De Gruyter - Social Sciences and Economics 2020 Catalogue

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The images on our catalogues are the product of a design competition that is carried out each year by De Gruyter in cooperation with Lette Verein Berlin, a vocational training association. Participants designed a series of images that visually interpret the topic “impulse”. We would like to thank the Jonas Leue for his winning entry. His images show various snapshots of light and sparks, representing the impulse that scholarly literature provides to support progress in society.

Ihr/Yours sincerely, Copy Date/Redaktionsschluss 02/2020 Cover Jonas Leute Die Cover der Kataloge von De Gruyter präsentieren den Siegerentwurf eines Grafikwettbewerbs, den der Verlag in Kooperation mit dem Lette-Verein Berlin jährlich durchführt. Die Aufgabe war, eine Motivserie mit dem Thema „Impulsgeber“ zu entwickeln und diesen Begriff visuell zu interpretieren. Die Motive sollten sich als Fortsetzung über alle Katalogcover durchziehen. Wir danken dem Gewin ner Jonas Leue für seine gelungene Umsetzung. Sein Entwurf zeigt verschiedene Momentaufnahmen von Lichtquellen und Funken, stellvertretend für den Impuls, der von wissenschaftlicher Literatur für den gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt ausgeht.

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Ich freue mich, Ihnen auch dieses Jahr wieder ein spannendes Spektrum unserer Neuerscheinungen vorstellen zu dürfen. Mittlerweile zeichnen sich die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit, De Gruyter als einen Verlag für die englischsprachigen Wirtschaftswissenschaften zu etablieren, deutlich ab. Unsere Bücher, die sich sowohl an akademische Forscher als auch an Praktiker richten, fokussieren in diesem Jahr auf die Schwerpunktthemen Innovation, Finanzen und die Zukunft der Arbeit. Als Highlights zu nennen wären dabei unsere Playbooks, The Innovator’s Dictionary oder auch die Encyclopedia of electronic HRM Ich lade Sie ein, in unserem Katalog zu stöbern. Auch im Namen meines Teams bedanke ich mich für Ihr Vertrauen, Ihr Interesse und die gute Zusammenarbeit!

Dear Readers, I am pleased to present you again our exciting spectrum of new releases. Meanwhile you can also see the results of our work to establish De Gruyter as a publishing house for the English-speaking business and economics products. This year’s main topics of our books, which are aimed at academic researchers as well as business professionals, are innovation, finance and the future of work. Highlights are our Playbooks, The Innovator’s Dictionary and the Encyclopedia of electronic HRM Please accept my invitation to browse our catalogue. On behalf of the entire team, I would also like to thank you for your trust and support!

Dr. Stefan Giesen Programmleiter und Senior Acquisitions Editor Economics & Social Stefan.Giesen@degruyter.comSciences

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Elena G. Popkova, Marina L. Alpidovskaya (Eds.) HUMAN



Part 1 This book explores the social consequences of digitization. The authors discuss the role of the human in modern digital society, elucidating as sociated problems and perspectives. The scientific concept of “homo digital” is developed, and the essence of its formation in the evolution of “homo economicus” is studied. The transition from the post-industrial to the information society is also considered. Technological progress; socio-economic paradigm; high-tech society; Industry 4.0; future Elena G. Popkova, Moscow State Institute of International Relations Marina Alpidovskaya Financial University, Russian Government Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020 InterdisciplinarySeries Thought of the 21st Century 1 Approx. 230 pp., 23 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-063221-7 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063614-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-063239-2

Part 2 This book develops a socio-economic paradigm of the future in the context of digital transforma tion. The challenge of economic openness posed by the globalization of the world economic system is considered with reference to modern Russia. The book also explores the tendency towards the “archaization” of socio-economic relations, which is connected with the gradual replacement of inef fective institutions by new ones. Technological progress; socio-economic paradigm; high-tech society; Industry 4.0; future Elena G. Popkova, Moscow State Institute of International Relations Marina Alpidovskaya, Financial University, Russian Government Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020 InterdisciplinarySeries

Part 3 This book determines the specific features of the socioeconomic transformation of various spheres of the national economy with a focus on the financial system. It considers the development of industrial holdings in the power sector and also studies the influence of technology on aquaculture in modern Russia. The global factors of using digital technolo gies at the municipal level during the creation of “green” and “smart” cities are analyzed. Technological progress; socio-economic paradigm; high-tech society; Industry 4.0; future Elena G. Popkova, Volgograd State Technical University, Russia; Marina Alpidovskaya, Financial University under the Government, Russia Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020 InterdisciplinarySeries Thought of the 21st Century 1 Approx. 240 pp., 30 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-069205-1 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-069207-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-069211-2 Elena G. Popkova, Marina Alpidovskaya (Eds.) HUMAN


Thought of the 21st Century 1 Approx. 220 pp., 42 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-069203-7 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-069208-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-069210-5

Elena G. Popkova, Marina Alpidovskaya (Eds.) HUMAN


Globalization is continuing apace through the phe nomena of techno-globalization, which includes the internationalization of R&D and patent activities. This monograph explores this topic while focusing on European and global lead markets. In addition to the dynamics of ICT in Asia, it addresses markets for renewable energy, sustainable construction, and public procurement, while also considering the challenge posed by structural change in the EU. Techno-globalization; lead markets; ASEAN countries; renewable energy; sustainable construction; e-healthcare Paul J. J. Welfens, Bergische Universität Wuppertal Monograph, German, 2nd quarter 2020 EuropäischeSeries Integration, Nachhaltigkeit und Digitale Weltwirtschaft 11 Ca./Approx. 278 S./pp., 82 Abb./fig. Geb./HC € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 91.00978-3-11-058020-4 eBook € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-058321-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-058055-6


[EU Structural Change, Lead Markets, and Techno-Globalization]

This textbook enhances the knowledge gained in basic economics courses through numerous and diverse practice exercises, helping to prepare read ers for examinations. The fourth edition has been expanded to include complete examinations from a range of exam groups (pure multiple-choice exams, exams with essay questions, as well as examina tions of varying length).


Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium 4., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage Ca./Approx. 230 S./pp., 32 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 24,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 28.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 22.50978-3-11-067387-6

Helmut Wagner, Hilke Turke

VWL-KLAUSUREN [Economics Examinations: A Book of Exercises] Ein Übungsbuch Das vorliegende Buch vertieft das in Vorlesungen erworbene Wissen zu den Grundlagen der Volks wirtschaftslehre anhand zahlreicher und vielfältiger Übungsaufgaben und bereitet somit auf Klausuren vor. Die vierte Auflage wird um vollständige Klau suren (für verschiedene Klausurgruppen – reine MC-Klausuren und Klausuren mit offenen Fragen sowie verschiedene Klausurdauern) erweitert.

Demystifying Global Macroeconomics presents macroeconomics in the context of models for decision-making and offers a strategic business focus using business applications, concrete business examples, and an approach to macroeconomic theory via markets. It demonstrates how macro economics can help leaders make better business decisions. Macroeconomics; Global economics; Exchange rates; Central bank; Supply and demand; Balance of payments; Cybercurrency; Financial statements; Inflation; Money supply John E. Marthinsen, Professor of Economics and International Business, Babson College, MA, USA Specialist Text, English, 1st quarter 2020 3rd 846Editionpp.,80 fig. Pb. RRP € 120.99 / *US$ 139.99 / *£ 110.00 ISBN 978-1-5474-1760-5 eBook RRP € 120.99 / *US$ 139.99 / *£ 110.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0143-7 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0146-8

Microeconomics; macroeconomics; economic policy; globalization Helmut Wagner, FernUniversität in Hagen; Hilke Turke, FernUniversität in Hagen

Die Beiträge in diesem Sammelband, unter an derem auch Branchenanalysen, sind Teil des von der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung geförderten Projektes: „EU-Strukturwandel, Leitmärkte und TechnoGlobalisierung“. Leitmärkte; ASEAN-Länder; Erneuerbare Energien; Nachhaltiges Bauen; Digitale Gesundheitswirt schaft

John E. Marthinsen

Mikroökonomik; Makroökonomik; Wirtschaftspoli tik; Globalisierung


Paul J.J. Welfens (Hrsg./Ed.)


[The Energy Industry: An Introduction to Theory and Politics] Einführung in Theorie und Politik

Alberto Asquer

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) regained consid erable interest in the last decade and they currently provide a fundamental scheme for the financing and delivery of public services also in developing countries. Building on an analytical framework of the political economy of the PPP ecosystem and on several cases of PPP from many countries, this book looks at how the political nature of PPPs af fects the design and management of PPP projects.

Heinz-J. Bontrup, Ralf-M. Marquardt, Philipp Gabsch

In diesem Lehrbuch wird das ökonomische Grundverständnis zum Thema „Energie“ allgemein und über die einzelnen Teilmärkte für fossile und regenerative Energieträger schrittweise erarbeitet. Dafür werden ökonomische Zusammenhänge der Energiewirtschaft in ihren Grundzügen dargestellt und auf verschiedene Bereiche und Fragestellun gen angewandt. Die 4. Auflage berücksichtigt alle Neuentwicklungen in der Energiewirtschaft. Energiebilanzen; Klimaschutzpolitik; Regulierung; Fossile Brennstoffe; Erneuerbare Energien

Das Lehrbuch zeigt vor dem Hintergrund einer kri tischen mikro- und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Analyse alternative wirtschaftspolitische Ansätze auf, die von der vorherrschenden Mainstream-Ökonomie negiert werden. Verhaltensökonomik; Neue Institutionelle Ökono mik; Postkeynesianismus This textbook provides an introduction to nonmainstream, “heterodox” schools of economic thought and policy. It considers micro- and mac roeconomic analyses as well as analyses native to ordo-liberalism (including economic democracy). Europe and the European Union’s economic policy are a major focus of the textbook. New institutional economics; complexity econom ics; Post-Keynesianism; regulatory theory



Textbook, German, 4th quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium Ca./Approx. 500 S./pp., 60 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 29,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 34.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 27.00978-3-11-061918-8 **eBook € 300,– [D] /UVP/RRP *US$ 350.00 /UVP/ ePUBPDFRRP *£ 272.50ISBN978-3-11-061937-9ISBN978-3-11-061955-3

This textbook offers a step-by-step presentation of basic energy economics in general as well as the subsectors of fossil fuels and renewable energy. It illustrates the fundamental economic intercon nections of the energy industry and applies these insights to various areas and issues. The 4th edition includes consideration of all new developments in the energy industry. Energy trading; energy sources; renewable energy; climate policy Andreas Löschel, Universität Münster; Dirk Rübbelke, TU Freiberg; Wolfgang Pfaffenberger; Wolfgang Ströbele; Michael Heuterkes Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium 4., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Neuauflage Ca./Approx. 450 S./pp., 97 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 39,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 45.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 36.50978-3-11-055632-2 **eBook € 400,– [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 460.00 / UVP/ RRP *£ 363.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-055633-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-055647-6

Andreas Löschel, Dirk Rübbelke, Wolfgang Ströbele, Wolfgang Pfaffenberger, Michael Heuterkes

Heinz-J. Ralf-M.MarquardtBontrup;,Westfälische Hochschule Recklinghausen; Philipp Gabsch

[Heterodox Economics: An Introduction] Eine Einführung

Public-private partnerships; public sector manage ment; public finance; developing countries; public services Alberto Asquer, SOAS University of London, UK Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020 Approx. 250 pp., 20 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064112-7 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064547-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064134-9



Current Practice and Future Trends

This book provides researchers with vital informa tion that will deepen their understanding of UK shareholder activism and ownership discourse based on research carried out over a six-year period proceeding from reviews of archival resources, interviews with asset owners such as hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, mutual funds and individual investors, as well as proxy advisors. Ownership Discourse; Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Issues; Responsible Investment; Shareholder Activism; Corporate Governance Posi Olatubosun, University of East London, UK; Jill Atkins, University of Sheffield, UK Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Corporate Governance 3 Approx. 250 pp., 24 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064657-3 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065332-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064675-7



Aida Sy, Anthony Tinker (Eds.)

This book offers a panoramic view of the state of management research and practice in Africa. One of its objectives is to recognize current advances in management, applied economics and organizational research in some of the 54 nations that form the continent. The focus will be on new developments across the region with a particular emphasis on the defining cultural and traditional elements and inno vations that make African management different. African management; economics; organization theory; innovation; entrepreneurship Aida Sy, Farmingdale State College,New York, USA; Anthony Tinker, Baruch College, New York, USA Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in African Management and Economics 1 Approx. 190 pp., 11 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-062533-2 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062902-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062546-2 Warren Maroun, Dannielle Cerbone

GOVERNANCECORPORATE IN SOUTH AFRICA This book will provide an overview of corporate governance in South Africa. Including an overview of the history of corporate governance and sum mary of the key provisions of South Africa’s codes on corporate governance from 1994 to 2016. Consequences of good governance; Determinants of good governance; South African governance Warren Maroun; Dannielle Cerbone, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Corporate Governance 2 Approx. 256 pp., 35 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-061828-0 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062126-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-061833-4


Business practices for a sustainable future

Albrecht Fritzsche; Julia M.Jonas; Angela Roth; Kathrin M.Moeslein, FriedrichAlexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 Approx. 300 pp., 43 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-062821-0 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063366-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062997-2

The new potential for interactive value creation across organizational boundaries Open labs provide spaces for interaction across or ganizational boundaries. They play an increasingly important role in participatory innovation activities. The book investigates how open labs are designed, implemented and managed. It brings together con tributions from experts in the fields of engineering, design, strategy, information systems and market ing research as well as practitioners from an open lab in Germany and their business partners. Open Laboratories; Innovation Management; Service Innovation; Value Co-Creation; Innovation Platforms and Ecosystems

Alexander Brem, Peter M. Bican, Christine Wimschneider (Eds.)

This research monograph answers the question how sustainability driven entrepreneurs (ecopreneurs) deliver their sustainability goals through their busi ness practices. The research draws on data from 12 case studies set within the food industry. The analysis takes a firm level and a supply chain level perspective and provides insights to the intercon nected nature of sustainability goals within and across firms. Sustainable entrepreneurship; sustainable supply chain management; ecopreneurship; food systems; sustainable development Niels Robert Schneider, University of Bristol, UK Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter

Niels Robert Schneider



BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 6 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access

Numerous education policies and corporate initia tives have recently been aimed at getting women interested in STEM. However, little is known about the impact of these measures on working with innovation and technology: What gender-specific differences exist that need to be recognized, valued and treated accordingly, or even encouraged? This anthology analyses current topics in technology management from a gender perspective. Gender, Innovation Behaviour, Gender Differences, Gender Gap, STEM Differences A. Brem, University of Stuttgart; P. M. Bican; C. Wimschneider, Erlangen-Nuremberg,Friedrich-Alexander-UniversityGermany


Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3 Approx. 210 pp., 34 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-068458-2 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068463-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-068469-8

Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth, Kathrin M. Möslein (Eds.)

Insights from Experimental Research

Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2 Approx. 110 pp., 16 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-059079-1 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-059395-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-059114-9


Rupert Strachwitz, Eckhard Priller, Benjamin Triebe

[Handbook of Civil Society] Die Zivilgesellschaft ist zum vieldiskutier ten Begriff geworden. Sie soll die Demokratie schützen, der Politik Impulse geben, zur Lösung vieler Weltprobleme beitragen, aber auch konkrete Dienstleistungen erbringen. Doch was verbirgt sich eigentlich hinter diesem Begriff? Das Handbuch ist ein Kompendium zur Herkunft, Theorie, Empirie, zu den Organisationen, der globalen Perspektive und den aktuellen Entwicklungen des Phänomens CivilZivilgesellschaft.societyhasbecome a subject of frequent discussion. It is called upon to protect democracy, stimulate political life, and help to solve many of the world’s problems, while at the same time also providing tangible services. But what truly lies behind this term? This Handbook discusses the origin, theory, empirics of civil society, includ ing organizations, global perspectives, and recent developments. Zivilgesellschaft; Dritter Sektor; Bürgergesell schaft; Engagement Rupert Graf Strachwitz; Eckhard Priller; Benjamin Triebe, Maecenata Institut Reference Work, German, 2nd quarter 2020 MaecenataSeries Schriften 18 Ca./Approx. 300 S./pp., 3 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 49,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 57.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 45.50978-3-11-055129-7 eBook € 49,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 57.99 / UVP/RRP PDF*£ 45.50ISBN 978-3-11-055347-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-055140-2




As Islamic finance experiences rapid growth, its advocates are touting it as an ethical alternative to existing financing practices. This handbook elucidates the theoretical and ethical foundations of Islamic economics and finance, demonstrating how it can promote economic and social justice, and thus usher in an equitable society. Ethics; Spirituality; Trust; Morality; Islamic Finance A. Mirakhor, retired Prof. of Economics&Finance, USA; Z. Iqbal, Islamic Development Bank, USA; K. Sadr, Shaid Beshti University, Iran Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Islamic Economics, Finance and Business 5 Approx. 640 pp., 7 fig. HC RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00 ISBN 978-3-11-059042-5 eBook RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-059341-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-059054-8

Configuring search and select processes to avoid disruption The book explores how organisations, especially in the STM publishing sector, manage new product development focused innovation across a portfolio of core, adjacent and breakthrough environments. The focus is on the search and select phases of the innovation process, and how incumbents identify and validate a range of opportunities. Innovation; New Product Development; Innova tion Portfolio Management; Peripheral Vision; Forecasting Bill Russell, University of Exeter Business School, UK Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 4 Approx. 180 pp., 11 fig. HC RRP € 86.50 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 78.50 ISBN 978-3-11-065334-2 eBook RRP € 86.50 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 78.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065732-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-065338-0

This book covers different aspects of green bank ing in a comprehensive way by not only offering theories and principles but also providing practical how-to guidelines to adopt green banking practices. It is a useful resource to financial sector profession als and scholars in the field of sustainable financing and banking. Green banking; Sustainable finance; Responsible banking; Sustainable banking; Green finance Suborna Barua, Assistant Professor, University of Dhaka and Sessional Lecturer, Federation University Australia Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2020

TheSeries(Moorad Choudhry) Global Banking Series 1 Approx. 250 pp., 17 fig. HC RRP € 64.95 / *US$ 74.99 / *£ 59.00 ISBN 978-3-11-066113-2 eBook RRP € 64.95 / *US$ 74.99 / *£ 59.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-066431-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-066129-3

John Louis Rishad Zinkin

*US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-061837-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-061863-1

Suborna Barua THE PRINCIPLES OF GREEN BANKING Managing Environmental Risk and Sustainability

Wiebke Uhlenbruch

BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 8 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access

*US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 91.00978-3-11-061800-6 eBook € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP

Better Governance Across the Board is a practical guide that explores the dilemmas that currently exist in modern approaches to corporate gover nance and suggests ways of overcoming them. It integrates key principles of leadership, ethics, branding, and governance into a unique five-factor framework to help directors make good decisions in strategy, risk management, succession planning, internal controls, and stakeholder engagement. Corporate governance; Reputation; Strategy; Risk; Succession; Talent; Controls; Stakeholders; Leadership; Ethics; Branding; Board of Directors; Fiduciary; Regulation

SMART DATA [Smart Data: Systems for Analyzing Information in Building Planning, Construction, and Operation] Systematik zur Analyse von Informationen in Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Immobilien Im Lebenszyklus einer Immobilie ist es fundamen tal, dass Informationen zum richtigen Zeitpunkt der richtigen Stelle vorliegen. In dieser Forschungsar beit wird eine Methodik vorgestellt, um Informa tionsanforderungen in verschiedenen konkreten (Projekt-)Situationen in der Immobilienerstellung und -verwaltung zu ermitteln. Diese Methodik kann als Grundlage für eine Optimierung des Informa tionsmanagements oder die Einführung von BIM genutzt werden. Informationen im Bauwesen; Informationsma nagement; Building Information Modelling (BIM); Informationsanforderungen; Auftraggeber-Infor mations-Anforderungen (AIA) Over the lifecycle of a building it is crucial that information is present at the right time and place. This study presents methods for determining information requirements at the various stages of building construction and maintenance. These methods can be used as a foundation for optimizing information management and introducing BIM.


John Louis Rishad Zinkin, Managing Director, Zinkin Ettinger Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Specialist Text, English, 2nd quarter 2019

Wiebke Uhlenbruch, Universität Stuttgart Monograph, German, 4th quarter 2019 SchriftenreiheSeries Bauökonomie 6 188 S./pp., 23 Abb./fig. Geb./HC € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP

Creating Value Through Reputation, People, and Processes

TheSeriesAlexandra Lajoux Corporate Governance Series 420 pp., 25 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-1-5474-1711-7 eBook RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0093-5 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0095-9



TheSeriesAlexandra Lajoux Corporate Governance Series Approx. 275 pp., 25 fig. Pb. RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 ISBN 978-1-5474-1651-6 eBook RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0039-3 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0041-6

TheSeriesAlexandra Lajoux Corporate Governance Series Approx. 200 pp., 100 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-1-5474-1647-9 eBook RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0031-7 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0037-9 Marti Tirinnanzi

Barbara Chatzkel

What Stakeholders Say About the Revolution


TheSeriesAlexandra Lajoux Corporate Governance Series Approx. 300 pp., 25 fig. Pb. RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066668-7 eBook RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067000-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-066670-0

Barbara Chatzkel, President, New River Group, USA Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2020

How to Speak it – and Read it

Business Body Language discusses the five busi ness broadcast centers (face, feet/legs, arms, torso and hands/fingers), how they interrelate, and how to coordinate body language with the spoken word so as to communicate effectively in business and professional settings. Body language; Interview; In person; Facial expres sion; Eye contact; Nonverbal


This book presents a range of viewpoints concern ing the true role of the board of directors from a variety of perspectives using interviews of impor tant and well-known experts who are members of boards of directors or who are in positions to influence them. Board of directors; Regulation; Governance; Sustainability; Corporate Deborah Hicks Midanek, CEO & Chairman, Solon Group, Inc., USA Specialist Text, English, 2nd quarter 2020

THE WORLD – AND YOUR ECONOMIC LIFE Record gains in value and the introduction of regu lated online Bitcoin trading platforms prove that Bitcoin and Blockchain have become mainstream in today’s economy. How Bitcoin and Blockchain Are Changing the World explains the virtual cur rency as well as the cryptographic technology protocol used for digital payments transmitted over the Internet. Cyber currency; BitCoin; Blockchain; ICOs; Ethereum; Money laundering; Virtual currency Marti Tirinnanzi, President, Financial Standards, Inc., Washington, D. C., USA Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2020

Deborah Hicks Midanek

Automotive design is a creative process used to define the physical appearance of motor vehicles, encompassing interior and exterior design. This book aims to provide a better understanding of the needs and expectations of 21st century customers by providing a toolbox of automotive appropriate human centred design methods to answer any given automotive design question. Automotive Design; Human Centred Design; Codesign; Ergonomics; Human Factors Voula Gkatzidou, Imperial College London, UK; Joseph Giacomin, Brunel University, UK; Lee Skrypchuk, Jaguar Land Rover, UK Specialist Text, English, 2nd quarter 2020 Approx. 127 pp., 104 fig. Pb. RRP € 39.95 / *US$ 45.99 / *£ 36.50 ISBN 978-3-11-067736-2 eBook RRP € 39.95 / *US$ 45.99 / *£ 36.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067751-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067756-0



Daniel Graewe (Ed.)

This book describes, explains and analyzes the nature and extent of bribery in international busi ness and efforts to combat it. Drawing on scholarly studies, it uses case studies and evaluates bribery practices across industries and countries. Corruption; Bribery; Corruption; Extortion; Inter national crime; International law; International economics Rajib Sanyal, Professor of Management and Dean, Willumstad School of Business, Adelphi University, New York, USA Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2020 220 pp., 50 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-068091-1 eBook RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068099-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-068107-9

Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2020 Approx. 250 pp., 50 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-066551-2 eBook RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-066618-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-066571-0 Voula Gkatzidou, Joseph Giacomin, Lee Skrypchuk

BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 10 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access

An International Comparison Advisory boards have gained increasing impor tance – especially in medium-sized enterprises. Such boards offer various advantages related to shareholder relief, consulting know-how, and marketing. There are also various ways to imple ment, structure, legally constrain, and dissolve such boards. Given this backdrop, this book analyses the legal structure and framework of advisory boards in different countries. Small and medium-sized companies; Advisory Board; Supervisory Board; Comparison of Law; Corporate Governance Daniel Graewe, Lawyer and Director of the Institute for Applied Business Law at Nordakademie Hochschule der Wirtschaft.



Innovation Management in IT Companies In the ever-changing world of IT, it is challenging to create and maintain innovation culture. With experience of working in 3 different companies as an innovation manager the author provides a fresh perspective on innovation management in an IT environment. A software development environment gives many possibilities for innovation, but also puts some constraints to innovation process which can be bypassed bringing success to the company.

Digital Transformation; Digital Economy; Digital Business; Digital Innovation; Agile Delivery Alan W. Brown, University of Exeter Business School, UK Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 228 pp., 14 fig. Pb. RRP € 25.95 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066008-1

Innovation Management; Creativity; Software Development; Business Process; Idea Management Tomislav Buljubašić, Innovation Consultant and Software Engineer at Enea, Croatia Specialist Text, English, 2nd quarter 2020 Approx. 140 pp., 34 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-065306-9 eBook RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065444-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-065462-2 Jakob R. Müller


Tomislav Buljubašić


Alan W. Brown

[The Emergence of Governance in the Cooperative – A Hybrid Organizational Form: An Empirical Study Using the Example of Energy Cooperatives in EineGermany]empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Energiegenossenschaften in Deutschland

Jakob R. Müller forscht seit 2010 zu Energiegenossenschaften, wobei er sich insbesondere mit ihrer Governance beschäftigt. Monograph, German, 4th quarter 2019 404 S./pp., 21 Abb./fig. Geb./HC € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 91.00978-3-11-061329-2 eBook € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-061115-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-061356-8

This study contributes to the further refinement of transaction cost theory. It develops a model focused on the complex process of balancing security con cerns in order to persuade members of a coopera tive to agree to a transaction.

Diese Studie trägt zur Weiterentwicklung der Transaktionskostentheorie bei. In der Arbeit wird ein Modell entwickelt, in dessen Mittelpunkt ein komplexer Ausgleich von Handlungssicherheit steht, um Genossenschaftsmitglieder zu überzeu gen, in eine Transaktion einzuwilligen. Energiegenossenschaft; Grounded-Theory-Metho de; Transaktionskostentheorie; Regressionsanalyse; Governance-Entstehung

A Manager’s Guide to the Digital Revolution This book provides the background to help under stand the context and key themes of the emerging digital economy. It gives the reader a framework for appreciating the critical implications of the drive to adopt digital technologies in business and offers practical insights to guide the digital transformation being undertaken by today’s organizations.


The Maverick’s Quest for Outstanding Profit and Customer Satisfaction


The Coming Wave of Innovation in Finan cial Services with Thought Leadership Provided by CEOs Using over 100 interviews with thought leading CEOs, this book discusses how innovative thinking can be used as a disruptive weapon to attack incum bents and create effective new fintech models. Financial services; Entrepreneurs; Innovators; Fintech; Disruption James Deitch, CEO, Teraverde Management Advisors, USA Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 256 pp., 15 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064941-3 eBook RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065047-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-065143-0

The Encyclopedia of electronic HRM is a com prehensive research-based reference resource with about seventy entries on core e-HRM areas and key concepts. From electronic selection to HR analyt ics, from e-HRM implementation to HRIS cultural differences – each entry reflects the views of an expert in the field. Human Resource Information Systems; Electronic HRM; Implementation; HR Strategy; System Func tionalities Tanya Bondarouk, University of Twente, Netherlands; Sandra Fisher, Clarkson University, USA Dictionary, English, English, English, 3rd quarter 2020 Approx. 350 pp., 30 fig. HC RRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00 ISBN 978-3-11-062899-9 eBook RRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063370-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062998-9

James Deitch


BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 12 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access James Deitch

Tanya Bondarouk, Sandra Fisher (Eds.)


This book provides a clear explanation of the nec essary cultural and technological transformations in the mortgage banking industry to create high customer satisfaction, improved employee reten tion, lower costs and increased profit. Banking; Mortgage banking; Real estate mortgage; Fintech; Digital transformation James Deitch, CEO, Teraverde Management Advisors, USA Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2020 2nd Approx.Edition280 pp., 10 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064795-2 eBook RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064840-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064880-5

Agustín Rubini

Jörg Böttcher (Ed.) GREEN BANKING Realizing Renewable Energy Projects

Renewable Energy; Climate Change; Sustainability; Power Purchase Agreements; Green State Invest ment Banks; Energy Yield Assessments Jörg Böttcher, HSH Nordbank AG, Hamburg, Germany Collection, English, 3rd quarter 2020 700 pp., 166 fig. HC RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00 ISBN 978-3-11-060462-7 eBook RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-060788-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-060569-3

Inspiring Tales from the Entrepreneurs that are Changing Finance

Green Banking is the first guide to cover all the disciplines necessary for the realisation of renew able energy projects. It focuses on cost competi tive, mature technologies and on the procedures for developing, financing and implementing such utility projects. The book discusses aspects relevant to any form of renewable energy and is a reference guide to understanding the behaviour of the differ ent project stakeholders.

Post-Crisis Bank Regulations and Financial Market Liquidity This book addresses the implications for finan cial-market liquidity of post-crisis capital and failure-resolution rules for systemically important banks and argues that current rules do not allow for potential levels of market efficiency and financial stability. Finance; Market liquidity; Financial regulation; Banking Darrell Duffie, Dean Witter Distinguished Professor of Finance, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2020 Approx. 120 pp., 25 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067302-9 eBook RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067305-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067312-8


Do you have an idea for a fintech company but don’t know where to start? Fintech Founders provides 100 lessons from successful fintech entre preneurs which will help you understand the chal lenges and opportunities of applying technology to solving problems in the financial services industry. This book is for both entrepreneurs and for people working inside of large organizations. Fintech; Financial technology; Financial services technology; Money online; Online payment; Online insurance; Insurtech; Investing online; Wealth man agement online; Wealthtech; Regtech; Cybercrime; Digital lending; Digital commerce; Ecommerce; E-commerce Agustín Rubini, Director at Banking Innovations, UK Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 598 pp., 75 fig. Pb. RRP € 20.99 / *US$ 24.99 / *£ 19.99 ISBN 978-1-5474-1729-2 eBook RRP € 21.99 / *US$ 25.99 / *£ 20.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0114-7 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0122-2



Darrell Duffie

BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 14 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access CJ Meadows

Nicolas Vandeput

Integrating Economic and Safety Perspectives This collection of papers on safety risk manage ment places special focus on situations with the potential for substantial reward but also with the possibility of immense losses and extreme conse quences. The book consists of two parts: chapters covering fundamental concepts and approaches, and chapters illustrating the application of these fundamental principles. Information systems risk; organizational risk; project management risk; risk management safety; safety Kurt J. Engemann, Iona College, USA; Eirik B. Abrahamsen, University of Stavanger, Norway Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2020 Approx. 220 pp., 47 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-063378-8 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063818-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-063405-1

Kurt J. Engemann, Eirik B. Abrahamsen (Eds.) SAFETY MANAGEMENTRISK

OPTIMIZATIONINVENTORY Models and Simulations Inventory Optimization argues that in order to opti mize inventory policies, we have to use probabilis tic simulations. It explains how to implement these models and simulations step-by-step, starting from simple deterministic ones to complex probabilistic multi-echelon optimization. Inventory; Supply chain; Python; Inventory simula tions; Inventory optimization Nicolas Vandeput, Founder, SupChains; Co-founder SKU Science, Belgium Specialist Text, English, 2nd quarter 2020 320 pp., 10 fig. Pb. RRP € 42.99 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067391-3 eBook RRP € 42.99 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067394-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067399-9

Combining Innovative Ideas to Create High Impact Solutions Fusion, the cooperative use of assets of two or more parties to create outstanding products, in business, technology, and the arts can release massive value, creating whole new companies, industries, and hu man capabilities. This book studies 30 “innovators” who have collectively created billions of dollars’ worth of business value, as well as new advances in the arts and sciences that bring joy to the world and can save millions of lives. Innovation; Creativity; Entrepreneurship; Business; Management CJ Meadows, Director, i2i – The Innovation & Insights Center, S.P. Jain School of Global Management, Singapore Specialist Text, English, 1st quarter 2020 498 pp., 50 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-1-5474-1776-6 eBook RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0150-5 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0154-3


Sarah Lai-Yin Cheah (Ed.)



James Deitch


This book discusses how to strategically transform a real estate lender’s business to increase efficiency and profits using case studies of twenty-five mort gage banking industry leaders who are changing the industry by leveraging proactive strategies and solutions. Mortgage banking; Lending; Fintech; Mortgage strategy; Real estate James Deitch, CEO, Teraverde Management Advisors, USA Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2020 2nd Edition 280 pp., 10 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064797-6 eBook RRP € 33.99 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064802-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064884-3

The Innovator’s Dictionary provides an overview of 555 of the most important innovation methods and tools. Each one is explained step by step and expanded with a lot of additional information such as results of the methods, collected experiences, presumed innovation capabilities as well as numer ous illustrations. An elaborated search system supports the selection of suitable methods for the particular context.

Christian Buchholz, Benno van Aerssen (Eds.) THE DICTIONARYINNOVATOR’S

The book highlights challenges of conducting fore sight in various stages, the range of foresight tools and resources available to formulate strategies to address the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of the future operating environment. Systemic foresight methodology; Patent analyt ics; Scenario stories; Commercialization strategy; Robotics Sarah Lai-Yin Cheah, National University of Singapore Specialist Text, English, 1st quarter 2020 129 pp., 15 fig. Pb. RRP € 29.85 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067290-9 eBook RRP € 29.85 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067291-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067292-3

Innovation Management; Design Thinking; Idea Development; Innovation Toolbox; Professional Innovation Christian Buchholz, Verrocchio Institute, Duesseldorf, Germany; Benno van Aerssen, Verrocchio Institute, Duesseldorf, Germany Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2020 Approx. 900 pp., 640 fig. HC RRP € 99.00 / *US$ 113.99 / *£ 90.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067721-8 eBook RRP € 99.00 / *US$ 113.99 / *£ 90.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067728-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067731-7

Accelerating Technological Change

Jerry Angrave

A Critical Inquiry into the Theory and Practice of Marketing

The author engages with the vital conversation about how marketing knowledge is created, dis seminated and consumed, looking beyond the traditional reification of practice in theory and verification of theory in practice. The history and future of marketing knowledge is examined with the aid of instructive illustrations and insightful first-hand experience. Tacit knowledge; Explicit knowledge; Marketing Theory; Marketing Practice; Connection and disconnection Terence David Smith, Practitioner with over 20 years experience in a broad range of senior B2B Marketing positions, UK Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2020 235 pp., 19 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-063114-2 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063170-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-063189-0

Jerry Angrave, Founder and CEO of Empathyce, UK Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2020 Approx. 208 pp., 40 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064111-0 eBook RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064133-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064202-5



BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 16 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access


Customer journey mapping; customer experience; client journey mapping; employee experience; employee journey mapping

A Practical Guide for Harnessing New, Novel or Game Changing Breakthroughs Creating ideas is not the problem, but selecting the most valuable and implementing them in your or ganisation, that is the real challenge. This book pro vides practical solutions to helping practitioners to evolve their organizations to support breakthrough innovations – by bringing the new, practical tools and frameworks to support more radical challenges. Radical Innovations; Organisational Structures and Processes; Innovators; Entrepreneurs; Innovation Management Olga Kokshagina, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia; Allen Alexander, University of Exeter, UK Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2020 Approx. 280 pp., 30 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064129-5 eBook RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064150-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064206-3

A Practical Guide to Preparing, Facilitating and Sharing the Value of Customer Journey Mapping

Full of tips, the book will give those looking to map journeys plenty of ideas, tools and confidence.

This book shows how to create better customer experiences and, in turn, better business. It guides the reader step-by-step to understand why journey mapping is important and how it works. The frame work explains how to prepare and facilitate journey mapping and, crucially, places it in the wider con text of the CX programme and business strategies.

Olga Kokshagina, Allen Alexander


Die Entwicklung zehn erfolgreicher Start-ups von der Gründung bis zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit wird in diesem Band nachvollzogen. Dabei stehen konkrete Entscheidungen der Gründer und Faktoren, die den Erfolg der Unternehmen maßgeblich beeinflusst haben, im Fokus. Die zehn Fallstudien, erarbeitet von der Manchot Graduiertenschule „Wettbewerbs fähigkeit junger Unternehmen“, zeigen die Vielfalt und Dynamik der Düsseldorfer Gründerszene auf. Start-up; Entrepreneurship; Gründerszene; Wettbe werbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen

Barnim Jeschke

Einführung in eine konzeptionell fundierte, pragmatische Entscheidungsfindung Managen heißt Entscheiden. Ein zunehmend kom plexes Unternehmensumfeld erfordert analytischen Sachverstand und antizipativen Weitblick. Dieses Buch beleuchtet die Hintergründe und Strukturen unternehmerischer Entscheidungssituationen, um dann für Analyse und Umsetzung hilfreiche Konzepte zu erörtern. Die Neuauflage wurde um weitere Themen wie „Entscheidungsunterstützende Instrumente“ oder „Komplexitätsmanagement“ erweitert.


To manage means to decide. As the corporate envi ronment becomes ever more complex, it demands an analytic objectivity and an anticipative world view. This book elucidates the background and structure of corporate decision-making situations, in order to develop helpful concepts for analysis and implementation. The new edition had been ex panded to include further themes, such as ‘decision support tools’, and ‘complexity management’.

[Decision-oriented Management: An Introduction to Conceptually Grounded Pragmatic Decision-making]


Eva Lutz, Stefan Süß (Hrsg./Eds.)

Klaus Brockhoff, Alexander Brem FORSCHUNG ENTWICKLUNGUND

Barnim G. Jeschke, FOM Hochschule München Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 2., erweiterte Auflage Ca./Approx. 300 S./pp., 35 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 24,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 28.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 22.50978-3-11-063813-4

Decision Support Tools; Entscheidungsmanage ment; Entscheidungsprozess; Umfeldkomplexität

**eBook € 250,– [D] /UVP/RRP *US$ 290.00 /UVP/ ePUBPDFRRP *£ 227.50ISBN978-3-11-063819-6ISBN978-3-11-063923-0

[Research and Development: The Planning and Organization of R&D PlanungManagement]undOrganisation des F&E-Managements

Das Management von Forschung und Entwicklung ist eine der wichtigsten unternehmerischen Funktio nen, insbesondere in technologieorientierten Bran chen. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet dieses Buch einen umfassenden Überblick aller strategischen, operativen und taktischen Maßnahmen, die für ein erfolgreiches F&E-Management notwendig sind. Darüber hinaus werden bewährte Tools und Best Practices vorgestellt, welche im F&E-Management eingesetzt werden. Forschung und Entwicklung; Technologiemanage ment; Innovationsmanagement; Produktentwick lung; F&E Management

The management of research and development is one of the most important functions that corpora tions must undertake, especially those in technol ogy branches. This book offers a comprehensive overview of all the strategic, operative, and tactical measures necessary for successful R&D manage ment along with proven tools and best practices.

This book details the development of ten successful start-ups, from initial founding to market success. It places a particular focus on the decisions made by the founders, as well as the factors influencing busi ness performance. The ten case studies contained in this volume highlight the diversity and dynamism of Düsseldorf’s start-up scene. Start-up competitiveness; business administration; innovation; entrepreneurship Eva Lutz, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf. Stefan Süß, Heinrich-HeineUniversität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf. Specialist Text, German, 2nd quarter 2020 Ca./Approx. 120 S./pp., 29 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 29,80 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 34.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 27.00978-3-11-066382-2 eBook OPEN ACCESS PDF ISBN düsseldorf978-3-11-066383-9universitypress

[Start-up ErfolgreicheSuccessfulCompetitiveness:DüsseldorfFirms]DüsseldorferUnternehmen

Alexander Brem, Universität Stuttgart; Klaus Brockhoff, Otto Beisheim School of Management Textbook, German, 4th quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium 6., überarbeitete Auflage Ca./Approx. 400 S./pp., 75 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 39,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 45.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 36.50978-3-11-060065-0 **eBook ePUBPDFRRP *£ 363.50 € 400,– [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 460.00 /UVP/ISBN978-3-11-060066-7ISBN978-3-11-059971-8

Product Life-Cycle Theory; Location Theories; EPRG Model; Uppsala Model of Internationaliza tion; Market Entry Strategies Mario Glowik, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany Textbook, English, 3rd quarter 2020 3rd completely revised and updated Edition Approx. 250 pp., 50 fig. Pb. RRP € 38.95 / *US$ 44.99 / *£ 35.50 ISBN 978-3-11-065067-9 **eBook RRP € 400.00 / *US$ 460.00 / *£ 363.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-065311-3 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-065313-7


[Strategic Management Tools: Principles and Applications] Grundlagen und Anwendung

BCG matrix; EFQM model; SWOT analysis; VRIO framework Herbert Paul, Hochschule Mainz; Volrad Wollny, Hochschule Mainz Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium 3., überarbeitete Auflage Ca./Approx. 420 S./pp., 84 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 34,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 40.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 32.00978-3-11-057955-0 **eBook ePUBPDFRRP *£ 318.00 € 350,– [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 400.00 /UVP/ISBN978-3-11-057956-7ISBN978-3-11-057986-4

[Fundamentals of Management Consulting: Structures, Concepts, and StrukturenMethods]–Konzepte

Herbert Paul, Volrad Wollny

Mario Glowik MARKET STRATEGIESENTRY Internationalization Theories, Concepts and Cases New firm cases such as Delivery Hero and Tesla contribute to broaden the books’ global industry fo cus. Particular attention is paid on the case studies developed to exercise in light of business practice what is theoretically taught and explained in the textbook. Through its link to digital learning tools such as charts available to the public at YouTube this new edition provides also best pre-requisites for distance learning environments.

BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 18 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access

– Methoden Das Lehrbuch gibt einen fundierten Einstieg in die Beratungsbranche und vermittelt die wichtigsten Management-Tools und -techniken. Mit einem kla ren didaktischen Aufbau, vielen Beispielen aus der Praxis und Übungsaufgaben gibt der Autor seine Erfahrungen weiter. Digitale Transformation; Change Management; Unternehmensstrategie; Beratungsprozess; Pro jektcontrolling

Das Buch stellt die wichtigsten Instrumente des strategischen Managements vor. Es erklärt die Ent wicklung und den theoretischen Hintergrund und die Vor- und Nachteile der jeweiligen Instrumente. In der 3. Auflage wurden zusätzliche Instrumente, wie z. B. der Business Model Canvas, Trendana lyse oder KPI’s neu aufgenommen. Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Strategieinstrumente und auf die Strategieentwicklung insgesamt wird thematisiert. BCG-Matrix; EFQM-Modell; SWOT-Analyse; VRIORahmen

The textbook offers a solid introduction to the consulting sector, imparting essential management tools and techniques. It is organized clearly and di dactically, and the author passes along his personal experience through numerous real-life examples and practice exercises. Digital transformation; change management; business strategy; consulting process; project management Dirk Lippold, HU Berlin, SRH Hochschule Berlin, FOM Berlin Textbook, German, 4th quarter 2019 2., überarbeite Auflage 507 S./pp., 203 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 24,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 28.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 22.50978-3-11-068008-9 **eBook € 250,– [D] /UVP/RRP *US$ 290.00 /UVP/ RRP *£ 227.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068010-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-068020-1

The textbook presents the essential tools of strategic management. For each tool, it explains the development and theoretical background, and describes its advantages and disadvantages. The third edition includes newly added tools, such as the business model canvas, trend analyses, and key performance indicators. It discusses the overall impact of digitalization on strategic development.


Doris Berger-Grabner, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria Textbook, English, 4th quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium Approx. 300 pp., 20 fig. Pb. RRP € 34.95 / *US$ 40.99 / *£ 32.00 ISBN 978-3-11-054383-4 **eBook RRP € 350.00 / *US$ 402.99 / *£ 318.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-054382-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-054395-7 Rainer Gildeggen, Barbara Lorinser, Andreas Willburger, Felix Buchmann, Tobias Brönneke, Claudius Eisenberg, Simone Harriehausen, Ulrich Jautz, Ralph Schmitt, Kerstin Schweizer, Anusch Tavakoli, Brigitte Thäle, Andrea Wechsler


Doris Berger-Grabner

The textbook presents a process-oriented view of production and logistics that includes both the company-centered and the enterprise-wide perspec tive. The enterprise-wide presentation includes the elements of supply-chain management. Thus, the book helps the student stay abreast of the growing complexity of value-creation processes. Value creation; logistics; inventory; supply chain management; planning and control systems Hans Corsten, TU Kaiserslautern; Ralf Gössinger, TU Dortmund Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 2., überarbeitete Auflage Ca./Approx. 350 S./pp., 50 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 29,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 34.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 27.00978-3-11-065880-4

Mit diesem Lehrbuch stellen die Autoren die für Betriebswirte relevanten rechtlichen Regelungen an zahlreichen Praxisfällen vor. Die juristische Metho de und der Umgang mit dem BGB werden anhand von typischen betrieblichen Risikolagen und deren Bewältigung lebensnah vermittelt. Die Neuauflage berücksichtigt aktuelle Entwicklungen in Gesetz gebung und Rechtsprechung (zum Beispiel im Kaufrecht den Käuferregress in Lieferketten). Leistungsstörungen; Kaufvertrag; Werkvertrag; Delikte; Eigentumserwerb

Hans Corsten, Ralf Gössinger


Dem Lehrbuch liegt eine prozessuale Sicht der Produktion und Logistik zugrunde, wobei neben einer unternehmungsfokussierten auch eine unter nehmungsübergreifende Betrachtung vorgenommen wird. Durch die unternehmungsübergreifende Sicht werden Aspekte des Supply Chain Management einbezogen. Damit wird der zunehmenden Kom plexität von Wertschöpfungsprozessen Rechnung getragen. Wertschöpfungsprozess; Kapazität; Lagerbestand; Supply Chain Management

The authors of this textbook introduce the statutory regulations of relevance to business economists using numerous case examples. They realistically present the legal methodology and engagement with the German Civil Code by describing the man agement of a firm’s typical risk exposures. The new edition includes consideration of recent develop ments in legislation and case law. Contract law; purchase contracts; contract for work and services; employment contract; agency contract; partnership agreements; loan agree ments; acquisition of property Rainer Gildeggen; Barbara Lorinser; Andreas Willburger u. a., Hochschule Pforzheim.

Textbook, German, 1st quarter 2020 4., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage 426 S./pp., 10 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 29,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 34.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 27.00978-3-11-064698-6 **eBook € 300,–  [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 350.00 /UVP/ ePUBPDFRRP *£ 272.50ISBN978-3-11-064825-6ISBN978-3-11-064830-0


Strategic Retail Management; Retail Marketing; Brand Management; E-Tailing; Branding and Consumer Behaviour

[Production and Logistics Management: A Process-oriented Introduction] Eine prozessorientierte Einführung

[Commercial Private Law: Compact Knowledge for Business Economists] Kompaktwissen für Betriebswirte


This textbook covers major retailing topics and contemporary issues in retailing and branding, including many cases and practical examples. Besides introducing strategic planning in retailing and fundamentals of the marketing mix in retailing, it builds on e-tailing and digitalization and explains trends and developments in consumer behavior and consumers’ purchase decisions, especially in the fast moving consumer goods market.


[The Psychology of Future-Facing Human Resources Development: A Textbook with Case Studies, from Start-Ups to Large LehrbuchCorporations]mitFallbeispielen

vom Start-Up bis zum Großkonzern Evidenzbasierte Personalentwicklung ist ein zentraler Baustein für einen nachhaltigen Unter nehmenserfolg. Ausgehend von den Grundlagen evidenzbasierten Handelns wird das Konzept einer psychologisch fundierten Personalentwicklung dargestellt. Fallbeispiele in Form von Best Practices von Start-ups bis zu Großkonzernen verdeutlichen die Umsetzung zukunftsfähiger Personalentwick lung. Personalentwicklung; Evidenzbasiert; Human Resources; Best Practice; Diagnostik Human resources development is a cornerstone of long-term corporate success. This work describes an evidence-based psychological approach to hu man resources development. Case studies illustrate best practices for future-facing human resources de velopment in businesses of all sorts, from start-ups to large corporations. Employee development; evidence-based HR; best practice; diagnostics Matthias Hudecek, FOM München Textbook, German, 2nd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium Ca./Approx. 250 S./pp. Br./Pb. € 34,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 40.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 32.00978-3-11-057207-0 **eBook € 350,– [D] /UVP/RRP *US$ 400.00 / UVP/ RRP *£ 318.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-057208-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-057217-9

Axel Bänsch, Dorothea Alewell

The textbook offers detailed advice and rules for each step in developing a scientific research project. It also describes typical assessment criteria and the rules of good scientific practice. New features in the current edition include suggestions for conducting research using modern media, particularly online and with databases, and for documenting the results in literature management programs. Term paper; Bachelor/Master thesis; citation; writing Axel Bänsch; Dorothea Alewell, Universität Hamburg Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium 12., überarbeitete Auflage Ca./Approx. 150 S./pp. Br./Pb. € 19,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 22.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 18.00978-3-11-069199-3


Matthias Hudecek


Das Buch präsentiert detailliert Hinweise und Regeln für die einzelnen Entstehungsschritte einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit und stellt häufig verwen dete Beurteilungskriterien und die Regeln guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis vor. Neu in der aktuellen Auflage finden sich Hinweise für die Recherc hearbeit mit Hilfe moderner Medien, insbesondere Online und in Datenbanken, und deren Ergebnisdo kumentation in Literaturverwaltungsprogrammen. Seminararbeit; Bachelorarbeit; Masterarbeit; Schreiben; Zitieren

**eBook € 200,– [D] /UVP/RRP *US$ 230.00 /UVP/ ePUBPDFRRP *£ 182.00ISBN978-3-11-069201-3ISBN978-3-11-069213-6

[Academic Research Practices] Unter Mitw. v./In coop. with Tobias Moll

Going Books50,000 bookarchive

D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY


HC RRP € 99.00 / US$ 113.99 / £ 90.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067721-8 eBook RRP € 99.00 / US$ 113.99 / £ 90.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067728-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067731-7

09/2020. Approx. 900 pages, 640 fig., 50 schedules

Each method described in the dictionary has been based on the practical experience of innovation professionals

Christian Buchholz is a highly experienced management consultant and trainer as well as an international speaker on leadership, innovation and change. As a management consultant, he has worked in 21 different countries across a wide variety of industries and a multitude of companies ranging from medium-sized businesses to large corporations.

Christian is now a four-time entrepreneur and knows the challenges of start-ups as well as those experienced in large corporations. He is founder and managing director of the “Verrocchio Institute for Innovation Competence”.

Equipped with a unique and intelligent search system

The largest collection and overview of innovation methods and tools available

The Innovator’s Dictionary provides an overview of 555 of the most important innovation methods and tools. Each one is explained step by step and expanded with additional information such as results of the methods, collected experiences, presumed innovation capabilities as well as numerous illustrations. A comprehensive search system supports the selection of suitable methods for the particular context. It includes many well-known and widely used methods and tools such as: Brainstorming, Brainwriting, Mind Map, Business Model Canvas and 5 Whys as well as less commonly used methods such as Innovation Digging, Convergence Map, Dreamscape and Squiggle Birds.

Benno van Aerssen started his rst company in the Internet business in 1996. He has a wealth of experience as an innovation coach, management consultant and lateral thinker for international companies and brands. He is also a partner in the “Verrocchio Institute for Innovation Competence”. His customers call him the “innovation artist” and his experience is based on more than 10 years of focused work in the innovation business throughout Europe, North and South America with over 1,000 workshops and knowledge of many hundreds of methods.

Christian Buchholz, Benno van Aerssen (Eds.)


[D] [D]   

Hiking, mountain sports and outdoor initiatives play an increasingly key role as leisure healthy activities linked to sport. More and more studies on sports and physical activity focus their attention on these practices that combine activity in the natural environment, heritage and sport. This is a col laborative research publication on the latest issues from a European perspective. Hiking; Mountain Sports; Outdoor Activities; Leisure Markets; Landscape PabloVidal-González, Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Tourism 7 Approx. 165 pp., 13 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-066015-9 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-066071-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-066084-5

A Critical Discourse on a Global Industry

The book aims to compare how tourism is shaped in different countries as a result of their governance systems. Each chapter will be about one country, describing its recent contemporary tourism policies and how this shapes its engagement with the tour ism industry. Tourism Destinations; Tourism Governance; Tourism Development; Tourism Impacts; Interna tional relations Amir Gohar, University of California, Berkeley, USA Monograph, English, English, English, 4th quarter DeSeries2020Gruyter Studies in Tourism 3 Approx. 300 pp., 72 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-063377-1 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063814-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-063406-8

Amir Gohar (Ed.)

BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 22 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access


The purpose of this book is to give a new dimen sion to research in hospitality and tourism as covered from children’s perspectives. It will discuss the role of children in the purchase decisions of families; their experience while on holidays; and how their needs are met. Children; Future; Sustainability; Hospitality; Tourism Ecosystem Hugues Seraphin, University of Winchester, UK; Vanessa Gowreesunkar, University of Africa, Nigeria Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter

Hugues Séraphin, Gaitree Gowreesunkar (Eds.)

Pablo Vidal-González (Ed.)

Studies in Tourism 4 Approx. 180 pp., 20 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064458-6 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064841-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064467-8



INTOURISMUSAFRIKA [Tourism in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Development] Chancen und Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung


The hotel industry is an exciting, lively sector. The diversity of hotel concepts and brands has burgeoned, as has the challenge of successfully conducting a hotel business. The textbook offers a basic introduction to the themes of hotels and hotel management, with a focus on “Hotel Management and Operations,” “Actors, Products and Markets,” and “Hotel Investment and Real Estate” with many examples and in-depth questions.

Hotel industry; hotel management; hotel operation; hotel real estate Marco A. Gardini, Hochschule Kempten Textbook, German, 1st quarter 2020 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage Ca./Approx. 160 S./pp., 40 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 19,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 22.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 18.00978-3-11-066665-6 **eBook ePUBPDFRRP *£ 182.00 € 200,– [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 230.00 /UVP/ISBN978-3-11-066666-3ISBN978-3-11-066672-4

eBook € 59,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 68.99 / UVP/ RRP *£ 54.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-486-71102-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-039832-8

Rainer Hartmann (Hrsg./Ed.)

Axel Dreyer, Christian Antz, Martin Linne (Hrsg./Eds.) KULTURTOURISMUS [Cultural Tourism]

*US$ 68.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 54.50978-3-486-58258-1

Ob Musical- oder Studienreise: Das erste umfas sende Handbuch zum Kulturtourismus erscheint nun in vollständig überarbeiteter 3. Auflage. Eine Reihe aktueller Märkte ist neu aufgenommen wor den, u. a. Gastronomie und Kulinarik, Weintouris mus, Architekturtourismus, Spiritueller Tourismus, Gartentourismus, Archäologietourismus. Das Werk eignet sich in der überarbeiteten Ausrichtung insbesondere für Praktiker der Tourismus- und Hotelleriebranche. Weintourismus; Architekturtourismus; Dark Touris mus; Spiritueller Tourismus; Gartentourismus This first comprehensive handbook of cultural tour ism is now presented in a fully revised third edition. It now includes a number of new markets, including gastronomy and cuisine, wine tourism, architectural tourism, spiritual tourism, garden tourism, and ar cheology tourism. The revised edition is targeted to all practitioners in the tourism and hotel industries. Culinary tourism; wine tourism; architectural tour ism; spiritual tourism; garden tourism; archaeology tourism Axel Dreyer, HS Harz; Christian Antz, FH Westküste; Martin Linne,Gesellschaft für TourismusForschung.

Im Rahmen dieses Buches werden die Chancen und Risiken der Tourismusentwicklung in Afrika anhand von übergreifenden Betrachtungen, stra tegischen Ansätzen und fokussierten Fallstudien dargelegt. Tourismus; Afrika; Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Entwicklungsländerforschung This monograph examines the opportunities and risks of tourism development in Africa, offering comprehensive discussions, strategic approaches, and focused case studies. Tourism; Africa; developing countries; sustainable development Rainer Hartmann, Hochschule Bremen Monograph, German, 2nd quarter 2020 Ca./Approx. 295 S./pp., 42 Abb./fig. Geb./HC € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 91.00978-3-11-062222-5 eBook € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062603-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062234-8


Marco A. Gardini

Specialist Text, German, 2nd quarter 2020 Lehr-Seriesund Handbücher zu Tourismus, Verkehr und Freizeit 3., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage Ca./Approx. 250 S./pp. Geb./HC € 59,95 [D] / UVP/RRP

[Fundamentals of the Hotel Industry and Hotel Management: The Hotel Sector, Hotel Operations, and Hotel Real Estate] Hotelbranche – Hotelbetrieb –Hotelimmobilie Die Hotellerie ist eine spannende, lebendige Bran che. Die Vielfalt der Hotelkonzepte und -marken ist enorm gewachsen, ebenso die Herausforderung, ein Hotelunternehmen erfolgreich zu führen. Das Buch bietet eine grundlegende Einführung in das Thema Hotellerie und Hotelmanagement mit Fokus auf: „Hotelmanagement und Hotelbetrieb“, „Akteu re, Produkte, Märkte“ sowie „Hotelinvestitionen und Hotelimmobilien“ mit vielen Beispielen und Vertiefungsfragen. Hotellerie; Hotelmanagement; Hotel; Hotelimmobi lie; Hotelbranche; Hotelindustrie

[Management in the Hotel and Restaurant Industry: Fundamentals of Business BetriebswirtschaftlicheEconomics]

Tourism management; tourism policy; information management; business travel A. Schulz; M. A. Gardini, HS Kempten; B. Eisenstein, FH Westküste; T. Kirstges, Jade Hochschule in Wilhelmshaven; W.Berg, TH Deggendorf Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage Ca./Approx. 700 S./pp., 300 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 39,95 [D] / UVP/RRP


Guido Eilenberger, Oliver Krautwurst LEXIKON FINANZBEGRIFFEDER



[Lexicon of Financial Innovation]

*US$ 45.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 36.50978-3-11-064023-6 **eBook € 400,– [D]/ UVP/RRP*US$ 460.00 / UVP/ RRP *£ 363.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064121-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064131-8

Betriebswirtschaftliches Wissen für die erfolgrei che Führung von Hotels und Gaststättenbetrieben: Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis geben den notwendigen Überblick und bieten konkrete Hilfe. Die Neuauflage umfasst umfangreiche Aktualisie rungen, insbesondere mit dem Blick auf die Digita lisierung in der Hotellerie und Gastronomie. Leistungserstellung in der Hotellerie; Personalwe sen in der Hotellerie; Hotel-Marketing; Hotel-Rechnungswesen; Wirtschaftsrechtliche Regelungen im Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe A practical presentation of business econom ics for the successful management of hotels and restaurants. The new edition has been extensively updated, particularly regarding the impact of digiti zation on the hotel and gastronomy industries. Hotel and restaurant industry management; – marketing; – accounting Karl Heinz Hänssler, Duale Hochschule BadenWürttemberg Ravensburg Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium 10., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage Ca./Approx. 600 S./pp., 85 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 44,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 51.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 41.00978-3-11-068449-0 **eBook ePUBPDFRRP *£ 409.00 € 450,– [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 520.00 /UVP/ISBN978-3-11-068450-6ISBN978-3-11-068476-6

Karl Heinz Hänssler (Hrsg./Ed.)

Neben allgemeinen Finanzbegriffen, Finanzinst rument-, Finanzprodukt- und Finanzmarktinnova tionen berücksichtigt dieses Lexikon Finanzpro zessinnovationen, die abwicklungstechnische und finanztechnische Aspekte betreffen. Darüber hinaus wird die in Zusammenhang mit Finanzinnovationen entwickelte spezifische Terminologie transparent gemacht, sodass Studierenden und Praktikern ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk an die Hand gegeben wird. Derivate; Finanzinnovationen; Finanzprodukte; Futures; Optionen; Stocks This lexicon takes into consideration new develop ments in financial products and markets, as well as innovations in financial processes and systems. The lexicon lends transparency to the specific vo cabulary that has developed in relation to financial innovation, and is sure to be a valuable reference work for students and professionals alike. Derivatives; financial innovation; financial products; futures; options; stocks Guido Eilenberger, emeritierter Professor für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre; Oliver Krautwurst, Stadtsparkasse München Dictionary, German, 1st quarter 2020 4. aktualisierte und überarbeitete Auflage 406 S./pp., 24 Abb./fig. Geb./HC € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 91.00978-3-486-58536-0 eBook € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-486-84588-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-039810-6

Unter Mitarb. v./In collab. with Wolfgang Fuchs, Arndt Moritz Jaeschke, Martina Baier, Myriam Frauenrath, Axel Schrand, Thomas Schlieper, Ulrike Scheefer, Doris Widmann, Bernd Dahringer, Walter Rettl


[Fundamentals of Tourism] Dieses Buch hat den Anspruch, das umfassende Standardwerk zum Tourismus im deutschsprachi gen Raum zu werden. Alle relevanten Tourismus bereiche werden erörtert: Neben den klassischen Themen – Grundlagen, Angebot, Nachfrage, Management – werden auch „moderne“ Frage stellungen wie Tourismuskritik, Tourismuspolitik, Informationsmanagement und Geschäftsreisen berücksichtigt. Tourismuspolitik; Informationsmanagement; Ge schäftsreisen; Tourismuskritik; Tourismus This book aspires to be the standard work on tourism in the German-speaking world. It includes discussions on all aspects of the industry, from classical topics such as supply, demand, and management to modern questions such as tourism criticism, tourism policy, information management, and business trips.

Axel Schulz, Bernd Eisenstein, Marco A. Gardini, Torsten Kirstges, Waldemar Berg


D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access

[Operational Controlling and Cost Accounting: Business Foundations and Application with SAP® BetriebswirtschaftlicheERP®]Grundlagen und Anwendung mit SAP® ERP®


Das erste praxisorientierte Buch, das sowohl die be triebswirtschaftlichen Grundlagen als auch die Um setzung mit SAP® ERP® aufeinander abgestimmt darstellt. Die 3. Auflage wurde um ein Kapitel zu Abweichungsanalysen erweitert. Kosten- und Leistungsartenrechnung; Kos tenstellenrechnung; gungscontrollingnehmenscontrolling;Produktkostencontrolling;Prozesskostenrechnung;Ergebnis-undUnter-Abweichungsanalyse;Beteili


Die vorliegende 8. Auflage beinhaltet eine voll ständige Überarbeitung sowie partielle Neustruk turierung des Werkes. Das Buch befindet sich auf dem gesetzlichen Stand des Jahres 2020, wobei alle Änderungsgesetze, welche bis zum 01.01.2020 realisiert worden sind, berücksichtigt wurden. Dar über hinaus erfolgten eine komplette Anpassung an den aktuellen Stand des Handels- und Steuerrechts sowie Erweiterungen zum internationalen Kontext. Unternehmensstruktur und Unternehmensbesteuerung; Rechnungswesen und Unternehmensbesteu erung

*US$ 45.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 36.50978-3-11-063132-6


Omid Torabi, Abbas Mirakhor

Crowdfunding is increasingly becoming a method of mobilizing project finance ventures, particularly in a sharing economy. From an Islamic finance perspective, it is imperative to first address the Is lamic crowdfunding system before looking further into Fintech trends impacting the Islamic finance landscape. Moreover, the element of risk sharing which is found in equity crowdfunding makes up the essence of Islamic finance. Crowdfunding; Sharing Economy; Asymmetric Information; Mechanism Design Omid Torabi, TOSAN Corporation, Tehran, Iran; Abbas Mirakhor, Retired Professor of Economics and Finance, USA Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Islamic Economics, Finance and Business 3 160 pp., 21 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-057998-7 eBook RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-058292-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-058016-7

Norbert Varnholt, Peter Hoberg, Ralf Gerhards, Stefan Wilms, Uwe Lebefromm CONTROLLINGOPERATIVES KOSTENRECHNUNGUND

**eBook € 400,– [D] UVP/RRP/ *US$ 460.00 /UVP/ ePUBPDFRRP *£ 363.50ISBN978-3-11-063181-4ISBN978-3-11-063203-3

[Business Taxation]

Heinz Kußmaul

The 8th edition of this textbook includes a com plete revision and partial reorganization. It has been updated to reflect the tax laws as of 2020, taking into consideration all amended legislation implemented through 01.01.2020. In addition, the text has been fully updated to reflect the current status of commercial and tax laws and expanded to encompass the international context. Business tax law; business administration; tax law; taxes; accounting Heinz Kußmaul, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken Textbook, German, 1st quarter 2020 Lehr-Seriesund Handbücher der Betriebswirtschaftslehre 8., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage 718 S./pp. Geb./HC € 39,95 [D] / UVP/RRP

This is the first practical cost accounting textbook that covers the underlying business economic principles as well as their implementation with SAP® ERP®. The 3rd edition has been expanded to include a chapter on the analysis of accounting discrepancies. Controlling and accounting; cost and activity type accounting; cost centre accounting; process cost accounting; product cost controlling; unit costing; profit and loss and corporate controlling; income statement; variance analysis; investment controlling Nobert Varnholt, Peter Hoberg, HS Worms; Ralf Gerhards, DHBW Mannheim; Stefan Wilms, HS Heilbronn; Uwe Lebefromm Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studium 3., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage Ca./Approx. 570 S./pp., 343 Abb./fig. Geb./HC € 39,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 45.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 36.50978-3-11-055940-8

**eBook € 400,–  [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 460.00 / UVP/ RRP *£ 363.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-061692-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-061714-6

Enterprise-wide Risk Management in Theory and Practice Advanced Financial Risk Management bridges the gap between the idealized assumptions used for risk valuation and the realities that must be reflected in management actions. It explains and lays out a comprehensive strategy for risk management measurement, objectives, and hedging techniques that apply to all types of institutions. Interest Rate Risk; Yield Curve; Interest Rate Analytics; Credit Risk; Derivatives; Valuation Specialist Text, English, 2nd quarter 2020 3rd Approx.Edition830 pp., 100 fig. Pb. RRP € 86.50 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 78.50 ISBN 978-1-5474-1615-8 eBook RRP € 86.50 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 78.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0012-6 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0014-0

Donald R. van Deventer, Kenji Imai, Mark Mesler



BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 26 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access


Michael Bloss


[Financial Engineering: Strategies, Assessments, and Risk Management] Strategien, Bewertungen und Risikoma nagement

Islamic Economics and Finance is regarded as a discipline at the work-in-progress stage, it is important that progress is set to continue on solid platforms. One such platform is the analytical framework with issues related to Islamic law, ju risprudence, and beliefs. The principal objective of this Handbook is to probe and bring some clarity to the debate on certain questions that are essentially analytical and empirical in nature. Islamic economics; macroeconomic and monetary policy; financial risk-sharing; financial consumer protection Z. Iqbal, Islamic Development Bank; T. Akin, University of Oxford, UK; Nabil El Maghrebi, Wakayama University, Japan; A. Mirakhor Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Islamic Economics, Finance and Business 4 Approx. 600 pp., 85 fig. HC RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00 ISBN 978-3-11-058508-7 eBook RRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-058792-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-058517-9

Dieses Buch zeigt einzelne Strategien, Bewer tungen, das Risikocontrolling und den FinancialEngineering-Prozess auf und geht dabei explizit auf die verwendeten Derivate sowie die eingesetzten Kombinationsstrategien ein. Erweitert wurde die Vorauflage um Themen wie vertiefte Bewertung und Risikoeinschätzung von exotischen Optionen, neue Referenzzinssätze, künstliche Intelligenz im Financial Engineering und unvollkommene Finanzmärkte. Futures; Optionen; Derivate; Künstliche Intelligenz

This textbook illustrates specific strategies, assess ments, risk controlling and the financial engineer ing process, explicitly describing the derivatives and hybrid strategies that are used. The new edition has a section on the in-depth evaluation and risk assessment of exotic options, new reference interest rates, artificial intelligence in financial engineering, and imperfect financial markets. Futures; options; derivatives; artificial intelligence in financial engineering Michael Bloss, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen Textbook, German, 4th quarter 2020 4., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage Ca./Approx. 700 S./pp., 250 Abb./fig. Geb./HC € 69,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 80.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 63.50978-3-11-064960-4 **eBook ePUBPDFRRP *£ 636.50 € 700,– [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 810.00 /UVP/ISBN978-3-11-065993-1ISBN978-3-11-066089-0

Zamir Iqbal, Tarik Akin, Nabil Maghrebi, Abbas Mirakhor (Eds.)

[Cost GrundlagenAccounting]desManagement


Die Übungen des Buches wenden sich insbeson dere an Studierende der verschiedenen Fach- und Hochschulen, die mithilfe von Übungsaufgaben einen verständlichen Einstieg in das komplexe Themengebiet der Kostenrechnung suchen und sich aufgabenorientiert auf Klausuren vorbereiten wollen. Übungen; Lösung; Klausur

Carl-Christian Freidank, Sven Fischbach, Remmer Sassen ÜBUNGEN KOSTENRECHNUNGZUR

**eBook € 400,–  [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 460.00 /UVP/ ePUBPDFRRP *£ 363.50ISBN978-3-11-063478-5ISBN978-3-11-063520-1

Tom James, NR Capital & Deep Space Technologies Singapore Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2020 350 pp., 20 fig. HC RRP € 78.00 / *US$ 89.99 / *£ 71.00 ISBN 978-3-11-066114-9 eBook RRP € 78.00 / *US$ 89.99 / *£ 71.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-066445-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-066134-7

The exercises in this book are especially intended for students in technical colleges and universities looking for practice assignments to provide a co gent introduction to the entire thematic area of cost accounting and to enable examination preparation through practice exercises. Exercises; solutions; exams Carl-Christian Freidank, Universität Hamburg; Sven Fischbach, HS Mainz; Remmer Sassen, TU Dresden Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 8., vollständig überarbeitete, aktualisierte und erwei terte Ca./Approx.Auflage450 S./pp., 10 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 29,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 34.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 27.00978-3-11-063479-2

**eBook € 300,– [D] /UVP/RRP *US$ 350.00 /UVP/ ePUBPDFRRP *£ 272.50ISBN978-3-11-063521-8ISBN978-3-11-063554-6

Carl-Christian Freidank, Remmer Sassen KOSTENRECHNUNG

The World Rewired Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence highlights the underlying technologies of blockchain and the dif ferences between cryptocurrencies and blockchain financial applications. It explores the current AI of ferings and gives a vision of the fast-moving devel opments in this area including the many solutions that are expected to revolutionize the way financial and commodity markets will operate in the future.

Accounting, Konzepte des Kostenmanagements und Sonderbereiche Neben den traditionellen Bereichen des innerbe trieblichen Rechnungswesens werden im Lehrbuch moderne Gestaltungsformen der Kosten- und Leis tungsrechnung behandelt. Die Neuauflage nimmt die aktuellen Entwicklungen auf und die Inhalte wurden um die Verbindung der Kostenrechnung zu handelsrechtlichen und internationalen Rechnungs legung, zum externen Unternehmens-Reporting und zu Digitalisierungsalternativen im Bereich der Kostenrechnung erweitert. Instrumente der Kostenrechnung; Deckungsbei tragsrechnung; Prozesskostenrechnung; Target Costing Alongside traditional areas of internal account ing, this textbook covers modern forms of cost and performance accounting. The new edition considers recent developments, and the content has been expanded to include the links between cost accounting and accounting legislation, external firm reporting, and digitization alternatives in the realm of cost accounting. Instruments of cost accounting; contribution margin accounting; process cost accounting; target costing Carl-Christian Freidank, Universität Hamburg; Remmer Sassen, TU Dresden Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 10., vollständig überarbeitete, aktualisierte und erweiterte Ca./Approx.Auflage600S./pp., 149 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 39,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 45.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 36.50978-3-11-063466-2

Tom James (Ed.)

Blockchain; Finance; Commodities; Cryptocur rency; Artificial intelligence

[Practice Exercises in Cost Accounting: With Assignments and Practice Examina tions, including Detailed Solutions] Mit Aufgaben und Übungsklausuren sowie ausführlichen Lösungen


BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 28 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access


Sunil Kumar Parameswaran


The History and Future of Society’s Most Important Technology This book tells you everything most people, includ ing business people, need to know about money so that they can make wise choices concerning the use of their money. It discusses the current financial technologies and cryptocurrencies revolution that affects everyone. The authors talk through how money is made, and how central banks, treasuries and financial institutions, foreign exchange, lend ing, and blockchain work. Fintech; Blockchain; Bitcoin; Central bank; Money supply; Exchange rate; Cryptocurrency Peet van Biljon, Founder of BMNP Strategies; Alexandra Reed Lajoux, Founding Principal, Capital Expert Services, USA Specialist Text, English, 1st quarter 2020 298 pp., 30 fig. Pb. RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 ISBN 978-1-5474-1723-0 eBook RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0111-6 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0113-0


Applying Signals and Indicators to Improve Trade Timing

Michael C. Thomsett

Peet van Biljon, Alexandra Reed Lajoux MONEYMAKING

Written for traders with a basic knowledge of trends and technical analysis, Practical Trend Analysis introduces advanced analytical tools for recognizing how risks evolve as trends proceed. Readers will learn how to use trend prediction based on technical signals such as candlestick reversals, price gaps, and movement through resis tance or support, to manage market risks far more effectively. Trend analysis; Options; Analytics; Risk analysis; Volatility; Price reversal; Trendlines; Candlesticks

Concepts and Applications This book covers the entire gamut of fixed income products, from plain vanilla bonds to interest rate derivatives and mortgage-backed securities. It will give adequate numerical illustrations and explain the use of specific functions in Excel, simultane ously focusing on constructs and concepts as well as practical applications. Bond market; SEC; Mortgage-backed securities; Derivatives; High yield; Fixed income; Excel Sunil Kumar Parameswaran, CEO at Tarheel Consultancy Services Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 478 pp., 25 fig. Pb. RRP € 68.99 / *US$ 79.99 / *£ 62.50 ISBN 978-1-5474-1673-8 eBook RRP € 68.99 / *US$ 79.99 / *£ 62.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0066-9 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0068-3

Michael C. Thomsett, Expert in technical analysis and stock markets. He has authored dozens of financial books. Specialist Text, English, 2nd quarter 2019 2nd Edition 350 pp., 75 fig. Pb. RRP € 60.00 / *US$ 69.99 / *£ 54.50 ISBN 978-1-5474-1721-6 eBook RRP € 60.00 / *US$ 69.99 / *£ 54.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0108-6 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0110-9

The Amazing Put methodically lays out the case for using puts wisely, both as a cash generator with low risk, and as a risk hedge to reduce or eliminate market risk in equity positions. Options; Derivatives; Hedging; Puts; Calls; Swing trading Michael C. Thomsett, Expert in technical analysis and stock markets. He has authored dozens of financial books. Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2019 2nd Edition 188 pp., 8 fig. Pb. RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 ISBN 978-1-5474-1770-4 eBook RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0147-5 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0149-9


Governance; Digital transformation; Fintech; Dis truption; Millenials; Retail banking; Online banking; Digital banking Luigi Wewege, Senior Vice President, Caye International Bank; Michael C. Thomsett, Business Writer Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 3rd Edition 138 pp., 20 fig. Pb. RRP € 42.99 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 ISBN 978-1-5474-1833-6 eBook RRP € 42.99 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0159-8 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0161-1


Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)

Technological Challanges; Management; Process Engineering; Risk Management; Sustainability Carolina Machado, University of Minho, Portugal. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal; Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2015 181 pp., 8 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-035872-8 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-035875-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-038667-7

How Fintech Companies are Transforming the Retail Banking Industry Through Disruptive Financial Innovation Emergent innovative financial technologies are profoundly changing the way in which we spend, move and manage our money, unlike ever before, and traditional retail banks are facing stiff competi tion. The Digital Banking Revolution is an insight ful look at how financial technology has brought welcome changes offering flexibility to the banking industry. It offers a unique perspective on the con sumerization of retail banking services.

In Research and Industry

As a consequence of social, technological, political and economic changes, the field of organizations management and engineering becomes highly com plex, calling for more effective strategies. In this book, the authors discuss innovative technological resources and their implications on organizational policies, strategies, and flexibility, as well as on sustainable management.

The Overlooked Option and Low-Risk Strategies

Michael C. Thomsett AMAZING PUT



With contrib. by Neeta Baporikar, Aykut Berber, Filomena Brás, Jairo Dornelas, Ana Paula Ferreira, Dominic Hurni, Christian Kunz, Pamela John Liana, Manuel Laranja, Galinoma Lubawa, Adrian Mäder, Felix Adamu Nandonde, Jorge da Silva Correia Neto, Andreas Ninck, Ana Lúcia Rodrigues, Andrea Gomes Santos, Kim Tokarski

Luigi Wewege, Michael C. Thomsett

Effective work practices and good employee rela tions are a real necessity of nowadays organiza tions, as they can help to reduce absenteeism, turnover, organizational costs, conducting to high levels of commitment, effectiveness, performance as well as productivity. Addressing these questions, this book focuses on the implications of changes in productivity and organizations management, exploring models, tools and processes. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal; Carolina Machado, University of Minho, Portugal. Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2017 180 pp., 11 fig. HC RRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00 ISBN 978-3-11-035545-1 eBook RRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-035579-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-038661-5

BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 30 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access

MICRO MBA Theory and Practice With contrib. by Filomena Antunes Bràs, Gema Calleja Sanz, Gilda HernandezMaskivker, Jordi Olivella Nadal, Miguel L. Pinheiro, Ana Lúcia Rodrigues, Ana Raquel Sampaio de Sousa, David Starr-Glass Micro MBA focuses on accounting, economics, marketing, human resources, operations, finance and gives the “core” curriculum of subjects usually present in an MBA program. This book presents the key concepts to all those pursuing a managerial career in the technological and engineering industry on principles, strategies, models, techniques, meth odologies and applications in the business area for non-economists.

Folgen und Reihen; Finanzmathematik; Vektoren und Matrizen; Input-Output-Analyse; LagrangeFunktionen This book intends to impart students with the basic mathematical principles required for the economic sciences. The selected mathematical principles contained in this book provide a basis for the further successful study of business science as well as economics. Sequences and series; financial mathematics; vec tors and matrices; input-output analysis; Lagrange functions Lothar Walter,UniversitätBremen Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 Ca./Approx. 330 S./pp., 35 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 24,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 28.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 22.50978-3-11-064374-9

Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)

Lothar Walter

**eBook € 250,– [D] /UVP/RRP *US$ 290.00 / UVP/ RRP *£ 227.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064399-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064435-7

Carolina Machado, University of Minho, Portugal; Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2018 184 pp., 3 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-048116-7 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-048190-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-048126-6


With contrib. by Santiago Gutierrez Broncano, Ana Paula Ferreira, Zlatko Nedelko, Teresa Carla Oliveira, A. Suryanarayana, Emin Taner Elmas

WISSENSCHAFTENWIRTSCHAFTS-IMMATHEMATIKSTUDIUMDER [Mathematics for the Study of Business Science: Introduction, Lectures, and HinführungExamination]– Vorlesungen – Prüfung Mathematik ist ein wichtiger methodischer Bestandteil im wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studium. Das vorliegende Buch zeigt, welche ma thematischen Inhalte in einem solchen Studium an Universitäten, Hochschulen und Berufsakademien vermittelt werden und demonstriert verschiedene Anwendungen der Mathematik in den Wirtschafts wissenschaften. Außerdem beinhaltet es zahlreiche Aufgaben inklusive ausführlicher Lösungswege.

Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)

Mustapha Abiodun Akinkunmi R Business Statistics with Solutions in R covers a wide range of applications of statistics in solving business related problems. It will introduce readers to quantitative tools that are necessary for daily business needs and help them to make evidencebased decisions and enable readers to develop com putational skills and problem-solving competence using an open source language, R. Probability; Sampling Distributions; Confidence in terval; Regression; Hypothesis testing; Time series; Expected value; Correlation Mustapha Abiodun Akinkunmi, American University of Nigeria Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 276 pp., 30 fig. Pb. RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 ISBN 978-1-5474-1746-9 eBook RRP € 29.99 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0135-2 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0137-6



Discover our diverse range of titles on topics across the humanities and natural sciences ANDTRIEDTRUSTEDTEXTBOOKS

Dr Allen Alexander is a senior researcher at the University of Exeter Business School and focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship. He has won more than £7M of research funding in the last 5 years and has recently completed a large grant exploring innovation portfolios and incubators at BMW, Lufthansa Systems, Nokia, AachenMünchener, Lego and a leading UK Healthcare Trust.

A Practical Guide to Preparing, Facilitating and Sharing the Value of Customer Journey Mapping Nov. 2020. Approx. 208 pages, 40 fig., 40 schedules, 20 raster images Paperback RRP € 33.95 [D] / US$ 39.99 / £ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064111-0 eBook RRP € 33.95 [D] / US$ 39.99 / £ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064133-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064202-5

Dr Olga Kokshagina is an innovation practitioner and researcher. She is the leader of the Melbourne hub OneHealthTech and a Vice Chancellor Research Fellow at RMIT University. She has worked as an innovation manager at STIM, a management consultancy specialized in training and consultancy services.

A Practical Guide for Harnessing New, Novel or Game Changing Breakthroughs Oct. 2020. Approx. 280 pages, 30 fig. Paperback RRP € 33.95 [D] / US$ 39.99 / £ 31.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064129-5 eBook RRP € 33.95 [D] / US$ 39.99 / £ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064150-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064206-3

This book shows how to create better customer experiences and, in turn, better business. It guides the reader step-by-step to understand why journey mapping is important and how it works.

Jerry Angrave is managing director and founder of Empathyce, a customer experience consultancy and training company based in the UK. He is a Certi ed Customer Experience Professional (CCXP) and is one of just a handful of people globally to be authorized by the Customer Experience Professionals’ Association to train other practitioners for that accreditation.


 Contains dedicated and reusable canvasses which will help innovation managers act effectively to deliver an innovation strategy Provides a practical guide to help establish the right organizational structures to support radical innovation Includes practical tools for innovation leaders detailing on how to support their employees in delivering breakthrough ideas Based on real-world experience from hundreds of journey mapping sessions Captures lots of questions the author is asked before, during and after a session Covers the reality of our own journey in managing journey mapping

Creating ideas is not the problem, but selecting the most valuable and implementing them in your organization, that is the real challenge. This book provides practical solutions to help practitioners to evolve their organizations to support breakthrough innovations – by bringing the new, practical tools and frameworks to support more radical challenges.

Olga Kokshagina, Allen Alexander THE RADICAL INNOVATION PLAYBOOK


The framework explains how to prepare and facilitate journey mapping and, crucially, places it in the wider context of the CX program and business strategies. Full of tips, the book will give those looking to map journeys plenty of ideas, tools and con dence.

This book provides tips to help project managers through the interviewing process, teaching them what they need to know about handling interview questions and enabling them to perform at their very best. Project Management Professional; PMBOK; PMI; PMP Exam; PMP Certification Jim Keogh, NYU School of Nursing, USA Specialist Text, English, 1st quarter 2020 298 pp. Pb. RRP € 25.99 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 ISBN 978-1-5015-1514-9 eBook RRP € 25.99 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0622-2 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0592-8


Analytics Techniques in Data Mining, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing

Chris K. Williams, Scott E. Donaldson


This book presents over a 100 algorithms and data refinement techniques in machine learning, predictive modeling, natural language processing. Case examples with applications in the healthcare, transportation, retail, telecommunication, consult ing, manufacturing, energy and financial services provide readers insights on how to overcome chal lenges and avoid common pitfalls and traps in data analytics. Big data; Data analysis; Data mining; Machine learning; Neural networks


Peter Ghavami, Senior Vice President, Head of Wholesale Data Science & Analytics at Bank of America, USA Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 2nd Edition 254 pp., 88 fig. Pb. RRP € 69.00 / *US$ 79.99 / *£ 62.50 ISBN 978-1-5474-1795-7 eBook RRP € 69.00 / *US$ 79.99 / *£ 62.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0156-7 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0158-1

Building an Effective Security Program establishes the business case for setting up an enduring IT security awareness program for use in training IT professionals and IT security professionals. This book details an IT security process for establish ing and maintaining common security protections for the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of company information. Security; Cybercrime; Cybersecurity; Phishing; Hacking; Cyber Threat; Virus Chris Williams, Leidos, USA; Scott E. Donaldson, Johns Hopkins University, USA Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2020 Approx. 200 pp., 30 fig. Pb. RRP € 43.00 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 ISBN 978-1-5015-1524-8 eBook RRP € 43.00 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0652-9 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0642-0

Jim Keogh



SOZIOLOGIE – SOCIOLOGY 34 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access

Data Science for Supply Chain Forecasting focuses on data science and machine learning and demon strates how both are closely interlinked. It contends that a true scientific method that includes experi mentation, observation and constant questioning must be applied to address real-world forecasting challenges found in supply chains. Data science; Machine learning; Supply chain; Supply chain forecasting; Forecasting; Overfit; Underfit Nicolas Vandeput, Founder, SupChains; Co-founder SKU Science, Belgium Specialist Text, English, 3rd quarter 2020 280 pp., 10 fig. Pb. RRP € 42.99 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067110-0 eBook RRP € 42.99 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067112-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067120-9

Alfred Essa, Shirin Mojarad PRACTICAL AI FOR



Implementing advanced analytics at scale in a com petitive landscape requires the agility and mindset of an entrepreneur. This book provides both the practical guidance and the theoretical background necessary to effectively implement advanced ana lytics. This text features the best academic research in computer science and behavioral economics, while providing design patterns and case studies for implementing big data in complex organizations. Analytics; Data science; Big data; Business intel ligence; Design patterns

Alfred Essa, Vice President, Analytics and R&D at McGraw-Hill Education; Shirin Mojarad, Data Scientist, Massachusetts, USA Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2020 Approx. 275 pp., 45 fig. Pb. RRP € 43.00 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 ISBN 978-1-5015-1464-7 eBook RRP € 43.00 / *US$ 49.99 / *£ 39.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0573-7 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0584-3

Andrew Greasley

This book will outline the benefits and limitations of simulation, what is involved in setting up a simulation capability in the organization, the steps involved in developing a simulation model and how to ensure model results are implemented. Detailed example applications are provided to show where the tool is useful and what it can offer the decision maker. Simulation; Simulation capability; Advanced analytics; Modeling; Operations management; Operations research Andrew Greasley, Lecturer, Simulation Modeling and Operations Management, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 352 pp., 127 fig. Pb. RRP € 51.99 / *US$ 59.99 / *£ 47.50 ISBN 978-1-5474-1674-5 eBook RRP € 51.99 / *US$ 59.99 / *£ 47.50 PDF ISBN 978-1-5474-0069-0 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5474-0071-3


Some 6,500 Japanese people live in Düsseldorf. This Japanese diaspora is the third largest in Europe after London and Paris. The immigration began in the 1960s, when Japanese companies began to settle in the Germany. For the first time, this volume gives an overview of this history, everyday Japanese life in Düsseldorf, and emerging problems, including questions surrounding the definition of successful integration.

Ludgera Lewerich, Theresa Sieland, Timo Thelen (Hrsg./Eds.) LAND NATUR NATION [Land, Nature, Nation: Japan’s Regions at the Intersection of Idyll, Decay, and JapansRevitalization]Regionen zwischen Idylle, Verfall und Revitalisierung Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels und der Rezession, der Tōhoku-Dreifachkatastrophe im Jahr 2011 sowie des Diskurses um Umwelt schutz sind Japans Regionen wieder verstärkt ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit gerückt. Der vorliegende Band beschäftigt sich mit aktuellen Entwicklungen und Problemen bei der Revitalisie rung der ländlichen Regionen Japans und diskutiert Repräsentationen und (Re-)Konstruktionen von Natur, Land und Ländlichkeit. Grüner Tourismus; Naturverständnis; Stadt-LandMigration; Ländlicher Raum; Japan; Revitalisierung Against the background of demographic change, recession, the Tōhoku triple disaster in 2011, and the discourse on environmental protection, Japan’s regions have once again become the focus of atten tion. This volume deals with current developments and problems in the revitalization of Japan’s rural regions and discusses representations and (re-) constructions of nature, land, and ruralism.

€ 29,80 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 34.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 27.00978-3-11-066380-8 eBook OPEN ACCESS PDF ISBN düsseldorf978-3-11-066381-5universitypress


[Japan in Düsseldorf: History and Structure of the Diaspora] Geschichte und Struktur der Diaspora In Düsseldorf leben rund 6.500 Japanerinnen und Japaner. Diese japanische Diaspora ist die drittgrößte in Europa nach London und Paris. Die Migration begann im Wesentlichen in den 1960er Jahren, als sich zunehmend japanische Unternehmen ansiedelten. Der Band gibt erstmals einen Überblick über diese Geschichte, den Alltag japanischen Lebens in Düsseldorf und aufkommen de Probleme und hinterfragt, was eine erfolgreiche Integration sein könnte. Integration von Japanern; Japaner in Düsseldorf; Japanische Migration; Japanische Diaspora

Christian Tagsold (Hrsg./Ed.)

The vulnerable are easily forgotten but some vul nerable groups find a way to survive and thrive un der the shadows of society. This book brings light to the issues, grievances and challenges faced by nine vulnerable groups by examining the economic, legal, political and social structures of Malaysian society. The thread that links these groups is their vulnerability. vulnerable groups; minorities; marginalised com munities; indigenous; Malaysia. Thaatchaayini Kananatu; Sharon G. M. Koh, Monash University Malaysia Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2020 DeSeriesGruyter Studies in Global Asia 1 Approx. 200 pp., 14 fig. Pb. RRP € 64.85 / *US$ 74.99 / *£ 59.00 ISBN 978-3-11-060797-0 eBook RRP € 64.85 / *US$ 74.99 / *£ 59.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-061097-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-060807-6


Regional Japan; Japan’s periphery; revitalization projects; rural regions of Japan; furusato; satoya ma; Japanese landscapes; urban-rural migration Ludgera Lewerich, Theresa Sieland, Timo Thelen, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf.

Japanese diaspora, Japanese migration, Japanese migrants, Japanese everyday life, Japanese life in Düsseldorf, Japanese integration Christian Tagsold, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf. Collection, German, 2nd quarter 2020 Kultur-Series und Br./Pb.JapanforschungSozialwissenschaftliche2  € 29,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 34.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 27.00978-3-11-066238-2 eBook OPEN ACCESS PDF ISBN düsseldorf978-3-11-066241-2universitypress

Collection, German, 2nd quarter 2020 Kultur-Series und Br./Pb.JapanforschungSozialwissenschaftliche4

Thaatchaayini Kananatu, Sharon G. M. Koh (Eds.)

Analytical sociology; cooperation; trust; social networks; institutions Vincent Buskens; Rense Corten, Utrecht University; Chris Snijders, Eindhoven University, Netherlands Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2020 Approx. 450 pp., 50 fig. HC RRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-064701-3 eBook OPEN ACCESS PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064749-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-064761-7



The book identifies conditions for trust and co operation. It highlights unintended consequences of individually rational behavior, and shows how trust and cooperation change dependent on social embeddedness. Such analyses inspire experimen tal tests in lab conditions, but also tests through empirical applications in field studies. The results of this mixed-method approach can in turn be used to inspire further theoretical work.

*US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062357-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062384-0

[Twenty-five Years of Nursing Education: From Detours to New Pathways –A Commemorative Volume] Auf Umwegen zu neuen Wegen. Eine Fest-Schrift.

Stephan G. Humer

Die Anfänge; Politische und strategische Wei chenstellungen; Akademisierung der Pflege aus berufspolitischer Sicht; Karrierewege in der Pflege; Forschung und Entwicklung in der Pflege

[Internet Sociology: Theory and Methodology of a New Science] Theorie und Methodik einer neuen Wissenschaft Internet und (deutsche) Gesellschaft, das ist eine schwierige Beziehung. Die Soziologie bildet da keine Ausnahme: Spannende, relevante Ideen zur Digitalisierung kamen allzu oft aus anderen Diszi plinen und Ländern. Humer als einer der gefragtes ten Lotsen durch die digitale Revolution stellt die „Idee Internetsoziologie“ erstmals umfassend dar und präsentiert einen interdisziplinären Werkzeug kasten für die Analyse digitaler Phänomene. Soziologie; Internet; Digitalisierung; Methodenlehre; Wissenschaftstheorie


The academization of nursing; career paths in nursing; research and development in nursing Fakultät Gesundheit und Pflege der KSH München Monograph, German, 3rd quarter 2020 Ca./Approx. 250 S./pp., 10 Abb./fig. Geb./HC € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 91.00978-3-11-062273-7 eBook € 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP

Vincent Buskens, Rense Corten, Chris Snijders (Eds.) ADVANCES IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF TRUST AND COOPERATION Theory, experiments, and field studies

Ein Vierteljahrhundert Innovationen in der Pflege bildung ist in der Tat ein Grund zum Feiern. In den 42 Beiträgen der vorliegenden Festschrift werden die Entwicklung der Hochschule und der Fakultät Gesundheit und Pflege nachgezeichnet. Der Leser und die Leserin hält damit nicht nur ein Stück Pfle gebildungsgeschichte in Bayern in ihren Händen, sondern auch ein gutes Stück Hochschulentwick lungsgeschichte der KSH München.

SOZIOLOGIE – SOCIOLOGY 36 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access

The relationship between German society and the Internet is a difficult one, and German sociology is no exception. All the interesting ideas on digitaliza tion in recent years have come from other disci plines and countries. The author, one of Germany’s foremost experts on the digital revolution, has writ ten the first comprehensive German-language work on Internet sociology, using a host of interdisciplin ary tools to analyze digital phenomena. Sociology; internet; digitization; methodology; philosophy of science Stephan G. Humer, Hochschule Fresenius, Universität der Künste Berlin Monograph, German, 2nd quarter 2020 Ca./Approx. 420 S./pp., 9 Abb./fig. Geb./HC € 69,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 80.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 63.50978-3-11-055711-4 eBook € 69,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 80.99 / UVP/ RRP *£ 63.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-055976-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-055722-0

Katholische Stiftungshochschule



This commemorative volume focuses on the history of nursing education and research, changes in nurs ing pedagogy in Bavaria, the differential develop ment of professional fields and opportunities, health care practice networks, the professional policy perspective, and research on nursing care.

Andreas Tutic (Hrsg./Ed.)


Die Rational-Choice-Theorie ist zum einen überaus fruchtbar in der angewandten Sozialforschung, zum anderen aber auch tief umstritten in der Sozialtheorie. Dieser Band klärt weitverbreitete Missverständnisse über den Ansatz auf. Neben me thodologischen und formalen Grundlagen werden insbesondere auch zentrale Anwendungsgebiete behandelt. Ferner wird auf die Grenzen der Theorie und Möglichkeiten zu ihrer Fortentwicklung eingegangen. Handlungstheorie; Spieltheorie; Analytische Sozio logie; Empirische Anwendung


Rational choice theory is broadly represented in applied social research, yet it remains the subject of intense disagreement among social theorists. This volume seeks to resolve common misunderstand ings about the theory. In addition to addressing methodological and formal fundamentals, it focuses on key areas of application. The book also examines the frontiers of rational choice theory and possibilities for further development.

This book provides the first systematic overview of German sociology today. Thirty-five chapters review current trends, relate them to international discussions and discuss perspectives for future research. The contributions span the whole range of sociological research topics, from social inequal ity to the sociology of body and space, address ing pressing questions in sociological theory and innovative research methods. Micro Sociology; Global South; Europe; Intimate Relationships and Family; Gender; Globalization and Transnationalisation; Comparative Sociol ogy; Labor; Body; Communication and Media; Migration; Environment; Organization; Political Sociology; Qualitative Methods; Quantitative Methods; Mixed-Methods; Religion; Life Course and Biography; Social Inequalities; Space; Social Theory; Society; Sciences and Higher Education; Technology; Demography and Ageing; Education; Culture; Economic Sociology; Social Networks; Social Policy; Social Problems; Social Movements; History of Sociology Betina Hollstein; Rainer Greshoff; Uwe Schimank, University of Bremen; Anja Weiß, University of Duisburg-Essen Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020 Approx. 550 pp., 20 fig. HC RRP € 149.95 / *US$ 172.99 / *£ 136.50 ISBN 978-3-11-062333-8 eBook RRP € 149.95 / *US$ 172.99 / *£ 136.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062727-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062351-2

Action theory; game theory; analytical sociology; empirical applications Andreas Tutic, Universität Leipzig Textbook, German, 4th quarter 2020 SozialwissenschaftlicheSeries Einführungen 1 Ca./Approx. 250 S./pp., 20 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 19,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 22.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 18.00978-3-11-067360-9 **eBook ePUBPDFRRP *£ 182.00 € 200,– [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 230.00 /UVP/ISBN978-3-11-067361-6ISBN978-3-11-067384-5



Special Issue Soziologische Revue 2020

Betina Hollstein, Rainer Greshoff, Uwe Schimank, Anja Weiß (Eds.)

SOZIOLOGIE DER MIGRATION [The Sociology of Migration: A Comprehensive Introduction] Eine umfassende Einführung Unter Mitw. v./In coop. with Başak Bilecen, Kerstin Schmidt, Christian Ulbricht Migration ist eine der wichtigsten Folgen der Ver änderung unserer sozialen Ordnung. Daher bedarf es einer umfassenden Betrachtung, um Aspekte wie Ursachen von Migration und Flucht, aber auch Folgen für Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt und Politik zu verstehen. Dieses Lehrbuch ordnet die damit verbundenen Fragen mit Hilfe von Theorien und Konzepten, führt in die einschlägigen Methoden ein und liefert Beispiele für gelungene empirische Forschung. Migrationssoziologie; Transnationalisierung; Assi milation; Integration; Abschiebung; Klimawandel Migration is one of the most significant conse quences of the change in our social order. Accord ingly, the causes of migration as well as its impacts on education, the labor market, and politics are deserving of broad consideration. This textbook contextualizes issues related to migration using theory and concepts, introduces the reader to the relevant methodology, and provides examples of successful empirical research. Migration sociology; transnationalisation; assimila tion; integration; deportation; migration in the age of climate change and environmental degradation Thomas Faist, Universität Bielefeld Textbook, German, 3rd quarter 2020 SozialwissenschaftlicheSeries Einführungen 2 380 S./pp., 14 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 24,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 28.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 22.50978-3-11-068062-1 **eBook € 250,– [D]/UVP/RRP *US$ 290.00 / UVP/ RRP *£ 227.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068063-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-068080-5

Thomas Faist (Hrsg./Ed.)

Analyses and Perspectives on a Complex Interplay, Volume II Vol. 2 provides some theoretical aspects, a report on the final conference, and case studies from Ger many, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Poland and the Ukraine, as well as a special chapter on Brazil and a Note on Religious Political Ideology. Religion; Religious communities; Civil Society; Religious Policy; Religious Minorities Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Maecenata Institute, Germany Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2020 MaecenataSeries Schriften 16 Approx. 270 pp., 10 fig. Pb. RRP € 49.95 / *US$ 57.99 / *£ 45.50 ISBN 978-3-11-067299-2 eBook RRP € 49.95 / *US$ 57.99 / *£ 45.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067308-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067314-2

Communication between counterparts from dif ferent cultures is frequent in the business world. The book offers an account of cultural-conceptual traits influencing Brazilian-German business encounters. The author explores the theoretical and methodological frameworks of Cultural Linguistics, English as a Lingua Franca, World Englishes, and Business Discourse in explaining how Brazilian and German business people conceptualize business negotiations.

[What Drives Young Muslims? A Hundred Responses to Questions from Day Care Centers, Schools, and Youth Welfare Organizations]


Rupert Graf Strachwitz (Ed.)

*US$ 34.99 / UVP/ RRP ISBN*£ 27.00978-3-11-066993-0 eBook € 29,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 34.99 / UVP/ RRP *£ 27.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067005-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067015-8 düsseldorf university press


Klaus Spenlen WIE

Cultural Conceptualizations; Expanding Circle Eng lishes; Business Communication; BELF (Business English as a Lingua Franca) Milene Mendes de Oliveira, Universität Potsdam. Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2019 ApplicationsSeries of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL] 43 227 pp., 11 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-062678-0 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-063046-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062685-8

100 Antworten auf Fragen von Kitas, Schulen und der Jugendhilfe In Kitas, Schulen und der Jugendhilfe mehren sich die Fragen nach dem Aufeinandertreffen von Ethnien, Familiensprachen, Bräuchen und Religi onen. Das Buch beantwortet praxisnah 100 Fragen mit einem Fokus auf muslimische Kinder und Jugendliche. Es zeigt, wie „die“ Muslime durch ihre Religion, die Familie, die islamischen Verbän de geprägt werden. Zugleich werden sozial- und religionswissenschaftliche Hintergründe innerhalb des Islams differenziert. Day care centers, schools, and youth welfare organizations are confronted by questions emerging from encounters between ethnic groups, languages, customs, and religions. This book offers answers to 100 questions focused on Muslim children and adolescents. It shows that Muslims are influenced by their religion, families, and Islamic associations. At the same time, the book illustrates differences in societal and religious backgrounds within Islam.

SOZIOLOGIE – SOCIOLOGY 38 D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access


Klaus Spenlen, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf; Minsterialrat a. D.; Mitglied d. Deutschen Islam Konferenz. Monograph, German, 4th quarter 2019 168 S./pp., 6 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. € 29,95 [D] / UVP/RRP

Milene Mendes de Oliveira


2018. 5., akt. Aufl., XXIV, 380 Seiten, 106 Abb., 69 Tab. Broschur € 39,95 [D] / RRP US$ 45.99 / RRP £ 36.50 ISBN 978-3-11-052410-9 eBook *€ 400,– [D] / RRP US$ 460.99 / RRP £ 363.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-052407-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-052430-7

Henner Schierenbeck, Claudia B. Wöhle GRUNDZÜGE DeBETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFTSLEHREDERGruyterStudium 2016. 19., akt. Aufl., XXIII, 963 Seiten Gebunden € 39,95 [D] / RRP US$ 56.00 / RRP £ 36.50 ISBN 978-3-11-044066-9 eBook *€ 800,– [D] / RRP US$ 1,120.00 / RRP £ 727.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-048045-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-048046-7

Ulrich Pape GRUNDLAGEN DER FINANZIERUNG UND INVESTITION Mit Fallbeispielen und Übungen De Gruyter Studium 2018. 4., vollst. überarb. Aufl., XXV, 526 Seiten, 110 Abb., 70 Tab. Gebunden € 34,95 [D] / RRP US$ 40.99 / RRP £ 32.00 ISBN 978-3-11-057864-5 eBook *€ 350,– [D] / RRP US$ 400.00 / RRP £ 318.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-057866-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-057921-5

U. Karla Henschel, Axel Gruner, Burkhard von Freyberg

Peter Runia, Frank Wahl, Olaf Geyer, Christian Thewißen MARKETING Prozess- und praxisorientierte Grundlagen De Gruyter Studium 2019. 5. Aufl., XXIV, 406 Seiten, 104 Abb., 23 Tab. Broschur € 34,95 [D] / RRP US$ 40.99 / RRP £ 32.00 ISBN 978-3-11-058457-8 eBook *€ 350,– [D] / RRP US$ 400.00 / RRP £ 318.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-058467-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-058492-9


Thomas Hering, Christian Toll BWL-KLAUSUREN Aufgaben und Lösungen für Studienanfänger Lehr- und Handbücher Wirtschaftswissenschaftder 2015. 4., vollst. überarb. und erw. Aufl., IX, 243 Seiten, 53 Abb., 46 Tab. Broschur € 24,95 [D] / RRP US$ 35.00 / RRP £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-040197-4

Dirk Lippold GRUNDLAGEN DER UNTERNEHMENSBERATUNG Strukturen – Konzepte – Methoden 2019. 2., überarb. Aufl., XIV, 493 Seiten, 203 Abb. Broschur € 24,95 [D] / RRP US$ 28.99 / RRP £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-068008-9 eBook *€ 250,– [D] / RRP US$ 290.00 / RRP £ 227.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068010-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-068020-1

* Preis gilt nur für institutionelle Bezieher des eBooks. Das eBook ist für Individualkunden bei unseren Vertriebspartnern zum Ladenpreis erhältlich.

Walter A. Oechsler, Christopher Paul PERSONAL UND ARBEIT Einführung in das Personalmanagement De Gruyter Studium 2018. 11., überarb. u. akt. Aufl., XII, 628 Seiten, 281 Abb., 217 Tab. Broschur € 39,95 [D] / RRP US$ 45.99 / RRP £ 36.50 ISBN 978-3-11-054138-0 eBook *€ 400,– [D] / RRP US$ 460.99 / RRP £ 363.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-054152-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-054188-5 Hans Robert Hansen, Jan Mendling, Gustaf Neumann WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 2019. 12., überarb. u. erw. Aufl., X, 686 Seiten, 205 Abb., 16 Tab. Broschur € 24,95 [D] / RRP US$ 28.99 / RRP £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-058734-0 eBook € 500,– [D] / RRP US$ 580.00 / RRP £ 454.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-060873-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-060920-2

* Preis gilt nur für institutionelle Bezieher des eBooks. Das eBook ist für Individualkunden bei unseren Vertriebspartnern zum Ladenpreis erhältlich.


Hal Varian GRUNDZÜGE DER MIKROÖKONOMIK De Gruyter Studium 2016. 9., akt. u. erw. Aufl., XXX, 882 Seiten, 243 Abb. 28 Tab. Gebunden € 34,95 [D] / RRP US$ 49.00 / RRP £ 32.00 ISBN 978-3-11-044093-5 eBook *€ 700,– [D] / RRP US$ 980.00 / RRP £ 636.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-047805-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-047831-0

Otto Opitz, Stefan Etschberger, Wolfgang R. Burkart, Robert Klein MATHEMATIK Lehrbuch für das Studium

Ulrich Kohler, Frauke Kreuter DATENANALYSE MIT STATA Allgemeine Konzepte der Datenanalyse und ihre praktische Anwendung De Gruyter Studium 2016. 5., akt. Aufl., XII, 514 Seiten, 40 Abb., 20 Tab. Broschur € 34,95 [D] / RRP US$ 49.00 / RRP £ 32.00 ISBN 978-3-11-047290-5 eBook *€ 350,– [D] / RRP US$ 490.00 / RRP £ 318.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-046950-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-046973-8 Berit Sandberg WISSENSCHAFTLICHES ARBEITEN VON ABBILDUNG BIS ZITAT Lehr- und Übungsbuch für Bachelor, Master und Promotion De Gruyter Studium 2016. 3., durchg. u. erw. Aufl., XVIII, 312 Seiten, 7 Abb. Broschur € 19,95 [D] / RRP US$ 28.00 / RRP £ 18.00 ISBN 978-3-11-051477-3 eBook *€ 200,– [D] / RRP US$ 280.00 / RRP £ 182.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-051481-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-051485-8


Helmut Wagner, Hilke Turke VWL-KLAUSUREN Ein Übungsbuch De Gruyter Studium 07/2020. 4., akt. u. erw. Aufl., ca. 230 Seiten, 32 Abb., 21 Tab. Broschur € 24,95 [D] / RRP US$ 28.99 / RRP £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-067387-6

Günter Bamberg, Franz Baur, Michael Krapp STATISTIK Eine Einführung für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler De Gruyter Studium 2017. 18., vollst. akt. Aufl., XI, 324 Seiten Broschur € 24,95 [D] / RRP US$ 28.99 / RRP £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-049570-6 eBook *€ 250,– [D] / RRP US$ 287.99 / RRP £ 227.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-049572-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-049328-3

Rainer Schnell, Paul B. Hill, Elke Esser METHODEN DER DeSOZIALFORSCHUNGEMPIRISCHENGruyterStudium 2018. 11., überarb. Aufl., XVI, 534 Seiten, 84 Abb., 24 Tab. Gebunden € 29,95 [D] / RRP US$ 34.99 / RRP £ 27.00 ISBN 978-3-11-057732-7

Aglaja Przyborski, Monika Wohlrab-Sahr QUALITATIVE SOZIALFORSCHUNG Ein Arbeitsbuch Lehr- und Handbücher der Soziologie 2013. 4., erw. Aufl., XIV, 462 Seiten, 23 Abb., 12 Tab. Broschur € 34,80 [D] / RRP US$ 49.00 / RRP £ 31.50 ISBN 978-3-486-70892-9 eBook *€ 350,– [D] / RRP US$ 490.00 / RRP £ 318.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-486-71955-0

Wirtschaftswissenschaftender De Gruyter Studium 2017. 12., vollst. überarb. Aufl., XIV, 486 Seiten Broschur € 39,95 [D] / RRP US$ 45.99 / RRP £ 36.50 ISBN 978-3-11-047532-6 eBook *€ 400,– [D] / RRP US$ 460.00 / RRP £ 363.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-047533-3 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-047550-0


Gerhard Bosch, Jürgen Kädtler, Tobias Kämpf, Nick Kratzer, Heiner Minssen, Daniela Rastetter, Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann, Michaela Evans, Patrick Feuerstein, Stefan Gärtner, Katrin Hansen, Arne Heise, Ellen Hilf, Heike Jacobsen (Hrsg./Eds.)

The journal Arbeit publishes empirical and theoretical papers, reports as well as conference proceedings and reviews. Arbeit focuses on specific concerns with special issues devoted to group work, organizational consultation, gender issues, indus trial relations, multimedia, work time, labor and the environment, and knowledge management. SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German Band/Volume 29 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 135,– / *US$ 154.00 / *£ 110.00Issue € 37,– / *US$ 42.00 / *£ 30.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 135,– / *US$ 154.00 / *£ 110.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.360S.)/pp.)4€ 141,– / *US$ 170.00 / *£ 114.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0941-50252365-984X


The Journal of Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium (AEL) aims to encourage a compre hensive understanding of the relationship between individuals, organizations, and institutions in economy and society. Among other matters, atten tion will be paid to financial, economic, and legal methods and languages that have an important albeit neglected role in this relationship.

ARBEIT Zeitschrift für ArbeitsgestaltungArbeitsforschung,undArbeitspolitik

Michael Baurmann, Anton Leist, Ulf Tranow (Eds.)

The Journal is devoted to the fundamental issues of empirical and normative social theory, and is directed at social scientists and social philosophers who combine commitment to political and moral enlightenment with argumentative rigour and conceptual clarity. Published articles develop social theorizing in connection with analytical philosophy and philosophy of science.

Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory

Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Yuri Biondi, Shyam Sunder (Eds.)


LANGUAGE English, Italian, German, French Volume 10 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional Subscription Individual e-ISSN(Approx.200pp.)3€ 311.00 / *US$ 419.00 / *£ 255.00Subscriptionissuespervolume2152-2820

LANGUAGE English, German Volume 42 (2020) Subscription rates Print Single€ 125.00 / *US$ 145.00 / *£ 103.00Issue € 69.00 / *US$ 80.00 / *£ 57.00 Online Institutional € 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 125.00 / *US$ 145.00 / *£ 103.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Approx.410pp.)2€ 132.00 / *US$ 156.00 / *£ 108.00issuespervolume0171-58602365-9858

Die Zeitschrift Arbeit veröffentlicht empirische wie theoretische Aufsätze und Erfahrungsberichte – auch in Form von Kurzbeiträgen – und bietet als Service für Leser/-innen Tagungsberichte sowie einen ausführlichen Rezensionsteil an. Arbeit setzt Akzente, z. B. mit Schwerpunktheften zu Gruppen arbeit, Organisationsberatung, Geschlechterfragen, industriellen Beziehungen, Multimedia, Arbeitszeit, Arbeit und Umwelt oder Wissensmanagement.

Anne-Louise Haagh, Michael Howard (Eds.)

Basic Income Studies (BIS) is the first academic journal to focus specifically on basic income and cognate policies and publishes peer-reviewed research papers, book reviews, and short accessible commentaries that discuss a central aspect of the debate on basic income and related schemes.

W. Jean Kwon (Editor-in-Chief)



LANGUAGE English Volume 14 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.70pp.)2€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 362.00 / *US$ 488.00 / *£ 296.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume2153-3792

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance (APJRI) focuses on risk management and insurance issues of importance to the Asia-Pacific region. An interdisciplinary publication, APJRI facilitates the exchange of research in risk and insurance mathematics, economics, finance, and corporate practice. The journal welcomes theoretical and ap plied research papers on a variety of specific topics.

The Official Journal of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association


LANGUAGE English Volume 11 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.210pp.)3€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 296.00 / *US$ 396.00 / *£ 244.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume2154-4611

The Official Publication of the Asian Law and Economics Association The Asian Journal of Law and Economics AJLE publishes high quality research in law and econom ics, both theoretical and empirical. It is the only journal that pays special attention to the economic aspect of laws in Asian countries. Although the editors are particularly interested in legal issues that originally occurred in Asia, they welcome sub missions on any subject from any region without prejudice.


LANGUAGE English Volume 15 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.170pp.)2€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 336.00 / *US$ 455.00 / *£ 276.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1932-0183

Jeong-Yoo Kim (Editor-in-Chief), Dennis Khong, Yue Qiao, Zhiyong (John) Liu, Duol Kim, Albert Choi, Yun-Chien Chang (Eds.)

Ansgar Klein, Hans-Josef Legrand, Thomas (†) Leif, Jan Rohwerder, Jochen Roose (Hrsg./Eds.)

Das Forschungsjournal widmet sich Fragestellun gen der Demokratisierung, der sozialwissenschaft lichen Bewegungsforschung und der politischen Soziologie. Um Indikator, Seismograf und Antrieb sozialer Prozesse zu sein, operiert das Heft an der Schnittstelle zwischen Bewegungsforschung, sozialer Praxis, Politik und Alltagswelten. Im Mittelpunkt steht die interdisziplinäre Annäherung an die „weiche Seite“ des institutionellen Wandels der TheGesellschaft.researchjournal is devoted to issues of democratization, social science research on social movements, and political sociology. To better serve as an indicator, seismograph, and driver for social processes, the journal operates at the intersection between research on social movements, social practice, politics, and the everyday world. Its focus is on the interdisciplinary exploration of the “soft side” of institutional change in societies.

Die Zeitschrift feministische studien ist seit nunmehr über 30 Jahren eines der wichtigsten inter- und transdisziplinären Foren für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum. Die fs setzen sich kritisch mit gesellschaft lichen Veränderungen auseinander, beteiligen sich an Debatten in Forschung und Öffentlichkeit und liefern Impulse in gegenwärtigen Kontroversen.

LANGUAGE English IMPACT FACTOR 2018: 1.625 5-year IMPACT FACTOR: 2.319 Volume 10 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.280pp.)4€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 414.00 / *US$ 558.00 / *£ 339.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume2157-5665



Positioned as the premier research journal within the field of entrepreneurship, the Entrepreneurship Research Journal (ERJ) is a forum for scholarly discussion on entrepreneurs and their activities, contexts, processes, strategies and outcomes. It seeks to encourage a scholarly exchange between researchers from any field of study who focus on entrepreneurs and includes both theoretical and empirical articles.


SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German Band/Volume 33 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 98,– / *US$ 111.00 / *£ 79.00Issue € 27,– / *US$ 31.00 / *£ 22.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 98,– / *US$ 111.00 / *£ 79.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.750S.)/pp.)4€ 101,– / *US$ 120.00 / *£ 82.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume2192-48482365-9890

Theodore Alter, Mathew Hughes, Rania Labaki, Thomas Lyons, Chandra Mishra, Michael Mustafa, Ramona K. Zachary (Eds.)

Sabine Hark, Friederike Kuster, Katharina Liebsch, Aline Oloff, Regine Othmer, Birgit Riegraf, Tanja Thomas (Hrsg./Eds.)

The periodical Feministische Studien (Feminist Studies) is one of the most important interdisciplin ary forums for gender research and research on women in German-speaking countries. For the past 30 years, Feministische Studien has participated in debates within the world of research and in the public sphere. SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 38 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 89,– / *US$ 104.00 / *£ 74.00Issue € 49,– / *US$ 57.00 / *£ 41.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 89,– / *US$ 104.00 / *£ 74.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.400S.)/pp.)2€ 96,– / *US$ 113.00 / *£ 78.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0723-51862365-9920


ECONOMICGERMAN REVIEW FROM 2020 NEW AT DE GRUYTER German Economic Review (GER), the official publication of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik), is an international journal publishing original and rigorous research of general interest in a broad range of economic disciplines. The scope of research approaches includes theoreti cal, empirical and experimental work.

LANGUAGE English Volume 30 (2020) Subscription rates Print Single€ 413.00 / *US$ 557.00 / *£ 339.00Issue € 114.00 / *US$ 153.00 / *£ 93.00 Online Institutional € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 413.00 / *US$ 557.00 / *£ 339.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Approx.550pp.)4€ 499.00 / *US$ 668.00 / *£ 409.00issuespervolume1210-30551337-401X



LANGUAGE English Volume 21 (2020) Subscription rates Print Single€ 190.00 / *US$ 219.00 / *£ 156.00Issue € 52.00 / *US$ 60.00 / *£ 43.00 Online Institutional € 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 190.00 / *US$ 219.00 / *£ 156.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Approx.1000pp.)4€ 228.00 / *US$ 262.00 / *£ 187.00issuespervolume1465-64851468-0475



innovative theoretical,

English Volume 23 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN2€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 503.00 / *US$ 678.00 / *£ 412.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1558-9544


Peter Egger, Almut Balleer, Jesus Crespo-Cuaresma, Mario Larch, Aderonke Osikominu, Georg Wamser (Eds.)

Dana Goldman, John Romley (Editors-in-Chief)

conomicGermaneeview   Heft21Band2020 2020 Band 21 Heft www.degruyter.com1/ger Germaneconomicreview

Peter Egger, KOF Swiss Economic Institute/ETH Zuerich (Coordinating Editor) Almut Balleer, RWTH University of Aachen Jesus Crespo-Cuaresma, Vienna University of Economics and Business Mario Larch, University of Bayreuth Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) Aderonke Osikominu, University of Hohenheim Georg Wamser, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen Christine Zulehner, Goethe University Frankfurt Emil Višnovský (Editor-in-Chief), Gabriel Bianchi, Marek Hrubec, James Tartaglia (Eds.) AFFAIRS Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly Postdisciplinary international journal for humani ties and social sciences is published in English by the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia. The underlying editorial strategy is to advance human self-understanding and communication publish ing interpretative, critical and historical transcending traditional and cultural frontiers.



The Journal of Economics and Statistics is a scien tific journal published in Germany since 1863. The Journal publishes papers in all fields of economics and applied statistics. A specific focus is on papers combining theory with empirical analyses.


LANGUAGE English Volume 26 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.50pp.)1€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 335.00 / *US$ 451.00 / *£ 274.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuepervolume2153-1552



The Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines (JEEH) addresses economic issues in political theory, social dynamics, social science methodology, and philosophy. JEEH has an interna tional audience and welcomes contributions written by scholars from around the world.


Azzeddine Azzam (Ed.)

The Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization (JAFIO) is a unique forum for empirical and theoretical research in industrial organization with a special focus on agricultural and food industries worldwide. JAFIO is the only international journal devoted solely to theoretical and empirical industrial organization as applied to agricultural and food systems which link input sup pliers, farmers, processors, and retailers.

LANGUAGE English Volume 18 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.80pp.)2€ 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 240.00 / *US$ 321.00 / *£ 197.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1542-0485

Pierre Garello (Editor-in-Chief), Antoine Gentier (Ed.)

Journal of Economics and Statistics

Peter Winker (Editor-in-Chief), Thiess Büttner, Regina Riphahn, Werner Smolny, Joachim Wagner (Eds.)

LANGUAGE English, German Volume 240 (2020) Subscription rates Print Single€ 530.00 / *US$ 610.00 / *£ 435.00Issue € 97.00 / *US$ 112.00 / *£ 80.00 Online Institutional € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 530.00 / *US$ 610.00 / *£ 435.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Approx.900pp.)6€ 550.00 / *US$ 660.00 / *£ 452.00issuespervolume0021-40272366-049X



LANGUAGE English Volume 15 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.100pp.)1€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 251.00 / *US$ 455.00 / *£ 206.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuepervolume1932-9156



A Journal of Substance Abuse Control Policy Journal of Drug Policy Analysis publishes peerreviewed articles related to every aspect of the problems posed by abusable psychoactives, licit and illicit, anywhere in the world. We publish analytic contributions to the public and scholarly conversation about how to deal with the issues sur rounding drug policy. LANGUAGE English Volume 13 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.100pp.)1€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 303.00 / *US$ 408.00 / *£ 248.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuepervolume1941-2851 VOLUME 9

The Journal of Econometric Methods aims to bridge the widening gap between econometric research and empirical practice. It publishes papers from top scholars in all areas of econometrics that consider a topic of broad interest to practitioners and are written in a style that is targeted at practi tioners. LANGUAGE English Volume 9 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.200pp.)1€ 292.00 / *US$ 394.00 / *£ 239.00Subscriptionissuepervolume2156-6674


Bradley T. Ewing, Jim Hoffman (Editors-in-Chief)

The Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis (JBVELA) is a refereed academic journal with the mission to improve the practice of business valuation, economic loss analysis, and risk management by helping to inform academics, practitioners and attorneys about theoretical and practical developments in these fields.




Raffaella Giacomini, Tong Li (Eds.)

Mark Kleiman, Beau Kilmer (Eds.)

JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION Journal of Systems Science and Information is a multi-disciplinary journal that focuses on systems science and systems engineering, management science, and information science. This journal aims to provide a platform for sharing new developments in the research fields and promotes applications of these cutting-edge theories and methods to the real world. The journal is edited by the Systems Engineering Society of China.

LANGUAGE English Volume 8 (2020) Subscription rates Online FREE ACCESS 6 issues per e-ISSN(Approx.600pp.)volume2512-6660


Joseph Stiglitz, M. Shahe Emran, Martin Guzman, Arjun Jayadev, José Antonio Ocampo, Dani Rodrik (Eds.)


LANGUAGE English Volume 17 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.300pp.)3€ 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 238.00 / *US$ 321.00 / *£ 195.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1547-7355

Irmak Renda-Tanali (Editor-in-Chief), Sibel McGee (Managing Editor) JOURNAL

The Journal of Globalization and Development (JGD) publishes academic research and policy analysis on globalization, development and the complex interactions between them. It is dedicated to stimulating a dialogue between theoretical advances and rigorous empirical studies to push forward the frontiers of development analysis and seeks to combine academic insights with the in-depth knowledge of practitioners to address important policy issues.

The Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (JHSEM) publishes original, innova tive and timely articles describing and assessing research and practice in the fields of homeland security and emergency management. JHSEM promotes a comprehensive and dynamic perspec tive, providing readers with up-to-date information regarding the evolving nature of the homeland security and emergency management fields.


LANGUAGE English Volume 11 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.200pp.)2€ 441.00 / *US$ 593.00 / *£ 361.00Subscriptionissuespervolume1948-1837

The Journal of Time Series Econometrics (JTSE) serves as an internationally recognized outlet for important new research in both theoretical and ap plied classical and Bayesian time series, spatial and panel data econometrics. The scope of the journal includes papers dealing with estimation, testing and other methodological aspects involved in the appli cation of time series and spatial analytic techniques to economic, financial and related data.

Javier Hidalgo (Editor-in-Chief)

LANGUAGE English Volume 12 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.220pp.)2€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 414.00 / *US$ 558.00 / *£ 339.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1941-1928

Festus Obiakor, Robert Algozzine Tachelle(Editors-in-Chief),Banks(Managing Editor)

The journal of The Coase Society Founded by: Ronald H. Coase Man and the Economy is keen to publish articles that examine how the market economy spreads throughout the globe and adapts to local conditions as well as studies that cross disciplinary boundaries and/or integrate diverse methods to shed light on the working of the economy.

LANGUAGE English Volume 7 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.300pp.)2€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 456.00 / *US$ 615.00 / *£ 373.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume2196-9647

Ning Wang (Editor-in-Chief)


Multicultural Learning and Teaching is a multi disciplinary, peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the education of people with diverse multicultural life experiences and backgrounds. Emphasis is on the interpretation of research litera ture, as well as recommendations for the improve ment of the practice of multicultural education.



LANGUAGE English Volume 15 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.150pp.)2€ 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 231.00 / *US$ 311.00 / *£ 190.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume2161-2412



The mission of Nonprofit Policy Forum (NPF) is to serve as an international journal that publishes original research and analysis on public policy issues and the public policy process critical to the work of nonprofit organizations. NPF provides a forum and an authoritative and accessible source of information for scholars, leaders, and policymakers worldwide.

Nayan Chanda, Akira Iriye, Bruce Mazlish, Saskia Sassen (Eds.)

LANGUAGE English Volume 14 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.350pp.)3€ 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 233.00 / *US$ 314.00 / *£ 191.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1940-0004

New Global Studies approaches contemporary glo balization as a whole and across disciplinary lines. It draws from history, sociology, anthropology, political science and international relations to study the past and present of today’s globalizing process. Topics include economic globalization, global media networks, preservation of the global environ ment, transnational manifestations of culture and the methodology of global studies itself.


Turan Kayaoglu (Editor-in-Chief), Mashood A. Baderin, Mahmood Monshipouri, Lynn Welchman (Eds.)

Dennis R. Young (Editor-in-Chief)


MUSLIM HUMANJOURNALWORLDOFRIGHTS Muslim World Journal of Human Rights offers a medium for scholarly debate on various aspects of the question of human rights as it relates to the Muslim World. MWJHR promises to serve as a forum in which barriers are bridged, and human rights are finally discussed with an eye on the Mus lim world, in an open and creative manner.

LANGUAGE English Volume 17 (2020) Subscription rates Print € 227.00 / *US$ 305.00 / *£ 186.00 Online Institutional € 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 227.00 / *US$ 305.00 / *£ 186.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Approx.200pp.)1€ 274.00 / *US$ 368.00 / *£ 225.00issuepervolume2194-65581554-4419

LANGUAGE English Volume 11 (2020) Subscription rates Online OPEN ACCESS 4 issues per e-ISSN(Approx.290pp.)volume2154-3348

SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 70 (2019) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print € 110,– / *US$ 132.00 / *£ 90.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 132.00 / *£ 90.00Individual€ 110,– / *US$ 132.00 / *£ 90.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.550S.)/pp.)1€ 132,– / *US$ 158.00 / *£ 108.00HeftproBand/issuepervolume0048-21292366-0481

Raul Caruso (Editor-in-Chief), Vincenzo Bove, Arzu Kibris, Petros Sekeris (Eds.)


PEACE ECONOMICS, PEACE SCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY The main objectives of Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy are to further research in Peace Science and Peace Economics, to expose the scholarly community to innovative peacerelated research, to disseminate the study of peace economics to a wider audience.

Justus Haucap (Editors-in-Chief), Lutz Arnold, Giacomo Corneo, Veronika Grimm, Karen Horn, Friedrich Schneider, Franz Wagner, Joachim Winter (Hrsg./Eds.)



LANGUAGE English Volume 26 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.200pp.)4€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 311.00 / *US$ 419.00 / *£ 255.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1554-8597

Thomas Apolte, Christian Müller, Ingo Pies, Razeen Sally, Gunther Schnabl, Jan Alfred Schüller, Heike Schweitzer, Viktor J. Vanberg, Christian Watrin, Berthold, Oliver Budzinski, Goldschmidt, Wolfgang Kerber, Stefan Kolev, Martin WernhardErnst-JoachimLeschke,Mestmäcker,Möschel(Hrsg./Eds.)




D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access

Die Zeitschrift übernimmt im Bereich der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften eine Brückenfunktion: Sie richtet sich mit ihren von Wissenschaftlern verfassten Inhalten explizit sowohl an die Wissenschaft als auch an Nicht-Spe zialisten, insbesondere an Praktiker mit wirtschafts wissenschaftlichem Hintergrund, die sich über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung informieren Amongmöchten.economic journals, this publication has a “bridging” function, as it features content written by economists for researchers in the field and for non-specialists, including professionals with a background in economics who want to keep up to date with the latest research. SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German Band/Volume 21 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 194,– / *US$ 259.00 / *£ 159.00Issue € 53,– / *US$ 71.00 / *£ 44.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 194,– / *US$ 259.00 / *£ 159.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.400S.)/pp.)4€ 232,– / *US$ 313.00 / *£ 190.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume1465-64931468-2516

ORDO Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Das Jahrbuch ORDO befasst sich seit 1948 mit der immer wieder neu zu beantwortenden Frage: Wie muss die Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsordnung beschaffen sein, in der sich ein menschenwürdiges und wirtschaftlich erfolgreiches Leben entwickeln kann? Das Jahrbuch ist Forum für die Diskussi on grundlegender Konzepte der Ordnungs- und Institutionenökonomik sowie ihrer Anwendung auf konkrete nationale und internationale Ordnungs ORDOprobleme.isa forum for the discussion of fundamental concepts in institutional and regulatory econom ics and their application to real-life national and international problems. ORDO is the only academic journal in the German-speaking world that explic itly specializes in the interplay between economic, legal, political, and social organizational systems.

Ernan Haruvy, Peter T.L. (Editors-in-Chief)Popkowski-Leszczyc REVIEW LANGUAGESCIENCEMARKETINGOF

Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

The Review of Economics (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften) is a peer-reviewed general interest journal publishing articles from all fields of economics with a strong policy focus. The journal aims to provide a forum for policy contribu tions and to influence the public debate.

Francesco Parisi, Christoph Engel

Michael Berlemann (Editor-in-Chief), Justus Haucap, Marcel Thum (Eds.)

LANGUAGE English Volume 16 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.450pp.)3€ 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 233.00 / *US$ 314.00 / *£ 191.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1555-5879

LANGUAGE English Volume 71 (2020) Subscription rates Print Single€ 251.00 / *US$ 289.00 / *£ 206.00Issue € 92.00 / *US$ 106.00 / *£ 76.00 Online Institutional € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 251.00 / *US$ 289.00 / *£ 206.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Approx.350pp.)3€ 259.00 / *US$ 312.00 / *£ 213.00issuespervolume0948-51392366-035X





English Volume 18 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.200pp.)1€ 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 227.00 / *US$ 305.00 / *£ 186.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuepervolume1546-5616

The Review of Law & Economics (RLE) is published in cooperation with the European As sociation of Law and Economics (EALE) and De Gruyter. The Review publishes theoretical and empirical interdisciplinary research in law and eco nomics-related subjects. The Journal explores the various understandings that economic approaches shed on legal institutions.



The Review of Middle East Economics and Finance (RMEEF) addresses applied original research in the fields of economics and finance pertaining to the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa), in cluding Turkey and Iran. The journal also publishes articles that deal with the economies of neighboring countries and/or the relationship and interactions between those economies and the MENA region.



The German-language SIRIUS – Zeitschrift für strategische Analysen presents innovative articles that address key strategic challenges and alterna tives in German, European, and transatlantic policy.  Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 4 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/Subscrip tion Printrates Einzelheft/Single€ 29,– / *US$ 33.00 / *£ 24.00Issue € 8,– / *US$ 9.00 / *£ 7.00 Online Institutional € 29,– / *US$ 33.00 / *£ 24.00Individual€ 29,– / *US$ 33.00 / *£ 24.00SubscriptionSubscription e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.400S.)/pp.)4€ 37,– / *US$ 43.00 / *£ 32.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume2510-263X2510-2648

Joachim Krause (Editors-in-Chief), Karl-Heinz Kamp, Carlo Masala, Andreas Wenger (Hrsg./Eds.)


LANGUAGE English Volume 19 (2020) Subscription rates

Since 2002, the Review of Network Economics (RNE) has been a leading forum for new insights in network economics, providing essential reading for anyone interested in the economics of network in dustries. It seeks to help policy makers, academics, and practitioners keep informed of new research and policy debate in network economics and related subjects that are relevant to the study of network industries.

LANGUAGE English Volume 16 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.130pp.)3€ 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 336.00 / *US$ 455.00 / *£ 276.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1475-3693


Ghassan Dibeh, Ata Assaf, David Cobham, Hassan Hakimian, Clement M. Henry (Eds.)

Lukasz Grzybowski (Editor-in-Chief), Georg Goetz, Pedro Pereira (Eds.)

Print Single€ 335.00 / *US$ 453.00 / *£ 275.00Issue € 92.00 / *US$ 125.00 / *£ 76.00 Online Institutional € 335.00 / *US$ 453.00 / *£ 275.00Subscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Approx.500pp.)4€ 402.00 / *US$ 543.00 / *£ 330.00issuespervolume2194-59931446-9022

Die deutschsprachige SIRIUS – Zeitschrift für Strategische Analysen präsentiert Artikel, die wesentliche strategische Herausforderungen und Optionen deutscher, europäischer und transatlan tischer Politik thematisieren und dazu innovative Überlegungen anbieten.

Besprechungen neuer Literatur Begründet von/Founded by: Heinz Hartmann Als Rezensionszeitschrift gibt die Soziologische Revue einen umfassenden kritischen und aktuellen Überblick über die deutschsprachige soziologische Literatur (inklusive Grenzgebiete und Metho denlehre). In Form von Sammel-, Doppel- und Einzelbesprechungen, Essays, Themenessays, Ge bietskartierungen und eines Symposiums informiert sie sorgfältig und schnell über Neuerscheinungen, Forschungsfelder und aktuelle Diskussionen.

Sociological Review offers a comprehensive critical overview of current German-language sociology lit erature (including related fields and methodology). It publishes omnibus reviews, double and single reviews, thematic essays, maps of specific areas in sociology, and a symposium to carefully and rapidly inform readers about new articles, research fields, and current areas of controversy.

Print Einzelheft/Single€ 108,– / *US$ 12500 / *£ 89.00Issue € 59,– / *US$ 69.00 / *£ 49.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 108– / *US$ 125.00 / *£ 89.00SubscriptionSubscription

Die Zeitschrift Sozialer Sinn versteht sich als Dis kussionsforum hermeneutischer Sozialforschung. Sie versammelt Beiträge aus dem Bereich der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, deren gemein samer Fokus die sinnverstehende Interpretation und rekonstruktive Explikation von Phänomenen sozialer Wirklichkeit ist.


Stefan Kutzner, Chantal Magnin, Claudia Scheid, Mirja Silkenbeumer, Andreas Wernet (Hrsg./Eds.)

SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German Band/Volume 43 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print € 77,– / *US$ 103.00 / *£ 63.00Einzelheft/Single€ 279,– / *US$ 375.00 / *£ 229.00Issue Online Institutional € 99,– / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 279,– / *US$ 375.00 / *£ 229.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.780S.)/pp.)4€ 316,– / *US$ 426.00 / *£ 258.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0343-41092196-7024

Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 23 (2018) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates

Zeitschrift für soziologische Theorie Soziale Systeme ist eine Zeitschrift an der Schnitt stelle von Systemtheorie und soziologischer Theorie mit umfassendem Interesse an Entwick lungen der soziologischen Theorie. Sie fördert ein intellektuelles Spektrum, das durch die Aspekte der Interdisziplinarität (Kybernetik, biologische Systemtheorie, Evolutionstheorie) einerseits und der konzeptuellen Identität der Soziologie als wissenschaftlicher Disziplin andererseits gekenn zeichnet ist. Soziale Systeme is a journal at the interface of systems theory and sociological theory with a broad interest in developments in sociological theory. It promotes a wide intellectual perspective character ized on the one hand by the inclusion of interdis ciplinary aspects (cybernetics, biological systems theory, the theory of evolution) and, on the other hand, by maintaining sociology’s unique concep tual identity as an academic discipline.

SOZIALER SINN Zeitschrift für Sozialforschunghermeneutische

This journal is a forum for the discussion of hermeneutical social research. It brings together essays from the areas of the social and cultural sciences whose common focus is the hermeneutical interpretation and reconstructive explanation of the phenomena of social reality.

Betina Hollstein, Uwe Schimank, Olaf Struck, Anja Weiß (Hrsg./Eds.)

Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen, Chih-Chieh Tang, Dirk Baecker, Cornelia Bohn, Thomas Kron, Aldo Mascareno, William Rasch, Johannes F.K. Schmidt, Urs Stäheli, Rudolf Stichweh (Hrsg./Eds.)


SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 21 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 141,– / *US$ 161.00 / *£ 114.00Issue € 78,– / *US$ 89.00 / *£ 63.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 141,– / *US$ 161.00 / *£ 114.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.400S.)/pp.)2€ 146,– / *US$ 174.00 / *£ 120.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume1439-93262366-0228

Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.450S.)/pp.)2€ 112,– / *US$ 135.00 / *£ 92.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0948-423X2366-0473





Robert Stelzer (Editor-in-Chief)

ANDPOLITICSSTATISTICS,POLICY Statistics, Politics, and Policy studies the ways that statistical analysis drives public policy decisions, and publishes significant research on the applica tion of statistical ideas to problems that relate to policy implementation.  English Volume 11 (2020) Subscription rates Single€ 376.00 / *US$ 509.00 / *£ 309.00Issue € 207.00 / *US$ 280.00 / *£ 170.00 Online Institutional € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 376.00 / *US$ 509.00 / *£ 309.00SubscriptionSubscription e-ISSNISSN(Approx.300pp.)2€ 453.00 / *US$ 610.00 / *£ 371.00issuespervolume2194-62992151-7509


Uwe Wagschal (Editor-in-Chief)


LANGUAGE English Volume 37 (2020) Subscription rates Print Single€ 489.00 / *US$ 659.00 / *£ 401.00Issue € 134.00 / *US$ 181.00 / *£ 110.00 Online Institutional € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 489.00 / *US$ 659.00 / *£ 401.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Approx.300pp.)4€ 552.00 / *US$ 747.00 / *£ 454.00issuespervolume2193-14022196-7040

SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 17 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 120,– / *US$ 139.00 / *£ 99.00Issue € 44,– / *US$ 51.00 / *£ 36.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 120,– / *US$ 139.00 / *£ 99.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.360S.)/pp.)3€ 124,– / *US$ 150.00 / *£ 103.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume1610-31812366-0465

Kristina Brümmer, Frank Daumann, Christiane Eisenberg, Robert Gugutzer, Heiko Meier, Volker Schürmann (Hrsg./Eds.) SPORT GESELLSCHAFTUND Sport and Society. Zeitschrift für Sportsoziologie, Sportphilosophie, Sportökonomie, Sportgeschichte

Die Zeitschrift Sport und Gesellschaft – Sport and Society wurde im Jahr 2004 gegründet. Sie ist die offizielle Zeitschrift der Sektion Sportsoziologie der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft. Die Zeitschrift veröffentlicht Originalbeiträge aus der Sportsoziologie, Sportphilosophie, Sportökonomie und Sportgeschichte in deutscher und englischer TheSprache.journal Sport und Gesellschaft – Sport and Society was founded in the year 2004. It is the of ficial journal of the Sport Sociology Section of the DVS (German Association of Sport Science) and is published three times per year. The Journal presents original articles in the fields of sports sociology, sports philosophy, sports economics, and sports history written in German and English.

STATISTICS & RISK MODELING with Applications in Finance and Insurance Statistics & Risk Modeling publishes articles that discuss modern methods of statistics and probabi listic modeling and their applications to risk man agement in finance, insurance, and related areas. It also welcomes papers that present methodological innovations in statistical theory as well as papers on innovative statistical modeling applications and inference in risk management.




The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (BE JTE) is a leading venue for top-notch economic theory, both pure and applied. Topics include contract theory, decision theory, game theory, general equilibrium theory, and mechanism design both pure and applied to such areas as industrial organization, public finance, labor and law and economics. LANGUAGE English Volume 20 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.448pp.)2€ 371.00 / *US$ 499.00 / *£ 303.00Subscriptionissuespervolume1935-1704

The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (BEJEAP) is an international forum for scholar ship that employs microeconomics to analyze issues in business, consumer behavior and public policy. Topics include the interaction of firms, the functioning of markets, the effects of domestic and international policy and the design of organizations and institutions.

LANGUAGE English Volume 20 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.548pp.)2€ 515.00 / *US$ 697.00 / *£ 422.00Subscriptionissuespervolume1935-1690


Frans(Editors-in-Chief),deVries,Tobias Wenzel, Francesca Barigozzi, Johann K. Brunner, Robert Fleck, Hendrik Jürges, Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Mariapia Mendola, Till Requate (Eds.)

Sandra Ludwig, Hendrik Schmitz

LANGUAGE English Volume 20 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.900pp.)4€ 444.00 / *US$ 610.00 / *£ 363.00Subscriptionissuespervolume1935-1682

The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics publishes significant research and scholarship in theoretical and applied macroeconomics. The range of topics includes business cycle research, economic growth, and monetary economics, as well as topics drawn from the substantial areas of overlap between macroeconomics and international economics, labor economics, finance, development economics, political economy, public economics, econometric theory.

Yuk-fai Fong, Ronald Peeters, Daniela Puzzello , Javier Rivas, Jan Wenzelburger (Eds.), Burkhard C. Schipper (Editor-in-Chief)

Arpad Abraham, Eva Carceles-Poveda , Davide Debortoli, Felipe Schwartzman, Pengfei Wang (Eds.), Tiago Cavalcanti, Gueorgui Kambourov (Editors-in-Chief)


Ansgar Belke, Gunther Schnabl (Eds.)


Die ZfgG behandelt Fragen des Genossen schaftswesens aus wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher, juristischer und soziologischer Sicht. Mit der interdisziplinären Zusammensetzung des Heraus gebergremiums, bestehend aus Juristen, Volks- und Betriebswirten, wird ein breites Spektrum der Themen abgedeckt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Besonderes Augenmerk legen die Herausgeber auf aktuelle praxisbezogene Fragestellungen. The Journal is the only internationally distributed German-language periodical to deal with the study of co-operatives; an academic discussion forum for the legal, sociological and economical aspects of co-operatives. It was first published in 1950 by members of the Institute for Research into Co-operatives at the University of Erlangen. As the publiation is published on behalf of the Working Group of Institutes for Co-operative Studies (AGI). SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German Band/Volume 70 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 192,– / *US$ 222.00 / *£ 158.00Issue € 53,– / *US$ 61.00 / *£ 43.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 192,– / *US$ 222.00 / *£ 158.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.330S.)/pp.)4€ 201,– / *US$ 240.00 / *£ 165.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0044-24292366-0414

THE FORUM A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics This journal provides a forum for profession ally informed commentary on issues affecting contemporary American politics. This includes but is not limited to issues engaging parties, elections, and political participation; the news media, interest groups, Congress, the Presidency, and the Courts; trends in public finance, presidential popular ity, congressional productivity; in contemporary, historical, or comparative perspective.

LANGUAGE English Volume 17 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.120pp.)1€ 285.00 / *US$ 384.00 / *£ 234.00Subscriptionissuepervolume1553-3832

Daniel Disalvo, Jeffrey Stonecash (Eds.)

Johannes Blome-Drees, Johann Brazda, Reiner Doluschitz, Nicole Göler von Ravensburg, Michael Kling, Matthias Lehmann, Marion Pester, Richard Reichel (Hrsg./Eds.)


The Economists’ Voice creates a forum for readable analysis by leading economists on vital economic policy issues of our day. The focus is on the clear verbal presentation of important evidence-based arguments for a broad readership. Empirical papers on policy-relevant issues are also welcome.

LANGUAGE English Volume 18 (2020) Subscription rates Online Institutional e-ISSN(Approx.750pp.)4€ 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 163.00 / *US$ 221.00 / *£ 133.00SubscriptionSubscriptionissuespervolume1540-8884

The Zeitschrift für Soziologie publishes peer-re viewed articles from all areas of sociology, aiming to represent both the diversity of empirical research as well as the plurality of theoretical traditions. Founded in 1971, the journal aims to represent the discipline as comprehensively as possible, inviting contributions from sociologists regardless of their conceptual affinities and orientations. SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English IMPACT FACTOR 2018: 0.633 5-year IMPACT FACTOR: 0.833 Band/Volume 49 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 186,– / *US$ 214.00 / *£ 152.00Issue € 34,– / *US$ 39.00 / *£ 28.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 186,– / *US$ 214.00 / *£ 152.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.520S.)/pp.)6€ 192,– / *US$ 231.00 / *£ 158.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0340-18042366-0325


SOZIOLOGIEFÜRZEITSCHRIFTRECHTSThe German Journal of Law and Society Seit 1980 bietet die Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie ein Forum der Diskussion über die Wirklichkeit des Rechts. Empirisch informiert und theoretisch inno vativ hält sie eine Tradition der Forschung aufrecht, deren Kernthemen von Klassikern wie Karl Marx, Max Weber und Emile Durkheim geprägt wurden. Established in 1980, the Zeitschrift für Rechtssozi ologie – The German Journal of Law and Society offers a forum for the academic analysis of law in its societal context and on the relationship between law and society. The Journal publishes contribu tions from all disciplines as long as the relationship between law and society can be identified as a core theme. SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 40 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 128,– / *US$ 147.00 / *£ 105.00Issue € 70,– / *US$ 81.00 / *£ 58.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 128,– / *US$ 147.00 / *£ 105.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.340S.)/pp.)2€ 134,– / *US$ 159.00 / *£ 109.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0174-02022366-0392

Journal of Social Policy Research

Zeitschrift für Sozialreform is an academic journal that encompasses the entire field of research on the social state and social policy in the social sciences, economics, and legal scholarship. It is aimed at academics and social policy actors. SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 66 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 223,– / *US$ 256.00 / *£ 183.00Issue € 61,– / *US$ 70.00 / *£ 50.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 223,– / *US$ 256.00 / *£ 183.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.550S.)/pp.)4€ 231,– / *US$ 277.00 / *£ 190.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0514-27762366-0295

Alfons Bora, Christian Boulanger, Michelle Cottier, Walter Fuchs, Pierre Guibentif, Vagias Karavas, Andrea Kretschmann, Stefan Machura, Doris Schweitzer (Hrsg./Eds.)

Die Zeitschrift für Soziologie veröffentlicht Bei träge aus allen Bereichen der Soziologie und ihren Randgebieten, einschließlich methodologischer und forschungstechnischer Arbeiten. Beiträge, die sowohl einen theoretischen als auch einen empiri schen Bezug aufweisen, werden besonders begrüßt.

Die Zeitschrift für Sozialreform ist eine wissen schaftliche Zeitschrift, die das gesamte Feld der Forschungen zu Sozialstaat und Sozialpolitik in den Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaf ten abdeckt. Sie wendet sich gleichermaßen an Wissenschaftler/-innen wie an all jene, die in der Sozialpolitik oder in sozialen Einrichtungen tätig Thesind.


Katrin Auspurg, Herbert Kalthoff, Karin Kurz, Annette Schnabel, Rainer Schützeichel (Hrsg./Eds.)


Werner Eichhorst (Editors-in-Chief), Thomas Gerlinger, Gerhard Igl, Sigrid Leitner, Traute Meyer, Katja Möhring, Frank Nullmeier, Christine Trampusch, Melike Wulfgramm (Hrsg./Eds.)

POLITIKFÜRZEITSCHRIFTWIRTSCHAFTSDie Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik wird heraus gegeben vom Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik an der Universität zu Köln. Zusammen mit der Gründung des Instituts wurde die „Wirtschaftspolitische Chro nik“ ins Leben gerufen, seit 1984 unter dem Namen „Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik“ bekannt. Die referierte Zeitschrift ist offen für wirtschaftswissen schaftliche Beiträge aller Richtungen. Journal for Economic Policy is published on behalf of the Institute for Economic Policy at the Univer sity of Cologne. The Journal is open to publications from all areas of economics. Articles regarding current questions of German, European or interna tional economic policy are preferred. At the center of each issue is the economic policy forum. It deals with topics, which are controversially discussed among the general public. SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German Band/Volume 69 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 143,– / *US$ 164.00 / *£ 117.00Issue € 52,– / *US$ 60.00 / *£ 43.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 143,– / *US$ 164.00 / *£ 117.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.340S.)/pp.)3€ 148,– / *US$ 177.00 / *£ 121.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0721-38082366-0317


Juergen B. Donges, Michael Krause, Steffen J. Roth, Christian Watrin (Hrsg./Eds.)

Die Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft setzt die Tradition des vertieften wissenschaftlichen Diskurses im deutschsprachigen Raum fort. Sie legt den Schwerpunkt auf multi- und interdisziplinäre Fragestellungen zu touristischen Phänomenen. Die Zeitschrift richtet sich dabei gleichermaßen an Forscher und Praktiker, die fundierte Aussagen zu tourismusrelevanten Problemstellungen benötigen. The Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft continues the tradition of profound scientific discourse in the German-speaking world. The journal focuses on multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary issues concerning touristic phenomena. In this connec tion, the journal is geared towards researchers and practitioners in search of substantiated information about tourism-related problems.


Christian Laesser, Jürgen Schmude, Christian Steiner, Jürg Stettler (Hrsg./Eds.)

Wolfgang Aschauer, Egger, Kagermeier,


Sebastian Henn, Walter Thomi, Harald Bathelt (Editors-in-Chief)

Werner Gronau, Andreas

The German Journal of Economic Geography Die Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie (ZFW), die einzige explizit wirtschaftsgeografische Zeit schrift im deutschsprachigen Raum, veröffentlicht primär theoriegeleitete empirische Forschungs ergebnisse zu räumlichen Wirtschaftsstrukturen und regionalen Entwicklungsdynamiken. Zur Leserschaft gehören neben Wissenschaftlern und Studierenden u. a. auch Entscheidungsträger aus Unternehmen und wirtschaftsfördernden Einrich Thetungen.primary


focus of the German Journal for Economic Geography (ZFW) is on theory-led em pirical research about spatial economic structures and regional dynamics. ZFW, which is the only scientific journal on Economic Geography in Ger man speaking countries, addresses scientists and students as well as decision makers in private firms and economic promotion agencies. SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 64 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Studenten/StudentsEinzelheft/Single€ 98,– / *US$ 131.00 / *£ 79.00Issue € 27,– / *US$ 36.00 / *£ 22.00 € 43,– / *US$ 60.00 / *£ 36.00 Online Institutional € 99,– / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00Individual€ 444,– / *US$ 601.00 / *£ 364.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online Institutional Subscripti e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.240S.)/pp.)4on € 507,– / *US$ 685.00 / *£ 416.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume0044-37512365-7693

SPRACHE/LANGUAGE Deutsch/German, Englisch/ English Band/Volume 12 (2020) Jahres-Abopreis/ Subscription rates Print Einzelheft/Single€ 122,– / *US$ 140.00 / *£ 100.00Issue € 45,– / *US$ 51.00 / *£ 37.00 Online Institutional € 49,– / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00Individual€ 122,– / *US$ 140.00 / *£ 100.00SubscriptionSubscription Print/Online e-ISSNISSN(Ca./(Approx.400S.)/pp.)3€ 126,– / *US$ 152.00 / *£ 104.00HefteproBand/issuespervolume1867-95012366-0406


Anne Case; Angus Deaton, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA. Specialist Text, English, 1st quarter 2020 312 pp., 26 b/w illus. 2 maps. eBook RRP € 45.95 / *US$ 52.50 / *£ 44.00 PDF ISBN 978-0-691-19995-5

Anne Case, Angus Deaton

opioids; opioid addiction; OxyContin; Make America Great Again; Donald Trump; class divi sions; mortality rates; drug abuse; demography; social epidemiology; midlife mortality; inequality; polarization; rich get richer; poor get poorer; labor unions; decline of unions; public health; Sackler family; Purdue Pharma; falling wages; US health care system; healthcare industry; health insurance; pharmaceutical industry; corporate America; corporate greed; healthcare reform; universal health care; unemployment; income gap; wealth gap

Kristen E. Looney

The Modernization of Rural East Asia Mobilizing for Development tackles the question of how countries achieve rural development and offers a new way of thinking about East Asia’s politi cal economy. Through a comparison of Taiwan (1950s–1970s), South Korea (1950s–1970s), and China (1980s–2000s), Kristen E. Looney shows that different types of development outcomes were realized to different degrees, at different times, and in different ways.

Kristen Looney, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA. Specialist Text, English, 2nd quarter 2020 234 pp., 2 b&w line drawings eBook RRP € 113.95 / *US$ 130.00 / *£ 103.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5017-4886-8

HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS Heather Boushey UNBOUND How Inequality Constricts Our Economy and What We Can Do about It

Heather Boushey breaks down the problem and argues that we can preserve our nation’s eco nomic traditions while promoting shared economic growth. Heather Boushey, Washington Center for Equitable Growth, Washington, D.C., USA. Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 272 pp. eBook RRP € 25.00 / *US$ 27.95 / *£ 22.95 PDF ISBN 978-0-674-24202-9



Life expectancy in the United States as a whole has now fallen for three years in a row, a drastic trend unique among wealthy nations and not seen since the great flu pandemic of 1918. Anne Case and Angus Deaton, known for first sounding the alarm about deaths of despair, shed light on the social and economic forces that make life harder for those without a college degree.

Many fear that efforts to address inequality will undermine the economy as a whole. But the oppo site is true: rising inequality has become a drag on growth and an impediment to market competition.



Eurasian Trade and the Rise of the Business Corporation, 1400–1700 Going the Distance explores the history behind a cornerstone of the modern economy, and how this organizational revolution contributed to the forma tion of global trade and the creation of the business corporation as a key factor in Europe’s economic rise. Ron Harris, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel. Specialist Text, English, 1st quarter 2020

Eric A. Posner, E. Glen Weyl

Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society Foreword by Vitalik Buterin, Jaron Lanier



TheSeriesPrinceton Economic History of the Western World 88 488 pp., 28 b/w illus. 20 tables. 14 maps. eBook RRP € 65.95 / *US$ 75.00 / *£ 62.00 PDF ISBN 978-0-691-18580-4

Eric A. Posner, Univ. of Chicago Law School; E. Glen Weyl, Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School, USA. Specialist Text, English, 4th quarter 2019 384 pp., 20 b/w illus. 3 tables. eBook RRP € 48.95 / *US$ 56.25 / *£ 48.00 PDF ISBN 978-0-691-19697-8


The Handbook of Economic Development and In stitutions is the first to bring together in one single volume the most cutting-edge work in this area by the best-known international economists. The volume’s editors, themselves leading scholars in the discipline, provide a comprehensive introduction, and the stellar contributors offer up-to-date analysis into institutional change and its interactions with the dynamics of economic development. Jean-Marie Baland, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium. Specialist Text, English, 1st quarter 2020 768 pp. eBook RRP € 163.95 / *US$ 187.50 / *£ 156.00 PDF ISBN 978-0-691-19201-7



Many blame today’s economic inequality, stagna tion, and political instability on the free market. The solution is to rein in the market, right? Radical Markets turns this thinking on its head. With a new foreword by Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin and virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier as well as a new afterword by Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, this pro vocative book reveals bold new ways to organize markets for the good of everyone.

PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS Jean-Marie Baland, François Bourguignon, Jean-Philippe Platteau, Thierry Verdier (Eds.) 61INDEX

A Abraham, Arpad 55 Abrahamsen, Eirik B. 14 Åkerstrøm Andersen, Niels 53 Akinkunmi, Mustapha Abiodun 31 Akin, Tarik 26 Alewell, Dorothea 20 Alexander, Allen 16 Algozzine, Robert 48 Alpidovskaya, Marina 2 Alpidovskaya, Marina L. 2 Alter, Theodore 43 Angrave, Jerry 16 Antunes Bràs, Filomena 30 Antz, Christian 23 Apolte, Thomas 50 Arnold, Lutz 50 Aschauer, Wolfgang 58 Asquer, Alberto 4 Assaf, Ata 52 Atkins, Jill 5 Auspurg, Katrin 57 Avi-Yonah, Reuven S. 41 Azzam, Azzeddine 45 B Baderin, Mashood A. 49 Baecker, Dirk 53 Baier, Martina 24 Baland, Jean-Marie 60 Balleer, Almut 44 Banks, Tachelle 48 Bänsch, Axel 20 Baporikar, Neeta 29 Barigozzi, Francesca 55 Barua, Suborna 8 Bathelt, Harald 58 Baurmann, Michael 41 Belke, Ansgar 56 Berber, Aykut 29 Berger-Grabner, Doris 19 Berg, Waldemar 24 Berlemann, Michael 51 Berthold, Norbert 50 Bianchi, Gabriel 44 Bican, Peter M. 6 Bilecen, Başak 37 Biondi, Yuri 41 Blome-Drees, Johannes 56 Bloss, Michael 26 Bohn, Cornelia 53 Bondarouk, Tanya 12 Bontrup, Heinz-J. 4 Bora, Alfons 57 Bosch, Gerhard 41 Böttcher, Jörg 13 Boulanger, Christian 57 Bourguignon, François 60 Boushey, Heather 59 Bove, Vincenzo 50 Brás, Filomena 29 Brazda, Johann 56 Brem, Alexander 6 17 Brockhoff, Klaus 17 Broncano, Santiago Gutierrez 30 Brönneke, Tobias 19 Brown, Alan W. 11 Brümmer, Kristina 54 Brunner, Johann K. 55 Buchholz, Christian 15 Buchmann, Felix 19 Budzinski, Oliver 50 Buljubašić, Tomislav 11 Bullinger-Hoffmann, Angelika C. 41 Buskens, Vincent 36 Buterin, Vitalik 60 Büttner, Thiess 45 C Calleja Sanz, Gema 30 Carceles-Poveda , Eva 55 Caruso, Raul 50 Case, Anne 59 Cavalcanti, Tiago 55 Cerbone, Dannielle 5 Chanda, Nayan 49 Chang, Yun-Chien 42 Chatzkel, Barbara 9 Cheah, Sarah Lai-Yin 15 Choi, Albert 42 Coase, Ronald H. 48 Cobham, David 52 Cooter, Robert D. 51 Corneo, Giacomo 50 Correia Neto, Jorge da Silva 29 Corsten, Hans 19 Corten, Rense 36 Cottier, Michelle 57 Crespo-Cuaresma, Jesus 44 D Dahringer, Bernd 24 Daumann, Frank 54 Davim, J. Paulo 30 Deaton, Angus 59 Debortoli, Davide 55 Deitch, James 12 15 de Vries, Frans 55 Dibeh, Ghassan 52 Disalvo, Daniel 56 Doluschitz, Reiner 56 Donaldson, Scott E. 33 Donges, Juergen B. 58 Dornelas, Jairo 29 Dreyer, Axel 23 Duffie, Darrell 13 E Egger, Peter 44 Egger, Roman 58 Eichhorst, Werner 57 Eilenberger, Guido 24 Eisenberg, Christiane 54 Eisenberg, Claudius 19 Eisenstein, Bernd 24 Elmas, Emin Taner 30 Emran, M. Shahe 47 Engel, Christoph 51 Engemann, Kurt J. 14 Essa, Alfred 34 Evans, Michaela 41 Ewing, Bradley T. 46 F Faist, Thomas 37 Ferreira, Ana Paula 30 Feuerstein, Patrick 41 Fischbach, Sven 27 Fisher, Sandra 12 Fleck, Robert 55 Fong, Yuk-fai 55 Franzoni, Luigi Alberto 51 Frauenrath, Myriam 24 Freidank, Carl-Christian 27 Fritzsche, Albrecht 6 Fuchs, Walter 57 Fuchs, Wolfgang 24 G Gabsch, Philipp 4 Gardini, Marco A. 24 Garello, Pierre 45 Gärtner, Stefan 41 Gentier, Antoine 45 Gerhards, Ralf 25 Gerlinger, Thomas 57 Ghavami, Peter 33 Giacomini, Raffaella 46 Giacomin, Joseph 10 Gildeggen, Rainer 19 Gkatzidou, Voula 10 Glowik, Mario 18 G. M. Koh, Sharon 35 Goetz, Georg 52 Gohar, Amir 22 Goldman, Dana 44 Goldschmidt, Nils 50 Göler von Ravensburg, Nicole 56 Gomes Santos, Andrea 29 Gómez Pomar, Fernando 51 Gössinger, Ralf 19 Gowreesunkar, Gaitree 22 Graewe, Daniel 10 Greasley, Andrew 34 Greshoff, Rainer 37 Grimm, Veronika 50 Gronau, Werner 58 Grzybowski, Lukasz 52 Gugutzer, Robert 54 Guibentif, Pierre 57 Guzman, Martin 47 H Haagh, Anne-Louise 42 Hakimian, Hassan 52 Hansen, Katrin 41 Hänssler, Karl Heinz 24 Hark, Sabine 43 Harriehausen, Simone 19 Harris, Ron 60 Hartmann, Heinz 53 Hartmann, Rainer 23 Haruvy, Ernan 51 Haucap, Justus 51 Heise, Arne 41 Henn, Sebastian 58 Henry, Clement M. 52 Hernandez-Maskivker, Gilda 30 Heuterkes, Michael 4 Hidalgo, Javier 48 Hilf, Ellen 41 Hoberg, Peter 25 Hoffman, Jim 46 Hollstein, Betina 37, 53 Horn, Karen 50 Howard, Michael 42 Hrubec, Marek 44 Hudecek, Matthias 20 Hughes, Mathew 43 Humer, Stephan G. 36 Hurni, Dominic 29 I Igl, Gerhard 57 Imai, Kenji 26 Iqbal, Zamir 7, 26 Iriye, Akira 49 J Jacobsen, Heike 41 Jaeschke, Arndt Moritz 24 James, Tom 27 Jautz, Ulrich 19 Jayadev, Arjun 47 Jeschke, Barnim 17

Rivas, Javier 55 Rodrigues, Ana Lúcia 30 Rodrik, Dani 47 Rohwerder, Jan 43 Romley, John 44 Roose, Jochen 43 Roth, Angela 6 Roth, Steffen J. 58 Rübbelke, Dirk 4 Rubini, Agustín 13 Russell, Bill 7 Sadr,S Kazem 7 Sally, Razeen 50 Sampaio de Sousa, Ana Raquel 30 Sanyal, Rajib 10 Sassen, Remmer 27 Sassen, Saskia 49 Scheefer, Ulrike 24 Scheid, Claudia 53 Schimank, Uwe 37, 53 Schipper, Burkhard C. 55 Schlieper, Thomas 24 Schmidt, Johannes F.K. 53 Schmidt, Kerstin 37 Schmitt, Ralph 19 Schmitz, Hendrik 55 Schmude, Jürgen 58 Schnabel, Annette 57 Schnabl, Gunther 50, 56 Schneider, Friedrich 50 Schneider, Niels Robert 6 Schnellenbach, Jan 50 Schrand, Axel 24 Schüller, Alfred 50 Schulz, Axel 24 Schürmann, Volker 54 Schützeichel, Rainer 57 Schwartzman, Felipe 55 Schweitzer, Doris 57 Schweitzer, Heike 50 Schweizer, Kerstin 19 Sekeris, Petros 50 Séraphin, Hugues 22 Sieland, Theresa 35 Silkenbeumer, Mirja 53 Skrypchuk, Lee 10 Smith, Terry 16 Smolny, Werner 45 Snijders, Chris 36 Spenlen, Klaus 38 Stäheli, Urs 53 Starr-Glass, David 30 Steiner, Christian 58 Stelzer, Robert 54 Stettler, Jürg 58 Stichweh, Rudolf 53 Stiglitz, Joseph 47 Stonecash, Jeffrey 56 Strachwitz, Rupert 7 Strachwitz, Rupert Graf 38 Ströbele, Wolfgang 4 Struck, Olaf 53 Sunder, Shyam 41 Suryanarayana, A. 30 Süß, Stefan 17 Sy, Aida 5 T Tagsold, Christian 35 Tang, Chih-Chieh 53 Tartaglia, James 44 Tavakoli, Anusch 19


INDEX Jonas, Julia M. 6 Jürges, Hendrik 55 K Kädtler, Jürgen 41 Kagermeier, Andreas 58 Kalthoff, Herbert 57 Kambourov, Gueorgui 55 Kämpf, Tobias 41 Kamp, Karl-Heinz 52 Kananatu, Thaatchaayini 35 Karavas, Vagias 57 Katholische Stiftungshochschule 36 Kayaoglu, Turan 49 Keogh, Jim 33 Kerber, Wolfgang 50 Khong, Dennis 42 Kibris, Arzu 50 Kilmer, Beau 46 Kim, Duol 42 Kim, Jeong-Yoo 42 Kirstges, Torsten 24 Kleiman, Mark 46 Klein, Ansgar 43 Kling, Michael 56 Kokshagina, Olga 16 Kolev, Stefan 50 Kornhauser, Lewis A. 51 Kratzer, Nick 41 Krause, Joachim 52 Krause, Michael 58 Krautwurst, Oliver 24 Kretschmann, Andrea 57 Kron, Thomas 53 Kunz, Christian 29 Kurz, Karin 57 Kußmaul, Heinz 25 Kuster, Friederike 43 Kutzner, Stefan 53 Kwon, W. Jean 42 L Labaki, Rania 43 Laesser, Christian 58 Lajoux, Alexandra Reed 28 Lanier, Jaron 60 Laranja, Manuel 29 Larch, Mario 44 Lebefromm, Uwe 25 Legrand, Hans-Josef 43 Lehmann, Matthias 56 Leif, Thomas (†) 43 Leist, Anton 41 Leitner, Sigrid 57 Leschke, Martin 50 Lewerich, Ludgera 35 Liana, Pamela John 29 Liebsch, Katharina 43 Linne, Martin 23 Lippold, Dirk 18 Li, Tong 46 Liu, Zhiyong (John) 42 Looney, Kristen E. 59 Lorinser, Barbara 19 Löschel, Andreas 4 Lubawa, Galinoma 29 Ludwig, Sandra 55 Lutz, Eva 17 Lyons, Thomas 43 M Machado, Carolina 30 Machura, Stefan 57 Mäder, Adrian 29 Maghrebi, Nabil 26 Magnin, Chantal 53 Maroun, Warren 5 Marquardt, Ralf-M. 4 Marthinsen, John E. 3 Masala, Carlo 52 Mascareno, Aldo 53 Mastrobuoni, Giovanni 55 Mazlish, Bruce 49 McGee, Sibel 47 Meadows, CJ 14 Meier, Heiko 54 Mendes de Oliveira, Milene 38 Mendola, Mariapia 55 Mesler, Mark 26 Mestmäcker, Ernst-Joachim 50 Meyer, Traute 57 Midanek, Deborah Hicks 9 Minssen, Heiner 41 Mirakhor, Abbas 7, 26 Mishra, Chandra 43 Möhring, Katja 57 Mojarad, Shirin 34 Moll, Tobias 20 Monshipouri, Mahmood 49 Möschel, Wernhard 50 Möslein, Kathrin M. 6 Müller, Christian 50 Müller, Jakob R. 11 Mustafa, Michael 43 N Nandonde, Felix Adamu 29 Nedelko, Zlatko 30 Ninck, Andreas 29 Nullmeier, Frank 57 O Obiakor, Festus 48 Ocampo, José Antonio 47 Olatubosun, Posi 5 Oliveira, Teresa Carla 30 Olivella Nadal, Jordi 30 Oloff, Aline 43 Osikominu, Aderonke 44 Othmer, Regine 43 P Parameswaran, Sunil Kumar 28 Parchomovsky, Gideon 51 Parisi, Francesco 51 Paul, Herbert 18 Peeters, Ronald 55 Pereira, Pedro 52 Pester, Marion 56 Pfaffenberger, Wolfgang 4 Pies, Ingo 50 Pinheiro, Miguel L. 30 Platteau, Jean-Philippe 60 Popkova, Elena G. 2 Popkova, Elena G. 2 Popkowski-Leszczyc, Peter T.L. 51 Posner, Eric A. 60 Priller, Eckhard 7 Puzzello , Daniela 55 Q Qiao, Yue 42 R Rasch, William 53 Rastetter, Daniela 41 Reichel, Richard 56 Renda-Tanali, Irmak 47 Requate, Till 55 Rettl, Walter 24 Riegraf, Birgit 43 Riphahn, Regina 45

D Database JournalJ TextbookT YearbookY Open Access 63INDEX

Thäle, Brigitte 19 Thelen, Timo 35 Thomas, Tanja 43 Thomi, Walter 58 Thomsett, Michael C. 29 Thum, Marcel 51 Tinker, Anthony 5 Tirinnanzi, Marti 9 Tokarski, Kim 29 Torabi, Omid 25 Trampusch, Christine 57 Tranow, Ulf 41 Triebe, Benjamin 7 Turke, Hilke 3 Tutic, Andreas 37 U Uhlenbruch, Wiebke 8 Ulbricht, Christian 37 V van Aerssen, Benno 15 Vanberg, Viktor J. 50 van Biljon, Peet 28 Vandeput, Nicolas 14, 34 van Deventer, Donald R. 26 Varnholt, Norbert 25 Verdier, Thierry 60 Vidal-González, Pablo 22 Višnovský, Emil 44 W Wagner, Franz 50 Wagner, Helmut 3 Wagner, Joachim 45 Wagschal, Uwe 54 Walter, Lothar 30 Wamser, Georg 44 Wang, Ning 48 Wang, Pengfei 55 Watrin, Christian 50, 58 Wechsler, Andrea 19 Weiß, Anja 37, 53 Welchman, Lynn 49 Welfens, Paul J.J. 3 Wenger, Andreas 52 Wenzelburger, Jan 55 Wenzel, Tobias 55 Wernet, Andreas 53 Wewege, Luigi 29 Weyl, E. Glen 60 Widmann, Doris 24 Willburger, Andreas 19 Williams, Chris K. 33 Wilms, Stefan 25 Wimschneider, Christine 6 Winker, Peter 45 Winter, Joachim 50 Wollny, Volrad 18 Wulfgramm, Melike 57 Y Young, Dennis R. 49 Z Zachary, Ramona K. 43 Zinkin, John Louis Rishad 8

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