, and the interactions between sciences and arts. The materiality of science is a fundamental source for the understanding of its history, and the visual representation of its concepts and objects is equally crucial. Nuncius focuses on the exploration of increasingly-varied modes of visual description of observed reality. Founded in 1976, Nuncius was originally published as Annali dell’Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza A rich review section covers the main contributions to the field.

Religion and the Arts Editor: James Najarian, Boston College Launched by Boston College in late 1996, Religion and the Arts has rapidly developed into a major new international journal in this important interdisciplinary field. Religion and the Arts promotes the development of discourses for exploring the religious dimensions of the verbal, visual and performing arts. The journal has attracted international acclaim for its approach and its excellent quality and range of interest.

Selection of Abstracting & Indexing: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Current Abstracts, ERIH PLUS, PubMed, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index 35, in 3 issues ISSN 0394-7394 / E-ISSN 1825-3911 Institutional Subscription rates Electronic only: € 489 / US$ 573 Print only: € 538 / US$ 630 Electronic & print: € 587 / US$ 688 Individual Subscription rates Print or Electronic only: € 163 / US$ 185

Religion and the Arts publishes: - interpretations that develop new approaches to the religious and spiritual aspects of works of art - discussions on the role of religion in cultural studies - critical overviews of the state of scholarship in particular areas - reviews, interviews, comment, debate, and surveys of recent developments

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Nuncius Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science

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